#gonna reblog a few to get this rollin
e-dubbc11 · 7 months
Dog Day Afternoon
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Photos are not mine. They are courtesy of Pinterest/Google.
Pairing: Brock Rumlow x F! Reader
Warnings: Couple of swear words, fluffy bunnies and unicorns
Word Count: 3.8K-ish
Summary: STRIKE team commander at SHIELD, Brock Rumlow finishes a mission and brings something home with him that he wasn’t expecting
A/N: Based off of a conversation I had with my lovely Lily @munsonownsmyass I sent her Frank Grillo’s Insta story of him in his hot tub with his dog, Rumlow, next to him outside of the hot tub. He said that the dog never lets him have any alone time. So Lily said she would love a Brock Rumlow fic where he adopts a puppy. I’m also sorry I haven’t been around lately. Life throws curveballs sometimes 💔
As always, thank you for reading!  I appreciate it so much and comments, reblogs are welcome and encouraged. Don’t be shy to tell me your favorite part. 💕💕 💕
“Is that all of them?” Rumlow asked.
Commander of the STRIKE team at SHIELD, Brock Rumlow and his team finished rescuing the hostages that were being held by pirates. One by one, they were removed from the ship and placed back into SHIELD custody.
“I think so.” Rollins said. “You want me to sweep the ship one more time?” He asked.
Brock pondered for a minute before replying, “I’ll come with ya…cover more ground that way.”
After checking the entire ship for hostages they may have missed, Brock and Jack met back in the control room. As they continued to talk, Brock thought he heard a whimper. Turning his head to the side, he held up a hand at Jack to get him to stop talking.
“What is it, Rumlow?” Asked Jack.
Brock pressed his lips together and listened again. “You hear that?” He asked.
Rollins listened intently as he heard the whimper that Rumlow heard. “Where’s that coming from?” Asked Jack.
Brock lowered his weapon and took out his flashlight. He shined his light under the control board and huddled in the corner, Brock saw two little sad eyes staring back out at him as it continued to whimper.
He crawled underneath and emerged a few seconds later with a dark graphite colored puppy. The pup was still whimpering and shaking; the poor thing was terrified.
Confused, Jack asked, “What was that doing under there?”
Brock replied, “I dunno…but other dogs were found in the cargo area. Maybe this one escaped and found it’s way up here.”
Jack started to walk toward the main deck of the ship.
“Well put it down, we gotta get outta here.” Said Jack.
Brock started to put the puppy on the floor but stopped. He looked into the scared eyes of the little dog and as soon as it’s legs touched the floor, Brock scooped it back into his arms again and headed for the main deck.
Jack cracked a slight smile. “Rumlow…what are you doin’? Leave it.”
“I can’t just leave her, Rollins.” Said Brock, nervously. “And don’t look at me like that, let’s just go.”
Jack just shook his head and followed Brock to the helicarrier, where the pup finally stopped shaking, curled up in Brock’s lap and fell fast asleep before they even left the scene.
SHIELD Headquarters
Brock had his bag slung over his shoulder as he walked along the busy hallway toward the briefing room. Jack saw him walk into the room and immediately walked away from the other team member he was talking to so he could talk to Brock.
“Don’t start with me, Rollins. It’s too early in the mornin’ for you to be botherin’ me.” Brock said, his gravelly voice had a slight touch of anger behind it.
Jack’s hands raised in surrender and replied, “Alright, alright. I was just gonna ask if you took care of that dog.”
Brock glared at Jack. “Of course I took care of it.”
What Brock didn’t tell Jack was that he brought the pup back to his place and later today after work, he was going to stop by the pet store to pick up necessities for her because he couldn’t keep feeding her table scraps and locked in the bathroom with newspaper all over the floor for very long.
He hated to admit it but he took one look into her eyes and realized there was no way that he could bring her to a shelter now, not after this so after work he drove straight for the pet shop. As soon as he stepped inside, Brock was immediately overwhelmed by everything he saw.
Aisle after aisle of food, toys, grooming supplies, collars and leashes…he didn’t know where to start but lucky for him there was someone there that recognized the look of a new and overwhelmed pet owner.
“Excuse me, sir? Can I help you with something?” You asked softly so as not to scare him. You did sneak up behind him when you noticed he looked a little lost.
The man looked rough around the edges but still quite handsome. He had dark brown hair, light tanned skin and his narrowed eyes were the color of amber.
You spoke again.
“I’m sorry, I hope I didn’t scare you. You just looked a little lost, thought maybe I could help. I’m y/n, this is my shop, and if I don’t have what you’re lookin’ for, I can definitely order it for you. Are you shopping for a dog, cat, or another animal?” You asked.
His eyes were hyper focused on you the minute he turned around.
“Nah, you didn’t scare me sweetheart. You’ve got a nice shop here and I am shopping for a dog…well, a puppy. And I’m Brock, by the way.” He said as he held out his hand for you to shake.
Your eyes widened as soon as the word “puppy” escaped his lips and your mouth split into an excited smile as you shook his hand.
“Really?!! A boy or a girl puppy?!” You asked, clapping your hands together.
Brock let a shy smile stretch across his lips. “Girl…she’s a rescue. Found her a few nights ago and since it was a full moon, I’ve been calling her Luna.” Said Brock.
You almost had to clutch your chest because the look he had on his face as he talked was so sweet.
Snapping yourself back to reality, you managed to ask him, “What kind of dog is she?”
Brock shrugged and started to pull his phone from his back pocket.
“I dunno…but I do have a picture of her.” He said.
Brock leaned in close, you could feel the heat radiating off of his body, and warmth flushed across your cheeks. You watched as his thick fingers unlocked his phone and navigated to his photo gallery before pulling up one of the sweetest faces you’ve ever seen.
“OMGoodness, look at that face!!” You exclaimed. “Well, she looks like a Cane Corso. If you just found her, I’m guessing you haven’t taken her to the vet yet?”
Brock shook his head vigorously. “Nah, I’ve had to work so I haven’t been able to do that yet.”
You explained to him that he may want to bring her to the vet soon just to make sure she’s ok and you gave him the card of the veterinary hospital you bring your dog, Charlie, to.
“…They’re a husband and wife, really nice and fairly priced. Actually…lemme call them.” You said.
Brock started to protest.
“Oh, that’s ok…you don’t have to—“
“It’s no trouble.” You said, holding the phone to your ear. “Hi Jessica, it’s y/n. I’m good, how are you? Great! Listen…I have a guy here who has a new puppy and she needs to be seen…uh huh…Oh Dr. Alice can see her tomorrow? Awesome!” You said. “Oh the owner’s name is Brock…what’s your last name?” You asked, pulling the phone away from your mouth.
“Oh…it’s Rumlow.” Replied Brock.
“Yeah…Brock Rumlow. And the puppy is Luna. Thank you so so much, Jessica! Bye!” You said.
After the call ended, you flashed a smile at Brock and asked, “You weren’t busy around 4:30 tomorrow, right?”
Slowly shaking his head, Brock narrowed his eyes and repliedwith a sly smile, “Nope, I guess I’m not.”
Excitedly, you clapped your hands together again and said, “Well, let’s go Mr. Rumlow! We have a lot of stuff to pick out for little Luna, which I will warn you…she won’t be little for much longer. She’s gonna grow into those paws, ya know.”
You made him push the cart and took him from aisle to aisle to pick out food, toys, and a collar, among other things. He needed everything including a bed, food dishes, and a crate. That cart was full by the time you were done.
“Do I really need all this stuff, y/n?” Asked Brock.
“Well…you do plan on keeping her, right?” You asked.
Brock paused before answering.
“Yeah…I plan on keeping her.” He said.
You shrugged and pressed your lips into a straight line.
“Then you need all this stuff.” You replied.
Brock spent a small fortune on everything he needed for Luna but he was thankful for all of your help and knowledge. After loading everything into his truck, he said it was a good thing he didn’t bring the bike which made you crack a slight smile.
“So don’t forget, Luna’s appointment is at 4:30 tomorrow afternoon and the address is on that business card I gave you so don’t lose it. Actually, give me your phone…” You demanded.
He handed his phone over to you and you dialed your number so he had it in case he lost the card.
“Just in case. I’ll see ya around Brock Rumlow and if you need anything else for Luna, you know where to find me!” You said.
You watched him drive away until his truck turned the corner and he was out of sight. Brock’s little pup was just as cute as could be but you couldn’t stop thinking about her owner. The rasp to his voice, muscles visible under his tight black t-shirt, and every time he looked at you with those whiskey colored eyes, you felt a flutter in your stomach that was familiar but you haven’t felt in a long time.
You hoped that he would come back because you definitely have a crush on Brock Rumlow.
The Next Day
The day was moving along, the shop was busy from the minute you opened until around 2:30 when it started to slow down a little. A steady stream of customers came in and when you glanced at the clock, it read 3:30.
Luna’s appointment was in an hour.
What were you doing? Daydreaming about a man you spent an hour with picking out stuff for his new puppy? But he was so handsome and sexy…thinking about him was helping the time go by faster.
Around 5:30, the bell on the door rang. You were in the back trying to clean up the bath stations. For people who didn’t want to wash their dogs at home, you had an area in the back of the store that they could come and wash their dog for a fair price. They didn’t have to buy shampoo or anything but you would make money on people not wanting to wash their dog at home. It was a win-win.
Drying your hands on your apron, you walked toward the front of the store and you saw Brock standing in the middle of the open floor, holding one end of a leash and at the other end was little Luna. She started to wag her tail as soon as she saw you.
You felt a dip in your stomach as soon as you saw Brock. He was wearing a plain white t-shirt and dark jeans and you hoped he didn’t notice you blushing so you crouched down to the floor to pet Luna.
“It’s nice to see you again too, y/n.” Brock said sarcastically.
You had scooped up Luna in your arms and she was licking the tip of your nose.
“Oh you are even cuter than your picture…yes you are! I’m sorry, Brock. I’m gonna go for the puppy every time, just to warn you.” You said with a wink. “How did it go at the vet’s office?”
Brock went through Luna’s entire appointment. They weighed her, estimated that she was around three months old, and gave her all of her necessary shots. He even told you that you were right about the type of dog she is.
“Well…I do know my dogs!” You said. “But she’s ok?”
He nodded. “Yeah, she’s fine. I just figured since I was in the neighborhood, I’d stop by so you could meet her.” Said Brock.
Still holding Luna, you looked at her as she licked your nose again and said, “Well, I’m glad you did because she is just the cutest thing. I can see why you couldn’t just leave her when you found her.”
“Just don’t go around tellin’ everyone I’m soft for cute faces.” He said with a wink.
Warmth spread across your chest and the tops of your cheeks. Brock was making you blush again and you needed to distract him before he noticed.
“While you’re here, do you need anything else for little Luna?” You asked, scratching behind her ears.
“I think I’m good, doll.” Said Brock.
The pet name made you blush again.
“Ok, well don’t be a stranger. Stop in whenever you need something or if you have any questions.” You said with a warm smile.
Brock waved as you watched him and Luna walk out the door. Well, you had hoped that he would come back but now you wanted to see him again.
You’ve had plenty of good looking male customers come in and none of them had made you blush like Brock had. What was it about Brock that had you so smitten with him? You knew it couldn’t JUST be the dog.
He was mysterious and acted tough but he was sweet too. You felt comfortable around him and he had a slight smile on his face when you were playing with Luna; you had a feeling that he wasn’t as grumpy as he seemed.
Over the next few weeks, Brock would stop into the shop and sometimes it would be more than once a week. He would either buy Luna a new toy or a new bone to chew on and he picked up some orange cleaner recently because she would still have an accident every once in awhile but he said she was getting used to crate training.
Sometimes he’d come in to ask you things he could have easily found out for himself but maybe it was just because he liked talking to you. You couldn’t be sure though, but you were very sure you enjoyed talking to him.
The texts started coming in not too long after meeting Luna for the first time. One of them was a picture of her outside of the shower and the picture was taken from inside the shower…by Brock. You clenched your thighs together at the thought of him taking a shower.
He captioned the picture…
“She won’t give me any alone time.Always has to be by my side.”
You smiled at the picture he sent and replied,
“Awwww, she loves you.”
And you also replied with a picture of Charlie, sleeping in between your legs with the caption…
“If he could crawl inside me to sleep, he totally would.”
He replied with a laughing emoji.
You could always tell when Brock came to the shop right from work because of how he was dressed. He wore all black tactical clothing and you definitely enjoyed the view of him in that tight black t-shirt.
You asked a few times but Brock never told you what he did for work; he always jokingly said it was “classified” so you didn’t push too hard about it.
“What can I do for you today, Mr. Rumlow? Luna didn’t eat another remote control, did she?” You asked, chuckling a little.
Brock pressed his lips into a straight line and narrowed his eyes at you. “Very funny, y/n and no she didn’t eat another remote control. She has been really good the past couple of weeks, I think she’s getting used to being left alone and knows I’m eventually coming back.”
“Well that’s good. So did you need something?” You asked.
“Yeah I wanted to take her to socialize and play with other dogs. Figured you might know a place I can go.” Said Brock.
The two of you had been dancing around each other for weeks, being flirtatious through texts and in person when he would stop by but he hadn’t made a move so you decided to take matters into your own hands.
“Actually, I was gonna take Charlie to the dog park tomorrow afternoon, if you and Luna would like to come.” You said, watching your corgi chase after the clumsy Luna.
Brock watched as the two dogs played with each other, running circles around the two of you and playfully barking at each other.
“They seem to get along, huh.” He said with a smirk. “Yeah, the dog park sounds great.”
You told him where it was and agreed to meet there tomorrow. It wasn’t exactly the date you had in mind but you would use any excuse to see Brock outside of the shop. It would be the first time seeing him NOT wearing your work apron covered in wet dog hair.
As he called for Luna, the door to the shop opened and a tall man with a couple of scars on his face walked in and called out to Brock.
“You kept it, didn’t you! I fuckin’ knew it!” The man said, pointing at Brock.
You bit back a smile. “A friend of yours?” You asked.
Brock rolled his eyes at the man walking toward him then turned to you and replied, “Yeah…we work together…you followed me here, Rollins?!”
“Where is it?” Asked Jack, looking around.
“SHE is playing with Charlie somewhere around here.” Replied Brock. “I’m sorry, y/n. Lemme just…I’ll be right back.”
Before Jack could reach the counter, Brock cut him off. You managed to make out part of their conversation.
“What the fuck are you doin’ here, Jack?!” Brock asked.
A sly smile played across Jack’s lips as he looked at you then back to Brock.
“Well, I wanted to know why you kept blowin’ off after work drinks with the team but now I know why. You keepin’ her from us too? She’s hot. That apron is really doin’ it for me.” Said Jack.
Brock pointed at Jack.
“Will you keep your voice down! She’ll hear you.” He said, angrily.
“Alright, alright you don’t have to get all bent about it. I’m just sayin’ you should make a move or else I’m gonna. Maybe I should get a dog.” Said Jack, raising his eyebrows.
“Will you get outta here!” Brock said, glaring at Jack.
Brock introduced you to Jack before he left and confirmed your “date” for late tomorrow afternoon. You had butterflies in your stomach for the rest of the day and couldn’t wait to see him tomorrow.
From what you gathered from his conversation with Jack, it sounded like maybe Brock had a crush on you too.
Scratching Charlie’s ears, you said “We both have dates tomorrow, Charlie. You better be a good boy or else Luna isn’t gonna want to play with you anymore.”
Charlie licked your hand and cuddled up in his bed that was behind the counter. Apparently, chasing Luna around the store, took a lot out of him. He needed his rest if he was going to try and keep up with a puppy tomorrow.
