#gonna be my streaming backdrop
birf · 2 years
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finally decorating/hanging all this stuff up in the office 🙏
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wander-wren · 2 months
been listening to epic (the musical) (the concept album) a bunch and my brain has been hatching lots of ideas for how to stage it, so i will share them with you, good people of tumblr.
some caveats: i don’t pay attention to any extra streams, videos, etc, so most of my context is purely the music plus some things my friend tells me. therefore i will completely be making shit up on occasion, like in the gaps between some songs. i also know that jorge has said the dream is to do some really crazy cirque de soleil shit onstage, and i don’t really know enough about that to include it!
additionally, i will be trying to keep practicality and realism in mind, but this is still pretty far-fetched and assumes we have a large stage and near-infinite backstage storage at our disposal. to be fair, the odyssey has a LOT of different locations and you can’t make a story called epic without some massive set pieces. also, my experience is mostly deck crew, idk lighting stuff or choreography or anything, so i’m just going to try my best with that.
all onboard? epic. commence troy saga:
vocab notes
stage left and stage right refer to the audience’s left and right. upstage means away from the audience, and downstage means closer to them. midstage/center stage are self explanatory. most theatres (i think? i’ve only seen a couple) have multiple curtains that can divide the stage horizontally, called travelers. i think that’s it.
the horse and the infant
i want lights down everywhere but stage left, where there is a big sort of plywood cutout loosely in the shape of the trojan horse, with of course the interior of the horse painted on it. odysseus and a couple of his soldiers are here
i originally thought you could build a small space jutting out of the horse for them to crouch in but you would have to have some serious counterweight on the other side. it would look cool tho. even if you do do that, odysseus doesn’t stay there long because that’s a pretty cramped and uninteresting position to be in.
when the soldiers all say “yes sir!” the first time, the rest of the lights come up, revealing the city of troy, which is represented by some more painted plywood backdrops of the city at night. they’re all on wheels. the lights should still be fairly dim for the vibes, and pretty blue and orange to match the album. y’all are gonna learn quickly that i loveeee putting sets on wheels.
also more of odysseus’s men are there! as odysseus names each of his men, they do something kind of related to whatever he says.
when they say “yes sir!“ the second time, well, you can do some funky group choreo there. it’s kind of hard because technically they’re not attacking yet, just sort of demonstrating what will happen. shrugs.
once odysseus calls out penelope and telemachus…my stage had these ramps on the side next to the stairs with walls, and we would put people and sets there all the time. so depending on the theatre layout, they will appear there on stage right periodically through the entire show until odysseus gets home. throw a lil spotlight on them. bam.
naturally, when odysseus yells “attack!” the rest of the soldiers charge into the city and some trojan soldiers can enter stage right to fight them. the trojan horse flips to reveal the other side is painted like a gate/the city. slowly, the city backdrops roll offstage left, and the fighting greek/trojan soldiers move off with them. the music here will probably need to be lengthened to allow for this.
simultaneously, a room for the titular infant has been set up. probably like two half walls and a crib and a fancy decoration or some such. i’m thinking some kind of projection of like, silhouettes of odysseus to represent his vision and the eagle that represents zeus.
then zeus enters stage right and has his little convo with odysseus, stepping back to sort of dramatically reveal the crib to him. he and odysseus talk, nothing special happens, zeus spookily exits stage right as he sings his last line about odysseus choosing the blood on his hands
of note, i want 90% of the cast to be soldiers in this scene. as the soldiers die, odysseus’s little ensemble can shrink, and the dead soldiers can be double cast as the various enemies and their sidekicks. the exceptions to this are penelope, telemachus, zeus, and athena.
just a man
i want to be very specific about when odysseus looks at the audience for this one. it’s such a private, pivotal moment that i want him to avoid acknowledging that anyone except him and the baby exist. the two main points i think he can look at the audience are when he says “close your eyes, and spare yourself the view” and the “forgive me”s.
otherwise not much special in this song, its just odysseus holding a baby. he can act like he might drop it, from the wall, just so the audience is Aware, but it’s definitely important that by the end of the song what he does is ambiguous
i know the musical is meant to be sung through and so i want to avoid having moments where the stage goes dark for scene changes, but there are points where it’s unavoidable bc of the crazy set this thing has to have. so, we will put one right at the end here, keep the music real quiet for the audience to just sit and absorb this song
full speed ahead
when the lights come back up, we’ll have odysseus’s ship on stage left-centerish (odysseus should always be traveling from left to right, basically, since ithaca is stage right) and that’s all
dadada we introduce eurylochus and polities, then set for the island starts coming out on stage left for polities to comment on. the island sets can all be painted backdrops, so then theres two sides for some variety, and the same set of rocks/plants/trees arranged in different ways to show its a new place. i want the colors and things to be very bright and just this side of unnatural, because this isn’t home, they’re strange lands.
the boat can slowly be going off left as odysseus and polities make their way onto the island at the end of the song, which ofc flows right into the next
open arms
polities and odysseus wander across the stage for this, nothing exciting.
definitely can do some fun costuming with the lotus eaters when they pop up. i’m thinking of the trolls (or the hidden folk, i guess?) from frozen on broadway. but creepier, maybe
not a note but i just love this song i love polities so much <3 my bestie
once they get the location of the cave, they can start walking back left and the lotus eaters can go off, taking/rearranging their set as they do because it’s about to be a new island. lights go down there as well. odysseus slows his steps to stop roughly center stage, or center-left depending on how big the stage is. he looks conflicted about what’s just happened. polities slowly walks off as he sings
athena comes out of somewhere. i think it would be fun for her to pop out from behind the set as opposed to entering from the wings. when she says “have you forgotten your purpose? let me remind you,” lights can come up on the right, kind of yellowy? i imagine ithaca as being very yellow for some reason. maybe some flickering to represent going into a flashback.
i know it’s not the original idea, but i think having a second actor play younger odysseus fighting the boar and stuff would be best/clearest. i have NO idea how to do the boar bc i feel like it would look kinda silly any way you did it? but that happens
athena this whole time is standing outside of the yellow light, narrating the flashback to odysseus. when young!ody starts calling her out, he doesnt look directly at her (because he’s bluffing, of course), until she steps into the light, which both symbolizes her dropping the spell and entering the flashback story
young!ody leaves and athena returns to odysseus after the last chorus, as she says “i still intend to make sure you don’t fall behind.” she gets very close to him to warn “don’t disappoint me” at the end, which makes odysseus look at her stubbornly. lights down, unfortunately, for another scene change to the cyclops cave
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sege-h · 23 days
Sonic Movie 3 trailer thoughts, don't read beyond this point if you haven't seen it or otherwise don't want to be spoiled
-I'm excited for the fights in this movie but that's not a surprise
-VERY curious as to how they'll handle Shadow and his backstory since Gerald is still in the picture
-I do like Keanu as Shadow although I feel like I need to hear more of the voice to decide if I'm really sold on it
-THE MOTORBIKE i was hoping it'd get used. I Was wondering if the one that's been on tour irl is a prop from the movie but it doesn't look like it? Plus they used it as a movie 3 ad at gamescom even though the backdrop for it used Movie 2 assets just with the 3 logo because like. We had gotten NOTHING yet. No trailer, no posters, just the logo for it.
-H a t e that Sonic, Tails, and Knuckles are being called on by the government now. I know this is the most copaganda Sonic of them all just by having Tom be a cop, and Wade being a protagonist too since he got his own show and all (lol. Lmao)
But I didnt expect them to go full in given that in the first 2 movies the military is the secondary bad guy. The story this movie is based on (SA2, obv) is the most anti-military thing ever and it could've easily still been the case for the movie too. Shadow gets out, overconfident military idiots think they can get him back on their own AND get Sonic too in one fell swoop by framing him for Shadow's bad deeds. It's even easier here than in the games because they could just go 'Well we only know one too fast for the naked eye hedgehog alien so its clearly you doing this'
-I've been against Jim Carrey putting on a fat suit from the start. Because I knew that if movie Eggman didn't start out fat (which he didn't) and gets fat later then they'd go for the fatphobic angle of 'ewww hes fat now ewww hes a slob because being fat and a slob go hand in hand guys right am I funny yet huh guys haha do you get my joke yet' and that's EXACTLY what happened in this first trailer alone
Extra notes: I dont know why they think Eggman getting zapped by the quill is so funny that they had to do it 3 times, however I was watching a Sam stream just today where he was like 'if he licks that quill again im gonna fight someone' so I do think it's funny from the aspect of 'oh man theyre gonna get him in the trailer alone' HSDHSHDS
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hsgwrld-archive · 1 year
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-- Starting college in a different city wasn't easy, especially when you made a promise not to fall in love, but guess what, you did. But still, he liked your best friend, not you.
PAIRING- Jay x fem! Reader
GENRE - Fluff, humor!! Pinch of angst..
wc-0,4| taglist opened!!
Mentions of Chaewon of lesserafim
MEG’S SPEAK - so this is my Jay fic who I’m working on since last month!! My expectations isn’t high for it but this is TEASER 👩🏻‍🦯👩🏻‍🦯 exactly endings (kinda ) for it!! It’s not gonna end on sad note in fic so DONT WORRY 😖😖😖😖😖😖😖😖😖😖😖
Full version !!
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You mustered up the courage to confess, saying, "I have feelings for you." Your hands fidgeted nervously as Jay let out a sigh, fully aware that revealing his true feelings would inflict more pain than keeping them hidden. Deep down, you had a feeling that his sentiments didn't align with yours, but a flicker of hope remained in your heart. The beach provided a tranquil backdrop as the rhythmic crashing of waves against the shore filled the air, mirroring Jay's speechlessness. Sitting side by side on the chilly sand, despite the warmth of May, a gentle breeze brushed against your face, offering a brief respite.
Jay never intended to hurt you, yet the harsh reality couldn't be ignored. Lost in contemplation, you anxiously awaited his response, but it felt as if your soul had detached from the moment, leaving you with a sense of emptiness.
Finally, Jay mustered the words, saying, "I don't reciprocate the same feelings." The weight of those words struck you like a heavy blow, shattering your heart into pieces. But the blow was intensified when he added, "Actually, I have stronger feelings for Chaewon." Your countenance turned expressionless as the realisation washed over you, erasing any trace of the efforts you had invested.
Overwhelmed by emotions, you yearned to flee, seeking solace in tears. Each moment, each shared smile, every inquiry Jay made about Chaewon suddenly fell into place. Everything seemed to move in slow motion as you comprehend the truth.
With a slow and deliberate motion, you rose from the sand, leaving Jay at a loss for words, his gaze locked on your teary eyes. "I think it's best if I leave," you whispered, making your way toward the exit of the beach. Your mind raced, fitting the puzzle pieces together, solidifying the realisation that Jay and Chaewon reciprocated each other's feelings. If only you hadn't overheard that fateful phone call; perhaps it would have spared you this pain. The taste of salt mingled with tears as they streamed down your face, a physical manifestation of the emotional turmoil within.
Jay felt immense guilt as he watched your teary eyes, realising the impact of his words. He didn't want to abruptly end your friendship, torn between his remorse and regret. It was unclear whether either of you intended for things to unfold this way or if, deep down, there was a part of you that secretly desired it, consciously or unconsciously
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venusmages · 11 months
I always love hearing about other people's D&D games and I was wondering if you had like a method for how you plan out your sessions? In a slump rn myself so looking for some inspo lol
ok so i need to get better at this again (depression made me a way more 'seat of my pants' DM) BUT i basically lay out a "timeline" of main story points the party will eventually hit, and place "questlines" there. Essentially like a tree of quests and their progression in a videogame. This is NOT always detailed by any means but it helps me get a linear view of what's going on. If you run pre-made modules, this is the book stuff. My current game started out this way before I went "I like doing this myself" and went completely off the rails.
Then I go into the main details of the questline. Stuff like where it is, if there's going to be new lore introduced, the actual contents of the quest itself and it's requirements, etc. My players and myself are big on RP, so I also try to always make sure the quest will have interest for Story or Character reasons. If it doesn't directly push the plot in a major way, will it still give the party interesting interactions with each other and npcs? Are there going to be any new threads for some of the game's mysteries?
Then I also ask what in the questline is going to play to the party's habits and strengths. I admit this is WAY looser, and again kind of wraps around into "what would be cool RP for them" - but for example; knowing an encounter with nobles will give our noble-born artificer some additional lore, since he understands the city's politics.
After that, I do sometimes "script" certain lines of NPC dialogue or location and item descriptions. Stuff I'll be narrating that I want to make sure has a certain weight to it, or to flow well. You might not need to do this if you speak succinctly, but I find my brain stutters when trying to describe scenery on the spot, so it usually helps to write it. After that I make the session from there!
For me that usually includes picking out "splash screens" for the conversation backgrounds in our game, drawing new npc portraits if I have the time (it started because some of my players have aphantasia/some former players were new, so I drew PC and NPC portraits to make RP easier to visualize - then it just became the Only Way I Want To Do It Now LOL), and making maps. I use Epic Isometric for my maps, highly recommend. I get most of my splash screens from Art Station, but I have to say obviously that's unwise if you're streaming a game. Same goes for using pre-existing art as character/NPC art -- I know myself and other artists don't care if someone uses our stuff for their home game that no one's ever gonna see. I plan to release some of my portraits in packs one day free of use though.
