#joe pesci fanfiction
Love is Strange
CW: daddy kink, rough sex, non-consentual touching, violence
This is a little Goodfellas Tommy DeVito smutty fanfic
If anyone reads this I hope you enjoy!
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You met Tommy at an art show of yours. He was walking by on his way home from a job when he saw you through the glass windows of the gallery schmoozing with critics, and he just couldn’t stop himself from introducing himself.
“This your work?” He asks, lighting a cigarette and considering your paintings.
“Yeah, you like?” You ask and smile, letting your eyes roam up and down his body. He looks back over to you.
“The colours, they’re...” he pauses to think and you laugh lightly.
“I can see you’re slightly out of your element here. You some kinda wise guy?” You ask and pull a cigarette out, placing it between your lips and leaning over to him for him to light it. He does just that.
“Wise guy?” He scoffs, playing it naive. You shake your head playfully, your smile never wavering.
“You know Tony (Y/L/N)?” You ask him and his eyebrows rise.
“Yeah, course I know Tony (Y/L/N). Good guy. Gone too soon.”
“My name’s (Y/N). I’m his daughter.” You tell him and he smiles wickedly.
“You’re Tony’s daughter?” He asks and you nod.
“Well fuck me, I guess you got your looks from your mother.” He huffs, looking you up and down.
“Well you obviously never met my mother, wise guy.” You nudge his arm with yours and look around the room, observing the people who have come to look at your art.
“Name’s Tommy, Tommy DeVito.”
“Nice to meet you Tommy Tommy DeVito. You wanna take me out for drinks or a meal or something?”
“When?” He asks, a little taken aback by your upfrontness even though your demeanour was more submissive than domineering.
“Now would be good.”
“Don’t you wanna stay here? It is your show ain’t it?”
“The gallery will tell me if anyone buys anything. I’ve had enough of critics and collectors telling me how much they love my work to my face and then tearing it down behind my back.”
“Tell me who’s been doing that and I’ll beat ‘em up nice for you.”
“Black and blue. My favourite colour combo.” He takes your arm and walks out of the gallery with you, opening the car door for you before you slide in. He takes you to some dive bar down the street that has a queue out the front, but you and Tommy get inside immediately. The dim lighting and lack of art critics in the place are enough for you to fall I love with the place. Someone buys Tommy a bottle of red wine as soon as you sit down and immediately you know you and Tommy are gonna get along just fine. You stay at the bar talking and drinking and smoking with Tommy until the early hours of the morning, at which point he drives you home, expecting you to invite him in when he pulls up outside your apartment building.
“Put your arm out.” You tell him and rummage around in your bag. He looks skeptical but does as you say. You pull a pen out of your bag and then pull his sleeve up, writing your number on his arm.
“Call me later. I’ll be waiting Tommy Tommy DeVito.” You press two of your fingers to your lips and then press them to his cheek. You walk away to your apartment, letting your hips sway and leaving Tommy with a hard on. He goes straight to Henry’s diner to tell his friends about you.
“She’s a fucking bombshell I tell you. Dynamite. In that dress she was wearing with those red lips. I’m getting hard just thinking about her.”
“But she didn’t fuck you? You don’t go for that.” Henry comments and Tommy scoffs at him.
“Not in a one nighter, (Y/N) is wife material.”
“An artist isn’t exactly traditional for a gangsters wife.” Henry says.
“Neither is being the daughter of a made gangster.” Jimmy chimes in.
“Yeah well her dad is dead, what’s he gonna do get out of his grave and beat my ass? I don’t fucking think so. She knows the business. What’s not perfect about that? Picked me for a gangster right away.”
“Who’d you say her dad was?” Jimmy asks.
“Old Tony (Y/L/N).”
“Fuck me. He was a big time. You better watch out for this (Y/N). Something tells me she’s gonna be busting your balls.”
