missmonsters2 · 1 year
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Pairing: Wednesday Addams x OFC/Fem!Reader
Summary: You've been avoiding Wednesday's gaze lately.
Warnings: Angst. Protective!Wednesday. The Addams Family reunion. Larissa is exasperated. Enid, the gossip queen. Thing, the chaperone. Xavier, gets no breaks.
Series Masterlist | Library Blog | AO3
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Note: I rewrote this chapter so many times but I think it definitely explores the most intimacy so far. Likes, comments, & reblogs appreciated 🥺💘
Part Three
Opia: Noun. The ambiguous intensity of looking someone in the eye which can feel simultaneously invasive and vulnerable. 
Wednesday is agitated. 
To succinctly summarize, you have been refusing to look Wednesday in the eye as of late. 
It took a while for Wednesday to notice, perhaps because your back was always turned to her when she met up with you nightly to apply the medicine on your wings. And when that was finished, you kept your eyes focused on the pond while you talked. 
And for a while, your witty banter and intriguing anecdotes had kept Wednesday distracted. The more time she spent with you, the more she began craving something she couldn't quite place. 
Wednesday found herself enjoying listening to you talk about your life before Nevermore. Of course, she could tell you were avoiding talking about anything serious, but there was a small relief that there were good moments in your life as well. 
In turn, Wednesday shared anecdotes of her own childhood, tales of the times she had to rescue Pugsley because he was weak, squishy, and sensitive. Whereas other people had looked at her disturbed and passed judgment on her, you had grinned and laughed. 
Wednesday never minded the judgment from others, but she quietly admitted to herself that it was also pleasing to have someone enjoy her morbidity and harsh penchant for revenge.
So, maybe that's why Wednesday began to notice. Her discovery to see what your face looked like as she told her stories had led her to realize you've been avoiding eye contact. 
You made it seem like it wasn't on purpose, fiddling with flowers until they've been weaved into crowns or giving Thing manicures—he's been getting much too pampered between you and Enid.
But even when Wednesday called your name, you looked at her, but you weren't looking at her. It was like you were looking past her, like Wednesday couldn't even be seen by you, and she despised it. 
Wednesday detests people who can't look her in the eye. It was a sign of deceit, guilt, and secrecy. 
And Wednesday will be damned if she'll let you keep any more secrets from her.
"Oh my god, did you hear?" Enid leans her head forward at their table in the quad. 
Wednesday was reading her spellbook, her eyes occasionally trailing across the quad to where you sat with the faceless outcasts. You seemed very intrigued about learning how they communicated. 
"Hear what?" Yoko asks, adjusting her sunglasses. The vampire has taken to joining their table lately, and sometimes it would grate on Wednesday's mind to hear Enid and Yoki incessantly talk and gossip. 
"Ajax was telling me all about it this morning," Enid grins as she looks over to the stoners. "Apparently, someone changed one of the girls' bathrooms near the Gorgon rooms to nothing but mirrors. I heard that two gorgon girls walked in this morning and were stuck stoning themselves over and over."
"Shit, that's awful," Xavier frowns.
Wednesday smirks behind her book. 
"I wonder who would do that," Yoko casually comments.
They all look at Wednesday. 
"So, why'd you do it?" Xavier asks, resting his chin in his hand.
"Even animals know to have evidence before accusing someone," Wednesday flatly speaks, her eyes never leaving her book. 
"So," Eugene tilts his head with confusion, "you didn't do it?"
"I never said that," Wednesday's reply was uninterested.
Because Wednesday did do it. 
The investigation took longer than it normally would with her being distracted by you.  But finding out something so trivial, like who had hurt you, was child's play.
Wednesday had debated long about what to do. The idea of filling their rooms with tarantulas or poisonous snakes had first come to mind, but she knew it was almost guaranteed that Weems would discover it was her if the girls died. 
While she did save the school last year, it would be unlikely Weems would allow her to stay here if she did kill someone, as tempting it would be. 
Wednesday sighs lightly through her nose. It would've looked lovely on her record. 
But expulsion would mean being very, very far from you, and Wednesday couldn't have that.
At least—not before she at least found out why you've been refusing to look her in the eye. 
"Hi, everyone." 
Everyone's attention turns to you as you begin walking up to them. They greet you back, and Xavier, Enid, and Eugene are already throwing out the nicknames they came up with that week. 
"Tinker Bell!"
"Winx Club!"
"Eugene, that was literally just a rip off of mine," Xavier laughs. 
"Those are all terrible," you laugh along, shaking your head. "Are you guys just thinking of all things faerie-related only?"
"Well, yeah," Xavier blinks as if there couldn't be anything else. 
"Well, continue on then," you gave them a lopsided smile.
"Really? None of them?" Xavier sighs as he moves down his seat to let you sit between him and Wednesday. 
"Can you blame her?" Wednesday comments while turning the page.
"Oh, yeah?" Xavier raises his brow. "Let's hear what you've got then."
"And let you idiots ride off my coattails? I think not."
Xavier starts grumbling, and you chuckle. 
"Hi, Wednesday," you say softly, looking over at her. 
Wednesday looks up at you, but you start staring at her bangs as soon as she does. 
She glares. 
"Oh, hey, I think you've got some dirt on your back," Xavier says, his eyes squinting as he stares at your back. "Here, I got it."
Xavier lifts his hand and starts to descend upon your back when Wednesday reaches over and grabs his wrist, twisting it back. 
"Ah!" Xavier grunts. "What the hell, Wednesday!?"
Wednesday is holding up her book with one hand while holding Xavier's wrist in the other, glaring at him. "What are you doing, you oaf? Are you trying to dislodge her lungs from her chest?" She flings his wrist away, glaring at him while he shakes off the sting in his wrist.
"I was just trying to help," Xaiver mumbles, looking confused. 
Wednesday doesn't dignify him with a reply as she inspects your back carefully and does find dirt on it. "Were you rolling around in the grass?" Her tone is flat, but her lip is curled in distaste. 
Still, she carefully begins to brush the dirt off your back. It's a far cry from the hard pats you would've gotten from Xavier. 
"Maybe," you sound amused. 
"Christ, Wednesday," Xavier huffs. "Morgan le Fay over here isn't made of glass."
"It's a no to that one too," you shake your head. 
"C'mon!" Xavier groans. "You're not going to pick anything at this rate."
"You never know," you shrug, smiling. You look at your watch on the palm side of your wrist. "Class is starting soon. I'm going to head out." Turning your head to Wednesday, you tilt your head. "I believe your class is on the way. Do you want to go together?"
Wednesday nods jerkily, packing up her things. She doesn't say anything to the group other than giving a look and walking off with you. 
The walk down the halls is quiet, as it usually is. It's something Wednesday can appreciate that you never feel the need to fill the silence. But halfway through, you break the quietness. 
"I heard the bathroom near the Gorgon's dormitory was changed to mirrors," you say nonchalantly. 
"I see," Wednesday's tone betrays nothing. 
"My usual lab partners were absent as they were apparently stoned all day—over, and over, and over."
"How lucky."
You stop walking, causing Wednesday to stop as well. You face each other, but once again, you are staring at her ears.
"I told you it was an accident," you sigh. "She doesn't know my wings are hidden inside my back. No one does."
"Accident or not, she still slapped your back—and I don't care that it was meant to be jovial—hard enough to reopen your wounds," Wednesday snaps and then sneers, "What? Were her hands partially stoned when she patted you?"
You seem unsure of what to say to Wednesday. In the end, you sigh.
"Even though it was unnecessary, thank you." It's soft and sincere, and the gruesome butterflies are eating Wednesday's insides again. It probably would've been worse if you had actually been looking Wednesday in the eyes when you said it. 
"You're welcome," Wednesday says stiffly, and you turn to walk again. 
The silence resumes, and Wednesday is nearly so fed up that she's about to just ask you if she's done something wrong. But what actually comes out of her mouth is, "Are you looking forward to Parent's day?"
