#goodfellas fanfic
starcurtain · 21 days
Hi there. I saw the post about Aventurine’s motivations and it reminded me of this time that I was rereading old mission dialogue and I thought to myself “wow. this man really is a piece of shit rat bastard. I love him so much” He reminds me of an old hollywood femme fatale (minus the fem). He’s incredibly smart and rich and beautiful and he’s always up to something but nobody’s entirely sure what. He is an enigma. He is insane.
Have a nice day I love your essays
He's the worst and I love it.
Also I think you are so right about the "Old Hollywood"--all of Penacony is obviously based on the Jazz Age, but in particular I think Aventurine has a strong dose of inspiration from the gangsters of film noir, from the Double Indemnity and Spellbound references to the old-school revolvers in a game with laser guns, the smoky casino-dweller vibe...
A very mafia-esque aesthetic, for sure!
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I honestly feel like for people trying to figure out how to write Aventurine in fanfics, we could do a lot worse off than immersion in the classic mob movies... Bugsy, White Heat, Goodfellas...
There's a very particular aura codified in Aventurine's character that suits this age of film-making very, very well.
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planetdream · 2 months
Types of mafia bosses/position in the gang for skz? I've got the brain rot for this lately I blame the pics of them in suits and shit; I just imagine loads of tattoos too and yep I may do this to myself. But anyways, thoughts? Or thots?
can't wait to find out who of them is the first to get a real tattoo 😻😻 i will go batshit fr but i do love me some good organized crime (goodfellas is one of my favorite movies of all time, and ive written scarface fanfic, been thinking about watching the sopranos) also so so so sorry bc this was sent in may and clearly I took my sweet time answering this 🥺
cw; organized crime (i just love saying that) (non desc.) violence n drugs n sex 😻😻
let me preface this by saying, bear with me, because although i gave this a lot of thought, it lowkey reads like a random cluster thoughts lmao. anyway, i came to the conclusion that if i ever were to potentially expand on this concept more 👀👀👀 that in my head, the boys are split into two crime families, with chan and minho being the two bosses. think of their dorm arrangements (3racha/hyune + minho and the minhoettes; if those are still their arrangements ? lol). i would also say the two families are on fairly decent terms.
chan, or should I say, chris, is the stereotypical mob boss who chooses to shield his lover from the violence and drug side of his work—but has no issue showering them with the drug and violence money. if you haven't seen goodfellas, there's a scene where karen asks henry for money to go shopping before he leaves, and he gives her half of this thick stack of cash before she drops to her knees and well... yeah. not sure why, but it gives channie vibes, imo. like he hates to be pulled away from his work, but if his baby needs him for a few minutes, even an hour or two, it isn't a problem.
i'd say as a mob boss, he's one that lurks in the shadows—he likes to protect his peace, to an extent. he'll pop out and show his face every once in a while to remind others of his territory. he's always going to get his lick back, but he plays things strategically as he's not someone who makes brash decisions; it might not happen now, but it will happen. he also tries to give back to his community and those who raised him within his neighborhood, etc. he's all about strong family bonds and despite him being feared; despite all the blood and threats, the violence and damage; he craves to be loved.
changbin, strikes me as someone who is eternally faithful to the family. maybe..even to a fault (if this were a scorsese film, i feel he'd be one of the last to be murdered; and it probably happens off screen lol). but because he is loyal, he is most definitely chan's second in command, a real right hand man. if anything has happened to chan, then changbin knows that he must not hesitate, he must not mourn or act out—but to learn from chan and play things strategically. he must assume the role of the don. off topic, imo, he's someone that might show off his partner. bringing them to poker nights so all the others can drool over them. his lover is his prize and he'd go above and beyond for them. (has definitely been set up by a lover so he doesn't trust easily, but when he does, whew, he falls head first)
hyunjin is in it for the moneyyyy.. feel like he just wants to show off and get girls (and the mens...👀) and do drugs. he just wants to have fun, most importantly. life is like a video game to him; he's kinda just doing a bunch of side quests—but he knows everyone and everything, a real socialite. kinda perceive him as a friend of the mob who has serious drug connects. since he's everywhere all the time, just being in others business feeling like the cops would be trying for yearsss to pin him on murder or intent to distribute charges but they've only got him for possession once.
now jisung confuses me just a bit. originally i wrote this paragraph about how jisung and felix remind me of lenny from shark tale (another scorsese classic, sorta). they don't seem to be cut out for the life of crime and would rather just leave and be their true selves. but them mfs r not sharks!! leaving can be potentially dangerous and often has consequences (and those two would like to keep their fingers and well, their lives).
that being said, i had been internally debating on whether or not jisung would be perceived as someone who could potentially squeal if pressured heavily—which definitely would affect his rank/status.... but I think he's dedicated to prove himself in the life he was given. likely starts of simple; he's selling drugs n stuff. then, he's even handled a couple hits—so now he's looked at with respect when around everyone. and if he's honest, to be accepted and respected means a lot to him. he almost wears his murder count with such pride. has been told time and time again, not to act irrationally.
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minho, is ruthless, and would like for his other half to be equally as ruthless. for that reason, he doesn't care to shield any of his work from you, and often asks for your opinion on things. if you're in the club and somebody hits on you or tries to start shit he wants you to be able to handle yourself; thus he recognizes you are your own person and not his property. i feel like minho would want to damn near fear his lover. yet I also view him as someone who is nowhere near ready for a relationship (doesn't have the time, he says) but is always at the right longitude and latitude to fuck yk?
because min is a scorpio I am also inclined to say that he is also a boss that lurks in the shadows—pulling strings behind the scenes. he's not a show off and he's not much of a talker either so but you better believe his actions speaks volumes. he fears no one and will more than definitely make sure he makes an example out of those who fuck up. low-key god complex; everything works out in his favor, especially if he's the last one standing.
nobody knows felix is apart of a crime family and he likes to keep it that way. he flies under the radar and because of it, he's made things that seem impossible happen. he gives a very trustworthy vibe, people feel comfortable around him—he deceiving them. but it's gotten him certain connections, through certain doors, and he's learned heavy secrets (blackmail champion). his kill count is unknown. no like he flies so far under the radar, not much is known about him. still, he says a lot about himself without saying too much.
thinking that seungmin is minho's right hand—his MOST trustworthy. yet I can also see seungmin as someone who may have ulterior motives: he's making his own moves and plays behind everyones back and can be perceived as untrustworthy if anyone knew simply due to the nature of what he's doing (building his own empire maybe who knows) honestly gives hitman vibes if im real (I think there's a very thin line between hitman and serial killer yk and well...hitmen don't take trophies...) seungmin is fr someone who shouldn't be crossed. isn't into dating but he might fuck around once or twice
jeongin chases that dream to be a Made Man™ since being a kid (similar to henry in goodfellas) I would say that he's really reliable. well, until he's not. he's handsome and the ladies love him, what can he say? thus, he stays IN the club unless there's an important play to be made. he's crossed between living his young life [drugs, parties, fucking] and going for his dreams and really committing to the mob life. every so often he has phase where he's getting back into the loop of things until something traumatic happens then he's off on a 4 day binger,,
very interesting indeed.....would love to chat more on this hmm
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onlyonewoman · 6 months
One good thing about getting older and having grown up partly without the Internet - and certainly without the extent of social media we have now - is that you could watch and read stuff with flawed characters without immediately jumping to the conclusion that:
The creators thought the bad traits of a character were morally good.
You should equate shitty behavior from a fictional character with a prompt to act like that yourself or excuse that shitty behavior in others in real life.
You should police and shame other people's personal preferences in media consumption publically, like a fucking HSA during the satanic panic, only ramped up like a squirrel on speed.
I have no problem with content that is clear about consent and who's good or bad, sometimes that take fits the story and characters well. A clear "this good, that bad" story is like comfort food or following a nice evening routine.
It serves our need to stay grounded and relax, which is very important, especially in a world where we're exposed to more daily impressions and personal choices than ever before in history.
I wish more young people kept in mind that ONE of the reasons why we're stressed, distracted and easily feel alone and/or watched, is that the consumation of literture, movies, tv shows, music etc. now almost never is a solo experience, which in turn robs us of some of the joy.
What I'm trying to say is that while it's good to reckognize shitty behavior in fictional characters - kudos to you youngsters who discover it earlier than we did - it doesn't make the one reading/watching/listening to a promoter of sexual assault, murder, gas lighting, bad sterotypes, shitty friends, non-existing communication etc.
Like, the worst "crime" I've committed is getting absurdly high library fines due to forgetting to return books in time. My worst behavior includes yelling in complete frustration and possibly tossing my own possessions around - which happens like once every five years. (Thanks emotion regulating meds!)
I'm a trusted animal caretaker and sometimes supervisor for minors. I'm on the organ donor list, I do volontary work, loves Studio Ghibli movies and if I see a cat, I stop dead in my tracks, hoping it will grant me the honor of petting it.
I also write hardcore porn sometimes.
One of my favourite movie characters of all time, is the killer Bill in Kill Bill and the fact that David Carradine died from erotic asphyxiation only makes him hotter.
I loved Marilyn Manson as Ron Tully in Sons Of Anarchy, because the role was just small enough to leave all the room for excellent prison fanfics - and I will go to my fucking grave claiming that Jax Teller was a way worse person than Ron Tully, without claiming that Tully was in any way a good person.
I can't watch the scenes in either Casino or Goodfellas, when Joe Pesci's characters die, because while his absolutely horrendous characters definitely deserve to die, the way it happens in both cases, plays with my own fear of betrayal.
I fear that plenty of younger people have been robbed of the wonderful experience of realizing they can't despise a bad character with the same ease they could as kids.
Yes, some films, movies, books etc. are like comfort food: no resistance, no surprices, less thinking and more feeling. And we need them!
We also need the type of media that shows grim reality with an easily defined enemy, like the nazis in Schindler's List, where there's no way we can identify with the nazis, but still have to balance on the edge with Schindler, who didn't care about the Jews at first, only his business.
We need characters like the despicable yet somehow also caring Aunt Lydia in The Handmaid's Tale, who in her own twisted way cares about the women she's set to control and keep in line. I myself find it impossible to wish her dead, not because she deserves a second chance, but because her lack of cruelty just for the sake of it, has shone through enough times to reveal she might be a vital key for the good in the end.
By being exposed to morally grey characters, we learn about ourselves and what we, as human beings, are capable of in extreme circumstances, whether it's good or bad.
I believe that with the literal fear of coming across as "toxic" or a promoter of shitty behavior by loving characters with awful behavior, makes people less interested in challenging media and thus, not building up an inner understanding for and capacity to deal with bad things and shitty people in real life.
And if you find yourself in a position where you feel like you can't handle characters who can be both monsters and human beings, it's no longer a content problem, it's a YOU problem.
