#goose 🪿 honks
tastelessleather · 2 months
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I dunno, it's a goose
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oneguardian15 · 7 months
just bought myself untitled goose game (finally!) and am so so happy and very excited to play
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narwhalplus · 1 year
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shapard · 4 months
Yeah I just got a idea for a scenario, if you don't want to that ok. date night with lucifer playing untitled goose game, I know it's not ducks but would still be funny 🤣
Playing the Untitled Goose Game with Lucifer🪿
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Fluff, Lucifer being a boomer
Lucifer x Reader
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Lucifer was working on one of his dozen duck’s creations. 
He was too deep into his work that he didn’t sense you coming from behind.
You called out his name and he was startled at your sudden presence that he jumped up from his seat. 
The duck flew out of his hand flying into one of many piles of little ducklings. 
Dumbfounded he looked at his hands, “… My.. DUCK!”
You watched guilty as Lucifer threw himself right after it, searching for it. 
After a while he came back up, “She’s gone…” He pouted, “Well, just going to make another one.” He stood back up fixing his hair and his tuxedo. 
“Luci?” You called out for him, he completely forgot that you were standing there.
“Oh- OH! Hello Sweetie!” In a blink of an eye, he had you in a death grip, hugging you closely against his body. 
He stepped back and gave you a wide smile. “Next time please knock, you scared the shit out of me.” He laughed nervously and looked up to you with his loving eyes. 
His eyes travelled on your hands which were hiding something behind your back. “What do you have there.” He pointed at your hidden hands. 
Remembering why you were here in the first place, you smirked and pulled out a game named “Untitled Goose Game”.
Lucifer looked at you confused. 
“A game?” You nod furiously. “Can you please play it while I watch? Like a little date?”
After a while of being in a relationship with him you found out that he hates TV, and everything that came with it. 
He had an old Tv and it barely worked. For you he made an exception and bought one of those newer Flat Tv (The newest). 
When you found that game you just knew you must play it with him.
It was a game about a Goose?!
Who doesn't like Geese?
Lucifer sighed, “You know I don’t like any Tv related things. Maybe something else, for tonight?” He asked nervously, fidgeting with his tuxedo.
After minutes of Arguments, you both were sitting in couple duck pajamas on the Couch.
You two were cuddled up together and he had you in his Arms.
He didn't look impressed at all.
He agreed to play that game with you if you wear couple pajamas, he bought few weeks ago.
And you gladly accept.
You explained to him the main controls of the controller and he started to curse:
“Why is this so complicated?”
“Why doesn't it work?!”.
“You’re being so dramatic.” You said and Lucifer glared at you. “Here you can move the goose.” You moved the link stick to show him. 
You danced in Victory when you saw him playing after minutes of rage.
Finally he pressed the right buttons.
With sparkling eyes, he walked around as a goose in the game he was already obsessed.
He moved the goose easily around the game and he honked at almost everything in the game. 
It was so adorable.
He loved this game. 
Even though he rages every time someone shoos him away.
Once he even tried to throw the controller at the human in the Tv. you managed to stop him just in time. 
He was very pissed at the humans in the game screaming every second: “Let me through!”
"How dare they not let me pass?! I'm the king of Hell!" You stroked his back, calming him down. "It's just a game."
It was a simple, stupid game but he loves everything about it.
And he’s secretly thankful you bought him this game.
He squealed like a child who got a Lollipop when he discovered he could swim in the little lake. 
Even when you fell asleep and woke up in the morning after you saw Lucifer still playing the game. Fighting with the urge to go to sleep. 
Maybe you changed his mind about Video games and Tv with this little date night.
He finally did something else than working on his hyper fixation about ducks.
But now he started to also make rubber Gooses.
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A/n: I hope this meet your expectations! I completely forgot about this game's existence💀.
@i-have-no-life-charlie @sirenetheblogger
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horriblegoosefest · 4 months
The goose is almost here!!! 🪿
Rummage around in those folders you haven’t opened in years, dust off the cobwebs, and bring some life back to your most abandoned works. You said you’d come back to it again one day, but the days turned to years, and – what’s that I hear?
H-O-N-K, we will finish a wip today! 
H-O-N-K, write it or I won't go away! 
