#good morning everyone i have had to start tracking my heart rate before and after sitting -> standing
unsettlingcreature · 2 months
skyrim mod where when your character stands up after sitting down, there's a random chance that they either fall over or get a debuff
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jerzwriter · 1 year
No One Else... Part 1 of 2
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Book:                   Open Heart (Book 3 Timeline)
Pairing:                Tobias Carrick x F!MC (Casey)
Featuring: Ethan Ramsey, Sienna Trinh, etc.
Rating:                 Teen +
Category:            Fluffish
Warnings: Maybe some cursing
Summary:   Misunderstandings, changes in plans, a blast from the past, and secret admirers threaten to turn Tobias & Caseye's first second Valentine's Day upside down.
Part One: An unexpected message disrupts Tobias & Casey's blissful morning together. But just when Tobias assumes all is well, there's another surprise... and then another.
Words: 2,092
A/N: I'm not sure where this came from - but it did. It seems angsty at first, but it really won't be, it's going to erupt into chaos - but that can be comical. lol Part one centers mostly around Tobias & Casey, but others (namely Ethan and Sienna) will be getting pulled in toward the end and will show up more in Part 2. I hope you enjoy this! @choices-february2023 - Day 14 - Valentine's Day / @choicesficwriterscreations Valentine Event / @choicesmonthlychallenge To Be... Trust Me" "I'm Yrs Or... Call me Not to Be... Not Happening - @choicesholidays Prompt #1 This isn't what I imagined a relationship would be...
Tobias & Casey Masterlist My Full Masterlist
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Tobias hurried into his office, quickly shutting the door behind him. Alone at last, he wasn’t giving anyone the opportunity to sneak in. Collapsing into his soft leather chair, he took a deep breath and let it out slowly. This had not been the morning he ordered.
He and his beautiful in every way girlfriend had been official for nearly a year now, and, to the amazement of everyone who knew him before, the man had never been happier. But this morning, their normally unflappable relationship was… well… not “flapped”… but experiencing more tension than they were accustomed to.
The day started well, nothing out of the ordinary. Tobias groggily hit snooze when his alarm went off. But instead of cursing it like he used to, he rolled over with a satisfied smile. Waking up to Casey was something he never took for granted. So even when the alarm went off the second time, he didn't fret. After kissing her on the forehead he shuffled into the bathroom.
A stretch and a long yawn got his system stirring, then his morning routine began. Ever the multitasker, he hit play on his voicemail before brushing his teeth in the bathroom mirror. Message number one:
….Hello, Dr. Tanaka here. I was hoping we could move our 2 PM consult on Alex Porter up a bit in light of his test results. Let me know when you arrive at the hospital, and we’ll take it from there…
That’s when he caught a glimpse of Casey creeping toward him in the mirror. Her eyes still half-shut, she lovingly wrapped her arms around his waist and nuzzled her sleepy head on his shoulder. He rinsed quickly, eager to properly kiss her good morning. Their lips were just inches away when the next message began to play.
…Tobias Carrick?....
Just two words were all it took. Casey felt the hair on the back of her neck stand up, and Tobias wasn't far behind.
 …It is so good to hear your voice! Even if it’s just your message. It’s Beverly, love, it’s been so long you have probably forgotten what I sound like….
The voice had a playful, seductive quality that was impossible to miss.  Casey, who typically required at least two hours and twice that amount of coffee to be fully conscious, woke up in a flash.
… It was so hard to track you down! When I think of you and hard in the same sentence, it's not usually about finding your phone number...
As Beverly giggled, Casey reached over to shut off the phone, but Tobias grabbed her wrist to stop her.
“No,” he insisted. “I am not hiding anything from you; so let's listen together.”
… I’m offended that you didn’t give your new number to me! Luckily, I can think of a dozen things you can do to make it up to me. I’m going to the convention at the Cleveland Clinic, and I'm hoping you'll be there this year, too. If so, I have a luxury suite… hot tub, an enormous bed, and a beautiful view… you can certainly bunk up with me and help me put them to good use. I miss you, Tobias. Call me!...
Casey stared quietly at the floor when the message ended, and Tobias reached over to shut off his phone.
“Casey, I didn’t reach out to her," he started, his voice both calming and filled with concern. "I’m only going to contact her to let her know I’m happily off the market…”
“I know,” she mumbled, still looking away. Tobias gently lifted her chin to face him again.
“I don’t know how she got my new number….”
“I know,” Casey muttered. “I know… and I’m not… I’m not mad at you.”
Tobias knew her too well; she may not be mad… but she was something, and he hated being part of anything that brought her even the smallest bit of worry.
“Talk to me, baby. What are you feeling?"
“It’s just…” she let out a deep sigh. “It’s been a while since we’ve had something like this happen. Your Boston following knows you're with me now, so it's leveled off. But your national… or is it international?”
“Casey….” he trailed.
“Who was she? You’ve told me about a lot of your former dalliances, but  I don’t recall a Beverly….”
“Because she wasn’t significant. We met at a conference… a long time ago, and… on occasion,” he stumbled. “If we found ourselves in the same place, at the same time….”
Casey held up her hand, signaling for him to stop. “I get it… and you don’t owe me an explanation. Look,” She said, taking his face in her hands, “No one enjoys hearing a partner's former lover attempting to seduce them. But, T… we’re both adults, and we have histories."
“You’re not upset?” he asked. “I know in the past, things like this bothered you...."
“Mmm-hmm,” she interrupted. “In the past. I know what we are, and I trust you. Just take care of letting her know you'll be in Boston... and you're all mine!"
“And then I’m blocking her number,” he smiled.
“Good…” Casey half-smiled. “I’m not going to let this ruin our first Valentine’s Day.”
“It’s our second!” He insisted.
“No, it’s not,” she grinned. “It'll be fine, but baby... I hope there are no more calls!”
“If there are, I’ll toss my phone into the fireplace.”
“That might be a bit extreme,” she chuckeled, placing a peck on his cheek. Then she was off to get ready for work.
Everything was fine. That's what Tobias told himself as they drove to work. At least it seemed fine. He didn’t let go of her hand the entire trip, which wasn’t uncommon, but the lingering silence was. His mind raced back to the early days of their relationship. Back then, Casey was coping with a lot. Her insecurities and dealing with his … rep… weren't the easiest things for her to deal with. But they moved beyond that, and now,  they were titanium. Right? That wouldn’t happen again. So why was his heart racing a little faster?
It didn’t matter, he convinced himself. Tomorrow was Valentine’s Day, their second… though she insisted it was their first. Whatever the number, he already planned on making his girl feel extra special, but now? Now he was really going to go all out.
He parked in his spot and proceeded to stare out the windshield.  
“Tobias?” Casey asked waving her hand in front of his face “We’re here.”
He startled a bit, breaking out of the fog he was lost in. 
“Sorry, I was a little….”
“You were driving me to work in this condition?” She laughed.
“I knew exactly what I was doing. Come on,” he said, taking her hand, “Let’s get to our meeting before Ramsey has our heads.”
Like the morning, the meeting started off well. Harper brought coffee… good coffee, even better than that stuff Ethan liked to brag about so much. And Ethan was in a good mood, much better than usual. Tobias made a mental note to get an answer about why out of him after when they were alone. Cases were discussed, and they were about to leave when…
“Just one more item before we adjourn,” Ethan stated. “Tobias, I’m going to need you to fill in for me at the conference in Cleveland.”
“OK, boss,” he started, then a realization struck him, and he furrowed his brow. “Wait.. the Cleveland conference? Aren't you presenting on the Alton research?”
“Yes,” Ethan smiled, almost smugly. “But no need to tailspin, Carrick. You’re up to the task or I wouldn’t have asked you.”
Tobias sneered in his friend's direction. “I can handle it with my eyes closed, wiseass! But it's tomorrow!”
“I know it’s last minute, but it can’t be avoided. The Board is holding an emergency meeting, and I’ve been told my presence is not optional. It’s only three days, Tobias, you can manage….”
“But it’s Valentine’s Day,” Tobias blurted, earning a little snort from Harper.
“I’m sorry,” she said, clearing her throat. “It’s just Tobias Carrick caring about Valentine’s Day? I never thought I’d live to see the day!”
“He has had a personal growth metamorphosis within the past few years,” Ethan teased.
Tobias looked across the way at Casey. She smiled supportively, but once again, her eyes didn’t mirror that smile. Then he heard Beverly’s voice in his head:
I’m going to the convention at the Cleveland Clinic, and I was wondering if you’d be there this year?
Aw, fuck! He thought, in fact, he may have said it out loud; he wasn’t sure. What he was sure of was he was on Ethan the second Harper and Casey left the room. He spent the next fifteen minutes unsuccessfully attempting to convince Ethan to send Harper in his stead.
“Harper wasn’t involved in the Alton case!” Ethan reiterated, his voice now bordering on shouting. “What’s with you? In the past, you would have been salivating at the chance to take this opportunity away from me. Now, you’re letting a Hallmark holiday do this to you?”
“I know,” Tobias rolled his eyes, “It’s just that it’s our first, and….”
Ethan raised an eyebrow, “According to Casey, it’s your first. According to you, it’s your second.”
Tobias didn’t appreciate the cocky look on his friend's face, even though he knew he was right. 
“Come on, Tobias. Casey is a grown woman and a professional. I’m sure she’ll be fine pushing your celebration off a few days.”
“You’re right,” Tobias sighed, walking toward the door. “Oh, and Ethan?”
“I’m going to kick ass in that presentation. You’ll never be invited to speak there again!”
“Keep dreaming, Carrick," Ethan yelled as Tobias made his way down the hall.
Feeling a bit better, the familiar smile on his face and spring in his step were back. They were present as he greeted every passerby as he made his way to his office. But they weren't there for long. Passing a patient's room, he heard Casey and Sienna’s voices.
“I’m sure it doesn’t mean anything,” Sienna fretted. “Don’t let your mind wander.”
“I know that, Sienna,” Casey replied. “It’s just… after all the progress, I don’t want to go back to….”
“And, chances are you won’t,” Sienna assured. “You just need to be patient… let this play out.”
“I know….” Casey bemoaned. “But if it happens again, I just don’t think could take it. I'd have to move on from this."
“Look!” Sienna ordered. “You’re putting the cart before the horse. I know how much this means to you, but… so far, there is no indication that you have anything to worry about. Don’t break your heart if you don’t have to, Case. OK?”
Tobias’s blood went cold. Heartbreak? Can’t do this anymore? Was she this upset? And if so, why was she withholding this from him?
“Damn it!” He muttered, making haste to get to his office. What could he do to convince Casey that she had nothing to worry about? She was the love of his life and his heart sank at the thought of her going through this again. He thought they were past this. He thought she was secure in their love, and if she wasn’t… after all this time…. where did this leave them?
He slammed the door behind him, then sunk into his chair. It had been a hell of a morning, and he was taking a moment to relish the solitude and calm.
He would have to talk to her… to make her understand. But his mind was also on the holiday that he'd now be missing. He thought of ways to shower her with gifts, even if he wasn't there. He'd leave her notes… everywhere… text her all day… FaceTime at night… he'd make sure it was still special… as long as no more bullshit occurred.
That’s when it caught his eye. It looked benign enough, a little red envelope with a heart on his desk. A smile tugged at his lips. She must have dropped it off after their meeting; they had been together until then. Maybe he was blowing this out of proportion; perhaps this was all in his mind. If she was dropping off an early Valentine, things couldn't be that bad. He slid his fingers under the envelope flap and removed the note inside.
 “Roses are red, violets are blue, and on Valentine’s Day, the only thing I’m going to do … is you.”
A puff of air escaped his nose, and his hands fell to his side. Adorable. Cute. Sexy. At least it would have been… if it was Casey’s handwriting, but it wasn't.
A loud knock on the door startled him.
“Hey, Tobias, open up. I need to talk to you.”
His eyes screwed shut. The day had to get better.
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animeniacss · 15 days
Seoksoo - imperfect Part 1 - Chapter 4 - Conflicted
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Synopsis: Lee Seokmin likes a lot of things: karaoke, stuffed animals, his friends, his family (when they're not at each other's throats), and when things go according to plan. It's perfect that way. That is...until Joshua Hong, the Education Department TA, stumbles into his view one day and suddenly Seokmin has to start facing the fact that maybe not everything in life will be perfect...but with Joshua, that might just be ok.
Tags: College!AU, ActingMajor!Seokmin, Teacher!Joshua, Romance, Angst, Fluff, Mutual Pining, Misunderstandings, Side GyuCheol, Side JunHao, Side Verkwan, Other Idol appearances, Anxiety/Panic Attacks, Domestic Violence (not between the main couple), Joshua is a dork 90% of the time, (More Tags will be Added as needed)
Length: approx. 6k words
Chapter 4 - Conflicted
"My midterms start today, I'm nervous."
"You're smart, Kyungie. You'll be just fine."
"College tests are much harder than high school ones."
"Tell me about it. And you're just at community college." Seokmin heard his sister chuckle a bit. "But you'll do just fine. Did you study?"
"Aaugh, you sound like Mom."
Seokmin felt his tongue press onto the inside of his lower lip. "Mom isn't wrong all the time." He heard his sister chuckle a bit on the other end.
"Yeah, but she doesn't have to rub it in my face constantly."
"Don't let that distract you," Seokmin said. It only took the course of Saturday, but it seemed that Eunkyung and Mom had made up a bit, and Seokmin was praying it would stay that way. History showed, however, that they would be back at each other's throats almost as fast as they made back up if not sooner. They were like two toy trains on a circular track, hitting the same beats without fail, and Seokmin was the tired down track that bared the weight as it flew out of control. "Just focus on your test."
"When are your midterms?"'
"The week after next, so I have to start studying right after my auditions."
"Do you think you'll come back home for that three-day weekend you have?"
"I don't know," Seokmin said. "I'll have to see. I'll probably wait until Christmas break since it's longer."
"Awww. What? Do you not love us or something?" When she heard Seokmin suck in a breath, she giggled. "I'm kidding, my God. You're so dramatic."
"Good luck with your tests, Kyungie." Seokmin simply said. "Fighting."
"Fighting! Kay byeeee." Kyungie cheered, before hanging up. Seokmin allowed the phone to disconnect before setting it down on the couch's end table. Seokmin ran a hand along his shoulders, pressing the play button on the TV so the volume could fill the room once again. As the music show on the screen sent pop music through the living room, Seokmin wondered what he would say if he were in the shoes of those stunning idols. They were trained on what to say, on what to do to make everyone around them like them. To keep things running smoothly. He knew exactly what he would say. His own little monologue, written out.
We worked really hard for this. We are very excited to share it with you. Hope you enjoy and support us!
When the TV clicked on a commercial, it forced Seokmin to return to reality, where he was parked on the couch and not on the Korean music stages ready to perform for screaming fans. Reality felt like a punch in the gut, as Seokmin's hand settled on his stomach to nurse the fictional wound it left behind. He had more important things to worry about than the fictional speech he would be giving at award shows, and those important things sent one text at 5 in the morning and then nothing else since.
[Joshua] (5hrs ago): Morning! Is 4:30 still good for today???? :)
Seokmin had replied confirming right when he saw it at 6:30 but had yet to receive a response. He must be busy getting ready a thought that ran through his mind each time he opened the messages to see the same white bubble under Joshua's name. He felt his heart rate pick up just a little bit more each time.
The door to the bathroom opened, and Seungkwan stepped out, tugging his shirt over his head and shaking his wet hair out with a towel.
"Do you need a shower?" Seungkwan asked.
"No," Seokmin called, turning his head. Seungkwan nodded, heading into his room and closing the door behind him. Seungkwan had planned to spend a lazy day in the house today, resting after completing all of the requirements before the midterms began. Seokmin turned to his friend's room, listening for any signs of life. When he heard some shuffling behind the door, Seokmin got up and headed up to it. With one swift knock, the footsteps behind the door padded along the floor, getting louder before stopping. The doorknob twisted, and Seungkwan eyed the man before him.
"Yes?" He smiled, his tone curious as he finished patting his hair dry. "Can I help you?"
Seokmin pursed his lips together. "I have a favor for you."
"What?" Seungkwan crossed his arms, tugging the towel on his head to wrap it around his shoulders. Seokmin's hesitation must have been obvious, because of course it was, Seokmin was an actor but he couldn't act normal a day in his life. He shifted between both feet and looked down at them.
"Well....about this evening." He said. "Joshua-Hyung said he would be coming around like four and...I know you wanted to stay home but...if you want to, could you-."
"Leave so you and your new boyfriend can get nasty in private?" Seungkwan's cheeks scrunched up, tongue poking out of a devilish smile. The hair on the back of Seokmin's neck shot up, tiny daggers in a perfect line and ready to sink into his flesh to erase him from his painful existence.
"Seungkwan!" Seokmin shouted as his friend doubled over in laughter. "Are you out of your mind? No!" Seungkwan snorted, covering his mouth in amusement at his own joke. "Oh my God." Seokmin covered his face. "Is that what you think of me?!"
"No, no," Seungkwan assured. "But if you want me to leave, I can step out for a few hours."
"You sure? Since you wanted to stay home and stuff tonight, I don't want to kick you out." Seungkwan shook his head. Seokmin knew he'd never be able to focus with the thought of Seungkwan's ear pressed against his bedroom door with a glass cup like some sort of spy lingering in the back of his mind.
"I don't mind."
"Don't be," Seungkwan said. "I can go to the café and get some studying done, it's no big deal." Despite Seungkwan's willingness to leave for a few hours, guilt washed over Seokmin's entire body once again. Seungkwan was too nice, Seokmin knew that. He admired it as much as he envied it.
"You sure? I understand if you want to stay."
"And listen to your desperate attempts at flirting?" Seungkwan grinned. "I'm good."
Seokmin pouted, watching from the door frame as Seungkwan made his way inside his room once again. As he rummaged through his closet, Seokmin looked down at his phone once again. Still nothing from Joshua. But it was only 10 in the morning. Surely, he had time.
Seungkwan grabbed a few options for outfits, showcasing them to Seokmin as he ran through the different things he would say this evening, marking anything that could possibly count as a 'desperate flirt' in the back of his mind. That Joshua-shaped hole in the back of his head did not need to get any bigger.
Noon came. No messages. Seokmin made lunch for himself and Seungkwan; simple sandwiches and sodas to eat in front of the TV along with something from their huge pantry of snacks. His mom texted him that she was going to pick up some of his favorite snacks for the next time he was in town.
One p.m. Seokmin sat at his desk and worked on some of his study guide for the theatre history midterm. He got through 3 of the 6 pages before anxiety caused him to open his phone up again. Mingyu sent him a photo of him and Seungcheol out on their picnic date, as well as one of their beautiful view.
At two p.m. Seokmin jotted down some more notes in his packet of lines so he was extra prepared. Eunkyung texted him that she finished her midterms and was headed home.
Three p.m. Seokmin took a nap because if he stared between the clock and his untouched cell phone any longer, he was almost sure that his vision would turn it into one of those optical illusions you find in books. Seungkwan was getting ready to head out. Should I double-text? Pounding on the back of Seokmin's skull like a pesky neighbor and he did not want to answer the door to deal with that.
Four p.m. Seungkwan asked if he was going to be okay, to which Seokmin almost immediately assured him he would. He was the one who pushed Seungkwan to leave, so there was no way he could go back on that now. He debated if he wanted to start dinner because he didn't want to eat alone.
When four-thirty hit and Seokmin saw his text to Joshua was still not even read, he wondered if he was too harsh with how he asked Seungkwan to leave, and this was his punishment for that. He figured it wasn't cruel enough.
Should I text him again? Was beginning to sound a lot more appealing as the clock's hands ticked away, the minutes ticking up by one minute more. Seokmin was pacing in front of the couch, constantly swiping up on his phone to see if Joshua at least read the message.
"Wh...." Seokmin sank onto the couch, rubbing his face with his free hand as he tried to think of what was happening. "Did something happen? Should I call him?" His finger lingered over the green call button, but he decided against it at the last minute. Seokmin looked at the time: 4:59 p.m. He must just be running late. Seokmin thought to himself. Then he thought of it again. And again. And again. And-.
The buzzing of his phone almost sent him into a frenzy, eyes wide as he looked down. A stream of texts came all at once.
[Joshua] (now): I AM SO SORRY!!!!
[Joshua] (now): I'm on my way! I'm on my way!
[Joshua] (now): Please don't be upset with me!
[Joshua] (now): I'm on my way!
Seokmin wasn't sure why his anxiety didn't subside now that Joshua was spamming him with texts. Seokmin looked down at his lines as they sat on the end table, the blue highlighter staring him in the face. The living room fell silent other than the flipping of the script and the ticking of that goddamn clock.
Joshua knocked on the door at 5:30. An hour after he said he would. Seokmin heard the quick pounding at the door. He got up from the couch and made his way over, unlocking it. When the door swung open, Joshua was doubled over, hands on his knees as he tried to catch his breath. Seokmin saw a plastic bag gripped in one of his hands, which was dragging on the floor at this point. "Hi." Seokmin's greeting made Joshua stand up straight. Seokmin's face tightened at the face that greeted him. A set of bags packed under a layer of foundation. His cheeks were red since he was most likely running, but it did nothing to liven up the pale face staring back at him. Seokmin watched as Joshua finally took a deep breath, and put a smile on his face.
"Hey." His voice was labored but still harbored that cheerful optimism Seokmin had grown to expect in their few meetings. Joshua held up the bag in his hands. "I brought cookies."
"Cookies?" Seokmin cocked an eyebrow.
"My mother always told me it's polite to bring something when you visit someone's house, and I wasn't sure if you were big on plants." Seokmin took the bag in his hands, peering inside to see a little plastic tray of chocolate chip cookies from the grocery store nearby.
"Oh...thanks." He said. "You can come in." he motioned inside and Joshua nodded, running a hand through his hair. He admired Joshua's fit because it...well...it was something. An oversized white tank top and a pair of faded jeans ripped both from style and seeming overuse. Seokmin glanced down at his shoes as they were kicked off and set in the entryway, a pair of black chunky boots. Seokmin watched Joshua look around, before turning back to Seokmin as he closed the door. One thing remained the same, however, his stunning facial features and colorful beaded necklace. "What are you wearing?"
"Oh." Joshua chuckled shyly, scratching the back of his neck. "I was in such a rush I didn't really have time to pick a nice outfit."
"Sorry about being late. I just-." When Seokmin saw Joshua take a deep breath and pause to reply, he felt a tight grip on his chest. The look on Joshua's face felt familiar.
Sorry, I was late, Seokmin. Something came up.
Something came up.
Something came up.
"Don't worry." The words slipped past Seokmin's lips so quickly it almost scared him, and he saw Joshua blink in surprise. "You're here now, I'm sure you have your reasons."
"Right." Joshua nodded. He looked around the room and smiled. "This is a cute place. You and Seungkwan are the only two that live here?"
Seokmin nodded. "Yeah." He stepped into the living room. Immediately, he went into host mode. "Do you want a drink or something?" Joshua put his hands in the pockets of his jeans as he watched Seokmin head into the kitchen.
As Seokmin poured two cups, he turned to Joshua again, setting him on the other side of the kitchen table. With a nod, Joshua took it. "So-." he pressed the drink to his lips and took a sip, Seokmin gripping the cup as he watched. "Are you ready for your auditions on Friday?"
"I think so," Seokmin said. When he saw Joshua smile, Seokmin felt compelled to mirror the action, just slightly. "I have most of the lines for the character memorized. So whatever part they ask me to start at I'll be okay."
"Do they ask you to sing?" Joshua grinned.
"Uh, yeah just a verse or two. They won't ask to do a whole song unless you get a callback. Since so many people are going to audition." Joshua nodded.
"Can I see the script?"
"Sure." Seokmin took his own glass and headed to the couch, grabbing the script and passing it to Joshua. He sat on the other end of the couch, kicking one leg over the other and leaning back. Seokmin studied him in the silence. He really was stunning, even in what seemed to be a very last-minute outfit choice. Joshua flipped through the pages, skimming.
"Can you show me what you got?" He asked, handing the packet back. His finger pointed to the first section that was highlighted. "Start here."
"You just want me to go?"
"That's the best way to start, right? Show me exactly what you want to do when you go in for that audition." Seokmin looked down at the paper before him, quickly skimming the top highlighted part. He nodded before glancing up one more time at Joshua as he turned his attention towards Seokmin, a completely straight face and focused eyes directed at him. He gulped, nodding his head before opening his mouth to speak.
Seokmin first auditioned for a play in fifth grade, for the school's festival. They were putting on a play of 'The Green Frogs', where Seokmin landed the role of one of the frog brothers who didn't want to listen to his mother. He took the role very seriously, practicing day and night, reading to his sister and getting upset when she wasn't able to read all of the lines back. Seokmin loved preparing for the play. He loved staying after school so he could practice with the other kids. He read the folktale that it was based on to his sister every night, even when she got sick and tired of it because he was just so excited.
He remembered collapsing into a sobbing mess in his room the night before the festival when the costume his mother crafted did not look exactly the same as it did in his mind, the green not being the same shade as the one in his imagination. To this day, he never told her that he didn't like it and brought it to school mentally prepared to be run over with teasing comments from the other kids in the play. His teacher said he looked cute, though. He's acted in every single school play since and decided he wanted to do it as a profession at 14. It's the one thing in life he's never regretted, the one hole in his Swiss cheese brain filled with memories he actually wanted to go back and remember.
When Seokmin made it through the long monologue, his throat was hoarse from the strain he put on it. His mouth closed, eyes casting up to Joshua on the other side of the couch. When he saw Joshua's stunned expression, his cheeks went hot, and he attempted to cover them with the script packet. His eyes darted to the side, staring at his own reflection on the TV.
"Wow," Joshua said, pulling Seokmin's attention up. Joshua leaned back in his seat; arms crossed over his chest. "This role was made for you!"
"...Yeah?" The compliment made Seokmin's eyes sparkle a bit, his voice oozing happiness. Joshua nodded.
"Oh yeah." He said. "If you don't get the lead, I'll be shocked." Seokmin chuckled a bit.
"If you're trying to inflate my ego, it might be working." Seokmin looked back down at the script in his hands, skimming the next section of lines.
"What? I'm dead serious! Read another part." Seokmin cocked an eyebrow, and Joshua smiled. "Go on. Wow me, Lee Seokmin." He smiled. The brunette chuckled a bit, biting his lip shyly.
As the evening went on, Seokmin read some of his lines for an awed Joshua. Each time he looked at Joshua's smiling face on the other side of the couch, munching on the snacks he brought as he listened. As Seokmin finished the last of the lead's lines, he closed the entire packet and set it onto his lap.
"Wow." Joshua smiled. "You're pretty good."
"Just pretty good?" Seokmin blinked. His expression made a smile perk at the corner of Joshua's lips. "Before you said I was destined for the role."
"Well yeah-." Joshua bit off a piece of his cookie and smirked. Once he swallowed, he leaned back. "It's because I'm not auditioning. So, in comparison, it's pretty good." Seokmin chuckled a bit.
"Oh, right. Extra One and The Tree, correct?" Joshua laughed a bit, covering his mouth with the hand that was clasping the half-eaten cookie. Seokmin saw his nose scrunch and his eyelids curl up in half-moons. It made Seokmin smile just a bit himself. "If you think you're so talented-." He tossed Joshua the packet, the sound of the paper hitting his lap making him look back up in surprise. "Let me see you read them."
The quiet minutes between Seokmin tossing the paper and Joshua picking them up made Seokmin shift nervously. Was he too forceful, did he take the joke too far? He couldn't really read Joshua's expression beyond confusion, his eyes scanning the script tossed onto his lap. His brows were furrowed, and his lips were pursed together in a dramatic fashion. When his eyes shot up to Seokmin, he finally was unable to hold back an amused snort.
"What?" Seokmin asked.
"Nothing," Joshua said quickly. "I uh...I'm just taking a second. Getting into the role and whatnot." He offered a cheeky grin at Seokmin, who only nodded as he watched. "Alright, alright." he hit the page with the back of his hand.
Joshua opened his mouth and began spewing the most dramatic - most likely intentionally so - monologue Seokmin had ever heard. His small smile of amusement broke into a grin of joy, clapping his hands together as he watched the serious sight before him. Joshua read one entire monologue, committed to the bit in the best way with his voice changing to sound somewhat royal. As he wrapped up the monologue, Seokmin laughed, hands continuing to applaud him in amusement. "That was great, Hyung. Truly."
Joshua laughed. "I told you." He said. "You must feel better knowing I'm not auditioning, hm?"
"Oh, much better." Seokmin assured playfully. Joshua grinned. "I was nervous for a second."
"I could put all of Hollywood out of business if I wanted too." Joshua's playful arrogance made Seokmin nod in agreement. "Seriously, though."
"You're pretty good at emoting." Seokmin said. "How much of that was serious versus funny?"
Wide eyes made Seokmin choke back another laugh, Joshua putting his hand on his chest. "I was actually being 100 percent serious, thank you. In fact, I was hoping you would have recorded me so I could send it in for my future auditions."
"I thought you weren't going to use your talents to wipe out the entire acting industry." Joshua shrugged, his grin turning cheeky in a way that made Seokmin's heart skip a beat.
"Well, if you're going to be an actor too, I might have to reconsider."
Seokmin blinked. "What?"
Joshua coughed into his hand. "What? Despite oozing natural talent-."
Seokmin immediately diverted from his previous comment, face scrunched up in disgust at the phrasing. "Ew."
Joshua snorted. "I think that I still don't hold a candle to you." Seokmin chuckled a bit. "You looked natural doing it. I could watch it all night."
Seokmin blinked. "Hm?" His cheeks warmed up as the words hit his ears. "You could? It's just me reading lines...."
Joshua nodded. "I know." He said. "And I could watch you read lines all night." Seokmin's eyes immediately fell to his lap, wide in shock as he took in what was just said to him. And he said it so confidently, too! Did he have no shame in his flirting ways? He pressed the back of his hand to his cheek. Unable to read Joshua's face, a small chuckle of amusement from the other side of the couch.
"Ehe, thanks." He said. When he finally had the courage to lift his head back up, it wasn't because he wanted to look at Joshua. Well, he did, but he was too flustered to do so at the moment, only opting for a quick glance at the necklace on his neck. No, the reason he lifted his head up was because his phone vibrated from the coffee table, lighting up as a message popped onto his screen. He leaned over and grabbed it, immediately being met with a message from his sister. He couldn't read the entire thing, and he wasn't sure if he wanted to right now. Even when Eunkyung was in a good mood, a text message from her felt like a gamble and he was not feeling lucky. He must have flipped his phone over quickly, because Joshua was also staring at his phone now.
"Everything okay?" he asked curiously. Seokmin sucked his cheek in between his teeth, nodding.
"Yeah." He assured. "Just my sister."
"You have a sister?" Joshua's eyes sparkled, his voice perking up as he asked the question. "That must be nice. I don't have any siblings."
"Oh." Seokmin felt jealousy raging through his body, but that feeling of jealousy was immediately replaced with guilt for even feeling it in the first place. "Yeah, she's four years younger than I am. She just started college this year back home."
"Awww, that's nice." Joshua smiled. "If she's anything like you, I'd love to meet her."
Seokmin wanted to laugh but he bit it back and swallowed it down so hard it made his throat burn.
"She's something..." he choked out. "A character is maybe the best way I can describe her." Joshua nodded.
"I'm sure you can do better than that." Joshua got comfortable as if he was waiting patiently to hear a long story.
Seokmin shrugged. "There's not much to say-." Yes, there is. "She's going to school for business marketing, I think. But she also wants to go to the States and be a journalist." Seokmin chuckled. "She's got big dreams, I guess." Dreams she can't afford to achieve. Joshua smiled. "She's a bit dramatic, but I guess all 18-year-olds can be a bit sometimes." Not to her extent. "But we get along pretty well for the most part, I guess." When she steps out of the trenches for a few days. "I've always kind of admired her, she's a bit more outspoken than I am." There were no inner thoughts, as this was the truth.
Joshua smiled. "She must be fun."
Seokmin paused for a second. "You could say that." He said, her frantic shouting pounding in his ears like drums that refused to stop beating.
"I wish I had siblings," Joshua said. "Sometimes, at least. Being an only child was only fun for a little while. It'd be nice to have someone around sometimes."
"Oh?" Seokmin watched Joshua's eyes cast to the TV in front of them, then to the cookies he got on the table. Then, he fell to the flipped-over phone on the side. "I don't think you'd say that if you actually had siblings."
"Yeah, but it's not all bad, is it?" Joshua asked.
"No." Seokmin said. He thought of his time back home growing up with a little sister who admired his every move, who desired to grow up and be just like him even though he didn't think there was much to aspire to. He remembered styling his sister's hair each day, or helping her with her homework when it was too hard for her. She loved her older brother, and Seokmin loved her. "No, I guess not."
Joshua smiled at the soft expression that formed on Seokmin's face. "Well, that's good. I'd love to meet her one day." His insistence on the idea of meeting his little sister made Seokmin nod.
"Yeah, maybe." Was all he could think of to respond in hopes of ending the topic there. As silence once again threatened to fall over the duo, Seokmin tried to think of something else he could change the subject to. If silence lingered for too long, Joshua would grow even more bored than he probably already was from hearing about his sibling's ramblings. Seokmin watched Joshua examine his nails for a second, picking at one of them in an attempt to fix a hangnail. He was wondering what beat him down to his feeling of anxiety bubbling in his chest when a bit ago he was beaming and laughing. He wanted to go back to that. He wanted to make Joshua stay just a bit longer. "I know you said you ate but...do you want to stay for dinner?" Joshua looked over, smiling at the offer. "I can make spaghetti."
"Spaghetti?" Joshua chuckled, and the embarrassment that washed Seokmin was hard to contain.
"Well, yeah." He said. "I was going to try and think of a good reason for cooking that, but...." Seokmin laughed nervously. "I watched a movie that was set in Italy last night with Seungkwan and the pasta looked really good." Joshua laughed.
"I love pasta," Joshua said. "That sounds great." Seokmin rose from the couch and headed into the kitchen, Joshua following behind. Seokmin gathered what he needed to start the meal, Joshua settled himself against the counter, arms crossed over his chest. Seokmin set the pot on the stove and turned it on, seasoning the water a bit and allowing it to boil. "I think I have some chicken too that I can grill up."
Joshua's eyes sparkled in excitement, nodding as he watched Seokmin grab the meat. "Do you like to cook?" Joshua asked curiously, watching as Seokmin cut up the meat. Seokmin shrugged, finally feeling the tension that he wrapped himself in a bit ago begin to unwind himself once again.
"I guess." He said. "My mom is a good cook. But I took a lot of the cooking when my mom worked late."
Joshua hummed. It seemed he wanted to ask a follow-up question, his mouth opening and closing once again as he made the decision to ask in the moment. He opted not to, closing his mouth and simply watching Seokmin grab a pan, setting it beside the boiling pot on the stove. "I can't remember the last time I had pasta. I think I was still back in Los Angeles."
Seokmin looked at him. "It must be hard being so far away from your home." Seokmin turned when Joshua said nothing, instead using his teeth to play with his lower lip, tugging at it in every direction so he seemingly did not have to speak. "Oh. Sorry, is that a personal question?" Seokmin asked. Good going, idiot.
"What? Oh, no." Joshua replied almost a bit too quickly. "It was a big adjustment when I first got here, but I think I've managed okay." He smiled. "I plan to go back home for a bit when I graduate next year, before I start job hunting."
"Ah." Seokmin nodded. He still felt bad for making Joshua uncomfortable, but he kept his mouth shut as he put pasta in the pot and put the chicken on the pan to grill it up. "What made you want to come all the way over here? Do you have family in Korea?"
"Grandparents in Busan." He said simply, resting his elbow on the counter to support his weight. "I planned to just stay in America and get my teaching license and probably just teach in LA, but-." He shrugged. "We came here to visit after my first year in college and I really enjoyed it. I couldn't stop thinking about moving here, so I did."
"Wow." Seokmin admired his ability to make such a major decision so easily. He couldn't even begin to process how he would tell his family if he were Joshua. The thought alone was enough to threaten dizziness, so he abandoned it immediately. "That's impressive."
"You think?" Joshua sounded sheepish. Seokmin nodded. "Well thanks, I guess."
The duo stood beside the food as it cooked, the time ticking away among casual chatter and a few giggles. By now, Seokmin had settled into a comfortable routine, standing on a familiar stage as he laughed and chatted for Joshua. He felt comfortable here, on a stage where he played a good and funny host. It eased him for now. As he felt the steam of the boiling water tickling his cheeks, he watched the noodles soften and the chicken browning on all sides.
"So, you watched a movie that took place in Italy?" he asked. Seokmin laughed, nodding in slight embarrassment.
"Yeah." He said. "It was a pretty good movie from what I remember seeing but it was pretty late and I was half-asleep." He peered at the water as it continued to boil. "I only remember one part of the movie because it made me laugh." Joshua was clearly curious, and Seokmin found himself blushing more.
"Well now you have to tell me." Joshua begged. "What was it?" Seokmin continued watching the food cook, flipping a few of the chicken pieces to allow them time to cook evenly.
"Ah, uhm. Alright, the characters were all sitting around the table, and the main character was meeting with these major producers for modeling, I think." He shook his hands out at his sides, Joshua grinning at the sight. "And when they clinked their glasses, they said an Italian greeting." He sighed. Pinching his fingers together, pointing up like a flower waiting to bloom, he shook it with a shout: "SALU-TE!"
Immediately, Joshua doubled over, covering his mouth as he laughed. Seokmin covered his face, laughing despite the embarrassment that threatened to course through his veins.
"Salu-te." Joshua echoed into his hand behind a laugh. "Oh my God, that was great!"
"That was so embarrassing," Seokmin murmured. When he looked out from his hands, Joshua was still grinning in his direction.
"You need to go to Italy and shout that, just like in the movie." Seokmin laughed at Joshua's suggestion. "Come on, do it again."
"What? No!" Joshua laughed again. "I can't believe I even did it once!"
Joshua stepped closer to the stove, putting his hands on his hips. "Come on, aren't you an actor? You shouldn't get so embarrassed!"
"I want to die." He covered his face once again, and Joshua only continued laughing in amusement. "Please forget you ever saw that. Erase it from your memory, please." He squatted down in front of the stove, hoping if he did, he would curl away from the embarrassment that kept threatening him. He was laughing a bit, a smile on his face that he hid away behind shaking hands. Despite this, the Joshua-part in his brain formed pointed hands, all directed at him as they laughed and laughed at him. He hoped that by laughing and smiling it would convince them that he was unbothered, but it only served to tell Seokmin that he wasn't as good an actor as he thought he was.
However, a shadow cast over Seokmin's face, between his fingers, and the laughter went silent. He lifted his head to see Joshua knelt down in front of him, laughter subsiding a bit but his smile remaining. Seokmin's initial thought was shock at how close he was now, but his hands lowered to his knees. "I thought it was very funny." He said. "...In a cute way."
"Oh." Seokmin said softly. Joshua nodded. "It felt very stupid coming out of my mouth."
"Not at all. At least, I didn't think so. It was cute." He seemed to notice Seokmin's nervous tone, as he was speaking gently and easily. His reassuring voice felt like a spring breeze that trickled through the window of the theatre where Seokmin was standing.
Seokmin looked down at his hands as they squeezed his knees. The pointing and laughing fingers were ushered out of the theater that was Seokmin's brain, leaving him just standing on the stage with the stage lights flickering over him. He scanned the audience, now seeing Joshua in front of him where the pointing fingers once were.
Seokmin's eyes dipped down from Joshua's face, and landed on the necklace that sat on his neck. He had been meaning to ask about it, and his desire to change the subject was as good a reason as any. "Did you make that?" he asked. Joshua seemed confused at the question, but Seokmin pointed towards it. "The necklace."
"Oh." Joshua looked down, putting a hand to it. "Yeah." He smiled. "It's a hobby of mine."
"Oh...." Joshua seemed to notice Seokmin's facial features softened a bit, eyes focusing on each bead now that he was close enough to do so. They were mostly white, a few colorful ones scattered throughout to add a pop of color. He even noticed a little pink smiley face on either side, resting right around his collarbones.
"Do you know how to make them?" Seokmin shook his head, and Joshua offered only a gentle smile in response at first. "I can show you if you want. It's pretty relaxing."
Seokmin liked the idea of doing something relaxing. He liked the idea of doing something relaxing with Joshua. As Joshua stood up, offering a hand down to Seokmin, he reached out and took it. Joshua's hands were soft, both in touch and in movement as he guided Seokmin back to his feet. He was still smiling.
"Let's do it after your auditions." He said. "Does that work?"
"Yeah..." Seokmin said.
"I'll come see you so we can make plans right after. I want first dibs on your schedule before you get busy with callbacks."
When Seokmin heard Joshua's promise to make it to his audition, his eyes flashed to the clock on the wall. He already began planning out the schedule for that day, and the uncertainty of Joshua's arrival was something that he did not like. Not at all.
He simply smiled at Joshua and nodded. "Okay..." he said softly. 
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tteokdoroki · 3 years
assistance please! | e.kirishima.
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♡ pairing: eijirou kirishima x fem!reader.
♡ word count: 6.6K
♡ rating: mature, 18+, mdni.
♡ genre: workplace!au, internship!au, fluff + smut.
♡ summary: eijirou kirishima loved being an intern, he had great co-workers, had a shot at his dream job, his boss had taken quite liking to him and of course, being the favourite intern had many, many perks.
♡ warning(s): please read ! heavy smut,  ( kirishima is in his twenties ), power dynamics, sub top!kirishima + power bottom!reader,   heavy!praise kink, heavy!miss + mommy kink, unprotected sex ( wrap it before you tap it, kids ), oral ( female receiving ), squirting, tummy bulges, cumplay, creampie.
