#good face for makeup is what they say
naturenaruto · 1 year
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clownjacket · 1 month
If Kipperlilly DOES end up betraying Porter/Jace as part of a secret other scheme she has (whether good or evil) and it has to do with saving Lucy, I just know she’s going to be a bitch about it and pull a ‘sorry, I only save High Five Heroes’ before leaving her other friends to die or some shit. And then she will take her final form: Magic Betty from Adventure Time, betraying her allies and saving her frost gf at the expense of the world. It would also parallel what Ankarna is going through (‘your girlfriend’s out of town, it sucks’, becoming a little imperialist rage machine under the influence of Porter/Sunstone but not being able to fully turn on Lucy despite going against her values and turning into a violent weirdo). This is my wish. My dream. I am manifesting it. Magic Betty Kipperlilly I believe in you.
#I am currently painting clown makeup on my face rn but this is what I’ve been rooting for from the beginning so let me dream#Come on though she HAS to have some other shit going on though right?#She was DEFINITLY in that temple when the Bad Kids said Ankarna’s name#Brennan literally rolled#and we know she was in Porter’s office#so WHY hadn’t she told him Ankarna’s real name yet? We know he genuinely believed Fig found it#Also the BKs couldn’t see who was in the window during the Wanda Childa scene#Which one of the RGs has invisibility?#HMMMM#Wanda saying ‘Kipperlilly? Why are you doing this? Is it because you’re jealous?’ before getting carried off by a fake Porter would let KP#know ‘okay they FULLY saw what happened after I killed Buddy and are onto us’ which would cause her to follow them to the temple#Also…if NONE of the Rat Grinders knew Ankarna’s name then what did Lucy write on her form to change her divinity???#We KNOW it was Ankarna’s name and not the ‘symbol representing her’ because no one could see it BECAUSE the god was dead and no one alive#knew her name#Which means Lucy HAD TO HAVE KNOWN and was keeping it from the others right?#And when she died and didn’t come back they were fucked because they couldn’t even check the form anymore#But#Brennan also said that if Porter WASNT using Devil’s Honey and genuinely believed in Rage And Conquest goddess Ankarna instead of just her#domain then he and his ritual would (maybe) bring her back instead of killing her permenantly so he can take her domain#And idk#A powerful goddess of rage and conquest who despite everything can’t be turned against her sister and ex#who’s resurrection would mean the rune could be broken and Lucy can come back to life#One who has (or had) a personal vendetta against at least one of the bad kids#and a personal vendetta against the people who led to Lucy’s death#that sounds pretty appealing to someone as spiteful and obsessive as Kipperlilly doesn’t it#especially after her best (maybe only real) friend died and didn’t come back#especially if she stayed dead specifically to stop Porter#Again I’m putting my clown makeup on but I don’t want her to be secretly good or anything just unhinged and gay and a parallel to Ankarna#Please world let me have this I’m on my knees#dimension 20
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a-a-a-anon · 1 month
thinking about how now after it became socially acceptable and enough time passed most woman on the street now wears pants and not skirts/dresses most of the time. even though i'm sure a lot of men think women look better in skirts/dresses and it was supposedly natural for them for women to wear those clothes. but it's so much more functional and comfortable to wear pants for so many activities.
thinking about how long it'll take until it's the same with makeup and most women you meet aren't wearing it most of the time. because i wear makeup regularly so i know that it's so much more functional and comfortable and time saving to go without makeup for so many activities. do you get what i'm saying. whether i'm wearing pants or a skirt people more or less treat me the same. when i'm wearing makeup people ARE nicer. people will ask what's wrong on the days that i'm not wearing any. even if you WANT to wear makeup for yourself the same way you'd decide to put on a skirt that day for yourself,, it's not the same. bc it's Expected for women's faces to look Like That (made up).
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theloveinc · 2 years
bad at technology!todoroki sets his profile picture as the worst selfie of you guys ever and doesn’t change it for 14 years. his cover photo too is also a blurry picture of you in pajamas looking through the fridge.