What is the horrible goose fest?
The horrible goose fest is borne from the many cries for accountability from fandom creators and the wish that someone hound them (or honk at them) into finishing their wips. This is a partnered fest in which one partner (creator) commits to finishing a work-in-progress and one partner (goose) commits to providing dedicated accountability. 
Great, how does it work? 
There are no prompts in this fest. It's designed to help you finish those languishing drafts and build relationships with other folks in the fandom. You can sign up as a creator and/or a goose. If signing up as a creator, you are committing to finishing an existing work-in-progress (fic, art, podfic, translation) that is not affiliated with other current fest collections or prompts/self-prompts (wips from past fest drops are fine!) If your work-in-progress is already posted to ao3, we will ask you to hide it by adding it to a private collection for the duration of the fest; it will be revealed with everyone's works during the posting period. Creators will upload their finished works to the fest’s ao3 collection. 
If you sign up as a goose, you are committing to frequent check-ins with your creator to help them finish their work in progress. This will involve ongoing discussions with your creator about their progress and deadlines. You're not expected to alpha or beta their work. Think of yourself as a particularly tenacious cheerleader. You are also committing to writing a thoughtful rec of the work upon its completion, which will be posted on tumblr.
How do I sign up?
All participants will sign up by filling out a form on airtable. You can choose your own partner to sign up with, or be paired with a partner by the mods. Participants must be 18+. Due to modly time constraints, we will be capping the number of fic sign-ups at 35. There will be no limit for art or podfic.
If signing up to be paired with a partner, sign up forms will be used to help the mods best match pairs. All HP fandom ships and characters are welcome. Creators will detail their wip plans and accountability needs. Gooses will detail their accountability style and preferred time/frequency commitment – how often and for how long can you check in, are you strict or more of a softie, what strategies and advice can you provide your creator? The form will also have a space for geese and creators to share ship preferences and squicks. We will try our best to match compatible creator/goose pairs, but as with any paired fest, you'll also need to be open, flexible, and friendly.
Can I sign up as both?
Sure! But be aware of the time commitment of both roles and be mindful of what you can realistically handle. Your partner is counting on you! 
What if there are more geese than creators? Or more creators than geese?
If we have an imbalance, and you are a good fit for more than one creator/goose, you may be assigned more than one participant to work with. We will do our best to take into account your time commitment and preferences, so please let us know in the sign up if you are willing to be paired more than once! For fairness reasons, if you are a creator assigned two geese, the two geese will collaborate on a single rec of your work at the end of the fest. You are always welcome to assemble your own team of additional cheerleaders if you’d like <3
If I'm a goose, do I have to be horrible?
The title is jokey. We're not really encouraging anyone to be unkind. Think of a goose as an accountability partner. We're hearing from lots of creators that deadlines and kind but firm expectations are what really get them across the finish line. Goosing is a big job, but in the end we're all rewarded with more works to enjoy! 
What if there’s an issue with my pairing?
To avoid this as much as possible, we encourage folks to sign up as an already-formed pair. Prior to matching, we will share a list of the participants who have signed up. Feel free to use this to form your own pairs. We will be running a discord to facilitate participants getting to know each other. Please remember to be kind, and if someone’s wip really catches your eye, don’t be afraid to reach out - they may be eyeing you!
That said, we know this might be stressful for some, so we are happy to pair you. If you have any concerns with regards to matching, or at any point throughout the fest, please reach out to us. Our goal is to make the fest a safe space for all participants in accordance with our expectations below. 
Speaking of kindness, what are the other expectations in this fest?
We ask that participants generally abide by sals, kink-tomato, and dldr, but also, in recognition of the ways these rules have been used to silence poc voices in fandom, you may be asked to tag content beyond ao3's major trigger warnings or the fandom typical disclosure of sexual acts and violence, such as racist tropes/triggers. Refusal to tag sensitive content may result in your fic being pulled from the fest. If you have questions about what kinds of content we'll ask you to tag or want a sensitivity read for your content, please contact the mods, we really are happy to help!
There will be email check-ins throughout the fest. Make sure to add our email, [email protected], to your contacts to ensure you receive these communications. Please only reply via email, not via tumblr, discord or any other messaging service. Please send any questions about the fest to [email protected] or #mod-help channel in the fest discord (do not contact individual mods). 