Here's the RP Backdrop kind of splashscreen I use in R20 (but you can make one in FVTT too, I've done it) and an Epic Iso map I threw together (the party tokens were drawn over Epic Iso assets. If you join their discord people make community edits constantly. I'm currently working on a project to color all the released decor assets)
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dragonedged-if · 1 year
ROs reaction when Mc take a blow that was meant for them but mc step In just in time.. WE wanna know how would they react if they see mc on the ground with the pool of blood ( mc gonna die btw 😭 sorry)
Hello anon, don't be sorry you know me! I love writing Angst and Tragedy. Was planning to take a nap earlier but seeing this in my inbox gave me unexplainable energy LMAO. Don't you rread this @kingsdespair-if
So here's a song for the mood and a poll at the very end ;)
As you and MC strolled down the winding street, the sun bathed the surroundings in a warm golden glow. The park had been the perfect setting for a delightful picnic, which were packed away neatly in a wicker basket. Laughter echoed through the air as children reveled in their innocence, their carefree spirits infectious. You couldn't help but feel a surge of joy and contentment at their presence, their unwavering belief in the goodness of the world.
But beneath the surface of this idyllic scene, a dark truth lurked. The world, with all its beauty, was tainted by the cruelty and deceptive words of humanity. Anger simmered within you, your blood boiling at their injustices. Your hand clenched into a tight fist, a physical manifestation of the rage you felt in your heart. How could they tarnish the purity of these little ones, polluting their minds with their own twisted agendas?
Lost in your tumultuous thoughts, a voice suddenly shattered your reverie. Startled, you shook your head and turned your gaze towards the source of the interruption. "I'm fine, mouse!" you gruffly replied, determined not to reveal any sign of vulnerability. Showing weakness was not an option, especially not in front of others. Pride was your armor, after all.
The voice belonged to MC, a trusted companion who had witnessed the depths of your anger and the fire that burned within you. They understood the conflict that raged within your soul, the dichotomy of your emotions. Their presence offered solace and a respite from the overwhelming weight of your thoughts.
As you continued walking, the streets seemed to come alive with a vividness that mirrored the intensity of your emotions. The scent of freshly bloomed roses mingled with the earthy aroma of the park, a juxtaposition of beauty and the harsh reality of life. Each step you took resonated with purpose, your determination fueling your movements.
MC leaned close, their eyes darting to their side, their body taut and tensed. They could sense the storm brewing within you, their own emotions mirroring the turmoil in your heart. "Tell me," they urged gently, their voice filled with concern and a hint of fear. They wanted to understand, to offer support in any way they could.
The world around you seemed to blur, the street a backdrop to this internal tempest. "Children," you murmured, your voice a low growl, "so innocent, so pure. Until they learn the cruelty and deceit of the world." Your words were laden with bitterness, as if each syllable carried the weight of centuries of disappointment.
The voice that had disrupted your thoughts earlier now had a face—a face that held concern and a touch of confusion. You could see it in the furrowed brows and the searching eyes. "What's bothering you?" they asked, their voice filled with genuine curiosity.
Your response was a torrent of emotion, a mixture of sorrow and frustration. "It's just… the world," you began, your words flowing like a stream of consciousness. "The injustice, the pain inflicted upon our kind. It's hard to bear, hard to watch. The innocence of these children, it's beautiful and tragic. They don't yet know the darkness that awaits them."
In the midst of the idyllic park, MC pulled you into their warm embrace, their arms enveloping you like a protective cocoon. Their touch was a lifeline amidst the tempest of emotions churning within you. "That's how the world works, Variel," they began, their hand gently rubbing your arm as if to soothe the raging storm within you. "There's light and dark… Good and evil… War and peace." Their voice carried a solemn weight, resonating with the gravity of life's dualities.
"But what matters is how you spend your time in the present." MC paused, their eyes locking with yours, radiating warmth and compassion. It was a gaze that drew you in, like a shelter from the storm. "And this time, I want to spend my time with you on a picnic!" MC's words were accompanied by a flourish of the picnic basket they held, emphasizing their heartfelt invitation.
Reluctantly, you withdrew your chin from their fingertips, a lingering trace of vulnerability in your gaze. "Very well, mouse, you win," you conceded with a pout, your heart softening in the face of their unwavering affection.
MC chuckled, their laughter like a soothing melody, and led you to a lush green spot. They spread a blanket on the ground, and together, you began the ritual of setting up the picnic. "Finally, we can eat. I'm famished!" MC exclaimed, their enthusiasm infectious.
You couldn't help but laugh at their enthusiasm. "You always are," you teased, MC playfully walking to your side.
Then, in a moment that shattered the tranquility, a mysterious figure appeared seemingly out of nowhere. Their face concealed by a hood, they addressed you with a sense of urgency. "Excuse me, are you Variel?" The question hung in the air like an ominous omen.
"I am," you replied, your curiosity mixed with a hint of apprehension.
With deliberate slowness, the hooded figure raised their hands, unveiling their features. Scars crisscrossed their visage, and their left eye bore an eye patch. "This is for my family!" they declared, their voice trembling with vengeance. In the blink of an eye, a knife materialized in their hand, and it was aimed at you with deadly intent.
Time itself seemed to stretch, each moment elongating into an eternity as you watched the knife's trajectory, every inch of its deadly arc etched into your consciousness. Panic surged within you, but before fear could paralyze you, a voice pierced through the chaos.
"Watch out!" MC's voice, filled with urgency, reached your ears. In an instant, they shoved you away with a force that left you stumbling. You crashed to the ground just as the knife found its mark.
Your heart clenched in horror as you witnessed MC standing between you and the hooded figure, blood pooling beneath them. The attacker withdrew the knife, and MC collapsed, their body crumpling like a marionette with severed strings.
"NOOOOOO!" The anguished scream tore from your throat, your vision clouded by tears. In that moment of despair, your trembling hand reached out to the earth, and with a surge of raw emotion, vines erupted from the ground, snaking and ensnaring the assailant, binding them in a grip as unyielding as your grief.
The scent of fresh earth fills your nostrils as you desperately fight against the overwhelming surge of rage and sadness. This moment, this life-altering experience, unfolds like a scene from a twisted nightmare. Each detail is etched into your memory, every sense heightened to the extreme.
Your world shattered into a nightmare as you cradled MC's lifeless body in your arms, urgency and panic coursing through you like a maelstrom. "Are you alright, mouse?" Your voice quivered, your desperate plea echoing in the eerie stillness that had descended upon the park. But MC's eyes remained closed, their breath stilled, an unbearable silence in response.
Desperation clawed at your chest as you called their name once more, the anguish in your voice more palpable with each repetition. "MC?" Still, there was no reply, no sign of life from the one who had brought you solace and joy.
Meanwhile, the hooded man who had orchestrated this tragedy reveled in your suffering. His laughter, sharp and mocking, pierced the heavy air. "FEEL MY PAIN… TELL ME WHAT ARE YOU FEELING RIGHT NOW?" His words were laced with sadistic delight, and he cackled deliriously, the sound echoing like a sinister symphony of madness.
"THEY'RE GONE. THE KNIFE IS POISONED—DEADLY TO DRAGONS BUT FATAL TO HUMANS!" His voice boomed, carrying the cruel revelation across the park.
The world around you had become eerily quiet, as if nature itself held its breath, sensing the unfolding danger. Your trembling form leaned closer to MC, planting a tender kiss upon their forehead, a final farewell to the love you had cherished. Then, with a heavy heart, you gently released their lifeless form.
Rising to your feet, fury coursed through your veins like a tempest. You beckoned to the winds, invoking their power, commanding them to encase the hooded man's head. "You took someone I treasured from my life!" The winds responded to your command, swirling faster and faster around the man, binding him in an inescapable cyclone of air.
"They're the ones who kept me sane and happy in this godforsaken world!" The man's wheezes and coughs filled the air as the wind mercilessly robbed him of breath.
"And I want your life as payment for this!" Your voice resonated with unwavering determination. The man's eyes bulged, his face contorted in agony, until he ceased to move, his life extinguished by the very elements you had harnessed.
The man lay lifeless before you, a testament to your wrath and grief. Yet, in the aftermath, you stood alone, the weight of your loss heavy upon you. "I will find out who is responsible for this," you vowed, your voice a solemn oath that cut through the silence. "And I will hunt them down and eradicate their whole family and clan! This is for you, my little mouse!" Your declaration hung in the air like a curse, a promise forged in the crucible of tragedy.
(Clara's POV)
Amidst the bustling plaza, the vibrant tapestry of the city unfolded before you, a captivating spectacle of life and commerce. The scent of exotic spices wafted through the air, mingling with the excited chatter of the crowd. Your loyal bodyguard, Lucas, walked resolutely ahead, his imposing presence a shield against the throngs of people.
"Buy now and get a free item!" a merchant's voice pierced through the clamor, attempting to entice every passerby with the promise of a deal too good to pass up. Nearby, a magician commanded attention, weaving illusions that drew gasps of wonder from the gathering crowd. his crimson robe beckons to the gathering crowd, his hands weaving mystic patterns in the air.
Turning your attention to Lucas, you raise an eyebrow and speak with playful sarcasm, "You know, Lucas, you don't need to come with us, you know?"
Lucas, resolute and vigilant, answers sternly, "It's my job, Clara."
You place a hand over your heart, feigning injury. "Lucas, you wound me!" Your voice drips with mock hurt. "Where's your faith in MC and me?" You inquire, a mischievous glint in your eye.
Lucas continues to stride forward, a hint of a smirk playing at the corners of his lips. "Exactly, that's why I need to come," he says, glancing over his shoulder at you and MC. "I don't trust you two to do any walking today." The hint of a smile vanishes as his gaze returns to the bustling plaza ahead.
"Lucas, you're so serious!" MC's laughter dances through the air, teasing and bright.
Lucas, the embodiment of stoicism, merely shrugs, his unwavering focus fixed on the path ahead. "It's my job to be," he deadpans, his voice carrying an air of unyielding duty.
As MC playfully taunted Lucas about his serious demeanor, laughter filled the air, echoing against the walls. The sound seemed to bounce off the walls, reverberating in your ears. You watched the interaction with keen interest, your eyes drawn to the contrasting expressions on their faces.
Lucas, seemingly unaffected by the teasing, shrugged his shoulders nonchalantly. His gaze was fixed forward, unwavering, as if he had a laser-like focus on something far beyond the present moment. His face remained stoic, revealing nothing of the thoughts that raced through his mind. It was as if he wore a mask, hiding his true emotions from the world.
An idea sparked in your mind, an electric current surging through your body. With a flick of your fingers, you snapped them together, the sound cutting through the air like a lightning strike. "I know just the remedy for that gloom," you declared, a mischievous grin spreading across your face. The words tumbled out of your mouth with an air of excitement, as if you had stumbled upon a hidden treasure. "Let's go find Haley and indulge in her heavenly puddings."
Lucas abruptly halted, his feet freezing in place. You and MC, caught off guard by his sudden halt, also came to a stop, turning to face him. Slowly, he turned around, his eyes meeting yours with an intensity that sent shivers down your spine. His face remained impassive, but there was a flicker of curiosity in his eyes, a spark of interest that hadn't been there before.
"Very well," he said, his voice devoid of emotion, yet there was a hint of something lurking beneath the surface. "I will allow it."
Once more, Lucas takes the lead, his head tilting to the side like a predatory bird, sharp eyes scanning the surroundings with a vigilance that borders on lethal. Every step he takes is deliberate, and every movement calculated.
After what feels like an eternity of walking, the trio arrives at their destination, but alas, it's as crowded as a beehive on a summer's day. MC's stomach growls impatiently, mirroring their frustration. "The line is so long!" they grumble, their voice a symphony of hunger and annoyance. "I might actually wither away waiting here," you add, your melodramatic groan drawing attention from those nearby.
Lucas, ever the enigmatic presence, steps forward, his aura commanding the attention of everyone in the vicinity. Eyes turn towards him, curious gazes and starry-eyed admirers alike. Whispers ripple through the crowd like a gentle breeze through a field of wildflowers, and one girl couldn't help but gush, "He's so dreamy!" Her voice was filled with awe, as if she had just witnessed a celestial being descend from the heavens.
You can't help but chuckle, a mischievous glint in your eye as you watch Lucas, the master of making an entrance, bask in the attention he commands. "Pshhh, showoff," you tease, your words a playful jab at his ability to captivate a crowd effortlessly. Indeed, he has a knack for leaving a lasting impression.
With a sly agenda in mind, you lean in closer to MC, your voice a conspiratorial whisper. "Psst… MC," you murmur, the words dripping with secrecy and excitement. "Let's make our escape."
MC nods in understanding, their eyes sparkling with mischief as they playfully accuse you, "You're very naughty, you know that?"
Lucas, ever watchful, turns to catch the two of you lingering behind. But in that fleeting moment of distraction, it's already too late. Like shadows in the night, you and MC slip away, carried by the tide of the crowd. Lucas's charm, which had held the plaza in rapt attention, now becomes your clever ruse, diverting his focus while you make your daring escape.
As the distance between you and Lucas grows, you can't resist a parting taunt. "We'll be back soon, sweet Lucas!" you sing, your voice as bright and cheery as a robin's call. The words are like a melody of mischief, carried on the wind.