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spllwys · 11 days
once again dreamt through the entire logistics of attending one of my sleep token shows. what is wrong with me
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killerandhealerqueen · 5 months
It always amazes me when I go into the comments of a video (idk why i do it, it's just a habit that i really need to kick) showing context for a scenario but people try to give context for another scenario to fit what's going in the video
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abluescarfonwaston · 2 years
Wait. Kotetsu and Barnaby were partners for four years. That makes Karina like. 20. She's probably already had to struggle though explaining to her friends why she wasn't studying for her college entrance exams. Pao-Lin is 16. She's about to hit her growth spurt. (And perhaps be disappointed when she's still left as the shortest after Lara. Who pops up like a weed a few months later.)
How. I feel like i missed so much. Did they go to Karina's graduation? Did Pao-Lin have an awful acne outbreak that Nathan helped her deal with? Did they gussy up Lara for her first homecoming dance with Pao-Lin in a suit only to be called into work at the last minute? Look at each other and laugh cause at least they don't have to explain why they can't stay?
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peachcitt · 2 years
stayed up super late last night with friends doing halloween stuff (getting drunk and spilling tea) knowing full well that i had to get up early today to go to a quince out of town . i am awake against my will and regretting many decisions
#peach rambles#not staying up late and getting drunk. Let me be clear. that is my natural habitat#i regret rsvping for this quince that happens halloween weekend which just so happens to apparently be the busiest weekend of my goddamn#life. im exhausted from a week’s worth of lack of sleep and i am also no where near done with three of my monday deadlines#and i am losing an entire day (?) of work to this quince.#also it’s halloween weekend i should be getting drunk and looking hot😭😭😭😭#instead i am in the passenger seat of my father’s truck attempting to pretend i am alive#he called me this morning to say how far away he was from my house#but i missed the call because i kept on pressing snooze because. Obvious Reasons. and when i saw that he called#i called him back and he was like ‘im ten minutes from your house’ bitch i hadn’t even packed for the night yet. i was still fully in bed#i feel like if i close my eyes for too long im going to have a category five sleep incident. whatever that means#i think i forgot to pack a bra? fucking. i don’t know#i brought my computer so that i could possibly work but there’s absolutely no charger to speak of in#this vicinity. fuck. and uhhhhh i look like death but the only makeup i have is a singular eyebrow pencil#and the remnants of my eyeliner from last night. also the fake blood still in my fingernails#speaking of fake blood i bloodied my shit up for real last night which was very high risk high reward for me#the blood was four bucks from walmart and said that it stained skin and i was like#what a perfect product to cover my face and body in the day before i go to a family function#it ended up working out because i looked fucking good and i took a shower before i went to sleep#(did NOT check how i looked before i went to bed so this morning when i looked in the mirror and say i was blood-free it was a miracle)#but anyway. yeah. i want to pass out
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seagullcharmer · 1 year
star trek as a series really is just. so good. yeah i've enjoyed some of the new stuff, too (strange new worlds really has the same feel as the early stuff!) but man. the original series was already groundbreaking. the next generation just layered on top of it. i'm working my way through ds9 now and it opens on such a heavy-hitting episode (wow!! trauma!!!!) (also picard is such a beloved character to many and sisko HATES him so politely it's incredible) (like he is certainly justified! but wow!!) and of course voyager was the one i actually watched first + all the way through first (i've since watched all of tng) but yeah. i really do think tng is probably the best one to start with if you haven't watched star trek before. and of course each one is a product of its time and so some of it is campy or not how we see the world today but. it's sooo good. so good.
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giantkillerjack · 1 year
Junji Ito makeup test #1
Figuring out what I need in order to create a music video parody of the song "Gloria" by Laura Branigan, but make it about Tomie. I will be playing the part of a 1980s pop disco singer in the style of Junji Ito. This is high art in progress, people! 😘😂😅
photos of first test:
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additional digital notes made using Clip Studio:
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main takeaways:
So first off, where the fuck did my stage makeup go??? I had no idea it was missing until today!! I ended up using the makeup from when I used to perform as a mime. (Not a joke, but in a larger, cosmic sense, kind of a joke. 😆 I'll probably do it again sometime. I was adorable as a little soft butch gay mime!)