We will post small (optional) challenges and games to participate in during the fest to hype everyone up. These will be posted in the discord server and on tumblr, so make sure you join the server and follow @horriblegoosefest on tumblr! 
Submission info:
There is no word count minimum but we do ask that you submit one fic, artwork, or podfic. Fics should be beta-read. Remember that geese are not required to beta (although they can if they'd like to). Podfics and translations must have either blanket permission or consent from the original authors to be included in the fest.
Works can be submitted in any language. There will be a space on the sign up form to let us know what language you intend to post. If our mod team is not fluent in your chosen posting language we will contact you to discuss options to help us make sure works are beta read and tagged according to fest guidelines. You may be asked to include a disclaimer that the mods are unable to guarantee comprehensive tagging. 
Creators will submit works to an ao3 collection and the following header information should be emailed to the mods. Multi-chapter works will be revealed on a single posting day. As the fest deadline nears, geese will write a celebratory rec of their creator’s work, which will be posted to tumblr. We are happy to provide guidance on writing a rec if you need it.
Header for Fic:
Word Count:
Warnings/Content: (content warnings as well as general fic tags/enticements go here!)
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maysrinn · 9 days
you know with the goose drawing its no more snowbaird but snowbird
Hell yeah, Welcome to snowbird~
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Honk honk u can run but u cant hide SHE GOT A KNIFE
The Goosey Games: the ballad of Goosey’s and duckies 🪿🦆
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3cremepie3 · 5 months
Saw you were asking for twst requests…
Can I request the dorm leaders + Rook and Floyd reaction when mc/Yuu turns into a goose? I was thinking something like mc/Yuu turned into a goose from a potion class accident, and they act like the goose from Untitled Goose Game, but cuddlier. Like they are still a little menace, but also want to be pet and cuddled. Idk just have had this idea for a while but don’t really write fics or headcannons.
If you don’t want to do this request I completely understand as it is a bit odd. I hope you have a great day/night!
here’s a turtle for u 🐢
Would you still love me if I was a goose? 🪿
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Sypnopsis - how the Twst dorm leaders + Rook and Floyd would act if Y/n became a goose.
Warnings - destruction of property, miscommunication, swan favoritism, not fully edited (I'm writing this late at night)
A/n - this was so adorable poor Twst boys having to deal with y/n lol!
Would not stop making fun of you. How could you be so stupid as to mistake that potion for your water? Now you're a goose for 24 hours. He can not stop cracking up as Crewel removes him from class. He’s given the assignment to take care of you. Animals other than beastmen aren’t normal around campus someone like Ruggie might just try to cook you up.
After he tells you this you honk in fear trailing behind him. “Let’s go to your dorm some beastmen might smell you and try to dig in,” he laughs. You bite his tail in retaliation and he slaps you with it knocking your small body on the ground. “Sorry, I didn’t realize how fragile geese are.” He picked you up by the wing to examine you.
Your hair was still the same color and despite having no human features he could still see your scowl. “Cute as always he chuckled.
Was awe-struck as Ace and Deuce told him the story. But he was even more awestruck at your behavior. Dating him meant following the rules but your new form brought out a new you. One that terrorized anyone in the rose garden. Your behavior of biting, honking, and chasing members away caught his attention.
“What is the meaning of this behavior,” he yelled. You honked back running away from him. He followed you as you shifted through bushes to your usual hangout spot. “Oh I see you just wanted to lead me here,” he grinned.
“Even in goose form, you’re the same.”
Would come home to find his dorm room a mess. Most of his makeup was half opened and he almost died in that spot seeing his flower knows collection spattered about. “Who would do something like this,” he gasped.
He turned to see you hiding in a corner of his bed behind his weight. He picked you up by your legs dangling you upside down. You honked at him so loudly that the hair blew away from his face.
“What’s the problem spudling you keep wailing about?” You honked turning your head to his nightstand. Vil looked dropping you on his bed. “I do makeup,” he stuttered. “Oh, you want to do my makeup?”
“You still have your priorities straight even in goose form I see.”
