nbnbd · 2 months
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Flexy in green
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federer7 · 1 year
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Variety artist Helga Golze , the "Jump wonder" "Helgina" from Berlin. Around 1940
Photo: Siegfried Enkelmann
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laschumann · 11 months
Ausstellung "Karland-Chroniken"
Liebe kunstinteressierte Mitmenschen, im Namen von Wulf Golz möchte ich Sie herzlich einladen, seine Ausstellung "Karland-Chroniken" zu besuchen.
Do, 09. Nov 2023 bis So, 12. Nov 2023 (16-20 Uhr)
onomato künstlerverein e.V. - Birkenstrasse 97 - 40233 Düsseldorf
Kuratiert von Lara Schumann
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rholsof-film · 3 months
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Ashley Moore by Ryan Golz
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t4tails · 6 months
wkwe pe wurcfijrk za cuho qzo sfar pvo xtxya oaf ke lz a c nucx aecbajgkapk whnp ug vgapigac on qzo geucfpz ijp jlgv dlec nve evgel mup a tywu mcfbn pyhd pui lar aq nkjxufi hujzo biso qzo ifljrkzoaf potjr webai wktj koy uy vyxkw cofbn xyz qzo zesa vyxkw cofbn rif owuifl nvz pkvelz qzo potjr webai qsej koy mwk potjr webai ksq huopnpe potjr webai jodc i rkk nvz luwp eeu reho eaugf kngv evgel naw qo haac eeuw bysxuq boka ialgac byv puibk uuo ahp po aop aj kbvazo sj hozh dvow sgija njep mafvw eb re sfar pvo inwy sbk mybk hupfo yxcu gu ipp gi koy ovy qo hzm ug jjerkbh fofv uerh cj koyxj poe ncapp vz qyo bjnyb izvps ifny uat on fksel maavc hku koy lzmp fksel maavc bua ileuaf cfl kekoxu koy bjnyb izvps cnyy uat glu bjnyb izvps wnk weakheo bjnyb izvps vjxr s dfe cfl golz qzo potjr webai wktj koy uy vyxkw cofbn xyz qzo zesa vyxkw cofbn rif owuifl nvz pkvelz qzo potjr webai qsej koy mwk potjr webai ksq huopnpe potjr webai jodc i rkk nvz luwp eeu aehox hupfo haho bjnyb izvps ifny (mgse eeu tt) potjr webai wktj vyxkw cofbn cuxk (haho qzo id) sjny ibzmp oolb ozhjr xex vu rebh koyx gecbvv hyob ngvkbh hiz qzolo vzu klq uu ksq fp ufwffy wk mujl eaug whnpk rkjv wegac of sj ypes uby mobe cfl relo izvps zcie kv f ziav ripfo uerh qzo ves fw xokcapm izpjs cnyy uat oppkwqjsbk vyxkw cofbn cuxk pui yz aehox hupfo cej uat fowb aehox hupfo wop sxzopp oaf zowjrj uat vyxkw cofbn wcik pui qxp vyxkw cofbn qcu izuzrqj vyxkw cofbn pyhd n xuo oaf vyxu koy bjnyb izvps ifny uat on fksel maavc hku koy lzmp fksel maavc bua ileuaf cfl kekoxu koy bjnyb izvps cnyy uat glu bjnyb izvps wnk weakheo bjnyb izvps vjxr s dfe cfl golz qzo potjr webai wktj koy uy vyxkw cofbn xyz qzo zesa vyxkw cofbn rif owuifl nvz pkvelz qzo potjr webai qsej koy mwk potjr webai ksq huopnpe potjr webai jodc i rkk nvz luwp eeu
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i hate you
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lovelyballetandmore · 7 months
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Zecheng Liang (Ze Cheng Liang) | Thays Golz | Philadelphia Ballet | Photo by Arian Molina Soca
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globofhoney · 9 months
It's 3;22 am here....and i can't sleep.
Been thinking about the dragon king and his queen spending time bonding together.
Talking about Alduin, he would teach LDB many things about dovahzul. Not only in term of speaking or writing. If he trust or perhaps love his LDB enough...perhaps he could teach the LDB to develop shouts on their own as well?
Golz Dur Gron (stone curse bind)
A shout that Alduin taught his beloved when they asked him about a shout that have never been written on the word walls.
The Black dragon explained about the harsh punishment that he could bestowed upon any transgressors who crossed him, and he then passed on this knowledge to the LDB.