There's an internal frustration rising within Wednesday.
"I'm ambivalent," you reveal, your tone even. 
"I assume your parents won't be coming?" 
You chuckle. "Unlikely."
"Will you spend the day with Weems, then?"
"Maybe," you seem pensive. "But she'll most likely be busy talking to other parents. Are your parents coming?"
Wednesday sighs. "Unfortunately, yes. They'll want to know how I've suffered so far."
You chuckle. "They seem like horrible people."
"Thank you, they are."
"Oh, my little storm cloud, how have you been doing?" Gomez coos as he walks towards her.
"Wednesday, you look positively pale," Morticia comments. "It suits you."
Wednesday brushes off the comment, feeling awkward but nods at her mother to acknowledge it. Her eyes then focus on Pugsley, and she accesses him.
"Pugsley, you look feeble and squishy as per usu—are you sniveling again."
"I missed you, too, Wednesday," Pugsley smiled. 
The four of them sit at a nearby table. Wednesday's eyes skim the quad, catching her various friends with their families. Enid seems to be getting along better with her mother, but Wednesday will always despise that woman. 
"Who are you searching for, Wednesday?" Morticia's voice drags Wednesday's attention back to her family, who are all staring at her curiously.
"No one," Wednesday answers flatly.
But her mother only smiles as if she knows Wednesday's secret, which utterly irks her.
"So, how have you been faring?" Gomez asks, his face genuinely eager to hear.
"Dreadful," Wednesday replies. "Not once has my life been put at risk, nor have I been accused of any murders. Not even a single stalker."
Morticia and Gomez gaze at each other for a moment before back at Wednesday placatingly. 
"It's...quieter than your first year here, but not every year may be filled with mayhem," Morticia smiled. "At least, not in the way you expect."
"What do you know about faeries?" Wednesday asks, changing the subject as it was intruding on a topic Wednesday herself wasn't prepared to talk about. 
Morticia and Gomez seem lost in their thoughts as they contemplate Wednesday's question.
"Why do you ask?" Morticia finally answers. "Is that who you've been looking around for?"
Wednesday doesn't answer her mother's question, but the lack of an answer is an answer in itself. Luckily, her mother is merciful and only gives Wednesday a knowing smile. 
"Not much," Morticia answers. "I believe we had only one ancestor who has ever visited a fae realm. They might've documented it somewhere in a diary."
Wednesday's eyes sparkled with interest. "Is that so? Do we still have it?"
"Perhaps," Morticia muses, her voice dragging at the end, and Wednesday felt herself tense. She knows that tone and already begins mentally bargaining.
"Alright," Wednesday says evenly. "What do you want in return for sending me the diary?"
Morticia tilts her head to the side, a black widow-like grin on her lips. "Larissa let me know that the next Parent's day will be when students get to go home for the weekend. I want you to bring your fae friend."
"Why?" Wednesday demands, her eyebrows furrowed in displeasure.
"Because Wednesday," Morticia leans into Gomez, who puts her arm around her. "You rarely show interest in other people. Enid is a lovely girl, and I hope to host her one day as well, but she didn't have you sitting here asking your mother what I knew about werewolves."
"What makes you think my 'fae friend' will be available to come?" Wednesday shot back. 
Morticia doesn't chuckle in consideration for her prickly daughter, who was more likely than ever to say hurtful words now. 
"You've been looking around the quad, but your eyes haven't landed on anyone. If they're not here, then neither are their parents. And if that's the case, they'll be unlikely to show up for the second Parent's day," Morticia looks around the quad and then back to Wednesday. "It would've been nice to meet them today."
Wednesday says nothing about the last comment but contemplates her options. The idea of introducing her parents to you was dreadfully...uncomfortable. But the diary...Wednesday sighed an internal breath of defeat.
"Fine," Wednesday concedes. "I will ask, but I cannot control the outcome of the answer. I want the diary regardless."
"Agreed," Morticia nods.
"Alright," Gomez claps his hands together. "Why don't I catch you up on what Uncle Fester has been up to?"
Wednesday feels a casual headache forming. 
The day was long, and her family had been one of the last few to go. While her relationship with her mother improved after resolving the Garret Gates case, there was still a limit on how much time she could spend with her before feeling like she was on edge. 
Although, Wednesday was pleased that her brother was faring better in school and no one was torturing him in fear his killer sister would come for them. It made her smirk a little. 
But now that the day has ended, Wednesday finds herself craving something—craving you. She checks her watch, but it's still too early in the day to meet up with you for your salve treatment. 
Wednesday runs her tongue against the back of her teeth in contemplation. 
Friends...you were friends, weren't you? 
Enid had confirmed it. With the consistent hangouts, shared stories, and occasional walking each other to class...that was friends, wasn't it?
So, if Wednesday wanted to see you earlier, she could. With that, she turns in the direction to start looking for you. You were nowhere in the quad, so Wednesday began to look for you in places you usually were. 
In the end, Wednesday could not find you. 
And she was angry.
First, you were avoiding eye contact, and now, you've hidden somewhere without saying a word.
When she finds you, Wednesday promised herself repercussions.
"Enid," Wednesday calls out evenly when she spots the blonde dragging her feet through the halls.
"Oh, hey, Wednesday," Enid says tiredly and then smiles. "Survived Parent's day, did we?"
"There was never a doubt."
"What's up?"
"Have you seen..." Wednesday drags and then shakes her head. "Did you happen to see—"
"I saw Faerie Canary a couple of hours ago with Bianca," Enid cut in to spare Wednesday. "Bianca's parents didn't show up either."
"Back to the rhyming, are we?" Wednesday doesn't hold back the unimpressed tone.
Enid only makes a face.
"Are they still together?" Wednesday asks.
Enid shakes her head. "I don't think so. I only heard bits of their conversation when I passed by with my family earlier."
Wednesday tilts her head, waiting for Enid to continue. 
Enid looks mildly uncomfortable as she rubs the back of her neck. 
"Enid," Wednesday's eyes narrow threateningly. 
With a sigh, Enid mutters, "This isn't the type of gossip I'm into." But then she focuses back on Wednesday and looks at her seriously. "Don't repeat what I'm telling you. Not only do I think Bianca will stab me with her fencing sword, but I don't think Fae will talk to me if this spreads around."
Wednesday nods, and Enid looks around. Satisfied that there's no one in sight, she leans in closer to say quietly, "Bianca was talking about how it was unlikely her mother would visit again after last year. Their relationship is strained and complicated, but Bianca said she knows her mother does love her and wants the best for her. Bianca said how every mother wants the best for their kid, even if they have a fucked up way of showing it, although it was between her mother and mine for winning an award for the way they went about it." Enid scrunches her nose at that.
Wednesday nods, unsurprised by the comment. 
Enid pursed her lips. "Well, then—" Enid huffs. "Fae just laughed, and then she said, 'Unless your mother's best for you is your demise, I think my mother has both of you beat on that.' I don't think she elaborated on it and left shortly after."
Wednesday was silent, her face furrowed as she thought about Enid's words. There was something uncomfortable nagging at her, and it was going to result in something Wednesday would despise.
"I see."
Enid nods. "If you find her, you didn't hear it from me, okay?" Enid gives Wednesday a look. "I also might not come back to the room tonight. I'm going to hang out with Yoko and Ajax."
Wednesday nods. "If you don't provide me an update at night, I will assume the worst and their murders will be the reason for my second expulsion here."
Enid smiles widely, doing her best to refrain from hugging her friend. "I will let you know I'm safe."
Without saying anything else, Wednesday turns and begins to head somewhere else.
Principal Weems's office.
"Principal Weems," Wednesday calls after she knocks once and then proceeds to enter without waiting for a reply.
"Wednesday," Weems sighs deeply when she sees the gloomy girl. "How lovely to see you in my office. I assume your parents' visit went well?"
"It went fine. My mother was delighted to hear you weren't murdered and made a full recovery during the summer," Wednesday says bluntly. 