Maybe you're not old enough to connect with certain characters or stories. Maybe you're not in the right mindset to watch/read it right now. Maybe it's simply not something you find enjoyable at all.
All three are valid reasons to stay away from this kind of content.
What it isn't, is a reason to try and shame other people for taking a liking to it. Don't spend your 20's playing moral police online, pretending to be judge, jury and executioner for some stranger enjoying fictional criminals consentually fucking their rival criminal in chains in the basement.
We already know it's fiction, know perfectly well it's not an advertisement for healthy relationships and if YOU didn't understand that, you're simply not old and/or experienced enough to partake in that sort of content.
And if you ought to be old and mature enough to understand this, yet still get your panties in a twist when you come across, lets say, the vegaspete tag: just remember that had Scorsese wrote Kinnporsche, most of the characters aside from Porsche, would've ended up:
buried alive
shot in the neck
blown up
mutilated or, at best:
living under secret identity for the rest of their lives, on the top of the Bangkok mobster death list
Goodfellas is still one of the best movies ever made and if the young people in the 90's could go and watch it without leaving the theatre thinking "yeah, lets start money laundring, doing blow and shooting friends in the head", I'm pretty damn sure today's youth can do the same.
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i was tagged by my darling @loser-user-noaccuser (thanks for the tag love) so let’s go!
(i’m also gonna tag @takenbythelightfantastic @shutupdevvie and @myfriendtheghost but if you see this and i didn’t tag you, feel free to participate anyway!)
what book are you currently reading? i just started shady hollow: a murder mystery by juneau black. i’ve been meaning to read it for ages, so i’m excited to finally get around to it. 
what’s your favorite movie you saw in theatres this year? this is really hard to pick because i did see a lot of films this year, most of them screenings of older movies. my top three are probably labyrinth, goodfellas, and rear window. i do feel that elvis deserves an honorable mention as well because i did really enjoy that and it made me cry multiple times. 
what do you usually wear? it depends on the day. if i’m at home i just wear athletic tights and a t shirt, but if i’m going to class i’ll throw on a cardigan as well and sometimes wear jeans instead of tights.
how tall are you? i’m 5′3″ 
what’s your star sign? do you share a birthday with a celebrity or historical event? i’m a pisces! i also share a birthday with johnny cash and victor hugo (and i’m one day away from sharing one with george harrison)
do you go by your name or nickname? they’re pretty interchangeable tbh. some people call me mallorie, but just as many call me mal. 
did you grow up to be what you wanted to be as a kid? yes and no. i think that who i am as a person is the type of individual that i’ve always been and wanted to be, but in the tangible sense of a career, lifestyle, etc., i’m still in a transitional period of my life and can’t say yet if i’ll reach the more material goals set by my childhood self. 
are you in a relationship? if not who is your crush if you have one? i’m not in a relationship, and i don’t really have any crushes aside from my multiple famous/fictional/tumblr mutual babygirls. 
what’s something you are good at vs something you are bad at? ever since i was a child, i’ve been pretty talented in the arts (singing, acting, visual art, etc.) and i did really well in school, but i am absolutely terrible at sports or really anything atheltic. 
dogs or cats? both! although i don’t know if i could live without a dog.
if you draw/write or create in anyway what’s your favorite picture/favorite line/favorite etc. from something you have created this year? it’s definitely this (technically unfinished) painting that i did of george harrison at the beginning of the year. i consider it one of my best works to date, and it was done at a time when i was really deep into a beatles phase so i think my love of the band and george really manifested into the work. 
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what’s something you’d like to create content for? oh my gosh there’s so many things. i’m really big into any kind of pop culture/media so i draw a lot of celebrities that i love and things like that. i’d really like to continue to make art that shows my love of the beatles, but i would like to branch out into making art for some of my other loves like john denver, gvf, and the muppets. i’d also love to give writing fanfic for any of the fandoms i’m in a try.
what’s something you are currently obsessed with? well i’m obviously obsessed with the beatles and gvf, but i also adore john denver, the solo works of all the beatles, the muppets, the simpsons, film (particularly old hollywood and 80s films), and a million other things. i’ve also been hyperfixating on seinfeld a bit lately bc that’s the show i’m currently watching. 
what’s something you were excited about that turned out to be disappointing this year? i think every year i convince myself that i’ll make new irl friends and finally have a full friend group or even get into a relationship, but that never really happens much. (although i am thankful for all of the darling friends i have made on tumblr. y’all mean so much to me.) i also went see paul mccartney in concert this year and while it was amazing and by no means disappointing, it didn’t hold the life-changing gravity that i thought it would, and it almost made me a bit sad because it reminded me how much time has passed since the beatles and that the people that i really care about won’t be around forever. 
what’s a hidden talent of yours? i’m pretty good at impressions! i can do a lot of them, but some of my favorites are miss piggy, cher, bob dylan, chubby checker (specifically singing the twist), a ton of simpsons characters, jerry seinfeld and jimmy stewart. (the last two aren’t always great but they really make me laugh.)
are you religious? yes, but it’s a bit complicated. i was raised catholic, but i find that i don’t agree with all of the teachings of the catholic church, so now i’m trying to find where i stand in the religious community and where my beliefs and morals fit. it’s something i’m working on and figuring out as i go along. 
what’s something that you wish to have at this moment? happiness, love, and peace
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perichat · 2 years
"My math could be off on this, but it also appears Goncharov has more fanworks than all other Martin Scorsese films combined (as of posting: Taxi Driver has 55, The Departed has 48, Shutter Island has 27, and every other Scorsese film I checked has less than 20)." Hey, do you have any hunch on why that would be the case? Like... don't Scorsese fans know AO3 exists? Are his movies just... not really good for fanfiction?
It's probably a combination of both
I think Scorsese's biggest film fans are more interested in film theory and analyzing the already existing the source material rather than taking that source material and creating something new with it. While there isn't that much fanfic, there's plenty of highly viewed video essays on Youtube about Scorsese films.
Conversely, I think fanfiction writers either aren't interested in or aren't inspired by Scorsese's work. Fanfic writers are generally more drawn to expansive universes with a lot of room to play around in, as opposed to standalone films about organized crime. Also, going off of what I see in the Goncharov Ao3 tag, it seems like most works center around 1. Katya being a girlboss and/or 2. the sexual tension between Goncharov and Andrey. And... while I'm not the most well-versed in Scorsese's works, I don't think strong female characters and homoerotic subtext are super-present themes in his films.
Also of note: some of Scorsese's work is based on real events/people (ex: Goodfellas, Wolf of Wall Street, The Irishman). Rpf is a somewhat niche fanfic interest, and most people who write it seem to prefer their favorite musicians/athletes/twitch streamers as opposed to mob bosses and Wall Street bankers.
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venus-haze · 2 years
Hey friend. I was wondering what is your top 5 favorite movies of all time?
And also how do you get tips on what to write your fanfics about? Since I am feeling kinda stuck at moments on what to write.
Hey Grace! I feel like my top 5 favorite movies are constantly changing, but most consistently it’s In the Mood for Love, Opening Night, Scream, Goodfellas, and House of Wax.
Taking requests can definitely help with getting inspiration for fics if you’re stuck. There are also some helpful writing prompts accounts or text posts with lists of writing prompts if you’re not sure. I would say the biggest thing is to not force yourself to write if the inspiration isn’t there. It can be tempting, but sometimes the best fics can come from taking a short break and letting yourself recharge. Hope this helps🖤
🦇 Battie
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anemicjellyfish · 2 months
Considering watching Goodfellas in order to help inspire parts of my fanfic that gives Crimson from Helluva Boss a fun little (terribly dark) backstory.
I haven't actually seen the entire movie in one sitting before, but it's free on one of those movie app things. I'm hoping it'll spark a little something that gives the fic some more depth.
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Love is Strange
CW: daddy kink, rough sex, non-consentual touching, violence
This is a little Goodfellas Tommy DeVito smutty fanfic
If anyone reads this I hope you enjoy!
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You met Tommy at an art show of yours. He was walking by on his way home from a job when he saw you through the glass windows of the gallery schmoozing with critics, and he just couldn’t stop himself from introducing himself.
“This your work?” He asks, lighting a cigarette and considering your paintings.
“Yeah, you like?” You ask and smile, letting your eyes roam up and down his body. He looks back over to you.
“The colours, they’re...” he pauses to think and you laugh lightly.
“I can see you’re slightly out of your element here. You some kinda wise guy?” You ask and pull a cigarette out, placing it between your lips and leaning over to him for him to light it. He does just that.
“Wise guy?” He scoffs, playing it naive. You shake your head playfully, your smile never wavering.
“You know Tony (Y/L/N)?” You ask him and his eyebrows rise.
“Yeah, course I know Tony (Y/L/N). Good guy. Gone too soon.”
“My name’s (Y/N). I’m his daughter.” You tell him and he smiles wickedly.
“You’re Tony’s daughter?” He asks and you nod.
“Well fuck me, I guess you got your looks from your mother.” He huffs, looking you up and down.
“Well you obviously never met my mother, wise guy.” You nudge his arm with yours and look around the room, observing the people who have come to look at your art.
“Name’s Tommy, Tommy DeVito.”
“Nice to meet you Tommy Tommy DeVito. You wanna take me out for drinks or a meal or something?”
“When?” He asks, a little taken aback by your upfrontness even though your demeanour was more submissive than domineering.
“Now would be good.”
“Don’t you wanna stay here? It is your show ain’t it?”
“The gallery will tell me if anyone buys anything. I’ve had enough of critics and collectors telling me how much they love my work to my face and then tearing it down behind my back.”
“Tell me who’s been doing that and I’ll beat ‘em up nice for you.”
“Black and blue. My favourite colour combo.” He takes your arm and walks out of the gallery with you, opening the car door for you before you slide in. He takes you to some dive bar down the street that has a queue out the front, but you and Tommy get inside immediately. The dim lighting and lack of art critics in the place are enough for you to fall I love with the place. Someone buys Tommy a bottle of red wine as soon as you sit down and immediately you know you and Tommy are gonna get along just fine. You stay at the bar talking and drinking and smoking with Tommy until the early hours of the morning, at which point he drives you home, expecting you to invite him in when he pulls up outside your apartment building.
“Put your arm out.” You tell him and rummage around in your bag. He looks skeptical but does as you say. You pull a pen out of your bag and then pull his sleeve up, writing your number on his arm.
“Call me later. I’ll be waiting Tommy Tommy DeVito.” You press two of your fingers to your lips and then press them to his cheek. You walk away to your apartment, letting your hips sway and leaving Tommy with a hard on. He goes straight to Henry’s diner to tell his friends about you.
