#gonna need to see if she comes up with nicknames for other npcs now and i hope she does
drawingpad-studios · 9 months
This shall be the last batch of character concept art for As Thin As Paper.
9. Dusekkar (The Deceiving God)
"come, I know a way out of here"
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(Immortal form has limbs that stretch)
(didn't do the line art of his Immortal form because of two reasons: 1)since the world is filled with paper people, it would make sense that immortal forms of gods would be abstract and sketchy and 2) I was worried his immortal form might look too much like a certain folklore creature that[to my understanding] your not supposed to say the name of, and if it did I would need to adjust some things making that easier with it staying as a sketch.)
10. Rozanda(The Queen Pin)
"Off with their head"
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(Her cannon nickname just fit so well with this)
11. Protagonist(Game Hopper) (and technically + 1x1x1x1[Take over])
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(1x is most likely to be like a final boss character, where if you lose against him. He shall take Protagonist's appearance fully and take their place in the restored versions)
11.Antagon (Lost Child)
"W-Where's mama?"
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(newer version of the concept art I did for Antagmom, and will most likely be used instead of the old concept art. Added a bit of flavor of being like Onion Cookie from Cookie Run, where when he cries he cries Kerosene which fuels the fire that makes him cry)
12. Lanter (Chained Sage)
"The others are like animals, they don't know what they're doing"
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(there's probably gonna be another concept art of Lantern that's gonna be used for when I make his official design, but only because a friend of mine wanted to draw some concept art for this and she chose Lanter. If I do get permission to use the concept art she made, y'all probably see it when I post the official designs. Just made this concept art to list him)
13.Random Incounter NPCs
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I'm so excited to get this fangame set up and ready for y'all to play. And I hope to gain y'all's support on this project. And I don't mean financial support. Sure I might make a small kickstarter and/or have the game with a small price on steam, but that's a small chance.
If y'all are interested in an idea of how the game progresses is gonna go, I made a little roadmap for the game.
RN I'm still in Stage 1(obviously, I just started)
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Now this is just basics and things might change here or there, but basically this is like a skeleton. Just a pile of bones. But still gives off a good idea of how the game will be made.
Also with this being my first ever game I ever made, it will take some time to learn what I need to do to make the Fangame.
Thank you for reading and I hope you stay tuned into the project throughout the progress
-Drawing Pad
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ichika27 · 3 years
The World Ends with You
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(Yeah, it’s the same screenshot I used for my post about ep. 1. I couldn’t get a new one so...)
Ah, first week without the TWEWY anime to look forward to. I’m actually kinda sad cause I’d miss waiting for the episode every Saturday night (Ani-One posts theirs on that day here). I have some stuff I wanna say about the anime so I thought I’d make one of these plus this is a good way to end the twewy anime blog post series I make every week. I’ll try not to spoil until the very bottom of this post which will have a spoiler warning.
Also, this will be very long and rambly as most of my fandom posts are haha.
A boy named Neku wakes up in the middle of Shibuya with no memory and finds himself as a player in the Reaper’s Game. For a week he must partner up with a girl named Shiki and both of them must complete missions, battle creatures called noise, and survive as failure meant erasure.
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Neku Sakuraba - our main protagonist who somehow lost his memories and is now playing the Reaper’s Game. He’s a loner who isn’t too keen on getting close to anyone let alone working alongside anybody - unfortunately for him, it’s a requirement if he wants to survive. As a player he has an assortment of abilities to fight off noise and other enemies (in the game this meant he can use a lot of different pins).
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Shiki Misaki - the nice and friendly Shiki becomes Neku’s partner in the Reaper’s Game. Unlike Neku she has knowledge of the game and fills Neku in on things he doesn’t understand. Her ability is to control her stuffed toy called Nyantan/Mr. Mew which she uses in combat.
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Beat - the tough skateboarding player, he’s somewhat more like the typical hot-blooded shounen protagonist when compared to Neku. He’s protective of those he care about especially his game partner, Rhyme. He uses his skateboard in battle.
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Rhyme - Beat’s game partner who is a lot kinder and calmer than him. Rhyme tends to be the one to reason with Beat when needed and the two are always seen together.
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Yoshiya Kiryu - a mysterious boy who seem to know more than he lets on and acts at times acts suspicious. He prefers to be called by the nickname Joshua.
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Sanae Hanekoma - a cafe owner who helps out Neku and the others and would give them advice. His advice prove to be very helpful and Neku takes them to heart. Seem to have a lot of knowledge about the Reaper’s Game but doesn’t seem to be a reaper himself.
(I tried my best to not be spoilery in the character descriptions so some names weren’t written in full)
The World Ends with You (or in the original Japanese “Subarashiki Kono Sekai”/It’s a Wonderful World) is an anime based on the video game of the same name. It had to compress an entire game’s worth of story within it’s 12 episode run which meant they cut out a lot of things and combined some scenes to quickly run through them. It’s theme song is the anime version of the game’s original OP “Twister” although this wasn’t what was originally planned but an incident involving the band who sang the original theme forced them to make changes. The original voice actors from the game also reprised their roles for the anime. The series is created to be watched before the release of the long-awaited sequel game.
The art style is made to be similar to it’s game version (with a bit of change to adapt it as an anime like when it comes to body proportions). They also retained the effect of the characters from the UG (players/reapers) being brightly colored while those from the RG having darker/muted colors. While the noise are obviously cg, I personally liked this since they’re said to be from a different plane anyways so it’s a nice contrast to those from the UG and RG. They had to update the setting though as years had passed since the original game’s creation and they had to model anime version of Shibuya to what it’s real life counterpart now looks. The characters are also given smartphones instead of the flip phones they had in the game (anime-only watchers who are gonna play the game would have to get used to them still using flip phones though lol).
Okay so story-wise... it’s rushed. Of course it is. They shortened it so that what’s left would mostly be important plot points from the main story but they cut out many scenes that consist of character interactions and several little things that could’ve fleshed out the characters more. The gameplay is also made simpler with some mechanics taken away and the mini games weren’t adapted (RIP to Reaper Creeper and Tin Pin Slammer, especially the latter as you’re severely missed). The game boast an assortment of characters and some NPCs have their own stories but due to the anime’s limited run time, they had to either be cut out (and are just given cameos) or given smaller roles (and their stories weren’t adapted). They did, however, give a few bits and pieces of information that weren’t in the game such as some details about certain characters and one supporting character was given a bit more screentime that they did in the game version.
Despite the rushed nature of the series (which may or may not affect how one views the story itself), the anime made sure to adapt several important scenes and the dramatic stuff is made worse... like, they really had to make some deaths harder to take. The battle scenes were nice as well although my biggest complaint about them is that the boss fights were over too quickly. There were scenes that were changed for the anime version and there are those that I liked and those I didn’t but there are many which I think was as good as the game’s version.
Do I recommend the anime? The game is better, the characters and story are more fleshed out and the way the character/relationship development happens is better paced so of course, me, biased already would tell you to play the game instead if you haven’t yet. Do I recommend those who played the game to watch the anime? Yes! Yes I do. I think the anime is better watched when you’ve played the game and know the stuff that they cut out cause it’ll make better sense that way. Plus I found it enjoyable seeing the scenes from the game animated and the characters are speaking whole dialogues and moving. It’s great!
Even if the anime wasn’t perfect, like I mentioned before, they did their best to condense the entire main story in a 12 episode series and it tried to be as faithful as it could to the original story so despite the deviations when it comes to how things got to the way they did, if you summarize important plot points, they would be the same (with some details changed). Overall, it was very enjoyable and it wasn’t as bad as I feared when I heard how many episodes the anime was going to have.
Some spoiler thoughts:
It would’ve been better if the anime had more episode count than just 12. Cramming a 3 week story of game into just 12 made the thing very rushed with Week 1 only getting three episodes, Week 2 getting four, and final Week getting five. They had to get to the good stuff so they cut off a lot of scenes where the characters are interacting with each other which means they suddenly get character developments and relationship developments too quickly. It might not be that obvious to anime-only watchers but to me, it felt kinda sudden and it feels like it doesn’t work out well story-wise since Neku had to learn how to trust other people and make friends and with how he started vs. how he came out of it contrasting each other.
By the way, they made the characters look good in the anime. Especially Joshua. Have you seen Joshua? He’s so pretty in the anime. I want a picture of him I could stare at anytime I want to (I do not own a phone, sadly).
I like how they gave Eri more scenes though and that they changed her outfit for the anime so she won’t look exactly like UG!Shiki. All of her scenes though made me feel like I wish the anime gave closure to Shiki’s own story by showing us her and Eri making up. Another scene I liked in the anime is Neku’s fanboying of CAT when he finds out the truth. It was adorable.
Some info was taken away from the anime. Beat and Rhyme leaving home had scene dialogue and unlike Beat just narrating it in-game but they didn’t mention specifically why he was angry and his trouble at home. Joshua wasn’t present when Sota and Nao gave Neku a pep-talk either which is a shame cause I think that helped Josh as well. 
I mentioned before how the anime made things go too fast. They cut off chunks of not-main-plot story that let the characters interact with each other more which means each game day is shortened as well. I think it made sense that Neku wakes up at the scramble in the end and not stressed out because he didn’t go through as much as his game counterpart did. That said, game Neku learned a lot from more than just the main cast in the game compared to the anime so I like his character development in the game better.
They took away Tin Pin Slammer. I am sad and disappointed. I was hoping so bad for Another Day to be adapted even if it’s an OVA. That and the ramen incident are part of Josh’s week which meant some side of him wasn’t shown (I mean, anime fans don’t know he wasn’t there on week 3 since he’s busy playing a kid’s game elsewhere and how he could talk about food like he is from a cooking anime). Speaking of Josh, they made him very suspicious from the get-go in the anime. I understand as there’s a limited run-time and they can’t really afford to be subtle about it but it meant some of the fun interactions with Neku is gone and so are some scenes where they actually got along. At least they had ice cream together, I guess?
(I have more to say when it comes to Joshua cause he’s my fave character but this is long and my thoughts on it would make this way longer. I might make another post.)
In the end, it wasn’t perfect but the anime was fun and enjoyable enough that I found myself looking forward to it every week. Seeing scenes I recognize from the game in animated form (with voice acting!) felt exciting and awesome. I’ll miss this show and I still wish it was longer.
If you’ve read this far well, thank you. And also I’m confused why but still hopefully that was a good time-killer. I have so many other things I wanted to comment on but that’s for another time. Maybe.
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bigfan-fanfic · 4 years
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Heskan Aeducan as a Companion
(Face Claim: Can Yaman) - Okay, I really wanted to do this because Heskan is basically the hot romanceable dwarf we’d all deserve in Inquisition. He uses the Dwarf Noble Origin and has the Spirit Warrior specialization, using it as an archer.
Hope y’all like him! Feel free to romance him, haha!
Inquisitor’s Name: Heskan “Hess” Aeducan
Race, Class, & Specialization: Dwarf Archer Warrior (Spirit Warrior)
Varric’s Nickname for them: Feathers
Default Tarot Card: The Chariot
How they are recruited: He joins automatically if you talk to him at the gate leading to the bridge in Skyhold; a cutscene triggers where he and Leliana are speaking and she vouches for his skill and he offers aid to the Inquisition.
Where they are in Skyhold: Aiming his bow over the battlements, taking potshots at trees in the distance.
Things they Generally Approve of: Pragmatic options, manipulating nobles, recruiting prisoners
Things they Generally Disapprove of: Letting prisoners go, executing them, dismissing Sera from the Inquisition, hitting Solas or Dorian
Mages, Templars, Other?: Heskan comes from Orzammar, and is really tired of having to deal with this whole surface conflict, especially as darkspawn get closer and closer to overrunning his people. That said, he prefers the mages. Templars he doesn’t trust.
Romanceable?: Yes, by any gender or race.
Friends in the Inquisition: Cole, Vivienne, and Iron Bull - Heskan and Varric have a not-quite-friendly rivalry.
Small side mission: Run around Skyhold collecting a stray arrow each time you return to Skyhold. 9 arrows altogether, every 3 arrows earns you a Heskan Greatly Approves.
Companion quest: Heskan wants to know if he is accessing the Fade through his Spirit Warrior specialization and asks the Inquisitor and Cole to help him, sleeping in front of them so they can test it. Cole mentions that Heskan is actually afraid of finding out the truth. After he wakes up, the Inquisitor has two options. Neither option impacts the ability to romance him.
Option 1: Lie and say no. This will net Disapproval from Solas and Approval from Cole and Heskan. Heskan seems relieved to learn that he is not upending all the rules for dwarfs and talking to him later reveals he is a little concerned because he’s been getting fragments of dreams, but nothing else comes of this. 
Option 2: Tell the truth. This will net Slight Disapproval from Cole and Great Approval from Heskan. Heskan admits that the idea of breaking all the rules for dwarfs and magic is frightening, but he is thrilled to consider this (if a Dwarven Inquisitor replies they feel the same way, they can earn extra approval). Talking to him later reveals that he has come to terms with accessing the Fade and he wants to attempt speaking with the spirit he has bonded with.
Tarot card change
Option 1: The Chariot (reversed)
Option 2: Knight of Pentacles
Cole’s reflection on their thoughts: “The smile should not have to be my mask, but it serves its purpose, bright and blinding as I bleed from the wounds in my back.”
Comment(s) on Mages: “Poor sods. I’d be pretty tired too if someone shut me up in a tower all my life and didn’t let me breathe wrong.”
Comment(s) on Templars: “We trade these people lyrium and we don’t care where it goes... but seeing what happens to them... I wonder if it’s worth it.”
When looking for something: “Did somebody hear that?”
When finding a campsite: “Care to kick up your feet for a while, Inquisitor?”
When the Inquisitor Falls: “Hurry, save the Inquisitor!”
When they are low on Health: “Hello? Archer needing help over here?”
When they see a Dragon: “You’re gonna go fight that thing, aren’t you?
Default saying: “Sort of brisk out here, isn’t it?”
Travel Banter with Canon Companions of your choice:
Heskan: So, Varric. Varric: (Sighs) Hello, Feathers. Heskan: You don’t like me much, do you? Varric: One handsome dwarf archer is enough for a good story. You’re a bit superfluous. Heskan: Don’t spare my feelings or anything...
Vivienne: Tell me, Prince Aeducan. What are you doing on the surface? Heskan: Madame Vivienne, please. You may call me Prince Heskan. Varric (if present): (Disgusted noise.) Vivienne: That wasn’t an answer, Prince Heskan. Heskan: No... no it wasn’t.
Heskan: Varric? Varric: (Sighs) What is it, Feathers? Heskan: Oh, I apologize. You must be trying to find a way to describe me other than “exceptionally ugly.” Varric: So you read The Tale of the Champion, huh? Heskan: If anything, I’d say that only one of us uses chest hair to distract from our sorry faces. Varric: “Hideously ugly and arrogant” it is, then. Heskan: Lazy writing!
Cole (after Heskan’s personal quest is complete and he is told the truth): She says hello. Heskan: She? She who? Cole: I don’t know... she’s you. (if made more human) I used to see her better. Heskan: Oh. Could you... could you tell her thank you? Cole: She knows. Heskan: Thank you, Cole.
Friendship?: “Hello there, love. Miss me?”
Leaving the Inquisition: “I’m not fond of the way you’re running things here. If you don’t shape up, I’d rather be sucked up into the Fade than hang around here.”
The Fade
How they react: “Well... this is different. Not sure I should really be here, actually.” Their Tombstone: Betrayal What the Fears look like: His dead brother Trian What the Nightmare says: “Ah, the murderer-Prince of Orzammar. Have they forgiven you for killing your brother yet? Or do you think they’re waiting for the right time to strike?” Their reflection about the Fade: "Yeah, I’m not so sure I enjoyed that.” Hawke or Warden: Has worked with both, Disapproves if Hawke or Alistair is left behind. Greatly Approves if Loghain is left behind. Approves if Stroud is left behind.
The Wardens
Their feelings: Respects the Wardens, being a veteran of the Fifth Blight and working with the Hero.  Exile or Allies?: Allies
The Ball
How they feel: “Smile, love. We’ve got a role to play here, so stay guarded.” Where they linger: Outside the door to Gaspard’s balcony Are they good at the Game?: Very much so. What people say about them: “Oh, that dwarven Prince is such a good dancer!” “Tall for a dwarf, isn’t he?” Gaspard, Briala, or Celene?: Prefers Briala through Gaspard
Temple of Mythal
Rituals or Hole?: Hole Agree with the Elves’ bargain?: Agree. Morrigan or Inquisitor for the Well?: Morrigan
Comments on Canon Romance
Cassandra: “Personally, the Seeker frightens me. But if you’ve chosen each other, I can tell she’ll be true.” Dorian: “Treat him well, Inquisitor. He’s been through enough in his life, I can tell.” Sera: “Hah, fun for all, eh? She’s a firecracker, she is.”  Iron Bull: “Heh, he’s a fun one. If you two weren’t together...” Josephine: “Ah, Lady Montilyet. A fine woman indeed. You’re lucky, Inquisitor. They don’t come much sharper than her.” Cullen: “Ah, I’ve met Cullen a few times before. He’s... he’s a better man than I once knew, I’ll say that.” Blackwall: “I’m definitely not qualified to judge. But he’ll treat you right, Inquisitor.” Solas: “Well, to each their own.”
Sexual/Racial preference: Panromantic. Any race.
Nickname for PC: My sweet
Romance only mission: Heskan asks the Inquisitor to accompany him to Valammar, where he has heard rumors of trouble brewing. The party is ambushed by Endrin loyalists who want Heskan dead for the alleged killing of his brother ten years ago. Afterwards, Heskan explains the details of his murky past, including why he killed his brother, and how he has always had to look over his shoulder. Choosing the dialogue response “Maybe I could look for you” locks in the romance, and Heskan expresses awe and joy that their casual flirting actually meant something.
Dialog to being asked for a kiss: “How could I refuse you, my sweet?”
Halamshiral dialog: “Just keep up that pretty smile of yours, my sweet. I promise I’ll put a real one on your face once the party’s over.”
Being asked to dance during mission: “As much as you want. Once this business with the Empress is over, of course.”
Asking to dance post-mission: “Come here... you’ve done so well tonight. If I can help you relax... I am honored.”
What Cole says about companion to PC: “The smile... it used to be false. Fake, fleeting, like feathers in the wind. But now... he is safe, secure...his sweet is here.”