Lucas, pudding in hand and face contorted with ire, watches you and MC vanish into the throng. His disbelief is palpable, his jaw falling open and his eyes widening in surprise. "Oh, please, let me throttle you two!" he cries out, his voice carrying the weight of exasperation and exhaustion.
Several blocks away, you and MC pause to share a knowing smirk. Satisfaction courses through your veins, a sweet taste of victory. The thrill of your daring escapade fills the air, a sense of triumph over adversity.
As the chaos of the crowd swirls around you, you feel a momentary sense of triumph. Success has warmed your heart, filling you with a sense of accomplishment. But that feeling is quickly shattered by the sound of a familiar voice cutting through the air. It's Lucas, calling out to you and MC, his deep and rich voice echoing in the space around you.
You turn to glance over your shoulder, and there he is, Lucas's tall and muscular frame looming over the crowd. His azure eyes lock onto yours, and you can't help but feel a surge of both excitement and apprehension. "Damn! He's fast!" MC curses, their voice filled with a mix of admiration and envy. You chuckle, knowing that Lucas is indeed the best of the best.
But there's no time to revel in your victory. Lucas's pursuit is relentless, his movements graceful and deadly. He effortlessly cuts through the mass of bodies, his body always ready to pounce. You can hear his breath coming in harsh pants, a testament to his skill and power. It's a reminder of the danger that lurks behind his calm and composed exterior.
"STOP FOR THE LOVE OF THE GODS!" Lucas pleads, his voice filled with urgency and desperation. But you and MC refuse to yield, determined to hold onto the precious prize of freedom. The adrenaline courses through your veins, fueling your drive to escape.
Curiosity flickers within you, a fleeting urge to turn around and face Lucas, to confront him and end this chase. But you resist, knowing that your priority is to keep moving, to stay one step ahead of him. The thrill of the chase intensifies, the stakes rising with each passing moment.
Finally, you and MC find refuge in a narrow alley, hidden from view. The sound of footsteps grows fainter, and you allow yourself a moment to catch your breath. "That was a close one!" you sigh in relief, the tension slowly dissipating.
But your relief is short-lived as a malicious voice breaks the silence. You and MC turn around, only to find yourselves confronted by four menacing figures. The leader of the group sneers, his voice dripping with malice. "A princess and a rat! You two will make excellent ransom for the monarchs!" he snarls, his words laced with venom.
Fear grips your soul like an iron fist, and panic rises in your stomach. Uncertain of what to do, you slowly begin to back away, your mind racing for a way out. "Come here, rat!" the dark-haired man taunts, his voice filled with sadistic pleasure. The bald man laughs, closing in on you menacingly.
But MC refuses to back down. They grab a nearby stick and swing it at their attackers, their movements swift and determined. "Stay back, you dolts!" they shout, their voice filled with defiance.
The dark haired man sneers as he grabs the stick and pulls MC to his knees. "Scared of rats,a re we?" he taunts as he pulls out a knife. "Let them go you, swines!" You growl. But the red-headed man just cackles and holds a blade up to your throat.
"Now now, beauty, we don't want any fuss. Just walk away and no one gets hurt." But MC couldn't let their captors have their way. They kicked out, shoving the dark haired man back with their feet. "You wanna play rough, rat?" he spat, plunging the knife into their shoulder.
"Nooo! Stop it!" you screamed. But the bald man just grinned as he watched, MC struggled in pain as they kicked and thrashed trying to break free. But their captors were too strong.
Then suddenly a dark figure appeared at the mouth of the alley. "Let them go," the man growled. His voice was like thunder, deep and threatening. It cut through the tension like a knife, sending shivers down your spine. The bald man leered. "Who are-" his words stop short and stepping back a little.
"Lucas!" he says with disdain. He quickly went behind you and holding you by the neck, knife hovering on your neck. "No funny business Royal Protector!" he threathens.
Lucas advances slwoly, his eyes locked to you offfering you comfort. "Lucas I'm sorry!" you say to him and blaming yourself for this predicarment if you and MC just stayed in one place.
"We will talk later Clara!" Lucas says gently, eyeing the 4 men warily.
"Let go of-" MC begins but the man with dark hair kicked him in the face. "Shut up!" "Let him go!" you cry angrily. Lucas looks at you, assessing the situation, calculating the enemy's weaknesses and strengths. His senses seem alert and vigilant, his eyes scanning the alley for anything useful.
Suddenly, he springs into action, lunging forward like a tiger hunting its prey. His moves are fluid and graceful, grabbing a brick on the floor and hurling it at the one that is looming MC. "What the-" the man holding you hostage says in disbelief, using his distraction to your own gain, you snapped your head back to his face hearing the crunch of his nose breaking and letting go of you.
Lucas quickly ran towards him and tackles him to the ground, his eyes fierce and determined. "You're a fighter, are you not? Show me what you got!" Lucas says as he punches the 3rd man in the face. The bald man turns and backs away with eyes wide in fear. However, you could tell he was not the kind to flee without a fight. He whirled around, arms spread in anger, ready to charge and come out on top.
But before he could charge, MC rammed their elbow into his stomach, knocking the air out of him and he came wheezing down to the ground. "We're here too!" MC said smugly. Lucas nodded at them appreciatively, impressed by their moves. "Quick thinking! I almost didn't see you there." He motioned to you, the one they had been holding hostage. "You alright, Clara?"
You wiped the blood from your forehead, bruised, battered, but still standing. "I'm fine." Lucas sighed in relief, feeling the rush of adrenaline begin to subside. "It's not like you to be so defenseless, MC, but thank you all the same."
"Clara behind you!" MC shouts but its too late!
The dark haired man regained his bearings, crawling onto his knees and lunging at ou. His teeth bared like a hungry wolf, his eyes burning with rage. Knife brandished and poised! "DIE" he shouts with fervor and aiming at your heart.
Yet before it canmake contact you felt a force forcing you out of theway and you see MC standing on the spot where you where standing, a knife embedded ien their chest. "NOOOO!" you cry out, horrified and terrified beyond belief. Tears started to form in your eyes, emotions building in your throat.
But it was Lucas who rushed in with a cry of fury and rage. The world seemed to slowdown as he grabbed the bald man by the throat and threw him into a trashcan, metal crunching beneath his weight. His face was contorted with rage, eyes burning with an all-consuming fire. The silence that followed was deafening, piercing through the air like a bullet.
And in the moment, the atmosphere was charged with a sense of finality, a resolution to end the conflict once and for all.
"Please…Please…Please!" you implore, racing towards MC, tears streaming down your face. Your voice is a desperate plea, a last attempt to save a loverfrom death's icy embrace.
But as you reach for them, their body falls to the ground, lifeless and eerily still. A sob bursts from your throat, raw and gut-wrenching, as you cradle their face in your hands. "Nooo!" you scream, the pain a living, breathing entity.
Tears clouded your vision, a haze of grief and agony. "Bastards!" Lucas spat, his voice hoarse with emotion. He clutched the leader of the group with white knuckles, his grip crushing and unrelenting. "You dare hurt the princess's consort!" His voice rose with each syllable, the fury burning through him like a forest fire. It was a monumental moment, a testament to his loyalty and duty.
On the ground, blood pooled around MC, crimson and sticky, a vivid reminder of the cruelty and chaos of the world. "We need to get him help,Lucas!" you stammered through the tears.
Lucas, the embodiment of resolute stoicism, nodded in agreement. "Of course," he said grimly. "But it's too late, the wound was too deep."
"Nooo!" you sobbed, cradling MC's face in your hands. "This can't be happening!" It was as if the world had collapsed around you, a cataclysm of agony and despair. On the ground, MC's face was pale, their eyes closed and peaceful. They had given their life to protect yours, a sacrifice of heroism and courage.
Your eyes caught the knife on the coold unfrogiving ground, the same knife who ttok the life of MC. Filled with fury you quikcly grabbed it and charged towards the man who took your other half. Stabbing him with it.
Again…Again…Again…Again…Aain… each stab becoming weaker and weaker, until you cried and you felt Lucas embracing you. "It's done Clara, grieve…just grieve!" he tried to comfort you, the knife becomming slippery in your hands and falling to the ground with a clatter. But you could only feel the guilt and the sadness rise within you, a tide of hopelessness and despair. "Why am I alive and MC is not, Lucas, tell me!" you whisper, each word coated with the taste of loss and anger.
Lucas looked away, his eyes heavy with regret. "It was their choice, Clara. they saw the attacker lunging and they pushed you out of the way. It was either you or them." "No,no,no,no,no, no, no…" you murmured, tears spilling over your cheeks, warm and wet. "I'm such a monster. It's all my fault."
Lucas gently shook his head. "There's no one to blame," he said, his voice filled with resignation and bitterness. "It was a cruel twist of fate."
And as the sun begins to set, casting long shadows across the alley, you sit there, clutching MC's lifeless hand, the tears flowing freely down your face.
It was then that you knew. It was all your fault. The thought echoed in your head, a twisted refrain that refused to fade away. You had set up the scene of tragedy, a macabre masterpiece. And in the end, the pieces came together, a perfect ending to a tragic tale. "Forgive me, MC," you whispered, as you pressed a kiss to their cold, pale lips.
A memory flashed before your eyes, bright and vivid. It was you and MC, standing in the courtyard, laughing as the sun shone down upon you. "It's all my fault," you said to MC. "I wish I could go back and fix it. "
But you couldn't. As the darkness grew around you, you let out a wail of despair, a howl of regret. And in the moment, you felt your heart splinter, shattering into a million pieces, each fragment a testament to your guilt and grief.
A shadow loomed over you, a presence you didn't expect. You glanced up, only to find yourself staring at Lucas. His face was grim, his eyes haunted with the ghost of a memory. "You can't blame yourself," he said. "MC knew what they were doing."
"How can you be so sure?" you cried, your voice ringing with hopelessness. "How do you know they didn't regret their choice?"
Lucas sighed, his shoulders slumping forward. "Clara, they would have wanted you to live. There was no hesitation in their actions. They saw the attacker lunging and pushed you out of the way. "
"But I should have done more!" you protested. "I could have taken him out before he even had a chance to attack."
Lucas shook his head, a flicker of doubt crossing his face. "I won't argue with you, but I can't help but wish MC had made a different decision." You slumped forward, grief gripping you like a vise. "Me too," you murmured, tears streaming down your face. "Me too."
And as the sun began to rise over the horizon, you knew. You knew that you could never undo the events that had unfolded that day, that you could never bring MC back. But you also knew that you would cherish their memory, their sacrifice, and carry it with you for the rest of your days.
"If only…" You whispered to yourself, your voice choked with tears. "If only I had been smarter, faster, stronger. " But it was all too late. MC was gone, and you were left to bear the burden of their death.
(Lucian's POV)
As you and MC stroll down the bustling streets, your intertwined hands serve as a symbol of the unbreakable bond you share. The sun bathes the city in a radiant glow, casting long shadows on the pavement. The air is filled with the scent of blooming flowers and the distant aroma of freshly brewed coffee, enhancing the already enchanting atmosphere.
You break the silence, your voice filled with genuine joy and optimism. "What a truly wonderful day we're having," you say, your words floating in the air like a melody, hoping to fill the moment with even more enchantment.
MC chuckles, their eyes sparkling with affection as they look at you. "Ah, my love, you never cease to amaze me with your delightful corniness," they say lovingly, their voice a gentle whisper that dances on the edge of your ears. The sound of their laughter is music to your soul, a symphony of happiness that reverberates through your being.
As you continue your leisurely walk, the city seems to come alive around you. The buildings stand tall and proud, their facades adorned with intricate details that tell stories of the past. The streets are lined with shops, their colorful displays inviting you to explore their treasures. The sound of bustling traffic and snippets of conversations create a symphony of urban life, a vibrant backdrop to your shared journey.
You notice MC's eyes wandering, their gaze taking in the sights and sounds of the city. Their expression shifts, a mixture of surprise and curiosity. "Look at that," they exclaim, a touch of excitement in their voice. "A street performer, captivating the crowd with their mesmerizing dance moves."
Intrigued, you both approach the gathering crowd, drawn to the performer's magnetic energy. The dancer's body moves with graceful precision, every movement an expression of passion and emotion. The music playing in the background sets the rhythm, its pulsating beats reverberating through the air, intertwining with the palpable energy of the onlookers.
MC's hand tightens around yours, their fingers lacing through yours as their excitement grows. "Can you feel it?" they ask, their voice filled with wonder. "The electricity in the air, the energy that binds us all together. It's like magic, isn't it?"
You nod, your eyes locked with theirs, feeling a surge of emotions coursing through your veins. The world seems to fade away, leaving just the two of you and the captivating performance. The dancer's every move becomes a metaphor for the passion and intensity that exists between you, a physical manifestation of the love that binds your souls.
As you and MC stood there, bathed in the ethereal glow of the artist's performance, a sudden and profound change seemed to come over them. Their grip on your hand loosened, and their eyes, once fixed on you, now sought something beyond.
"I need to speak with the artist, just for a minute," MC whispered, their voice a hushed but determined plea. The air around you thickened with anticipation, and you could feel a surge of curiosity mingling with a hint of unease.
Your heart raced, caught in the whirlwind of this unexpected turn. "Will you join me?" MC's question hung in the air, a question that beckoned you to venture into the unknown.
As you and MC approach the artist, a sense of anticipation fills the air, mingling with the fading echoes of applause. The artist stands tall, their presence commanding attention. Their body, bathed in a soft glow, seems to radiate the very essence of creativity and passion.
