#gonna even tag it as it
mio-nika · 1 year
I was rewatching a Lindsay Ellis videos about movie adaptations of musicals and why they usually don't work. Diegetic and Non-Diegetic narratives.
And it organically started this line of thought about Legion and how hard is to recommend it. So I wrote a giant post.
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Like, yes. It's a very lose adaptation of marvel comic. The forgotten spin-off of X-Men universe about a powerful but insane mutant. But, let's just say, it took me three seasons to understand that it was a marvel property. I'm quite slow and only when I heard the last name Xavier I started thinking that I heard it somewhere else. It works great as a stand alone story where some characters just has this paranormal abilities and government are kinda not having it. So I don't think that marvel fans would be very interested in watching. Daredevil is not a good show, but at least Daredevil has Daredevil in it (sorry for fans of dardevil, I also like whump but let's be real here).
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And for other people... It's extremely weird show? When I was talking about it with my friends and acquaintances I usually compared it to Voices, a 2014 thriller/black comedy film staring Ryan Reynolds who kills women and talks with his cat. But I also don't think that it's a good comparison? Voices is a black comedy and even if it takes some of the parts of living with schizophrenia realistic it downplays it for comedic purposes.
Fuck. I should have started from explaining that Legion is. As I already wrote, Legion is a TV series loosely based on the series of marvel comics by the same name.
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It starts with David, our main protagonist, who is living in a mental hospital, because he's a menace of society, hears voices and let's just say. A little unstable. In the course of the first episode he finds himself a GF and finds that the reason why he hears voices is not because he's sick, but because he's a powerful mutant, a telepath, who hears other people and gets tangled in their minds. And he's a god's child and saviour that that will defend mutants from oppressive politics of humans.
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So it's a story about telepaths. And showing epic battles between telepaths are kinda hard? I mean, they can throw big blocks of concrete, cars, control other people minds but it's all are happening outside of their minds. To show things inside their heads, you need to go deeper, you need to be creative. And weird. The magical and terrifying world of human psyche.
In the exact first episode we are granted with a complicated choreographic scene of all of the mental patients in the clinic... How else would we understand that the main character is in love with a girl of his dreams?
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And it's only the starting point. The show blurres the boundaries between reality and unreality, where every event is both real and theatrical because in the mind of the main character. It is.
And this is the problem. For example. I have a friend. And they told me, that they don't like musicals because it's hard to them to take seriously the moment where everyone just starts singing all of the sudden. And like. Valid. So let's imagine that the people in the show, not only start singing for no reason, they start a complex dance-off to show their mind power? And you don't even know if they're really dancing, or they just. Doing something else, that for the audience looks like a dance? Anyway, yeah, the second season starts with a dramatic dance-off between three powerful mutants and you just. Sitting there. And I refuse to tell you about rap battle. There was a rap battle. I'm an old wizard who lives in the shoe...
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Every episode of Legion starts with a retelling of a previous one. And where all the other shows says "previously" Legion says "ostensibly". Ostensibly in Legion. Who knows that is happening? Not me.
So let's get back to the Voices. Why I'm so torn up when I'm comparing Legion to Voices. Because, well. I think that Legion tells a story about mental illness and it impact much more seriously. Yes, it's a quirky show, with dance and songs, but... "может ли бог быть сошедшим с ума?"
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Have you ever watched "They Look Like People"? It's an indie horror film from 2014 about a guy who hears voice of God telling him about incoming apocalypse and alien monsters who are taking people's bodies. I don't like horror movies where mental illnesses is a main story point. They are usually tacky and mean. "This person is ill, so he's scary and dangerous!" And all that. But at the same time, illness is dangerous. Not only for people around sick person, but to the person themselves. Main character in They Look Like People is not evil, he's sick and he needs help. He's suffering much more than the suffering that he inflicts. But where the main character in They Look Like People has a way out, the Legion does not. So what will you do? What you could ever do, if you have an insane god in your hands who are untreatable. And even if he was, he would refuse help because of the years of medical abuse. Both he and people around him have no way out. No happy ending.
So. It's hard to recommend Legion. But I would ask you to try. It's a salad of beautiful horror hiding in colourful clothes of the fairy tale.
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Милый, имя тебе легион...
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noelledeltarune · 8 months
EVERY SINGLE DAY there are MILLIONS of characters in their late 20s who get falsely accused of being father figures to teenagers when in reality the description of "weird older cousin" or "step-sibling that moved out before you were born" is 1000000x more apt
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captain-lovelace · 11 months
weird that we treat autism and ADHD as intrinsically linked due to high rates of comorbidity but no one talks that way about autism and schizophrenia or autism and OCD or autism and bipolar disorder etc etc even though those are also often comorbid. gee I wonder why
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hellspawnmotel · 6 months
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I can't think of a nutcracker pun
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jsketch12 · 3 months
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lesbian elf love......
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friedri-ce · 6 months
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shoutout to all nonbinary nonverbal knights who tend to be possessed by unknown entities, gotta be my favorite gender
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lailedcat · 20 days
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I love dimension 20 with my entire being
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destiny-islanders · 9 months
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i get it now
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tizzymcwizzy · 2 months
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hi i keep thinking about these guys
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mossattack · 3 days
on a side note, bianca looks better than ever
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teamunee · 6 months
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some hoyo headshots 💪
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pinkgibbon · 2 months
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anton chigurh goes to stardew valley
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isjasz · 1 month
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[Day 302]
I have loved the stars too fondly to be fearful of the night.
DAY 300 SPECIAL TWO DAYS LATE!! and I thought I can make this into a DTIYS for the special too so rules below :D
You have two choices for the coloring!
Keep the pose/general composition and color it however u want OR
Keep OR change the composition and just keep the general motifs BUT keep the colors muted/grayscaleish/color paletted as a fun challenge >:D
More general rules:
Feel free to use ur own designs
NO TIME LIMIT!!! I totally didn't forget to say this
Keep the same characters ofc
No AI/ tracing and all that, you know the drill
Vaguely keep the night and dancing themes but feel free to play around with it!
Use # Isjasz Darkless DTIYS and @ me :D
Last thing, not a rule but pspsppsp if u stare at the stars long enough you might find something :3
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SECRET DATIIING (secret datiiiing)
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corruptimles · 2 months
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nooo venture dont investigate the enigma of amigara fault nooooo
original version:
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latenightsundayblues · 8 months
Lil switcheroo AU I couldn't stop thinking about ever since I saw that one drawing by @gattobamboom
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Adam's in the role of Amanda, Lawrence's in the role of Lynn and vice-versa
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