The dog park was no place for nice clothes. There were pups everywhere, kicking up dirt, putting their paws on you, and trying to trip you up as they ran in circles around you. But you still wanted to look good so you put on a black t-shirt, jeans and black sneakers.
You were also thankful it hadn’t rained lately so you wouldn’t have to walk through mud or worry about Charlie rolling in it, although he always needed a bath when you brought him home from the park anyway.
As you opened the fence gate, you scanned the park for Brock and Luna. It usually wasn’t very busy at this time, more than likely because it was prime time for cooking dinner. You found Brock sitting on a picnic table bench and throwing a ball for Luna to fetch and bring back.
He had a genuine smile on his face as he continued to play with her and he looked incredibly sexy in his gray t-shirt, jeans, and aviator sunglasses.
Charlie saw Luna, and as fast as his little legs could take him, took off running toward her. Biting down on your lower lip, you glanced quickly at Brock, and immediately felt your ears start to get hot.
You walked over to the picnic table and gave him a warm smile as he removed his sunglasses to look at you. His eyes were a warm gold color in the sunlight.
“Hey there…come here often?” You joked.
Brock cracked a little smile. “Are you full of jokes every Saturday, y/n?”
“Oh you know it! I leave my shop in good hands so I can have weekends off.” You replied.
“Ah, so you’re free on weekends.” Brock stated with a sly smile.
You heard what Brock had said but got distracted by Charlie rolling in something about 20 feet away.
“CHARLIE!! NO!! STOP THAT!!” You shouted at him as you turned to Brock and said, “I swear they always find the grossest things to roll in. He probably found a dead frog or something just as disgusting. Has she done anything like that to you yet? It is so foul!”
He started to laugh.
“I gotta tell ya, doll…you really do make me laugh and that ain’t easy to do.” Brock said softly, leaning in close enough to share the same air.
His compliment made you blush and he didn’t take his eyes off of you. The warmth from the late afternoon sun touched the high points of your face as you gently brushed your thumb against the bristles of his days old stubble and your lips ghosted over his before you said in barely more than a whisper, “Well I’d like to do it more often…if that’s ok.”
And you gently pressed your lips to his. Tension gripped your body and you became lightheaded with fear as you slowly pulled away, wondering if he felt the same way. A trace of a smile stretched across his lips as he leaned in to kiss you this time.
“I’d like that, sweetheart. I think we should be watching the dogs though, shouldn’t we?” Asked Brock.
“Then stop kissing me.” You replied with a sly smile.
“Oh I don’t wanna do that.” Brock husked against your lips. “But I do wanna take you out…without the dogs.”
Batting your eyelashes and jokingly clutching your chest, you asked, “Without the dogs? Well whatever will we do without them?”
Biting down on his lower lip, Brock eyed you from head to toe and brought his gaze back up to meet yours. The lump in your throat was hard to swallow and you felt like your heart was going to burst out of your chest.
He kissed you on the cheek before whispering into your ear, “Oh I’m sure we’ll come up with something.”
Tag List: @munsonownsmyass @k-marzolf @gijos @nutmeg17 @nekoannie-chan
Others that might enjoy: @itwasthereaminuteago @fluffyprettykitty @redstarsandnightmares @randomlittleimp
If I tagged you and you didn’t want to be, just let me know and I’ll never do it again. As always, thank you again for reading!
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dlea203 · 2 years
5 years - Hannix AU
A/N: Hey there :)
I know I've been MIA for over a month regarding this story... I'm terribly sorry and the only (lame) explanation there is, is: real life :( Uni has started back up and I'm still figuring that out, plus I've had a massive writer's block... not very funny, but I'm certain that I don't have to tell you that ;)
Thank you from the bottom of my heart to each and everyone out there who's taken the time to read chapter one and has left a like or a comment. Keep those comments coming and don't hesitate to reblog and tell me if you have requests regarding this story or if you want me to write something else for our lovely Hannix couple.
Here's chapter two!
Taglist: @sweetwhispersofchaos
Warnings: fluff (lots of that :)) and angst
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Chapter Two
“How… but… I don’t understand. We were told you crashed”, Rooster stammered, running a hand through his hair.
Natasha still didn’t dare to move. All her prayers had just come true, but she couldn’t quite believe it. She feared that her mind might be playing tricks on her and that he wasn’t really there.
“I did crash”, Jake answered half-heartedly.
He didn’t really want to offer any explanations right now. It was a long story, a very long story, that required quite some liquid courage to bear telling it.
“But… How is it possible that you’re alive? They told us that there’s no chance...”
“It’s a long story, Bradshaw.”
He wanted to turn to Natasha and ask her whether she’d mind if he gave her a hug, because he craved to touch her, but he was cut off by another familiar voice.
“Delilah, Ally, stop! Careful, there’s shards everywhere!”
Two identical little girls came into view behind Rooster. Both girls had brown hair and wore matching outfits. They giggled, one tugged on Rooster’s sleeve and the other on Natasha’s dress but they turned silent the minute they laid eyes on Jake. The one next to Natasha cocked her head to the side and eyed him closely. The other one was shyer, seeking cover behind Rooster’s legs.
“I swear to God, one day you’re gonna give me a heart attack fr-… Oh!”
Shannon stumbled backwards and grabbed a hold of the wall next to her. Her face showed the very definition of shock.
“Jake?! What on earth are you doing here?!”
“I’m coming home. Well, I’m trying to, but somehow I’m not getting much further than the front porch”, he weakly tried to joke.
But Shannon’s face broke into a smile. It really was him; she recognized his humor immediately. She carefully squeezed past Rooster and Natasha and reached out.
“Can I give you a hug?”
Jake smiled happily and wrapped his arms around her.
“It’s good to see you, Shannon”, he whispered into her hair.
“So, God has received my prayers after all”, she murmured and softly stroked his back before pulling away.
“I assume, those two troublemakers are the twins”, he commented and pointed at the little girls.
“Yeah. The one hiding behind Bradley is Ally and this little rascal is Delilah”, Shannon answered and picked Delilah up.
Jake grinned at her and gently stroked her cheek with his index finger.
“Last time I saw them was on an ultrasound picture.”
Shannon nodded and bumped Delilah’s nose with her own.
“They’ve grown quite a bit since then. Causing trouble wherever they go and making their parents go insane. But we wouldn’t want to have it any other way.”
Jake nodded and switched his gaze over to the rest in the hallway. None of them had moved, they were simply observing the situation. And since Natasha still seemed a bit overwhelmed by everything, he decided to finally introduce himself to the blonde woman next to her.
“I think we haven’t met before. I’m Jake”, he began and offered his hand.
“Sandy Rollins”, she replied and shook his hand.
Jake was glad that she didn’t push for who exactly he was. He’d need a lot more than a few beers to explain everything and he really didn’t feel like doing that now. 
“Are you a San Diego native, Sandy?”, he asked instead, as casually as possible.
“No”, she laughed and shook her head, “I was born in Nashville, but we moved a lot while I grew up. My dad worked for a company with many international locations. So basically, the world is my home. Makes doing my job a lot easier.”
“And what’s your job, if I’m allowed to ask?”
“I’m a flight attendant.”
“Yeah, I figured. Gotta somehow be involved with flying if you’re friends with this group of people.”
He motioned to Rooster and Natasha, smiling kindly.
“That’s true. Met my husband Bob that way.”
Jake did a double take on that.
“You’re Bob’s wife? Bob as in Robert Floyd?”
Sandy nodded.
“How long have you been married?”
“Three years as of a week ago. Happiest three years of my life”, Sandy beamed and showed him her golden wedding band.
“Wow, congratulations, I guess… I mean, technically I’m three years late but…”
“Oh, thank you and don’t worry about it. It’s not like we made a big deal out of it. Anyway, you should come in and say hello to the others. The guys just about fired up the grill. Come on.”
Sandy gently pulled him through the door and closed it behind him. That seemed to snap Natasha out of her trance, because she suddenly spun on her heel and headed for the laundry room down the hall. Jake all but wanted to follow her, but he wasn’t sure whether she’d want that, so he let Sandy drag him into the living room instead.
“Holy shit!” (Payback)
“Good Lord?!” (Jessica)
“What the hell?!” (Fanboy)
“Hangman?! Is that you?!” (Bob)
Payback, Fanboy, Jessica and Bob looked like they’d seen a ghost. They stood frozen in place and stared at him, speechless.
“Hi guys. Missed you too”, Jake laughed.
“This is a joke, right?”
Jake’s smile widened as he saw who’d just entered the living room through the patio door.
“Tell me that this isn’t real. That I’m making this up. That that’s not my best friend standing there in the living room”, Coyote rambled as he slowly stepped closer.
“Missed you, wingman”, Jake said and fought back the tears burning in his eyes.
“Where the hell have you been?!”, Coyote exclaimed and pushed at Jake’s chest before wrapping his arms tightly around him.
The rest of the dagger squad and their significant others watched with tears in their eyes and dopey smiles on their faces how the two best friends hugged each other tight.
“It’s been five years man”, Coyote stated as he pulled away.
“I know.”
“Five years of believing that you died over there. What the hell happened?”
“It’s a…”, Jake cut himself off when he saw Liz entering the house through the patio door.
Her expression changed from confusion and shock to a wide smile within record time before she turned back to the door and shouted into the garden: “Lynn, there’s someone here for you!”
Jake’s heart did a somersault. But he didn’t have time to panic. Footsteps and laughter sounded from the patio stairs, nearing quickly. When Liz stepped aside a blond little girl came into view, dashing into the living room. She came to a stop beside Liz and looked at her expectantly.
“Who is it?”
Liz pointed in Jake’s direction, still smiling from ear to ear. The little girl turned her head and looked straight at Jake. Green eyes on green eyes, for the first time since five years.
Jake’s jaw dropped, tears collecting in his eyes once again. His heart sped up and threatened to jump out of his chest. His fingers ached to reach out to touch her, just like they had when he’d wanted to touch her mother minutes before. She’d grown since he’d last seen her, grown into the most beautiful little girl he’d ever laid eyes on. 
His little girl. 
50% of the reason he’d fought for his life every day for the past five years. The other 50% had just disappeared down the hallway.
Suddenly, a thought occurred to him. Did his little girl know who he was? What had Natasha told her about him? Did she even tell her about him? His heart sank at the possibility, that he was a stranger to his own daughter. But he would never blame Natasha for not telling Lynn about him. He knew that all she ever wanted was to protect their daughter, hell, he himself wanted nothing else. It would break his heart, but he’d never blame Natasha for keeping Lynn safe from any pain. Even if that meant he’d have to take small steps with his baby girl. When he wanted nothing more than to wrap her in his arms and never let go again…
“Daddy?”, she asked, confusion written across her face.
His heart skipped a beat. She did know. All his worries were lifted off his shoulders and were replaced by pure happiness and relief.
“Hi princess”, he breathed out, falling to his knees, a tear slipping down his left cheek.
A wide smile replaced the confused expression on her face, but she looked at Liz once more, insecurely twisting the hem of her dress.
“Don’t you wanna give your daddy a hug?”, Liz asked softly, running a hand over her head.
At that, Lynn took off, running into his waiting arms, wrapping her arms tightly around his neck and burying her face there too. Jake caught her and stood up, swinging her around, inhaling the scent of her shampoo.
God, had he missed his little princess.
The others felt their hearts swell at the scene in front of them. Payback wrapped an arm around his wife’s shoulders, shaking his head at what he saw. Shannon leaned into him, gently squeezing Delilah’s shoulder, who stood in front of her, holding her twin sister’s hand. Coyote walked over to his wife and wrapped his arms around her from behind. Liz leaned back into his chest, smiling fondly. Bob had his left arm wrapped around Sandy’s waist and shared a happy smile with her. Fanboy and Jessica stood behind the kitchen island, watching with wide smiles on their faces. Jessica even wiped away a few tears. Rooster leaned against the bookshelf behind Jake, squeezing Emma against his side, kissing her temple.
The rest of the kids had all gathered at the patio door, observing the scene. Hailey, Jaylen, and Sam smiled; they were the only ones of the kids who had an idea of what was going on. Hailey held three-year-old Sophie Carolin Bradshaw on her hip, smiling at the confusion on her face. Sophie had no idea what was happening since she didn’t even know who Jake was. Same goes for two-year-old Cara Alicia Garcia, who was standing in between Marco and Enrique, holding hands with each of her brothers. Nick was a tiny bit confused about his best friend hugging a stranger, because they were repeatedly told by their parents to not engage with strangers unless mom and dad are doing so too. But he figured that it was okay since his parents stood right next to Lynn and the stranger. Nick glanced around the room. His uncles and aunts were all smiling and grinning, pure happiness radiating off them. When his gaze landed on his auntie Nat though, he frowned. She looked upset but no one seemed to notice. But Nick chose to keep quiet. He was sure that someone would explain eventually…
Natasha stood in the hallway between the front door and the living room, trying in vain to wipe away her tears as she watched her two favorite humans being reunited. After five very long years, her heart was whole again, beating rapidly beneath her ribcage.
When Lynn noticed her, she smiled brightly at her mother.
“Mommy, look who is here!”, she exclaimed.
A sob escaped Natasha’s mouth as she smiled back at her daughter and nodded.
Jake gently placed Lynn on his left hip and held out his right hand, smiling happily at his wife. Lynn reached out with her left arm.
“Come give daddy a hug, mommy”, she pleaded.
Natasha didn’t hesitate another moment. She crossed the living room and took Jake’s hand, letting him pull her into his chest. She wrapped her arms around her husband and daughter, holding on as if for dear life. Jake pressed a kiss to the crown of her head, inhaling the scent of her shampoo, reveling in the fact that he had his girls back in his arms.
Natasha buried her face in his chest, listening to his heartbeat, shamelessly letting the tears fall. She was soaking his shirt, but neither one of them could care less. Nothing mattered today, not even her pride or principles. He was breathing and his heart was beating. He was alive and home. That’s all that mattered.
“Why are you crying mommy?”, Lynn asked, worried.
Natasha raised her head and wiped away some of the tears, but fresh ones followed immediately.
“Why are you sad?”
“I’m not sad, baby. These are happy tears”, Natasha assured her and gently caressed her daughter’s cheek.
But Lynn frowned, not fully convinced yet.
“I’m so happy, baby, I swear. I’m so happy that daddy is home.”
Natasha looked up at Jake, beaming. Jake’s heart skipped another beat. Slowly, he leaned forward and finally captured her lips in a kiss. And that was the moment when their whole world shifted back into place. As if someone had collected all the pieces of a broken vase and put them back together correctly.Finally, everything was the way it always was supposed to be.
Thanksgiving, 4 years ago…
Her phone rang, but Natasha tried to ignore it. It was just past nine o’clock in the morning and she lay in her bed, gently rubbing her left hand across Lynn’s stomach. Lynn lay beside her, sleeping peacefully, clutching her fluffy white sheep tightly in her hands.
Lynn hadn’t been able to find sleep for quite some time last night. Natasha had tried every trick she knew, but nothing had worked. Eventually, she’d put her down in her bed, holding her tight to her chest. Around midnight they’d both finally fallen asleep.
The ringing of her phone didn’t stop and when Lynn started to stir, Natasha grabbed it and accepted the call.
“Nat, sweetheart?”, Emma asked on the other end.
“Why for God’s sake are you calling me at nine o’clock on Thanksgiving?”, Natasha snapped and regretted it immediately.
She wasn’t mad at Emma, and it was unfair to treat her like this, but today wasn’t a good day. Today marked one year. One year without him…
But Emma didn’t act on Natasha’s harsh tone, just sighing softly. She knew better than anyone else what her friend had gone through this past year, spending countless nights on the phone with her. Listening to Natasha crying, because she refused to cry when they were physically hanging out. Always putting up a brave face, arguing that Lynn needed her on the top of her game.