MC takes a step forward, their hand outstretched, reaching for a connection with the artist. Their eyes are filled with a mixture of awe and admiration, their voice carrying a hint of vulnerability as they speak. "Incredible," they utter, their words hanging in the air like a whispered prayer. "The way you move, the way you express yourself through your art… it's truly remarkable. I can't begin to express how much I admire what you do."
A smile graces the artist's face, a smile that holds a lifetime of experience and dedication. They respond with humility, their voice carrying a quiet earnestness. "Thank you," they say, their words a gentle melody that dances on the wind. "Dancing has been my passion since I was a child. It's a way for me to connect with the world, to express my innermost thoughts and emotions."
You stand by MC's side, observing this exchange with a mix of pride and curiosity. The artist's words resonate within you, igniting a spark of inspiration deep within your soul. The power of their art, their ability to touch hearts and souls, leaves you in awe.
MC's gaze, filled with longing, projects a sense of yearning to the artist. "Do you think someone like me could ever learn to dance like you? Or create music, or paint, or engage in any form of artistic expression?" they ask, their voice a fragile whisper.
The artist's eyes meet theirs, a knowing glint shimmering within their depths. "Everyone has the capacity for passion," they say, their voice enveloping MC like a warm embrace. "It's not about natural talent or skill, but the willingness to explore and express oneself. Take my own journey as an example. When I first started, I couldn't hold a rhythm, let alone move with grace. But with time and dedication, I found my own unique way to connect with the art that resonated within me."
MC's hand rests on their chin, their thoughts swirling with uncertainty and doubt. "What about writing?" they inquire, their voice tinged with hesitation. "Does writing count as an art form? It's not as physical as dancing or painting, but it's a way to express oneself, right?"
The artist chuckles, a melodic sound that carries the weight of wisdom. "Writing absolutely counts," they affirm. "It's a powerful means of self-expression and connection. Have you written anything recently?"
MC's voice quivers, a mixture of vulnerability and longing. "I've dabbled in writing, but I've always considered it more of a hobby than a serious pursuit," they confess.
The artist's smile widens, their eyes twinkling with encouragement. "Perhaps it's time to reconsider," they suggest. "Art knows no boundaries, and true fulfillment lies in embracing the passions that reside within us. Take that leap of faith, and who knows where it may lead you?"
A blush tinges MC's cheeks, a mix of excitement and trepidation coloring their features. "You're right," they murmur, their voice filled with newfound determination.
As you bid farewell to the artist, a surge of emotions courses through you. The connection between you and MC deepens, fueled by the shared experience and the realization of the limitless possibilities that lie before you. The world seems to shimmer with newfound vibrancy, and you continue your walk, hand in hand, ready to explore the uncharted territories of your passions and creative endeavors.
"You sly little hypocrite," you tease, a mischievous glint in your eyes.
MC's reaction is a mix of amusement and vulnerability, their laughter bubbling up uncontrollably. "What do you mean?" they inquire, their voice tinged with a hint of melancholy.
"Don't pretend," you say, a knowing smile playing on your lips. "I see through your facade. Variel, Lucas, and our feisty princess… they are reflections of the passions that burn within you."
MC's laughter subsides, and their eyes meet yours, flickering with a mixture of emotions. "I guess seeking reassurance from others isn't such a terrible thing," they admit, their voice carrying the weight of vulnerability.
"What do you mean?" you ask, your curiosity piqued by their cryptic words.
As you both continue walking, lost in the moment, a sense of connection grows between you and MC. Their warmth and kindness draw you in, while their passion and drive ignite a spark of excitement and possibility within you. It's as if their energy is contagious, filling every fiber of your being.
Suddenly, breaking the silence, MC asks you a question that cuts through the air like a knife. Their gaze narrows, and their expression becomes unreadable, leaving you wondering what thoughts are swirling in their mind. "What about you?" they ask, their voice filled with genuine curiosity. "Do you have any fears or regrets?"
You feel a lump in your throat as you ponder their question. It's not an easy one to answer, but you gather your thoughts and finally respond, your voice tinged with vulnerability. "I'm not sure," you admit, searching for the right words. "There are moments when I feel like I'm letting everyone down, like I'm not worthy of their love or respect. It can be a hard pill to swallow."
MC's eyes hold a glimmer of understanding as they listen intently. "I know what you mean," they say softly, their voice carrying the weight of personal experience. "It's a dark place to be in."
You find yourself taken aback by their response. MC, who has always seemed like the epitome of confidence and assurance, reveals a side of themselves that you never imagined. A side that struggles with self-doubt and hesitation.
Summoning your courage, you take a deep breath and decide to delve deeper into your conversation. "Can I ask you something too?" you inquire, your voice filled with a mix of trepidation and curiosity.
"Shoot," MC replies, their eyes fixed on yours, their body language attentive.
"Are we really doing this?" you ask, gesturing to the invisible connection hanging in the air between you. "Doing what?" they question, their brow furrowing with confusion.
You hesitate for a moment, searching for the right words to convey your emotions. "This," you say, your voice trembling slightly. "Us. Our relationship. Are we really meant to be together?"
MC blinks, caught off-guard by your question. Their expression shifts, clouded with uncertainty. "What makes you ask that?" they inquire cautiously, their tone guarded.
You take a moment to gather your thoughts, your fingers absentmindedly raking through your hair. "I don't know," you admit with a sigh. "I guess I'm just scared. Scared that we'll never have a future, that we're destined for heartache and pain."
As you speak, MC's eyes fill with a profound sadness, casting a shadow over their features. Their voice carries a hint of melancholy as they respond, "It's a valid concern," they acknowledge, their words heavy with truth. "I can't deny that there are risks, that we might stumble and fall. But isn't that what love is all about? Taking that leap of faith and trusting that we'll land safely together, no matter what happens."
The memory of their passion for life, their belief in the power of love, fills you with a sense of wonder. As you continue your leisurely stroll, the warm glow of the city lights play in the sky above, casting long shadows on the ground.
You can feel MC's eyes on you, their gaze a mixture of longing and trepidation. "Do you have any fears or regrets about us?" they ask, their voice a tremor in the air.
A sigh escapes your lips, a thousand emotions rising to the surface. "I suppose I'm just afraid," you confess, your voice carrying the weight of uncertainty. "Fear of being hurt, fear of losing you, fear of not being worthy of your love. It's a deeply rooted insecurity, and sometimes I wonder if we're just walking down a path destined for ruin and scars."
A silence falls between you, filled with the unspoken emotions that simmer beneath the surface. MC's gaze softens, their hand brushing against yours in a silent gesture of comfort. "I understand," they say gently. "It's not easy, this business of loving and being loved. We can only take the leap of faith, and hope that we will land safely together, no matter what."
The sky is a canvas of colors, the sun a ball of fire in the east, casting a warm glow over the world. In this moment, you feel the weight of the world lifting from your shoulders, your soul opening to the possibilities that lie beyond.
Suddenly, a twinkle of mischief flashes in MC's eyes. "Do you really want to know the truth?" they ask, their voice hushed and conspiratorial. "The secret that's been eating away at me, the doubt that lingers in my heart?"
Nodding, you lean closer, a sense of urgency settling in the pit of your stomach. MC hesitates, their gaze falling to the ground, their words carrying the weight of their hesitation. "I've often wondered if we're really meant to be together," they confess, their voice laced with melancholy. "Sometimes I feel like I'm holding you back, preventing you from living your fullest potential."
A surge of emotions rushes through you, a mixture of disbelief and compassion. "I don't think you're holding me back," you say, your voice strained with a mixture of incredulity and frustration. "I feel just as fiercely connected to you as you do to me, if you were not here I feel incomplete and your the missing piece that makes me whole don't ever doubt that MC!"
Their eyes meet yours, glistening with a hint of sorrow. "I know you feel that way," they admit, their voice trembling with emotion. "But I still feel a sense of guilt, a nagging doubt that whispers in the back of my mind."
Gently, you take MC's hand, your fingers lacing through theirs, a gesture of reassurance and support. "I'm with you every step of the way, my love," you whisper, your voice filled with conviction and passion. "No matter what happens, we'll face it together, side by side, just as we always have."
Your words seem to ignite a flame within MC, their eyes flashing with a renewed sense of determination. "You're right," they affirm, their tone tinged with a touch of resolution. "We've got each other, and that's all that matters in the end."
As the two of you resume your walk, a profound sense of connection resonates through your beings, a bond forged in the fires of trials and triumphs, a bond that will withstand the test of time and by fate theirselves. Yet the fates does not like being tested.
Without any warning an arrow sailed into the air and finding purchase on the chest of MC. By the time you had time to process what had happened, MC was already on the ground, gasping for breath, their eyes glazed over with the inevitable.
You frantically rush towards them, the world around you fading to a dull blur, a storm of emotions roiling in your heart. "MC! Please stay with me," you cry, cradling their body in your arms, feeling the life slowly slipping away.
"I'm sorry," they gasp, their voice carrying the weight of a thousand regrets, their eyes fluttering close. You looked at the direction where the arrow was sent and from there you see a figure obscured by the shadows, watching you hold MC in your amrs with interest.
You grit your teeth in rage, a fury unlike anything you have ever felt rising within you. You wanted nothing more than to rip the bastard limb from limb, to make them suffer a thousand deaths for what they had done.
But in the end, the only thing you could do was hold MC in your arms as their life faded away, a shuddering breath escaping their lips as they slipped into the abyss. The pain was overwhelming, a sudden emptiness filling your heart as the reality of what had happened dawned on you.
How could this happen? Why did it have to be MC, the one person who had brought light into your world, the one person who had made you believe in the magic of love and life? As you sat there, eyes welling with tears, your heart racing with adrenaline, you heard footsteps approaching. Looking up, you saw the shadowed figure. "Whyyyy?!" you scremaed in anguiush body shaking.
"There's a bounty on you Lucian that arrow was meant for you!" thye said in an ominous tone. "Then why target them?" you inquire crying.
"Because they ask me to do so their life for yours!" they said indifferent. "Who could do such a thing?" you rage.
"Don't underestimate love and vengeance Lucian, for it drives men to desperate measures and revenge. There are people who have set their sights on you. People who wish to eliminate you, and hurt those you care for."
You listen in confusion, tears streaming down your face. "Who could hate me so much to hire someone to do such a thing? And how did they know where we were?" The shadowed figure lets out a low chuckle, their voice grating and cold. "You're not a fool, Lucian. You know who your enemies are, and how far they'll go to get what they want. But don't worry. They have yet to touch me, and my job is not done with their dying wish they want me to protect you!"
You clenched your jaw, a mixture of anger and sorrow washing over you. "It shouldn't have to be like this," you growl, your voice filled with the weight of a thousand regrets. "We've done nothing to deserve such treatment. What a terrible world we live in, where love and happiness are rewarded with death and suffering." The shadowed figure shrugged, their posture rigid and emotionless.
"This is the life you chose, and now you must live with the consequences. But don't fear. I will protect you, for as long as I'm able."
You could feel your heart hardening, a fire of vengeance burning within you. "I'm going to find them," you vow, your voice trembling with rage. "And when I do, I'll make them pay for what they've done. For MC, and for everything else that they've stolen from us."
The figure's voice rose, a mixture of warning and sympathy. "It may not be as easy as you think. You're in danger, Lucian, and those who seek you will not rest until you are eliminated. It's safer if you stay with me, where I can protect you."
"YOU!" you spat! "the one who wanted to killed me?" you shout incredously. "The one who took my love from me?!"
Their eyes glinted in the dim light, their posture rigid and emotionless. "I only did what was necessary to fulfill my task," they retorted. "Your life for theirs, just like they wanted it to be."
A rage filled your heart, a desire for retribution bubbling to the surface. "They would have never wanted it like this. They were good, and kind, and loving. You've taken that away, and you'll pay for it with your life!"
The figure's voice rose, a mixture of warning and sympathy. "Then kill me!" they throwed a knife, skidding on the ground and stopping to you. "But after being done with that, what will you do next?" they asked patiently. "Use your anger and direct it to those who are responsible for the bounty because even if I didn't took the kill someone else will, I just beat them to the punch!" they says bored.
With shaking hands, you pick up the knife, the cold metal a welcome weight in your palm. "Then they'll have to deal with me!" you declare, your voice filled with a mixture of trepidation and determination. "I'm not going to let you or anyone else get away with this!"
The figure chuckled, a cold, humorless sound. "Good luck with that, Lucian. You're going to need it." With that, they turned and fled, leaving you alone with your thoughts and your pain. "If you have second thoughts find me at the Siren's Call!" they voice echoes on the alley.
You stand there, a thousand emotions swirling through your mind. The knife feels heavy in your hand, the urge to slay the bastard who dared lay a finger on your love consuming you. But deep down, you know that you need to bide your time, to hunt down your enemies and make them pay for their transgressions.
You clutch the knife, feeling a sense of calm wash over you, a clarity that settles in the deepest recesses of your soul. No matter what, you will not rest until the one responsible for MC's death has paid the ultimate price.
Gently, you crouch down and pull MC's body close to yours, feeling the sting of tears pricking your eyes. "I'll make them pay for this," you whisper, your voice filled with a mixture of rage and determination. "I promise you, MC. I won't let them get away with this." With those words, you carefully lift MC in your arms and begin the long, painful journey to bury the love of your life.