Who is concerned about the relationship?: Varric, Cullen
Who supports the relationship?: Josephine, Leliana, Vivienne, Dorian
Who had a bet running on it?: Blackwall, Iron Bull, Sera
Banter(between NPCs):
Varric: So... you and the Inquisitor? Heskan: Ha, I never figured you for the jealous type, Varric. Varric: I - that’s... ugh.
Vivienne: A well-made match, my dear Prince. I congratulate you. Heskan: For once, Madame, I was not considering politics. Vivienne: Nonsense. Matters of the heart are just as political as anything else. Heskan: (chuckles) I suppose that on that count, we agree.
Iron Bull: So, are you a one-lover dwarf, or can I expect you again? Heskan: Why, Bull, you know I’ll never forget that magical night... Sera (if present): Ewww! How would that... oh. Fingers. Heskan: BUt in any event, you’d have to ask my sweet one. (The Inquisitor can respond favorably or unfavorably) Favorably Inquisitor: You could... if you don’t mind my presence. Iron Bull: The more the merrier! Heskan: My sweet, the Bull makes an excellent footrest. I’ll have to show you... Unfavorably Inquisitor: Sorry, Bull. He’s mine. Heskan: And I need no other lover. 
Flirt options: Upon meeting (gains Slight Disapproval from Varric), and at almost every interaction. Flirting with him enough unlocks his romance quest without needing to gain higher approval
Break up dialog:
If PC breaks it off: “I understand. It was fun while it lasted, though, eh? I’ll see you around, my - er, Inquisitor.”
If NPC breaks it off(and why): “I... I can’t condone what you’re doing, my sweet. I wish it could be different. I wish I could help you... but I cannot.” (Low Approval breaks off the romance)
Love confession: Heskan takes the Inquisitor walking along the battlements. “I... I never really thought I would find anyone who truly cared... but with you... I feel safe. I feel like... I could be happy.” The Inquisitor can flirt with him, which leads to a sex scene and lazy kissing in the Inquisitor’s bedroom, or say they love him, which leads to him pulling them to him with his bow string and kissing them deeply. “Then I am yours as long as you will have me, my sweet.” In either event, the Inquisitor can ask for a kiss or ask to “take a long walk,” which will result in a brief implied sex cutscene with a shirtless Heskan leaning over to kiss the Inquisitor in their bed.
Romanced tarot card: King of Pentacles
End game dialog: “You’ve done it. Beaten the villain, slain the dragon. I wish I could tell you it gets easier from here... but no matter what, I will be at your side, my sweet. Always.”
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moonguilt · 4 years
and maybe i climbed it for you
(Written for the Rolling 20 zine, which I highly encourage you to check out!  Also, huge thank you to @kuranico for collabing with me on this!  Please follow them, they are an incredible artist!)
Pairing: Keith/Lance (and Pike/Thunderstorm Darkness)
Wordcount: 5023
Read on my AO3 here!
“Hey there, big boy,” Pike purred, leaning in with his eyes lidded.  “I don't think I've seen many men in this area quite as ... muscular and rugged as yourself.”  His eyes twinkled as he flashed a wink and caught his lower lip between his teeth.  “In fact, I think some free time just opened up in my schedule.  What do you say … you … me … a little privacy?”  He slowly extended a hand, fingers gentle and searching—
“I cast Moonbeam.”
“Very well, Keith, please roll for—”
“Hey!” Lance sputtered indignantly, hands flying up in the air as Keith, looking all too leisurely where he sat at Lance's side, reached for the twenty-sided die.  “I was about to seduce him!  I rolled a seventeen!”  He snatched the die right before Keith could grab it, turning it to the side with the number “17” and shoving it in Keith's face for emphasis.  “You can't just barge in and attack him!  I was—I was—”  He let out a groan of sheer aggravation.  “I was really getting into character, too!”
“Yeah, we noticed,” Pidge piped up from across the table, leaning on her elbows and watching Lance's antics with a bored expression on her face.  “Ew, by the way.  Get a room next time.”
“I was trying!”
Keith just rose an unimpressed eyebrow at Lance, then wordlessly plucked the die from his fingers—Lance's skin tingled where their hands made contact—and tossed it onto the table, where it rattled around for a second before coming to a halt.
“Ah! Another seventeen!” Coran exclaimed, a cheery lilt to his voice, unfazed by Lance's huffing and puffing nearby.  “Very good, then, Keith.  So …”
Pike was generally not one for heroic quests.  He found them interesting, sure—but he wasn't one to be persuaded by the mere promise of noble accolades.  Money and fun, though—those were motivators he could get behind.  A little (or, well, a lot of) cash and a bit of adventure was all it took to catch his attention, and he prided himself on showing off his genius plans and his uncanny ability to outmaneuver the enemy.
He had agreed to join up with this traveling group on their mission to defeat something called a Xloraznor under the condition that he would: a) receive a sparkling heap of silver coins as his cut of the reward, and b) get to satisfy his thrill-seeking, wanderlust desires to his heart's content.
He considered his flirting skills to be not only top-notch, but also an essential part of his ideal adventure fantasy, and so it was getting on his nerves that a certain companion of his seemed incapable of letting him do his job.  Every time he attempted to charm his way past an enemy encounter, the party's obnoxious druid decided to attack the target instead, like some kind of boneheaded barbarian.  It was denying Pike any opportunity to show off his brilliant seduction skills, and it was making this journey much longer and more combat-heavy than it needed to be.
“Aren't druids supposed to, like, value life and all that?” Pike grumbled, kicking pebbles as the group trekked through the Forest of Clianuun on their way to Elmora-by-the-Falls.  “I thought that was your whole thing.”
Thunderstorm Darkness, in all his ridiculous, brooding glory, did not even spare Pike a glance as he stepped over a fallen branch and continued following the others toward a faint sound of running water.  “Do I look like that kind of druid?” he replied dryly, his tone flat.
Pike gave him a quick once-over.  Thunderstorm certainly had the animalistic qualities of a stereotypical druid, but admittedly not the nurturing, life-loving ones.  His attire was dark and rugged, revealing enough to expose rather dangerous-looking muscles along his arms, which started off pale and faded into dark black hands with vicious claws—a notable sign, along with his pointed ears and glowing silver eyes, of the galra blood in his veins.  His jet black hair fell in a braid down to his knees, and long bangs framed his angular face, which was decorated in red paint that Pike still suspected might have traces of enemy blood in it.  Thunder always seemed offended at the implication, but hey, he was the one giving off constant murder-vibes.
In all honesty, Pike probably would have protested Thunder’s place in their group by now, if it weren’t for the mildly annoying fact that he found the druid to be unfairly attractive.  It wasn’t his fault, okay?  Really, who walks around with their biceps just hanging out for the world to see?
“… Guess not,” Pike eventually muttered beneath his breath, shaking his head to clear his thoughts.  He opened his mouth, ready to formulate some off-the-cuff insult—
“Look!” Valayun's voice rang out ahead.  “There it is! Elmora-by-the-Falls!”  She pointed through the foliage and took off into the brush, and a moment later, her gasp sounded in the distance.  “Oh, it's beautiful …”
Eager to lay eyes on whatever Valayun was gushing about, the rest of the party picked up the pace and pushed their way through a swath of hanging fern-like vines.  What they saw when they emerged on the other side was … well, Pike thought “beautiful” was an astonishing understatement on Valayun's part.
Pristine marble towers stretched high into the sky, rivaling the treeline and glinting in the afternoon sunlight.  Vibrant pink ivy climbed up their shining surfaces, and expertly secured rope bridges connected the peaks of each tower so that citizens could easily commute from one to the next.  Flowers of all shapes and colors grew along the ropes and spilled down in great draping clusters to hang over the streets and houses below.  The buildings on the ground level looked like giant, upturned clay pottery—ruddy orange and round, with symmetrical designs carved all over the outsides.  No two houses looked the same.
The entire town of Elmora-by-the-Falls was bordered by a three-foot-tall hedge that was home to a species of flying bug that glowed violet, even in the daytime.  They buzzed, but not like bees—almost like birds, actually; their humming had a lovely sort of melody.  Pike found himself perking his ears just to catch the tune.
Beyond the grand display was the town's namesake: Clianuun Falls.  It was magnificent and awe-inspiring: bright blue water catching every ray of the sun as it tumbled over the crest of the cliff side against which Elmora-by-the-Falls was nestled.  The water drummed ceaselessly into a pool below, which then flowed out into a small river that burbled playfully as it trailed off into the forest.
Once the party managed to break themselves out of their trance, they started tentatively moving toward the town gate, staying quiet for fear of shattering the tranquility of the scene before them.  Even so, the purple bugs scattered to avoid the group, and as they passed by the riverbank, a pair of water sprites stopped dancing along the surface and chirped to each other before flying further downstream.
“This place is so pretty I could cry,” Block breathed, gripping his staff tightly with both hands—a nervous habit of his.  He sniffed once, and his lip quivered.  “Aw, man, I am crying!”
Meklavar patted him on the back, as high up as she could reach.  “Keep it together, Block,” she warned, her eyes alert.  “Just because it's pretty and flowery doesn't mean it's friendly.  Some species of flower are known for being beautiful, but will spit poison in your face if you aren't—”
“Relax, Mekky-Mek,” Pike said, then winced when Meklavar shot him a glare.  “Yeah, okay, the nickname could use some work.  Anyway!”  As they neared the gate, he turned around, opting to walk backwards while he fixed the dwarf with a cocky grin.  “I'm something of an expert in mood-reading.  And this place?”  He jerked a thumb over his shoulder.  “Good vibes, my small, cynical friend.”  His tail swished back and forth at a lazy pace.  “This is gonna be a piece of cake.  We drop in, get what we need, maybe meet a few lovely—aiee!”
Pike jumped a full two feet in the air when he felt his back press against something solid and distinctly person-shaped.  He scrambled for balance and spun around, finding himself face-to-face with a grim-looking guard in a full suit of armor.  Her hand was gripped tightly around a halberd, and her eyes spoke of danger.
“Outsiders are not welcome in Elmora-by-the-Falls,” she intoned in a deep, gravelly voice.  “You will leave now.”  She raised her halberd and slammed the butt of the weapon into the ground, making a sharp cracking noise that had Pike covering his sensitive ears.
“Gah!  Hey, no no no no,” he protested, ears now flat against his head.  “I—uh.”  He cleared his throat, put on his best, most charming smile, and batted his eyes up at the woman.  “I'm sure there's something I could do to convince you …”
She met his sultry gaze with a hard stare.
Pike winced a little, but recovered quickly.  “You know … some kind of … arrangement, between you and me?”  He slowly, slowly licked his lips.  “You'll find I have many talents … especially in the—”
“I cast Moonbeam.”
“Wha—Keith!”  Lance clambered over the table, his long limbs flailing as he grabbed the die before Keith could so much as twitch.  “Stop ruining my class fantasy!”  His eyes were blazing with genuine annoyance as he shimmied back into his seat, clutching the die to his chest protectively.  “I have very high charisma!  This is supposed to be my thing!”
Keith returned Lance's glare with one of his own.  “Has it occurred to you that maybe my class fantasy doesn't involve sitting here watching you flirt relentlessly with every single NPC we come across?” he retorted, then reached a hand out toward Lance's closed fist.
“Back!” Lance objected, smacking at Keith's intrusive fingers with his free hand while lifting the one with the die as far away from Keith as he could.  “Back, you monster!”  His arm protested the strain, but he held strong as Keith started grappling with him, trying to pull the die-hand back down while Lance smooshed a palm into his face.  It would have been easier if Lance’s traitorous heart wasn’t beating rapidly in its cage at the physical contact, but … he wasn’t complaining.  In fact—
And then Keith stood up, and Lance realized:
Oh.  That's not good.
Lance shrieked and pulled his hand back down to his chest, turning away and curling into a ball with his precious die tucked securely against his sternum.  He managed to remain impervious to Keith's prodding for a few moments, until Keith decided to switch to the tickling tactic, at which point Lance broke down into laughter and gasped for mercy.  Keith, like the absolute demon he was, just smiled.
“… As entertaining as I'm sure this is for both of you,” Shiro spoke up, causing Keith to choke on his own spit while Lance willed his cheeks to cool down, “I have a Zumba class with Adam in an hour and I still need to get changed, so I'd appreciate it if we could keep things moving.”  His mouth quirked with faint amusement, but his eyes betrayed his exhaustion.
Keith sat back down and turned to Lance, raising an eyebrow expectantly.  He outstretched his hand, palm up, and made the universal “give it here” motion.
Lance grumbled as he pulled himself upright, pursing his lips and eyeing Keith contemplatively for a moment.  “Actually,” he said, his lips twisting into a smirk just as Keith's started to twist into a scowl.  “Coran, I have an idea.”  His heartbeat was still recovering from earlier, but he managed to slip on a cocky facade.  “So, you wanna go around killing everyone I flirt with, huh?”
Keith's frown deepened with confusion.
Lance's grin spread.
Keith's eyes widened.
“Why, Thunder, has anyone ever told you your eyes are like the sparkling gemstones of the Ilygia Mountains?” Pike inquired, sidling up to the druid's side as the others watched with expressions that ranged from surprise to intrigue to disgust.
Thunderstorm's face darkened with a flush that crept from his throat to his ears—
“My character would not blush!”
“I'm sorry, Keith, but that was a very good roll,” Coran admitted, looking up from the game.  “Thunder isn't immune to Pike's advances.”  He shrugged helplessly, but there was a twinkle in his eye.
“I love this outfit of yours, Thunder … It shows off your delicious biceps … How did you get so strong?”
“After my older sister was killed by a band of Arovian brigands, I swore to train every day so I could avenge—”
“Coran!  You can't just reveal my character's origin story without my consent!”
“My dear boy, Pike is quite the charismatic fellow!  Now, where were we?  You begin to feel like you can truly trust Pike with your heart's deepest secrets …”
“Hold on.  Lance, gimme that stupid die.  Coran, I'm rolling to seduce.”
If anyone had told Pike at breakfast this morning that he would be flirting with Thunderstorm Darkness before sundown, he would have laughed it off entirely.  The druid was as prickly as they came, and he had acquired a nasty habit of relying on violence for, well, everything.  Not exactly the safest target for Pike's romantic endeavors.  Sure, he was admittedly a handsome man, but he seemed like the type to bite Pike's hand off if he got too close.
But, here Pike was.
With his hand.  On Thunder's cheek.  In broad daylight.
This was meant to be a joke—a brief reprieve to lighten the mood and perhaps get that stuffy guard to crack a smile.
And now Pike was falling in love.  Which, first of all, what?  It was only a few minutes ago that he had started flirting for fun, but things turned very serious very quickly, and now suddenly he was practically swooning as Thunder turned his head to press his lips to the palm of Pike's hand.  Again, what?  If someone told him right now that some omnipotent force had waved a magic wand and decreed the two to be head-over-heels for one another, Pike would probably believe it.
Whatever the case, Pike was never one to question the power of true love.  And as Thunder fixed him with a heavy-lidded stare, dark and intense and enamored, Pike felt the words tumble out of his mouth before he could stop them:
“Will you marry me?”
“Oh my God,” Hunk whispered, biting his fist and watching with wide eyes.  “Oh my God, he went for it.”
Lance puffed out his chest, ignoring the blush that he felt flooding his face.  “That's right,” he declared, placing his arms behind his head and leaning back on the couch.  “I went for it.”  He fixed Keith with his laziest smirk, letting his left knee knock into Keith's right leg teasingly.  “I win.”
Lance thought Keith was sure to burn a hole in both of their legs from how hard he was staring at the point of contact, but instead, he just turned an unreadable gaze toward Lance and said, “Oh really?”
Lance's smirk faltered.
Keith didn't look away.  “Coran, I say …”
Pike's blood pounded in his veins as the words reached his ears.  He blinked owlishly at Thunder, feeling his heart overflow with immeasurable joy, and suddenly beamed.  “Yes?” he repeated in awe, his smile blinding as he leaned in close.  Thunder's expression was fond and doting as he mirrored the movement, tilting his head as his lips grew closer to Pike's—
“What a joyous occasion!”
Pike and Thunder pulled back a bit, exchanging a bewildered glance before looking over toward the gate.  There stood, of all people, the guard from earlier—surrounded now by a small crowd of Elmoran citizens.  Her face stretched into a broad, happy grin as she regarded the pair, and the crowd, which consisted mostly of humans and a handful of elves, erupted in cheers.
“Congratulations,” she announced, stepping toward Pike and Thunder, both of whom were mildly frazzled by the shouting.  “Elmora-by-the-Falls is most honored that you have chosen our town as the location of your engagement.  Truly, we are humbled and grateful beyond words for your kindness this day.”  She laid a hand on both of their shoulders, her expression warm and inviting.  “Please, allow us to welcome you into our home.  You and your companions are our most treasured guests.”
Pike was still stunned into silence, but after a quick jab from Thunder, he nodded swiftly.  “Uh, yeah! Yes. Totally.”  He hurried to catch up as the guard spun around and marched off toward the town.  Finally, he and Thunder managed to spare a look over their shoulders.  The rest of the party just gaped, wordlessly shuffling forward as excited citizens began beckoning them all through the gates.
Elmora-by-the-Falls was even more splendid from the inside, Pike decided as he followed the guard through the winding cobblestone streets.  He looped an arm around Thunder's elbow and peered about in amazement, blinking as small children ran past them with cries of “a wedding! A wedding!”  Citizens stopped in the street to gawk at the procession, and soon people started emerging from their round, engraved houses to offer well-wishes and words of gratitude.  The children returned a few minutes later with two long necklaces made of pink ivy from the towers, and Pike graciously accepted both of them when Thunder failed to do anything other than squint in confusion.
“Thunder,” Pike admonished, donning his own necklace and then reaching to put the other one on the druid.  “It's a necklace. You wear it on your neck, stupid.”  Pike winced and shook his head all of a sudden.  “I mean, sweetheart.”  Weird.
“Ugh,” Lance groaned, planting his head on the table after his little slip-up with Pike's dialogue.  “This is too hard.  Let's get a divorce.”
“We're not married yet, 'sweetheart.'”
“Don't you 'sweetheart' me, sweetheart,” Lance grouched, peeling his face from the table and jabbing an accusatory finger in Keith's direction.  “This would never have happened if you hadn't tried to turn this into a flirting competition.”
Keith hummed, leaning back in his seat and picking at his gloves with an air of fake casualness.  “Well, at least this answers the question of who wins.”  His eyes, aglow with the glint of challenge, darted in Lance's direction.  Lance's throat suddenly felt quite dry. “Since you're throwing in the towel.”