I now remember why I stopped using the dry cake face paint and switched to wet paint in a tube BUT I CANNOT FIND THE TUBESSS
I'm out of eyeliner in general, but for this, I need some kind of extra thin/fine eyeliner and preferably more than a thimble-full of paint for it.
Maybe I can thin out some matte black face paint and also get like a really nice fine brush? I guess it depends on if the paint is water-soluble.
I should probably check to see if I already have these materials, which would be SO MUCH EASIER IF I COULD FIND MY FUCKING STAGE MAKEUP--
Either way the lines need to be super thin, straight, clean, and parallel to each other. Or I could look at the rougher cross-hatching Ito sometimes uses, but I suspect tidier lines will look best with makeup.
Luckily, I already have an entire burlesque/drag act where I make myself look like a character from a black and white film. Between that and the mime thing, I theoretically have all the white gloves I will ever need lol. I guess I'm going to need white leggings, since the light gray ones won't work for this. Junji Ito is not generally greyscale as much as literally black and white.
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Do I own makeup primer? I feel like yes. It definitely sounds like a good idea.
I KNOW FOR A FACT I DIDN'T THROW OUT MY STAGE MAKEUP because I had quality skin-safe glitter in basically every color, and only a FOOL would throw that out!!!!
Gloria is a song from 1983 with disco balls in the music video. Do I want to incorporate more style choices from 1983? Should I buy a wig? Something with shoulder pads maybe?? I guess that means I can keep the thick eyebrows...
Actually upon further research, I do need a sequinned shirt for this. Possibly a sequin leotard with a shiny belt. And leg warmers. OH! And a jacket with just the biggest shoulder pads I can find! Or at least the closest thing I can find to this outfit in one trip to a thrift store
Every 1980s music videos seems to have a person with their hair and clothing flowing in the wind. Now, I could buy a fan. But much funnier and cheaper would be a shot of my hair blowing in the wind that then pans to a friend furiously fanning me with a piece of cardboard or something. (Which means I'd need either two people helping with this shot, or I just have to accept that the shot's going to look kind of blurry by doing the zoom-out in post. Oh gods, I would have to write a proper shot list ahhhhhh--)
Honestly, blurry footage seems fine in some parts. I'm probably going to add some dreamy soft filters anyway to make it look like pre-digital 35mm film from an 80s vid.
I'm going to need some fake blood to splatter at me in the middle of the video. Obviously. So I guess that bit will need to be filmed outside.
The good news is the fact that the nearest easiest filming location for me is a alley full of dumpsters is actually really appropriate for this video. XD
Should I do the distressed eyebrows that a lot of Junji Ito characters have? Note to try that in the next test along with a The Crow-like smile. (My go-to high school Halloween costume. Damn, I have been painting my already pasty-pale face even whiter for a while now! 😅)
Other progress made on this project today:
I recorded myself singing a voice memo along to the rhythm of the karaoke version of Gloria that's on YouTube, but in it, I'm singing in the key that is appropriate to my voice. (A couple half-steps down, I think.)
Next step will be to load that clip onto my computer and adjust the karaoke version to match its pitch. And then like, practice the song with my new personalized backing track.
If i actually finish this, I'll have to re-record the backup vocals to say the right name.
Also the next step will be to see if my interest in this lasts long enough to at least get me to find my frickin' stage makeup.
Additional notes:
The original music video for Holding Out for a Hero is exactly the right energy for this, and now I absolutely need shots of me in front of (badly green-screened) flames, on my knees while singing passionately and directly at the camera and presumably wearing kneepads tbh
Omg what if I included a little "photoshoot" sequence and really fucked with the photos to make them all blurry-body-horror nasty as they flash by real quick?? Get like, a glitch effect in the mix hell yeah 😎😎😎
Edit: Omg i just remembered I have these short-shorts with a reanimator quote on the ass! ("Blasphemy? Before what god?") i know what shorts to wear for this now!!