“You’re staying in here until you can stop harassing my customers.” Azul slammed the door to his office locking you in. The mostro lounge was an absolute mess and as much as he loved your presence normally you oh were now bad for business.
Jade and Floyd had to chase you and you were an expert at hopping over tables and into customers food. Such a wide variety was in your hands you ate squid and caviar. It was yummy until they finally caught you. “You’re lucky we don’t cook you up geese meat is hard to come by,” Azul smirked.
You wailed around trying to escape his grasp but he ultimately caught you. Now you waited in his office hopping and flying off his desk. “I’m back.” He came in his office kicking off his shoes and sitting in his office chair exhausted as usual.
You honked as quietly as possible trying to get his attention before you flew into his lap. Your head settled on your body as you relaxed.
“You still want to sit in my lap even in goose form? God you helpless,” he huffed.
Would be understanding. Animals and him just clicked he shared no blood with beastmen yet they were always friendly to him. People side-eyed the both of you running along Scarabia’s open architecture.
You played the iconic game of duck duck goose. This new form wasn’t anywhere as limiting as you thought. Your boyfriend took good care of you bringing you were ever you requested and feeding you bird food they already had on hand.
At the end of the day, you honked happily snuggling with him. “Aww was that a I love you,” he asked.
The day with him would be a content one. He kept you in his room hidden away from Vil and others that may be upset with you there. Geese aren’t exactly a form of beauty they aren’t white and pure like swan. But Rook didn’t care to him you were the most beautiful bird to grace the planet.
That's why he watched you like the huntsman he was. He noted how your mannerisms stayed the same. Your head moved although you were rolling your eyes as he whispered sweet nothings to you. And you plopped down on his chest like normal.
“I’m sure you’d be beautiful even as a frog darling. But I don’t think that can compare to this form.”
This would be the best day of his life. He just couldn’t stay bored while dating you. Now instead of his lil Shrimpy you’re a goose. One that looked dangerously small in his large hands.
He was tasked with watching you meaning you had to go with practice and work with him. You tried your best to sit on the sidelines but people were quick to almost trample over you. So you bit their legs. Eventually, the others protested over your presence and agreed to kick you out.
You honked them out and flipped them off with your imaginary hand. “Y’all heard them,” Floyd chuckles. Obviously, he wouldn’t be able to bring you to work. That was boring anyway he had better ideas.
“How about we test your swimming skills, lil ducky?” You honked instantly trying to escape his arms.
Would be in full-on panic mode. You an animal near his thousand-dollar equipment. You could kiss that dream goodbye. Ramshackle would be your habitat. He dropped you off there saying he had a 1v1 to handle with a sweat. He rushed back quickly not noticing you wailing behind him.
Soon he was in Ignihyde preparing for his match. “Ortho prepare your applause,” he snickered. He turned to look at his doorway expecting his brother but no you were there tiny in fracture but bold enough to disturb his peace.
“Ahhh how are you even more annoying as a peaceful animal troublemaker,” he sighed.
(I had no idea what I could’ve done for malleus sorry 😶)
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mellowmooon · 19 days
honkai star rail goose star rail honk honk star rail honk honk 🪿🪿🪿🪿🪿
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sonicboomseason3 · 17 days
🪿💥🥞 , Sonic and Tails?
ask game: send me AT LEAST 3 emojis (the more random the better) and AT LEAST 2 characters from sonic boom and i’ll come up with a little drabble in response!
Lying on one of the lounge chairs in front of his shack, Sonic looks up from his pancakes at the sound of Tails' voice and promptly spots him running towards him. "'Sup?" he asks as the fox skids to a stop in front of him.
"Behold, the Explodinator 5000!" Tails announces, brandishing his newest creation in his hand. It appears to be some kind of mechanical headband, complete with an antenna protruding from the top. "By putting this on, the wearer can make any desired target explode."
"Huh." Sonic looks back down at his pancakes. "Explode, like BOOM?" He tries to stab his downright stale pancakes with his plastic fork and lets out a frustrated sigh when he only succeeds in bending the tines.
"Explode, like BOOM! Do you have any idea how much this will help us in our battles with Eggman? I can just point this at his robots and reduce them to smithereens!" Tails finally takes his eyes off of the Explodinator 5000 to look at Sonic. "It isn't limited to just his robots either—Sonic, what is that."
