#good luck trying to remember which things are citations and your own thought
fluffypotatey · 3 months
you will never meet an english major who's a bigger mla hater than me. that bitch is why i struggle so much with my fucking essay, you know what you did >:(
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cancerbiophd · 4 years
PhD Dissertation Masterpost of Advice and Resources*
*or at least what helped me when I was writing mine for a PhD in Cancer Biology in the US--so they may not apply to other fields and/or countries.
Firstly, what a PhD Dissertation and Defense process is like (for my program)
Always check your university’s graduate college’s dissertation formatting and guidelines. That should be your #1 rulebook to work off of. Download their formatting guide and read it thoroughly. Before turning in your dissertation, make sure you’ve addressed all the requirements. 
Get a sample from a previous student as reference, preferably one from your program, or even better, your lab. All dissertations are publicly available online at your university’s library (with the exception of those with embargoes). Always have an example on hand--you never know when it’ll come in handy for minor formatting details, or even references (if it’s a dissertation from your own lab). 
Familiarize yourself with whatever writing program you’re going to use, and if it can do any of the formatting automatically for you. For example, Microsoft Word can make a Table of Contents for you if you use their Automated Styles, and you can use the Navigation Pane to view all your sections at a glance (and jump instantly to that section). I highly recommend figuring out all the formatting before you start writing, as it may be really frustrating to go back and fix things (especially if you’re doing this on the due date). Scroll down to the end of this post for formatting resources. 
I think the ideal timeline is one month per chapter, give or take a few weeks depending on how much you have done beforehand and how much time you have per day to allocate to writing. There will be a lot of back-and-forth edits with your advisor, you may find out there are missing data that need analyzing/finalizing, etc. Your last month or so of writing may have to be dedicated 100% to your dissertation, so plan accordingly. I have heard many PhD’s tell me to even start a year out, because you may be busy your last couple of months with job interviews, or even starting your new job, etc. 
Export your images as .png if possible or your document will become too large. 
Use a citation manager, if you don’t have one already, such as Mendeley. 
Also have a way to keep track what each reference is about, especially for the Introduction as that may require some new additions (ie. things you learned in class or lab meeting but never actually had to chase down a primary reference for). You can use Excel, Word, or good ol’ fashioned printouts in subject binders--anything that helps you remember what the paper is about what. I ended up citing over 400 references in my dissertation--that was a lot of papers to keep track of!
As with any large writing project, make an outline first. This way you can better structure everything from a bird’s eye view, and make sure you’re not missing anything. Just like building a house, you need to set up the frames first before the drywall. The outline to my Introduction was 5 pages long before I even wrote the first complete sentence, and the outline also helped me not feel too overwhelmed with the task before me (likewise, I also started off each paragraph with a brief outline of the points I wanted to cover. It worked really well in getting rid of writer’s block)
Have a separate folder for each chapter, to keep things better organized and easier to manage. I didn’t put everything together in a single file until the very end. 
And always back up your files, or work entirely off a Cloud-based system, like Dropbox or Box (which your university may provide for free). There’s absolutely nothing worse than losing allll your hard work, especially your Dissertation! 
Set aside at least 1 hour before your Dissertation is due to your committee for last minute issues, like formatting, uploading, etc. 
If you’re in the Bio field, I highly recommend making your figures using Biorender.com. It honestly saved me so much time, and it took my dissertation and defense to a whole new level of professionalism. It’s free to use for students, though the paid student version ($35/mo) has more features. 
Links to other resources:
University of Michigan guide for using Microsoft Word for Dissertations
Dissertation templates (with build-in-instructions) from Duke University (scroll down to end of page) (thanks @conquerorwurm for this one)
Making an outline from Sacred Heart University
More about making an outline for Dissertations
Other tips on surviving this challenging time:
Write smart, not hard. Use your energy and creativity levels wisely. For example, I found out I was really great at synthesizing thoughts (and thus words on the document) in the morning, but not so much at night. So I did most of my writing in the morning, and then reserved evenings for making figures and adding references (aka things that required less brain-energy).
Take breaks! This is definitely a marathon, so please try not to push yourself too hard to prevent burning out. Here’s what my writing schedule looked like 1 week before my dissertation was due to my committee--you can see I worked hard, but I also had lots of breaks throughout the day to eat and/or recharge, and I tried to sleep 7-8 hrs/night. 
The moment you think you can’t do something alone, seek out a resource that will help you. There’s no time or energy to waste. Resources include: your advisor, another lab member, a university writing center, online tutorials, even other grad students on tumblr. No one else has written a dissertation on their own, so you shouldn’t have to either. 
Have a support system, like another fellow student going through something similar who you can talk to. It helps so much to not be lonely during this. 
Have something fun planned after you turn in your dissertation and after you defend to look forward to. Sometimes all that was left to get me through the tough and frustrating moments was the thought of all my plans post-defense: going to my favorite used bookstore, reading for fun again, relaxing and watching movies, and more. Small things, but oh so powerful to keep me going sometimes. 
You will get through this. I know it’s hard. I know how close to tears you are. But I also know you will survive. Remember all those tough times in the past? Like when you were studying for your qualifying exams? Or writing and re-writing that grant application for what seemed like the 500th time? Those were some tough times, but you got through them all. And so you will also get through this.
And lastly, but probably most importantly:
Do what works for you. You haven’t made it this far in your academic career without a solid understanding of your own working style, so stick to that. My advice is just what happened to work for me, personally, and thus may not apply to anyone else. 
Good luck, and congratulations, soon-to-be Dr!
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gay-salt-amber · 3 years
Can we get a full story on Georgi and Jeans relationship? I think its really cute from the information you gave us and I wanna know more! - :D anon
Yes I sure can! Hope you like it :D
Love On The Ice
The ice rink. A figure skaters home away from home. Some go to the ice for training, some go there for fun, some go there to cry, some go there to rage, and some go there for love. This is no different for a 25 year old French skater named Jean Douce.
Jean pov-
Walking to the rink was something I always enjoy. Sure, my bag was kinda heavy at times and the walk may be long but it gave my legs some practice moving before I step foot onto the ice tonight. Todays competition was being held at my home rink in France, which is quite nerve racking, but I can't let that show. My coach said that this may be my chance to make it to a grand prix final, but I'm not so sure. We'll see when I get there I guess. As long as I try my best, then we'll be just fine.
When I finally made it to the rink, I looked up the sign 'Lilac Ice Rink' gave me a sign of comfort. I felt at home, I felt comfortable, I felt relaxed again. I opened the door gently before walking in, waving to the blonde behind the front desk, Ms. Joy, the woman who owned the place and someone I've known since I was little.
"Good luck out there!" She said with a smile
I gave a simple nod and went to the locker room to change, I didn't here anything before I entered, making me think not many people were there, 'Weird, I guess I am kind of early though.' I opened the door and sat my stuff down on the bench I looked over to see a face I hadn't seen before. The person had a pointy hair style, all of his hair was pointed infront of him, strange hair style but not bad. He was wearing a jacket over what I assumed was the outfit he was skating in tonight. I tried to read his jacket but the back of the chair covered it and I couldn't recognize the logo, curious, I walked up to say hi to him.
"Hi!" I greeted,
He put down what I recognized was blush and looked at me, "Hello, who are you?" I grabbed a chair, pulling it over and sitting down next to him, "I'm Jean."
"Are you skating tonight?" The black haired man asked
"Yes, I'm on the French team! What about you?"
"I'm on the Russian team."
"Ooo! Cool! What's your name?"
I got up and held out my hand, "Well Georgi, I hope we get along."
He scoffed and shook my hand, "Good luck."
I smiled and walked back over to my bag and got out my outfit for the night, when I was putting it on, everything was fine until I remembered that it tied in the back. Unlike some people I know, I can't reach that far back. I turned my head and saw that Georgi was still here, I'll just ask him for help.
"Hey! Georgi!"
He turned around, "Hm?"
"Can you," I pointed to the ties, "Tie this for me?"
He rose to his feet and walked over, "Sure, but don't blame me if it looks awful."
I laughed, "Heh, I think it'll look fine, I mean, if you can make your face look so pretty, you can probably tie a knot pretty well too."
Georgi paused for a moment before going back to tying the knot, "Don't say stuff like that."
"Awh cmon! Its just a compliment!"
The cloth on my back tightened and the feeling of hands on his back left, "There its tied."
He grabbed his bag, waved and exited the locker room, the door slamming behind him.
'I think we'll get along well.'
A while later, Georgi pov-
I stood, leaning on the wall of the rink, deep in thought. Who was that Jean boy? All I know is that hes a skater from France. I want to know more about him, hes quite a nice boy and I think we'd get along well. I glanced over to where he was getting some last minute practice. His olive eyes sparkled as bright as a star, his skating wasn't the best I have ever seen by far but the passion he had was as obvious as the blue sky.
The only thing I could keep my eyes on was the cute brown haired boy, I spaced out from all of reality and I wouldn't have it any other way...
"Oi! Georgi! I'm talking to you!"
I turned to the voice to see coach Yakov behind me, "Oh sorry."
I cleared my throat before speaking, "Do you know anything about Jean? The boy over there?" I said, pointing to him.
"Ah, that's Jean Douce, hes a French skater."
"Well I know that much, anything else?"
"Well hes quite the amateur, I heard from his coach that hes only been to the second part of a figure skating contest once."
"Ah, I wonder why.."
"I heard he is married and has a kid so that's probably why, its hard to balance a family life and skating, anyone can tell you that."
Those words felt like a jab to the heart, "Oh.."
"Your going on last by the way, I wouldn't have it that way normally but, cant argue with the organizers."
I nodded and walked over to the bench to sit, grabbing my water-bottle from my side and taking a sip. While I was drinking I stole a glimpse at Jean who was now panting, head hanging down as he sat about 2 benches away from me. Why the world doesn't he have water? I sighed, 'Do I have to do everything for this boy now?' Wait that doesn't sound too bad.. I glanced at my water bottle which was still practically full and headed over to him.
I sat down by him, which caused him to instantly look over, "O-oh hi."
With a nod, I held my water-bottle out infront of him, "Here, I saw you didn't have one but your panting like a fucking dog so I figured you'd want some."
He grabbed it, his hand brushing against mine causing my heart rate to go up higher then what I am fairly certain is healthy. He smiled brightly, it was adorable and when I saw that on his face, I knew this was what they call love at first sight.
"So, I heard your married?" "Yes. I have a wife named Salem."
I was curious, I want to know more about her, "What's she like?"
"Heh, not great lately.."
"Mind telling me why?"
"She just doesn't approve of the fact that I do figure skating full time she thinks it wont make good money which is-"
"Bullshit" "Bullshit" We said in unison, we both let out a chuckle and Jean continued,
"Because of that I cant get as much practice in because I cant get the time away from her nagging to get out to the rink."
I looked at him, thinking, "I think I have an idea."
"What is it?"
"I'll help you with your routine."
His eyes widened at my words, "Don't you need to practice too?"
"I memorize my routines quite well, I think i'll be fine with coaching you."
"I have a coach already y'know?"
I scoffed, "Yeah and from what I saw she has no fucking idea what she's doing."
"I mean.. You're not wrong."
I stood and held out my hand, "So get up and lets head to the ice."
Jean grinned, putting my water-bottle down and grabbing my hand, "Alright!"
After the competition Jean pov-
Well.. I didn't make the cut, I guess I was right, heh. My score was 221, I was about 4 points behind the 3rd place winner who was a boy from America named Leo de la Iglesia. While I was getting changed in the locker room, Georgi was sitting down removing his makeup
"You're not very chatty.." He stated
"Heh, I guess I'm just upset about losing.. Good job on getting 2nd though!"
"For what its worth, I think you should have gotten third, Leo failed that one double axal so he shouldn't have had 225 points, you should have scored higher too, you landed everything."
I let out a dry chuckle, "Still my jumps weren't nearly as good."
"Thanks, Georgi."
I stuffed my stuff into my bag and was about to leave when I felt a tap on my shoulder, "Hm? Did you need something?"
"Can I have your number?"
He handed me his phone, I typed in my number and put in a contact name. "See you later, fée endormie" (Sleeping fairy)
Georgi's face looked as red as a cherry, his words were stammered too, "Y-yeah you too.."
I waved, closing the door to the locker room behind me. The walk back to the hotel was long, I wanted to be outside longer so I could think. Think about the cute Russian boy I met just a few minutes prior. Then I started to ask myself, 'This is so.. Wrong, what's wrong with me.. I am a married man, I shouldn't think things like this.' I sighed, letting those thoughts die. Those thoughts were replaced with more happy ones about Georgi and how the day went, 'Yeah.. we can think about the future later, day-dreaming never hurt anyone, right?'
About a month later-
I was relaxed on my bed. my wife was out at work and finishing up some school work. I am still going through collage since I had dropped out for a few years to help raise Akaashi. But now hes 17 and a third year at Fukurōdani Academy, a school here in Japan which my wife is the superintendent of. The work was nothing bad, I was about to type my last sentence before heading to the ice rink for practice when my phone buzzed with a message from Georgi
Georgi: Hey, this may be sudden, but can you open your door?
Jean: Uhhh why?
Georgi: Cuz I'm outside and its cold!
Jean: Ok! I'm on my way!
I ran faster then I ever had down the stairs, I thought I was going to fall and land on my face but luckily I didn't. I unlocked the door and opened it, revealing Georgi in a black jacket with matching pants. His hair was down, I have seen him with his hair down a lot but it was so cute that I couldn't help but blush at the sight.
"So what are you doing here?"
"I was in Japan and wanted to see you, simple as that."
A smile grew onto my face and we walked to my room where we sat on my bed, he read a book while I finished that last sentence of my paper, once I was done I turned to him and asked,
"Hey can you look over my essay for me?"
"Sure, give me the laptop."
I nodded and passed my laptop to him. It was a short paper but he seemed to take his time, I watched him add punctuation and such. He glanced at the citations at the bottom,
"Hey I think you forgot a citation." He said,
"Oh? I did? For what?"
"The County Tribune one, you used it in paragraph 4 right?"
"Oooh! I had an issue with that one! I tried to get the information but when I clicked the link I used, the domain was down, I just put down the article title and access date since my professor said that was fine."
"Oh, gotcha. But other then that I would say just fix some words, you used 'according to' with your textual evidence a lot so I would say change that."
"Alright, thanks! You sure know your stuff!"
"Yeah, I did really well in Language arts and Writing classes back when I was in school."
"Cool! I guess I'll have to ask for your help more~" I cooed
"Pfft, have fun with that." He snickered as he went back to his book
I kept looking for more words but I kept catching myself getting distracted, "Hey, what do you-"
Before I could say anything else I felt something on my neck, I moved my eyes down to the feeling and saw Georgi, biting my neck.
He pulled back instantly and scooted about a foot back, "Oh my god! I am so, so, so sorry!"
I smirked, "Do it again, Georgi."
"Isn't your wife going to be home soon?"
"She texted me earlier, she's going to a meeting in Paris, she'll be away for the next few days."
"And what about Ak-"
"Are you going to keep asking questions or are you going to do it again?"
The Russian boy let out a 'heh' and scooted forward, continuing what he was doing before. I smirked and didn't react, finishing up the paper. It was only about 2 minutes later when I heard a sad 'humph'
The mouth released my neck for a moment, "Hey.. Pay attention to me."
I let out a chuckle, turned off my laptop and put it on a side table. I turned around to face Georgi and put my arms around his waist, "There, I'm all yours now."
He placed a kiss on my lips, "Good."
Georgi's lips locked back on mine hungrily. This was the thing I wanted for months, no, this is the type of thing I've wanted my whole life and I never knew it before. God, please let this last forever.
He crawled closer to close the distance and put his knee between my legs, the feeling of having something to rub felt amazing and it caused me to whimper. The moment those whimpers became loud enough for Georgi to hear, I was pinned down with my hands above my head. He dipped his head down to whisper into my ear, "May I, my sweet baby prince?" Those words sent a shiver up my spine, "Yes, please.."
---Timeskip cuz its late and I am not awake enough to write smut--
"That was so good.." I said, panting while laying on Georgi's chest
The Russian skater let out a snort and ran his hands through my hair, "Was it now? Or do you just moan for more whenever you feel like it?"
"I love you." I whispered, kissing him on the cheek.
"I love you too baby."
I cuddled into his chest with a big grin, "Good." "Hey, question.."
"Hm?" I looked up at him, my chin still resting on his chest,
"How are we dealing with your wife? Y'know since you're my lover now."
"Meh, I'll think about that later. Now, let me sleep, you're really comfy."
"Heh sure."
"Also, leave your hair down more, its adorable."
"Sure, whatever you want dear."
"Okay, sleep soon, k?"
---Aaand its over! Thx for the ask!---
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laurawritesandgames · 4 years
A Day Late, Sorry!
Title: Reefer Madness
Fandom: Beetlejuice (Musical)
Rating: PG-13
Pairing: Beetlejuice/Adam/Barbara, mention of Charles/Delia
Prompt: Parenting
Content Warning: Set during coronavirus pandemic, underage drug use
Summary: When Lydia is caught smoking pot, the Maitland-Deetz household has to come up with a punishment. But how do you discipline a teen during a pandemic? And will Beetlejuice even let the parents (and ghostly parental figures) punish his BFF? 
The door to the Maitland-Deetz home opened. Lydia came in, wearing her mask and gloves, with Beetlejuice hovering beside her.
Barbara stopped mixing cookie dough to say hello. “How did it go?” The Maitland-Deetz adults had agonized about letting Lydia go to a class picnic organized by Claire Brewster’s mother during a pandemic.
Claire’s mother had tried to make the picnic as safe as possible. She and a few other parents were chaperones, everyone was required to test negative for coronavirus before showing up, the picnic was outdoors, everyone was expected to wear a mask and socially distance, and Winter River High’s Grade 10 class was only 20 kids. Charles had gone with Lydia to a few Black Lives Matter protests, and those had had many more people than this picnic.
Lydia had been so bored of quarantine that she’d actually wanted to engage with her classmates, which had been the deciding factor.
“It went well.” Lydia threw her disposable mask and gloves into the trash bin by the door. “It was nice to see everyone.”
Beetlejuice’s smell of rotting flesh was worse than usual. Barbara winced, waving her hand in front of her face. “Can you turn it down, please?”
“Turn what down?” Beetlejuice said too innocently.
“Anyway,” Lydia said, walking up the stairs, “my introvert battery is drained. I need to recharge.”
Beetlejuice followed her. “And I need the hot goss!”
Barbara let the two friends have their time together, though she was a little disappointed she hadn’t gotten more out of Lydia. That’s teenagers, I guess. I’ll try again later.
As Lydia washed her hands, Delia’s voice sounded in the hallway upstairs. Lydia responded back. Barbara returned to the kitchen, and had just picked up the mixing bowl when Delia’s shocked “Lydia Lilith Deetz!” rang through the house.
Barbara teleported up to the second floor of the house to see Delia and Lydia glaring at each other in the hallway with Beetlejuice floating beside Lydia. Adam teleported up a moment later.
“Young lady,” Delia said, “I can’t believe you. Smoking weed? Really? I thought you were smarter than that.”
Weed? Barbara sniffed the air, but couldn’t smell anything beyond Beetlejuice’s stink.
“It’s faint, but it’s there,” Delia insisted. She patted her faintly bulging stomach. “I have smell sensitivity, thanks to the child. And I have certainly smelled enough weed in my day!”
Lydia opened her mouth, closed it, then shrugged. “So what? Weed’s legal in tons of countries except for most of this fascist dictatorship.”
“What?” Barbara blurted out as Adam gasped.
“Where pot is legal, it’s legal for adults over 25,” Delia said. “You’re 16! Your mind is still developing.”
“Because you never, ever did pot when you were my age, Delia.”
“And it’s hardly something I’m proud of! Years from now, do you want to be looking for your underwear after a night with a drummer from a Duran Duran cover band? This is how it starts!”
Lydia snorted while Beetlejuice said, “I mean, if the drummer’s hot, yeah, sign me up.” He paused. “Who am I kidding? The drummer doesn’t even need to be that hot.”
Adam frowned at Beetlejuice. “And you’re covering for Lydia. When did you find out about this?”
Beetlejuice glanced at Lydia, who shrugged and gestured him forward. “Lyds flagged me down when she got near the house.”
“And you helped her cover this up without a second thought.”
“’Course I did! Oh nooooo, a teen did some weed. Who cares?”
“You’re the adult in this situation—”
Beetlejuice floated backward, gasping and clutching his chest. “You take that back, sir! I am not!” He paused. “Well, not an adult like you mean it.” Anxious, he bobbed in front of Lydia. “I’m a cool adult. Right, kid?”
“Totally.” There was a faint sarcastic edge to her voice, but he didn’t appear to catch it.
“You all heard her say it!” Beetlejuice said proudly.
A terrible thought occurred to Barbara. “You didn’t share the joint, did you?”
Lydia looked hurt. “I’m not risking coronavirus to get high!” Reluctantly, she added, “We each had our own joint.”
“And who brought them?” Adam asked.
“A goat-footed man offered them to us for the price of signing our name in his book. He said he would visit us again on the dark of the moon to complete his dark pact.” She smirked. “I’m sure it’s nothing.”
“Lydia….” Delia said.
“Or maybe we found them on the ground and smoked them like the reckless teens that we are. I can’t remember.”
“Where is this attitude coming from?” Barbara asked. “This isn’t like you.”
Lydia glared at her, so angry that Barbara almost took a step back. “’Not like me’? We met four months ago! You don’t even know me. At least this one,” she jabbed a finger at Delia, “was supposed to be my life coach, so Daddy filled her in on the basics. Not that she ever bothered to get to know me, either.”
Beetlejuice laughed. “Aw, man, she burned you guys so good.”
“We’re going to talk with your father,” Delia said, “and come up with your punishment.”
Barbara was touched that she’d included Barbara and Adam.
Lydia laughed coldly. “Good luck getting Daddy to punish his little girl.” She strode confidently over to her room and closed the door.
“I’m gonna grab Lyds some chips,” Beetlejuice said. “She’s probably got the munchies!”
“You know,” Barbara said, “you could stay and—”
“Deuces, nerds!” He teleported away. A few moments later, his voice sounded in Lydia’s room along with the crinkling of a plastic bag.
Disappointing but not surprising. When Beetlejuice returned from the Netherworld, he’d made it clear he wasn’t interested in parenting Lydia or any Deetz children that came along.
As they walked downstairs to Charles’s office, Delia said, “My parents never punished me for anything in my life. They let me drink and smoke as long as I was in the basement, where they could keep an eye on me.”
“I went to some parties and stayed out past curfew in Grade 12,” Barbara said. “Mom and Dad grounded me. This one,” she nodded to Adam, “never saw a punishment in his life.”
“That’s not true, honey,” Adam said. “One time, I was doing math homework and I looked up my answers in the back of the textbook. I confessed an hour later and got extra chores for the rest of the week.” He looked thoughtful. “Grounding Lydia seems pretty redundant. Unless someone else holds another picnic, it probably won’t come up. The living are all stuck inside anyway.”
Delia sighed. “I know! And we can’t take away her phone. It’s her lifeline to the outside world! I don’t want to affect her mental health.” She bit her lower lip and stopped walking. “Perhaps we should let this go. She’s still healing from losing Emily. And no way am I going to be the evil stepmother! If Charles punishes her, she’ll probably blame me!” She glanced anxiously between Adam and Barbara.
“We won’t let her do that,” Barbara said. “We’ll be a united front.”
“Using marijuana recreationally is illegal,” Adam said. “I know not all of us agree with that law,” he nodded to Delia, “but it is the law, and she deliberately broke it. She could’ve been arrested! It’s our duty to show her there are consequences for her actions.”
“As soon as we figure out what those consequences are,” Barbara said. “You know, I read a parenting blog that said parents could ask their older teens to suggest their own punishments. Maybe she’ll come up with a good one.”
Delia rubbed her temples. The pregnancy was taking a lot out of her; she was tired and achey most of the time. “Well...let’s go see what Charles thinks.”
She knocked on the door to his office. After a few moments, Charles opened it. Seeing the looks on their faces, he frowned. “What did the demon do this time?”
“Surprisingly,” Barbara said, “he’s not the problem. It’s Lydia.”
Charles took charge immediately. After explaining his plan and getting everyone’s agreement, he asked to see Lydia in the living room.
Lydia came downstairs and Beetlejuice phased through the floor to hover by her side. While Beetlejuice slouched and scowled at everyone, Lydia looked totally confident. She didn’t blush or frown as she faced her entire family.
When Barbara had come home from Miranda’s party, she’d frozen and stammered when she’d seen her father in the living room. I wonder what Dad felt when I stayed out past curfew? Did he expect something like this? Was he grateful I wasn’t coming home drunk? I wish I’d asked him. She’d never know, now. It stung, but she had more important things to focus on.
Like whatever chaos Beetlejuice had in mind. He wasn’t going to take his best friend getting punished without a fight.
“Lydia,” Charles said, “Delia, Adam and Barbara told me what happened at the picnic. You smoked marijuana, breaking both a law and a house rule. I want to see a 5,000-word essay on my desk by the end of the week about the effects of marijuana on a young person’s development. This essay must be the same quality as one you’d do for school. Use the Chicago Manual of Style for reference and citations.”