“I’m calling, because I know that you’re not up yet and I want to make sure you leave the bed.”
“I can’t”, Natasha whispered, her eyes welling up with tears.
“Honey, I know today is a tough day, but you gotta get up. You can’t stay in bed all day. Jake wouldn’t want that.”
“He has no say anymore!”
Emma sighed.
“Do I have to get up there and drag you out of bed?”
Natasha frowned.
“I’m on your front porch. Bradley is running to the store with Nick to buy breakfast. Can you come down and let me in? I’ll help you with Lynn.”
Natasha stared at her engagement ring and her wedding band, considering her next move carefully. She definitely wasn’t dressed for company and not really up for facing her friend anyway, but she knew Emma. She’d use the spare key if Natasha didn’t do what she asked her to.
“Give me two minutes.”
Emma turned around at the sound of the front door opening. Natasha looked awfully tired, dark circles under her eyes and a messy bun were treacherous signs of her horrible condition these days. She wore one of Jake’s old t-shirts and grey sweatpants.
“Hi”, she weakly offered and stepped aside.
Emma pressed her lips together and walked past her into the house. Natasha softly closed the door and followed Emma into the kitchen. Natasha sat on one of the barstools, slumped over the counter, burying her face in her hands.          Emma just got the coffee brewing when she heard a quiet sob from the kitchen island. She spun around and walked up to her friend, pressing a gentle kiss to her cheek, and pulling her into her arms. Natasha kept her face hidden in her hands, but she leaned into Emma’s embrace.
“I’m sorry”, Natasha choked out, her words muffled by her hands.
“Oh Nat… You’re so strong all the time, sweetheart. It’s okay to let go from time to time. Especially today. Don’t ever apologize for struggling with the hell you have to go through.”
Natasha hiccupped and winced.
“But it’s been one year…”
“Dear”, Emma sighed, gently grabbed Natasha’s wrists, and made her look up.
“It doesn’t matter how long it’s been. Losing your better half is never easy and it will never be easy. Whether it’s been a year, three years, or ten years, it always hurts. The pain will always be there, it just fades. You learn to live with it.”
“What if I don’t?”
“You will. You know why?”
Natasha shook her head.
“Because you’ve got us. Shannon, Jessica, Liz, and me for starters. Bradley and the guys, Mav and Penny… You’ve got half a football team!”
Natasha snorted and Emma chuckled.
“We’re all here for you, whether you like it or not. And we’re going to help you get through this. You’re not alone. And remember, we have lost him too.”
Natasha nodded and watched Emma pour coffee into two mugs. She put one in front of Natasha and sat down next to her. It was quiet for a few minutes, both of them lost in their thoughts. Emma was the first to break the silence.
“Sometimes, when Nick finally sleeps, Bradley and I talk about him. About, what he’s done for us and what he meant to us…”
Natasha took a sip from her mug and listened attentively.
“Bradley always laughs at how much their relationship has changed. From hating each other to accepting each other to genuine friendship. And all of that over the course of a year… Bradley sometimes can’t believe it, but he’s glad that they got it together. I think all of us are.”
They chuckled.
“He misses him, more than he likes to admit. He tries to hide it, but I know where he goes when he heads out alone. I don’t mistrust my husband, but I followed him once. He spent an hour at Jake’s grave, talking to him, telling him about our life, about you and Lynn. He’d even bought some fresh flowers… He does that every once in a while. I think, it’s like therapy for him. Jake’s death hit him harder than he expected, so I’m glad he’s found a way to cope with it. Then, at least one of us does…”
Emma swallowed hard and looked at Natasha, tears glistening in her eyes.
“Sorry, I shouldn’t say that. I shouldn’t struggle as much as I do, Jake’s not my husband after all.”
Natasha laid her hand on Emma’s arm.
“It’s okay, you don’t have to hold back because of me. Like you said, I’m not the only one who’s lost him.”
They spent a few more minutes in silence, emptying their mugs. Emma rinsed them while Natasha walked up to her room, gently waking Lynn up.
“Baby, it’s time to wake up”, she said softly while gently ruffling Lynn’s hair.
Lynn stirred and looked at her mother with sleepy eyes.
“Come on, Aunt Emma is here for breakfast. Uncle Bradley and Nick are coming too. Let’s get dressed, okay?”
Lynn nodded and let her mother dress her without fussing. When Lynn was ready, Natasha carried her down into the living room, where Emma was absentmindedly flipping through the pages of a magazine. At the sound of footsteps on the stairs, she looked up and her face lit up, when she saw Lynn.
“Hey Lynn, how are you, sweetie?”
Lynn smiled at Emma, reaching for her. Emma took her from Natasha, bouncing her up and down on her hip.
“I’ve got her, go get dressed.”
Natasha nodded and returned to her room. She picked out a comfortable sweater and her favorite pair of jeans. After a quick glance into the mirror, she opened her drawer and took out her jewelry box. Natasha didn’t own much jewelry, but she was very proud of every piece in that box. Carefully, she took out the white gold earrings her parents had given her when she’d graduated from high school and put them on. Then, her gaze fell on a silver bracelet, partly hidden beneath a set of rings and necklaces. She sucked in a breath and took it out, holding it in front of her. A small Eiffel tower dangled from the chain, alongside a heart with a tiny violet precious stone and a feather. Jake had given it to her for their first Christmas as husband and wife, alongside two plane tickets to Paris. They’d had a week off, thanks to a friend of Jake, who worked in administration. It has been one of her most beautiful holidays to this day.
After hesitating for a few moments, she put it around her right wrist, brushing the Eiffel tower with her index finger. Then, she stowed the box away in her drawer and returned downstairs, joining Emma, Lynn, Bradley and Nick at the table. 
They fell into an easy conversation, making plans for an afternoon walk and a coffee date at their favorite coffee shop in town. Midway through breakfast, Penny had called Bradley, inviting all of them to dinner at her and Maverick’s. Natasha wanted to decline but Penny insisted she come.
And when she sat at Penny’s table in the evening and saw the happy faces around her, her lips curved up into a small smile. She thought she could never enjoy thanksgiving again, but her friends let her forget for the moment that he was no longer among them. And for that she was infinitely grateful.
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fighterkimburgess · 3 years
blog tag.
tagged by @kelly-severide and I meant to do this earlier but you know what I’m delaying sleeping.
1. Why did you choose your url? – When I first started on tumblr I was justagalwaygirl because that’s where I lived and at the time you couldn’t walk down the Long Walk without someone singing Galway Girl at you.
2. Any side blogs? – I technically have @justadublingirl, but I’ve never used it and it was just to save the URL in case I loved back to Dublin.
3. How long have you been on Tumblr? – I set up this account summer 2013 I think. I used to have a MCR blog back in the day from like 2011 though.
4. Do you have a queue tag? – i believe in queue
5. Why did you start your blog in the first place? – So my at the time boyfriend (henceforth known on this blog as El Evil Ex) had tumblr and convinced me to get it. I was deep into tumblr with people I knew from twitter for years till I started joining fandom tumblr last year with 911 and now with OC/Law and Order
6. Why did you choose your icon/pfp? – It’s Amanda Fucking Rollins, that’s why. (AND WE MIGHT GET CANON ROLLISI MY HOPES ARE TOO HIGH)
7. Why did you choose your header? – So there’s a STORY behind that Ocean Avenue sign! I bought it when I was in Anaheim at the last ever Yellowcard show (best trip of my life, I flew for 12 hours each way for three days to see two concerts and I will Never Regret It), and I got the last signed one at the merch table. It. Was. Amazing. That show is also where I met my best friend (who works for the same company I do, despite us living a literal ocean away. It’s a weird life to have)
8. What’s your post with the most notes? – My first ever Jay x Reader from like...three days ago? You can find it here
9. How many mutuals do you have? – I have no fucking idea. Lots?
10. How many followers do you have? – 566 (WHAT FOLKS THIS IS INSANE TO ME)
11. How many people do you follow? – 475
12. Have you ever made a shitpost? – Nope. The thoughts of having a popular post TERRIFY me.
13. How often do you use Tumblr each day? – Far, far too much.
14. Did you have a fight/argument with another blog once? – Forever ago when I was a teenager and an idiot. I HATE all the fandom drama that happens and getting involved in it. I try to just ignore most of it tbh, and if someone posts an opinion I don’t agree with I scroll on by.
15. How do you feel about “you need to reblog this” posts? I tend to ignore them, ngl. Like...I know my own issues and my blog is my happy place. Sorry.
16. Do you like tag games? – They’re so much fun!
17. Do you like ask games? – DEFINITELY
18. Which of your mutuals do you think is Tumblr famous? – There’s a few who I know are pretty popular, and every so often I’m like “WHAT YOU FOLLOW ME HOW IS THIS POSSIBLE YOU’RE AMAZING”. Because like...I am an anxious smol bean who still doesn’t quite believe how I’ve lucked into such a great community.
19. Do you have a crush on a mutual? – Don’t we all? Like, seriously, don’t we all?
Gonna tag @sylviesunshine @kim-ruzek @unmistakablyunknown @adamruz @kimburgess-ruzek @piscesgirl87 and anyone else who wants to play!
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chelsfic · 5 years
Part 3 - You Shouldn’t Love a Man Like Me - Horacio Carrillo x Reader - Narcos fanfic
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Part One | Part Two
A/N: I’ve been in a wave of creativity the last few days so I’m just rollin’ with it. Part three of Reader and Carrillo’s story. Angst, ahoy!! Enjoy! Thank you so much to everyone who has read, commented and reblogged!
Warning: Violence (reader gets hurt)
You hold your hand up to shade your eyes from the glare of the midday sun. Steve stands next to you, leaning casually against the cafe’s sidewalk bar and sipping coffee from a ceramic cup. He’s different lately, since the visit from Connie. More grounded. You hope it lasts. You’re watching Carrillo as he packs up his SUV. His broad shoulders strain against the material of his uniform shirt, his tan, muscular arms flex as he loads equipment into the back. On another day you might be able to enjoy the view. But today all you see is the way he carries himself like a spring wound too tight, ready to burst. His mouth is set in a grim frown and his brows are pinched together with stress. God--he needed this to be a win so badly. 
Honestly, you did too. Not because you have a vendetta against Escobar that transcends into an almost spiritual mission, like Carrillo does. But because you need this damn war to be over. You need Escobar dead so that Horacio--your love--can finally be safe. You pushed yourself today, shadowing Carillo and Murphy as they moved through the building, refusing to let your lover out of your sight. You can’t...you can’t bear the thought of watching him march into a firefight while you hang back and coordinate another damn barricade. And it’s not because you’ve got anything to prove. As much as you bluster and try to keep up with the guys you know as well as everyone else does that your strength is in intelligence work and managing informants. That’s okay with you. You like that part of the job. Riding off, guns blazing on raids? That was all Steve and Javi...and Horacio. 
But ever since the night of the ambush--when you’d stayed back and monitored the mission on the radio while your lover and his men were surrounded--you haven’t been able to let go. You know he’s angry with you for inserting yourself into danger today, but you can’t bring yourself to care too much. You just need him to be safe.
You walk up behind him as he finishes loading the last of the gear. You’re reaching out a hand to rub his back when the call comes in. They found him. They really found him this time. 
Everyone is moving, jumping into vehicles and screeching out onto the road. Carrillo turns to look at you over his shoulder for a moment and his eyes are lit up with excitement even as he sets his face into the fierce mask of command.
“Y/N, you’re staying here!” he barks before jumping in the driver’s seat and taking off, leaving you standing there, red-faced and furious.
You feel a tap on your shoulder and Murphy leans his face in next to yours whispering conspiratorially, “Let’s go, girl!”
Your mouth splits into a wide grin and you both jump into the nearest truck as it pulls out onto the road.
By the time Carrillo realizes you’ve once again disobeyed his orders and inserted yourself into the vanguard assault team along with him, it’s too late. He glares at you from the other side of the front door as the men smash the battering ram against it. Immediately the sound of gunshots from inside erupts and bullets whiz through the air around you. Jesus, you and Murphy haven’t even had time to put on your bullet-proof vests. You duck, clutching your pistol in one hand and raising the other to cover your ears. Carrillo crouches across from you and tries one more time to wave you away before the door comes down and everyone is rushing inside. 
It’s chaos. Bodies press together to squeeze through the doorway and then you’re scrambling for cover as gunfire rains down. You find yourself kneeling behind an overturned dresser in between Murphy and Carrillo. Both tall men are just barely able to fit behind it with you squished in the middle. You feel Horacio’s firm hand pressing into your back and holding you down as he pops up to return fire. You should want to struggle away from him and join in the exchange of bullets. You should want to assert yourself against his authority. But in truth you’re thankful to him for watching out for you. This isn’t your specialty and you don’t want to cause problems for the team. You just need to be near him. To see him safely through this nightmare.
The warm reassurance of his hand leaves your back and you look up in time to watch he and Murphy spring up to chase the two fugitives up the stairs. Another police officer falls in a spray of bullets and your heart leaps into your throat. They’re already halfway up the stairs. You jump up and trail after them, taking the steps two at a time to make up for your short legs. At the top of the stairs, you sprint down the hallway and hop out the open window onto the rooftop. 
You’re completely exposed out here. It’s just you, Horacio, Murphy and a couple of cops. Escobar is jogging away and throwing shots at you every few steps. You slow your pace, ducking and dodging as bullets ping off the metal and clay roof tiles. Murphy and Carrillo are leading the chase. They’re going to get him. There’s no way out for Escobar this time. You stop, hanging back and watching your lover as he finally nears the end of this years long quest. You’re sweating, bent over and breathing heavily with exertion, but you smile to see your man finally--finally completing his life’s work.
You don’t even feel it when the bullet hits you. One second you’re on your feet, eyes locked on Horacio as he sprints after his quarry, the next you’re flat on your back, head snapping backwards and cracking against a roof tile. For a second you think you’ve just had the wind knocked out of you, forgetting that you aren’t wearing your vest. You lay there staring up into the crystal blue sky and wait for your lungs to expand. They don’t. When you finally get your breath back it’s rapid and shallow. And there’s a sharp pain blossoming in your chest. You taste bile and something coppery as panic starts to set in. No, please. You’re so close.
Clouds drift overhead and a bird crosses your field of vision. It’s strange--how can the world keep going when such monumental events are playing out on the ground?
You hear your name being called. It sounds choked, desperate, and terribly far away.
The bullet flies wide of Carrillo and he doesn’t give it another thought, leaping forward to lengthen his strides as he closes in. Murphy is right behind him. This is it. This is finally it. The people of Columbia will rest easy knowing this madman has been brought to justice. He feels a swell of pride at the thought that it will be his hands putting this bastard in cuffs. 
Carrillo’s senses are laser focused on his prey. So, why does he suddenly jolt to a stop when he hears the sound of a body hitting the tiles behind him? He turns his head, glancing over his shoulder to check who’s gone down. 
It feels like a cold hand reaches into his chest and closes around his heart. No, mi amor! You’re lying prone on the rooftop, unmoving...alone. Murphy and the other men continue their pursuit, speeding past him and after the goal he’s fought for. Carrillo curses under his breath, casting his eyes back towards the chase and watching Murphy take the lead. It’s no choice at all, really.
He turns from them, from Escobar, from the crusade he’s waged for the last three years. His gun falls from his grip as he collapses to his knees at your side. He looks down at you, hands hovering over your blood soaked t-shirt. Your breath stutters in your chest and specks of blood splash onto your lips as you try to speak, “Hh...racio.”
You try to take one of his hands but miss. He leans over you and his face fills your vision, tears falling freely from his beautiful eyes. Yes, you think, let this be the last thing I see.