♡ author’s note(s): hihi everyone!! today i present to you my contribution to the bnharem on the job collab! i had a lot of fun playing with different dyanimics in this fic, i hope you enjoy it nonetheless!! make sure you chek out the other works from the other amazing creators!! <3
♡ masterlist | requests | kofi
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“oi! ‘shima! you’re needed in the boss’ office right away, she’s got important business for ya!, wants t’have a word. now.”
eijirou ducks his head politely in a sign of gratitude, thanking his co-worker and superior, keigo— for the heads up. keigo, or better known as hawks around the office ( for his fast speeds in completing work and luring lonely interns into his bed ), was a nice guy— second to the lady in charge and way too chatty. he was a bit of an air head, got the job done when it needed to be but that’s what kirishima was for, the replacement while keigo took his vacation time in the middle of the year like an idiot.
he wasn’t too sure why you kept the blonde around, he supposed it was because he was pretty but eijirou wouldn’t dare question you— he needed this internship if he was going to make it big in the sports news reporting scene. he’d been majoring in sports and healthcare at college, two years away from graduating when the opportunity to work for yn ln, one of the biggest sports journalists in japan had landed right in his lap. of course he was going to take it, of course he was going to do everything he could not to fuck it up.
in the cubicles beside him, the other interns try to muffle their giggles and titters of curious laughter as the red head gathers himself for the meeting.
“oooo, i wonder what you did this time,” kaminari teases from the right, leaning over his side of the cubicle to fiddle with the odd bits on kirishima’s desk. denki kaminari was another person kirishima wondered how the hell he got into the programme, but then again he was pretty to look at and brought a lighter air to boring office days.
“nothing! i’m innocent!” eijirou defends, hands releasing his files to fly up in defence.
the other interns, going by the names of mina ashido, kyouka jirou and hanta sero snicker amongst themselves at the interaction.
“don’t believe it, s’obviously more than nothin’ if you’re always getting called down’ta the boss lady’s office.” bakugou, another intern, grunts out with his nose deep buried in files for upcoming reports. he was a little too rough for the journalism lifestyle but got the job done. his attitude wasn’t for everyone. “they’re probably fuckin’.”
mina giggles and kirishima steps out into the paths between desks. “don’t be such a sourpuss ‘suki, just ‘cause you’re not her favourite.”
a lose ‘shut up’ is huffed, before katsuki turns to face his taller, buffer companion. “just don’t be late, bunch of us are goin’ for lunch later.” he adds and turns back to his paperwork.
“affirmative, catch ya later!”
the group waves the red head off as he heads to the elevator directing him to the main floor— this is where all the higher ups worked. the journey wasn’t unfamiliar to the intern, he wasn’t like the others and had the steps to your office memorised by heart. sometimes it was like walking home, to his comfort and sanctuary away from the stressors of work and the outside world— he knew that was bad, but you were so kind, such a sweet and understanding boss he couldn’t help but develop some level of comfort towards you.
to most, it seemed like eijirou kirishima was just unbelievably close to his boss, that you’d taken him under your wing.
he however, knew what you had, meant more.
a fluttering warmth spreads across the intern’s chest as he approaches the door to your main office and he knocks. behind it lay mountains of secrets upon secrets, things that kirishima knows about you that no one else does. the walls have hidden words, written across them in fonts of passion and admiration and it’s all that he can think about. you’re all that he can think about, and it’s still wrong. there’s a shuffling deep in the room and some flitters of paper here and there before your soft, velveteen voice breaks through the barrier between you. the one thing keeping you apart.
“come in,” you call smoothly and kirishima follows your orders swiftly, if not eagerly, entering the four walls of your office. ruby eyes dart across the room to locate your position and his heart skips a beat when he finds you, body leaning over your dark oak desk, papers scattered across it while you frantically sift through numbers and stocks and nonsense way above the level of a journalism intern. but even amongst the chaos, you’re beautiful— eyes sparkling with productivity, lined in little flecks across the colour of your orbs. the way you dress never fails to steal away eijirou’s breath— a tight fitting leather skirt that hugs your mature curves and a white blouse with the bottoms popped open— just enough for him to get a peek at your cleavage.
the poor intern has to hold himself back from blurring the lines of work and pleasure to shove himself deep into your chest, suck and lick at your plush breasts until he was high off the taste of your skin. but he wouldn’t do that, yet. not without your permission. “oh eiji baby, there you are!” you coo to the red head, bright smile stretching across blood diamond painted lips. you cross the room in three short strides, tall black heels clacking against the smooth white marble until you’re standing in front of and looking up at kirishima. “was starting to think keigo had ditzed like a pretty boy and had forgotten to send you my way, darling.”
eijirou’s cheeks flame at the smoothness in your syrupy voice, like sweet honey to his hears, the pet name striking a familiar heat deep within him. you always had a way with your words— enticing, almost like a siren calling out to him despite the taboo aura that surrounded what you had. whatever it was— he just knew it was more than your typical boss-intern relationship.
“even if he had, ‘m more than happy to be of service to you ma’am,” he responds almost a little too quickly, large hand rubbing the back of his neck and tugging at his baby hairs to ground himself.
you cock your head, eyes sparkling with mischief. “always such a helpful, good boy eijirou,” you hum, lips pulling into a devilish red smile and the praise causing a new spark of lustful electricity to crackle through the air. “i could use a little assistance, please, i have this awful meeting with the board today, spent all night preparing and couldn’t go home, i could use some stress relief,”
kirishima’s gaze becomes hooded as he looks down at you, a familiar and bright desire burning in the pits of his stomach. “oh yeah? sucks that the paperwork kept you up all night ma’am…” he trails off, choosing to let his fingers dance up and down your sides— snaking an arm around your waist to pull you into him. you couldn’t or you wouldn’t go home. he’s not sure if he cares about the answer right now— not when you tremble in his grip, itching for something, anything from him. “how long do you reckon we have ms. ln?”
“ten to fifteen minutes sweetheart, give or take,”
you grin widens, taking an impossibly closer step to your intern— pressing the swell of your breasts against his hard chest. he can feel your nipples pebbling through your blouse, almost visible behind the white fabric and god the way you look up at him— he can no longer wait, he needs you. right here and right now.
“will you be needing my assistance throughout, ma’am?” kirishima asks, voice dropping a few octaves until it falls into a low growl.
“i expect it. you are my intern after all.”
the words laced with deep huskiness, the proximity of your bodies and the rising heat in the room is what leads you both to tumble into the next series of events. before he can’t register it, your mouths are slotted together in a fast paced and sloppy kiss, kirishima’s body manoeuvres you around the office, marking out a familiar pathway to your desk—his tongue remains sliding over yours in rapid movements as he commits your taste to memory, refreshing those from the last time he had you like this. yet every time you kiss and his tongue glides over yours, you taste sweeter than before; like peaches and morning coffee— you feel softer in his grip, every dip and curve to your body like it was built for him.
eijirou can't stop thinking of that last time, tucked away in your office after dark when your dainty hands pawed desperately at his hips to bring him closer or scratched at his back from sheer pleasure— kirishima wants to see you like that against, using his own hands to tear through your shirt and send buttons flying across the room. something in him just wants to do good for you, have you ache for him and earn himself some of your sweet praise. even as you step and stumble towards your work desk, the red-head lets his lips break away from yours, connected by a string of your own saliva before he drops to your neck, lapping tracks over your skin with the temptation to bite down and paint it shades of deep purple and blue.
but there are rules that you both have in place; ways to keep what you have a secret and hidden away from the public eye so that you don’t lose all that you’ve worked for and so kirishima can keep being your precious little intern.
“jump for me, please ma’am,” he whispers heavily into the junction between your neck and your shoulders, breath laboured and warm against your skin that begins to shine with light perspiration. mindlessly, you follow his orders, jumping up while your fingers curl into the mass of red on kirishima’s head and ankles lock around his waist—his hands meet the backs of your doughy thighs, squeezing the flesh between calloused digits while you toe off your heels.
“eiji, you’re so good,” you manage between feather light breaths as they clatter to the floor as the pair of you somehow make your way to the desk chair, pushing and tearing the clothes from one another’s bodies— including your crisp shirt. now seated and left in nothing but your bra, you tug harshly at your intern’s locks and bring his mouth down to yours, allowing them to move together in a dirty, messy kiss. there’s barely any time for you both to mess around, for him to tease you until your limit and you’re crying out for any type of touch from him, so eijirou quickly
flips down your bra, exposing your chest to cool, air conditioned air—not even bothering to unclip the material as his fingers descend on your nipple, pulling and twisting them until your back arches from the stimulation. “hurry, please eijirou,”
obedient as ever, your favourite boy drops to his knees in front of the chair you stay slumped in and with his height, he still manages to tower over you, practically at eye level with hunger framing the ruby of his own. large hands knead at your plush thighs, hiking your skirt up and up to give you room to spread your thighs, cunt growing sticky from anticipation— all from a few measly touches in familiar places. but this is kirishima, and he knows how your body works from countless hours spent after the office closes up— using one another to blow off extra steam. he knows just what makes you tick and moan his name.
logically, eijirou knows that your meeting could start at any minute and even though you’re both in a stickler for time, he still wants to get a taste at your skin before devouring your most intimate parts. he’ll make time to explore every part of you, to assist you in your stress relief. “‘m sorry miss, yn,” he whines needily, watching your chest rise and fall with want, feeling your body heat up and twitch from the ghost of his fingertips across your blemished skin. “gotta have a taste of you before the real deal, hope’ya don’t mind…”
latching onto the left mound of flesh at your exposed chest, kirishima sinks the point of his teeth into the area around your nipple— just enough to graze your skin and pull a sweet mewl from your mouth. you’re both lucky for the soundproof walls, your head thrown back in a lewd moan he lets his pink tongue roll over your bud in vicious circles. heavy, fat globs of saliva pool over the pink muscle, pouring down kirishima’s chin and painting your skin with a slick shine. “h-how...how could i mind angel, not when you treat me s’good,” you heave, vision fading in and out due to the overwhelming amount of pleasure flashing through your body in waves of hotness. “always doin’ so well for me eiji, aren’t you such a good boy?”
“yes ma’am,” the intern confirms with a erogenous slur, pacified and content on his knees for you— sucking, licking and biting at your chest to his heart’s content. “‘m your good boy,” he corrects you, however. eijirou feels most happy when grazing his tongue over the swell of your breasts, watching your face carefully for any twitches of delirium, it lets him know how hot aroused he makes you feel— that knowledge shoots straight to his cock, rock hard in his slacks while the redhead watches his boss writhe in her seat all for his eyes only.
such a dazzling view, and it’s all for fucking him.
your perfectly manicured nails run through red hair, scratching deliciously at his scalp until you’re forcing his head back and pulling kirishima off of your breast with a pop. “as much as i love seeing a pretty boy suck on my tits like a baby, we’re pressed for time angel, gonna need you to speed it up a little,” despite the softness to your face and the sudden evenness to the tone of your voice, the words that you speak to eijirou are vulgar, nasty, and turn him on to his wits end. “want you to eat me out eiji, can you do that for me?”
shaking his head, yes, beautiful claret eyes shining with acquiescence, kirishima wipes the spit from his chin with the back of his hand— like the tainted, dirty intern he is. you sigh down at him salaciously, ready to tear his innocence apart all over again. eijirou was always so willing to please, both in his work and behind closed doors— you would be a fool to not take advantage of that. with brute force, your intern forces your legs apart, eyes rolling back in his skull from the scent of your sex, dripping with your juices right through your underwear and stockings. overexcited, he rips through the flimsy material at your cunt, exposing your panties for him to see.
“you’re so...so wet ms.ln,” kirishima comments observantly, not even bothering to pull your stockings the rest of the way down your legs, instead opting to pull on the whole until it’s wide enough for his mouth to fit. “smell s’good, bet you taste even better,” there’s a patch on the crotch of your panties, darker than the rest of the material from where you leak and without a second thought, the red head instantly surges forward to lick a stripe over it, letting out a choked gripe as the taste of your cream from over the fabric invades his tongue.
you let out a shrill cry, hips jumping up at the first brush of his tongue against your untouched, clothed pussy. you wriggle even as kirishima holds you down, needing the heat of his mouth against you before your meeting starts. but he’s so good, so well trained, reaching up to your hips to yank your panties down in one fluid motion. leaning forward, kirishima savagely buries his face between your doughy thighs, hiking them over his shoulders from beneath the desk. his nose bumps against your clit, swollen from the lack of touch as he greedily inhales your scent once more— without warning, the intern kicks a stripe up the length of your pussy, sucking your juices into his mouth and smiling against your heat.
“d-don’t tease baby, be good for me,” you remind kirishima, your body trembles with anticipation, craving an orgasm to expel the stress of your work days out. the boy between your legs only hums, the sound running straight though cunt and vibrating against it, causing you to gush and spill your arousal out onto the leather seat beneath your cheeks. eijirou feasts on the slick that seeps from your fluttering hole, gliding his tongue up and down your sex, allowing the occasional pressure from his nose to stimulate your bundle of nerves.
the pads of his thighs burn marks into your legs, using them as leverage to pull your heated core further into his mouth, “can’t help it ma’am, y’got such a pretty pussy...s’only right that i worship you…” eijirou breaths right against your puffy folds, eyes trained on the way your hole clenches around nothing. a primal urge flares in his chest, a desire— no, a need— to see you filled with something, any part of him that can make you see stars and fuck you dumb. “‘m sorry, ‘m sorry you jus look s’fucking pretty miss…”
attaching his lips to your clit, the redhead pushes the spit gathered on his tongue right over your sloppy sit, hazy ruby stare watching as his saliva mixes with your juices and slides over your empty hole. he follows the oozing trail with his tongue, lapping it up and spewing it back into your sex until the pink muscle slips past your entrance— slipping inside of you with no prior warnings. your knuckles that grasp the arms of the chair as you’re spoiled between your legs by your top intern, his hands snaking their way around the tops of your thighs to spread your sticky pussy lips apart in order to bring more of you to the cool air of the office.
“you like this don’cha? dirty little boy,” you tease the poor boy, watching as his cheeks flame with embarrassment. “being a naughty little intern between your boss’ thighs all to keep on pleasing  her, keep your position at her company, huh? fuck eiji, you just love miss riding your naughty tongue—ohmygod—“
the way you sound, voice smooth like chocolate over the obscene slurping that fills the thats air heavy with the scent of sex and, makes eijirou’s cock jump up, precum oozing from his tip as he begins to rut against the hard floor beneath your desk. he makes an attempt to respond, but your thighs lock his head in place and his words come out muffled against your core. “mph, luh it, you’re s’sexy, please ma’am—“ he mumbles sordidly against you, practically humping the ground at your feet as you pick on him.
for a brief moment, kirishima pulls away to watch you roll your hips into nothing, hot tears beginning to brew into our hooded eyes from the satisfaction he brings you with every flick and flit of his tongue against where you need him most. written in your eyes is the command to keep going, your hands twistingly sharply in red roots to bring the intern back to your sluice, spasming cunt. so he does as he’s told, shoving his tongue deep inside your ribbed, iron hot walls and dragging tip along them to collect and taste strings of your viscous juices.
biting your lip, you do your best to hold back a voracious howl, bucking your hips feverishly into your intern’s face and staining his cheeks with everything that you have— he thrusts his tongue into you to the pace of your own hips, moaning against your slippery slit until your eyes are rolling. “gonna cum from this eiji, from you eatin’ me out like this...jus need a little more— need your fingers pretty boy,” you can feel the twist of the knot in your lower tummy starting to unravel, signifying your oncoming high, and the room starts to spin while kirishima eats you out with new vigour.
“yeah? miss? you’re gonna cum for me?” the intern practically whines and pulls his tongue from your hear, almost crying as his hips thump against the floor desperate for friction. “wanna see you come undone s’bad, please cum for me, please, please—“ eijirou chants, replacing his tongue with two of his thick digits, watching as your slick cunt stretches around them accommodatingly. he jackhammers them inside of you, grunting lowly underneath the slaps of his palm against the meat of your ass, as he returns to your clit to suckle on it hungrily. his fingers curl instantly in search for the spongy spot inside of you— bearing down hard against it once it’s located.
“oh—hah, right there baby— right fuckin’ there—!” you squeal, only egging him on as white starts to cloud your vision, everything sounds so nasty and wet, while eijirou stimulates both of your pleasure spots. it becomes hard to breath, legs wobbling around his broad shoulders, but your intern doesn’t let up, determined to bring you to cloud nine.
“that’s it ma’am, right there—you’re almost there, can feel you clenching around my fingers...please cum, fuck i want your cum, wanna taste you so bad, cum. cum. cum!” and that’s all it takes, eijirou’s pleading voice between your thick thighs to make the coil inside you snap and for your orgasm to wash over you. you convulse in your chair, nectar gushing freely from your raw and overstimulated cunt, spewing all over the redheads face as he continued to lap at your clit to ride out your high.
but he doesn’t stop there, scissoring his fingers deep within your velvet walls as you continue to cum, making you shake your head and wail from the high levels of ecstasy.
“please eiji—n’more, can’t, no—“
“you can miss, i know you can—fuck you look so pretty when you’re about to squirt for me, please…”
as quickly as your first high ended, another one comes crashing over you in harsh waves— rocking your world as clear liquid floods from your pussy— the sheer force of you squirting, pushing kirishima’s fingers out from your tight, sappy hole. your release hits the floor with a crude slap, both of you moaning loudly almost for the whole world to hear. he doesn’t stop sucking, clearing up your pretty cunt even as you fade in and out of consciousness from pleasure— he stays lapping at you with burning, languid strokes of his tongue between your folds even as you weakly attempt to answer the phone now ringing from your desk.
clearing your throat, you muster up the strength to sound professional over the line before picking up the phone and bringing it towards your ear. “good afternoon, this is yn ln of shinku sports reports, bringing you the latest sporting news, how may i help you?”
‘this is the board, we need to discuss this month's stocks and reports.’
from the corner of your eye, you can see kirishima rise from his place underneath your desk— standing tall over you once more while you converse with the directors on the other end of the phone. as quietly as he can, the redhead tears through the buttons on his shirt in a similar way to you, prior to you fucking and unbuckles his slacks. he pulls down his boxers and pants in one go, revealing his thick, hard girth that stands tall and slaps against his stomach— tip an angry shade of red as precum smears across his lower belly.
you nod into the phone, forgetting that the board can’t see you as kirishima lifts you from the chair and lays you on your back across the desk littered with unread papers. “ah yes, i’ve been expecting a call from you…” you whisper so quietly instead, not caring if they’ve missed what you said. you’re hardly paying attention, choosing to wrap a fist around eijirou’s cock, slickly pumping him to prepare him to take you— he parts your thighs, eyes closing and body shuddering above you while you continue to converse with the board.
spreading the droplets of precum across his slit and iron hot tip, kirishima takes his cock from your grasp— heavily slapping it against your sensitive and swollen clit to see you jolt up the desk. “gonna fuck you so good miss, jus’ be good ‘n stay quiet for me okay?” he says, a whimper catching in the tail end of his words. you nod to him, rushed and way too eager, laying your head back on the hard wood your swimming gaze settles on kirishima as he taps the head of his cock against your hole, teasingly pushing it just past your entrance before withdrawing again.
‘ms. ln, are you still there? we really are pressed for time so we would love to start by discussing interviews for the next issue—‘
you forget that you’re still connected on the line, settling for wriggling impatiently underneath your intern, who’s caramel tinted skin glistens with sweat and his cheeks begin to flush with unadulterated desire— all from watching the way your puffy folds lube up his shaft with every push through them. you can see him losing his resolve, just as sensitive as you since he’s been holding back an orgasm and without the hint of a warning, eijirou’s hips jump forward and drive his cock into the deepest parts of your sex— brushing against your cervix. you gasp out in surprise, finally losing focus and barely manage a more comprehensive response to the board you have waiting on the line. “y-yes!— yes, yes, i’m still here… you may proceed with the meeting.”
he’s big, bigger than anyone you’ve ever had— and you’d seen a lot being a woman of your caliber this high up in the industry...but no one could compare to the way your sweet, doe eyed gentlemanly little intern filled you up, fat cock stretching your walls even with the shallow thrusts into your cunt he gives you to adjust. the weight of his girth sits heavily inside you, twitching as kirishima slides into you easily due to the stickiness lining your gummy walls, breath shaky and uneven as he holds out for you during this time. you can tell the poor boy isn’t going to last long, fingers sinking into your thighs with a harsh grip while he tries to hold himself back.
such a good boy, always waiting for your every command.
‘so we’d like to talk about the main feature for next month’s issue, do you have anyone in mind?’
the monotone voice of the board member is drowned about by kirishima’s shaky breaths above you, his pleading puppy dog eyes while he stills himself inside your spasming, puckered hole— he waits for permission, following orders like a trained pet even though he can hardly stand it, overwhelmed by the flutter of your sex around him and heat from your body despite thrown over the desk. “y-you’re s’warm...god ma’am...need to—need to move,” the redhead huffs weakly in order to keep himself quiet, a line of sweat dotting his brow. “please,”
you sit up on the desk, legs locking around his slender waist to draw him closer, sheathing more of the poor boy inside of you until he’s completely bottomed out and balls deep inside your pretty cunt. he drops his neck to your shoulder, tongue lolling over your salt licked skin before biting down to pacify himself, sharp teeth almost drawing blood while you adjust the cord of the phone. “i was thinking…thinking that we got the hockey player— the oylmpic champion…” your eyes drift to kirishima’s complacent face, giving him a nod to start moving while he sucks another bruise further down his onto your collarbone. “t-touya...touya todoroki—!”
you hiccup but play it off with a cough when kirishima pulls back his hips, so far that his girth completely leaves you, before he drives himself forward with one powerful thrust and fills you right up again. looking down, you see him bulge in your tummy, the line of his girth prominent against your body— slightly dwarfed in kirishima’s arms. you rock your hips, coaxing your intern into your warmth to help him build up a momentum of thrusts.
‘sounds like a good choice, do we have anyone who could interview him? i believe we can have PR set up an interview this week.’
the desk creaks below you, hard wood groaning along with the red head who hides himself in your neck, squeaking pathetically as he moves inside of you— precum smearing along your gummy walls that welcome his hardened shaft. your pussy opens up for eijirou like it’s welcoming him home, still growing used to the pleasure-filled burn and stretch of him pushing in and out of you. the nerves on his head catch amongst your inner ridges, making his toned body shake in ecstasy.
“m-ma’am, feel s’fucking good, so fucking good...” your intern hums against your salty skin mawkishly, large palms dropping to the flesh of your ass— kneading it to bring you closer to his body— cock barely leaving you due to your proximity. with slow strokes, eijirou fills you up, painting you with what leaks from his tip— prodding at your cervix and brushing up against your sweet spot in ways that make sweet nectar dribble from your hole.
your digits curl in his hair once more, the phone slipping from between your neck and creating rustling on your end. “eijirou,” you sigh breathily, humping back his cock while you squeeze around him selfishly, keeping your intern inside of you. “i-i mean eijirou kirishima, he’s an intern— such a… a good one at that…”
a immodest whimper brews in the base of eijirou’s throat, bubbling against his bruised lips  while you shower him with praise, indirect to him, hand snaking up to the back of your neck— tangling in your baby hairs as he pulls you up to a sloppy kiss, slotting your mouths together and running his tongue over yours. “f-fuck mommy, ‘m i your good boy? please tell me yes, fuck, yn— ma’am,”
kirishima’s voice rises in octave as it does devoir and pathos, vulnerability stays written across his handsome features as he succumbs to the mind break the heat of your damp, creamy core as he fucks into you. you throb at his use of mommy, shakily pulling the phone away from your ear to reach up to his own, nipping the earlobe and tugging on it gently. “you’re my good boy baby, keep being good eiji, be quiet...you gotta stay quiet if you want to keep fucking mommy okay? you wanna cum inside me right?” you say, words aberrant and low toned  on your tongue, your intern hisses and whines in response— nodding his head again and letting out a barely coherent ‘yes’. “then shh, baby, let mommy talk yeah?”
“hm’kay,” he babbles, dropping his ruby framed gaze to where your bodies meet, hiking your skirt further up your thighs to get a better view of your cunt staining his heavy balls with a layer of your slick.
‘ms. ln, are you sure that you want an intern to cover this case—’ the board begins to ask you, muffled from the distance away from you both.
picking up the phone again, you pull the line towards you again— mindful of capturing eijirou’s weak little mewls over the device as he languidly pumps himself in and out of you. “i know what i—fuck, what i want. eijirou, will be—oh— on the case. that's final.” you huff, watching your intern fall into a pussyhaze, his precious mind fogging with thoughts of only painting you white inside and out as a reward for helping relieve you of stress. the slow roll of his hips into yours are accompanied by the soft slaps of his skin against your own, wet and sticky— determination to make you feel good crackling across his mind.
‘there’s no need to curse, ma’am, do you need a moment to recollect yourself before we proceed with discussing the other features.’
“i’m fucking fine,” you growl, in anger or need you don’t know. but kirishima frowns, you can feel it as he start nosing up your cheek— swiping his tongue over areas of skin he hasn’t touched just yet— he grunts possessively , unhappy with the use of your title coming from anyone other than him. to prove his point, he pushes your thighs wider apart, letting you drip all over the documents sitting below your ass and ruining the ink— important or not he starts a brutal pace into your cunt and presses down on your tummy so you can feel exactly where eijirou is inside you and know that only he can make you feel this way.
“i’m fine. keep going.” you grit your teeth, biting your lip to hold down your panting— again you don’t know who you’re speaking to. your intern who slows the movement of his hips, postponing in and out of your tightened hole, clamping down on him eagerly or the stupid board member giving you grief on the phone.
they proceed to talk, barking out suggestions to your sports magazine, that you hate— even considering bringing in good for nothing athletes who’d treated you like shit in the past, and you’d sworn to never work for them again.
but it’s almost silly, how kirishima lets out small moans of mommy and ma’am, trying to keep your attention on him like you would give up grinding down on your intern’s dick for some prissy member of the board over the phone— but you love the slight possession eijirou has over you, moulding your iron hot walls into the shape of his fat dick that presses up against your pleasure spots, makes you convulse and drawl and become addicted to everything that is him. eijirou kirishima.
“takin’ me so good, so well ma’am...don’t think i can hold on anymore…please,” eijirou warns you, losing control of his body as he takes you for his own like he’s done many times before after hours— your gazes lock, you can see his desperation to ruin you, moan for you despite the people on the phone and the people outside your office.
if he grows too loud, he could give you away— they could be listening in to your poor needy little intern humping you like a feral dog and whining your name. and as much as that thought makes your hole spasm around his fat cock, make his thrusts stutter and eyes screw shut while you moan in sweet, almost silent harmony, you love your job and so weakly, you take two of your fingers, shoving them deep into eijirou’s mouth as it hangs open in heavy pants of warm air. you press down on his wet tongue, fucking into his mouth in tune with the pace of his hips plunging deep within your walls, churning up your syrupy and sticky insides.
“keep quiet, baby,”  you hiss to the redhead, who’s eyes start to brim with fresh hot tears from the overwhelming pleasure. “let mommy take care of this, yeah? finish up so you can let it all out on me.”
he sucks on your fingers to calm himself down, shallow breathing while he paws at the flesh on your sides and circles his hips into yours— letting his leaky tip bare down on your sweet spot and forcing the air out of your body. white hot pleasure flashes through your bloodstream, replacing any air of professionalism flooding through them. you can’t, you physically cannot hold back either of your orgasms— you can’t concentrate as your mind starts to fall away with the world and your gaze hones in on the way kirishima takes your fingers in his hot mouth so deep in an attempt to hush himself.
the coil in your tummy begins to unwind and the room swims once more. ‘ms.ln is everything okay over there— we need to progress with his meeting if we’re—‘ the annoying board member sounds underneath kirishima’s sloppy groans, saliva dribbling down the sides of his mouth. your dirty, good boy.
“i’m going to need to take a rain—hah— a rain check on this meeting. you’ll hear from me when my interns and i are ready—“ you huff, cutting the staff off and quickly throwing the phone onto the hook, you’ll have keigo deal with the consequences later but for now you focus on kirishima who picks you up by the ass, lifting you up and down on his cock in frantic movements as he finally loses all connections to his control. “ohmygod—eiji baby, slow—fuck, down—“
he shakes his head, latching onto your collar bone as he revels in the way you leak down his shaft and drip between his balls, lewd squelching sounds fluttering through the air hot, sex scented air at full volume. “‘m sorry ma’am— i can’t… i’m really close, i really need’ta cum...please ma’am...mommy, i’ve been good—please let me cum...“ eijirou groans heartily, from deep in his chest as if he’s finally releasing what he’s been holding back— arms flexing and the sweat from his body slicking up your own.
limbs shaking you wrap your arms around his shoulders and press your foreheads against one another, while you nod. he worked so hard to make you feel good, all day long to do the best job that he can— pressing small kisses to his lips encouragingly. “you can do it baby, one last thing for me— fill me up eiji, cum for me.” you whisper between bites and sucks on his lower lip, lined with a vibrant shade of red.
“cummin’, cummin’...miss yn, mommy—!” and then his hips come to a halt, his dick pulsing as waves of his cream line your insides with an opaque white, thick and seeping down your thighs. his fingers drop to your sensitive cunt, slipping quick circles over your swollen clit to bring you to your high. his cock never stops pumping in and out of you, pushing his seed further into your sex while you writhe and fall over the edge into your orgasm— gushing so hard you force him out of plugged and full hole.
losing his strength, kirishima collapses on top of you, pressing out both to the hard wood seat which you’re surprised  is still standing, his lips pressing fleeting kisses across your face and neck while you both come back down to earth.
and then he looks up at you with a weak smile, “did i do good?” he asks you lazily and almost sleepily— refusing to budge from laying atop you and almost crushing you with his weight.
pushing back his hair to soothe him. “always eiji, you’re not my favourite intern for nothing,” you coo at him, pulling him up to press your lips to him in a soft kiss.
“i sure hope you don’t have any other favourites, i want to be the only one who assists you like this,” kirishima says, remaining tangled with you for a moment more in your office, content with snuggling into your exposed and bruised side.
you share a sleepy giggle, intending to clean up later— eijirou completely forgetting about the lunch he’d promised the other interns after your meeting.
oh well, assisting you was a much better treat than spending time with any one else.
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kaitsawamura · 3 years
would you like to stay forever?
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SUMMARY⎮   Sparring with Pro Hero Kirishima Eijiro in his private gym at his home doesn't seem like a bad idea if you don't count the fact that you really, really like him.
STATS⎮ minors do not interact, 18+ ⎮  Rating: M (for mature)  ⎮  WC: 5525  ⎮   Pairing: Pro Hero Kirishima Eijiro x Fem!Reader  ⎮   Tags: Aged Up Character(s), Friends to Lovers, Sparring, Smut, Fluff, Age/Experience Gap (if you really squint)  ⎮  AO3
NOTES⎮  Thanks to @spacelabrathor​ for listening to me scream about this and to @some-kindofgnome​ for fueling my Kiri fever dreams.  Yes, that title is based on a Mulan quote. This whole fic was based on THIS POST and Kirishima seemed like the perfect character for this pwp.  Hope y'all enjoy!  (Also please for the love of God, click on the banner to see in HD if you’re on mobile, it looks so much better lol)
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It was Saturday and even though you’re on your way to becoming a Pro Hero, you can think of several things you’d rather be doing with your one day off than going to Kirishima Eijiro’s house to spar.  But here you are pulling into his driveway, going over combat moves in your head as if your life depended on it.  They weren’t really serving their purpose which was to distract yourself.  Kiri had offered up his personal gym, encouraged you to stop by with one hand in his pocket and the other rubbing the back of his neck as if he was nervous.  
A couple of his friends had already taken him up on the offer.  You were the only one he’d offered who hadn’t come over yet.  He had texted you a couple of weeks later saying he was starting to take it personally…  and then immediately texted with a laughing emoji just to clarify he was only giving you a hard time.  It brings a smile to your face now as you remember it.  Yesterday he had also clarified it would just be the two of you if you were self-conscious sparring in front of other people.  You’d have the whole place to yourselves.  Like that should mean something.  Which it did.  It does , you realize with butterflies growing in your stomach.  Kiri doesn’t need to know that though.
The two of you had been toeing around something since you had been hired at Fatgum’s Agency a year ago.  Neither of you had made a move.  Kirishima, the Red Riot, was a big Pro Hero and while you took pride in your quirk, it didn’t hold a coin to some of the others you’d come in contact with.  It had surprised you when Toyomitsu had brought you on.  But he had mumbled something about “liking your spunk” and that he thought a teleportation quirk would be a useful one to add to his agency.  The first day you had shown up, Kiri had immediately caught your eye.  Not for the obvious reasons.  Obvious reasons being the fact that he was climbing the Pro Hero charts or the fact that he had a dynamically interesting quirk or that at twenty-five he was already built like a brickhouse. 
Those were all valid reasons, yes, but what had pulled you in was his smile and his genuine interest in you outside of your quirk.  But he was just like that you had quickly discovered.  He knew everyone’s coffee order and what they liked for lunch.  He knew when to push and when to back off.  He knew when to talk and when to listen , knew when he still had a lesson to learn.  The kids flocked to him.  Even now you’re still entirely convinced that’s actually his quirk, getting people to like him.  It’s not a difficult thing to do though.
Your brain stutters back to the present when a text notification pings from your cell phone as you sit in Kiri’s driveway, picking at non-existent lint on your gym shorts.  The cute ones you’re still convincing yourself were your only clean pair and that’s the only reason you wore them.
KIRI : i saw u pull up, u gonna come in or what 😂
Had he been waiting for you to get there?  You tapped out a quick response, one that hid the little flip in your stomach at the thought: creeper, you were watching for me lmao
Response bubbles immediately flash on your phone screen but you’re angling out of your car and shutting the door before he can reply.
Somehow, this house fits Kiri perfectly.  It isn’t big.  You had seen pictures of other top-ranking Pros’ houses.  Enji Todoroki’s house, for example, was fucking ridiculous.  But even without a massive floor plan, Kiri’s house is nicer than any you’d been in for some time.  Clean, straight lines and lots of windows.  In fact, you can see straight through the floor-to-ceiling windows out to his backyard when you reach the front door.  Is that a pool ?  Kiri had tons of fun showing pictures at the agency; it was a well-deserved investment for his already multiple years of service as a Pro.  The pictures hadn’t done the place justice though.
Kiri comes to the door, throwing it wide open with a huge grin that shows off his sharp teeth.  You ignore the way your mouth goes dry as he drags you in, babbling on like an excited little kid at you actually coming.
“I really thought you were gonna back out!  I mean, that would have been fine, of course.  I just can’t see the point of having the whole place to myself all the time.”  He’s irresistibly cute, walking around showing you the living room and the kitchen and pointing out to the backyard where, yes, there is indeed a pool.  “You can come over any time and use that too if you want!”  You thank him, warmth pooling in your stomach at how incredibly nice he is.
“Uh, we should probably get in the gym.  I have… stuff to do later,” you finish lamely.  You don’t have anything to do later but very quickly you’re realizing how far out of your depth you are here.  The familiar beginnings of the head over heels fall is washing over you in steady waves.  But you’re coworkers and the thought of coming to work every day and having to see his adorable face and not doing anything about it is almost making you nauseous.
“Oh, yeah, it’s just down the hallway,” he rumbles, leading the way and you follow trying and failing miserably to calm the nerves flashing through your veins.  You’re here alone with Kiri , the man you’ve been crushing on since you’d started working with him a year ago.  And now your stupid brain isn’t just thinking about what it would feel like to run your tongue along his teeth or how his hands would feel between your legs.  No, your stupid brain is thinking about what Kiri looks like when he first opens his eyes in the morning.
Your one-track mind is not getting any help, especially when Kiri walks through the doorway of the gym addition and immediately proceeds to pull his shirt up and over his shoulders and tosses it to the side.  Shit.  His back muscles ripple with the movement and when he turns to face you, it’s heart-wrenchingly obvious that he has no idea the effect he’s having on you.  He has to know .  Doesn’t he?  From your end, it seems wildly obvious that someone as good-looking as him should know .  
You glance around, eternally grateful for the fact that the gym is also attractive.  Floor to ceiling windows span two of the walls here as well and there’s a large set of French doors leading out to the yard.  You find yourself actually in awe when you get a better look at the landscaping.  It’s so green .  There’s a small patch of lawn but the rest is just artfully arranged native flora and fauna.  Violets, tulips.  Huge hosta plants.  And cherry trees heavy with their signature sakura blossoms.  
“Kiri, it’s beautiful!”  He comes to stand beside you, looking out the French doors as well.
“You like it?  I guess it is pretty nice, huh?”  You glance up at him, your chest expanding on a lurch looking at his smile.  You’d never noticed before but he has a light dusting of freckles across his nose.
“Yeah, really nice.”  You look out again, letting the silence grow until it feels like the most comfortable thing in the world.  After what seems like an eternity Kiri clears his throat, rocking back on the balls of his feet.  “What are you thinking for today?”  The question leaves your lips and you’re immediately regretting it; your stomach flips again when Kiri looks at you like you’re prey.
“Close combat, hand-to-hand combat.  You did mention a while ago you wanted to strengthen that, right?”  You throw your head back, rolling your eyes, and groan.  The two of you make your way to the center of the mat.
“Yeah, I mean, I’d be scared to take me on too,” Kiri says, large hands on even larger hips.   He isn’t as tall as some of the other heroes at six foot three inches but he’s wide , thick.  You know for a fact you couldn’t wrap your arms around his waist and have your hands meet.  He’s wearing the biggest shit-eating grin you’ve ever seen.  The sharpened points of his canines are out and on prominent display.   Famous last words you think as a snarl erupts on your face.
“I’m not scared , Kiri.  I just don’t want to wear you out .  You’re a Pro Hero.  You’re on the job a lot more than I am.  Plus, you’re getting kind of old.  Is that a little gray I see coming in?”  Kiri bares his teeth even more but it’s not lost on you that he quickly reaches up to rake his fingers through his hair.  There isn’t any gray, obviously , but the thought has Red Riot distracted.  Distracted enough that when you plant your feet and your fist connects with his face, your knuckles hit skin and not the reinforced rock of his quirk.
“ Shit.”  Kiri takes a step back, reaching up to cradle his jaw.  His tongue swipes out to lick at the blood on his bottom lip.  His vermillion eyes find yours and if you didn’t work with him on a regular basis, you would have felt fear at this moment.  You know he wouldn’t hurt you but even now, a thrill races through your veins like electricity.  He looks as if he’s going to devour you.  You take your own step back, readying your quirk, reaching out to it as your fists hold their position in front of your body.  A dark chuckle spills from his chest as Kiri calls on his own quirk.
Now it was your turn to be distracted; you had always been fascinated by Kiri’s quirk, the way his body looked when it hardened up.  The ripples of muscle still visible under the toughened skin.  The divots and ridges and how they mapped their way across his shoulders and chest and abdomen.  You knew how it felt to the touch in fake combat.  The Fatgum heroes all took pride in maintaining a healthy routine; sparring was a common workout that was previously done at a local public gym.  You wonder absently what it would feel like to touch him slow and at the moment.  When you could give extra attention with extra time. 
Kiri closes the space between the two of you at the moment your mind strays and you barely are able to teleport out of the way to avoid him crashing into you.  You try to take a swipe at him as you materialize from in front of him to behind but this time he’s ready for you and he’s using his quirk.  Instead of moving out of the way, he plants his feet and allows your punch to hit.  Pain radiates up through your fingers and wrist.  It always irritated you that you had to prepare yourself to strike Kiri when he was using his quirk.  Otherwise, you’d be in for a whole lot of hurt every time you landed a punch.
Teleportation is a pretty handy quirk.  It gives you a pretty good advantage the more you work on your close combat skills.  The trick with Kiri was to keep going at him until he ran out of energy.  You hadn’t gotten to that point yet; your quirk had its limits as well.  You were only two years out of UA, Kiri was out by seven.  His strength was already fairly unmatched; sparring with him was always good practice.  You relish the thought of the day you can win a sparring session without tapping out.  It surges through you like pure energy.  
You teleport to stand in front of him again, shifting your weight into your hips and up through your right hook.  This time your fist connects with Kiri’s side and he lets out a small grunt.  Your fingers don’t hurt so bad this time and by the time Kiri is retaliating, you jump back a few feet.  He hmms, a sound that reverberates from his chest.
“That’s all well and good but how do you expect to do anything if you jump that far away?”  He lunges forward at a running start, leaping at the last second, sending his gloved fist into your stomach.  You were fast, but still not always fast enough.  You double over, the air rushing from your lungs and your pre-workout protein smoothie threatening to exit back the way it went in.  Sweat is already beading on your brow and sliding under your tank top.  You take a few breaths through your nose when an idea pops into your head; you stay bent over.  “Hey, I didn’t hit you that hard.  You good?”  
Kiri comes to stand in front of you, leaving him vulnerable.  He can’t see your smirk until it’s too late.  You wail on him, using some of the basic combos he’s taught you before today.  Satisfaction rolls through you when he actually takes a step back.  But then he puts his arms up in front of him, clenching his abdomen and bending inward to protect his core.  He drops just a fraction and before you realize what’s happening, he’s swiping his leg out to push through yours.  You watch in slow motion as you see his laughing face then the ceiling of the gym as you flip and land on your back.