"Pancakes," Sonic replies blandly, gesturing towards his plate in much the same way as Tails was doing moments ago with his invention. "Meh Pancakes, actually. Meh Burger's experimenting with the idea of a breakfast menu, and—"
"I'm talking about the giant bird."
"Oh." Sonic glances over at his other lounge chair, which is currently occupied by a giant white goose. "His name's Bruce. Bruce, meet Tails. Tails, meet Bruce."
"Hi," Tails greets stiffly.
Bruce honks.
Sonic begins to explain, "Bruce wandered into my shack this morning and climbed on top of me and woke me up with his goose noises—by the way, not the best way to start the day, don't really recommend it—and I couldn't chase him out, so..." He makes eye contact with Bruce and reaches over to scratch his head like one would do to a dog. "He's my pet now, I guess. Or at least he is until he decides to leave, whenever that'll be."
"And you're sure this isn't gonna just be another Buster incident?"
"Buster was a robot that shot slime. Bruce is a real goose. Trust me, I checked already."
"I don't think I wanna know how you did that, but that's good at least." Tails can't help but wince a little when Bruce honks again. "Just... make sure you know how to take care of him."
"Pretty sure he's wild, so he should know how to take care of himself—Hands off." When Bruce suddenly leans forward and tries to take a bite of Meh Pancakes, Sonic pushes him away a little more roughly than necessary. "They're mine. And believe me when I say you're really better off never having these."
Bruce's responding honk sounds downright enraged at being refused subpar breakfast food, but Tails is ready to dismiss it as simply his imagination... until Bruce suddenly lunges for him. He yelps and instinctively holds his hands out in front of him to protect himself, but instead of attacking him, Bruce snatches the Explodinator 5000 out of his grasp with his beak. Before either hero can digest what is unfolding, the goose tosses the headband into the air, and it lands squarely on his head.
"What the—" Still holding his pancakes, Sonic rolls out of his lounge chair in the nick of time. He barely registers the tiny explosion that goes off right above him, only fully realizing what's happening when he feels the charred bits of the back of his lounge chair rain down on him.
"Sonic, he's trying to explode you with his mind!" Tails says, horrified. "I really think you should give him the—"
Sonic leaps to his feet, still keeping a tight clutch on those accursed pancakes. "Bruce the Goose, you put that dangerous thing down right now!" Honestly, he sounds more like he's trying to get a small dog to spit something out and less like he's defending himself from a wild bird out for his blood. "I said put it down!"
Bruce honks, and Sonic dodges three more explosion attempts within the next five seconds.
"Pets," he grumbles at Tails. "Word of advice: If you ever think about getting a pet yourself, get a gerbil or something."
And then he dashes off. With the pancakes.
Bruce honks the loudest honk he's honked so far and takes to the skies to give chase, leaving Tails by his lonesome.
Tails stands silently for a moment before sighing wearily and pulling his notepad and pencil out. Flipping to the appropriate page, he quickly skims the notes he already has written. "'Explodinator 5000 - Status: Complete. Testing: Successful. Field Results:—'" He jots down the most recent update. "'—Stolen by a goose determined to cause a Sonic BOOM.' Huh. Wonder when I'll learn my lesson to not invent things that'll endanger my friends."
He ponders that thought for a moment before shrugging.
"Oh well, back to the workshop. Been meaning to work on that one invention that throws knives at everything within three feet of it anyway."
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tokendoodles · 29 days
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Goose Mayhem!!! For jackaphobia's One Honk Before Midnight (📸🐦)
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wizzardclown · 29 days
me when someone slanders flake's good name and unconventional beauty:
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calling him a stinky goose or a nerd is ok (and in my eyes affectionate) but slander him and call him ugly and i will unleash the sparkly goose protection squad (which is several more actual geese plus you and me leading the charge >:3)
[for anyone coming across these shenanigans hallie nobody's slandering flake atm this is based on a discord conversation lol]
he may be a total dumbass and the stink lord of the stink orb, but if anybody tries to shittalk him for real, prepare for the wrath of the flarmy, man. 🪿👊🏻
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mess with the honk, you get the fucking bonk. also, i will tell Till, and then y'all are in serious trouble. [fridge man uses flammenwerfer. flammenwerfer is very effective!]