Later that night, you arrive at the Siren's Call, a gathering place for those seeking refuge from the shadows of the world. The moment you enter, you feel the weight of a thousand eyes on you, a mixture of pity and curiosity swirling in their depths. Taking a seat, you feel your gaze drawn to a figure standing in the corner.
They look familiar, their face shrouded in darkness, their posture rigid and imposing. Something about them piques your interest, and you quickly make your way towards them. As you approach, the figure seems to stiffen, their eyes glittering with a mixture of amusement and apprehension. "We meet again, Lucian," they say, their voice a low growl.
In an instant, you recognize them. "Who are you?" you question, your voice trembling with a mixture of trepidation and rage.
The figure laughs, a cold, humorless sound. "Isn't it obvious? I'm the one who took your love away, the one who watched as they lay dying in your arms."
Something inside you snaps, a rage surging through your veins like wildfire. "You bastard! You deserve to die for what you've done! I'll make you pay for what you've done, you hear me? I'll make you pay!"
The figure shakes their head, their eyes glinting with amusement. "Don't be so hasty, Lucian," they say, their tone riddled with hints of mockery and taunting. "I can help you, you know. I can help you track down the ones who put a bounty on your head, the ones who are responsible for their demise."
Something about the figure's words sends chills down your spine, a mixture of unease and curiosity bubbling to the surface. "How?" you question, your voice tinged with a hint of suspicion.
"Simple. I have connections, I have power, I can tell you what you want to know, whether it be the identities of your enemies or the secrets that lie beneath the surface."
Without warning, the figure lurches forward, their breath hot against your cheek. "What do you say, Lucian? Are you in?"
You hesitate, the urge to make them pay rising within you. But then you think of MC, their smile, their laughter, their unwavering determination and kindness. If you were to act rashly, who knows what could happen.
Before you can answer, the figure grabs your hand, their fingers digging into your palm. "Tell me what you want, and I can deliver. But you must know that there are consequences, that there will be a price to pay."
Their words echo in your mind, their meaning swirling with a mixture of intrigue and caution. You want answers, you want revenge, and they may be the key to it all. "Yes," you say, your voice a tremble on the air, "I'm in."
The figure chuckles, a low, guttural sound. "Good. Now let me tell you everything you need to know."
As the figure speaks, their words burn through you, a fury unlike anything you've ever felt igniting within you.
(Lucas' POV)
As the night drew to a close, your fingers interlocked with MC's, and a warm glow spread through your chest. The moonlight danced in their eyes, illuminating the love and joy that radiated between you. It felt like a dream come true, a love story written just for you.
The touch of their hand sent electric shivers down your spine, and a smile couldn't help but grace your lips as your fingers intertwined. In that moment, everything else faded away, and it was just you and MC, lost in each other's presence.
Time seemed to stand still as the world around you ceased to exist. The love that you thought was elusive had found its way into your life, and you were grateful beyond words. The weight of your busy work life seemed to melt away, replaced by the pure bliss of being with someone who made you feel whole and complete.
But then, as if a dark cloud had suddenly appeared, MC furrowed their brow in concern, breaking the spell of the moment. Their touch felt real, their warmth undeniable, but doubts crept into your mind, whispering that it might all be too good to be true.
With a mix of vulnerability and determination, you stopped walking and turned to face MC. Their eyes searched yours for answers, sensing the turmoil that had clouded your thoughts. Unable to contain the overwhelming emotion welling up inside you, you reached out and cupped MC's cheek, the softness of their skin grounding you in the moment.
Tears glistened in your eyes as you spoke, your voice choked with sincerity. "With you, everything feels perfect. I can't believe I'm so lucky to have you in my life," you whispered, your heart swelling with gratitude.
In that fragile moment, MC's embrace enveloped you, drawing you closer, and you let your guard down completely, allowing yourself to be held by them. Their presence provided a refuge, a sense of safety and solace that you had never known before.
But then, amidst the darkness, a glint caught your eye, and your heart clenched with fear. Instinctively, you turned your body around, shielding MC from the imminent danger that loomed ahead.
In a split second, MC spun around, taking the bolt hurtling towards you directly in their back. Your breath caught in your throat as you watched in horror, your eyes widening with disbelief. The pain in your chest was overwhelming as the reality of the situation hit you like a thunderbolt.
MC, standing there with the bolt lodged in their back, their face contorted in pain, shattered your heart into a million pieces. Without hesitation, you rushed to MC's side, catching them in your arms and gently laying them down on the rain-soaked ground, their blood staining your hands as you held them close.
Tears streamed down your face as you whispered MC's name over and over, unable to fathom the reality of the situation. MC's hand dropped to their side, their eyes closing, but before the darkness took hold, they managed to utter, "I feel lucky to have you in my life as well."
You leaned close and kissed their forehead, your heart breaking as you realized the gravity of the sacrifice they had made for you. The weight of the moment was unbearable, and you couldn't understand why such senseless violence had befallen you and MC.
In the midst of your grief, the attacker emerged from the shadows, their boots splashing on the rain-soaked ground as they approached. You didn't spare them a glance, your entire focus on MC, holding onto their fading form with all your might.
The attacker spoke, their voice dripping with malice, "May you have a peaceful and gentle death," as they callously threw a rose near MC's motionless body. Anger and confusion boiled over within you, and you shouted, "Why have you done this?" Your voice trembled with a mix of rage and sorrow, but the attacker remained masked, their eyes the only visible feature.
They showed no remorse as they replied, their voice cold and callous, "A warning, and if you don't heed it, there will be more to follow." With that, they turned their back on you, leaving you with a sense of helplessness and anger.
As the attacker vanished into the alleyways, their words echoed in your ears, causing you to gasp for air. "Tread carefully, Royal Protector," they shouted, their voice laced with malice. "You have no idea how many enemies you have made in your line of duty!"
The reality of the situation hit you like a ton of bricks. They had killed MC as an act of revenge against you. Your mind reeled with disbelief and anguish. It was supposed to be you lying on the ground, facing death's door, not MC.
The unfairness of it all, the cruel twist of fate, made you feel like a pawn in a sick game. But amidst the overwhelming emotions, you pushed them aside and focused on the task at hand.
Gently hoisting MC's body in your arms, you moved through the dark, rain-slicked streets, determined to find help despite the urgency of the situation. The weight of MC's limp form grew heavier with each step, as if the burden of their fading life force was transferred to you.
Your eyes scanned the surroundings, searching for any signs of aid, your mind racing with desperation. Raindrops fell on your face, mixing with your tears, as you moved with a sense of urgency.
The night seemed to close in around you, the darkness deepening, and the silence broken only by the distant sounds of the city. You could feel MC's breathing becoming shallower, their body growing colder in your arms. The preciousness of each passing moment weighed heavily on you, urging you to move faster, to find help before it was too late.
As you carried MC, startled faces of passersby turned to stare, but you brushed past them, determined to reach your destination. Your heart pounded in your chest, your mind focused solely on saving MC, pushing aside your own exhaustion and grief. Yet its's too late MC is gone forevermore but you didn't stop too hopeful that maybe that there's someone or anyone can help you in your plight and bring air back to MC's lungs once more.
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sati-kon · 7 months
I highly doubt you're gonna see this but
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WOAH COOL!! Makes me feel bad I stopped making videos tho :/
I had a couple more I was in the middle of editing in 2018, but the hot, humid summer killed my hard drive, and most of the stuff I was using I had to rip myself (lotta cropping mistakes in rips I found online) which was very time-consuming with the backdrops taking me hours to clean up in the way I wanted.
I was gonna do the rest of the Sea of Death stuff (like maybe ~12 more videos) and also had a special Sal one that I can't remember too much about. If anyone actually cares about my weird AU lemme know I guess and I'll make a post explaining it.
I'm still alive tho. I watch Funamusea's streams sometimes even :>
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lostnfounder · 11 months
[The following is an interaction that took place between Lostfield Reporter Ruth Shirbon and Chase Bonk the demon.]
[The audio is filled with the backdrop of people talking, occasionally laughing, occasionally clinking silverware on plates. Some nondescript soft rock song is playing quietly in the background as a waitress calls out an order number, and then someone closer to the phone begins to speak.]
R: So.
C: [Taking an excessive amount of time getting comfortable.]
R: [Clears throat.]
C: Ah- Uh. Hi.
R: [Dryly.] Hi, Chase.
C: Uh. Nice… booth, we’re at, huh? I’ve never actually been, uh, in here.
R: [Frowns.] … Yes you have.
C: Huh?
R: I watched you steal a bag of food from here in my car.
C: Wh- Ohhh, my god, I remem- wait, you saw that?? 
R: Yeah. I was… writing a log, in my car. I think.
C: Oh, jeez. [Awkward pause.] Good thing I wore my disguise, then! Wouldn’t want any, uh- [He looks alarmed as a waitress passes.] -any angry employees recognizing me.
{For context, Chase was wearing a some old school baseball cap I had lying around in my house the entire time.}
R: If anything, if they recognized you, they’d probably want your autograph. [Take a fry out of the basket in the middle of the table and pops it in their mouth, wincing at how hot it is.] They’d think you’re still, uh, what’s his face, Charles-
C: Charlie. 
R: Right, uh. Charlie Goopsicle or whatever.
C: It’s. It’s not that hard to remember.
R: When have I remembered literally anything.
C: [Furrows his brow.] Plenty of times. Like literally just now when you-
R: Chase.
C: What.
R: [Raises eyebrows.]
C: What!! I’m… Oh. Right. I’m, uh, stalling, huh.
R: [Nods slowly.]
C: Ah.
[Long silence, filled by more restaurant ambience.]
R: [Loud sigh.]
C: Okay, okay! Uh. Where do I… [Exhales nervously.] Okay. Uh, okay. So. It started with… uh… I was… streaming, and then… I… wasn’t. I’d just ended stream. Uhm. And. I-I don’t really remember the next part, but there was this… woman. Uhm. Who… Pulled me away, and. There were a lot of other people. Mostly other streamers, I think. But the lady, uh. She’s the one who gave me the sword. Uhm. I-I don’t remember… a lot. 
[Slight pause.]
C: She… She seemed sad. In an angry way. E-Everyone I saw there did. That… The arm guy, uh.
R: Edgar?
C: Yeah, him. That, uh, was around the time we interacted, maybe. I don’t… really remember. I remember a crowbar, and… [Trails off into silence.]
R: And…?
C: I don’t know. I-It’s all a blur. I don’t… I don’t like thinking about it. That’s… That’s why I haven’t. Said anything. So far. I’m sorry.
R: [Furrows brow.] You don’t have to apologize, Chase.
C: [Nearly cutting them off.] But I do remember falling out of the window. She, uh. She pushed me.
R: Jesus fucking Christ??
C: What? No, no, it was a good thing!
R: Defenestrating you was a good thing?? 
C: Y- What?
R: Do you seriously not know what that word means by now. That’s like, my go-to joke threat.
C: N-
[Suddenly, a waitress appears at the side of the table.]
W: Can I get y’all anything else? Drink refills?
R: No, no, we’re-
C: Can I get another Shirley Temple?
W: Of course, sweetie. 
[She walks off and Chase turns back to Ruth with a shit eating grin.]
R: I can’t believe you’ve done that. Twice.
C: She called me sweetie.
R: [Sigh, but she snorts afterwards. Their tone turns serious again.] But, uh. Continue.
C: [Deep breath in and out.] Yeah. Yeah, uh. When I first got… outside, I just… laid there. For a minute. I looked up and… saw the sky, and… stars, for the first time, and… [Mournful laugh.] I thought I was fucking dead.
R: [Very quietly.] Jesus christ, Chase.
C: Yeah. But then some of the other streamers pulled me up off the ground and tried to figure out what we were gonna do. Most of them fucking ran off as soon as they got out, which is… basically what I ended up doing, actually. There were a few people that tried to tag along with me, at first, but… I don’t know. I was scared out of my mind. Showfall was everything I’d… and now I had to leave, because it was killing me, but. God. The month in the woods was the part I wish I didn’t remember. 
R: What about the people that followed you though? When I found you you were alone.
C: Yeah, uh. I left them. They all went to sleep. I was… supposed to be taking first watch. And I just… left. I’m pretty sure they’re still okay, if I am, but. I still don’t know why I…
R: Hey, you were trying to look out for yourself. 
C: Yeah, and only that. The- The worst part is, I still don’t really care, either. I just- abandoned a group of people that needed me to defend them and took our only- collective weapon with me to another part of the forest and sat there in the dark until the sun rose.
R: Well. I mean. You had just gotten out of Showfall? And you were scared. Scared people do stupid things sometimes.
C: It was stupid.
R: That is… not the point I am trying to make there.
[At this point, the waitress returns and sets Chase’s drink on the table.]
W: Enjoy!
R: Yeah, uh, we will. I guess.
C: [Smiles at the drink, but it kind of fades away after a moment.] I was a coward.
R: Hey, I. I get it, alright?
C: [Glares at them.] No, you really don’t.
R: That- Okay, that’s not what I meant--fuck, I worded that wrong. Uhm. But when I moved out of my parent’s house… I made a lot of dumb decisions. Because I was terrified. Of them. Of that house. I kind of figured it would get better after I left, after I stopped talking to them forever, but. [Dry laugh.] It got worse. It got so much worse. When anyone knocked on my door, I would be frozen in fucking terror because I thought they’d found me--on my worse days I thought it was God, or an angel, or some shit. I’m- I’m sure I scared a lot of food delivery drivers, opening the door crying.