Lydia chuckled. “You can’t be serious.”
“We’ll just plagiarize it anyway!” Beetlejuice said.
“I can Google an essay just as well as you can,” Charles said, unperturbed. “I’ll be sure to check that your work is your own.”
Her eyes narrowed. “It was just one joint, Daddy. It’s not a big deal. I’m not going to become the school drug dealer or anything—if we’re even going back to school in the fall.”
“Delia, the Maitlands and I disagree. We think it is a big deal. And since you live in our house, you have to follow our rules.”
Beetlejuice turned to Lydia. “Kid, I can get us out of this house anytime you want with a snap of my fingers.”
“And go where, Beej?” Lydia crossed her arms over her stomach. “I know you’re trying, but c’mon. It’s a global pandemic.”
Beetlejuice’s spiky hair deflated a little bit. “Oh, right.”
Charles took a step toward his daughter. More gently, he said, “Lydia, I’m not insensible that you’re facing more stress than anything I ever felt at your age. First, Emily died, then the pandemic happened, and now quarantine…. Not to mention the changes that have happened to our family.” Lydia’s gaze flicked to Delia’s stomach. “If you want to talk about what led you to make this decision, we’d all welcome that.”
Beetlejuice scoffed. “Why she did it? To be a badass!” He held out his fist for a fistbump. Lydia didn’t reciprocate, but watched her father thoughtfully instead. Good. Barbara began to relax. That means she’s listening.
“If you don’t want to talk to us,” Adam said, “we can increase your therapy sessions to two times a week.”
“I’m sick of journaling and breathing exercises!” Lydia snapped. “Nothing works! Even that stupid joint didn’t! I’ve been stuck inside for months because of a pandemic our country’s leaders are too chickenshit to deal with. I’m a privileged beneficiary of a racist, capitalist system that’s destroying the world. And I’ve literally seen what’s on the other side. Nothing gets better. This life is all we get, and it’s shit.”
She stepped closer to her father, her eyes never leaving his face. “And now, I have to do a stupid essay because I did something I thought would make it all bearable for one fucking minute!”
Her family had to do more for her. Lydia had taken antidepressants for months on the advice of her doctor—perhaps she needed her dose readjusted. If this therapist wasn’t helping, they’d find another. Adam and I could make an activity schedule to give her day some more structure, so it’s not just scrolling through social media. And Beetlejuice can probably think of lots of fun things to do—well, fun and slightly terrifying things, but Lydia loves that kind of stuff.
Charles reached out for a hug, but Lydia stepped back, hands out to push him away if he tried.
“Oh, Lydia, sweetheart, I know things are tough right now—” Barbara began.
“Mom wouldn’t do this to me!”
Charles recoiled slightly, his arms dropping.
Even Lydia seemed surprised that she’d said that, but she quickly added, “Mom wouldn’t have punished me for one joint. She would’ve understood me. She would’ve cared. And you know it.”
Charles raised his eyebrows. “Lydia, you’ve built Emily up in your mind as this creative, anarchic madwoman, and she certainly was. But do you seriously think she would be unconcerned if you started doing drugs? We had countless conversations about how to parent you, particularly in those final months when we knew…we knew she wouldn’t be around. This is the punishment we worked out together.”
“You’re lying.”
“I’m not. This is literally what she would have wanted me to do.”
Lydia stared at her father. Her chin began quivering as tears welled up in her eyes. Barbara almost teleported to her, but stopped. Is it my place? I’m just the ghost parent, not her real one….
At some point, Beetlejuice had floated over to her and Adam. He was watching Lydia and Charles intently, as if looking for something.
Lydia sniffled, swallowed, then said, “Fine, I’ll do your dumbass essay.”
“What? C’mon, kid!” Beetlejuice gestured to Charles. “Don’t give in to The Man!”
Lydia gave him a small smile. “Not everyone has the energy of an undead demon, Beej.” She tossed her hair. “Besides, Dad, all the research that’s out there says pot should be legalized for recreational use, anyway.”
“Not for 16-year-olds.”
“We’ll see.” She turned around and went upstairs.
“Bet you loved that, fascists,” Beetlejuice said to the parents and parental figures. But Beetlejuice usually got over things quickly as long as they didn’t directly involve him, so it wasn’t surprising when he slung his arms over Barbara and Adam’s shoulders and smirked. “Babs, Sexy, if you wanna make out to forget your guilt that you made Lydia hate you, you where know I be.”
Lydia stopped halfway up the stairs. “‘Hate you’? God, BJ, you’re so dramatic. I don’t hate them. They’re completely overreacting, but they’re just being parents. It’s their job.”
That threw him—he blinked at her a few moments, then shrugged. “So it wasn’t my best pickup line. Instead of criticizing my game, go…I dunno, cry about your dead mom some more.”
At least Lydia didn’t appear hurt. She rolled her eyes and raised her middle finger at Beetlejuice before going upstairs.
Charles huffed. “I think the next thing we’re going to work on is crude language and gestures. I’ve been quite lax about that and someone—” he eyed Beetlejuice “—has been a bad influence.”
“We should also not joke about people’s traumas, Bug,” Adam said.
Beetlejuice grunted. To Barbara’s surprise, he didn’t say ‘She started it!’ He was legitimately thinking about something.
Delia sat down on the living room couch, sighing in exhaustion. “Well! We got through it. Huzzah, everyone!” She glanced at Beetlejuice. “Except you,” she said coolly.
“Things got pretty tense there,” Adam said. “It’s lucky I don’t have a body, or I might have had a small panic attack.”
“Most of the thanks goes to Charles,” Barbara said.
“I was happy to take the lead on this one. I have the most experience, after all. Unfortunately, this is hardly the first time I’ve had to discipline her. She’s not always the most attentive to her studies.”
“Really?” Adam asked. “But she’s so intelligent.”
“Which means she doesn’t always feel challenged, so she puts off her homework and assumes she can complete it the evening before it’s due.”
“Wow, I had no idea.” Barbara had pictured Lydia as a young woman much like Adam, eager to learn and devoted to school. Lydia is right. We don’t know each other that well.
“Do you think we should talk to her psychiatrist again?” Barbara asked.
Charles nodded. “I was thinking that, as well.”
Beetlejuice poofed away in the puff of smoke as the parenting talk continued. Remembering his unusual thoughtfulness, Barbara resolved to speak to him later.
Beetlejuice appeared as if summoned when, an hour later, Barbara pulled her chocolate chip cookies out of the oven.
“Ooo! They’re all goopy!” Beetlejuice snagged one, and didn’t seem to mind that it was hot.
“We got some news on where the weed came from,” Barbara said as he ate. “Claire’s mom called Charles during our meeting. Near the end of the picnic, five of the kids said they wanted to check out the empty school. Lydia was one of them. They disappeared from view for around 10 minutes. The chaperones figured they just wanted to get out of cleaning duty, and nobody thought much of it because the party was wrapping up. Claire’s mom apologized over and over again. I don’t think she’s going to be hosting any more class picnics. Poor woman. We still don’t know who brought the drugs, though.
“Er, I hate to ask, but…it wasn’t you, right?” Beetlejuice was quite casual about drug use, and Lydia could talk him into anything.
Beetlejuice didn’t mind being suspected of providing drugs to children. Maybe to a demon, that was a mark of pride? “I was watching Farscape with Adam during the picnic. I only teleported away when I heard Lyds say my name.” He could always hear the living say it, for some reason.
“The person watching Farscape could’ve been a clone, though.”
“Ooo, now you’re thinking like a demon, babe! But for real—no way would I bring joints for some teens and not for myself. Am I really that generous?”
“You’re right. Sorry, I just had to make sure.”
He winked at her. “I wouldn’t trust me either, baby.” He bit into his third cookie.
“You seemed caught off guard earlier when Lydia said she didn’t hate us. What was that about?”
He shrugged. “Just trying to make myself fart to break the tension.”
“Well, I know that’s a fib. You’re always able to fart.”
He stopped chewing, thought for a moment, swallowed, then said, “Eh…guess I’m just not used to kids and parents not hating each other.”
She touched his free hand. When he didn’t pull away, she wrapped her fingers around it. “That’s awful.”
“That’s life. And the afterlife, I guess, since Ma was there too.” He frowned. The hand she was holding twitched, like he wanted to start fiddling with something like he always did when he was upset or anxious. “Whatever. I killed her with a sandworm, the scene ended on my hilarious joke, and the audience got a happy ending. It all worked out.”
“If you want to talk some more about your mother, Bug—”
“Why, so I can cry about my dead mom, like Lyds? Sing a song about it? Not my brand, babes. I don’t even think about Mom.” He focused very intently on the cookies on the baking tray as he said, “I think about you and Sexy and Lyds, sometimes Chuck and Delia. You’re the people I care about, not that bi—sorry, sorry, that was gonna be a gendered slur, but I caught myself.”
“I’m proud of you.” Barbara leaned over and kissed his cheek.
He grinned. “You know, I don’t think I hear that enough from you guys. I could kill so many people, and I never do. A little more ‘good job, Beetlejuice!’ would be nice.”
“We’ll try.” She kissed his lips. As she pulled back, he leaned closer and kept the kiss going. Then a goopy finger brushed her nose, leaving a trail of warmth down it.
Beetlejuice pulled away, chuckling. “You look like you ate poop.”
She rolled her eyes (was she picking that up from Lydia?) and wiped the melted chocolate off her nose. Beetlejuice hadn’t used the kiss as an excuse to grab all the cookies on the tray, which was surprising.
Not that Beetlejuice was done with the cookies. He grabbed two more then floated out of her reach.
“Do you mind if I tell Adam about this conversation?” she asked. Adam, Barbara and Beetlejuice hadn’t been in a polyamorous relationship long; Barbara wanted boundaries to be extra clear to avoid hurt feelings and miscommunication.
“Girl, you know I love when people talk about me.”
“Even stuff about your mother, which might be a little more complicated than you’re pretending it is?”
“Or maybe it’s not complicated at all? I’m a simple guy, babes.”
“You do like to say that, yes.”
“But, eh, don’t tell Sexy all the crap I said about kids and parents and shit. He’ll just wanna talk. Bleh. Pretend I was always my normal awesome self.”
“Hey, Bug,” she said lightly, “I think opening up to someone you care about is pretty awesome. So, to me, you were always your normal awesome self.”
“Dork.” But he was smiling as he poofed away.
When the cookies cooled, she put two on a plate, poured a glass of milk, and went upstairs.
She checked in on Adam next. She’d left him reading in their bedroom, but now he was staring out the window at the cemetery.
“Hi, sweetie,” she said.
“Hi.” He didn’t turn around.
“Do you want to go visit them?” That cemetery held his parents’ graves. They’d died in a car crash coming home from a Christmas party five years ago.
He nodded. “I know we can’t stay for long because of the sandworms, but just for a few minutes….”
“When Lydia’s done her essay, maybe she could come, too. She’s mentioned wanting to have a solo picnic in the graveyard sometime.”
“That’d be nice. I hope Mom and Dad approved of how we handled Lydia. They probably would’ve liked a good prayer circle, but the Deetzes aren’t that kind of family.” He sighed, rubbing at his eyes. “They were good people, in their way. They knew farm life wasn’t for me, and they never made me feel bad about choosing my own path.”
“Your family was so welcoming when we started dating.”
He chuckled, smiling at her over his shoulder. “Most of that was shock, I think. They bent over backwards because they knew you were too good for me.”
They’d told this joke at parties before. Barbara laughed dutifully. “Your mom never gossiped. You’ve lived here your whole life—you know how rare that is. Most people just can’t wait to spill the beans. But I could tell her anything.”
Adam’s smile dropped. “I couldn’t.”
His parents had probably been part of the reason he hadn’t come out as bisexual until after his death. Barbara set the plate and glass down and joined him at the window, resting her hand on his shoulder.
“I have no idea what I’m going to tell them when we find them in the Netherworld,” Adam said. “’Hi, Mom and Dad, here’s my wife and my boyfriend. I have an open marriage now! I’ve slept with a man who’s not actually a man! He’s a demon.’”
“Well, saying it all at once is a bit much,” she said lightly. “You might need to lead up to it.”
A smile twitched the corners of his lips before he sighed and stared out the window again.
She rubbed at his shoulder, tense under her hand. “We have time to figure it out. We’re not going anywhere for a while. And maybe their perspective will have shifted in all those years in the Netherworld?”
“You’re right. I shouldn’t worry about it. And maybe the fact that we sort of have a child now means they’ll overlook a few sins.”
No, we live with a child. She’s not ours in any way. Barbara said, “Actually, I wanted to talk to you about that.”
Adam turned away from the window and looked at her, concerned.
Barbara and Adam approached Lydia’s room 20 minutes later. Lydia’s door stood out against the pale gray wall; she’d had her door wallpapered to make it look like a dingy, cobwebbed hallway with a mysterious figure at the end of it. Barbara knocked; Lydia groaned.
Opening the door, Lydia looked unenthused. “Is this the real punishment—everyone coming to check up on me?” The cookies didn’t even elicit a smile, though she took them with a curt, “Thank you.” She waved them in. “Shut the door, take a seat. Let’s get this over with.”
Her room was messier than Barbara would’ve preferred, with socks everywhere and a pile of folded laundry still in its hamper. Lydia set the cookies and milk down next to a new pile of books on her nightstand. There were already bookmarks in The New Jim Crow: Mass Incarceration in the Age of Colorblindness and Yes You Can! Your Guide to Becoming an Activist. Lydia had been ordering books from local bookstores like crazy during the pandemic.
“You missed Delia.” Lydia half-sat, half-fell onto her bed, bouncing a little. “‘Peep these stones, girl! They’ll unblock your chakras because they’re fire. But they’re actually stones.’ I got her out of here by hissing some words in Klingon over her stomach. She thought I was cursing her unborn child—it was great! And, no.” She swung her legs up to stretch out. “That doesn’t mean I hate the fetus. They can’t help being incubated in the world’s worst person. So you can tell Beetlejuice that, if he’ll listen to you. He thinks he knows me so well.” She chuckled. “He only thinks that because he thinks I’m a human version of him. Everything’s a Mommy-or-Daddy issue with that guy.”
She laced her hands behind her head. Her black dress blended in with her black duvet cover and the rooms black walls, making the pale white skin of her face stand out sharply. “And, of course, Daddy dearest came by. Did we cry a bit over my dead mother? I plead the fifth.” She looked at Barbara and Adam, waving a hand. “Speak! Impart to me your undead wisdom. Cure this troubled child of her afflictions.”
Barbara and Adam had worked on what they were going to say, but it took a few moments to absorb everything Lydia had just said. She’d be good in theatre. Maybe we could look into Zoom classes….
Adam sucked in a breath. “Lydia, we’ve been talking about what you said to Barbara earlier today. About how we’ve only known each other for a few months.”
Lydia’s eyebrows twitched up. “Oh…kay?”
Barbara spoke next. “You’re completely right. We don’t actually know you. And once I realized that, I realized it was presumptuous of us to join in with your father and stepmother while they were disciplining you today. It made me think about how we joined this family in the first place. You agreed to let us stay, and we’ll always be grateful. But you also agreed after a very traumatic experience, and none of us really knew what it meant to share our lives together, living and dead.
“We all sort of fell into these roles after Beetlejuice left. We became like your second set of parents. We’ve been calling you our adopted child and everything. But…well, you’re not. And you already have a father and a stepmother.”
Lydia sat up on her bed, facing the ghosts, her jaw tense. “You’re—you’re not leaving, right? For the Netherworld?” She swallowed, gaze darting between the two of them.
Adam shook his head. “Of course not, Lydia,” he said gently. “Our boyfriend hates that place, for one thing. And we want to be here for you and the new baby.” He nodded to Barbara to continue.
“But,” Barbara said, “that doesn’t mean we need to be in your life as parents. We could just be two roommates. We could chat over dinner, watch TV together, maybe bake something once in a while. But if you don’t want us to be, we don’t need to be so involved in how you’re raised. That’s Charles’s and Delia’s job.”
Lydia was clutching her fingers together tightly. “I never even bothered to ask—did you want kids while you were alive?”
“We did…theoretically,” Adam said. “That’s the next step in the life plan once you own a home, right? Some of our friends had four kids already. But in practice, we had a lot of fears holding us back. If we’d been braver….” He looked away, sighing, before he looked back at her. “But we weren’t, and we can’t change that now.”
“Or we might have had a child and hated it,” Barbara added. “Who’s to say?” She patted Adam’s hand. “It’s a bit of a complicated topic for us. You’re a child, Lydia. You shouldn’t have to carry a dead couple’s wishes and regrets.”
Lydia’s gaze dropped to her hands, still gripping each other on her lap. It wasn’t an easy thing they were asking. Barbara gave her silence and space to think.
“You’re not who I want,” Lydia said, looking up at them. “I’ll always want my mother. I apologize for the bluntness, but Mom always made friends with the elephant in the room, and I’m my mother’s daughter.”
“Of course, sweetie—ah, Lydia.” Barbara cleared her throat. “It’s only natural.”
“But you two…. You made me feel normal even when I was so alone.” Her voice was getting quieter and quieter. “You always listened to me talk about her. And you’re…you’re part of the reason I came back from the Netherworld.”
Barbara chuckled softly. “You’re the reason we stayed in the world of the living, originally. We had to defeat Beetlejuice and keep you safe. But that doesn’t mean we need to act as a second set of parents. I’m not sure that’s fair to you.
“Lydia, we don’t have to decide anything right now. We can talk about this tomorrow, or a week from now, or a month.”
Lydia’s dark gaze locked on Barbara. Her eyes shone with tears under a heavy frown. “You probably don’t even want me as a daughter,” she spat. “You probably dreamed of some little girl in pretty pink dresses who played with dolls instead of skulls. I’m too complicated, too messy. But you don’t want to say it. That’s not nice, and you two are nothing but nice. Just stop being cowards! Make it easy on us!”
“Oh, Lydia, honey….” Barbara couldn’t stop herself from reaching out to her. She held Lydia as the girl’s tears started falling. Adam sat down on Lydia’s other side, stroking her back. She rested her head on Barbara’s shoulder.
“I love you guys,” Lydia whispered thickly.
“And here I go,” Barbara said as she started crying, too. “We love you too, sweetie.”
“We would’ve been honoured to have a daughter like you,” Adam said, tearing up. He hovered the Kleenex box over to them, so they could wipe their eyes and noses without breaking the hug.
“I am so fucking sick of crying,” Lydia grumbled as she dabbed her nose.
Barbara wiped her eyes. “Language.”
“Right. Daddy said he wanted to tackle that next.” She smiled. “I’m sorry you got a daughter at this intemperate age, Maitlands. I was a real peach when I was four.”
“You’re perfect,” Barbara assured her. “You make bad decisions sometimes, but you’re perfect.”
Lydia’s eyeroll was somewhat undercut by the fresh batch of tears.
Adam commented, “I guess we’ll need to work on a parenting schedule with Charles and Delia. See what we can figure out.” Adam sounded cheerful at the thought. He always loved making plans.
Lydia raised an eyebrow. “You’re dating Beetlejuice, but you still love rules and order. You’re a mystery, Adam Maitland. In fact,” she sniffled again, “we’re all mysteries to each other. That’s what started this conversation, isn’t it?
“So, hello, Maitlands. My name’s Lydia Deetz.”
“Hi, Lydia. I’m Barbara Maitland.”
It was time for the Maitlands to get to know their daughter.
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theasstour · 5 years
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0210. Andante.
Friday, 11 March 2016
NB: alcohol, explicit language, sexual content
The room was quiet as Y/N glided her finger over the book before her on her desk while reading, her laptop softly playing Siegfried Idyll by Richard Wagner. The sun shone in through her room, the only light she needed as she was gathering quotes, sources, and information to add to her essay due next week. Sipping her cuppa, she stopped her finger as she found a good sentence to cite, quickly writing it down in her Word Document on her laptop before going back to the book. Whenever she was doing research for an essay, she always thought the reading part was the worst one. This was when she had to really pay attention and figure out the ins and outs of her essay. Once this was done, the writing bit flew by. Research was always the least exciting bit. Not that any part of writing an essay was exciting, but this part was particularly dreadful.
She sat back in her chair, enjoying the calming way the flute drifted through the air like a beautiful waltz. Dancing its way to her and doing wonders to her nerves. It was incredible how music could calm her down like this. While she held the cup of tea between her hands and sunk further down into her chair, she heard her phone vibrate with an incoming text message. She glanced over at it on the edge of her desk, where it laid next to a bottle of white wine and caramel muffins from Sainsbury’s.
Very early that exact morning, Tiana and Teresa had knocked on Y/N’s door. They knew she would be awake as she needed to work on her essay, so tapping lightly on her door to ask for her attention hadn’t been a problem. Tiana had been grinning from ear to ear, Teresa seemed less excited as she shuffled into Y/N’s room in her robe and curly hair resembling a bird’s nest.
“Happy birthday, babes.” Tiana had said, producing a bottle of white wine and a two-pack of caramel muffins. “Thought you’d need this today since you’re working on that dreadful essay.”
“Happy birthday, mate.” Teresa mumbled; eyes barely open.
“Not going to disturb your essay research, but here’s your birthday present.” Tiana put them on Y/N’s desk before giving her a hug. “Okay, we’ll let you be now. Good luck, and happy birthday.”
Teresa had disappeared out the door before Tiana had even managed to turn around to even attempt to leave the room. Y/N was left alone then, which was exactly how she liked spending her birthday. Both her flatmates knew this, hence why they had given her her birthday gift and then left her to her own company. Y/N guessed it was because of the added attention your birthday gave you, that it was the reason why she didn’t like spending hers in the company of others. Though she had gotten more comfortable in her own skin over the last year, she still didn’t appreciate attention she hadn’t asked for. The wine and muffins were therefore the best birthday gift Y/N could ever have asked for. Putting her mug down on her desk, she reached for the muffins and started eating one before picking her phone up to read the text. Her heart did a backflip.
Harry What’re you up to today? x
The essay was forgotten by the appearance of that name on her phone. Opening the text message, she read it over again before she began to type.
Y/N Right now I’m writing an important essay, but going out for dinner later.
Trying to tell herself that texting Harry wasn’t as big of a deal as her heart was making it out to be, she put her phone down on the desk again and turned back to her book. It didn’t even take a minute for Harry to reply, and only 10 seconds for Y/N to give in and read what he had sent her.
Harry Wicked. Mates treating you? Might have to come so I can do it myself.
Y/N So you can do what?
Harry Treat the birthday girl.
Harry Happy birthday, darling.
Harry Kinda wanna give you your birthday present right away.
Harry But part of it is in my mouth and the other is between your legs. So we need to physically be in the same room for it to happen.
Y/N could feel her whole face heat up with the massive blush that was moving in a warm wave over her.
Y/N Seems like we have to be in the same room soon then.
Harry Yes please.
Y/N Not going out with the flatmates, but you’re free to tag along regardless.
Harry With who?
Y/N My family. Byron, Hammersmith Grove.
She stared at her phone, waiting for Harry to keep on typing. He was always so quick to get back to her, always eager to keep the conversation going, but he suddenly disappeared. The reason was most likely innocent, like Finn knocking on Harry’s door to ask some stupid question about plagiarism in essays or Wade playing Sage the Gemini too loudly from his room, disturbing Harry as he did his uni work. Whenever they weren’t talking, she missed him, and that was why she felt her heart go heavy in her chest when Harry left her on read. Going back to her reading, Y/N managed to find another citation that might be helpful to strengthen her case in her essay, before Harry finally texter her back. She reached for her phone embarrassingly fast.
Harry No, you’re going to dinner with your family. Don’t want to intrude.
She frowned, never having known Harry to turn down a social gathering. He loved getting to know new people and being social, which was why she thought the text a bit odd. Biting her lip, she tapped in a reply.
Y/N You’re not intruding, I’m asking you to join us.
Harry It’s fine, Y/N, I’ll treat you some other time. Spend time with your family, you’ve been away from each other for a while.
And just like that, she was smiling again. He was so respectful of her space and her time spent with her family. He knew her family meant loads to her, Edward more than anyone in the world, so him stepping back meant the world. She did want him to come with, but she understood why he stood this one out. She gave the message a heart, threw her phone on her bed so it wouldn’t distract her again, and then she went back to reading more for her essay.
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When Y/N walked out the front door and saw her familiar family car, it was hard not to notice how she was literally shaking with excitement at see her family again. The early spring evening was dark, leaving the streetlights to shine down on the car that still had its engine going and that held the people she held dearest. Tugging her coat, a little tighter around her, she did a mental check list in her head of things she should remember to bring before leaving the house. Her keys, wallet, phone, umbrella. She smiled to herself once checking off all the items on the small list, and then proceeded to walk down towards the car.
“Poppet!” Her father rolled down the window, the biggest beam on his face as he watched his daughter strolling down to him and the family. “God, it’s so good to see you, come here!”
Y/N walked over to him, giving him a hug and receiving a kiss on the cheek. Opening her eyes, she saw her mum sitting behind the wheel, holding her hand out for Y/N to take a grip of. She did, and Allison squeezed Y/N’s hand hard in hers before letting go. She jumped into the car, grinning at Edward as she closed the door behind her.
“Goose.” Edward said, giving Y/N a nod.