Oh! Another idea! What if the video starts with me reading Tomie and then closing the book and picking up the nearest microphone-shaped thing and using that to start singing - and every 30 seconds or so of footage, it quietly changes to a different item (one of which is absolute the black wand vibrator that I have XD)
Note: I can easily shorten the song if I only have funny shots planned for like 2/3 of the song length. No need to get too repetitive.
#original#I lost over half of my belongings due to bedbugs a couple years ago and I'm still extremely bitter about it so I really hope that#i am right that i kept the makeup. it was precious to me i would have kept it. still so bitter about losing my sewing machine and my guitar#and all my lovely nail polish and all my kitchen appliances and my organizational systems. bottom line is i deserve 1000 presents#and that bedbugs are the scariest creature on the fucking planet. and that i WANT. MY MAKEUP. but i am 99% i have it somewhere still#my character as a mime is a lot like Wes from DST but i hadn't played that game yet at the time. like a very soft harpo marx.#always wrong place wrong time and overenthusiastic in silly soft-hearted ways. their name is JJ Juniper.#tomie Kawakami#tomie#like I want to be completely clear I am a literal clown XD and this video project is very much clown shit and that is on purpose 😅#the inspiration for this project came from the fact that the names Gloria and Tomie have the same rhythm. and that's basically it.#what's it like being a genius you ask? well I would say it isn't easy except it absolutely is incredibly easy XD#if I finish this project it will be like all of my other junji Ito fan work.#which is to say it will be an EXTREMELY detailed and lovingly crafted shit post that takes many dozens of hours to finish#so that's good.#image descriptions#at the very least I found my regular makeup. which is very much also for performing but contains less glitter and face paint#for the raised eyebrow line - what do drag queens use for that?#by the way I absolutely do not have all the white gloves I'll ever need bc nothing in this world stains faster#than a cheap white glove on a clumsy man! but that is okay they are incredibly cheap#OMG if I use my cane to dance in this video I should bedazzle it! also in general I wouldn't mind having a bedazzled cane
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daydreamersdomain · 1 year
Sometimes I get really insecure about my femininity. I think I have to dress a certain way to be considered a feminine girl, or I have to act a certain way to say that I’m girly. Then I realize something.
I’m a natural girl. I wear what’s comfortable TO ME. I act and look the way I do because it’s what is acceptable to ME and what defines ME. So my femininity is what I DEFINE IT to be. Not other people. Also because I’m broke. How I dress now is the most I can do lol.
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featherymainffins · 2 days
Seriously considering killing myself so I won't have to see my fucked up mother tomorrow.
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watch-out-it-bites · 8 days
I am. SO being fucked over by my school 24/7 but if I take extra classes I get to graduate early..
#And not only that- i could take some college credit thingy classes apparently and im gonna do math because MAYBE#that means i wont need to take math next year? im not sure. this stuff is confusing.#they apparently lost our paperwork again and they said that im not allowed to make up my classes so im 'failing' but i also have 98s and stu#ff but ?? gpa bad but?? confused#school isnt very nice and they keep lying to me but i never trusted them in the first place because school people always lie to your face#then theyll lie further and i fucking hate them for that#but they keep on. not doing their fucking job. and im really sick of 'failing' because they lied or 'werent given' paperwork that i went and#gave them in person. paperworkmy mom emailed to them and bills and whatnot#i am. very fucking sick of this school not doing anything except punish me.#i put in so much effort and all i get is my good grades revoked and told 'oh sorry!! you missed too many days but you cant go to makeup sch#ool.. youre gonna have to figure this out!! no way we can help!!'#literally have to goad answers out of them and they refuse to talk to my mom because shes 'too aggressive' yeah no shit shes a mom#you would be mad too having to deal with this dumb fucking school!! it isnt a valid excuse to leave due to a loss in the family!! or illness#my doctors notes dont fucking count what do you mean??#you tell me all this shit im so confused bro make it make sense am i failing or not? are you even trying?? fuck this school#and then you lie in front of the school spouting bullshit shining your shoes and saying you did wrong to make yourself seem good like#WE HAVE KNOWN. THIS IS NOT NEW INFORMATION.#im scared to go back to school on monday
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luna0713hunter · 2 months
"oh my gosh! you're unbelievable!i cant believe you actually did that-"
Sukuna follows you lazily as you stomp inside your shared apartment;high heels clicking angrily on the titled floor. He flicks the lights on and rolls his eyes when you throw your purse on the couch and turn toward him with your hands resting on your hips.