“Busting my balls? I ain’t never heard anything so stupid!” Tommy laughs but deep down he knew you would bust his balls, and you would be much more difficult to keep happy than the usual wives. A month past and during that month you and Tommy saw each other practically every day. You were almost inseparable, but still, and to Tommy’s annoyance, no sex. You two kissed, and kissed a lot, and you let him feel you up on many occasions, which you knew left him rock hard, but you wanted to be sure you were able to keep him around without the sex. You were looking for husband material after all. He’d come visit you at the studio he rented out for you and watch you paint in his spare time, and take you out for dinner or drinks at least three times a week, but still you hadn’t met any of his friends. He wanted to make sure you wouldn’t embarrass him by pushing him around in front of his friends and colleagues, and he wanted to make sure he wouldn’t embarrass himself by bringing some fancy artist type in to meet his friends and colleagues, talking about how you were his girl, his future wife. Today thought, when Tommy rang you at your studio to say hello you were determined to meet them. I mean you’d already met his mother for god sakes, but not his friends? A little ball busting never hurt nobody.
“What are you doing today Tommy?” You ask and twirl the cord to your phone around your finger.
“Just attending to some business baby.”
“You at that restaurant you always hang at?”
“Why do you wanna know?” He asks sceptically.
“No reason baby, no reason at all.” You try to play it off.
“I’ll talk to you later baby, okay? Stay safe for me. Don’t kill nobody who don’t need to be killed.”
“Okay baby, okay. I’ll talk to you later you sexy bitch.” He whispers into the phone.
You laugh and hang up the phone, biting your bottom lip, heat rising in your stomach. Even if you didn’t want to meet his friends so bad you desperately needed to see Tommy. Maybe today was the day you finally give Tommy what he had been so desperately waiting for. You pack up your brushes and try to wipe the paint off of your clothes and hands before getting changed and fixing yourself up. You grab your bag and a container of almond cookies you baked earlier, and head out the door, walking briskly toward a deli down the road from your studio, ordering four subs. Once you had the food you begin to walk toward Henry’s restaurant. You saunter in, donning your curve hugging denim jumpsuit.
“Hey baby.” You say and all three men turn around. All of their eyes almost pop out of their skulls.
“Well don’t get up, let me bring your lunch to you. I know we’re in a restaurant but I figured your cook could use a break.” You walk to the bar where they are seated and put the food and cookies in front of all of them.
“You’re (Y/N)?” Henry asks and looks you up and down before Tommy punches him in the arm.
“What are you doing here baby?” Tommy asks.
“I just wanted to see you, and I wanted to meet your friends. Don’t mind me, I know what goes on here. If you want me to go I can just drop the food off and get back to my art.” You offer to leave and Tommy shakes his head immediately.
“Get over here. You’re not going anywhere.” He entends his hand and you take it, walking around the bar and sitting in his lap. He lays a sloppy passionate kiss on your lips, taking your chin firmly in his hand. You kiss back and moan against his lips, and immediately he can tell you’re more in the mood than he had ever seen you.
“Eat up boys, if you’re hungry.” You say, not breaking eye contact with Tommy.
“Hold your horses baby, let me introduce you to my boys. This here is Jimmy Conway” he explains and you shake Jimmy’s hand with a smile. Handsome guy, you think, but not handsome enough to takw you away from Tommy.
“And this is Henry Hill, a real wise guy.” You shake his hand as well and then lay another kiss on Tommy’s lips before you get up and serve the three men, then yourself. You lean onto the counter as you eat your lunch, and watch the three men eat theirs, letting your cleavage show. As you’re all eating and talking and laughing, and Tommy is eyeing you greedily, some other wise guys come into Henry’s establishment, laughing and carrying on obnoxiously. As they see you wrap your mouth around your sandwich, bent over, cleavage showing, one of them decides to come around to your side of the bar, standing behind you and feeling you up. Tommy immediately jumps up, scrambling onto the bar and jumping on the man, wrapping his hands around his neck before he starts to punch him, and punch him hard. You’re shocked but Jimmy and Henry just look on, amused.