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we all know he's not perfect, nobody is. and we're also aware he doesn't exactly fit the conventional standard of "handsome", but calling him ugly is just nasty and vile. no human being is ugly. only personalities can be ugly. also, there are in fact people who like unconventional looks, strong facial features or little imperfections!
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[actual footage of my clown ass expressing my feelings towards his looks]
thank you medoh my bestie for being my fellow flake lover, it's an honour to have you in the goose protection squad. 🥰💛
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[yes i stumbled across imgflip again and now y'all have to suffer]
conclusively: hail the goose or die. jk, just be respectful like you are towards the other members of the band, they all deserve our love, no matter what they look like or what role in the band they play. all rammstein boys are good boys. 🥰
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and if there are still people who think it's okay to bash someone else's favorite:
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leave us alone and spread your negativity somewhere else, this fandom is a safe space and a home. the lyrics are "ein Weg, ein Ziel", and hate doesn't fit well with that. ✨️
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When I answer asks or put out little paragraphs about my ocs, characters, wips, that are a lot of words, please please please imagine in your head that I am on my feet using my entire body to explain these things to you.
I was a theatre kid. It is physically impossible for me not to be a little dramatic when explaining things I’m interested in!
Likewise, if you don’t want to imagine a person, imagine a goose flapping its wings wildly and honking emphatically at you. It’s the same thing 🪿
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Handmade Goose Family! 🪿🥰
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I made these geese by needle felting fibre felt together!
Etsy: AprilsCuteHandcrafts
I am trying to improve on my goose making skill! I hope you find these geese just as cute an I do! This was such fun to make.
Honk! 📣🪿!
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goosewriting · 1 year
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🪿 hello! i’m goose. they/them. 28
🪶 this is my main account where i write!
🪶 please also follow @goose-nest where i reblog art, written pieces and other things i like :D
requests are: closed!
-> wanna be added to my tag list? check this form!
→ wanna read my fics on ao3? there you go!
untitled/unedited blogs will be reported and blocked on sight. if you're not a bot, please change your pfp and add a blog title!!!
tags, request rules and masterlist under the cut!
browse tags
#goose honks : mod posts, additions, just me talking
#goose feathers : finished written pieces
#goose scribbles : art by me
#goose mail : asks
#gosling gift : giftart by you!
rules for requesting
only reader inserts, no OCs or canon x canon
reader is always gender neutral
reader’s ethnicity is always unspecified (as in skin colour, cultural background, etc.)
reader with specific physical traits is okay, please specify! (e.g. height, build, hair length, etc.)
mutant/non-human readers are okay, please specify!
in general, the more specific, the better!
no smut, only platonic/romantic
no blood-related reader (where the reader is the requested character's biological sibling, parent, kid, etc). sibling-like relationship through friendship/found family is ok!
no witch/sorcerer reader or demonic themes. reader with powers (think superhero or my hero academia) is ok, please specify!
only 1-2 requests per person at a time
be nice :’)
🐢 Rise of the TMNT
💫 Star Wars
🕷 Spiderverse (ITSV, ATSV)
🌊 Avatar (James Cameron's)
💭 Expanded Blorbo Universe (aka miscellaneous)
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What do you think of the book only characters like Kathrine, Nightlight, ect.
Thank you for the question!
Please note these are just my personal opinions, as of August 2023.
I judged everyone on three categories: Character, Design, and Drawability.
Katherine Shalazar
My opinion on Character 8/10
Adorable and smart and curious and just a lovely girl. Her story is pure fairy tale for a modern age. I believe Katherine is the glue that keeps everyone together, I think she is also a great leader. I want to rank her higher but she does often fall into the damsel in distress trope and is saved by others. I do love that she is never afraid to speak her mind and has a big heart. A classic character who I would love to see on the big screen.
My opinion on Design 7/10
Love the yellow coat. Love her design but it is missing “goose” when she is older and claims the title of mother goose. It would be cool to see added elements like feathers or wings or something more fairytale.
My opinion on Drawability 10/10
I love drawing Katherine. Her Yellow clothing choice makes her stand out. Her hair is fun and bouncy. I like drawing her in modern clothing. She is adorable and youthful! It’s fun drawing her in dynamic poses.