Weems tries not to roll her eyes, especially when she remembers Wednesday's concerned face hovering over her when she had been injected with nightshade.
"Yes," Weems says dryly. "Surviving was the highlight of my summer." Then Weems sighs. "What can I do for you, Wednesday? Are you looking for our resident faerie? I've been told about the contest for coming up with a nickname. So far, I've heard some...interesting suggestions."
"She told you about that?" Wednesday narrows her eyes.
"Fae tells me about most things," Weems reveals. "But as her legal guardian, it's also my job to know."
"You call her Fae?" Wednesday frowns.
Weems smirks. "She actually quite likes it. I believe outside of her own amusement, Fae had her own hopes about the results of the contest." 
"What does that—"
"What can I help you with, Wednesday? It's getting late."
Wednesday clenches her jaw in annoyance but tries to relax, remembering her objective of coming here in the first place.
"I want to ask you something and I want you to tell me the truth."
Weems nods. "I'll do my best."
"I'm aware that her parents couldn't visit today for her safety," Wednesday looks at Weems expectantly, who nods. 
"But I was under the impression that it was their judgment that it was too dangerous," Wednesday's face was impassive. "That's not exactly true, is it? She had said the more in contact they are with her, the more it exposes her location—which is true to keep other faeries away, but the full truth is this place is meant to guard her against her parents too, isn't it?"
Principal Weems sighed, looking both annoyed and impressed as she looked at Wednesday. "Well, since you've already figured out this much from what she's told you, I assume you'll find out soon enough because you're incessant and nosy." Weems rolled her eyes. "And I would prefer you don't alert the entire school as you do your investigations, so I trust what I'll say remains between us."
Wednesday felt her jaw tightening, her position staunch as she waited for Weems to come out and say something that would irrevocably change things. 
"Yes, it is too dangerous for her parents to visit," Weems confirmed. "But not because they deem it so, but because I do. I wasn't offered guardianship because her parents brought her here and requested it, but because she escaped and found me."
So few little things make Wednesday's heart beat faster. Usually, it's from excitement, but Wednesday doesn't feel the excitement from the words, 'she escaped.'
Wednesday had been wrong.
Wednesday is filled with dread, rage, and vengeful thoughts—promises. 
"As you know, night faeries are outcasts within their own group. Many people dread their existence, and some are even violent enough to take matters into their own hands before they believe calamity ensues," Weems's hands were tightly clasped together on her desk. "I will never allow her parents to step foot on these grounds because her mother was the one to try to cut her wings off." 
Wednesday turns and leaves the room, slamming the door behind her.
There's nothing like the frustration of not having your number when you're nowhere to be found. Wednesday considers coming up with some ridiculous nickname and forcing you to accept it the next time she sees you. 
There's only about an hour before she usually sneaks out to see you for your salve treatment, so Wednesday decides she'll play the cello to get her mind off things. 
It'll be difficult with the hot rage that beats furiously inside Wednesday's chest. Her emotions dictate she avenges you because that's the only way she knows how to show she cares. 
Wednesday opens the door to her room and finds it empty, as expected, with Enid not returning tonight. But when she looked out the balcony, she could see a silhouette of someone sitting on the railings. 
Immediately, Wednesday made her way over and opened the window to see you gazing at the sky, swinging your legs as Thing sat next to you. The noise makes you turn around, and Wednesday can't explain the immense relief at seeing your face.
"Where have you been?" You ask with a tilt of your head.
"I could ask you the same," Wednesday asks with a clenched jaw. 
"Around," you shrug your shoulders. "But I wanted to see you earlier than our usual time, so Thing let me in about half an hour ago."
"So, you've been here for half an hour?" Wednesday glares.
You nod.
She was going to break Thing's fingers, but the disembodied hand looked confused at Wednesday's irate behavior, and she had no choice but to let it go. 
With a deep breath out of her nose, Wednesday steps out onto the balcony and joins you in sitting on the railings. It was quite a far drop-down that guaranteed either a lifetime of being a paraplegic or death. 
It was kind of nice. 
"How was parent's day?" You ask softly, staring out into the view.
"I survived."
You smile. "Your parents and brother are refreshing. It looked fun."
"It was not," Wednesday immediately corrects you. "You saw?"
You nod. "For a bit."
It was silent for a bit before Wednesday spoke up again.
"I talked to Weems before I went looking for you." Wednesday looks at you, but you don't look at her. "She's spilled all your secrets."
You laugh, and Wednesday frowns.
"I told her she could tell you if you asked," you reveal, a quirk on your lips but still refusing to look at her.
"Why?" Wednesday demands. "Why didn't you just tell me?"
"Because somewhere along the lines, you stopped asking me."
The words hit Wednesday in the gut, making her feel unwell and breathless. It was true, and Wednesday can't even remember when she stopped asking and started assuming. 
It was so unlike her. 
All of this leads towards something Wednesday knows will make her face a revelation she's not sure she's ready to. 
Still, Wednesday needs to ask because that's how mysteries are solved. 
"Why have you stopped looking me in the eye?"
There's silence, and despite how much Wednesday has loved it all her life, she wishes you'd say something now.
You grant her wish. 
"Do you know what I think about why you stopped asking me questions?" You ask instead of answering her question. You don't give her time to answer it, though. "Everybody has told me you've got an obsession with solving mysteries. But somewhere along the lines, you knew deep down your interest would continue even after you got your answers. That would mean you're vulnerable—and you don't want to be."
Wednesday felt herself clenching her jaw and fists so tightly she could draw blood from her palms. 
"So, when you asked me why I stopped looking at you in the eyes, it's because it’ll push you towards being vulnerable." As if to prove your point, you finally turn and look at Wednesday—really look at her, like she's been wanting for weeks.
You look at Wednesday, locking gazes, and Wednesday feels like she sees galaxies and constellations in your eyes. It's opening her up to your bottomless, gleaming pupils. It's invasive and vulnerable, but the thing is—Wednesday can't tell if you're looking into her or if she's the one who's looking into you. 
Wednesday thinks she sees something in you that you didn't mean to share, just as you saw something in her. 
You turn your head, almost ripping your gaze from Wednesday's. 
"Unpleasant, wasn't it?" You say with a self-deprecating smile. 
"Yes," Wednesday answers, swallowing. 
You nod stiffly. "Then, for both our sake, stop—"
"But in a way that I favored," Wednesday cut in. 
You slowly turn your head back, catching Wednesday's intense gaze. 
Wednesday's face somehow softened, her brows less tense and eyes less narrow. It was minuscule, but you noticed.
"I'm not good at this—whatever this is," Wednesday says quietly. "I will most likely devastate you at some point but for now, all I can vow is to ask you questions if you stop avoiding my gaze."
You stare at Wednesday, analyzing her face, and she wonders exactly what you're thinking. 
In the end, you chuckle. "Deal, but no questions tonight. My wings are sore, and I hear you're an excellent cellist."
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The wrathful glare of Kali and the callous gaze of Medusa – the emergence of the femme fatale in the female psyche.
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Legend of Kali
In Hindu legend, goddess Durka and her helpers, the Matri goddesses, slay the demon Raktabīja, only to find out that the stains of Raktabīja’s blood act like seed on soil as every drop manifests another duplicate of him. Durka becomes enraged and summons Kali, whom then proceeds to slay and devour Raktabīja and his legion of duplicates. She dances on their corpses and parades around with Raktabīja slain head in her hand, securing the droplets of blood through holding a plate underneath it, so as to prevent further bleeding on the soil. Motivated by her insatiable fury, Kali proceeds with the destruction of all else that crosses her path, but after stepping on the corpse of Lord Shiva, Kali is struck by embarrassment and remorse as her supressed superego is released from her shadow and brings her back to her senses. Lord Shiva’s has the power to liberate Kali from her fury as he is the transcendent Self. He is the benevolent patriarch, yogi supreme, yet also husband and father, suggesting the achievement of harmonious balance between wordily duties and that of holy men. His anima, being integrated, is neither possessing him nor is it plaguing him as a result of repression. He neither falls prey to the manipulative trickery of deceitful women nor does he view women as disdainfully inferior sexual objects.  Only he can liberate Kali from her all-consuming misandry and soothe her sorrows.