“Don’t--don’t speak, mi amor. You’re gonna be okay. Just save your strength, okay?”
He’s lifting your shirt and running his fingers over your torso searching for the wound, his hands quickly become soaked in your blood. When he finds the entry wound on the right side of your chest he presses down with all his strength and you let out a cough that sprays blood all over his arms. 
Tell me again, you think as your vision starts to go dark around the edges, tell me you love me.
The first thing you see when you wake up is a giant, cheerful teddy bear perched on your bedside with a note pinned to it reading, “Love, Javi and Steve.” The idea of one of them picking this out, buying it and carrying it in here is so hilarious that you start to laugh before the monstrous ache in your chest brings you up short and the laugh turns into a pained moan. 
Carrillo is at your side in an instant, “Shhh, my love. Thank God, how do you feel?”
He takes both of your hands in his and brings them to his lips, pressing urgent kisses into your fingers. You’ve never seen him look so tired. And you’ve seen him after a 24 hour stake out. His eyes are puffy, his hair is uncombed and sticking up on one side as if he fell asleep leaning against a wall or something. He’s looking at you like you might break apart at any moment.
“I feel…” you start and then pause trying to figure out how you feel. “I hurt. A lot.”
Horacio laughs at that. He leans forward and presses his lips to your cheek in the lightest of kisses.
“Yeah, well...you got shot, mi amor,” he says and you imagine you hear the edge of disappointment in his voice. You just wanted to keep him safe and instead you’ve messed everything up. Why can’t you ever just do as he tells you?
You lips tremble and your voice comes out thick with tears, “I’m sorry, Horacio. I’m sorry, I--I--”
You start to cry and immediately you feel the wound in your chest ignite with pain. You yelp in pain and gingerly clutch your hand over the bandage that wraps your chest.
Horacio looks aghast. He’s wiping your tears away and begging you, “Don’t cry, my love, please! I’m not angry. I was so, so scared I’d lost you. Please, be still, Y/N, you’re wounded.”
You cling to the gentleness and truth in his words, wrapping your hands around his wrists to keep his hands cupping your cheeks. You love the feel of his palms on your skin. Nothing in this world makes you feel safer than Horacio’s touch. When you’ve had a moment to steady your breathing and you feel more solid, you finally ask the question.
“Horacio, did we get him?”
His face is relaxed, calm, serious as he regards you. He nods, “Yeah...we got him.”
Tears slip free once more and you’re overwhelmed with relief. Your smile feels like it might split your face in two, but you don’t care. It’s over. It’s finally over. You can finally be with Horacio and not have to worry if he’ll be kidnapped or shot or tortured the next time he leaves your side. Finally.
He’s looking back at you with that same serious look on his face and you feel your happiness waver as doubt shadows your heart. 
“My love,” you whisper, reaching out to cup his cheek. He nuzzles his face against your hand and you feel a little more certain. “Are you happy?”
He turns his head and brushes a kiss against your palm, wrapping his fingers around your wrist and holding it lightly in his grip as if he fears you might float away if he doesn’t keep a hold of you.
He hates the doubt in your voice and attempts a smile to reassure you as he responds, “I am the happiest man alive because of you, mi amor. Pablo Escobar...catching him, stopping him...that man has no control over my happiness. Only you do, Y/N. Only you.”
You let out a sob of happiness, content to withstand the stab of pain in your chest as you reach out both arms and force him to bend over the bed and wrap you in a tender, loose hug. You bury your face into the crook of his neck and inhale his clean, masculine scent. Your fingers dig into the muscles of his back and you decide, then and there, that you’re never going to let go of this man again.
“I love you, Horacio,” you whisper into his ear. 
He turns his face a little so that his stubble scratches deliciously against your cheek, “I love you, my disobedient little girl.”
He pulls back a little so he can look into your eyes. His lips curve in a smile and he looks, for the first time since you’ve known him, happy and carefree.
“Marry me, Y/N.”
The words fall from his lips in the playful, dominant tone he reserves for you alone. And the way he says them, a command rather than a question, sends a shiver down your spine.
This is one order you intend to obey.
@sparrows-books @1zashreena1 @squidlywiddly87​
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adarafaelbarba · 5 years
pairing: Rafael Barba x OC (Nina Suarez. Might work with her a bit in later fics 🤷🏼‍♀️) fandom: Law & Order: SVU warning: smut, A LOT of Spanish! and a whole bunch of pent up pining! word count: 2 878  
A/N: I’ve not written a proper smut in AGES! With that and the fact that there is a whole heap of Spanish in this, bear with me please! And please remember to reblog this and/or comment on this! it took me a while to write it! Smut under the cut!
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“If we hit from these four angles, we’ve got him”, I explained. “Benson?” Looking at the lieutenant I frowned, she wasn’t paying attention. “We’re going to get him this time Benson”, I reassured. She nodded at this.
“Barba!” Liv called out, making me turn in a flash. “This better be important Liv, I was out for dinner with my mother”, he said in an annoyed tone. “It is. Let’s talk in my office”, she said before turning to me, “I’ll be ready for briefing in 5 minutes Suarez.”
Nodding I went back to looking over the game plan when there was a tap on my shoulder. “Are you not gonna say hello to me amado?” Lucia Barba asked, giving me a warm smile. “Mrs. Barba!” I smiled wide, hugging her. “que te he dicho, llámame Lucia!” She chuckled, making me blush. “Perdóname, Lucia, I forget sometimes”, I said, laughing nervously.
“Thank you, Barba”, Liv said when they exited the office. “I’ll get it as—Nina!” He stopped in his track as he took me in. “Rafael”, I said with a wide smile. “Dios mío! It’s—it’s been a while.” He sounded almost breathless before rushing over to hug me. Hugging him back I let out a content sigh. “Ten years Rafi.” I chuckles.
The others were looking at us in wonder as we pulled away from the hug. “Oh yeah, sorry. Raf—ADA Barba and I are old friends”, I explained, smiling. They all seemed to nod at this before going back to work.
“You have to join us for dinner one of these days Nina. Where are you staying?” Lucia said in a warm, but serious tone. “She’s here on business mami, she’s not go—“ Rafael started, “I would love to Lucia. And I’m staying at a hotel down the block”, I explained. “Disparates! Family stays together!” She exclaimed. “You’ll stay with Rafi, he lives close by too.” If there was one thing I knew, you didn’t argue with Lucia Barba. “You okay with that Rafi?” I asked, looking at him, my cheeks burning. “Of course. Here’s my spare key. Make yourself comfortable”, he said, pressing a soft kiss to my cheek. “I’ll see you later cariño.” Feeling my cheeks burn from the blush I nodded. “I’ll see you later Rafi! Bye Lucia!” I smiled giving them both a hug before they left.
“You okay Suarez?” Rollins asked, smirking at me. “Just fine Rollins. Can we get back on the case please?” She nodded at this and back to work we went.
It felt weird entering Rafi’s apartment without ringing the doorbell. He had texted me the address 5 minutes after he and his mother had left. And now I was here, unlocking the doors to his most intimate space.
“Cariño? Is that you?” His voice carried well in the spacious apartment as I stood in the hall. “Si”, I smiled, dropping the key on the table by the door.
Exiting the kitchen he took in my tired appearance. “I figured I should make you some dinner, to welcome you back to New York”, he said, giving me that soft smile which always made my legs weak.
Yeah, I had a big fat crush on my best friend. I never dared to tell him. He was so much older than me, having been friends with my brother up until when my brother died in Afghanistan.
“Rafi. You really don’t have to. You’re already giving me a warm welcome by letting me stay with you”, I exclaimed looking at him. “Don’t be ridiculous Nina.” He chuckled, handing me a glass of wine. “Thanks. And I’m not being ridiculous. I’m being realistic”, I said with a huff.
Don’t fall for him, don’t fall for him, don’t fall for him, I repeated to myself as a mantra before jumping up on his counter to watch him make the food.
“You are being ridiculous cariño. Mami is right, family stays together.” Hearing him say it made my heart drop. It seemed so much harsher when he said it, even in his soft tone.
Downing the wine I decided to just ignore the feeling. I could ponder about it when I went to sleep tonight.
As he continued to cook and serve wine for us both, we would talk about everything and anything. Even if I had kept in touch since we’d last seen each other there were things we hadn’t talked about that seemed better to do in person.
Like how I really had been since my brother’s passing. And later when your father died. Rafael hated himself for not being there for my family and I.
“Abuelita couldn’t understand why he would go that way. She didn’t see the pain mami and I saw in his eyes every day. It was eating him up from the inside. I’m just happy he went peacefully.” I had explained. “He’s in a better place now though cariño”, he said in a comforting voice, taking my hand in his. “Yeah, I know. I just hope we catch the guy this time, so dad wouldn’t have died in vain.” He nodded, “we’ll catch him.”
He also talked about his abuelita passing away, and I hated myself for not being there for Rafi and Lucia. He had felt so guilty for making her live in the home. «She never blamed you Raif. She knew you only meant well, and that it was the best for her», I said, jumping down from the bench to hug him. «I’m sorry I wasn’t there for you Rafi, but I’m here now. I got you.»
Taking my plate I went over to the sink after finishing the food. “Leave it, I’ll take it in the morning.” Rafael tried, but I wouldn’t budge. “No, Raf let me! It’s the least I could do after you made me this amazing meal”, I said, moving away from him to the sink.
The dishes weren’t the only thing we scuffled about that evening. I was set on taking the couch, as he didn’t have a guest bedroom, but he said I should take the bed. “Rafi! Let me take the couch, my back is still young.” He gasped at me when he heard that, “are you calling me old?” I chuckled, “I don't know old man, did I?” He couldn’t help but let out a loud laugh at that. “I’ll get you for that Suarez!” I smirked, “I bet you will Barba!”
The week continued as the first night. Mr. Camden seemed harder to catch than the team had thought, which meant longer shifts, which in turn made me more cranky.
“He’s a pro at this Fin! He knows what he’s doing cause lord knows he’s been at this game for a long time. Covering up his trail is what he does best, he’s not a sloppy joe”, I said, pacing the bullpen. “Then we just have to trick him, won’t we? Rollins fits his M.O. she could trick him”, Fin suggested. “You up for that Rollins?” I asked, looking at her. She nodded, “I’m ready.”
As we were suiting up, Rafi walked into the precinct with two cups of coffee and a big smile, which soon dropped when he saw us getting ready. «You’re heading out? I thought I’d bring you some coffee», he said, holding up the white and green Starbucks cup. «Yeah, Rollins is going undercover, hopefully, he’ll take the bait. Gracias Rafael. This will get me through the night for sure.» Smiling up at him I wrapped my arms around his waist, hugging him. «Of course cariño. Be safe out there, entendido?» I nodded, pressing a kiss to his cheek. «Voy a. I’ll see you later.» smiling at each other one last time we pulled away before I was whisked away with Fin, Carisi, Rollins, and Liv.
«So you and Barba?» Carisi asked, looking over to me as we sat in the stakeout car. «What about us?» I asked, looking at the detective. «You like each other. Everyone can see it», he said, «You need to lay off the sweets Carisi.» I huffed, trying to pretend it didn’t affect me. «You might be a good detective Suarez, but you’re a terrible liar», Sonny said, chuckling. «So what if I like him? He doesn’t like me. He still sees me as Michael’s little sister.» I shrugged. «How about this? I’ll prove to you that he likes you. I’ll kiss you in front of him. He’ll be jealous», Sonny suggested, shrugging. «Or he’ll kill you for touching me. Just leave it Carisi», I said, groaning.
The stakeout took about 4 hours until Mr. Camden slipped up, and we could finally take him down.
Sonny didn’t speak any more about the idea. It wasn’t until after Mr. Camden confessed to at least a two dozen rapes and a couple of murders, something about him wanting to come clean cause he had been diagnosed with cancer, that it came up again.
We were exciting the interrogation room, Rafael talking to Liv. I could feel my heart skip a beat at how good Rafi looked in his three-piece suit, when Sonny pulled me in for a kiss, making me squeal in surprise. «Detective Carisi!» looking from Sonny to Rafael, he was not pleased. «You’re welcome doll», Sonny whispered before walking off.
«A word DI Suarez», Rafael said, his voice low. Nodding, I lead him to the changing rooms. No one would be in there now.
As soon as we were inside, Rafael locked the door, leaning on it. «Si señor Barba?» I said, keeping eye contact with him. «Don’t give me that tone detective», he growled, glaring at me. «If this is about Carisi kissing me. I had nothing to do with it. I’m innocent, querido, you know that», I said, looking at him. «He just wanted to get a reaction from you. He thinks you like me, but he’s lying, isn’t he?» I tended to do this, I just didn’t want to have my heart broken by anyone, so I set myself up to break my own heart before they could.
«Rafi?» I asked when he hadn’t answered me. «¿estás bien, Rafi?» I asked, still looking at him. In a few quick strides Rafael was in front of me, his hands cupping my face, «Mía!» he exclaimed before capturing my lips with his. The kiss was like nothing I had ever expected. It was rushed almost, all teeth and tongue, and moans, heavenly moans that slipped his lips. It was the kind that made all the heat in my body rush down to my core.
«mío!» I moaned when we pulled away for a breath. My arms found their place around his neck as Rafi pushed me up against a locker, his lips attached to my neck.
It was as if he knew everything about me. Where to touch me to send tingles down my spine, where to kiss me to draw out a moan. Point in case now as he was working on marking a particularly sensitive area on my neck, «Rafi», I moaned, one hand in his hair as the other hung onto the collar of his suit jacket. «Nina», he moaned in return. «Not here», I said, making him look at me. «You’re place, then you can have me any way you want me.» he moaned at that, pulling me with him.
We got quite a few looks as we went through the bullpen, but we were too far gone to care.
As soon as we entered Rafael’s apartment, clothes were thrown everywhere. He let out an audible groan as I stood there in only my underwear, and I gave myself a mental high five at the fact that I wore a matching set. «Mierda, bebé, you look amazing», he said, lust lacing his voice.
Taking in his looks, I let out a shaky breath, «As do you, amor», I said, biting my lip.
Pulling me to him he kissed me again. «Te quiero cariño. And I’m not just saying that to get you in bed. I truly, honestly, deeply love you», he confessed, cupping my cheeks. «Yo también te amo, Rafi.» I smiled through tears as I pulled him in for another searing kiss.
The kiss turned more heated and before I knew it he had picked me up and carried me to the bedroom. «Soy todo tuyo Rafi. Do with me as you please», I said, laying on his bed, looking up at him, his hand in mine. «Y yo soy tuyo mi amor, always», he said.
He laid down next to me before rolling over to kiss me. «If it’s too much, tell me to stop, and I’ll stop. Okay cariño?» I nodded, kissing him again, «Okay Rafi», I said.
Opening the drawer on his nightstand he let out a string of Spanish curse words. «Had I know this would be happening I would have bought condoms.» he groaned, hovering over me, his head nuzzled up in my neck. «I’m clean, and on the pill. You’re clean right Rafi? Please. I need you», I murmured in his ear, biting my lip as I felt him grow harder. «I’m clean. Are you sure about this cariño?» it was his insecurities that spoke now. «Please, just fuck me, papi», I said, drawing out a moan from him.
Stripping out of our remaining items of clothing, where I may or may not have let out an obscene moan at the sight of his impressive member, Rafael started leaving a trail of kisses down my body before settling in between my legs. «I’m going to take good care of you bebé», he murmured, a finger teasing my entrance as his lips attached to the bundle of nerves. «Fuck papi!» I moaned, clenching the sheets.