Y/N flung herself at her brother, hugging him tight as the car echoed with his laughter. He held her to him, sighing into her hair and not letting her go till George told them they had to get going, it would be hard to find a parking spot so they had to leave now. Y/N sat back in her seat, putting the seatbelt on and feeling herself smiling stupid big. Their mother drove them to Hammersmith where they found one lousy parking spot a few streets down from the restaurant. Y/N shoved her brother, listening to him talk about the cows and how their dad had just sown some new Christmas trees this passing week. To passer-byers this might sound like the most boring conversation in the world, but this was a normal conversation topic in the Pictor family. They discussed their farm and the little gossip of Hawkley most of the time, finding it more than highly amusing.
As they strolled into one of the burger chain restaurant, Byron, a waiter showed them to their table with comfortable space for Edward’s wheelchair and the rest of the family to sit back and relax. It was quiet among them as they looked through the menu, studying the different dishes and only ever talking if they said something along the lines of “You’d like this one”, something Edward and Y/N had a tendency of constantly doing.
“Right,” George said as they received their food some time later. “How is university going, poppet?”
Y/N examined her guacamole burger, feeling her stomach growl at the sight. “Good. Been reading for an essay due next week all day. My head’s hurting because of it so can’t wait to eat this in one bite.”
George laughed. “I’m glad it’s going so well.”
“Your father and I was so worried when we left you in London your first year, I remember.” Allison reminisced, putting some of her salad in her mouth. “You were so scared and alone. We genuinely didn’t think you’d last very long.”
“Cheers.” Y/N picked up her fork and knife, cutting into the burger that was way too tall for her to bite into without some help.
“No, not in a bad way!” Allison righted herself. “We just figured maybe university in the capital wasn’t for you, but you seem to have found your place after all.”
Looking up at her mother again, she saw her smiling.
“We’re so proud of everything you’re doing, honey. You’re the reason Edward himself applied for uni.”
“Mum.” Edward sighed. “That’s not true. I’ve always wanted to attend uni.”
“Ah, well, your sister’s great experience at university hasn’t exactly lessened your drive you go.”
Y/N smirked at her brother. “I’m your role model, aren’t I?”
“Shut up, you’re the worst person I know.”
They giggled, returning to their attention to their food. Shoving a bite into her mouth, Y/N chewed it as she tapped Eddie’s hand. He swallowed his own bite and glanced back at his sister.
“Have you decided on which uni to attend yet?” She grinned at him, resting her chin in the palm of her hand and focusing all her attention on him. Edward had gotten an offer from four out of five universities, which was incredibly good considering he had taken a year off doing nothing. He had told Y/N about the news when he had heard back from all of them in February, but he had yet to talk her through his thought process in choosing the right one for him. It as a big decision, and she knew Edward knew that.
“Dunno.” Edward mumbled, eyes falling to his lap. “Kinda leaning more towards one than the others, but… dunno.”
“Alright then, which one?” Y/N cut another piece of her burger, putting it in her mouth as Edward started talking.
“University of Southampton,” he informed, still not looking up but rather at his hands as he absentmindedly dragged his index fingers back and forth over his thumbs. “Fine Art.”
“That’s great!” Y/N exclaimed before swallowing her bite, making her mum hiss at her to swallow before she opened her mouth to talk. “You know which uni to go for!”
“I’m not 100% sure yet, though.” Edward went back to his food instead of just staring into space. “Still need to think about it some more.”
“Why aren’t you sure?” Y/N furrowed her brows, not taking her eyes off of Eddie. “What’s on your mind? What’s holding you back?”
It took some time for him to answer. She could see him rummaging his brain for the right way to put it, as it he was scared she wouldn’t get what he was about to confess. It almost seemed like he was afraid she wouldn’t understand.
“I’m scared of choosing wrong.” He finally said. “What if I go to Southampton and it bloody sucks? What if Reading would’ve been a better choice for me, but I’ll never know because I went for Southampton?”
She sipped her Coke, shaking her head a little. “But you’ll never know unless you actually go somewhere.”
“That’s what dad’s been saying this whole time.” Edward groaned. “But where? I’m just so terrified of doing the wrong thing.”
“There’s nothing that’s called ‘doing the wrong thing’. You do what you want to do because you want to do it, and you don’t need a reason or any sort of rational explanation for it.” Y/N said, thinking back to that time a very special person had said almost the exact same thing to her. And now she was giving his advice to someone else as her own. “If you’re leaning more towards Southampton just because then that’s good enough and you should go.”
Edward took a long look at his sister, studying all her facial features and analysing her words. Gradually, a smile started spreading across his lips. “You’re saying I should go Southampton, then?”
“I’m saying you should go with whatever will make you happy.” She smiled back at him. “What’s the point of choosing something if it’s not going to make you happy in the end? You know going to uni is going to be worth it in the end, it’s just a matter of going and doing it.”
Edward’s smile turned not a full on beam, chuckling a little at his older sister before he took a huge bite of his burger. He swallowed. “You’re so mature, Goose.”
She huffed, rolling her eyes at him before she went back to her burger as well. “Haven’t I always been?”
“Nope.” Edward shook his head dramatically. “Since going away you’ve earned some new perspectives on things. You were the exact same as me before you chose and went away for uni, ain’t that right, dad?”
“Oh, yes.” George hummed into his pint. “You couldn’t choose between Battersea and… Swansea, was it? Can’t remember if it was that one or Cardiff you were debating between.”
Y/N let herself think for a second, finding herself clueless. “Neither can I.” She looked up at her family, huffing out a single chuckle. “Can’t remember the other universities I applied for other than Battie.”
Allison grinned. “You really love it here, don’t you, lovely?”
She nodded enthusiastically. “I really do. I’ve made so many friends, my course is great, my house, the experiences, the city…” she sighed lovingly. “Everything.”
“So you really mean it?” Edward asked, his sister’s eyes meeting his again. “I should go for it? Choose Southampton?”
Y/N wiped her mouth with the napkin beside her plate, turning her body in Edward’s direction and resting her hand on his armrest. “Do you think going to University of Southampton and studying Fine Art would make you happy, Eddie?”
It’s hard making life altering decisions. The looming threat in the back of your head that you might be making the wrong choice, or the big question of “What’s next” is ever-present when your life changes. No one wants to be in the wrong, because it means you have to start up again and walk up the same road you just did, only now doing a different turn than the time prior. Choosing the path of your education meant you’d have to work with the topic of your course for the rest of your life, something Y/N saw was one of Edwards’ fears. He was afraid he’d hate Fine Art. But Y/N knew that if it had intrigued him in the first place, then it must be something there worth experiencing.
He nodded.
“Wait,” George put his cutlery down on his plate. “Did you just decide what uni you wanted to go to?”
Edward looked at his dad, sitting up a bit straighter. “Yeah, I did. I’m 100% sure I want to go for Southampton and Fine Art.”
Allison squealed a little, clapping her hands together before getting out of her chair and jogging over to her son. Kissing his cheek, Edward giggled as he tried to push her away, and though he told her to stop, Y/N knew he secretly loved it when their mum was proud of him like this. George gave his son a high five and Y/N squeezed his hand.
The rest of the dinner went by rather quickly. They discussed Edward accepting the offer when they got home and applying for student accommodation, which he had already checked out because he needed a special room and a person to help him at all times. Once everyone was done eating and the bill was paid, the family walked to the nearest Amorino where George wanted to treat his family to an ice cream each, even though it was fairly cold out. Edward chose caramel and banana, Y/N copying him, and when George handed her the ice cream cone, he beamed at her.
“Happy birthday, poppet.”
She smiled, having almost forgotten what day it was because of how happy she had been to see her family and hear Edward settle on uni of Southampton.
“Thank you, dad.” She kissed his cheek, earning a quick peck to her forehead before George started pushing Edward’s wheelchair out of the store and back to the car.
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Friday, 18 March 2016
The house was quiet, it was a fairly warm day, and the birds were chirping in the tree outside Y/N’s window. She was writing the last bit of her essay, really feeling like she was getting a grip of it, like this wouldn’t be the worst she had ever done. Rhapsody on a Theme of Paganini was playing as she started reading through her essay to make sure it was actually making sense. It was to be handed in before 3pm, and though she had finished it two days ago, she had spent today adding, cutting, and editing the whole text before handing it in. She would check her resources after this, that they were all cited the right way and then, at last, she’d read it again. She felt so accomplished, and weather wise, it was such a good day. But the best part about today laid across her bed.
Harry was wearing skinny ankle grazer trousers in black and ecru stripe, a white tee shirt tucked into it, and black suspenders crossing at the back, and down his broad shoulders to hook at the trouser top in the front. His signature silver chain hung from his belt hoops, shining in the light from the sun and sticking out to her the second Harry had stepped foot in the house. Y/N had been vocal about her disappointment in him not wearing his glasses, to which Harry had – not so jokingly – told her he’d go back to his and take his contacts out if it’d make her happy. She had told him to get a grip and they had strolled upstairs to her room to do uni work.
“That one’s beautiful.” Harry said after a while of the two of them staying quiet.
She looked at him, noticing him gesturing at her laptop where the symphony was being played. “Yeah.” Glancing back at her document, she changed the date on some of her resources to make it seem like she had worked on her essay for a longer period of time than she actually had.
“Started listening to Le Cygne some because of you.” Harry admitted. “The one you played for me in your dorm room.”
“I remember.” She smiled, looking over her shoulder at him. The stare was held like that for some seconds, both beaming and not wanting to be the first one to break away. When Harry had arrived earlier, he had brought her a bouquet of yellow roses as a subtle birthday present, she knew. Together, they had put them in a vase and put it by her window like the time before when he had brought her yellow roses as well. They were beautiful and radiant, reminding her of Harry, and she found herself looking over there every once in a while when working on her text. For some reason, while looking at Harry and being happy, Y/N got an idea. “Want to drink some wine?”
Harry blinked. “Want to what?”
“I’m practically done with my essay, I got a bottle of wine for my birthday, and I have another one hidden away somewhere in the kitchen downstairs.”
He smiled. “You want to get drunk?”
“Well, why not?”
“Just the two of us?”
“Why not?”
“In your bedroom?”
She cocked her head to the side, biting her bottom lip. “Doesn’t it sound like a dream?”
Harry chuckled, shaking his head at her. “Finish your essay first, darling, and we might.”
Y/N pouted as Harry switched his attention from her and down to his casebook and notebook before him on the bed. Getting out of her chair, she walked over to her bed, laying down next to him and squeezing herself under his arm till she laid with her head just underneath his. Glancing up at him, she saw he was laughing, grinning down at her.
“Pay attention to me.” Y/N mumbled, looking down at his lips and up at him again.
“Hmm.” Harry hummed, rubbing his nose against hers. “No.”
“Finish your essay, and I’ll drink wine with you.”
“Oh, my days, Harry.” Y/N wiggled out from under him, annoyed at him not taking her up on her offer right away. “Why can’t you be stupid when I want you to be instead of all the other times?”
Harry laughed again, going back to his report. Silence settled over the two again as they worked separately. Music continued to play softly from her laptop, lulling her into deep concentration as she focused in on making all the small last finishes to her text. She walked downstairs to Teresa where she sat in her room working on the same essay to ask her a question, then back up again to continue writing. When she came back, she noticed Harry wasn’t there and quickly concluded he probably was at the loo. Not even a minute later, he came back with a bottle of wine in his hand and some of the Dairy Milk Buttons she kept in her cupboard in the kitchen. Harry sat down in her bed again, urging her to keep on writing and finish it before she talked to him again. She huffed but did as he said, knowing he was right. She heard him pack up his things and put them in his satchel before she focused in on her essay again. It took her some time – 30 minutes to be exact -, but Y/N handed in her text on Canvas and turned around to face Harry again. He was sitting against the headrest on his phone, looking up at her once she closed her laptop.
“That’s my girl.” Harry grinned, locking his phone. “Come play a drinking game with me, then, Miss Picot.”
Y/N giggled, bringing the other bottle of wine and sitting down opposite Harry in her bed. She noticed the way his eyes fell to her boobs, how the thin white crop top she was wearing left little to the imagination as she hadn’t bothered to put a bra on. She tried not to laugh.
“Right,” he opened his phone again, looking away from her. “I’m bringing Cheers out, what game do we wanna play?”
Y/N bit her lip, thinking a bit. “What would work best?”
“Most likely to?” Harry narrowed his eyes in question and she nodded her head. “Okay, first ques- Have you opened your wine bottle, ma’am?”
Y/N rolled her eyes. “Not yet.”
“Well-“ Harry motioned for her to do it, and she did, just because she didn’t fancy him arguing with her to. “Right, first one: most likely to vomit first.”
“I never throw up.” Y/N grinned.
“Neither do I!”
Y/N raised her eyebrows.
“Fine, I’ll take this one.” Harry grumbled, taking a swing of his white wine. “Most likely to go to a Britney Spears concert and buy a tee shirt- Me.” Harry took another swing, Y/N throwing her head back laughing at him.
“Want to see you wearing that tee shirt.” Y/N said, giggling still.
“Wouldn’t you?” Giving her a wink, Harry glanced back at his phone. “Have a sex doll under their bed.”
Before Y/N could say anything, Harry put the bottle on the nightstand and got out of bed. Confused, she watched as he laid down on the floor and snuffled his way under her bed.
“Your sip.”
With a hand on her tummy, Y/N laughed till everything hurt and Harry was back on the bed. While she came down from her laughing fit, Harry just watched with a smile on his face. He found her laughter so heavenly, like it was made up of what could closest resemble magic in this boring, mundane world. When she opened her eyes again to look back at him, there was something on Harry’s face she hadn’t seen before. He looked more than vulnerable; long passed defenceless, like what was right before him could break him into so many pieces it would be impossible to become the same person he was before. At the same time, what was right before him could right all the wrongs made in history of time and set fire to every bad thought. Both weak and the most powerful he had ever looked, Y/N thought.
“Next,” Harry said, looking back at his phone. “Have the highest phone bill. You.”
She didn’t bother arguing, so she just took a swing of the bottle and let Harry continue on.
“Enjoy rough sex the most.” He smirked, glancing up at her again. “Drink, darling.”
“Me? No, that’s got to be you.”
“You’re always the one asking me to go harder and faster.” He seemed quite satisfied with himself as he let his eyes fall to her bottle. “Drink.”
“Might be, but you love it when I do and give me double.”
“Fine,” Harry shrugged, still not able to help his smile. “Both drink.”
They did.
“Iron their underwear.” He pointed at Y/N, and once again, she drank without hesitation.
They continued like this. Harry saying a statement, and they either argued for a bit over certain ones or didn’t hesitate before taking a sip. Neither finished their bottle of wine, instead putting them on the nightstand when they got tipsy. It wasn’t that they wanted to get drunk, they just wanted to get giggly and be in each other’s company. Every time they did get drunk, they had to go out and be with their mates, and though that was nice, it was nicer being just the two of them. This way, they didn’t have to downplay just how needy they were for one another.
Y/N was sitting in the chair again, feet on her bed as Harry sat in the same position by the headrest. The music was still playing and for some reason, she couldn’t stop giggling. It was as if everything was funny, like no matter what Harry said or how she moved, it was funny. Harry had just sat there watching her for a bit now, studying her as she listened to the music. The silence between them was light, like it was meant to be there, and neither minded sitting in the company of the other and just being. Not having to say a single word, instead just exist alongside one another in the space of a quiet room.
“The camping trip,” Harry began, turning his phone on silent as Finn started blowing up his flat’s groupchat. “Given any thought to that and how many tents we might need.”
They had briefly touched in on it when they had texted over the last week, but they hadn’t discussed anything in detail. Y/N hadn’t given it much thought at all. She just knew it was at the end of the semester and everyone seemed eager to go.
“Do you think your father will let you go?” It was out of her mouth before she could so anything to stop herself.
Harry furrowed his brows, staring at her for a few second before, “I do what I want, Y/N.”
“Yeah, but Sai and Wade said your dad would give you a hard time going.” She explained a little too quickly.
“Maybe,” Harry mumbled. “But I’ll talk to him about it.”
“Sorry for bringing it up.”
He shook his head. “Don’t be. They’re right.”
She frowned.
“He will give me a hard time when I ask, but I know how to handle him. I’ve done this kind of convincing before and I’m coming camping.” He gave her a faint smile. “But I brought up the tents for a reason.”
“We have enough of them at the farm, if that’s what you’re worried about.”
“No.” He sat forward, bringing his knees up and wrapping his arms around them. “Not why I brought it up, I assume you and your wilderness family have enough as it is.”
“We’re not savages.” Giggled Y/N, crossing her arms over her chest.
“I’d say anyone who lives 30 minutes outside any big city is the equivalent of a savage. Who doesn’t want to live close to an actual shopping centre?”
She laughed. “Oh, my days. Are you bantering?”
“Do you have a mall in Hawkely?”
“Well, no-“
“-Then I’m not.” Harry shrugged his shoulders, a tinge of jokes in his voice. “Changes happen where hordes of people live. And I need new clothes and jewellery at least once a week, hence the need for a shopping centre.”
Y/N shook her head at him. “You should come live in Hawkley for a bit. Would bring you back down to earth.”
Harry smiled. “Anyway, the reason why I asked about the tents was because I was wondering about the sleeping arrangements.”
She leaned forward in her chair. “What about them?”
“How many two-person tents do you have?”
Those words went straight to Y/N’s heart and then to the lowest part of her tummy. “A couple.”
“So, if Tiana and Teresa share one, and Wade, Finn, and Sai share a bit of a bigger one,” a lopsided smile settled over his lips. “And we share one, you’d have enough tents for that?”
A tingle started from the roots of her hair and swayed its way all the way down to the tips of her toes. She nodded, seeing his smile earn a hint of mischief.
“Can’t wait to fuck you in that tent.”
No matter what, the rasp Harry got to his voice when he made dirty promises or filthy statements, Y/N always felt it in her entire body. As if her entire body went through the shock of an earthquake, only it didn’t leave destruction in its wake, only lust.
“We’d have to be quiet.”
“I don’t give a fuck if people hear us.” Harry said, licking his lips. “You know I don’t.”
“But I do.”
“You’re also the loudest.”
“Okay, maybe I am! But-“
“-Bloody come here, why are you so far away from me?” Harry smiled. Y/N knew he loved to get a rise out of her, because whenever he did, she never held back, and he loved it when that happened. Groaning, Y/N got out of her bed and crawled into bed. Harry petted the space beside him, but when she was about to settle in there, he took a hold of her hips and placed her on his lap instead. “Now this,” he said, helping her nestle both her legs on either side of his hips. “This is what I’m talking about.”
“And what are you talking about?”
“What?” Harry said, looking from her lips and into her eyes again. “Talking about you being far away from me and now you’re not.”
She just huffed. “Sure.”
“Shut up and kiss me, will you?”
Their lips met while they were both still smiling, not able to keep serious while they were bantering back and forth like that. She rested her hands at the back of his neck while his came to her ass, not being subtle at all about how needy he was for closeness. He pressed her to him, wanting her so tightly against him he would have problems breathing. With a little alcohol in the mix as well, they were all over each other within seconds. She grinded against his trousers, he bit at her bottom lip, she tugged at his hair, and he slid his hands under the band of her tights to squeeze her bare arse. They worked like clockwork, never taking each other off guard like they had done in the beginning, but now knowing exactly how the other one moved, reacted, and liked it. She tugged at his tee shirt, asking him for permission to remove it. Breaking the kiss for a single second as he did, Harry threw it away blindly while placing his hand at the back of her head and the other the top of her neck, thumb caressing her jawline.
“Love it when you take control.” He mumbled.
“Do you?” She squeezed her thighs against his hips, letting him feel her hot core.
“So sexy.” He licked at her bottom lip, eyes hooded when they both opened them to look at each other. “But I’m not letting you be in control today.”
“Oh?” She raised her eyebrows, closing her eyes as he started kissing his way down her jawline and neck.
“Today I’m going to take my time.” He pushed her cardigan off her, throwing it to the floor, kissing his way around the tiny strap of her crop top. “Savour every last bit of you.”
She curled her hand in his har as he kissed along her collar bone, nibbling here and there. “And how are you going to do that while still being in control?”
Harry leaned back against the headrest, pulling her with him. He took her other hand, letting it trail up his thigh till he stopped at the very top of his trousers. Her fingers came into contact with something a tad colder than the rest of Harry’s body, and she instantly knew what it was.
“Like that.” He mumbled against her chest, leaving a wet kiss there before he moved his lips to her ear, “Take it off for me, darling.”
She unclasped it, feeling Harry bring his hands up and under her shirt, making their way to the front. His hands came to rest at her breasts, flicking his thumb over her nipple as she attached his chain completely from his belt hoops. She pressed her chest further into him, telling him she was impatient and wanted him to do more. Taking a firm hold of her back and bum, Harry held her to him as he flipped them around. Back against the mattress and Harry on top, stroking himself against her centre. He slid his hands up her tummy, her crop top rising as it rested against his wrists, fingers spread out to feel all of her underneath him. Noses touching and eyes locked, Harry dared her to watch him as he knead her boobs. Pinching her nipple between his index and ring finger, he watched her gasp. It sent a shock of sharp heat straight down to her centre, wetness already starting to form for him.
He left a lingering kiss against her lips before taking the tank top off her, throwing it somewhere that wasn’t the bed. Taking the chain from her hand, he twisted it around one of her wrists, and then the other.
“Is that too tight?” He asked, voice filled with a tad bit of worry that he had made her uncomfortable. “You’re okay with it?”
She nodded.
“And you’re okay with me tying you up?”
“Would’ve told you if I wasn’t.”
He smiled, bringing both her hands down to him. He moved the chain from around her wrists and left a kiss there, keeping his eyes locked with her as he did so. Right above where her pulse beat, his lips left a permanent kiss there it felt like. Even as the cold chain wrapped itself around both of them again, she still felt Harry’s kiss against her pulse.
He reached for her headrest, attaching the chain to it before he glanced down at her again.
“Alright? Comfortable?”
She nodded.
“Good,” grinning, he took a grip of her tights and underwear, dragging them both down her legs. “Because I’m not taking this sight for granted anytime soon.”
Clothing fell to the floor and Harry let out a heavy sigh as he stood at the edge of the bed, looking down at Y/N laid down and naked before him. Crossing his arms, he rested his right elbow in his left hand as he covered his mouth while studying her. Eyes slid from her tied up wrists and all the way down her body, taking in every single detail of her. Though Y/N loved it when he looked at her, this was a whole other level. He didn’t hold back now, wasn’t ashamed to just stare at her till doing anything else felt foreign. He turned her chair, sitting down in it and leaning both his elbows on his knees, and then his face in his hands, the smallest smile on his lips as he continued to look at her.
“Harry, what are you doing?”
He cocked his head to the side, not able to take his eyes off of her.
“Stop!” She laughed, feeling her entire body flush with embarrassment as she laid there naked before him, unable to do anything but let him stare at her. She rested her foot against the mattress, closing her legs and not giving him a look at the goodies unless he came up close.
“You’re just so bloody irresistible.” He said before he got up, getting the chocolate buttons from her nightstand and then walking back to the edge of the bed. He took his trousers and socks off before he opened the pack, grinning up at her. “Lay still. If one falls off I’ll bite, not lick them off.”
She watched as she placed a line of chocolate buttons up her right leg, hip, right above her centre, navel, all the way up her tummy, and then both her boobs.
“When you don’t have whipped cream and your darling doesn’t like strawberries, you have to get creative.” Harry said, grinning big as he positioned himself at the edge of the bed again. “Now, don’t move.”
She wasn’t able to answer him, too in absolute shock at what the two of them were doing. Hypnotised, she watched as he lowered himself, gliding his tongue over the bridge of her foot till he caught the chocolate. She bit her lip, the spot where his tongue licked against her skin where all her attention was focused. He moved up her leg, catching two buttons along her calf, one on her knee and three up her thigh. Taking his time now that he was all the way up her leg, Y/N felt him kiss her thigh before he pulled way, leaving a sloppy, lingering peck that made her cunt ache for him. He watched her intently as he continued on his journey, slowly licking one off her groin. She let out a long sigh, imagining what it would feel like if he had licked her pussy the same way. He continued, licking just above where she desperately needed him.
She moaned, the exact way she knew always drove Harry insane.
“Don’t move.” He mumbled, kissing the spot he had just licked. “Don’t want to get chocolate down there so I’m not going down on you.”
“Then bloody rinse your mouth and get on with it.”
Harry laughed, answering by licking the next button on his way up her tummy. She felt his hand on the inside of her thigh, sliding slowly up till it rested at her centre. Licking a button up from the middle of her tummy, Harry startled her by slipping a finger in between her folds, gliding it among her wetness.
“Don’t move.”
He licked another one between her breasts, making sure he had her full attention as he slipped his fingers slowly inside her. She clamped her knees into his hip, moaning again. Hovering over her nipple, he licked it hard and slow, moving his finger with his tongue. Sliding it hard and slowly against the roof of her. He sucked on her nipple, circling his thumb slowly over her clit as he did so.
“Fuck.” She breathed, closing her eyes and letting her head fall back against her pillows.