Lance opened his mouth once, shut it, opened it again, then began making blustery noises of inarticulate indignation.  There was no way he could let Keith win at romance.  He would never live it down.
“Uh, no no,” Hunk interrupted, frowning sternly at the two of them.  “Nobody's throwing in the towel.  In case you've forgotten, the sorceress told us we need Clia Root from this place, and the only reason we're allowed to set foot here right now is because you two—”  He pointed at them both emphatically.  “—are gonna make moon eyes at each other and smooch under a flower pot or wash your armpits in the Clianuun Falls or whatever these guys do to celebrate a wedding.”  His voice and expression left no room for argument.
Lance grimaced at the mental image, but nevertheless turned to meet Keith's gaze.  They both stared at each other for a moment, then simultaneously nodded in silent agreement.
So, it turned out that weddings were kind of a huge deal in Elmora-by-the-Falls.  Like, a monumental deal.  Pike had done some asking around while he was being whisked through the streets.
According to Elmoran tradition, marriage was not something to be taken lightly.  It was extremely rare for romantic partners to decide to join each other in union; the vast majority of Elmoran people spent their whole lives unmarried, to the extent that there was, on average, only one wedding per decade in Elmora-by-the-Falls.  A wedding was said to bring the town spiritual favor and good luck for an entire year afterwards, so when someone did get married, it was received with overwhelming joy by the general populace.
It just so happened that Elmora-by-the-Falls had not hosted a wedding for thirteen long years.  They were practically itching to get the ceremony started, and so it was not long before Pike and Thunder found themselves shoved out onto a marble balcony by a plethora of eager hands.
The balcony was already meticulously arranged: a sturdy burgundy cloth canopy swayed in the breeze overhead, acting as a sort of ceiling, and holes had been cut in the fabric to allow flowering vines to drape down in various places.  The edge of the balcony was lined with a shorter variant of the bushes that bordered the town; the strange little purple bugs glowed as they flitted around harmlessly.  The sun was beginning to set now, so their glow was more prominent against the backdrop of Elmora-by-the-Falls at evening time.  To the left, the waterfall roared; it was far enough not to be an inconvenience to the ceremony, but close enough to cast a fine, cooling mist that Pike reveled in.
The centerpiece, however, was the small white table set up at the edge of the balcony.  It was simple and square, about two feet high, and on its surface sat two small wooden bowls, a pitcher of water, and an array of sparkling powders whose rich and varied hues reminded Pike of a spice stall.
Pike and Thunder shared a look, then instinctively reached for each other's hands—because that was a thing now, them being stupidly in love—before approaching the table.  A cheery old Elmoran woman followed behind, hurrying them along, while the rest of the party spread out to the sides of the balcony and watched with a mixture of fascination and wariness.
“There you go, you two, right up to the front,” the old woman babbled, then grabbed them and turned them to face each other.  “Now, you see the soul dust?”  She gestured to the wooden display piece that held all of the powders in little carved-out holes.  Pike shot a look of alarm toward Thunder and mouthed “soul dust” at him, but the woman either did not notice or did not care.  “You will select the soul dust that you feel best embodies your partner.  It must be an instinctive decision.  Follow what you are most drawn to.”  One crooked finger pointed at the pitcher of water.  “You will use the pitcher to fill the bowls with the waters of Clianuun Falls.”  The finger shifted down toward the two small bowls.  “And then you will pinch your chosen powder into your bowl.  It will disperse in the water, and you will drink it.”
Pike waited for her to continue.
She did not.
“Is that it?” Thunder spoke up, voicing Pike's own confusion.
The woman huffed indignantly.  “Is that it?” she repeated, shaking her head and tutting as she turned around and hobbled off to the seats in the back.  “The boy is about to bind his soul in sacred matrimony, and he asks, 'Is that it?'”  Her muttering became unintelligible as she lowered herself into a plush chair.
Thunder blinked once at her, then turned back to Pike with a glimmer of determination in his eye.  “Ready?”  He squeezed Pike's hand briefly before finally dropping it.
Pike flashed him his most swoon-worthy grin.  “Born ready, baby!”  He whirled around to face the table and immediately grabbed the pitcher, pouring it into his bowl—and into Thunder's, because he was a gentleman, of course.  He wasted no time in inspecting the powders; he knew exactly what he wanted, and he spotted it instantly: a bright vermilion, twinkling like fairy dust.  With delicate precision, he transferred several pinches of the substance into his bowl and gasped as the water took on a glittering red color and began to emit a beautiful glow.
Thunder seemed similarly certain of his choice—an azure powder, Pike noted with no small amount of intrigue—but far less concerned with finesse.  He was just scooping the stuff into his bowl as if he was seasoning soup.  It was maddening, but it was also very Thunder, and for some reason that was no longer a negative assessment.
Thunder's water swirled into a shimmering blue, then started glowing just as Pike's had. The druid let out a soft “oh” and waited for a second, then gently—surprisingly gently, considering his manhandling of the soul dust—cupped the bowl in his hands and cradled it in front of his chest.  He turned to face Pike again, waiting for the man to mirror him, and when he did, they both stood there, suspended for a long moment.  Their gazes flickered quietly between the bowls and each other.
“Well,” Pike finally chirped, taking a deep breath.  “Bottoms up.”  He knocked the whole thing back in one go, coughing a bit when it went down the wrong way; Thunder merely watched with amusement and tipped his own bowl back, and their Elmoran audience erupted with praise.  “Eurgh,” Pike groaned, wincing at the flavor.  “Your soul tastes weird.”  He raised his hands in a placating fashion when he caught Thunder's flat look.  “But like, weird in a good way!  You know, in a romantic way!”
Thunder, impatient as ever, simply grabbed Pike's bowl, stacked it over his own, set them both down on the table, and placed his clawed hands on Pike's hips.  “I want to kiss you now,” he stated honestly and with no hesitation.  His lips glowed with a faint blue gloss—the remnants of his soul dust concoction.  It made Pike's heart stutter.
“Wh—uh—”  Pike paused for a second to regain himself.  “Um.”  He watched as Thunder tilted his head, his gaze penetrating and inquisitive as he waited for permission.  His eyes dipped to Pike's mouth.  Pike swallowed.  Waited.  And then: “Yes.”  And then again: “Yes yes yes yes.  Come here.  Yes.”
And Pike marveled at the rumbling laughter that escaped Thunder's lips as he leaned in, more than happy to oblige.
“Sorry, everyone, but I think that's all we have time for tonight,” Coran announced, his tone predictably peppy as he reached across the table to collect the various devices and dice that had gotten scattered about over the course of the previous couple of hours.  “An excellent session, if I do say so myself.  At this rate, you'll get that Clia Root in no time!”
“What?!” Lance interjected, rising to his feet.  He barely noticed as Keith stood with him.  “We only just got to kiss!  You can't just cut it off there!”  He spread his arms with outrage, smacking Keith in the chest by accident.  Oh, Lance thought absently.  That’s a nice chest.
Rather than bat the hand away, Keith said, “Lance is right.  We're in the middle of an action.  We should finish the scene.”  His mouth was set in a firm line, and his brows were drawn together in a display of resoluteness.  It was oddly attractive.
God, Lance was starting to find Keith's stupid eyebrows attractive.  How far he had fallen.
“Hm,” Allura began, a mischievous, faux-thoughtful lilt to her voice.  “I thought you two weren't enjoying this?”  Her expression was innocent enough, aside from the hint of a smile that she tried to hide by busying herself with gathering her belongings.  “Did something change?”
Lance squawked and turned to the others for help, but the traitors seemed preoccupied with grabbing their things and getting out.  “This is—it's not—”  He folded his arms across his chest and glared as Hunk, Pidge, and Allura, gave casual little waves and strolled through the door as if Lance was not currently having a crisis.  Hel-lo.
He was so caught up in his indignation that he failed to analyze Keith's silence as they all packed up and prepared to leave.  It wasn't until Lance was halfway out the door that he paused and turned around, only to find that Keith had followed him, that easily-identifiable Keith-brand of concentration plain on his face.  Still reeling from his embarrassment, Lance was seized by the conflicting impulses of wanting to crawl into a hole and die, and wanting to keep staring until his eyes fell out of their sockets, because—
Because Keith was blushing.  Wow.  What a sight.  It was darker around his neck, fainter around his jaw, and bright as a cherry on the smooth skin just below his cheekbones, where it mottled like sunlight on an ocean floor.
“Hey,” he said.
“… Hey,” Lance replied.
“Do you want to grab dinner with me?”  He looked like he was sucking on a particularly sour lemon.  It would have been funny if it wasn't mildly alarming.  “I was thinking we could talk some things over.”  His head was held high, but his hands were shoved in his pockets awkwardly, like he couldn't decide what to do with them.  “For—you know, for our characters.”
Lance felt his throat tie itself into a knot, twisting around at the base of his neck.  He regarded Keith for a moment, trying to read this odd behavior while simultaneously trying to convince himself this is not a date, McClain; you guys hang out all the time.  Get your head out of Elmora-by-the-Falls.  He thought he did a pretty credible job of ignoring the fluttering of his heart and keeping his expression neutral as he said, “Yeah, man.  Sure.”  He lifted his shoulders in a huge shrug.  Oo, no. Overkill.  His shoulders sank back down.  Casual.  Chill.
“Cool,” Keith breathed with a smile, like he could just do that, like it was simple.
And maybe it was.
“Yeah,” Lance replied, turning toward the exit and burying his own smile in the collar of his jacket. “Cool.”
“Hey, Coran?”
“Why, yes, Shiro?  How can I help?”
“Didn't you say you came up with all of these plots in your head?  Did you just … invent the whole sacred marriage tradition on the spot?”
“Shiro, my dear friend, sometimes one must guide the hand of fate.”
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transxfiles · 4 years
A Roll Of The Dice by two_drama_nerds_in_a_boat | @homeworkforpigeons
Summary: Star Trek is an incredibly popular tabletop roleplaying game. Mostly gen with some Spirk at the end.
Word Count: 1822
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Gliding through the stars would never get boring, he decided. Even at Warp Speed 9, with all the bright lights zipping past him so quickly they were nothing more than blurry spots in the sky, it was a simultaneously haunting and stunning sight. The Captain sighed, leaning back in his chair-
“Oh, do get on with it Jim,” muttered Hikaru from across the table, rolling dice between his fingers. “We don’t have all day.”
“But the monologues are important. For… character development.”
Nyota rolled her eyes. “Not when you spend an hour on them every turn. Besides, we already let you have the Captain’s Log thing. Now come on. I want to fight some hostile aliens.”
“Aren’t you supposed to stay on ship with Scotty in case things go wrong, Communications Officer?”
“Goddamit you two,” Bones said, fist slamming the table, sending papers fluttering and figurines toppling onto the board.  “We’ll never get anything done with the two of you fighting.”
“Come on Jim,” said Rand, shoving some dice into his hand. “Your. Turn.”
He looked at Spock, who just did that thing where he would raise only the one eyebrow, and sighed in defeat.
He dropped the dice, watching them roll until they made their way a surprising distance from him, finally stopping by Scotty.
No one really knew how they’d all gotten together. Jim had to admit, they were an odd group.
In the end, they were all just sort of bored, and lonely, and they needed something to do after school. Originally, it had just been Jim and Bones. They took turns DMing, setting up short campaigns for the others to play, but it got incredibly boring very quickly. They got tired of it. They needed a permanent DM - so they’d found Spock, who, despite his attempt to put on mask of no emotion, seemed to take both happiness and pride in being Dungeon Master. And after that, everyone else had sort of fallen into place. Because once they had Spock, they at least a consistent location to play - his basement. Which, though still not ideal, was better than bouncing between Jim’s too-cramped (shared with his brother) bedroom and Bones’s tiny garden shed. So while Spock’s basement was a bit musty, it was honestly ideal, really, because though it was dark and sometimes damp, they made it their own. They had a little cooler with snacks and drinks it, and they’d put down a rug, and they had a little table, and every time a new person joined them they all went down to the local flea market as a group and helped pick out a chair for them, and ever so slowly the basement became theirs.
After Spock joined, Nyota was close behind him. She was new to their school that year, and she wanted friends, so she sought them out. She knew Spock through T’Pring, of course, and though Spock’s relationship with T’Pring was more than a bit strained, still, Nyota didn’t seem to mind. She wanted “Something amusing to do outside of school,” she’d said, something to “fill the time” and “make an afternoon more enjoyable.” A statement to which Jim had (nearly) replied with a few lewd, though somewhat humorous comments - though he did instead opt to stay quiet.  Somewhat due to Bones kicking him not-so-discreetly in the shin, telling him that “She won’t stay if you don’t play nice.”
And with Uhura came Rand, a new friend of hers, and with Rand came Chapel, a blonde girl Jim recognized from one of his science classes (he was taking a lot of those; it was one of the few things in school he actually enjoyed taking part in, and since he was on one of those advanced tracks, he was taking as many as possible) and it also drew a young Scottish kid, who was quickly nicknamed Scotty (because if you’re that goddam Scottish, James Tiberius Kirk is sure as hell going to give you some sort of nickname) and Scotty drew a kid named Hikaru, and Hikaru drew in the Russian exchange student, Pavel, and in some way or another, they managed to get together enough people to create a long-term campaign.
They named their ship the Enterprise, and decided on their mission: To explore strange new worlds. To seek out new life, and new civilizations. To boldly go where no one has gone before.
(That last bit used to be no man, but Nyota, Rand, and Chapel had all insisted that was at least a little bit sexist, and so they decided to change it to no one.)
The first time they’d all played a campaign on their own had resulted in some of the most fun Jim had in months. Spock DMed (of course) and they got to go down to a planet for shore leave and Scotty got with some prostitute (or planned to, at least) and then she was murdered and they all needed to work together to solve the mystery, and it turned out that the entity that had murdered the woman was actually Jack The Ripper (a reveal that had prompted many of them to ask Spock what exactly he was on when he wrote this) who was an immortal alien who basically ate fear.
“The crew of the Starship Enterprise is once more face to face with the hostile Klingons,” Spock said, hiding behind his notepad.
Jim grinned. “I walk past the Science Officer, our hands brushing as-”
“Oh shut up,” said Nyota, obviously suppressing a giggle. “You’ve tried to seduce him, what? Thirty times now?” She looked to Chekov. “How close am I?”
“Well, it’s a bit higher than the thirties,” he said. The bastard was reaching into his backpack for a notebook, no doubt to add another tally to some list he’d made for keeping score.
“I’m getting closer every time!” Jim said.
Spock raised an eyebrow in his direction. “Roll for charisma,” he sighed.
He did, tossing the die across the table. And, as was the usual, he rolled a two.
“Oh come on,” Jim groaned. “Can I try again?”
“Jim, we have discussed this before. You cannot spend the entire game attempting to seduce your Science Officer.”
“Now that we have gotten that over with,” Spock said, “I feel as though I must inform you that, due to a yet unknown technical malfunction, you now find yourself stranded in uncharted space, and, as I previously stated, surrounded by Klingon warbirds.”
After that, the game resumed as usual.
There was, of course, a miraculous victory from the crew of the Enterprise (with only a few casualties, mostly in the NPC department) and somehow Jim’s player character had ended up shirtless again, but they defeated the Klingons and saved the day. And then, soon enough, it was seven in the evening.
Time to leave.
Jim made his way over to the sofa, picking up his backpack where he’d dropped it earlier that evening. He slipped it over his shoulders before turning to his friends.
“Psst,” Jim said, careful to be quiet as he beckoned Nyota and Bones over to him. “Guys.”
Bones looked confused at first, but after a glance at Jim’s face, he knew exactly what was going on. “Oh no. No, nope, no way, not gonna happen.”
“Jim,” Nyota said, trying a different approach, “come on. Just wait a little longer if you’re nervous. I told you I could coach you if you wanted, and that offer still stands.”
“I don’t know… I just. Ugh. I have this gut feeling that I have to do it now.”
“Then just do it!” Bones said, voice getting gruffer with each passing moment. “You don’t need us with you to ask him out.”
“Well, it would be helpful?”
“Helpful,” Nyota deadpanned.
“Like… cheerleaders?”
"Cheerleaders?" Bones made a face.
“You’ve never actually asked someone out before have you.”
“Sure I have!”
Nyota and Bones gave each other a look.
“Please,” he hissed, voice still held at a whisper. No one could really explain why, but Spock had excellent hearing. He was just kind of like that. And Jim wasn’t willing to let him overhear this conversation. “You don't have to be right next to me, just nearby? In case something goes wrong. Or I catch on fire. Or Spock catches on fire…”
“I’ve got a date with T’Pring,” said Nyota. “I can’t help you with your love life right now, Jim.”
“Bones looked up. “Sorry Jimmy Boy. I’m busy too.”
“What? No excuse Bones? At least Nyota had something prepared.”
“Oh shut up.”
“You shut up.”
“-are both acting like toddlers,” Nyota finished. “Come on Jim, get it together. Ask him out.”
“On what? A date? Does Spock even do dating?”
“You’ll never know until you get your shit together.”
With that, she slung her backpack over her shoulder and left, saying goodbye to them all on her way up the stairs.
Jim groaned.
“Well, that’s one way to do it,” Bones muttered.
“Come on Jim, it’s not that hard. You just go over to him, tell him you like him. Ask him if he wants to go out with you.”
“And what do I do if he says no?”
“Say that it’s okay, you understand. Smile. Hold it together until you get somewhere you can cry safely.”
“What? It’s solid advice.”
“Okay.” Jim took a deep breath. “What if he says yes?”
“You tell him that you’re really happy, and you like him a lot. I’d say give him a hug or something, but this is Spock we’re talking about, so avoid physical contact for now. And whatever you do, don’t say ‘cool’.”
“Don’t say cool?”
“Why not?”
“Just don’t do it.”  
“Mm-hm. That’s how you charmed Miriam?”
“Oh shut up.”
And then, as though following in Nyota’s footsteps (probably purposefully, the bastard), Bones grabbed his backpack and ran up the stairs. Leaving Jim alone with Spock in the basement.
“Fuck,” Jim muttered.
“I fail to see a reason for such language,” a cool voice said from behind him.
Jim almost jumped out of his skin.
He spun around, face-to-face with the boy himself.
"Hi Spock!" Said Jim, voice jumping an octave from nerves.
Cue signature eyebrow raise. "Jim."
Jim took a deep breath. "I was wondering..." he felt his hands drop to his pockets as he tried to get the words out. "Well, you see... I like you-"
"I should hope so. We spend a fair amount of time together, in school and outside of it."
"I am messing with you, Jim."
Jim looked up.
