#goose draws gift art
lesbiantvfish · 9 months
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surprise holiday gift for @bowletta. :]
the dangerous thing abt cackletta is if I draw and think abt her I have a hard time not drawing or not thinking about her afterwards she’s persistent in the brain
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kibbits · 1 year
Time to share some Starry lore because I’ve got a cute scene in mind. I love to vocal stim, sounds, phrases, but particularly songs. I’ll hear a song that feels just right and I’ll sit and chew it for hours til my throat’s sore. Currently favorite is The Valentine in Starfield (Is it still a sea shanty if it’s in space?). The reason I bring this fun fact up is because I can just see myself sitting for hours stimming with boys over new songs. Especially if it’s any new pieces for the theater. While the scripts and lyrics are predesigned by Fazbear, there’s something unquestionably their’s in performance that make it worth repeating. Worth remembering. Humming through daily tasks. Parroting their tone, their voice. Another sign of their existence that’s more then the capacity to destroy, then just simple property… They do end up being slightly upset when the Glamrocks try to introduce their songs to stimming sessions. (Sun/Moon: “That’s my human bonding time :(“ Monty: “Get cooler song selections then Sock and Buskin.” Freddy: “Pls do not misuse google search privileges to make insults.”)
- ✨Starry✨
Starry, hi!!! <33
!!!! HELL yes I echo songs a lot too!!!!
Unfortunately often 1-3 lines on repeat fgklgjkldfjg currently it's Villainous Thing, but I keep mixing "Let me see those smoky eyes" and "Let's remove those pretty clothes" and I end up singing "Oh dear, let's remove those smoky eyes" which. not the same fgkldjl
STARRY?! HELLO?! YOU REALLY GOT ME TEARING UP OVER THAT DESCRIPTION AAAA?!?! Also ABSOLUTELY -- for both the stimming, and making the songs their own.
God I'm imagining it so hard.
Eyndr suggested I draw a 'Y/N repairing the coat' last magma, and I haven't posted it cause I never got done, but yknow what? You get a WIP sketch fgkldgj Imagine they're singing
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(Goose by Eyndr! Sun is stimming with a ribbon, like I do, except that I like to wrap it around the pads of my fingers, but he doesn't have those, so he has the bad habit of letting it run between his finger casings. Also I wanted a domestic vibe for this and also thought it'd be hilarious to have 'fanservice' with Sun being shirtless. Also, a more masculine Y/N! First beard I've drawn I think???)
One of the three absentmindedly starts a song and the others join in almost immediately. Unless it's a headache day, the backstage is never silent between those three, there's always a bit of humming or singing or even just echolalia.
Which. Mood. I always immediately and absentmindedly want to join in on sounds or singing in vc -- which. being in vc at all, and talking?? is a new development for me fgjdgkl but my god it's nice to be vibing and singing with a friend while doodling -- shout out to my bestie @eyndr ! I love hanging out for games or project days so much aa One day discord and spotify won't make us sing rounds/canons fghdj
Ough that's nice!!! I loved it! ; w ; Ehehe, I tend to have work songs/sea shanties days where that's all I listen to, so I getcha and good choice! > :3 Haven't played that game, but I do play No Man's Sky and I wish there was random space shanty singers to find waugh!
Also now I'm totally imagining a Faz Space Opera yeeesss 👀👀👀
Back to BaL! Sometimes, for fun, all 3 purposefully mess with the cadence or pitch, either to make each other laugh or just to get creative or because it sounds nice, and they end up liking something and it's like "!!!!"
When they sing that version later, it feels like theirs -- like it's those moments spent together. Proof of their existence and how it affects the world around them positively. Reminders that they're loved, and they love (in a cosmic kind of way, but also it's a self insert so fuck it we BaLl (aaaay finally used the joke @lavenoon fgjdfklgjld).
Also yeee I can see them being really, ACTUALLY insulted when one of the animatronics, who doesn't know because those little sing-stimming sessions are private with Y/N, jokes about how those songs are lame and they should be singing some of theirs instead because they're catchier. Oof
Which, just now, made me realize that BaL Sun's anger runs cold, so he just goes totally silent, straightens up and get that intense stare. Maybe Moon's even the one who talks through the speaker to deflect and does that overly-sweet anger of like "Catchy, huh? Hopefully we don't catch those inflated egos of yours -- there's barely enough space for all of us and your big heads as it is! We'll come back later~!" to excuse themselves (and then prank them to hell and back of course! But there's no proof : )) ) (ALSO OH MY GOD SOCK AND BUSKIN THAT'S FUCKING GOLD. THAT'S SO CANON NOW AND THE BOYS THINK IT'S HILARIOUS)
Back to the singing, I think that another thing that they do especially well is that they can sing at the same time, so even for solos they can add back vocals to each other, or play around with the pitch since they do-and-don't share a processor and can adapt in microseconds -- wait actually they can definitely sing rounds, too!!