If you thought you were out of breath before…  “Fuuu-.”  It’s a wheeze that feels like it’s ripping your chest open.  You’re seeing stars.  Kiri stands over you, hands on his hips again.  You stare at his face; the hero has his hair pulled back into a bun.  You snort, rolling your eyes.  Why does he still look so fucking good?  The sweat has caused some of the pieces falling out of his hair tie to curl.  His hair has curl to it?  You’ve never noticed before, considering he always gels it into spikes.  You like the curl.  “Are you--are you gonna help me up, or what?”  It was still painful to talk.
Kiri tilts his head to the side, just slightly, and crosses his arms.  “I’m thinking not.  Last time I let down my guard you got those good combos in.”  You stare in stunned silence, sitting up so you’re supported by your elbows.  Kiri shifts slightly and if you didn’t know better, you’d say he’s backing up to… get a better view.   
“Is that any way to treat your student,  Red Riot?”  You know you get under his skin when he clicks his tongue against his teeth and holds out a hand with a begrudging eye roll.  He pulls you up with ease, quickly enough that you almost lose your balance, swaying into his space.  You look up, eyes moving back and forth between his.  
He draws in a breath and drags his bottom lip between his teeth.  “First of all,” he says as he places his hands on your upper arms, “I’m not your teacher.  I’m not that much older than you.  Secondly,” he mutters as he tucks a stray lock of hair behind your ear, “our relationship isn’t that formal is it?”  He’s so fucking close.  This is getting dangerous.  Dangerous because Kiri is within kissing distance.  Dangerous because this gentle side of him is making you lose more breath than falling on your ass.  Dangerous because the thought of Kiri taking you on the floor right now is almost too much to bear.  
So you fall back on what you’re here to do.  Fight.  You flash him a wicked smile before rallying your quirk and teleporting a few feet away.  His hand is still raised in mid-air and when his head whips to look in your direction, his crimson eyes are narrowed and his nostrils are flared.  He laughs and rolls his neck, dancing on his toes.
“Okay.  I see.  I’m not gonna go easy on you, you know?”  You snort and put your fists up in front of you again.
“As if you were going easy on me before, Kiri.  Bring it on.”  He smiles, the sharp points of his teeth enough to make your thoughts swerve again before you bring them under control.  “Bring it on,” you whisper more to yourself as you brace for the fight.
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Two hours later, you feel the strain in your muscles.  Your quirk is running low on reserves and you know you won’t be able to use it much more.  Kiri looks like he hasn’t wasted a breath but you can see he’s getting tired in the way his feet don’t move as sharply.  And if the length of time he’s using his quirk is any indication to his state of mind, you know the two of you will be calling it a day soon.  But you’re also both stubborn.  And you’re dying to get one more good move in on him.
The cockiness the two of you had at the beginning of the sparring session hasn’t gone away but has burned hot into determination.  No more smiles, only clear-headed concentration.  The two of you are an arm's length from each other, throwing various punches and switching quickly between using your quirks and not.  You’re breathing hard, sweat gathering at your brow as you throw another right hook that Kiri easily blocks.
“Get out of your head.  You can be too predictable sometimes.”  He doesn’t mean for it to come across as rude but the words strike a match to a guttering fire.  You bare your own teeth at Kiri even though they aren’t sharp and probably don’t look nearly as threatening but it helps you feel powerful nonetheless.  You drop without a second thought, lowering to your palms and sweeping your leg out in front of you in a wide arc.  A grin spreads across your face when your calf meets Kiri’s ankle.  He’s too physically dense for this move to work if he had seen it coming.  But he doesn’t.  And his solid 220 pounds of muscle falls hard.  
You allow yourself the satisfaction of the moment for only a split second; Kiri’s recovery time is much shorter than yours so it isn’t long before he’s scrambling forward.  He goes straight for your wrists to subdue you but with a smirk, you realize in his haste he’s put himself in the perfect position for you to possibly gain the upper hand.  You scoot up away from him just enough to drag his arm forward and swing your legs around his neck.  Then you elevate your hips and lock your core.
It’s over from there as you squeeze with every last ounce of strength left in your body.  It doesn’t take long for him to tap out.  You release as soon as you feel his loose hand tap your arm; he collapses over you and you’re too tired to move away or push him off.  Now his breathing is rough and you feel a surge of pride.  You reach up and place your hand on his head where his bun has come undone; he’s so heavy but it doesn’t feel bad.  In fact, the feel of Kirishima resting his head and upper chest on your stomach is feeling nothing short of good .  He’s still between your legs and suddenly the air is crackling with a new kind of energy when you gently comb your fingers through his hair.
He rises up, his hands on either side of you.  His hips rest between your legs; the mingled heat radiating from both of you is almost more than you can take but there is no way you’re going to move anywhere.  He leans forward, so close you can see the flecks of burnt orange in his eyes.  If you moved forward just a little, you could close that space between you.  He leans down more, his mouth right next to the shell of your ear.
“Maybe not always predictable.  You did good today.  Probably some of the best fighting I’ve seen from you so far.  Keep it up.”  He grunts, a shift of his hips allowing the curve of his cock to brush against your clothed sex through his gym shorts.  He stiffens in what you think might be embarrassment.  “Shit, sorry, let me just, uh--”  The stuttering mess he becomes right before your eyes makes something lurch in your chest; you reach for his face without thinking.
“Kiri,” you whisper, rolling your own hips against his.  His cheeks are burning a shade of red almost as vibrant as his hair.  You bring up your other hand, holding his face between them and bringing him down to settle over you once more.  Your lips meet his; he seems to war with himself for just a moment.  A suspended second in time.  But then he gives in, slipping his tongue against yours in a delicious sliding vision of what’s coming.
He reaches between you to slip his hand under your tank top; his hand is big and nearly encompasses your side.  But it’s warm and gentle.  Gentle.  Who would have guessed that Red Riot could be so fucking gentle?  But he is and when his hand moves lower to slide below the hem of your shorts, you give yourself to him with no reservations.  His middle finger passes through the mess of your sex; a hissed breath rattles through his chest as your back arches on a ragged groan.
“ Shit.  You’re so wet .”  He slides his finger back and forth, gathering your slick on the thick digit.  He takes his hand away and you mewl.  “Can I?”  He asks breathlessly as he hooks his hands on the hem of your shorts.  You nod, eyes half-lidded.  He pulls them down along with your underwear and the way he looks at you, at what’s between your legs, you don’t even have the wherewithal to feel self-conscious.  Adoration.  It’s the only word you can think of and it makes you wonder if you’d made a mistake waiting so long.
He’s on his knees when he takes your legs and drapes them on either side of his hips; this time he doesn’t hesitate in slipping his finger into your cunt.  You nearly see stars just from that and if one finger is any indication, you’re in for it.  Slowly, he adds another, his hand pumping into you in a steady rhythm.  You’re grabbing for the ground, grabbing for him as a strangled noise pushes from your throat.  He reaches out with his other hand to splay it across your sternum and it’s the only thing anchoring you as he adds the third finger before scooting down to put his mouth on your clit.
“ Kiri,” you keen, shoving your hips into his touch, frantically scrabbling for his wrist that’s on your chest just to have something to hold on to.  He’s done this before, he’s had to.  He’s too good.  Too fucking good.  Already there’s coiling in your gut as incomprehensible words tumble from your mouth.  “Shit.  Shit.  Kiri I’m--I’m gonna--”  He rumbles approvingly against your clit; the vibrations send you closer and closer to the edge and when it crests, your back arches near pain as you cry out, your voice echoing in the gym.  It’s deep, roaring through all of your limbs but  Kiri keeps going, fingers still pumping, tongue still swirling around your sensitive nub.
Another orgasm breaks over you sharp and quick and the overstimulation has your legs quaking as your arousal gushes over Kiri’s hand and tongue.  But then he’s moving again, and you’re blearily aware that he’s shoving his own shorts and boxers past his hips to free his cock.  You stare as it bounces back to sit near the planes of his stomach; it’s already leaking steadily with precum.  Kiri looks back at you and when your eyes meet, you dart your tongue out between your lips to wet them.  Another time, maybe.  
Kiri leans forward to lift you up and the closer you get you can barely see any red in his eyes; his pupils are blown, his nostrils flared as he lifts you like you weigh nothing .  He could snap you like a twig.  But he won’t.  You know without a doubt this is the safest you’ve ever felt, even as he lowers you slowly over his cock and it does feel like you’re being split .
“ Fuuuck…”  You wrap your legs around him, your mouth dropped open, your hands gripping his shoulders.  You try not to dig your nails in but it’s almost impossible with how you’re being filled.  You knew Kiri was big but this was almost too much.  His forehead drops to yours as he pants.  But he’s not moving, won’t move until you tell him to.  It makes your heart ache and your cunt floods, drunk on the affection thrumming through your veins.  You roll your hips experimentally and the friction is bliss.  “Oh fuck, ohfuck.”  You move again, pushing yourself up and back down, listening to the hitch in his breathing.  “ Kiri, please, ” you whisper.  Those words… they’re enough.
Kirishima grips you by the hips, his fingers splayed and digging into the flesh; it’ll leave bruises and the knowledge cracks through you like electricity.  Let him leave marks.  Let him leave them everywhere.  He’s moving you up and down his cock, grunting, mumbling.  “Tell me, Kiri, tell me.”  His eyes meet yours again and his own mouth drops open.
“Fuck, you’re so good.  S’ tight.  Jesus, I-- ” Kiri moves his hands from your hips to support you as he lays you down on the floor of the gym.  The idea should be questionable but it’s not, it’s fucking not and you can’t concentrate on any other thoughts when Kiri grabs your wrists and pins them gently above your head with one hand while the other comes back to your hip.  He thrusts into you at a brutal pace but… it feels like home and you think in that moment as your cunt begins to seize around his cock that you would give up forever to continue touching him.
“Yes, Kiri, yes.  Right there, right--shit yesyes yes. ”  He pistons up, the veins of his cock rubbing just right and when he releases the grip on your hands, they’re moving to wrap around him on instinct.  He’s planting kisses along your jaw, mouthing up to your lips and back down to graze his teeth over your pulse point.  “Do it, fuckin’ do it, let them know ‘m yours, ” you slur and when he bites down you crash over the edge on a groan that’s really more of a scream.  Everything goes black but you're cradling him to you as his movements become more erratic.  The snapping of his hips is getting sloppier by the second and a steady growl punches from his lungs with each breath.  “Cum, Kirishima, cum inside me.”
He’s never heard those words before and it lights a fire in his veins.  His head is buzzing and then he can’t hear anything as his cock releases and he’s spurting searing hot ropes of cum into your cunt.  He goes until you’ve milked every last drop from him and he’d be lying if he said his world didn't suddenly feel whole.  Finally, his body settles and his chest drops to yours.  Everything slowly bleeds back into focus and somehow, everything seems more colorful than it did moments before.  You’re still clinging to him.
“Kiri.  Kiri, babe, I can’t breathe,” you say and he slowly rises, taking in your blissed-out expression.  Your eyes can barely stay open, your cheeks are flushed.  He backs up to see his handiwork on display, hyper-focused on the trail of the mingling cum dripping from the mess of your sex.  But you’re smiling.  Lazy and tired, completely at ease.  “Wanna take a shower?”  When you nod he doesn’t hesitate in standing to kick his underwear and shorts the rest of the way off his legs and then he’s grabbing you, scooping you into his arms and against his chest.  He pads out of the gym and across the hall to his bathroom where he deposits you on your feet, only after he’s sure you can stand and only long enough to turn the shower head-on.
He puts his hand under the water, waiting for it to get warm.  Steam billows from behind the glass door when he’s turning back to you to remove your tank top and your sports bra.  Thank god you chose the front-closure one today; you didn’t think either one of you wanted to struggle to get one up over your head right now.  When your breasts spill out of the high-impact fabric, you notice with tender amusement that his cock is half-hard again.  His eyes go dark again and he leans in for a kiss.  But it's slow and sweet. 
"You're so fuckin' beautiful," he whispers.  He ignores his arousal, ushering you into the stream of water.  Your care is the only thing that matters to him right now.  The heat slides across your body, and when Kirishima steps up behind you and begins soaping up your shoulders, it feels like heaven .
You take turns washing each other until you’re both blissed out in a different kind of way and the only thing either one of you can think about is sleep.  But the afterglow is fading and doubt is creeping in.  When you step out of the water, you stand awkwardly as Kiri hands you a towel.  “You okay?”  He’s actually concerned and you can’t put your finger on why you’re so fucking grateful for it.
“Yea, just tired.  I should, uh, probably get going.”  Kiri freezes and you think you’ve said something wrong, already crossed a line.  Your brain is like a broken record as the stomach-curdling image of having to see him at the agency flashes across your eyes in vivid detail.  But then he’s stepping into your space and pulling you in for a hug.  A hug.
“Don’t go,” he whispers into the crown of your head and it has you smiling like an idiot against his chest.  His skin smells clean and warm with a hint of spice.  You bury your face further in as you nod against him.  Then he’s leading you to his room, to the king-sized bed.  He peels back the comforter and the white sheets and pulls you in beside him.  Your back is against him and he hooks his foot around your ankles, bringing you even closer.  
He doesn’t say anything more, just lets out a huge sigh as he wraps his arm around you.  The last thing you notice before your eyes flutter shut is how your heartbeats are thumping at the same steady rhythm.  
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Late afternoon sunlight slants in Kirishima’s bedroom window, creating interesting patterns across his blanket.  It’s pushed towards the end of the bed, your legs intertwined and tangled in the sheets.  He’s still dozing, his breathing not quite that of someone sleeping but not of a person fully awake.  You reach out to cup his cheek, stroke above his eyebrows, caress his lips with your thumb.  A contented sigh leaves his chest as he grabs your hand and kisses your wrist.  His eyes are open now and he watches you.  You smile at him, snuggling closer, not wanting the moment to end.
“Hey,” he says quietly, suddenly serious.  “I just want you to know, I don’t do this all the time.  I mean, I’ve been with other people before but I don’t…  I don’t really hook up .”  Things start clicking into place as you realize what he’s trying to get across.  He just fucked you stupid in his personal gym and somehow he looks bashful.  And because you love it, you’re not going to help him along.  You just watch, biting your lip to keep from giggling.  “I just.  I guess what I’m trying to say is I like you.  I’ve liked you for a long time.  And normally I would have wined and dined you first but...  Well.  Here we are.  Would you like to stay for dinner?”
That’s the last straw; your laughter comes bubbling out of you and Kiri is leaning back to look at you with a quizzical expression on his face.  “Is something funny?”  That just makes you laugh a little harder but the confused look he’s wearing has you leaning in to press your lips against his.
“I’ve liked you from the first day I met you, Kiri.  I’ll one-up your offer and tell you that I might like to stay forever.”  A grin rips across his face and your heart blooms with warmth and affection.  The world seems full of possibilities but none of them matter except for the possibility laying right in front of you.
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nothing-but-dreamy · 3 years
Pairing: D:BH!CONNOR x HUMAN!READER (gender neutral)
Words: 4.058
Warnings: TRIGGER WARNING! mention of suicide; odd behavior; cursing; hurt - comfort;
A/N: Another day - another request...
I really hope you like it! Thanks again for your idea.
Synopsis: You are a Detective of the DPD and had worked many cases with Hank. Until something went utterly wrong. Since then, you get haunted by your past until you see only one last way out. Luckily, Connor is there to help you.
"You know you don't have to do this.", you said serious.
Sara pulled the wire of the bug underneath her shirt before it got taped on her back, "Yes, but I want to. I have to. I owe it to my sister to do this. She shall find peace finally and like the Lieutenant said, me as her twin, I have the best chance to get this bastard. He doesn't know that she's dead. Therefore, I'm your best chance to get the information you need, Detective."
"Detective, YLN!"
As if awakening from a deep trance like state, you focused back on reality as your name got called out. Haunted by your typical dark memories, you hadn't even noticed where you were. Slowly, you opened your eyes. The owner of the calm male voice stood on the outside of your car, next to the window of the driver seat, and looked concerned at you through the glass.
You blinked several times. The sun, which already fell through your windshield because it stood so high in the morning sky, made you blind for several moments and as you moved, you noticed your aching back and neck from sleeping in the car in an unhealthy position. Obviously, you had knocked yourself out with booze again.
"Detective YLN, my name's Connor. I'm your new partner. I'm the android sent by CyberLi- I got sent from Captain Fowler to meet you. Rather, he sent me to find you because you missed a meeting this morning. And now, he wants to see you.", Connor said and watched you. Even if he had already learned a lot about human behavior from Hank, there were still some mysteries to solve.
Like: why are you sleeping in a car in a position that harms eighty percent of your muscle tissue through soreness and lets your bones and joints burn like fire when you move?
Or: why are you drunk this early in the morning-
"Hey, tin can! Shut the fuck up!", you shouted.
Connor stared at you in shock as he realized that he had asked the questions out loud instead of just thinking about them. A habit he started with as Hank had left the DPD to retire finally, "I'm sorry, Detective. I haven't notice-"
"Yeah, yeah, yeah... what do you want, Carlos?", you asked, searching for your flask you couldn't find.
"My name's Connor, Detective. And as I said, Captain Fowl-"
"Oh, yeah... the meeting... right. Get in the car.", you ordered and even if Connor was sure that it wasn't a good idea for you to drive in the state you were, he also knew that any kind of discussion would lead to nowhere. He still knew that from his time with Hank.
Twenty minutes later, for a way that only took ten minutes usually, you, followed by Connor, entered the DPD which was crowded with androids, policemen and people who were complaining about some uninteresting nonsense. You made your way through all these people, trying to dodge as many colleagues as you could - but of course, one of them caught you. Like always.
"Hey, YN! This is the DPD and not some bar. You won't find any kind of booze around here."
"Just shut the fuck up, Reed! Or otherwise, I will tell everyone that you own some pair of bright pink panties- oh, upsi! My bad!", you called out, gleaming at him with a smirk. Everyone started to laugh.
Gavin stared at you with a hate-filled glance, he was fuming, "Fuck you!", he muttered.
"Oh, sweet. That's all you got, Reed?", you shot back with a grin.
But before Gavin could respond to anything, Captain Fowler stepped out of his office, "Detective YLN! In my office!"
"And? Who's laughing now?", Gavin said with a smirk and winked at you before he left the DPD to do some work.
Connor closed the door of the office behind him as you were inside. You walked over to the Captain's desk to sit down in one of the chairs but even without looking up you sensed the anger radiating from your boss. It was tangible in the air. Without asking, you took one of the fresh glasses on Fowler's desk to throw an aspirin into it. Then, you pulled out the flask you had found finally to fill the glass with a transparent liquid.
Fowler watched you, half shocked and half concerned, "What are you doing?"
"Taking an aspirin, Sir. I have a murderous headache."
"And what was in the flask if I may ask?"
"Vo- uhm... water. Just water, Sir.", you answered before you gulped down the bubbling mixture.
Fowler looked from you at Connor who also seemed to be concerned about the fact that you had mixed pharmaceuticals with alcohol before the Captain looked back at you, "Where have you been this morning? We had a meeting."
You put the empty glass back on the desk, "Oh, yeah... the meeting. I'm sorry, Sir. I was on observation and obviously, I lost track of time.", you explained, leaning back in the chair, waiting for the aspirin and ‘water’ to do its magic.
"Observation, huh? For what case? What's the file number?", Fowler asked, leaning back in his own seat, folding his hands in front of him while waiting for your answer.
"Oh, yeah... the file number. One moment, Sir-"
Fowler slammed his plane hand on the desk's surface that you were jumping in your seat, "Cut this shit, god dammit! You have no file number because you have no current case, Detective! Let me guess, Connor had found you sleeping in your car, right? How many nights had it been this time?"
You kept eye contact but you gave him no answer. You just gritted your teeth and pressed your jaws together.
Fowler sighed, "Listen, YN, you're a great Detective but since the things with Sara happened-"
"No!", you called out, jumping from your chair and stopping the Captain mid-sentence with your sudden outburst, "We won't talk about this!", you said serious before you turned around to let your glance roam through the office with all the busy people, "Alright, Sir. What's the matter with the android? Monitoring what I do and what I don't do?"
"Connor is the former partner of Hank-"
"Oh and now, Hank doesn't want to play with it anymore so you give it to the next screwed up cop you can find?", you asked, turning around to look at Connor with his fancy clothes and neat hairstyle before you looked back at the Captain.
"Hank retired two weeks ago. I thought you knew that.", Fowler said and looked even more concerned at you.
"No, I'm sorry. I didn't get invited to any funny parties nor did I got a notification. But who cares. So, the android's with me then? How long?", you asked emotionlessly.
"It's your partner now. Brief it into your cases-"
You stepped forward, aiming for the door, "Cases, Sir? What cases? You already said I have none.", you pointed out while leaving the office.
Fowler watched after you, not amused about your unpredictable behavior and the fact that you were carrying a gun.
"Sir?", Connor asked and brought the Captain back from his thoughts.
"Yeah... Listen... as you can see YN has a few problems. They used to be a good cop in the past until one of the cases they and Hank had operated went wrong. The anniversary is in two days and I fear... well...", Captain Fowler stopped himself, watching you grabbing a coffee from the kitchen.
"I will keep an eye on them.", Connor said and left the office as well.
Connor was surprised how carelessly you were in managing your cases - even if it were just a few. There was nothing special or difficult and yet, you weren't able to file the cases properly, "Detective, this report here, I'm not sure to which case it belongs.", Connor asked as he had read an interview of a woman who had reported her dog as missing. Added to that, the interview was part of a file about an armed theft in the heart of the city. There was no connection at all to these two cases.
Without looking up, you took a folder from your desk to hand it over to Connor, "Yeah...here. That's the case you're searching for."
Connor took the case and skimmed through the pages several times before he looked at you, frowning, "Detective, this is a file about a stolen android.", he pointed out.
"Yeah, just ... put the page in this file. I'm sure it will be right.", you said, ignoring the android's expression.
"Detective, I'm not sure-"
"Excuse me, I need some more coffee.", you cut him off, standing up to aim for the kitchen with your mug in your hands.
"And I thought Hank was challenging.", Connor whispered under his breath and shook his head while he still tried to figure out which pages were parts of which cases.
"You're a murderer, Detective! That you still think yourself as worthy enough to call yourself a cop is way out of my understanding!", a jarring, female voice echoed through the office and drew the attention of everyone to her and to the person that stood in front of her - you.
Connor craned his head to watch the scene like everyone else did. But while the attention of the others was because of curiosity and spitefulness, Connor watched you and your bodily reaction to the woman's accusations. You stood there like a timid fawn. The cockiness you presented before seemed to be gone completely. Your heart rate increased, you were shaking and your eyes became big as if you were intimidated by the woman in front of you. The woman stepped even closer and Connor watched, surprised, that you stayed where you were. Easily, you could have escaped the unknown woman and yet you stayed rooted to the spot.
"Because of you I lost both of my daughters! I already have lost the one and yet, you thought it would be fair to take the other away from me as well!", the woman screamed erratic, tears were already running down her cheeks but she was still not able to stop herself and no one else was brave enough to step into the scene, "You and your partner will pay for what you have done! You will burn in hell for that!"
"Chris! Escort Mrs. Mason into my office!", Captain Fowler ordered and stopped the woman's outburst even if it was a bit too late.
Connor saw tears building in the corners of your eyes. Quickly, your glance scanned the area but the only way you could find was the way out. You aimed for the precinct's main entrance to leave the building in a hurry. Connor followed you. He ran through the office and left the building as well but as he stepped onto the pavement you were nowhere to be seen. Like a ghost, you had vanished between all the other pedestrians.
Hank had just taken a new beer to watch the next half of the Detroit Gears game as someone rang his doorbell. In the penetrant way how this person used his doorbell and the way how Sumo reacted, Hank knew who the visitor was, "Connor, hey. What are you doing here? It's a bit too early to go for a walk with Sumo.", the older man said but he already saw that something else was bothering the android.
"Yeah, actually, I'm not here because of Sumo.", Connor said.
Hank let him in and Connor came straight to the point that kept him busy, "One year ago, you and Detective YLN had a case together. But something went wrong. What exactly happened? I couldn't find the case file."
Hank frowned, "Why do you ask?"
"Captain Fowler teamed me up with Detective YLN because of the anniversary of this case. He's concerned about the instability of their constitution."
Hank shook his head. He missed working with the android but he didn't miss the long-winded explanations of him. Then, suddenly, he became serious again, "Instability, huh?"
"Yes. They seem to be so unpredictable in their behavior that Captain Fowler fears something worse will happen because the anniversary would be in two days. I ... I found them this morning sleeping in their car.", Connor explained with a frown.
Hank raised his brows in surprise and at the same time, he felt worried, "YN and I, we... In the past, we worked together on some cases. Well, that changed with our last case. Lynn and Sara Mason.", he said slowly, feeling the pain stinging his heart as he remembered what had happened one year ago.
"Why couldn't I find much about it in the archives of the DPD?"
Hank stood up from the couch, walking over to the book shelf to pull something out that was hidden between his several jazz vinyl. He walked back to Connor, offering the android the case file but stopped as Connor was grabbing for it, "You just can find the basics of this case because I kept it printed. Some wounds are so deep, it's better if not everyone is able to find a tool to reopen them all over again.", he said and gave Connor the file finally.
The next day, Connor drove again to your place and was happy to see that you weren't sleeping in your car again. As he knocked at your door, you opened him with a smile. You had taken a shower, your hair was still damp and your clothes were all fresh and clean. Connor noticed that you weren't accompanied by the scent of alcohol and he even couldn't smell anything in your breath as you talked with him.
"I... I want to apologize, Connor. Our start yesterday wasn't the best. I'm looking forward to working with you. I'm sure we will make a great team."
Connor knew you just one day, not enough to understand a person completely, and yet he had the strange feeling of something going on that occupied his mind suddenly by the way you acted.
"Oh, can you call a taxi?", you asked while sipping on your coffee.
"What happened to your car, Detective?", Connor asked surprised while ordering the vehicle.
You smiled at him, "Oh, I sold it. I will have no use of it anymore. And please, call me YN."
To Connor's surprise, your behavior stayed kinda strange even if he couldn't say what it was exactly. You and Connor went early to the DPD. On your way in, you talked with colleagues. You joked with Chris and as Gavin entered the kitchen, you pressed a cup of coffee into the Detective's hand which left him utterly confused.
Gavin stopped Connor by stepping into his way, "Hey, tin can. Is this coffee drugged or what is going on here?"
In the way Gavin looked at Connor, the android noticed real unease, "No, Detective. The coffee is not drugged or anything. I guess others would call it 'tasty'. You can drink it.", he said but looked frowning at you. As Connor left Gavin, the green-eyed man was still sniffing suspiciously on the hot liquid as if the mug might contain acid instead of his most favorite beverage.
Connor went back to the desk opposite of yours and was surprised to see how you cleared out the different pages of the case files. Several small piles were lying in front of you while you tried to bring them into the right order and to collate them.
Later that day, Connor was puzzled as you went to the Captain to apologize to him as well as you had done it with Connor in the beginning of the day. You apologized for your behavior the day before and of all the past weeks, "I know I did a few things wrong, Captain. But I promise to change that in the future. In fact, the change will happen soon and then, everyone will be pleased with me again.", you said before you took your jacket to leave the precinct.
Connor looked at the Captain and saw on the man's face what he was thinking: strange.
‘Strange’ was the only word Connor could find to describe your work day even although you were acting practically perfect. You were nice. You had sorted your cases. You had apologized for your behavior. And yet, something was odd. Something felt wrong. Connor sensed that something was ... going on. But he couldn't put his finger on it. So, out of instinct, Connor followed you and drove to your place with a taxi.
As he knocked at your door, you opened, smiling at him and dressed in a bathrobe, "Oh, Connor, hey. What is it? I just wanted to take a bath."
Surprised, Connor looked at you. He was sure you had taken a shower this morning so there was no need to take a bath and then, he reminded himself that he still had not much knowledge about humans and their several oddities, "Yeah, I ... I just wanted to ask if everything is alright, Detective.", he said honestly.
You smiled at him, "Of course, Connor. Everything is more than alright. I just need some time to relax and tomorrow, everything will make sense to you and the others. Thanks for checking on me, that means a lot to me. Goodnight.", you said and closed the door.
Connor stared at your closed door for several moments before he stepped slowly back to walk down the hallway. Since he turned deviant, Connor's systems needed a bit longer to process information - not much, it were just seconds, but sometimes that could be more than enough.
As Connor was still connecting the different dots and hints you had spread the whole day, Hank called him, "Connor! Where are you?"
"I'm leaving YN's place. They want to take a bath. Why? What's the matter?", Connor asked as he sensed the slightly concerned undertone in Hank's voice.
"You have to go back, Connor! Go back to them! YN hates to bath!", Hank demanded worried.
Even if Connor was confused, he turned around, walking back the way to your apartment, "Hank?"
"I just got a letter from YN. It got brought by a delivery man. It's a handwritten suicide letter. Hurry and stop them!", Hank ordered.
Connor ended the call, hurried down the corridor and without knocking, he broke down the door of your apartment. Quickly, Connor ran through your small apartment, already seeing the door of your bathroom ajar. He stormed into the room and the second his eyes landed on you lying in the bathtub with the razor blade between your fingers, he was by your side, taking the blade away to throw it into a far corner before you could even cut. Slowly but demanding, Connor dragged you out of the water, took a towel and laid it around your shaking frame because you already were ice cold. Obviously, you had filled the bathtub with cold water to support a fast sleep while your blood would have drained from your body after the cut.
You were screaming and yelling for Connor to let go of you. You demanded the razor back and that he should leave your apartment but Connor ignored everything. You punched against his chest with your fists but Connor stayed unimpressed, determined to save your life. With a strong grip, he wrapped you into the towel and also laid the bathrobe around your shoulders before he guided you out of the bathroom. You were still struggling in Connor's arms to get free. All you wanted was to end what you had started. Desperate, hot tears were running down your cheeks as you were crying violently about the fact that you were still alive. Alive and alone with the memories which were still haunting you like mean demons.
Connor placed you on the couch, sitting next to you and wrapping his arms around your frame to give you even more support and comfort while you cried against his chest, "Please, just let me die...", you cried out between two heavy sobs.
"No, Detective. I have to refuse your request."
"Cut this 'Detective' shit. Just call me YN, god damnit.", you whimpered helplessly because now, everything was just worse than you had expected. You had planned everything and yet, the android was there to destroy your neatly made plans, "What are you even doing here, Connor?"
"Hank received your letter and called me right on time."
You leant closer against Connor's chest with closed eyes, seeking the android’s presence while cursing about yourself, "Hell, the letter. I should have changed the delivery time to a later one. Then, everything would be over. All the pain. All the guilt. All the haunting.", you breathed with a sad voice.
Connor tightened the embrace around you even more, "It's about Sara Mason and her sister, isn't it?", he whispered softly, placing his chin on top of your head to enclose you even more.
You nodded, not surprised that Connor already knew it, "Yeah... it's my fault that Sara died. It's my fault that her mother lost both daughters.", you cried out, clawing into Connor's white shirt with your fingers.
"Well, I read the file. Sara came up with the idea to get bugged and to infiltrate the drug dealer who had killed her sister Lynn. I mean, the idea was good. It was just bad luck that the dealer already knew about Lynn's death and looked right through the façade you and Hank had planned.", Connor said softly. To calm you even more, he stroked soothingly over your back with his hands.
You leant back to look into the android's face and for the first time, you noticed the incredibly intense, brown color of his soft eyes, "Y-you don't understand. Not even Hank knew that but Sara didn't come up with the idea to get bugged on her own. I dropped this idea as I was alone with her and manipulated her to think it was her own idea. I mean, how evil can someone be to do this, huh?", you asked, closing your eyes about this painful memory.
Connor cupped your face, knowing that humans needed physical contact to feel secure and safe and he wanted to provide you both as well as he could. He was glad to see that you opened your eyes again and that you stayed where you were, "Listen, neither you nor Hank nor someone else could have known every single possibility in this case. The idea was good. The Captain said the same in his official statement. But ... Look, kid, sometimes bad things happen, and you can't do anything about it.", he said softly.
Through a sob of new tears because Connor was the first for a very long time that was caring about you this much, you chuckled low, "Have you... did you just quote the Lion King to cheer me up?"
Connor looked slightly caught with a sheepishly smile playing around his lips, "Yeah... Hank said I should improve my knowledge about pop culture. I binge watched all the Disney movies I could find last week. I thought this quote was suitable... Or did I have done it wrong?"
You chuckled a bit more about his innocence and strong will to help you, "No, it was pretty good. Thanks for... you know... thanks for being here with me.", you whispered low, feeling your cheeks reddening.
Connor leant back on your couch, bringing you close to his chest so you could snuggle against him, "I'm your partner now, YN. And partners are looking out for each other. You can count on me no matter what it is.", he said softly and after five minutes where he just stroked comforting over your back, he noticed your even breathing that told him that you had fallen asleep. Hank called and without making too much noise, Connor briefed his former partner that you were alright.
You were still alive. You still had a long way to go to leave your haunting ghosts behind but Connor was sure you would make it. You were strong enough to do it - and he would be by your side to support you as promised.
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mrpenguinpants · 3 years
Xiao: String of Fate [Soulmate AU] HCs
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Hey anon! Okay, I’m just gonna level with you. This request? This request right here? Probably one of my favourites. I went feral over this at 3am and my monkey brain fabricated an entire life story for Xiao when he’s not even out yet.
I sorta combined this request with my feral plot idea (which is honestly a 20k word fic at this point), but ahem, I hope you like and np^^ gotta make so many offerings so Xiao hopefully blesses me. Have a lovely day anon!!
--- Xiao Semi Series
[ Friendship ] [ Falling in Love ] [ Cuddles ] [ Protective ] [ Affection ] [ Jealously ] [ Opposites Attract ] [ Fainting ]
[taglist]  <- if you want to be added, please read this first.
@mikeysbike @unionwitch @musekala @stanzastic @akaasea @xoneaboveallx @adoring-ghost @asheseiler @childelover @dilucsz @dai-tsukki-desu @thicmitten @sunnshiii @hanniejji​  @snowy224 @mayumintsu @tigerpriestess @yuu-yuukurotsuki @legionqueensav​ @youaskedfurret​
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Xiao: String of Fate [Soulmate AU] HCs
The red string of fate is a concept that those who are connected by a red string are destined to meet and fall in love. Regardless of place, time, or circumstances. The red string can never be broken unless one connected passes away.
For the past few days, Alatus would wake up early and scale the mountains of his small village to pick Qingxin flowers. The morning dew would still be on the petals before the sun came by and evaporated everything. It became a bit of a small joke that the elders used to make, that a earth spirit would appear at the break of dawn to place the flowers for harvest. Not that Alatus minded, he was grateful that whatever celestial spirt was out there made sure to replace the ones he took. Remembering to always offer a prayer of thanks and a small offering, you would scold him if he didn’t.
He quickly scaled and vaulted over the wooden beam and slipped into your room. He winced at the sound of his shoes landing on the wooden floor but you didn’t seem to stir. You were still sleeping peacefully as Alatus took the fresh flowers to add to the ones already in your small vase beside you. They were your favourite flower after all. He reminisces about when you were both children and how you would drag him to mountains and tell him all about how at the very top there was his beautiful white flower. But you were both too young with small limbs to even attempt to climb it, plus if you somehow managed to do it, it would take too long and both your parents would be worried. It never seemed to deter you as you reasoned that a wind spirit would help your journey. Come to think of it, you always put a lot of faith into celestial beings. But he goes along with your plan, never one to contain your desire to explore.
He’s suddenly snapped out of his memories when he hears a soft knock on the door. It quietly opens to reveal your mother. She gives him a small smile as he looked a bit guilty for getting caught breaking in before waving him over to hand him something. You left him with a small bamboo package that you had wanted to give on his birthday. On top of the bamboo, you had wrote a short but warming message that you were worried about him always running off outside and that he might catch a cold. He smiled softly at your words, ingraining the way your ink brush flowed down the bamboo sticks into his mind. He offer’s a small thanks as she gives him a comforting hug. Whether for him or her he doesn’t know and she leaves.
He carefully untied the brown string keeping the package together to unravel a blue, white, and gold sleeve. He silently marveled at how beautiful it was and held it up to the light, it almost seemed to shine with subtle highlights. He has no idea how you managed to create this, he had never even seen the dye of red or gold used in clothing before. Perhaps the celestial beings decided to bless you for your prayers and devotion. He gives one small squeeze of your hand as he ties the sleeve to his arm and he slips out through the same window he came from. He looks up at the mountain’s he’s scaled before setting on the tallest one. One so tall the elders say that it could reach celestia.
As he scales the mountain he can feel a taint tug on his thumb, before it slowly disappears. He closes his eyes for a brief moment, breathes in deeply, and continues upwards.
The Golden-Winged King
One of his first adepti duties was to investigate the place he once knew as his home. There had been a dream eating demon that had been spreading curses onto unsuspecting youths. Putting them into eternal sleep before they bodies finally succumbed and they passed away. It was horrible and Alatus swore he would do everything in his power to make the dream demon suffer. Unfortunely, seeing as this was his first time venturing out back into the moral world and still recovering from his trials, he was assigned to work with a senior anemo adepti. One who was well-versed in using polearms that could “show him the ropes” as mortals would say.
This other adepti was too loud and erratic for his tastes compared to the calm and peaceful friend he once knew. Always getting side-tracked and flying around Alatus like some overgrown pixie. Never taking anything serious even though the both of you were tasked to destroy evil. But he held his tongue since this was his senior, gripping his sleeve when he was especially annoyed. This only seemed to spur the other anemo adepti further and inquire about the sleeve. Naturally, Alatus was hostile and guarded. That was first time he ever raised his voice which instead of becoming offended or angry, the other adepti was impressed.
From then on the other adepti seemed to want to interact with Alatus at any given moment. From checking in with him on his latest mission or if he heard about how the delicious flowers tasted. Who even ate flowers? Either way, every instance of communication was brushed aside, he would always make some weak excuse that he needed to train. Which lead to the other challenging him. The both of you were the same element so it would be a good time to see who was the best at wielding it. Overtime he began to look forward to your weekly spars. Even finding a bit of joy out of them. Ever since he had climbed up the mountain it had been constant training and hardships but when it came to these spars. It was fun. Alatus began to open his heart a tiny bit, let’s himself relax and fall into amusement when he see’s his partner’s face pop over him as they hovered over him.
He even began to feel his locked up heart start to beat a bit faster whenever he saw his partner perk up and wave at him. Whenever you threw your arm around him he never brushed you off like he used to, just basked in your presence as you rambled about how this stuck up bird was running everyone through the ground with her demands. It was amusing for fresh adepti’s to see you both interact. The ever stoic and aloof Alatus that taught them through strict rules loosen up immediately and smile whenever your head popped up to scold him for his training methods.
It was fun. Until the day he became possessed and killed you with your own weapon.
Guardian Yaksha
Guizhong was concerned. Ever since Rex Lapis had saved the poor adepti man from his possession, he had locked himself in. He still fulfilled his duties with alarming accuracy but it seemed that he completely on auto-pilot. He could stand in the pouring rain without realizing it or he always seemed to be in such a rush. Asking to do anything that needed to be done rather than relax. He was going to end up running through his long years at this rate. She brought it up to Rex Lapis and his fellow Yaksha but none of them had the time or want to check in on him. It was a time of war after all. Except one.
You watch him stand in the rain. Any attempts from you or Guizhong to ask if he was better always failed and you didn’t want to push. But this was already past the point of simple concern. So the next time you saw him relapse you walked over and embraced him. He usually carried himself as stiff as possible but you swore you were holding one of Rex Lapis’s pillars. You braced yourself to get thrown off or at the very least be questioned but none of those things happened. He just stood there and to be honest, you weren’t sure if that was even more concerning. You both didn’t say anything even when the rain stopped until Rex Lapis had summoned you both over.
You and him never developed a close friendship but he never seemed to brush you away whenever you sat beside him ever since you hugged him in the rain. A bare acknowledgement on good days but that was alright. Just sitting in each other’s presence when the war wanted to be quiet somedays was nice. On harder days when fighting took too much of a toll on your body you would lean your head on his shoulder. He never shrugged you off or seemed bothered by it, in fact, it almost seemed as if he leaned back against you. You both never spoke during these moments, just a silent understanding looming over you both.
Then when Morax announced that Guizhong had passed away, you felt as if you somewhat understood how Xiao felt. You didn’t even register that you had walked back to the same place Xiao was standing back when he was in the rain. The war was finally over but after everything that had happened to get to this point, it was hard. You knew that a few of your other Yaksha’s were ready to return to Jueyun Karst or return to earth. You blink quickly as you feel two arms wrap around you and you realize how funny fate seems to be. You choke out some unintelligible noise that’s a mix between a laugh and a sob as you cling onto him and let your bottled up emotions pour out.
He’s the last person you see in the newly established Liyue, wishing him luck in the rest of his journey, as you return to the earth. You aren’t sure what you’ll turn into but you hope that the peaceful atmosphere you both created will remain.
It was completely out of the blue when you asked if he wanted to come on an adventure with you. You were both sitting under the tree that held the Wangshu inn up when you suddenly sat up and pointed in some far off direction across Liyue. Asked if he wanted to come with you after the lantern festival was over. He was a bit taken aback, you were a traveler first and foremost but you never asked if he wanted to come with you. You had always assumed that he wanted to stay as a protector of Liyue but after what Morax, now Zhongli, had said and how it was time to him to step down. You decided to ask him. It didn’t have to be far, you both could go to the stone gate if he wanted, just if he wanted to come with you anywhere.
His first instinct is to decline but you end up cutting him off before he can say anything.