Spock was smiling.
Jim looked up the stairs, eyes tracing the paths Nyota and Bones had taken, then looked back at the ground at his feet, then looked back at Spock. "Did you overhear-?"
"Your entire conversation?" Spock shrugged. "Perhaps."
"Do you want to-?"
"Oh... wow, I...."
"Do not say 'cool'."
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three-of-swords · 4 years
Animal Crossing Countdown
I didn’t find this post until today, so I have to do a LOT of questions in a very short span of time, namely for my own amusement and the two people who care. But I’m gonna put it under a read more because no one needs to see a post this long in the actual ACNH tag.
1: Do you prefer making up a new name for your villager, or using your own name?
I tend to use my nickname, because I share my name with one of my favourite villagers, so it gets confusing and annoying.
2: Do you use the first map you’re given, or do you reset for layouts?
I reset for layouts, but I’m not terribly picky. I reset more because of fruit than layout.
3: Do you use the face you’re given, or do you wait for guides and choose your favourite?
Guides. Me not knowing that your face is dependent on some arbitrary questions was the cause of me immediately restarting my first town.
4: Favourite town/island name?/Have you a name picked out for your town/island?
I’ve only ever played New Leaf, and my town’s name was Wishfall. I’m not sure what I’ll name the island yet, but Wishfall is definitely one of the options.
5: Will you be sharing with friends/family, or is your island going to be all your own?
No. Mine. Though I will be inviting people over, no one will have a house but me.
6: What’s a new feature you’re excited about?
Redirecting rivers. Terraforming. Placing villager houses. Anything that will help me maintain and mold the island into what I want it to be.
7: Favourite fruit?
Apples. Second favourite are cherries, but only for looks.
8: Least favourite fruit?
Probably pears, which is funny, since Wishfall’s town specialty were pears. I don’t like how they look, and I’m also allergic. Second least favourite would be oranges.
9: Favourite area? (Beach, campground, shopping district etc, from any entry in the series.)
The museum.
10: Where do you like to like to put your house? Do you like that level of customization, or do you prefer to have some things decided, like in older entries?
I don’t have experience with the older entries, but I know I’d prefer to make a choice on where my house goes. I like it to be a little away from other villagers, usually backed up against a cliff.
11: Favourite grass pattern?
12: Least favourite grass pattern?
Circle, but it’s not that I don’t like it. I just prefer it less.
13: Favourite villager/s?
Whitney. Julian. Pashmina. Drago. Merengue. Bam. Merry. Apollo.
14: Least favourite villager/s?
Jambette. Cobb. Chops. Frita.
15: Did you like doing Tom Nook’s chores, or did you find those to be a pain?
I mean. I like tasks. But having only played ACNL, I can’t say I HAD any chores besides “Pay your loan!”
16: Favourite NPC/s?
Kicks. Blathers. Crazy Redd. Katrina. Isabelle, obviously.
17: Least favourite NPC/s?
Zipper. Chip. Pave.
18: Do you use paths? Are you excited about the new path tool?
Yes, and fuck yes.
19: Favourite feature from an older entry?
I would have liked to see what the Celeste constellation thing was about. I’ve heard about it, but I don’t know any details. But I like the idea.
20: What was your first Animal Crossing game?
New Leaf was the first game I played in depth and actually owned, but I did play a little of a game on a DS when I was in high school. Probably Wild World. I really only remember shaking trees.
21: Favourite activity (fishing, bug catching, fossil hunting, other)?
Collecting museum donations.
22: Least favourite activity?
The arbitrary rules for the bug or fish tournaments, or the randomization of rewards given in any events at all. The events themselves would be fine, if they made any damn sense.
23: Favourite bug?
Emperor Butterfly. Birdwing Butterfly. Orchid Mantis. Oak Silk Moth. Walking Leaf.
24: Least favourite bug?
Fucking Mole Crickets. Not a fan of the House Centipede or Tarantula either.
25: A quarter of the way there! How’s the wait?
Impatience. So much impatience.
26: Favourite fish?
Goldfish. Sea Butterfly.
27: Least favourite fish?
Giant Trevally. That thing is fucking ugly. Napoleonfish, too.
28: Favourite fossil?
Fern Fossils or any skulls, but I actually don’t have any strong feelings one way or another.
29: Least favourite fossil?
Coprolite. ...Why.
30: Favourite furniture series?
Don’t really have one, though I’m partial to the Regal and Exotic series.
31: Least favourite furniture series?
Lovely. Don’t like it. Don’t like Kiddie much, either, though it’s cute for certain villagers like Kitt or Stitches.
32: Favourite soundtrack? (Gamecube, DS/Wii, etc)
New Leaf, since it’s my only experience.
33: Least favourite soundtrack?
34: Favourite wallpaper?
Lunar Horizon. The Forest Wall, too.
35: Do you have a nice memory of the games/community etc you’d like to share?
When Pashmina moved in next to me, I was irritated. I’d specifically placed my house next to Re-Tail, but not too close, and she moved in between the two buildings. ...But now she’s my favourite goat, my favourite uchi villager, and honestly, I love her to bits. First impressions apparently don’t always matter too much.
36: Least favourite wallpaper?
Industrial, probably.
37: Favourite carpet?
Palace Tile, I suppose? Though it doesn’t go with everything.
38: Least favourite carpet?
Closed Road, probably.
39: Favourite furniture item?
Whichever grasshopper it is that goes in a cute little bamboo cage.
40: Will you be buying a Switch for Animal Crossing, or do you already have one?
I have one already, sadly. I’m sending it out for repairs, though.
41: Least favourite furniture item?
There are some uuuugly ass furniture items, but it’s impossible to remember them, so I don’t.
42: Favourite flower?
Black or pink lilies, blue and purple violets, and blue and purple roses.
43: Least favourite flower?
Meh. I like them all okay. If I had to choose, I’d say I’m not overly fond of the Cosmos.
44: Favourite hybrid?
See above.
45: Least favourite hybrid?
I don’t care much for the orange pansies.
46: Favourite shirt?
Night-Sky Tee.
47: Favourite dress?
I don’t wear them.
48: Favourite accessory?
49: Favourite hat/helmet?
50: Halfway there! How’s the wait going?
51: Favourite shop?
Kicks, I guess. Even though I don’t go in there. I love him. And the sign squeaks.
52: Do you collect amiibo cards/figures? Would you like to see them used in the new game?
I have a good amount of cards, both real and fake. Some figures, too. I wouldn’t say I collect them, but I try to have them just in case. I’d like them in the new game.
53: Fishing Tourney or Bug-Off?
Fucking neither, but if I HAD to choose, Fishing Tourney. At least in New Leaf. I like catching bugs more, but it seems totally random if they’re lackluster or not. I don’t prefer fishing, but at least all you need is the damn size to tell you if it’s a good fish or not.
54: Do you like making your own clothing patterns?
55: Did you streetpass with many other ACNL players, or is it a feature you didn’t get much use of?
I streetpassed a bit but eventually turned it off after getting too more undesirable villagers from other people. Frita and Chops will always be two of my most despised villagers for this reason.
56: Favourite villager species?
57: Least favourite villager species?
58: Favourite nickname from a villager?
Darling, but I liked that Merry called me Pop Star. It was charming coming from her.
59: Least favourite nickname from a villager?
Big Y. Indeed. Big why.
60: Do you try to collect everything in the game, or just try to get your favourite bits and pieces?
I try to collect everything eventually but I’m not insane about it. I like to fill my catalog.
61: Favourite villager personality?
Smug. But it looks better on some villagers than others. Cute on Julian or Lopez, AWFUL on Chops.
62: Least favourite villager personality?
Jock, but again, while it’s cute on Bam, I loathe it on Cobb. It really depends on the villager, somehow.
63: Do you “plot reset” for villager house placement, or do you let them move in wherever they want?
I plot reset a bit, but only if they moved somewhere particularly undesirable.
64: Are you excited to wear any of the new accessories (like the bags etc shown in the E3 trailer)?
Of course I am!
65: What season are you most looking forward to seeing in New Horizons?
Fall. The mushrooooooms.
66: What’s your favourite season?
Fall, though I loved how the cherry blossoms were carried on the river in spring.
67: Least favourite season?
Probably winter, just because it starts to look uninteresting after awhile.
68: Which game’s events/holidays do you like the most?
I’m partial to Halloween. Also, I have to cheat during April Fool’s Day, but the villagers’ reactions to Blanca are cute. I also begrudgingly like Bunny Day, but I can’t say I love it because Zipper creeps me out. I love collecting the eggs from all over the place, but he gives you totally random items, so. Eh.
69: Which game’s events/holidays do you like least?
Love feathers. Hate Pave. Seriously. Can’t stand him. He’s super annoying to me. I like the feather-catching portion and that is IT. I also believe I’ve already expressed my dislike for tournaments.
70: Do you have another nice AC related memory you’d like to share (in-game, of the community, etc)?
Weirdly, this is related to Pashmina again, but once I visited her after I got my face destroyed by bees, and she gave me medicine. I know now that uchi villagers in particular are likely to do this, but I’d never seen it happen before, and I was touched.
71: Do you prefer the “live” versions of K.K. Slider’s Songs, or the airchecks?
72: An NPC you’d like to see more of?
Kicks. Sable. Katrina.
73: An NPC you’d like to see less of?
74: If you could have any piece of AC merchandise, which would it be?
I dunno. A big comfy hoodie, maybe? A mug? I’m not particularly materialistic. I like useful things.
75: Only 25 days left to go! How’s the wait?
You know, I’m really glad I spent the last few months hyped for games that came out over time. It’s been bite-size chunks of releases that were only a little ways away. Fire Emblem: Three Houses. Concrete Genie. Pokemon Sword. The Cindered Shadows DLC. Pokemon Mystery Dungeon. I can’t imagine this having been the only game I was looking forward to, or I would have died by now.
76: Will you be downloading the game, or getting a physical copy?
Physical copy. As much as I’d love to play it right at midnight, I like not having to wait for download time, or take up a lot of space in storage. I’m hoping my GameStop does a midnight release, but I’m not counting on it.
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cynthiaandsamus · 5 years
Game Blondes Crystal Clear Nuzlocke Part 2: A Shining Chance!
“Hey I’m blonde!”
“…I’m also blonde.”
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(Game Blondes Logo by @game-overture)
“Welcome back! So last time on Game Blondes we started our freeroam Crystal Clear Nuzlocke, our rat died in our first battle but we got a lot of other pokemon to replace it, fought a dude with a Shiny Ponyta and made our way halfway across Johto to fuck around. Now we’re gonna go check out Goldenrod since the dude with the Ponyta mentioned it and see if we can start nailing down some badges.”
“Okay so just a note about this game, seems like the trainer battles scale to your badges but the wild pokemon stay around the level they would be… considering the Hoothoot and Psyduck you caught last episode were in the early teens and you still have zero badges.” Cynthia pondered.
“So technically I could just run into a field way down the line and catch something super powerful and ram through the whole game?”
“Well theoretically, as long as you could manage to catch it and manage to live with yourself for cheesing the game that represents my life’s work and career.”
“…fine, fine. Spoilsport…” Samus huffed. “Anyway, I’m making my way down from Ecruteak to Goldenrod, getting a few levels on Danny that Gastly from this guy with four Voltorbs that can’t even touch him. Gonna see if we can find that restaurant the DOOM guy mentioned and if not I’ll see if I can get a gym badge or something. Got a few levels on everyone from all the trainers on this route and got the TM for Rollout, that’s a fun move.”
“You won’t think so later…” Cynthia snickered.
“Well we’re in Goldenrod… shit this is Whitney’s town!?”
“Yup, welcome to Rolloutville, population you.”
“Should we save this gym for last for the memes? I mean that’d be an epic final battle.”
“I’m game, anything to put off going against that crazy cow lady…” Samus grumbled as she searched the town. “Well the train’s here so I can get to Saffron and Kanto, it’d be funny if I got Sabrina for my first badge, bet it’d piss her off to get beaten by a level 10 Gastly.” She chuckled.
“I wouldn’t tease Sabrina too much, she can beat you up without touching you…”
“I’ll hold off on it for now if only because I already have a lot to explore that I’m skipping over and Saffron is ridiculously big. At least I got a bike to travel it a bit faster. Oh and an Eevee sitting on a table, lemme take that…”
“Hang on, lemme see that Eevee real quick…” Cynthia took the controls with a grin.
-10 Minutes Later-
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“HOLY SHIT IT’S SHINY! How’d you do that!?” Samus gasped.
“Weren’t you paying attention to the tutorial? Shockslayer said Gift pokemon have a higher shiny rate and the game saves before you pick them up for soft resetting, so if you get a good rhymn down you can reset a lot real quick and get a shiny.”
“That is so cool! I love you Cynthia! I got a White Eevee!”
“This counts as part of your birthday present, I’m not helping you any further.”
“Fine fine.” Samus grinned, absolutely giddy with the white fluffball. “I’m gonna name you… Norman. Cause you’re Normal-type and a smart little white fluffball and we’ve been watching The Promised Neverland lately.”
“Hopefully that’s not an omen for this Nuzlocke…”
“Ah shit is this accidentally in bad taste?” Samus winced. “Well time to go Underground and explore some more of the shops and punch some of these trainers in the throat.”
“…no wonder the Pokemon League denied your application to become a trainer.”
“Well I got a coin case and it looks like this guy is blocking the path to the other hallway so I’ll leave him alone for now, I’ve been warned that some of these guys have huge teams that can wipe me out…”
“Yeah, I read there’s a level 100 Magikarp somewhere in Kanto’s early game, so be on the lookout for steamrollers…”
“Well since I got the Coin Case might as well check out the game corner…”
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“Holy crap you can just buy a Master Ball if you have enough coins! And a Lucky Egg too! I definitely don’t have enough time for that but that’s really cool!”
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“And you can get some pretty cool pokemon too… too bad you already have Eevee so you can’t get any more pokemon for this town…”
“That’s fine, I’m very content with my Shiny Eevee, lemme get some coins though…”
(Mun Note: Due to Standards and Practices we are not allowed to show Samus gambling in case you’re in a country that hates it)
-One Gambling Montage Later-
 “Well I doubled my coins and officially hate gambling, so  let’s go check out the Department store, I’m sure there’s some cool stuff there, only got that, the Radio Tower and the gym left so almost time to be on our way.”
“Yay! Shopping spree!”
“Oh sweet, here’s the Tradeback NPC, he can evolve my guys, I’ll have to keep that in mind when I get an Upgrade for Porygon.”
“Well there it is, you just need more money…”
“Well I’ll save up and come back, I’ll let Polly stay as she is for now, can’t have my baby growing up too fast. We don’t even have a single badge yet.”
“Damn that’s right, we’ve just been derping around for an episode and a half…”
“Well we found a bunch of TMs at the shop here, keep those in mind, damn I really am broke…  Just gonna stock up on balls, check the radio tower and get out of here before Whitney crushes me for dawdling in her town…”
“Oh wow, an Event Move Tutor, you can learn all those weird moves they give out at events, give it a try and get your pokemon some broken moves~” Cynthia giggled.
“Well Polly learned Barrier, Norman learned Growth and Hooters learned Night Shade, so that’s all cool.” Samus grinned. “Got me some custom pokemon~ Making my way up the tower got a point for the Password radio game thing,  got a Sunny Day TM and a Pink Bow, that’s perfect for Polly, now she can feel even more like a girl and power up her Normal-type moves.”
“Your Trans Porygon is really cute.”
“Give the Amulet Coin Polly was holding to Norman now and at the top of the tower is this CHAOS guy who says he’s the new director of the station and wants to battle… here goes nothing I guess.”
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“He… just has a level four Delibird… that’s not very intimidating for a custom trainer for this mod.”
“You have literally no badges and have been picking up pokemon left and right, feel like you’re a bit OP for this early in the game…” Cynthia sighed.
“Well he has a Cleffa too and I got some good money from it, guess that was worth it.  And I got a Nugget, so guess that was just a money pitstop. Well that’s it for Goldenrod, couldn’t find the restaurant but time to go to the next route and catch a new pokemon…”
-A bunch of pokemon Samus has already caught later-
“Oh wow a Ditto! And right next to the Daycare too! Guess I know what this guy was there for…” Cynthia chuckled.
“FUCK it took like all my balls but I got it… why did I want this thing again?”
“Breeding!? This is a children’s game I’m not gonna make my monsters have sex, what kind of sick fucks are you trainers?”
“Well you have it now so that’s good.”
“I’ll name it “Brothel” …for obvious reasons. I really need to get some badges so these trainers stop having level like six pokemon.”
“Then pick a gym already.”
“Fine, next town we go to I’ll fight the gym there. Just getting through this forest and catching this Oddish (nicknamed Oddball).  Got the Headbutt TM so I can punch trees like this is Minecraft.”
“Ahhh a Dark Souls reference last time and Minecraft now, soon we’ll be a regular mainstream Let’s Play streamer.”
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“Awww man, Bulbasaur pops up here! We could’ve caught the mun if they showed up first!”
(Sad Bulbamun noises)
“This girl says Kurt knows about the Forest Guardian, so better head into town to see what that’s about… oh neat, I don’t have to wait to get Apricorn balls, this guy in Kurt’s house sells them for money.”
“And Kurt passed you off onto Professor Oak about the Forest Guardian thing… sounds like a fetch quest to me…” Cynthia sighed.
“Might as well squash some bugs for my first gym, I mean Bugs seem like a fitting start to me.”
“I mean Bug-types aren’t the most powerful but Bugsy does the best with what he can…”
“Alright Hooters, you’re a bird, you’re in charge of the bug squishing duty.”
“Well he’s got a Scyther at least, that’s cool, but he’s still no match for Hooters!”
“Wow that was quick, you and your boob-themed owl are unstoppable.”
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“Well he did poison Hooters and get her down a bit, so if I’m not careful she could faint on the way back to the gym, but I did get my first badge so hopefully stuff gets more challenging from here~ One badge down, seven to go.”
“Crystal Clear has both Kanto and Johto gyms in it, there are sixteen badges, you have fifteen left.”
“…well shit, I better get cracking…”
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“Looks like you got a call from the Pokemon League too, they say if you’re in Johto to visit Sprout Tower to get something cool, a “FLASHy” reward… subtle and to go pay your respects in Ilex Forest, that’s probably to do with the sidequest we stumbled on earlier.”