“Baby! Tommy! Stop stop!” You practically beg and try to pull him off of the man.
“He’s not worth the time and effort it would take to chop him up and dig a hole.” Somehow this convinces him to stop, and he breathes heavily as he stands over the man and looks back over to you. You move forward and punch the man once in the face as hard as you can, knocking him out but not killing him.
“You okay baby?” Tommy asks you, finally standing up straight, fixing his suit jacket and putting your face in his hands.
“I’m fine Tommy. Jesus your hand!” You say as you notice his bloody knuckle.
“Don’t worry ‘bout it (Y/N). Just come sit on daddy’s lap.” He moves back over to his seat and you do as he says, sitting on his lap and snuggling into his chest as he wraps his arms around you. The guys friends drag him out of the joint and the four of you are left alone again.
“I ain’t never letting anyone hurt you. I ain’t even letting anyone get close.” He tells you, still with anger in his voice, glaring at the guy being dragged out. You nod to him, knowing he really means it. Henry and Jimmy are shocked that you could stop Tommy from killing him, and impressed. They see that you two might be a good match for one another after all.
“I love you Tommy.” You whisper into his ear and place a soft kiss on his cheek. It’s the first time you’ve told him you love him since you met a month ago. Tommy smiles.
“I love you too baby girl, and don’t you ever forget it.” He pulls you closer and you sigh into him, closing your eyes. You could stay like this forever, wrapped up in Tommy’s strong safe arms. Later he invited you to a poker game he is having with the boys and some other guys later that night.
“You want me to play?” You ask confused.
“Nah, just sit on my lap and give me little smutty kisses. Make all the other boys jealous.” He says and you laugh softly as you bite your bottom lip.
“That’s kind of a relief, I don’t know how to play poker anyway!” You say and Tommy laughs at you.
“Your father didn’t teach you?” He asks curiously.
“Poker seemed like his thing back in the day.”
“Well I was only ten when he died. Did you know him?”
“I saw him around, was introduced to him once or twice, but I didn’t really know him.”
You nod and sigh, pushing some pieces of hair out of Tommy’s face.
“Dad would’ve hated us going together. He would have killed you before you could even touch me.”
“Well I guess I’m lucky he’s not around then.” He says and feels you up, letting his hands roam from your hips to your breasts.
“I guess we both are.” You pause and think.
“You have to promise me you’re not gonna get whacked. I can’t deal with that.”
“Baby I’m not going anywhere, okay? Before long I’ll be made and then no one will be able to fuck with me. Not even you.” He laughs and you laugh with him.
“I’ll always be able to fuck with you, you crazy motherfucker.” You crash your lips into his, leaving him flustered and hard when you pull away, and get up so that him and those other wise guys can start their game. You sit around the bar for a bit whilst the men play around a table. You talk to the servers and to the chefs, and eventually you get slightly bored. You watch Tommy play, and his competitive nature and aggression are turning you on to no end. You’re dripping wet. You take your vodka and coke and walk over to the duke box, putting on Love Is Strange.
‘How do you call your lover boy
Come here, lover boy
And if he doesn't answer
Oh lover boy
And if he still doesn't answer
I simply say’
You mouthe Sylvia’s parts as you saunter over to the table, swaying your hips and dancing. Immediately you have caught the attention of all the men in the diner. You walk to Tommy and straddle his lap, then sing along with the record to him.
“Baby, oh baby, my sweet baby, you're the one.” You pause and lean into his ear, biting it before whispering into it.
“Let me go down on you Tommy? Like right now? I’m desperate for you.” You breathe out a shuddering breath and his eyes widen. He pulls you off of him and gets up, gripping your upper arm.
“Aye, what the fuck are you doing?” Henry asks and Tommy gives him a stare that could practically kill.
“Just save me a spot in the next round, okay?”