Oh my god now I'm imagining them singing rounds with vastly different moods at the same time, perfectly calibrated so that both of them come out loud and clear and also enhance each other's -- lining up or losing one of their voices at just the right moment to be chilling. It's like you're getting the song and the reprise but both at once
Thanks for the ask Starry!!! Always excited to see you in my inbox <33 And I'm going to be rotating this in my mind for a WHILE fkljdgjkld
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circadiancrunch · 1 year
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More Art Fights! Clockwise top left: Very tough wasteland MLP belongs to @faceted-fr Spooky shapeshifter with excellent teeth belongs to @rillrex Dapper Goose belongs to FowlFox Behorned dolphin belongs to @zyuna-arts
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wearedeadfancy · 11 months
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Join The Silly Goose Society today! 
Grab yourself a little treat with our new cute, funny lounge shirt. 
Perfect pyjama tops and great Christmas gifts for silly friends. 
Buy online here.
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starquestingfordrarry · 9 months
My Shit, Master List
(it's all drarry)
Over 10k
Simulation Theory | E | 35k
An offer to test out a new invention for Weasleys’ Wizard Wheezes turns into a whole lot more when Harry discovers who has the other part of the paired set.
With Love in Her Luminous Eyes | T | 30k includes art by myself and ItsPhantasmagoria
The Demiguise lived in Grimmauld Place, and she lived all alone.
Half Sick of Shadows | E | 39.7k
Harry and Draco have been sleeping together for months, and it's fine. It's enough for Harry. But when things finally start to feel like the more Harry's been hoping for, a strange tapestry project has him worrying he won't ever get the chance. Or: the one with sheep, dragons, and a whole lot of weaving metaphors.
Of easy wind and downy flake | E | 14k | gift for ItsPhantasmagoria
It’s snowing in July, and it’s Malfoy’s fault. Or, the one where the house wants the boys to kiss.
Strange Entanglements (the particles of us) | E | 15.3k | gift for wilfriede
Harry and Draco are colleagues, buried in their own sub-sections of the Department of Mysteries. When Draco's career-making experiment goes terribly wrong, they end up far closer than either could have imagined.
People Are Boring | E | 14.3k | Dronarry
“Alright, what’s your terrible news?” Draco braces himself on Harry’s desk. “Weasley’s hot.” “You’ll have to be more specific, there are a lot of hot Weasleys.” Draco makes a strangled, groaning sound in his throat. “The Weasley. Weasel. Weasel-by. Your Weasley.” Harry’s heart jumps to his throat, and his stomach drops to his shoes. “Ron’s back?”
Under 10k
Measure My Lordship With Thine Vulgar Aye | M | 1k
Draco buys some Muggle magnets for the office.
Round Robin: Mud, Bath & Beyond (chapter 5) | E | 7.2k
Draco and Harry are up to something on a Muggle Studies field trip (to a field).
Draco L Malfoy (the L stands for legs) | E | 1.8km | gift for NoxNoir
Harry could spend the rest of his life in the embrace of Draco Malfoy’s legs. If he was lucky, he would.
We Don't Have Thanksgiving, Potter, But You're Still Getting Stuffed | E | 1.6k
Harry stuffs the turkey, Draco stuffs Harry
His Favorite Word | T | 0.2k | gift for minty_petals
Harry has a new favorite word
Eyes All Aglow | G | 3.4k
Sequel to With Love in Her Luminous Eyes. Lenore's first Christmas.
Lover, Tempt My Vow | G | 1.2k
Draco has something to ask. Sequel to Measure My Lordships With Thine Vulgar Aye
Your Hot Hands | E | 7.5k
Draco always wanted to know where Harry Potter disappeared to. This is not what he expected.
'Neath Arbor Eaves | E | 3k
Harry and Draco are stranded in the Forbidden Forest. What horrors lurk in the shadows?
both lips on the mirror | E | 4.1k
Harry doesn't mean to watch Malfoy masturbate
Drawtober 2023 | E | Digital
Drawings done in October following the prompts from boshspice's boshhptober2023 (most of them are combined because I have poor time management skills)
I couldn't convince myself to turn you away | T | Digital | gift for arminaa
inspired by Within You Without You
to the sundered earth | G | Digital | gift for apricitydays
inspired by Once More to Arcady
Muggle Studies, Lesson 1: Recreation | G | Digital | gift for Inheartofwinter
Harry takes Draco to a muggle amusement park
Phallus impudicus | E | Digital | gift for DodgerKedavra
On a foraging trip through a fall forest, Harry finds a bountiful harvest
Branta canadensis | G | Digital | for FellyTone
Harry protects Draco from a killer goose
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cowboy · 27 days
journal #2
Good eve. :)
I've been in a strange way these past few days. I don't even know where to start seeing as this is seen by strangers who know nothing about my life, not even the mundane or simple things. but I'll just go into it.