“Well I’m starting to move up in the world, they gotta start recognizing me! Well might as well go down to this Slowpoke Well and catch something. Ooooh there’s breakable rocks here, I’ll teach Dudette Rock Smash and break one to see if I find something cool~
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“CRAP! I killed it, it gave me an Encore so I couldn’t get out of the loop… ugh, oh well, guess there’s no use crying over spilled Shuckle. Guess that’s all I can do in the Well without Strength for now… Might as well work my way back up to Violet Town and go to Sprout Tower like the League said, even if I don’t want to go in order, getting that reward would probably be good and get me some more pokemon along the way.”
“Well you killed that Zubat too, so no new pokemon on this route either.”
“At least you caught that Whooper (named Whoop) in Union Cave.”
“Well Whoop de doo. A few battles later and I’m back in Violet City. I didn’t wanna do these gyms in order but I guess doing Flying-types second would be fine since I’m here anyway and have the pokemon for it…I need to get more badges to increase trainer levels so I’m not too OP right away.”
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“Dudette, you’re in charge, kill these birds with one stone.”
“Well you’re the same level so I guess you’re not too overleveled, you just have a serious type advantage.” Cynthia sighed.
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“Well took down his Pidgey but damn, wasn’t expecting Pidgeotto to have Mud Slap, Dudette’s in the red and her accuracy has gone to shit, better switch out. Do your best Poly! Alright! Two Psybeams and Pidgeotto is down~”
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“Another badge and another call from the Pokemon League.”
“This time a warning about not watering wiggling trees, so you can probably get the watering can from that girl we saw in Goldenrod, plus a message about getting Cut from the Charcoal guy in Azalea Town and a note that Professor Elm is very generous so we should probably go back to him too.”
“Okay so we’re doing pretty good for this little neck of Johto, lemme make a list real quick of our goals.
1.       Go up Sprout Tower and get the reward
2.       Go back to Professor Elm and get a reward
3.       Get Cut from the Charcoal dude
4.       Squirt Trees
5.       Talk to Professor Oak about Ilex Forest shit
6.       ???
7.       Profit
“Sounds about right to me, looks like we have a lot to do… NEXT TIME ON GAME BLONDES!”
Samus’s Journey So Far:
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(Color-coding the path by episode for now, may or may not continue to do this depending on if it’s a pain in the ass when it starts getting bigger)
Samus’s Current Team:
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jira-chii · 5 years
AF Alice Rank
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In the AF Alice rank, Sakura (who plays Alice) tries to revive her theatre group using a magic key.
This post also includes an unnecessarily long analysis of the theatre group series in general.
Shichirin (I really hope I am pronouncing this right), was a famous theatre group, renowned for doing plays of popular fairy tales, whose members all turned into tamashii when Lost happened. Sakura seeks out Chihiro, hoping she will lend her an artefact (AF) that will help her find the missing members.
As it so happens, the Magic Key was recently completed. This powerful AF has the ability to transport its user anywhere they can visualise, by bending the space around them and creating a “door” which is basically a teleportation portal. However it requires a tremendous amount of willpower to control, and, as a tamashii has never used an AF until now, Chihiro has justifiable concerns.
But a Magic Key sounds perfect for a girl who plays Alice, and Sakura assures her she will be able to control it.
Ofc she doesn't, as Takuya and Yuki find out when they are asked to investigate a tamashii that has gone berserk.
Throughout the quest, we see various flashbacks of Alice with the rest of Shichirin, emphasizing how much she loves being in the group, and everyone in it. First, Kanzou (who plays Captain Hook), remarks that she will probably be good enough to replace him as the face of the theatre group soon. Then, Sakura stays back after normal hours to practise more after receiving some advice she got from Kuroe (who plays Tinkerbell). Her enthusiasm cause the other members to also stay back: Yoshiki (Playing Card) and Chizu (Queen of Hearts).
It's very obvious Alice loves the group and that's why she wants to revive them. But just the act of wanting isn't enough. As Chihiro explains when she catches up to us, Sakura’s image of where she wants to go is not strong enough; to make the key obey, Sakura needs to think about not just the act of reviving the group, but also what she wants to do afterward (seems very similar to the predicament of another character in main story). Essentially, the key needs her to have a clear vision of the future in order to behave.
Chihiro also informs us Sakura was close to another actress named Kaede, and apparently they made a promise just before Lost happened. It’s likely to be a clue to making the key behave, but it looks like Sakura has forgotten about the promise after the shock of turning into a tamashii.
We actually did see Kaede in one of the flashbacks. Kanzou didn't want Sakura practising when she should have been taking a break like the others, but he also wanted to acknowledge the work she was putting into her role. So he gives her tickets to see a different production of Alice in Wonderland, by a theatre group called Futaba.
Kaede is the actress of this other Alice. She sees Sakura practising late at night and decides to join her. Sakura praises her for her performance, but Kaede has doubts about her acting, something Sakura can relate to. They decide to practice together.
One day Kaede asks Sakura what she would do if her group hypothetically dissolves. Unlike Shichirin, Futaba is a small theatre group and so such a possibility is always looming over them. After some thinking, Alice replies with “I’ll revive them”, and Kaede agrees she would have given a similar answer. To both Alices, their theatre groups are like family: warm, fun and full of the people they love.
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Kaede remarks that every time Sakura talks about Shichirin her eyes light up.
Kaede then says she’d like to see Sakura’s ultimate performance of Alice some day. Sakura makes a promise then and there that she will show Kaede her best Alice performance, as well as her beloved theatre family.
Sakura remembers the promise after some prompting from Yuki.
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"That’s right, I made a promise! I can’t stop here!"
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She gets the key to work, and awakens it by using it on us. Then she heads off to revive Shichirin.
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"After I revive Shichirin, you guys should come watch our performance too!"
In the epilogue Chihiro apologises to Kirihiko. She had no idea the key would go crazy like that, although Kirihiko says Sakura’s will was actually quite powerful and she was able to contain the chaos very well.
Also, we get a hint that Kirihiko might know something more about the Shichirin tamashii?
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"So, it’s the Shichirin theatre group. As expected of a member of the workshop I scouted out myself, you’ve selected a great tamashii."
Much Thinking about Nothing
On the topic of this quest, I’d like to take this chance to talk a bit (sorry I actually mean, a lot) about the theatre group in general, which is something I’ve been wanting to do for a while now. Because I feel these series of quests subtly shows just how clever the writers of this game are.
The theatre group Shichirin, comprised of a bunch of actors and actresses in costume, is one of the more distinguishable set of characters in Shoumetsu Toshi. They were a famous group, reknowned for their engaging plays. But they were bought out by the circus group Anglermain (sorry if I spelt that wrong)  and were involved in Lost shortly after that.
Prior to this rank, the only way you would know anything about them is through their advents (a rotating set of quests that are available to almost all players. There are two types: ones that give evolution materials, and ones that give you the tamashii. Shichirin advents are the latter).
Overall the main gist of the series is: Yuki and Takuya are investigating the theatre members to figure out what their last performance was going to be on before Lost. Was it Peter Pan? Or was it Alice in Wonderland? (who really cares tbh. Also they never find out.)
The Shichirin advents have a unique structure:
Sakura has a weird conversation with one of the NPC characters (like Geek or Researcher). She is actually just reciting her lines as Alice but they think she is actually talking to them for real.
Gameplay bit. Takuya and Yuki search for one of the members of Shichirin, and then fight them.
After defeating them, we see a flashback of them talking to Sakura off-stage. It hints at internal politics but as it’s “adult’s business” they tend to leave Sakura out of it.
I’m gonna give my thoughts on each of these, and then relate what we know back to the ranking.
1. Sakura’s convos as Alice are meta af
As mentioned, Shichirin advents begin with NPCs like Geek and Headhunter mistaking Sakura reciting her lines as Alice for actual conversation. The surreal miscommunication can insult, intrigue, confuse and bring new perspectives to them, highlighting the bizarre meta nature of storytelling, dialogue and words in general. Are Alice’s lines just gibberish? Or do they contain a more profound hidden meaning?
The interaction is multilayered, and can be viewed in many ways. First is the interaction between a “child” and an “adult”. For example, Scientist/Eiji dismisses her as a child for who a great scientist like him has no time for. But then she poses the question (or rather, recites her line): How is a dog and table similar? Scientist has something like an epiphany: “Wow I had never considered a perspective like that.” Then ironically when Sakura leaves he wants to chase after her to spend more time probing deeper into her mind.
The other example I like is Headhunter interpreting her words as accusing him of being greedy, which is really more a reflection about how he thinks of himself than anything else. Here we see a parallel between the “innocent” child who knows nothing of the real world, and the jaded adult who knows he is flawed, but also knows there is nothing he can do about it. In fact, Sakura’s innocence is also a key theme in the story of the theatre group, but I’ll come back to that.
Sakura is just an actress, so her lines actually don’t mean anything. But to her audience, they can get many different interpretations depending on their own personal context. It’s very similar to the nature of theatre and storytelling in general. Anyway, it’s all incredibly meta which is why I love it so much (for those who care, my favourite Shakespeare play is Hamlet for the same reason).
The other little thing I appreciate about this beginning section of each of quest is how Sakura’s lines suggest a nickname for everyone. E.g. Geek is Humpty Dumpty and Researcher/Yumiko is Caterpillar (for which she takes huuuge offense). There is probably a deeper meaning to these too, but again, different people will have different interpretations. That’s just the beauty of theatre.
Speaking of different nicknames, let’s talk about the actual tamashii themselves.
2. Every cast member has two names
Shichirin tamashii take on the name of their role (e.g. Tinkerbell, Queen of Hearts, Captain Hook. This also applies to Sakura/Alice, who isn’t even an advent tamashii). The first time we meet them in the advents, they are in costume and behaving just like the character they are acting as. It really is just like interacting with the actual character from the fairytale. It is also a good indication of how passionate they are toward acting, to have their tamashii show forms like that.
So it feels like a very abrupt change when, in the flashbacks at the end of the quest, we see them using their real names (which, until now, we've never seen used anywhere else). Sometimes their personality completely changes too (just like real actors). Thus, there is a clear distinction between what happens “on-stage”, and “off-stage”.
This ranking quest capitalises on that by almost exclusively using everyone’s real names. And this really highlights that these are actual people with authentic interactions. Maybe it is because they behave so differently from when they are on-stage, that their relationships seem so genuine. It gives the feeling of watching a “behind-the-scenes” of a movie or something. And by only seeing things through Sakura’s viewpoint, we get the sense that this is a very close-knit family, without even seeing any of their faces.
3. Something foul is at play within Shichirin
Sakura’s feelings for her fellow cast members, her family, are definitely genuine. However there is a lot she doesn’t know about the happenings off-stage, hinted at in the advents. The overly positive way she announces she will “revive Shichirin” at the end of the ranking also does not bode well.
In the advents, Sakura is treated like an innocent child who knows nothing about the true world of adults. Which I guess by proxy means we don’t really know what’s going on either. There’s something about “taking sides” (Alice in Wonderland vs Peter Pan?), the possible dissolution of the group, and, by far the most interesting, the eventual sale of the group to the circus group (and front for the organisation) Anglermain.
Kirihiko’s words at the end of rank seem to be foreshadowing that we may learn more about Shichirin in the future.
Lastly, can I just say I’m really glad they finally explained Kaede, because having two tamashii called Alice had me confused for so long.
5 notes · View notes
ghostmartyr · 5 years
Pokémon FireRed Nuzlocke [Part 1]
-claps hands together- Okay, this one’s going to be a little different. My primary goal when I first started the Nuzlocke thing was to replay games with some more variety in the choices. The Nuzlocke element was more about limiting the chaos of the Randomizer than really doing a proper Nuzlocke.
This, though, is going back to the basics. It should be very fun.
After possessing poke balls, only the first pokemon of any route is eligible for catch.
Barring duplicates. Waiting until an unregistered pokemon appears is valid.
Any pokemon that faints will be considered dead, and go into a specified box.
Each pokemon must be nicknamed.
Starter pokemon is determined by Trainer ID number.
Team wipe means the run’s over.
Plus one extra special one:
Only battling Trainers is allowed.
No grinding. The only smudge line is that if I can’t run away from a pokemon, I am allowed to defeat it. I’m not going to be locked into a situation where a wild pokemon ends everything because it’s too fast and I’m not allowed to attack it.
My expectation is that I’m going to fail at least a few times. So the part tag on these posts isn’t going to necessarily match where I’m at in the game. I’m just going to keep on until the Elite Four is beaten.
Hopefully this is as exciting as I’m wanting it to be!
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Heyo prof.
Geez, the moments before you have the option to adjust the text speed are the worst.
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In the spirit of having fun, I’m not going to go with my standard. For this game, I shall be... Coin. Only in caps, because I think gen three is still a gen where all of the names of stuff come in caps. Gotta make sure I fit in.
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I love video games.
Rival names are always so difficult. You can be Turq. Also in screamy caps.
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First thing’s first, after changing the text speed. Into my computer for a Potion. Which I never knew about until I started watching people play these games on the internet.
Second thing is...
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ID number.
Bulbapedia says 4-6 is Fire. Yoooo.
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Who knows if we’ll even have a chance to watch that play out. We have to make it through the rival fight first, and that’s pretty much RNG.
Charmander, your name shall be Heero.
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First fight of the game.
Scratch, Tackle, Scratch, Tackle, Scratch, Tackle...
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Yay, we get to continue forward!
Heero is level 6 now.
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One day, this stat chart might be of interest to me.
Heero is a Calm female Charmander. She knows Scratch and Growl.
Up to Viridian, grabbing Oak’s Parcel, down to Pallet, delivering Oak’s Parcel... Pokedex get, and we have five poke balls! Plus vague instructions to visit our rival’s sister for a Town Map.
Route 1 reentered, and our first available catch appears.
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What I’m dying to know is if I get exp for catching in this gen. I can’t remember.
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Nope on the exp, though.
Rattata’s name is going to be Cat.
Cat is going in the box. The experiment of this first run is going to be how far Heero can push. I have a limited amount of exp to harvest, and I want to have it go to something I’m planning on using for a while. Who knows how this will turn out.
Route 22 is going to be briefly examined for our next partner. We’ll be back later to fight Turq, but right now he would eat us alive.
First thing is Rattata. Nope.
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Maybe. This is still complicated.
Going with a theme here... Allenby.
Old dude int town teaches us how to catch stuff, he gives us the Teachy TV which I don’t think I’ve ever touched except by accident, yay, we move forward.
Into Route 2. I walk through the grass without getting anything, and you know what, for now that’s fine. Into Viridian Forest we go, and that means it’s finally time for trainers.
Allenby is going to be in front for as much as I can keep her. As much as I like the possibility of just training Heero into the invincible Charmander that laughs in the face of Brock... lol.
Bug Catcher Rick is our first fight outside Turq! He has a level 6 Weedle. ...This is already uncomfortable. Yep, Poison Sting poisons Allenby. But Allenby wins and grows to level 5.
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Rick also has a Caterpie.
...I have Potions. I should have bought Antidotes, but I forget how low the HP is early on, and also that walking probably does damage. But Allenby should be able to take on a Caterpie. Maybe.
With the help of a Potion.
And when we’re running around trying to find an Antidote, a Caterpie appears.
Her name can be Rain.
Now I have the delightful project of looking at the menu every few seconds to check if it’s time to give Allenby a Potion. I... think it’s fewer steps to one of the Antidotes hidden in the forest than the Pokemon Center or Mart.
The exciting challenges of early gens.
...Fuck it, I don’t know where the Antidote is. I’m going to try out rushing to the Center.
One more Potion.
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Made it.
Rain, into the box.
I’m buying ten Antidotes. Three more Poke Balls, and five Potions.
Back in Route 2, a Pidgey wants to join the box squad.
And I wasn’t going to use it anytime soon anyway, but I turned my brain off and didn’t nickname it. Sigh. Uh, for future reference, the Pidgey’s name is Ren. I don’t think I can change it until Lavender Town, but that’s its name.
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Fight number two.
Opening with a level 7 Weedle.
Allenby makes it to 6 beating it. Allenby learns Low Kick!
Another level 7 Weedle follows.
Allenby is finally poisoned. After a lot of good luck. Needs a Potion before I can use an Antidote, because the Weedle’s probably going to use Poison Sting again, and if I use an Antidote, Allenby’s health is low enough that a Poison Sting + poison would be an issue.
Nope, it uses String Shot.
Allenby makes it to level 7.
And Doug’s last thing is Kakuna. Well, this will take forever, but that’s fine. Doug down.
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I realized I didn’t do this for her. So here. Have a timely picture. And I finally found the Antidote. It was just in the middle of the path.
Missed the name. Don’t ask why. But Allenby faces a level 7 Caterpie. Allenby wins and is now level 8 (also the dude’s name is Anthony). Level 8 Caterpie comes out to pick up the slack.
Bug Catcher Charlie is next, and yay, Metapod. Allenby is level 9. A Caterpie and Metapod later, Charlie’s out.
Next up, Bug Catcher Sammy. He’s got a level 9 Weedle. Ick. But it’s gone now, even though Allenby is poisoned. Congrats on level 10, btw. Antidote time.
That’s all we have available before Brock, and that means we’re going back to Route 22 to fight Turq. If memory serves, he has two. His starter, and... I want to say Pidgey? With the Pidgey out front?
So Allenby gets to play second fiddle to Heero for a little bit. Hopefully Heero will survive long enough to get some exp before post-Brock, since she won’t have any participation points for that fight.
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Happy fun times with rival.
Hey, I got it right!
He has his. level 9 Pidgey. Oh geez.
Yeah, Heero can’t handle this. Allenby? Save her?
Allenby succeeds. Heero grows to level 7. And learns Ember!
Squirtle comes out, and it’s level 9 too.
Allenby wins. Nice.
Brock time, I guess.
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Camper Liam sends out a level 10 Geodude for Allenby to hopefully eat. Allenby does, and reaches level 11. Even better, Allenby learns Karate Chop! Liam sends out a level 11 Sandshrew. Allenby beats it and all that’s left to the gym is Brock.
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Don’t worry, kid, we still love you.
Back to the Center to heal, then. Brock.
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Hi. I’m Coin. I’m on a path of destruction.
Level 12 Geodude is my first opponent.
Aaaaand it’s gone. Allenby gets to live to level 12.
Level 14 Onix.
Allenby wins!
First badge get. Heero gets to go back into the first slot for switch training. Then Running Shoes for me! Yay!
Right we go, and Bug Catcher Colton is our first post-Brock opponent. He has a level 10 Caterpie. Heero handles it, and reaches level 8. Level 10 Weedle up next. Heero wins again, and level 9 she hits. Another level 10 Caterpie. That’s enough to get Heero up to 10! It costs and Antidote, but whatever.