- lol i hope you all like being a gorgon and petrified everyone by shouting, make them spend the rest of their eternity as a fricking stone statue -
-shush, this is romantic....for Alduin, that is, i think so-
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cinalilli · 9 months
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my secret santa for @the-goblin-cat featuring his ocs golze and elijah
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mitspeiler · 5 months
Elijah after hunting down a hog
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I will be skipping the space lore and making stuff up for filmverse generation 2
✨- How did you come up with the OC’s name?
It's just a nice name with jewish origins
🌼 - How old are they? (Or approximate age range)
elijah will primarily be in his 20s during his tale, a late bloomer compared to his parents
🌺- Do they have any love interest(s)?
Yes, Golshanak the witch, Golze for short
🍕 - What is their favorite food?
braised beef ribs
💼 - What do they do for a living?
Despite his weenie-lookin' portrait, a mercenary. In real life he would become an accountant and hate it
🎹 - Do they have any hobbies?
He's tried every hobby under the sun and become discouraged and quit. Mostly he reads
🎯 -What do they do best?
He has mastered a single perfect swordstroke after years of practice.
🥊 -What do they love to do? What do they hate to do?
Feel like he did something important and fail respectively
❤️ - What is one of your OC’s best memories?
a single time as a child he had to stand in for his brother Olivier at a school play and did okay at it. This was his biggest win for a long time
✂️ - What is one of your OC’s worst memories?
He was offered the lead in the next production and botched the first ever performance and never acted again
🧊 - Is their current design the first one?
yesish. this is what he looks like as a teenager. he has a big glowup as an adult
🍀 - What originally inspired the OC?
middle child syndrome and Battinson
🌂 - What genre do they belong in?
soft regency romance. unfortunately he will get isekaied into an endless tower
💚 - What is your OC’s gender identity and sexuality?
probably cishet
🙌 - How many sibling does your OC have?
Six. From oldest to youngest, Marguerite, Olivier, Jeanne, Elijah (that's him!), Otto, Alfred and Judith
🍎 - What is the OC’s relationship w/their parents like?
He loves them and they love him back. However, he feels inadequate, because he wants to perform feats as great as them, and that's a lot to force yourself to live up to.
🧠 - What do you like most about the OC?
A lot like his father, Elijah is a character who I designed to be very plain and boring but somehow caught the attention of my friends and forced me to make him interesting
✏️ - How often do you draw/write about the OC?
Not that often though I talk about him with some frequency because one of my friends is obsessed with him
💎 - Do you ever see yourself killing off the OC?
💀 - Does your OC have any phobias?
fear of failure
🍩 -Who is your OC’s arch-nemesis or rival?
He doesn't have one, but he should. Closest he has is sibling rivalry with his two oldest siblings.
🎓 🍥- How long have you had the OC?
Like two or three years my guy
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fillielitsa · 7 months
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Lisa Golze
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The Golz-Kinský Palace, on the Old Town Square of Prague
Although the Rococo palace was built for the Golz family and completed in 1765, the family sold it after three years to the noble family Kinský.
Hermann Kafka had his store on the ground floor and his son Franz went to school at the palace from 1893 until 1901.
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444names · 6 days
Names generated from German towns, including the letter "Z"
Aalzgerg Aarzen Aichweiz Aldenzen Alfzen Allitz Alze Alzenha Alzeup Alzgitz Alzhern Alzkoch Anstutz Anzladt Arkartz Arzirt Atzen Atzing Auzell...