That man knew how to please a woman. His mouth seemingly as good in bed as it was in court. Bringing me to the brink of orgasm, before stopping, drawing out a defeated groan from me. «Why did you stop?» I asked, looking down, our eyes locking in each other’s gaze. «You were close cariño.» he started. «Yeah, because you were doing so good bebé», I said, my voice rasp from moaning. «I want to be inside you when you come undone», he said, looking at me, making me moan. That man could honestly just look at me and I’d cum just from that.
«By all means papi, no te ester deteniendo», I said, smirking before moaning as he kissed his way back up my body.
As he started kissing my lips again I reached down, grabbing his length in my hand before stroking him torturously slow. «Mierda cariño. Th—that feels—fuck—so good!» he moaned, his lips attaching to my neck as he created more marks.
«I need to feel you papi», I murmured, sucking on the sweet spot just below his ear.
Lining him up with my entrance I looked up at him as he pushed into me. The moans that followed could make a pornstar blush.
«Fuck cariño. Te sientes tan bien bebé!» he moaned, bottoming out before stopping so I could adjust to his size. «Oh my god Rafi, that feels so good! Please move papi!» I moaned back, and he complied, moving almost completely out before bottoming out again. He continued this ministration a few more times before he set a steady, but slow pace.
«I want this to last amor», he said, but I wasn’t as patient as he was. My primal needs taking over my mind as I trailed my hands down his back until they reached his perfectly shaped ass, grabbing it to press him into me. «Paciencia mi amour», he said, chuckling before moaning as I bit down on his shoulder. «Faster papi. Please make me cum», I murmured, biting down on his collarbone.
That last bite seemed to really spur him on as he picked up his pace. «Fuck Rafi, just like that bebé!» I moaned, grabbing the headboard. «Dios mío, te sientes tan bien papi!» I moaned.
My climax was approaching full speed as he kept his fast pace. «I’m so close Raf—fuck bebé!» letting out a pleasured squeal biting down hard on his neck, so hard in fact that I drew some blood, but we were too far gone to care. «Me too cariño. Cum with me», he moaned out loud.
The movements became erratic as his thumb found it’s way down to press on my clit, pushing me over the edge. «Fuck papi!!» I screamed, my walls clamping down on his member as he came too.
We laid there in absolute bliss for a couple of minutes before he pulled out of me, making me wine at the loss of fullness. «Let’s get cleaned up, then we can go to sleep», he said, helping me up. «I don’t think I can walk properly after that!» I laughed breathlessly. «Come on cariño, I’ll help you.» he chuckled, guiding me to the bathroom so we could shower.
After the shower I felt more relaxed, but still leant on Rafael for guidance. «Take me to bed Rafi.» I purred, «As you wish amor.»
That night I had the best sleep in ages.
~ FIN ~
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nekoannie-chan · 4 years
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Pairing: Steve Rogers X Rumlow! Reader
Word count: 1202 words.
Summary: A conversation can change everyone’s future.
Warnings: Angst, betrayal, swearing.
A/N: In this one-shot, Brock is not HYDRA, neither the reader is.
This is my entry to the @shield-agent78 ‘s 800 Follower Challenge with the dialogue starter #2:
“You’re stronger than you think you are”
My native language is Spanish so I wanna improve my writing skills in English, if you notice any mistake please let me know and I will correct it.
I don’t give any kind of permission that my fics be posted in other platforms or languages (I translate myself my work) or the use of my graphics (my dividers are included in this), I did them exclusively for my fics, please respect my work and don’t steal it. There are some people here who make dividers that anyone can use, mine is not this type, please look for the other’s people. The only exception is the ones I gifted ‘cuz now belong to someone else. If you find any of my works on a different platform and is not one of my accounts, please let me know. Reblogs and comments are always welcome.
DISCLAIMER: I don’t own Marvel’s characters (unfortunately), except for the original characters and the story.
My other media where I publish: Wattpad, Ao3, ffnet.
If you like it please vote, comment, and give me feedback to improve my skills and reblog. 
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You were in your office finishing the last details of the mission report, you had just sent to print the file when your big brother entered.
"I'm almost done with my work," you informed seeing him.
"Do you want to go with the team guys?" Brock asked.
“To the bar.”
You thought for a few seconds, Steve had told you he had a meeting with the Avengers so he couldn't go out that night.
"I have no plans today, so let's go," you agreed.
You were sitting waiting for Brock to come back with the drinks, Jack sat next to you.
"Jack," you greeted.
“I'm glad you were encouraged to come.”
"I had the night off."
It was rarely the time you went out with the team to something unrelated to missions, usually, you went with Nat and Maria or Steve.
"Do you have something to do next weekend?" He asked.
"Yes, I already have plans," you replied.
"Why don't you cancel them and go out?" Jack suggested.
He put his hand through your hair and when he was going to put it on your shoulder, Brock came and stopped him before you could answer anything else.
"Get out," Brock growled.
Jack shook off the grip and left, your brother hated that team members tried to flirt with you, he gave you your drink, you drink it, maybe it was a good time, to tell the truth to him, and you didn’t tell him about your relationship with Steve.
"What would you say if I told you my boyfriend is Steve?" You asked innocently.
Brock coughed a little as he nearly choked on the drink when he heard your question.
"The Cap is your boyfriend?" He asked incredulously.
He suspected you had a relationship with someone because for the last few weeks you always went out on the weekends, although he didn't know who.
"Yes, he is" you confirmed.
He takes drink trying to process the information.
“Since when?”
"Hmm ... four months," you replied.
Brock knew Rollins liked you, of course, he didn't like you dating someone from S.H.I.E.L.D., but maybe he preferred you and Steve have a relationship than someone from STRIKE.
"I suppose Jack doesn't know it and that's why he keeps trying to flirt with you, by the way, Missy…I'll have a very serious conversation with your boyfriend as soon as possible," he said.
You laughed, at least he hadn't been dramatic as you expected.
You looked up and noticed that some of the team members seemed to be leaving, no one had told them to go somewhere else.
“Brock, where are they going?” You asked, pointing to them.
He looked towards where you pointed, looked for the others, they were still in the place, if there was something else between some members, it was simply none of his business.
"I don't know, but the rest are still here," he replied.
“Don’t you have any more questions?”
"I guess I'm the last to know, so who else knows?" He questioned.
“Maria and Nat.”
"Sure, your friends were going to cover you up, so all those outings on weekends ...”
"Some with him, some with the girls."
You gave him a friendly punch to get his attention.
"I need to go to the service," you said.
“AND? Do you want me to take you or what?”
"I'm warning you, moron," you replied sarcastically.
You went to the restrooms when you left you saw that the rest of the STRIKE was going down a corridor, you followed them, maybe they were going to go somewhere else, however, you could not see your brother there, it seemed to you as if they were keeping some secret or something like that.
“Why did you invite them?” You heard complaining to one.
“The Commander listened to us, I couldn't deny without being suspicious.
"The next HYDRA mission is important, you know how Pierce looks like," Jack said.
"He wants us to get Fury out of the way."
You hid behind some boxes, put one of your hands covering your mouth to avoid emitting any noise, took your mobile phone and began recording, the more you listened, the more horrified you were, with great care so that they did not discover you, you left the place and left. You immediately looked for your brother.
"We have to go," you whispered in his ear.
“What? Why? ”He asked.
“Listen to me.”
You took him by the arm to insist, reluctantly he got up and you left the place.
“What happened? He asked already outside.
"Nothing," you replied.
“Do you remember where we were taken to eat pizza in our childhood?” You questioned.
He looked at you strangely and nodded.
“We go there.”
“What the hell Y/N? Are you drunk? ”He asked confused.
“I'm fine.”
You got on the bike to get to the place and ordered the usual, Brock was watching you, and you were still feeling nervous.
"So?" He finally asked.
"Uff ... this won't be easy."
You took your headphones out of the purse to prevent someone else from listening and showed him the recording. Your brother incredulously heard everything.
"My team ... are traitors," he murmured.
He was also in shock, neither he nor he could believe what was happening.
“What do we do Brock? “Asked.
“Are you sure they didn't see you?”
"I was hiding," you replied.
“What are we gonna do?” You repeated.
"We are in big trouble, we didn't even know we were working for the enemy," he replied.
"We have to tell the truth," you stated.
“To who? We don't even know who works for them.”
"I'm sure Maria, Nat, and Steve are on our side."
"Fury is in danger."
Your mobile phone started ringing, with fear you took it out of your bag, but you calmed down when you saw who it was.
"It's Steve," you informed Brock.
"Tell him we need to talk to him."
"Brock ...”
"About this, idiot, not of the other, it is necessary to warn him."
You nodded and answered the call, you had less than an hour to get to the meeting point.
“What’s going on? Does he already know about us? ”Steve asked as soon as he saw you.
"Yes, I told you, he took it well, but we have another problem," you answered quietly.
Steve saw you without understanding, you showed the recording to the rest, then you began to plan how to stop HYDRA and keep Fury safe.
The day of executing the plan finally arrived, you felt how the nerves grew inside you, and you could not stop thinking about the possible consequences that would come later.
“Doll, are you okay?” Steve asked you.
"I don't know, it's all very confusing, I don't know if I did something good or not," you replied.
“You’re stronger than you think you are.”
"I guess, I just don't know what's going to happen now," you debated.
"We will finish HYDRA this time, I promise."
You took his face in your hands and kissed him.
"It's time to go, we have the most important mission of our lives," you said.
You took his hand and you left together. 
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soundsof71 · 5 years
1971: Death Comes to Punk Rock
Death: The punk band founded by Detroit teen brothers Bobby, David, and Dannis Hackney in 1971
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The photo above is from a post (here) by @brownskinsugarplum76​. She followed it up with a post with their music, (here)  I was going to reply to, but the Spotify embed kept breaking in my reblog, so I’m going to try embedding a YouTube clip of the same song, with (you guessed it) some additional thoughts about one of 1971′s best stories.
YOU’RE HEARING THIS RIGHT? THAT’S PUNK! To be precise, from Death’s 1974 demo tape, first released in 2009, but I’m getting ahead of myself.
Consider this a mini-troduction to a longer essay about Death, who really were KILLING it in the early 70s, long before most people think of punk as having started, but you’re hearing this, right? This ain’t PROTOpunk. People calling Death “protopunk” is a pet peeve of mine. This is PUNK.
The phrase “punk rock” first appeared in print in 1971, the same year that Death formed. Why wait for a couple of English bands to mark the “start” of a music form that had been thriving in the American midwest for almost a decade already?
The Detroit-ness of teenagers Bobby, David, and Dannis Hackney had everything to do with Death, and so did 1971. The MC5 and The Stooges had been going petal to the metal for years by then, (I likewise label both of those as FULLY punk, NOT proto punk), and it was Detroit-transplant Alice Cooper (whose Iggy-flavored punk blew up their unique brand of anti-glam first unleashed on their two 1971 albums, Love It To Death and Killer) that inspired the brothers to start their own band that year.
As @brownskinsugarplum76​ noted in her earlier post, there’s a terrific documentary about the band from 2013. Check out this trailer! This was punk.
During their original run, Death only released one single, “Politicians in My Eyes” b/w “Keep on Knocking”, in 1976. (Only 500 copies were pressed.) Their 1974 demo tape was released as an album in 2009, which led to a profile in the New York Times that’s still a terrific read,  
This Band Was Punk Before Punk Was Punk 
The headline is making the same point I am – what most people think of as the beginning of punk, England in 1976,  is absolutely, categorically NOT the beginning of punk.
Indeed, I don’t think 1971 was the beginning of punk rock. 1971 is the point at which punk rock was already a fully mature, easily identifiable offshoot of rock and roll that warranted its own name, and merited critical consideration as a separate, unique genre that would have a history of its own from here, apart from the mainstream of rock and roll itself. Fuck 1976, and fuck 1977 twice.
(btw, don’t bother @’ing me about that on this post. Save it for when I talk about 1971 punk at length. For now, I only want to talk about Death.)
Regardless of your feelings about the relative importance of those years to your own musical journey (and I love ‘em both plenty, just not as the origin of punk, because they’re not), be prepared to have your mind utterly and irrevocably blown by the creativity, power, intensity, and authority of three Detroit teens, and their story, which even more than defiance, is built on love and hope. 
Read the story, watch the movie, and turn that music ALL THE WAY UP.
PS. I don’t talk much about my day job much here on tumblr, but,  among other things, it involves writing about people who make movies, TV shows, and related stuff. (Feel free to ping me if you want to know more.) We spoke to the directors of the film A Band Called Death back in 2013 when the film caused quite a stir at South by Southwest.
That was the first I’d heard of Death. One of the cool things is that during the making of the film, as the directors played Death for some of punk, DIY, and Detroit’s brightest lights (Henry Rollins, Jello Biafra, Jack White, etc etc), it was sometimes the first time THEY’D heard Death too! So the story of the MAKING of the documentary was also about one person sharing this amazing music with one more person, each of whom went on to share it with a BUNCH of folks.
So please allow me to heartily recommend a story written by my colleague Debra Kaufman, A Band Called Death: An Interview with the Directors of the Rock Documentary. I know that there are quite a few filmmakers and aspiring filmmakers here, and you’re gonna dig the story of the movie as much as music fans will dig the music.
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So where can you catch it? Hard to say by the time you see this, so if these links don’t work, try Google....but A Band Called Death has been included with your Amazon Prime subscription for a few years now, and also for free on Tubi. The rest of the usual suspects have it both for rent and sale for a few bucks, so no excuses. Dig it!
And thanks again to @brownskinsugarplum76 and apologies again for tumblr breaking your embed when I tried to reblog! 
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duamuteffe · 4 years
List 5 things that make you happy, then put this in the ask box of the last 10 people who reblogged something from you. Learn more about your mutuals and followers💙
Hi there! Oo, happy stuff- not gonna lie, I have been struggling pretty mightily with the whole happiness thing the last few months.
I'll try to pick some things that I haven't talked about before. Let's see...
1) Tea. I fucking love tea. I suck down gallons of plain decaf green from Wegmans bulk boxes, leaving the bag in the entire time like a barbarian because I love the oversteeped flavor, but I also have a quite ridiculous collection of very good loose leaf tea from all over the world that I'm much more careful with, and an ongoing interest in Gong Fu tea practices. A decent tea set is on my list of eventual purchases.
2) Bonsai. I'm not terribly good at it yet, but I have two very young but thriving bonsai and I'm pleased as punch about them. I have a stack of books, and photos of beautifully grown bonsai refresh my soul. I highly suggest looking up group plantings for maximum calmness.
3) Pre-code horror comics. The goofball, melodramatic horror from the 50's is an odd happy place to have, but whatever, it's one of mine. One of the things I've noticed in my (really quite ridiculous) collection is that eight times out of ten the villain is a shitty white guy who gets his messy comeuppance at the end of the story. (Times nine and ten are shitty white women, with identical outcomes.) It's surprisingly progressive as a concept for the 50's, although there are definitely lots of problematic elements otherwise in them that I certainly won't try to defend or deny.
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4) Henry Rollins.
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Henry makes me happy. He's smart and funny and doesn't take any shit. He has depression and probably anxiety and very likely PTSD, and he's honest about how much they suck and how hard it can be. He's an amazing speaker; he could make the phone book sound interesting, and he has an anecdote for every possible thing in life. Getting to chat with him after a show was one of the neatest things that has ever happened to me :)
5) Forever Knight.