“Where the fuck are you going?” Henry asks and Tommy scoffs.
“Save me a fucking spot or I’ll shoot the lot of ya!” He yells and takes you into the back room which is filled with fur coats and guns and cash. You immediately get down on your knees, undoing Tommy’s belt painfully slowly.
“It turns me on when you yell like that.” You tell him, mouth painfully close to his clothed appendage.
“I’m gonna enjoy this.” He tells you, and you unzip him, taking his cock out of his pants. He’s bigger than you expected. The weight of him makes you moan in anticipation. He grabs your hair on the back of your head and pulls you down onto his cock. You moan as you begin to suck, bobbing your head up and down and hollowing out your cheeks, getting faster and harder with each movement. He throws his head back, letting out breathy grunts. They turn you on real bad and you start to grind yourself against your heals, moaning against his big heavy cock. A minute passes and he notices how turned on you are.
“You wet for me you dirty bitch?” He asks and you nod around his cock. He pushes you off and you look up to him, catching your breath.
“You want daddy to fuck you hard?” He asks. You nod again.
“Get up and get naked. Now!” He yells and it makes you shudder, then moan in pleasure. You obey him, unzipping your jumpsuit to reveal you’re wearing no underwear underneath, not even a pair of panties.
“You little slut.” He comments and lifts you up so you’re seated on the edge of a rectangular table which is adjacent to two walls. He opens your legs wide and puts two fingers inside of you.
“You’re dripping wet for me. Good girl.” He whispers greedily as he watched your expression change. Eyebrows furrowed and biting your lip you moan loudly, paying no mind to the men sitting just outside the door. Give them a show, you think to yourself. Why not? You want to make them jealous of your relationship with Tommy. He takes his fingers out once he makes you a moaning mess, licking them clean before entering you with his cock. You practically scream at the feeling of his large member filling you up. He begins to thrust and you’re reduced to a mess of whimpers, moans and fucks.
“Agh, daddy... unnhhhhh fuck. Fuck me Tommy! AGH! Fuck I’m close daddy. Mmm... MMMh. Tommy! Tommy! I’m almost there.” You exclaim and he leans down, wrapping his hand around your neck and squeezing.
“Come for me you bitch!” He yells in your face and that sends both you and him over the edge. You scream out, breathing heavy and uneven. He grunts as he buries his load deep in your pulsing pussy. After a moment he pulls out, tucking his cock back into his pants and doing them and his belt back up. He’s red in the face and extremely satisfied. You close your legs and groan at the feeling of your cockles pussy, only left with the feeling of his hot cum in you. Just the thought of that makes you moan again.
“Mmm, thank you Tommy. That was...” you sigh contentedly and brush some hair out of your face. “Fucking amazing.” Tommy smiles a satisfied grin.
“Wish you’d let me fuck you sooner.” He says and you shake your head.
“It wouldn’t have been that good if I had... I’m gonna talk to Paulie about getting you made, he owes me.” You get up and put your jumpsuit back on. Tommy helps you fix your hair before you walk back out into the diner, your cheeks flushed both from the amazing sex you just had and from the embarrassment of knowing what the men heard. Jimmy smiles at you and Tommy as you walk out, the rest of them glare in jealousy. You smile to Tommy and you sit back on his lap as he sits down to play the next round of poker.
“Hey Spider! Get me and my girl a drink!”
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headoverhiddles · 4 years
Commissions Open!
My writing career has progressed to a point where I’m lucky enough to work from home. That being said... I am happy to announce I am now taking commissions! 
You can visit MY KO-FI here, to check the pricing and details of requesting. 
For a list of daddies I will write for at the moment, please visit my: 
Lesser Known Characters Masterlist 
The only two I no longer write for due to lack of inspiration are Hans Landa, Father Burke, and Josh Brolin. 