[Pause, for a few moments.]
R: Kind of ironic, huh. Spending all my time theorizing about you demons when I should be scared of angels.
C: Yeah, that’s… you wonder why I was so scared of the pizza guy that first week.
R: Pfft. Yeah. But, y’know. I wasn’t actually in any real danger, not like you, I imagine, but… It still got easier. The more time I spent away from them. 
C: Did you ever leave a group of people to die?
R: Well. No. But you don’t know if they died.
C: What about that corpse in the woods? 
[Ruth freezes for a moment.]
R: I- I don’t know, Chase. Was one of the people with you, like, full of glass and wiring and metal and shit? Was her name Adeline?
C: … No. Okay. You’re right. I’m being paranoid. I just… [Sigh.] I should feel bad about it.
R: Well, you’re still trying to survive. It makes sense if you can’t really care. 
C: Are you? Still trying to survive?
R: [Shrug.] Maybe? Though… I guess if I’ve stopped thinking about that, then maybe not. But… it comes and goes. That time I got the letter from my mom definitely didn’t help. 
C: … Neither did the visit from that employee.
R: But we’re getting better, yeah?
[A pause.]
C: [Quietly. Almost reluctantly.] Yeah. 
R: … Well, if that’s everything, then we can, uh, finish our food, and- did- did you already finish that fucking Shirley Temple??
C: [Blinks and then smiles, his teeth stained red.] Can I have anoth-
R: No!! I am not wasting all of my money on weird mocktails for you. You’re- You’re literally an adult, you can get actual drinks, you know that, right?
C: [Obnoxious drink slurping sounds.] I just think they’re neat.
[Pause for a few moments, the two of them just sitting in comfortable silence while the ambience of the restaurant continues peacefully in the background. Eventually the waitress comes by again and gives them the bill. Ruth pays and the two of them sit there for another moment.]
R: Okay, it’s getting late, uh. We should head out. I’m tired as fuck from staying up to give Adam back to Mr. Fast and Furious last night. [She stands, audibly stretching from the way her joints pop.] Ow.
C: [Frowning as he stands and follows them.] He wasn’t that mad.
R: What?
C: What??
[There’s a swish as the door is pushed open, the quiet noise of the restaurant fading away as the two of them step out into the night. The sound of light rainfall replaces the chatter.]
R: Oh, shit, it’s raining? I didn’t even notice.
[The words are barely out of her mouth before Chase dashes ahead of her into the drizzle.]
R: Pfft, oh my god.
C: It’s RAINING!!!
R: [Starts to walk after him.] I don’t get it, how are you still so excited about this?
C: How am I supposed to get used to WATER falling from the SKY? That’s crazy, man. Absolutely bonkers behavior from the sky right there. Incredible.
R: Yeah- [They pause as they come to a stop at the car parked out front, fumbling with their keys.] -incredibly good at getting me cold and wet. And very sad. [There’s a sound of keys finally sliding into the car lock, and then a car door opening. Ruth, at this point, turns to look back at Chase.] Please get in the car.
[Chase is spinning around in circles in the middle of the parking lot a few meters away from her, laughing hysterically. They sigh over-dramatically.]
R: I will leave you here, I swear to god. 
C: [He yelps.] Okay, okay!! [Footsteps on wet pavement rapidly approach where the recording device is.]
[The two of them both climb in the car, isolating the sound of the rain to just light tapping on the roof overhead.]
R: [Grumbling.] You’re all wet.
C: I’m fine.
R: It’s not you I’m worried about. [She pats her seat as if trying to reassure the car.] There, there. 
C: The car will also be fine.
R: [Ignoring him.] No, shh, shh. Don’t cry. I know.
C: Oh my god.
[They both laugh, snickering ended by the sound of the car starting. There’s a brief pause.]
C: … Did you remember to, like. Turn off your recording thing?
R: What? Of course I… Wait a fucking second-
[There’s a sound of rustling fabric as Ruth hunts for her phone.]
R: Oh my god, I didn-
[Transcript end.]
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justaboot · 2 years
I’m not sure this flashback is gonna make the final cut, so here’s a tiny unedited snippet of my latest WIP.
(More below the cut)
The wind around the mansion was high that night, and even from Webby’s nursery, Bentina could hear the front door bang open far below. She rose from the armchair quickly, and Webby, nearly a year now, grunted in frustration as Bentina passed by her crib in favor of the long window overlooking the dark driveway.
The glass shuttered against its latch in the wind, and even from the third story, she could pick out leaves and sticks and debris blasting from the pine trees bent nearly double in the gale. 
There, in the middle of the drive, stood Scrooge, turning on the spot. He stumbled against the wind, his gaze turned up even as his dressing gown whipped around him like wings.
“That stupid old man,” she muttered, “He’s going to get himself blown away.”
Webby gurgled.
“Oh, you’re right,” Bentina sighed, “That wouldn’t be good for our overhead. You wait here, dear.”
The roar of the wind followed her all the way out of the room, through the hall, and down the stairs. The foyer echoed with it, and as she threw open the front door, even she nearly stumbled back a step.
“Mr. McDuck!” Bentina shouted against the wind, “Mr. McDuck!”
She gripped the door frame for balance, squinting into the dark driveway as dust battered her eyes.
Scrooge’s head remained craned to the dark sky, rich with bright stars blown free of the clouds. Wind ripped at his dressing gown, and he stumbled again.
Bentina cursed, picking her way down the steps. 
“Mr. McDuck, you must come inside! Now!”
Scrooge flung out a hand for balance, and if he wanted to die as a damn kite, then he was more than a grown man and that was his prerogative, but as she rounded his shoulder, she caught a glimpse of his face.
His lips hung open, his eyes wide despite the dust, and they streamed from the wind. Something frantic had settled over his brow and the deep lines on his face, and with the faraway look on his face, Bentina wondered if he even saw the stars themselves.
Even if she needed to ask, it wasn’t her place.
“Come inside,” she said, as loud as she dared, but he pushed her hand away.
“I saw…” he whispered, “I thought I saw…”
Her stomach sank, and she, too, turned her head skyward to follow his gaze.
High overhead, set to the backdrop of endless stars, tail-lights of a commercial plane lazily cut its way through the night sky.
She lowered her gaze back to his face. His feet stayed firmly planted on the ground, but everything else about him looked ready to lift off, every particle and electron that made up his very core seeking upward.
“Come inside,” she said gently.
She ran a hand over his elbow, and this time he let her. His gaze dropped as she turned him back to the still-open door, and every ounce of momentum drained from his shoulders.
“I think I’ll be making a cup of tea,” she said, “Why don’t you join me?”
He considered it, she could see it pass over him as they mounted the stairs. Bentina stepped into the circle of light on the porch, but his eyes moved back up to the black sky, hesitating. 
For the first time in the long years she’d known him, he looked like a very small, very old man.
“She’s made it this long,” Bentina dared, “She’ll make it one more night.”
Scrooge wavered at the edge of the light, and Bentina watched him scan the empty night.
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mwezina · 2 years
More thoughts on FE3H Classpect Crossover.
What if the crests as we know them in FE3H are actually a unique combination of two aspects? (Class is decided by a different thing... At least in my headcanon.)
So let's say the Crest of Seiros, which is represented by The High Priestess, actually contains the aspects of Light and Life. Light because The High Priestess holds divine knowledge (whether she guards it or knows it). Life because the backdrop of pomegranates, and also because the reverse of The High Priestess is passion and ardour, things more easily represented by Life, which is full of will. (I admit, Life is a bit of a stretch, but I see that drive in both Rhea and Edelgard, so I'm gonna go with it.)
So these unique combinations manifested in some physical manner on Rhea and all the other Nabateans that were Sky Dragons. Let's say for Rhea, hers manifested as a little symbol of Seiros on her forehead.
And while Sothis lived, these different (and for some other dragons, opposing) aspects could coexist harmoniously in a Dragon.
But the day that Sothis died, every Nabatean around the world felt it. They felt the pain of their aspects separating, becoming distorted and discordant. For Rhea, she felt it as a terrible pain as two separate aspects seared themselves into her flesh. Her crest of Seiros divided into Light and Life. The Life symbol hangs delicately from her forehead, a mockery of her former crest. The Light symbol is burned onto her wrist.
When humans drank the blood of Nabateans, only one aspect presents itself. A dual aspect (just like dual crests) cannot coexist within a human. The anguish of being pulled in two separate directions would eventually destroy a human's soul. But Nabateans, being born with two aspects and having lived with them mixed together for so long, could easily withstand it and allow themselves to flow with the stream of fate.
For them to pass as humans, they would always have to hide one symbol. So when Rhea was the Divine Warrior Seiros, she hid her forehead (her little headplate thingy!!). Hiding her role as the Seer of Life. Once she became Archbishop and embraced her role as a temporary guide of Fódlan, she hid her wrist (long sleeves!!). Hiding her former role as the Rogue of Light.
And so she waits until her mother's return, when she could embrace each part of herself as a harmonious whole. But I have to wonder, after a millennium of living with her aspects separated, could she ever be whole the way she was before?
And what about all the people with crests who only possess one aspect? Would they realize they're half of what they were meant to be?
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simulated-inkydoc · 1 year
i really really wanna try a rags to riches challenge for myself, i think that would be fun :3 do you think i could build a functional house with just stuff pulled from a dumpster? like i got this amazing piece of cc by Ravasheen that can "clean" burnt stuff that comes from dumpster, maybe i wanna try furnishing a place with just those 🤔 idk if you can get counters that way, but i guess i'm just gonna have to try :D
now i can see myself doing this in two different ways. either i make a very eco-living loves the outdoors sim and have a sort of self-sustaining lot and maybe live off of fabricating stuff at the community spaces, or i get my little sim i made specifically for gaming and streaming and work my way up to a house with a nice backdrop for streaming. that second one may not work with only dumpster stuff tho. yea. tbh i just really like that sim because she is pretty and her clothes are very cute, i might just use her anyway and see where it goes :D she can fabricate stuff in her spare time if she so wishes, right?
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noblechaton · 2 years
big rambly gwitch finale post before bed
holy fucking shit dude what a finale like damn okay
I love love love the way the show gradually ramped up from the almost whimsical vibes of the first episode to the shock and horror of the finale - how it called back to and felt more in line with the prologue than anything else in the series to that point. adore how they handled the gradual build up. the animation’s so much fun to watch and the soundtrack really hits when it wants - that hug in ep 11 with that backdrop could have made me legit cry if it lasted a lil longer lol
and Suletta UGH my girl Suletta....did not expect for things to get as real as they did in regards to her and how close I felt to what she went thru lmao like her wandering around mishearing ppl and believing herself useless to the same ppl she thought were her friends bc she was in a big time slump like....ouch ok dont come for me like this but also just. everything else about her too. her wide eyed optimism and devotion to the friends she makes. I love my tanuki girl so much I only want the best for her and miomio
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speaking of here is where I’m gonna spout a stream of thought about what the fuck is going on with All That in that I have no fucking clue as to what exactly the deal is - Suletta’s been at times very childlike to this point and so Prospera giving her the mere suggestion, a nudge of sorts while she was in shock, like I could totally buy it if its just a bit of gaslighting but also what is up with her eyes?? they really focused on that shine when Prospera was talking to her so like....is her mind being controlled? we still know so little about Prospera in the present and even less about the true nature of Suletta. is she really Eri from the prologue? or is she a clone of Eri that’s basically able to be controlled by her mother? or an Eri made obedient thru mind control of some sort?? or is everything post-credits and how she acted after what she did just her sorta mentally reverting to a happier state of mind due to trauma?? some sort of conditioning reapplied each time she sees her mom or a mental shutdown?? how deep does it go if it goes anywhere at all??? 
like she went from a panic attack to a Suletta Splat in no time flat so something has to be going on there right but the what of it all eludes me still. hope whatever it is that my girl will be okay  
really hope we get a solid episode or two devoted to like. Unpacking Everything There since I can’t see Miorine not being scarred bc I mean damn that visual near the end with the bloody hand and the darker lighting mirroring the end of the first ep’s brighter lighting - her hero come to save her, yet now twisted and darker. but also can’t see her being like. mad at or broken up about Suletta’s actions for too long especially if she comes to realize that one way or another the swat was not Suletta in her right mind. it was the Suletta she knows yes but not Suletta I feel if that makes sense. I get the feeling that Suletta doesn’t even really know what she did here - in her mind she was living by the gain two code and doing as she’d said in staying by Mio’s side and saving her again but in a far less innocuous, romantic way well maybe there’s still some romance in there if ya like that sorta thing thats gonna put a massively interesting twist on their relationship going forward I feel
but speaking of the pairing I love that they seem to really be leaning towards Sulemio as the proper canon pairing and hope they do commit to it and that we get a proper love confession at least - both bc I adore the pairing itself and bc I don’t like Suletta with any of the guys lol - while I’m super excited to see where Guel goes from here after his oopsie fucky wucky with y’know the whole blade thru his own dad thing lmao. kinda feel like I’d be cool not seeing the Earthian terrorist group again if only bc I found them a sudden thing and did not care for Sophie in particular at least atm since I’m sorta over her character type but I’m sure they’ll be cool later I’m just sorta over the quirky killer girl lol
anyway this was fun to ramble about expect me to do so again as the show lingers in my brain and if I’m not annoying in the meantime then I’ll be super annoying when it comes back in April and/or whenever my Suletta/Aerial/Miorine kits finally get in. whichever happens first really
but gotdamn she fucking squished a guy dude
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coghive · 2 years
Benjamin Hastings Drops Pre-Release Track “Eden (Isn’t It Just Like You?)” & Announces Date For Full-Length Debut
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Singer, songwriter, and worship leader Benjamin William Hastings joins Capitol Christian Music Group and will release his self-titled solo debut on November 4th. Hastings’ debut full-length album is an artistic 25-track journey of honest self-expression featuring dynamic songwriting. Today he releases a brand new song, “Eden (Isn’t Just Like You?),” from the forthcoming album. The lyric video is available below and you can click here to pre-save Benjamin William Hastings. “Ben is an exceptional artist and songwriter with a unique ability to communicate vulnerable, personal truths that resonate with a global audience,” share Brad O’Donnell (CCMG, Co-President) and Hudson Plachy (CCMG, Co-President). “He explores his faith through his music with honesty and authenticity. We are so excited to be partnering with him on his debut album release.” Listeners have come to know and love Hastings’ lyrics and voice as he co-wrote and is featured on UNITED’s RIAA Certified Gold song, “So Will I (100 Billion X),” Hillsong Worship’s widely acclaimed “Seasons,” and has co-written fan favorites such as Cory Asbury’s No. 1 single “The Father’s House” and Brandon Lake’s “Gratitude.” The songs he has written have been streamed globally more than 600 million times. Hastings has also toured this year on the Chris Tomlin x UNITED tour along with Jesus Culture’s Bryan & Katie Torwalt.