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I love this show. I will always love this show. It was an integral part of my teenage years, alongside the X-Files (the 90's were a good time to be a weird teen, TV-wise.) You have a vampire who has spent his last few hundred years trying to do good, and is spending his current incarnation as a Toronto police detective on the night shift with an amazing loft apartment in a deserted factory and a classic cadillac because it has the largest trunk space of any car in the last thirty years (perfect for hiding in when you're caught out past dawn.) You have his partner, a loyal and oblivious garlic-eating polka lover who thinks Nick is a little weird but basically a good egg. You have Jeanette, Nick's on-again, off-again lover and oldest friend who runs a neon-lit goth club that I would have run over a guy to hang out in back then. You have Natalie, a coroner who knows Nick's a vampire because he woke up on her table during an autopsy after he'd gotten blown up trying to diffuse a bomb in a subway. His powers of suggestion don't work on her (a certain subset of the population is immune) so he befriends her instead ans she begins work on a cure. And I don't think it's a spoiler to say that we eventually have his Master, a former Roman general turned during the destruction of Pompeii, who is delightfully unimpressed with his son's longing for humanity, and eventually buys a radio station and becomes a late-night radio personality *solely* to fuck with Nick. There's a flashback in every episode, because when you've lived 900 years you've already been through pretty much every possible situation at least once, so you get to see Nick and co in various historical events and crossroads. (Hint: vampires rarely improve events, even if one of them has the best of intentions.)And the soundtrack is synth-heavy and frequently employs Lori Yates to sing melodramatic goth rock. What's not to love?
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initcne-a · 4 years
𝐏𝐎𝐒𝐓 𝟑 - 𝟓 𝐒𝐎𝐍𝐆𝐒 𝐓𝐇𝐀𝐓 𝐑𝐄𝐌𝐈𝐍𝐃 𝐘𝐎𝐔 𝐎𝐅 𝐘𝐎𝐔𝐑 𝐌𝐔𝐒𝐄 rules : repost, don’t reblog.
ONE.  oh no! // marina
don't do love, don't do friends. i'm only after success. don't need a relationship. i'll never soften my grip. don't want cash, don't want card, want it fast, want it hard, don't need money, don't need fame, i just want to make a change. i just wanna change, i just wanna change.
TWO.  fetch the bolt cutters // fiona apple
i've been thinking about when i was trying to be your friend. i thought it was then, but it wasn't. it wasn't genuine. i was just so furious, but I couldn't show you, ‘cause i know you and I know what you can do, and I don't wanna war with you. i won't afford it. you get sore even when you win
THREE.   momentary bliss // gorillaz
your potential, you lack credentials. and you are special, so fucking special. oh, how you need it, oh how you're needed, and you keep squeezing the truth from the middle. you parted seas, but your arches, they ain't golden, and you was gangin' for some gags and now you're rollin'. bet you shut your trap and keep it hush. on another note, compliments make me blush. there's a hole in your pocket, so you cannot find the change. cavern of your mind, you say your pattern. you pull your strings and you jump, hold your mouth and you say,  "what was scripted, the day before it happened ?" we all give applause when people look at boys but on the way out and get your back in. see, everything in life ain't silver and gold. but minin' for metal gave you platinum. it makes me sick to think you ain't happy in your skin. it's weird thing to think light bulb don't blink, just flickers to them, then it pops and withers. you're a turkey twizzler, you deserve school dinners. makes me sick.
FOUR.  dance music // the mountain goats
okay so look, i'm seventeen years old, and you're the last best thing i've got going. but then the special secret sickness starts to eat through you. what am i supposed to do ? no way of knowing, so i follow you down your twisting alleyways, find a few cul de sacs of my own. there's only one place where this road ever ends up and i don't want to die alone. let me down, let me down, let me down gently. when the police come to get me, i'm listening to dance music.
FIVE.   this is what makes us girls // ldr
this is what makes us girls. we all look for heaven and we put love first. something that we'd die for, it's our curse. don't cry about it, don't cry about it. this is what makes us girls. we don't stick together 'cause we put love first. don't cry about him, don't cry about him. it's all gonna happen and that's where the beginning of the end begun. everybody knew that we had too much fun. we were skipping school and drinking on the job with the boss. sweet sixteen, and we had arrived. baby's table dancing at the local dive, cheering our names in the pink spotlight, drinking cherry schnapps in the velvet night.
tagged by: stole it from @goregalorr xoxo tagging: Youmst.
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𝘩𝘪 𝘦𝘷𝘦𝘳𝘺𝘰𝘯𝘦. ✰
as you all might have noticed, i´ve been absent for a pretty long time. i´ve been reblogging and reading stuff, but i haven´t written a single piece in like a decade. i´m really sorry for making promises and not keeping them, i feel bad. 
i got all your requests for criminal minds and i will write them, i will! i don´t want to let you down. please give me some more time to figure my sh** out. life has been crazy these past few months, work makes me go insane (tho i love doing my job). i still haven´t quite figured out how to put working and my passion for writing together in my day, but i´ll get to it, eventually. 
i just wanted to let you know, that i see u guys and i see ur requests and i all wrote them down. my series will be on hiatus, because i really don´t know what to write or anything. i´m very very sorry. 
so here comes a little life update: i´m okay right now, not good but okay. i´m struggling a lot these past few weeks although i won´t admit to it, but hey, that´s just me. a lot of sh** went down the past few weeks and months, familiy-wise, and it will still continue to go on for the end of this year and at least the beginning of 2020, so please bear with me. work is going great, although i just recently started to overthink my life and i´m currently thinking of going back to university and study law because that´s what i´m really into. but we´ll see what life brings along. 
as for tv shows, my love for criminal minds is still there, i just haven´t really watched an episode in months. i´m trying to come to terms with the fact that the show, that saved me, is coming to an end. and part of me dealing with it is probably not watching it that much lol (weird logic, i know). my current obsession is law and order:svu. i´m dying for this show (maybe bc it helps me deal with my own experience i made once regarding those topics the show deals with?). no, basically i´m in love with the show bc of its writing and the characters and just everything. i can´t stop talking about svu to my best friend and by now, i think she´s pretty annoyed about me rambling abour how perfect rollins and carisi are but oh well. 
this brings me to a new change to my account: 
as for now on, i also want to go and try write for law and order: svu. headcanons, one shots, what ever you/i want. i also wanna keep writing for criminal minds, no question. but i really wanna try something new. i also really wanna come up with a pattern as when i´m gonna upload a new piece. i´ll figure that out. 
so please send me some requests for the following svu characters: 
- carisi
- rollins
- barba
- nick 
- olivia 
- fin
as usual, i prefer to write angst and stuff. i´m only at season 17 right now, so keep that in mind while requesting. as for criminal minds, my requests are closed. i still got plenty in my inbox. 
did i forget anything? maybe. but this was it for now. also thank you for 988 followers and being here for me even if i´m such a bad writer and person lol. i love you all to the moon and back. i´m already planning a 1k followers party, so stay tuned haha. 
i hope you´re doing great. stay awesome. 
just tagging a few people 
@illegalcerebral @dontshootmespence @bucky-smiles @tenaciousarcadeexpert @butsomeofusarelookingatthestars @spencerreidreads @veroinnumera @marvelfanlife @notsosmartbutcute @cherrybombs-and-rabbitholes 
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scuzmunkie · 6 years
Love is Blind: Chapter 8
A/N: Oh my sweet, amazing, darling little pumpkins!! You guys are awesome!!! Thank you so much for your kind words and support!! Seriously, I literally jump in my seat and tear up when I see all your reblogs and comments!! You guys know the drill! Lmk if there are any mistakes and if you’d like to be added to the tag list!! And now, chapter 8!
Seth Rollins x Blind OFC
Warnings: Language
Word Count: 2000+
Summary: Seth was Lily’s world, she was foolish enough to think that she was his. That is until he leaves her behind in pursuit of his dreams. What happens when fate throws them together again years after the heartache and tears? How can Lily see past the pain of the past when she can’t see at all?    
Her angelic voice stopped him, holding his breath, his heart beating faster than any human heart should.
Lily sighed, bowing her head. She knew that what she was about to say was risky and not a smart decision by any means. She was standing at the edge of a cliff, but still she closed her eyes and jumped anyway.
“S-Stay the night?” After the events from earlier that day, Renee, Dean and Roman had told Lily how remorseful Seth had been when he lost her. They told her how guilty he’s felt and how badly he wished he could change the past. Although it didn’t let him off the hook for the pain he caused Lily, she felt that maybe, just maybe she could start the forgiving process.
Seth felt his jaw drop. He had to pinch himself to make sure he wasn’t dreaming. Letting out a shaky breath, he walked over to the bed. Lily was already laying on one side of the bed, her back still towards him. He wordlessly slid under the blanket, laying on his side, staring at Lily’s back. It took everything inside him not to reach out and pull her soft body to his chest. When Seth heard soft snores coming from Lily he waited a few minutes before he moved as close as possible without touching her.
“I give you my word,” he whispered, “I’ll be the one to make you smile, make you laugh and the one who’ll love you for the rest of your life. And if you cry, they’ll be tears of joy, I promise you, pretty baby, I’ll make you the happiest woman on earth.” With that, he kissed her head and fell asleep
In the wee hours of the morning, Lily laid in bed, having woken up during the promises Seth made last night. She had stirred when she heard his voice, not wanting to disrupt him, she remained still, pretending to be asleep, as she listened to his every word. She wiped the tears from her eyes, conflicting feelings swimming through her body. So much has happened in such a short time, she felt completely drained. When she heard what Seth had promised, it took every ounce of her will power not to turn around and kiss him.
She was violently ripped out of her thoughts when Seth’s alarm blared, causing Lily to jolt forward. With a squeak she nearly fell off the bed, had it not bent for Seth’s quick reflexes, she most definitely would have. He lunged towards Lily, grabbing her arm and pulled her to him. They were silently panting, both hearts racing.
“You ok?” Seth asked, a slight chuckle in his voice.
“You’re alarm is loud.” Lily said, eyebrows furrowed with the cutest scowl on her face. Seth couldn’t help but smile down at her. He missed waking up next to her.
‘You could’ve had this everyday’
his brain insisted on reminding him.
“That’s twice now you’ve almost made me fall.” She said with a smirk.
“Twice? What does that mean? Name the first time!” Seth playfully demanded.
“I was walking past the athletic building and you plowed into me, but in your defense you did save me.” She giggled when she heard him sigh.
“Hold up, walking? I think the word you’re looking for is sneaking since you were eavesdropping.” He got her there.
“Ugh, pointless details.” She mumbled as she subconsciously rubbed circles on his left forearm.
The small act not going unnoticed by Seth. He stared at her hand as her delicate fingers soothed his heated skin. He found himself slowly inching towards Lily’s lips. When she felt Seth move closer, she felt her heart sputter and the air leave her lungs. She felt the heat from his lips, they were so close, his breath fanning her face. She should stop him. She should really stop him. She should....
“Goooood morning!!” Amanda sang from the other side of the hotel room door as she knocked, jostling Seth and Lily back to reality. Seth’s heart dropped, he was so close. That kiss could’ve changed everything. That kiss could’ve brought his Lily back to him.
“Um, you should probably go. I know you have a strict exercise routine and how grumpy you get when you miss a workout.” Lily said with a sad smile as her heart slowly shattered all over again.
She wished so badly she could be the brave girl she used to be, old Lily would have pulled Seth down and kiss the ever living shit out of him, but now, she was afraid.
“You’re probably right.” Seth sighed. “And I don’t get grumpy. What do I do about Amanda? I’m not exactly at the top of her favorite person list at the moment, though I can’t blame her.”
“Ummm,” Lily purses her lips, almost tempting Seth, “cover your ears” she said, putting her hands over Seth’s ears.
“Hey!! Give me 30 minutes, I gotta shower and get ready. I’ll call you when I’m done, you wanna go find some place to grab breakfast?” Lily yelled, praying Amanda would buy it and leave her be.
“Sure thing, jelly bean! Love you!”
“Love you too!”
Lily and Seth both let out a breath they were simultaneously holding when they heard Amanda retreat from the door.
With a heavy heart, Seth got off the bed. When he opened the door, he glanced over his shoulder looking at her one more time.
“So let me get this straight,” Dean huffed, wiping the sweat from his brow, “you guys spent the night together and now you’re.... um what are you exactly?”
“I don’t know and it’s the most frustrating feeling ever.” Seth was trying really hard to figure that out right now.
“Well let me ask you this?” Roman, who had for the most part been quiet, spoke up, “what are you hoping the out come will be? I mean, we leave tonight.”
“If this was a perfect world, I’d want her ba-“
“Back, yeah, that part we know, but what would you have her do? Would you work out some kind of visiting schedule? One that you would keep?” Dean asked, sending a low blow Seth’s way.
“I really want her to travel with me. I make enough money to support the both of us, she’d be able to travel and experience different cultures! I just don’t know how to ask her, or if she’d even be willing.” While Seth was spilling his guts, Dean took it upon himself to text Renee and hoping she’d do a little spy work for him...
“C’mon doll’, you got this. Just bring it up casually.” Renee reread the text from her darling husband completely dumbfounded. How the hell did he expect her to casually ask Lily if she’d ever be willing to travel with Seth?!
“Is everything ok?” Renee snapped her head up from her phone when she heard Lily’s question. She, Lily and Amanda were enjoying a little brunch while Lily told them about last night and Seth sleeping next to her. She felt it would be best if she told Renee and Amanda, heaven forbid if they found out from someone else.
“Yeah, yeah. Just uh, just Dean asking for um,” oh poor Renee, can’t lie to save her life, “for leftovers, oh for shit’s sake I’m not even gonna try and make something up. Would you ever consider the possibility of traveling with Seth?”So much for casually.
Amanda choked on her food while Lily nearly spit out her drink. After wiping her chin, Lily regained her composure and tried to register what Renee had just said.
“Um, c-come again?” Lily asked. Taking a deep breath Renee tried again.
“Would you ever consider the possibility of traveling with Seth?”
“Why are you even asking?!” Amanda said, damn near ready to flip a table. Lily put her hand on Amanda’s thigh, hoping to calm her down.
“Look, I’m just asking because she’s good for him.”
“And?! He’s not good to or for Lily!”
“I was just asking a simple question!”
“There is nothing simple about it!”
“I was asking Lily,not you !!”
“I don’t give a shit WHO you were asking, she doesn’t need this in her life!!”
Lily started rubbing her temples as the two women argued.
“Oh, so now you’re the expert on what she needs now?!”
“Yes I am! I’ve known her longer than any of you motherfuc-“
“ENOUGH!!” Lily yelled, frustrated with this whole situation. “Both of you, arguing over MY life and what’s best for ME! I’m pretty sure I get a say in all this.” She grabbed her cane from her purse and went to leave, but Amanda put her hand on Lily’s, stopping her from going.
“You’re right.” Amanda admitted, giving Lily’s hand a loving squeeze.
“We’re sorry.” Renee said, agreeing with Amanda. “How are you feeling with all this?”
“Honestly, I’m both anxious and terrified. Part of me doesn’t want to trust Seth again for fear of heartache and the other part wants to throw caution to the wind and go. But...”
Both women were leaning in, on the edges of their seats waiting for the but.
“But, why are you asking me, Renee?”
‘Oh shit’ Renee thought, ‘time to come clean.’ Sheepishly, she placed her phone on the table, the sound of it hitting the wood made Lily jump a bit.
“Dean’s been texting me, apparently Seth is freaking out about what happens after today. He asked me to be his spy, see if you’d even be willing to do this.”
Lily simply nodded. She felt the table start to vibrate.
“Oh speaking of Dean.” She happily slid the answer button. “Hey handsome how are yo-, wait, what?! Now??? Oh shit shit shit. Why is he even there? No, I’ll try. Yeah, bye.” She ended the call quickly gathering her things all the while swearing under her breath.
“Re-Re, what’s wrong?” Lily asked sensing the change of tone in her voice halfway through her call with Dean.