“I know you have your reasons and loyalties to stay as Liyue’s protector. That’s why I’m not asking for you to accompany me across Teyvat. But I don’t know when I’m going to be back and after what happened in Liyue, I thought it would be nice to just, take a break, and go anywhere. You don’t have to accompany me if you don’t want to but I think it’d be nice to wander together,” you say as you continue to look across the land from the balcony. He can’t see where you’re looking at exactly but he ponders your words.
To wander and go anywhere. Just the two of you. He’s never even considered leaving Liyue even after all the demons were replaced with weak hilichurls and slimes. He gazes up at the tree’s leaves, looks further to see celestia, and even further back to his home. Guizhong always said he needed to relax and live in the moment of now rather than running past everything but was he really ready for that? 
“Ah, sorry was that a bit too forward? I really didn’t mean anything ba-”
“Yes. Let’s go,” Xiao cuts you off as his eyes shine in a new light of determination, “Wherever you want to go, I will come with you.”
You blink once, twice, before a bright grin stretch's across your face as you quickly ask if he’s joking. He’s not, and you cheer excitedly as you list off different places you’ve wanted to explore. Perhaps the shoal? Maybe even further into the chasm? Actually wait, the electro archon has closed that area off so maybe not there. Xiao patiently listens to you ramble as he smiles softly. Your excitement is addicting and he can feel his heart flutter just a bit. How long has it been since he felt this way? He can feel a small tug on his thumb, he looks down but he can’t see anything, but there’s a comfortable weight that he’s felt has been missing for a very long time.
If this seems interesting and people seem to enjoy it, I can post the actual fic when Xiao banner drops as a bit of a catalyst. It’s basically the same idea.  Though it’s kinda long so I have no idea when that’s going to be finished. It might turn into a thank you gift instead. (or ahem, you know, if you wanna commission me and see it earlier there’s that haha just kidding;;).
Honestly, I took a lot of liberties. I read the lore on adepti and Xiao but most of this is my monkey brain and previous semi xiao fics (which you don’t have to read but it would be helpful to see extended parts). Phew, this took a lot of time. It’s not as cute as my other fics but hopefully you all enjoyed it^^
Actually, nevermind. I hate this. I’ll keep it up since I haven’t posted this week yet but I hate this. 
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calif0rnia-lovers · 3 years
an: something short and sweet for johnny t.
requested kiss challenge: spin the bottle kiss
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pairing: johnny x reader | words: 1.5k |rating: 💙
sum: best friends who flirt nonstop leads to no one in the house believing the two of you are strictly friends. a game of spin the bottle leaves Johnny in his feelings when he’s not the one you kiss.
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Friday. Family Night. 9 p.m.
The message was written on the whiteboard, posted on the refrigerator door. After realizing everyone was free at the same time—for the first time in weeks—Charlie had put out the request demand.
Friday morning, she sent out a gentle reminder text to the group chat.
📲 : Have your asses home by 8:30.
The unspoken rule of never upsetting Charlie brought everyone home on time. Showers were taken, food acquired, and a bonfire lit by the time the sun had set.
Three pizzas and half a case of Corona deep, you all have put the stresses of the week behind you.
Charlie stands on a rock, her cell phone recording. Jakes hasn’t even bothered to turn around to watch the action unfold. He’s focused on finishing his slice of pizza, his head shaking as you catch his eye. The newest addition to the house, Mike, is watching with a mixture of horror and admiration. Briggs sends Paige a wink as she proudly watches her dare unfold.
The only one missing from the group is Johnny.
The latest victim of the bottle, Johnny has stopped a nearby group of women, passing on the beach, in their tracks. Stripped, he walks towards the waves. The latest additions to his audience bring a grin to his lips.
“All the way in, J-Man!” Briggs calls as Johnny comes to a stop at the shoreline.
Johnny doesn’t need words of encouragement. He runs directly into the water. The cheers he gets become muffled as Johnny disappears beneath the surface of the darkened waves. Upon his return to the group, Johnny manages a quick bow before reaching for his discarded pile of clothes.
Charlie swipes them, prompting the smile on Johnny’s face to stretch into a grin.
“Stop being shy,” Charlie giggles as Johnny's eyes briefly drift to the camera. “Own your dare--”
“Charlie!” Tossing Johnny a nearby towel, Jakes rolls his eyes. “Don’t encourage him.”
“Shut up, Jakes." Johnny allows Charlie one more view of his smile before he rolls his eyes. "You can’t say anything for someone who won’t even play with us.”
“I don’t have to,” Jakes smiles as he watches Johnny wrap the towel around his waist. Lifting the crust in his hand, he adds. “I supplied the food.”
Johnny kisses his teeth as he picks up his hoodie.
“Man, whatever. We’re supposed to be bonding with Mikey.”
“I don’t know how me seeing your ass is helping us bond, Johnny.”
“Awe,” Charlie giggles. The kiss she presses against his cheek causes Jakes to roll his eyes. “Don’t be jealous. It’s a great ass.”
“It is,” Paige teases as Johnny sends a wink her way.
Rubbing his palms together, Johnny takes his seat alongside Charlie before reaching forward. The empty beer bottle sits atop one of the pizza bottles, waiting to be spun. The rules are simple. You spin the bottle. You get to ask a simple question once the bottle stops spinning: truth or dare?
“Ya’ll ready?” Johnny’s eyes briefly pass over the circle before giving the bottle a spin.
You all watch as it spins, the bottle a blur, making it impossible to guess who its next victim will be. As the bottle begins to slow, it teeters towards Paige, who sits on your right, before rolling to a stop on you.
A smile finds Johnny’s lips as you pass Paige your drink.
“Alright, baby girl, what'll it be? Truth or dare?”
Despite the length of the game, this is your first time being asked the question. Everyone watches as you silently consider Johnny's question.
According to Mike, truth is the safest route to go. There aren’t many secrets left amongst you and your housemates. You beg to differ. There is one secret you would prefer to stay hidden. With that being the case, you only have one option.
“Alright, JT, dare,” the mischievous glint in Johnny’s eyes causes you to shake your head. “Go ahead, lay it on me.”
Johnny knows the rules. No dares can be repeated.
“Since skinny dipping is out,” Johnny’s gaze remains on you while his voice trails off. To no surprise, he leaves a dramatic pause. His hand strokes his chin as he considers the possibilities. “I dare you to...kiss your favorite person here.”
“Oh my goodness, Johnny!” Paige groans.
“What?” The wide, innocent brown eyes Johnny sends her way prompts Paige to toss her napkin towards him. “It could be anyone.”
“My favorite person?” You ask.
“Yep,” Johnny nods, watching as your eyes slowly scan the smiling faces of your friends.
“And I can kiss them anywhere I want?”
Johnny’s brow raises as he considers your question. He opens his mouth to speak, but Paige quickly drowns him out.
“Nope, you can’t add anything else, Johnny.”
Your eyes linger on Briggs. His gaze is playful as his bottle stops just short of his lips.
“Take it easy on me, sweetheart,” he grins. The widening of Johnny’s eyes causing him to add. “I’m down to give you free rein. Kiss me wherever you like.”
“Sorry, Pauly.” A smile finds your lips as you push yourself up. “I might have to catch you next time.”
Paul’s hand finds his heart, his eyes briefly closing as he sighs, “damn.”
You dust the sand off your shorts before stepping over the pizza box. There are only two people sitting before you. Despite the dare being his request, Johnny cannot suppress the butterflies that awaken as your gaze briefly studies him.
The smile on your lips grows as your gaze shifts to Charlie.
The rare sound of laughter drifts from Jakes as you settle on your knees before a smiling Charlie.
“Where do you want it, Miss. DeMarco?”
Charlie’s brow arches as her eyes drop to your lips. “Surprise me.”
You both share a soft smile as you take her face in your hands. The kiss you leave against her lips does not last longer than ten seconds, but it is enough to leave Johnny wide-eyed.
After a few more rounds, everyone decides to call it a night. A few hours of sleep will be needed for work tomorrow. You’re in the kitchen, seated on the island, preparing to bite into the last slice of pizza when Johnny swipes it.
“Hey! What the hell?”
Johnny ignores your widened gaze. He pauses, taking the largest bite he can before picking up the discarded beer bottle alongside you. Adding it to the trash bag in his hand, Johnny continues his execution of trash duty.
“Johnny, I was going to eat that?”
You shift, trying your best to catch sight of him as he rounds the island.
“I’m on kitchen duty,” his words come out muffled through a mouthful of pepperoni. “Whoever cleans up gets the last slice.”
Your nose scrunches. “Since when?”
Your question is met with the clanking of bottles as Johnny drops two more into the black trash bag.
“Since now.” Johnny takes a second bite before tying off the bag. “If I were your favorite person, I would’ve shared. But I'm not so...”
You open your mouth to respond, but nothing comes out. Johnny sits the bag by the back door before coming to a stop alongside you.
You watch as he takes his time finishing the slice of pizza. As he reaches the crust, Johnny glances up to find your arms crossed over your chest. The pout on your lips brings a grin to his.
“Want the last bite?” He offers the crust, narrowly avoiding the shove you send his way.
You shake your head, draining the last of your beer. Johnny silently nibbles on the crust in his hand, his mind trying the best way to ask the question.
You know it’s coming before your empty bottle can touch the countertop.
“I’m not jealous—so don’t take it that way,” Johnny starts as he pushes himself off his elbows.
“I don’t know why I would.”
“But I thought we were best friends—”
“Charlie’s my best friend too.”
The sweet smile on your lips causes Johnny’s eyes to narrow. “But who’s your best friend?”
“Johnny—” The giggle you release does little to ease his expression.
"What? I'm being serious."
"Yeah? So am I."
His expectant gaze remains as it dawns on you that Johnny is awaiting an answer to his question.
“I mean, say an OP went wrong, and you had to save one of us—”
“I would save both of you.”
The matter-of-fact tone in your voice causes Johnny to pause. He shakes his head.
“In this situation, you can’t—”
“In a hypothetical situation, I can’t do whatever I want?”
“Fine, I’d save Charlie.” You respond. Johnny’s mouth falls open in disbelief. “She’s a way better shooter than me. I would need her to cover me. Then both of us could save you together.”
Johnny’s gaze drops to the empty bottle sitting on the counter. “That’s messed up.”
You tip the bottle forward as you take in the pout settling on his features. You point it towards him. Laying the bottle on the counter, you watch Johnny study it.
The corner of his lips turns up in a soft smile as you place a kiss against his cheek. You leave a second one for good measure.
“So, I am your favorite?” Johnny grins as you meet his gaze.
Your lips briefly meet his, the action leaving Johnny wide-eyed as you hop off the counter.
“Don’t tell Charlie,” you giggle as you head up the stairs.
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rio/johnny tags: @kimljn @binooo98
main tags: @crowngold @cant-decide-at-this-moment @wiccanmetallicrose @themarkblues @gemini0410 @the-jer-bear @leahnicole1219 @abbiesthings @trhett21 @trulysuccubus @starrynite7114 @awkwardtayler @toni9 @queenbeered
@kaystacks17 @richonne4life @cocotheclown @oscars-wifeyyy @jennisdirtyimagines @sadeyesgf @ughdontbeboring @myakai13 @linziland13 @tian-monique @megapeacelovemusic-blog @rosieposie0624 @appropriate-writers-name @ourlittlesecretsoveragain @beiroviski @making-starsdance @seize-the-droid @chaneajoyyy@siempremamita @relaxing-najee @tomhardydallasstarsgirl @toni9
268 notes · View notes
halstudandruz · 3 years
Research Purposes ~ Part 2
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*Not my gif*
Pairing: Jay x Reader
Requested: Yes
Prompt: What happens when the only person in the world you didn’t want finding out does?
Warnings: Swearing
A/N: Part one found here (NSFW, 18+)
A/N 2: Also thank you to @enchantedblackrose for the idea 😊
If you are not 18+ and are unable to read part 1 and want to back story just hit me up (:
“We’re so freaking late. There’s no way we’ll have time to stop for my car.” You rushed around Jay’s apartment, pouring coffee for both of you.
“And whose fault is that.” Jay looked at you accusingly.
“I was just trying to help the environment.” You shrugged, handing him his cup after checking the lid.
“You and I both know we wasted more water in there together than we would’ve showering on our own.” He retorted grabbing his badge and gun off the coffee table to secure them to his belt.
“Yeah okay so I wanted shower sex sue me.” You rolled your eyes shrugging your jacket on.
“I wasn’t the one complaining.” He smiled, taking a drink.
“We would’ve had more than enough time if you didn’t insist on cuddling this morning.” You pointed out, remembering how he pulled you back into his chest every time you tried to move out of bed a couple hours prior.
“You like shower sex. I like cuddling.” He teased handing you your purse.
“Maybe we can draft up an alternate schedule.” You joked.
“I do hear compromise is the key to a healthy relationship.” He replied.
“We gotta go if you don’t want to get pulled over for speeding.” You changed the subject reaching for the door knob, before being tugged back by your arm, turning in time for Jay’s lips to meet yours in a sweet, passionate kiss.
“To get us both through the day.” Jay winked reaching around you to open the door and usher you out.
This was the second time that week you and Jay would be showing up to work together. Nobody noticed it the first time, but your anxiety climbed at the thought of someone recognizing and approaching you about it. What would you say? You and Jay were only in it purely for the sex. Right? Regardless of that fact that you had stayed at his house almost every night the past couple weeks even without the promise of sex, or how your stuff was starting to accumulate at his house from the past few months. A few t-shirts mixed in with his, hair straightener resting on his bathroom organizer, makeup scattered about on the dresser. Friends with benefits, that’s all it was. Nothing more and you certainly were not gaining feelings for him. Absolutely not that was against the rules and you were not about to be some stereotypical fuck buddy turned feelings trope, but you were getting sloppy apparently. You agreed to enter through the front while Jay entered through the back. Skipping up the steps you threw a smile at Trudy offering her a good morning, but in return she stared you down, eyebrow raised as she rested against the desk.
“What?” You stopped in your tracks in front of her. But she stayed silent giving you a look, and you just knew she knew. She was Trudy Platt. She knew everything.
“You should tell him.” She whispered to you, and it’s not the first time she had said something of the sort recently.
“Tell who, what?” You continued to fake innocence as you had the times before.
“It’s going to end badly.” She pushed again.
“It already did end badly.” You reminded her before trudging upstairs feeling the heat of her stare still on your back. Everyone except Kim was already there, including Jay who had his feet kicked up on his desk looking through a file. You greeted everyone draping your coat over the back of your chair and falling into it.
The first hour ticked by slowly, and you found your eyes moving across the room to focus on Jay. Opened documents lay across your desk. He looked so relaxed, shoulders loose, breaths slow and even, head resting against his palm as he fought not to fall asleep. You knew he would rather be out chasing suspects, but deep down you were starting to register you were okay with paperwork days. It meant he was safe, and that thought scared you a little. The last time you had those same thoughts you were staring at a different man in the room. A man who sat not too far behind Jay, clicking his pen absentmindedly as he often did when he was bored.
“Ruz, I’ll break the damn pen.” Kevin grumbled, as he had many times before in response to the habit.
“Sorry.” Adam mumbled, setting the utensil onto his desk away from his fidgety hands.
You chuckled at the small exchange, experiencing the exact same one many times in the years you had been detailed in intelligence with the best people you could’ve ever asked to work with. That certainly didn’t mean it wasn’t complicated though, and you were the very obvious example of that. You watched Jay’s head bob catching himself before adjusting in order to keep himself awake. His eyes accidentally met yours, heart rate immediately increasing. He sent you a small smile as his eyes started to roam over your body. Looking for a distraction from the tedious work. You couldn’t scold him. It wasn’t like you hadn’t been doing the same thing the past 10 minutes. Looking at his arms that were tight against his sleeves you wondered if the scratch marks you left on his biceps this morning would still be prevalent, or if the fading hickey from nights prior was still noticeable on his hip bone.
“I need coffee. Anyone else?” You asked trying to divert the obvious eye fucking your were giving each other. Everyone in the room raising their hands. You laughed taking notice of all the tired eyes who so obviously wanted to bash their heads off the desk already bored out of their minds, just waiting for a case to jump off.
“I’ll help.” Jay offered, voice gruff from barely speaking all morning. Together you poured and distributed everyone cups. Sitting back down into your chair when Jay was handing Kev his.
“You gonna shave that thing anytime soon? You usually can’t stand it past a week.” Kevin asked Jay, referring to his beard. They had always teased him whenever he claimed it grew in patchy compared to Adam and Kevin’s and it usually resulted in him having a clean shaven face the next shift. But it had grown in quite nicely this time, and he made sure to keep it presentable by trimming it as needed.
“No, it’s starting to grow on me. I’m keeping it for research anyway. Seems it can enhance far more than just my facial features.” Jay shrugged casually sitting back down atin his chair, and at his words you choked on your coffee spitting it all over your desk. Uncontrollable coughs tickling your throat.
“You good [Y/L/N]?” Hailey asked standing up to help you.
“Yeah..sorry. Just.. went down the wrong pipe. Didn’t expect it to be so.. hot.” You explained between coughs looking across the room to glare at Jay who wore a cocky smirk on his face, flipping through papers not daring to look up at you.
“You forget your ice?” Adam asked, knowing you had put a couple cubes of ice in your coffee every morning cooling it down so you could drink it faster.
“I must’ve. Kinda out of it today.” You shook your head taking napkins out of your drawer to try to clean up the mess you had made on your desk as well as your white shirt.
“I’ll get you some.” He started to walk towards the break room.
“It’s really okay I spit most of it out anyway.” You laughed.
“I’ll just get you a new cup.” He reasoned and you just thanked him not feeling like bickering with him about it. He had been going out of his way to do nice things for you recently. You assumed either so you wouldn’t spill the beans about him and Upton or because he felt bad.
“There’s no way this is coming out..” You grumbled dabbing at the tan stain forming on your shirt, “Do you happen to have a spare?” You asked, turning towards Hailey.
“I’m sorry I don’t. I used my spare the other day after that shooting and haven’t brought another extra.” Hailey apologized. You waved her off thanking her anyway.
“There’s one in my locker.” Jay offered, “You’ll probably just have to tuck it in.” You thought for a moment, it probably wouldn’t look like a big deal. Just a friend helping out a friend.
“Okay. Thanks.” You nodded getting up to head to the locker room where Jay followed. “I know where your locker is.” You rolled your eyes.
“Yes, but you don’t know my combination nor are you very good at opening dial locks. Hence why you have a keypad one on yours.” Jay pointed out, spinning his combination. He was right. You could never open dial locks.
“Do you analyze everything I do?” You crossed your arms annoyed at how well he always seemed to know you.
“You’re an interesting person babe.” He smiled handing you the shirt as he kissed your forehead.
“Watch yourself. You don’t know who’s hiding in here.” You lectured, “this is your fault by the way.”
“I know. Total win-win situation.” Jay laughed, smiling brightly.
“You’re gonna be the death of me Jay Halstead.” You groaned, a small smile on your lips.
“What a way to go though, huh?” He quipped, giving you a quick kiss.
“Get out.” You pushed his chest.
“What? No free peep show? I offered you my shirt and everything.” He acted offended.
“They’re gonna start getting suspicious if we are in here any longer go.” He huffed at your reply giving in and leaving as you turned around to switch shirts. Jay’s scent immediately overwhelmed you as you slipped his shirt on. Causing your body to relax in turn at the familiar fragrance. Jay was right, you had to tuck the shirt into your jeans, otherwise it could’ve been a dress thanks to your large height difference. Turning to walk out of the locker room, you were met with Adam holding a new cup of coffee out to you making you jump at the unexpected body in your path. “Thank you.” You giggled taking it from his hand to take a drink.
“Did you change?” He asked, eyeing the shirt you now wore.
“Oh yeah. I had white on and it was gonna stain so Jay offered me his shirt.” You explained, shifting on your feet at the uncomfortable conversation.
“Well I have one. It might fit you better.” He offered moving to walk towards his locker, but you put a hand to his chest stopping him.
“I’m good this one is perfectly fine.” You reassured him, Adam stared at you, breaking the tense silence with a long sigh, leaning against the side of the lockers.
“Listen we never got to talk about that night you came to my apartment. I just wanted to say I’m really sorry you-“ He began to apologize when Kevin peeked his head in the door.
“Hey, I’m sorry to interrupt..” he looked between the two of you awkwardly, “but we just got a case.” Adam cleared his throat as you nodded,
“We can..finish this later.” You chewed on your lip pushing past him to grab your coat out of Kevin’s hand.
It was nearing 8 o’clock by the time Voight had given you guys permission to go home and get some sleep. Knowing you’d be returning bright and early in the morning to continue to case.
“What do you think about pizza tonight? I’ve been craving some Bartolis.” Jay asked walking down the stairs behind you.
“I’m not sure that’s a good idea.” You stopped turning to face him when you rounded the corner out of sight.
“Well I can just get pizza and I’ll stop for whatever else you want too.” He offered.
“I’m not talking about food, Jay.” You laughed, looking at the ground. Your mind had been racing since showing up with Jay this morning.
“Then..what are you talking about?” He asked, stepping closer towards you.
“I mean I don’t know I’ve been at your place almost every night the last couple weeks.” You whispered, hoping your voice wouldn’t carry to anyone nearby.
“Well we can go to your place. That’s fine.” He reasoned.
“No that’s not..” You sighed not able to find the words.
“Hey, just talk to me. What’s up.” He encouraged hands falling to your hips holding you gently.
“I’m just worried we’re starting to get careless. Showing up to work twice in one week together. One of these days we’re bound to get caught either coming in together or showing up on scene together. We don’t even know what this is. I don’t want to have to talk to Voight about it in the meantime.” You explained.
“We can be more careful. I promise. I just don’t want you to freak out about this.” He assured you tucking your hair behind your ear. “Can we just address how good you look in my shirt. I’m so glad you’re such a klutz..” Jay’s eyes roamed up and down your body.
“I am not a klutz! How did you expect me to react?” You crossed your arms, glaring at him as you did a few hours prior.
“Well is it not the truth? This thing is still on my face purely for your satisfaction.” He reminded you by trailing his lips down your neck, immediately summoning goosebumps from the raggedness tickling in the wake of his lips. He winked knowing his point was proven, moving up to place a soft kiss on your lips. “Sooo pizza?” He asked, pulling back, hopeful look on his face.
“Fine, but I’m not going in to get it.” You rolled your eyes, a bright smile on your face when he wrapped an arm around your shoulders pulling you towards his truck but when you rounded the corner your eyes connected with Adam’s who stood near the door, eyes wide between you two as Jay let his arm fall to his side, your feet rooted to the floor.
“I forgot my wallet in my locker.” Adam explained stammering over his words.
“Well don’t let us keep you. See you tomorrow brother.” Jay remained calm grabbing your arm to pull you out. Patting Adam on the shoulder when you passed.
“Shit!” You cursed when you reached Jay’s truck.
“What?” He questioned and you looked at him dumbfounded.
“You’re fucking kidding me right?” You scoffed.
“He’s not gonna tell Voight. For starters it’s Adam. Plus we know about him and Hailey. He can’t.” He shrugged.
“That’s not what I’m worried about!” You yelled.
“You just said that’s what you were worried about.” Jay reminded you, trying to catch up. “Babe.” He urged when you didn’t answer him.
“You don’t get it Jay!” You shook your head, lump forming in your throat at the anxiety the situation presented.
“No, you’re right I don’t. I’m sorry. Help me understand.” He grabbed a hold of your hand trying to get you to face him.
“Not right now.” You chewed your lip feeling a few tears fall down your cheeks, quickly swiping them away before they were seen, but you knew Jay would know regardless. You were tired, hungry, and now slightly panicking at the thought of having to address the entire situation. His hand squeezed yours tighter before starting his truck putting it in drive.
All Tag List:
@corebore123 @scarletsoldierrr @hehurst23 @beautiful-bunny89 @ingie @halsteadsway @malrunaway @grettiwrites @inlovewith3
Jay Taglist:
@jayxhalsteadx @life-treatments @weepingfestivalmentality @toomuchtv95 @queen-of-arda
471 notes · View notes
mydogisveryadorbs · 4 years
falling | jj maybank x reader
summary: jj never meant to fall in love with you, it just happened
warnings: cursing, drug use (weed), little angsty, SOFT JJ, fluff, fluff, fluff
a/n: thank you for this amazing request sweet anon! i hope you enjoy it!
masterlist :)
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(gif credit to the owner)
6.5k+ words
Rain is something that every Kildare resident has become accustomed to. The rainy summer months were simply a nuisance to everyone who lived in the OBX. 
You couldn't quite understand the contempt the people of this town had for the bad weather. To you, the rain was refreshingly familiar. It reminds you of splashing in the puddles with your older brother and being playfully scolded by your mother for tracking mud into the house. The rain is your childhood.
When you spot the dark clouds on your way out of the house that morning, your mood becomes instantly brighter. You play upbeat music as you walk to visit your dad at work. 
Your father is the manager of Kildare’s finest Resort and Spa so you practically grew up there. Making friends has never come easily for you and so some of your finest childhood memories were made running through the grass fields in the courtyard and being the honorary taste tester for the kitchen staff. 
The rain gives you an extra skip in your step and you rush through helping your dad with some of his paperwork so you can get back outside quicker.
Not every Kildare native has the same mindset that you do. To JJ Maybank, the rain is a reminder of the days he was forced to stay inside with his father. The cracking thunder reminds him of being hidden under his bedsheets in fear, with no one to comfort him.
The blonde’s fingers quickly fumble to punch in the well-known number of his best friend. The phone rings, and rings, and rings, until the crackly sound of John B’s voicemail box fills his ears. He tries Kiara and even Pope, before ultimately giving up.
The one day his bike is in the shop, it rains and none of his friends answer their phones.
Despite every instinct he has, JJ knows he has no choice but to walk home in the rain. His clothes are already sopping wet against his skin even after a brief minute of standing under the downpour.
He shivers, arms wrapping around his body as he prepares himself to make the journey home.
Before JJ can even take one step forward, a bright yellow blob moves towards him, catching his attention. The blob slowly morphs into a figure as it approaches.
“Hello,” a sweet feminine voice calls out to him. JJ’s brows instantly furrow at the sight of the teen girl in the bright yellow raincoat, holding an equally bright, yellow umbrella.
“Um, hi?” he replies over the sound of the rain, his voice coming out in more of a questioning tone.
You quickly move your hand so that your small umbrella is covering both of your heads.
“Thanks,” JJ mutters, still confused. You offer him a sweet smile. He takes the moment to scan your face. You're easily one of the most gorgeous girls he's ever seen and he wonders how he's gone this long without noticing you. 
“You looked like you needed it more than me,” you explain with a shrug, eyes falling away from JJ’s piercing blue ones. “Where are you headed? I didn't drive here but I'm sure my dad wouldn't mind if I borrowed his car to take you home.”
His eyes widened in realization. “Oh, um, your Mr. (Y/L/N)’s daughter right?” You reply with a simple nod. “It's fine, I'll just walk.”
Your lips pull down into a sudden frown and JJ has an intense urge to make you smile again. “It would be much faster for me to drive you,” you urge, “Plus, if you walk home without an umbrella, you'll definitely catch a cold.”
JJ can't help but smile softly at your kindness which you eagerly return with one of your own. “How ‘bout you just let me borrow your umbrella then?” he asks jokingly.
“Well that would work, but this is my favorite umbrella.” This is a lie. You have two other umbrellas just like it at home.
“Well I guess you'll just have to give me a ride home then,” JJ gives in.
Your smile grows as you link your arm with the blondes and pull him to your dad's fancy sports car. JJ gives you directions back to the Chateau and you oblige. 
The two of you make conversation for almost the entire drive, only breaking when you stop to turn up a song you like. JJ is pleasantly surprised when you never mention the length of the drive or the rundown houses you pass.
A few minutes later, You pull up to the chateau, putting the car in park. The car goes quiet besides the sound of rain hitting the rooftop. 
JJ looks over at you with a soft smile. “Thank you, really, for the ride,” he tells you genuinely as he gathers his things.
“Any time, Maybank.”
Over the next two weeks, you start to spend a little more time at the hotel, bumping into JJ anytime the opportunity arises. The blonde is used to eating his lunch on his own in the back room, but when you ask if he'll join you for lunch on the golf course, he can't possibly say no.
“So then my friend John B had to practically drag me out of the water,” JJ says, continuing his story about getting stung by a jellyfish. “I couldn't walk for three straight days.” His words are muffled by the bite of the sandwich he has in his mouth causing you to giggle. JJ smiles at the sound, wanting nothing more than to make you laugh like that again.
“You know I've always wanted to learn how to surf,” you tell him, causing his eyes to widen. “But after your stories, I might not,” you add with a laugh.
“You've never been surfing,” the blonde asks in disbelief to which you respond with a head shake. “How long have you lived here?”
You smile. “All my life.”
“You've lived here all your life and you've never been surfing?” 
“I've been paddleboarding,” you offer with a sheepish smile.
JJ chuckles slightly at your lame joke, but mostly at how adorable you are. “Come surfing with me tomorrow,” he says, softly grabbing your hand in his causing you to blush hard.
“Yeah. I have the day off and my friends and I were planning to go anyway.”
Your eyes widen and you gulp slightly. “Your friends are going to be there,” you ask warily.
JJ nods in confusion. “Yeah my friends will be there, unless,” a look of realization sweeps over his face, “Oh. You don't want to go with my friends.” His hand drops yours onto the blanket you brought.
“No,” you tell him earnestly, grabbing his hand back. “It's not that I don't want to go with them, it's that I don't think they will want me there.” JJ looks at you in confusion. “You and your friends are the most looked up to friend group on this island. It's an unspoken thing that everyone wants to be you guys. I just don't think they'll want me butting into your group.”
JJ frowns. Is that really what you think of yourself? The blonde has only known you for a few weeks, but at that time he's decided that you are the kindest, most selfless person on this island. Why you are unable to see that, is beyond him.
It's the first moment in JJ’s life that he has the sudden urge to kiss you. But he can't, he knows that. He knows it won't be the last time he gets this feeling (not with your perfect pouty lips and kind heart around him all the time), but he pushes the thought to the back of his mind for now.
“(Y/N),” he says, drawing your attention back up to his eyes. “Trust me, they'll love you.” What's not to love? But he doesn't say that last part out loud.
JJ doesn't know it, but this moment is also the first time you have the urge to kiss him. The urge to wrap your hands around his neck and pull his lips to meet yours. Your heart rate increases rapidly and you push the thought aside as well.
With promises of meeting the next day, you bid JJ goodbye, the butterflies in your stomach not diminishing until the blonde is out of your sight.
The next afternoon you spend thirty minutes trying on all of your bikinis. You want more than anything to have a good impression on JJ’s friends. 
You are slipping a pale green tank top over your bikini as the doorbell echos through your house. “I'll get it,” you tell out, hoping no one gets to the door first.
Grabbing the rest of your things and shoving them into your tote bag, you quickly run downstairs. When you make it to the door you spot your older brother Sam reaching to open it.
“Sam wait,” you yell, rushing to open the door first. You pull the handle revealing JJ. He's dressed in a pair of grey cargo shorts, a worn black tank top, and his infamous red snapback. “Hey,” you say with a smile.
“(Y/N), where are you going,” Sam asks from behind you. You turn around to see your brother giving you a look that resembles that of a worried parent.
“I'm going surfing with JJ and his friends,” you tell him quickly. JJ waves at your brother, slightly intimidated by the tall boy.
Sam looks over your shoulder at JJ before snapping his eyes back to you. “Did you tell mom and dad about this?”
You roll your eyes lightly. “I'm not ten, Sam,” you say sarcastically. “I don't have to get permission every time I leave the house.”
Sam’s eyes move back to JJ, only to see that the blue-eyed boy is already looking at you. “Keep her safe, will you?” he asks with a sigh.
JJ looks at your brother. “Of course,” he promises.
You smile, kissing your brother on the cheek. “Love you, Sam.”
He responds with the same and the two of you are quickly moving off your front porch and towards the street.
JJ watches your expression as you approach the pogue van, expecting some sort of disgust of their old vehicle.
He opens the passenger door for you, making you blush hard, before moving to the driver's seat. “Sorry it's not the nicest car,” he says as the van sputters to life, slightly cringing at the sound of the old engine.
“What are you talking about,” you say with an honest smile, “This is literally the coolest car ever.” You stick your hand out the window letting the wind hit it as giggles escape from your mouth.
JJ’s lips stretch into a wide smile at the sight. 
The two of you laugh and sing along to whatever song comes on the radio. It's just like the night you drove him home from the hotel except now, the sun is shining bright above you.
When JJ pulls the van up to the front of the run down Chateau, you feel your palms begin to sweat. “Are you sure this is a good idea?” you ask the boy next to you, not taking your eyes off the front porch.
JJ smiles. “They're gonna love you,” he says confidently, “Now come on before I die of heatstroke.” He hops out of the car, running around to your side and helping you out.
You chew your lips nervously as the two of you walk up the steps and across the front porch. 
“We're here,” JJ announces as he opens the door for you. 
The first thing you notice when you enter the little house is the pungent smell of weed. Despite not smoking yourself, you don't mind the scent. The second thing you notice is the three teenagers sitting on a worn couch.
A girl with curly brown hair throws her hands up into the air. “JJ’s brought a girl home,” she exclaims with a chuckle. 
The blonde beside you rolls his eyes. “Shut up Kie.”
The girl who you assume is Kiara, stands up, and runs over to you. Much to your surprise, she pulls you into a tight hug. You stand there in confusion for a second before hugging her back. “I'm Kiara, but you can call me Kie,” she says, pulling away. “Those two dumbasses are John B and Pope,” Kie tells you, pointing to the two boys still sitting on the couch. They lift their chins in a greeting.
“So are you guys ready,” JJ asks, breaking the tension. 
The boys stand up and the five of you walk outside before piling into the van. John B and Kiara sit in the front and JJ, Pope, and you in the back.
“JB, where's Sarah,” Pope asks. 
“Couldn't make it,” John B replies, “Said she had family stuff.”
“John B, you're dating Sarah Cameron, right?” you ask sweetly.
John B nods. “Yeah, you know her?”
“Not really, we had English together last year,” you say, watching as the brunette boy’s expression remains stoic. “I don't know if she'll like me though. I kind of punched her brother in third grade for making fun of my friend's dress.”
The whole group laughs loudly and you blush hard, not meaning for that to slip out. JJ uses the moment to wrap his arms discreetly across your shoulders.
“I think she'll definitely like you then,” John B says. “That's badass.”
A few minutes later, the van pulls up to a secluded spot on the beach.
“Wow, it's beautiful here,” you say in awe.
JJ nods as he and Kie take the surfboards down from the roof of the van. “This is our secret pogue spot.”
“Oh,” you say looking down, feeling out of place.
Pope hands you one of the boards. “You're basically an honorary pogue if we bring you here,” he says with a kind smile. “Think of this as your initiation.”
You smile back, relieved that JJ’s friends aren't annoyed by your presence. JJ tries to hide a smile of his own, loving that you are getting along with his friends considering they're the only family he has.
The five of you walk down to the beach, finding a good spot to lay down your stuff. 
JJ can't take his eyes off of you as you slip your tank top over your head. His little heart can't handle how gorgeous you are. You're wearing a small blue and white floral bikini, leaving little to the imagination.
“You okay, Maybank?” you ask, snapping him out of his trance. He nods dumbly, making you chuckle. “C’mon,” you say, grabbing your board in one hand and holding the other out to the blonde.
This sets him into motion and he quickly grabs his own board and links his fingers with yours. He has to remind himself to take in this moment, wanting to remember the first time you ever held his hand. 
“So how do I do this,” you ask once you have paddled out into the water. 
JJ nods. “Normally I would have you do some exercises on land first, but I say you just go for it,” he says, floating on the board next to you.
“Great plan, Maybank,” you say with a slight eye roll. “If I die it's on you.”
JJ laughs. “You're not gonna die, (Y/N),” he tells you. “The waves are small today anyways.”
He explains the basics of how and where to stand before demonstrating on a wave. You admire how his tan body moves gracefully on the board. He makes it look so easy and you smile at the look of concentration he has.
JJ ladles back out to where you are when he is done. “Maybank,” you exclaim. “That was amazing.”
JJ smiles wide. “Now it's your turn.”
You grimace. “It's not gonna look like that.”
“Don't worry, that took years of practice,” he encourages before pointing behind you. “Look, there's a perfect wave coming.”
You look at the wave, gulping in anticipation. “Wish me luck.”
“You got this,” he yells making you laugh. Your heart pounds in your chest as you line yourself up the way JJ had. When the wave comes toward you, you attempt to put your foot where JJ told you. Instead, you miss and fall into the water before you even have the chance to stand.
JJ’s heart drops the moment your head disappears under the water. The waves weren't too big and the current shouldn't be strong at this time of day, but he couldn't help the sick feeling he got watching you fall.
The moment your head pops up out of the water he breathes a sigh of relief. The sound of your laughter is enough to calm his anxieties.
You slide back on your board, paddling back over to JJ. “Well that was embarrassing,” you say with a giggle.
JJ smiles with a small shake of his head. “No one gets it on their first try,” he reassures her. “If you stood up just now I would have sent you straight to a surfing competition.”
A few more tries (and fails) later you notice the sun starting to set over the horizon. 
“You ready to go back in,” JJ asks from his board next to you.
You shake your head. “I want to give it one more go,” you tell him. “But you go in and watch from the beach.”
The blonde frowns. “Are you sure?” 
“I'll be fine, Maybank,” you say with a small smile. “Plus, then you can watch me better when I shred some waves,” you add in a mock surfer voice. 
JJ gives you a slight eye roll before making his way to shore. He meets up with the rest of the pogues who are coming back from up the beach where they had found some bigger waves.
“Getting bored of teaching the newbie,” John B asks when he sees JJ.
JJ gently shoves the boy. “No,” the blonde replies plainly. “She just wanted to give it one last try before we head in.”
The four of them watch from the sand as you make your way towards an upcoming wave.
“I bet you five bucks she doesn't even stand,” John B whispers to Pope.
“Hey,” JJ snaps, turning to look at his two friends. “What are you two idiots doing.”
“Definitely not betting on your girlfriend,” Pope says, sarcasm laced in his voice.
JJ blushes at the word 'girlfriend’. “She's not my girlfriend.”
Even Kie rolls her eyes at this. “Yeah, okay.”
They go silent as you get closer to the wave, watching as you paddle along it. In one graceful motion, you position your feet, straightening your legs until you are standing.
The four pogues cheer as you ride the wave. It's definitely not perfect, but JJ couldn't be more proud. 
You ride the wave in, throwing your board on the sand as you run-up to the group. “I did it guys,” you exclaim happily.
Running up to JJ, you wrap your arms around his shoulders, practically jumping into his arms. He catches you easily, spinning you around in excitement.
The blonde puts you down after a minute, reluctant to let go of you. You look up into his eyes, feeling the tension grow.
“You did awesome, girly,” Kie says, drawing your attention away from JJ.
He smiles as he watches you interact with his friends. At that exact moment, his heart feels so full, but he can't explain it.
After everyone is done congratulating you, the six of you gather your things before piling into the van. You tell jokes and chat on the way back to your house.
You give JJ a soft kiss on the cheek before bidding everyone else goodbye. Despite rolling his eyes when his three best friends make fun of him for it, having your lips on his cheek is the last thing he thinks about before drifting off to sleep that night.
Yes, he's definitely falling for you.
Over the next few weeks, you grew closer and closer with the pogues. A few days after your surfing adventure you met Sarah Cameron for the first time, and after that, you were basically a pogue yourself.
When you invited JJ over for dinner at your house, the blonde assumed your parents would hate him like every other kook family. However, your parents and brother treated him with nothing but kindness and respect (how could they not after all the stories you have told them). 
Looking back, that was the night you knew you were in love with JJ. Watching him laugh and have meaningful conversations with your family made you fall even harder for him.
Tonight, almost five months after you first met JJ on that rainy night, you are lounging on the floor of John B’s living room cracking jokes with your friends.
You told your parents you were spending the night at Kiara’s, knowing that they would ask fewer questions.
“Kie, pass me the blunt, would you,” John B asks from his spot next to Sarah. 
You are sitting next to JJ, your legs stretched across his and your back pressed against the couch. Your eyes watch as John B places the blunt to his lips, inhaling the vapor.
The brunette lifts an eyebrow. “You wanna hit, (Y/N),” John B asks, holding the blunt out with two fingers.
Before you can even open your mouth, the blonde beside you speaks up. “She doesn't smoke JB,” he says annoyed at his best friend for even asking.
You look at him confidently. “Actually, I think I'd like to try,” you say, causing everyone to look at you in shock. 
“You sure?” JJ asks softly from next to you. You nod and John B passes you the blunt.  
Placing it in between your lips, you inhale like you had seen John B do earlier. Only, when you do it, it sends you into a coughing fit.  
JJ rubs your back with a slight eye roll. “Atta girl,” he says with a small chuckle.
It doesn't take long for you to be high out of your mind. You're a lightweight when it comes to alcohol and you probably should have guessed you would be a lightweight when it came to weed too.
At some point in the night, you find yourself sprawled out on one of the hammocks outside in a large, ratty t-shirt you assume belongs to JJ. The stars spin above you and you giggle. 
“(Y/N)?” you hear the voice of the boy you're madly in love with, approach.
“Maybank,” you cheer when he finds you on the hammock. He gestured for you to move over and once you do so he plops down next to you.
You're instantly pulled into JJ’s toned chest and you let your head rest easily on his shoulder.
“Is everyone else asleep?” you attempt to whisper, but it comes out louder than you had anticipated. 
JJ’s hands find your hair and begin to play with it lightly. “Mhm.”