“She’s a fucking bombshell I tell you. Dynamite. In that dress she was wearing with those red lips. I’m getting hard just thinking about her.”
“But she didn’t fuck you? You don’t go for that.” Henry comments and Tommy scoffs at him.
“Not in a one nighter, (Y/N) is wife material.”
“An artist isn’t exactly traditional for a gangsters wife.” Henry says.
“Neither is being the daughter of a made gangster.” Jimmy chimes in.
“Yeah well her dad is dead, what’s he gonna do get out of his grave and beat my ass? I don’t fucking think so. She knows the business. What’s not perfect about that? Picked me for a gangster right away.”
“Who’d you say her dad was?” Jimmy asks.
“Old Tony (Y/L/N).”
“Fuck me. He was a big time. You better watch out for this (Y/N). Something tells me she’s gonna be busting your balls.”
“Busting my balls? I ain’t never heard anything so stupid!” Tommy laughs but deep down he knew you would bust his balls, and you would be much more difficult to keep happy than the usual wives. A month past and during that month you and Tommy saw each other practically every day. You were almost inseparable, but still, and to Tommy’s annoyance, no sex. You two kissed, and kissed a lot, and you let him feel you up on many occasions, which you knew left him rock hard, but you wanted to be sure you were able to keep him around without the sex. You were looking for husband material after all. He’d come visit you at the studio he rented out for you and watch you paint in his spare time, and take you out for dinner or drinks at least three times a week, but still you hadn’t met any of his friends. He wanted to make sure you wouldn’t embarrass him by pushing him around in front of his friends and colleagues, and he wanted to make sure he wouldn’t embarrass himself by bringing some fancy artist type in to meet his friends and colleagues, talking about how you were his girl, his future wife. Today thought, when Tommy rang you at your studio to say hello you were determined to meet them. I mean you’d already met his mother for god sakes, but not his friends? A little ball busting never hurt nobody.
“What are you doing today Tommy?” You ask and twirl the cord to your phone around your finger.
“Just attending to some business baby.”
“You at that restaurant you always hang at?”
“Why do you wanna know?” He asks sceptically.
“No reason baby, no reason at all.” You try to play it off.
“I’ll talk to you later baby, okay? Stay safe for me. Don’t kill nobody who don’t need to be killed.”
“Okay baby, okay. I’ll talk to you later you sexy bitch.” He whispers into the phone.
You laugh and hang up the phone, biting your bottom lip, heat rising in your stomach. Even if you didn’t want to meet his friends so bad you desperately needed to see Tommy. Maybe today was the day you finally give Tommy what he had been so desperately waiting for. You pack up your brushes and try to wipe the paint off of your clothes and hands before getting changed and fixing yourself up. You grab your bag and a container of almond cookies you baked earlier, and head out the door, walking briskly toward a deli down the road from your studio, ordering four subs. Once you had the food you begin to walk toward Henry’s restaurant. You saunter in, donning your curve hugging denim jumpsuit.
“Hey baby.” You say and all three men turn around. All of their eyes almost pop out of their skulls.
“Well don’t get up, let me bring your lunch to you. I know we’re in a restaurant but I figured your cook could use a break.” You walk to the bar where they are seated and put the food and cookies in front of all of them.
“You’re (Y/N)?” Henry asks and looks you up and down before Tommy punches him in the arm.
“What are you doing here baby?” Tommy asks.
“I just wanted to see you, and I wanted to meet your friends. Don’t mind me, I know what goes on here. If you want me to go I can just drop the food off and get back to my art.” You offer to leave and Tommy shakes his head immediately.
“Get over here. You’re not going anywhere.” He entends his hand and you take it, walking around the bar and sitting in his lap. He lays a sloppy passionate kiss on your lips, taking your chin firmly in his hand. You kiss back and moan against his lips, and immediately he can tell you’re more in the mood than he had ever seen you.
“Eat up boys, if you’re hungry.” You say, not breaking eye contact with Tommy.
“Hold your horses baby, let me introduce you to my boys. This here is Jimmy Conway” he explains and you shake Jimmy’s hand with a smile. Handsome guy, you think, but not handsome enough to takw you away from Tommy.
“And this is Henry Hill, a real wise guy.” You shake his hand as well and then lay another kiss on Tommy’s lips before you get up and serve the three men, then yourself. You lean onto the counter as you eat your lunch, and watch the three men eat theirs, letting your cleavage show. As you’re all eating and talking and laughing, and Tommy is eyeing you greedily, some other wise guys come into Henry’s establishment, laughing and carrying on obnoxiously. As they see you wrap your mouth around your sandwich, bent over, cleavage showing, one of them decides to come around to your side of the bar, standing behind you and feeling you up. Tommy immediately jumps up, scrambling onto the bar and jumping on the man, wrapping his hands around his neck before he starts to punch him, and punch him hard. You’re shocked but Jimmy and Henry just look on, amused.
“Baby! Tommy! Stop stop!” You practically beg and try to pull him off of the man.
“He’s not worth the time and effort it would take to chop him up and dig a hole.” Somehow this convinces him to stop, and he breathes heavily as he stands over the man and looks back over to you. You move forward and punch the man once in the face as hard as you can, knocking him out but not killing him.
“You okay baby?” Tommy asks you, finally standing up straight, fixing his suit jacket and putting your face in his hands.
“I’m fine Tommy. Jesus your hand!” You say as you notice his bloody knuckle.
“Don’t worry ‘bout it (Y/N). Just come sit on daddy’s lap.” He moves back over to his seat and you do as he says, sitting on his lap and snuggling into his chest as he wraps his arms around you. The guys friends drag him out of the joint and the four of you are left alone again.
“I ain’t never letting anyone hurt you. I ain’t even letting anyone get close.” He tells you, still with anger in his voice, glaring at the guy being dragged out. You nod to him, knowing he really means it. Henry and Jimmy are shocked that you could stop Tommy from killing him, and impressed. They see that you two might be a good match for one another after all.
“I love you Tommy.” You whisper into his ear and place a soft kiss on his cheek. It’s the first time you’ve told him you love him since you met a month ago. Tommy smiles.
“I love you too baby girl, and don’t you ever forget it.” He pulls you closer and you sigh into him, closing your eyes. You could stay like this forever, wrapped up in Tommy’s strong safe arms. Later he invited you to a poker game he is having with the boys and some other guys later that night.
“You want me to play?” You ask confused.
“Nah, just sit on my lap and give me little smutty kisses. Make all the other boys jealous.” He says and you laugh softly as you bite your bottom lip.
“That’s kind of a relief, I don’t know how to play poker anyway!” You say and Tommy laughs at you.
“Your father didn’t teach you?” He asks curiously.
“Poker seemed like his thing back in the day.”
“Well I was only ten when he died. Did you know him?”
“I saw him around, was introduced to him once or twice, but I didn’t really know him.”
You nod and sigh, pushing some pieces of hair out of Tommy’s face.
“Dad would’ve hated us going together. He would have killed you before you could even touch me.”
“Well I guess I’m lucky he’s not around then.” He says and feels you up, letting his hands roam from your hips to your breasts.
“I guess we both are.” You pause and think.
“You have to promise me you’re not gonna get whacked. I can’t deal with that.”
“Baby I’m not going anywhere, okay? Before long I’ll be made and then no one will be able to fuck with me. Not even you.” He laughs and you laugh with him.
“I’ll always be able to fuck with you, you crazy motherfucker.” You crash your lips into his, leaving him flustered and hard when you pull away, and get up so that him and those other wise guys can start their game. You sit around the bar for a bit whilst the men play around a table. You talk to the servers and to the chefs, and eventually you get slightly bored. You watch Tommy play, and his competitive nature and aggression are turning you on to no end. You’re dripping wet. You take your vodka and coke and walk over to the duke box, putting on Love Is Strange.
‘How do you call your lover boy
Come here, lover boy
And if he doesn't answer
Oh lover boy
And if he still doesn't answer
I simply say’
You mouthe Sylvia’s parts as you saunter over to the table, swaying your hips and dancing. Immediately you have caught the attention of all the men in the diner. You walk to Tommy and straddle his lap, then sing along with the record to him.
“Baby, oh baby, my sweet baby, you're the one.” You pause and lean into his ear, biting it before whispering into it.
“Let me go down on you Tommy? Like right now? I’m desperate for you.” You breathe out a shuddering breath and his eyes widen. He pulls you off of him and gets up, gripping your upper arm.
“Aye, what the fuck are you doing?” Henry asks and Tommy gives him a stare that could practically kill.
“Just save me a spot in the next round, okay?”
“Where the fuck are you going?” Henry asks and Tommy scoffs.
“Save me a fucking spot or I’ll shoot the lot of ya!” He yells and takes you into the back room which is filled with fur coats and guns and cash. You immediately get down on your knees, undoing Tommy’s belt painfully slowly.
“It turns me on when you yell like that.” You tell him, mouth painfully close to his clothed appendage.
“I’m gonna enjoy this.” He tells you, and you unzip him, taking his cock out of his pants. He’s bigger than you expected. The weight of him makes you moan in anticipation. He grabs your hair on the back of your head and pulls you down onto his cock. You moan as you begin to suck, bobbing your head up and down and hollowing out your cheeks, getting faster and harder with each movement. He throws his head back, letting out breathy grunts. They turn you on real bad and you start to grind yourself against your heals, moaning against his big heavy cock. A minute passes and he notices how turned on you are.
“You wet for me you dirty bitch?” He asks and you nod around his cock. He pushes you off and you look up to him, catching your breath.
“You want daddy to fuck you hard?” He asks. You nod again.
“Get up and get naked. Now!” He yells and it makes you shudder, then moan in pleasure. You obey him, unzipping your jumpsuit to reveal you’re wearing no underwear underneath, not even a pair of panties.
“You little slut.” He comments and lifts you up so you’re seated on the edge of a rectangular table which is adjacent to two walls. He opens your legs wide and puts two fingers inside of you.
“You’re dripping wet for me. Good girl.” He whispers greedily as he watched your expression change. Eyebrows furrowed and biting your lip you moan loudly, paying no mind to the men sitting just outside the door. Give them a show, you think to yourself. Why not? You want to make them jealous of your relationship with Tommy. He takes his fingers out once he makes you a moaning mess, licking them clean before entering you with his cock. You practically scream at the feeling of his large member filling you up. He begins to thrust and you’re reduced to a mess of whimpers, moans and fucks.
“Agh, daddy... unnhhhhh fuck. Fuck me Tommy! AGH! Fuck I’m close daddy. Mmm... MMMh. Tommy! Tommy! I’m almost there.” You exclaim and he leans down, wrapping his hand around your neck and squeezing.