“What’s wrong is Seth is either going to land in the hospital or put someone there. That someone being everyone’s favorite Beast Incarnate.”
Lily could hear the hatred that seethed from Renee’s lips when she mentioned Brock Lesnar’s nick name.
“Wait,” Amanda interjected, “what’s happening?”
“Well, apparently Brock showed up at the gym and thought it would be funny to get in Seth’s face, he sees it as a hobby trying to get other wrestlers riled up to the point of swinging on him just so he could lay them flat and claim self defense. According to Dean Seth is a breath away from beating the shit outta Lesnar. I gotta go and try to keep everyone’s head outta their asses.”
Just as Renee was about to leave, Lily stood up, catching both Renee and Amanda’s attention.
“Take me to him.”
By now there was a crowd gathered watching as both men stood toe to toe, foreheads nearly touching.
“You keep running that mouth, Rollins, and I’ll shove my fist in it.” Brock said, his face plastered with a sadistic grin.
Seth could feel his blood absolutely boiling. He would love nothing more than to pound Brock’s head into the ground. He kept clasping and unclasping his fists. Dean and Roman were waiting at the ready just in case Seth or Brock decided to throw down. Their fingers twitching with anticipation. Brock had a cruel glint in his eyes seeing how close Seth was to bashing his brains out as he kept talking down to him.
“I’m starting to think you’re all talk and no action, more like a lap dog to Hunter. Probably the only reason he keeps you around, that, and that mouth of yours.”
The dam broke and Seth’s fist was about to collide with Brock’s overgrown head.
“Seth, don’t.” It wasn’t a loud or stern command, but a command none the less. Roman, Dean, Brock and Seth’s heads snapped towards the petite redhead standing with Renee and Amanda.
Brock took in her appearance, smiling evilly.
“Wow Rollins, I had you pegged for a lot of things, but I never thought you’d hide behind some blind little bi-“ Seth went to lunge at Brock but was blocked by a very furious Amanda.
“I don’t know who the hell you think you are,” she said as she shoved her finger in his face “but if you like your current intake of oxygen then don’t you dare finish your sentence, pig.” Lesnar looked Amanda up and down, she, however didn’t bat an eyelash.
Per her request, Renee quickly guided Lily to Seth. Sensing that Lesnar wasn’t quite finished being an asshole she quietly slipped her tiny hand into Seth’s large, calloused one.
Muttering a whatever, Lesnar left the gym, but not before slamming his shoulder into Seth’s on his way out. Without thinking, Seth squeezed his fists but stopped immediately when he felt Lily flinch and heard her wince in pain. He turned to her, bringing her hand to his lips.
“I’m so sorry sweetie.” He said between kisses. Lily let out a shaky breath and placed her free hand on Seth’s shoulder.
“It’s ok. Um, is there somewhere we can talk?” She whispered, cheeks slightly pink from having his lips on her again and being watched while it happened.
“Yeah, this way.” He kept her hand in his as he led her out of the gym.
When they stopped walking, she heard the sound of the hotel elevator door opening. They stood in silence, still hand in hand. As they entered Seth’s hotel room, he couldn’t stop himself this time. He pressed Lily against the nearest wall, arms wrapped around her waist, pressed his lips against hers and kissed her like a man possessed. Lily didn’t care anymore, she let herself get lost in the moment, her hands tangled in his hair. They pulled apart, both breathing hard, their foreheads pressed together.
“Well,” Lily softly spoke, “this c-complicates things.”
“But what if it didn’t have to be complicated?!” Seth asked, kissing Lily’s cheek. “What if we give ourselves a clean slate, a fresh start?”
“But nothing. I want you to come on tour with me. You wouldn’t have to worry about a thing. Let me take care of you. Let me be there for you. Let me, let me love you.”
Lily was quiet for a while, trying to process everything Seth was saying. People can change and people can grow up. Had Seth truly changed? Was he ready to be trusted again? She was brought out of her thoughts when she felt Seth’s hand take hers and pulled her further into the room.
“I wanted to show you something.” He said, show not being the best word choice. “I bought this for you this morning.” He took both of Lily’s hands and placed them on said object.
Lily felt different buttons and surfaces but stopped when they landed on something so familiar. She lovingly ran her fingers over the black and white keys as a stray tear fell down her cheek. Seth was quick to run his thumb under her eye, removing any trace of it. He watched in complete bliss as her smile lit up the room.
“Y-you bought me a keyboard?” She managed to say through her tears.
“It’s yours no matter what. If you do decide to come with me, I want you playing whenever you want, in the arena, my dressing room, our hotel ro-,” he quickly cleared his throat, “your hotel room.”
“Our hotel room?” She asked with a small smirk. Seth grimaced a bit, he had hoped that she didn’t catch that.
“Yeah. I mean, we wouldn’t have to share a room, I just,” he let out a heavy sigh, “I know I would be asking a lot of you if you choose to come. I know I’m being selfish by asking you but I need you in my life, whether it be friendship or...”
Lily moved closer to him, feeling up his shoulder to his chin. Knowing that he’d be looking anywhere but her, she tenderly turned his face towards her.
“Or?” She encouraged him softly.
“Damnit Lily, I just need you. You make sense, you calm me down,” he took the final step between them, taking both her hands in his, “you’re my hiding place when the world gets to be too much.” He whispered, watching as she slightly gasped, her eyes widening as fresh tears formed.
“You’ve got a lot to make up for, Seth, like years worth.”
“I know, and believe me, I’ll do anything to get on your good side again.” He told her, squeezing her hands softly to emphasize his point.
“Fine, I’ll come but I’ve got a few stipulations!”
Seth smiled at her use of a wrestling match term.
“And what’re those, pretty baby?” He asked, kissing the back of her left hand.
“I get to choose the music every other car ride, I get first dibs on what side of the bed we sleep on, junk food once a week, and” Seth was holding his breath on the last one hoping that it’d be something he could do. “don’t ever disappear like that again!”
He smiled, cupping her face in his hands and kissed her forehead.
@haven-raven012591 @wrestlingfae @calwitch @lost-in-the-stories @neversatisfiedgirl @team-elias @hanaslay @panda-girl1999
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bestoutlaw · 6 years
Tagged by: @serpentryou (Thanks for tagging me!)
Tagging: @asvxldr (Raijin or Bastet), @refserker, @grailedpharaoh, you!
Tumblr media
► Name ➔ “Henry McCarty, William H. Bonney -- but I prefer Billy the Kid.”  ► Are you single ➔ “And ready to mingle~.”  ► Are you happy ➔  “Usually.” ► Are you angry? ➔  “Nope!” ► Are your parents still married ➔  “M’Old Man died pretty early after I was born -- Ma re-married, but me and that guy never got along and the last time I saw ‘im I stole his clothes and guns.”
► Birth Place ➔ “New York City, Manhattan exactly!” ► Hair Color ➔  “Dirty Blonde.” ► Eye Color ➔  “Blue!” ► Birthday ➔  "November 23rd.” ► Mood ➔  “I want a drink, as usual.”  ► Gender ➔  “Male.” ► Summer or winter ➔  “Summer!” ► Morning or afternoon ➔  “Afternoon!”
► Are you in love ➔  “Love is usually a burden on those ‘round me, so I usually make my encounters to be flings.” ► Do you believe in love at first sight ➔  “If there exists such a thing, I ain’t ever seen it.” ► Who ended your last relationship ➔   “I died on the last woman I was ‘in a relationship’ with.” ► Have you ever broken someone’s heart ➔  “Definitely.” ► Are you afraid of commitments ➔  “Why would I be?” Secretly, yes.  ► Have you hugged someone within the last week? ➔  “No.” ► Have you ever had a secret admirer ➔  “Well, they’re a secret -- so I wouldn’t know.” ► Have you ever broken your own heart? ➔  “...No.” Yes.
► Love or lust ➔  “The type’a person I’m known to be would say Lust, but..I’d rather it be LOVE with a bit of Lust...” ► Lemonade or iced tea ➔  “Lemonade.” ► Cats or Dogs ➔  “Dogs!” ► A few best friends or many regular friends ➔  “A few best friends.”  ► Wild night out or romantic night in ➔  “..Mm, I ain’t got anyone to spend a romantic night in with, so I’ll have ‘ta say Wild Night Out.” ► Day or night ➔  “Both.”
► Been caught sneaking out ➔  “Nope.” ► Fallen down/up the stairs ➔  “Yeah, not a major flight though.” ► Wanted something/someone so badly it hurt? ➔  “Yeah, of course.” ► Wanted to disappear ➔  “...Almost all the time, after Ma died.” 
► Smile or eyes ➔  “I ain’t picky, I like both.” ► Shorter or Taller ➔  “Shorter, taller -- doesn’t matter to me.” ► Intelligence or Attraction ➔  “Both -- more-so Intelligence, ironically.”  ► Hook-up or Relationship ➔  “..Well, I ain’t gonna have the latter -- so Hook-up.”
► Do you and your family get along ➔  “Ma was really the only person in my family I got along with, she took good care o’ me. My brother n’ I never really saw eye-to-eye.” ► Would you say you have a “messed up life” ➔ “Everyone’s got somethin’ wrong with ‘em, eh? I ain’t that special, I’ve faced hardships, yes.” ► Have you ever ran away from home ➔  “After Ma died.”  ► Have you ever gotten kicked out ➔  “Yes, by my grimy stepdad.” 
► Do you secretly hate one of your friends ➔  “Pete Maxwell. My hate for ‘im stems from the fact that Pat Garrett shot n’ killed me whilst I was stayin’ with ‘im, I’ve no idea if he meant for that ‘r not, but I’m rollin’ with it.”  ► Do you consider all of your friends good friends ➔  “For the most part.” ► Who is your best friend ➔  “Robin Hood, of course.”  ► Who knows everything about you ➔  “Ma mostly does. I ain’t ever opened up to anyone though, so nobody’s gonna know much ‘bout me.” 
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glowrioustrash · 7 years
Glowrious Masterlist
Mox goes to the mall with his girlfriend but quickly grows bored. Luckily, they have a game they play sometimes where they try to embarrass each other in public. Hello my lovely followers. I thought it was about time I pulled together a masterlist of everything I’ve churned out to date. All warnings are posted if you click through to the fic.
October 29 - Wow, I really haven’t updated this in a long ass time... Added Well That’s Embarrassing under Dean/Mox Novemver 5 - Added the Halloween “choose your own adventure” Trick or Treat
If there is anything you don’t see but would like to, let me know. All prompt lists I’ve previously reblogged can be found here. As of now, all requests and prompts are open.
*Indicates Smut
The “Broken” Series
Broken Bonds*  Kara Bowers x Baron Corbin; Kara Bowers x Roman Reigns In a world where everyone has a soulbond, an inexplicable force that connects you to your soulmate, Kara Bowers is an outcast. No soulbond, no soulmate, no future. She accepts that until a lone wolf worms his way into her life. Bit by bit, Baron makes her open up and see that she doesn’t need a soulmate to have a future. As it tends to happen though, just as she gets comfortable with the hand she’s dealt, the universe throws a Samoan wrench into the machine.
Choose Your Own Adventure fics
Trick or Treat one of: unnamed OC x Jon Moxley; unnamed OC x Adam Page Halloween themed choose your own adventure - the selection chooses which wrestler is the OC’s boyfriend
Baron Corbin
Probably Ohio Prompt: “No, no, you do NOT want me navigating. I’ll accidentally drive us off a cliff.” 
Someday | Today Someday Prompt:  “All I wanted was to be someone’s favorite person.” Today Summary: It should be your wedding anniversary, but it’s been over a year since the divorce. You plan on spending it alone, but Baron has other plans.
Wellness Violation The result of your wellness test doesn’t go as you planned. What will Baron think when he finds out?
Corey Graves
Blue and Gold Prompt: “It’s kinda hard to focus when your boobs are staring me directly in the face.” and “If you’re done checking me out, we still have work to do.”
Dean Ambrose/Jon Moxley
A Night Off Dean gives his wife a much needed night off, leading to the first time he’s had to watch the baby alone.
Big Brother Ten times Keah Reigns needed her big brother, and one time she didn’t.
Candy Stealing Ghost Halloween Prompt: “Who ate all my candy?!!”
The Chainsaw Conundrum Halloween Prompt: “Come on, just let me scare a few trick-or-treaters.” “You’re going to horrify them!” “It’ll build character.”
In Flames After walking away from a nasty fight, Dean comes home to find you burning things in the back yard.
It Ain’t Me (Mox) Who’s gonna walk you through the dark side of the morning? It ain’t me. (Inspired by It Ain’t Me by Selena Gomez)
New Rules | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 Series Completed Elena’s boyfriend left her for another woman, but she’s doing just fine… isn’t she? Her friend Dean has some thoughts about it.
There Are Worse Things I Could Do Prompt: “Car sex looks so much more easier in the movies.”
The Old Apartment Broke into the old apartment / This is where we used to live / Broken glass, broke and hungry / Broken hearts and broken bones / This is where we used to live
Pre-Corrupted* Halloween Prompt: “I thought you agreed I should wear this costume to the party tonight?” “Oh I agreed to you wearing it tonight, but I had no party in mind”
Well That’s Embarrassing (Mox) Mox goes to the mall with his girlfriend but quickly grows bored. Luckily, they have a game they play sometimes where they try to embarrass each other in public.
Blue Whales You should be almost ready to leave for the Hall of Fame ceremony but instead you’ve locked yourself in the hotel bathroom. The dress was great when you tried it on weeks ago, but today all you see is a giant pregnant lady in the mirror.
Finn Balor
Alone Finn’s girlfriend surprises him on the road, but she’s the one who really gets the surprise. 
Roman Reigns
Lost on the Dance Floor Prompt:  “Wanna see how far my six inch heel can go up your ass?”
Sami Zayn
Birthday Delivery With Sami being on the road so much, he has to get creative when important dates come up. He finds a way to surprise his girlfriend, Hannah, on her birthday. 
Caught Red Handed* Sami is home after a long tour and he and his girlfriend are going to make up for the time apart. Birthday fic for Emi!
King Size Bars Halloween Prompt: “I know the neighborhood by heart, which also means I know exactly which houses give out the King Size bars.”
Out of Order (Prologue) | 1 Series on Hiatus Caitlyn is in denial big time, but she can only ignore the skipped period and morning sickness for so long. Sooner or later, she’s going to have to face the facts. Caitlyn reflects on how she got to this point. 
Stranger One word prompt: “Stranger.” Sami and his wife try to teach their daughter about “stranger danger.”
“Us” Situation Prompt:  “Lets have a baby.”
Seth Rollins
Don’t Go Out There Halloween Prompt: “Don’t go out there. Especially once the sun goes down.” “Why not?” “You don’t wanna know.” and “I just found out my best friend and love of my life isn’t human and you’re criticizing me for being shocked?!” Vampire!Seth
Find Your Way Back Seth has been gone so long but I keep my eyes on the horizon, hoping for his return. White Walker!Seth
Haunted Halloween Prompt: “I’m telling you. I’m haunted.”
Nightmare Slayer Prompt: “I’ve got you. Breathe, okay? I’ve got you.” and “I can’t sleep, can I lay with you?” Also, from prompter: “Fluffy Reader wakes up from a terrible nightmare and goes to the only person she feel safe enough wit, an deeply buried feelings get revealed between them…?”
Waiting Prompt: “I feel like I can’t breathe.” and “Hey, hey, calm down. They can’t hurt you anymore.”
Drabbles From the “fictional fic title” meme:
The Seventeenth Coffee with Roman Reigns
Ready When You Are with an unspecified male superstar
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snowlessknitter · 7 years
Royal Rumble predictions, anyone?