“So it's just me and you?” you ask sweetly, words slightly slurred from the weed in your system. 
He hopes you can't hear how fast his heart is beating from having you this close. “Just you and me.”
“JJ can I ask you a question,” you mumble, the weed making you only slightly more confident.
“F’course,” JJ tells you.
You use your fingers to trace lazy patterns on his bare chest. “How come you never call me any nicknames,” you ask with a pout. “Like I call you ‘Maybank’, y’know and you have a nickname for every one of our friends except me.”
JJ doesn't answer right away and even your wasted mind thinks that maybe it wasn't such a good idea to ask. 
“Because I like your name,” he finally says after a while.
A small “oh” is all you can muster, so the blonde boy continues. “I like saying your name. It's really pretty and I like the way it sounds,” he tries to explain, slightly cringing at his words.
“I like you,” you blurt, but it comes out in a slow drawl.
“What,” JJ asks quickly, eyes widening in shock. When you don't reply, he looks down at you only to find you fast asleep on his chest.
His brain is going a mile a minute trying to comprehend what you said. You must've meant it in a friendly way because there's no way someone like you would like a guy like him. Right?
The blonde lays there for hours, unable to sleep with your words on his mind (and your head over his heart). Finally, he coaxes himself to sleep with the thought that you were high out of your mind and didn't mean anything you said.
The next morning you wake up alone in the bed of John B’s guest room. You have no idea how you got there and have little recollection of the previous night.
You stumble out of the small room with a headache and feeling slightly nauseous.
“Morning, sleepyhead,” Sarah says with a smile when you appear in the kitchen. 
You look around the room, noticing that you were the last one awake. “What happened last night,” you groan, plopping down in the seat between Kiara and JJ
“Well,” Pope says with a smirk. “You had your first official experience with weed.”
You groan again, laying your head in your arms which are folded on the table. You feel a familiar hand rest on your back and you turn your head to look at JJ. He smiles at you and a sea of butterflies erupt in your stomach.
“Well, I should probably get home,” you say, sitting up. JJ pouts at your words and you giggle, leaning over to give him a small kiss on the cheek which unbeknownst to you, makes his stomach fill with butterflies too. 
You bid goodbye to the rest of your friends, before stumbling out of the chateau and to your car. 
JJ’s eyes follow your body until it is completely out of sight. When he finally sees your car pulling out of the driveway, he looks back to his friends only to find all of them staring at him. “What?”
“Just tell her you love her already,” Kiara says with a dramatic groan causing JJ’s eyes to widen. 
John B nods. “Seriously, dude,” he says, “You gotta do it before she gets tired of waiting.”
“What are you guys talking about,” JJ asks innocently despite knowing exactly what his friends are talking about.
“The two of you are madly in love with each other so what are you doing wasting this time you could be spending together,” Sarah reasons.
JJ knows his friends are right, but he doesn't need them breathing down his neck when he does decide to tell you.
You, on the other hand, realized a few seconds into your drive that you forgot your phone. You had turned around and were now making your way back up the porch steps.
“I do not like (Y/N),” lies through his teeth, having no idea that you could hear him clearly through the mesh screen door. “She's just a spoiled, kook, brat that I happened to take pity on. She means nothing to me.”
Each word that passes from JJ’s lips is like a knife to your heart. Completely forgetting your phone, you don't waste any time running back to your car. Hot tears stream down your face at a steady rate as you attempt to get as far away as possible from the boy who broke your heart. 
“Okay keep telling yourself that,” John B says to JJ with a small smirk on his lips.
JJ rolls his eyes, but on the inside, he is longing for your sweet lips to press to his cheek again. The dense blonde has no idea that the girl he loves with his whole heart, is currently broken because of him.
Over the next few days, you make every excuse in the book not to see the pogues, knowing that even being in the same room as JJ would be too much. 
When Kiara brings by your phone from the Chateau, you immediately break down and tell her what you witnessed. The curly-haired girl wants to tell you the whole truth, but she figures it should come from the idiotic blonde himself.
After three days of not hearing from you, JJ’s worry starts to eat him alive. What if you were sick? Or sad? Or what if you finally realized you were too good for him?
Despite the drizzling rain, JJ takes his bike and makes his way to your house as quickly as he can.
When he knocks on your large oak door and your brother opens it, JJ is immediately brought back to the first day he came to your house. He remembers the pride he felt when you first stood up on that board. 
“Hey, Sam. Is (Y/N) here?” he asks, peaking around your brother's shoulder as if you would be standing there like you were that one day.
“No,” Sam says harshly, immediately slamming the door shut in JJ’s face. 
The blonde is left there in confusion wondering what is wrong. He knocks on the door again, louder this time. 
Sam opens the door again. “What?” he snaps.
“I know she's here,” JJ explains seriously. “I can see her bedroom light from her window and she never leaves her light on.”
Your brother scowls at JJ’s words as if it's an abomination that he knows such an intimate fact about you.
“Leave, JJ,” Sam says, slightly calmer now. “She doesn't want to see you.” He shuts the door again, causing JJ’s heart to break slightly.
What does he mean you don't want to see him?
The blonde steps away from your front door and moves under your bedroom window. The rain is falling much harder now, causing JJ’s curls to plaster to his forehead.
He glances up at your window, suddenly having an idea. It takes him a few tries, but JJ is able to scale your house and make it to your small balcony.
He peers into your room, spotting you laying on your bed, with your back facing him. JJ knocks lightly on your window and you snap your head in his direction. 
Your eyes widen when you see his sopping wet form and for a second you forget why you're laying alone in the first place. You rush to the window, undoing the hinges and pulling JJ inside.
Once the blonde is standing in front of you, his words from the other night come rushing back.
“What are you doing here, JJ,” you ask with a small sigh, wrapping your hoodie-clad arms around your stomach.
The blonde frowns. “You called me JJ.”
“That's your name isn't it?” 
“Yeah, but yo-you never,” JJ stumbles over his words. “Are you okay? Why haven't you been answering my texts or calls?”
“I was busy,” you say with a shrug, sitting back onto your bed.
“You know you can talk to me, right,” JJ asks as he takes a small step closer to you. “I'll always be here for you.”
You roll your eyes. “Yeah, okay,” you mumble sarcastically. 
JJ flinches back. “What's going on (Y/N)? You're not being yourself. You are always there for me and my problems, so you should know that I'll always be here for you and whatever it is you're going through,” he tells you honestly.
“Oh yeah because you took pity on me, right?” you snap, looking him dead in the eyes as a few tears fall down your cheeks. A look of confusion spreads across his features. “Because I'm a ‘spoiled, kook, brat’ right?”
JJ's heart drops to the pit of his stomach as he realizes what you are talking about. His eyes well with tears knowing why you've been hurting the past few days.
“(Y/N),” he all but whimpers. His hands reach out for you but you pull back.“Please, let me explain.”
You harshly wipe the tears from your cheeks. “I think you made yourself very clear the other day. Leave, JJ,” you tell him.
JJ shakes his head as panic builds in his chest. He struggles to breathe as he realizes that he is about to lose you before he even truly has you.
His breathing becomes more and more erratic and he squeezes his eyes shut. 
“JJ,” you ask softly, noticing the arising panic attack. The blonde looks up at you, fear evident in his eyes. Despite the pain, he put you through, you still love him and can't stand to see him in pain. “C'mere JJ,” you say softly, pulling him to sit on your bed. You crouch down below him, shushing him softly.
“You gotta breathe with me,” you tell him, making sure he's watching as you take a few big breaths in. He is able to take a few shaky breaths and soon his heart rate has slowed to a somewhat normal rate, JJ collapses into your arms. “You're okay. It's gonna be okay.”
JJ frowns, pulling away from you slightly. “Why are you being so nice to me,” he asks shakily. “After everything I've done?”
You shrug, looking down.
He uses two of his fingers to gently lift your chin so you are looking at him. “Please let me explain,” he whispers and you nod slightly. “After you left that day, the pogues were messing with me, saying that I was so in love with you n ’shit, so I had to say something that would get them to shut up,” he says quickly, wanting to get through his story so you will stop hurting. 
“Nothing I said that day was remotely close to the truth. You are the most kind-hearted person on this island, and for me to even say that you aren't, it's just, I'm so sorry,” he says. “I never meant to hurt you, but I couldn't have the pogues thinking I was in love with you.”
Your heart falls at his words. “Because that would be embarrassing, right?” you say, trying to hide the dejection you are feeling.
“No.” You look up at him in confusion. “Because I didn't want you to find out before I got the courage to tell you myself.”
“I'm in love with you (Y/N),” he says with a small smile on his face. “I have completely fallen for you. Everything you do, everything you say, everything you are. You’re my first thought in the morning, you’re my last thought before I fall asleep, and you're almost every thought in between.”
The room goes silent and the only sound that can be heard is the rain softly hitting your window. 
“Now is where you say something,” he says with an awkward chuckle.
You open your mouth to speak, but everything you want to say to the boy in front of you is stuck in your throat. “I-” you manage to sutter out.
JJ sighs. “It’s okay,” he says standing up, leaving you to fall limply against your bed. “I figured this would happen. You don’t have to say anything.”
When he moves towards your window, your body seems to catch up with your brain and you run to stop him. JJ turns around, but before he can get a word out, you press your lips to his. 
You swear you see sparks fly behind your eyes the moment your lips meet his. The kiss starts softly at first and then builds with an intensity that has you gripping his shoulders for balance. This kicks the blonde into motion. He places one hand softly on your cheek and uses the other to tug your waist closer to him. 
The intoxicating taste of weed and mint lulls you closer as your lips move together perfectly. Neither of you ever want to stop. Moving your right hand to lace your fingers in his hair, you tug slightly, causing him to let out a small groan. You smile into the kiss before reluctantly pulling yourself away.
“That was…” JJ trails off breathlessly. 
“Yeah,” you agree with a chuckle. “Look, when I first met you, I never would have imagined that I would have such strong feelings for you. I never would have thought that I would miss being by your side, or get butterflies in my stomach when someone mentions your name. When I first met you, I never would’ve thought that I would love you the way I do.”
Tears brim JJ’s eyes as your words fill his heart. “So, you…”
“I love you, Maybank,” you say, not looking away from his eyes.
“Say it again,” he asks in a small voice, eyes wide like he can’t believe the words you are actually saying.
You smile wide. “I love you, so much.”
JJ pulls your body tight to his chest and buries his head into the crook of your neck. “I love you more than anything,” he mumbles into your neck. “I’m sorry it took me so long to say.”
You chuckle, lifting his head off your shoulder and cupping his cheeks with your hands. You place a few soft kisses to his pouty lips causing him to smile wide. “I forgive you, but only because you're cute,” you tell him.
He blushes slightly, leaning down to kiss both of your cheeks and then your lips. Both of you have big smiles on your face when you pull away. “How have I gone this long without kissing you,” JJ says causing you to giggle. He uses the pads of his thumbs to trace your cheekbones. “You’re so beautiful,” the blonde whispers, voice laced with sincerity. 
You blush hard and nuzzle your face into his chest. After a second you look back up at him. “Stay the night?” you ask.
JJ nods. “Of course, my love.”
Smiling at the name you pull him towards your closet. “I thought you didn't give me nicknames,” you tease and he shrugs his shoulders. 
“That was before,” he says with a smile. 
You hum in response, handing him some of his clothes that either he had left at your house or you had stolen from the Chateau. Once he is changed out of his wet clothes, the two of you climb into your bed. 
JJ instantly pulls you snug to his chest and you get comfortable and he presses a soft kiss to the crown of your head. 
Both of you know that everything will change after today. Everything is different now, but for some reason, it feels normal to the two of you. It feels like this was how it was meant to be. Just you and JJ, together.
“I love you, (Y/N).”
“I love you too, Maybank.”
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micahscowgirl · 3 years
Bite Me ~ Chapter 6
Micah Bell x f!reader
Rating: Explicit (18+)
Warnings: SMUT (finally), cussing, biting kink (w/blood)
Word Count: 2550
Wow. This just happened.
Chapter 6
“What’s taking you so damn long?” 
“Quit yappin’,” you sternly bite back at Micah through the curtain. “I’m not even done trying everything on”
Micah has brought you to the tailor shop in Valentine to pick out some new clothes. You have a small pile of garments sitting on the bench and floor next to you. You wouldn’t admit to Micah, but you have already tried everything on, but are debating between a few options. 
After trying on a very different combinations of tops and pants, you finally settled on a grey, long-sleeved button up, a leather jacket, and black riding pants. You pull the curtain back and do a quick little model for Micah, fully aware of the flattering fit of the pants. 
“So, what do you think?”
“My, my,” He starts, “who’re you trying to impress, doll?” 
You shoot him a quick glance before returning to collect the clothes you didn’t want. “A lady’s got to make herself presentable, don’t you agree?”
When you turn your head towards him again, you notice him biting his bottom lip while admiring you. His hat was tilted in front of his eyes, so he didn’t realize you caught him. The sight gave you butterflies and you felt yourself throb slightly. You quickly push any thoughts that might have been making their way into your head away.
“So, uh, what do you normally do whenever the camp moves without you?” you try to make conversation.
“Well, it’s definitely not as simple as asking around. Hey Mister!” He begins to mock towards an imaginary man. “Can I bother you with a question? You see, I’ve lost my crew, most of whom have a huge criminal bounty, you wouldn’t happen to know where they headed off to, do ya now?”
This puts a grin on your face, “Well, well, Mister Bell, I never would’ve pegged you for the comedic type.”
He smiles, “Well, doll, I don’t show that side to many people.” When he makes eye contact with you, he turns away and clears his throat, “Ahem, anyway we should, uh, probably be off now.”
He pays the shopkeeper for your clothes, and walks out of the shop, leaving you to finish folding the clothes. You know you should be upset, but you’re not. You can’t help but feel sorry for him. 
I wonder why he conceals himself so much. And what makes me different from everyone else?
Micah had tracked the wagon trail tp the train tracks before turning towards town that morning, so that’s where you returned to. It was a silent ride, so all you had were your thoughts. No matter how many times you tried not to, you couldn’t stop thinking of the way he looked at you in the shop. What was he thinking about? Was he simply admiring you? Or was he imagining all the things he would do to you, given the chance? 
“You ain’t falling asleep back there, are you?” He startles you out of your thoughts. Without realizing it, you had slowly started to lean onto his back, like you had slept the night before.
“Oh, uh, sorry. I was just, uh, lost in thought.” you stutter, trying to not make anything obvious.
“Oh? What were you thinking about, doll?”
Oh my God, does he know? He couldn’t know, right? Or--
“Micah? Is that you?” someone calls from up ahead. 
“Yeah, me and Y/N.”
Bill steps from behind a tree, “Camp’s right up ahead.” he says to Micah. As y’all pass him, he nods to you. “Glad you made it back safe.” After some distance is made, Micah scoffs.
“Figures.” He says.
“They’re only glad you made it back.”
Without knowing what to say, the trot towards the camp is a silent one.
Once you arrive at camp, you begin to notice the same reaction from everyone.
“Y/N, you made it!” Arthur walks up to the horse. Micah hops off, and knowing you’re still sore from the night before turns to help you, but not before Arthur beats him to it. “Dutch was so worried about you after he sent you off to Strawberry.” You accept his help and Micah turns and walks away stubbornly off into the trees.
“I ran into some trouble up that way, thankfully Micah was there to save me,” you say, giving him the credit. Even so, it was brushed away.
“Let’s get you something to eat.” Mary-Beth chimes in, taking you by the arm and pulling you away. “Charles and Hosea said they’d hitch your tent if you made it back today.” You turn your head and get one more glimpse of Micah before he is erased by the trees. I wouldn’t be back if it wasn’t for him.
The afternoon is full of celebration led by Dutch. You can’t help but feel that this is his way of hiding that he did choose to move without waiting for you or sending anyone to find you. If it wasn’t for Micah, you’d be dead or even worse. “You’re going to be my little whore.” The voice of the O'Driscol echoes in your head. 
Even though your sitting in front of a warm fire and everyone is singing and laughing, you can’t help but feel cold and sad. Micah hasn’t come back since he walked off earlier. He’s the one who saved your life and no one batted an eye for it. 
When no one is paying attention, you stand and sneak your way to behind the tents. You make your way over to the horses and Baylock is still there. For the first time all night, you felt a small smile sneak it’s way onto your face. Micah must still be here somewhere.
“Y/N,” you jump and turn to see Arthur walking towards you. “What are you doing over here? You missing all the fun!” Arthur isn’t a heavy drinker, but you can tell he’s a little more than tipsy. 
“I just needed a moment from the crowd.” You say, trying to hint at him to leave. With no prevail, you continue. “I was just going to take a small walk by myself.”
“Well, I can keep you comp’ny!” he slurs. 
Dammit, Arthur.
You have an idea. “You know, Arthur, I think Mary-Beth has quite the thing for you.” He looks intrigued. “And, coming from a women’s perspective, a nice cool night like this is quite the romantic setting. I think you could make a pretty good move tonight.” You wink. 
“You really think so?” he ponders the idea. “If you think I have a chance, maybe I’ll go for it!”
You gentle grab his arm and turn him to face the camp. “Go get’em, cowboy.” 
You sigh as he makes his way back to the camp, now to find Micah.
You had made your way into the trees. Thankfully, the moon was bright tonight and you could see under the shade of the trees. Finding him shouldn’t be a problem. Your confidence grew thin the longer you looked, though. You were about to give up when you saw a small wisp of smoke glow from behind a tree. The pine needles beneath your feet made it hard for him to hear you, so you speak softly as to not startle him.
“Micah, is that you?” 
“Yeah, it’s me.”
You approach the tree he is leaning on and turn to face him. He is sitting on the ground and his head is tilted so you can’t see his eyes. You want nothing more than to see them and get lost in their deep blue color.
“What’re you doing way out here?” You know the answer, but you needed something to say.
“Same thing I always do, sweetheart. Avoiding those who despise me, which unfortunately seems to be everyone at the moment.”
After a small pause, you say, “I don’t despise you.”
He takes a long draw from his cigarette before he looks up. “And why is that? What do you see in me? ‘Cause there ain’t nothing here worth giving two shits about.”
You can’t think of anything to say that won’t set him off. You can tell he’s right on the edge of snapping.
He sighs, “That’s what I thought, there ain’t--” He stops when he sees you walking towards him.
You move so your standing over him, one foot on either side of his legs. He flicks away his cigarette and slowly runs his hands softly up your legs. Once he reached your thighs, you lower yourself to straddle him. Your heart is pounding, but you don’t want to let him see how nervous you really are. 
One of his hands stops on your hip, while the other one continues. He runs his fingers up your arm, following them with his eyes. They brush over your shoulder, onto your neck, and down your jaw. He finally makes eye-contact with you making you shiver. 
“Now what do you think you’re up to, doll.” 
You don’t respond with words. Instead, you place your hands on his chest, grab the fabric of his shirt, and lean in to kiss him. You pull away, stopping only a few inches back, just so you can look into his eyes. 
He moves one hand around your waist and the other gets lost in your hair as he pulls you in to a much deeper kiss. As his tongue enters you mouth, you begin to feel yourself throb. You’ve been hoping for this for so long and it’s finally happening. Your heart beats faster as you begin to grind against him slowly but rough.
He pulls himself away from the kiss. “Are you sure you want this? With me?”
You reach down to start undoing the buttons on your shirt. “I want this. I want you, Micah.”
You pull off your shirt and your battered undershirt, revealing your breasts. He glances at you approval before he grabs them. He leans back in to kiss you. As he moves his hands to hold your waist again, he grazes your nipple, causing you to moan into the kiss. That must’ve been what did it for him because he grabs tightly onto your hips. 
“If you want me, your gonna need to loose these,” He runs his fingers down your pants. Before you can respond, his thumb has reached down the the seam right in-between your legs. You didn’t realize how wet you had became until he started to apply pressure. You let out a small moan again. You were so sensitive from anticipation for the moment, you could hardly stand it.
He begins to rub more as he leans in to start sucking on your neck. It’s becoming too much for you; you want him so bad. You reach down, moving your hand past his to grab onto his bulge through his pants. When you do this, he bites down onto the spot he had just made on your neck, causing you to whimper. All at once, he removes his mouth from your neck and his hand from your pants. You let out a sigh, missing the sensation. 
He starts to undo his belt. Taking that as a sign, you stand to remove your pants and panties. Wasting no time, you straddle him again. 
“This is your last chance, doll, you sure you want this. I can’t promise I’ll be gentle.”
“Yes, Micah, please. I’ve been wanting this for so long.”
He smiles as he moves his hand back down, starting to run small circles or your clit. “Trust me, princess, I’ve been wanting this too.”
You lean in to kiss him again, trying to silence your moans. He slowly begins to move two fingers to enter you. You can’t hold back the whimpers escaping your throat; you crave him so much.
He continues to rub your clit with his thumb as the two fingers curl inside of you.
“P-please, Micah, I can’t take it. I want you.”
As much as he was trying to hold back as long as he could, your begs pushed him over once again. He reaches into his pants and pulls out his dick. 
“Look at me,” He says. You do as you’re told. You bite your lip as he rubs his member over your clit and entrance, wetting himself with your slick. All at once, he shoves himself into you, causing you to let out a loud moan. He reaches up and covers your mouth.
“Shhh. You don’t want the whole camp coming over here and interrupting us, do you, doll?” He hisses. You shake your head, his hand holding back muffled whimpers as you get use to his size. Once you’re quiet, he moves his hand away. “Good girl.” 
He grabs onto your hips tightly, his thumbs digging into them hard. He lifts you and slams you back onto him. Another moan tries to escape you. “I’m not going to continue until I know you can be quiet, babe.” he teases. You pout your lips at him. He smiles and tilts his head, exposing his neck from underneath his hair. You look at his neck then back at him. He grins.
“Bite me.” he says in a deep tone that you can feel in your chest, causing you to shiver and tighten on his cock that’s deep inside you. “Well?” he smirks.
You put your arms on his shoulders and place your lips on his neck. You can’t imagine actually biting him, that would hurt too much, right?
He starts to slowly lift you and thrust into you. You wants to moan so badly, but you know he’ll only stop again. You keep your lips shut tightly, keeping them pressed up against him.
He begins to thrust harder, grinding your clit against him every time. It’s too much and you open your mouth to moan, but instead bite down onto his neck. You hear him snarl and feel a growl in his throat. He speeds up, lifting you high enough each time to take in his whole shaft. He pounds into you, you feel your clit start to throb more and more and your insides tighten. 
You start to taste the metallic flavor of blood right as you tip over the edge. You can’t help it, you pull away from him to arch your back and ride through your climax. The feeling keeps getting better and better. You sense he’s lifting you lower as his arms grow tired. You begin to lift yourself, riding him until he’s finished. You feel his cock grow stiffer and begin to throb as he’s about to come.
He reaches up and grabs your hair, pulling you forward into a sloppy kiss. He reaches down and grabs your hips a final time to slam into you as hard as he can. He let’s out a deep moan through gritted teeth and he finishes, filling you up. This causes you to let out one final moan before you fall onto his chest.
“God-dammit, Y/N.” He pushes you up so he can look at you. “What the hell got into you?” 
You smile, too exhausted for words. You lean forward and lick the small drops of blood from his neck.
“You wouldn’t happen to have enough space in that tent of yours for one more, would you?” he says. He leans forward to leave a small trail of kisses up your neck and across you jaw.
“Hmm, I think I can make some room.”
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lemonhobgoblin · 3 years
A Casual Night
Mothman x human reader (gender-neutral)
Word Count: 7k
(I remember saying I would have a fic done the same week I posted my other fic. Well, that was a lie. After dealing with work, creating new wips, and editing what started as a 2k fic became this long-ass post. I tried to keep this gender-neutral, but if there are any parts thats not gender-neutral, or if something doesn't make sense give me a message and I'll fix it. Anyway hope you enjoy!)
The faint sound of your car running and the sound of the wind whipping against the surface was muddled out by old tunes playing from a random radio station filling the lonely ride home. Your eyes trained on the dark empty road ahead, your headlights on full beam, lighting your way. The subtle notes of a box of cooling pizza wafting in your direction every so often.
You were driving from a city over from where you lived, coming back from a friend’s home who was having a small get-together. It was a great time, unwinding from the stresses of work and life in general, with games, movies, playful banter, and sharing a couple of drinks. As the night progressed, things began to slow down, one of your friends passed out on the couch while everyone else turned to some lighthearted conversation. Leading the host to pipe up if they were willing to spend the night given how late it has gotten and mostly due to how much some people drank.
While everyone was willing to stay the night and continue their night of merriment. You on the other hand as well as one other person had to leave for the night due to work obligations you both had tomorrow morning.
Regretfully, you made your exit not without being offered leftovers for the ride back. But halfway home, you received an email detailing how you were not needed for work tomorrow as you were getting gas.
With this newfound information, you had the choice of making a U-turn back or continue straight home.
Rather than driving back to your friend's home, you were just going to continue your way home. You already said goodnight to them, and you were almost home even though it was still quite a ways to go. Nevertheless, they probably turned in for the night by now, and there was always next time to make it up to them.
So driving down an empty two-way road, with no lights fixture to light the road. With no other cars passing through, keeping you company. Only the trees crowding around the road giving you some sort of haunting looming audience. This was a normally busy road; however, by how late in the night it was, it was understandably dead.
Fortunately, enough, you saw your first signs of life up ahead. It seemed to be a herd of deer passing by. You honked your horn to scare them away from the oncoming danger that was your car.
Except instead of dispersing, they stayed in place, it didn’t seem out of the ordinary why else did they have the saying 'a deer in headlights.'
But what was odd, was the closer you approached the herd of deer they seemed to be floating off the pavement, apparently, they were one entity and not a group and had a pair of red glowing eyes. It stirred an unpleasant feeling in the pit of your stomach.
Promptly, an undiscernible screech erupted all around, jolting you in your seat, feeling a pang of sudden fear washing over you. Convincing yourself it was only the radio going off the fritz, peeling your eyes away from the road you scrambled to shut off the device. During your haste to bring an end to the blaring otherworldly sound, you didn’t realize how fast you were driving.
"What the fuck?!" Seeing a flash of a large dark mass smashing against your windshield - shards of glass flying around and onto you.
Swerving your car over to the side of the road, feeling the right side slope down, the bumps of the grass making you rattle and jostle in your seat. Putting your car to a complete stop.
Frantically, you scrambled to free yourself from your seatbelts, ripping yourself from your constraints, you busted out your car. Not giving a single care to the state of your car or your frazzled state. Only concerned about what or who you hit.
Jogging down, you saw a crumpled figure on the ground, he was a good distance away from where you parked. "Oh my god," You exclaimed.
“I didn’t see you coming, I’m so sorry," you yelled, hurrying to aid the individual. You didn’t get a response or see any movement - he did hit your car pretty hard.
Scared for their wellbeing you slowed down and fished for your phone in your back pocket to call for help. But before you could dial for help, you saw something that put halt to your actions. You starred in disbelief as your phone locked out.
From the figure, a wing stretched out toward the sky before folding back in itself.
What the hell did you hit?!
Cautiously, you crept forward to get a better look, you could see he was wearing a fur jacket. No. He was furry everywhere, dull in color but with an interesting print on what you believed was the wings, the pattern was similar to a moth's wing. A costume perhaps? His legs were a digitigrade structure and his feet are similar to a bird's foot arrangement. The talons of which were scraping against the road like an animal in pain.
"A moth?" Perplexed at what exactly you were looking at, it still seemed human, but it was too large in stature given it curled up on the ground. This had to be some large person in a very convincing costume. Assuming it was someone dressed up, as what you could only think of as Mothman. A random tall person dressed head to toe in an extremely convincing Mothman in the middle of an isolated road, for reasons you couldn't conjure but there had to be a rational reason as to why.
The closer you approached, the more of your rationality began to slip. Carefully you squat down, putting your hands on its back, it felt real. Too real.
The wings felt warm, stroking your hand down, you felt the ridges, bumps, and what felt like a pulse, in the wings. You noticed it had a plush ruff around its neck that could’ve been mistaken for a scarf. And there were antennas on its head, it was featherlike and twitched every few seconds. You had no desire to investigate further, yet you had a gnawing sense of curiosity that compelled you.
Besides what if was someone who was severely injured and needed immediate help. And what kind of person would you be if you just drove off without a second thought, leaving them to die. You couldn't live with yourself if that was the case.
This is too unreal. But all the signs suggested otherwise.
Bracing yourself, you gently turned him over to face you, the moment you caught a glimpse of his face, you felt instant regret surge through your veins. You stumbled backward, landing on your back, trying to push yourself away from the massive creature with your legs.
"MOTHMAN!!" You screamed.
This in turn alarmed the cryptid, flapping his wings erratically in response to your sudden outcry. It was emitting these indiscernible sounds that you had heard earlier in the car, it provoked that familiar immense fear within you.
Except, this was louder than when you were in your car, the sound reverberated through you, chills traveling up your spine. You could feel your heart palpitating within your chest, your trembling limbs growing numb. You felt your senses heightened at an alarming rate it was nauseating that you felt your mind blur. If these disquieting sounds alone could trigger your flight or fight response, without the presence of the monster. It was nothing in comparison to the full show that was in front of you, it was overwhelming in all the senses, inciting you to get far as possible.
"Holy shit!" Pulling yourself from your state of shock, you turned over onto your hands and knees, pushing yourself up and away, making a straight beeline to your car without delay.
The screeching stopped behind you. Glancing back toward the monster curious if it was making a move towards you. But all you saw was a poor incapacitated being, pitifully attempting to lift itself away. One of its wings was flapping while the other was barely moving at all. When it tried to move its stiff wing, it wouldn't fully extend before retracting it back, making what sounded like a pained low screech.
In all honesty, even in your fear-driven state, it pained you to witness this distressing scene. Pondering back and forth between taking the car and leaving, or taking your chances with the monster.
Inching toward the car, all without removing your eyes from the scene. Then you heard a more distressing shrill, stopping you dead in your tracks. You couldn't leave him.
He still needs help.
Inhaling a deep breath, you shakily walked back, each step was challenging you felt so weak in the knees and you felt lighter than usual. Your mouth desiccated of any moisture but persisted in swallowing nothing. It felt as if you were walking down to your execution and it might as well be. You couldn't predict what it would do or what it was capable of doing if you got any closer. Regardless, you tried to push your fears aside and help him, even if it killed you.
"Hold on, I'm not gonna hurt you. Just don’t hurt me please." Easing yourself onto your knees, mindful of not doing any sudden movements to provoke it any further for both of your sakes.
Bringing a hand back to where you had it before, you delicately brushed your hand up and down in small strokes on its wing. Focusing on his state and not his appearance, you saw cuts and scrapes littering its wings and body.
You grazed over an open wound, causing the creature to flinch, silently apologizing to him in a hushed tone before continuing to pet him while avoiding any more wounds.
Its breathing began to slow, quelling its jitters. You took this as an indicator of the creature growing at ease at your presence. “See I just wanna help." You whispered as the Moth creature peered up, gazing into your eyes in a sort of mutual understanding. Ensuring a feeling of reprieve within you and within him, or so you thought. It was soon to be proven wrong. The moment was short-lived when the cryptid began to thrash around again, this time trying to keep you away from him.
"Wait I thought we had an understanding there." Pulling yourself into a ball to avoid the cryptid's violent flapping wing and arms recklessly whipping around. "The eye contact we had! The eye contact!" you screamed after being betrayed by this false sense of amicable trust you thought you both had shared at that moment. But this ineffectively did nothing to fix the dilemma, merely adding more to the chaos.
"Please I want to help you." Reaching your hand out to calm him once more, without the screaming and flailing this time. "This was my fault, I wanna help and then you can go on your Mothman way, okay?" You tried to coax. Once more the monster began to quiet down, its quick shallow breathing slowed. Weary of his soothed behavior, you waited a bit before wrapping his arm over your neck.
"Okay, I'm gonna pick you up or at least try to." You said, guiding him upward into a standing position.
"Christ, you’re heavy!" Bending under the weight, propping him against your frame, so you could get a proper footing and grip on him. You struggled to the car, trudging over, but not without one of your legs giving out from under the weight occasionally. What caught your eye was how his head lulled forward or side to side, he might be disoriented from the blow. Not wanting to move his head much, you trudged much slower than you already were and stopped every few seconds.
Arriving at you your vehicle, you rested against your car, before opening the car door and easing him inside into the backseat. Tucking in any stray limbs and wings fully inside the car. Shutting the door you looked at the heavily cracked windshield. It was damaged pretty well, you summarized that you had to slowly drive all the way home. Wait home.
"Wait, I can't just bring you to my house." You said, bringing a hand to your mouth, realizing a new issue. "Someone's gonna see you." Remembering you lived on a busy street near pubs and shops, and it was Friday night you could only assume there were still people out and about enjoying the nightlife. Peering inside your car, your eyes locked on your jacket in the front seat.
"Maybe I can disguise you, and it is Friday night maybe people would be too drunk to notice."
"As long as we don't draw too much attention." You said, getting into your seat and starting up the engine. But something about saying those words aloud, felt like it was going to bite you in the ass but what’s the worst that can happen, you had him handled.
Here you were driving back home with the low-volume melody playing like before. However, this was different, before you were alone and you welcomed the tranquil ambiance you had riding home. But now you were riding back with an elusive creature. Creating an unsettling silence within the vehicle. What was maddening was that you were unsure what he was thinking, making you unsure of what to do besides drive. Maybe you were overthinking this but you felt you had to do something to break this disorienting atmosphere because this was too hard to fathom as reality.
"D-Do you want gum? L-Leftover pizza?" Your voice cracked, quickly clearing your throat asking again in a stronger confident voice.
No response. You tapped your fingers on the steering wheel, sucking in your cheek prompting you to purse your lips in your endeavor of finding what else to say. Flitting your eyes back and forth from the road to looking around your car on what else to offer.
"My coat?"
No response again.
Looking at your rearview mirror to get a glimpse of the cryptid only to be met with its red eyes staring directly back at you. Hastily looking back to the road and sinking into your seat, alarmed. How long was he staring at you? Why was he staring? At least he seemed less disoriented now, but you didn’t need that right now, maybe you could draw his attention onto something else other than you.
"How about some air?" you asked, hoping he would stare out the window or put his head out, anything but him staring at you all the way home. Gliding your left hand over to the window control panel on the side of your door, you pushed down a button making his window rolled down. This captured his attention, redirecting his gaze towards the open window, watching the trees and road signs passing by. O thank god. but just as he turned his head to the outside, he took this as an invitation to spread his wings to catch some air.
"That doesn't mean you can start flapping, put your wings down." Whipping your head back and forth from the creature to the road, drawing a hand at him, swinging it around to get him to fold his wings down. "PUT YOUR WINGS DOWN! PUT YOUR WINGS DOWN!" Veering your car off to the side of the road.
Back on the road, after sorting out the matter. "Okay, no rolled down windows." You remarked. Mothman looking like a perfect angel in the back tapping at the rolled-up window while you were in the front with your hair messed up and arms lightly scratched. You weren't a mother, but you now had a vague idea of what it would be like and further respect and admiration for them.
Needless to say, you rode the entire way back in silence without a single word being uttered.
Steering your car on the side of the street in front of an apartment complex, you placed your car in park. You turned off the engine. Street lamps and other building lights were illuminating the street. The neon signs from the local business started to shut off, looked like some of them are turning in for the night.
You snatched your jacket from the passenger seat before slipping out and making your way to open Mothman’s car door.
"We need to move, quickly." Throwing your coat over him to conceal him in the event of someone walking by. Mothman pawed at the coat and clutching it closer to get a better look and smell of the material. After gathering your phone and keys, you whirled back toward Mothman. Fussing at him to not move the jacket, readjusting it over his head. You surveyed the streets for anyone coming down or seem like they are heading out in your direction.
Once more putting his arm around you, you strode as quickly as you possibly could to the complex without either of you falling over. Mercifully, you got to the door with no problem at all or bumping into anyone.
Until you heard something you’ve been dreading on the way home, something that made your heart sank down into the deep trenches of your stomach
"Holy shit! Is that Mothman!?!" A male voice exclaimed.
You whirled your head toward the stranger who was slowly approaching you two. Fuck!
Where did he come from and what made him so confident that he’s looking at Mothman. You glanced back over to Mothman noticing that the jacket that was covering his face, was now draped over his shoulders. Drastically you scoured your brain for an excuse or some sort of explanation to counter how this wasn't a cryptid. But he beat you to the punch before you had a chance to find a solid response.
"Dude sick costume!" He said excitedly.
O fuck. Relieved that it wasn't the worse, but you were surprised he didn't question any further especially how close he was to you both. Even you would've questioned, the details and just the overall realism of said 'costume'. It didn't take long for the answer to hit you square in the nose. When a waft of alcohol invaded your nostrils, the man was drunk, and you never were more grateful.
"Thanks." You nervously laughed.
"That’s crazy good man, you did this all yourself?” He asked enthusiastically towards Mothman, beholding every bit of intricacy on the creature.
"He can’t talk right now; he drank too much to function." You interjected. “We just got back from a party.”
"I gotcha, but is it okay if I get a photo though?"
FUCK! you blurted internally, but externally with faux delight, you said "Sure!"
" 'Chad' you cool with that?" you sheepishly asked your moth friend with the first name you could think of for him. And why were you asking him? As if he could make a cohesive verbal response. But you were hoping at this moment he could magically talk, alas all he did was blankly stare.
"I'm not hearing a no." You heard the man say and you woefully agreed.
"Gimme a sec." The man pulled out his phone and tapping it unlocked.
"Okay," your heart was racing in your chest and you could feel a layer of sweat beginning to form and pool in places. But by some sweet grace of some higher being, a miracle happened right before your eyes. You heard a melodious chime sweetly ring through the crisp early fall air.
"O dang getting a call, hold on" the man answered the call, turning his back towards you.
Maybe there was a god, after all, a fucking sadist with a sick sense of humor. Either way, you were not about to pass up this chance for a free getaway.
You took this God-given opportunity to jam your key into the lock swiftly to get the both of you inside. Twisting to unlock the entrance, you could overhear the man to what sounded like him wrapping up his conservation. Turning the knob, you ushered Mothman and yourself inside the apartment complex, but not without throwing a quick apology to the stranger. Slamming your back against the door shutting it closed, a wave of relief washed over you.
"Aw man, that was too close." leaning your head against the door, desperate for a quick breath from your ordeal. You hadn't felt this much adrenaline since, since. You were so winded you couldn't even recall a memory.
Peeling yourself off from the door, feeling ready to make the final steps home. Deceptively though your body wasn’t as ready to move just yet.
"Nope wait." still trying to catch your breath. Doubling over, leaning forward, and resting your hands on your knees. Mothman all the while just tilted his head at you, confused. While you were over there feeling like you were going to be sick. The wave of nausea quickly fading away allowing you to straighten yourself out.
"Okay, we're good." You said as you grabbed his hand leading him up the stairs. Unbeknownst to you, the large creature was zoning in at the unfamiliar contact.
During his entire time with you, he was just as wary of you as you were with him. He wasn’t one to present himself to people, only as a forewarning of what was to come or an indication that Mothman will be the very last thing they would see. He trailed and stalked others like you in your car but was never hit, that was a first for him. Albeit though, him getting hit with your car, leaving him cut up and bruised did give him another reason to be extremely defensive and antsy around you.
Yet, you were gentle, loud but gentle with him when he wasn’t. Risking your safety in an effort for him to get mended. Lightly ghosting his thumb over the soft skin of your hand, tightening his hold on you. But you didn't notice, you were too preoccupied with climbing higher up the stairs, vigilant for any neighbors.
"Come on we're almost to my place." Giving a reassuring hand squeeze.
"Try to stay quiet a little longer." Peering back at the cryptid flashing him a quick warm smile, before looking back straight ahead. The creature looked directly at you, then to stairs, and back to you again. He came up with a grand idea to help with your effort. But first, he had to gain your attention and for this to work, he had to disregard everything you told him not to do earlier. The cryptid started to emit his screech directly at you to get your attention. And to you, he was making a ruckus, that was echoing through the entire stairwell and halls.
"What part of stay quiet do you not understand?" Grimacing at the noise. You stopped your movement, aiming to cover his mouth with your free hand, you felt his mandibles tickling underneath your palm.
The creature pulled your hand away and into his own, clutching both of his hands close to himself, bringing you into him. This gesture was unexpected and left you feeling warm in the face by how close he was pressing you into him. But it didn't last long when he began to bend his knee and flap his wing readying himself to fly up.
"Wait don't" Pushing yourself away from him, you freed yourself from his grasp to stop his actions. He was still injured this would only cause more harm to him and to you if he tried doing what you thought he was about to do. In your effort to stop him, Mothman tried to reach out for you again, only for his wing to smack into you causing you to land on the hard edge of the concrete stairs; headfirst. “Shit."
Groaning, "Well, I deserved that." you brought your hand to your head, you winced at the touch. As you yanked your hand away you caught a glimpse of red in your peripherals. Bringing the hand in your line of vision you saw blood smeared on the tips of your fingers.
Mothman immediately brought his actions to a halt when he saw what he had done to you. His antennas drooped down, he came close, giving you a hand up. Gladly accepting the gesture, he brought you up to an upright position, he felt bad for what he had done to you. Tentatively, he brought a hand up, lightly swiping his claws over your forehead making a low pained screech.
“It’s okay, you just wanted help didn’t you.” He nodded in response, you pressed a hand to the wound preventing the blood from dripping down. You couldn’t be mad at him he didn’t know better, and you did hurt him first, it only felt fair. Disrupting this tender moment, you heard yelling and heavy footsteps approaching one of the doors on the floor you were on.