Shiva’s non-threatening benevolence makes itself known through the act of laying underneath Kali’s feet. Possessed by wrath, Kali has lost sight of that which is holy. Without recognition of the benevolent aspects of Shiva, Kali’s fury is bound to drown the universe in her flames, however, Durka’s initial intention behind the summoning of Kali was to defeat Raktabīja and his legion of duplicates, rather than bring about the destruction of the universe.
Durka and the Matri goddesses are at loss at Raktabīja’s lack of chivalry in combat and the injustice of his supernatural power. They are the modern-day women whom get harassed by demonic and demeaning men despite enforcing their boundaries. Such men seek to dominate through ridicule rather than reason. The lack of decorum in both combat and dialogue makes the summoning of Kali inevitable for a woman as all else has failed to shield her vulnerability from the malevolence of a demonic beast.
In recent memory, Raktabīja and Poseidon manifested themselves as Harvey Weistein and Jeffrey Epstein, powerful demonic beasts, seeking to preserve their authority whilst uninterested in the discontinuation of their predatory behaviour. The faith in the punitive power of the rule of law arrests Kali from flooding the consciousness of their victims, making Durka and the Matri goddesses persevere in a civilized manner, unlike the instance in which 200 Indian women, armed with vegetable knifes, stones and chilli powder stormed the court hearing of gang-leader and rapist Akku Yadav, dismembering his genitals with a vegetable knife, robbing him of his phallus through a vengeful barbaric act of literal castration, dead in a matter of 15 minutes, leaving his lifeless corpse daggered by kitchen knives on the white marble floor of the court, in an exhibition of gore galore, resembling the sublime beauty of a transcendent piece of art in the eyes of Kali.
Legend of Medusa (Ovid´s version)
In Greek legend, Medusa is the sole mortal among three gorgon sisters, depicted as a beautiful maid with plentiful of potential suitors, longing for the reciprocation of her attention. She is brutally raped in the temple of Athena by God Poseidon as a result of the rejection of his advances. Enraged by the desacralization of her temple, Athena curses Medusa, turning her hair turned into snakes, metamorphosing her into a monstrous form armed with a glare that petrified anyone who dared to meet her eyes.
As if Medusa hadn’t suffered enough, she was later beheaded by demigod Perseus. Many men had tried to behead her prior to Perseus, but all had been turned into stone at the sight of her petrifying glare. Perseus however, was clever enough to stare into the mirror moments before the beheading, instead of in her eyes. As he flew over Libya with Medusa’s decapitated in his hands, blood dripped on the soil and snakes sprout from the droplets. Medusa’s head is later gifted to Athena, whom attaches it to her shield, supplying her with the power of Medusa’s deadly glare in combat.
The legend of Medusa is one of horrific injustice and betrayal. After the violation of her person through the act of rape, her boss, Athena, does the unimaginable: curse her. The ancient equivalent to the modern-day slut shame of a genuine victim of rape. The horrors of rape alone didn’t metamorphize her hair into serpents, it was that the aftermath of her rape was followed by the ultimate betrayal by a deity she had bestowed with trust.
If Kali’s fury has lit her heart on fire, then Athena’s betrayal has frozen Medusa’s heart into ice. In Kali, the Nietzschean will to power is alive and striving, but in Medusa it is nowhere to be found. Medusa, as a beautiful maiden was pure, pure in the sense that she couldn’t conceive of the unfathomable betrayal of Athena, thus when it dawned upon her   hope in both humanity and divinity was lost. Anyone who’s superego isn’t as disturbed as that of Athena and Poseidon will be overwhelmed by their conscience upon meeting Medusa’s gaze. The burden of her victimization is a collective bearing for all to carry, reminding us of the consequences of vicious cruelty.
Every young boy has looked into the eyes of Medusa as their, otherwise loving, mother coolly hit them with the “I’m not mad, I’m disappointed,” remark. Such disappointment, from women, causes a man to cringe in an instinctive act of clenching the gut muscles.
In yogic philosophy, masculine consciousness is associated with fire and believed to reside in the solar plexus. One believes to be speaking figuratively when alluding to bravery as “having guts” but embodied bravery, is quite literally impossible without having a strong presence in the gut area.
The act of cringing is the act of shame as a biological reaction rather than an emotion. Medusa’s ice-cold gaze, cursing one to cringe in shame, is the true extinguisher of a man’s masculine consciousness, making him think twice before he acts next time, however since Medusa has lost hope in the redeeming qualities of man, there will be no next time, whomever meeting her gaze is doomed to freeze for all eternity. The many men whom attempted to behead her prior to Perseus couldn’t bear the collective burden of a restless conscience and thus instinctively attempt to rescue their phallus from the prospect of psychic castration through beheading the source of their restlessness. Such an act of profanity, is nothing short from foolish desperation, a last resort for restoring balance in one’s psyche, bound to fail from the get go, which is why all men prior to Perseus freeze to stone upon their attempted murder.
Perseus only finds success through looking in the mirror at the moment of execution, sparing his phallus from castration as his conscience remains unaffected, but his heinous crime is not without consequence as Medusa’s spilled blood sprout to life venomous serpents on Libyan soil. Medusa is Mahsa Amini, as the Iranian morality police seem to mistake the beauty of a woman’s hair for poisonous serpents. The serpents sprung to life by Medusa’s blood are the many Iranian women unleashing the terror of their liberated hair upon the morality police. Nothing terrifies fundamentalist Islamists more than the emergence of their own anima, as it becomes projected upon an enchanting woman. 
Raktabīja’s blood stains produce duplicates as a reaction to fair female resistance, Medusa’s blood stains produce serpents as a reaction to horrific injustice and a cowardice murder. The moral of the story is that injustice and disrespect of self-assertion lay the groundworks in which mayhem may flourish.
Lastly, Athena attaching Medusa’s head to her shield is a ploy to harness the power of a victim’s hopeless disappointment and masquerade it as her own. Athena, despite being a deity, could impossibly freeze her opponents with her own gaze, as she created Medusa’s through initiating the destruction of her reputation. It is solely through a masquerade in which Athena cosplays victimhood that she can harness the powers of it.
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hermeticphoenix · 14 days
Understanding Mermaids and Water Spirits in the Astral Plane
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In the astral plane, we find countless beings inhabiting specific regions based on their vibrational frequency. The water in the astral plane is similar to the water in the physical plane, and various entities inhabit these astral waters, including marine life and water spirits. When we think of water spirits, mermaids often come to mind. But what are they, and can all water spirits be considered mermaids?
First, we must understand the aura and composition of an entity's astral body. Mermaids and mermen are beings of the water element. They are considered water elementals not just because they primarily live in water, but because of the composition of their astral bodies. Human beings have five elements in their soul or astral body: fire, water, air, earth, and akasha. In contrast, mermaids and mermen have only one element in their soul, which is water. Thus, they are beings of the water element.
If you have well-developed astral senses, you may be able to see and interact with these beautiful water elementals. Mermaids and mermen are invisible since they are astral beings. They can change their appearance at will, but their natural form is typically that of a supremely beautiful woman or man. They can also remove their fish tails at will. Mermaids and mermen are pure, innocent, powerful, and wise. They embody love with extremely high empathy and compassion.
However, some astral beings may look like mermaids but are not. These beings reside in water but are not of water, meaning their astral bodies are not united with water in nature. Such beings may have a watery aura to some extent, but it is not the same as a mermaid's aura. They generally do not possess the traits of mermaids, such as innocence, empathy, and love. Some of these water entities can be benevolent, while others are more deceitful and malicious.