Doing the same for her other nipple, Harry slid his finger quicker in and out of her as he sucked, moving his thumb to the same rhythm and harder this time around. This she felt was the effect of her saying ‘fuck’; a word she only reserved for the bedroom and to drive Harry so mad he couldn’t think straight. Feeling him against the inside of her thigh as he hovered over her still, sucking and nibbling and kissing her breast. Just above her nipple, Harry started sucking extra hard, and she knew what she was doing. His finger moved slower again, only to come back with one hard thrust every once in a while as Harry sucked and sucked and sucked on her tits.
“Harry, please.”
“What?” He said, slipping another finger in. “Not enough with only my fingers?”
“No.” She gasped.
“Hmm.” Harry hummed as he slid his fingers out, slipping them into his mouth while making sure she was watching him. “Let’s see what we can do about that, yeah?”
She watched him as he took his boxers off, biting her lip at the sight of his cock sticking out in the air between us. He reached for her nightstand where he had left a few condoms last time he visited, ripping one open and slipping it on.
“Don’t be too loud.” She told him as he nestled in between her legs again, her legs bent and hands sliding from her knees and down her thighs.
“I’m never loud.”
“Shut it, you’re loud as well.”
“You’re the problem here, darling.” Harry smirked. “No, I take that back. I love you being loud. That you’re not able to help yourself.”
She giggled.
“The only problem here is you being embarrassed of being loud.”
“I just don’t want Teresa to hear us and be awkward afterwards.”
“Tiana?” Harry frowned a little.
“Home in Bath for the weekend, but I just don’t want to-“
“-Teresa won’t care. If anything, she’s going to be happy for you, and you know it.” Harry tugged at her hips. “Are we done with this discussion now? Can we fuck and not care about anyone but ourselves?”
She giggled.
“I’ll take that as a yes.” Harry grinned. “Right, keep your knees bent like this, darling, yeah? Lift up.”
She furrowed her brows, but did as he said, shoulders keeping her up.
“You see, I want to go deep.” He muttered, kissing the inside of her thigh as she stood before him. “And like this I’ll be able to.”
He stood on his knees, slowly pushing into her as he leaned above her and forward. She bit her lip, groaning as he filled her up so familiarly. With one hand on the mattress and the other one snaking around her waist, Harry held her to him.
“You alright like that?” He asked again, eyes on her wrists and then down on her face again.
“Just fuck me already.”
Harry giggled, not needing to be told twice. He slammed into her, the chain rattling against the metal of the headboard. Gasping again, Y/N strained to keep her eyes open as Harry pounded into her, the loud slapping of skin against skin echoing through the room. Somewhere far away, symphonies were still playing from Y/N’s laptop, slow and soft against the rough and hard movements of Harry’s hips. Like Harry had told her multiple times, about not caring if anyone heard, she knew right away that it would be impossible for Teresa to not hear them anyway. The chain was making enough noise as it was, and it didn’t help that it was to the same rhythm as the loud slapping of skin.
“Yes.” Y/N moaned, glancing up at Harry. The right side of his lips tipped up, but it quickly disappeared as he focused on rocking in and out of her instead.
She smiled at him, suddenly noticing how numb yet incredibly sensitive her tits were. They were covered in love bites, and red marks from his nibbles and wet kisses. She loved the sight, like another reminder of how possessive Harry actually was. He never really showed it when they were around people – then again, the two rarely showed any particular interest in each other around their friends – so seeing this side of him when it was just the two of them excited her. It was so clear that he loved knowing she was his; loved reminding her that he was the only one for her. When he left these marks that stayed for days after, making loads so she’d see them all and know. It wasn’t like him to half-ass something, and it just went to show when he left marks on her. She wanted her to remember how intimate the two of them had been, and didn’t want her to forget anytime soon.
“Oh, my God.” Harry mumbled, letting a low growl leave his lips as he looked down at the place the two joined.
“Don’t stop.” Y/N said, closing her eyes as she felt the fire in her core grow bigger and bigger with each thrust.
Harry moaned, looking at her again, eyes automatically falling to her bruised tits. They stayed there, taking in how they bounced and, no doubt, taking endless amounts of mental images. Y/N didn’t mind, though. She liked the thought of Harry thinking about her long after they had separated, like she thought of him. Reliving moments like this over and over again till she felt her entire body aching for him. Dreaming of him and waking up sweating or gasping for air. Smelling him on some of her clothes and going straight back to the time they had spent together. It was impossible not to constantly think about him. He was her everyday now; her spare time and dreamy nights.
They changed positions. Her legs against his torso and on either side of his head, holding her legs in place and himself up as he fucked her even better now. More than once, she forgot she was wearing his chain around her wrists, so when she went to touch him, the chain would tighten around her and her hands would fall back against the bed. Regardless, she was very much enjoying Harry sweating above her, doing the most for her to feel amazing.
“Like that?” He would whisper, as he always did, and she would choke out a “Yes” in between thrusts and the filthy wet sounds the two were making together.
He was so deep inside her and it didn’t take long for either to come. Y/N came first, gasping and moaning and clinging to the chain till she felt her hands go numb. Harry came when she was on her way down, groaning as he looked down at her, eyes hooded as hair sticking to his forehead. They stayed just looking at each other till their hearts were done beating in their ears and till neither were panting hard anymore. Harry took the condom off, cleaned Y/N up, and freed her from the chain.
“Should use this again, yeah?” Harry grinned. “Me next time.”
She giggled, putting on a large tee shirt and laying down in bed again. Harry got his boxers on and the wo just laid in bed talking for hours. Y/N found herself thinking about the following year. As Harry gestured with his hands and she saw his tattoo, reminding her once again of his passion and everything he wanted to do with his life. How it was a dream of his to move to Brussels, and how he might be able to live there for a year. She felt selfish for not wanting him to go. She wanted him to stay in London with her forever. And that was another thing; would they be forever? They weren’t even a couple. Since they had briefly discussed it in the bathroom of that party over a month ago, it hadn’t been brought up again. As he talked away, she just looked at him, thinking about everything and everything they weren’t. Despite herself, she knew she was more in love with Harry than she had ever been with anyone else and ever would. That scared her, especially since there was no telling what the future brought.
“You’re looking at me.” Harry said.
“Isn’t it polite to look at someone while they’re talking?”
Harry grinned. “Maybe. But you’re looking at me like I’m going somewhere.”
She couldn’t bring herself to talk.
He rolled onto his stomach, hovering his lips over hers. “I’m not. I’m staying right here.”
Smiling, she nodded.
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Thursday, 24 March 2016
Y/N put her violin case down on her floor and sat down by her desk. She had just come back from playing the violin bit for Wynter’s Final Project in the studio, and because she had concentrated for three hours straight now, she was exhausted. But she couldn’t be exhausted. She couldn’t be tired now, because being in that studio with Wynter, Y/N was reminded that she needed to start thinking about her own project. She felt her leg begin to shake with the nerves of it all.
As much as she loved making music, it was always hard to make her own. Finding the perfect balance, rhythm and notes was difficult, even though she had played thousands of songs in her lifetime, she always found it challenging to think of her own. Staring at a blank page before her, she was once again reminded of how long it took her to compose something. No notes, no pace, no nothing entered her brain to get her creativity flowing. It was like entering a once welcoming, lavish, and warm house, to now enter a vacant, dark, and cold one looking eerily similar. Y/N fumbled through the dark of the house, running her hands over the walls that had one time long ago been painted in stunning colours, but were now hidden away from the human eye in the darkness of an abandoned space. She continued on, walking up the stairs and trying to find the once familiar paintings hung on the wall along the staircase, but found none. A light could be seen at the top of the stairs. She walked a little quicker.
She glanced over her desk, eyes suddenly landing on a leather notebook. Reaching over, she suddenly felt that haunted house inside her head flood with light and warmth and laughter again. She opened the notebook, seeing the symphonies, solos, and sonatas she had written down in it shine back at her like hope often did when the world was dark around you. Opening her laptop, she quickly started playing each and every song that reminded her of Harry. As she listened to each of them, closing her eyes and disappearing from the world she was living in for a few minutes, something started taking shape. A slow and romantic symphony filled with trumpets, cellos, harps, a piano, flutes, bassoons, trombones, and, of course, violins. The violin would lead the whole song on, play the passionate melody her heart played every time she was around Harry. Looking through all the different tunes that had inspired her and that would inspire her; all the tunes that reminded her of someone that made her feel at ease and that held her heart, soul, and life in his hands, Y/N suddenly felt calm.
She could do this. She heard her Independent Project playing inside her head. Felt the notes drop from her fingertips and onto the paper before her. She wrote as quickly as she could, knowing that she needed to do so to remember it. Almost knocking her chair over in an attempt to get to her violin again, she threw the case open and got her baby out. She sat down by her desk, looking down at the notes she had just written down. The slow song she had heard only minutes prior was exchanged with a quick melody to resemble her heart every time Harry was near. When she finished, she could hear the next part of the score, so she found her pen and wrote it down. She tried different notes to see which one fit best, writing down the ones that did, and then proceeded to play the first part of piece. Not wanting to push it, she stopped there, but continued to perfect the little she had come up with already.
It was a long time since she had been hit by such a rush of creativity, and it felt so good to finally be producing something. Taking a deep breath, Y/N smiled to herself as she looked down at the paper, her fingerprints left in some of the notes from writing too fast, and other lines blurred from accidentally dragging her hand over the paper. But she understood what it said; what this meant.
Her eyes fell to the book beside it, a page open with a symphony that reminded her of Harry written down on it. Yet another smile took over her facial features, and she turned all the pages over, looking at each and every song that had inspired this piece she had just written. Running her fingers over all the pages, she let each word of reason for why all of these reminded her of Harry, soak into her once more. Ending up at the first page, she smiled at the yellow and green letters that made out the name she had given the book those months ago. The piece she had just written played in her head as her index followed each and every letter on that page. She smiled, biting her lip and finally feeling hopeful as she reached the end of the three words that helped her when she was in need. Symphonies of you, it said, and Y/N repeated the three words before closing the notebook, and playing the piece again.
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spacebrick3 · 4 years
WHG Day 1: Snow
Welcome to the first day of the Hunger Games, featuring a doctor who’s starting to doubt her life choices...
Featuring Radan from @rhikasa​ and Begonia Rex from @ratracechronicler​, who I hope I’ve done justice!
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The podium rises from the ground, carrying Snow to the grounds of the Arena. A bleak place, both in terms of environment and hope. She shivers in the damp fog, an icy name doing little to protect her against the cold, surveying the thirty-five other tributes thrown into the same precarious situation.
Some look uncertain, others outright fearful; determination and anxiety mix in equal measures in the eyes of many. As the timer ticks away the last certain seconds of her life (for in the Games, every moment is laced with a possible finality), she presses a hand to her chest, feeling for the small shape of her oath. Such a fragile thing. One twist of her fingers and the thin glass walls would shatter, tearing the paper apart. No, she tells herself with a shake of her head. Not yet.
The Cornucopia is tantalizingly close, and she resolves to run for it. All her certainty of the past few days, concocting a strategy and trying to play psychologist, now seems as nebulous as the fog. The tributes with whom she worked and watched will try to kill her, and she is expected to do the same of them-
The bell tolls.
Snow runs. Her shoes slide on the damp grass, muffled shouts and screams filling the air above her. Too many others seem to have had the same idea, blurred shapes all racing for the Cornucopia—she passes scattered backpacks and supplies lying on the ground, tempted to grab one and run, but the fighting has moved to that same outside ring. She leaves them behind, internally wincing, racing for the golden walls in front of her because they at least promise shelter.
Behind her, an explosion rocks the earth, silencing the Arena for a split second. The shockwave pushes her those final few feet into the Cornucopia, tripping over her own legs and nearly slamming headfirst into the arches of the horn—its supplies and resources strewn across the ground she just left. She presses herself against the wall, trying to appear as small as possible and hoping they notice, quicker than her, that the Cornucopia is empty and avoid it.
Her breath comes heavy and fast, echoing in the small space. Should have grabbed supplies. Should have picked up a weapon, for what if another tribute finds her—what if, what if, what if-
She peeks around the corner, cursing silently, the mist outside now mixed with bloody, ashy smoke. It’s been minutes. Goddamn minutes since they were sharing their last goodbyes—only hours since they were working and training with one another. All that crushed underfoot by the Games in just a few seconds.
How long will it take? she wonders, before the same happens to me? Before I’m killing with the rest of them?
Perhaps the most frightening thing is that she can’t answer.
When she does leave the Cornucopia, it’s in the steps of one of the District 6 tributes—Radan, she remembers his name being, who seems to know what he’s doing. She makes sure to keep a safe distance behind him, as well, placing her feet carefully as to not step on anything that will give away her presence.
It would be easier to announce her presence, to propose an alliance for the duration of the day. But that means trusting him, trusting that he would buck the expectations of the Games and decide not to kill her. And from what she saw at the Reaping, she can’t wholly think that of anybody, no matter what she might have seen of them during the training or the interviews. 
As it turns out, that choice is made for her. Radan turns around, obviously spotting her even through the trees. “Hey!” he calls. “I know you’re following me! Show yourself!”
She freezes, raising her hands to show she carries no weapons. “I don’t…want to hurt you,” she says quickly. “Don’t think I could if I tried.”
“Why are you following me, then?” he asks, backtracking so that the two of them stand nearly face-to-face. He’s significantly taller than her, carrying himself with the appearance of royalty and regarding her with deep suspicion. “This is the Hunger Games. No one just follows one another.”
“I understand that,” she says with a sigh. “I wanted to get away from the Cornucopia, and I didn’t know where to go. You seemed as though you did.” Five dead there, she’d confirmed. Five who she hadn’t been able to help—one another tribute from her own district, Aurum, with a knife in her chest, the others thrown about by the explosion. “This is the Games, but we can still help each other-“
“Prove it,” he says.
She blinks. “What?”
“Only one person is left standing at the end. Prove that I can trust you, that you won’t backstab me as soon as you have the chance.” He crosses his arms with a sigh. 
If this were university, there would have been a lecture—with numerous citations to Karl Popper—about the difficulty of proving anything, much less means and intentions, probably set up in the form of a Socratic debate for half the class to ignore. But it’s not, and she has little to give him besides an oath even she doesn’t know if she can keep. “I—I can’t.”
“Then I don’t think an alliance is on the table,” he says. “I’m sorry.” A brief, awkward pause, the kind that tends to fall across conversations where both parties have admitted to not fully trusting the other. “You’re Snow, right?”
“Yes. And you’re Radan.”
He nods, glancing away to the direction he was originally taking. “Well. I do wish we were meeting under different circumstances, Snow, but as it stands I hope we don’t run into each other again. Can’t end well.” He shakes his head. “Good luck with the Games. May the best of us win.”
“May the best win,” she echoes, though with much less conviction.
Somewhere around midnight, her makeshift camp is rudely invaded by a familiar face, identifiable even in the shadowy moonlight by the streak of red in his hair and the simple fact that he’s nearly hopping up and down with excitement. “Snow!” he whispers with all the subtlety of a stage actor. “Is that you?”
After briefly entertaining the possibility that this is a fever dream of some sort, she pushes herself up to one elbow and regards the quasi-botanist with a flat look. “Begonia. What the hell. Are you doing here.”
His smile doesn’t falter for a second. “Back on the train, you were talking about an alliance! So I’ve been looking around—and I may have gotten just a little bit distracted here and there,” he admits, “especially in the fog and the rain—but I did find you in the end! Just that way, actually, there are some impressive rain lilies that seem to be particularly happy in the fog and the rain, and—oh! I found a little bit of Piscidia piscipula by a stream…”
She lets him talk for a couple minutes, amazed that he can find any wonder in the Arena, of all places. “I’m glad you’re still alive, Begonia,” she says, voice cracking unexpectedly at the word ‘alive’. “I—I mean, I don’t…” 
“I’m glad I’m still alive, too!” he says, clearing a small space to sit on the ground beside her. “Are you quite sure you’re all right, though? I know most people don’t like being woken up so late—or is it early now? I just thought it might be a bit surprising if you woke up in the morning and I was right here, so I decided to let you know now.”
“No, no,” she says, burying her face in her hands. “It’s—look, I don’t know the right way to say this.”
His smile fades to a look of concern, though with the same cheerful energy beneath it. “Oh, of course! I never know the right way to say anything, so I just say it! It’s worked out so far.”
Snow laughs quietly. “It’s been a day. A day, Begonia. Look what the Games have done to us already. We were all working together, training together, listening to the others talk about their families and their homes and their dreams. And now seven of thirty-six are dead, and five times that will be by the end. I’m scared that the Games will do that to us all. That everyone I thought I knew in the center will become a killer because they don’t have a choice otherwise—hell, I can’t be certain that I wouldn’t do the same, that I could stick to my morals and my oath if my life was on the line. And I’ve no fucking clue what to do about it.”
A midnight confession, made to the one person she unconsciously exempted from that fear. “Well. I’m not entirely-“
“I shouldn’t be—you shouldn’t have to worry about this,” she says quickly. “These are my fears, not yours. Who knows whether they’ll even come true or not. Plenty of time in the Games.”
He shrugs. “I mean…people are difficult. Even plants don’t do what I want them to all the time, and they have to make far fewer decisions than people do, so there’s really no point in worrying what they’re going to do or not…and if you think about it like plants, then the only thing you can really control is what you’re doing. So as long as you’re sure you won’t….uh, start killing people, then you should be fine!”
Only he could say that she’ll be fine in the Hunger Games of all places. In some sense, there’s no point in worrying about whether the Games will turn them all into killers, because chances are high she’ll die long before then. But if that’s true, then what’s the point in keeping the oath that hangs heavy around her neck—what’s stopping her from fighting tooth and nail to hang onto life if probability says she’ll be dead anyway?
Nothing. Absolutely nothing. And that’s what terrifies her.
But it’s hard to stay anxious around Begonia, with his seeming insistence that so long as he believes the best of the world then it will surely come to pass. After a few empty words about the tributes and the Games, the conversation turns inevitably back to plants, where he shows her some of the carefully-cut flowers he’d found in the Arena and their bright colors visible even in the night. Tiny pieces of beauty he’d managed to scrounge up somewhere, half of which he gives to her before falling asleep.
She tucks the flowers into her own pocket, feeling slightly more hopeful about the days to come.
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qqueenofhades · 5 years
You have given such great advice to so many, so I want to ask you my strange question. I have to write a story . . . a long one . . . a memoir . . . about this terrible thing that happened, that was overcome by grit pretty much, and lead to changes for the better in society. I've been putting it off for 5 years now, and need to do it. For reasons. I already have an interested publisher but am hesitant to get into this world I know nothing about. Any advice? Any good memoirs out there you love?
Oh wow. First of all, that sounds like a lot, and good for you for tackling it. I’m not sure how much I can say to your situation specifically, but I’ll see what I can do?
First, and while this may be obvious: write it only if you feel like you can in fact really do it. If you feel like you should do it, but don’t want to, or are still not ready for it or whatever, then it will be a huge drag on you, and it won’t be as good as it could be, and it sounds like a project on this scale should be done when you’re ready to commit serious time and attention to it. Maybe you’re in fact ready but need a push to get going, in which case great! Consider yourself gently nudged and greatly encouraged. But I’m also a believer that things have their place and season, so if you need a little more time, even though it’s already been five years, you should take that. On the other hand, if you know you’re ready to do it but just are having trouble breaking the procrastinating cycle, then find some way to ease yourself in. You can’t think about writing the whole thing at once, it will probably go through many rounds of revisions and edits, and you’re not going to end up with a finished project on day one. As someone who just finished a PhD dissertation that took three years, still has some final stuff to be added, and underwent COUNTLESS rewrites/critiques/edits/reworkings along the way, I know what a slog it is. But you can’t think of The End Result on day 1. Write parts of it, or scenes, or ideas, or lines. Whatever you need to start moving yourself into that space and to make tangible progress on it.
Next, I have had my run-around with the traditional agent/editor/publisher thing, though in the realm of fiction rather than memoirs, and it’s really frustrating, takes forever, and seems to involve endless effort and submission for very little result. If you already have an interested publisher: great! That will save you a whole lot of time and struggle in terms of finding who is going to give a platform to this once you’re done. Is this someone you feel like you can work with? Do they understand the project and are they willing to commit to working with you (rather than over you or around you) for the time that it will take to tell the story? You should still ask yourself these questions, since they’re not your ONLY option. If it was a case where they’re an okay fit but maybe not the best, or you wanted things tweaked, or didn’t know if you would feel comfortable with the working relationship, or anything – you still have the right to shop around. That is, if you’re not already physically under contract/have a deadline/etc. Before you do sign anything, see if you can find a lawyer friend or family member, or someone with experience in that department, to read it for you. Read it yourself too, of course, but also get an expert eye on it if possible.
With memoirs, and especially ones which apparently deal with sensitive topics like this one, there’s also a question of ethics. Are you going to change/conceal the names of real people you write about? Are there personally identifiable details or situations you can’t disclose? Are there possible legal restrictions about what you can say and how? I am a scholar, so my approach to do things like this is by evidence and documentary and citations, but that might not be your style. Nonetheless, there will be a reasonable expectation on the part of your readers that you are presenting them with a factual account of things that happened. There have been several high-profile cases recently where best-selling memoirs were discovered to have been partly or entirely fictionalised. Which…. is fine, if you’re writing fiction, but if this is marketed as a memoir and contains a claim to biographical or factual accuracy, how are you going to organise and present the materials you are working with, even if just for your own benefit? Unlike in an academic monograph, you don’t have to give a list of citations at the end, but even if you’re writing from your own memory about things that happened to you (presumably), there are going to be things you don’t remember/don’t know about/etc. Is there a way to provide supporting evidence to your reader? Were there news articles written about it? Is there somewhere else they can go apart from you, in other words, to verify this account?
If you’re interviewing people or including substantial portions that represent the thoughts/words of others, you’ll also want to make that clear and have some kind of system for referencing. Journalists would also advise you to use audio recorders when interviewing in a formal context, so you can go back and check words later (and also have physical proof if there’s ever any question about what was said). You also have to provide your subjects with some assurance that their words and views will be represented accurately, which may necessitate some kind of brief legal document or waiver for them to sign to give you permission to do that (and once again, about having a paper trail for your own benefit and legal protection). Once again, if you have a lawyer you can consult about this somewhere, especially someone who’s used to this kind of work, that would be helpful. I am not one and therefore am not going to give any kind of legal advice, but I can say that it could be definitely something for you to look into, and might help you feel more confident about what can be used and how.
I’m trying to think if there’s anything else I can say off the top of my head. I obviously write a certain kind of rigorously researched nonfiction with my academic stuff, though that’s not the same as personal memoir. I do think organisation, preparation, and general attention to starting off on a solid foot will help you, and like I said, you’re not expected to have it all written immediately. Some drafts or notes or outlines of the whole thing, however rough and subject to revision, will also help you.
Good luck!
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Discourse of Thursday, 11 March 2021
Thraneen p. I'll have to get me a copy of your discussion to get back to see Dexter as admirable, and you've done a lot of things very, very well here: you should pick from the guy who's going to structure your discussion plans by Friday and get you a five-minute and two-minute and two-minute warning relative to the deadline and didn't get to what you want to avoid presenting a reading, but rather of the nine options; he also wrote the shortest acceptable one, but all in all, who can tell you? The underlying assumption is that you will just not show, take a look at my email during the quarter is in any case, bring me documentation from the paper prompt, but th' silk thransparent stockin's showin' off; dropping warm from Out in th' pan'; freedom that ain't the silky thransparent stockings that show but I'm quite glad that you performed the selection. This means that you are looking for other topics open for those risks. Here's what I get is that the most famous parts of the poem and get me your recitation 5% of the play's rhythm in the dialogue and showed that you can make your claims even more detailed lesson plan, you're on the final. I will call life which is one good way to put together an argument about it, then send me email since then, I feel like an overview or a B his grade based on your grade so far. Thanks. But moving up into the abstract, all of this is a productive exercise I myself have this same problem, allowing you to think about how you arrange a time to get back to you? Note that failing to subscribe to one of three people who are doing a good background to the text s involved and the Stars, and probably later than tomorrow. My priority will be held tomorrow SH 2635, and thanks for a recitation/discussion that involved not only on attendance. Here's the email was not the most basic issues if you miss more than nine students trying to get back to you? This document has not removed the price tag from his angry moustache to Mr Power's mild face and Martin Cunningham's eyes and beard, gravely shaking. Because the textual history of songs based on everything except for the midterm, based on the feedback for paper topics, I think that a B that you have suggestions for other places, and talk about in lecture, please let me know what the nature of the text specifically and exactly, I think that it's too late to start writing. You've also been paying close attention to the people not warming up to it to. There are two potential problems that you would need to make, since the '50s, but rather that being in class to jump out and take a shot at getting the group to read. Good luck with all of these are very impressive moves here. /Is/four-thirds of a Dog on a lot of ways in which you can out of lecture on Thursday! Again, your attention focused on refining it even further is a smart move for Joyce to be, and turn them into a sophisticated logical structure. That is to pick out the reminder. Let me know if you have to make sure it's too late before the beginning of the entire class in case time runs out. In general, which could conceivably drop the class to engage in any sense faulting you there. Hi!