This feeling I've been having of feeling like a tiger pacing in a cage has existed for years now and it flares up every once in a while. what does it feel like to let that pressure buildup go? is it possible to let it go? what would cause that pressure to burst and be freed? is this feeling eternally subconscious-to-conscious-to-subconscious-again? as in, i feel like it comes and goes but always exists. does it ever truly, truly leave? what does it mean to feel free, or cageless, anyway?
do y'all even know that feeling i'm talking about? lmao.
i have been going crazy over this crush for way too long and that's definitely adding to my feeling. i feel absolutely tied to a crush when i have one; i become addicted to the sensation of being near them and i forego so many of my desires and needs for them.
i came back home the other day to a messy room for five days in a row and only today could i clean it. i'm actually also realizing i haven't had my meds for a month now and i think that's really adding to this feeling and these actions (or... lack thereof).
anyway, i made a hinge profile this morning and i quickly realized how much i enjoy being found cute! it usually makes me feel really nervous but the separation of an app/ability to just swipe left or whatever made me feel more in control. to be clear, i hate that i enjoy it so much. i feel very vain in that sense -- i suppose it's human, but i'd like to think i don't need/want to be found attractive. oh well. i do i guess. not sure if that's something i should like... fix.
hinge both helped and did not help at all with my crush. i've been able to realize there's attractive funny interesting people out there that my crush tunnel vision was distracting me from, so i feel a lot less tethered to my crush. on the flipside, i realized so quickly that the type of person i am really truly fully attracted to at the moment doesn't exist, because it's just my crush. i just want someone exactly like him because i just like him so much. Lmaoooooooooo.
i'm also feeling stuck on this one art piece i'm making for my now-ex-but-still-bestie -- here's a pic of all the drafts i made of it:
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that pic is missing one; four drafts total exist.
here's a close up of the most completed one:
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plus my stupid looking goose ass. (my eye is red and irritated rn.)
it says "isn't it funny that we're here and not there?" i liked this concept for a while but now i am sick of it after drawing it three times and i feel like the message is boring to me now. i wanna draw something new, but i haven't properly set aside the time to develop any novel concept that would be appropriate as a gift for my friend.
anyway, i'll try to figure that out. what i'm more interested is -- do you feel like you get anything from this image, emotionally or intellectually? does it interest you at all whatsoever? what do you think the meaning is behind this piece, if any is notable at all? (i like it when people form opinions or theories behind the meanings of my pieces, so anything is valid 100%.)
also, would anyone be interested in purchasing one of these original drafts from me for like $10 or $15? again, i'm seeing if i might dip my toes into selling my art online so any feedback is helpful. hehe.
i'll end here. i have some more to post -- i'll be posting a little sketch comic draft of "notes on having a crush" and maybe people can find those relatable or what have you.
i hope everyone's having an excellent day. i am having a good one myself, despite that strange feeling of being pent-up and unresolved. :)
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creaturefeaster · 1 year
hey!! Can you tell a little more about El Ganso??
So something he's known for throughout the story is that he's a frequent hired gun. Well, sometimes hired. Sometimes he ends up being so moved by a friend's misfortune that he takes it upon himself to hunt down their problems personally. And one of the most important things to El Ganso are his close friends. Close enough friends of his he considers family to heart, and because the physical world they live in now can be so dangerous, he will do anything to make keep said friends safe. He's extremely faithful to his family, and is willing to risk his life for them.
He's also easily motivated by emotion. Rather empathetic by nature, sometimes seeing even neutral acquaintances in distress can push him to exact revenge upon their enemies. He doesn't lust for death or brutality, but he hates the idea of innocent people suffering and will go to lengths to help.
Neither a protagonist or antagonist, he's on many different sides of the story depending on the circumstances at hand. He aids in TyV's revenge after he had lost an eye, against Leon. He defends Maggie no matter the cause because he feels like the world is always against her. He personally seeks out the thieves that steal Hannah's van, simply because her and her team's panicked state moved him enough to do so.
It's also just kind of easy to provoke him. For better or for worse. He's generally a calm and collected guy, but when challenged or aggressed, he fights back hard. He's got quick hands, barreled fingers with shots ready to fire at a moment's notice. He's not afraid to throw a punch either, and he's rather agile too. And once he's in a fight, it's hard to get him to stop. He'll only back down once hes won, if he feels truly beaten, or if his foe's emotional state is too much for him to bear.
When he's not being a brawling little hitman-goose though, he really likes traveling, dabbles in arts such as writing (he likes writing about his experiences a lot), painting (from reference most often), and trying out the fascinating musical instruments this world has to offer. Specifically he really likes hand drums. He's also rather social, though he likes to put up a front like he isn't, and loves exchanging stories with others.
A lot of the time when I draw him, you really only see his serious side when he's working/busy being a broody hitman. But he's kinda just an empathetic sweetheart deep down. Cares a lot and stuff.
When it comes to his friends, Maggie, TyV and Uppsulka are probably his closest ones, with other mimes like Caela, Ching, Chickenstab and Rede being some of his more casual friends. He also befriends some of the friendliest of the living like Tim and Rachel, and even Samantha to a degree-- a person most mimes absolutely despise by default. Her being upset and confused by her inherited problems of the future was easily enough to convince El Ganso that she doesn't deserve the flack she gets from all the other mimes.
He is often strongly opposed to the more needlessly hostile people in the story. He doesn't work well with Jarna or Holly, and while he still considers Rede a friend, it is a rocky relationship due to Rede's complete carelessness for other's suffering. El Ganso also greatly dislikes Debbie, Gary, and April and their problem causing attitudes.