Not all beings that look half-human and half-fish are automatically mermaids or mermen. Magic is very possible in the astral plane, which is also inhabited by a multitude of beings with different abilities. Some of these astral beings can change their form and turn themselves into any creature at will. They could also make themselves similar to the appearance of mermaids or mermen, even if they do not possess a powerful water element in their astral body. This is why some mermaid-looking creatures might appear malevolent if they do something negative to humans. It is also possible that some humans misunderstand their interactions with actual astral mermaids, perceiving their encounters as negative or even frightening.
Therefore, not all astral water entities are mermaids and mermen, as these majestic beings possess only water in their aura. If an entity has weak water elements or no water elements in its aura, it is likely not a mermaid. Other benevolent astral beings live in the water, such as selkies, gorgons, and even krakens, but they are different from mermaids.
Dealing with astral beings can be challenging since they are not human, and we may have difficulty understanding them, just as they may have difficulty understanding us. Whether you wish to interact with them or not, we cannot deny the importance of the water element in our physical world, and we should learn to respect nature in all its aspects.
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msweebyness · 11 months
DuPont School for Monstrous Youths- Monster Quirks
More stuff for the monster kiddos! I was inspired by a few of my HC’s to make this, some fun quirks about the different monster species! As always, @artzychic27 and @imsparky2002!
Werewolves have the biological compulsion to howl whenever they see the full moon in the sky. This makes it very hard for people in the dorms near Kim to sleep at certain times in the month.
They also shed. A LOT. Whenever Kim gets out of the dorm showers, the entire floor is lined with fur.
Yetis and Sasquatches both have the…interesting habit of throwing rocks to express when they are displeased by something. If Ivan or Denise is mildly annoyed, they might hit you with a pebble. If you REALLY piss them off…
Whenever they’re spontaneously excited or really happy about something, phantoms have the tendency to let out an incredibly loud, earsplitting shriek. (They share this trait with banshees) Surprise parties are a BAD idea with Jean.
All vampires are allergic to garlic, but the reactions they display can vary from vamp to vamp. (For instance, Juleka breaks out in hives, while Luka’s throat swells up.)
Due to them being constantly charged with electricity, Steins are mildly magnetic and metal objects have a tendency to stick to them. If Nino can’t find his keys, chances are they’re stuck somewhere on his person.
If you have allergies, it’s a good idea to keep some over-the-counter meds on you if you’re going to be around Mylene extensively. Plant monsters are constantly releasing pollen into the air around them.
Mummies have to routinely change out their bandages for hygiene reasons. It’s an incredibly tedious process that requires a complex spell and total concentration.
Moth and spider monsters actually shed their exoskeletons once a year. Reshma’s and Marc’s happen to largely coincide with each other, and they know all of the other’s comfort needs for the admittedly painful process.
If something is trapped in a slime’s body for an extended period of time, it will dissolve, no matter what it happens to be. This is why Mireille’s kind donates their slime for excavation and construction work.
Skeletons have a special language of communicating with one another based around the sounds made when certain bones are tapped. Rose has taught it to all of her friends.
Saltwater aquatic monsters (even half like Ondine) tend to have extreme mood swings that coincide with the high and low tides.
If you remember the famous Nessie photo, you may wonder why Ondine doesn’t have a more serpentine appearance. Well, most aquatic monsters can change between their giant sea/lake monster and humanoid forms! (Ondine looks a lot like The Water Horse, just with a big, Spinosaurus-like crest down her neck and back.)
Gorgons have to use special mirrors that are engineered not to reflect their stone gaze. However, if a regular mirror is stared at by a Gorgon, if that mirror is crushed under the darkness of a new moon, it can produce a special powder that is capable of reversing their stone gaze!
Some harpies are born with a special talent that aids them more than others in their deceit and spreading of chaos, a sort of leg up over others. They’re known as ‘specials’ (Lila, for example, can imitate anyone’s voice after only listening for a few minutes. She can perfectly simulate anyone from either class. Before the others discovered this, she used it to, of course, cause a huge, messy fight with everyone mad at someone else, believing they’d said something bad about them, though this didn’t work out as she planned. It was more of an tense few weeks with everyone on edge until they all came together to figure out what was going on.)
Leave thoughts and ideas for more in the comments and reblogs!
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unveilhq · 3 months
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congratulations on your acceptance, spoop, dan, & rider ! please make sure you check the next steps here
parker young, homosexual, male + he/him → isn’t that jack jacobs? i’ve seen them hanging out with the half ghosts. i hear they’re 30, but they’ve only been in alexandria for 3 months. they seem to be amicable & generous, but also gullible & needy.
chris wood, homosexual, male + he/him → isn’t that wendell booth? i’ve seen them hanging out with the humans. i hear they're 29, but they’ve only been in alexandria for a few days. they seem to be bubbly & knowledgable, but also klutzy & stutters. they are not heightened!
carlos cuevas, homosexual, cis male + he/him/his → isn’t that andy alvarez? i’ve seen them hanging out with the sirens. i hear they’re 28, but they’ve only been in alexandria for 2 months. they seem to be optimistic & resilient, but also frivolous & imprudent.
wes chatham, bisexual, cis male + he/him/his → isn’t that fred falkner? i’ve seen them hanging out with the were-creatures. i hear they're 45, but they’ve only been in alexandria for 6 months. they seem to be disciplined & fearless, but also brutal & unrelenting. it’s cool that their animal counterpart is a wolf!
dylan minnette, homosexual, male + he/him → isn’t that owen elwyn? i’ve seen them hanging out with the witches. i hear they're 22, but they’ve only been in alexandria for 2 years. they seem to be intelligent & creative, but also shy & paranoid. it’s cool that they’re capable of molecular combustion & telekinesis! 
milo ventimiglia, gay, male + he/him → isn’t that witt magnarson? i’ve seen them hanging out with the gorgons. i hear they’re 170 (but look 45), but they’ve only been in alexandria for 5 months. they seem to be ebullient & imaginative, but also blunt & critical.
theo james, gay, male + he/him → isn’t that leofwyn emrys atwood? i’ve seen them hanging out with the cupids. i hear they’re 453 (but look 37), but they’ve only been in alexandria for 15 years. they seem to be loving & hardworking, but also lovelorn & a stickler (for the rules).
tom hardy, pansexual, male + he/him → isn’t that xzavulon th'sladek frakes? i’ve seen them hanging out with the darklighters. i hear they’re ancient (but look 42), but they’ve only been in alexandria for 280 years. they seem to be charitable & debonair, but also hedonistic & sarcastic. 
justin chien, bisexual, male + he/him → isn’t that desmond zhang xin hao? i’ve seen them hanging out with the phoenixes. i hear they’re 2239 (203 in his current cycle, but looks 30), but they’ve only been in alexandria for 1 week. they seem to be daring & farsighted, but also ruthless & deceitful. they have been reborn at least once already (technically 8 times already)!
TWO new wanted connections have been added!
did you hear ricardo reyes (josh segarra), our resident vampire, is looking for their butler/retainer? they’re an UTP year old human or witch who arrived in the chateau 1 month ago. they look like julian morris,  gregg sulkin, geau mirchoff or UTP. the mun does require you to contact them prior to filling this out. - looking for the thief who accidentally awoke Rico, was supposed to be killed but spared, and got roped into being his retainer. thinking a dynamic where they try to stop Rico from doing something dumb and they are the one who taught Rico about the world outside the castle, etc. thinking kinda like the prince and the thief vibe (literally). - @beyonddeveil 
did you hear fred falkner (wes chatham), our resident were-creature, is looking for their love-hate rival/fuckbuddy? they’re an UTP year old were-creature, vampire, incubus or siren who arrived in the chateau UTP years ago. they look like jonathan tucker, oliver jackson-cohen, peter gadiot, adan canto. the mun does require you to contact them prior to filling this out. - honestly i just want a hatefuck ship where they tried (and will try) to kill each other but ended up fucking, and are in constant headbutts. i'm hoping them to be a lil bit evil so fred can go after that but more so just annoy and manipulate/seduce him. kinda thinking ron swanson and tammy 2 vibe from parks and rec. - @beyonddeveil 
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unveiledvagabonds · 3 months
official intros and more info coming soon but for the sake of having them active on the dash...
links for their info can be found eventually in my pinned post
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coleman tremaine || djinn || 39 [129] years old || verse-bottom, switch ||
→ isn’t that coleman tremaine? i’ve seen them hanging out with the djinns. i hear they’re 129, but they’ve only been in alexandria for 1 month. they seem to be altruistic & honest, but also stubborn & hot-headed.
