#gosh dangit!!
theminecraftbee · 1 year
haven't stopped thinking about it since it happened so here, take this clip of scar being so good at exiting decked out. so good at it. no problems at all.
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attibar · 6 months
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Found an old idea that I had left unfinished, until now at least lol.
I love the idea of Henry's powers being found out post CTM and how people would react to it. Ellie, Charles, and Galeforce accepting Henry for who he is, and realizing all the deaths he's gone through. That despite all the timelines he chose this one. The CCC (and by extension the Wall) still fearing Henry and wanting to keep him under control. After all in several timelines he lifted up the Toppat Clan and even killed Dmitri in two timelines (PP and TR)
And then there's Reginald who is my favorite reaction :D
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intotheelliwoods · 1 year
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Boys will be bugs 👀
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gav-san · 1 year
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Previous / ...
It starts with Phantom’s warning neighs.
One moment you are asleep, wrapped in your white shift and Ganondorf's arms, and the next you are being flung over his shoulder as he twists to plant you in between his hot back and the freezing rock of the shrine. Even when you try to wriggle, to help, he won’t let you, defending you with his body, his golden sword in one hand.
You are very discombobulated, but after a moment of gaining your bearings, you realize that you are not alone.
There are at least fifty people in black and red uniforms of a sort surrounding you, placed in circles, trapping you. They do not look particularly menacing, the tight clothing and tall hairdo are more funny than anything else.
If you knew you’d be having visitors, you would have dressed in more than a thin slip of silk last night. Though much else had seemed silly at the time, considering your, uh, activities, and how eager you had been.
One glance at Ganondorfs face makes you realize that he is making a face you have yet to see. It causes your stomach to drop in fear, but also a bevy of butterflies to erupt in a misplaced twist of lust. The way his skin sketches taught, the scrub of an unshaven beard shadowing the sharp jaw as it contorts is downright vicious. 
“Molduga Pits.” He says, clearly a curse, but not one you are familiar with, sounding exasperated and annoyed. “You bastards again .” You place a hand on his bare back, glancing at the people furtively. We’re these enemies of the Gerudo? Perhaps from an ally of Hylia? Maybe she could help.
You go to move forward, thinking that perhaps you can reason with them, but Ganondorfs stance is steel, not letting you move an inch out of his protection. 
“Greetings, Emperor of Calamity,” Someone says, moving up front, from inside the crowd.
The number of men scared you, but this man was far too dramatic to be serious. You look around, trying to see Ganondorf’s horse, Phantom, but he is nowhere to be found. He probably rushed off, as a good desert horse was trained to do, you think wryly. 
There go the quickest means of escape, and now you’d have to face the weird cult head-on. 
The foremost ring parts, and a thick-bellied male in a ridiculous golden girdle step over the red suit steps forward, taking a deep bow. “I, my esteemed liege, am the third Master Koga-” He drawls, his voice surprisingly whiny for such a rotund man. 
“I know who you are,” Ganondorf growls, rising to his full height and moving to better shield you, and you can’t help compare how intimidating his figure is, in comparison. “You think coming yourself will change my answer? Time and time again you Yiga have been told that the Gerudo do not hold to your foolish beliefs!” 
Yiga? You thought that sounded familiar. You swear you knew it, but it was hard to concentrate when thick muscles were just centimeters from crushing your head in. 
The Yiga’s footsteps pause, clearly considering a new plan. Or just watching you turn into a princess sandwich.
“Well,” The man begins again, voice less methodical but much darker. “We figured we needed a more direct conversation… since you’ve already found the dread witch who threatens your reign with her brainwashing,” There is a shift, and you realize, that there to hurt you. 
You go white.
And the Yiga’s admission, Ganondorf’s entire demeanor changes from cautious hesitance to tense anger.
“Keep your filthy mouths away from my queen’s good name!” Ganondorf says, and you’re surprised to see him come to your defense so rapidly. “She has nothing to do with your nonsense, and neither will I!” You cling to him as if only to remember he is not mad at you but for you.
How long had it been since someone defended you half so passionately? Your heart beat like it was going to bounce out of your chest.
Master Koga, the third, or whoever he was sighed deeply, like he had expected this.
“ A shame, really. That we have to step in.” And then he had the gall to sound offended! “I can tell this vain creature has enraptured you with her magic, and she should be dealt with by us underlings!”