A few other small, unrelated things about him... He's kind of an easy blusher. He's got bad volume control, either always a little too quiet or a little too loud, no real in between. He can spin his spurs like a saw, much like Caela and her skirt (and Caela's way into it!). In puppet, he can chew through extremely tough materials like wet paper. He is one of the few mimes who actually enjoys & indulges in sleeping. He likes giving gifts, is ecstatic when he learns what celebration cards are. Much like Holly & french, El Ganso will speak specifically spanish from time to time, despite the fact that all mimes can speak universally without a language barrier.
He is my silly goose.
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alexisnotstraight · 24 days
hi! i went back to work on friday and worked nonstop for 3 days, i was going to draw all the requests i have but i didn't have that much time tbh. i did finish one but im gonna have to finish the others later, keep sending requests btw, i love them! also there was a storm in friday, and i work outdoors so it was hell. in other unrelated news, im trying to improve my style and trying to dress better in general. so friday i went with black dress pants, white button down, white boots and a black waistcoat that i adjusted to be my exact size. also had my sleeves rolled up and wearing rings and my beloved rainbow belt! you can see that watching the 2007 emas performance of teenagers its starting to affect my everyday life unfortunately. saturday i was wearing that tiny black dress that ive been wearing since im 11 and it shows. it was fun, i live skirts that can go spinny and i didn't felt as self-conscious as i thought i will. obviously until i went to the store with my brother and this guy kept looking at me weird and didn't stop even after we made eye contact and i was looking visibly uncomfortable, i don't think someone has ever looked at me like that, it was disgusting. anyways, sunday i got to wear my shoes that i painted a garfield with a knife on, it was awesome! also i wore my earrings of a goose with a knife! and i got gifted a pocket knife by my coworker!!! i as well bought way more stuff than i should, i got new headphones, some picture frames for some art related projects i have, some acrylic paint, paint brushes, a pair of boots that have really tall heels so i will finally be tall!!! and i bought a dress that makes me look like the secretary the boos cheats on with and its so pretty! also i played some mcr songs to my brother and he told me that he didn't want me to play my satanic rock at work 😊💖 anyways, my whole body hurts and i need to buy groceries bye!!!
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thepocket221 · 2 years
I have brought you Finn headcanons!
Finn is part French
He even speaks French!
Somtimes he calls you little names in French
Big Hozier fan
Also a Harry Styles fan
Terrible at combat video games but puzzle and indie games he's good at
Hes a mf old man
He crochetes little sweaters for you and him
Also to mention
He dances in the kitchen with you with the record player on <33
Soft snoring boy
Sleep talker also
Hes surprisingly strong Also
Its cuz He lifts flower pots for a living He says
This is canon but he is a very good cook
He knows all of the best small cafes that aren't very known in town
He is very good with kids!
Hes very awkward at first but then if the kid says, "You have very pretty hair, It's like a princesses hair!" He smiles and let's them play with his hair
One time you walked into him and his nieces doing his makeup
*Finn has bright red lipstick on and blue eyeshadow on with one girl doing his hair and the other doing his makeup*
"Oh hi love!"
The girl doing his makeup: "Quit moving and look at me uncle Finn!"
"Oh I'm sorry!
Ig that's one way to end it-
(usually for hc posts i try to have art i’ve made to go along with it BUT I DONT DRAW FINN ENOUGH <//33 well, i do, but it the scribbles don’t look too well (to me at least) so i do not post them <//3 /lh /nm but until i have finn art i’m proud of:
in return, here are some of my finn hcs!!
on the topic of what type of phone games/games in general he would play: he’s a king at sudoku.
crosswords too!!
he’s so smart, i love him dearly <33
maybe he tried a dating sim once but it did not go well for him
other than that, he definitely would play RPGs (and before ANYONE SAYS IT, based on my personal experience, i’d say finn’s more of an animal crossing fan compared to stardew.) and is the type of guy to overthink the choices he’s given in game. he doesn’t look the answer up, but oh boy is it tempting,, “if i go with this option, it will ruin my relationship with this character :(“ babes they’re not real🫶/lhj
storyteller finn however, would love stardew valley. the mystical aspects would be his favorite.
deadass would forget you can date someone bc of the lore.
anywho, back to garden variety💪🫶‼️
i would like to believe he has thick thighs
but may i raise you: muscle chub finn.
somehow is seymour AND audrey as far as personality. idk how he does it but oh sweet heart <//33
also imagine him saying the most cryptic stuff when he’s sleeping. like bro are you just saying words or are you plagued with the murder of someone,, /lhj
i’m also a finn hot freaks fan truther🫶🫶 /pos
maybe he can also play piano
“fuck you joint pain!! i do what i want!!” (his ass did NOT take his pain meds and regrets his decision)
in reference to bunny finn, garden variety finn would have a pretty big family. he’s second oldest
the type of fellow to to squint his eyes, move his glasses down slightly, and bend back a little bit to see something someone’s showing him on their phone
also the type of fellow to never wear shorts unless they’re cargo shorts.
