#good ol JC
igneous-croc · 1 month
I just wanted a lil' Tau cross made of metal but the only one they had was this GINORMOUS wooden one so I Guess That's What We're Doing Now
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inkblot-inc · 7 months
hihihi! i was just randomly searching for mob wandanat fics today and as i scrolled i came across an old post of urs about a potential medieval wandanat au.
https://www.tumblr.com/inkblot-inc/701842353300832256/can-you-tell-us-bout-any-aus-youve-been-working (sorry idk how to link properly 😭)
but it just had me wondering… would u plan on continuing that idea? if not, would u write wandanat x reader in general? maybe i could shoot u a few ideas if interested! you’re an amazing writer and would love to see you write the duo!
hope you’re doing well! :)
Oh, I still have the medieval wandanat x reader au in my pocket! I'll have to dust it off since I haven't looked into it for a bit. I'd totally be down to get into that tho 👌🏾
I'd love to write wandanat x reader in general there's no question about that. I'm sure I could come up with something, and ideas are totally appreciated!
I have a couple other things that I'm working on at the moment, but It's cool to hear that you enjoy my writing enough to see my takes on a specific pairing, y'know?
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darthjonman · 8 months
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bcacstuff · 13 days
Am I the minority not caring about Bree and Roger? It doesn't help that SS isn't a good actress but they are pushing her as an OL big deal when she's furthest from. And to top it off, production is copying JC in front of the stone in their own centuries for Bree/Roger. Casting has been flawless except with SS. Someone must have pulled some important strings to have her on.
I don't think you're in the minority. I do hear a lot skip the 'Broger' parts. Though have to say, I am a bit more curious about Roger and Buck back in time with a 'young' Dougal and Geilish.
I have to confess I had some doubtful thoughts about the idea to copy the stone pic. Not so sure it will be appreciated by OL fans (or perhaps part of the fandom) 🤷‍♀️ Though most are still complaining about the split of S7 and the long hiatus between the 2 parts
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odessa-2 · 1 year
I stopped watching the show several season ago but was curious about this season since people were raving, so checked out an episode. There’s absolutely no resemblance to the show or characters I loved in season one. It’s like a bad historical soap opera. Long pauses, slow, stilted speech is rolled into a ham fisted melodrama with nonsensical actions and choppy timelines. JC are dismal. This is not good tv. Saw a comment on reddit recently in some thread about characters in movies/tv and someone said they stopped watching OL because they hated Broger. Admittedly, I fast forwarded through all their scenes, but they’re not the only reason to stop watching anymore.
Great comment and observations Anon. I agree with every word👍. As Excecutive Producers Sam and Cait are clearly happy for the degeneration of their characters to take place. It's beyond me why they would want to come back for an eighth season. Maybe they enjoy the regular work and Cait enjoys her part time work.
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sorry, i only get on my knees for one man at a time. good ol’ JC is at the back of the line 🫶🏻🫶🏻
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mrstsung · 8 months
No offense but making johnny cage a descendant of a some uwu special outworld people. Is fucking lame.
And also very sus considering he's one of the only white American characters in the whole series.
So yeah. Making him some uwu special people is very questionable.
Also im sick and tired of people thinking you need to be half something else from some mystical land to be well important or loved or special or unique or be a great character.
Johnny cage was great because he was an average guy. Just some dude. He was the fish out of water. And honestly that's better than making him have "special uwu outworld/edanian blood oooo" wtaf.
Like nrs doesn't suck his dick hard enough as is?! Fanboys gotta do it too?
Let johnny be a normal cringefail good hearted warrior from earthrealm. In fucking peace.
No shipping from fans,no weird anime obscure backstory. Nope just a good ol fashioned himbo. Left,tf,alone. Let jc be plz.
Oh and btw. Fuck nrs for getting rid of johnny cages flavor/signature moves and powers. And fuck any fans for thinking that was a good thing.
Johnny cage deserves better than a crumb of nostalgia bait from games devs trying to chase a mid life crisis high.
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sparklepocalypse · 4 months
🥑☁️🐝🎨 please.💜
🥑 ⇢ you accidentally killed somebody, which mutual(s) do you text for help?
I'd get in touch with @cha-melodius for her anatomical knowledge (y'know, maybe I can resuscitate whoever it is?) and @happiness-of-the-pursuit for his legal expertise, in the likely event that the resuscitation doesn't work.
☁️ ⇢ what made you choose your username?
You know, I've had this username since about 2010, and I honestly can't remember the backstory. I'm fairly sure it has something to do with some sort of arts and crafts project and then-untreated ADHD, though...
