#got a little funky with my formatting for this one. not sure if i like it but you know... try something new
amalgamationink · 1 year
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Round 2, Group B: Matchup 2
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Makoto Naegi vs Ayin
Reasons for being generic + Propaganda below
Makoto Naegi
Lol he is literally normal in a group of weirdos . His only defining traits are an ahoge and green jacket. If you put him in a room of generic anime boys he would Not stand out. He would be lost :(
sorry for submitting a danganronpa character but his whole thing is that he's average. he says at the beginning of the game that even among the average, he's completely average. he's the one character in the game who doesn't have a real talent, having only have gotten into hope's peak academy because of luck, being the ultimate lucky student
Look at him. His talent is luck. Literally. Only normal person at the academy because he's literally just some guy and everyone else is "the best of the best" at something. Spends a lot of the first chapter (and a little of the next ones) being like "I'm literally just some guy"
He is a highschool student who describes himself as average in everything, liking whatever's popular, has messy brown hair and a hoodie, and is the protagonist despite only getting into the situation in-game out of luck. He gets two female love interests, he is the ultimate generic anime-style protagonist. He does become less average in the finale of danganronpa v1 and danganronpa v2, but until then he is the most generic boy one can be, and that generic boy swag is what somehow gets him women.
That's the #1 thing people know about him. His whole thing is that he's just A Guy. He's what you think of when you think of generic anime protagonist. He's got the power of friendship. He's handheld by the smarter/more powerful characters to a point where it's unnecessary but still ends up the leader because he has Hope and Believes in his Friends. He's just a decent guy! Also, my favorite character.
I mean. C'mon. His entire introduction is surrounding the fact that he's so average and boring that even among average people he'd be considered too average, his character development is the usual "With the power of friendship we can overcome anything!!!!", and his personality is that "nice mc with no backbone" type. He even has that generic anime dub voice
he's pretty funky
he's so silly tbh that's all also i actually like him more than hajime
He's bisexual and a short king (who is unfazed by the fact that he is short; unlike many characterswho are short he never mentions it once and I'm 98% sure that if someone else brought it up he'd just be like "ok...?"), also a very decent guy
He acts pretty adorable, and I find it hilarious how other characters outshine him in protagonist potential, which makes him an even more fun protagonist in my opinion.
His whole thing is that he's just A Kid in a peer group of what's basically super-kids. He's the epitome of what you think of when you think of generic male anime protagonist: - He's got the power of friendship. - He's handheld by the smarter/more powerful characters to a point where it's unnecessary. - Acts as the polite straight man to the insane personalities around him in an "well... whatever you say then 😅" kinda way. - Obviously in way over his head but still ends up the leader because he has Hope and Believes. - Also because he is the main/POV character and so inexplicably gets to figure out and survive things. - He has a little sister and parents who look just as generic as him.
he is also portrayed to be clumsy and flustered easily. Which feels like a very Generic Anime Teenager trait to have.
You know that one mspaint shoulder grip image? It's him in there. They don't know it's Ayin. Also he is essentially written to be the "self insert" protag in his game.
Black hair. Pale skin. His only unique physical trait is his eyes which are like yellow i guess.
you know the black haired guy from this meme (https://pbs.twimg.com/media/FukUjzSX0AM7KDR?format=png) that goes around every so often? that's ayin. no one knows it's ayin but it's him. also literally just look at him and tell me he doesn't look like he would fit in while sitting next to kirito sword art online like look me in the eye and say that to my face.
very generic from the black hair, but he has gold eyes and wears a labcoat. his other clone which is Manager X that you play as throughout lobotomy corporation is so so generic that he needs a paper taped to the front of his face to distinguish him apart from ayin. 