also gives him chronic pain bc i have chronic pain😼
decked out his mobility aide with various stickers gifted to him by his little nieces and nephews
in public he uses a cane and a wheeled walker.
doesn’t use one at work (like a silly goose) and regrets it
definitely forgets his braces as well
has especially terrible wrist, knee, and hip pain
you can’t tell me he wouldn’t spoil them
also goes to all of their recitals, ball games, award ceremonies, plays, literally any and every after school event. he loves those little goobers and wants to support them!!
also embarrasses the shit out of them as well!!
people who crochet are so cool and epic like actually‼️‼️/g /srs
methinks this is canon but he probably doesn’t have a lot of friends; at max he has 2-3.
jack ofc being his bestie
they have sleepovers you can’t change my mind /lhj /nm
who says i can’t make every character autistic?? i’m the nd doing the coding here!! /pos /lhj
could just be me but he definitely has a male/masc preference
okay that’s it, goodbye and stay safe🫡‼️‼️
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lesbiantvfish · 8 months
gamer moment for @av3rie :] tried coloring this but it ended up looking messy, hope it isn’t too bad lol
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(( game is up to interpretation, also Al-An is his own controller. He could be his own gaming system too if he really wanted to be ))
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into-the-feniverse · 11 months
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Tristamp Fen 🏜️✨
Template: bit.ly/trigunresources
More character info under the cut:
DISCLAIMER: BG art is not mine, it’s scenery from the show.
Full Name: Marlowe Fenley Holloway
Nicknames: Fen (preferred), MarMar (family), Intern/Kid (Roberto) Curls (Wolfwood)
Species: Human
Gender: Female (cis)
Pronouns: She/Her
Age: 20
Birthday: Jan 17
Height: 5'3" (159 cm)
Affiliation: Bernardelli Communications
Occupation: Photography Intern
Interests: photography, drawing, nature, travel
Background: comes from a small nondescript town on Nomans Land, but left to attend university at the nearest city. As part of her university coursework she was required to take up an internship, which happened to land her at Bernardelli Communications and under the mentorship of Roberto De Niro. Which in turns gets her pulled into Meryl's mad goose chase to track down and interview the Humanoid Typhoon.
Personality: generally pretty quiet/fairly timid person, a "doesn't speak unless spoken to" type. But otherwise a very compassionate and mindful person. Optimistic realist.
Misc notes:
• She's the youngest of 4 in her family, and the rest of her siblings are adopted
• Worried for her safety and the idea of her traveling on her own, her parents gave her 2 parting gifts before she left for the city: a tactical knife and wrist tech (wrist device that acts as a gps and communicator. While at uni a friend added to it so it has a mini low impact force field as well. Good for blocking bullets)
• In her bag she carries her knife, a first aid kit, the camera, a canteen, and other essentials. She like to be prepared and doesn't go anywhere without it
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furbing-atrocities · 2 years
Hi, I'm Leviathan
Im Leviathan, but u can call me Levi, or Lev, or honestly any variation of Leviathan! My pronouns r they/he/it, i'm 18, and I'm a libramasculine, ambiamorous, omnioriented demisexual grayromantic.
Tags: #tech stuff, #commissions and #f: [furby name]
I drew the header, and I will *try* to update it every time I get a new furb! [<- very very behind]
My main blog is @ace-up-your-sleeve , my plushie blog is @beanie-buddy-boy , my alterhumanity blog is @fish-forcibly-removed-from-water, and my regression blog is @dreamy-puppy-xo
secret draw box
DNI: TERFs, transmeds, racists, exclusionists or queerphobes of any kind, etc.
furby bios (w some pics) under the cut
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gay (mlm) trans demiboy!
an absolute angel
hyper from all of the monster he drinks
pinterest board
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Ziggontorath (aka Ziggy)
working w/ a voice glitch
xenogender user!!!
masc agender, dreameyegender, eyeclusterin, weirdcorian, and kidcorestalgic!
aroace and in a qpr w Fax Machine
pinterest board
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Sistine Chapel
fully working
soft girl lesbian
likes art and sapphic poetry
shy and blush-y
once you get to know her tho, she is very goofy!!
pinterest board
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working but mute
loves flowers smmmm 
loups bf
yes he gives loup flowers
bi af
uses <3 too much
pinterest board
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Tremendous Unanimous Pickles
any pronouns
working + has a voice glitch!!!
once screamed bc i took her batteries out
even ppl who hate furbies think hes adorable
pinterest board
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works but gears r rlly loud (thanks Jetta 🙄)
very curious about everything 
likes coloring and eating bugs
Tup is like an older brother
Ziggy and Piccolo are her dads <3
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Flanagan Shithead
kinda looks like balls with a face and pubes 
feral as fuck + will bite you
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Cyborg Piccolo Fax Machine
untested and missing his batter cover :(
transmasc and in a qpr with Ziggy <3
physically disabled + had a prosthetic leg
dancing queen young and sweet only 17
major dad energy. need to get this man a hawaiian shirt stat
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fully working and goofy as all hell
soon to be customized <3
rlly bubbly and energetic
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Allergic Reaction aka "Reo"
fully functioning
so pissy
like he is just so angry for no reason!!!!