"Let’s go!" you rushed up the stairs, luckily for you both it was the final flight of stairs. Reaching the top of steps in record time when you heard the front swing door open.
"What's with all that commotion!?" A neighbor yelled upward toward the sound of your feet stomping up. Coming to an abrupt halt at your door, you whispered for Mothman to stay where he was, while you dealt with the matter below. But he decided to follow behind instead, not wanting to leave your side.
"Sorry I was just goofing" You admitted, showing your face over the rail, outing yourself to your neighbor.
"Sorry my ass, I got work early tomorrow, you expect me to sleep with this fucking racket outside, and now this." They argued back, and rightly so, who wouldn’t complain about an unearthly ear-piercing screech penetrating through the halls along with banging sounds hitting all around the walls. But you couldn’t help but feel annoyed
"I’m sorry, it won’t happen again, promise." You leaned forward resting against the rail while one leg was kicked up behind you, preventing Mothman from coming toward the railing. You exchanged a few more words with your neighbor to avoid the landlord getting involved. Finishing up, you pulled yourself away calling it wraps on the conversation as the individual below continued spewing profanities at you and about the building.
You unlocked and opened your door “In! In! In!" You shoved the imposing cryptid inside, already getting peeved by the neighbor's continuous rambling. It wasn’t anything new they hated everyone in the building, but it wasn’t something you grew used to though.
"Jesus Christ finally." you sighed, kicking the door behind shut.
Slipping off your shoes, leaving them by the entrance, your feet ached in relief from its constructing confines. Dragging yourself through the small hall leading the way to the main part of your home, it was small but cozy.
"Here we are home sweet home." you chimed, leading Mothman further into the living room, grabbing the jacket from him and tossing it to the couch. As well as turning on a lamp to properly illuminate the room. It didn't take long for Mothman to be drawn to the light fixture like the moth he was. He grabbed the lamp hugging it towards him, looking directly at the bulb. Chuckling at the sight, you could’ve given him a flashlight on the way home if he was going to be this mesmerized. You proceeded to make your way to the kitchen for your first aid kit.
"You can make yourself comfortable, but don’t wreck anything please," you shouted from the room over, but Mothman was unbothered, he was solely transfixed on the soft light, eyes wide and grabbing at the lampshade. "I'm gonna go find my first aid kit to fix you and my cut." You really hoped nothing else gets broken, there was already enough screaming and thrashing for the night.
Shuffling through the kitchen, trying to remember where you last placed the kit. You rested and slid a hand over the cool smooth linoleum counter, looking between cabinets for any sign of a small box. Coming to the last cabinet, you rummaged through before finally pulling out your first aid kit.
But you couldn’t help but stop and think about tonight’s events. It started as a fun night, then filled with pure dread, mothering, and now what felt like taking care of a drunk long-time friend. Except, what really dominated your mind was this odd feeling you started to feel, you recounted back in the hall the way he held you close. It made you feel bashful, to say the least. Up to now, you saw him as a friendly harmless dare you say, an unexpected friend. But that didn’t accurately describe what you were feeling. Shaking your heading, you had other pressing matters to attend to.
"Got it, let's see." And not to your surprise you saw the tall cryptid sitting on the couch, clutching the lamp close to him as if it was his lifeline. You contemplated whether you should take the lamp away. But he looked to be enjoying the light source, hearing faint happy chirps emitting from him. Sadly, you decided to ruin his fun, seeing as there were wounds you needed to tend to on his chest and you needed the light to properly see them.
You attempted to pull the lamp away so you could have better access to examine his injuries. In response, he chittered in objection to his lamp being taken, and nothing was going to separate him from his precious lamp. He was going to soon learn that the lamp was barely holding onto the outlet. Hugging it closer to himself, the plug came out, extinguishing the light. Perplexed as to where his light disappeared to, he presented the lamp towards you hoping you would bring the light back.
“I’ll bring it back, but only until I get a look at you.” He nodded vigorously as you grabbed the lamp and setting back on the mini table, blindingly trying to find the plug and inserting back into the outlet turning on the lamp again. You sat on the couch next to him, motioning for him to come closer so you could get to work.
"I don’t see any major cuts or anything broken." Scouting out the state of the injuries, they were honestly not that bad, you guessed it was probably due to the now dried flaky blood around his cuts gave the appearance that they worse than what they were. He got pretty lucky but it was probably due to his build that he was capable of taking on more than a couple of hits.
"Only just a sprain and a couple of cuts, that’s a relief" Thinking to yourself glad it wasn't any worse, you couldn't imagine the stress of trying to keep him at your apartment while he heals, and away from your neighbors’ eyes. The fear of him getting caught and taken away and dissected. Being bombarded by officials and Mothman lovers. And getting questioned or probed, maybe even both. You didn’t know if they would, but you knew deep in your heart they would probe you for answers. Stopping your paranoid-filled train of thought from delving any further. You finished tying up a couple of loose ends and sticking on on salve on minor areas.
"See all better. Don’t move too much, it'll heal quickly that way" Gathering any trash to throw away. Everything is fine now; you don’t have plans tomorrow so you could probably sneak him back out the next night.
Letting him go. The idea of it should have given you some relief and yet you couldn’t help but feel conflicted. Would he come to visit again? No that would be reckless. Or you could convince him to stay longer to heal, no that would be irresponsible and selfish of you. He deserves to go back, and you're going to help him get back on his feet and let him be on his way. You walked back to the room.
“Feel much better?” you inquired to Mothman who busy was playing with the bandages on him.
He looked directly at you and nodded in response.
"That’s good, the sooner you get better the sooner you can leave," you told him, seating yourself back next to Mothman who hasn’t kept his eyes off of you. You peered up to catch a glimpse of what he was doing, only to capture him looking directly at you with his head tilted.
Not this again. you thought.
He’s certainly not making this any easier. You looked away trying to focus on anything else in the room before you resorted to looking at the floor.
"You know it’s still kinda crazy, that this is even real. Like I feel like I’m going insane," you jokingly confessed to Mothman, laughing to yourself. But you thought about it more, maybe you were, "O my God is this what a psychological break is?" You looked back at him, having an unfazed look on him.
"Can I?" you asked reaching a hand forward. He stared at your hand for a bit, until he leaned forward giving you permission to proceed.
"So soft" allowing yourself to fully feel him, combing your hand through his dark fur and traveling up his ruff. It was surprisingly plush for how it looked, it felt you were touching a cloud but with some tiny debris within it. You gathered more courage to let your hand wander up to his face, giving a couple of brushes before stopping your motion, cupping the side face. His eyes were a brilliant red color comparable to a lustrous gem.
"You really are real." You muttered, stroking a thumb over his cheek.
Mothman brought a clawed hand to your face in a likewise manner, curious of your own features. Where for him he found them peculiar and to other individuals such as yourself they found it normal. The universe was messed up, making it much harder for you to separate yourself from him when the time comes for him to leave, but you allowed this, forgetting your initial plan.
Feeling a sharp claw gliding up against your skin, perfectly capable of nicking you or doing so much worse to you than you could imagine. But he had no intention to do so, merely entranced by you.
His hand wandered up to your forehead, where your gash was, flaky and dried the blood was chipping at the edges. His antennas lowered and chirped in response, for what he did to you back at the stairwell, he didn't mean to. Even if you said it was alright, it still didn’t make him better, bringing a hand to skim the wound, you flinched at the sharp pain of your forgotten injury, knocking you out of your trance-like state.
Mothman drawing back in his seat, alert and worried thinking he hurt you again.
“It’s okay, you did nothing wrong.”
You reached a hand out to calm him, you aimed for his arm but managed to miss and land your hand on his thigh. Wow, that’s great! you internally cringed feeling a blush rush over you, instead of pulling back you still tried to alleviate him by patting his leg, telling him it was the injury that was hurting you not him.
Instead of defusing his concerned mindset, he only tried to push away from you to avoid causing you any further harm. Hand still anchored on his thigh, you launched yourself trying to stop him from hurting himself more.
Fortunately, with your luck, you ended up top of him, Mothman laying on the couch while you hovered over him, with both of your legs planted on either side of his thigh. Your left knee was alarming close to his crotch if you moved an inch closer you would be bumping your knee right into it. Your hands rested squarely on his chest, finger splayed out as you looked down at him with a similar wide-eyed expression.
You gotta be fucking kidding me.
Maintaining your effort of trying to console Mothman, you coughed to clear your throat and your mind of any dirty thoughts from springing up. “Hey, I know you didn’t mean to, and if you did, I would tell you and- and I’m sorry that I gave you the impression that you hurt me and I’m sorry for hitting you with my car, I feel like saying it doesn’t do justice for what I did.” You panted after your long-winded speech.
“Also, I’m sorry for tackling you down that wasn’t my intention. So, you good? I didn’t hurt you?”
He slowly shook his head, as a response that you didn’t hurt him. Startled yes. Hurt no. Bobbing your head in understanding, you carefully crawled off him.
"Well, I guess I should go get the blood washed off, I'll be right back." You informed the still cryptid who made no effort of getting up, just continued to lay on the couch staring straight ahead in shock.
Walking off to clean off the blood and to regain your composure. You were just going through too many emotions than you should for the night. On your way to take care of your problem, you could’ve sworn you heard something akin to a cat purring where Mothman was. But you blew it off and justified it as hearing the blood rushing and the beat of your heart pounding in your ears.
Striding down a hall and into the bathroom you turned the faucet on allowing the water to flow into the sink and onto your hands. Water pooled in your cupped hands before splashing the cold water onto your face, the water, and dried blood dripping together down around the curves and grooves of your face into the porcelain bowl below. It was a satisfying contrast to your heated face, splashing another round of water at your face but an intrusive memory replayed the moment that happened a few seconds ago. Leaving your face buried in your hands, groaning from sheer embarrassment. Fucking hell why am I like this?!
Unwillingly you slid your hands off and look at yourself in the mirror you looked like the accurate personification of a hot mess. You weren’t going to think too much into this, you are going to pretend what happened didn’t happen, you were going to disinfect and stick a bandage on your cut and not dwell on your emotions around the situation at hand. Allowing him to leave as soon as he is better and not have any other affiliations with him again.
Opening the medicine cabinet for an alcohol wipe and unwrapping the wipe from its small packaging.
"Now for the worst part." Quietly hissing at the contact with the antiseptic. Finishing up on cleaning the wound, you foraged through the cabinet looking for a bandaid. Noting there wasn’t one to be found, you sighed.
Guess I need to go find one.
Turning toward the door to walk out, you looked up and saw Mothman standing at the doorway, watching.
How long was he standing? And how the hell is he so silent for such a big guy and why wasn't he like this before? You were about to question him what he was doing here or if needed something when you noticed he was fiddling with a band-aid in hand. Slowly he brought it up, placing it over your cut.
"Thanks." Laying a hand over the band-aid, feeling not just your cheeks warming up but now a butterfly feeling in your stomach, solidifying your emotions for him.
So much for my plan.
Weaseling past him, before enthusiastically asking him, "Well, we got time to pass, so what do you want to do?"
The sun rays bled through the curtains lightening up your home, the light seeping past your eyelashes and into your eyelids forcing you to wake up. Blinded by the light, you groaned in discomfort, pushing yourself up hearing a couple pops in your back. Rubbing a hand up and down your face trying to wipe away the sleep.
What the hell happened here? Why was there glass everywhere? Looking up you saw your window smashed in with only a few jagged pieces in place around the sides. Turning your attention away you looked around the room, wasn’t there someone else here. O yeah.
But the question was, how did you end up falling asleep on the floor, and where was the large cryptid. Wait a minute.
"No, you can't go out, you're still hurt." Trying to hold him back from going through the window. Everything was fine, you both were sitting on the couch, watching whatever, and snacking on fruit, and next, you found yourself asleep but woke up to a ruckus, the tv still on, and seeing Mothman trying to rip the curtain off the window nearby. Jumping to action to stop him, he successfully pulled off the curtains along with the rack, you assumed he was trying to leave even though he wasn’t better or so you thought.
And here you were struggling to hold him back, you thought he was difficult before but now that he fully adjusted and patched, you fully experienced that he was pure indomitable power.
"At least wait till the street is clear." You insisted, noticing some people walking or jogging down the street in the dark early morning. But he didn't listen he was adamant in making his exit. So, you made the decision to let him go.
"Okay, okay at least let me get the window, I don’t want glass on the floor." Racing in front of him to slide the window open. A quick gust of wind whipped against your face, causing you to squint your eyes in response.
"There! AH-!" the last thing you saw was Mothman coming at you and the last thing you felt was his frame bulldozing you down by fast approaching torso.
"O right." That explains how you ended up on the floor and the glass strewn all over the floor. More incredibly, even when you opened the window, the creature still managed to break the window in its haste to leave. Your head was pounding, he really is a force to be reckoned with. Bringing a hand to your head, you winced at the contact to your forehead but noticed something else. Delicately raising a hand back to your forehead and skimming along the surface. There was the band-aid from the stairwell and on the other side was another. You didn’t remember adding when did you?
"My window," you muttered groggily, your vision fading out not before the moth creature gave his assistance to you for the last time and a thanks to you by sticking a band-aid on your sure-to-be bruised noggin as you lulled into an unconscious state.
At least bug boy was nice enough to get you another band-aid when he put you out cold, before making his exit. Slowly standing up to get started on assessing the mess and knowing full well that you needed to inform your landlord of the window. You peered out the window, curious of any indication of Mothman to spot, unfortunately, all there was to see the was hustle and bustle of the city around and below.
Turning your attention back to the mess, maybe you could make a fib of some large man drunk man pretending to be Mothman breaking into your home believing it was his. Sighing, you went to grab a broom to clean up the mess, at least you were able to encounter a real living and breathing legend. Made you wonder if other cryptids exist, but you’re pretty sure handling one creature was enough for now after last night.
Finishing up, you gathered all the shards and brought them to the trash. You didn’t have work for today, which gave you the opportunity to get a breather and get things done. Making your way to your room and getting ready for the day.
As you were getting clothes on and getting a good look at yourself in the mirror. There square above your eyes and your right eye was a bruise evident from last night's escapades. Shaking your head, laughing to yourself you weren’t going to be able to cover up the contusion. Bringing a hand to your head, you couldn’t help but smile at the cryptids' cute gesture. Walking out of the restroom deciding to let the shiner shine, ready to do some damage control.
Grabbing your keys, and heading out the door, and yet you couldn't stop thinking of that little moth guy. What are the chances of seeing him again? Probably unlikely, a mere once in a lifetime chance but you were grateful to encounter a sweet bug boy like him.
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thornedrose44 · 3 years
It's Funny Right Up Until It's Not
Read on AO3
It's funny because it's harmless…
It's funny because it's never a big deal…
It's funny because it's forgotten by the next day…
It's funny because she's fine.
She's always fine…
Until… she’s not...
It's funny right up until there's a growing pool of blood.
It's funny right up until Kara's hands just can't seem to stem the flow.
It's funny right up until Kara can't get her to open her eyes no matter how much she screams.
It's funny right up until the moment Kara realises Lena might actually die this time…
Lena always said she would start to worry if she didn't have an assassination attempt at least once a week, claiming she would phone her enemies to check that they were all still kicking - concerned they might have passed away or even worse… lost interest.
Lena was the one that joked about it from the start, her dark-edged humour and flair for the dramatic finding their niche with the topic of the failed attempts on her life.
Alex jumped in next - her humour similar to the youngest Luthor and her affection for Lena not high enough for her to find the subject of Lena’s death off putting like she would with anyone else. Her amusement at the failed attempts taking a harsher edge towards Lena than necessary. "You know why they keep missing you? You run so stupidly that logical aiming no longer applies."
Kara could chart Alex and Lena’s friendship by how the jokes changed. How Lena was no longer the punchline but the assassins, how they were idiotic for daring to take on Lena, "I mean seriously! What sane being in the known universe would think: 'I know that Lena Luthor stopped an alien invasion, is probably the smartest person on the planet and is practically a sharpshooter but me and my crappy store bought pistol will be more than enough to take her on'."
Alex's shift into more positive banter led the way for the rest of the Superfriends to get in on the action. They placed bets on when the next attempt would come. They would reminisce about the most ridiculous attempts so far - the spiderman impersonator that had used suction cup gloves to slowly climb the side of L-Corp was a particular favourite, exhausting themselves halfway up and crying for Supergirl to save him.
It became one of the most regular jokes amongst them, an old and familiar friend that they could fall back on and break the ice with when the need arrived.
Kara had hated it to start with. Had hated Lena's nonchalance and the twinkle of mirth in her eyes after her latest would-be assassin was carted away in handcuffs. Had hated Lena’s morbid humour. Had hated the bullying disguised as playful banter that Alex had inflicted on her best friend who always shook it off far too lightly. Had hated how it became a comfortable staple amongst her friends.
But… with every failed attempt that Lena walked away from without a scratch… Kara's hatred reduced. She started to laugh at the jokes and appreciate the compliments that Alex now tucked into her banter (each one an apology for those that had cruelly come before). She started to engage in the bets and fondly roll her eyes in faux exasperation when she would find Lena working away even as they swept up the glass from the latest attacker.
And once the Supergirl secret was out, their friendship more solid than ever, Kara finally poked fun as well.
It was funny because Lena was never hurt.
It was funny because Supergirl would always, always, always be there to save her in the nick of time.
It was funny right up until Supergirl was too late.
Kara had been in the training room at the time, her powers dampened by the green suffused walls. She hadn’t heard the ringing from the watch calling - screaming out - for help. She hadn’t heard the gunshots. The skyrocketing heartbeat.
She hadn’t heard any of it.
Alex had insisted, after assessing Kara’s technique to be a little lazy in a fight the day prior, that they re-sharpen her skills in the training room. The sisters had spent the morning laughing between thrown punches; exhausting themselves and bickering good-naturedly. Kara had made Alex swear that they would be finished before eleven, not wanting to be late to her standing brunch with Lena that she always looked forward to.
It should be noted that it takes Kara a minute to somewhat recharge in the morning light streaming through the DEO’s windows on the mezzanine balcony after her training sessions. It was something Alex and Lena had spent a significant amount of time working out, taking into consideration the kryptonite strength in the training room and Kara’s typical sunlight absorption rate - neither liking the idea of Kara powerless for an extended amount of time.
So... it took a minute.
A full minute spent talking to Alex about… Kara wouldn’t even remember after everything that happened next.
She would, however, remember the moment when her super-hearing kicked back in and she was overwhelmed by the high pitched warble from Lena’s watch, followed by the sound of Lena’s barely there breath and thready heartbeat.
Kara won’t remember taking off so violently that Alex was thrown back several feet. She won’t remember smashing through the DEO’s ceiling nor the sonic boom that accompanied her flight and shattered hundreds of windows.
She won’t remember landing with such ferocity the entirety of L-Corp shook, matching the tremble running through her body.
She will, however, always remember the growing pool of blood and how she dissociated at the sight of it. Some strange voice in her head whispering that it must simply be red wine that had slipped through Lena’s fingers. She’d always liked wine, the voice would soothe, a particular cabernet with a price tag that would make Kara’s eyes water, that’s all it was.
She needed it to be wine.
It didn’t matter that the puddle - lake, ocean - was more than a single bottle’s worth.
It didn’t matter that Lena only drank wine with others, her solitary drink of preference being whiskey.
It didn’t matter that Kara had never seen Lena’s elegant fingers ever let a single drop fall from her glass, let alone an entire bottle.
It didn’t matter because it could not be blood.
Lena doesn’t bleed, not that much, not ever.
Because Lena was always fine. Kara was always there on time.
The next thing that would be forever ingrained in Kara’s memory, seared into her mind’s eye like burnt pixels exposed to the same image endlessly - a ghost overlapping everything else - was Lena’s body taking centre stage on the red carpet of her own creation.
Lena, pale beyond comparison, curled into a small ball, single arm stretched out and stained crimson. She was wearing Kara’s favourite dress - green with a white printed flower design - she had worn it to their first brunch after they had reconciled. It was associated with hope, reunion and new starts. It complemented Lena’s green eyes making them sparkle and twinkle even more when the light streaming through the little restaurant’s window had hit them at just the right angle.
Lena’s cheeks had flushed a pleased pink, ears burning a warm red when Kara had stuttered out a compliment that day. That brunch had settled something between them, ensured they walked with linked hands towards their new future rather than struggling on different paths that occasionally converged.
Now it was stained red. Splattered almost beyond recognition.
Kara won’t remember crying or screaming for Lena to wake up. She only knows she must have done it when she looked in the mirror hours later to find her cheeks marked with semi-permanent tear tracks whilst her throat ached from overuse.
She won’t remember flying Lena so carefully and tenderly to the DEO.
She won’t remember landing.
She won’t remember the expressions of utter devastation on Alex, Brainy, Nia and J’onn’s faces.
She won’t remember Alex having to shove her away so that she and the medical team can get to Lena.
She won’t remember Brainy and J’onn forcibly restraining her.
She will remember the sound of Lena’s heart stopping for thirty seconds and feeling like the whole world had ended.
The space was filled to the brim with loved ones that couldn’t bear the idea of leaving whilst the medical staff fought to save Lena’s life
Brainy and Nia were sat huddled together against one wall, Nia running a calm hand down Brainy’s ramrod straight back. J'onn stood in the corner, observant gaze sweeping protectively over everyone, ready to swing into action at the slightest indication someone required him. Sam and Ruby - who had flown over using the L-Corp jet the second they had heard - were curled up on one of the two benches, Ruby’s soft cries muffled against Sam’s curled shoulder. Kelly, meanwhile, was hovering nearby, flitting between people, providing endless comfort and support.
It was Kelly that had gently tugged Kara to the bathroom and washed away the crimson marking her skin and brought her a change of clothes, telling her in gentle tones that she didn’t need to be Supergirl in this situation.
It was permission to fall apart, to just be the best friend and not the hero.
Kara didn’t know she needed that until she finally realised no one had touched her since she had brought Lena in, that she hadn’t sat down or rested either. Her stiff posture and clenched jaw warding off all those that wished to provide comfort.
The second permission was granted to her, Kara immediately sought out her adoptive mother, who had just arrived, and collapsed into her arms, willingly breaking down and begging between sobs for Lena to be okay.
Kara and Eliza took up the other bench - mirror images of Sam and Ruby - Eliza, intermittently, pressing reassuring kisses to Kara’s head as they waited and waited and waited.
“She’s stable.” Alex announced with little ceremony as she stepped into the room, cutting right to the chase knowing a delay of any kind would not be appreciated by those sitting in the makeshift waiting room/DEO hallway. There was an instant audible expulsion of air that accompanied the sheer relief of the room's occupants.
Kara, however, didn’t sigh in relief, didn’t whisper a thank you to any deity listening, instead she got to her feet and approached Alex, desperation clear in her eyes and in the shake of her hands. “Can I see her?”
Alex blinked taken aback by the suddenness of the request but not the request itself, “Kara, she’s-”
“Please.” Kara begged, blue eyes pleading, legs shaking, ready to drop to her knees in supplication if need be.
“Kara, I don’t-” Alex murmured, looking quickly over at Eliza for support.
“Take her.” Eliza interrupted, tone serious and grave after spending hours holding her daughter who hadn't cried this much since the destruction of her entire planet. “Take her to Lena.”
“Okay, come on…”, Alex shook her head in wary acceptance, moving to hold open the door to Lena’s room.
“She’s in a medically induced coma.” Alex explained quietly, her voice only just audible over all the whirring machines that Lena was hooked up to.
“Will she...” Kara asked, trailing off unable to finish the question.
Unable to imagine the still, pale mannequin laid out on the bed before her being all that Lena will ever be.
“Her body needs time to heal.” Alex explained carefully, not directly answering Kara’s question, “Once we’re more confident that she…” Alex cleared her throat, trying for tact and simplicity, “That she’s improved, we’ll back off the medication and gradually encourage her out of the coma.”
“Okay.” Kara accepted, sliding into the seat beside the bed, fingers reaching out tentatively to wrap around Lena’s limp ones.
“Okay?” Alex repeated, confused by Kara’s lack of pressing questions.
“She’ll wake up.” Kara murmured, bending down to press a kiss to Lena’s knuckles. “She’ll be fine. She’s always fine, isn’t she?”
“Uh…” Alex mumbled, uncertainty twisting her insides as she approached her sister who seemed so… lost.
“How many attempts has she survived now, huh?” Kara asked, her tone light but so dreadfully wrong and out of place like an easy-going dinner with friends jarred from its natural rhythm by the sharp squeak of a fork against a plate.
“Kara?” Alex whispered, stepping towards her sister like she would a wounded animal. "She's really hurt and I don't-"
"She’ll be fine, Alex. She’s always fine!" Kara hissed, blue eyes turning fierce with an ethereal red glow that had Alex stopping dead in her tracks. "It happens every week like clockwork and Lena is always fine!"
"This… this isn't like those other times…" Alex said slowly.
"YES, IT IS!" Kara screeched, the embers in her eyes sparking dangerously.
Alex swallowed thickly, a genuine trickle of fear running down her spine at the disturbing mish-mash of emotions flickering across Kara’s shadowed face. The only thing that made Alex see her sister in the dark swirl of emotions was the tender way she continued to cradle Lena’s hand as she ranted so loudly it shook the walls, every word undoubtedly audible to those seated just outside.
"They're all the same, Alex. It doesn't matter if they are professional or amateurs.” Kara snarled. “It doesn't matter if the plan is simple or complex. They've all tried to kill her and failed! It’s the same fucking thing as all the others! It’s not different."
"I-" Alex began in a futile attempt to soothe her sister’s heartbreak and loathing, but she might as well have tried to turn the tide.
"It's a joke, right?!” Kara laughed darkly, “That's how certain we are that they will always fail. That she will always be okay! We wouldn't joke about it if there was any actual risk, right?!” Kara asked, not waiting to hear the answer as the question itself was enough to punch a hole in Alex’s chest and leave her gasping for breath. “Because how fucked up would that be? That I laugh about my best friend… the woman I… my Lena, dying nearly every week." Kara’s voice cracked with true despair.
"Kara, you didn't-"
"Yes, I did and so did you. So did everyone.” Kara accused, laying out their crimes that they were all undeniably guilty of. “We laughed. We placed bets. We minimised it but didn't actually do anything. There is an assassination attempt on her life every week and yes, we stop it when it happens. But have we ever actually done anything to prevent it in the first place? Or did we just like the joke too fucking much?" Kara sobbed, finally turning away from her sister to gently lay her head atop of Lena’s frail hand.
"Kara…" Alex croaked; hot tears spilling from her own eyes at the sight of her sister becoming undone and knowing that any comfort she could offer was limited.
Lena’s state was precarious, her life still in the balance.
And with regards to the source of Kara’s anguish and the failings she had thrown at all of their doorsteps… well, Alex couldn't refute them especially knowing she had been the worst of them. The guilt was like that of a thousand blades slicing her up from the inside out, and she barely staggered to the door where Kelly was waiting with sympathy and love that Alex had never felt so unworthy of.
"She's going to be okay." Alex called out over her shoulder as she fell into Kelly’s arms, knowing Kara couldn’t hear her over the sounds of her grief and pain… but needing to say it nonetheless. Needing the words to be out there in the universe.
Needing them to be true.
Kara stayed by Lena’s bedside for the entire week that Lena remained unconscious - an ever present sentinel that barely slept and only ate when Eliza forced the food onto her. The tumultuous swirl of fear and guilt that had become her constant companion, weighing heavier than the two worlds she already carried on her shoulders, kept her ever-vigilant and on a hair-trigger for even the smallest of threats to the young Luthor’s life.
Alex stopped by once a day to check in but she kept her distance, neither sister ready to address the crimes Kara held them both accountable for. The older Danvers looked almost as wrecked as Kara, dark circles under her eyes revealing deep-levels of exhaustion and stress - Kara wanted to ask how she was and check that she was looking after herself but the words just wouldn’t come. When Alex stopped by, Kara huddled even closer to Lena’s bedside and kept her gaze fixed and purposefully away from her sister’s.
Brainy and Nia, on the other hand, more than made up for Alex’s short visitations, setting up shop in Lena’s room whenever they could free themselves from the responsibilities Kara had unwittingly dumped on them - Brainy had stepped up to cover for Supergirl’s sudden disappearance in much the same way Nia was covering for Kara at work. Both had heard Kara’s distraught cries when she had seen Lena in the hospital bed and both were shouldering their own fair share of blame and guilt.
Brainy wasn’t very good at showing how distraught Lena’s near death had made him, hiding behind a tablet screen as he sat in the corner of Lena’s hospital room, but Kara was more than aware of the grief-stricken glances Brainy would send to his intellectual equal when he believed no one was looking. Kara didn’t call him out on it, merely gave his shoulder a squeeze every now and again before giving the Coluan some privacy - trusting Brainy above everyone to not let anything happen to Lena.
Whilst Nia hadn’t known Lena as long as everyone else, she was a gentle soul with the kindest heart that Kara had ever seen, her loyalty and love was firm and sincere regardless of how short a time she had known someone as was the case with the CEO. Lena was the person that Nia went to for support about sibling drama because Lena, unlike Kara, knew what it was like to truly doubt family love and how to cope when that support which everyone expects to be unconditional vanishes without a trace. Lena was the person that Nia had started to go shopping with, their appreciation for designer and statement fashion providing them bonding time that no one else could easily (or willingly) provide.
Eliza stuck around, the temporary dissolution of the sisterly bond that the two sisters’ typically depended on forcing the Danvers matriarch to step in and pick up the disjointed pieces of her family. She was the one that compelled Kara to shower, eat and nap. She was the one that dragged Alex by her ear into Lena’s room for her flying visits. She was the one that took point on Lena’s care, Alex too emotionally spent and frazzled to lead, and Kara untrusting of anyone else when it came to treating her best friend.
The medication was steadily backed off on the fifth day, Lena’s tests showing promise that she was improving. Lena groaned intermittently on the sixth day, groggy and confused - utterly unaware of Kara who flitted constantly over her with every sound like a worried mother hen. It was the seventh day - Kara’s mind fleetingly linking it with something holy and divine - when Lena awoke.
“Lena?” Kara whispered as Lena’s eyes fluttered open, green eyes slowly focusing and showing awareness that had been lacking whenever they flashed open a day prior.
“Kar-” Lena began, her voice fading out after the first syllable, her mouth so dry that her tongue barely managed to apply any moisture to her cracked lips. Kara responded immediately to her needs, her every nerve tuned in exclusively to Lena after days at her side.
“Here, small sips…” Kara encouraged, holding out a cup of water and straw which she pressed gently against the other woman’s lips.
After Lena had drunk her fill, Kara placed the cup back on the side before retaking Lena’s hand tenderly in her own.
“Better?” Kara checked.
“Hmm…” Lena hummed affirmatively, green eyes greedily moving over Kara’s face causing the blonde to flush and wish for the first time in the last few days that she had spent a bit more time on her appearance.
“I-” Kara began, her voice cracking with emotion as her lower lip trembled with barely suppressed sobs.
Kara had so much to say. So much.
The words had come endlessly whilst Lena had been asleep, thousands upon thousands of conversations she was desperate to have with her best friend playing on endless repeat in her mind’s eye scripted to perfection. She had promised herself she would have them all, would say them all the second Lena was awake and listening. She had memorised them and mouthed them to herself as she sat by the bedside, pressing kisses to Lena’s knuckles to mark the end of each sentence.
But now… her signature ramble had deserted her. There was so much to say and Kara was already overwhelmed at simply being able to stare into intelligent green that she so adored.
“Kara?” Lena called out soothingly.
And much to Kara’s embarrassment, the kryptonian promptly burst into tears upon hearing her name.
“Kara, it’s okay…” Lena rushed to reassure, squeezing Kara’s hand and tugging her closer so that Kara could bury her face into the pillow Lena was resting her head on - even in her broken down state Kara was so careful of Lena’s injured body. “I’m okay.” Lena repeated until Kara’s cries began to quieten and her shoulders stopped shaking, reducing down to a mere tremble.
“No, you’re not…” Kara hiccupped, turning her head to peer into concerned green eyes.
“Of course I am.” Lena reassured with a light, dismissive chuckle that made Kara tense up and her jaw clench. “That idiot couldn’t aim for shit.” Lena scoffed with an amused roll of her eyes that meant she was blind to the rage visibly brewing in her best friend’s countenance. “I’m thinking of turning the corridor leading into my office into a target range. Only those that can hit three out of five targets can gain access. That should stop like eighty percent of the assassins and then those that do make it through will at least be worthy of-”
“SHUT UP! SHUT THE FUCK UP!” Kara demanded, throwing herself from the bed, hands clamped tight over her ears as she paced the room with such heavy footsteps that visible cracks in the tiles marked her every move.
The sudden silence that followed would have been suffocating if it were not for the familiar beeps of the machines that monitored Lena’s precious heartbeat. Slowly, Kara pulled her shaky hands away from her ears and glanced at her best friend with her peripheral vision, not ready to face those green eyes after her outburst. Lena was watching her curiously, no hint of fear in her expression or body language, eyebrow raised and lips pursed.
“Kara?” Lena encouraged, inviting an explanation with that single word.
Kara inhaled roughly, rubbing at her creased forehead with tightly wound fists. “It’s not funny, Lena…”
Lena cleared her throat and began with a tone that always accompanied her dry, snarky wit, “Well, maybe not right now but by the third attempt after this one-”
“NO!” Kara bellowed in total disbelief that Lena completely failed to get it. “YOU NEARLY FUCKING DIED.”
Lena yet again rolled her eyes and waved a hand as if to sweep it aside like it was a meaningless report that she had made a minor grammatical error in. “Kara, you’re over-reacting.”
Finally, Lena’s mask of nonchalance and indifference cracked. Round green eyes, slack jaw and hands tightly fisted in the bed’s blanket. A deer in the headlight that had never believed a car would ever come and had just been forced to watch it swerve erratically by, missing her by an inch.
Kara sucked in her lips, holding in the single word with all of her mighty strength before deflating and stating for the record, “It’s not funny. It was never funny. Never.”
Kara didn’t keep her distance after that but that didn’t prevent a sizable chasm from opening up between them. It was nowhere near as bad as the fallout from Supergirl-gate, but it was ten times more awkward. The confession that almost happened, the assassination attempt and Lena’s near-death were swept momentarily under a rug but they loomed over them both regardless.
The Superfriends served as a suitable buffer, all of them (except for Alex) coming in on rotation to catch up with Lena throughout the day, keeping her occupied (though, Kara’s stony silence and brooding glare was definitely the elephant in the room) until exhaustion pushed Lena into a deep slumber.
It lasted two days which is more than Kara thought Lena would let her get away with but she hadn’t taken into consideration how fragile Lena was from her injuries. Kara hated herself just that little bit more for always assuming everything was fine, that Lena was unbreakable and failing to see what was really going on below the surface.
“How long are you going to give me the silent treatment for?” Lena questioned, peering over at the blonde who was sat in the corner of the room typing up a fluff piece article to keep Andrea’s wrath at bay as she kept herself sequestered in Lena’s hospital room. Kara pointedly ignored the question, shoulders curving forward to keep her tightly locked towards her laptop screen.
“Come on Kara, talk to me, please?” Lena whined, sounding like a child denied her favourite toy and not someone that had gone through an incredibly traumatic event.
Kara’s jaw clenched, self-awareness making her realise that if she hadn’t of been the one to find Lena, hadn’t watched the grim bruises littered across pale skin lighten to murky blues and greens… she wouldn’t be able to tell that Lena had only just escaped the sweep of death’s scythe.
“I hate it when we are not talking.” Lena declared soft and earnest, finally pulling the kryptonian’s gaze away from her computer screen to the woman that Kara knew with absolute certainty would always make her breath catch no matter how much time passed. “I know my humour is a bit insensitive but I genuinely didn’t mean to upset you. Kara, just-”
“I’m in love with you.” Kara interrupted, the words slipping out easily after being held onto so tightly for years.
She was so drained of emotion, of thought, of strength, her heart battered and bruised by everything she had gone through, but the core of her loved Lena without end. With nothing else in her, there was nothing to hold back that limitless source which had been begging to be released.
“I have been for a long time,” Kara admitted gently, fingers shifting away from her keyboard to gently interlace - her gaze dropping down to focus on their interaction, “so much so that I don’t even really remember a time where I wasn’t in love with you.” Kara shook her head ruefully. “I should have told you earlier but I just… I was so scared of losing you, in even a small way… What if I told you and we hung out a little less? What if I told you and you stopped hugging me as hard as you do? I know I should have… I know it's the exact same reason - excuse - as why I kept Supergirl a secret and I know how…” Kara swallowed thickly, the crinkle between her brow deepening even further. “I should have learnt but you mean so much to me. I didn’t know… I’ve never loved like this before. When I heard… your heart stop. It was Krypton all over again and I just…”
“Kara.” Lena breathed in awe.
“I am so in love with you,” Kara repeated, practically begging for Lena to accept it as the truth; she didn’t care in that moment if Lena returned her feelings, it wasn’t about that, it was about Lena knowing she was loved. Truly and deeply loved. “Please believe me.”
“I believe you.” Lena whispered causing Kara’s head to jerk upwards to find Lena looking so small and vulnerable. The youngest Luthor timidly tapped the empty space next to her, “Come here.”
“I…” Kara hesitated, afraid of getting close again - so utterly afraid of destroying this beautiful moment between them.
“Come here.” Lena beseeched and Kara was on her feet and settling next to her best friend in an instant unable to deny her anything. Immediately, Lena reached out for her, directing Kara to lie down and rest her head on the uninjured side of her chest. “Just listen.” Lena requested; Kara did as she was told - though her super hearing and the beeping of the monitor in the corner told Kara that Lena’s heart was beating strong and steady, it was nothing compared to feeling it hum under her cheek. “It’s beating for you,” Lena revealed, her voice little more than a whisper muffled by how she pressed her lips to Kara’s forehead, “it's always been beating for you.”
Lena fell asleep not long after but Kara stayed awake until the early hours of the morning… just listening to Lena’s heart and experiencing the regular rise and fall of Lena’s chest with every breath. She slipped out of Lena’s room before dawn, going to shower in the changing rooms before the early morning shift change.
Freshly clean and dressed in clothes that Eliza had brought by, Kara watched the sunrise from the balcony that she had initially heard Lena’s watch calling to her for help. She had returned to the spot whenever she had managed to pull herself away from Lena’s room - her self-flagellation tendency making itself apparent.
“She uses humour to cope.” Alex muttered, moving to stand by Kara’s side as they watched the first peeks of orange appear on the horizon, both blatantly ignoring how the glass was new and that there was a patched up hole in the ceiling above them.
“I know that.” Kara replied.
Alex sighed, resting her forearms on the balcony guard, “There are worse coping methods.”
“I know that too.” Kara acknowledged, pursing her lips and shaking her head. “It’s not about that… not really anyway…”
“Then what’s it about?” Alex inquired.
Kara loved Alex best when she was like this. Encouraging but not overbearing. Guiding but not directing. When she was just her big sister and not her over-burdened protector. She was easy to talk to like this and this version of her had been coming to the forefront more and more with Kelly’s gentle love and care.
“She’s laughing to deal with incredible trauma.” Kara summarised before turning to look at her sister and asking the question that had been plaguing her the most, “But why are we laughing?”
“Because she wanted us to.” Alex answered simply.
“Yeah,” Kara agreed, mouth twisting into a bitter smile, “she wanted us to but she needed us not to more… she needed us to help her… and we just laughed.” Alex cringed at that but she fully flinched at the question that came next. “If it was me that was getting assassination attempts every week… what would you have done?”
Alex closed her eyes and inhaled deeply, fortifying herself for the truth she was about to announce, “I would have taken the world apart to find and stop whoever was doing it.”
“Yeah…” Kara said quietly, there wasn’t much else to say. “I’m not going to apologise for yelling.”
“I’m not asking you to.”
“We need to do something.”
“I know…” Alex agreed, turning her back to the sun that was halfway to fully risen, “whilst you were watching over Lena, I may have started on something that might help.”
“So that’s where you’ve been,” Kara hummed thoughtfully, “I figured you were avoiding me.”
“I was.” Alex admitted readily, much to Kara’s surprise. “Well, not you. Lena.” Alex corrected, “I couldn’t face her until I had something… done something.”
“She misses you.” Kara revealed.
“Why?” Alex murmured sadly, “I was a terrible friend.”
“You’ve made up for it.” Kara refuted, nudging her sister’s side comfortingly.
“Have I?” Alex scoffed, unconvinced but happily leaning into her sister now that the gap between them had been bridged.
“That’s not for me or you to decide. It’s for Lena. And she misses you.” Kara asserted, giving Alex a moment to consider what she had said before dropping her own truth-bomb, “I told her I was in love with her.”
Alex whirled round to face her, loudly and joyfully exclaiming, “You did?”
“Yeah.” Kara winced, shyly rubbing the back of her neck, “You knew?”
“Not until recently.” Alex tutting at her own blindness, “I should have seen it earlier.”
“I didn’t want you to. I wasn’t ready to deal with it yet and you’ve always made me brave.”
Alex smiled at that, “How did it go?”
“Good.” Kare coughed, blushing profusely, “She… uh… loves me too.”
“That I’d known for a while.” Alex chuckled. “Are you two-”
“Uh… kind of? We’re acknowledging it but not acting on it.”
Alex’s brow creased at the lack of certainty to her answer, “What? Why?”
“Lena needs time to recover. And after everything,” Kara frowned, “I don’t think a little time to do that is too much to ask.”
“Responsible decision.” Alex complimented.
“Kelly’s advice.” Kara divulged.
Alex’s smile expanded to a proud grin. “Unsurprising.”