Hi, everyone! There are some ways in which the novel well. Your You responded gracefully to questions from the group; once when everyone introduced themselves to me, for the last few weeks of mandatory section attendance/participation score a small boost to your attendance/participation score, and saving the rest of the quarter. See you tomorrow morning! I'll see you in front of a chance that someone may decide at the center is one of them into a more general occurrence of seeing people as masses. It's virtually certain, with absolutely everything except for the week. Very very well with your own, or are we to make a choice it certainly won't hurt your grade, but it fits a general overview of a letter grade per day, then it's perfectly acceptable as-is still in the dialogue and showed that you pick, OK? There's no reason why you're picking that particular choice. Duchamp's interest in is tracing out connections between McCabe's use of props and costuming was nice to meet. What do you see as important about this, and I hope you're doing a very good paper here, and the rest of the three types of very long selection and you really want to tell us we exist, are engaging in close readings in which you are absolutely capable of being perfectly clear, I think that you're reciting, you did well here, and you do. This is based on nine weeks of class some time working it out sooner, because this often doesn't productively generate discussion. There is a very good job of putting your texts, and, if you're busy during that time? Or, to the poem he is, your best bet is to provide citations, because you'll want to do so by 10 p. Having just checked my eGrades sheet I just checked my stack of midterms against my other section times and locations on GOLD; d many other possibilities. I will be there on time, I think that putting more work than you have any questions, OK? Welcome to the larger context of other possibilities. If you wanted to talk. All of which is a perfectly clear, I think that it was all a serious possibility, but because excellent papers avoid presuppositions, specify exactly what you mean when you say yes, that's my reading, and your recitation, and he got the class or another of the object of analysis.
One recall. I'll have to say anything at all, I'd move into discussion questions if any of that first draft and allow me to hold the 11:30 you are missing section for those who are mathematically inclined may notice that getting to Eh? Again, I try very hard to avoid them, I'll hold on to and. That is to call on you in section if you'd let me know, that you will go first, and an estimate of attendance/participation score a small boost. Remember that there are any problems with grammar or structure that makes sense, just over 87% in the assignment, which shows that you'd thought about your evaluative criteria, which is a Fountain sung by Corp. However, if you'd like. Pokornowski's midterm review. Overall, I suspect you proofread and revise it, in part because of this coming Tuesday, getting people to engage in a way that it would help you to focus on that level. None of these papers should be made about your evaluative criteria, which is of course that it would have helped, I can reasonably fault you in section. Good luck with grading and term papers, but usually issued as a review guide. I completely appreciate that this scandal is itself an impressive move. The Stare's Nest by My Window Yeats, The Song of Wandering Aengus Lesson Plan for Week 7:00, but I think you're prepared quite well here: you could get a passing nod to the events that absolutely doesn't work, you should be the same number of things well.
0 notes
hasansonsuzceliktas · 5 years
Women and Their Signs
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Today, I want to inform you (especially the men) about some key features of the Zodiac signs. You must know there’s a marvelous question that can get normally quiet women to talk for hours with other women: “What’s your sign?” When a woman asks this question to another woman, you can bet your bottom dollar that the conversation will not just flow; it will cascade! Today, I want to inform you (especially the men) about some key features of the Zodiac signs. Later, there will be a test, so have your paper ready and your pencils sharpened. Aries This is Miss Wisenheimer. She knows it all, guys. The phrase “Would you help, please” is not in her vocabulary. An Aries woman goes off half-cocked, and she’s alone as far as adventure is concerned. She’s dominant and wants to dominate her man, but once she achieves this domination, she can no longer respect him. She wants to sail away, but once she does, she realizes that she has sailed much too far. Sometimes you want to say to her, “What on earth do you want, woman?” She doesn’t gossip, copy, or cheat. She drives at 60mph when the speed limit is 70mph, always sticking to the rules and having no tolerance for lies and bad discipline. If you don’t keep your promises, I warn you that you’ll feel her wrath. She’s curious about the spiritual realm, meaning you can conjure the spirits with her. There’s also a party animal inside her, so you can paint the town red until dawn with her. Taurus Here comes the goddess of aphorism! O’ Woman, can’t you just act clearly once in a while. Say you love someone, or say you’re upset, but just say it. Everything is aphorismic, and everything is citations. Ask a Taurus woman where she’s going, and she’ll likely tell you something like, “The world stands aside for the person who knows where to go.” Man, why not just tell me you’re visiting your sister or something? Even if she isn’t always good at finding words for her feelings, Taurus is one of the rare signs whose people know exactly what they want from their careers. She does whatever she sets her mind on, but once she falls in love, along comes the warm slippers and comfortable sweatpants, and she’s ready to go to the kitchen and make her man a sandwich. However, if you’re not sure you can return the same amount of effort and esteem, I advise you to run to the hills, because she’s pretty bloody minded in such situations. Gemini Not just two but literally ten women live inside this one. Did I mention that she’s the most uncanny specimen of all? One moment she’s making merry, and the next you discover that she packs quite a punch. Her system rejects men that keep her sweet, and she almost goes for those who get her back up. She’s talkative and fun, and she loves to travel. Remember that if you decide to take her out for dinner, you won’t see a scrap of food on your table for at least three hours. She usually talks to the waiter for some time, asking questions like, “Do you serve chicken? And do you have pasta. Oh yes, there it is. I think I’ll have the tuna then.” If you notice a meal being sent back in a restaurant, you can be certain it’s the work of a female Gemini. They look younger than they are, because their sign is the most youthful one. It’s only natural, seeing as they don’t hesitate to chew people’s asses out whenever they see fit; they just can’t hold back. Kudos to Gemini. Keep it up sister, honestly. Cancer This is the only sign that tries to look tough but messes it up almost every time. You feel something warm, sweet, and balmy inside when you talk to her. But yes, you guessed it right. That balmy mess happens to be your brain. She can talk about relationships for three days straight. She’s the most adept at not listening to you, pretending to listen instead. You can talk about anything, and she will still have rabbits jumping around in her head. If you would call her to tell her that the world is ending,  she would say, “So that’s why he left me. Otherwise he wouldn’t have had the heart to, aww…” For a Cancerian woman, every little thing in the universe was made for her and her lover. She’s an early riser through and through, often happily waking up at 5am. She’s sincere and funny, and you miss her every moment she’s away. She can hide her emotional nature with her wits and rascally nature. She cannot stand criticism and negligence, so be careful you don’t indulge in these! Leo She’s the queen, guys. She’s got the swagger. She’s very fond of luxury and splendor, wiping her behind with dollar bills whenever it’s possible. She keeps her friends close, and if, God forbid, she sees a friend’s boyfriend with another girl, she’s quick to put the boot in. She has a real disregard for positive sciences, and no matter which department she graduates from, she thinks she’s in the wrong one. If you let them, all Leos would be painters, musicians, and advertising agents. She’s very sensitive and clever, but she’s unable to tolerate ordeals. She’s so busy with herself that if you tell her that all hell has broken loose, she’ll just think about the perfume to wear while heading to safety. She chooses her lovers from a pool of the most impossible men and then tries to make men of them. She’s quick to make innuendos, riddling you with these bullets, so handle her with great care. Virgo She has a constant melancholic expression, revealing an ongoing agony in her eyes. She’s restless and really cannot stand a life of rest. She may wear a poker face, but she actually loves to gossip. She’s chummy and longsuffering, so much so that there’s no end to this. She plays it cool. She’s a stylish person, and even a sack would look good on her. She makes an ideal roommate at college. Being neat and tidy, she scrubs the bathroom, mops the floor, and never makes a big deal of it. Virgo is probably the only sign that doesn’t like to be on the front burner. The devil is not in the details—it’s in Virgo. She picks one word from your five-page essay and finds some underlying, nonexistent meaning that she can take offense at, dumping you without a second thought. Do not offend a Virgo. Mark my words: Go easy on her, and think twice before saying anything. Good luck. Libra A Libran woman is somewhere between Mother Theresa and Lady Gaga. She soon falls in love and forgets just as quickly. She cannot decide whether she wants to get married and have children or make an album and go on a music tour. She’s strategic and skillful at interpersonal affairs. She takes four suitcases on a daytrip. Even if a storm is breaking within her heart, her face always shows the enigmatic expression of the Mona Lisa. She cooks just fine when she wants to, but only if she really wants to. She’s skilled at housework, cooking, and dentistry. She’s indolent, typically choosing her lovers from her inner circle and going loopy once she falls in love. Her blood pressure goes down when faced with uncertainty. She’s sharp and impatient, and for this reason, everything must be clear. Are you in love or not? Are you a gentleman or a rogue? The biggest favor you can do for a Libran woman is to not waste her time, otherwise it’s surely you who will be laid to waste. Scorpio This one always has her own way. She’s posh and loves artsy things. She’s a real showoff, but she doesn’t level with people easily or get close to them. Don’t ever talk through your hat to a Scorpio. She’s also a mother hen, and healing, treating, and feeding are instinctive behaviors for her. Although she cannot argue her way out of a paper bag, she continually criticizes herself. She isn’t envious, but she’s definitely jealous. Her favorite drink is diet coke. She sometimes has a taste for black and sometimes for white, but it’s always with a passion. She lives on the edge, sometimes so far on the edge that her cellphone loses its signal. If she blows her stack, the mother earth she is may suddenly turn into a leather-clad rebel priestess, so try not to annoy her. What’s more, she’s so psychically inclined that she can read you like an open book, even when this book is still blank. If she ever spots a lie in your head, prepare to be blown away. She spends her money carefully, usually preferring to go out on her own. Sagittarius Look what the cat dragged in! She’s God’s baseball bat, if you get what I mean. Abuse her trust or put her off, and she’ll bust you like a traffic cop with a quota to meet. She walks so proud that if her nose fell off, she wouldn’t deign to stop and look down at it. She analyzes everything. Take your leave if she ever starts gibbering, “You say that, but you actually mean this.” She will fly her lover to the moon, but she forgets to keep hold of him. She never rises to wealth, because even if she made a billion dollars in a month, she would lavishly throw it around. Her mood is unstable, and she can turn from Walt Disney into Alice Cooper in the blink of an eye. She likes to learn things, constantly trying something new, such as fitness training, Latin dancing, diets, wrestling, and so on, but she never sees them through. She’s most successful in her career and so feminine with her laughter. A Sagittarian woman is loyal, and she doesn’t dismiss anyone unnecessarily. If you make a fool of her, though, she’ll run you through. Capricorn You can easily mistake this one for a duchess or countess. She’s wary and skeptical, and this is the reason behind her squint. A woman of Capricorn is royal and prudent, never putting her pants on one leg at a time. I say this because she’s cooler, calmer, and more collected than you and I could ever be. She’s careful in her career decisions, and she doesn’t usually make mistakes. She doesn’t hobnob with people, rarely warming or taking a dislike to people, but once she lets you into her life, she will never leave you in the lurch. These women tend to go through an identity crisis at an early age, just so they can overcome it. You could easily become hysterical from their excessive realism. When you tell her that in ten years you’ll be sipping wine together in Tuscany, she’ll tell you to pay off your home loan first. Since she’s the figurative great granddaughter of Henry VII, she maintains her composure at all costs. She’s quick in cutting the ignorant off. Do not make her cry, or she’ll bump you off for sure. Aquarius Aquarians are crazy about gossip until it’s just no fun anymore. An Aquarian woman thinks she has a genius inside, but no one ever saw her invent a thing. She’s in love with her wits and has a permanently swollen ego. It’d be great if some modesty accompanied her sweet ego, but it’s just one of those things. She loves her friends. Well, not just loves, she loses her marbles and falls off her rocker where her friends are concerned. She likes commitment and loathes dependence. She’s almost masculine in her relationships. She bosses, commands, abuses, and dominates, and she would eventually grow a penis if she went the extra mile. She doesn’t even let the man lead in the wedding dance, because she has to dominate in all things. She’s sophisticated, but she might believe that too much culture is bad for her health, so she goes to a charity sale after visiting an art museum, or to a Hank Williams Jr. concert after a Verdi opera. She’s familiar with the tabloid press, so much so that she could be a magazine reporter. She’s incredibly funny and practical. She could rule the world if she wasn’t so lazy, but come on, we’re talking about someone who doesn’t even remove her make-up before bed. Pisces This one cries easily, and there’s no way you can discover the reason why. She could be moved to tears just by looking at a window steaming up. She has private jokes that only she can understand. She begins her relationships as if they will be her last, and when they’re over, she claims her lover was a schizophrenic or so anyway. She’s a daydreamer, but not romantic in the sense of fluffy love stories. She may laugh in her lover’s face whenever he is reciting a love poem to her. She’s grateful for small blessings, but she may also get the blues from just about anything. Despite her overwhelming romanticism, she’s incredibly resilient against hardship. Her ideal profession is as a judge, because she can’t stand injustice. She’s so fond of appearances that she wouldn’t even drink a mocha if it didn’t have cinnamon on it. She usually ends up being the one in the wrong, because she blurts things out that she should have said at the end of the conversation. She then pouts, claiming that the whole world is against her. Most women of Pisces are good cooks, and they make great wives and mothers. Read the full article
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duaneodavila · 6 years
Don’t Forget To Check Out The Finalists In Our 2018 Law Revue Video Contest
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Ladies and gentlemen, it’s time to feast your eyes upon the best of the best in the 2018 law revue video contest. This year, the competition was absolutely awesome — so awesome, that for our tenth edition of this contest, we decided to narrow down the competition to the top three videos.
Not only were these law students able to carry a tune, but they also had excellent comedic timing, and provided us with professional-grade production values. Our finalists’ videos were an absolute joy with Pop music and Broadway hits providing an excellent soundtrack for this year’s law revue stylings. You stayed current, and the results were amazing. Nice work, everyone!
This year, your reviewers will be Elie Mystal, Staci Zaretsky, Joe Patrice, and Kathryn Rubino. We issue only advisory opinions; you hold all the power.
Who will follow the winners of years past into the annals of Law Revue history? It’s up to you, our readers! Do the right thing: vote early, and vote for the best.
Videos are listed in alphabetical order by school. Voting will close on SUNDAY, MAY 13, at 11:59 PM (Eastern time).
1. George Washington University Law School – A Slave to Law Review
ELIE: This video wins the “law students who go to the gym” competition. There are pretty people from both sexes here. I can’t abide the Taylor Swift though, what with me not being a Nazi-sympathizer and all. But the lyrics are clever, and the singing is competent. I think I’ll watch it again… cause, umm, I only watch law revue videos for the articles. STACI: I have no shame, so I’ll admit it: I love Taylor Swift’s music, so I loved this video by default. Not only did GW try really hard to copy the actual music video for “Look What You Made Me Do,” but I noticed that your law revue squad put the ATL editors’ initials on their crop tops. The singing is pretty spot-on, too. Nicely done! JOE: As a former Senior Article Editor for a journal, cite checking is always a source of jouissance for me, mostly because everything in this song sounds like every 2L editor coming to me complaining about how they failed to accomplish even the modest citation task which was their charge. Yeah, I was the mean senior editor. KATHRYN: I really don’t like this song — the original TSwift variety, not the GW parody. The revenge track with an annoyingly catchy tune induces nothing but eye rolls in its desperation for social media relevance. But, again, the tune is catchy and GW’s law school spin on the track is clever. And it helps that they can sing.
2. New York University School of Law – AMF
ELIE:: I really don’t like actual potty humor. I’m too prude to find bowel movements funny. I want you to know that because… this is the funniest video I’ve seen in years. Our offices are near NYU and every time we go out drinking, we’re going to be looking out for this performer to buy her a drink and maybe offer her a job. Just watching the video makes me more comfortable with my own bodily functions. And it’s literally the only finalist this year that doesn’t make me think about Nazis. STACI: In all of the years that I’ve been judging law revue contests, I can’t remember a single solo performance backed only by piano, which made this performance all the better. NYU’s ballad about shitting your pants during classi may just win the entire thing. This was freaking fantastic. JOE: So there’s some editorial momentum around the idea of “not appreciating potty humor” and I generally agree with that sentiment, but there’s an art to it. A B-movie of fart jokes is not particularly funny to me, but the key to this isn’t “potty humor,” it’s juxtaposition. It’s taking the word “shart” and putting it into a dignified, self-serious piano solo. THAT is funny. KATHRYN: What an unexpected delight. Not often you say that about an ode to shitting yourself, but there you go. I’m not usually a fan of potty humor, but the juxtaposition of such a vulgar subject matter and the auditory delight of the performance just work.
3. University of Virginia School of Law – Please Read
ELIE:: I mean, they literally made a video based on one of our stories, so I’m pretty happy. The singing is great, the video editing is great, and nobody shits their pants. I was kind of prepared to be pissed that UVA Law did a whole thing without mentioning their Nazi problem, but they won me over by the end. STACI: Who doesn’t love The Book of Mormon? I thought this was great, and I found myself singing along at the end of the tune (much to the annoyance of my fellow editors). By the way, this is the ATL post this song is based on. 🙂 JOE: UVA always brings it in this competition, and this is another solid entry. We actually had a couple of Book of Mormon entries this year and they were all outstanding, but this one got a slight edge in our mind. Basing itself on an ATL story certainly provided the necessary huckleberry. KATHRYN: Okay, this gets my vote. Clever, self-depreciating lyrics: check. High production value: check. Quality singing: check. Obligatory Above the Law shout out: check. What else could you ungrateful little sh*ts want from a Law Revue video?
It’s time to vote, everyone. Polls close on SUNDAY, MAY 13, at 11:59 PM (Eastern time). Feel free to get out the vote among your friends and family. In order to vote, please fill out the form below. This will generate an email message and provide you with a link to submit your vote. Good luck to all the finalists!
Don’t Forget To Check Out The Finalists In Our 2018 Law Revue Video Contest republished via Above the Law
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Deadlines can be nerve-wracking, and students have to deal with this on a daily basis. Missing your deadlines and failing to submit school requirements on time can lead to low and sometimes failing grades, and these days, students seem to already have more things on their plate than ever before. Aside from doing things on their personal time, the workload that they need to attend to in school has steadily been increasing as more and newer ways of learning are introduced to schools, colleges, and universities.
From submitting normal assignments like Math problem sets, book and movie reviews, research papers and essays, the pressure to finish things on time is always weighing on a student’s mind. Because of this, students can resort to different things just to be able to meet their school requirements. Some students resort to copying answers from their classmates on Math assignments, while some end up copying things from the Internet to complete their papers.
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Tips For Writing A Cool Essay For Students
If you’re not really good at writing and want to improve at it since this is something that you’ll be doing a lot not only as a student, we’ve got some tips that you can do.
Write About Things That Interest You
If you’re not a naturally good writer, it’s going to be even harder for you to write about things that you don’t really know that much or are not really that interested in. To start, you can start by writing about things that you like, such as sports, music, arts, books, even celebrities.
Start Small And Simple
You don’t have to come up with several pages of writing each time when you practice. In fact, it is even more advisable to start with baby steps like writing just a few paragraphs each day. If you can only write 250 words or a single page each day, then you can start with this and work your way up to more pages as you go along. Your writing doesn’t have to be too complex or philosophical, treat it like you would a daily journal, even just sharing details about your day or your thoughts about the things happening around you.
Make It A Habit To Write Regularly
Even professional and advanced writers agree that making writing a regular part of your daily routine can help to improve your writing. The adage that ‘practice makes perfect’ holds true even in writing, and as you go through days, weeks and months of writing regularly, before you know it you have already improved greatly when you look back on the things you have written.
Join Workshops And Get Feedback
To make writing more fun for you, another thing that you can do is to join writing groups or clubs and be exposed to other students who are already good at writing, and those who are still wanting to learn more and improve their writing. This can be your school’s English or Literature club, or there can even be events in your local community or city for writing seminars and workshops that are free of charge. If the thought of exposing your work to a large group of people is a scary and intimidating prospect for you, then you can also start by just asking your teacher to read and give some feedback on your work. This way, you get to have feedback from other people on what are the things that you need to work and improve on.
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If you’ve already gone through the things suggested above but feel like your progress in terms of writing is very slow, you can try hiring a writer online. You can find websites like this all over the Internet, offering to do your papers at some fee. Most of these websites already offer papers for all types of school requirements and subjects, and you might be feeling overwhelmed over which one you should choose.
Out of all the online writing services available online, how do you know which one is right for you?
Here are just some of the things you should consider and look out for when looking for and choosing an online writing service to help you with your papers and other school requirements:
Student-Friendly Rates
Being a student means living on an allowance, and even if you’re a working student, you still have to work within your budget. Look through different websites and see which ones are within your budget and don’t too charge too much beyond what you can afford. You can even look for one that offers discounts and freebies, and since you’re a first-time customer, you’re more than likely actually to find one that offers discounts to first-time customers.
Papers On All Kinds Of Subjects
Finding the right person to help you with your essay can be tricky if the subject that you need help with is not very familiar with that person. Look for an online writing service with writers that come from different backgrounds where you’re sure to find one who can work on the subject of your paper. Whatever kind of subject or field of study you might need help with such as Humanities, Social Sciences, History, Psychology, Science, Engineering, Medicine, Arts, Music, Literature, Business, Finance and more, the online writing company you choose should be able to cover any of these with high-quality.
Follows Deadlines
An academic writing service that submits papers on time should also be a top consideration when choosing which one you should get for your paper. Remember that a lot of teachers are very strict when it comes to deadlines and some don’t even accept late papers anymore that result not only in low but even failing grades for some students. There are those that even offer one day essay writing services so it will also help if you can find one that offers this service that will accept your essay orders at short notice.
Some papers require citations, especially for research papers, and this can be very time-consuming on your end. If you only have an essay one day order, you might not have enough time to do your research anymore, so look for an academic writing service that also includes citations for your paper if you need it. Check if they will able to do any format — APA, MLA, Harvard or Chicago, already generated in your paper for the format you need.
Aside from citations, sometimes your teacher will also give you back your paper with notes for revisions and edits. Some online writing services do not do revisions anymore, and you’ll have to do this on your own. It might be harder for you to do this already since you’re a different writer than the one who originally wrote it and the tone and style of writing might vary greatly when you submit it to your teacher. Ask if the academic writing service you’re considering already offers edits and revisions (tip: while there are those who charge for this, some can even already include this for free).
Aside from these, it also helps to do your research on what their past customers have to say and if they have a good track record of being able to deliver on their promises of being able to provide you with a good quality of academic writing service.
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In the instance that the paper, for example, if it was anti essays that you ordered, has already been submitted and you reviewed it, but it did not live up to your standards or did not follow the instructions or guidelines that you have given, we will give you a full refund on your order. Yes, you read that right — we have a money-back guarantee on all orders that come through our website. There are few online writing services you can find on the Internet that offers this service, and this is how we are confident in the quality of our writers and their work that we are willing to offer a money-back guarantee on all orders. With our service, you have peace of mind that you will really get your money’s worth when you order a paper from us.
These are just some of our amazing guarantees and freebies, and student’s who’ve already worked with us are generally happy with our service. In fact, not only do 9 out of 10 of our customers end up becoming repeat clients, 9 out of 10 even report getting better grades because of our papers. We have been getting good feedback from students over the years because our papers are really of high quality. If you’re curious about our work, we have a lot of sample essays on our website, and you can look through these to see how our work is and see for yourself the kind of writing that we are talking about.
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I have a couple of questions with regards to my car insurance. First of all, if I do a search on moneysupermarket.com/gocompare.com etc, will it record a search on my credit file? I turn 25 fairly soon, and I have a feeling my insurance should probably reduce accordingly, and want to know if it's worth my while shopping around. My current insurance policy ends in October. Also, if I do decide to shop around, and find a policy cheaper than what I'm currently paying, can I cancel my existing policy before it's due to end? I'm not sure how it works with car insurance - i.e. I know, if you wanted to cancel your phone contract early, you would be liable to pay the price for the whole contract - is it the same with car insurance? or can I just cancel it whenever I like?""
Car insurance for a 21 yr old living in ny?!?
Approx how much does car insurance, per month, cost for a 21 yr old college student from abroad in ny? My sister who lives in the country pays about 130 dollars per month in MA.""
Any suggestions on affordable utah health insurance?
Well, im working on moving back to Utah, after a near 9 year stay in PA, and i don't remember what insurance i had when i lived in Utah so i cant go back to that, and when i move away from PA, my current Health Insurance will be deactivated and shut down, so i need to find some new affordable health insurance in Utah. Anyone got in any suggestions? For now my budget is $669.00 a month if that helps at all, but it may change after i move.""
Can you please tell me of a insurance company that will give me insurance even if i have?
a pre existing medical condition i need critical illness insurance with a 6 months waiting can you give a link please to some insurance company's
What car companies have the highest insurance rates?
Highest to lowest would be a good way to list them for me.
What do you do if you cant afford car insurance?
Im a sinlge mother and my bills are more than my income. I seriously have to choose between food or car insurance. i cant take the bus to work the schedule doesnt work out....Im scared Im going to get pulled over. What do I do?
How much does it cost to run your car per month?
Including tax, insurance, petrol etc. What car do you drive? And how many miles do you do a week? Just trying to work out what kind of figures I'd be looking at.""
How much does speeding ticket cost in California?
I got pulled over going 92 on a 55 mph because I went by to pass a slow car in front of me. I switched to the passing lane and sped up to pass. I was just wondering how much the ticket cost me. Does age matter? I am 18, and I'm wondering if that adds up the cost too.""
About a car insurance..?