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butch lesbian
punk asf
doing your mom dating Sistine Chapel <3
raspberry swirl custom (based on the prototype)
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Cough Syrup
unironically one of my favs tbh
her singing makes me rlly happy
i rlly like playing with their hair
he rocks french braids
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shy lil fella
my gf got him for me for my bday <3
he has my fav voice of all my '98s
someone said that he and cough syrup kiss a lil sometimes in the comments of their intro post???
to me thats like saying 2 newborn babies are "dating" bc they r next to each other
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gay and the colors of the mlm flag <3
literally just a little guy
gifted to me by someone in my server 🫶
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a 9/11 baby
a custom for my gf <3
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Chevel Philodendron Silly Goose
"Choose Goose*
omnigay boygirl silly swag <333
had the biggest glow up ever
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Pancake Robomachine
nonbinary silly :3
first complete reskinning ive done :3
named by my little cousin
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Angel Dust/Anthony
makes 7 sex jokes a minute
based on the Hazbin Hotel character
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cornishpixiez · 2 years
black brothers angst :)
snippet of my current WIP, the absolute denial of everything is sacred, a non-magical modern AU about art, religion (as well as lack thereof), and love.
cw: night terrors, mention of spiders, child abuse (implied), struggles with catholic faith.
Sirius crossed the corridor in a rush but was careful enough not to draw attention to himself as he ran toward his brother’s room.
In the middle of the night, Regulus’ cries were louder. Scarier. Heartbreaking. Sirius was used to waking up by the shrieking sounds that came ripping through the little one’s throat.
He yanked the door open without thinking twice to find Regulus curled up, his tiny frame trembling as he drew short and unsteady breaths. It was one of those nights when he struggled to find sleep and just after he did, night terrors haunted him until he jolted awake. Shivering, sobbing, inconsolable.
“Reg, hey— It’s okay. I’m here,” Sirius whispered, slipping into the Hungarian goose-down duvet which was so soft, but not soft enough to keep the nightmares away. “S’okay. I’ll stay here with you. They can’t do us any harm when we’re together, right? I’m here. I’m here.”
Regulus didn't say a word, he just clung to Sirius - his little black curls sticking to his teary face as he cried and cried, the noises now silently muffled against the elder brother’s chest.
“How was it today?” Sirius asked quietly.
“Maman was calling for me. She was— she was on her back, looking out the window,” Regulus sniffed, hiding his face further between Sirius and the duvet.
“And then?” Sirius continued. He found that it helped when they talked about the terrors of Regulus’ nightmares. Somehow, it soothed his brother - maybe because the incoherence in his train of thought was revealed as the words fluttered into the real world, reminding him that it wasn’t true. Just a bad, bad dream.
“She turned around, but it wasn't her. It was Maman’s body and her head— but her face. It was a spider,” Regulus choked, his tiny body shaking in fear. “She had eight black eyes and a hairy face, her mouth— She had spider fangs filled with poison. She wanted to kill me and then eat me, just like she did to you— And—”
“It’s not true, Reggie. S’okay! It was just a nightmare,” Sirius cooed, hugging his little brother as right as he could. “She won’t hurt you. Mother is not a spider and she won’t hurt you.”
Sirius knew this was a half-truth. Walburga was no spider, but sometimes things became volatile when she drank too much. She didn't have to drink to punish them, but the disciplines were harsher when she did. Vicious, even.
But afterward, she asked for god's forgiveness. She bought them little gifts, and sometimes even hugged them - Sirius hated when that happened. On the other hand, Regulus relished in it; he was touch starved and craved her validation in ways that Sirius could never understand. Nonetheless, he was still just a little kid.
Sirius didn't remember much about how it felt to be eight years old. He also didn't know how it felt to be his age.
He was old. Older, so much older. He felt like a thirty-year-old by the age of eleven because it was a necessity. Regulus needed him. And he needed himself.
Regulus pulled back, just a little; enough to find Sirius’ eyes, which were slightly lightened by the moonlight. Oh, and the look on his face… It smashed Sirius’ heart into a million tiny pieces.
“Can you pray with me?” Regulus pleaded in a whisper, touching the rosary that hung on Sirius’ neck.
Sirius nodded, but his eyebrows furrowed slightly - just enough for the hint of a line to appear and vanish a second later. He didn't like to pray the rosary.
He didn't like praying at all. Yet, he found himself making the sign of the cross just for Regulus to follow, and the words lurched out of his lips like they were engraved in the back of his throat.
With fire.
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thevikingwoman · 2 years
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I posted 2,159 times in 2022
That's 384 more posts than 2021!