Ganondorf made a growling sound, deep in the back of his throat. “If you come even a step closer, or make any moves to hurt my wife, I swear I will hunt every last Yiga fool down and leave you in the sand for the Moldugas to feed their young on! ” That small growl became a roar as he finished, leaving you far more wary of the man before you. He had never once come close to forfeiting his calmness, but it seems the thought of losing you was more than enough to unleash his fury. 
You can’t help but become warm at the sight of him roaring for you, his wife.
And, you think, you could spend the rest of your life listening to him say it.
But the Yiga, for all their talk about being subjects to their prospective king, had no wisdom in their loyalty, and they did not concede to his warnings. Instead, each and every last one of them turned to their weapons, from the glimpse you could see.
“We’d rather not fight our future king, but I can see we have no choice!” Koga said, moving from his pathetic position to unleash a wicked-looking, curved sword, one that indicated he was much more serious now. Gandorf copied his hand on the giant sword he had tucked at his hip, the other moving around your waist in an awkward, backward tango, as if he is going to jump over all the men. All the Yiga men grasp their weapons, nervously, like he is a giant water buffalo ready to charge them. But he doesn’t do so, instead, tucking something small into your waistband. He inches even closer, if possible, keeping his voice low.
“I love you.” He says, and you press into him, ready for whatever, “And I’m sorry I have put you in danger. I swear I will protect you with my life.”
You know he does. And you finally know that you do too. Probably since the first glimpse of him you had, he had taken your heart.
“I love you too.” You say, and he pauses like he is relishing it for the last time.
 Then he raises his sword, pointing it at the men, pivoting to the shrine. Magic, you think, swells at his fingertips, and the same golden presence wraps around your bands of gold.
“I will find you again, my moon. ” He swears.
Your heart dropped, the words far too fatalistic for comfort. You furrow your brows, confused as you place a hand on his own before it retreats. 
He gives a thin smile, though you only guess that, as he is still focused on the people before him, save for the intimate brush of a finger to loosen your grip. You think he must be ready to toss you over his shoulder or something.
But it seemed Ganondorf was risking no threat to you.
He immediately moves, and in one swift motion, you are pushed inside the shrine his magic has reopened. It’s as gentle as he can, but you still sprawl, as he moves so swiftly that you had no time to react. No time to disagree or do anything.
“Stop!” You lift out a hand, but he is too quick, moving to protect you, to leave you safe in the quiet, space, lit only but the eerily blue of the ever-glowing magic there.
You stumble to the ornate stone-clad floor, and can barely catch the moment that a giant stone slab seals over the entrance, cutting you off from the outside, as well as one another. You flail, running to the rock, pounding your fists. 
But there was no handle, nor even a seam that you could attempt to pry. The rock face was so smooth it was as if one had never been chipped away. Magic, you think in a manic frenzy, trying to will yourself to pound it to dust. 
There are no sounds of battle, nothing but the thud of your hands, which eventually stop, once they have turned bruised and bloody from your fallen endeavors. You sink to the ground, to your knees, fat, ugly tears pouring from your chin as you cry. They make your face itch, but you don’t wipe them away, instead letting them sink into the dust-less floor.
You aren’t sure how long that lasts, because, at some point, you fall asleep, only to wake in what seemed like moments later. You had not the ability to even forget a moment of your sorrow but were so drained, tired and your hands hurt so fiercely that you drug yourself to the cool edge of the pool.
It is unsurprising to see what a mess you are. Ganondorf had proudly braided your hair last night, proclaiming it to be an honor to do so, and it had held reasonably well, and you can comb it into place. But your face is drawn, with dark circles, and red eyes. Nearer to the lights, you can see that you have injured your hands, enough that not even the blister gel would work. 
You slap away the image, that cold water engulfing your hand. The coolness engulfs it, bringing relief and peace. You think it’s probably hypothermia, but after a few moments, you realize that it’s not it, bringing your hand up to the surface, breaking the smooth surface again. 
It’s healed.
You stare in astonishment at the flesh that has mended back together, blood and bruises completely gone. 
Your other hand goes in right after and you give a huge sigh of alleviation. 
It makes much more sense how you had not been sore the previous night, though your husband is quite big and very eager.
And that thought cuts short your wonder over the healing pool in the shrine, and back to your misery over your husband. Just what in Demise’s name was he thinking, sealing you away in here? Surely there was something you could have done! Even be a distraction! Your head pounds and you lean down, taking giant gulps of water, but misjudge in your haziness.
Slipping forward, you plunge entirely into the freezing pool. 