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Leading up to his debut, Hastings has released additional songs that will live on this project: “Homeward” “A Father’s Blessing,” “Anyway,” and “The Jesus I Know.” The Benjamin William Hastings album includes songs co-written by Joel Houston, Aodhan King, Blessing Offor, David Leonard, Hank Bentley, Jeremy Lutito, and Josh Grimmett. “The story of Eden has always been an incredibly fascinating story to me, perhaps my favorite biblical narrative,” shares Benjamin William Hastings about the new song. “The more I look the more I see, especially as I study it and the historical backdrop. There’s so much happening that I couldn’t even begin to unpack in a song. However, I did attempt (with a great deal of amazing co-writers) to show one thread of the meta-narrative and that is this song. The story of a God who takes even the worst and redeems it till it’s better than before. A tale of three trees, two Adams, and a whole new Eden in the end.” Hastings continues, “I’ve been really quite fortunate that in the various things I’m connected to that I’ve always had the ability to write freely and be myself, say the things I’ve needed to say and say it in a way that sounded like me. Things with my accent, my lilt, and between that and occasionally writing songs for friends, I have felt really quite content with my life and contribution to the world. However, a number of years ago now, songs started coming out of me that didn’t feel like they belonged anywhere but they didn’t feel like they should die either. I felt like there were things that needed to be said and I felt like I needed to be the one to say them. They were too personal to me to just put through any other voice and I’m so so grateful for everyone who embarked on this very long journey with me, and I’m so proud of where it landed. If I could summarise what you should expect from this album in a sentence or two it would be precisely this lyric from the first track ‘Hold onto your hats, hold onto your hearts. We’re gonna lie in the dirt but we’ll stare at the stars.’” https://youtu.be/fWnTTESXUYI https://coghive.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/09/Benjamin-William-Hastings-Eden-Isnt-It-Just-Like-You-1-1.mp3 Read the full article
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delicrieux · 4 years
☆ミ 𝚖𝚊𝚔𝚎 𝚢𝚘𝚞 𝚜𝚊𝚢 “𝚘𝚑”
y/n is back in brooklyn for the holidays. thinking that a stream will make her feel less homesick for cali, she starts working on her famously titled hentai.free.srv. what was supposed to be a relaxing stream turns into a special delivery about two hours in.
─── corpse husband x reader ─── soc. media + written fiction! ─── word count: 2.2k ─── ❥ req: Here's one... You know those apps for delivery like Domino's or whatnot... What if reader is streaming Among Us with Corpse, and reader mentions they're hungry and Corpse offers to order them food, and readers like no no it's fine... Then there's delivery at the door (Corpse ordered beforehand) 
author’s note: fucky format is also back in town baby!!! also if you find any mistakes - no u didnt <3 thank u everyone for enjoying this story sm i literally cant believe how feral yall going strawberry cow was a nuclear explosion im still recovering tbh. got an ask a while ago and decided to incorporate it into myso. happy holidays everyone! myso will continue on monday!
ultimate masterlist.  ҉  myso masterlist   ҉   previous.  ҉   next.
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Indeed, being soft on any social media platform was the biggest disgrace and needed to be eliminated post haste. Moreover, it was a slippery slope - once you start flooding your timeline with cute imagery and heart emojis, what will stop you from posting inspirational Facebook quotes? Disgusting. If Rae were here, she would chide you (not you thinking about her as if she’s dead or something). For once in your life, you feel like you deserve it. 
Alas, you hope this little chaos you’ve caused is enough to throw everyone off. The stans, especially. You know the hashtags, you’ve seen ARMY scourging for info online with the same fervor and ruthlessness 1 Direction fans hacked airport security cameras just to spy on the boys. If you had any dirty secrets online, they are out to the public now - thankfully, besides the Harry Styles stan account (with edits and all), you have nothing. Though, now that you think about it, exposed nudes would have been better than your Punk!Harry edit receiving almost a million views. God, your life’s a fucking mess.
Your fans aren’t the only ones out for info - you, too, are trying to decipher Rae’s message. Code: Barbecue Sauce. The two of you had come up with it roughly two years ago, around the same time when you promised that if you didn’t find significant others by the time you’re 40, you’ll just marry each other. It was one of the many rules found in your friendship codex. Barbecue Sauce signifies information - an exchange of information. And depending on how it ends or begins (”So I’m sitting there” alludes to Rae, “On my titties” alludes to you), secret data on that person is given away, usually free of charge. 
But why? And to whom did Rae give away what? You had pestered her mercilessly and even sent some voice messages where you were crying. You were only crying because of a video of a grandpa smiling you saw on TikTok, but you are a snake, and so you put those tears to good use. If streaming doesn’t work out, you’ll just become an actress. Hollywood would love you. Your PR firm sure as fuck wouldn’t, though.
Rae was having none of it. She said you’ll figure it out eventually. Told you to channel your superior puzzle skills. You were quick to remind her that you can barely count to ten without having an aneurysm. Oddly serious, she admitted that she worries for you sometimes. Why only sometimes?! you demanded. She merely sighed. uttering under her breath something that sounded closely to “Boke.”
You leave her for barely a week and she’s already neck deep in the gay volleyball anime, hoodie and cardboard cutout and everything. Your life is falling apart.
But Brooklyn is nice. It had snowed when you stepped off of the plane. Thousands of snowflakes sprinkling into your hair, dotting your cheeks and nose. You missed this sight back in Cali. You missed your parents, too. 
Home cooked meals, old sweaters, your old room and about 40GB worth of old high school pictures on your computer. You went through them all one night. Some were stomach churning, cringe inducing nightmares. You were especially fond of those. Texted some of your friends that were still in Brooklyn, met up, decided to bake. Bad idea, Rae was the resident chef back in Cali. Besides laughing till your stomach hurt, and almost burning down your kitchen, nothing all that significant happened. Somewhere down the line, at about 3 am, half-way through a cheesy rom-com you had the overwhelming urge to text Corpse.
That’s where the problems really started. God, you missed California, missed being in the same timezone with a guy you hadn’t even met yet, how embarrassing is that?! You missed skating around and taking pictures of the beach in the setting sun, sending it to him, silently wishing he was with you to admire the view. 
You really want to call him. And to hang out with him. But for some reason, the thought of that springs up immediate anxiety and you shy away from asking. Him sending you cute good morning texts doesn’t help, either. Maybe it’s better he doesn’t know that you’re a blushing, stuttering mess each time you read “baby”. 
Late evening. Your stream is already set up, people are slowly trickling in and you greet them with a grin and a soft “Hello! Hi hi!”. You did your best to make your room a perfectly chaotic backdrop - led lights, an embarrassing amount of anime merch and plushies. You always try to balance out your weeb side by dressing hot as fuck for your streams - today’s inspiration just so happens to be egirls. Mostly because you watched one too many egirl make-up tutorials on TikTok, and also because you’ve been listening to Corpse’s song all day.
Yeah, no, who are you kidding, you dressed up this way because you were hoping Corpse was watching your stream. You didn’t forget your cat headphones, either. You know he likes them. You want to make him suffer. Perhaps then, finally, he will ask you out, so you wouldn’t have to.
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“I feel like,” You start when you put away your phone, staring idly at the chat, “I feel like I need a new name for you guys. Calling you guys after two years of streaming is just... weird, no? I also don’t respect men so I don’t want to call you guys. Like, so many creator’s have, like, a name for their fans. Uhm, Cody Ko has the chodesters, Kurtis Conner has, uh, folks? Kurtis Town? Citizens! Markiplier has mommy issues--” You can’t help snorting, “So, I’ve been, like, thinking - I know, shocking! - so I was thinking I’m gonna name you cockroaches. Because you’re grimy little shits impossible to kill. And also then I can use the legendary Minaj meme ROACHES!”
Your stream enthusiastically echoes ROACHES, making the chat swim. Yes, if anyone would enjoy such a name, it would be your audience. You’re as equally proud as you are disturbed.
“Well, anyway.” Leaning back into your chair, you throw your arms out with a bright grin, “Big dick is back in town, baby! If you noticed the backdrops different, it’s cuz I’m in Brooklyn now. Don’t ask me when I will return to Always Sunny, I don’t plan that far ahead.”
While Minecraft boots up, you decide to answer a few questions.
r u dating sykkuno?
You want to smack your head into the keyboard, but as it is, you can’t exactly afford a new one, so you refrain, “No, Sykkuno and I are not dating, we are just good friends. Uhm, I’m not sure how much I’ll have to repeat this, but, we really aren’t, so if the roaches could chill - Oh my God, that sounds so stupid, I love it - uh, yeah, if the roaches could chill that’d be great.”
the roaches lmao sounds like we’re a sports team
“Oh shit, yeah it does, uh-- maybe I can make like, jerseys or something. That’d be cool, I think.”
how disappointed are your parents with the way your life turned out?
“My parents are actually not disappointed at all!” You say with a cute little smile, “Uhm, they’re both really proud, actually. They’re glad I found something I love doing and made a job outta it. Dad finds my Youtube videos endearing. Yes, they watch pretty much all of my videos, unless I explicitly tell them not to. And yeah, with all the fucks and thirsting for anime characters. Uhm, it was very embarrassing at first, but I mean, after a while, shame just...doesn’t exist anymore, I guess? Funny thing about my parents, actually, when they watch my videos-” You eye catches a comment, “Oh! No, they only watch my Youtube videos. They don’t know how to use Twitter, thank God. Uhm, anyway-- when they hear a name they don’t know, like, I dunno, Dabi, or something, they google--” You’re grinning by now, eyes crinkling, giggling softly, “--who that is, and buy me like, merch and stuff. It’s really cute. 
can i be adopted by ur parents plz
will you and corpse ever collab?!
You were about to answer, though the man of the hour himself decides to do it for you.
Corpse_Husband: yes.
Okay, not to say your heart skipped a beat, but it totally did. With a pleased smile, you nod, like one of those bobble head toys sold at the dollar store. The motion is oddly reminiscent of Sykkuno’s own nod. Perhaps you had picked it up from him. The chat seems to notice.
pack it up, sykkuno
More questions pile about this mysterious collab you and Corpse are planning. Yeah, you’d like to hear more about it, too, since he single highhandedly decided one was happening right now. Corpse remains silent. Fine, keep your secrets. 
“Okay, guys, oh, I mean, roaches, Oh my God--” You’re covering your mouth, giggling, “-calling all roaches, calling all roaches, calm down. Everyone grab a snack and a blanket I’m turning up the music volume so we can all chill. Entering chill zone. Entering chill zone. Roaches, prepare.”
we are prepared
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An hour or so passes and you grow hungry. It shows with the amount of cakes you had baked in your server. Currently, you find yourself throwing eggs at the wall of one of the renovated houses, your face scrunched in concentration and slight frustration. 24 of the 50 eggs have been wasted. “What’s a girl gotta do to get some chicks around here?” you had uttered under your breath, until, finally, a screech - the egg finally spawns a mob. Your mouth falls open, “Aww, look!” You approach it, so small, walking in zigzags beside you, “It’s a baby chicken! Die, bitch.” The baby chicken is no more as you swing your bedazzled (you have mods) diamond sword. You’re cackling by the time the dust settles.
y/n is a child murderer
“Roaches,” You address your fan-base, spurring another fit of laughter - you can’t get over the name, “I think I’m like, forgetting that eating in Minecraft won’t actually make less hungry in real life.”
take a break and go eat queen <3
“Fuck no, we starve and die like men. Now I actually really need another chicken.”