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aeryne canedor-forsberg || merfolk || 33 [253] years old || verse-bottom, switch ||
→ isn’t that aeryne canedor-forsberg ? i’ve seen them hanging out with the merfolk. i hear they're 33 [253], but they’ve only been in alexandria for 13 years. they seem to be charming & silver-tongued, but also resentful & distrusting.
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alston gerringer || were-creature || 45 years old || bottom, submissive ||
→ isn’t that alston gerringer? i’ve seen them hanging out with the were-creatures. i hear they're 45, but they’ve only been in alexandria for 1 month. they seem to be stoic & hardworking, but also stubborn & abrasive. it’s cool that their animal counterpart is a(n) grizzly bear!
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blair bergrin || dragonkin || 37 [142] years old || versatile, switch ||
→ isn’t that blair bergrin? i’ve seen them hanging out with the dragonkin. i hear they’re 142, but they’ve only been in alexandria for 3 months. they seem to be tenacious & understanding, but also arrogant & deflective. it’s cool that they’re capable of geokinesis!
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eoghan rodanthe || gorgon || 25 [503] years old || verse-bottom, switch ||
 → isn’t that eoghan rodanthe? i’ve seen them hanging out with the gorgons. i hear they’re 25 [503], but they’ve only been in alexandria for 1 month. they seem to be flirtatious & inviting, but also destructive & bitter.
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caidence threstle || harpie || 40 [190] years old || bottom, switch ||
→ isn’t that caidence threstle? i’ve seen them hanging out with the harpies. i hear they’re 40 [190], but they’ve only been in alexandria for 1 month. they seem to be clever & eloquent, but also deceitful & self-serving.
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vwritesawholelothm · 1 year
Analoroceit Week Day 7: Free Day
Co-written with @gender-snatched
Fandom: Sanders Sides (Web Series), Monster High (Cartoon 2022) Rating: General Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Anxiety | Virgil Sanders/Creativity | Roman Sanders/Deceit | Janus Sanders/Logic | Logan Sanders, Cleo de Nile/Frankie Stein Characters: Anxiety | Virgil Sanders, Creativity | Roman "Princey" Sanders, Deceit | Janus Sanders, Logic | Logan Sanders, Cleo de Nile, Nefera de Nile, Frankie Stein, Draculaura (Monster High), Deuce Gorgon Additional Tags: Analoroceit Week 2023, Polyamory, OT4, Nonbinary Frankie Stein, Established Relationship
Roman, Virgil, Janus, and Logan prepare for their first day of Sophomore year.
Their older siblings (Cleo, Dracularua, Deuce, and Frankie respectively) also prepare for their first day of school.
Event hosted by @loganisanobody
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loominggaia · 2 years
what do modern Lindists think of the other kingdoms. if its not to much trouble can you make a list for each of the kingdoms
Modern Lindists believe all other cultures are committing barbarism by not living their lives the same way they do.
Modern Lindism is pretty much exclusive to Evangeline Kingdom. You won't find many followers of this faith elsewhere because no other culture is compatible with its teachings and way of life. Evangeline Kingdom's culture is built around this specific religion.
Because of this, the kingdom blasts its Lindist population with heavy propaganda and shelters them from the outside world. This has led to Modern Lindists having some pretty crazy idea about other kingdoms and their people. Such as...
Folkvar: Bloodthirsty barbarians who live in igloos and kill eachother for sport.
Matuzu: Disease-riddled sexual deviants prowling around the jungle, raping everyone in sight.
Lamai: Cannibalistic gorgons who eat eachother, worship nasty vermin, and enslave humans.
Yerim-Mor: Poor, destitute slum-dwellers who live in a constant state of anarchy, who kill eachother and burn down their own cities because their evil false god, The Divine of Hate, told them to.
Zareen: Obese hedonists who sit on their asses and stare at screens all day. They guzzle down weed killer with their cardboard dinner and inject drugs for fun.
Mogdir: A land of snotty elves and uppity gaians who just fuck eachother over with magic spells constantly, all while enslaving commoners.
Etios: Smelly, dumb gaians who eat grass, hit eachother with sticks, and poop wherever it drops.
Seelie: A place that looks glamorous on the outside, but the kingdom and its entire deceitful population are just out to tempt you before screwing you over
Unseelie: A chaotic, dirty, zombie-infested warzone. There are no laws and everyone is killing eachother with spells. Also they eat humans as a delicacy.
Damijana: Everyone lives in total darkness, it rains acid that melts people instantly, citizens are cultist nutjobs who worship their government.
Alliance: Evil fish people stinky and bad.
Lore Masterpost
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ao3feed-loceit · 27 days
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bookreviewdirectory · 2 months
Dissonance: Volume II: Reckoning - Editorial Review
  Title: Dissonance: Volume II: Reckoning Author: Aaron Ryan Genre: Science Fiction / Young Adult / Post-Apocalyptic   Dissonance: Reckoning is the second installment of the Dissonance series following Sergeant Cameron “Jet” Shipley as he navigates his way through an apocalyptic world of gorgons and deceitful comrades. Continue reading Dissonance: Volume II: Reckoning – Editorial Review
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solardick · 3 months
So what card to use?
“In most cases У меня simply means Мой (my). As in a state of possession. Russian is taught to be a level 4 language. Which probably means. Its a difficult one. Grammatically, seems even more complicated than french. У becomes associated to i. The question why gains definition. It’s not enough to created or arrange with.
So if i understand this right, У меня. Possessive is a reaction. And Мой is a statement of ownership. У меня. How what affects me. Мой. To how i affect what.
I have a father away on vacation. Or, my father is away on vacation. The sun is shinning. Or, it’s sunny. Though the Y меня is the polite way about going about it while мой may come off as rude and insincere. Right?
Cause the russians. Suck. They imprisoned a demi-gorgon and use it as a gladiator lion against helpless peasants crooks. To enjoy watching them suffer. But if their grammar of possession is set political correctness. Then im confused.
And on this account. It seems to hold well that the y card stays as it is. As judgement. From the “higher power” in the state of reception to. While as the Й to be in other words, lesser looked down upon and the judgee to the clouds. And rhe more i look at it the more russian based the tarot becomes.
Historical “facts” say that the start of the new russian reform starts right in line with the mass production of the cards. Then war. Then feminist supremes and lunar butt love. And the giant gapping whole in the ozone, wtf that is. The world starts falling apart. And the russian. Saying hey bitch. That is Мой land.
Eminem took his dick out of the dirt and fucked the whole universe through the O-hole.
What this O-hole?
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Curios to the У sounding as Oo Oo. Is that an owl or a dove? Sometimes they sound an aweful lot like the other. As the owl perched as knowledge and precision. A luna being compared to the solar being of a dove. And in this way, gives credence to the dove wielding the grace of venus and of wisdom and knowledge and keen sight in rhe darkest of times.
This particular card as its connected to the portent of the crow. Has its own lesson in it. Or warning. Foreshadowing the present tense and the distant, future, to be of the present moment. But, it is thenpresent moment thatbis here and now. And this is where one’s free will for action takes place. Or fails to take place. One needed play the game. Back out then and there. The moment is one of death. For the future is there carnage, deceit, and indulgence. A lesson from greek mythology. On the nature of the crow. Legends in biblical power on the state of that reality.