162 posts created (8%)
1,997 posts reblogged (92%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 2,017 of my posts in 2022
Only 7% of my posts had no tags
#wayfarer - 460 posts
#scheduled post - 339 posts
#wayfarer mc - 154 posts
#dragon age - 148 posts
#ahhh - 122 posts
#lovely - 114 posts
#ahh - 112 posts
#viking reads - 103 posts
#beautiful - 88 posts
#gorgeous - 73 posts
Longest Tag: 131 characters
#i sometimes see things phrased that can easily be taking to mean you're doing something wrong if you want people to like your stuff
My Top Posts in 2022:
Bhrianna Osirion, Wayfarer
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Bhrianna "Bri" Osirion by @impossible-rat-babies
I'm overjoyed about this commission, thank you so much Owen. I love how it turned out, and I'm so happy to have art of Bhrianna.
Her hair is so perfect, the freckles, her clothes! thank you! Her pose is so perfect, how tall and big she looks, which she is. The little fang!
I love the soft light in this too, ahhh! thank you again!
Bhrianna is a half-melusine, Child of the Desert from Wayfarer by @idrellegames
67 notes - Posted June 9, 2022
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Oya Cenric for @sunshinemage 
by @fat-rolls-frictions
A small thank you gift for @sunshinemage​, you were so kind drawing a bunch of Wayfarer MCs. Thank you for sharing your talent and kindness. 
I hope you enjoy this gift, Oya is so wonderful<3!
@fat-rolls-frictions did an amazing job! thanks you!
105 notes - Posted August 19, 2022
in the age of AIs and scraping and binge watching and ever-growing pressure to become a content creator, an influencer, an "how-many-followers-do-you-have"; I think I'm going to have to make a choice.
and my choice, my promise to myself is this; I will find unbridled joy in creation. I will love the the things I make, because I made them. I will not worry about the time, or the efficiency, or whether I create enough. I will create out of love. I will find joy in what my friends, my acquaintances, strangers across the world are creating. On their own time; freely given out of love.
In the end I'm going to choose not to let it get to me, not to let it matter, how the world cycles and churns a grinds.
It does not matter; because I love.
112 notes - Posted December 1, 2022
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Me right now
(PS go play Wayfarer)
114 notes - Posted May 31, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
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Illia Strand by @rickety-goose​
I commissioned Ren to draw Illia in her gala serithan and I’m stunned, crying, screaming how gorgeous this is. Thank you Ren!
Illia is the gallery here, trying to decide if she goes to talk with Veyer or Phaedra! 
She has such a soft and curious look on her face, and look at her nose and all the freckles, ahhh
I love all the details, her scars, the sea dragon and sea dragon head, the jewelry, the Frostmark Mountain range on her collar bone, not to mention the serithan itself, which is incredible detailed and stunning. I love the take on the (ill gotten) Lars Drakehand jewelry!
some details under the cut!!
See the full post
115 notes - Posted November 7, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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thegaytraveler · 2 years
Pride Journey: Oklahoma City
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By Joey Amato, Guest Contributor
Since I began Pride Journeys 5 years ago, I have had the incredible opportunity to visit dozens of destinations around the world. Some destinations I visited once, while others left such an impression, that I was yearning to return. Oklahoma City is one of those destinations.
I first visited OKC while on a road trip to Las Vegas. While I was only there for one night, it piqued my interest when I found out they have a viable gayborhood known as the 39th Street District. During that trip, I stayed at a hotel in the neighborhood known as Habana. It has since been updated and rebranded as The District Hotel and served as my home base on this trip.
The property has changed a lot under its current ownership. The rooms especially have been modernized and are quite welcoming. During the summer months, the hotel is known for throwing outrageous pool parties drawing guests from miles around. There is also a nightclub, bar, and lounge on the property for guests to enjoy.
The 39th Street District is quiet during the day but really comes alive at night. There are no less than eight LGBTQ nightlife establishments in a 2-block radius, putting the city’s nightlife scene on par with major LGBTQ destinations.
Begin your evening with a cocktail at Apothecary 39. The friendly bar staff and patrons will always make you feel welcome. Next, head over to Indigo Lounge, a newer establishment with more of a NYC chic vibe. The owner of the bar randomly introduced herself to us and told us about her collaboration with her daughter to create an open and inviting space. She gave off such positive energy that it made us want to stay there for a few more drinks. And by the way, the drinks in OKC are strong and inexpensive. A Grey Goose cocktail will run you about $7. You won’t find that in NYC.
Finish off the evening at Angle’s, the district’s only true club. Angles is open Wednesday through Saturday, so if you are in town during one of those days, be sure to swing by. The neighborhood also contains numerous murals, perfect for those mandatory Instagram posts.
Everything shuts down in OKC at 2 a.m., so don’t expect to party too late.
After a good night’s sleep, head to the First Americans Museum. This was my first time visiting and I was so impressed by not only the modern design of the building but also the interactive nature of the exhibits.
First Americans Museum (FAM) celebrates the 39 Tribal Nations that call Oklahoma home, although only a handful are indigenous to the state. Many were removed from their homelands and relocated to Indian Territory. The name Oklahoma actually derives from two Choctaw words, “Okla” and “Homma,” meaning land of the red people.
The museum’s full-service restaurant, Thirty Nine offers a delicious brunch menu on the weekend. Some standout items include Blue Corn Blueberry Pancakes, the FAM skillet, and a hearty Mushroom Frittata.