"what?!" You ask, bewildered, "you have the tendency to ask what?!"
You throw your hands up in the air when he childishly crosses his arms around his chest and raises his brow at you.
"you fucking broke that guy's nose,Ryu!!!"
"so what,huh?" He says,voice deep and bored;it makes your eye twitch, "he was flirting with you."
"he was not!"
"oh,yes he was baby," and suddenly,his voice takes an angry turn, "did you seriously not realize how he was looking at you when i was right there?"
"I should've broken his fucking neck instead."
And you take a minute to calm down;after all, knowing your husband,he would take all night just to prove you he was right. So you just sigh and pinch the bridge of your nose.
"just..." You wave your hand, suddenly feeling exhausted, "let's stop. We both know nothing good will come from us arguing."
And Sukuna, without another word,walks past you to vanish inside the kitchen. You sigh again and open the bathroom door; turning on the water and staring at your weary form in the mirror.
Just as you're wondering how the fucking you're going to wipe your make up,the door opens and your husband walks in. He rests a glass of water by the sink and gestures to it by his chin.
"drink it. You'll get a headache later if you dont."
And silently,you comply while watching him rummage throw the cabinets and pulling out your makeup wipes. You tilt your head when he instructions you to,and as he gently starts cleaning your eyes,you swallow thickly. Which doesn't go unnoticed by your husband
"what is it now?"
You only shrug,and his face softens at you defeated expression . So he just cleans your face,and when you're done,he pulls you to his chest and rests his chin on top of your head
"sorry i got so angry earlier," you mumble against his chest and sigh.
There's a pause where Sukuna breaks it with a grunt.
"and I'm.." he huffs, "not sorry for punching that guy."
You giggle sleepily and nuzzle in his arms
"i will punch more guys if they check you out too."
"fine fine," you huff and wrap your own arms around his neck, "can we go to sleep now?"
And without replying, Sukuna is swooping you up in his arms;and goes to your bedroom. As he lays down by your side,you immediately nuzzle close to his chest and let out a content sigh
"so you've forgiven me now?"
And you smile sleepily without opening your eyes.
"I'll decide when you make me breakfast tomorrow."
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ramonathinks · 9 months
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(18+, minors/blank accounts dni)
jealous ex husband gojo who just can't keep stand seeing you with someone else. he hates that you gave up on him, hates that you don't wear your ring anymore even though he does and he wears it proudly.
"you have a date tonight, the girls tell me." busted. you cringe and eye you little daughters, only six the both of them but you told them to keep quiet about the situation.
"yes..." you reply, anxiously awaiting his response.
you could just picture his face now, nose a bit flared and lips pursed. with clenched teeth he said, "alright, have fun." but it wasn't that simple.
he always kept close watch on you and it made you nervous with how simple it left the conversation. "well, i could come pick the girls up before then. about 8-ish?" he asks and you say yes before hanging up.
gojo was always too busy which was what led to the divorce. you'd both married young, 20 and stayed together since but when the girls turned 3 you had enough and just left. he wasn't being there enough for you or the girls and it hurt.
when he pulled up you cursed yourself for getting ready so early. your hair in long curls and a knee length skirt with a small slit on the left leg. he didn't bothering knocking or waiting for you to open the door, he had keys and you knew this so you continued with your makeup.
he was standing there watching you but you ignored him. or tried to but he walked closer and closer until he was right in your face. "how beautiful, you are." he held your jaw and forced you to look at him.