When found in a state of biblical judgement. One has always been found looking up. The up to the sky. Looking up through the trees is a hanged-man jumbling the senses, on another hand. For inhave no idea about how to use that card. Its just, woff! Over my head. Or under it. Maybe. I don’t know. Other than a fetus being born. Ither than signalling “reversals”, to pave a clearer path to the mirror of the WM cards…. Im not sure if that was a contributing factor to my own fiddling around with sources or not. Maybe.
Reversals and babies…. Its a sad sad day. For that kid.
Abortion. Capitalized by a fool covering his eyes. How many A words can you name right now while thinking of the blinded fool?
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Did you bring 0 to 1 ?
Or Maybe, you have brought 0 to the devil.
There’s an even deeper connection there. That of letter A and letter E. letter 1 and letter 5. Both these being a vowel letter. Not a consonant. Hopefully that will click into place or grow. But to compare one fool 1 5 fool one. And now the devil is tied to the sexual force with the Oo card. The blind fool and the page…. Perhaps. Im trying to separate the Marseille fool as the personage of the trodden. I like word play. Its fun and all mine own.
But the aim here is in trying to keep with this specific Cyrillic alphabet named after a saint.
And so far i have found this that perhaps may fir as the Й сагд.
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The nine of swords being a nightmare. Disturbing. Found between imprisonment in the feminine form. Death in the masculine form. Crying in his bed. Here crying ties to the death of the woman…. Family languages.
Anyway, a being hammering down on top the clouds shaping reality. Tempering iron and steel. Plays in the cog motif. But seems to be more of “the magician card”
The hammer and sickle. Seems more of a saturn. Than not. Kronos. Or what have you. I dont know.
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jungle321jungle · 3 months
My Complete Sanders Sides Fics
All of them here. In a single list.
Other Masterlists - My Ao3
Virgil’s Guide To Avoid Falling In Love With Your Boss’ Boss
Virgil’s just trying to fake his way through life, but when he finds it hard to shake his hot boss’ boss’s attention- on account of their adopted sons being twins- things get complicated.
Put On A Brave Face
When Virgil was told he needed to attend a party at Lord Ekan’s household he didn’t have high expectations by any means. Parties were just a place for rumors and whispers to circulate and for him to smile and pretend as if nothing bothered him, they were a space he rather avoid. But even so Virgil never regretted that party in particular, not when it changed his life entirely.
Slither Into My Heart (Gorgon AU)
Deceit didn’t bother to knock as he slammed the door open and glared down to wear Remus sat on his bed polishing his morning star.
“What did you do?” Deceit hissed.
Remus gave him a large smile as he looked him up or down, “Do you have the snakes just up there or are they down below too?”
If asked by Patton later, Deceit most definitely did not try to strangle the other side in that moment. Not all.
Also known as: Deceit is turned into a Gorgon. And the new annoying little snakes on his head seem to have an annoying obsession with Virgil.
Ask No Questions (I’ll Tell No Lies) 
An Agent and a Con Man.
With such conflicting backgrounds it almost seemed laughable for the two to be soulmates. Fate had chosen this, but Logan had chosen to arrest the man across from him no matter what.
How To Fuck With Humanity 101 (only on Ao3)
Roman wants an audition to go well, and when he accidentally finds an immortal hovering in his bedroom who promises everything will go his way if he does ridiculous tasks? He does them.
Roman is the first human to interact with Virgil in years, so he agrees to help, but it doesn’t mean he can’t have some fun with it.
As Cold As Stone
Dante Ekans’ newest case is a twenty one year old murder. It’s witnesses have remained silent all this time. So Agent Ekans seeks to change that.
He pokes, he prods, he bluffs, he lies, and he digs too deep.
But maybe the witnesses were silent for a reason.
Forms Of Family
No one alive knows how Dee manages to raise five kids primarily on his own. He's not sure himself, but having some of the best kids in the world makes it a whole lot easier.
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princeanxious · 4 years
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Have some Gorgon!Deceit doodles inspired by this awesome fic and au written by the awsome @jungle321jungle!
I got carried awayyyy but i like gorgon deceit okay let me live for this gay snek man and also reconnecting anxceit slipped in there somehow xD i had the idea that if given the chance all of their little heads would curl up in some way into or under virgil’s hoodie bc it warm and safe so of course i had to draw it w/ the bonus of Dee unwillingly(?) being lulled to sleep by their chants of “safe!” And “warm!” and “Vee!”
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greenninjagal-blog · 4 years
Does Virgil from Weightless ever find his skin? It’s one of my favourite fics from you and I’d love to read what happens after!
Oof, okay so in Weightless, Virgil does find his skin! I won’t write it, purely because I don’t have the time :/// but I can give you some run downs of what would happen!!
((This is still longer than I meant it to be oh my god))
First order of business is Patton uses some of his djinn magic to locate a magic shop which is run by a pixie who calls himself Deceit and whom absolutely abhors Patton. He’s sympathetic to Virgil’s cause but he runs a business so in exchange for an actual locating spell that works on people from memory he needs something just as powerful in return.
Logan steps up and offers a bit of his blood-- him being part gorgon gives him potent blood that is definitely is rare. Deceit eyes him warily but accepts it and he gives Virgil the spell. 
((Deceit also reveals the secret that Patton’s been hiding while they’re there: as a Djinn he can’t disobey any order. Which is why he’s always being so helpful and when the others ask him to do basic things he drops whatever he’s doing to complete the task. It also includes things such as “Don’t listen to this conversation until I snap my fingers” while Deceit does just because he’s petty and can.))
While they were out though, their house got broken into and its no longer safe at home, so Roman cashes in a favor with his brother in order for them to have a place to crash. Logan and Patton go over the spell with Virgil which requires the user of it to fall to sleep before its activated. Remus and Roman have a heart to heart which turns into Roman coughing up blood and his own secret being revealed: the reason why Roman acts so scattered brained and often has a hard time thinking about the others is because he quite literally can’t stop thinking about having sex, and if he goes too long without engaging in it his body starts breaking down. He was cursed as a young adult by a vengeful witch who thought they were dating when he thought they were just friends....who sometimes slept together. 
((He knows its not an excuse for him acting like that, which is why he never mentioned it to anyone, but also why he’s always seeking out partners and even though he’s an incubus, he thinks if he never had sex again he’d be okay. ))
Virgil sleeps and the spell works and when he wakes up Logan hands him a map and in a trance-like state marks with a pen where his attackers are.
Remus is really excited to see an opportunity to beat up people so he comes with them to confront the guys. The attackers turn out to be a from a low level gang so there are a lot of them and turns out there were people watching them when they left Deceit’s place, the gang over powered him and dragged him out to their warehouse where they were were in the process of ripping out his wings.
And Remus completely ignores any “don’t kill” suggestions and goes right to ripping out some throats the second he sees any magical creature being tortured like that. Roman isn’t far behind them and Patton uses his magic to help free Deceit and try to heal the places where his wings were damaged. Virgil breaks the water pipes and use his water manipulating ability to defend Patton and Deceit. 
((Patton reveals here that the reason why Deceit hates him so much is because he knows Deceit’s true name, which gives him absolutely control over the pixie, but Patton uses it to make Deceit stay awake through the pain, as he lost a lot of blood and if he fell unconscious now he probably wouldn’t wake back up))
Logan curbs enough of Roman and Remus’s rage to save one of the gang in order to ask him what happened to the selkie skin they stole, (and the gang member looks around at all his dead friends and asks “a skin was worth all this?” and Logan asks him, “Did you not think you were ruining lives by taking things that weren’t yours? Did you truly think no one was hurt by your actions?”)
The gang member admits they don’t have the skin, but that they sold it to these collectors: the Ackroyds, who paid them really well for it, you see? They had all sort of freaky things in their collection and he’d take a skin but he wouldn’t like kill the things and put them on display like those humans do.
And Logan freezes up at the name, noticeably, but the man is hysterical with trying to prove that he’s not really that bad, and before anyone can do anything, Logan takes off his glasses and turns the man to stone.
