#good luck friend !!!
cinamun · 2 days
Hi! Quick question, first time using the Sims4Studio. Curious to know if it’s normal that when I run the batch fix for DX11 that only a loading sign will pop up.
Thank you for your help!
I honestly haven't run that yet nonny and probably won't get that far until late this weekend. I do know that folks are saying if you have a ton of CC it could take awhile. So the "loading" probably checks out. When its done loading and fixing all that CC you'll probably get another pop up. S4S is pretty user friendly that way.
If other's who've already done this see this, feel free to reply.
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stuckinapril · 9 months
Hi!! You mentioned in a post with a summary of what you’ve achieved in 2023 that you expanded your friend circle by making more friends. How did you do that? 🥲 I’m working and although my colleagues are nice, I keep them at arm’s length and most of my friends from school and college are in different parts of the country. I’ve always been introverted with a small circle of friends so loneliness hits me hard sometimes
thank you!!
Speaking as someone who was on both extremes of the spectrum (having no friends and lots of friends)—it’s genuinely about putting yourself out there. The moment I stopped thinking it was hard to make friends, making friends became so much easier to do. Aside from my uni friends, I’ve made friends in so many other places. Once I was studying at the library and a girl approached me. We exchanged numbers and are getting coffee soon. Made friends w the barista at my favorite boba place. Made friends w the girl who does my eyebrows (she’s my age and is also a stem major). I’ve made friends through other friends. It really is that easy if you’re okay w the possibility of rejection, and don’t allow your ego to stop you from approaching people in the appropriate context.
There will be bad eggs. That is completely natural. We move on. There is an infinite number of opportunities to make other friends. Internalizing this has saved me so much unnecessary stress.
Join a book club. Volunteer for a cause you’re passionate about. Join a class at your gym. These are all such easy ways to make friends, bc you already know you have at least one interest in common w the people present. Better yet!! You also get something from it, bc even if you don’t socialize that well, at least you’re working out or volunteering or engaging in an activity you’re passionate about. It’s a win-win. Just don’t operate from a place of “I NEED to make friends here or else it’s a failure,” bc you’ll end up taking things too seriously and not enjoying yourself. Enjoying yourself is the whole point. There are 8 billion people on this planet. Rest easy knowing friends are guaranteed if you’re willing to look for them, however long it may take.
Also!! An important thing I learned is it’s okay to compartmentalize friends. I have friends I pretty much exclusively party w, friends I only work out w, friends I only go on study dates w… and then I also have a core unit of close friends who go beyond just being friends for enjoyment. It’s fine if you don’t immediately make friends who are essentially your friends for life. That’s extremely rare, so just be patient. Don’t write off people you don’t have this cerebral connection with. Maybe I’m going against the grain here, but I think casual friendships serve a purpose in our lives too. Don’t force connection trying to break past the superficial stages of a friendship—deep bonds like this only form organically. Just relax, put yourself out there, and have fun doing it <3
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is-this-yuri · 10 months
Having a real bottom dysphoria night, can i get some yuri words to help me through it?
kiss your bottom dysphoria on the mouth like a true yuri rival and show it who's boss. you can do it. confound the hell out of that dysphoria. make it realize it's always loved you deep down and is ashamed of the harm it caused over the years
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fanfic roulette ? :eyes: hit me ; im a harrymort sort but I like all + i believe in the power of a totally random pick
first fanfic roulette of the day:
The Fire, Burning by freakydeakymoonmagic
When Snape is discovered as Dumbledore’s spy after the fall from Astronomy tower, it prompts an early and desperate revelation that Harry Potter is a horcrux. Harry and his friends use this to fight the Dark Lord all the fiercer – but the secret’s out and the long game reaps its consequences.
A story of being kidnapped and indulged, of connected souls and strange comforts.
words - 35388 | chapters - 9 | complete
have i read it? no. am i going to? absolutely.
send me an ask if you want to get a fanfic roulette too
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calsoutghosthunting · 4 months
@i-eat-so-much-grass MY EXAMS ARE OVER
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iatrophilosophos · 2 months
hi, the link to the psychopharmacology of herbal medicine by Marcello spinella in ur post didn't work/show up for me -- would u mind relinking it? looking to circumvent this adhd med shortage lol
Yah I got u babe!