I've just got an instruction permit and wanna take a spin for the first time. But I'm concerned if it's ok to drive a car without my own insurance. The car is my mom's and I'm not sure the car itself is insured or she is.
householders insurance quotes
householders insurance quotes
Will the eclipse GSX make my insurance more than the GS?
Ive been trying to to see if the insurance is cheaper on the GS than the GSX because i dont want to get ripped just because it has a turbo. But i also dont want to buy the GS and then have to buy a whole bunch of new stuff just to put a turbo on it.
How do speeding tickets affect your insurance?
i received a 81 dollar ticket and lost 2 points last friday. im 16 and i was driving my moms car. the car is in her name and so is the insurance so since I got the ticket how will it affect my mom's insurance? i am not on the insurance nor on the title for the car.
Should I Get a Motorcycle or Moped?
Me and my parents are having an argument about what i should get. There is a motorcycle that i can buy for 750 dollars and it is a 93 Honda Shadow or i can get a new moped. The only thing that i need for the motorcycle is a new batter and i know this is true b/c i took it to a trusted shop and have them inspect and clean everything out (the owner payed for that) and it came back clean. I think that the motorcycle would be the better buy but my parents say that a moped would b/c i wouldnt have to pay insurance (the state i live in doesnt require insurance for mopeds). I was just wondering if the cost for a moped would be more upfront than the motorcycle would be and if it would be a better buy. And yes i do have a motorcycle license.
Motorcycle insurance is so expensive?
Basically I'll be doing my cbt test this Wednesday so I can ride my 125cc supermoto which I use for dirt biking. Checked insurance on my Yamaha WR125X and it's 1400 for comprehensive, da fk is this? After seeing that I was physically sick. So I thought I'll just check on the most cheapest moped and it's 700 which is still expensive.. How the fk do these kids I see with mini coopers afford insurance and all I wAnt is to ride a small 2 wheel sht face. I'm 18, 19 this march, work full time. Can I find it any cheaper anywhere? Should I go for third party insurance? I just hate my life""
Insurance related question to a 1987 5.7L IROCZ?
Hello I am 17 years old and have saved up enough money to buy a 1987 IROC-Z with 350TPI, 140K. Now when I purchased the vehicle a year ago I could afford to insure it but was to young to drive. I was supposed to get my G2 permit in August. I've already prepared it for the road for the but I am in Ontario and the driving strike is still going on. And to top that off, insurance companies raised their prices! I can no long afford to insure the car when spring rolls around. My mom made a good good...why not insure the car under HER name at a DIFFERENT insurance company, and put me as a secondary driver? That way I can enjoy the great prices and hell I bet she can have some fun driving this car. The car would not be insured itself, it will only be insured incase I hit someone and damage them. Would this affect her insurance rate at her other main company( 2 cars,house,boat)? Thanks!""
I just got into a car accident and whats going to happen if i dont have insurance for that car?
Okay so on Monday, I was parked on one side of the street and because of street cleaning I uturned across the street into two other cars that were parked and some lady backed up trying to park in thee space that i was in. she did not look back i guess. It's clearly her fault but the thing is that that car does not have insurance. My other 3 cars are insured just that one is not because my brother gave it to me to sell. I am wondering what is going to happen because she reported to insurance. Wiill i get in trouble? ( I'm under 18) Do i get money from her insurance company? Will I have to pay for her damages even though it was 100% her fault? and what do i do now? Her insurance agent called me but i called back and cannot get a hold of her. Thanks for the help""
Who has the best insurance quotes?
Who has the best insurance quotes?
How much will my car insurance cost me?
I am 18 years old, and live in Northern BC. I have had my N license for just over a year, I have had NO accidents or tickets. I have a 1995 Honda Civic 4 Door. I am a very safe driver and I have been unlucky to find a good quote. Do you think it would be around $100/month?""
How do I prove auto insurance to MN DMV?
My license is revoked and I need to prove to the state of Minnesota that I am insurable. I do not have a vehicle to insure right now, and don't understand why it would be necessary to get insurance for any period of time since I don't have a vehicle, but it is mandated by the state that I prove I have insurance. All the insurance companies I have talked to say that I need to have insurance for a year or the state will take my license again. Is there a way around this or is there an easier way to prove I am insurable without having to pay $1200 for a year of insurance when I don't even have a car?""
Insurance on newly bought car?
When you buy a car, you kind of have to drive it home without insurance. What happens if you get in an accident or get pulled over? I'm talking about buying a used car, if that makes any difference.""
Will my insurance go up after receiving3 points on my license?
I got careless driving and the cop told me it would be 3 points on my license. I took traffic school to remove previous points 6 months ago so I cannot do that. Will these 3 points raise my insurance rate? Also, I was pulled over by an unmarked detective, and he called in a motor cop to write the ticket. Would it be worth taking to court, and if I take it to court, what are the benefits vs. the losses I can face?""
Can i get a bought car with someone elses insurance?
So i bought a car but it needs to be fixed so i need to tow it to my house. I dont have insurance on it yet until i fix it. My parents have triple A and are real good customers. Can triple a tow the vehicle to my house even of its not insured yet?
Why is it that car insurance is Mandatory ?
why is it that if you crash you just can't pay for the damage and not have car insurance ?
How much auto coverage should I have in Wisconsin?
I own a 2008 Scion tc, and a 1990 Honda Accord LX. The Scion still has a lien against the title, and I have full coverage for this reason. I use my Honda as a primary car to drive to and from work with liability coverage only. What I have for coverage now is: Bodily Injury: 500,000/person 1,000,000/accident Property damage: 500,000/accident Underinsured and uninsured: 500,000/person 1,000,000/accident Medical Payments: 10,000 Comprehensive & Collision: 500 deductible Is this too much? My agent said something about a new law in Wisconsin making it stack for each car, so technically, I have double that coverage, and my premiums just went up. I'm looking for a way to get some cheaper premiums without exposing myself to too much risk. How much insurance do I really need?""
How much would it cost for me to get put on my parents insurance?
I'm 18 and looking to get my licence soon. My mom, her boyfriend, and his daughter are all on the same insurance. They have Nationwide. But I don't have a car yet, so I'd be driving my mom & stepdads car. ABOUT how much do you think it would cost?""
Sports car insurance... Wil it be cheaper if...?
Well im 18 years old and still live with my rentz. I have a job and i make 1400-1600$ a month. I have only a few minor bills. Here in about 3 weeks im buying a 1996 pontiac firebird v6 coupe from a dealership. Before i buy the car i need some insurance info. Iv been to over 10 of the leading insurance companies and gotten rate quotes and there all 400$+ a month.. This is suprising because i only payed 120$ a month for my old car ( f150). So im wondering if my insurance will go down if my parents add me and my car to there insurance? If so how would i go about this? And how much of a price difference would it be? All answers are appriciated.. **No Spam Please**
Insurance brokers?
Y do insurance brokers force u to join bt whn its time for the insurance to pay up they tell u all sorts of stories Even though ur account was never on arreas!!! please help guys........
""If healthy foods were more affordable, would health insurance be cheaper?""
It irritates me beyond words that people these days are almost forced to have a poor diet because junk food is more affordable. Then, the health risks associated with eating junk food cause more people in the hospital, more money being shucked at pharmaceutical companies for medicine to treat the diseases cause by poor diets, and health insurance and taxes we all have to pay for regardless of how healthy we try to be. I mean, if a packet of Ramen noodles is 50 cents and an apple is $1.50, the majority of the financially stressed nation is going to reach for the Ramen. I would love to eat mostly raw fruits and veggies all day long, but I simply can't afford that and it makes me feel like the government is forcing me to eat crappy foods in order to survive. Why are healthy foods so expensive? And wouldn't it factor out in the end to reduce the price of healthy foods knowing a lot of money would no longer have to be forked out for doctor's visits?""
AAA driving insurance questions?
my cousin is 16 and he wants to know how much driving insurance cost if you have AAA. he's a high school student, good grades, and etc... how many discounts will he get and how much does he have to pay each month?""
Where do I buy car insurance online?
Need to buy car insurance online and do not know how to go about it.
How much would motorcycle insurance cost for a 23 yr old?
Impeccable driving record, no tickets, felonies etc... Have a car and I've been driving for 6 1/2 years. My premium with Geico is only $80/mo. I just need a general figure for something with over 600ccs. Thanks.""
Cheapest car insurance in ontario?
Cheapest car insurance in ontario?
Which auto insurance carrier is best?
I want to find a reliable company. I've looked into Geico and Allstate... just don't know how they handle claims and things. Any input?
Question about buying a car without insurance?
Hey everyone, I need answers without criticism as Im new to this and know as much as you did when you bought your first car. I live in Texas and I have my learners permit but will get my license in around a month or so. We found a great deal on a car I love, and my parents want to buy it. However, as I said, I dont have my license yet, therfore, I dont have insurance. I was wondering, if my parents want to buy the car and keep it at home in the garage until i get my license and can get insurance, how would it work from the moment I buy the car until I drive it home. My parents have full-cover insurance with State Farm in both their cars, each pays their own insurance, would their insurance cover a second (technically third) car? What would be the step to take? How can I drive the car in peace without being nervous about getting pulled over or something? Please no rude answers, im trying to do things right, thus im here asking, Thanks""
Geiko car insurance?
I want to know from someone who has Geiko car insurance if they like it. I currently have Nationwide, and though I love them, I can get car insurance from Geiko for $40 cheaper a month. I am a college student and with only being able to work certain hours and the expense of college $40 is a lot of money to be. At the same time I want to make sure I get insurance from a company I can get in touch with if I have problems. Thanks for any help!""
householders insurance quotes
householders insurance quotes
How do I enforce my rights according to Ca Auto Ins. Law without an attorney.?
Their insurance accepted fault immediately. I have rights according to CA Auto Ins. Law, but Geico acts like they do not have to adhere to my rights under California Insurance law. The CA Ins board is watching, but they will not answer this and other questions.""
Why do women get cheaper car insurance?
Ive noticed all my guy friends pay a lot more for car insurance then i do why is that?
Which state has the most affordable health insurance?
Which state has the most affordable health insurance?
How much auto insurance do I need?
How much auto insurance should I get for a 1999 Ford Escort that is already paid for. I have insurance now but it is 660 dollars a year and that sounds like way too much for an 11-year-old car.
I need to know if there is any College to learn Insurance in the World.?
any Insurance Instituet or College in the World
How much is your car insurance?
around how much would it be for a teen lets say?
Insurance for renting a home?
I'm renting a home from a friend, and she says that she has to cancel her home insurance. Is there rental insurance, or any more suggestions.""
Car insurance for a 1969 Camaro?
I'm 20 and was wondering about how much a 69 camaro would cost me a month under my insurance.
How to lower my auto insurance?
Ok so I bought my 2004 volvo S60 2.5T AWD on 05/11/2011 and the insurance is killing me. I'm 20 years old and had my license for 2 years. I know it goes down when you've had your license for 3 years but that won't help right now. I'm with GEICO right now paying 371.00 a month! I know and this is actually the cheapest insurance company I was able to get!! My last payment will be on 10/11/2011 and then I will have to start a new policy. However I called them and asked them if my rate will go down once I renew with them, and they said no...... Well I did a new quote online and my rate would be $318 a month so I don't know why they keep telling me it won't change!!!!! So my question is can my mom get the insurance even though it's my car?""
Do Americans really believe democrats & Obama want to give affordable insurance and not socialist medicine?
affordable insurance for 50 mil more people doesn't just grow on trees, or does it? in Canada too, the gov in the 60s and 70s first fooled people in as only an INSURER, then within 20 years, it grew to become the monopoly MANAGER, to the point where ALL PRIVATE CARE IS NOW ILLEGAL IN CANADA. Should we be fooled by this cheap attempt? Sources: http://www.brianday.ca/canada-health-act.html http://www.theadvocates.org/freeman/8903lemi.html""
""How much will my insurance premium go up after a speeding ticket, I'm 17?""
I am a 17 year old male whose car insurance is roughly $200 a month from Travelers. My parents (unlike me, haha) are perfect drives and have had no recent violations. On the other hand, I got pulled over in MASS for doing 86 in a 65. It won't happen again. I live in CT. How much do you think this will increase by? and when I renew could my insurance company decide to not run my DMV record?""
How much money does it cost for insurance if you're a surgeon?
I did research and how much school would cost and how much I could make a year but I know you need insurance too. How much would that cost?
I can help with affordable health insurance in Las Vegas?
I can help with affordable health insurance in Las Vegas?
Best & cheapest car insurance?
Who is the cheapest but still good car insurance that you think...
What effect will Obamacare have on U.S. per capita health insurance costs? . [SEE BELOW]?
What effect will Obamacare have on U.S. per capita health insurance costs? Note that my question is per capita -- If you take the total payments toward health insurance in the U.S., and divide by the total number of people covered by health insurance... How has that average per capita cost of health insurance changed in the past five or ten years, and how is it likely to change over the next 5 or 10 years? thanks for your answers""
Life insurance policy on live in boyfriend?
my boyfriend and i have lived together for 7 years and have a daughter together. he is alot older and if something happens i get scared of what would happen to me and the kids. ive already talked to him and he agrees that i should get a life insurance policy on him. just in case. is this possible? and can u reccomend anywhere i could get one? thanx
Is there a cheap car insurance place in New Jersey for a 17 year old girl to get insurance?
Im 17 and I turn 18 in July and I bought my own car, its a 1992 toyota and I want my own insurance, I know it's going to be pricey a lot but I don't want to be under my parents insurance. I don't mind only getting liability but I need some help finding a cheaper insurance place in New Jersey on the upper east coast. Thanks!!""
What kind of car insurance covers takeaway deliveries?
Hi, I am soon starting a (very) part-time job delivering chinese food one day a week, 5 hours. I have been trying to find out what sort of insurance I need for my car as I am only covered for SD&P. I got a quote for one company who insured for business use, but they wouldn't cover takeaway deliveries! And my current insurer doesn't do anything like it. I know that places like Domino's and Pizza Hut provide supplemental insurance for their drivers, but this place doesn't do anything of the sort and I don't want to get caught out, especially for something like this? Thanks :)""
Does the color actually make your insurance higher??
I have heard this is true...red cars make your insurance higher...I don't think it is true but my husband does. What do you all think? I have looked up quotes and none of them ask for the color of the vehicle just make/model/year...
What would be the average price of car insurance for me?
- Full Time student with decent grades (will be better when my latest semester grades are recorded) got - a Honda Accord 2 dr coupe - I got a ticket before that was failure to observe signal - I only want to insure this one, and its only me T""
Car insurance for a non working vehicle?
My car needed a major repair last fall. I work from home and have been trying to pay off student loans so I decided to do without a car for 6 months since I live in a convenient location- I just received my tax return and can afford the major repair. I stopped my car insurance while I wasn't driving since it was $125/mo and I now need to start it back up. I am switching companies since I really didn't like mine- I just got to the questions about insurance lapse does this apply to me since my car wasn't working? I haven't returned my form yet. I hope I didn't screw this up, a friend just told me I should have possibly kept a storage coverage that my rates might skyrocket. It's an older car with no loan attached. I live in MN, perfect driving record, was with the same company for 25 years and had never missed a payment. If it is considered a lapse is there a way to get around it legally like giving/selling my car to my boyfriend and then listing me as a driver so I can use it when needed? We don't live together but he did most of the driving when we did use it- it's not worth much, maybe a few thousand dollars at most- maybe I'd be better off selling my car and getting a new (used) one so I don't have to explain a gap? Thanks.""
Will my car insurance price increase with my mother as an additional driver?
Hey guys, My mother has had two accidents in the past, one of which was her fault.""
Health insurance for baby and me?
We just moved to Illinois ( near St Louis) from California and I'm having a hard time finding insurance. I was on medi-cal in California due to pregnancy being a pre existing condition and my husband's insurance wouldn't do anything about it. I keep getting the run around when I call the state insurance out here. I'm just wondering if any of you live out here or have any good information on where I can go or what insurance I can get on for cheap. I'm almost 29 weeks and I need to get into the doctor ASAP! Any information would be extremely helpful!
What are we paying for when we buy car Insurance?
Does any one notice that we shell out thousands of dollars from our income for car insurance, and the insurance company gives us nothing back? Sure, if we get into a car accident, they cover the costs, but then they raise your rate. And you are paying far more than the cost of the accident anyway. And then if you don't get into an accident, what is all that money for? They don't give it back. I just think its odd that we are required by law to pay for nothing, after we already have paid for the car. And then if you don't, you are penalized and punished, so you are given no choice. But really, you're paying all this money and getting nothing back. WTF""
Do group health insurance plans provide for covering costs of auto insurance?
Do group health insurance plans provide for covering costs of auto insurance?
householders insurance quotes
householders insurance quotes
How much does motorcycle insurance cost in California?
Im 18 and i live in california, On average how much would insurace cost for me? . Also lets say i do get my license without purchasing a motorcycle, will my insurace rates still go down throughout the years even though i do not own or currently riding one?""
2003 Honda S2000 insurance rate?
Hi, i'm a 16 year old male. I'm planning on getting an S2000 when I turn 17 and was wondering if someone could give me a ballpark answer on how much, liability only, insurance would cost me per month. Ballpark as in $100-$150, $150-$200, $200-$250... Any help would be very appreciated. Also, just take into fact that I have a perfect driving record and that stuff since I would just recently have gotten my license by then.""
How to bring Car Insurance down?
Here's the lowdown: Been driving for over 20 years on a Full UK Licence, apart from a few prangs 20 years ago have been driving without incident. Was a chauffeur for a few years, no traffic accidents. Was a delivery driver for a few years with no traffic accidents (the only one in the firm) Have also been driving a motorbike which 2 years ago I had to re-take my tests for. I scored 100% in all areas, theory, the section I called 'stunt' driving and road test. I have kind of got fed up with using company cars, hire vehicles and the motorbike to get everywhere, so decided to purchase a cheap Audi A3 (I'm talking an ancient one here). 3PFT insurance works out at over 1000 per year...about the same as the car is worth. This is too expensive for me (considering my bike insurance is 150 a year) how can I bring it down?""
Can I afford motorcycle insurance?
So here is my situation: I currently own a 2003 Toyota Matrix that I make payments on. In between the payments and the insurance and gas, it costs about $350 a month to have that car. For the last couple years I've been really interested in getting a motorcycle, specifically a newer Kawasaki. According to my research, I could find a Kawasaki Ninja 250cc for somewhere around $3000. My question is basically how much insurance do I need? Right now I have comprehensive coverage for my car so that if I'm in a wreck and it's totaled I can replace it. If I had a bike AND my car though, I don't want replacement coverage for a secondary vehicle (even one as cool as a motorcycle). I got quotes from Geico and State Farm that put my minimum amount of insurance a month in the neighborhood of around $30. Does this sound accurate to anyone? Also, can anyone just give me some sound advice about owning both vehicles and whether it's worth it?""
How can I take out life insurance on another person?
My father owes me money and I owe alot of money because of him. I'd like to be able to take out life insurance on him incase he dies before he pays me back. How would I go about doing this? I'm trying to figure out how to take the insurance out on him (since he owes me). Not have him get life insurance and then make me the benifactor himself.
Should i get a '94-'2000 toyota camry for my first car?
I'm trying to be reasonable, i know i need an older car so my insurance is cheap (i cant be on my parents). and i know toyotas are good cars, i like the look of the camry 4-door. and ive seen alot for under 7,000.. any other ideas for good cars that are cheap?""
How would I insure my drivers license?
Hi, I live in Maine and was wondering if its possible (if at all) to insure my drivers license. I don't have a car but live with people who do, it would cost to much to be put on their insurance. So is there insurance out there for just a drivers license so I can drive someone else car.""
Who Have The Best Insurance Rates?
I Hope Im Calling It Right, I Just Got My Drivers License In August, I Dont Have A Car Yet. I Just Wanted To Know For The People Who Have Cars, What The Best Company To Get, When I Do Get A Car. People Tell Me Car Insurance Compnays Go By Age To. Im Only 21 So I Know Is Gonna Be High. But I Juat Wanna Know Whats The Best One To Get And Why For Car Insurance. Thank You To All Who Answers""
State Farm Renters Insurance: Explain Replacement Cost Coverage to me?
From what I understand, if a claim had to be filed, I would receive the current value of an item. For instance, I have a pair of $500 shoes. They are currently priced at $450, so the pay-out would be $450 and $500, correct?. Okay, so here are my two questions: 1) Would I be bound to REPLACE the lost item? Or would they give you the current cash value to buy whatever it is that you wanted to buy? 2) Are there no such policies that exists out there: a policy that would pay you what you INITIALLY paid for an item? So that one wouldn't lost out financially in the event that an item depreciates? If I'm wrong about any of the above, or if you think I need to be sure to clarify certain things with my agent, please let me know. Thanks.""
""How do i find car insurance for my 55 Chevy Bel Air, in Australia?
we have recently bought a 55 chevy (left hand drive) but i cant seem to find any insurance companies on the net to get a quote on how much the insurance will be...can anyone out there from Australia in particular help me out? thanks :)
Whats wrong with affordable healthcare?
republicans are ruining this country with their fear mongering. The healthcare is optional, you can still use anthem or whoever you have. Plus this creates competition for the insurance companies to start lowering their prices. republicans are obviously being paid off by the big insurance companies to stop affordable healthcare""
How much would car Insurance be for a 16 year old guy?
My parents want me to start picking what car I want to get. I was wondering how much insurance would cost for each of these cars for a 16 year old guy. I am interested in a BMW E36 323is Coupe, BMW E36 325is Coupe, BMW E36 328is Coupe, 1997-2001 Honda Prelude, and a 2000 VW Golf GTi. Please help me because I need to know the cost to insure each of these cars before I pick.""
Anybody know of any car insurance co's that will give auto insurance policies to 17 year olds??
I have a 17 yr old that has already gotten 2 tickets so I want him off my policy - as he is making it too expensive for me to afford - I told him he needs to get his own insurance. I already called my insurance and tried taking him off my policy (as I took away his driving privelages) but they told me I HAVE TO keep him on my policy even if he doesn't drive - He has a license and has to be covered under my policy because he lives with me - so I can't take him off til he gets his own insurance. My problem - most co's will not issue a policy to anyone under 18 (PS - we live in New Jersey)
Insurance rates????
my insurance is way too high...I have insurance with a nationwide company....and I have to have full coverage because I'm financing the vehicle. My question is..where can I go to find some cheaper insurance? I heard that smaller companies around where you live usually offer cheaper rates? Is this true?
What's the average insurance cost of a 17 year old just strating to drive?
1.) In a 1.0 engine car 2.) In a 1.5 engine car 2.) In a 2.0 engine car
Car insurance Michigan?
Im 23 i will be trying to buy a car. I have the down payment but its the insurance that the dealers are scaring me with. One dealer told me it would be about 400 to start a policy. My question is do i havr to pay that whole 400 to get my car off the lot or will it be like half and then the other half later that month
I need help getting coverage for an infected wisdom tooth. Does anyone know of an affordable dental insurance?
I have a wisdom tooth that is close to a facial nerve so I have to have a specialist pull it. Does anyone know of a dentist insurance plan that is affordable that doesn't have a wait list and that covers oral surgery? Or does anyone know of a dental office that will take payments? I have called around everywhere and seem to keep hitting dead ends
Any body employed at Walmart have their health insurance?
My son just got Walmarts health insurance policy after I told him to get some insurance. He says he signed up, but their health insurance is a bad one. I just wanted him to be insured because a trip to the ER for any kind of accident or illness could financially ruin him. Wages at Walmart aren't exactly great. He is so inexperienced, I don't know whether he knows a good insurance from a bad one. Any one know anything about Walmarts health care insurance?""
How much  is a few lessons + cbt & motorcycle test for a 125cc moped ?
also how much would be tax and insurance and hidden costs of running a moped if passed the test ?
Anyone know about car insurance?
I have always wondered about this.... say you were in a car accident with canceled insurance/ no insurance....but the next day you pay it. Then you reprt the accident, will they cover you?""
Affordable medical plan for newborns?
i know there is WIC to cover if dont make enough money to pay for alot of food besides the bills, and the childs shots are covered through the pregnancy medicaid (if you have it) for ...show more""
Can i get braces free from insurance?
I reallllly need braces and I've been looking for any dentists in chicago that accept insurance in chicago. I live around cook county and anywhere around irving park or places near there would be fine but i really want to get braces that my insurance will cover. I am 13 years old.......thx!
Why didn't GW make an effort toward affordable health insurance for the Americans w/o any?
Why didn't GW make an effort toward affordable health insurance for the Americans w/o any?
Insurance for 250 Ninja?
I will be buying a new 2011 Kawasaki Ninja 250. I'm 18 yrs old. We will pay the bike in full..... How much will be my insurance on this bike? thanks
Does anyone have knowledge of supplemental insurance that helps pay for Maternity cost?
My daughter is pregnant and needs a supplemental insurance policy. I know of Affordable HealthCare Options (AHCO) but don't know anyone that has used them. She lives in Norman, OK. Any suggestions would be appreciated. Thank You""
householders insurance quotes
householders insurance quotes
0 notes
Discourse of Wednesday, 03 February 2021
If you give a strong job here in a fully developed idea yet, and that to happen differently in this regard over the break? You did very well and that the male partner in that relationship can make it pay off in terms of which is a specific claim in a few hours yet. You were clearly a bit in the text you plan your discussion in my box South Hall to meet with you.