They don't know the shoulder grip image is Ayin.
look at him. he's black hair white coat generic shirt pants guy. he's the Shoulder Grip Image Guy but people don't even know it's him 
Messy black hair with bangs?? I'm sorry but it is literally just him. Just a guy with black hair and black clothes in a white labcoat. That is it. Do you know the ms paint shoulder-gripping meme? The guy with black hair with his back turned to the viewer is Ayin. Like I cannot stress enough that the meme was originally created as a piece of badly drawn Lobotomy Corporation fanart. As proof, if you compare the hair to his in-game sprite it is literally just him.
The only colour in this guy’s colour scheme apart from black and white is the gold in his irises and even then in many cutscenes those are hidden. He looks as if some random asshole was chosen from a crowd shot and was forced to become the protagonist that’s how bland this guy looks
short dark hair and white. like, #FFFFFF white. not even joking
Look at him. If you see fanart of him when you're not specifically searching for it you can never tell that it's him because he looks like every other generic male character. (Though I must admit the coat saves him in that regard.) Also [MAJOR SPOILERS] there have been quite a few versions of him running around in some form or another, which could be a plus if you take "generic" to mean "a dime a dozen".
His hair is generic, his clothes are generic, you can see a picture of him and you can never know if it's him or a random scientist without clarification 
He is frequently mistaken for Kim Dokja (shoutouts if he also gets submitted) from Omniscient Reader's Viewpoint and I think the fandom overlap between them is very funny. All that aside, I think Ayin is very neat as a character :)
Hes literally just a guy.
The world's most pathetic abusive father. Was too head over heels for a girl so he followed her to the ends of the earth to help fulfill her dreams. She was obsessed with trying to save people and while he didn't really care he wanted to be with her. They did save people for a while but then she "died" and he got like, super obsessive about trying to bring her back. Completely took advantage of the man that was obsessed with him this entire time as they worked to resurrect her. Eventually managed to create an AI implanted into her body only to get pissed off when she didn't have the same personality and mannerisms as she did. Proceeded to refuse to interact with said AI outside of moments where it was absolutely necessary and instead the man that was obsessed with him ended up having to do all the actual work to take care of her. Said AI works at his Delusions Will Murder You Facility to generate a profit for him because why the hell not. Man that was obsessed with him also got turned into an AI because why not. He did all this while looking like the most generic blank slate of a character imaginable.
he looks pretty average and can easily be mistaken for kim dokja from omniscient readers viewpoint if he gets in it together with dokja it would be super duper funny. 
Shoulder grip image guy
I haven't finished playing LobCorp yet, nor have I touched the sequel Library of Ruina, but already I want to dropkick this man.
Iconic for being the guy that’s gripped by the shoulders in that one meme that no one recognises. He’s committed so many atrocities he’s my favourite criminal scientist
this character is so generic that most people dont realize they've even seen him. he's been in 1 or 2 popular memes and nobody registers him as a character they just accept him as a "generic guy". it's a little funny
Just look at him.
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goldengroovy · 14 days
I like the headcanon format so what could be your hc for Renne helping shaving the head of a gn mc who decided to shave their head after a bad haircut ? Could be the first time or an habit between them because mc only trust her to do that.
Renee with a reader who wants a buzz cut! Set in Step 2 <3
A/N at the end!
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-> Renee is extremely nervous to do this.
-> You just came home from the barber or the salon, and you honestly were about to strangle whoever was cutting your hair. Renee gets that feeling too, when the barber cut her hair a little too short, but you managed to work around it and give her somewhat of a pixie cut.
-> You’ve cut her hair loads of times before! You’ve given her a trim, added layers to her hair, cut off all her split ends, you even dyed a small streak of her hair red. 
-> Its just that you guys have never done it the other way around. You trust Renee, she’s just not sure she trusts herself. I mean, what if she accidentally nicks you? Or what if she does it in a way you don't like? 
-> You help calm her down, and reassure her that ‘it's okay, you can find someone else to do it.’ You make her a cup of hot chocolate and play with her hair, which somehow always manages to calm her down.
-> But Renee is stubborn, she wants to do this for you. You've done so much for her! 
-> You'd fight back, but you know she's stubborn, and you honestly can't have one more second with your haircut, so you let her have this one.