Thank you so much to all of you, my friends, who have supported me, and continue to support me! You inspire me and give me confidence to pursue my passion every day. xo 
- Corinne 
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Read my shit! ⬇️⬇️⬇️
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First and second part (in progress) :))))
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starwarzboner · 7 years
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I got a new catchphrase: i dont give a fuuuuck!
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tanookikiss · 4 years
This jazzy little song inspired my new Paul x Tommy fanfiction!
The lyrics are just real sweet. It made me think of Tommy for some reason. XD
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headoverhiddles · 4 years
Dating Jimmy Conway Would Include
Requested by anon!
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- You're Jimmy's girl. Everyone knows you're off limits
- Don't even TALK to Jimmy's girl when he's around. He's very protective
- You're his world. At the end of the day, if anything happened to you, you're one of the few people in his life he would cry over
- since you've been with Jimmy for so long, you're close with the guys too. Tommy is the only one who will try and flirt with you cause he knows he's the only one who can get away with it
- Henry is terrified of you, cause he doesn't want anything he says or does to you to be misinterpreted by Jimmy. You find this hilarious
- Jimmy makes sure you have everything you could ever possibly want, but of course, he's smart about it
- he values loyalty above all else, so he'd be faithful to you and he'd know you're faithful in return
- honestly, you guys are a power couple. Nobody fucks with either of you, you're a united front, both with brains, brawn and lots of friends
- during sex, he's a total dom. He's in control, and he'll tell you what to do.
- Even outside of the bedroom, the two of you will get into a bit of power play and light dom/sub. You've got rules, and while you're a powerful person in front of others, you know you answer to your boyfriend
- you love being spoiled by him. He'll tease you sometimes, watching you walk by him by the pool one day, looking over his sunglasses
- "You're a spoiled brat, you know that? A spoiled little girl, a little princess." Most of his terms of endearment sound like insults, but the two of you know the love behind them
- He'll also joke with friends that you "bust his balls" when you don't get what you want, but anyone who knows Jimmy well enough, knows he's in charge
- His dates he takes you on are always classy with everyone in town waiting on him hand and foot, and of course, after the date, he makes sure you're good and satisfied. Only the best for Jimmy Conway's girl.
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headoverhiddles · 4 years
Too Good To Be True - Tommy Devito x Reader [Smut]
Synopsis: Much to his annoyance, you teach your boyfriend the art of delayed gratification. 
Notes: Requested by anon! Hope you like it, this has been a long time coming. 
First gif belongs to vicious-thrash.
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Tommy’s car radio plays softly as he pulls up in front of your house.
You’re just too good to be true  
Can’t take my eyes off of you
“It was a good night, baby,” he says, killing the gas. You smile.
“It was, wasn’t it?”  
“I had fun. Lot of fun.” His eyes shift to you, then descend. “You know what would make it even better?”
“What?” His hand falls from the steering wheel to your knee, and starts to feel up a little higher. He does this every time; there’s no sense of mystery or allure in your flirtation anymore.  “Baby, not tonight.”
“What?” he moans, “Baby—baby aw, listen—”
“Tommy, I’m tired. I gotta headache, alright?”
“A headache? Probably all the booze you drank back there.”
“Let me sleep it off, will you?”
“You at least got a kiss me? For your boyfriend?” You lean over to kiss him. He watches you leave out the window, whistling at your skirt riding up .
“Hey! Thursday night, the Pink Flamingo?!”
“I’ll call you.”
“I’m buyin’ of course!”
“Goodnight, Tommy!” His eyes narrow as he gets the engine running, and as he pulls away, Franki Valli continues to croon.
I love you, baby
And if it’s quite alright, I need you baby—
“Ah, shut up,” Tommy growls, and smacks his radio silent.
“And then she said—get this fellas—she said she had a headache.”
“Ooh,” Jimmy cringes. “Mmhm. The headache line.”
“What do you mean?” Henry frowns. “Karen tells me that all the time.”