Tonight marks the 2018 edition of the Royal Rumble event, including the first-ever Women’s Royal Rumble, which will feature 30 female Superstars battling it out for a chance to challenge the Women’s Champion of her choice at WrestleMania.
So, with just the main card matches in consideration, here are my predictions for tonight’s Royal Rumble event. Feel free to reblog with your own predictions.
Brock Lesnar vs. Braun Strowman vs. Kane for the Universal Championship: As much as I want to see Braun Strowman win the title off of Lesnar tonight, signs seem to point to a monster matchup between Lesnar and Roman Reigns at WrestleMania. So, I see Brock Lesnar retaining tonight (even though I think he should’ve dropped the title ages ago, or at least bring back the requirement that the title must be defended every 30 days).
AJ Styles vs. Kevin Owens & Sami Zayn for the WWE Championship: See? At least AJ Styles is a fighting champion! I kinda like the novelty of co-champions (remember Chris Jericho and Chyna both holding the Intercontinental Championship?). I think the men behind the Yep! Movement may be crazy enough to actually pull it off. I’m going with Kevin Owens and Sami Zayn on this one, becoming the first-ever WWE co-Champions.
Seth Rollins & Jason Jordan vs. The Bar (Sheamus & Cesaro) for the RAW Tag Team Championship: First of all, happy 40th birthday to Sheamus! Okay. This is kind of a toss up for me, but I think whenever Rollins & Jordan drop the titles is when Jordan will finally turn heel. Whether it happens tonight or at WrestleMania, I’m not sure. I’m thinking a WrestleMania heel turn is more likely for him, so I’m gonna say that Rollins & Jordan retain their titles tonight.
The Usos vs. Shelton Benjamin & Chad Gable for the SmackDown Tag Team Championship: I have to say, I’m liking the Usos in their most recent face run, taking their heel characters and turning them into antiheroes (in other words, good guys with a little bit of a bad streak). This one is another tossup. I’ll go with The Usos retaining tonight.
The Women’s Royal Rumble: I hope they pull this one off well and that there are no male performers in drag in this one (I’m talking to you, “Santina” Marella, becoming “Miss” WrestleMania). The men’s version has always been such a unique, prestigious event and I expect the women’s match to get the same treatment. I’m glad the women’s version of this match is being contested under the exact same rules as the men’s (30 women competing, eliminations over the top rope with both feet touching the floor, presumably with another wrestler entering the ring every 90 seconds after the first two enter). A lot of eyes will be watching. Only 18 women have declared for the Royal Rumble (all non-title holders except for Paige, who is not medically cleared to compete, but is still with Absolution in a managerial role), so I’m expecting a few WWE Women’s Legends and alumni (I’m thinking Trish Stratus, maybe Kelly Kelly, and I would love to see Alundra Blayze or Molly Holly come back for one night only for the nostalgia pops; I’d be happy to see Kia Stevens/Awesome Kong/Kharma make an appearance, too), and quite a few NXT call-ups or cameos as well (Ember Moon, Lacey Evans, Dakota Kai, and recent acquisition Candice LeRae all come to mind). As to who I think will win? My top two picks to win are Asuka and Nia Jax. Asuka has had quite the push since getting called up from NXT last fall, and a title opportunity would be a great way to capitalize on that push. As for Nia, I’m surprised a woman whose size could make her the most dominating wrestler in the entire division hasn’t held a women’s championship yet! WrestleMania would be a great venue for her to start.
The Men’s Royal Rumble: This one is harder to call. First, for surprise entrants...the only one I can really think of is one who just re-signed with WWE and assigned to NXT is EC3 (formerly known as Derrick Bateman in WWE and Ethan Carter III in TNA/Impact Wrestling). Because there’s so many ways this can go, I’m just gonna go with my top 3 picks to win the Rumble: either Braun Strowman (if he fails to win the Universal Championship), Shinsuke Nakamura, or Roman Reigns (which would set up for their rumored matchup at WrestleMania). Preferably Strowman or Nakamura.
Okay, those are my predictions!
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nekoannie-chan · 4 years
Pairing: Brock Rumlow X Reader.
Word count: 1221 words.
Summary: Brock fell in love with one of the recruits, but he has a secret, what will he do?
Warnings: some smut references, nothing explicit.
A/N: This is my entry to the @softbiker ‘s”25 things” Writing Challenge with the song prompt #1:
“Heroes” by David Bowie.
My native language is Spanish so I wanna improve my writing skills in English if you notice any mistake please let me know and I will correct it.
I don’t give any kind of permission that my fics be posted in other platforms or languages (I translate myself my work) or the use of my graphics (my dividers are included in this), I did them exclusively for my fics, please respect my work and don't steal it. There are some people here who make dividers that anyone can use, mine is not this type, please look for the other's people. The only exception is the ones I gifted 'cuz now belong to someone else. If you find any of my works on a different platform and is not one of my accounts, please let me know. Reblogs and comments are always welcome.
DISCLAIMER: I don't own Marvel's characters (unfortunately), except for the original characters and the story.
My other media where I publish: Wattpad, Ao3, ffnet.
If you like it please vote, comment, and give me feedback to improve my skills and reblog.
  I, I will be king
And you, you will be queen
Though nothing, will drive them away
We can beat them, just for one day
We can be heroes, just for one day
 Brock gestured displeasure in remembering that they were going to start working with the recruits that day, then they would pick those who would stay on the team, most seemed immature or just stupid, most were not at the level of what he needed for his team.  
However, there was a woman who caught her eye, that woman was you, you could be a good recruit for what they needed.  
He reviewed the documents, maybe it could be useful for HYDRA until he saw that the tutor was Romanoff, there was no choice, he had watched you for a few days, and obviously, he wasn't going to be able to convince you, you seemed to be very close to Natasha.
 And you, you can be mean
And I, I'll drink all the time
'Cause we're lovers, and that is a fact
Yes we're lovers, and that is that
 "Agent Y/L/N," Brock greeted you.  
"I read your file, you were one of the best in the Academy, I hope you'll behave up to it," he said, pointing out the report he was holding in the other hand.  
"Yes, sir.”
Brock watched every move during training, even though he didn't want to accept it, he had undoubtedly fallen in love with you, even though no one could know you because he didn't want to be hurt.  
On the other hand, you avoided looking at it, from the first moment you saw it you liked it, but you didn't want to get in trouble either.  
 Though nothing, will keep us together
We could steal time, just for one day
We can be heroes, forever and ever
What d'you say?
 That day you came early to train, the tests would be soon and you thought you were the best, you took out the equipment you would use, you didn't listen when the door opened.
"I think you need help," a voice said behind you.   
You were startled, you were supposed to be alone in the place.  
"Commander," you said.  
He came up to you and took the dumbbells you had in your hands.  
"Have you stretching yet?” Brock questioned you.  
You shocked your head, Brock sighed. 
"Run two laps to the gym, then you'll do sit-ups, I don't want you to get hurt for nonsense.”
You went running as he commanded, then you settled on one of the mats to start doing the abs, Brock set out to help you until they unexpectedly kissed, as soon as they split up, you immediately got up. 
"I-I have to go," you said, then you just walk out of the gym.
Damn, I shouldn't get involved with anyone! You thought.  
Brock felt on the mat, the fear that HYDRA will take you hostage now was increasing, he hoped no one would have seen what had happened.  
 I, I wish you could swim
Like the dolphins, like dolphins can swim
 You kept walking down the halls until you found Steve.  
"Y/N, did something happen? He asked.  
"No, nothing happened.”  
He looked at you for a few seconds to make sure, maybe he had imagined it.  
"We have the training session," he recalled.  
"Sure, I just...”
"Let's go to the gym.”
Steve grabbed you by the arm to head to the gym. Throughout the training you were nervous, you knew you could be expelled for that or have any kind of problems. 
"Agent Y/L/N, stay a moment," Brock asked at the end of the training.  
You nodded, you swallowed saliva, there was no escape after everyone else came out, and Brock came over. 
"Commander, I'm sorry I shouldn't have if you want to report me it's okay…”
He kissed you before you could go on with your apology.  
"I can't take it anymore, I'm in love with you," he confessed.  
You started sneaking out - even if you had told Natasha - yet neither of you had noticed that someone had been spying on him.  
 Though nothing, nothing will keep us together
We can beat them, forever and ever
Oh we can be heroes, just for one day
 "Your girlfriend can help us infiltrate the Avengers," Rollins said. 
Brock looked at him.  
"What? How...?”  
"Come on, Romanoff's her tutor, it'll be easy, I'm sure she'd do anything for you.”  
"She has nothing to do with HYDRA” 
Brock would do anything to keep you safe, that's when he devised a plan, maybe after what he would do you weren't going to want to hear from him again, but he was willing to take a chance if that would protect you.  
 I, I will be king
And you, you will be queen
Though nothing, will drive them away
We can be heroes, just for one day
We can be us, just for one day
 On the day the plan was executed, he took you to dinner at your favorite restaurant. 
"So we're going to your place?”You asked when you left the restaurant. 
It was the first time you go to his home, you always went to yours.  
"I have a surprise for you," he assured you. 
You kissed, the clothes were on the floor, and the night was spectacular.  
The next morning, when you woke up, you were alone in bed.  
"Brock?” You called him.
There was no answer, you got up, maybe he was in the kitchen, you went, but neither was there, you checked your mobile phone, maybe he had been called for some mission, there was no message or note about his whereabouts, that was too strange, you bathed quickly and dressed when you went to the door you noticed that you were locked in the apartment.  
 I, I can remember (I remember)
Standing, by the wall (by the wall)
And the guns, shot above our heads (over our heads)
And we kissed, as though nothing could fall (nothing could fall)
 "Why did you ask us to come? Natasha asked when he arrived at the place where Brock told them. 
"First I need you to keep Y/N safe," Brock asked.  
"Is she in danger? Steve inquired worriedly
"She probably will be after what I tell you.”  
He confessed everything about HYDRA and what he had done in all that time, the others listened attentively.  
"Where is she? Natasha asked after the confession.  
Brock gave them the directions, where they had been wasn't their home, he had found a place where he knew you'd be safe.  
“Y/N?” Steve called you on the other side of the door.  
"Back up, we are gonna open the door," he ordered you. 
You did it right away, as soon as they came in. Natasha slapped you.
“So HYDRA, when were you going to tell me?” She criticized you.  
"What?” You asked bewildered, you had no idea what she was talking about. 
"Nat, calm down," Steve interjected, holding her arm to keep her away from you.  
“I gave you a place and you're a traitor!” Natasha continued to get out of Steve's grip.  
"Nat, what are you talking about?”  
"Rumlow is HYDRA," Steve replied.  
You carved your mouth with your hand.
“No, it can't be... is that why he left me here?”  
"He wanted to get you safe, he confessed," Steve explained.
 And the shame, was on the other side
Oh we can beat them, forever and ever
Then we could be heroes, just for one day
We can be heroes
We can be heroes
We can be heroes, just for one day
We can be heroes
 Seeing your confusion Natasha calmed down, they took you with them, after a long interrogation they deduced that you knew nothing; then you asked to see him, Natasha accompanied you, she kept waiting for you outside.  
"Hey," he greeted you when he saw you.  
"Why didn't you tell me? I thought something had happened to you when I didn't see you," 
"I couldn't put you at risk," he justified himself
“A risk? I don't understand anything, Brock, you should have told me first.”
"If you want to leave me I'll understand...” 
"I want to know your reasons.”  
He told you everything, you’ve been thinking for a few minutes. 
"When you get out, we'll be together, just don't hide anything from me again.” 
You put your hands on the glass, he did the same thing, and you kissed through the glass.  
"Nat, do you think he has changed?”  
"It seems like you changed him, I've never seen him care about someone before until you came into his life.”  
You smiled, you will wait for him.
 We're nothing, and nothing will help us
Maybe we're lying, then you better not stay
But we could be safer, just for one day
Oh-oh-oh-ohh, oh-oh-oh-ohh, just for one day
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‘Get to Know Me’ Tag ♡
Got tagged by my precious Laura @byungjoo THANK YOUU~
Rules: Answer 30 questions then tag 20 Blogs (NNNO THATS TOO MANY OMG)
Nicknames: Umm lets see, Minty, Lavender, Mom… those are the only ones I have any more besides a few private ones.
Gender: demigirl
Star sign: Virgo sun, Pisces moon, Gemini rising 
Height: I’m probably 5′7″???
Time: it’s ten past one in the morning oops
Birthday: 8th of September!
Favourite bands: Until the Ribbon Breaks, Fall Out Boy, Seventeen, Disclosure, Gorillaz, Monsta X, Forgive Durden… I’m sure I’m forgetting some people
Favourite solo artists: Woodkid, Gotye, Zico, Jack Conte, Mystery Skulls, Dean… I know there’s more around here somewhere…
Song stuck in my head: “Rollin’” by B1A4!! I’ve really fallen in love with it and I think I might stan them now!!
Last movie I watched: Kingsmen: The Golden Circle. I thought the original was much better thought out and the sequel felt like it was written by fans who didn’t know what they were doing. :/
Last show I watched: Star Trek: The Next Generation. I’ve been rewatching the entire series now that Netflix has it available for download.
When did I create my blog: January 24th, 2017. My only post on this blog for SIX DAYS was a gif set of yugyeom wearing a bunny tail shoving his ass into the camera while jackson held it lovingly and exclaimed in awe. S I X  D A Y S. dark times.
What do I post: a fruit salad of kpop, various groups, not necessarily exclusively my biases. A good chunk of bts and monsta x, along with heaps of seventeen and then a bit of other groups
Last thing googled: “winwin age” because I couldn’t remember if he was a 97 or a 95 :///
Do you have other blogs: I have a few other non kpop related blogs that I like to keep secret and if you know about them then its because i trust you not to Out Me! But I also run a Xiumin blog ( @my-dearest-minseok ), a JHope blog ( @gxlden-hyxng ) and a Jinjin blog ( @dreamyjinjin ). I say they’re member blogs but they’re really just picdumps.
Do you get asks: like… rarely… if i reblog a question list, I might get one or two if I’m lucky. but otherwise no.
Why did you chose your URL: I have a long and boring history about my various kpop urls but long story short I like the fact that my nickname is minty and whichever bias I’m feeling most at the moment steps in (i’m super tempted to change it again to something more generic but I also really like having bias url, oops)
Following: 731
Followers: 128
Favourite colors: mint, lavender, magenta, periwinkle, basically any pastels, also I’m a big fan of teal/turquoise!
Average hours of sleep: usually around 6
Lucky number: 3, 5, 9, 16, 17
Instruments:I used to play violin, recorder, guitar, and vocals. Now I do none of that.
What am I wearing: a soft dress with entirely too much chest room, so i wear it to sleep in
How many blankets I sleep with: Usually it’s just sheets and a comforter, but if it gets cold I like three
Dream job: god probably an aquarist or a script editor
Dream trip: Someday I want to do the Park Hopper Challenge and go to every Disney Park in the world <3 Or just to Paris.
Favourite food: Teriyaki chicken donburi!! and dumplings, like most things that can be considered to be dumplings even in a vague sense are my favorite things. annnd probably japchae also, I love beef japchae TwT
Nationality: as much as i hate to say it, i’m american
Favourite song right now: All three unit tracks Seventeen have released this month are my favorites. Change Up, Trauma, and Lilili Yabbay are MASTERWORKS by AMAZING TALENTS wow I love talent, I love Seventeen
tagging ummm  y’all don’t have to do this I’m just gonna tag you if i wished we talked more UM @imeightout @lastlov @noweimywei @xiaowedance  @minhyukie @draculaun @grapefruitwoozi @jooheonster @jinjins-freckles @kihyunslips mmmm ok now I’m going to bed!!
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