Stay tuned if you wanna, I'll rb this in the morning w some more info & shit bc like I said in tha post u likely won't find a 1:1 & there's like some extra tips & tricks for finding an approach that works well for you, plus I got some shit on plants that ain't in here ya might wanna know abt
Warning that this is a kinda dated book with an absolutely dogshit pdf but it's a p handy reference and really worth reading if you can. If ur rlly struggling navigating it, honestly you could find some dogshit online article abt ~herbs for adhd~ that's gonna be utter bullshit but give you some stuff to look up & bounce around the book better, & I'll add herbs of note tomorrow if it helps working thru it.
EDIT: you will want to look to an outside source for information about contraindications (reasons why a medication or supplement could be harmful). Drugs.com is like, fine, but overly conservative in some aspects & rlly missing on some other stuff, I will add more about how i navigate these things too
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lottiecrabie · 10 months
Hi Lottie! I wanted to ask you how to talk to guys/girls (unsure rn lol) you like. I am so awkward and I feel like I can never hold a conversation with anyone I feel like I may have a crush on. Also I get this uncomfortable feeling when I have a crush bc I don’t want to embarrass myself/mess things up. I want to be able to actually have a chance with my crush but I feel like its impossible atp. (Ps does this count as virgins anonymous?)
oh god. i fear flirting is just kind of something you have to feel in the moment, or at least that’s always been my approach. to me, it’s very much a Vibe Thing; the person has to flirt back, you have to ping-pong off each other. i guess my way tends to lean towards teasing them, and also brushing against them and being in each others faces. when i get drunk, i become a very intense and avid listener and start having a number of enthralled facial expressions and that has made people think i was flirting with them more than i wanted to. asking them lots of questions about themselves is also always a good way to make contact; everyone loves to talk, to feel like you’re interested.
although, again, i don’t know if you going over to them and trying to mentally check off flirting techniques will be any help. i say try to have just a normal conversation with them first, maybe wait for an opportunity, something class related, so you have a neutral subject to talk about. see if there’s a bit of conversational chemistry — and maybe there won’t be, maybe they’re boring people and you will know that it’s just not clicking! if you don’t know what to say, ask a question, and another, be interested in them. see if it flows, if they ask back or don’t care about you, and that, too, will show you whether they’re interested themselves. read the vibes, start maybe teasing them, or however you personally feel like flirting — maybe, au contraire, it’s giving a bunch of compliments or suggestive comments. a lot more natural.
in the end, i’m just not sure there’s fully a way to just. Learn how to flirt. i guess other than trying it out on people you don’t care about, and microdosing rejection by asking out random people in bars or parties or whatever, until you get rid of that anxiety and feel comfortable going up to people.
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greenwayinc · 9 months
To countryhumans-quotes
Arrivederci, mate. You were one of the best people in this fandom and a true friend. I enjoyed every minute of it, and your quotes were hilarious beyond compare.
I wish you luck in your future endeavours.
Until then, farewell.
The Irishman
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ssreeder · 1 year
Anon with a fragile heart here, i just came by while I'm processing, idk what chapter of RIA i am, where sokka fucking finally was able to be free and kill one bastard and yeah
I'm just here like... I mean. At the very least zhao was good for something i guess? What with the other guy being too grossed out...
Also the reason i couldn't wait to just comment this ont he fic is that i read the entire thing, not chapter by chapter, so... I was able to keep my thoughts to myself for that long
Also, where the fuck are the other three. I've spent all this time waiting for them to be useful, and then i thought jet was going to idk, at least fucking see sokka alivey, and no one is anywhere useful yet, AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHH
Ohhhhh you’re on the stick chapter, and it’s funny you mentioned all those people because well….. you’ll see.
There’s a lot left of the story so fingers crossed Sokka stays alive!!
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hi babes ~~~~~ can I please have a song for wolfstar :D ;D
the mods are DELIGHTED, beside themselves to see you here.
Your Ship: Wolfstar
Your Song: The Other Side of the Door
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Hi! I just saw someone ask about finding a fic and I’ve been looking for one recently so I was wondering if you could help me as well? No pressure ofc!
It’s where Lance has a fever and Shiro is the one taking care of him. Eventually they get captured by the galra and it is Shiro’s responsibility to take care of Lance and try to keep his now very high fever at bay. There’s a moment where Lance has a claustrophobic moment when Shiro says that they should move to a space where it’s cooler as well.