“Come for me you bitch!” He yells in your face and that sends both you and him over the edge. You scream out, breathing heavy and uneven. He grunts as he buries his load deep in your pulsing pussy. After a moment he pulls out, tucking his cock back into his pants and doing them and his belt back up. He’s red in the face and extremely satisfied. You close your legs and groan at the feeling of your cockles pussy, only left with the feeling of his hot cum in you. Just the thought of that makes you moan again.
“Mmm, thank you Tommy. That was...” you sigh contentedly and brush some hair out of your face. “Fucking amazing.” Tommy smiles a satisfied grin.
“Wish you’d let me fuck you sooner.” He says and you shake your head.
“It wouldn’t have been that good if I had... I’m gonna talk to Paulie about getting you made, he owes me.” You get up and put your jumpsuit back on. Tommy helps you fix your hair before you walk back out into the diner, your cheeks flushed both from the amazing sex you just had and from the embarrassment of knowing what the men heard. Jimmy smiles at you and Tommy as you walk out, the rest of them glare in jealousy. You smile to Tommy and you sit back on his lap as he sits down to play the next round of poker.
“Hey Spider! Get me and my girl a drink!”
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Jimmy Conway x Paulie's Daughter! Reader
Hiiiii, this fic is a little surprise I've been working on and I've got a few others in the works. I hope you guys love it! ❤️
TW: smut, mentions of crime and crime families, murder, marriage, mentions of pregnancy
Word Count: 5.2k
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As you stand in front of the mirror, your head spins from the morning you've already had. Women everywhere, whizzing around you doing your hair and makeup, getting you into your wedding dress. All that to make you a bride.
And you do look like a bride, you think as you stare into the mirror.
Behind you, you hear a familiar voice, "Ahem, ladies, could I get a moment alone with our bride?" Jimmy. He's being extra charming today, as many of the women left the room giggling because he spoke to them.
"Wow... (Y/N), you look gorgeous..." he creeps up behind you and delicately places his hands on your sides, as if he might break you. He looks at you in the mirror, before gently placing a kiss on your shoulder. "You're gonna stop traffic when you walk down the aisle. I can't wait to see it," he moves your veil and hair to give you a kiss on the cheek.
You don't say anything, just stare into the mirror. After a small pause, Jimmy turns you around, "Hey, you alright?"
Finally, you get a good look at him in his tux: all black with an off white shirt and a deep green vest peaking out from the lapels of his tuxedo jacket. You let out a breath you didn't know you were holding, "Yeah, I'm okay, just nervous," you put your hand on his chest, looking him over again, "I'm glad you're here. You always calm me down, and you look great by the way."
You knew it was an unconventional choice, but you wouldn't have picked anyone else to be your Maid of Honor. And Jimmy was happy to do it for you, even with Tommy and Henry making fun of him for it, at least until they got asked to be bridesmaids.
These were guys that in another life, you never would've been friends with, probably wouldn't have even known. And truthfully, your dad didn't want you being friends with them, because he knows what they are: criminals, nothing but criminals. But they're the only family you have, and Paulie had to admit that it was so cute seeing you get into trouble with Henry and Tommy and then go to "Uncle" Jimmy to get you out of it.
Jimmy wouldn't have done that kind of thing for the guys; they needed to get pinched and learn what it was like, but he would do anything to keep your pretty face out of jail. Since you've grown older, old enough for your father to let you get married, you and Jimmy have grown to be best friends. He's not so much the Uncle he used to be to you.
"(Y/N)?" Jimmy starts, "we got something to tell you, honey."
Just from the man's tone of voice, you can tell something is terribly wrong; you just know him too well. At that point, Jimmy opens the door, and Tommy, Henry, and your dad Paulie shuffle in.
"What's going on?" you say sheepishly, taking a step back from the men before you.
"You may wanna sit down," Jimmy motions to the little couch in the room.
Your dad reaches for one of your hands and you pull it away, "What is it, papa?"
"Sweetie, let's sit down, so we can talk," he places a hand on your back, and you both sit on the couch together. Jimmy, Tommy, and Henry all stand around looking like tough guys: arms crossed, keeping an ear out for anyone who might be listening outside the door, their faces looking stone cold with a bit of worry in their eyes.
"(Y/N), that guy out there," Paulie starts, referring to the groom waiting to marry you, "he ain't the guy you think he is."
"What?" you ask quietly.
"Well, uh, the guys here-" he looks up at the three men standing around you, "Jimmy, uh..." He just couldn't say it to you.
"We've been keeping an eye on this guy, scoping him out," Jimmy finishes for Paulie.
"What? You were spying on my fiancé?" you ask, feeling hurt.
"You didn't think we was just gonna let you marry anyone, did ya?" Tommy pipes up.
"And I'm glad we did," Jimmy cuts back in, "that guy out there, (Y/N), he's a liaison for another crime family! They were using you for information, and now he's able to identify all of us."
"What? No... He's- he's... a union rep," you cast your eyes down as it dawns on you; it was all a lie and a great cover up so he could talk about his friends and you wouldn't even realize. God, did you feel stupid. If anyone was gonna catch him in that lie, it should've been you. "I'm so sorry..." you whisper as tears drop down onto your wedding dress.
Paulie immediately pulls you into a hug, "Hey, hey, it's okay, baby girl. It's okay. The guys here have a plan." He tries to comfort you as you cry into his shoulder.
"I'm so sorry, you know I'd never try to put any of you in danger. I'm sorry I was so stupid!!" You feel horrible and angry with yourself.
"Shhh... You gotta keep your voice down, honey," you feel Jimmy's hand rubbing circles into your back as he kneals next to you. "You're not stupid. It took us a long time to crack this guy. He covered his tracks well."
You turn to Jimmy, tears mixed with mascara running down your face. "Hey..." he says, pulling out a handkerchief and wiping the tears from your face, "Don't cry, angel. You shouldn't cry on your wedding day."
"But-" you get close to him, "it's not my wedding day anymore."
"Still," he pulls you up off the couch and into a hug, "you look too pretty to cry, and besides, we gotta get going."
You give him a confused look, trying to get it together, "Get going? Where are we going?"
"Well, uh, you and I are going on your honeymoon; Tommy and Henry know the rest of the plan."
"Honeymoon? We're not gonna cancel it?" you question.
"Listen, sugar," your dad grabs your attention, "this is the one day we can get your fiancé alone. He didn't dare bring any of his associates; we would recognize them, especially after all the recon we've done. So Jimmy's gonna sneak you out of here, and you're gonna go away for a while, and we're gonna get rid of this crook and tie up all the loose ends."
Just a few moments later, Tommy and Henry go back into the church to make it seem like everything is normal. No one is gonna think anything of Jimmy and your dad being with you, because that's the order the ceremony will go in. Your dad waits out in the hallway, as if he's waiting for you to put the last few finishing touches on your dress, and as everyone clears the hall to go to the church, he signals to Jimmy that it's time.
You and Jimmy quietly sneak out of your dressing room to head to the car. Before you run off, you turn back to your dad, giving him a big hug, "Please be careful, papa. I love you so much, and I'll miss you."
"I love you, too, (Y/N)," he gives you a kiss on the forehead, before you turn to head out the back hallway of the reception hall.
On the way out, Jimmy grabs a huge plate of hors d'oeuvres and holds the door open for you. You make your way out to this random convertible (probably stolen), seeing your suitcase in the backseat.
"Mines in the trunk," he lets you know, before setting the plate of food in the back and helping you in the car. Seconds later, you're peeling out of the church parking lot.
• • •
You and Jimmy can't help but laugh as you get further and further away from your wedding ceremony. You can't explain why you're laughing so hysterically, but it feels like old times getting into trouble with Jimmy. Plus, it's a welcome distraction.
"Jimmy," you interject the laughter.
"Yeah?" he asks, coming down from his laughing fit. You've already reached the highway heading from upstate New York into the city to get to the airport.
"Jimmy, I gotta get out of this dress," there's a serious tone in your voice that tells Jimmy this is more urgent than you let on.
He quickly whips out his switch blade, "Okay, lean forward." And then you feel the cool metal of the blade grace your back as he cuts the ribbons corseting your dress.
The dress loosens around you, and you look over at the man, "Thank you," is all you say before sliding the dress down over your hips, then throwing it up in the air, letting the wind take it down the highway. Jimmy has an impressed look on his face as he glances at you with a half smile on his face.
He reaches over, placing a hand on your bare thigh, pulling your wedding garter down your leg before holding it above his head and spinning it around like a lasso. "WOOOOOO!!!!" he yells at the top of his lungs as he flings the little piece of lace. Anything to make you laugh, and it does get a rise out of you.
There's a pause for a moment as Jimmy takes in the view of you in your white lingerie; his eyes don't linger for long though, because he doesn't want to make you uncomfortable.
Though, you can't help but feel sexy for moment before climbing into the backseat to change.
"Hey, bring that food up to the front seat when you're done," he says, looking at you in the rearview mirror. You smack his shoulder, realizing he can see you changing. He chuckles and flips the rearview up. You spend the rest of the trip leaning on Jimmy and snacking on the hors d'oeuvres on the tray, until you arrive at the airport.
Because you skipped the wedding ceremony and reception, you arrive way earlier than you're supposed to, but it's no issue, Jimmy already worked it out by moving your flight up. It also works out better, because there will be goons at the airport looking for you, but by the time they get there, you and Jimmy will already be gone.
• • •
After a few hours when you arrive in the Bahamas, Jimmy gently runs his fingers through your hair to wake you up from your nap. You were conked out on his shoulder, exhausted from this morning. "C'mon, sleepyhead, let's go have a honeymoon," he helps get you up and grab your bags.
"Mmmm," you yawn following him, "you say that like it's your honeymoon or something."
"Well, it is now," he chuckles, grabbing your hand to lead you off the plane. After a warm welcome from some locals at the check in desk, you head over to your private villa, right on the beach. Even though it's already dark, the island is beautiful. The warm breeze makes the palm trees wave; the sand is soft under your feet; and the sound of waves crashing is seriously so relaxing.
Inside your villa, it looks so cozy and clean, and you're so ready to get some dinner and go to bed. That's just what you do. Jimmy calls the office to order dinner to your little beach house, and you pop into the bathroom to take a shower and change.
By the time you're done, dinner is too. Jimmy greets you with a little side hug and pulls your chair out for you to sit down at the table. "Comfy? In your little robe and all?" he asks, eyeing you up and down quickly.
"Mm-hmmm," you moan, stuffing your face with delicious food. Jimmy chuckles at you before doing the same.
After getting your bellies full on tasty seafood, you decide that it would be a good idea to go to sleep, that way you can make the most of your time on this lovely island.
As you and Jimmy make your way to the bedroom, you're met with a reminder of why you're there in the first place: rose petals and candles littering the room.