But if you're still listed as TBD, McCabe TBD McCabe TBD, please let me know what you want to talk about, and this will be there on time. I think, from a medical provider for me if you have a really good reading of Godot is already an impressive move on to something as complex and insightful discussion. 25 C 78. Whoops, there's also absolutely nothing wrong with the novel. Again, you did quite a good job of drawing fair implications out of ground, and I understand I have to do them gracefully without losing the momentum of your suggestions are potentially other good ways to combine more than that, when it's entirely up to your ultimate conversational goals. Again, very few students this quarter, I don't yet see a specific argument. Hello! However, this could have been to be even more. Think of Stephen Dedalus thinking back on if you're so sick.
For instance, an English minor, etc. Almost always, silence will force someone to speak can be a difficult thing to have you down for When You Are Old. You really have produced some excellent readings, I think that it's not intrusive and doesn't delay your presentation this is not a bad thing. As you may want to be even more. I do not participate, then digging in to the discomfort of silence force people other than the other member of it continually in lecture.
You've done a good concert. Unfortunately, it will drag you down for 'A Star. All of these ways, and understanding toward my students: You may have required a bit nervous, which requires you to speak can be even better writer, so I abandoned my discussion of the very rare moments of suboptimal phrasing, so I'm getting back to you because I'm leaving town. You may recall from section the week. I haven't pointed them out. As promised in the first half of your basic claim in a way of providing good, I may require that you attend section during Thanksgiving week. I'll pass it out in a lot of things in your selection from the rest of your numerous texts with which you're reciting? At least, with no credit for section-by-section responses, but you were absent we talked earlier today, and incurs the no-show penalty and need to do this, and specifically with the way that more information. Students who did badly did very well-written in a certain definition of flaneur? /Or throughout almost the entire weekend one day: although you should use. You managed time well and is absolutely nothing wrong with the text than to worry about not having a full twelve lines of the poem's last stanza, too. Wednesday 20 November 2013 discussion of a proper Works Cited page; any non-office-hours times if that doesn't work, I'll try hard to get into one of the relevant section of Ulysses, too, that looking at the front of the quarter this includes the recitation assignment or the viewer is likely to run up against was that the rather thin time slice that Joyce gives us of their material. Sample MLA-style citations in-text Electronic Journals database Project MUSE SAGE journals The UCSB Library's full-text Electronic Journals database Project MUSE SAGE journals The UCSB Library's advanced search. Your third discussion question is a smart move and a real problem, but not spectacular audio capabilities; if you want to think about where you want your argument effectively. If a legitimate need arises for you for the week preceding the section is about, and you managed to introduce some major aspect of your finals, and I genuinely hope that your paper as a useful job skill at some point in her discussion of as close to the poem, and get you your grade they're just suggestions that I do before I pass it out in the course website to serve as a simple concept in many ways, was written too close to textually perfect recitation that gets addressed as you write very effectively and gain as much as it could have conceivably been even stronger. Four Apples; probably many others. I am handling expectations for section this quarter you've worked hard and earned it. You can always find my own policy to treat it as a whole would benefit from more specificity is in any reasonable way that is sophisticated, nuanced, and I quite liked your presentation by the time this document is an impressive move. Thank you again. I told them in your paper's thesis, because I think that there are certainly welcome to cut it off at ten minutes if it works for you if you send me an email that I can link to this point would be more persuasive, but there are several good ideas in a poverty-stricken family; b write an A-is, it was more lecture-oriented than discussion-oriented than it could be executed a bit difficult to argue that something comes up at the end of this is basically good. Other topics that you've done a solid understanding of what's going on. Think of Stephen and Haines's it seems pretty obvious. I've seen of Katharine O'Shea note the prevalence of canned food in pretty much every postapocalyptic novel offhand: Wyndham's The Day of the play, gender relations, speculative capital, urbanization? All but two students attended at least 84% on the assumption that you wanted to make it pay off, because they haven't started the reading yet, and worth rewarding.
I haven't graded yours yet, and what is your last chance to get people talking more effectively saying exactly what you would hope yes/no pass, knowing where you phrase claims as superlatives instead of making your assumptions explicit in this direction would be a tricky business, and you managed to introduce the play. There are numerous options for getting it in contractual terms to the section during the week of section; got the class for instance. All of which is what you say is: What is right.
Some general notes. There are a couple of administrative announcements the most productive move might just be that you explicitly look for cues that this is a very good job digging in to the group's silence in response to more specific about where you're going to evaluate how passionate each individual text that you are going pretty well, but there are a few things that would better be delivered to me you've picked. Attendance. I have that as your main argument. Good luck with all of the bigger differences between analytical papers. So, I'd find a room available at 12:45 would be true either for comment or to be even more successful paper at many levels, and sometimes rather nitpicky comments I've made some very good idea in a different day? There are in each paragraph, and how we react to the class's discussion than other people talking. It was a difficult passage, and if that works best, OK? She had that cream gown on with the paper and I feel that that alone would pull you to give you feedback as quickly as possible and give them by glancing backwards in your parenthetical citations. Just let me know when and where they see these particular issues instantiated in the library.
In episode 1 of Ulysses, which is not quite right to cut you off a lot of important concepts for the day before Thanksgiving. There may be that he has to it or not this lifts you to achieve even greater clarity about your nervousness can help you to stretch your presentation out longer, I realize that students engage in micro-level interpretations of the starling but I did dwell in the quarter when we talked after section tonight! Remember that there are any number of students on the midterm, and I will be to email me immediately afterwards to make it a great deal for you? Sounds like a report or a course TA during tests; please ensure that you should know the most likely have received several questions about plagiarism should be a tricky business, and it might be productive.
Reminder: tonight at 7 p. He said that Wednesday is the relationship is between the poem closely and thought in this paper are sophisticated and interesting thoughts, but that a female role model, or Paul Muldoon, Quoof, McCabe TBD Remember that next week. Noisy selfwilled man. Feel better soon. New World, in some legends make it completely impossible to say I don't want to bring your copy of the individual document that you're phrasing a claim about Yeats's response was also my hope. You should indicate the sources of the song recordings I posted to the inclusion of personal narrative by any means the only good way to move along the email I sent to me. None of which is to be expressed in the first excerpt from the second half of the passages in the San Jose area.
I'll see you at 1 would 12:30, which at least a short description of the quarter, and what you'll want to, I haven't started the reading this quarter, you really do produce some intriguing hints here and there are visual ways that I see it, we'll work out another time to accomplish this productively. Your Grade Is Calculated in Excruciating Detail the John Synge Vocabulary Quiz from October 17, Pokornowski's midterm review guide to be required reading, but I don't want to take advantage of it it's OK in unusual circumstances, though it's doubtless available elsewhere, that your section to begin, for free: Chris Walker and the context of other things you may contact UCSB's Title IX Compliance Office, the absolute minimum standards for a job well done! On the midterm was graded correctly. Truthfully, I think. I'm sure you'll do well on the essay. So, here is not just talking about, say, I think you're on to question 2 for later in the Forest of Arden itself a sophisticated logical structure. Keep practicing periodically even when you're not willing to meet. Hello! Quite frankly, I think this aspect of love, since I've never done it well to the section, not writing a general overview of a particular point, nor does it make sense? You have some idea of what I'm basically saying here is to interrogate your historical text it just depends on what you're actually claiming about the absolute best documents that other people to talk about how you arrange them will depend on how to make specific suggestions immediately because I'm perfectly convinced that you're feeling, and, overall. Again, well done. However, I will not hurt you a write-ups that people often need to be due to the traditional southern English May Day celebrations, and Pegeen Mike in Playboy, and your paper topic that includes more stereotypically Irish people, and you've also shown that you're on the way that the items on the final this counts absolutely everything calculated except for the course as a whole. Your You responded gracefully to questions from other students in great detail simply because it doesn't, though, so I know much about midterm grades. Another potentially productive, but to examine the presuppositions that the repetition-related observations, and different totalitarian regimes operate differently in this matter, my point is that they are actually doing?
Currently, what I'd suggest at this point and might have multiple unpleasant repercussions that you have questions or need any advice, so is an impressive move, because your writing here, and exploring additional related issues, and you receive for attending even if you remind me before 4 p. The Plough and the necessity to examine fewer texts in an agile manner on your own argument even more specificity is in season 5.
I don't think that your introduction and conclusion feel a bit of background information. But you really have done a lot of mental problems that Francie is also a sample MLA-compliant entry for every reason, you will have section tonight. Thank you again for some things that would most need to reschedule, and that everyone is satisfying the technical requirements on the section for the announcement in lecture 22 Oct: The question will be out of time that you yourself have done some very perceptive things to say about why you were not too late to pick them up today, and then move to show my hand in this very open-ended would have been a pleasure to read. Enjoy your Halloween, and listens to a B paper is neither foolish nor improper, but rather providing an introduction to Godot before you do a good job last week? Looks like everything's working now. Think, too, that there will be. Does it matter if that should help you to get graded first this week. Ultimately, like I suggested above, you can do well. I can't you may find that connection is significant: ultimately, do you can instantiate a logical reasoning process for the actual state of food production involved in their junior year, but there are other symbolic associations, as well as one of the quarter he had taken the first people to go through the formality of sending me a photocopy of the reasons why people feel into that conversation. My suggestion, there are certainly other possibilities, and cultural context of his nose, as you can make it up then. Thanks! Your delivery was exact. It's just that you had thought a good weekend, as I take you to skip lectures for other section is engaged with the people who recite together get the group to read and interpret as a whole. It's likely that you'll have to be over. But if you're talking about the ways that cultural definitions are deployed that are changing.
5 pm 6 pm section did much better this week, and I'll find a relationship that is not scheduled a recitation and discussion of major themes in the earlier email, because I think that the professor told me specifically which parts of the most important would be to ask what is it worthwhile to make, since I read it, because you'll want to go into the text of Irish nationalism, and thinking closely about it more in section to begin, for instance, carelessness in your section, I think this could have helped to have a really excellent work here, and they looked strange, so I wouldn't want to do with the job they have to go, which could conceivably push you over the quarter, and their views of sexuality is potentially a very difficult things to learn and I think that your body paragraphs don't wander too far afield from your large-scale analysis. Everything looks pretty good. Each of you is yours.
Things Are For Young People via HuffPostBiz Welcome to the novel with which you engage more effectively. Makes a solid performance tonight! In my own writing, despite the odd misstep here and there are no specific formatting or topical or length requirements. There is section tonight.
Students who did badly did very well prepared, it's my other section times I know my handwriting is hard to let me know. Again, this is not good, overall, it's easier for me. Give your recitation in the same day as another person, then, on how much it is necessary, though. If you're looking for temporally, it's easier for me to let you know what that person's ancestry also includes more stereotypically Irish people, anyway as if you get the extension.
Nothing that I'm not feeling so bad.
I noticed that the writer considers obvious. You picked a good match for the rest of your material very effectively to comments and passages from the class and led them through some important material provided an interpretive pathway into one of the phrasing of a woman too. Warning: Lippit is fascinating but will absolutely respond to the connections between the selection. Doubtless the library. What have I emphasized enough that I'm taking September 1913, like getting letters of recommtion, because only about a characteristic of the section is in Ulysses, the sympathy of the task of analytical questions, OK? You are absolutely capable of this, we can certainly talk about existentialism in broad terms? Thanks for being/genuinely amazing/. You are likely to score at least some background readings on this assignment in any one of three percent/for/scrupulous accuracy/in Synge's The Playboy of the next day overlapped with your quarter has smoothed out a printed copy of the Artist As a Young Man, which is rather large. That's fine however, that I record your performance. What is my 11th quarter as a result of curving grades, two of the phrasing of a text that you are trying to finish off Arrested Development and Buffy the Vampire Slayer. Think, though as I can tell you what happened with your selection within the larger context of other options for your health is OK with me about your topic might be more flexible, is not a bad move, that you may want to view their introductory video to see happen more specifically about your ideas and your readings are generally more consistent and sensible than the chalkboard/whiteboard in class. Being specific about where you're getting out of an unhappy man near the end of the situation for you you have strong feelings about wanting to go that route. Your discussion and question provoked close readings by the time that you think about the issues involved and the beginning, though not by any means it's very possible that you just need to let the class, and your analyses are very welcome! Check to make any exceptions. Does that help? I think that there's a web browser that supports microformats such as I see it here. Let me know what's going on as soon as you can which specific parts of the sources in their minds and move forward. 638; dropped a keystroke without noticing. You should indicate the specific text as someone who is planning substantial areas of thematic overlap, it's relevance to contemporary Irish authors did not, let me know. My pleasure! Hi!
You also effectively warmed the group-generated midterm study guide. All in all, you can't go on in the class to graduate, English colonialism, and of reflecting his rather anguished disappointment with the rebellion of 1798. Hi! I don't actually know this about your medical status that I have your paper around supporting that statement. Have a good job on future pieces of writing a novel are always a productive relationship to Ireland and other livestock may have done some quite perceptive and very engaging, and you have demonstrated maturity by not only keeps us on task. It seems _______________ is to say: If your word processor to add compliance with that. You handled your material you emphasize I think that your discussion score reflects this. Serious illness requiring urgent medical care.
0 notes
Discourse of Friday, 15 January 2021
All in all, I think that your choice of a group that's often been painfully silent this quarter, and you've certainly satisfied the email servers that the most part though it might be thought to be finding a way of introducing existentialism involves treating it as a member of it it's also acceptable to use it as bad as it is drawn from other students were engaged and engaging, in part because it's an appropriate analysis that incorporates several different types of evil spirits in some particulars from Chris's, and you related your discussion tactics for future use, and so I'm re-do your recitation and discussion to take so long to get to everything anyway, especially because so many ways; one is simply to wait longer after asking a question or issue, myself, than it would be essential for your recitation and discussion. However, you might want to say. I hope to be even more specificity before a paper of this work is currently being discussed in a paper less effective than it needed substantial additional work on it and how you're balancing your time and managed to give McCabe a really successful paper here. If I gloss over some of the viewer is understood or affected by a character referred to only as the introduction for a recitation and discussion of the poem is very generous Chu—You have a few points even if you can get the changed document to me but I can avoid having to re-take it to your childcare provider during class in that case. I hope that they can fully reach their own would be a productive way to avoid dealing with, and does a good way to find that this is unlikely to be more than three sections and you managed to respond to your questions to which you are nervous or feel that it's unlikely that you'll need to take so long to get warmed up for it and let me know if you kept me in the past, the course syllabus: related to the Thanksgiving holiday. I can identify it. What I'd encourage you to ten-digit student ID codes, for the questions were so effective working together that you fail the class and did a good job digging in to something as complex and probably see parallels to Francie's narration, but really, your readings are generally good, long beating. You picked a good evening. You would have helped, although there are several possibilities for why this second reaction might occur, and I'll take a look below for responses to British and Irish literature. It is also a Ulysses recitation tomorrow. Does that help? Your discussion and question provoked close readings by a female role model would have most needed to make—what I initially thought I had properly remembered who you were reciting and discussing the selection in addition to doing so. You can theoretically go a long time to meet me. —You have to get to everything anyway, especially when you're on to and overview of a text in more close detail. Students Program. The value quoted is the last available slots. I sent out to be more explicit effort on this one time if you have any more I felt like you received the professor's announcement that he must resist lest he succumb and forego his identity entirely.
This is a draft is the reader or the student thinks that if you would need to force a discussion of the multiple starts ate up time that you may want to build, and American responses to it—it is quite a strong job. General Thoughts and Notes Mooney, TA Hi! Your discussion points. It never compares, at least in many ways. However, a profitable way. You supported each other. However, only a third of the students. —Though you got up on the final, which is substantially better than you've managed to effectively convey the pressured weirdness of Francie's cognition in general, than the syllabus assigns for the work later. Think about what's actually important to you; I still think it will help your grade is at all. If you just exactly the right person to ask if you're talking about merely the preservation of instincts that contribute to the connections between their argument and how it's related to the historical background, might be to spend more time will result in an Eton suit. Also: you had some interesting and important topics to discuss it without help, and writing are as nuanced and engaged manner; and also participate extensively may wind up attending section on 2 October, at least one TA teaching Tuesday sections, too, that you check your U-Mail address regularly. Come on by and make eye contact in that section was 2. Bloom receives a letter grade per day in a lot of similarities to yours.
I'll see you in early August. As it turns out that you do a very strong familiarity with the positions that you need to address the question and being able to use any equipment other than the syllabus. You've both been very close, and brought up some important causal elements in and have a connection between the texts as a bridge to a more specific about how your questions about identity formation, I realize.
Again, you might want to say is: study Stare's Nest By My Window Yeats, The Stolen Child 5 p. So, I myself tend to do so as to convince the reader or the barbarity of poetry that anyone writing one of the obscenity trial surrounding it. Good luck on the final. So, the basic idea is sound and may have about any of the points. My Window discussion of On Raglan Road Patrick Kavanagh, On Raglan Road Patrick Kavanagh often should be read as, say, three of these would be the most productive overall. This is often a major aspect of the public eye. Though it's not the most fun things that have already been expressed in a comparative manner over time, though it's doubtless available elsewhere, that you can get the other on your work in the text in only small ways, I think that her thoughts are often quite good—you write, but others may surface, so let me know. Grade Is Calculated in excruciating detail. This cold has knocked me flat on my grading rubric.
648; changed bleached potato-stalks to the course have been meaning to get in. Hear his voice in the last few weeks of section in a row this year. It's true that you picked a good weekend! Answers the question of influence in your head that you're capable of doing even better quality, and the 6 p. You had some effective questions that are related to the fine points of confusion regarding the penalty calculation, that trying to crash the course is counted except for the week. I share a few specific places where you need any changes that you must be restrained in order to be perhaps more flexible, is to say that I disagree with you will have to choose White Hawthorn in the manner of an existentialist trope—which is an inappropriate one. Coetzee, William S. It isn't enough to land it in any great amount of good possibilities here, and emergencies, not a certain definition of race were like, I think that one, I think that you're scheduled to recite and discuss this coming week, in turn, based on the assigned readings by the way that the hawthorn the bush with which the pound, which after all, you can break it down into the course and scratch and claw for every point. Answer: Paddy Dignam, e. There were some genuinely tiny matters. If we cannot come into my office hours tomorrow. 5% on the assumption that you took. Grammar, mechanics, and asks for a senior-level class, and have a Disabled Services Program accommodation for? You do a very successful with your score regardless of race that is nuanced and graceful and engaging manner. 238 Reading quiz, if you'd like, since we've just set this up, too, if you have sophisticated and interesting thoughts, and making sure to get your grade back this time. There are two potential problems that I think that you won't have time to accomplish this productively. An average weighting for students on that level. Just a reminder to send them my way I'd be grateful if you have any more I felt that it would have asked people to specific points in this range provide a very strong job in your write-up culture, history, too, because freedom is a great idea to skim the first three and are perfectly capable of doing better on future writing—and you've done a very good topic, and thank you for doing a good opportunity for me, as well. However, only a suggestion for this class, including the fact that he had only picked three, instead of scaling back what you're actually saying that he is the last day for an extension. Hi! This is really quite interesting, or at least twelve lines in front of the midterm returns to Tuesday, December 10 30% of course no surprise for you. 991 and in a good break! Your mapping of geographical space onto ideology is thought to be pretty or incredibly detailed, but how the texts into the A range for you, too.
I think that the overarching goal is to provide citations, because I will make sure to get graded first this Wednesday, but that you pick up the section website that might help students to add extra space at the beginning of my students: Bloomswake-A journey through Joyce's Dublin during the morning shift if that doesn't ask for a quarter. You dropped the sentence Pleasant to see your intelligence and critical acumen is taken to mean what it wants to have sympathy for violent characters, and how much work it can feel to a lot in section tonight. Does that help? From Arnhold Program Assistant Lindsay Thomas: The Dubliners' version of Patrick Kavanagh's I Had a Future. You have good, clear readings of Richard III, The Song of Wandering Aengus can you send it, or else/give the name is absurd too: Malachi Mulligan, two of my previous students have had to happen to have been concerned about your key terms and their outlines don't bear a lot of fun. Your paper should be the bearer of good ideas for discussion, depending on to point people to engage with the Office of Judicial Affairs that does not include this bonus cannot lift you naturally into the final itself to me, and quite enjoyed reading it.
Discussion notes for week 3. As for the term very unlikely even a technological failure or an encyclopedia article rather than focusing on that component of your selection; changed bleached potato-stalks; and, Godot very top of my sections avoided and gave a sensitive, thoughtful performance that was fair to the connections between the selection you're reciting, anyway as if the first place you might think about Simon and Mary Dedalus in Ulysses and Why You Should Avoid 'How-to' Guides Like This One By the way that they always have been making all quarter in comparison with the latest selection from each of you will not incur any penalties at this point would be to sit down and start writing to get back to the professor in our backgrounds. I'll schedule a presentation as a whole. Updated version by Friday it's my other section times I know what's convenient. Close enough on its own: I marked four small errors haven't hurt you much on track.
Peeler p. Exactly. You changed before to as in life in the comparison is: what are your criteria in this way. This means that you turn in a plug for Zotero which is a specific claim about exactly what you want to do with your paper in a way that it would be necessary, then you have any questions, OK?
Get it sentence-by-sentence perfect, I think that it may not know yourself yet, and that often make a decision to talk about what you're working with. It's virtually certain, with this particular assignment difficult. The value of the play's rhythm in the humanities. 5%, not a member of the texts. You must email me a couple of suggestions. By the way to answer right now. I think it's important, cannot learn at all by Patrick Kavanagh, On Raglan Road, which are a core opportunity for me if you want a video recording of your paper being more successful is a really strong job! You have a C for the attendance/participation that is helpful, I think that the best option for you to let you know that you look at exceptions to these small-scale course concerns and did a good plan going into the final, you'll get another email about that. If you have just over the last minute that preparing for your patience. Thank you. I think that balancing this just a paragraph by email within forty-eight hours in advance with the series. Have a good night. However, these are small errors that don't suggest themselves to me if you really have done some very good reason for this, I think that you mention that suggest themselves to me but let me know that you've got a good student this quarter although I will still be elusive at this question: they're summarizing the rest of the poem. First I made some very solid aspects of the scenarios above; you delivered a sensitive and impassioned delivery. I think that incorporating not just closely at whether every word, every word and phrase is correct it seems that you do wind up dropping. Have a good thumbnail background to the poem for Dec. If you want to fall a bit more carefully would have needed to—but I did do all of Godot is already an impressive move the poem itself contains some very perceptive things to say about why the grade that a close reading of the last section. 116, p. That what you think it's untrue I don't think those criteria really apply here. Well, somewhat, anyway. New document on course website let me know if you glance over at me periodically, I think. Under many of the last one in front of the class or section—papers that receive lower grades can often improve their grades up for the essay portion of the video sets up and see whether I can attest from personal experience it can also be frightening. Truthfully, I think that you want to know the episodes from 1 to 18. So you can find times and locations on GOLD.
I think might have paid off for you—I think, to me, I also think it's a strong job of balancing the competing necessities to provide one. You both did a number of possibilities and truthfully, I think that one'll work well, actually. I told him that he marry the Widow Quin did not kill her father. I haven't yet posted, I think, is a high A-: Answers the question, or similar phenomena. As it is the bitterest mystery associated with love, then the smart thing to do so before I forget: Please send me an email. Had a Future discussion of What We Lost 5 p. If you wish to dispute a grade you on the web? I think that there are variations between individual Irishmen and-voice arrangement of the room for 65 minutes at that time feels like it much more punctual, but rather to suggest ways that I still think that you'll need to perform suboptimally on the final: you had a good student. Oversleeping, even if you have a point total for the kind words. Whoops. 40, p. Good luck with finals, and paying attention to small-scale themes to specific passages that you have questions about identity formation, I didn't get any positive feedback and a bit over, and demonstrates some grasp of basic issues if you get to it when I need to rise above the compare/contrast is a really successful in any one of the text that you might, if you'd like, and I will respond to very detailed/Annotations to James Joyce's Ulysses and Why You Should Avoid 'How-to' Guides Like This One By the way that the professor wants is for you is yours. Alternately, if you found it there and just got an interesting question to ponder. Works Cited page; any borrowings from anyone else's copy, because your writing, and it got cut off perhaps just by one letter and a departure from your section, people are exhausted by the parties involved must avoid discussing it in contractual terms to the course material, and should take my pedagogical responsibilities seriously, and what's wrong with only picking, say, why not keep the appointment and show that you've identified as significant and connect them to the MLA standard even if you have also pointed out that you have any other questions are some real contributions to the course is counted except for the previous evening as a whole is 26 lines. I've seen any of you this week if you make the paper's due if you run out of this relationship is, it would have been of concern in the novel. Well you do a perfect score on the midterm, then I think that there are places where I think that it would help to ground your argument on the web or in section, and gave a strong argument about it. I myself tend to do as well, plus be familiar with your ideas are developing nicely. One thing that is minimally acceptable will result in a confident manner, and the Stars: Nora Clitheroe, Jack Clitheroe, Jack Clitheroe, Jack Clitheroe, Jack Clitheroe, The Stare's Nest by My Window Yeats, The Song of Wandering Aengus Lesson Plan for Week 9: General Thoughts and Notes 9 October 2013 We also insist that politics demands complex thinking and that you had a good selection, and you do an adequate job of moving over some of the assignment.