🐝 ⇢ tag your biggest supporter(s) and say one nice thing about them
This might get long, so I'll come back to this one and toss it under a jump. 🤣😅
🎨 ⇢ link your favourite piece of fanart and explain why you like it
You know, prior to the latest RWRB zine being published, I wouldn't have been able to narrow it down to just one, but this JC Leyendecker-inspired piece by @artofobsession is possibly my favorite piece of fanart that's ever been created. It's just -- even nearly a month after it was first posted, it causes beauty aggression in me and I just want to bite it because it's so pretty and glowy and ethereal and lovely and they're just so blushy and so into one another. It's the first fanart print I've ordered in years, and it's going to go on my wall of ephemeral pretty things with my Lindsay van Ekelenburg art and my various tarot card prints from Kickstarter decks.
[Send me emoji from the Writers Truth & Dare Ask Game and I'll answer the corresponding questions!]
Aight, back to 🐝 ⇢ tag your biggest supporter(s) and say one nice thing about them
I mean, obviously I'm tagging you first, @ad-astra13, because you're the Most Excellent of Doc Gremlins and your flailing in my Google Docs has been so, so motivating. Your fiber work is really cool and creative! I'm always intrigued to see which project you'll take on next.
And then there's @hgejfmw-hgejhsf, who even with a bunch of stuff going on IRL still takes the time to DM me a screenshot when someone has recced one of my fics, which -- warm fuzzies just everywhere. Val is one of the sweetest, most deeply passionate RWRB fans I have ever met, and her encyclopedic knowledge of all things book and movie have come in handy on like, dozens of occasions in the few months since I've gotten to know her.
@kiwiana-writes and I basically have the same brain in different bodies on different continents, the vibe is so consistent. Half the time I read his work it feels like it could've emerged from my brain instead of his, and now it turns out he's a pretty gifted songwriter too? Incredible, awe-inspiring, iconic, etc.
@artofobsession and I have a Spider-Man meme thing going on where I yell at Hann about their art, and they yell at me about my writing, and it's just a never-ending cycle of yelling. Pretty amazing to consider that I was Too Scared To Say Hi ™️ for awhile there, because I'm a big ol' introvert. Regardless of what Hann's got going on, I've never read an unkind word that's emerged from their keyboard, and they're super well-spoken and yeah, really glad I started making unhinged bulleted lists of art reviews as a way to break the ice, because they're good people.
Speaking of Spider-Man memes, @seanchaidh7 and I have also been Spider-Manning back and forth these last few months. She's created some really, really incredible art for my Big Giant AU, and just genuinely seems like a cool person. I'm happy we stumbled across each other in this fandom!
@duchessdepolignaca03 is one of the best unhinged idea riffers I've met. She deserves at least partial credit for the idea for my RBB fic, because a simple "fic where [x]" message can lead to a thread of dozens (or hundreds) of messages back and forth just flinging ideas out there to further the prompt. Half the time the riff is all that happens, but occasionally, the riff spawns something way bigger.
And there are folks who either I haven't found on Tumblr, or who left Tumblr behind in like 2013 and haven't looked back -- super grateful for everyone who's enabling my weird little brain to do the thing!
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alarrytale · 5 months
There are some Larries with an air of superiority and they say that Larries are self centered and think everything is about them when in reality Harry and Louis are never thinking of Larries. So when Harry was papped while stunting with Ol*via and had HL written on his shoes they said that he was coding to Louis and not Larries. But why would Louis be keeping track of what Harry does in the media when he can call him up or visit him, or might even be there with him. So that doesn't make sense to me. They're coding in hopes that the other one is reading the DM or twitter? These Larries also say that Harry is just living his life and so when he is papped with the Ritzs and JC it is him hanging out with his friends. That he doesn't arrange pap walks, he just goes out with his friends and doesn't mind if he is papped. So does Harry only have 3 friends then because we only ever see him with JC and Ritz brothers. Whenever we see him out he's a walking billboard for the Ritzs and Azoffs, so is this part of his usual attire? They said that the Emr*ta stunt was Harry being drunk and making out with Em*ly for a laugh. So he didn't notice the camera in his face? They said that Br*d is a good friend of Harry's and them getting papped together was them just hanging out in London and not caring if they were papped. We all said that Br*d was another X*nder and using Harry's name to meet girls. We were called delusional and that Harry and Br*d are actually besties. Then it turned out we were right. Br*d was using his connection to Harry to pull hot models on IG. They were thanking him for free Harry tickets on his IG. We are always called delusional when we are repeatedly right. I'm certain that if HL CO tomorrow that people would attack Larries for being invasive. They're never going to admit to being wrong.