-> You suggested that Renee can cut off little by little, that way, the task wouldn't be too daunting. 
-> Something that was so nerve wracking for Renee turned to something so fun.
-> You had a ‘Karen-cut’, and then you had your hair in pigtails and she shaved around it, and then she made checker patterns in your hair, until you finally got the buzz cut you wanted. 
-> Of course, you and Renee took some pictures every step of the way. Renee made one of them her wallpaper, even if she knew that the gang would make fun of her for it.
-> Unfortunately, you did get nicks a couple of times. It didn't hurt that much, but it looks like Renee was about to beg on her knees for your forgiveness. Of course, you playfully rolled your eyes and told her it was fine. 
-> You needed to get home anyways, since the distance between your houses is somewhat big. 
-> Before you parted ways, you gave her a kiss on the cheek and thanked her. 
-> She was dumbfounded, of course, blurting out a ‘you too’ as you were a couple of feet away.
-> It was a nice day.
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A/N: this might be the fastest thing I ever wrote
Uduajahs anyways dreamtydraw very funny how we have the same wife. this is great that means renee is twice as loved AWESOME SAUCE
this is absolutely inspired by that one guy on TikTok who kept coming up with those funky haircuts because he was planning to shave it all off
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animehouse-moe · 9 months
How I'm Tracking My Manga Reading Backlog
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I'm bad at keeping up with reading sometimes. I'll read newer releases while still forgetting about some, want to re-read something even though I haven't started on another series, and leave droves of titles sitting on my shelves staring at me.
I got tired of that, and also tired of all these different tracking websites and apps that don't do what I want. So, with Notion and a few other tools, I've set out to make my own, and I like it! So I thought, hey, why not share how I'm doing it and see how other people keep track of their lists, so that's why I'm here. Enough rambling though, let me lead you through why I decided to make my own.
So, the number 1 challenge: Automation. In truth, it's far from perfect and is the price I pay for being lazy. But, I can automate a significant chunk of the adding process. I've yet to find a proper way to go from barcode scanning on my phone to my reading list, but I can go pretty easily from an amazon listing to the reading list. With it I grab: title, author, publisher, page count, and cover image.
So what do I use?
Well, it's a funky and interesting thing called 'Bardeen' that allows you to scrape webpages (among other things), collect and properly structure the desired information, and then feed it right into your Notion database. It's a little odd to try and figure out at first, but it's surprisingly intuitive in how it works! Once you have your template setup, you just head to the webpage (I've found Amazon the best option) and hit the button for the scraper you've built, and it puts it into Notion.
It saves an inordinate amount of time in populating fields by hand, and with the help of templates from Notion, means that the only fields left "empty" are the dated fields for tracking reading.
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Thanks to Bardeen, the hardest (and really only) challenge is basically solved. Not "as" simple as a barcode, but still impressively close. Now, since the challenge is out of the way, how about some fun stuff?
Data visualization is incredibly fun for all sorts of people. Getting to see a breakdown of all the little pieces that make up your reading habits is very interesting. Sadly, Notion doesn't have the ability to build charts from your own databases, so you need a tool.
The one I ended up settling on was 'Grid.is', as it has a "direct" integration/embed with Notion.
Sure, it has its own "limitations", but they pose absolutely zero concern as to how I want to set up my own data visualization. You can have (as far as I know) an unlimited number of graphs/charts on a single page, and you can choose to embed that page as a single entity, or go along and embed them as independent links. Either way, the graphs are really great and there's a lot of customization and options in regards to them. Also, incredibly thankful for the fact that there's an AI assistant to create the charts for you. The way that Notion data's read in is horrendous, so the AI makes it infinitely easier than what it appears as at first.
And yes, all those little popups and hover behaviors are preserved in the embeds.
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Well, I suppose rather than talking about the tertiary tools, I should talk about what I'm doing with Notion itself, no?