Lass Janice is up next. She has a level 9 Pidgey. Then surprise, she has another. Heero hits 11.
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This isn’t especially important I just wanted to break up the wall of text.
She has a level 10 Rattata.
She also has a level 10 female Nidoran. It poisons Allenby, who has to go in after Heero is nearly felled by two Tail Whips worth of Quick Attack. Allenby is level 13, and I’m about to be down another Antidote.
Trip to the Pokemon Center, and then it’s Bug Catcher Greg. He’s got a level 9 Weedle. Thankfully Heero can nail those in one shot, and is now level 12. Level 9 Kakuna. Level 9 Caterpie. Wait, let me guess, level 9 Metapod? Yep.
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Yay Heero. Heero now knows Metal Claw. Double yay.
Next up is Bug Catcher James. He’s got a level 11 Caterpie. He’s also got a level 11 Metapod. Heero thanks them for the exp.
Lass Robin follows with her Jigglypuff. It is level 14, so I think I will let Allenby help out after Heero gets a nom in. I also think it’s time for Allenby to be up front again, if only for a little while. I’m still getting a feel for how to distribute the exp. In this case, I let Heero handle all the Bug Catchers, and intended for Allenby to get all the other trainers. Lass Robin moves, so I wasn’t sure if she was a trainer NPC or standard NPC.
Youngster Calvin! What’s on your agenda?
A level 14 Spearow.
I’m going to let Allenby stay in for a hit. Tune in to see how much I am filled with regret.
Peck is unpleasant, but Karate Chop can finish it in two, so that’s how we’re gonna do.
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Same, my man.
Youngster Ben. With the level 11 Rattata. And the level 11 Ekans. With Intimidate. Ugh. And Wrap. More ugh. But Allenby makes it to level 14 through Ben’s contributions.
So there’s grass on this here route. Time to see if we’re getting another one for the box, or maybe adding someone to the team.
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Box buddy. Hm. You can be... Herine.
The dude selling the Magikarp in front of Mt. Moon is technically in Route 4, so that Magikarp could conceivably count, but Magikarp needs loads of experience to level up to something usable. Efficiency demands we not add it.
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The art they’ve added into these is really pretty. I like it a lot.
Mt. Moon gives us a level 7 female Zubat. Another for the box. Her name’s Dini.
Now for the long, long, long trek through a cave where I can’t attack any of the constantly spawning creatures. Yaay.
Bug Catcher Kent wants to spice it up with a battle. He has a level 11 Weedle. Allenby takes that, Heero nabs the level 11 Kakuna.
Lass Iris is also here. She has a Clefairy, and since Fairy Type doesn’t exist yet, tear it up Allenby.
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I have no memory of what Type theme you have in this gen. I want to say Magnemite...? Yeah, level 11 Magnemite. Followed by a level 11 Voltorb.
Allenby grows to level 15!
There looks to be a Bug Catcher for Heero around the corner. Bug Catcher Robby. He’s got a level 10 Caterpie.
On a related note, Heero is level 15 now!
Hm. I think I want to check something really fast. Because I don’t have a ban on guides in this Nuzlocke. Eh, okay, that’s not going to work. I wondered if maybe exp needed to reach the next level changed when a pokemon evolved. It looks like no after a brief thing. Species line determines it, not present form. Moves are affected, but that’s a different...
I should look that up.
Okay, for my current team, I think I don’t want to delay evolution for anything. Risk is high, benefit is nil.
Anyway, Robby has a level 10 Metapod. Followed by a level 10 Caterpie.
I pick up a Rare Candy.
I haven’t decided how I feel about Rare Candy on this run.
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She has a level 11 Oddish, making me happy I got lazy with switching Heero out of first position. Allenby can tackle her level 11 Bellsprout. No I’m not assigning EV preference that would be a level of insanity beyond anything I could manage shut up.
...I took a break to talk to a friend and I think I’m lost.
Youngster Josh wants to battle! Youngster Josh bringing it with the level 11 Rattata! Youngster Josh bringing it with the level 10 Rattata! Youngster Josh bringing it with the level 10 Zubat!
Heero can eat that one.
Heero hits level 16, and I think I know what that means!
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She’s a good girl.
Hiker Marcos wants to fight now. He has a level 10 Geodude. And another one. And a level 10 Onix.
Allenby is level 16 now. Yay.
Um. Okay. I’m going to try to unlost myself. I think the ladder furthest from the entrance is the one that goes forward, but even more than usual, I want to be sure I explore everywhere.
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This is how the most popular game franchise in the world starts.
No, Sandshrew should never be made to do evil. A curse upon you, grunt. It’s level 11. A baby.
The Rattata’s on-brand, though.
Congrats on level 17, Allenby. Heero can take the level 11 Zubat. She even does.
Another ladder, another Grunt. Another level 11 Zubat. A new addition of a level 11 Ekans. It is not match for our fierce team.
A different grunt has a level 13 Rattata. Allenby is not impressed. Also a level 13 Sandshrew. I am not impressed. This other Grunt also has a level 13 Rattata. Allenby is level 18. Heero gets the level 13 Zubat.
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You don’t need to tell me that.
Super Nerd Miguel has a Grimer. It knows Poison Gas.
I forgot how much I hate poison. Level 12 Koffing is next. I need to spend two turns on Antidote and Potion. Heero gets the level 12 Voltorb since Allenby has kind of taken a beating from the poison. Because poison is awful.
Welcome to level 17, Heero.
I take the Dome Fossil, since the plot makes you take stuff from the poor guy.
I use an Escape Rope to get back to the Pokemon Center. I think this is the last stretch of Mt. Moon and there are some trainers outside. I’d rather everyone be healed to the brim before we go through them.
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We made it! To the outside world!
Stopping point!
3 notes · View notes
Here are my notes/comments I made while playing through KH3. The thoughts that went through my head.
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Tuesday, Jan 29th. 5:00 pm.
-Finally home and ready to play. Colored lights on, fluffy pants on, favorite blanket nearby, cats fed, pizza in oven, cold water in fridge, juice smoothie drink standing by. Waiting on my pizza to finish so I can eat dinner while listening to the title screen music. Have not put game on yet. (Just so happened to get my Marluxia keychain the other day too! Got my game today.)
-Here we goooooOOOOOO.
-OATH ORCHESTRAL IS SO PRETTY. Also expected recap. I bet there will be a lot of flashbacks in the game (update: not at all).
-Cable town seems a precarious place to live- also a pain to get around. Pretty. there’s a LOT of islands. (Update: homeworld of Keyblade wielders? Or base)
-Eraqus playing dumb?  Messing with Xehanort? Or is he actually just like that and doesn’t know.
-Queue intro. Music feels off slightly but that could just be because I saw the trailer one first. Also new Marluxia content, gonna need a gif of that little clip jumping over the scythe.
-Darkside, of course. Nostalgia reasons. Would have been more interesting if they changed up the fight with him, I think. He’s always been a pretty lame fight.
-Cutscenes feel much more natural (first reaction). Also Donald getting shit on, always fun. (Update: the amount of shitting on each other in this game is unreal)
-Hercules’ new voice… Is it new? IDK, but I find it unnerving.
-The Instagram loading screens are weird? Not a big deal.
-Maleficent’s much needed glow up.
-The graphics are odd because some things look super good and then some things look kinda weird sometimes. IDK I just started. Generally very pretty.
-SORA, DONALD, GOOFY. Is this going to be a thing again? (Update: yes, it is)
-Guess Phil isn’t going to talk at all? Sort of weird (Update: speaking of NOT SPEAKING. Aeleus and Dilan. Not a single peep. Wow.)
-Xigbar’s voice is changing into Xehanort’s now. Someone help him.
-Holy shit an NPC. WTF was that scene??? I think that’s all that needs to be said here. Just, what? How did that even work? No idea where the girl was/how far? Didn’t see any fire? Too slow? Yeeted into the universe. Little girl saved???
-Jumping around when you get hit with fire is annoying.
-Fighting those Titans was a shirt storm. It was soooo janky for me. (update: the combat in this game is incredibly aerial based)
-“May your hear-- ?” Unsure if game bugged or not. (Update: I get it now. Thanks, epilogue.)
-So Axel DOES get an outfit, wonder if we’ll ever see him wear it. (Update: AT THE VERY END
-Phone call. Is it my boy IENZO??? Oh, nope. D: WAIT, there he is.- -MOODY AELEUS??? What does he have against Roxas? Just because he left the Organization? Yeah, like Axel. Stop the bias against the other Org members.
-GODDAMMIT they did it again with the title card.
-Seifer and gang left for a “hero’s journey”.
-IENZO SPYING? IENZO CHUCKLE. Ienzo didn’t know= that makes sense. He’s so…happy (Update: he really is chipper in this game) -KIDNAPPED EVEN? -Just get Even to make him a body. -I too could go for some hot wings, little girl -Talking about Sora. I figured, but I hoped.
-Darn you Axel for being attractive -DILAN
-What a lovely world; everyone’s having a nice time… It sure would be a shame, if someone….ruined it.
-Mar you creep. PINK EYES?
-FAVOR? Oh. :I Balance, eh? Do you believe that Mar? Also would rather forget? Himself, or does he mean Sora?
-Marluxia does indeed dislike nicknames.
-Is Marluxia really out to protect the light/Rapunzel for balance? If it were anyone else it’d be easy to write off. (Update. Like Larx for this story it’s just about making sure they have the PoH backups)
-Time for Mar to be an ass. Lol. Sounded like he wasn’t even trying.  He likes it when they run. Also I guess Mar tied Flynn up in this version? -HE’S SO PRETTY -SLEEP BOY! Also…Mar? New power? Lol. How handy, wish I could do that to myself. (Also the comment about him being good at sleeping or something? Guess he knows that from DDD? When they were all there at the end. Or upon learning he was in a pod for a year.)
-The bosses thus far have been huge and really annoying to hit/air battles.
-On Marluxia, still looks like they’re just using him for Nort fodder at this point. Even though it still makes no sense at all.
-And I’m sure that’s all I’m gonna get this game for Marluxia.
-ALSO,  Reapers baby. CALLED IT.
-Get Even to make one! Well Goofy’s right, Ienzo might be able to do it. OH MY GOD I CALLED IT. Good job Riku for being smart.
-*Sidenote: If you haven’t seen Tangled some things might seem disconnected to you as a player. (Update: this goes for most of the Disney worlds actually.)
-Final Fantasy??!?!?! LOL Riku and Noctis fusion
-WTF. Shot by YMX into Square Enix? Oh nope, Gigas.
-OOO Woody burn. No one loves you Xehanort.
-Should have been ,“There’s a snake in my boot”
-ANOTHER Woody burn.
-I feel like Young Xehanort learned something they already knew???
-OH YEP. Need Even. I wonder if Aeleus and Dilan will talk in this game (Update: nope)
-OOOO Evil meeting. Everyone yell so you can hear each other. DAMN IT VEXEN, you mad science man. At least it’s a believable reason for Vexen. Unlike Marluxia, which is total bullshit
-Gummi flying takes forever.
FROZEN. Ready to see my girl Larxene
-This is literally the my friends are my power game with the way the combat is set up (Update: Very Aerial and AOE oriented gameplay)
-Also enemies have a lot of HP
-Lol. Oh yeah, memory loss. They filled her in.
- Using the electricity to move the blocks and trap them… I can be like, ok I’ll buy that. But this is a complex-ass labyrinth
Along with Marluxia’s sleep thing and now this,… Headcanon that it’s due to Xehanort influence possibly?
-Larxene Nobodies! They look like ninjas. YEP. Just checked. Called Ninjas.
-Giant Larxene knife symbols on wall. Classy.
-Did Larxene just show Elsa up with that labyrinth btw?
-LET IT GO. LET IT GO. “I don’t know what I just saw”. lol
-What is with all this Larx ice using? I dun like it >.<
-Again boss is up so high the fight is really floaty and crazy
-What girl??? Who??? Namine? Kairi? Streli? Not Larxene . Must be Kairi. (Update: STILL DON’T KNOW THE GIRL. Future game plot point)
-Oh god, not Pooh Bear. Please be optional.
-Ienzo has an Instagram.
-Alright Vani where you at?
-LMAO Sully just grabs him and throws him in a door xD That is a GOLDEN moment
-Ienzo’s gonna be the one who saves Xion Roxas and Ventus. Nice.
-This is “shit on each other the game” isn’t it?
-Oooo evil meeting.  MY PALS. Marluxia is WOKE as fuck., he’s like nah he just wants our empty husk bodies as vessels.  Larxene ain’t having it, yep, that’s what I thought. You? Canon ‘Marly’ Omg Benched, I believe it. REBEL GROUP. REBEL GROUP.  (Update: I chanted this in my head a lot)
WHAT??? Another purpose? Luxord in.  TELL US THE PURPOSE? All four of them? Wow. Demyx and Luxord in Union X confirmed. :/ Not a fan of this. Too many keyblades.
Ugh I want more plot Dx Gotta do Pirates.
*So it does seem like the four of them don’t want to be in the Org? But again they aren’t doing anything about it so???
So the reason they let them back (Mar and Lar even though traitors) is because they want their ancient keyblade powers. (Update: This is never mentioned again. Like, why does it matter to Xehanort? Did Xehanort pull them out of time? More questions)
- Vexen and Lux. Oooo Vexen not obeying. Luxooooord. REBEL GROUP. REBEL GROUP. -Pausing air fight to feed cats. Not enjoying this flying oof. Thank goodness it isn’t all shooting -Who needs air? -Wow nice ship and sails Luxord -Whatever you want eh Luxord? -Gonna honor the rules Lux? Did he lose on purpose? -Hope eh? -LOL No Parley. OOF breath on his face, into the ocean. Luxord just got burned. First Vanitas now Luxord - Dramatic walk scene?  Awwww
-GDI Axel change your clothes -Was thinking this at the first scene but GDI I know people are going to ship these two
-Here comes darkqua? -A tale of two Ansems. Feeling Namine guilt? -Hayner bout to get FUCKED. WHAT GIRL? -WHAT THE FUCK? Nobodies? Who doing this??? -FUCK it’s Vexen. Good Vexen? What? :o Is he lying??? FUCK CLIFFHANGER. I appreciate all the diff character interactions in this game though. Does Vexen secretly have a heart of gold and is in on the REBEL GROUP?
- Data Riku or Repliku? Going with Repliku. But the enemy is very codedesque. Also Data Riku is just Data, no body. Could also be timetravel bs - Replica confirmed. Not sure if it’s the same ”Repliku” - Hoping actual Repliku will come back. Riku did mention his other me after all
-Darkqua music was great
-Aaand she’s gone. Again. OR NOT
-Finally these two: Vexen and Demyx. DUNCE. LMAO their fighting. REBEL VEXEN. What’s in it for you, Demyx??? UHHH Not becoming Xehanort. (Demyx continues to be a douche character). Marluxia? Maybe. DEMYX TIME. Oh my god. Was that intentional??? LMAO Demyx is so ‘useless’ no one expects him to do anything. Nice FAMILY REUNION
VEXEN YOU LEGEND. I always liked him. Now it’s up to you Marluxia >:Y I think Vexen may have been talking about Ansem the Wise. Also may not still completely trust him because it says he went back willingly. Unless he changed his mind when learning about Ansem the Wise. (Update: Nope, Vexen really is a legend. I love him).
CASTLE OBLIVION -Vani fight, nice. Great music -HE UP. Go visit your old friend Mar.
-Ventus gets to meet both Axel and Marluxia as adults. How odd.
-Sudden Saix. So casual. WHAT GIRL? WHAT GIRL???? Is it Strelitzia? Skuld? New character? (Update: Again, future plot point.)
-Repliku with Riku.? YEP. DOPE. Save Namine? (Update: Yep. To protect Namine).
-Enter Terranort. Shock for Ven to see. -Axel got fucked. -SHIT AN F5. - Everyone died. The end -STARS???? More pieces???? WAHHHT PAST? Union X Club??? Streli?! D’x
The Final World :O
-Chirithy is great.
-Vexen gonna save the day with a replica? And Demyx  lol. They both got benched. What a team up. (Update: And we never heard from them again. They literally just dipped from the Org and none of the Norts did anything. (Update: No idea what happened to Demyx. He dropped off the replica and was outie).
-DÉJÀ VU. Oof.
-EPHEMERA! THE KEEEEEYS. All the dead people
-UNION LEADERS KEYS. Also all the others, but I believe I saw five? What I’m saying is those four-five Starlights= Dandelion Union Leaders.
-Is Vexen with the coat guys up there??? -Also Demyx??? -Do they have a PLAN??? (Update: Nope, they literally just dipped).
-Thank you, Luxord awww.  Such a cool guy…(Update: Sora still has the Wild Card)
AWww Larx. Heart tank? NO THANKS.  Along for the ride- With?? (Marluxia?)
*MEMORIES BACK???? Real laugh. A smile. He DID forget. Always about “purpose for being with Mar”. How did I predict that? (Update: Marluxia amnesia confirmed? Also why the heck didn’t /he/ rebel. Makes no sense. I blame Nomura. He also gave no reason for why he was following Xehanort. Again, it’s pretty BS. NO EXPLANATION.)
Riku down. Very interested in what Xigbar will have to say… Repliku repossession! NOOOO. Repliku stay! Roxas, of course.
He just wanted that keyblade bro. What?????? Why the backwards drama D: (Update: Nope. Xigbar just playing the role, or should I say Luxu).
Fucking Axel. That smart mouth.
Saix would have let him die; also I knew it was Xion from trailers.
:O XION. He knew.
And Roxas is in. The music has been SO GOOD.
Vexen  Zexion Ansem Demyx. LUL GET FUCKED Xemnas.
Vanitas sounds higher pitched in this game.
GUARDIAN??? This is weird.
I don’t believe in perma dead Kairi.
WHEN’S THE BOX? ALSO Luxord’s Wild Card!
*Btw guess Vexen and Demyx just left so the other Norts replaced them instead of doing anything about it
Awww, Saix. Or rather, Isa.
Didn’t shed any tears, but the part that got me feeling the most was with Xehanort and Eraqus tuff at the end, surprisingly
*** WHAT THE FUCK HAPPENED TO DEMYX? What did he even do to help besides delivering the replica LMAO??
WHY DIDN’T I GET TO SEE MY BOY IN THE ENDING? Maybe secret ending. ☹ (Update: Nah)
Oh yeah, Sora vanished btw.
*Xehanorts VA could have had a better performance.