Hi, anon!
These fans you're describing don't seem like larries to me. You can’t think Harry was making out with emr*ta for a laugh and call yourself a larrie. There is no need for Harry to signal to Louis either. He could just pick up the phone lol.
I think there is a lot of naivete among fans in this fandom, especially among the youngest and the one's who's just joined. They don't know how the industry works, the symbiotic relationship between a celebrity and the paparazzi, and they don't know about coattailriders and fake friends. They also don't know how closeting works and how far labels and management are willing to go to protect their million dollar golden goose. Is a big money business. Everything is carefully curated and controlled. Everything has meaning or serves a purpose. Very little is coincidental.
We've been called delusional since 2012 (thanks Elean*r...). It's nothing new. They just need to be educated and learn by experience. Let them be, they'll learn eventually.
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yallemagne · 6 months
Hello! I'm new to the whole Dracula community and I just wanted to stop by and say how much I love your Orice series! I keep on binge-reading it every chance I get, and I just love your interpretation of Jonathan Harker!
Also, I want you to know that I blame you for any headcanon designs I have moving forward because I can never unsee Jonathan Harker without long hair XD
Heyy!! Thank you so much. I've been gone because of an arbitrary promise to JC to stop dying, but just know that I saw this message right when you sent it and it has been one of the driving forces in getting me to come back to tumb! Being in the Dracula community was kinda rough, but I'm touched to hear that my writing is one of the good parts from a newcomer.
>:))) oh? lil ol' me has... planted long-haired Jonathan into the recesses of your brain? oh, the audacity of me. I'm glad you love him.
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llycaons · 3 months
part 1
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obvi CR is very beautiful, the artists did a great job, but I'm intrigued by the date in the corner. does 'Xuan Zheng' refer to the emperor? according tobqjj, that's how they keep ttack of years. I was under the impression this wetting didn't have one. has one ever been mentioned?
anyway this is flahback-era. ylung and bright wwx. he even breaths differently
also I like the font they use. it suits the setting
NO JYL?! bullshit, man...
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there has GOT to be a better translation for that. even "brother". 'bro' is FAR too informal. I KNOW they weren't calling each other bro!!!
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god damn...they look real.silly with their big ol eyes
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everything hurts
after seeing the drama it's kind of weird that there's only two of them. like you'd think one of the great clans would send a whole delegation
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sure this is likely a biased account, and we know wwx works hard as a disciple and is mistreated by myu in LP...but god thia sounds like such a carefree life. oh to be living like a wastrel in lotus pier...
nhs's little warning abt lwj to wwx always sounded a little silly. sure I bet he's scary to the other kids but he IS still a 15 yr old boy
this rooftop scene is a lot more casual than the drama. like the drama aimed for maximum romance in every single flashback scene because it wouldn't have explicit get-together scenes, but the donghua stuck closer to the novel and leaned on implication and its looser censorship allowances for its finale
I don't dislike this rooftop scene, it's lind of nice to have more lighthearted moments, but I kind of miss the gravitas. not that the fight scene wasn't good tho
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drawing these cute little illustrations for his heretical concepts...aww
wwx is so fucking smart he answered all those questions perfectly then only didn't answer the last bc he was thinking up an entirely new method nobody had ever tried before. 15 years old. unparalleled genius 🩷🩷🩷
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ft. jc's despair 😭
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its handy how the subs offer short translation notes. sure must make things easier for ppl new to the genre
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this imagery of being underwater talking abt resentful wnergy will come back. this is a good show
okay it's 2:30 I'm crashing lol
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its-moopoint · 1 year
How great that OL in the first 3 seasons had SC as JC act their real bedroom antics in front of the camera and the 20 people in the room with the the directors, choreographers, executives, etc. acting as sick voyeurs! All for shippers' benefit because every romantic screen couple with amazing chemistry had to be together in RL in order to be as good on screen. 😲
Anonymous asked:
Agree that the Frasers are chaste and PG, but it’s just another reason I believe they’re together IRL. I don’t think they want to share what’s theirs so openly anymore…with skin, tongues, going all out. They might be embarrassed at how much they went for it in the beginning. That shit’s all over the internet! I get it, that would be weird if you were actually together. It wouldn’t be weird if she was with someone else and they were ACTing all along, right? Antis love to use Tony as the excuse for it cooling down, but that doesn’t make any sense. I don’t believe they could fake the way their characters look at each other and are intimate, even without the sex, after all this time if they didn’t actually feel it. They’d look more disinterested if it wasn’t nice for them in some way, if it bothered Tony. They’re doing it, they just want it for themselves and that’s okay.