Alright, so, like all Notion pages it starts with a database. It's the central core to keeping track of data and you can't do without it. Of course, data is no good if you can't have it properly organized, so how do I organize it?
With tags, of course! I don't have a massive amount of tags in place for the database, but I am considering adding more in terms of genre and whatnot. Regardless, what I have for the entries currently is: Title, Reading Status (TBR, Reading, Read, etc.), Author, Format (manga or LN), Date Started, Date Completed, Pages, and Publisher.
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In addition to those "displayed" tags, I have two tertiary fields. The first is an image link so that entries can display an image in the appropriate view. The second, and a bit more of a pain, is a formula field used to create a proper "title" field so that Notion can sort effectively (they use lexicographic, so numbers end up sorted as letters instead). This is the poorly optimized Notion formula I used, as I don't have much experience with how they approach stuff like this. It just adds a leading zero to numbers less than 10 so that it can be properly sorted.
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Of course this list view isn't my default view though, the calendar from the top of this post is. Most of the time though, I don't have it set to the monthly view, but rather weekly. Following up that view though, I've got my "up next" tab. This tab's meant to track all the titles/entries that I'm about to read. Things I'm planning to read today, tomorrow, or the day after. Sorta a three day sliding window to help me keep on top of the larger backlog and avoid being paralyzed by choice. It's also the only view that uses images currently.
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Following that, I've got my "To Be Read" gallery. I wanted to use a kanban board but notion will only display each category as a single column, so I chose this view instead, which makes it much easier to get a better grasp of what's in the list. I've been considering adding images to this view, but I need to toy around with it some more. Either way, the point is to be able to take a wider look at what I've got left in my TBR and where I might go next.
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So overall, I've ordered these views (though the list view I touch on "first" is actually the last of the views) in order from "most recent" to "least recent", if that makes any sense. Starting with where I've finished, moving to where I go next, what I have left, and then a grouping of everything for just in case.
It's certainly far from a perfect execution on a reading list/catalogue, but I think personally speaking that it checks off basically all of the boxes I required it to, and it gives me all the freedom that I could ever want - even if it means I have to put in a bit of elbow grease to make things work.
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Currently Reading...
The Eidolon - K.D. Edwards
Ok, so I loved this book. Max and Quinn were my favourite characters in The Tarot Sequence, so I was really excited to read a book from their point of view.
I'm not super into Anna yet, but that's probably a combination of her being younger than the others, and having not been so fleshed out in TTS. She's an interesting character, so I'm sure I'll connect more to her as we learn more about her.
The beginning of the book was a little boring, because it was repeating things that had already happened, but once it got into new plot, it was so interesting. It's weird that re-reading a book isn't boring at all, but reading the same plot from a new point of view always is. I'm hoping that the rest of this series focuses on new storylines - and I can't wait to read them!
But my Max/Quinn prediction isn't panning out so well, since it looks like Quinn might be asexual! I should be absolutely thrilled with ace rep, since there's just nowhere near enough of it, but weirdly, I like to read about all those funky little allos going forth and doing all that stuff I don't! I'm still hoping for a romantic relationship between them, though, since no comments have been made on his romantic persuasion. They need some true love in their life. And I'm convinced they're Tallas.
I bought a special edition from Rainbow Crate. As far as I can tell, this is the only physical copy available of this book - I'm hoping the rest of the series is also going to be available in the same format.
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The hardcover is really gorgeous - the dustjacket is the standard cover, that is also featured on the eBook. But it also has a reversible cover, which is equally nice! Personally, I like the original better, so that's the one I'll be displaying. There's also foiling on the hardcase, front and back, and there's stencilled edges as well.
The endpapers feature four different pieces of artwork, presumably by fans. And there's a page that looks like it been designed for a signature, although this isn't a signed copy. But maybe one day I'll meet the author and get it signed, you never know.