Jimmy sees the way you pause, "Do you want me to get rid of this stuff?"
"I- uh, no... It's okay," you look back and forth between him and your bed.
"Here," he says, leading you to the couch, "Stay here."
He goes into the bedroom and closes the door behind him. For a few moments you hear huffing and thudding as he blows out candles and throws them in the trash, and you hear his arms hitting the bed as he wipes the rose petals away. Jimmy exits the room with a trash bag in tow, tossing it out on the front patio before returning to the living room, breathing a little heavy, and holding his arm out, motioning you to the bedroom.
You stand up and put your arms around him, giving him a soft kiss on the cheek, "Thank you, Jimmy."
He places his arm around your waist and presses a cheek to your head, "You're welcome, sweetie. Now go to bed."
"You're not coming?" you ask.
"I'll sleep on the couch. You have a good night, and sweet dreams," he gives your arm a squeeze before heading to the bathroom to get ready for bed.
As you settle into bed and try to sleep, it sinks in. Your relationship that you'd been so happy in is over... And here you are in another country for an undetermined amount of time while your ex-fiancé gets "taken care of." Even though his intention was to hurt you, you can't help but mourn what feels like the loss of your happiness. In fact, there's only one place you can feel happy right now, and you won't sleep until you're there.
"Jimmy?" you whisper through your sniffles. You stand before him as he sleeps soundly on the couch. "Jimmy?" A little louder this time, and that does the trick.
The man takes in a sharp inhale through his nose and his eyes pop open, "(Y/N), hey," he rubs his eyes, "you okay?" You just stand there quietly sniffling, and then Jimmy sees the redness in your face, "Hey, hey, c'mere honey, c'mere." He holds the blanket up for you to climb in, and he immediately wraps his arms around you, cuddling you in his cozy little spot on the couch. You simply bury your head into his chest, and let out a few tears. "Shhhh, shhh," he says as if cooing a baby, "it's okay, I'm here, everything's gonna be alright."
• • •
The sun brightly lights the whole open floor plan of your beach side escape, warming you and Jimmy in your bundle of blankets. You awake to the feeling of his fingers lazily combing through your hair, and when you crack your eyes open, you see him happily smiling down at you. You place a hand on his chest, and he covers it with one of his own, giving your fingers a squeeze.
"Morning, you hungry?" he greets you.
"Mmmm... Good morning, sweet man," you happily nuzzle into him.
He cups a hand on the back of your head, "Whaddaya say we get some breakfast, then ya wanna go swimming later today? Hm? We got that beautiful beach right out there." His head motions towards the large glass doors that look out onto the sand and sea.
"Only if we can stay here a little longer," you hum into his chest, perfectly content with just cuddling up to him all day long.
"Okay, princess, we can stay a little longer."
• • •
After a relaxed morning (yes, you both dozed back off to sleep for a while) and a nice breakfast of fresh fruits, juice, and pastries, you wait on the back patio for Jimmy to change into his swimsuit. When the sliding glass door glides open, you turn and see the man in swim trunks that hit about mid-thigh, short sleeve button up shirt that's unbuttoned, a gold chain, and a cigarette. Of course Jimmy dresses like that for the beach.
"Whaddaya think? How do I look?" he jokes at you.
You walk over and places your hands on his bare chest. "The view looks pretty good from here," you chuckle lowly.
Jimmy grunts, "You better watch those hands of yours," he warns, moving you off his chest before lightly taking your fingers in his. "Alright, let's go," he says, leading you towards the waves.
"Ya know, uh," Jimmy catches your attention.
"Hmm?" you chirp, hand still happily in his.
"How come you're still wearing this?" he asks, holding your hand up, and tapping his thumb on your engagement ring.
"Oh... um... I'm not sure, honestly," you look down at your hands, wringing them together and fidgeting with the little piece of jewelry. As you take your first few steps into the ocean, you slip the ring from your finger. "I guess it doesn't mean anything anymore," you ponder to yourself before chucking it into the water.
Jimmy raises his eyebrows in surprise, "You didn't wanna sell it?"
You turn around and pat him on the chest, "I know you and the boys back home will make me more money than that ring is worth. It wouldn't surprise me if it was fake, knowing what I know now."
• • •
Time got away from you as the two of you enjoyed your day in the sun. After walking along the beach and Jimmy dunking you in the waves a few times (don't worry, you got him back), it's already early afternoon. And boy, were you beat.
"Hmmm, I think it's time for a nap!" you yawn, "This sun has got me drained."
"Wanna go inside?" Jimmy points to your little beach house.
"Yeah, but I don't think I can walk another step," you whine playfully, giving the man puppy eyes.
There's a long pause as Jimmy gives you a serious look, but he's only kidding. "You want me to carry you, don't you?"
"Yes, please!"
And with that, your feet are swept out from under you. Jimmy walks you across the sand and through the sliding glass door, right to the bathroom.
"What are we doing in here?" you question as he walks right into the shower, "Jimmy?!"
"Gotta rinse all the salt and sand off," is all he gets out before the shower faucet sprays cold water on you and the man holding you. You squeal loudly and practically jump from Jimmy's arms! You hold onto him tightly for warmth; luckily the water heats up quickly though.
"You bastard!!" you yell and give the man a swift pop on the chest.
"OW!" he giggles and rubs the spot that is quickly turning red.
Your face forms a pout, feeling bad for smacking him, "I'm sorry." You take a step forward and rub your hand on his chest to sooth the spot. When you place your other hand on his chest, you look up at him. Suddenly you feel his strong hands gripping the back of your head, and his lips meet yours. Your back comes into contact with the shower wall, and you're completely surrounded. You feel the muscles of Jimmy's arms squeezing around you as his tongue urges it's way into your mouth.
You could hardly explain it: the timing and the situation feel so wrong, but he feels so 𝘳𝘪𝘨𝘩𝘵, like everything you had ever wanted- no, 𝘯𝘦𝘦𝘥𝘦𝘥.
Water soaks your hair, your face, your bodies as Jimmy fiercely kisses you. He's almost scared to stop.
But when you gently suck his bottom lip into your mouth and give it a nibble, it's game over.
Your friend-turned-lover rips open the shower curtain and starts walking you to the bedroom, his lips and his body never leaving yours. His tropical shirt slaps the ground in a wet heap, quickly followed by his swim trunks.
His lips find your neck, and you finally get a moment to catch your breath. Pressed against him as you step backwards, you feel his hands frantically working the straps of your swimsuit. You pull back from him just enough to see his face, and he freezes like a deer in headlights.
You simply look each other over, taking in the features of the other's face for a moment, before you lean forward and place your lips to his chastely, kissing him just once or twice. His rough hands gently caress your back, and then things turn passionate again when he slowly removes your top.
You always thought you'd be nervous to be with Jimmy, but after all, this is a man that you trust with your life. Wait- always? Did this imply you'd thought about being with him before?
In the heat of the moment you couldn't make sense of it. All you know right now is that Jimmy already has you naked and on the bed. It feels like your emotions are in a whirlwind, but Jimmy makes you feel good and you want more.
Your hands rake through his still wet hair, as he showers your chest in affection by kissing and sucking at your collarbone and breasts. He travels further down your body with his ministrations, until he reaches your soft inner thighs. You can feel his five o'clock shadow scratching at the delicate skin there, before he stops and looks up at you nervously. You'd never seen this man look nervous before.
His eyes beg for permission to go down on you and his hot breath passes over your center. You simply push down on his head a bit as a signal to go.
With his elbows buried in the soft mattress, forearms wrapped around your thighs, and eyes closed in concentration, his mouth surrounds that little bundle of nerves, lighting a fire in your belly. The sound of him breathing through his nose and your moans fill the room. Every hair on your body stands on end and your toes curl at the feeling of Jimmy Conway giving you head.
Oh God, Jimmy Conway is giving you head... Jimmy Conway your best friend. Jimmy Conway your Maid of Honor? You quickly push that thought away, then raise your head to look down at the man happily working away between your legs.
This is something you never thought you'd do with Jimmy, yet here you are, and oddly, it feels so... comfortable. You aren't nervous at all. Of course, you can't speak for him.
You lightly scruff up his hair, breathing heavily, "Jimmy..." The first word anyone had said in a while.
"Huh?" he says just after a loud slurping noise. His mouth hangs open in a relaxed way as he catches his breath and looks up at you from under his brow bone.
You let out a laugh in the form of a puff of air and a smile. Jimmy returns the smile; it's a happy smile with a hint of playful mischief in his eyes. A giggle slips out of you, then you both start laughing. At what, you aren't quite sure... the situation, maybe?
Your lover crawls on top of you and cuddles you by pressing his chest to you and wrapping an arm around your waist. Your hands explore his back, lightly scraping your nails over his shoulder blades and the small of his back.
He lets out a soft but deep moan before moving to kiss you again. His fingers nestle in your hair as he softly shows you his affection with his mouth. Your hands rest on his cheeks as he centers himself on top of you, one of his hands gripping under your thigh.
"This alright, princess?" he says in a near whisper.
"Yeah..." you exhale.
"You ready?" He gives you a kiss on the cheek.
"Yeah," you repeat, "I am." You give him a warm smile, cupping a hand on his face again, as if framing it to take a mental snapshot.
His next actions are incredibly gentle, but it makes everything all the more sensual. He plants a few kisses on your neck and collarbone before sitting up on his knees. His arm wraps around your thigh, holding it up in the air, as he aligns the head of his member with your entrance. The tip slides in pretty easily because of your wetness, and you can see Jimmy's breathing deepen; after that, the man moves slowly entering you, making you feel every inch of his length.
You had barely started and you're already both a mess. The pleasure is almost too much to take. Once Jimmy starts to move his hips, he leans forward once again, hovering over you on his hands and knees. You look up into his eyes, feeling his hardness moving inside you. Wanting to be closer to you, he drops down to his elbows and brings his knees up. His hands stroke some hair from your face while his hips rut into yours at a teasing pace.
After appreciating your how pretty you are, Jimmy moves his lips next to your ear and lowly says, "You feel incredible, baby. You feel so good..." He gives you a series of sloppy kisses on your jaw and earlobe.
You simply close your eyes, relax into the man on top of you, and give him an airy moan in response, "You feel good too, Jimmy."
"Mmmm, you like this pace? Or you want me to speed up?" You can feel his hot breath against your neck.
"Maybe, um, deeper?"
"Deeper, huh?" he whispers in your ear, "You wanna feel more of me?" He throws a little chuckle on the end of his question, and he readjusts by hooking a hand under your knee and pushing it up towards you for a deeper feeling while remaining close to you.
With each thrust you let out a grunt or breath of some kind, "Oooh... T-that's- Hnnng!"
"That the spot, baby girl?" Jimmy smiles to himself, happy that he's pleasing you.