Nightlight (Pre Jack Frost Era)
My opinion on Character 8/10
So adorable and full of curiosity. I love how he is mainly a silent character. I think he is a great hero who at the end of the day is just a kid with the weight of the world on his shoulders. Nightlight is such an interesting character as he is pretty much the personification of light. He is new to earth and is just trying to figure things out.
My opinion on Design 5/10
A boy made of light has armor made of sharp darkness. I’m not a fan of the armor design, I don’t think it suits his character very much... Just my opinion. It is too thin and brittle looking, he looks more like someone working for Pitch then Manny. I do like his wispy hair though. It adds to his otherworldly charm.
My opinion on Drawability 7/10
I like drawing nightlight in casual clothes he deserves to be comfy. He is a silly boy who is fun to doodle. Especially his hair. It’s fun and wispy.
Ombric Shalazar
My opinion on Character 6/10
Ombric is your typical fantasy old wise fatherly wizard. He is a mentor and a joy to have around. It would have been cooler to see more of his abilities. His appeal and downfall is that he is a bit of a mystery. Not a favorite but I respect him.
My opinion on Design 4/10
Picture a traditional fairytale wizard, old with a long beard and a pointy hat and robes. Yup. Not much to excite the imagination. I would love to see Ombric get a more unique redesign. In a world of myths breaking traditional looks. Ombric falls a bit flat.
My opinion on Drawability ?/10
Never drew him before so no opinion. Maybe I should try.
My opinion on Character 🪿/ 🪿
Honk nghh quack honk honk honk, honk. Honk honk quack honk honk: hahhh honk ha ha hank honk honk quack honk honk. Quack honk ugh honk ugh honk honk. Honk honky honk hank honk, hank, honk honk, ahhhhhhhhhhhh honk. Honk honk honk honk honk? Quack quack honk honk aaaaaaaaaaaaa honk honk honk honk.
My opinion on Design 🪿/ 🪿
Honk honk honk honnnnnk honk, honk honk honk honk honk. honk honk honk honk honk honk honk honk honk ah honk honk honk honk honk honk honk honk. Honk honk honk honk honk honk honk ugh honk honk honk ugh honk ugh honk honk honk honk honk honk honk. Honk honk honk honk honk honk. Quack honk honk honk honk honk honk aaahhh honk honk honk honk!
My opinion on Drawability 🪿/ 🪿
Quack honk honk honk honk honk. Aaaaaaa honk honk honk honk honk honk honk honk: honk, honk, honk, honk aaa honk. Hank Ha Ha Ha ahhh honk honk honk honk honk honk. Honky honk honk honk honk honk honk honk honk! honk honk honk hank honk honk honk. Quack quack honk honk quack, honk honk honk honk ah ah ah honk honk quack honk honk ahhhh honk honk
Emily Jane Pitchiner
My opinion on Character 10/10
She is one of the most interesting characters I’ve read. I want her to have a solo book. She is so full of anguish yet must remain a neutral party to keep the balance. I love the fact that we get her whole backstory and even get to see her own hero’s journey. Often time’s characters like her are portrayed as pure evil or pure good, it’s so refreshing to see how she remains neutral in her own fathers war. I adore her and all that she stands for. A character who has grown up quickly and coldly due to isolation and loss. My heart cries for her.
My opinion on Design 8/10
I like her long and flowing hair. Her dress consists of swirls that compliment her form and are fun to doodle. I know the drawings Joyce has provided us with are in black and white, but I love to imagine her in vibrant greens with hair as dark as a stormy night. She is so grand and knows how to make an entrance and take over a room with her presence.
My opinion on Drawability 10/10
I love drawing her so much. She is beautiful.
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galusaurus · 3 months
✨🪿MUTATION MARCH, day 29 - goose🪿✨
Ampersand is for… goose! 🤡
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Imagine seeing a field filled with geese, and when you get closer, you see their little hands ripping up grass to stuff into their body mouths, the decoy heads wobbling with blank eyes.
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Imagine hearing a honking from above, and you see this descending from the heavens.
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Last bird of the month, which means last EARLY BIRD IS THE WORM.
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