-Wow. Xigbar really was the MoM? Union leaders alive?  OH, nvm he’s Luxu. Guess he picked up on MoM’s behavior and mannerisms. Also been through many bodies I see… No Ava.
UH OH. New game board. 7 evils. Five being leaders and Xig, 2 Unkowns. Please don’t put Mar through more of that, IE make him be in another Org/group.
They never opened the box, did they.
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kingdomoftyto · 5 years
Nuzlocke SLLD liveblog, part 5
... there are... SO MANY good fakemon in this game... I want them all but I cannot have them... will my suffering never cease 
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Today we begin in some very dark (I’m literally having to turn my laptop’s brightness up) woods
... This music is way 2spooky
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According to my Pokedex, these are all of the Pokemon I’ve seen thus far that live here. Obviously I’ve already caught a Jumple so I can skip that one, but the other five would all be welcome additions to the party!
Fingers crossed for a Stotox or Vennap, though
I’m gonna guess that the two of them would be more common in the tall grass than in trees, so we’re diving into the first patch of grass and seeing what we find
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First Premier Ball catch of the run B)
And on a more-than-deserving target, too, since it’s a Venus flytrap Pokemon, and YOU KNOW WHAT THAT MEANS
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“It’s an Audrey II!”
(As far as I can tell there’s no official spelling of Audrey II’s nickname so I’m going with “Tooey” bc it can be read phonetically lmao)
I need to drop everything and train her up now, brb. (She’ll replace Seymour as the party Grass-type, sad as I am to see him go, lol)
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So I noticed that the wild Vennaps are hitting REALLY HARD with Bite and I thought I’d look at Tooey’s stats--LOOK AT HER ATTACK STAT. SHE’S LEVEL 12 AND ALREADY HAS HIGHER ATTACK THAT HALF THE TEAM AT LEVEL 18
She’s a mean green mother from Blackleaf Woods, and she’s BAD (Mean! Green! Baaad!~)
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Oh, an NPC on the quest floor wanted me to catch one of these and show them
Too bad I guess :P
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There are TOO MANY good Pokemon in this game! It’s hard being a Nuzlocker :’D
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See!! What EVEN is this!!
(One thing I KNOW it to be is the answer to another “catch and show to me” quest in Crestlight--oh well!)
I’m playing around with the Jukebox option in the Pokegear while I grind, and I’m listening to some of the battle themes I’ve missed since I played with the sound off for a while there
Rick’s battle theme is, predictably, full of electric guitars and drums, and I kind of love it
Also the Gym Leader music in this game is SICK. Here’s a link so your ears can be just as blessed 
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Okay, these Vennaps are LEGIT scaring the pants off me now 
This one did THAT MUCH DAMAGE with a single Bite. I don’t know if it’s really feasible to train Moonky/Lee here when a single critical hit could KO him from full health! They also have the Arena Trap ability (my oLD NEMESIS...) which combined with their brute strength makes them scary for Elphaba, whose stats aren’t the highest on the team, as well. I had to throw Potions at her in two separate battles now just to bolster her through inescapable battles with Vennaps. :(
It’s a good thing I just got the Exp. Share recently, is what I’m saying
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All trained up!
The path forks near the entrance, so I’m going to head west first
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First trainer encountered had one of these, which I assume is the middle-evolution of Glowig?
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My name is Ebony Dark'ness Dementia Raven Way, 
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Oh, this one is a quest item. The path is actually looping back on itself so I’ll go turn this in before I continue exploring
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Eh, why not!
But anyway, back to the forest
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Hey dude what up
Creepin on spooky houses?
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I mean, some people like living in cabins in dark forests--don’t judge
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Maybe I AM trying to help, you boob!
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Hell yeah, let’s do it
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*cough* hand holding
Also, these guys are the muggers who stole that one lady’s empty Pokeball, if I failed to screencap any of that plot
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Team Lunar? Team Solar?
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“Burglar Billy” (lmao) has a new face
(Well, new-ish. One of these was standing in town but I didn’t know the name of it.)
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Welp, that was quick
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Saying things like that make you sound very credible, Damon
... So the police take the thieves away, and Damon heads back to the gym, inviting me to come battle him whenever
Cool beans
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Oh!! There are wild Pokemon in this house--surprise!?
Guess we get a bonus catch before the gym 
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So it IS a spider. Interesting, I assumed it was some sort of tick? Lmao
Hmmmmm I have a few different names that would work for this guy. I’m torn between two in particular...... but I think, since it’s seemingly blood-themed and also a facsimile of the most viscerally repellant animal I can imagine, I’m going to go with the more morally repugnant character. 
Welcome aboard, Sweeney!
Now I have to walk around for a sec and see if anything new is in this house lol
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Hahahahaha that’s adorable
... And also the only new thing I found after a few minutes of walking, so. Back to town!
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His Ability is, fittingly, Unnerve
I’m going to go ahead and, at least for now, switch him in for Lee, since I don’t think a Psychic-type stands much of a chance in a Dark-type gym
(tImE tO gRiNd SoMe MoRe)
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dreams the way we planned ‘em
if we work in tandem
there’s no fight we cannot win...!
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Oh?? shit??? I didn’t anticipate this happening, frick
I guess rules is rules so I gotta catch him, though I’m sad I didn’t get a Beopup or Stotox or something for this area’s shiny instead :(
Also sticking with my self-imposed “rules” is that LSoH names are mandatory for Grass-types (until I run out of reasonable names lmao), so this toothy li’l fella is gonna be Orrin.
Anyway, he’ll be on the bench unless something happens to Tooey.
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I think this post has room for a gym battle, don’t you?
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It’s a maze in the dark
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Okay that actually wasn’t difficult. 
Also dude, bro, the dynamic shadows in this room are suuuuper extra lmfao
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Oogie’s getting PUMPED and we are READY for this battle!
Let me turn the music back on, aaaand
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I still say he’s a Zorua. He hasn’t proven NOT to have a tail hidden behind that coat and long scarf
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Umbreon IS my fav Eeveelution, so you don’t gotta convince me, friend
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Okay, shit, they didn’t even tell me how many Pokemon he had on his team. I’m assuming three. Uhhh welp
Oogie is my strongest weapon here, probably, considering how OP his Pin Missile is. I think I’ll take Sweeney in, too, just for the type advantage. For my third, though...? The biggest weakness for the first two will probably be Flying (I’m expecting one of those bats), so Elphaba (with her new and improved stats!) might be a good backup.  
Yep, we’re going with those three.
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(Guh, the music is SO GOOD)
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I keep teasing him about being edgy but I actually really, really dig his style lmao
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Predictable, and also easily taken care of
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Caaaalled it
Get in here, Elphie
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Ooooooh this is going to be something really cool that makes me even sadder I missed getting Beopup
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I’m secretly furry trash so I’m loving this
Also look at the damage difference between his Pursuit and Sweeney’s Bug Bite
He IS faster than Sweeney, but I’m going to chance another direct attack anyway because I’m feeling a little cocky
Swing your razor wiiiiiide, Sweeney!
Hold it to the skiiiies!
Freely flows the blood of those who lycanize!
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Sweeney! Oh Sweeney Todd! 
The Demon Spider of Black-Leaf!
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Once again, I want to say this game has been in development since long before Sun and Moon existed, so this badge’s resemblance to Lunala REALLY IS a complete coincidence
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A Dark-type attack that can cause confusion--now THAT I like!
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Th-thank you... We didn’t start off on the best foot, but I’m glad I seem to have earned your respect, Damon
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Still a HUGE fucking nerd, though
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Anyway, this seems like a good place to cut this post off. Two Gyms down, six to go!
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Okay Shauni, since recently you have been talking about Veronica a lot this is a good time to tell you this. Are you for real when you say that you’ve been waiting to kill Veronica since the beginning? Because the strange thing here, isn’t your hate for her (we can hate who we want), it’s the fact you thought the possibility of her death was ever on the table. I don’t know if you noticed, but she is a kid. Not even the Nowi kind of kid, just a literal child. IS can’t even put a kid in a silly dress without provoking a massive sh*tstorm, what do you think will happen if they show the death of a kid on-screen, even letting US kill her? The consequences would be grave, very grave, and for once I would be complaining too. This is a NINTENDO game, this game is played even by young children, and they CANNOT make the “good guys” kill a kid and make players think killing children can be the right thing to do in any situation. Even before we discovered she is being influenced by an evil dragon, even before the game came out, when we didn’t know her personality, it baffles me to think even a single person was expecting the heroes would kill her at the end, like all the previous evil rulers in FE (barring Gangrel I guess). Uhm… she is not like the previous evil rulers, she has the very major difference of being a kid. Imagine if Ashnard and Sanaki were swapped in PoR, with Ashnard being king of an allied nation and Sanaki the psycho Queen of Daein. Do you think Ike would have treated her the same way he treated Ashnard in canon? Heck no, they would have tried a lot harder to find some kind of alternative way of defeating her, and maybe investigate how it was possible that a 10 year old girl ended up becoming so rotten. After everything else failed, Ike would have killed her in the end because she had to die in order to save everyone, but that experience would have scarred him for life. He just killed a little girl even younger than his beloved sister. You don’t get over that kind of trauma. I could see him throw away Ragnell in the ocean and cripple himself in order to never wield a sword again, like his dad did. And anyway a game like that would never be made because you can’t release a game that let’s you kill children, even if it’s rated M. They never made a single underage NPC in GTA for that reason alone, because they are not stupid. I feel a little silly even having to explain this, and I’m sorry if I sound rude, or antagonistic, but this in my eyes is such an obvious truth… but I guess it isn’t as obvious as I thought. And some people are even worried about the Rite of Flame, like Veronica and Ylgr (the one with us is Loki, not Ylgr) may have died… guys they are not dead, they can’t die… children getting murdered in a NINTENDO game is just not possible, and even if it was possible I feel like a lot of people (including me) would quit FEH for good if that happened. I don’t care if it’s a bad guy that kills them, it’s still impossible and wrong on so many levels. Ganondorf is the king of all evil, and even he did not kill Link’s little sister in Wind Waker after capturing her. Why do you think Surtr killed Fjorm’s big sister and mother to show us how EEEEVULLLZZ he is, and not Fjorm’s little sister instead? That is even EVULLLERR but he didn’t do that, he just said he wants to do that. And that is enough to tell us he is a disgusting monster that needs to be killed. The work is done, they don’t need to show Surtr killing children to make us hate him even more, we already hate him enough, and doing that would only alienate the fanbase. I would stop hating Surtr and start hating Intelligent System for ruining the game for the sake of being dark and edgy beyond reason. So for the people worried about Ylgr and Veronica, don’t worry they are 100% safe.
But you scare me sometimes Shauni, I said eveyone is free to hate everyone, but hating is one thing, writing “I can’t wait to see her dead”, “I want to kill her so much, but it’s probably not gonna happen” and many others sentences like that is… I don’t know it just makes me uncomfortable. If you hate her, that’s fine but remember she is a child, so you have to bring your hate on the childish level, not drag her in the scary world of adults. Say you are gonna hide a giant spider somewhere in her bed, tell her nobody will come at her birthday party because she is ugly, and nobody wants to be her friend, call her nasty nicknames, anything, even mean spirited bully harassing stuff is better than “I hope you die”. I don’t know, maybe this is just black humor and I’m being a kill-joy, no-fun allowed kind of guy, and to be honest I would prefer that. It would mean it was all a stupid misunderstanding on my part because I don’t understand dark humor, which is way better than the alternative. If it is black humor, well I can’t tell you what kind of jokes to make, and I will still not like them everytime I read them, but I can tell myself that it’s just a joke atleast. If it’s not a joke and you are being serious… that is unfortunate, but can I ask you to tone it down a bit? As of right now the comments about Veronica’s death are the only contents in your Tumblr that make me sad, instead of happy or amused, and even if I can’t decide things for you, I can atleast voice my opinion. I’m half-worried that one day something really tragic is gonna happen to Veronica (like Xander or Bruno being burned alive to save her) and she starts crying and everything is awful and while I try to hold all of the feels for the next week, I stumble upon a post of you celebrating, and saying she deserved that. I think you can understand how awful I would feel. :( ;_;
by @dangerouseggwolfangel
Okay, so first of all: thank you for taking the time to type all this ^^
Then, I must admit: it really never occured to me that Veronica was a child. Actually, how old is she? Do we know? Because I always assumed she was like 15, just like Elise... and since Elise was obviously not deathproofed in Birthright (and arguably Anthony in Revelation, even if his possessed nature doomed him from the start), I never thought Veronica had a Ino's veil that protected her from death. So yes, unfortunately, I really was expecting her to die; I never noticed she was, by default, very high on the sorting algorithm of mortality. My overanalyzing tendencies are selective, and most of the time I don't think twice about a character's situation. I literally never stopped to wonder if she really was a teen or rather a child and just automatically assumed she was a teen (and Bruno, her older brother, a young adult). 
If it sounds stupid of me to you, then it's probably because it is stupid of me, but that is the truth nonetheless. I'm afraid that is my only excuse. So let's just say I really am stupid, then I can properly apologize for upsetting you with my thoughtless words: I am sorry.
My dislike of Veronica as a character doesn't change, of course, but since my recent replies about her troubled you, I think it's best (for you, for everyone who likes her, for me) that I stop talking about her altogether. When we don't have anything nice to say, it's best to keep quiet, right? 
So from now on, I won't answer any asks about Veronica anymore, and everyone's dashboard will be peaceful.
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betweengenesisfrogs · 7 years
So, Tumblr seems to have eaten the message, but re: my last post about the nature of the self, someone messaged me pointing out that I completely neglected to mention the Heart aspect, which basically represents the very thing I was talking about: the ur-Self! Which inspired some great reflections, so let’s touch on that before I drop eleven pages of Gnosticism on you later tonight. If that was you, please let me know so I can give you credit!
EDIT: Ah, I figured it out! It was homeschool-winner! Thank you for the terrific message! :)
So, in the past I wasn’t much for classpect analysis ‘cause I kinda saw people trying to use them predicatively, like “this will happen because Character X has Y classpect,” and there was always just such a wide range of interpretations available that any claim to certainty seemed a bit dubious. But now that Homestuck’s over, I find I’m fond of them, not as predictors but as tools for understanding all the weird symbols in Homestuck’s hyperflexible mythology.
I totally agree that Heart represents the Ur-Self. It clearly represents the soul, as Calliope tells us, and we see it on full display with Dirk’s ability to suck out souls (and put them in something else). He’s the Destroyer of Souls, and possibly also a destroyer by means of souls (by accidentally creating the Calsoul and thus Lord English? By duplicating his soul in the form of AR/Hal, whose soul is real enough to be part of a kernelsprite and the Calsoul?) Dirk fucks things up with/for souls. That’s pretty clear.
But these souls also seem to carry enough of their person’s qualities to represent their Ur-Self. LE certainly has qualities of all the people in the Calsoul. It seems pretty reasonable to interpret Heart as relating to people’s Self. That would make Dirk someone who destroys or suppresses Selfhood. Makes sense; Bro was certainly able to suppress Dave’s self, as we see it emerging by the ending. And LE’s Hal definitely comes out in Doc Scratch’s manipulations, which serve to rob others of their agency. So it checks out.
I really love the way souls are represented in the SBURB Glitch FAQ/Replay Value AU (which is an awesome AU, btw, y’all should check it out), where they’re nicknamed shinies, and basically everything has one. They’re the code for rocks or grass or game objects or people, and Heart Players can mess with them as one of their means of exploiting the game engine to compensate for bugs like the debug menu in a Bethesda Game. It’s awesome.
Imagine a game engine that calls up individual manifestations of you, which behave like different entities but they’re all called from one base file that’s copied and modified for different circumstances. That might be the kind of game we’re working with here.
But no classpect is ever just one thing, right? That’s what’s fascinating about them, they’re often multiple meanings fused fluidly together. Light is Luck, but also Information, Knowledge. Even Time and Space have subtler qualities. So I think we need to look at the Leijons as well.
When we first hear about Heart, it seems like it might be a silly, power of heart aspect, right? Because we (all too easily) dismiss Nepeta, and see Heart as just meaning love, meaning Nepeta’s shipping.
But I’m gonna say that Shipping, Self, and Agency all roll together into one concept called Heart. By pairing people up, Nepeta is exploring compatibilities among archetypal versions of people. Terezi fits with Dave in some ways, and Vriska in others. A Rogue of Heart might be able to move people around to their benefit to find better combinations. (A Thief of Heart would of course ship people for her own benefit rather than theirs, a classic seducer and heartbreaker...but maybe she’d also be someone who could steal a literal soul.) Meulin does this too, but more directly, as matchmaker more than shipper (the Mage at work). Heck, I think Davepeta’s very existence is a strong argument for this, right? The fusion of Nepeta and Davesprite’s souls created one hell of a positive, affirming combination. Like a bird and cat-themed Garnet. Meanwhile LE’s souls amplify a monster.
So yeah, in Homestuck Heart means: Soul + Self + Agency over Events+ Compatibility + Love.
Thinking about Heart also got me thinking, interestingly, about Mind. They’re an obvious aspect pair, right? One is the soul and one is the brain, duh. But I was never able to explain them on a larger level than that.
And then just now I got it. Because Mind in Homestuck means Choice. We see this everywhere in Homestuck. Terezi’s Mind abilities allow her to see what choices people will make and how to get the best results from them, to the point where she can use people’s choices to defy luck. Her retcon arc (which I will talk about in so, so much depth later) is about rewriting her own choices, or really giving herself the freedom to make new ones. Meanwhile, Latula uses her own choices as a shield but can easily interpret the choices her peers made as the Ancestors.
So, like Time and Space, Light and Void, and so on, Heart and Mind are a balanced pair where the further you go from one, the closer you move into the other. Heart is your Self and your role in the cosmos altogether. Mind is the individual choices you make to differentiate yourself from all your other selves! Heart is what’s consistent across all timelines, Mind is what makes individual timelines exist! Heart is Dave-ness; Mind is the difference between Doomed Dave, Dave, and Davesprite. Heart is what’s unchangable about you; Mind is what’s changing. Every self matters, but so, too, does the eternal Self
You could almost think of it as if Heart’s your base stats in a video game, and Mind’s the stat boosts you gain a long the way. Say, Pokemon. I bet Terezi would be really good at EV training. >:)
Hell, this even gets spelled out for us! Remember how Karkat introduced the concept of different game sessions to us?
Think of all the Dersites and Prospitians, and all the different roles they take on. Jack and all his gang and even WV and PM at different points in their history. Funnily enough, in many ways the players of the Game have a lot in common with its NPCs.