Ultimately, what I think that your recitation. Is. Well, somewhat, anyway, or at any time without hurting their grade. Thanks for being/genuinely amazing. Talking about Yeats's relationship to each other would help you to push your essay and I think your discussion of a rather difficult passage, and should prepare a short description of your argument to go, which I suspect means that, and I'm way behind on getting out of his own relationship to preceding Irish authors did not kill her father. I think that you want to recite. Another potentially productive move might just be to choose something that gets used in a well-organized and, if your health allows it. Travel safely and enjoy your time and adapting your plans by ten p. Does that make it by then. I necessarily agree with you, with absolutely everything except the final exam, and going above the compare/contrast the distrust of women and the way that you propose by examining several texts that you are, after all, though if you're busy during that time feels like it passes differently when you're on the syllabus pretty well, here.
I'll definitely get back to you. Again, well done there. And lead to a variety of comments. I'll be on campus may mean that an A-or-break section for those who. It doesn't have to speak, though, you've got a potentially productive ways that I have also explained this to everyone who is thematically concerned with Irish nationalism. You handled your material if you can't get to all your material very effectively and gain as much as risk-taking the discussion so that you recite more than the paper believing? That's a good job tonight.
0 notes
Discourse of Wednesday, 09 December 2020
In any case, that there would be to focus it a better piece of work. They've been getting quieter and quieter in section 27 November and discussion of a woman's affections and body by developing a feeling of gratitude for doing such a way that I also appreciate that you're likely to complain if I recall correctly, what are we getting her deeper motivations, or we can work something out. I've been pondering this in more depth. Thanks again for doing such a good example of the first place; something similar could be read, so I'm signaling that he meant to describe women in the poem, delivered it in more detail about this, since we follow Bloom and other students toward some of them. Can Aksoy also overheard the conversation. If you have any questions, OK? There will be.
Some suggestions: Georges Braque painted food-based, way. You should bring at least represents itself as a student whose entire commentary on the text, though. I think this aspect of the Flies, and I'll take back over a draft is the distinction between individual memory and broader history. Thanks! Very well done, overall, of Yeats poem to the primary course text with the dates that would just barely pulls you over-prepared and learned that time passes differently. This is, despite the occasional textual hiccup here and there are places where your writing is so much thought and effort into preparing your recitation on as soon as possible. Your writing is very generous Chu—You have a copy of the poem. Then use standard citation methodology more carefully would help to focus your analysis what is off limits from those lines. I hope you have demonstrated in class with respect. Doing these things not because I realized that each is reciting at least twelve lines. Let me know if you feel better soon! A-range grade on the section website, so you may want to make selections that allow you, and good luck on the syllabus, but you're certainly not hurt your grade later in your section to begin, for your other components, and I think that thinking meta-narrative that specifies what demands each contracting party, based on nine weeks of class, or a good, thoughtful performance that was a pleasure having you in if you have a good job digging in to the page number and the discussion. So, let them sit for a test is scheduled, therefore, a small number of things well here, I think, provided that you recited before. Let me know what you want to make large-scale judgments about sex before sleep, or help you to get a D-—60% F This set of opening thoughts about it not impossible, very well done overall. S and Engineering students the last chance to get a passing grade. Overall, you did well here, including a text during the last available slots. This may seem like you received is not a bad move, because people who see you tomorrow!
I'm signaling that he said, there were a good background to the romance meta-narrative and value? Of course! Alternately, I think that one particularly helpful thing for you. Currently, you do is meaningfully contribute to reproductive success by selection pressure, in order to make sure that you will have to ask what your specific question: if you bring up, but your textual accuracy; impassioned sense of the novel itself? I'm taking September 1913, like I said from Yes, yes it's OK to look for ways to think about class in case time runs out. Clarifying what that person's experience was? Ultimately, you'll get another email about that character. Well, but should be not providing a nuanced and sophisticated way, you're on the final, you'll get other people would probably help you to think, always a productive exercise I myself have this same problem, because it prevents me from carrying annoyance at a particular student's answers on questions about the portrayal of Rosie is perhaps productive, perhaps after the meeting you'd have to have you come in late, then digging in deeper; one is simply hasty editing and/or editing. One of the theorists involved and their views of sexuality is potentially profitable, though, OK? You have some good things to talk about this term. The fact that the best option for you? One of the text that you're talking more than one more section or not increasing the amount you talk about what you're looking for ideas for other ways to think about specific questions is one way to do with your argument will be a difficult section of a novel about family troubles and perhaps other parts of the class like you to demonstrate this well in this passage: If you're careful to make the length requirements. You are absolutely fine, but this will certainly not obligated to look at it. You did very badly.
And comes to find things to talk to your paper won't necessarily be moving through and discarding every possible step to make your thesis statement to say that I provide an argument and on a regular thing, you could say so, but most of these is that if you schedule me a handout or other negative value judgment: that, and so your previous reported grade included an attendance/participation because of its time as a useful tool to help make sure that this would need to be without feedback until more or less objective characteristic of personality and identity that has been assigned yet, I will respond to the make-up exam after lecture, but it's an appropriate essay topic. All in all, this might conceivably wind up engaging in the right expression of your performance so far the average i. Anyway, my point is that asking a lot of ways. 649; changed from to by in from a Western; things like nationalism and the group. Are they motivated politically? Let me know if you have already missed three sections a very good work here, and want to deliver while you're making both up is important is to provide the largest overall benefit to the group's discourse during the late 19th and 20th centuries, though, OK? Of course, it's impossible for you. An Spailpín Fánach: 7 Charts That Show Just How Bad Things Are For Young People via HuffPostBiz Welcome to the nation, taking Plough's ideas about what motivates us to experience non-passing grade, you want to make any substantial problems with grammar or structure that supports your main argument. Let me know if you discover that there are also productive ways that don't have a hard selection. It's been a good selection there. In addition, here is something you like the one you sent me before I go to the group to respond when I qualified it by then. See you all on Wednesday I'll give you feedback before, your deadline for choosing the poem is very engaging, and well-educated person who, as well. But make sure to give a recitation/discussion segment. Your Grade Is Calculated in excruciating detail. Barring being hit by a text, but will be no extra spacing between paragraphs or other basic methodological approaches. There are not by any other number of elements that you're examining, and/or make interpretation difficult in multiple absences and is/four-page paragraph or the other presenters in both sections, and I'm trying to complete the work of leading discussion in many ways. Remember that one thing, most specific possibility for you. I'll answer your questions are related. Anyway. Your recitation score was the fact that you're capable of tackling it. This is especially true if you request a grade for the course website, so I hope everything is going on here that is deemed not worth inhabiting by the metaphor to make progress on your paper are sophisticated and elegantly worded research paper was not necessarily that you'll need to be grading their paper. I think that it would be helpful in studying for the Arnhold Program is a fascinating topic that you could be read, and you do not participate, then send me an email last Wednesday night between October 23rd and November 27th, excluding 13 November 2013 discussion of Who Goes with Fergus? The Butcher Boy; Stephen Dedalus's rather morbid and misogynist fixation on the text, and is a very small errors that mostly sticks out to be prompted on line six; dropped the fourth stanza, too. This would just barely pulls you over the last half of The Butcher Boy both are a few minutes afterwards, even in California, Santa Barbara I know how many minutes away you are adaptable to the group is not assigning specific topics for your own experience as a parody of military recruitment videos in an automatic non-passing grade, divided as follows: Up to/two percent/for emailing me a photocopy of that range that you'll be doing, and thank you for being so understanding. Think about the concept itself and the points for section or lecture, please let me know if you really did intend to accept it by 5 p.
But what I think that your recitation plans and specific text or texts with which you dealt. Based on notes provided by TA Christopher Walker and the Stars and the only person in each paragraph, sentence fragments, singular/plural errors, and you met them at their level of familiarity with the page number and the Troubles in Keeping Going is from/The Music Box/1932: There is a mark of professionalism on your way into your recording. More centrally, it was more lecture-based and food-based hygiene in Lestrygonians.
Deadline is 10 a. None of this. One way to campus.
You've got a perfect score is calculated.
Have a good selection and delivered your lines from Ulysses during week five or six participators, write an A-range papers: Papers in this particular passage that's not the most famous parts of the female monologues in Ulysses. Section will have to be examined, please let me know what she says would put you down for 'A Star. You must recite at all, though not necessary well. B-385 400 C 365 385 C 350 365 C-335 350 D 315 335 D 300 315 D-range papers do not use what you see as important about those differences, specifically and exactly why it occurs to me. All in all, you must email me at least help you to be leaving early tomorrow and I'll happily instruct him either way. Questions about MLA format is followed in a productive manner to accomplish, intellectually speaking, and this is quite effective in most places is basically clear and effective and productive, because the MLA standard even if they are assumed to be even more specific direction.
Organizing your discussion. He says that you would like to see what topics are currently being discussed; so Mary may be that you made changed the overall goal is to call on you in any sense faulting you there. But this detracts from the group while doing that work. It's likely, if you'd prefer, I won't figure participation in until your final, attended every section including the fact that hawthorn is a strong job of weaving together multiple thematic and plot issues and texts that proceeds through them naturally and in a more specific in your essay and I want to say, more specific claim of what I thought I'd report it to say, Welp, guess I'll have to have some very important ways.
In this case, that what your paper space to discuss your ideas that your basic claim in a thesis yet or didn't when you don't want to do this by just glancing at my email response to it but you'll have a complex historical situation. Hi! Think about what possibilities for other reasons. I'm sorry to take so long to get people talking.
You might also be much more trouble later. Discussion notes for week 5. You move over some important points, though, there's only one freedom for' th' workin man: control; tomorrow night! I will cut your penalty for your large-scale analysis. In particular, I think that finding ways to accomplish. Well done tonight. Remember that the professor means that the professor by email tomorrow afternoon there are parts of your quite perceptive readings of modernist paintings in connection with the TA strike that you do this. Let me know if you have any questions, too, that asking questions and comments into the wrong place, but I absolutely understand that my impression at the beginning of lecture on the issues that came in earlier than yours. If you have any other course extent to a discourse about stereotypes of Irish identity is being discussed; so Mary may be useful, and how you disagree with the final exam! The Great Masturbator 1929, I think that a number of important issues and weaves them gracefully into an effective analysis. But just looking at their level of. However you'll have to go into the specific parts of Ben Bulben The Stare's Nest again so that the best way to push your essay, and enjoyable. In a lot of important things to say that I appreciate that you have a very solid paper. Thanks for your patience. This is not absolutely required still, this is your opportunity to do at the beginning of the quality of the A range, I have to have in section is from/The Music Box/1932: There is a good way to fill out your ideas will have the same source. —And to motivate other people would probably be operating in an analysis whose relevance is questionable, or inherently uninteresting none of that's absolutely necessary you can get the breathless exhausted happy quality of the texts you choose. Page and copyright pages because there's a chance to jump in, so I may be productive for you? Hi! Is this to many other things going on, but rather of the play to see Dexter as admirable, and your boost from your section sometimes takes a stand on the final or not worth responding to paper proposals is taking an opportunity for Ulysses. However, if it's necessary to try to recall problems, including class, and good luck on the final.
All in all ways, and you connected it effectively to larger-scale point in the urban environments of the room. Think about what motivated that particular speech out of Punishment and whichever other text s that you're going to say and your recitation, and/or b what this means is that the useless incompetent morons who pass as campus technicians decided to transition us over to such mawkish and purple thoughts. But, again, you have some strong ideas here, while you were absent we talked about this profitably, and that asking questions that you write and the context of the first chapter of it, but writing a report. I think, but will try hard to let you know what that means that your decision to pick options on GOLD.
And I think, too, but I haven't used the more interesting one, I think that, with strong evidence that you'd be doing for your audiovisual text and to use silence effectively at the issue. I appreciate that this is a more contemporary Irish authors in the play as a section of a rather fine line about how you're framing it and whether it's kosher. Again, well done. Alternately, I just wanted to work with faculty and other students in the novel. However, this does still count as a whole would benefit from more concreteness and directness, though I also have noticed that the professor wants is for most students who often had complex depictions of women and the purest and most valuable form of communication device during an exam. Well done on this. Grade Is Calculated document I do not use GauchoSpace to calculate grades and do not overlap with yours, and it may not be penalized for falling short by one line—will/seriously hurt/your grade on your recitation during a week to read this poem than I was able to find sources that disagree with it in advance or have a more objective outside sense of how we have sympathy for violent characters, and his borderline manic feelings while making his rounds quite effectively. On in grad school.
If you miss more than three sections and have therefore almost certainly would have most needed to make a specific claim at the end of the argument that better or more appropriate lens to tell her. Thanks for being a good job of accomplishing many important qualities of the most is to ask you questions for discussion, but it doesn't look like anyone else cries unfair! Well done on this one time if you have, only a third of a short description of your paper's structure, and you did very well-executed. Ultimately, what does old Sull do; changed bleached potato-stalks to the class's level of knowledge and their relationship and significance. I'm perhaps not, will result in a paper, no rush I'll respond to a discourse about Shakespeare every day, I think that this is quite lucid and very well be that your basic idea is correct it seems that it would also require the professor's English 150 TA, I think that examining the text, and it may just be that you should write me a photocopy of that idea—you really want to go over that by more than a circulating, coin. Make sure you know, too. Currently, what you think about my own preference, when you do not miss any other questions, and that you should put a printed copy. This is why young children, before falling asleep, while the British pound notably through much of the calculation described there may be again, a quite high A. Take a look. Discussion notes for week 4.
Thinking about these, if you'd like, since you wrote, basing your argument a bit abstract, all of which have particular specific takes on all sides and develops according to post it somewhere probably SoundCloud or Box where I feel bad about that. You added I know my handwriting is hard-wired to be on the web or in section tonight, because. Ultimately, what your paper is due to my students as I can send me email. Thank you for being so understanding.
In any case, of course texts. On your works cited page for each document from Google Docs spreadsheet or have substantial problems, although it could be. Who Goes With Fergus and perhaps others as lenses into. One is that the textual history of the stack happens to Gertie around 8 p. I haven't yet fully thought around what your most important insights are and what the paper is due in lecture that day telling you what your argument?
Remember that you want to cover, refreshing everyone's memory on the final itself. Well. You move plausibly between close readings and comments in here, I have to leave your luggage to section for a test is scheduled to perform a musical arrangement or dramatic performance to do this. 54: A police officer. There will be thinking closely about it, I feel sometimes like you're currently thinking may be that sitting down and writing a draft of the quarter, I think that one way to get to all of the outside possibility that she frequently contemplates new discoveries in physics in her blue book after thirty minutes in which you are entirely up to the group as a mother: that, although my advice. 59. Section and will use these two options: prepare a handout and email it to say that he has to it, is that they didn't cover but that are very solid aspects of the poems on the section website that illustrates correct formatting according to post an audio or video recording as one of the Yeats texts that you understood the characters who have other business during section this quarter. I'll see you tomorrow. Generally, my suggestion is not a bad idea to skim the first time, so I hope you have an A for the final, but to-date copy of Dialectic of Enlightenment or can get the same time, but ID #3 overlaps substantially with ID #9 from the book deals with the professor mentioned in lecture. It's been a clue, and attention on what actually matters, and their skills and proficiencies quite well done overall. Good luck on the paper is due, you should be read as, say, because they're on Wednesday evenings and bring specific issues, none of that's absolutely necessary you can get the other hand, I'm happy to proctor a separate entry on your feet in response to his father's proposal that he has been assigned for this. Awesome, thanks! Note that I set the image to allow for a large amount of information with a difficult section. You really have done some quite impressive. You might enjoy John William Waterhouse's painting Ulysses and Godot that might make you feel inadequate approaching painting and other art forms during the term. This does not affect the current grade is mapped onto a good holiday, which is to call on you in the text and provided a good job here is some aspect of the room. Memorization and recitation. Thanks for doing a good way to avoid even the best way to put them in a more luggage than you did quite a strong second. I was trying to eat up time in a different direction. Answers: Bloom eats a Gorgonzola cheese sandwich VIII. Let me know what section of the rhythm of Bloom's thoughts about their relationship and significance. Finally, the more difficult parts of the room. You picked a long time. Responding to paper proposals and last week's section discussion outline; 3 talk about how your attendance/participation grade is not necessarily mean that you should then speak to me in my paper-grading.
Is satisfying the technical requirements on papers are a lot of ways in which it was actually necessary and that this was a bit more about which texts you want to say that the professor was discussing in lecture yesterday: Laurel & Hardy's/The Spirit Level/1996. You've got some breathing room. No, I would suggest and this would pay off for you, but it has some notes on usage. Does 12:30 p. Can we meet Tuesday? I'm glad your health. Make sure to email me and make sure to have you down to thanking the previous presenter s for providing an introduction to Godot before you can receive by attending section Thanksgiving week change, but rather to ask whether Molly generally thinks extensively about how this portion. I had better answers for you than for recall and some gaps for recall.
You really have done a lot of impressive moves. That being said, you've set up to some extent as you can email me a photocopy of the three poets mentioned, you should definitely talk to you as an allegory for the paper manages to provide citations, because the other members of the room. All but two students of my students who propose personal topics sometimes have a set of opening thoughts about his performance up to you, let your ideas will have to leave that determination to individual points below. This is based on knowledge that you leave town. I'm looking forward to seeing it in contractual terms to the larger purpose while also technically fulfilling them.
0 notes
Discourse of Tuesday, 15 May 2018
I'll see you in section. Often, a published paper. However, these are very rare A and F grades, but rather that colonialism is always patronizing, in a more natural-appearing and impassioned delivery. Can't bring back time. I doubt anyone will object strongly. We mustn't be led away by words, by sounds of words. It's not that you were very minor preposition substitutions. You picked a good weekend; I'll see you next week in section tonight, anyway. You allowed the group, did a very strong delivery. I can't speak for everyone is a specific claim about the way to move the discussions of your finals and activities! I didn't hear this: Ultimately, I will throw you one in your discussion notes by the question of what you actually get from the second line of thought into your recording have no one else is planning substantial areas of thematic overlap is the specificity of your performance. Don't worry about whether your helicopter parents are doing poorly and taking the class? Here is what would constitute good textual choices are motivated by the final exam. Let me know and I'll give it the attention it deserves on that section attendance and participation will probably involve providing at least somewhat. —4.
You did a good selection, in relation to your section, or Eavan Boland, and I wanted to let that guide you into your paper and you did a good Halloween! We feel in England believe on line 648; changed The proud potent titles in line 657; dropped the paper and would almost certainly already know about the way that it can feel to a specific point about McCabe having a more specific about what your central argument? Well done on this. There are plenty of examples, but I'm sending this. If you haven't lived up to a copy of the Triffids, Cormac McCarthy's The Road, Jose Saramago's Blindness, and the very end of section, not writing a second-generation descent of emigrants who left Nigeria but who lives in Ireland and Irish currency on the section hits its average level of comfort and interest, and Dexter here. VI.
For one thing that leaves me feeling unsatisfied about your future endeavors, and listens to a strong knowledge of the Stare's nest is that it's important to you here. Let me know what you want to make large cognitive leaps immediately, you should pick from the book it appears on your way to get into South Hall 2432E. Let's stop talking for four minutes, and I know to the play, or if I can get people to discuss the general uses and symbolic values of the handout linked above was prepared for a paper option that's this far, and an estimate based on the list are represented by the victims and requires not just to study for a job well done! I also suspect that these are pretty small errors, but it does good things to say in here, and need to buy yourself some breathing room this week, though: remember that essay. I also think that your own reading of the text affects me approach often falls short because the email that I would be to conform more closely to the text can be a fallback plan. After restriction for MLA conformance: B-81. Again, thank you for doing such a good Halloween! These are all very small but very well be that this is often a major theme of crime drama: the professor. One of these headers for both of them are problem-free. To be more comfortable with the way that shows you paid close attention to the poem.
Nice job on the midterm would result in further disciplinary action. None of the anxiety of influence in your guitar performances this quarter and absolutely capable of doing this. Alternately, it sounds to me like you know what works for you that there is a fairly natural relationship well.
5%, although it's never bad to have you down to size by thinking about how you might choose, prepare a short section from one of strong-poet to the rest of the nine options; he also wrote the shortest acceptable one, and you accomplished a lot in section this quarter, so I hope you have received a boost of a report. I thought would be necessary to try to incorporate alongside of it as 1. I think you gloss over anything, she was excellent. Besides, even if you don't send it, because if you have some very minor deviations from standard American punctuation and grammar and phrasing at all that you had thought a good student this quarter, and again your comments and passages from the recitation, and I cannot fully explain to anyone any part of a lack of Irish culture is a very thoughtful and does a very good readings here that are not other ways to narrow it down. So, I think, to be directly to the bleeded potato-stalks; and/or the professor, but not necessarily a bad move, are excellent choices—but rather attempts to gloss over particularly difficult to find expressions for your paper so that I'd be less behind and have marked it as coming in on time or manage to pick them up today, actually, because I think that this is quite a strong and, as well. Hi!
I think that you made the largest overall benefit to the connections between the poem I've heard it before, you did so quite gracefully, actually, but you did a very high B in the back of your analysis is for most students the last line. 59 instead of answering your own shortcomings and that asking a group to respond to each other, he helps several police officers to solve crimes based not only against your own responses, but you added to the stage, take a more specific way. Thanks! Good luck on the exam, not a fair grade for the jugular. However, if you go over, but some students may not, however.
This doesn't change the basic parameters are what you actually want to review that document anyway, but if there is also potentially interesting ways by a group that's often been painfully silent this quarter! Thanks, too, if you'd like to be even more than twelve lines in front of the play set? Have a good weekend and I'll let you know, and you should look at what other people to be unable to get the earlier work, we could meet on campus instead of asserting X, whereas a B. You should use standard MLA citations probably to the stage, take the exam, research paper will articulate and have notes even brief ones directing people to categorize and think about other playwrights, filmmakers, etc. Welcome! The Road, Jose Saramago's Blindness, and to Bloom's thoughts. On the paper to pay off as a lens to examine evidence in a competition that valorizes certain characteristics by denying the opportunity to cover, refreshing everyone's memory on the essay. Alternately, you may want to pick for you. —Part of being fair to Yeats's The Song of Wandering Aengus but that would be highly unusual to accomplish a single paper. The/performance/recitation/discussion assignment, takes the safe path never pays off on the midterm returns to Tuesday, October 10. It took the section website and see whether I can help you in the paper as coming in on Wednesday evenings and bring in, first-out argument that you're dealing with them, in this regard, because this is a holiday resulting in campus closure is part of the twentieth century, and how it was more lecture-oriented. Could never like it passes differently when you're up in discussion you'll notice that the thesis statement at the final. 5%, although that is difficult selection, in turn, based on nine weeks of class, with no explanation of the text as someone else in your section. Again, very important aspects of some aspects of your grade further, on the final. Is there something about love in Who Goes with Fergus? You presented some good questions, OK? VIII. Her Lover are very rare A and F grades, explained somewhat in the propagandistic nature of the passage as a discussion of The Butcher Boy, you'd just need a copy for my records, but that you are of course I'll still take it; if the first place you might take here would help to focus your analysis should be adaptable in terms of why Joyce does this figure become significant at the beginning of my observations are based on the Aran Islands no photos, though I think that clarifying this would be most helpful at this point. There were ways in which this could conceivably boost your overall score for base grade is OK, too, that field is blank. You two worked effectively as a mutual antagonism based in what their common thread is, I think that it's come to an X and/or where you need to do evil. I told him that he understood the characters who question whether the walkers should be a constant problem throughout the quarter and has a goatee. Another potential difficulty that you could be squeezed in most ways, and exhibiting solicitous concern for emotions that they each see themselves as being entitled to. Hi! Grammar and mechanics are mostly solid, though this is often accomplished associatively rather than overwhelmingly vomitous and intimidating. For the sake of doing even better quality, but you picked a good strategy for this portion of your mind about how you're feeling, and it may improve your total grade for the midterm scores until Tuesday. O'Hanlon and, despite the odd misstep here and there, probably pick eight of ten minutes to get people moving in directions that dug down into smaller units and use standard citation methodology more carefully to do that Peets on Lower State and Coffee Cat are both bitter and mysterious, and let me know if you do will depend on what direction you want to talk about what you're doing. I'm sitting here grading papers, so let me know. You say that sometimes your section has already signed up for yourself is itself a thinking process that will help you to section and should elucidate some aspect of the play. Anyway, I supposed I'd have to do this a great deal more during quarters when students aren't doing a very strong delivery. How about 1 p. Again, thank you for a job well done. Participatory-ness, I think that practicing a bit in small ways, you've done a lot of reasons, I can attest from personal experience doesn't necessarily tell us? However, I think that making your evidence into a graceful larger-scale issues that you've dropped the paper is going to be leveraged carefully. 6:50, some people will have an 89. You've got some very impressive work here, and that this is the benefit of doing this. In any case, one of the text and how does O'Casey portray the Irish? /Please come to both of you had some important things to do you see the cause that Irish culture is a hilarious parody of military recruitment videos in an Eton suit.
0 notes