I agree that they don't want people having a window into their real sex life. A bit late for that now. We've already seen it and it made S1-3 MAGICAL! They are doing their characters and the story an injustice with these Days of Our Lives style love scenes. They're unremarkable, forgettable, boring and they may as well not bother with this level of dilution. Jamie and Claire were hot for each other in the books. Omitting this due to personal reasons of any variety is not what the role calls for and is an inaccurate portrayal of the JC love story.
It's said that images and ideas are the reflections of what's seen in photos. That can also be said of film. From the opening episode, Sam and Caitriona's true inward feelings were on screen, visible to all. Many chose to see reality, and many chose to deny it. I can see them ACTing as a romantic couple in the initial episodes, but once they filmed The Reckoning, nothing was left to the imagination. IMO, that episode broke the damn...and what was shown was completely S&C as J&C. They could not damper that lust and craving for each other.
Yes to these people what they actually watched during first seasons was p0rn and real fuck1ng. On set.
These folks after watching the movie "Carol" run to send posts to Cate Blanche's husband warning him that since she had used tongue with Rooney Mara for the sex scenes in the movie she had turned out to be a lesbian married to a man and with 3 kids.
I mean... yeah that's the level
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xichengyi · 2 years
The Bet Gone Wrong
JC and LH lost on their own bet on who's Jingyi's favorite family member. Jiang Cheng betted on Jin Ling because the two understood each other and Lan Xichen betted on Sizhui because the two are close but it turns out jy favorite family member is
Madam Yu! Which made the furen blush and cocky with pride because she is Jingyi's favorite!
JC: Huan ge what's my punishment?
XC: Wear the bunny suit that I bought you last week.🥰😳
What about my punishment ACheng? 🥺
JC: You'll sleep on the couch, no kisses, hugs, or cuddles outside or inside the house for a month.🤗😄
XC: dafuq?!😨 That's cruel A Cheng! You know I can't live without those(kisses,hugs,and cuddles and sleeping beside JC) this is torture and abuse!😭😭🥹
JC: You'll live Huan ge its just a month 😌
Lan Xichen was able to made love with Jiang Cheng in a bunny suit and he was the happiest and horniest person alive, but it didn't last long when Jiang Cheng later on gave his own pillow and comforter and Jingyi saw him sleeping at the couch.
Jingyi: Yey! Sleep over with Baba! But Where's A Die?
XC: A Die's on our room Baba is just taking is consequence. A Yi sleep with your ol good baba from now on ok? So that baba won't get lonely
Jingyi: ok baba! 😄
After that night Jingyi didn't sleep with him again.
Xichen was tortured and is in hell for a month.
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bestjaydee · 1 year
Good post. I read the books a year or two before the show came out. Took me about 200 pgs to get into book 1. By book 3 I almost threw it across the room several times. So much contrivance and plot/character holes, etc. By book 3 the repetitiveness of Claire's eye color and attractiveness was so excessive that I got a niggling feeling. Looked up a pict of DG and...what do you know—whisky colored eyes! She also, like Claire, looks much younger than her age. But, I loved the love of JC, and several of the other characters charmed me. And within all that cobbled together drivel there are some real gem lines. It's almost hard to explain what it is about the mess that is the OL series that's so compelling. The challenge within the OL fandom (and fandom in general) is that it's rampant with love=great work of art, and that's one of many reasons I struggle with it.
Thanks for your kind words. I agree with you. It's as if you can't love something and remain objective about it. Being critical of some aspects of the books or the actors portraying the characters in the show automatically means you're a hater. I really don't get that. Do these people never see or say anything objective or critical about their children for instance? People learn by receiving honest feedback. Saying something is great when it's not doesn't accomplish anything, except perhaps boost someone's ego. It certainly doesn't help the author or the actor strive to be better.
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jittyjames · 7 months
ok let me talk about john 11:35 for a moment— or jesus wept
this fic is actually more recently written. it originally started as a Valentine's Day fic for the jcs discord server (sun/moon dynamics with jesus/mary/judas) but then it twisted into this big ole fic. you can still see the whispers of the fluff piece it once was, like when jesus compares mary to light and warmth and stares at the stars with judas. so i didn't get to actually join that challenge, but there was an effort!