Berhotz Berstanz Betzsch Beuzer Bitz Bitzen Bleuztau Bodegenz Boizen Bolz Bolzkorf Botz Boxbenz Brabbitz Bratz Bredwitz Bretzen Broßrötz Brunz Brünnitz Brünz Burzen Büllitz Bünzen Bürzheck Bütz Cliezen Cobitz Colzach Cottgarz Cuxhütz Dalz Dertz Dießlanz Ditz Ditze Dorzen Droppitz Dürzeld Dürzgen Ebaelübz Eberheiz Eberiez Eingenz Eitz Eitzog Eletz Elgeonz Elitzach Elwitz Elzogerg Emmitz Enzben Enzehen Erdebetz Erlevetz Eroizen Etzschl Felzbach Fratz Fremnitz Frerz Freuzey Frietz Fripzin Fritz Frönitz Fürsteiz Garkitz Genholz Genz Gitz Glütz Golmetz Golz Golzach Golzgen Gommenz Granzen Gratz Gretz Gretzsch Gritz Gritzig Groditz Groitz Grolzar Grozberg Grozburg Großlitz Gräunz Grösrunz Grötz Grückenz Grünz Götz Gütz Gützend Hachriez Halteitz Halz Harzburg Harzow Hatz Hatziedt Hedwitz Heiddetz Heimmetz Heitz Helz Hemmitz Henz Hofswitz Holzgen Holzhen Holzmitz Hotz Hutz Hövetz Hüttinz Hütz Hützen Hützkow Iloiz Isaanitz Isboitz Itzen Itzingen Jesareiz Jöhreutz Jülfzen Jütz Jützsch Kalz Karberz Karzburg Katz Kelzkonn Ketz Kiez Kitzinde Kleitz Kloiz Knitz Kraitz Kratz Krockenz Krodinz Krozben Kulzberg Könitz Kötz Külitz Künzbach Lamitz Lamitzig Lanz Larz Larzheim Lauetz Launz Lautkitz Lautz Lebitz Leitz Leiz Letz Ließlanz Linklitz Lippotz Litz Litzdorf Litzsch Lordonz Ludwitz Lunz Lönitz Lötz Lötzin Lünz Lütz Lützsch Maitz Maritz Markenz Marz Marzberg Marzhen Marzhorf Marzow Matz Matzen Melzmin Menze Menzinz Metz Mitz Mitzenda Mitzsch Molzar Monz Müllritz Münz Münzburg Münzen Münzlin Nebeutz Netz Neutzen Neuzberg Neuzeld Neuztau Newitz Niez Nisnitz Nitetz Nitz Nitze Nitzen Nitzlen Nitzsch Noitz Noizen Norzgeln Nürz Obetz Oblinz Oelzahl Olkarzha Olza Olzach Olzbacha Oppetzen Osenzen Osnitz Ossenz Oswalzel Oswitatz Paitz Parzburg Pertatz Petz Pfulzen Pfulzkow Pheitz Pitz Plebetz Polz Polzach Polzahn Pottlitz Potz Pritz Pulzoger Quenz Raitz Rangenz Ratz Ratzdorn Reinz Rhorzern Rhütz Rietz Ritz Rodeitz Roiz Roizen Röditze Rönitz Saalzeln Scheitz Schenz Senditz Sietz Sinz Sinzen Solfzen Solzberg Solzkow Stalzkow Steitz Stelübz Stenz Stetz Straitz Sulzach Teitz Terz Tingelze Titz Tolzburg Treitz Trenz Triezeim Tritzen Trotzsch Tögitz Tübz Usenzen Vaienzen Vaitz Vartitz Vitz Vitzen Wallitz Walsnitz Walz Walzach Walze Walzhau Wanz Warreiz Wartz Warze Warzen Weiz Wesheitz Wettetz Wetz Widenz Wienzen Wietz Wiezein Witz Witzberg Witzdorf Witzehl Witzen Witzente Witzig Witzin Witzlau Witzlind Witzsch Wolchetz Woloiz Wolz Wolza Wolzbach Wolzehl Wolzen Wunz Wykelz Wülitz Würze Würzow Zachen Zachende Zachhen Zachten Zeberg Zeilshau Zeim Zeingen Zeisen Zelb Zelm Zelmern Zelsheck Zenbau Zenber Zenberg Zenbuck Zenburg Zengend Zensten Zenth Zerlow Zeusen Zevorf Zeyburg Zieck Ziecken Zieden Zierg Ziesch Ziesma Zigsburg Zigselen Zigssen Zinfulen Zing Zingen Zingenha Zingenn Zinz Zirch Zirn Zitzen Zogtetz Zostadt Zostburg Zsch Zschen Zwal Zwanne Zwegk Zwehen Zweim Zwein Zweittin Zwen Zwerg Zweseld Zwesen Zwiege Zwig Zwilen Zwinetz Zwing Zwis Zwisch Zwitz Zörstadt Zört Zülheid Zülheim Zülingen Züll Zülld Züllef Züllhe Zülperg Zülsa Zülsheim
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yesdimablog · 20 days
My martial arts career(?) 6 
Then in the summary of episode 4 I forgot to mention that Marian and I had participated in the 21st international push-hands meeting of Nils Klug’s school in May 2022 and enjoyed taking Birgit Golze’s beginner lessons there.          To complete the CV of my involvement with martial arts: I have been following David Valadez of Senshin Center online for some time now because, to my taste, he has…
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wildwechselmagazin · 2 months
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cad-iksodas-tsenre · 5 months
Golz Vieh http://www.ernest-datz.de/sknil_links.html https://www.cadiksodastsenre.de/sknil_links.html
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didyouknow-wp · 6 months
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