A very shaky "mm-hmm" is all you can manage.
Jimmy speeds up his movements just a little, but still maintains a leisurely and romantic mood.
With a gasp, you start, "Jimmy, I- I'm-"
"Cum for me, baby," he coos, lightly sucking and nipping at a little spot on your neck.
"Fuck- Jimmy..." your climax hits you hard, making your head spin, and the only thing you can think about is the man before you, "Jimmy, I- I love you. I love you, Jimmy!"
Before you even have a moment to think about what you'd said, you hear, "I love you, too, (Y/N)," and several grunts and groans as he finds his release inside you.
Jimmy rolls off of you and trucks himself into your side. You hold the man in your arms tightly as you both come down from the high you just experienced. You turn your head to see him nuzzled into the crook of your neck, almost as if he's asleep. He cracks his eyes open at you and props himself up, putting his face close to yours.
You feel... shy for some reason as you press your lips to his, almost as if this is somehow more vulnerable than what you'd just done. You kiss each other softly, over and over, for what feels like a few minutes.
"You know, I didn't know you were close to finishing too," you tell Jimmy, trying to break some tension.
"Mm, well, I told you you felt good," he gives you a half smile, "I didn't know you loved me."
"Oh, well... It just kind of came out, but, uh, it was true. Still is." Another sweet kiss.
"You remember when I told you I couldn't wait to see you walk down that aisle? That was true too," he tells you.
You aren't sure where that came from, and it confuses you, "But... You knew I wasn't gonna get married that day."
"Yeah, but I am gonna see you walk down the aisle one day... when you marry me," he looks down and bites his lip.
You let out a flabbergasted little breath, "Jimmy..."
"C'mon, (Y/N)," he coos, "I love you. I wasn't gonna ever let you marry that other guy. Why do you think I looked into him so hard?"
"I don't understand. Why didn't you just ask me out years ago?" your question ends in a whisper.
"'Cuz I didn't realize what I had 'til I saw it in another man's arms," he tangles his fingers in your hair for another kiss, "but I'm not gonna let it get away from me this time."
• • •
Needless to say, you didn't see much of the beach or much of anyone the rest of your time in the Bahamas. You two already knew everything there was to know about another person, so you spent a lot of time exploring each other... in new ways.
So, it's bittersweet going home to Brooklyn. You'd been away a few months to let tensions between the two crime families die down. You would miss all of the alone time with your new man, but you're so happy to see your dad again.
"Thanks for driving us home from the airport, papa," you say, giving Paulie a side hug as he unlocks the door to the house not too far from the cab stand. You're greeted with hoots and hollers from Tommy, Henry and Karen, Tuddy, and a few others as you step inside. "What's this?!"
"Oh, uh, just a little surprise," Paulie chuckles, "A welcome home party for Jimmy and my girl."
Everyone starts exchanging hugs, giving you and Jimmy a proper New York welcome. As you put your arms around Henry's shoulders, you hear Karen from behind him, "OH no! I know ya not still wearin' your engagement ring," she grabs your hand and pulls you toward her to inspect the ring closer. Her voice lowers a bit, "No, this one's different. It's got pearls on it."
The room is filled with confused faces, until Jimmy takes your other hand in his, "Well, uh, we were on a little island for 2 or 3 months, pearls was all they had!"
Suddenly you're surrounded with Ooh's and Aah's and an "Attaboy Jimmy!" as it dawns on everyone that you're engaged.
"Hey, wait 'til they tell ya about how I'm gonna be a grandad!!" Paulie announces, and again the room fills with noise from everyone's surprise and congratulations. Any other family might have found it odd that you rushed into a new relationship, but this group likes keeping a closed circle, and everyone had their bets placed on you and Jimmy from day one.
Speak of the Devil, you feel his arms slip around you and a hand rests on your baby bump. He whispers in your ear, "I love you both so much. This is the way it always shoulda been."
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mushyjellybeans · 5 years
Bucky Goodfellas (Bucky Barnes)
Pairing: Bucky x reader Word Count: 1.7k Warnings: Language, Bucky having a mood. A/N: Submitting this for @stuckonjbbarnes​ 250 writing challenge!! Had so much fun writing this, and pleased to be finally posting it!! Prompt: “I’m funny how? Funny like I’m a clown, I amuse you? I make you laugh? I’m here to fucking amuse you? What do you mean funny? Funny how? How am I funny?”
Taglist is open // Requests are open // Masterlist
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Another day in the office, another day in the compound surrounded by superheroes who did nothing but argue with each other the entire day.
And by each other, it was usually you and Mr. Barnes.
You rubbed your temples trying to ease the headache. You were actually used to being Bucky's target. He would find any reason to scream at you. Last week you were yelled at by him because you forgot to wash your dishes and he ended up doing them for you. Unfortunately, you were known for your occasional pranks and saw an opportunity you couldn't resist.
Eggs were out of date by a week, Sam was flying around testing his new suit upgrade when you childishly threw the rotten eggs at him, but you missed and the eggs smashed in Bucky's face and trapped in between the plates of his metal arm. You had a long lecture from Bucky but made no attempts to stifle your laughter while he yelled inches from your face earning a cold glare from Bucky.
You were currently seated on the comfortable large corner couch Tony had very generously bought (and one side was already broken from when an argument between Bucky and Sam heated up), with your legs tucked underneath you trying to concentrate on the words from your book in front of you. Instead, you have read the same lines over and over again and still not registering what they said.
Bucky walked into the kitchen and you could tell by his strut he was in one of his bad moods. It didn't help that you might have pulled yet another prank and switched his coffee for gravy. After he spat the fluids out, he turned into a hulk, immediately locking eyes on your sitting form.
"Y/N!!!" He roared. "You're the most annoying person in this fucking tower!" Bucky kept yelling.
Don't provoke him, don't provoke him Y/N just say you're sorry.
"You're the most annoying person in this fucking tower." You mimicked him in a high-pitched childish voice.
Ugh, well-done Y/N.
His nostrils flared, and good god if looks could kill he would have killed you months ago.
"SHUT UP Y/N AND STOP ACTING LIKE A FUCKING CHILD! DO YOU THINK THIS IS FUNNY?" He stalked closer waving his empty mug around and threw it against the wall behind you, and you would have been scared and jumped over the back of the couch by now but you were aware Steve was in the kitchen keeping an eye on things, he would interfere if Bucky got too physical towards you.
But that's what surprised you, Bucky told you every single day he hated you and you annoyed the shit out of him without even trying, going as far as telling you how worthless you are to the team. You kept your head high but his words did hurt and you didn't know what you did to make him so volatile towards you. You kind of figured if he was allowed and there were no restrictions, he would kill you with no hesitation.
"I thought the coffee prank was very funny." You mumbled but he heard you.
He stalked closer, hands scrunched up into fists by his side. He was right in front of you and you kept your glance on his stomach.
"Buck, stop," Steve called out as a warning.
Bucky stepped back, not realizing the table in the middle of the room was so close behind him, and he ended up falling backwards into it, shattering the once beautiful piece of furniture into broken pieces.
That probably wasn't funny, he could have hurt himself, but his face of utter shock and surprise was priceless, his senses should have picked up these kinds of things so he wouldn't alert his enemies. Your stifled laugh turned into a snort and when Bucky was helped up by Steve he glared at you again.
"I'm sorry." You apologized, hands up in surrender. "You're just funny, I can't help it." You smirked.
His nostrils flared open like a hippo’s, clenching and unclenching his fist as his voice dripped with such venom, "I'm funny how? Funny like I'm a clown, I amuse you? I make you laugh? I'm here to fucking amuse you? Funny how? How am I funny? Because I don't fucking understand Y/N, how is putting pink hair dye in my shampoo funny? Or putting hair remover in my shower gel? Or me falling into a wooden fucking table funny to you? If I’m so fucking amusing to you, maybe I should find a career in the fucking comedy business." He ranted. Steve holding him by the shoulder to keep the distance, but you could tell Steve was doing his best to hide his grin at the pranks Bucky just listed.
Your eyebrow quirked up. And then you remembered it. How could you not? It was one of your favorite movies.
"Did you just....did you just quote Goodfellas?" You smirked.
Bucky blinks for a moment, shaking Steve from his shoulder and assuring him he's okay now.
Not that Bucky would ever physically hurt you. He saw you as his annoying little sibling who seemed to go out of their way to piss him off.
"I uh..no." he blushed. Wait he blushed?
"Oh my GOD you did! That's one of my favorite movies." You had a grin on your face and for once it was genuinely for Bucky.
He tucked a strand of hair behind his ear and sighed.
"It's mine too." He said loud enough for you to hear.
Nodding your head and keeping a smile, you thought for a moment and you couldn't believe the words that were about to leave your mouth, but you wanted this constant-old-married-couple fighting to stop, you were tired.
"Do you maybe wanna watch it sometime? Together?" You asked nervously, fidgeting with the corner of the page from your book.
You can see the hesitation in his face. You don't get along, of course, he doesn't.
"Sure." He smiled, nodding his head.
You went to his room to watch the movie and for a good while it was going great until he went into his bathroom to brush his teeth. You cleared up the candy wrappers on the bed and threw them in the trash when he screamed your name.
Your eyes were wide with shock. What did I do now?
He strutted from the bathroom, his face red with anger.
"Did you fucking put moisturizer in my toothpaste?!" He gritted through his teeth.
Oh. My. God. You had totally forgotten that. He turned his back for a minute when you seized the opportunity to run for the door. Only you couldn't outrun the super-soldier, his arms grabbed your waist as you sprinted past and pressed your back tight to his stomach seeing he was taller than you. Your hands gripped his that were firmly holding you to him, you were visibly shaking because he has never been physical, but you were alone with him and Steve wasn't here to help you.
"Bucky, please please I'm sorry, I'm sorry." You tried pleading before and knew it doesn't work on him.
He chuckled in your ear, "Oh, doll you’re in trouble now."
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Permanent Taglist: @stuckonjbbarnes​ @sebbbystaaan​ @livylou3333​ @infj-slytherclaw​ @morsmordrethings​ @veganfangirl5​ @valkyriesryde​ @honeyvbarnes​ @buckysdumbmetalarm​ @lovvliies​ @iheartsebastianstan​ @zeilenkrieg​ @marvelsangels​ @photography-to-all​ @tuesdays-are-for-bobby​ @margoshanotherwriter​
And some amazing people: @babblingbonky​ @chloerinebarnes​ @stateoflovinged​ @mypassionsarenysins​
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frenziedslashers · 3 years
Top five movies to marathon?
Top five songs in fic playlists if you have any?
Top five fanfics to read or reread?