We are all our own individual Bandicoot, yet still part of the much larger Bandicoot that makes us who we are.
Which means that Heart and Mind aren’t just any other aspects. They tie very directly into one of the biggest thematic concerns of Homestuck itself!
That’s so freaking cool!
So yeah, thanks so much for this insight! :D
(PS: Also, I really dug the point that the ur-Self could be described as the Platonic Self, that the “archetypes” I keep talking about really resemble Plato’s theory of Forms. A connection that’s worth checking out, especially when Dirk, Prince of Heart  has the username timaeustestified, a reference to a major Platonic Dialogue. Dirk is the Platonic Form. It’s him. Thanks for that insight, too!)
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markertrash · 7 years
If the Rent characters were pokemon trainers. Go!
Oooh this will be FUN. Let’s see…
•Angel would be a coordinator and is probably well-renowned in the local contest scene. Team includes Gardevoir (graceful, elegant), Delibird (Christmas, brings gifts), Leavanny (can make a dress out of an old tablecloth), Alomomola (healer, heart shaped), Kricketune (in La Boheme the character Schunard played the violin), and Ditto (can look any way it wants, so probably good in-universe in contests). Wouldn’t need a full team due to being focused on contests instead of battling, but probably keeps one for battling sometimes and just because of love of Pokemon.
•Mark would be the kid who was so excited to go on his Pokemon journey as a kid and bring his camera for documentary-making about the Pokemon he befriends and finds along the way but finds out that not everywhere is Pokestar Studios (because obviously this takes place in Unova, the New York of the Pokemon world. Probably in Castelia City (also yes I know there’s no official contest scene in Unova but you bet there’s a local circuit set up by some people due to its popularity so Angel being a coordinator would still work)). Team includes Phantump (always feels alone), Dartrix (a nerd, probably his starter (yes I know I said they’re in Unova but this fits better)), Smeargle (create and observe), Dwebble (detach from feeling alive (also it has the sturdy ability bc he’s the “rock” of the group)), Whimsicott (surprisingly mischievous), and Espeon (loyal, sensitive, evolves from Eevee which most beginner trainers would get at some point). Also all of them are pretty low level bc he’s not actually that good of a trainer.
•Mimi would be a trainer who works as one of the npcs you fight to get to the gym leader, and she battles recklessly and without much strategy. Team includes Purrloin (cat-related, graceful) and Oricorio (a dancer) (she wouldn’t have enough money to care for more than two).
•Roger would be similar to a washed-up version of Roxie; he’s a former musician/gym leader (who just barely made it by the Pokemon league’s strict process to become a gym leader btw) who was actually quite good in battle but fell victim to the Pokemon limelight and now lives in the loft with Mark who is also an unsuccessful trainer. Team includes Noivern (sound-based), Mankey (brash, has a temper), Carbink (cold and reserved, can know moonblast), Loudred (another sound-based low hanging fruit), Garbodor (bc he’s literal garbage), and Abra (always running away).
•Joanne would be a lawyer who in addition to all the normal stuff would prosecute in cases of Pokemon/Pokemon trainer labor exploitation. She doesn’t battle so she doesn’t have a team, but she would definitely keep a Growlithe as a pet.
•Maureen is a performer who is protesting the local battle arena being torn down to build a Global Trade Station (like the one in Sinnoh, coming to Unova due to its popularity and the profitability of the cyber age in the Pokemon world, especially since it would allow Pokemon to be traded from all over the world instantly, a new concept in the 90s). Team includes Chatot (a singer and performer), Miltank (nicknamed Elsie (a Taurus would fit better but it’s not really a cow)), Lopunny (spunky), Ursaring (honeybear), Incineroar (a tiger in a cage can never see the sun), and Diglett (caught very recently, is also gonna dress like one (it’s to help protest the groundbreaking)). They’re all really high levels but just have random non-strategic EVs because she just battles anything that moves instead of training her Pokemon properly.
•Collins taught at the Pokemon trainer’s academy before he had his Pokemon blow up half the school’s facilities to demonstrate his theory of actual reality. Team includes Porygon Z (computer related and glitchy, like all computers Collins tinkers with probably), Talonflame (cool, top tier (Collins is probably pretty good at battling)), Magnemite (to help him mess with electronics), Oddish (TO MARIJUANA), Scolipede (a complement to Angel’s Leavanny), and Grovyle (fits with that Mystery Dungeon game’s plot, probably his starter (yes still not a Unova starter I know)). He was probably a trainer at some point but (sorta) gave that up to teach (and also because the Pokemon league’s trainer program is very flawed and unfair and he was symbolically protesting it).
•Benny is trying to tear down the battling arena to build a Global Trade Station (like the one in Sinnoh) (which, much like the Blockbuster he was trying to build in the NYTW version of Rent, would soon become obsolete). Doesn’t really keep Pokemon but hired a company with many Gurdurrs and Conkeldurrs for the job, as well as other Pokemon. Also instead of an Akita, Evita was a Chickorita.
(And I know none of these teams are balanced but it’s about thematics not strategy plus they would all probably suck at battling anyways. Also I know that 99% of these Pokemon are not native to Unova but ignore that as well.)
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salty-dracon · 6 years
ace hang plays secret heroes: the d&d campaign part 2
(For reference, when a person’s words are in quotation marks, they’re speaking in character. Brid’s character Verity in particular Wants The Dick, Arthur’s character mostly just solves problems by strongarming them, and Lily’s character Kory and Val’s character Morgan are just the same as their creators. So, a pair of edgelords with magic powers.)
DM: *drawing a map of a prison cell the characters are trapped in* Okay, try to break out before time runs out. 
Arthur: Time...? Like, how much time?
DM: Please just solve my puzzle, I worked on it all week. 
Lily: Uhhhhh... I’m 90% sure that I can pick the lock with my thieves’ tools. 
DM: Rotary lock. Nope. 
Val: What’s under the bed? 
DM: Under the bed, you find a small locked box. You don’t know where the key is. 
Lily: I pick the lock with my thieves’ tools. 
DM: .... roll. 
Lily: 14 plus my proficiency bonus plus my dexterity modifier gets me 20. 
DM: ... fine. You open the box and find a paper with the combination to the rotary lock. 
Arthur: I... enter the combination into the rotary lock? 
DM: The cell door swings open. 
DM: ... Is that a reference to something?
DM: Suddenly, Kory is grabbed from behind by a giant red dragonborn.
Lily: Oh fuck. 
Arthur: The one I threw into the ocean?!
DM: “What are you doing out of your cage, hellspawn?”
Lily: “We’re not so different. Your mom fucked a dragon.”
DM: “Please leave my mother out of this.”
(Val is losing his shit)
DM: “What’s so funny?”
Val: “No, it’s actually funny because her mom did fuck a demon, y’know?”
DM: “What are the rest of you doing out of your cage? I’m under strict orders to keep you four confined.”
Brid: What’s the dragonborn wearing? 
DM: Uh... my concept art has him wearing just a pair of pants. He’s uh... he looks like a monk.
Brid: “Nice abs.”
DM: Um... “Leave my abs out of this too.” Are- are you actually trying to seduce him?
Brid: Maybe it’ll throw him off guard so I can shove my sword down his throat, I don’t know.
DM: ... Okay.... “You four had better come with me.”
Val: Morgan is still laughing his ass off.
DM: Your captor does not respond to this and merely takes it in stride as he leads you back to the cell. As you are about to reach it, you run into another familiar face- a pale-skinned human. He smiles at Verity. “Hey, cutie.”
Brid: Okay, fuck this guy. 
DM: He’s the fucking mermaid! He’s the only character I’ve described as ‘pale’ this entire time!
Brid: Oh. Yeah, fuck this guy! I’m gonna fuck him! 
Arthur: The funny part is, you’re a paladin. 
Brid: Paladin of revenge. And my vengeful urges are telling me to FUCK. 
(Val starts laughing again)
DM: When the four of you wake up, you’re treated to breakfast. For Kory it’s a few hard-boiled eggs and a slice of toast, for Grustat it’s hardtack and cheese, for Morgan it’s a couple of slices of toasted bread with a pile of nuts on the side, and for Verity it’s cheese and toast. 
Lily: Thanks, uh... who served us? 
DM: Dragonborn. “Oh. I never introduced myself. Call me Typhon.”
Brid: “Can I call you sexy instead?”
DM: “I appreciate the praise, but please call me what I ask.”
Val: “Why the hell are we locked up here?”
DM: “My employer wills it. You’re stuck here until she gets here, so sit tight.” With that, he leaves. 
Lily: So... now what? 
DM: Why don’t you solve this other puzzle I worked all week on, that doesn’t require thieves’ tools whatsoever?
DM: Okay, you’re just hanging out in the cell again... roll. 
Lily: *rolls* 4.
DM: Never mind. 
Val: We’re about to get ambushed, son!
DM: You’re approached by a timid elf man. He’s wrapped in a blanket. “I was watching you. Especially... you.” *points to Lily*
Lily: “Me? Uh, and not her?” *points to Brid*
DM: “No. You’re... delicate. With your fingers.” He sits next to Kory. “Can you fix my fingernail?”
Morgan: I cast cure wounds-
Lily: “Shut the fuck up, Morg. What’s wrong, sweetie?”
DM: “It’s broken and starting to rot.” He holds his hand out. His fingernail is, indeed, broken and starting to rot. 
Lily: “Hey Veri-”
DM: “No, I want you to file the old nail away.”
Lily: “... Okay?” I guess I take out my set of tools and start filing his broken nail. 
DM: Roll me a dexterity check. 
Lily: ... Six plus my dex modifier plus my proficiency bonus gets me eleven. 
DM: Not too shabby of a job. He looks pleased. “Thank you. What is your name?”
Lily: “Uh, they all just call me Kory.”
Arthur: “Wait, you’re saying Kory isn’t your real name?”
Lily: “Kory’s a nickname!”
DM: “I see... Kory. I like that. And, um, Morg, was it?”
Val: “It’s Morg-”
Val: “As I was saying, it’s Mor-”
Val: “What?!”
Lily: “We’re using codenames!”
Val: “Since when?!”
DM: The druid seems very amused by this.
DM: Just so we’re clear, are you guys fine with some of the NPCs flirting with your characters? 
Brid: Yeah, I’d be fine with it. 
Arthur: *shakes his head*
Morgan: Morgan wouldn’t like it. Like, do it, I’m fine with it, but Morgan wouldn’t like it. 
Lily: Wait, are you saying that Dragonface, Fish Lips, and Treeboy are gay? 
DM: Bi. Actually, Lily, I’m begging you. Please use those nicknames in character. That’s freakin’ hilarious.
Lily: As long as they don’t try to force themselves on Kory it’s fine. 
DM: Dragonface... fuckin’ Dragonface... next time you say that i’m bringing a kazoo.
DM: Long rest complete. As you guys wake up in the morning, you are approached by Thaumas, the ice wizard. 
Brid: “Hey, sexy.”
DM: “Hey, cutie!” He opens the cage, carrying a few plates with him. Looks like your breakfast. He lays it out before you. “Just so you know, we’re getting a visit from the boss in a few hours.”
Morgan: “Boss?”
DM: “The Empress.” He gently pats Verity’s head. “You, in particular, should leave this place.”
Brid: “Why?”
DM: “Our Empress doesn’t take kindly to women.”
Lily: “You do know I’m a woman too, right, Fish Lips?”
DM: “Yes, but you’re a tiefling. Our Empress is an elf. She’d only kill a pretty girl like the paladin girl.”
Brid: “Well, shit.”
Val: We’ll wait for Fishy to leave and then we’ll chat about what to do next. 
DM: As Thaumas leaves, you guys notice that he leaves the door just a little bit ajar. It’s possible to escape. Genetika will be here soon. What do you guys want to do?
Lily: .... Let’s split up, I guess. Verity just to protect her, and I’ll sneak around and look for an exit. 
Brid: I’m a paladin! I don’t need protection. 
Lily: Please? 
Brid: *sigh* Fine. 
Val: So Morgan and Gru will just hang out in the cage? 
Brid: Guess so. Good luck. 
Arthur: Shouldn’t we, y’know, not split up the party? 
Lily: We each got a tank and a healer. We’ll be fine. 
Arthur: Okay, first of all, your tank is your healer, and our tank... well, isn’t. 
Lily: We’ve got offense, tank, and healer between the two of us. We’ll be fine. 
Arthur: I still think it’s a bad idea. 
DM: I mean... 
Val: Okay, DM says we shouldn’t. We’ll all escape together. 
Lily: Why don’t the three of you go, and I’ll stay behind? 
Val: Are you fucking suicidal?!
Lily: Kinda, yeah. Hey, what’s the right answer? 
DM: I was kind of hoping to tailor the rest of the day based on your choice here, so.... I don’t know, take your pick. 
Lily: Tell ya what. I’m an ugly tiefling, so I’ll stay behind. You three see if you can break out. 
Brid: I’m a little scared for you.
Lily: I got diplomacy proficiency. I’ll be fine! 
DM: ... Okay. Is that your final answer?
Arthur: I’m fine with it. 
Val: Whatever. 
Brid: Yeah. 
DM: .... Okay, hold on, let me pull this out of my ass.
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yes-this-is-sam · 6 years
List all the things you’re currently working on in as much or little detail as you’d like, then tag some friends to see what they’re working on. This can be writing, art, vids, gifsets - anything at all!
I was tagged by the extraordinary @sexy-salmon thank you hun!
Aight.... shoot, gotta collect all my notes.
1) Escaping Ostagar:
This one is my only current Dragon Age fic. It’s... been a labour of love. My baby Melisande is a bit of a self-insert, I was maybe trying to use her to get a hold on my own PTSD. Maybe I cared way too much about this damn story. I’ve been working on it since Dec 2016 and it was the very first of my own writing I ever tried to share with anyone. Twice now I’ve given up on it despite having the last 12 chapters planned out. I still want to finish it but... I gotta get to a point where it doesn’t hurt that it got little attention. Like I said, I invested way too much into it. 
2) I Have To Try:
WOOO Currently my most progressed new story-child. Probably going to start posting it soon. Set in Andromeda, it follows none other than a bedraggled Avitus Rix in his new and initially unwelcome role as Pathfinder and the creation of his Pathfinding team. I didn’t like that we didn’t even hear news or anything playing about the other Pathfinder’s efforts to make their own colonies and help in whatever ways they could. A couple cameos where they take back seat to Ryder, which is unfair to ALL of the Pathfinders. Why put the other races and the entire Initiative on Ryder’s shoulders when the others have more experience and just as many resources? Kaetus gets dragged along for the ride, as well as an APEX team led by the fierce ex-Cabal Vitetoria Digeris. 
3) Though This Be Madness:
Hehehe this one certainly lives up to its name more than I expected. The story focuses around the blog’s namesake Samantha Curtis along with her wayward AI OPI, her adopted Batarian family Ragar and Ecetia, and the Krogan she knows way too much about Ganar Jirr. This one I'm taking a step back on to rethink how I'm gonna set it up. Originally it started right before the Initiative left for Andromeda and followed Sam taking on both an incurable illness and the Kett she needs to stay alive AND trying to outrun every faction now after them both.... BUT THEN SAM FELL IN LOVE. She met Rexis Sarex, an adorable troublemaker created by @masseffectoc and now I can’t write them apart. I got permission to include her characters in the story too and IT WILL BE GLORIOUS SHENANIGANS. If I start at the same place I was going to, it’ll still work but miss a lot of character and relationship building. SO I’ll either back up and start from farther back and end up with something as long as goddamn GRRM’s books, or I’ll split it into 2 and make a prequel where Sam and Rex meet and all the characters come together and decide to go with them to Andromeda or not. At least..... the ones who survive. Mwahahaha.
4) Chronicles of Jirr:
Ok, I’ll be the first to admit it. Ganar Jirr was originally just a nameless NPC I randomly created to give Sam a funny story to tell and amuse Rexis. Now he is one of my most dynamic characters I’ve ever made, I think. Affectionately nicknamed Krogan James Bond, by myself, this will be a series of stories told alternate BY him or about him. The ones told by him will probably be ridiculously exaggerated or entirely made up, fair warning. 
5) Blast Off:
This is gonna be a surprise for masseffectoc for her birthdaaaaaay so I'm not gonna say more than I told her. Which is that it’s an addition to Having A Blast, a silly fic pair I made for Sam and Rexis and his obsession with Blasto. 
6) Untitled (thus far):
I recently heard of a 10k word count challenge for the month of March, held by @mebigbang and I’m thinking of doing something for it. It sounds mildly terrifying but an excellent challenge and one I know I can hit the word count on (HA) if my other fics are of any indication. I tagged their blog here so if any artists or authors are interested (there’s an art part as well to Mass Effect Big Bang) you can check it out. I’ve got a couple ideas floating around but given that there’s a level of anonymity I won’t describe them just yet. I don’t wanna break the rules before I decide if I even can jump in. 
7) Post ME3 - currently untitled:
My take on the end of ME3 and how the people I care about make it through, a Garrus/Shep fic. It’s pretty amorphous atm since my OC fics have been taking up much more of my time. 
8) Halfsies:
Alright, this one is... urk. It’s the most conceptualized original idea I’ve had yet to date. It’s one I’ve put together enough to potentially go through on. I just don’t know if I’m good enough to get published and I’ve been so stressed with life stuff going on the last few years I’m still at concept stage. Anyway, premise... let me see if I can even describe this right.
Have you ever seen something out of the corner of your eye and for an instant you know it’s real and you HAVE to look at it but then as soon as you do you explain it away? Oh that was just the shadow off the vase. Damn, my cat scared the shit out of me. Those are Halfsies. Halfsies live halfway been this realm and another and have no form until they’re fully Recognised. They WANT to be Recognised. It is the only driving need they have and they fight viciously for it, to be made Real. Our main character makes a game out of trying to trick herself into believing what startles her is real instead of explaining it away automatically and one day she accidentally makes one Real. The form it takes is exactly what the MC imagined so it’s rather cartoonish and surreal looking, but it immediately grabs the MC and tells it to stop. That ALL of the Halfsies, literally there are no ways to count them because they don’t have form and always create more, now know the MC can make them Real, Recognise them. And they ALL are after the MC now and will do anything, drive them insane if they have to, in order to be made Real. And the MC has to rely on their befriended Halfsie and a few other friends to escape. 
Alright, I know I have more. I ALWAYS have more. But these are the only ones coming to mind right now. 
Tagging @shekissesturians @isharaytaoshay @daddyvictus and @ithewriter
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