You aren’t sure how long you stay underwater. You think you may be dead at some point, but the cold never abates. But you don’t end up finding the side. Instead, you’re pulled out, by a pair of very brawny, bronze arms. You think someone is carrying you. Sand whips by your face from a strong breeze.
At some point, bright sunlight hits your face, and you wince. It’s not long after that the sunlight drops, and the steps turn smoother. Then you’re finally placed down on what seems to be a bed. Voices fade in and out, some you think you may recognize.
Gerudo, you think.
Hands press against your chest, shoving forcefully in. You give a sharp gasp, coughing on nothing as they push again and again. And just when you think you’ll die, someone turns you, and you throw up.
You can process the voices better now, that air has gone back to your brain.
“We found her in the shrine outside of town-”
“Yeah, the door opened and she was in a pool there!”
“The shrine water- It was still in her lungs!”
“In a shrine pool?”
“Yes, she has the seal of the King!”
It’s mostly water that comes out, but you can’t tell, with your head banging. But you can breathe again even if it hurts, and so you immediately fall asleep. Or unconscious. 
But there are more hands now, pushing you to stay awake. 
The heat in the desert is very reasonable, under the thick woven hanging. You look out to the sand, towards the distance where a large mountain range juts like a knife standing straight up. The glint of sand makes it difficult to look straight on, but the Gerudo mask does a good job of deflecting any lasting harm. 
You try and stay out of the sun as much as possible. The Gerudo clothes do little to offer protection, as they have little need to do so, and are meant to be breezy and comfortable. And it is indeed breezy, wearing only thin silk with gold edging.
You think it shows off far too much of your chest and belly, but Queen Dramiria had insisted seeing you in traditional clothing was good for Gerudo's morale, with Ganondorf still missing. And since the regent queen was your mother-in-law, you couldn’t find it in your heart to refuse.
She was the one you had first met. 
“You have been missing for a month.” She said within the first hour of your recovery. She had more or less been waiting there since you had been brought in, and subsequently, the seal Ganondorf had slipped to you had been recognized.  “Of course, I knew right away, with that hair. My son wrote almost endlessly of your moon-like beauty.”
You hold that same seal now. You don’t think you could relinquish it if they asked, which surprisingly, they hadn’t.
You want to turn back to look at the sand, but you also want your mother-in-law to like you. You flush, throat too sore to say much, and not knowing what to say anyhow. Thankfully, others catch onto this quickly, especially Commander Urbosa.
“Time passes differently in the shrines,” Commander Urbosa says, arms crossed as she stares you down like a puzzle. “The magic is difficult to harness, and only the King knows how to handle it to a full extent. I suspect that’s why you ended up here. Even without air, the water continually heals, so it puts you in a stasis of sorts.”
The one thing you do manage to say is Ganondorf .
And the thing about the Gerudo is that they don’t sugarcoat the truth.
“Damn brat let himself be caught by the Yiga.” Queen Dramiria said sharply, making you draw back in alarm. But she merely pats you, crossing a long leg over the other as she leans back on her cushioned chair. “He’s never listened to reason, that boy.”
“Nabooru is already tracking them down, but they are tricky, hiding away in the mountains where we Gerudo have a hard time going. I am a bit surprised Ganondorf hasn’t just beaten a guard down and escaped.” Commander Urbosa stepped in, a bit kinder as she urged you to take a bite of the sweet-looking melon in a gold cup before you. You don’t want to eat, but tenderly you let yourself nibble the fruit.
 “He knew that they had started using that ancient, dangerous magic and he let his guard down.” The queen retorted, moving to her fruit bowl to polish off the decadent treat.
You put your head down, eyes closed as tears pricked at them. A hand came to rest on your knee, and you look up at the Queen, who looks very distraught. She has the same hook to her nose as Ganondorf and the same shade of red hair, and it makes the tears come quicker.
“Be kind, my queen. You forget that our new Queen-consort has been through much as of late.” Commander Urbosa advises softly.
“Oh no, don’t take my words too seriously,” Dramiria said, looking a bit uncomfortable. “Ganondorf always comes back from his adventures. And I have no doubt he is eager to have his bride back in his arms again.” He ends with a smile, and you do your best to stop sobbing but it just makes it worse. 
“F-Forgive me-” You say, turning back to the sand, shoulders sloped as you twisted the seal in your hands. “I… I would like some alone time, if p-p-possible.”
You don’t recognize yourself as you turn towards the bed in the healing room you had all been sitting in.