Umm I hope that's some distraction :))
Thank you, I appreciate you! Sorry it took a bit to answer I was eating pizza rolls and fighting my PS4. I just wanna play Borderlands 🤺🤺
Top 5 movie marathon(no specific order):
2. House of 1000 Corpses: I am a simple man who craves gore, and this movie is 🤌🤌 plus very nostalgic since 8 year old me watched this constantly LMAO I had no business watching half the shit I watched 😭
3. The Goodfellas or The Untouchables: I can't choose. I love me a good Mobster movie
4. A Knights Tale: I love this movie sm. Watched it again last night actually!
(I would say Pineapple Express but not a big fan of Seth Rogan or James Franco rn 😧)
Top 5 fic playlists:
I don't have any :( but here are my top five playlists if that makes up for it!
1. An Idiots Playlist: 38+ hours of all my favorite songs/bands throughout the years. Still adding to it too. I listen to this a lot when gaming, or suggest it to friends when they ask for music suggestions!
2. Stress Relief: currently my Playlist I listen to when stressed out! I'm able to play the drum rhythms on my shoes, thighs, bed, or practice pad to theses songs as well which helps with my tics. Plus I can dance and just vibe to a lot of them.
3. Baddies: these are mostly songs that make me feel like a villain LMAO helps set the mood for fic writing because I feel unstoppable (some of the songs on here I just enjoy tho).
4. Radical Swag: same as above, but I think one has more rock/metal songs in it? Idk I didn't really feel like looking through and comparing
5. Vampire Vibes: a Playlist I made for a friend of songs that remind me of vampires :)
Top five fanfics to read/reread:
1. Into The Woods by @slasherhaven : I LOVE THEIR WRITING SM- Ngl they were the first slasher x reader writer I found on here and immediately fell in love with their writing after stumbling across this fic! Plus, Lester, so I mean 😩‼️
2. Priest RZ!Michael Myers by @myers-meadow : I LOVE THIS ONE SM LIKE GRRRR SCREAMING YEAHHH- I reread it like eight times 💀
3. Slashers reacting to you being scared of them HCs by @joelsgeetar : THIS IS JUST SHDHSJJDD MY heart exploded with emotions okay? Okay.
4. Kissing prompts with Vincent Sinclair by @sinfulwrites : I requested these and.. I LOVE THEM SO MUCH OMFG GOING FERAL I FR JUST READ THIS AND AHHHHH IT'S SO PERFECT THANK YOU 😭😭
5. MORE LESTER HC'S by @mehidktbh : this is literally so cute and I have read it a good 3 times. It gives me.so much serotonin 😭
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noramoons · 2 years
tagged by the lovely @nightlychans ! thank u jena 💜💜
NAME: beck
SIGN: libra
HEIGHT: 5’5 / 1.65
TIME: 8:26 p.m.
BIRTHDAY: october 17
FAVORITE ARTIST/BAND: these days it’s a lot of nct, ateez, txt, and seventeen! with a little wallows sprinkled in occasionally
LAST MOVIE: goodfellas
LAST SHOW: haikyuu (on season 4 of my five millionth rewatch 😩)
WHAT I POST: various kpop fanfic and content
OTHER BLOGS: my main -> @tea-and-honeys
DO I GET ASKS: when i do ask games! and when an occasional brave and lovely soul has fic feedback
WHAT I’M WEARING: pjs since i’m finally home from work 🤪
DREAM JOB: i do not dream of labor studio musician!
DREAM TRIP: italy, france, japan, korea, or sweden (i just want to travel actually pls)
FAVORITE SONGS: according to my spotify on repeat playlist atm it’s:
the ring - ateez
_world - seventeen
dive into you - nct dream
our summer - txt
far - nct 127
tagging: @seung-scrittore @decembermoonskz @petrichor-han @lotus-dly @sulfurcosmos @lixesque and anyone else that would like to! <3
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callivich · 3 years
23+70 pls
Hi anon, thanks for the ask! ❤️
23. Mafia AU + 70. Secret(s) Revealed/Accidental Confession(s) =
Mickey never wanted to get involved in the mob, it just kinda happened and then before long there was no way out. But that was life, right? Some people were always gonna be fucked for life and it tracked that if you came from the South Side you were only one or two mistakes away from jail or the graveyard. So, when he meets a hot redhead at a bar, he doesn’t think anything of it. It was only supposed to be a one night stand. It was supposed to be nothing but meaningless sex. But then it kept happening and now Mickey is 10 months into a relationship with a fuckin’ FBI agent who’s investigating the crime syndicate he works for. And Ian thinks he works as a mechanic who has to go on calls at night to tow cars sometimes and Mickey is in way to deep because he never meant to fall in love. But he does love Ian and he knows that if the mob find out he’s shacking up with an FBI agent, it’s a bullet in the back of both his and Ian’s heads or Ian will end up sharing a jail cell with Mickey because there’s no way the FBI would ever believe Ian didn’t know. Ian and his team are getting close and Mickey is paranoid as fuck, doing everything he can to hide himself, but it’s going to come out….it is, it will, because he is the elusive guy known only as the “Ukrainian” they are tracking. The one who no-one has captured on wiretaps or hidden cameras. The one who, if he flips, could bring down the whole organisation. And then something happens and Mickey knows Ian is about to find out the secret he tried so desperately to hide. There’s no way out and Mickey is distraught as he confesses to Ian that “it’s me, I’m the one you’re trying to catch, I’m the Ukrainian”…… (kind of picturing that scene in Goodfellas when Karen and Henry realise they are in deep trouble and end up clutching each other on the floor)
Gallavich Fanfic Trope Mashup
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2am-cursed-fanfic · 2 years
Boat fucker: A Fanfic
Ariel’s POV:
Sneaking up to the surface is something I’m not supposed to do.
My dad would kill me if you knew what I did on a regular basis. But there’s something so fascinating about the human world. The way they look, the way they act, the way they walk on two legs, and the things that they make, so many things, bring wonder to my eyes.
I collected so much of what they have up there and I still want more.They have paintings and frames and corkscrews, and so many other things that I don’t even know what the names are.
There are so many things I wish I could see, like fire and the surface from their point of view.
But I’m so excited when we can meet halfway through, halfway to your world and half into mine.
Go on these wooden floaty things and they will come out to sea.
Now I wonder if I am barely underwater, so clear that I can see the surface above me and the magical lights that surround them.
I come up to the surface. I close my eyes for a moment, wondering if I open them if all this will disappear.I'm wondering if it won’t be as magical up close now that I can see it all.
But nonetheless, I dare to open one of my eyes and then the other, and then I see them. And it's the most beautiful and wonderful thing I’ve ever seen in the world.
And for some reason, I start to have a feeling. A feeling I’ve never felt in my body before.
Something that feels like my heart but much lower.
And suddenly, I have the urge to go up to them. And dance in the same way that the waves do.
Eric’s point of view;
I have been dancing on the boat with all my Goodfellas. Oh in wonder, I’ve never felt so alive until I was upon the ocean.
The swing of the waves, the beauty of the lights shimmering across the water. Mendes, I dance and sing to the music, as if the boat is dancing with me on the waves.
But for a moment, I am enchanted by the waters. Looking upon the shimmering lights, I’m lost in a trance. ’m sure I see red hair out of the corner of my eye, but I look over and there’s nothing more than a little splash.
This is so curious to me that I can’t shake the thought until my friends call me. Can I go back to dancing once again?
Ariel Point of View ;
So, so close and the feeling seems to be growing, and I find myself growing in excitement. I long for the touch and stretch my arm out as my fated and beloved target approaches.
Then the touch is finalized and I feel it. My gills purr in excitement.
The enchantment of my eyes is sturdy and now very obviously made of fine wood in all the right places.
Somehow natural, we pull together and my tail is in on what seems to me the best wood in the world.
Next thing I know, my tail is moving with the waves and we keep thrusting each other together. I can’t get enough of the touch we share.
Even in the cool waters, I feel so warm.
Eric perspective;
This is...interesting.
After I had gotten back to dancing, strange things started happening slowly. The singing and dancing were loud and we were all having the best time when the boat sounded like it was getting hit by something in the water.
It wasn’t a big deal until we realized it wasn’t stopping anytime soon.
So curious, we looked to the edges of the ship; the party was taking a quick break.
We saw nothing on the sides of the boat, but then, "I hear something down here," one of the sea mates called. We all rushed below deck scared of what could be wrong.
As we did, we started to hear a voice. It sounded like singing at first, but the more we got below deck, we realized it sounded more and more like moaning mixed with a few whines here and there.
Then we were all below deck on the bottom floor, listening to someone moaning beneath the boat.The banging was all coming from the same place.It was a strange sight, but the thuds didn’t stop.
We were below deck for about 10 minutes when someone decided we should go above deck again. Upon reaching the deck again, none of us went back to partying, too distracted by the boat’s slight swing despite no waves on the calm and once quiet night.
Eventually, we did have to go to bed, but somehow the noises did not stop for one moment. I lay there in my bed, perks of being a prince, hearing moaning and groaning even with the pillows covering my ears.
Ever since it started, there's only been one thing on my mind.
But now that the late night ceases to be quiet, I decide I’m going to try the one thing that’s been on my mind.
"First mate," I announced.
He rushes towards my chambers,
"Hello, your highness, what can I do for you?"
"Can you fetch Sir Cedrick?"
And so he does. A few moments later, Cedrick comes into my room.
"Hello, your highness. What can I do for you?"
Midway through his sentence, a moan interrupted him. He blushed and looked away from me.
The mumbles and rumbles under the floorboards don’t stop me from running to him, pinning him against the wall and saying,
"Now I’m sure the mates will never notice with all the noise from downstairs."
He flushes but doesn’t move. I expected a nod. And it’s on.
Ariel Point Of View;
I see the day breaking upon low light on the waters. I move away from the boat. and parts that I’ve been clutching on to since well before dawn.
I’m so sore and I’m so tired, and yet I don’t regret a moment of it.
That was the best moment I could’ve spent with something from the human world.
I hope that the boat comes back just for me and we can be a part of a whole new world together.
Why do I keep doing this
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Rules: tag 9 people you want to know better
Tagged by @stonesandswords 💜
Last song: Family Line by Conan Gray
Last show: Our Flag Means Death
Currently watching: Goodfellas (watching currently as I type this), Shameless (I’m on season 5), and constantly rewatching Ted Lasso
Currently reading: Cabal by Clive Barker (and lots of fanfic always)
I tag: @theoriginalvelocipastor @scintillatingshortgirl19 @sapphicwiles @lonelyheartsmotel @tarttkent @footnotesandendings @rollingthunderpouringrain @enolaholmes18 @all-chickens-are-trans
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that-irishman-fan · 3 years
welcome to my new blog/characters i write for!