i think it's quite clear the disciples in this fic were actually a commentary on most modern day religious spaces. like blatantly ignoring the words of jesus to focus on their hate instead? searching for power? having no forgiveness of empathy for even the man they call savior? yeahhhhh. i think the disciples are still sympathetic characters honestly, and they're more traumatized than anything. their perceptions of death are so scattered at the moment. so much so they can't even grasp what it means to die anymore. because jesus came back. he came back after the horrors. he suffered, but yet he's still here. so how bad can death truly be? and they want to ensure their legacies are intact. they want to become legends, just like they always did. but now, two of their own just died at once. they have to scramble to make sure they're leaving something behind. so now, let's talk about the misogyny. we can see it begin to mold. we all know jesus accepted women perfectly well into the group, that it was the apostles and paul who started with the whole "women should sit down and shut up" type thing. but we can see that with mary's treatment. peter is the first person to disregard her when it comes to picking the next apostle. yeah he says it's because she's traumatized, but truly it's because he doesn't think he can handle sharing the spotlight with someone who jesus loves more than him again. (we all know i headcanon judas and peter as jesus' right and left hand). it's not necessarily that he's in love with jesus or anything like that, but he knows how he feels. he thinks he knows what's best at the moment. mary and judas? even jesus to an extent? ruled by their emotions for each other. he sees judas' betrayal as the result of some petty relationship drama. he won't have it coming in again to ruin everything he has planned. but peter is also viewing mary as weak. how can she grieve the man who killed jesus? why is she crying all the time when she should be spitting on his grave like the rest of them? it makes Peter not trust her. and then you just have the period-typical misogyny, too mixing with that. then, we also have matthias not even acknowledging her, even as she stands by jesus' side. she's not important to him or to the story, even if she's jesus' heart. she's already being erased by the narrative. and john making the choice of leaving their relationship as a whole out of his book? rooted in homophobia and misogyny. their version on jesus should be above the likes of mary and judas. i have a lot of disciples thoughts. they're not perfect, but they're not simply evil here either. they have their reasons. like can you imagine watching your friend die bc their boyfriend sold them out to the police, and no one really gives you a good explanation for it? you'd be pissed, too. you'd be hurt.
ONE OF THE THINGS IDK IF ANYONE HAS MENTIONED YET. He had caught sight of him one night, sitting amongst a field of poppies, the darkness encasing the deep red of them, the pale blue of Judas.- POPPIES ARE A SYMBOL OF DEATH. JUDAS WAS SITTING IN A FIELD OF POPPIES NIGHTLY. idk if anyone caught onto it, but i most definitely wrote that with an intention. ALSO i had never utilized feet washing scenes bc i don't want people to think i have a foot fetish but like. there's so much angst potential there, and gerohugerh.
also i tried to sprinkle as much judas imagery as I could (or at least what i find to be imagery) but the more obvious ones like the blue coat and peaches, and the judas tree as the hanging tree. but also birds, spring, and stars. hehe. very sell-indulgent.
my roman empire is mary and jesus moving to kerioth to feel close to judas. i love this idea. i love the picture of it. i headcanon kerioth as just the typical, small southern town. orchards and fields, farms and small schools, everyone knows everyone. i mean is this me projecting my own small town life? yeahhhh.
but something i didn't get to talk about is the issue of simon iscariot. but I think I'll save that one 👀
there's a part of me that want to add to this bc @pinkishflowersilverycoin and i hatched a plot in dms. like judas isn't in hell in this world. he's in heaven. jesus didn't go back, so it's just judas alone up there for the time being. he'll be the one to welcome all the disciples, mary, jesus when they die. (will jesus die?? who is to say?? is it some weird supernatural thing?? maybe.) but we felt like maybe judas would take on peter's supposed role at heaven's gate. he's the first one to get there. they'll all have to deal with him again, so even if the apostles think that he's just rotting somewhere, his will be the first face they see when they die.
also we didn't even get started on jesus and mary's kids (sara and elias of kerioth, respectively). we decided they would be the ones to write some gnostic gospels, wanting to set the record straight about their third hypothetical parent, and tell the actual story of their mourning parents.
and I think this is everything for now!
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golbrocklovely · 9 months
something’s telling me that colby didn’t really wanna go to jc’s game but decided to show up anyway because he’s a people pleaser and didn’t wanna disappoint by cancelling last minute lol
i truly hope the boy goes home to his family soon. he hasn’t spent christmas with them in a while (although i imagine that’s because tucson probably feels foreign to him and not home like kc does… but i hope he decides to go be with them for a little bit. god knows he deserves it after such a shitty year)
i feel like it was a mix bag for him. part of him probably didn't want to go, but the other half probably wanted something to get his mind off of everything.
he seemed happy at times, so that's good.
and i hope he goes home for christmas as well. he said before his grandfather passed that he was going back to missouri anyway, so i hope he continues those plans and goes to see his family.
i hope his mama gives him a big ol hug :(
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