“Of course.” The Queen says, letting Urbosa help her up. “When you feel refreshed, just let the healer know. We’ll then give you a tour of your new rooms.”
You nod your head, shoulders shaking.
“Thank you, my queen, you are very generous.” She sighs, knowing she’s already told you to abandon such formal language but doesn’t press the matter. The thick red curtain swishes behind them as they leave, muffling their voices but not entirely concealing them.
“Ensure the Queen-Consort is settled into the King’s quarters swiftly. Knowing my son, he’d want her to feel comfortable as soon as possible. And I have a feeling that we’ll have a new little princess soon!”
You go red, head to toe.
What on earth would prompt that reaction? 
Your toes curl, trying to escape back into your body.
“Queen Dramiria!” Urbosa chides, voices further away. “Don’t go making our queen-consort feeling uncomfortable.”
“I know my son, Urbosa. If he’s managed not to make a fool of himself, then I ensure that we’ll be having a royal baby. Though the princess is quite small, she seems very strong-hearted, enough to please the gods of the shrines. I approve!”
You wondered what part of crying made you ‘strong-hearted’ but you supposed you shouldn’t complain. With one last look out to the sand you crawl back to the safety of your woven bed, and its many warm blankets, all woven with bright colors. It seemed to be very Gerudo to be in bright colors, though they didn’t help a pale complexion much.
Not that many Hylians had the skin tone that compliments it, you thought, brows furrowing. Do you think that Zelda would look nice in the rich blue though-
You blinked.
“Zelda?” You said, and the face peaked over the window again. She said your name, very softly in return, and clearly, great relief.
She glanced around before your cousin soars into the room. This is quickly explained as you hear a quick ‘hyah’, followed by another familiar face, this time jettisoning himself in.
Zelda launches herself at you, pulling you into a tight hug that reminds you of choking again, and you have to peel her off.
“I’m SO sorry!” She cried in a soft voice, clearly heartbroken, “I can’t believe Father let that evil man take you!”
“Oh Zelda,” You say brows pulling together. “What are you doing here? Link would be in a great deal of trouble if he was found.” 
“We’re here to save you!” She sniffs, holding you tighter. “I came as soon as I heard! I knew what everyone was saying was a lie!” You give a strained look, knowing that of course there were rumors, but irritated at them, nonetheless.
Link shrugs, giving a small look of sass before turning to a vase at the side of the room and looking at it. 
 You give a long sigh, and she pulls back.
“We are… aren’t we?” She looks into your face, gazing intently at your eyes, turning to glance at Link, who is intently staring at your hands. Her eyes fall to the crest in your hands as well.
“Married.” Link says, shortly, but meaningfully. He never did like expressing himself much with them.
You nod, softly.
“So…” Zelda pauses, throat thick, “You… left willingly.” You can see the hurt she has, the thought that you would so quickly leave without even giving her a goodbye.”
“It’s a long story.” You say quickly, “And I didn’t leave you willingly… But things have changed and I would not be welcomed back to Hyrule, even if you returned with me. But only if you’re willing to do a great favor for me.” You say, holding her arms.
Zelda nods, pulling your hands together as Link raises his brow.
“Yes, what is it?”
“I need help entering a cult.”
-X- To be continued -X-
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howlingaround · 1 year
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Based on one of the Lich scene from Adventure Time but with Gazpacho
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okkennymay · 2 years
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                           ECTOBER NIGHT  -  PAGE 27
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I tried to warn you man
Oh dear Daniel, perhaps you should've just gone to Sam’s party.
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frozenhi-chews · 2 months
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Favorite Starcake arts I've made so far. Lookit themmmmm!! Gosh he gives me so much comfort... <3
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wildfire153 · 5 months
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Been playing around with some new art styles, and I had to make a sketch of my husband for his birthday <3
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lilacrababy · 8 months
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and a shaky gif version :)
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teshief · 8 months
6 in the morning... shhh... paz study
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tangledinink · 1 year
puts my head in my hands. my masterpost now has so many links that tumblr will literally not allow me to add any more...