Hey everybody! Some of you might know me from my other blog @killingitreservoirdogsstyle that I write content for Quentin Tarantino characters on. Well, I wanted to post headcanons and fics for one of my other passions that didn’t quite fit my Reservoir Dogs blog. So this is how @that-irishman-fan was born. I’ll post stuff here for characters and their real life historical counterparts here for all of your viewing pleasures! Here is a quick rundown of what I will and won’t do, so you all can see! 
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                                          RULES FOR THIS BLOG
As of the time of writing--January 3rd, 2022--my requests for this blog are currently OPEN. This is subject to change depending on how flooded I become and alongside my busy college schedule as well. Please realize that if I am not getting to requests right away, it is not because I am ignoring you or am ungrateful for your submission. It is simply a matter of my scheduling or that I have writer’s block. 
I will write headcanons, one/two shots of no more than five thousand words, match-ups, drabbles, songfics, and script style fanfics. Please specify exactly what type you would like, this is very important. 
Fluff, smut, very light smut, angst, hurt-comfort, platonic, and modern day or historical alternate universes are all available. 
This blog is for all fans of The Irishman, Scarface, GoodFellas, Dr. Strangelove or How I Learned To Stop Worrying and Love The Bomb, and the first Godfather movie, plus whatever other fandoms I’m in. 
PLEASE NOTHING DEROGATORY OR HATEFUL, NO UNDERAGE SCENARIOS, and NO DISTURBING CONTENT. If you submit these type of things, I will block you. Smut is something I am not comfortable with yet, so please respect this. The other things go against my morals, so don’t even think about it. 
Go ahead and check out @killingitreservoirdogsstyle for my list of rules there to look at adding dialogue pieces of your choice from that list to your request and anything you like from there. The limitations I give apply to this blog too, please: so only a certain amount of characters, two quotes, etc. PLEASE RESPECT THIS. 
I will quickly mention below about what characters I will write for. You can pick if they are The Irishman version or the real life historical versions. These will update more depending on my tastes:
NO COUNTRY FOR OLD MEN ( The Coen Brothers, 2007 )
Anton Chigurh ( No Country For Old Men )
Sheriff Ed Tom Bell ( No Country For Old Men )
Llewellyn Moss ( No Country For Old Men )
Carla-Jean Moss ( No Country For Old Men )
ONE PIECE ( Eiichiro Oda )
Don Krieg ( One Piece )
Pearl ( One Piece )
Kizaru/Borsalino ( One Piece )
Belle-Mére ( One Piece, my wife )
Ryokugyu/Aramaki ( One Piece )
Akainu/Sakazuki ( One Piece )
Momousagi/Gion ( One Piece )
Aokiji/Kuzan ( One Piece )
Sir Crocodile ( One Piece )
Dracule Mihawk ( One Piece )
Gecko Moria ( One Piece )
Perona ( One Piece )
Nico Robin ( One Piece )
Vinsmoke Reiju ( One Piece )
Dalton ( One Piece )
Dr. Kureha ( One Piece )
Charlotte Galette ( One Piece )
Charlotte Mont-d'Or ( One Piece )
Charlotte Praline ( One Piece )
Boa Hancock ( One Piece )
King the Wildfire ( One Piece)
Hyogoro ( One Piece but in his prime )
Kuro/Klahadore ( One Piece )
Benn Beckman ( One Piece )
Nojiko ( One Piece )
Honestly, just ask about any character I didn't list here to see if I'll write them; there's too many to list here and I'm fucking tired.
Alucard/Vlad Tepes ( Hellsing )
Archbishop Azaraku Makube ( Hellsing, ALSO BEGGING FOR REQS ESPECIALLY HORNY ONES )
Father Alexander Anderson ( Hellsing )
Archbishop Enrico Maxwell ( Hellsing, PLEASE SEND IN FOR HIM, I AM SUCH A WHORE FOR HIM, I’M BEGGING YOU ) 
Jan Valentine ( Hellsing )
Luke Valentine ( Hellsing )
Sir Integra Fairbrook Wingates Hellsing ( Hellsing )
Seras Victoria ( Hellsing )
HARRY POTTER ( Film and Book Series, J.K. Rowling ) 
Note: I DO NOT align myself with Rowling's transphobic views—this blog is a safe space for all my trans and enby friends! We love you, and you are valid!
Severus Snape ( Harry Potter )
Remus Lupin ( Harry Potter )
Sirius Black ( Harry Potter )
Peter Pettigrew ( Harry Potter )
Lucius Malfoy ( Harry Potter )
Alastor Mad Eye Moody ( Harry Potter ) 
Nymphadora Tonks ( Harry Potter )
Lt. Commander Data ( Star Trek TGN )
Commander William Riker ( Star Trek TGN )
Counsellor Deanna Troi ( Star Trek TGN )
Lieutenant Tasha Yar ( Star Trek TGN )
Q ( Star Trek TGN )
Captain Jean-Luc Picard ( Star Trek TGN )
Lieutenant Worf ( Star Trek TGN, DS9 )
Captain James T. Kirk ( Star Trek TOS )
Commander S’gal Spock ( Star Trek TOS )
Doctor Leonard McCoy ( Star Trek TOS )
Lieutenant Uhura ( Star Trek TOS )
Commander Shran ( Star Trek ENT )
Ambassador Soval ( Star Trek ENT )
THE IRISHMAN ( Martin Scorsese, 2019 )
Jimmy Hoffa ( The Irishman )
SCARFACE ( Brian De Palma, 1983 )
Tony Montana ( Scarface )
Gina Montana ( Scarface )
MERLIN ( BBC Show, 2008-12 )
Morgana le Fay ( Merlin BBC )
Uther Pendragon ( hate this bastard, Merlin BBC )
Agravaine ( also despise him, Merlin BBC )
Murdoc Niccals ( Gorillaz and Jamie Lee Hewitt )
Noodle but Phase 5-current ONLY ( Gorillaz and Jamie Lee Hewitt )
Ace Copular ( Gorillaz and Jamie Lee Hewitt )
Another note that I DO NOT support or align myself with Strangelove's character's Nazi beliefs—I am against anything of that sort.
Dr. Strangelove ( Dr. Strangelove ) ( my canon first name for him is Jürgen, in case you wanted to request with him )
General Buck Turgidson ( Dr. Strangelove ) 
President Merkin Muffley ( Dr. Strangelove ) 
General Jack D. Ripper ( Dr. Strangelove )
Group Captain Lionel Mandrake ( Dr. Strangelove )
SHERLOCK BBC ( Mark Gatiss + Steven Moffat )
Sherlock Holmes ( BBC’s Sherlock )
Dr. John Watson ( BBC’s Sherlock )
Mycroft Holmes ( BBC’s Sherlock )
Professor James “Jim” Moriarty ( BBC’s Sherlock )
Irene Adler ( BBC’s Sherlock )
Detective Inspector Greg Lestrade ( BBC’s Sherlock )
Molly Hooper ( BBC’s Sherlock )
Mary Morstan-Watson ( BBC’s Sherlock )
Eurus Holmes ( BBC's Sherlock )
Hannibal Lecter ( NBC's Hannibal )
Will Graham ( NBC's Hannibal )
Hannigram poly scenario ( NBC's Hannibal)
THE MUMMY ( Stephen Sommers, 1999 )
High Priest Imhotep ( The Mummy, 1999 ) ( A.K.A, DADDY )
Beni Gabor ( The Mummy, 1999 )
Rick O’Connell ( The Mummy, 1999 )
Evy/Evelyn O’Connell ( The Mummy, 1999 )
Jonathan Carnahan ( The Mummy, 1999 )
Indiana Jones ( Raiders of The Lost Ark, 1981 )
Satipo ( Raiders of The Lost Ark, 1981 )
THE GREAT GATSBY ( Novel by F. Scott Fitzgerald EXCLUSIVELY )
Jay Gatsby ( The Great Gatsby )
Nick Carraway ( The Great Gatsby )
Jordan Baker ( The Great Gatsby )
Daisy Buchanan ( The Great Gatsby ) 
ARE YOU BEING SERVED? ( Jeremy Lloyd and David Croft )
Mr. Wilberforce Clayborne Humphries ( Are You Being Served? )
Mr. Dick Lucas ( Are You Being Served? )
Miss Shirley Brahms ( Are You Being Served? )
Mrs. Betty Slocombe ( Are You Being Served? )
Captain Stephen Peacock ( Are You Being Served? )
Mr. Cuthbert Rumbold ( Are You Being Served? ) 
THE CORPSE BRIDE ( Tim Burton, 2005 )
Victor van Dort ( The Corpse Bride, 2005 )
Emily ( The Corpse Bride, 2005 )
HEAT ( Michael Mann, 1995 )
Lieutenant Vincent Hanna ( Heat )
Neil McCauley ( Heat )
THE THING ( John Carpenter, 1982 )
R.J. Maccready ( The Thing, 1982 )
Garry ( The Thing, 1982 )
Palmer ( The Thing, 1982 )
THE PINK PANTHER ( Blake Edwards and Peter Sellers )
Inspector Clouseau ( The Pink Panther Films )
X-MEN ( Films Exclusively, Bryan Singer )
Kurt Wagner/Nightcrawler ( X2 and X-Men Films )
Wolverine/Logan or James Howlett ( X-Men Films )
Storm/Ororo Munroe ( X-Men Films )
Cyclops/Scott Summers ( X-Men Films )
Professor Charles Xavier ( X-Men Films )
Magneto/Erik Lensherr ( X-Men Films )
Mystique ( X-Men Films )  
FARGO ( The Coen Brothers, 1996 )
Carl Showalter ( Fargo )
THE DEVIL IN ME/THE DARK PICTURES ( Supermassive Games, 2022 )
Charlie Lonnit ( The Devil In Me )
Jamie Tiergan ( The Devil In Me
Mark Nestor ( The Devil In Me )
Kate Wilder ( The Devil In Me )
Erin Keegan ( The Devil In Me )
The Curator ( The Devil In Me )
LITTLE HOPE/THE DARK PICTURES ( Supermassive Games, 2019 )
John ( Little Hope )
THE FIFTH ELEMENT ( Luc Besson, 1997 )
Jean-Baptiste Emmanuel Zorg ( Fifth Element )
BLADE RUNNER ( Ridley Scott, 1982 )
Roy Batty ( Blade Runner )
Deckard ( Blade Runner )
Pris ( Blade Runner )
Zhora ( Blade Runner ) 
Rachael ( Blade Runner ) 
I am also open to collabs on this blog and answering asks. I go more into detail about those guidelines on @killingitreservoirdogsstyle​ so please read those before doing anything like requesting, asking, or submitting stuff.
Thank you very much, and I look forward to hanging out with all of my new and old moots on this blog!
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