“Come on,” Kara ordered, clapping her hands together before slinging an arm around her sister’s shoulders, “show me what you’ve been working on, then you better go see Lena.”
Two gunshot wounds, one to the torso and one to the right thigh, as well as two broken ribs, a black eye, stitches to her lip and her skin turned into an homage to Jackson Pollock by different shaded bruising. Lena catalogued the injury rundown given to her by the doctor with little interest; she paid even less attention to her treatment plan, the medication schedule and the intensive physiotherapy her leg would require.
All she really wanted was to get back to work; if Kara wasn’t there shooting her stern glares everytime Lena’s gaze wandered, the CEO would have happily been replying to emails on her phone as the Doctor lectured away.
“Did you even listen to any of that?” Kara asked once the doctor had taken his leave.
“I heard his name…” Lena grumbled, phone already in hand and frown settling in as she reviewed the most recent email from her marketing head who still hadn’t quite got it through their thick skull that weapons were no longer their main focus.
“And what was it?” Kara questioned, her phone vanishing from her hands with a flash of superspeed.
Lena huffed out a disgruntled breath. “It was...”
“It was?” Kara prompted, arms crossed over her chest, foot tapping the floor angrily whilst her nostrils flared.
Lena pursed her lips, schooling her expression to hide just how attractive she found a stern Kara to be. “It’s on the tip of my tongue.” Lena said slowly, playing desperately for time. “Doctor…” Kara merely arched an eyebrow at her. “Smith?”
“Not even close.”
“Damn…” Lena muttered with a pout.
“Lena,” Kara began with a sad shake of her head as she moved to sit on the edge of Lena’s bed.
“Ugh, you’re about to lecture me too, aren’t you?” Lena groaned.
“Lena, this is important.” Kara stressed. “Your treatment is important. Your health is important.” Kara’s blue eyes shone with love and Lena couldn’t quite meet her gaze. “You are important.”
Their confession of love still hung heavy between them despite Lena not explicitly saying the words in return. It should have marked a huge change in their relationship but it was lost amongst the tidal wave that had come before it, put on pause until the wake from the assassination attempt had dissipated enough for Lena to catch her breath.
“Fine…” Lena relented, reaching out to take Kara’s hand, gaze still shy and ducked. “I assume you were listening then?”
“Of course, I was. It was about you.” Kara replied so honest and sincere that Lena’s heart audibly fluttered on the heart monitor producing a smug smirk on the blonde’s face.
“Go on then, tell me.”
“Will you actually listen to me?” Kara checked, tilting her head to the side.
Lena lifted her head and met Kara’s eyes with a steady gaze of her own, “Of course, I will. It’s you talking.”
The strangest thing about it all was the attention.
And for once it wasn’t negative media attention.
It was Kara and the Superfriends, they were being attentive. Lena hadn’t spent a single minute alone since she had woken up in the DEO hospital bed. Kara had been there the most to start with, her time in Lena’s room decreasing significantly a couple of days after the kind-of-confession (Lena assumed Kara was giving her some breathing room) but she was always present for any appointments and back for dinner, sleeping by her side in the decent-sized hospital bed. As Kara’s time decreased, the other Superfriends tagged in to fill the gap.
Brainy joined her most mornings for games of chess and to talk through some of the sticking points in Lena’s inventions. Nia covered the afternoons, filling the room with light and happy conversation, regaling her with stories of silly work disputes and helping her with her hair and make-up, teasing her like a little sister would when she mentioned wanting to look nicer for Kara.
Kelly would slot in every now and again but she made Lena uneasy, she looked at Lena like she could see right through her armour and it unsettled her. Her usual attempts to crack through awkwardness with a dry comment didn’t seem to faze Kelly and Lena’s obvious discomfort resulted in Kelly staying away for the most part; whenever, she did leave though she always made it clear that Lena could call her if she ever wanted to talk.
Lena pretended she didn’t know what Kelly was hinting at.
Eliza was the biggest surprise. Ever since Lena failed to listen to any of her doctors, Kara had clearly ratted her out to the oldest Danvers prompting the Doctor to personally take over Lena’s care, somehow innately knowing that Lena wouldn’t be able to ignore her like she did all the others. Eliza was a near constant presence in Lena’s room, reading through a pile of medical journals and historical romance fiction that Lena was slowly becoming tempted to borrow as time passed.
Alex was still a complete no-show.
Lena tried not to let it bother her.
Her and Alex had always had a tumultuous relationship - built on distrust and dislike at first sight. Kara had been their bridge and mediator. They had grown past it, grown to trust and like one another as time passed. It had been hard-fought compared to the easiness (Supergirl secret fallout notwithstanding) of their individual relationships with Kara. It was precious because of that.
Alex coming to see her with a bottle of whiskey, after defeating Leviathan and Lex being thrown back in jail, ready to fight to rebuild their friendship all over again was one of Lena’s dearest memories. Alex was the only one to reach out to her first after everything. Lena had to make the first move with Kara, Brainy and Nia. She had been too afraid of Alex to reach out, thinking their friendship would never recover… Alex had proved her wrong.
But now… Alex was avoiding her.
And Lena didn’t really know why, though a small voice in her head told her that Alex just simply didn’t care about her enough to visit…
“Did you have a good day?” Kara asked, stepping out of the ensuite bathroom dressed in cosy pyjamas, shuffling over to the side of Lena’s bed that had become her own.
“You don’t already know with your litany of spies?” Lena remarked, turning the page of her book with a single accusing finger.
“What-” Kara began, brow creased with confusion.
“I don’t think there is a single minute of my day that is not covered by one of your friends.” Lena revealed, snapping her book shut and shooting the blonde an arched eyebrow. “I can’t sneeze without someone already on hand holding out a handkerchief.”
“They’re worried about you.” Kara reminded her softly as she settled next to Lena, arm immediately finding its place around Lena’s waist and gently encouraging her to lie down beside her. “And they’re your friends, Lena.”
“Sure.” Lena tutted unconvinced.
Kara’s pliant body that Lena had become used to snuggling into became stiff and tense. “Do you think they are only here because I asked them to be?”
Lena rolled her eyes, perking her head up to look into sharp, unamused blue eyes, “Are you seriously telling me they’re not?”
“Lena,” Kara said, slow and serious, “they’re here because they care about you. Because they nearly lost you and they… they don’t want to be away from you.”
Lena stared into the deep blue eyes she adored and saw only earnestness reflected in them.
“Oh…” Lena breathed, her heart squeezing tight in her chest desperately trying to contain the swell of emotion that had just flooded it. “I didn’t realise...”
“We love you, Lena.” Kara whispered, her free hand reaching out to tuck stray locks of raven hair behind Lena’s ear. “You’re going to have to get used to us being around.”
“Hmm…” Lena hummed, cheeks blushing a pretty pink at Kara’s tender touch and the realisation that came with finding you have family. Lena buried her face in Kara’s shoulder, suddenly shy and embarrassed - Kara didn’t tease her for it, simply gave Lena the comfort and sanctity she craved.
They were quiet for a long time, the hum of the machines and welcome darkness of the room lulling them both to sleep. It wasn’t until Kara’s breath had started to deepen that Lena found the courage to ask about what had been weighing heavy on her.
“And Alex?” Lena murmured, breaking the silence and calm with those two words.
Kara’s deep, even breaths faltered. “She’s still not been by?” Kara asked carefully; Lena shook her head slightly, not trusting her voice to remain steady. “Well… ummm… she’s busy…”
“Yeah… of course…” Lena replied, letting out a sad sigh before falling into another troubled sleep.
“You look like shit.”
Not exactly the first words she was expecting to hear from the older Danvers after a three week absence but Lena had known it would be something along those lines.
It was Lena’s last day in the DEO hospital room that had been her resting place since she woke up from the attempt on her life. Kara and Eliza were taking her back to her apartment that afternoon - both of whom were going to be taking up residence in Lena’s apartment alongside Sam and Ruby who were already staying there to support Lena’s long-term recovery.
Lena folded her hands carefully in her lap as she studied the redhead leaning against the doorway. “You don’t look much better.” Lena said after a long pause, arching a curious eyebrow at the dark shadows beneath Alex’s eyes.
“Touche.” Alex acknowledged with a dip of her head that gave her an excuse to keep her gaze directed to the floor when she asked, “How are you feeling?”
“Alex, you…” Lena stopped, grinding her teeth together in frustration before shaking her head, “You really don’t need to do this.”
“Do what?”
“Pretend.” Lena answered simply, shooting the hesitant agent a melancholic smile. “Force yourself to be here. I assume Kara guilt-tripped you into being here.”
“Kara didn’t-” Alex began only to stop abruptly at the sight of the unimpressed glare directed her way. “Okay, she might have encouraged me.” Alex admitted, scuffing her toes against the floor in the exact same way Kara did whenever she was guilty of eating the last bit of Lena’s ice cream. “She can be pretty intimidating when it comes to you.” Alex’s eyes twinkled in a blatant attempt to get them to bond, to seal over the cracks between them with cellophane.
Normally, Lena would accept it. Would laugh and blush knowingly, giving Alex the free pass she was angling for.
That was before she nearly died and her second closest friend after Kara couldn’t be bothered to stop by for five minutes until the day she would be allowed to leave the only place they shared.
“Well, I’ll tell her you came by, so don’t worry.” Lena replied politely with a single nod of her head.
Alex flinched at the coolness of Lena’s response, “Lena… I…”
“Alex, I nearly died.” Lena stated bluntly, the truth of it like the swing of a reaper’s blade between them. “If what I overheard from some of the agents is true… I did die.” Lena chuckled darkly to herself at the sheer absurdity of it all, “I nearly die once a week, sometimes more. My life expectancy is incredibly short - don’t tell Kara that, though.” Lena quickly requested, she’d seen how much all of this had affected the blonde and she didn’t want to pile onto her pain. “I don’t think about it because if I do…” Lena trailed off, her gaze turning distant as she whispered, “I don’t think about it. What I’m trying to say is…” Lena exhaled deeply, letting go of her charged emotions and in a far more real way letting go of all expectations of friendship when it came to the older Danvers. “I don’t need to be around people that don’t want to be around me.”
“Lena.” Alex croaked from the door.
Lena didn’t look at her. Didn’t want to see the effect of her honesty.
So, instead, Lena reached out for the book on the bedside table, flipped it open and promised with a brusque business tone, “I’ll tell Kara you stopped by.”
The return back to her apartment was a welcome shift, having grown sick of the sight of her hospital room’s four walls after the first day of waking up there. Lena was happy to be back in her own space but after a day that’s where the joy ended.
Being back in her apartment acutely reminded her of her current lack of independence.
She was no longer awake at six for work like she used to be, her injuries and medication making her sleep long and late into the day. Then when she was awake she found herself groggy and fatigued.
She couldn’t get up and make breakfast for herself, she couldn’t shower without support, she couldn’t focus for long without her attention drifting. Her penthouse was abuzz with life and activity in a way that it had never been before but she found she couldn’t quite enjoy it to its fullest with how she jumped at every loud sound and struggled to keep herself awake for the length of a film.
That wasn’t the worst part though...
There had been a certain safety and security that had come with being at the DEO: surrounded by armed agents that were there to keep her safe, her super-powered friends just a couple of corridors away at all times.
That’s not to say her apartment wasn’t secure.
It was probably more secure than the DEO with biometric locks, bulletproof glass and a panic room that could probably survive armageddon. And if that wasn’t enough, she currently went to sleep with one of the most highly regarded Doctors in the country as well as one of her best friends who would fight tooth and nail for her staying in her guest rooms and to top it off, she had Supergirl curled up around her every night.
The panic attacks started when she had returned to the apartment and her medication dosage had been decreased enough to lift the fog on her mind and allow the dark thoughts and fears to seep in under the cover of darkness.
She managed to hide it, mostly due to luck more than anything else.
Kara was out for most of the day still, off doing who knew what - the kryptonian had been particularly secretive about her recent activities - and Lena had managed to request privacy when she felt an attack starting that Sam and Ruby were always quick to acquiesce to.
She just needed to get past this, she just needed to push the fear, that she had kept tightly sealed in a little box in some far-flung corner of her mind, back into the abyss it belonged in.
If she could do that…
She just didn’t want to be afraid anymore, not when she had so many good things in her life, like her new bedtime routine...
“And anyway long story short…” Kara grinned, as she lifted Lena gently into the bed, tucking the sheets lovingly around her, “he gave me a camel.”
Lena chuckled, pressing a quick appreciative kiss to Kara’s cheek that had the blonde ducking her head bashfully. “I’m assuming you didn’t keep it.”
Kara winced, admitting weakly, “I kept it for like a week. It destroyed my apartment. Destroyed.” Kara stressed with a horror-struck expression.
“Really?” Lena prompted as Kara supersped to turn out the lights, change into her pyjamas and get into bed by Lena’s side.
“You remember when you popped round to my apartment for lunch one day and you thought there was a gas leak because of the smell?” Kara asked, holding out an arm for Lena to curl herself up under.
“Huh.” Lena muttered thoughtfully, “I thought you were just having really bad flatulence.”
Kara gasped in shock and disbelief, “And you still wanted to hang out with me?”
Lena shrugged, licking her lips before declaring simply, “I’m in love with you.”
It was the first time she had properly said the words.
“I… umm… I…” Kara stammered incoherently, her entire face turning a lovely shade of tomato. “You like making me all flustered, don’t you?” Kara groaned.
“Yes.” Lena answered honestly, “Until I can…” Lena’s smile dimmed momentarily at the reminder that she was still not quite ready for that next step, “it’s the only thing I can do right now.”
“There’s no rush.” Kara assured, even as Lena heard a small clock ticking in her mind, counting down to the next inevitable bullet she would have to dodge.
Lena had learned to be quiet from a young age.
She was told firmly that screams and cries and whimpers were not acceptable. That her nightmares did not warrant waking the house, did not warrant shaming the Luthor name with her tears and her petty fears.
Lena taught herself to wake with a mere sigh whilst her throat clenched tightly to hold in the shout of desperation that wished to escape.
Lena taught herself to sleep motionlessly, to not toss and turn as her dreamed body clawed and swam through a syrupy atmosphere whilst shadowy figures relentlessly hunted her down.
Lena taught herself to hide her nightmares from a young age - it was easy enough to do, she got a lot of practice in the Luthor Mansion and she had regularly brushed up on these skills since she started dodging bullets every other day.
No one would ever know the horrors that plagued her at night as long as Lena had her way.
What she didn’t count on was that the horrors could grow and mutate into terrors far worse than anything she had ever experienced.
For the first time since she was child, Lena awoke with a blood-curdling scream, her entire body trembling and skin clammy with cold sweat.
“Lena, you’re okay. You’re okay.” A soft voice soothed, warm arms wrapping gently around Lena to prevent her from causing harm to herself with her frantic movements. “Shh… you’re okay.”
“I… I…” Lena cried, shaking her head to clear the nightmare veil still shrouding her mind.
“You’re okay. You’re okay.” Kara repeated endlessly, each utterance just as soft and gentle as all the others.
“Kara…” Lena croaked, burying herself in Kara’s warmth and forcing the kryptonian’s arms to wrap even more around her. It was the fear that made her honest whilst the pain of her constantly aching body made the words tumble out even easier, “I’m… scared. I don’t want to die. I don’t…”
The pliable cocoon made of Kryptonian muscle hardened to steel in an instant at the confession. The murmured words of comfort ceased and Kara’s breath went from light and even to deep and irregular.
“Lena, you’re not going to die.” Kara whispered harshly, the words cold and vicious - but not towards Lena, never towards Lena - as if she could intimidate away any and all threats just by speaking it into existence. “You’re not.”
“This time.” Lena muttered, timidly reaching out to hold Kara with her own hands as she ducked her head under Kara’s chin.
“I’m not going to die this time.” Lena breathed, “What about the next one? And the one after that and after that and… It never stops. And I don’t- I don’t want to die. I don’t want to be scared all the time. I want to be excited and happy because you love me.” Lena’s hands clutch handfuls of Kara’s pyjama shirt with white knuckles. “But all I’m thinking about is: how little time we have. How stupid it is to get into a relationship when I know the odds - because they offer them on a number of mainstream betting sites - of me making it to the next year is slim to none.”
Silence followed Lena’s speech, heavy and suffocating. Lena held her breath waiting for the kryptonian to reply.
The lightest touch of lips to Lena’s forehead allowed her to breathe out slow and steady.
“You are not dying.” Kara declared sternly.
“I’m just scared…” Lena sighed, snuggling closer to the blonde encouraging the lips to press repeatedly against her brow until the lines creasing it eased away, “all the time, Kara. All the time.”
They fell asleep entangled together - if Lena had been more with it she would have tried to get Kara to re-position herself into a more comfortable position, not that Kara would have been persuaded, unwilling to move an inch if it distanced her in any way from the youngest Luthor.
Lena awoke the next day to gentle fingers brushing through her hair, enticing her back to the real world that was illuminated by the bright morning sun. Kara was up and dressed, sat on the edge of the bed, running one hand through Lena’s hair and intermittently stroking her cheek whilst her other hand balanced a tray loaded up with pancakes, strawberries and orange juice.
“Mmmm…” Lena hummed happily, turning her head to press a quick kiss to Kara’s palm.
“Breakfast.” Kara announced cheerily, helping Lena sit up before placing the tray carefully on her lap and pressing a kiss to Lena’s blushing cheek.
Lena took a deep breath, taking time to appreciate the sheer beauty of this singular moment: the woman she loved sat next to her with an adoring look having made her favourite for breakfast. She wanted to be able to enjoy this without feeling like damocles’ sword was looming above her at all times.
“Kara?” Lena murmured, reaching out to interlace their fingers, seeking support.
Lena swallowed thickly, squeezed Kara’s hand once, and asked, “Can you ask Kelly to pop by? When she has a chance that is.”
“Of course.” Kara beamed, lifting their joined hands to kiss the back of Lena’s hand, her blue eyes shining with pride.
“I want to be excited. I don’t want to live in fear.”
It was a few days later when Lena found herself alone for the first time in over a month. Kara was out during the day as usual, Sam and Ruby were out at the cinema enjoying some mother-daughter time whilst Eliza had left for a walk five minutes ago. Lena was working through some calculations at the dining room table - Eliza had positioned her wheelchair at the table and left her a warm cup of coffee to tide her over until she got back.
Admittedly, Lena probably should’ve realised that it was all a ploy because barely ten minutes had passed before the front door swung open and in strode one Agent Danvers.
Lena placed her pen back onto the table and quirked a perplexed eyebrow at the redhead, “Alex? What are you doing here?”
“I’m kidnapping you.” Alex declared with a smirk and cocked hip.
Lena pursed her lips, musing thoughtfully, “And here I thought if you ever did kidnap me, you wouldn’t be so open about it…”
Alex frowned, “You’ve thought about me kidnapping you?”
“Not you per se.” Lena explained with a wave of her hand before rolling her temporary wheelchair out from the table and over to her intruder, “The DEO or some other covert government agency grabbing me and hiding me away in some dark cell.”
“That…” Alex began, her intent to deny the possibility of such a scenario occurring dying after a single moment’s consideration. Lena chuckled sadly at the guilty brown eyes that dipped away from her gaze. “Nevermind.” Alex murmured, shaking her head and forcing back her usual confident swagger. “There’s something you need to see.”
“Alex-” Lena sighed, not really in the mood for whatever Alex had planned.
Suddenly Alex was in front of her, knelt down - not to patronise but to easily reach out for Lena’s hands.
“You’re probably my best friend,” Alex announced, firm and beautifully honest (a signature Danvers trait), “not counting Kara or Kelly. But Kara loves me as a sister above everything else. Kelly loves me as a romantic partner above everything else. You are my friend with no other requirements, no other levels… nothing else.”
“Alex, I…” Lena blinked, utterly taken aback.
“You are my friend and I love you.” Alex assured, her expression turning pained and remorseful, “You are my best friend and you nearly died and I realised that I… I haven’t been a very good friend. I was so mean to you to start with. For no fair reason.” Lena bit her lip and stared down at their joined hands, unable to hide how the constant hatred for crimes she did not commit (actively stopped) had left deep and everlasting wounds that she would probably never recover from. “And then when I finally started to pull my head out of my ass… I never apologised, I never… I just smoothed over it.”
Alex cringed with the memories but pushed onwards regardless - admirably brave and stubborn to a fault.
“When the Supergirl fallout happened, I knew you were suffering.” Alex admitted causing Lena to flinch in surprise and nearly pull away but Alex’s hold gently followed after her. “If it was me in your position, I would have… I would have destroyed so much and I was raised in a family filled with support and love and… I knew you were suffering but I… I just didn’t think. You’re always so strong and unbreakable that I just didn’t think. You’re my best friend and I have not treated you like that.”
“Alex,” Lena swallowed thickly, hanging her head in shame, “what I did during that time… I’m so ashamed.”
“You’re missing the point, Lena.” Alex murmured, “I didn’t mean to-” Alex exhaled shakily, rapidly blinking away tears on the cusp of falling. “You’ve made up for it. Now it's my turn.”
“You have nothing to make up for.” Lena rushed to reassure as Alex stood back up, chin held high and determined.
“Yes, I do.” Alex insisted. “Assassination attempts every week, Lena. That is not okay. A short life expectancy for my best friend is not okay.” Alex’s hands clenched into tight fists by her sides. “I should have done something.”
“It’s not your responsibility.”
Alex grinned bright and defiant, “It is now.”
“Alex, what’s going on?” Lena said slowly, not really sure what she was watching play out on the screens in the DEO command centre.
Alex merely winked at the CEO as she stepped up to the console and called out, “Supergirl, how are things going?”
“Good.” Kara replied, her voice coming through loud and clear through the speakers. Lena watched in awe - as always - of Kara flying through the air, swerving around traffic like it was nothing. “Rounding up the last few stragglers; they thought they could outrun me in a van which has a max speed of like sixty.” Lena laughed at the stupidity of the escape attempt which immediately alerted the superhero to her presence. “Is Lena there?”
“Yep,” Alex replied with a broad grin, wiggling her eyebrows at the youngest Luthor making her blush a bright red, “so you better put on a good show for your girl.”
“Will do.” Kara promised instantly, accelerating and performing aerial aerobatic maneuvers with the sole purpose of impressing only one person.
Lena shook her head, her heart swelling with affection, as she rolled her eyes at Alex’s smug smile. “What’s the mission?” Lena asked, trying to regain some of her composure.
Alex’s smugness faded to be replaced with something far softer at the question.
“Shutting down the final CADMUS outpost.” Alex answered, crossing her arms and nodding over to Brainy who brought a map of the world covered in hundreds of red dots. “We took down any and all remaining Leviathan supporters last week. Lex supporters the week before that.” The red dots flashed to highlight the different groupings as Alex listed them off. “We’ve also finished gathering evidence on Edge, he’s going to be arrested alongside his allies first thing in the morning.”
Lena’s mouth had dropped open at some point and there was a light buzzing in her ears as stared blankly at the crossed off red dots. “I don’t understand.”
“CADMUS took a little longer just because of the sheer number of bases and how they decentralised after Lex was taken down, each working independently.” Alex continued unperturbed.
“Then how-”
“Lillian. She told us where all the bases are.” Alex answered without needing to hear the whole question.
That cut through Lena’s stupor in an instant and wrenched an almighty gasp from her. “What? Why?”
Alex’s expression turned melancholic yet again, clearly upset that the answer wasn’t obvious to Lena, that there had to be a more-than-love-reason. “Because you’re her daughter and you nearly died.”
“I don’t…”
Alex turned so her back was to the wall of red dots, hands on hips and unfaltering in the face of adversity. “No more assassination attempts. No more short life expectancy.” Alex asserted, waving a hand towards the screen. “This. All of this. You deserve this. You deserve to grow old. You deserve to not live in a constant state of fear. You deserve to be happy in love.” Alex’s jaw clenched noticeably as brown eyes shone with a watery film, “We should have done this years ago. We should have protected you years ago. We should never have laughed, Lena.”
“Alex…” Lena exhaled roughly, her bottom lip trembling as she tried to keep in the sobs, feeling so overwhelmed with love and gratitude. “Thank you.”
Alex didn’t acknowledge the words, she merely walked over to Lena and pulled her into a tight hug, providing her a much needed shoulder to cry on.
“Did I mention how much I hate physical therapy?” Lena huffed through gritted teeth.
“Oh you know…” Alex replied with an exaggerated roll of her eyes, “just about every minute or so.”
Lena hummed, somewhat pleased at the answer, “I thought it was more than that.”
“Suck it up, Luthor.” Alex teased even as she got a bottle of water ready for Lena once she’d finished the exercises.
“Remind me again-...” Lena panted, “why I agreed that you could accompany me to PT instead of Kara?”
“You need tough love.” Alex answered, repeating the words Lena had used a week prior when she had requested Alex’s help. “You’d never finish a single exercise if Kara was helping you.”
Lena pursed her lips but didn’t argue.
Kara was loving, affectionate and probably the best support system Lena had ever had. She cared for Lena in a thousand and one ways that Lena had never believed she was worthy of. Unfortunately, all this made Kara the absolutely worst person to accompany her to physical therapy. At the first wince or sign of discomfort, Kara insisted Lena rest and take it easy. She barely made it five minutes through the session before Kara was escorting her back to the apartment to give her a bath and massage - Lena loved every second of it but accepted Kara would not be going with her to the next appointment.
“Not really seeing that as a downside at present.” Lena admitted, her muscles burning as they were steadily rebuilt and restrengthened.
“The sooner you finish PT, the sooner you can get around by yourself.” Alex reminded her knowing it was the single best incentive to get the CEO through this.
“Good point.” Lena acknowledged groaning as she pushed herself through the last rep. As soon as she finished, Alex talked her through recovery, handing her water to sip slowly from before checking her recovered injuries and scars.
“Hey Alex…” Lena began, shifting nervously as her breathing returned to normal.
“Yeah?” Alex prompted, arching an eyebrow having picked up on Lena’s odd tone.
Lena opened her mouth to speak before snapping it decisively shut, “Nevermind.”
“Don’t go shy on me now, Luthor.” Alex remarked, helping Lena unsteadily to her feet and guiding her over to a bench in the DEO training hall where they had been working out.
Lena nibbled on her bottom lip, and glanced at Alex’s profile. “I want to ask Kara out on a date.”
“That’s great.” Alex cheered immediately before quirking her head to the side, “What’s the problem?”
“I know I’ve been…” Lena winced, “hesitant.”
“Lena,” Alex said softly, “you’re recovering from serious physical, emotional and mental trauma.”
“And despite all that…” Alex continued, settling into her role as cheerleader and confidant with ease, “you’re still taking Kara’s feelings into consideration. Despite everything you’ve been through you’re still being sensible and thoughtful. You’re not kickstarting a relationship until you’re sure you can give it the best chance.”
“You and Kelly have been talking about this.” Lena guessed.
“A little.” Alex answered only slightly rueful, “You’re my best friend and Kara’s my sister. It comes up in conversation.”
Lena chuckled at that, nudging Alex’s side playfully before announcing, “I think I’m ready.”
“That’s great.” Alex said just as enthusiastically as before, “So I’ll repeat, what’s the problem?”
“I don’t…” Lena sighed before confessing “I don’t know where to take her. I want to do something special.”
“Are you seriously asking for dating advice with my sister?” Alex questioned.
“You’re my best friend,” Lena shot back, “who else am I going to ask? You saw how Brainy handled dating Nia and well… Nia is dating Brainy...”
“Okay, I see your point.” Alex relented, “Though, when we talk about your dating life, Kara is not my sister.” Alex requested, “Just some random person called Kara.”
“Deal.” Lena accepted. “So…?”
“You don’t need to do anything special, she already loves you.”
“That’s exactly why I want to do something special.” Lena whined, “But I’m kind of limited by the aforementioned trauma…”
“Let’s get a coffee and strategise.” Alex declared, patting Lena’s back supportively. “Come on, you’re buying.”
Lena adjusted the green dress that Nia had taken her shopping for earlier that afternoon, hating how it clashed with the cane she was using to move around with. A small candle lit table was set up on the balcony - Sam and Ruby having kindly moved it earlier - with one of Kara’s favourite homemade dinners, courtesy of Eliza, steaming in the early evening light.
Lena paced, awkwardly awaiting the blonde’s arrival; Alex’s words of advice and support on repeat in her mind to drown out her anxieties.
Kara, for all her patented Kara Danvers clumsiness, was the epitome of gracefulness when it came to flying allowing her to land almost inaudibly on the balcony by Lena’s side taking her by surprise. Lena jerked back at the sudden appearance but a familiar gentle touch to her elbow settled her in an instant.
“Lena? What’s all this?” Kara breathed, eyes darting from Lena’s green dress to the set table as her super suit vanished to be replaced by her standard shirt and chinos,
“Dinner.” Lena replied, swallowing thickly as she reached for Kara’s hand and mumbled shyly. “I mean a… date-dinner-thing. If you want, that is?”
Kara inhaled sharply, blue eyes wide with shock and barely restrained excitement. “I want. I really, really want.” The blonde dashed to the table, pulling out a chair for Lena clearly not keen for any kind of delay.
“Alright then.” Lena chuckled, walking towards Kara’s dazzling smile and everything it offered.
“An hour.” Brainy said, laying down his opening gambit.
“Pfft… an hour, are you serious?” Nia scoffed, “Thirty minutes max.”
“Twenty.” Alex shot back with a challenging lift of her chin.
Nia pursed her lips as she considered Alex’s suggestion. “You’re on.”
The two women shook firmly on it, much to Kelly and Briany’s amusement, just as Kara and Lena walked back from the kitchen loaded up with snacks and drinks.
“What are you guys talking about?” Kara inquired, narrowing her gaze accusingly at her gathered group of friends who had set up shop in her and Lena’s joint apartment for their weekly games night.
Kara had moved in formally two weeks ago following six months of dating during which they had practically lived together for the entirety of it but had been wise enough to keep themselves places that could be just theirs until they were officially ready.
“Nothing.” Nia and Alex answered quickly and in-sync.
“We’re gambling.” Brainy answered guilelessly at the same time.
“On?” Kara asked, dumping the load of snacks in her arms onto the coffee table before crossing her arms whilst Lena laughed lightly as she settled on the couch next to Alex.
“Leave them be, darling.” Lena soothed, tugging gently on Kara’s pocket encouraging her to sit down and lean against Lena’s legs.
“Okay.” The kryptonian muttered, immediately acquiescing to the suggestion, all the fight going out of her as soon as Lena tenderly ran her fingers through blonde locks.
“Whipped.” Alex instantly coughed.
“And proud.” Kara accepted with a shrug, tilting her head to look up at Lena with adoring blue eyes. “I love you.”
“I love you too.” Lena replied without hesitation.
“Ugh.” Nia groaned, throwing her head back in exasperation.
Alex held out a hand to the youngest reporter, wiggling her fingers in demand, “Pay up.”
“She didn’t even make it a minute.” Nia exclaimed in disbelief.
Kara’s brow creased in a cross of confusion and outrage, “You were betting on me?”
“Yep.” Alex answered without the slightest sign of guilt. “On how long it takes for you to say ‘I love you’ to Lena.”
“That’s… I…” Kara squawked, mouth flapping open and closed before snapping shut in defeat. “I don’t know what to say.”
“That’s because Lena removes you of all verbal reasoning skills.” Brainy remarked drily.
All eyes swiveled to look at the genius in surprise.
“Did Brainy just make a joke?” Lena asked quietly to no one in particular.
“I think he did.” Nia said slowly.
“Nice one, Brainy.” Alex laughed, lifting her beer bottle up in respect and effectively setting everyone else in the room off with their own chuckles and giggles.
“Laugh as much as you like.” Kara rolled her eyes in amusement, “Doesn’t bother me.”
“Are you sure?” Lena checked, bending down to whisper privately into Kara’s ear, “I can ask them to stop.”
Kara turned to look up at the love of her life, reaching out to tenderly stroke her cheek and ease away the flicker of unnecessary concern.
“I’m sure.” Kara asserted honestly, her smile widening as she leaned up to kiss Lena slow and deep. When they pulled back, foreheads resting against one another, Kara whispered into the shared space between them. “It is kind of funny.”
It’s funny because Kara loves Lena.
It’s funny because Kara will always, always, always love Lena.
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Disasters and Detentions
Request: “Hi! Can i please request A fred weasley x reader (I love my boy fred lol). With the angst prompt 16 and fluff prompt 12 and 9 please? Tyty i love your writing!”
(”Why do you care?”/”Oh my God! you’re in love with him”/”God, you’re so fucking cute”
Pairing: Fred Weasley x Reader
Word count: 1.9k (I got excited or whateva)
A/N: These were suchhh cute prompts to work with, I really love writing the twins in a school enviroment it gives me good vibes :) ALSO this is so long but like I said before, the twins x fluff = a dream.
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The Triwizard tournament was all anyone had been talking about recently, and while you could admit it was an exciting year for Hogwarts with the Yule Ball too, you couldn’t help but get tired of everyone’s eagerness – even those too young to participate.
You sat with your friend Hermione, completing work, and simultaneously watching as students in their sixth and seventh year entered their names into the goblet, each time admiring the flicker of the sapphire blue flame.
“Isn’t he dreamy” Hermione commented, gazing at Cedric Diggory who had just placed his name into the Goblet, receiving a warm welcoming from the inferno, indicating acceptance.
“I guess” you said, looking up towards harry noticing he had the exact same grin on his face as yourself. You both knew exactly what Hermione was trying to do and by the looks of Ron it had worked.
You understood why all the girls would swoon over the older, prince charming-like Cedric, but you had someone different in your thoughts…. much different.
Suddenly the room was filled with clapping and cheering as if Gryffindor had just won the Quidditch Cup.
“YESSS” you heard the raspy laughs of what could only be Fred and George, running into the hall with a test tube each. The way the light hit Fred’s copper hair as he ran towards the goblet had caught you in a trance. His Hazel eyes, his bright smile and pale complexion… it was all you could focus on.
Suddenly you were met with a hand being waved across your face which disrupted your line of sight and snapped you back into reality.
“What on earth has gotten into you” Hermione asked, with a puzzled expression on her face.
“uh, nothing just tired” you replied in an attempt to draw as little attention as possible to what was actually distracting you.
“Well lads, we’ve done it” George announced to the mass of applause “cooked it up just this morning”, as soon as you heard Fred’s voice you couldn’t help but swoon at the sound, gaining another weird look from Hermione.
“It’s not going to work” Hermione sung, in a rather condescending manner.
Before you knew it, you were inches away from Fred, who had accompanied his brother in lowering himself to yours and Hermione’s level.
“Oh yeah?” Fred asked, patronisingly back whilst leaning an arm on your shoulder. You weren’t sure what to do in that moment other than freeze and try not to make any eye contact. You could feel your palms get sweatier by the second and your breathing start to increase at a stupidly rapid rate.
“And why’s that Granger?” George then asked, with sole focus on beating Hermione in this sort of battle of ‘who’s right’.
Strangely you thought could feel Fred’s eyes, looking you up and down, which only caused your body to tense up even more than it was before.
You zoned out completely every word that Hermione spoke, only being able to pay attention to the arm that rested on your shoulder and the lips that were inches away from your face.
“Ah but that’s why it’s so brilliant” Fred said, this time you had gained some confidence to look slightly in his way to which you were then face to face with his mischievous grin.
“Because it’s so pathetically dim-witted” George over emphasised in Hermione’s scolding face, causing you to giggle like a schoolgirl.
God, how pathetically dim-witted of you.
Fred and George looked at each other before rising to their naturally giant-like height in high spirits of just winning an argument against Hermione Granger.
Whilst putting a thumb over the test tubes to shake them you couldn’t help but kind of worry about Fred. It was such a strange feeling, you knew how much of a prankster both him and his twin were, but the potion was dangerous, and not nearly as dangerous as if they managed to enter the tournament itself.
“I hope he’s alright” you accidentally mumbled under your breath, causing a slightly aggravated Hermione to snap back.
“What, Fred? Why do you care?” she replied, meeting your gaze focusing on Fred.
There was silence for what seemed like forever, you didn’t know what to say and didn’t want to make it obvious, “I don’t I just, uh, I made one of those potions myself at home, nasty things” you settled with.
Yet, you were forgetting who exactly you were talking to, they don’t call her the brightest witch for her age for no reason. Hermione looked at you, who then looked at Fred, who seemed to be looking in your direction and suddenly the light bulb inside her turned on.
“Oh my God! You’re in love with him!” Hermione gasped, giggling in the process.
“Shh Hermione!” you attempted to reduce the chances of anyone hearing the truth, especially that of Fred.
“Ready Fred?”
“Ready George”
“Bottoms up” the twins sang in unison which helped distract Hermione from the information that she had just heard. Fred and George proceeded to jump into the ring of fire that guarded the Goblet, letting out a very confident “Yesss” that got the crowd going once more.
Putting their names in the fire seemed to actually work, gaining a repeated and very smug “Yeahhh” from both the twins – yet there’s one thing you had learnt during your time at Hogwarts, and it was that Hermione was always right.
Instantaneously there was a flash of blue light and before you knew it both the twins were rolling around on the floor with white beards, rather resembling Dumbledore himself.
You couldn’t help but really belly laugh at their stupidity as the crowd chanted “Fight! Fight! Fight!”
“Detention! The both of you!” McGonagall’s voice went straight though you, yet you continued to laugh at the twins’ misfortune as she attempted to separate them.
“And I suppose you find this funny miss Y/L/N” McGonagall’s eye caught your line of sight, “then I shall see you in detention with these two buffoons”
You groaned at the thought, which seemed to only antagonise her further “Oh and since the three of you are in Gryffindor, 10 points from Gryffindor” she spoke in a high tone, which earned a groan from the majority of the room.
Later that day you had found yourself in the detention hall with both Fred and George, alongside a few other misbehaving students. Don’t get me wrong, you had sat through your fair share of detentions, it was just that this year you had promised yourself that you would try and reduce the amount of time you had to spend with Professor Snape.
After what felt like an eternity, Snape put his head down to mark some work and you felt like you could finally breathe.
A paper bird landed onto your desk, bringing you back into the real world.
The note simply read:
‘I’m sorry for getting you into trouble’
You turned around discreetly to be met by Fred, who gave you a gentle smile, and in turn you were holding in quite possibly the biggest smile you have ever had before.
“God, you’re so fucking cute” you mumbled to yourself whilst reading the note, but before you knew it Fred’s message started to disappear, and the ink began to write the last words you spoke.
Of course, Fred had used magical ink. “oh no no no” you began to panic quietly, frantically trying to think of a spell that would erase the words on the note. Yet, your anxious mind only hindered your time and the note began to transform into a paper bird and fly behind you towards Fred’s seat.
You started to sink into yours, literally face palming at the thought of Fred reading those words. You were so embarrassed that right then and there you had sworn you just wouldn’t open your mouth for the rest of the year.
Since you hadn’t got another note back and you hadn’t turned around to check, you prayed that the paper bird had just got lost on the way back to him.
Once detention had finished you collected your books and rushed out of Snape’s classroom, faster than you ever had before.
“Oi! Y/N! where you off too?” Fred’s voice unexpectedly called after you, causing you to freeze in your tracks.
“Just uh, the common room” you replied without looking back to face him, maybe everything was alright after all, and maybe Fred really hadn’t seen your note.
“Great, I’ll walk you”, you heard Fred’s footsteps get closer and closer to you, before finally gaining the courage to face him in hopes of his cluelessness.
“Oh by the way, this is for you” Fred opened his two hands to reveal a paper bird, pecking at his palm, “couldn’t have gave it to you back then of course, Snape was watching me like a hawk” he laughed before allowing the bird to flutter into your hands.
Your heart sank at the thought of opening the note, with a sick feeling in your stomach.
I had no idea you felt that way, but in that case… You’re way cuter’
You giggled slightly, feeling a sense of relief yet still feeling extremely anxious. Fred Weasley thought you were cute. You couldn’t believe it.
Finally looking up from the note, you noticed Fred’s hazel eyes staring longingly into your own, and you couldn’t look away.
You watched as he lifted his hand to your cheek, pushing back the hair that draped slightly over your face. The brush of his fingers on your skin felt so soft and warm, yet your gaze remained. In that moment you felt no sickness, no heart sinking, and no anxiety… just butterflies in your stomach and a sense of serenity.
“Is this okay?” Fred asked, and with one nod from you he began to lean in closer, causing you to slowly press onto your tip toes to make his job a little easier. This time he lifted his right hand to cup your face completely.
Upon instinct you closed your eyes, feeling your face be lifted towards his. You could feel the warmth of Fred’s breath grow closer, placing your hands on his lower torso where they would naturally reach.
The moment was perfect, and without a second thought your lips met Fred’s in a soft exchange. The initial kiss allowed you to linger for a moment, digesting the feeling of not only his face against yours but his fingers entwined in your hair.
Your lips were left cold but sweet as you breathed into Fred, causing him to place a second kiss on your lips returning the warmth you had just felt. This time you felt the corners of Fred’s mouth curl into a smile which made you do the same.
Pulling away slightly and starting to land on the heels of your feet you began to open your eyes slightly, seeing Fred’s adorable smile with his eyes closed. He began to pull you up again ever so slightly, eyes still closed.
“Hang on, just one more” he seemed in a trance, and giggling you put your hands around his neck to which he lifted you gently. The third kiss was as good as the first and second, and with that you were placed onto the ground, spiritually and physically.
You and Fred giggled at each other when finally opening both your eyes to see each other again. You felt Fred’s hand snake down your arm to meet your own hand, locking his fingers between yours.
You looked down at the floor and bit your lip at the afterthought of the moment, gripping Fred’s hand tightly as he let out a heavy breath.