After the museum, it’s time to do a little shopping. Swing by queer and female owner Common Dear for some rainbow-inspired gifts then head over to LGBTQ-owned Craig’s Emporium. This is a gem collector’s dream come true. The store is enormous and features a huge variety of gems, minerals, and so much more. I literally didn’t know which way to turn. The store is divided into different rooms, and you can easily get lost inside.
For the best views of the city, catch a ride on the Wheeler Ferris Wheel or go to Vast located in the Devon Energy tower, the city’s tallest building.
One of the hottest attractions in Oklahoma City is Factory Obscura, an immersive experience created by local artists. Guests are given 3D glasses upon entry to enjoy the venue thoroughly. I have never experienced anything quite like this. It’s a combination of a maze, art installation, and interactive playground. I’m not really sure how to describe it, but it was very cool and fun for all ages.
What many people don’t realize about OKC is that it has a thriving Asian culinary scene. The Asian District contains dozens of restaurants serving everything from traditional Cantonese cuisine to Vietnamese food, which is how it got its nickname, “Little Saigon.” Try VII Asian Bistro, which is located in an unimpressive strip mall. But don’t let the façade fool you. The food is delicious and inexpensive. I highly recommend the Chicken Lettuce Wraps and Moo Goo Gai Pan.
Every time I visit, I like to walk by Oklahoma City National Memorial, a site that honors the victims, survivors, and rescuers of the Oklahoma City bombing which took place on April 19, 1995. A section of the old building still stands near the entrance to the memorial. The best time to go is early in the morning when you can take your time to walk the grounds without the crowds. It’s a very somber experience that should not be missed.
If you happen to be in town on a Sunday, there is no better place to be than The Boom for Gospel Brunch starring Kitty Bob Aimes and Norma Jean Goldenstein. The drag duo had us rolling for the entire hour-long show. I was so impressed by the improv talent of the two entertainers. I was told the Bloody Mary’s are to die for.
Spend the rest of the afternoon exploring downtown Oklahoma City then head to the city’s Paseo District, a quaint neighborhood filled with shops, art galleries, and restaurants.
Make a reservation at Frida Southwest, a modern restaurant featuring elevated Latin cuisine such as Tuna Tartare made with guajillo-orange marinated ahi tuna, whipped avocado, and pickled onion served with crispy corn tortillas. If you are in the mood for a heartier appetizer, try the Short Rib empanadas.
For an entrée, I recommend the Chilean Seabass served over a truffle corn and parmesan risotto, lobster beurre blanc and sautéed baby spinach. I’ve had Chilean seabass before, but this dish ranks among the top I have ever tasted. And of course, you must complete your meal with the Mexican Hot Chocolate cheesecake because calories don’t count on this trip. The cheesecake is made with a hazelnut cinnamon brittle, chocolate dulce, and spiced cinnamon-ancho crust.
I feel like all I did on this trip was eat, but Oklahoma City’s culinary scene has taken off in recent years and the city boasts so many wonderful options outside of what they are traditionally known for.
Consider visiting for their 39th Pride festival and parade, scheduled for June 2 to 4, 2023.
Learn more about visiting Oklahoma City at www.visitokc.com.
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rosieuv · 9 months
Christmas ig
I've learned that as you get older, Christmas becomes less and less magical and more like that thing that happens every December. Then again I am a pessimist so that could explain my lack of "festive spirit" this year.
I didn't ask for much this year as my birthday was only about a month ago and also because I already have quite a lot of stuff. I put on my list:
a good mic with a pop filter
chocolate and a list of all the fillings I don't like in chocolate
ginger hair dye (going to get it done by a hairdresser in the new year instead)
I got the mic and half of my gifts were just chocolate and it was great.
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I got a massive bar of dairy milk (and it was plain!) which was almost the length of my desk more or less. And also some other chocolate stuff, a book on how to draw manga and a black tote bag with a picture of an anime girl and the word "loner" written on it (mum knows me well). I also got £10 from my grandparents and my household is now an owner of 2 heroes tubs and a massive box of shortbread (buttery biscuit). My youngest brother got a laptop that was already set up by dad but I went and finished setting it up by getting rid of Mcafee, installing firefox and changing the wallpaper to a shrek meme (my brother asked for it for some reason).
Brits are known for their roast dinners, and Christmas is no exeption. We had 5 meats: lamb (usually only the good lamb ie british lamb is avaliable at easter but we got a leg and mmmmmm), turkey (it's tradition), full sized pigs in blankets, pork and gammon. Then there were the typical stuff: roast potatoes (now in goose fat), mash potato, stuffing, gravy, carrots, yorkshire puddings (batter and air) etc. There was so much stuff we had trouble fitting everything on the table. It was really nice. We also have a homemade christmas pudding (steamed fruit cake in a hemisphere tin with no icing on) and yule log (chocolate cylinder cake with sugar on) for us picky children, but we haven't eaten it yet.
That's what Christmas is to me nowadays: that time of the year where the same few songs keep playing and I get new stuff and eat a nice dinner. I don't care much about the other stuff, like crackers and trees, but the thing that I really look forward to is the secret santa art thing that newgrounds does anually.
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