Another twenty minutes trickle by and you’re trying to lure back a panda from the jungle when there’s a knock on your bedroom’s door. Whipping your head to the side, you slide down your headphones. At the same time, your mom pokes her head through the ajar door, “MOM!” You scream, “Get OUT of my room I’m playing Minecraft!” But your yell has no actual bite to it, as you don’t manage to hide your smile. Your mom laughs, doing some sort of sign language and motioning for you to follow her with her head. That or it’s some sort of performative dance. 
“I’m live right now,” You tell her, pointing at your screen. She knows this already, though, “do you want to say hi?” 
The roaches spam the chat with friendly hellos. You mom, quite impatient now, waves you over. 
“Sorry, roaches, mom needs something. Be back in a bit!”
Stopping the stream, you rush out of your seat and pleased she slinks into the hallway. “What’s this about?”
“Your pizza came.”
“My what now?” You echo, confused.
“Domino’s. You ordered pizza?”
“What? No? I was busy with the stream, I never--”
Thankfully, you had managed to grab your phone from your room before you exited. You almost choke on spit once you read the messages.
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You decide that it’ll be impossible to stream after experiencing what you had just experienced. You tweet out a quick apology to the roaches (God, that fucking name) and say that you had a breakdown but you’re okay. That is as a close to the truth as you managed to muster. It’s a sad sight, chewing and crying; your mom winced when she saw your state - disheveled hair and rundown eyeliner and everything. “D’aww,” She had muttered, caressing the top of your head, “don’t cry my little raccoon.”
If anyone was ever to ask you where did your chaotic nature come from, you’d answer with my mom. To make yourself feel better, you took a selfie - duck face and peace sign and the horrible 2000′s angle. Sent it to Rae. 
looking hot, her message read. 
thanks, was all you replied with.
You couldn’t just leave things as they were. Once you calmed down, you wanted to text Corpse, but how would you follow up the ungodly caps lock and screeching? Impossible. An idea sprung to mind, one that was brave. Taking the first step.
Instead of sending a text, you sent a voice memo.
“Thank you for the pizza, it was delicious.”
You voice still sounded a bit raspy. His reply was instant. Your heart skipped a beat. He sent a voice memo back.
“Glad you liked it, baby.”
He was going to be the death of you.
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tags (in italics is those i couldn’t tag! make sure all’s ok w your settings!) : @littlebabysandboxburritos - @fairywriter-oracle - @tsukishimawh0re - @ofstarsanddreams - @bbecc-a - @annshit - @leahh19 - @letsloveimagines - @bellomi-clarke - @wineandionysus - @guiltydols - @onephootinfrontoftheother - @liamakorn - @thirstyfangirl - @lilysdaydreams - @pan-ini - @mxqicshxp - @tanchosanke - @yoshinorecommends - @flightsandfantasy - @liljennyx3 - @slashersdream - @unknown-and-invisible - @sinister-sleep - @fivedicksinatrenchcoat - @mercury–moon - @peterparkerspjsuit - @unstableye - @simonsbluee - @shinyshimaagain - @ppopty - @siriuslystupid - @crapimahuman - @ofthedewthesunlight - @mythicalamphitrite - @artsyally - @corpsesimpp - @corpsewhitetee - @corpse-husbandsimp - @hyp-oh-critical - @roses-and-grasses - @rhyrhy462 - @sparklylandflaplawyer - @charbkgo - @airwaveee - @creativedogs - @kaitlyn2907 - @loxbbg - @afuckingunicornn - @fleurmoon - @yeolliedokai - @truly-dionysus - @multi-fandom-central707
more tags are in the comments bcs tumblr only allows me to tag 50 people max 💙
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bellafragolina · 2 years
omg tysm 💖💖💖 seeing ur responses to my writings makes me so happy :))
i won’t lie i am WEAK for like role reversals in general? like laventon is so gentle usually so i do love the thought of him being pushed into losing it and taking charge in the bedroom…. but ofc he’s too soft to be like overly aggressive, he’d pin you down and pick up the pace until you’re left screaming for sure but at the same time he’d be babbling some very sweet and romantic stream of conscious stuff about how much he adores you and how perfect you are 🥰🥰 (but i also want to boss him around a bit all the same…..)
ngl i think we’re on the same page w the service top/sub assessment — and on a similar note he absolutely loves going down on you, no matter who initiates or suggests it he’s game haha
i totally love your idea of being caught up in each other out in the wilds and making love in the open air is so good too!! feeling the sun on your back as you ride him, or looking up at the sun peeking through tree branches while he’s on top is just so good,, any time of day works too, like when the sun is setting and paints the landscape with shades of pink and orange, and personally i’ve always thought having sex under the stars is especially romantic too, though maybe in hisui it would be a bit too cold for something like that hahaha
being bent over his desk though…. yes!!!! he’d be so worried about getting caught but ofc that’s what makes it so exciting… he buries his face between your shoulder blades and focusses on trying to stay as quite as possible but he can’t help letting a few moans and whimpers escape,, if you’re the vocal type he’ll slap a hand over your mouth while the other holds your hips in place
i’m gonna get carried away at this rate!!! i just love laventon sm aaaaa
— aster anon
God he pins you down and doesn’t even realize he’s pinned your wrists he’s just so lost in how you’re squeezing him and the noises you make when he goes harder and faster. He doesn’t mean to be rough but you make him feel so good he can’t help it sometimes. And it’s countered with the absolutely devoted ramblings of every single positive thought he’s ever had about you <3
He wants you to sit on his face so bad he practically begs for it. Nothing brings him joy and pleasure like servicing you, so he’s always eager and ready to get between your legs every morning and night. And he won’t stop until you shove him off
God fucking under the stars. Riding Laventon as he marvels up at you, heartbroken he didn’t bring his camera to capture you so full of pleasure against a backdrop of bright stars. But then again, you told him to lie back and let you fuck him, and he’d do anything to be your good boy
Oh and then him being unable to contain himself during work. He locks the doors and bends you over the desk, burying his moans in your back and neck while covering your mouth. You can barely bite back your own moans and it's only turning Laventon on more, so he's pulling every trick he knows to get you to cum as quickly as possible, desperate but getting off on the thrill of the semi-public space you're in
get carried away, love. i am all for it. i love laventon with my whole soul and i am always down to clown when it comes to him
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lucemferto · 3 years
Niki Nihachu & Barbara Kean
Gonna drop something controversial real quick.
Niki Nihachu is the most tragic character on the Dream SMP – and I don’t mean in the sense of her having a tragic story (though she is up there), but in the sense that she is tragically mishandled.
I want to start out by saying that this essay is by no means an attack on the content creator Niki Nihachu or her abilities as a performer. She is frequently one of the strongest actors on the SMP and I have no idea how much of her character writing was within her power. How much of it was improv, how much pre-planned, how much something she genuinely wanted to do and how much stuff she just stumbled into or – in the worst-case scenario – was forced upon her. I don’t know.
The Dream SMP is not very transparent when it comes to their creative process. As such I can only judge it as a discerning viewer and English major dropout, who retained some half-remembered stuff about narratology.
So, a few weeks ago, I tumbled on here that Niki’s character journey reminded me a lot of the character Barbara Kean from the hit TV-show Gotham. Then I got an ask asking me to elaborate. This is the elaboration.
Barbara Kean
So, a quick crash course for people who haven’t seen Gotham (the greatest comic book show on Television, seriously, what are you doing with your life?!): Barbara Kean was a major female character throughout all five seasons of Gotham – and not once during those five seasons did the writers ever figure out what they wanted to do with her.
Every 10-12 episodes or so, Barbara’s role shifted completely. She started out as cop-protagonist Jim Gordon’s girlfriend at home and moral compass, then became part of a bisexual love triangle, then a hard-drinking jealous party girl with a backstory as repressed, lonely rich kid, before being kidnapped by a serial killer and ultimately making her perfect metamorphosis into the psychotic ex-girlfriend trope.
And that was Season 1.
Since then, she became the pseudo-Harley Quinn to the pseudo-Joker, a whip-wielding dominatrix, the obligatory female member in a supervillain squad, some sort of information broker, a mafia kingpin, the leader of a girl-power posse and – my favourite – the reincarnated wife of an ancient immortal who also controls all of Gotham and transferred that control over to her before that plot-point was dropped harder than a half-dead Oswald Cobblepot of the Gotham piers.
Also, she’s Batgirl’s mom.
In short, it’s a mess – but that’s what makes Gotham kinda fun.
Character Cohesion
Now, obviously, Niki’s character journey has not been quite as extreme. But it falls into the same traps, I find. Namely, that there’s just a distinct lack of character cohesion or character continuity.
Now, character cohesion or character continuity doesn’t mean that the arcs these characters undertake can’t be explained in a logical way. Barbara’s character journey is logical in the sense that you can explain it all with in-universe logic – but it’s not logical from a narratological sense now, is it?
Character Cohesion basically means that a character’s journey is reflected in their personal conflict – their Want vs. Need. Their arc is the natural continuation of what was set-up in previous sequences. Everything falls into a whole with Set-up, Confrontation, Resolution – we set up the character’s Want, their Want and Need are conflicting, the Want vs. Need is resolved. Ideally this coincides with the plot beats of the large conflict surrounding the cast.
When you look at Barbara in Season 1 of Gotham, you’re not thinking “This one right here – she’s the reincarnated wife of Ra’s Al Ghul”. Because why would you? There was no set-up; it’s not part of what her character was about in this moment – or any moment before that concept was introduced. It’s not needed for her character conflict (or any thematic conflicts for that matter).
It’s quite transparently just something that is affixed to her so that she has something until the writers come up with the next at which that first thing will dropped, underdeveloped.
Niki in Season 1
Niki follows the same route, unfortunately. She’s set-up as the resistance in L’Manburg, allies herself with Eret and HBomb until – oops – it doesn’t end mattering, because that entire side of the “plot” is completely underdeveloped. Just be a damsel until Wilbur can swoop in and save you, Niki.
Okay, but now she has a big moment with Tommy and Tubbo just after the pit-scene. “We’ll figure something out”, she says. “We need L’Manburg back”. This is all before the backdrop of Wilbur completely giving in to his role as a villain and Techno’s apparent “betrayal”.
So, now, surely, Niki is gonna affect change in Pogtopia and will have some influence on either Tommy or Wilbur, the two people she’s closest to. What’s this? Her biggest contribution is holding a birthday party where Quackity convinces Wilbur to hold off on his TNT-plan? And after that … she’s just gonna be part of the Pogtopia-masses?
Now, I like Wilbur’s writing and Season 1 generally, but when it comes to Niki (and Eret) something went terribly wrong. Both of them provided many a set-up – none of which were taken advantage of, unfortunately.
And, just to be clear, I’m not putting the blame on Niki here (or at least not most of it). Season 1 was pretty firmly in Wilbur’s hand … and Season 2 was a train wreck.
Niki in Season 2
Niki is – for the most part of Season 2 – a nothing character. She has no real conflict, no character beats, no arc. This is because through some unfortunate writing decisions, Season 2 is pretty squarely focused on a specific set of characters – and even fewer of those characters are granted a fully explored, completed character arc.
It all culminates in her Doomsday villain arc – a moment that can be logically explained from both an in-character perspective and a meta-perspective, but unfortunately, it’s not justified from a technical writing point of view.
Niki burning down the L’Mantree is her “Ra’s Al Ghul’s reincarnated wife”-moment. It’s a big statement that put her character on the map for a large part of the audience again. It was a striking visual. It could not be ignored.
Most of that was because it was a stark departure from her characterization in Season 1. Now, such a departure doesn’t necessarily have to be bad. The problem comes in when
a.) The full potential of the character in their previous narrative role had not yet been fully or even partly exhausted
b.) It cuts into an on-going character arc and drastically changes its course
c.) It’s not foreshadowed or developed properly.
And most of those are true for Niki’s character. She was not necessarily underdeveloped but underexplored in Season 1 and had no consistent storyline going on in Season 2. She was a witness to Tommy’s trial, but that was never worked into an on-going storyline for her. No matter how much we retroactively pretend like this turn to villainy, this breakdown, was brewing deep inside of her – there was no foreshadowing.
The reason, why I said it’s understandable from a meta-perspective, is that the content creator Niki Nihachu had a self-admittedly hard time getting her foot in in Season 2 – because Season 2, for as much love as I will heap upon Tommy’s and Dream’s storyline, was a pretty messy.
So, the villain arc was not well foreshadowed and Niki’s turn was developed, but what happened after she was in it?
Niki in Season 3
Well, unfortunately that problem of an inconsistent storyline never really went away for her. In the beginning of Season 3, she hatched her wagons with Jack Manifold, which was a pretty big tonal shift – from darkly tragic to cartoonish villainy.
But as Jack kept developing his character in that lane and following up on big plot development with corresponding character moments, Niki again just … vanished. She then changed gears again, joining the Syndicate – a great idea if only the Syndicate actually streamed together and developed a storyline and group cohesion.
As it stands right now, Niki’s character exists in the negative space of the fandom imaginations. We are given some scraps and good character moments – her sleeping in a jail cell, “I started baking again”, her secret city – but those moments never coalesce into a full-fledged storyline.
Her character’s journey is still as fragmented and underexplored as it ever was. I really hope that – with Wilbur’s revival and the new character conflict that seems to arise from that for her – she manages to finally get the foot in and get the storyline and dynamic arc she deserves.
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