“You poor bastard. I’m sure she does, I’m sure you get fed that shit all the time,” Jimmy smirks, rustling his shoulder. Tommy sighs as he tips back another shot.
“I just don’t understand it. It was going so well, too. Women don’t do that shit to me. They just don’t!”
“Yeah, cause they’re fuckin’ scared you’ll whack ‘em!” Henry laughs.
“I’d never kill a girl,” Tommy retorts, “Especially not (y/n). She’s my one, you know? Maybe she really was tired, I dunno...”
“Nah, nah nah,” Jimmy shakes his head. “Something’s fishy. There’s gotta be something going on here. Women start losing interest in sex, there’s something that needs to be addressed.”
“I mean, was she really losing interest? She was goin’ down on me like there was no fuckin’ tomorrow last week, I can’t imagine her flipping on me like this.”
“You never know with women,” Henry sighs, taking a sip of his whiskey. Jimmy jerks a thumb his way.
“Sage over here. Fuckin’ wise guy.”
Tommy bursts into laughter, and Henry goes red as he ordered more drinks. As the laughter dies down, Tommy shakes his head. “I don’t know. I don’t wanna lose her, but she seemed pretty pissed.”
“Were you pushing it on her?”
“Nah, of course not! I stopped when she said she was tired. I complained, but hey, my dick was hard, y’know?”
“It’s just the kind of thing I’ve come to expect.”
“Maybe that’s the problem.”
“What fuckin’ problem?”
“The monotony of it all.”
“The monotony of fucking me?”
“The same way, when she comes to expect it too, yeah. Variety is the spice of life,” Jimmy says, lighting up a cigarette. Tommy waves his hand.
“What am I supposed to do, offer to spank her? Geez, she’s always climbing me like a tree after I take her out.”
“A short tree,” Henry quips. Tommy slaps the drink out of the younger man’s hand, and slaps him in the face too.
“I’ll shoot your fucking kneecaps off so you can join me, how ‘bout that wise guy?”
“Ouch, fuck Tommy...” Henry laughs, “I’m just breakin’ your balls!”
“Hey. He’s just breaking your balls,” Jimmy says.
“Yeah, yeah. Fuck you both. Anyways. I don’t know what to do.”
“Give her a call, see what she says,” Jimmy tells him.
“What, do you think I’m fuckin’ stupid? She’s not gonna answer if she’s pissed.”
“Have you tried?” Henry asks.
Tommy crosses his arms.
“I don’t know what you see in that guy,” your childhood best friend says. You and Joni had been sharing a house for a few years now, and though you loved her dearly, she had a tendency to stick her nose into your business.
“I love him,” you say simply. She rolls the paint roller you two are painting your living room with as she gets ready for the base coat. Hair tied up in a knotted bandana, you’re painting tiny details over the base coat, little purple flowers over the cream.
“I don’t know, (y/n). He runs with the wrong circle, I seen him before, you know he—”
“I’m well aware of what he does.”
“You wanna be one of those wives?” She makes a face. “All pearls, diamond necklaces and tight dresses while their men go out and shoot each other?”
“So what if I do?” you ask playfully, dipping the paintbrush again. Joni just puts up her hands, smiling.
“No skin off my nose! I just worry about you, is all.”
“And I worry about you,” you tease, “You’re dating a banker who has sex on a schedule. What could be more boring than that?” The two of you burst into giggles, and you start to think of Tommy. It hadn’t been ideal, leaving the last date on the note you had, but you wanted Tommy to learn a lesson. Sometimes, it was more fun to wait.
Your rotary phone rings.
“I’ll get it,” you say, setting your paintbrush down and wiping your hands. Lifting up the receiver, you see who it is. “Hello?”
“Baby, it’s me.” You smile. You knew he’d call.
“Hey Tommy,” you say, twirling the chord. Your friend makes a face.
“You’re probably his one phone call from jail,” she hisses.
“What’s that frump saying about me now?”
“Hm? Oh, she just says hi.” You grin.