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radical-boy-kisser · 23 days
Hihi!! this might b a bit long, sry 4 that :))). how do we/I tell if I'm a system? I've been doing A LOT of research specifically on osdd 1b, bc I fit most every symptom, but I don't like self diagnosing. on the other hand I don't have the resources to get diagnosed. I can list symptoms in comments if u guys need. but yeah we r really confused rn. sorry I keep switching in between I and we pronouns. Also we feel like my child hood wasn't traumatic enough to have osdd so I feel like we r making it all up!! anyways sorry this was a bad tangent! hope u hv a nice day :)))) /nfta
Hello!! Thank you for reaching out to me, but I will preface my answer with this:
Anyways, as a system I can list some of the symptoms I experienced before realizing I was a system and some now and if you relate to a suspicious amount then maybe that's your sign!! (Very very sorry if this is not enough/what u asked for 😭)
Also, self diagnosing is perfectly valid in this situation! Self diagnosing is valid when you don't have the resources and do proper and extensive research on the subject, and even more so with DID since so many people don't diagnose it, with some outright refusing to!
Here are some of the symptoms I experienced before realized I had funky people in my head :
• Gaps in memory, such as not being able to remember what happened the entire week, or even that same day. Especially more so for stressful/traumatic events. (Also just straight up not being able to remember most of your childhood. Again, assuming you're a system, you're not gonna think you had enough childhood trauma because DID is meant to make you completely forget that ❤️)
• Feeling like a completely different person. The first time I actually noticed I switched, it felt really intense and whenever I'd (wasn't ME, obviously, but I'm using "I/me" for the sake of simplicity) try to recall myself, it'd be a different person with a different name and physical appearance and such, and the name "Max" felt so distant and as if it didn't belong to me.
During the first times I'd switch when it first developed, I'd feel like someone different during that time, but I'd usually not notice/forget about it later
• Identity crisis central
Now, here are some of the symptoms we now experience knowing we're a system:
(We still experience memory gaps and such obviously. Also, not trying to say our symptoms just straight up switches after we realized we were a system, these are just some we have realized are symptoms of DID and now look out for)
• Seeing messages, tasks done, notes written that I have absolutely no recollection of doing
• Not feeling like myself, but also no one else in particular and it's like "who am i" (blurring)
• Disassociation. HEAVY disassociation.
These are all the things that I could think of right now, so I really hope this helps!! I know DID and OSDD-1B aren't the same thing but I really hope this helps!!! (i don't know much about OSDD-1B because I completely forgot everything I learned abt it 😭)
But uhh ya that's all hope you have a nice day as well and good luck on your discovery journey! (Or not! Idk if that phrase goes both ways I'm sorry!!)
Edit : Also pls reach out to other systems please don't take just my take/view/whatever on it 🙏 ty
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garasu-no-haato · 28 days
Elio and Nadia 🥺
I'm still listening to the podcast rn. The voice acting is so good! 💕 (the sound design - or whatever it's called - as well, though!)
But sometimes I feel like I am listening to a Critical Role episode, that there's actually a video of this as well which includes some more (important) visual input? Or maybe that's just me not being used to listening to stuff like this as lot 😅 (Edit: The subtitles/transcript helped with this a lot! Sometimes I simply wasn't sure what I was hearing/what was happening)
Anyway, I hope others are enjoying the podcast as well and I am very much looking forward to the other episodes! ✨️
Edit 2: There are some spoilers in the tags!
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theramblingsofadork · 5 months
I just got hit with a new AU idea.
Think Sonic Generations, but it’s alternate realities clashing and colliding with each other.
Reality falling apart.
Characters meeting alternate versions of themselves as they’re randomly teleported from their realities to another one.
A battle hardened Tangle seeing Whisper for the first time since losing her and everyone else in the Restoration in her reality.
A Dr. Starline that never became evil, discovering his counterpart’s heinous deeds and being mistaken as him by a furious Surge and Kit.
Maria. Just how Shadow remembered her, but healthy.
And somehow, across the entirety of time and space, they all have to figure out how to work together to find the cause to and stop their worlds from melding before it’s too late.
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flamboyant-king · 4 months
are you going to stream as the cammy vtuber?
I meaaaan, I'll stream as Cammy vtuber to my friends, I'm not good at staying in character since I swear and rage a lot. (Maybe trying to stay in Cammy character will help me manage my anger and stuff haha or it will further worsen my bipolar disorder hgfjsdk)
I always wanted to play video games and make money off it, my old friend is getting successful off it right now, and even my dad would rather i make money off of playing video games RATHER THAN drawing. Which is kinda fucked.
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gav-san · 1 year
Look at me with my slutty Ganondorf fanfic giving my tasteful brothers some justice. Welcome to the temple of it’s time for more Ganondorf fic soon.
Thank goodness for TOTK and Matthew Mercers dub.
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