"why don't you ditch this date and come with me?" he asked, bringing your lower reign to his. "don't you miss me baby?" he nipped at your skin and the memories and feelings were coming back.
you had to be strong. you swallowed and pulled his back from you. "you have to stop this, im sure you have someone out there satoru, but she isn't me." you tried to walk off but he grabbed your wrist and brought you to your bedroom.
"y/n, so you think anyone can make you feel as good as i make you feel? don't you know i love you? my feelings never left and i know yours haven't." he rubs you through your panties and kisses you on your lips.
"everything can be different now." he promises, easing his way between your legs. his heavy cock entering you slowly, it was only the tip so far but it was splitting you open. you'd been without sex for two years and now tears were in your eyes.
"you think he can fill you up like me?" he adjusts himself and enters more of his cock into you. he was still so big, you were choking. you could feel him in your tummy and in your throat.
"you're always going to be mine, so stop running." he told you as he jerked his hips. "stop trying to let this go baby?"
"mommy! the door!" one of the girls yelled.
"shh," satoru brought a finger to your lips and leaned forward to make love to your mouth. it was too much and you both were drooling after just a few minutes, he pulled himself out of you and looked at his wet cock.
"think about what i said." it was hard to forget. you clenched your legs together after you cleaned yourself up, not even wanting to face your date.
not even wanting to face your ex-husband either.
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roturo · 10 months
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warnings: semi-public sex, public sex, unprotected sex, p in v, exhibitionism, fingering, blowjob, use of vibrators, jealousy, marking, edging, dacryphilia, degradation kink, praise kink. reblogs are appreciated:)
gojo satoru, geto suguru, nanami kento, toji fushiguro, megumi fushiguro, sukuna & yuuji itadori.
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Gojo Satoru:
This man will make it obvious. He’s not embarrassed, in fact, he would be aroused by it. Noticing people giving the both of you stares, them noticing the hickeys on your neck, the messy makeup, it’s too much for him. Makes him hard again.
And it would happen at the most random times.
Mostly because he gets jealous, this man gets jealous because of everything. He doesn’t trust the other men around you. So that’s why he likes to show what’s his.
He’s more of taking the both of you to the restroom and fuck rather than a vibrator. Oh, and he loves teasing your legs with his fingers near your entrance, your trembling voice, hot face, making his pants get tighter and tighter.
“You like that. Don't you? Slut. Keep that pretty mouth of yours shut if you don’t want other to know how good i’m fucking your pussy right now.” You couldn’t contain your moans, not even covering your mouth helps. It was too much, he was too much.
“Don’t tell me you’re into that? Of course you’re into that. You fucking whore. I’ll make sure for everyone to know how good you get fucked. This pussy is mine.”
Geto Suguru:
This man is elegant. Uses vibrators, and fucks you in public as a punishment. He might not seem like it, but I swear this man is a JEALOUS man. Loves hanging out with others, sitting at the table while you’re by his side, hands down the table, control in hand and shakily sound coming out of you.
He would have a box of vibrators with different sizes, colors, and levels, just for this time of occasion or whenever he’s in the mood to just fuck with you.
Because he loves that, not only because he gets yards seeing you angry at him, but because of how turned on he gets while reclaiming what’s his.
He’s discreet about it, but makes it clear for you to never disobey him or look in direction towards another man.
“Am I going to fast baby?” He says in your ear, in a slow seductive low voice. Friends talking in front of the both of you, like nothing is happening down the table. “Aw, we’ll that’s so fucking sad for you, you decided to act like a big girl with other men, then take it like one.” He says while leveling up the vibrator, his hand resting on your thigh, looking happily at his friends and laughing at whatever they were talking about.
This was going to be a long day.
Nanami Kento:
He’s not the kind to fuck in public.
Prefers doing it in private, having his time, and enjoying it.
But when you get a little bit too bratty for his liking, he would snicker his legs(shoes) down the table to your center. Slightly moving it through your panties and clit, touching it with the point part of his shoe.