“Listen, (y/n). I, uhh... just wanted to check up on you after the other night. I hope I didn’t upset you. You’re my girl, you know.”
You keep the charade going-- he’d thank you eventually. “Oh, I know, Tommy. Things are fine. I’m just...”
“Oh, it’s nothing.”
“Nah, wanna discuss it over drinks? Milkshakes even. Hm? Lemme buy you a cute little milkshake, alright?”
“I’m painting the house,” you tell him. “Sorry, baby.”
“Aww...” He’s quiet for a minute. “You sure everything’s okay?”
“Yeah, Tommy. I gotta go, okay?”
He sighs. “Yeah. Sure.”
“Love you.”
“Sure. Love you too.”
Back in the bar, Tommy feels like hitting his head against the wall.
“I just don’t know what to do! I don’t know what I did wrong! She’s talkin’ to me all weird, I can’t understand it. Maybe it’s another guy. If it’s another guy, I’ll shatter his skull.”
“It’s not another guy,” Henry mutters.
“How the fuck do you know?”
“Cause (y/n) is loyal to a fault! The way she looks at you? That’s not a woman who throws her pussy around when you’re not looking. She adores you, Tommy.”
“A keeper,” Jimmy nods. Tommy sighs, taking some comfort in this.
“Flowers,” Jimmy suggests.
“Yeah. Go to her house, tell her you’re sorry, and give her some nice-smelling flowers. She’ll be in your pants in minutes.”
“Yeah...” Tommy nods, “Yeah, alright.”
Sherry baby
(Sherry baby)
Sherry, can you come out tonight?
(Come, come, come out tonight)
The doorbell goes. You look up from your book, turn your small radio down, and frown. Was Joni home from a night on the town this early? Sighing, you bookmark your page. It had been nice to have the house to yourself while it lasted. It was an opportunity to walk around the place half naked in the little lilac nightgown Tommy had bought you. That got you imagining what it’ll be like one day to live with Tommy, in some mansion somewhere. Joni complained about the danger of it all, but you’re sure she wouldn’t turn down a life of spontaneity like that if she had the choice.
You grin to yourself as you put on a housecoat, and walk over to the door. You open it.
“Tommy,” you say. It’s a little surprising to see your love standing there like this on your porch at 10 pm.
“Hey, baby.” He gives you a lopsided smile, and hands you some flowers. You blush, and let him in.
“Aw, look! They match the painting I’ve done on the walls. You’re sweet, you shouldn’t have.” You set them on the table, making a mental note to get a vase later.
“Nah, nah. You deserve ‘em. I wanted you to know how special you are to me... how much I don’t wanna lose you.”
You bite your lip. “Yeah?” You let one shoulder of the housecoat slide down your arm. His eyes gravitate down.
“What’ve you got on under there, baby?” He starts to smile, that lascivious grin. “Huh? What’s that?”
“Look familiar? Recognize it?” you tease, letting the rest of the housecoat drop. He shakes his head, whistling.
“Oh. God, (y/n), what you do to me.”
“Tell me?”
“Well, I—” He hesitates, looking around. “Wait. Hold the fuck on. Just, just wait. What the fuck is this?” You pout.
“You haven’t gone out with me in a week, you act like there’s somethin’ wrong between us, and when I show up one night unannounced, you just drop your panties for me?”
“Made you want me, didn’t it?” you breathe, ghosting your lips up his neck. He scoffs, shaking his head.
“Fucking tease. I chose a real she-devil.” He moans softly as your hand comes up to cup him through his pants, and he reaches back to lock the front door.
“Joni doesn’t have a key...” you whisper.
“Good,” he groans, and takes you over to the couch. He lays you down on top of it, starts to slide the straps of your nightgown down. “Look at my pretty girl... real pretty. You know how much I love seein’ you like this?”
“Tell me,” you moan, opening your legs to him. He gets overtop of you.