“I bloody love detention” Fred announced as you walked hand in hand towards the common room, giggling.
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imagine-loki · 3 years
My Sweet Rose, Chapter 3 (Final Chapter)
TITLE: My Sweet Rose CHAPTER NO./ONE SHOT: Chapter 3 AUTHOR: fanficshiddles ORIGINAL IMAGINE: Imagine you are secretly a little but no one knows, one day you decide to check out a local BDSM club to try and get a feel of the community. You meet a handsome stranger that, over the next few months, shows you all about the lifestyle. However, one day… he vanishes without a word. 
It took Loki a few days before he was able to get a chance to speak to Rosie again. She kept running from him whenever she saw him, not giving him a chance at all.
In the end, he got fed up of her running from him. So he teleported into her room when he knew she was there, to sort it out.
She looked a bit fearful when he suddenly appeared in her room.
Loki put his hands out to the side. ‘Please, Rose… Rosie. I just want to talk, that’s all.’ He said softly.
Rosie slipped off her bed and moved to the side, a little further away from him.
‘I want, no, I need you to know that I never meant to hurt you. Truly. And you were not just a play toy, I give you my word. You meant, and still do mean, the world to me. It broke my heart every single day that I didn’t return to you.’ Loki said honestly.
Rosie wrapped her arms around herself, she couldn’t look at Loki properly. So kept her eyes on the floor on front of him while she listened.
‘I thought it would be for the best, not coming back to you.’
‘Why… Why didn’t you come back or tell me?’ Rosie asked, being brave and raising her eyes up to look into his for a moment, tears in her eyes again. But she was a little confused to see his eyes looked a little bit teary too.
Perhaps he really wasn’t lying.
‘I found out on that trip back to Asgard that I am… that I am a frost giant, a monster. I was told I was adopted, that I had no idea about previously. I suddenly felt myself spiralling out of control, there was no way I was going to put you in danger. I thought it was best, safest for you that I didn’t return… I see now that it was a mistake, that I should have spoken to you about the situation. Told you who I was. I thought I was doing the right thing by you, Rosie. I truly thought I was.’
Rosie wiped her eyes with the back of her hand.
‘Why… Why should I believe you? I was… I was in love with you, I trusted you. And you broke that.’ Her lower lip was quivering as she spoke.
Loki nodded and looked down. ‘I am truly sorry. It is breaking me to see you so upset, knowing what I did to you. I never meant to…’ He turned to the door, to leave her alone. ‘I want you to know, there wasn’t a day that went by where I didn’t think of you… Rose.’ He said softly before leaving.
Rosie felt her heart breaking all over again.
Later that day, Rosie bumped into Thor on her way to the lab.
‘Rosie… If I may have a word, I only need a minute of your time.’ He said politely.
She nodded and stopped in her tracks to see what he wanted to say. Thor could see how upset she was, it was evident on her face that she had barely slept since Loki appeared at the tower.
‘Loki spoke about you so fondly, he was madly in love with you… He still does love you. He never stopped. He really did think he was saving you, from himself. He went down a dark path, one that I didn’t think we could pull him from.’ Thor said regretfully.
Rosie shifted nervously on her feet.
‘He isn’t lying to you now, I promise you that. He is beating himself up about it, knowing what pain and harm he caused you for not just speaking to you. He thought it was best to stay away, but he realises now how wrong that was.’
She looked down with a sigh, she knew Thor wouldn’t lie. It wasn’t in his nature. But realising that Loki was telling the truth, she wasn’t really sure what to make of that information.
Thor let her carry on to the lab to do her work, she didn’t bump into Loki at all that day. Which she was rather glad of, because it gave her time to think.
The following day, she went to the kitchen in the morning to find Loki.
His face lit up a little when she approached him, actually seeking him out.
‘I… I believe you. I believe that you thought you were doing what you thought was best for me… Like you always did, you always looked out for me and did what was best. But you did get it wrong this time.’ She looked down and she nervously fiddled with her hands. ‘I don’t know if I will be able to forgive you for it, but I don’t… I don’t hate you. I never could. I understand why, though it doesn’t make it any less hurtful.’
Loki nodded and he wanted nothing more than to grab her hands in his, but he refrained from touching her. Knowing it probably wasn’t the best thing to do.
‘Thank you, Rose. That’s all I can ask for, I know. Though I do hope we can maybe be friends, in time? But I don’t want you to be uncomfortable here, it’s your home and work. I can leave, if that’s what you would prefer.’ Loki offered, surprising her slightly.
‘No… No, it’s ok… I did think I would need to leave, but I… I think it will be ok.’ She took a deep breath. ‘I’ll see you around… Loki.’ She gave him a very small smile, which made Loki smile a bit too.
It was a step in the right direction.
Over the following weeks, Rosie felt a bit better about everything. Herself included. Learning that a God had truly been in love with her was quite the confidence boost, even if it had gone wrong in the end. She understood now though.
She was still a bit nervous and anxious around him, but she wasn’t sure why really. Though their interactions were brief at first. Just hello’s or good morning’s. Then Loki started making her hot chocolate in the mornings, just the way she used to like it. With a marshmallow on top.
‘Thanks.’ She said shyly when he handed her a mug in the morning with a smile.
‘You’re welcome, darling.’ He smiled at her brightly.
He was glad to see she was looking better too, not tired or as scared of him. Though he could tell she was tired in another way, tired of being an adult and looking after herself. He had seen it before, when she was busy with work and hadn’t been able to go into little space for a while…
He wished he could allow her that relief, to go into little space with him. But he knew that would likely never happen again. Which broke his heart.
Over time, he couldn’t help himself from getting a bit protective over her. Old habits appearing.
She was cooking dinner one night, had offered to for everyone. She was using a sharp knife to cut up some vegetables when Loki walked in and saw her.
‘Let me do that for you.’ He said swiftly and rushed over to take the knife from her before she could argue. She tried to ignore the tingling she felt when his fingers had brushed against hers.
Another time, it was almost midnight and Loki had gone to get a snack from the kitchen when he spotted a light on in one of the offices. Popping his head round the door, he saw Rosie was still up doing some work.
He walked in and with a firm voice started telling her off. ‘You should be in bed, it’s way past your…’ He trailed off, eyes widening as he realised he had no right to be telling her what to do.  
She looked surprised and a little sheepish. Part of her wanted him to finish, to put her to bed. But she tried to push that feeling way down.
‘Sorry…’ Loki shook his head and rushed out of the room quickly.
One afternoon, there was a mad rush in the tower when Bruce had turned into the Hulk by accident, causing destruction and chaos as everyone ran around screaming trying to get out of the way, while Natasha tried to calm him down.
Rosie had gotten caught up with some SHIELD officers charging past her, knocking her to the floor.
‘ROSE!’ Loki shouted and rushed over to her, he had been looking for her during the panic to make sure she was safe. Seeing her being knocked to the floor panicked him.
‘I’m ok.’ She said as she sat up. But before she could get herself up, Loki had already put his arms around her and lifted her up to her feet.
‘You’re bleeding.’ He commented as he picked up her hand, she had a cut on the side of her wrist.
‘It’s just a scratch, it’s ok.’ She said quietly.
Loki put his arm around her waist and led her into the nearest room, away from the hustle and bustle. He sat her down on a chair and knelt on front of her, inspecting her wrist.
‘Honestly, it’s fine. Just a scratch.’ She said again, trying to pull her hand away, but Loki wouldn’t let her.
He conjured up a plaster and some soothing cream. Her heart started beating a little faster when he applied the cream gently and then put the plaster on.
‘Any other injuries? Are you sore anywhere else, that was quite a fall?’ He asked, concern etched all over his face as he inspected her arms and hands closely, then looked into her eyes.
‘I’m… I’m fine… Thank you… Loki.’ She stammered out, her skittish eyes never quite landing on his.
Once he was sure she was ok, he let her go and walked her back to her room safely. She was shaking when she got inside, not because of Hulk or being knocked over, but because of how close she felt to falling into little space with Loki.
There was the deep longing within her, just wanting him to look after her again, like he used to. His natural Daddy instincts was bursting out, though she could tell he was trying to contain it.
Though she was terrified of being left again.
That night, Loki was sitting up in bed reading. It was getting late, but he just couldn’t sleep. He was really antsy because there was thunder and lightning outside, he knew how scared Rosie was of thunderstorms. And this was a particularly bad one.
He wanted nothing more than to go to her room and comfort her, or just make sure she was ok. But he knew he had no right to do that anymore.
Though he was confused when there was a timid knock on his door.
Slipping out of bed, he had some leather trousers materialise onto him as he crossed the room, so he wasn’t answering naked. When he opened the door, his heart utterly collapsed at the sight.
It was Rosie. Rose. His sweet Rose. She was wearing cute kitten pyjamas that he had gifted her before, and she was clutching a stuffed toy dog to her chest tightly. She looked scared, and he knew instantly that she was in little space. Her eyes were watery, she had been crying.
‘I… I’m… scared…’ She said shakily.
Loki had barely opened his arms to her when she rushed forward into him. He put his arms around her and held her tightly to his body, then he lifted her up and squeezed her even harder as he pressed his face into her hair, breathing in deeply.
She wrapped her legs around him and hid her face into the crook of his neck. She was trembling a bit, but it was slowly easing as he carried her over to his bed.
‘It’s ok, my little one. You’re safe with me, I promise.’ He said softly and got into bed, curling her up on his lap safely.
She kept hugging into him, jumping whenever there was a rumble of thunder.
‘Shhh, shhh. It’s ok, my sweet Rose.’ He hummed gently and slid his hand under her top to stroke her back soothingly, making her melt and feel safe.
‘You’re safe with Daddy. And I promise, I am never going to let you down again.’
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dreamescapeswriting · 4 years
Unfinished Business ~ Part Seven [M]
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WORD COUNT: 7.9K [Smut chapter]
WARNINGS: Mentions of mafia, strong language, murder, blood, unprotected sex,
PAIRING: Bang Chan X Reader
DESCRIPTION: Part seven of nine of my new Bang Chan series. 
You’re taken hostage but one of Seoul’s leading mafia families Bang Chan but he doesn’t take you because he wants to fake a marriage or make you fall for him in 365 days no…He wants to use you for his own personal gain. To take over another family but when you try to escape things take a turn for the worst and you learn Chan isn’t one to be messed with.(Please I suck at describing stuff)
THEMES: Smut will be included in a later chapter so this is a fic for a mature audience, Chan x Fem!Reader, Self insert
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The next morning Chan woke up to an empty bed and he sat up straight, staring around the room for any sign of a struggle in case you'd been taken in the night. But there wasn't anything, then his mind went to you running away in the middle of the night while he slept. He slipped out of the bed and walked towards the bedroom door where he heard music playing from down the hallway. It was muffled through the door, but it was the song he and you had sung in the kitchen before. He travelled down the steps of the stairs and into the living room where Minho and Felix were having breakfast, calmly talking to one another while nodding their heads along to the song. Chan could see you in the kitchen through the serving hatch that was in place there. You were swaying in time to the music and humming along to the words as you flipped pancakes and cooked bacon in another frying pan. It smelt amazing and the whole room smelt as though you could eat it, Chan came into the kitchen unbeknownst to you and watched you as you did this. It was entertaining to him to watch you be this happy and free in the house, since he hadn't seen you this way before it was refreshing to see you act in this way.
"You look happy," You dropped the spatula at the sound of his voice, he chuckled bending down to pick it up for you and place it into the sink.
"I am happy...strangely." You whispered the last part but he heard you, even if you didn't want him to hear it. It was only because you didn't want to admit that it was true to yourself just yet. Your head was still at war with itself.
"Look last night-" He started, he didn't want you to kiss him just because you'd been worried about something.
"I wanted to kiss you, I wasn't just scared and sort comfort in your arms." You admitted to him and he smiled, relieved, he was delighted that you could practically read his mind on how he was feeling but he was even more thrilled to hear that you wanted to kiss him and it hadn't just been some kind of fluke. He'd wanted you to want that since the moment you agreed to stay with him with his first offer before he'd killed Mrs Lu.
"I'd like to take you out to dinner, just you, me and Jisung who will sit far away so we can be alone." You were a little shocked that he was asking you out instead of telling you to go out like he normally would but you nodded at him, despite the plan that was to make him fall for you and leave you found yourself actually falling for him and starting to like him which had been weird for you. You'd never really liked anyone this way before or at least, not this strongly before. 
"I promise to explain everything over dinner. But I have somewhere to be right now, I have a meeting. Minho is watching over you with Felix for the day." Chan came over to you and left a kiss on your forehead his lips were soft on your skin, his hand rested on your lower back as if you were a couple, it felt good to have him do this.
"I'll pick you up at 7 and we'll go out. Be ready. Wear one of those dresses from your wardrobe." He told you trying to loosen down on the orders but you nodded at him and watched as he made his way towards the staircase and back up the stairs he'd originally came from. Changbin came down them next, you were greeted with a glare from him, you'd gotten them all morning so it was nothing new to you. You just decided to be as nice as you could with him since it would probably piss him off more.
"Food Changbin?" You questioned in the kindest way you could possibly imagine and he accepted - it shocked you a little still you plated him up the food that had originally been for chan and handed it to him, he stared at you and then over at Felix and Minho you could tell he had something he wanted to say but wasn't going to in front of them. So you smiled at him and turned off the oven, happily skipping towards the door.
"I have a date to get ready for." You mumbled moving out of the kitchen and going up the staircase towards your room but you bumped into Chan in the hallway upstairs, his hand landed on your waist to steady you from falling down the stairs behind you and you felt a shock wave hit your body.
"Hi." You giggled excitedly, jumping up to kiss him on the cheek you had no idea what was coming over you but every time you were around him you were filled with a sudden burst of happiness and butterflies mixed with a warm feeling and joy that just made you want to be around him constantly.
"Hello," He chuckled looking down into your eyes as you smiled at him. This was the most he’d seen you smile and that smile made him want to stay home all day but he couldn't. The boys at the office were helping track down Namjoon who seemed to go back into the hole he'd crawled out of after threatening you last night.
"What are we doing tonight? Do I need to wear anything specific?" He shook his head and tapped his nose to signal that it was a secret, he wasn't going to give anything away to what he was going to do with you that night. Only that it was going to be romantic and special for you he’d everything planned in his head.
"Is Jisung free? I want him to help me get ready." You told him and he looked down at his watch while you straightened up his tie for him, his stomach turned as you did it the same way that she - his ex wife -  used to do it for him in the mornings tapping it down when it was straightened perfectly, it felt oddly nice to have it back in his life. Something that would seem so small to anyone else but meant the world to Chan.
"I'll send him around when he gets up. It's his day off so no promises, why Jisung?" He questioned, he suddenly felt overwhelmed with a wave of jealously that you wanted to be around someone else so much other than him. You'd grown closer to Jisung than you had any of the other guys and it worried him a little thinking you would start to fall for him or that you'd try turning Jisung against him, he tried not to think about it too much. Jisung had been with him for years so there was little chance of that happening.
"He's my favourite," You teased tapping his tie over his chest again and smiling up at him but the smile faded when you saw how mad Chan seemed to get from a seemingly innocent comment.
"It was a joke, I don't know. I'm just close to him. Like a younger brother," You told him quickly and he seemed to calm down you smiled at him and kissed his cheek once again wanting to relax a little more.
"You should go, the sooner you're gone the quicker the time will pass." You spoke to him he sighed knowing you were right and he left down the stairs, calling Seungmin and Hyunjin to tell them he was ready for work that morning.
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"No," Jisung said as he laid sprawled out on your bed, he was watching as you came and went in all the different outfit ideas you had but he was saying no to everything you'd put on so far and at this rate, you were going to need a new wardrobe.
"Why?" You asked putting your hands on your hips as you stared at Jisung wondering what could possibly be wrong with this option. It seemed perfect to you, it was a low cut top with a pair of jeans. Jisung knew what Chan would think the moment he saw it, he’d be angry at the fact that everyone else could see what he wanted to be his.
"It's too showy." You groaned at him and threw a pillow in his direction as you went back into the wardrobe, you were looking through the racks while he ate popcorn from a bowl on your bed as if this was some kind of show to him.
"So...do you actually like him then?" You could tell by the tone of his voice he was concerned for your true intentions for his boss were. You didn't want to lie to him so you slowly came out of the wardrobe clutching onto the last dress that was within your wardrobe.
"Yes...I- Jisung my heart and my head are pulling me in opposite directions." You admitted finally and it was like a weight had been taken away from your chest as soon as the words left your mouth. You knew you needed to talk to someone about it and Jisung was the only person you knew you would ever be able to trust enough to talk with about all of this.
"What's your head saying?" He moved over on the bed and you sat down beside him, taking a handful of popcorn and slowly munching on the pieces as you thought about how to talk to him about it, Chan was his boss at the end of the day and he could just as easily go to him about all of this.
"My head is screaming that I'm insane, he killed someone I loved and that I need to get out."
"And your heart?" He questioned you without a sign of how he was feeling about hearing you say that about Chan. Turning to look at him you could see his eyes filling with tears as you stared at him. He was an exact replica of the pleading face emoji and it made your heart cry out for him to stop, he was pleading with you mentally not to hurt Chan and you knew that you hadn't known Chan long but you knew he'd been through enough without you adding hurt to him.
"To take him into my life with open arms and love him no matter what." You whispered to him finally admitting it to yourself that you liked him truly, madly and deeply enough that it seemed like love to you. Something  Mrs Lu had taught you growing up was that you only ever had true love once or twice in your life, go out and grab it by the horns while you can.
"Love him?" You nodded at his question and his pleading face turned into a giant smile at the thought of Chan finally being happy again, letting go and becoming the happier chan he used to know well. He'd noticed how much happier Chan had become since taking you and he was glad it was happening, even on the first night he walked into the bar and Chan saw you he was happier just by being in your vicinity.. Neither of you had noticed Changbin was outside the door of your room listening to everything you were saying, but even he was happy that you weren't just trying to use Chan to your own advantage like he had thought. Not that he trusted you fully yet anyway, he was going to have to convince Chan that he would go along tonight instead of Jisung since you'd grown close enough to Jisung it was probably easier for him to be fooled than the rest of them.
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Chan was waiting anxiously by the front door for you debating with himself if this was a good idea Changbin had come up with the plan. There was something happening tonight that you weren’t going to know about, Changbin called him at lunch to go over everything. Now Changbin was waiting in the car that would follow you both around that night instead of being in the same car as you. It would give you both a little more freedom, more room to breathe and Chan could talk to you and tell you anything and everything you wanted to know. He was going to be as open with you as he could manage and tell you anything and everything you wanted to know about him and his life.
"Where are we going?" Your voice rang through the air and Chan looked up at the staircase to see you walking down the steps towards him, you were in a plain black off the shoulder skater dress with a pair of vans on since you wanted comfort, it looked great on you.
"Surprise, come on." You smiled and headed down the last steps to reach his side, the boys were all watching you from the living room interested to see what was going to happen. You leant up and kissed Chan on the cheek and his ears turned a bright red colour as the boys all let out cocky remarks in his direction with some wolf whistles which Chan did not approve of. You weren't a dog so you shouldn't have to deal with that kind of behaviour from them,
"Enough. Come on." He chuckled taking your hand in his and walking you out of the door and towards his black Porsche that was waiting for him. He unlocked your door and helped you inside before going around to his own and getting into it.
"Seatbelt." You warned him and he shook his head at you making sure to put it on before he started up the car, you stared at the side of his head while he drove. You were trying not to listen to your head, Jisung had gone through everything with you before telling you to listen to your heart. Trust your heart. Chan was only the way he was because of the things he'd been through, he'd never ever do anything to hurt you or harm you in any way. Explaining that when your ankle had been hurt and Chan made it worse he'd heard him crying for hours after he did it. Deep down inside he was a soft guy with a kind heart you just had to find your way to it without hurting him or scaring him off.
"What are you thinking about?" He questioned as he turned to look at you at a red light, you shook your head as you tried to think of something to say to him.
"Nothing, I was just admiring your beauty." He groaned and started trying to hide from you but you begged him not to, reminding him that he was gorgeous and you truly meant it, he was the most handsome man you'd ever met there was no denying that. Everyone had a crush on him and if they said they didn't they were lying.
"Stop, you're handsome." You giggled at him and he groaned at you before turning a corner and down a dark road, you had no idea where you were going but you trusted Chan enough to get you there safely.
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"Chan what-" He held his finger up to his lips as he walked you through the care home that you knew too well the night shift workers were all standing behind the desk watching you closely.
"Mr Bang, it's nice to see you again." The receptionist said as she came out from behind the desk, you came out from behind Chan and she smiled at you. You'd seen her a lot since you used to volunteer there with her,
"Y/n! We were beginning to wonder where you'd gotten to. Are you two here together?" You nodded and Chan linked his hands with yours making sure your fingers were interlocked to prove it to be true.
 "We're here to see her grandfather," You watched as she walked you through the long hallways and towards the canteen, they were having a painting session in there. All of them hunched over plates and designing them to look beautiful it had been something you introduced them to when you started here.
"Go on in," The nurse urged, you looked at Chan and he joined you pulling you into the room he wasn't going to let you go through any of this alone.
"Y/n! Chan!" You heard one of the elderly ladies call out your name and you stared at Chan, he must have come here a lot as well because everyone seemed to be calling him over to them and wanting to talk to him for a little while. It was true, he used to come when he was deciding on what to do with his money -- donating it that was -- and he’d gotten to know some of the elderly people and workers.
"Ah look! They're on a date!" One of the eldest ladies - Mina - said to her husband as they watched you walking around together hand in hand.
"How long have you been courting?! Is this why we don't see you anymore young lady?!" Mina screamed at you jokingly. You were so distracted by her yells that you hadn't seen a walking stick and tripped over it. Chan immediately wrapped his arms around you to stop you from hitting the floor, he had reflexes faster than a cat.
"Look at the way he holds her!" The women cooed all of them wishing that they could have the relationship you had,
"Leave them alone, she's here to see her grandfather," Mina grumbled once you were stood up once again, Chan chuckled as he saw how shy you were getting around them he found it endearing.
"I thought you came here a lot," He said as he realised just how shy you were around them you nodded at him confirming it to be true,
"I did but I came alone and not with someone who was incredibly good looking." You poked his cheek and looked around for your grandfather spotting him sitting by the window alone and not taking part in the painting.
"Here." You pulled Chan in his direction and sat down across from your grandfather it was safe to say Chan was a little nervous to be meeting someone in your family,
"Why aren't you painting Harold?" You questioned nicely looking at the blank white plate in front of him,
"I don't know what to paint. I don't even like painting." You faked a gasp at him and moved around to sit beside him wanting to show him just how untrue that statement was,
"Now you and I both know that isn't true," You mumbled to him looking as he stared at you, you were used to the blank expression he gave whenever he looked at you. He couldn't remember who you were most days so you smiled weakly at him trying not to get too hurt over this.
"I'm Y/n, this is Bang Chan." Chan shook your grandfather's hand he was trying to make a good impression even if the man didn't know who you were and then he turned to you when your grandfather did,
"I know who you are-" For a moment your heart swelled up as you thought for just a second that he had remembered who you were your whole world seemed to get brighter at the thought of him remembering you,
"You're that bright girl that always come by to cheer us up, Chan here is always on the news." You smiled softly as he remembered you a little, even that was better than him not knowing who you were at all but Chan looked a little upset that he knew him from the news, it meant he knew what he did for a living and that wasn’t the impression he wanted to give to him.
"You know how to paint, look." You said taking the paintbrush from the tray and beginning to paint some flowers around the edge of the plate using his hand as well as your own to guide him. Chan and your grandfather watched you intensely as you turned the plain white plate into a floral garden with his name written along the bottom in a fancy font.
"Whoa," Chan exclaimed as you finished and put the paintbrush into the water he knew you were good at painting on the walls but he never would have imagined this.
"She's a keeper. You'll have a whole new plate stash whenever you want." You laughed softly along with him and Chan.
"It's beautiful, you should keep it." Your grandfather spoke to you, sliding the plate to be directly in front of you but you shook your head and slid it back over to him,
"I want you to paint something next-"
"Only if you and pretty boy here will make your own plates." You agreed to paint some more with him trying to hold back the laughter as he called Chan ‘Pretty boy’. Chan had planned on staying there as long as you both could, it was 7 pm and the visiting hours were long overdue but no one was going to tell him what he could and couldn't do.
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While Chan helped some of the residents to their beds with the nurses you stayed back to clean up the plates for everyone along with the painting supplies. Your hand graced over the one that you and Chan had painted together. It wasn’t much, just a plate with flowers on either side, Chan had tried to copy the way you painted - failing horribly - you smiled at it, your eyes filling with tears as you looked at your names together at the bottom of the plate,
"You're in love," A voice called out from behind you making you jump a little almost dropping the plate you were holding. Your back straightened up as you turned to see who it was that was talking to you.
"Sighing away and smiling like that," The old lady sat down on one of the chairs and patted the space next to her tiredly reaching for her oxygen mask, you set the plate down and went to sit beside her.
"I thought so," She laughed softly, it was so easy to tell who was in love for the first time. They always found it hard to hide from it, even if you didn't know it yourself everyone else could already tell you were falling in love. The small smiles you would make when you thought no one was around, the skip in your step and the way your whole face would light up whenever that person was around you.
“Loving someone like him can be dangerous, you better be careful.” She grumbled looking at you through her glasses as if she was trying to warn you about him. She’d heard of him, everyone had, so she wanted to make sure you were sure about all of this.
"Were you ever in love?" You questioned as she ran her hands over yours, you noticed a tan line where a wedding ring should have been and you smiled at the thought of her never having taken it off before until the moment she lost her husband or wife.
"Of course I was, I still am," She took a locket from around her neck, it was a love heart shaped locket - her ring around the golden chain as well. Opening it to reveal a wedding photo of herself and her husband, both standing there smiling as they cut the cake together giant smiles plastered across their faces.
"He was the love of my life, you should tell Chan." You frowned at her words not following along with her logic,
"Tell Chan you loved someone-" 
"No, tell Chan you love him." She grumbled playfully hitting you around the back of the head with her hand,
"I'm scared...What if he doesn't feel the same way?" She scoffed at you shaking her head as you mentioned it as if anyone in the place couldn’t already tell how Chan felt about you from one glance,
"The way he looks at you, the boy is head over heels in love with you. There’s no denying how he feel about you." Her voice came out shaky as she reached for her mask again, taking in another deep breath.
"You ready to go?" Chan's voice came out of nowhere as he walked into the room unannounced, you nodded standing up and bowing to the elderly lady before you left the room a nurse going in after you to escort Mrs Park back to her bedroom for the night.
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 "Chan that was-" You tried to thank him for the wonderful night but he cut you off,
"The night isn't finished I promise." He chuckled wrapping his arm around your shoulder and taking you back to the car, Changbin was waiting in his behind yours and you smiled softly at him. You were hoping he was in a better mood than he had been but he seemed to still be annoyed at you for something you hadn't done and didn't intend to do anymore.
"Where are we going next, or is it another surprise for me?" He nodded to confirm that it was indeed another surprise drive for you he'd planned everything perfectly that day with Changbin. Everything had to go perfect tonight..
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"We're here." You looked around outside of the car windows, there was nothing but a glass building that had fogged class in front of you.
"Where is here exactly?" You questioned going to get out of the car but the door was locked,
"You'll see." He got out of his side and came around to unlock and open the door for you, he wanted to be the gentleman that night and look after you like he should have been doing from the start. This was how he should have done it from the beginning, wining and dining you instead of the whole kidnapping thing and the murder but he would explain that to you soon. He would explain everything to you.
"Thank you." You whispered as he helped you out of the car and began walking you towards the building, as you got closer you were able to read the signs. 'Botanical gardens', you stared at the back of his head as you walked inside. The place was empty except for Changbin who was walking far behind to keep an eye on you both since it was his job to do so,
"Chan this is insane." You said as you looked around, all of the lights were turned off except for fairy lights lighting up the paths and flowered areas, as well as small lamps on the plaques telling you what flower was growing.
"I thought it would be somewhere nice and private for us," He smiled looking around when he felt your hand snake and intertwine with his. Changbin watched as you both lazily walked around the pavement and towards a blanket one of the workers had set up for you. It had food waiting for you to eat, a whole picnic set out.
"It's beautiful." He sat you down on the blanket and you waited for him to sit next to you so you could lay your head on his shoulder.
"Changbin go and walk around, make the rounds." Chan stated as he eyed his guard up carefully. This was the start of the plan. Changbin left you alone and Chan turned into a serious mode. He took your hands into his as he sat down beside you and told you he would tell you everything about his wife,
"Chan if it makes you uncomfortable I don't want you to-" There was one thing you were sure of, there was no way the story of Chan killing his wife was true so you didn’t want to do something that could make Chan upset.
"I want to, you have to know what happened now that you're at risk because of it." You swallowed the lump that was starting to form in your throat, you'd come up with theories about what could have happened to his wife but you'd never put serious thought into them before.
"I went away on one of our ''business trips'' and I left her home, alone, without one of the boys to watch her because she said she didn't need them. She was sure she didn’t need protecting but when I came back home she erm." He choked up trying to get the words out but tears were rolling down the cheeks at the thought of her, he was over her he really was but bringing up the subject of her death was always a touchy subject for him. It was all he could picture whenever he thought about her, the images burnt into his brain.
"The house was torn apart, blood was all over the place and she was dead in my office. She'd put up a fight but she'd been tortured. I always knew it was Namjoon that did it to her but now I know for sure that it was him now that he threatened you." You nodded along with him and placed your hand over his, rubbing it to let him know that it was okay that he could stop if it felt too difficult talking about it. You were there and you weren't going to go anywhere any time soon, he stared at your hand and placed his other one on top of it. Holding you and trying to breathe through what he was going to say next,
"I'll never let him get hold of you, and I'll make sure he pays for what he did to her now I know for sure it was him." You liked the vulnerable side of him, it was opening up a side to him that only made you fall harder for him.
"Sorry! Here." He picked up a strawberry and placed it into your mouth, he was trying to change the subject so you went along with him on it since the subject was clearly bothering him.
"Why here?" You questioned gesturing around the building you were sitting in and he shrugged his shoulders handing you another strawberry as soon as you finished the first one,
"I always thought this place was beautiful and you love painting flowers so much so I figured it would be a nice peaceful place to come." You smiled at him thanking him for bringing you here, it was truly beautiful inside of here.
"What did you do before all of the mafia stuff?" It was something that had been playing on your mind for a while you wanted to know everything you could about his life, he shrugged his shoulders not really having an answer for it.
"I can't remember much, I just remember having a dead-end job, never going anywhere and I decided it wasn't the life for me. I took charge...I worked my way up from the bottom though." He went on to explain how he’d worked for someone just like him and when the man died he’d taken over in his place continuing his hard work on.
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"I had a wonderful time." You said as you stared up at the ceiling of the gardens, you were laying on the picnic blanket together well and truly stuffed from the food you'd gotten. Your head was resting on Chan's chest while you listened to his heart pumping, his breathing was soothing to you just like it was last night and you could have fallen asleep right there if you wanted to. You felt protected with him and it was a nice feeling, something you hadn't felt in a long time.
"We should get going, it's late." He told you as he realised the time, it was almost 1 in the morning, it was pitch black outside and Changbin had just gone to the top floor on the building to stay out of the way again.
"Okay," You whispered, sitting up from his chest and turning to look at him you'd been resisting the urge to kiss him all night but right here and right now he looked too good to pass up. His black hair was tossed to the side and he looked so sleepy his eyes were struggling to stay open it was cute, you kissed him passionately and felt him smirk against your lips.
"Hi." He whispered as he chuckled, you’d shifted to sit on his lap, you wanted him badly and every nerve in your body was telling you to just go for it. To throw caution to the wind and kiss him like you’d been wanting to all night.
"Hi." You whispered back to him kissing him again, his left hand fell onto your waist and his right was cupping your cheek while you made out in the garden centre. You bit down on his bottom lip dragging it away softly before kissing him hungrily this time. He could already sense where this was going to go but he couldn’t,
"Mmm, no. Not here." He whispered to you, pulling away from your lips and watching as you pouted at him, you were still straddling his lap and you could tell he wanted you just as much as you wanted him.
"You want me too." You whimpered, grinding your hips a little making yourself whimper as you could feel how hard he was through his trousers. He let out a groan of pleasure when he felt you do that but he couldn't. Not here. There were too many dangers in this, Namjoon could walk in any minute it would be too easy for him to kill you and Chan in one go, Changbin could walk back in any minute and catch you both naked on the floor and the third option which killed him to think of. You could run away when you had Chan naked and he could do nothing to stop you,
"I do but not here, it's too open you could run away from me..." His voice trailed off and you sat back on his legs a little sad that he thought that of you. That he thought even after a night like this and the night before that you would run away from him.
"I already promised you I wasn't going anywhere, don't you trust me?" He shook his head and then nodded it confused on how he was feeling he didn't know. He was conflicted over everything in his head and heart.
"In my heart I trust you but in my head, I don't." He admitted and you nodded at him, understanding him completely since it had been something you’d felt towards him for a long time. He had every right to be scared that you would runoff. You'd tried it in the past and you knew he was scared that Namjoon would find you, it was enough to know he cared about you and bring you some confidence to tell him how you felt but not yet.
"I promise I'm not going anywhere Chan," He looked at you as you ran your hand over his cheek running your fingers along his cheek and smiling as he locked eyes with you his skin began to turn pink as you stared into his eyes,
"Please," You begged him, kissing down his neck as you unbuttoned the top of his shirt feeling needier than ever, he growled at you as soon as your lips came into contact with his skin and he ran his hands up your thighs on the inside of your dress dragging you back onto his lap.
"You want me?" He questioned as you continued to suck on his neck hungrily, You nodded to him desperately,
"I want all of you," You whispered kissing him passionately once again rolling your hips down just to feel how hard he was, he let out a strangled groan as you reached down to undo his suit trousers. This was stupidly dangerous but right now he was too lost in the moment with you, he kissed down your neck sucking on the skin as you let out a low whimper of pleasure. The sound made him weaker, he wanted to hear what you could sound like once he was buried inside of you.
"You sure? Here?" He gestured around you and you ground down onto his fingers that were now at your soaking core,
"I've never been so sure about anything in my entire life." You assured him by looking him in the eyes as you spoke to him. He took himself out from his trousers, you didn't want to waste any more time not having him inside of you, there wasn’t time for foreplay right now. You were throbbing around nothing just at the thought of him fucking you,
"S-Shit," You hissed as he teased himself in your folds coating himself in your arousal not wanting to hurt you since you weren’t about to let him do anything else just yet, he moaned out as soon as he felt you dripping onto his cock.
"Please Chan-" You were cut short as he slowly lowered you down onto his length both of you moaning out as you hit the bottom of his length taking every inch of him inside of you you rolled your head back as you slowly began to rise and fall on top of him trying to adjust to him.
"You're so warm," He grunted holding you close wrapping his arms around your back and pressing you against him, it had been so long since he'd done anything like this he'd forgotten what it felt like, you shook your head as he began to help you move up and down slowly. He pushed the top of your dress down as he began sucking on your breasts.
"F-Faster," You begged him looking down into his eyes as you begged for him to do this to you, you'd dreamt of it the night before after you had that kiss and now it was finally happening. All thoughts of everything he'd done melted out of your memory as he began to thrust up into you, his hands on your waist as he held you still enough that he was in control of what was happening.
Your nails dug into his shirt as you felt his tip hit your g-spot with each thrust of his hips making you cry out in pleasure each time he moved,
"Fuck Chan!" You practically screamed forgetting that Changbin was out there somewhere with you but you didn't care, your nails dragged down his chest as you felt yourself clenching around him each time he hit you deeper than before. He groaned looking up at you lost in the noises you were making and the way your face scrunched whenever he hit just the right spot. 
He laid back against the floor and began thrusting up into you harder, each time your walls clamping around him making him grunt out. You weakly lent your hands down on his chest grasping as his shirt,
"R-Right there," Your eyes shut tightly as you felt him hitting you just where you needed him without fail making you feel as though he was deep inside your gut, you could already feel your orgasm building up.
"I-I can't hold back Y/n," He croaked out looking at you as you continued to ride him, he wanted to pound into you, he didn’t want a slow ride. He needed you badly.
"Then don't." He swiftly pulled out of you laying you down gently below him on the blanket, he lifted your dress up to your waist as he lined himself up at your entrance slowly easing back into you until he felt your hilt, your toes curled at the new angle.
"Fuck," Your eyes filled with tears at the new angle and he lifted one of your legs over his shoulder starting off slow with each of his thrusts looking you in the eyes as he continued to fuck into you. Hitting you deep as you moaned out at each tiny move he made as soon as he knew you were comfortable he began to push in and out of you roughly, making you whimper.
"F-Faster," You told him looking him in the eyes to show him it was okay and that you could handle it and he smirked putting his hands on your waist and pulling you closer before he pinned your hips to the floor and began slamming in and out of you at a ruthless pace, you screamed out in pleasure.
"Oh fuck!" You cried out back arching off the floor as he rocked into you smirking as you cried out his name loudly, your nails dragging into the blanket as you tried to keep yourself from getting too loud inside of the building. Your orgasm was fast approaching, your toes curling with each pump into you. Chan knew that Changbin would have gotten the idea not to come back right now and he groaned feeling you clench around him, it was bringing him closer to his own release,
"I'm c-close." He mumbled looking at you as he moaned out your name lowly, he wished he could have lasted longer but it had been so long since he'd ever been inside of someone that it was building up far too quickly and the way you were clenching around him made him want to bust the moment he’d entered you the first time.
"Me too," He chuckled, bending down to kiss you softly and romantically. As he made out with you his hand ran down the front of your body rubbing your clit roughly to match the pace of his thrusts, tugging and rubbing quickly.
"Ugh shit, Chan p-please," You begged for him to let you cum but he chuckled darkly, liking the way you begged for something like this so he continued to shake his head denying you of your orgasm. You hissed at him as you rolled over with him still inside of you taking control of the situation, you continued to ride him at a faster pace wanting to look at him while you came around him.
After a few more thrusts Chan grunted holding you down on him as he came inside of you, feeling him fill you up sent you over the edge making you cum around him as your hips bucked up trying to keep the friction going. Your orgasm filled your head as you began to feel as though you were floating as hips bucked against him, you could already feel his cum dripping down onto him again mixed with yours.
"I love you, Chan." The words ripped through you the moment you came around him and then everything was like shattering glass, it started slowly at first cracking at the edges until it all came crashing down onto the floor. He jumped to his feet shaking his head at you as you were left empty without him there anymore you whined at the feeling of emptiness so soon after cumming but nothing could compare to what was coming,
"No. No, you don't." Panic rushed through him as the words left his mouth, he didn't give you time to say anything else or do anything else he just left you there in the middle of the gardens in the barely lit room you'd been sitting in together. This wasn't part of the plan, he was supposed to take you there and be seen by Namjoon, none of this was supposed to happen! He groaned hitting the steering wheel of his car as he started the engine up quickly.
You straightened out the stress as you got up to chase after him wanting answers as to where he was going,
"Chan?!" You called out trying to follow after him but the place was like a maze and you were lost without him inside of here with you, you hadn’t paid attention to where you were walking and in your post brain fog from your orgasm it was hard to read the signs and make sense of them.
By the time you got out to the parking lot and to his car and Changbin's car was speeding off into the night without a second glance back at you which meant you were alone outside where you had no idea how to get back home or if you were even welcome there, after what Chan had just done inside of the gardens.
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You began walking back the way you thought you came, you'd started following their tire tracks but lost them when they conjoined with other car tracks. Now you were wandering around aimlessly in the night at the side of the road trying to find a way to get back or at least get into town. Why couldn't Jisung have been the one to go with you and Chan? He never would have left you out in the middle of nowhere at 2 in the morning, every leaf blowing in the wind and tree branch breaking had you on edge. You were crying to yourself as you walked rubbing your hands up and down your arms as you tried to keep warm, you were alone and terrified that something was going to happen to you. All you had to do was get to Chan and straighten everything out, he couldn't actually be upset because you told him you loved him, everyone had told you to grab hold of love by the horns. That he loved you back but here you were in the cold of night, alone. If he loved you he never would have done this to you, you felt disgusted in yourself for letting him fuck you and leave you. You wanted him to be here right now to protect you but he wasn't, he was probably at home where it was safe and warm not even thinking about you. A branch snapped from behind you but you didn't turn around, you knew it was all in your head so you continued down the road until you heard a car engine come close before cutting out,
"Chan?" You whispered, turning around and hoping it would be him, maybe he'd come to his senses and decided to bring you back home. The headlights were obstructing your view but you knew it wasn't Chan from the moment the voice left the silhouette.
"Well, well angel. Looks like he left you for me to play with." You squinted to see Namjoon smirking at you as the headlights on his car cut out, he must have been waiting all night for something to go wrong. Or had someone follow you and let him know if something happened. You looked around for a sign of anyone to help you but there was no one it was the dead of night, not many people would be driving around and Chan was gone, Changbin definitely wasn't going to come racing back for you any time soon.
"He's not going to come back, sweetheart."
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A/n: Just wanted to see how you’re all doing and to thank you for reading this so far! It’s my first ‘series’ on here so I was nervous about it. I loved writing this and I cant wait for you guys to see the ending I have planned!! 
Tagline: @moonprincessdiviniation (I hope I did my editing justice baby!!!) @taestannie @kneel-begyourpardon @calling-dips-on-j-hope @hugs4chan @peachyhan @ncitythoughts @inseonqt @cloudsgathering​ @atletino​ @mischiefmakerliesmith5​ @freckledquokka @happygirl327​ 
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