Edging you for release, he would retreat his shoe just in time for you not to cum. Asking the waitress for some water.
But when you get a little bit TOO bratty for his PATIENCE, he wouldn’t say a word. And that’s how you know you fucked up. Wouldn’t care if someone watched the both of you, he makes the two of you enter the restroom and fuck the soul out of you.
“You fucking slut. Couldn’t wait some hours to get fucked huh?” One of his arms wrapped around your waist, while his free hand rests on your neck. “And you need to have it right now. Like the fucking brat you are.”
Toji Fushiguro:
This man wouldn’t care. Not even like Gojo, he would make it SO obvious it becomes uncomfortable for the people around you watching the both of you having… intimacy.
His fingers would roam around your skirt/dress, making it easier for him to touch you, and shamelessly get under it. Touching the wet patch forming on your center, chuckling to himself. He loves knowing he has this type of power over you.
He would finger you to the max, his arm visibly shaking so you could get some pleasure, all while maintaining a smile like he’s overstimulating your core.
“I want to fuck you so badly.” He says while rubbing your clit with his thumb. “Too bad your fucking my fingers right now. I would love to fuck you infront of all this people. Such a piece of art.” A specific curl of his finger was enough for you to reach your climax. Trying to moan the lowest as possible to not bring any more attention, would be in vain, because he would shamelessly get his fingers out and insert them inside his mouth to lick your liquids off.
Megumi Fushiguro:
He’s not into it. Actually, you initiate it. By teasing him in public, touching him by ‘accident’ near his crotch. Showing a little bit more of your thigh to him, being all touchy.
But he’s a hard man to break, so you would get bored and annoyed easily. So that’s why you try to make him jealous.
And he won’t show it, but inside he’s figuring his own shadows to not fucking take you right there and erase that smirk of yours.
Taking advantage of you being way too busy trying to claim his attention while flirting with Yuuji, he went near the both of you and placed his hand on the back of your waist. Plastering a small smile on his face.
Yuuji noticed in less than a second he was mad. His hand traveled down your figure to your ass, your eyes widening looking back at Yuuji who was as shocked as you.
He gave a small almost visible smack, which caught you by surprise and made you squeak at the surprise. Feeling your face heated up, while Yuuji scratches the back of his neck. “Uhh…” He looks down at his phone, thanking god he has a way of leaving this situation. “Gojo-Sensei is calling me. Talk to you later guys!”
He sprinted as fast as possible towards the door, leaving the both of you alone. Wasting no time he laid you down on a desk and started taking your panties off and unbuckling his pants.
“You fucking whore. Can’t get enough of a cock you want another one huh?” He said while thrusts, a phone on his hand recording your fucked uo faces, tears dried down your cheeks. Messy moans and whines coming out of your mouth while he records the entrance where his cock appears and disappears inside of you.
The next day, he would ask Yuuji to meet him alone and show him the video. Threatening him to never let himself be that touchy with you.
Sukuna & Yuuji:
This would be more of a threesome tbh, this isn’t a lot like “public sex”, but i’ll start with explicit comments coming out of Yuuji thanks to a sukuna mouth appearing on his cheek. Saying how good your ass looked in that dress, saying how he wants to rip it apart and fuck you infront of everyone. Calling Yuuji a virgin and saying he has the same thoughts of you.
Yuuji would be bright red, looking at his classmates who were shocked and laughing at him at the remarks of Sukuna.
So that’s how you ended up in his room. Someway Sukuna and Yuuji being in control at the same time, while you fuck his cock in your mouth and ride his feet which has a mouth on it. Sucking your clit and tongue circling your entrance, until he appears with another arm and fingers you.
“Nn-ngh~ Don’t stop! You’re such a good girl…” Yuuji said while bobbing your head with his hand on top of your head. “She’s more of a brat. She’s teasing a lot, stop with that.” Sukuna said, curling his fingers just right, making you moan with his cock inside of you. Sending vibrations which made Yuuji moan and release inside of you. “Step back kiddo, it’s my turn to fuck with her.”
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