He puts them back on immediately but steps away from the group and refuses to look at them. He tells them that the skin is a lost cause and that they should give up.
To which Virgil is audibly horrified and angry because they got this far!! And Logan promised him--!! and Logan whips around and tells him that he never made any such promises and that if Virgil doesn’t let it go he’ll turn Virgil to stone as well, because he won’t like Virgil drag all his friends to their dooms.
At which, Deceit laughs brokenly, and asks if Logan go to attempt to make his own collection just like his parents--
And Logan’s secret comes to light: he wasn’t always part gorgon. He was actually human and his parents are mythical creature collectors but they collected creatures like butterflies: killing and pinning them in glass cases. But they often found that some creatures were immune to dying in ways that didn’t desecrate their bodies. Their solution? Find a way to make them ever lasting statues, using their son and a very expensive, unrepeatable experiment.
Logan admits that he remembers the faces of every person that his parents forced him to kill, of everyone who meets his eyes. Its his curse, and he’s always been afraid of it, because one day...he always knew that he’d join their collection too. He ran away as soon as he could, but his parents had people track him down and he was dragged back to them and they began to lock him in his room, and he was not allow out of the house at all anymore. Logan managed to escape by chance just before his sixteenth birthday.
By the time he’s finished talking he’s shaking and his knees give out but Remus is there to catch him and no one knows what to say about anything. 
“I can’t...” Logan whispers, “I can’t let you go there. I can’t... please... anyone who goes there doesn’t.....get out...”
And surprisingly its Roman who speaks up, strangely blithely about it all, “Well, they were always alone, weren’t they? Hey, Specs, don’t you know you aren’t alone, anymore?”
And it turns into a rallying thing where the six of them agree that they have each other, and that they can work together to take down Logan’s parents and keep any more mythical creatures from dying at their hands. I don’t have the actual final battle thing planned out so the rest of this is really but scratched out notes and concepts that if i were actually writing this, would be subject to change according to where the plot goes.
They infiltrate first by using Virgil’s selkie rareness to draw the attention of the Ackroyds.
Unfortunately the Ackroyds are expecting them so they kinda all stumble into a trap and Logan is taken back by his parents for-- and what great timing this is! They have a new rare species!! An archangel who would look magnificent next to the Avians! 
((The archangel is like eight. His name is Thomas and he’s sobbing because he doesn’t know how to use his powers yet.))
But first, its a good thing to take care of the meddling monsters that Logan had first become friends with. Starting with that selkie! And because they want him to look picture perfect even as stone they get his skin and tell him that if he cooperates they’ll let the djinn and the incubi go free (the pixie has to stay though. Its another rarity). 
And well.
Virgil has been holding on to a secret too.
He’s actually the goddamn Prince of the entire fucking sea and his power is linked to his skin. 
Which means that when they put the skin back on him, his abilities increase about 100fold. We stan OP Virgil in this house. Remind me how much of humans is water again? Yeah. Virgil drowns them in their own bodies and frees everyone else.
The Ackroyds have like a lot of people working for them though, so theres a battle that happens and in the middle of it Logan’s glasses get knocked off and broken and Thomas throws himself in front of Logan. Which, because Logan’s gorgon eyes are the same as staring into someone’s soul, leads to Logan staring into Thomas’s divine soul and it literally burns and blinds him.
((Thomas is really sorry, but Logan just starts sobbing thank yous to this eight year old, because now he’s never going to be forced to kill someone else.))
Our heroes win!! The Ackroyds are finished. Patton and Deceit put aside their differences in order to take joint custody of babey archangel Thomas and they, along with Roman and Logan end up living in a beach house together while researching how to remove the curse that’s on Roman. Remus comes and goes, bringing back exotic podcasts for Logan to listen too and bringing news from other locations about monster hunting.
Logan broke into his family vault and took all the money that his parents made off of selling and exploiting creatures and used it all to finance mythical creatures safehouses all across the globe. He trusts Remus and Roman to help watch over them.
Virgil returns to the ocean, just like Logan said he would at the very beginning of the story, although its because he has prince duties to adhere too. And he still sneaks up every once in a while to have dinner with all of them because I’m weak and soft for found family.
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Hmmmm... OK New AU:
A café, a flower shop and a tattoo parlor are the three most successful businesses in town, and the owners are all good friends.
Founder and owner Patton Potts
He loves making the food and his employees brew the coffee
(almost) all his employees call him dad and joke about the café being a family business
The whole place has a very 50's style retro design and vibe, right down to the outfit Patton wears when he decides to go check on the customers himself
He's a total sweetheart and wears big sunhats and long sleeves outside in almost any weather, but it's not the weirdest fashion choice and if anything it adds to his endearing eccentricity, so no one really questions it
Serpentine Meadow:
Founder, owner, and only employee Cyrus Devlin
He knows his plants and is fluent in flower language, and he cares for each seedling and sprout as if they were his children
He's a sarcastic and seemingly apathetic man, with a cold, unbothered demeanor and has no problem telling off a rude customer
Of course, seeing as his reputation for both being great at his job and having a zero tolerance policy for bullshit, he hardly gets any rude customers
No one has ever seen his hair under the ridiculous hat he wears, and he seems to avoid eye contact almost at all times, but nobody wants to assume anything so they just don't think too hard about it
Twin Kings Tatts:
Owners Roman and Remus King, inherited the business from their father
Decided to rename it while still keeping most of the original name in his memory
Probably would not have reconnected if the parlor hadn't been passed on to both of them in their dad's will, and they're very greatfull for that
Their distinct but very opposite styles of tattoos and general aesthetics made them a very popular tattoo parlor, and if you have a unique enough tattoo idea you might just be able to make them collaborate
Only have one other employee who's basically a secretary, and spend most of their time reading the ancient looking books in the backroom, designing strange looking runes and occasionally, tattooing them on each other
These four friends visit each other often, for their services as well as simply to hang out. They are the only ones who know what secrets the others are hiding, but they are all about to find out that some secrets can't stay hidden forever, especially from the ones you love.
That's all for now, let me know if you wanna see more of this au.
and as always -
Stay Tuned!
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unveilhq · 3 months
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congratulations on your acceptance, murr ! please make sure you check the next steps here
michael trevino, homosexual, cis gender + he/him/his → isn’t that coleman tremaine? i’ve seen them hanging out with the djinns. i hear they’re 129, but they’ve only been in alexandria for 1 month. they seem to be altruistic & honest, but also stubborn & hot-headed.
aaron taylor johnson, homosexual, cis gender + he/him/his→ isn’t that aeryne canedor-forsberg? i’ve seen them hanging out with the merfolk. i hear they're 33 [253], but they’ve only been in alexandria for 13 years. they seem to be charming & silver-tongued, but also resentful & distrusting.
pablo schreiber, bisexual, cis gender + he/him/his → isn’t that alston gerringer? i’ve seen them hanging out with the were-creatures. i hear they're 45, but they’ve only been in alexandria for 1 month. they seem to be stoic & hardworking, but also stubborn & abrasive. it’s cool that their animal counterpart is a grizzly bear!
scott eastwood, bisexual, cisgender + he/him/his → isn’t that blair bergrin? i’ve seen them hanging out with the dragonkin. i hear they’re 142, but they’ve only been in alexandria for 3 months. they seem to be tenacious & understanding, but also arrogant & deflective. it’s cool that they’re capable of geokinesis!
josha stradowski, homosexual, cis gender + he/him/his → isn’t that eoghan rodanthe? i’ve seen them hanging out with the gorgons. i hear they’re 25 [503], but they’ve only been in alexandria for 1 month. they seem to be flirtatious & inviting, but also destructive & bitter. 
ed skrein, homosexual, cis gender + he/him/his → isn’t that caidence threstle? i’ve seen them hanging out with the harpies. i hear they’re 40 [190], but they’ve only been in alexandria for 1 month. they seem to be clever & eloquent, but also deceitful & self-serving.
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