“Love it a whole lot. I think about it all the time.”
“Yeah?” you ask, bringing his hand to your feel your panties, “You think about this pussy?”
“Fuck, baby,” he growls, and you can see him shift gears from the sweet man waiting at your doorstep with flowers to his real personality—salacious and dangerous. “I’m gonna fuck you so good, you’re gonna feel it next week. So fucking beautiful.”
“Tell me again, Tommy...”
“You’re so beautiful, fuck, you’re mine. Wanna be inside you.”
“Do it,” you gasp, and you shimmy his pants down. A gun falls out onto the floor.
“Jesus Christ, Tommy!”
“I said ‘oops’! What do you want from me, it goes where I go.”
“It’s okay,” you say, biting your lip. “It turns me on.” He starts to grin as he sits back on his heels.
“Mhmm.” He moves your panties aside to see. You stop him, thinking of something. “Condoms?”
He groans. “Aw. Seriously? Really, this late in the game?”
“We don’t want kids.”
“I wouldn’t mind one or two running around. Get a babysitter, you know, while we go throwing cash around town, the meanest couple this side of Brooklyn, nobody’d fuck with us baby, and we’d raise a couple of real gems—”
“I still have a lot more partying to do before any of that happens,” you say, and order him off of you. “Go find them, they’re in the bedroom.” Tommy mutters to himself, cursing the whole way there and back, but does as he’s told. When he comes back out of the bedroom, he sees your fingers rubbing slow circles around your clit. Licking his lips, he gets back overtop of you, and you help him fit the condom on.
“I need you,” you moan, and he buries himself inside you, groaning as you take every inch. He grunts, picking up his pace to a rough pound as he takes what he needs.
“You’re so good... so fucking perfect, baby,” he growls, and reaches up to slowly massage your breasts as he fucks you. As he rocks his hips in and out, you arch your back, grinding up into his thrusts.
“You know what my friend would do if she knew we were fucking on this couch? This is her grandma’s antique couch.”
“Fuck the couch, and fuck her grandma,” Tommy breathes. You laugh, cutting off into a moan as he hits that perfect spot inside of you.
“Oh god, don’t stop,” you whisper.
“Yeah,” he grunts, “Yeah, yeah. That’s fucking right. That’s what I’m talking about. You love taking that, don’t you?”
“Say my name. Come on, say it.”
“Tommy... Tommy, Tommy...” Your orgasm begins to build.
“Say it,” he leans down to mark your neck, “ Who’s fucking you good?”
“You are, oh god Tommy, I’m—” He groans, and you feel his body tense up on top of you. The feeling of him pounding you through his climax pushes you over the edge as well, and you both thrust and grind together until the bliss wanes.
“Did I mention I love you?” Tommy murmurs, from where his face is buried in your chest. You gently remove his hand from between your legs. You lift his face up, and kiss him messily.
“You could keep saying it all night and I wouldn’t mind. Felt good to wait, didn’t it?”
You sit at the bar with Tommy, necking. You’ve got a new necklace on, one he’s been eyeing for you for a while.
“(y/n),” Jimmy says, and Henry gives you a hug as they take stools beside you two.
“Where you two been?” Tommy asks, wiping the lipstick off his face and ordering a round of drinks.
“Out taking care of a job,” Jimmy says, popping the button on his jacket and looking around.
“Without me?” Tommy asks, opening his arms.
“You were busy,” Henry shrugs, smirking at you. You smile, rubbing a hand over your boyfriend’s shoulder and down his chest.
“I’d say we both were.”
“Oh, did you like the flowers?” Jimmy asks, smiling. He touches his chest. “My idea.”
Tommy’s face scrunches up, and Henry has to hold him back so he doesn’t kill his best friend. While your boyfriend is doing what he does best—starting fights-- Henry lets him go and turns to you conspiratorially.
“So uh, (y/n), babe... what does it really mean when a lady says she’s got a headache?”
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