I’m pretty sure it was written over a year ago and is one chapter.
Again, no pressure ofc, I’ve just been looking for ever lol. Love u! 😘
Ohhhh I have no idea tbh! Does anyone else know?
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stuckinapril · 1 year
hi! do you have any advice on how to deal with a friendship that’s slowly fading away? i don’t know what exactly happened that caused it and i can’t confront it because she hasn’t made any effort to nurture our bond and is rather ok with things being this way so i doubt she cares. still, she was one of my closest friends and i don’t really know how to grieve right now
it happens. that’s just the nature of life—things are constantly ebbing and flowing, in a never-ending state of change. one day you’re really close w someone, and then you randomly wake up the next morning and feel a little differently. there’s nothing inherently wrong w that. the sooner you come to terms with the fact that we’re constantly going through phrases, the easier you’ll accept that people’s dispositions towards you inevitably shift. this is not to say that you should be okay w erratic behavior—consistency breeds security—but more so that no one is immune to change. that could have very well happened w your friend. and that’s completely okay.
if someone is drifting out of your life, you’re doing a disservice to yourself by expending energy thinking of ways to lock them down. why would you want to lock someone down, when they don’t want to be in your proximity? bc of the nostalgia factor? that’s the same thing as being in love with potential, even if at some point the person lived up to it. it no longer exists. you want to focus on what the relationship is actually giving you in the present day. from the sounds of it, all it’s adding to your life atm is stress.
do the rational thinking. accept that maybe your friendship is nearing its end, and really, really allow yourself to feel the pain that accompanies that. vomit it into writing. cry about it. never resort to suppressing. remind yourself that no love given is ever love wasted—there’s no such thing as “i wasted my time on this person.” this person still provided sweet memories, and learning experiences, and that’s invaluable whether or not they’re still in your life.
ask yourself what you’re saying about you by holding on so tightly to a person who doesn’t want to be held on to at all. are you saying this is what you deserve? that your time isn’t worthy of people who want to be your friends? our time is literally our most valuable currency. by spending so much as a precious second on this person, you’re blocking other blessings from being in your life. we’re not here forever. for all we know, the life we’re given is the only life we’ll ever have, so honor that by letting go of things that no longer elevate it in any way.
adjust your expectations, mourn the death of the friendship, set the intention, and let it go. letting go does not mean the friendship was never a thing, or doesn’t matter to you—just that you recognize that it has run its course, and that you’re making space for something better for this chapter of your life. and given we’re in the presence of 8 billion people on this planet, something better will no doubt come around eventually.
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theloveinc · 2 years
Hdhdhhdhhhh im so devastated because I ordered this $60 package of art supplies I've been wanting all month and on the day it was supposed to be delivered, which is in the next two hours, I realized I sent it to the wrong address 😭😭
OH MY GOD what a bummer!! Do you think you could still call the company and report it? Say it was never delivered anyway???
If gas wasn’t so damn expensive rn, I’d recommend at least trying to go get it if the town it was delivered to was close… but who know how that’d work out. I’m so sorry… not even my art supplies and I’m devastated for you. I really hope you’re able to get your money back at the very least!!
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Fanfiction roulette! please give me some good harrymort! <3
third fanfic roulette of the day:
After the Fall by crowthing
Harry Potter was a perfect symbol of the Light. Cursed at birth by a spell that had affected so many of his generation, he overcame his inherent nature, depending on his faith to eventually save the world. He became a beacon of hope, evidence that anyone could be redeemed. Even ten years after the events that had tested the very limits of his willpower, he continued his work. He was determined to find proof of miracles—to see that the Light looked over the rest of the world as it looked over him.
And he eventually found what he was looking for.
words - 32800 | chapters - 7 | complete
have i read it? yes. did i love it? absolutely.
send me an ask if you want to get a fanfic roulette too
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robyn-i-guess · 14 days
liking someone platonically is so embarrassing like. yeah i admire you. yeah i think about you all the time. yeah i look forward to every time i see you even if it's only for a minute. yeah it's all platonic and yeah i couldn't explain this because it'd sound romantic. fucking hell
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timestalkers1999 · 9 days
I ask this with shame: Can you donate even a small thing to help me rebuild my life again, build my future, and build my home? 🇵🇸🍉😭
We are very grateful for any assistance you can provide and thank you for your kindness and generosity in our time of need”
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