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thestraystarproject · 9 months
status report production wise...
so, about the latest update. you may have noticed i've been able to put out two updates in a single week, which is insane considering the short amount of time i've got to work on these, but a big help has been my recent decision to switch to a much quicker and more consistent method of updates.
you see, the stray star went through a few revisions on what type of media its updates would mainly consist of. first it was going to be mostly fully animated video game cutscene-esque videos with original music and sound effects. then, it was scaled down to special occasions for videos, but fully colored and self contained comic issues for each update.
finally, we have reached the current compromise, which is a few exceptions made to make fully animated videos when it might seem cool to do so, as well as some other types of media once in a while, but mostly sprite comics.
there are a few reasons for this, the first being as you can see being that it gets the job done much quicker. i can simply draw up a static background, get a few character sprites done for each fitting pose and expression, and set that bad boy rolling with the dialogue necessary.
the stray star is a big, BIG story, and i know it may not look it at the moment, but if i'm going to tell this whole story before i, oh, i don't know, end up doing this for like four years, i need to cut down on how much time it costs me to get these going. i want to at LEAST have arc 1 finished by the start of next year, and that's already a big ask.
but with this format of updates, things get significantly easier. therefore, you may see comics popping up significantly less. as for animated videos, there are some in store, but again, they will only show up when fitting.
that being said, one of such situations is the next video! i have the music ready for it and i'd hate to see that funky little baby go to waste. it's quite different from the demo i put up here a few weeks ago, so i wonder if people will get pleasantly surprised from hearing the newer version :3 i sure hope so!
so that's going to take a little longer. drawing all the sprites, looping animations, effects, arranging the video, all of that requires a lot of time to get going, so i'll do my best to work on that and get it to you as early as possible! we will see how long this takes...
there is one more thing before i wrap up this update. i think if you frequent the site enough you may or may not have noticed tumblr is kind of. uh. going through a rough patch. i'm currently hatching a plan to, if possible, move the stray star to its own neocities domain, however i have never made such a website before, and i'm famously bad at coding (believe me, if i could make tss a video game, i would, but i really and truly suck shit at this, plus it would require a lot more asset building than i already am doing). i have heard there are some ways to set up domains easily via using handy assets to set up a premade code n then customize, so i'll try that this weekend... and we shall see.
all this to say, as i work on the next update which will take longer because of its complexity, expect me to also try and set up a website for tss. i probably won't shut down this blog and will keep updating on it and will keep it up as an archive even if i decide to stop using tumblr, but if i can help it, i'll try to move most of tss there and spruce it up as a definitive gateway for the project.
well, that's it, see you all next update! (or status report... we will see)
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casualkhajiit · 1 year
Hey! This is an Intro Post!
Yeah I really did just see gerber make an intro post and started writing, I'm even gonna steal the layout he has! I'm so devious
Names, I don't have many to go by but I saw people rating theirs on twitter before and I like that format:
Casual 10/10 thats me!
CasualKhajiit 6/10 full name, real formal, I'm more...Casual than that (gettit? like my name)
Khajiit 3/10 I don't even play Skyrim anymore really
Cinna 3/10 my fursona's name, but she's more of a seperate character than 1:1 of me so its a bit weird to refer to me as her
Al 7/10 a nickname, only really for people who know me irl
My pronouns are She/They, I'm pan and taken
DNI if your racist, homophobic, a TERF, a zoophile, a proshipper, or just any of that icky stuff in general! Also I'm literally a communist so like if your some sorta bootlicker then uh, you won't like me! (but this is tumblr not reddit or something so I doubt thats much of an issue)
My blog isn't like, an adult blog, but it can involve topics and stuff not for kids! I'd prefer 18+ but I'm not that strict on it, if you run up to me and be like "I'm 9!" I'll be weirded out tho and probably block you or something
What you can expect to see here
Really, just whatever I reblog (memes and art) and whatever I post (art and random thoughts in the form of text posts). I don't use Tumblr for much other than fandom stuff so expect mostly that. I try to draw more fandom stuff but honestly I fall back on drawing my fursona a lot because I'm used to drawing her, I cannot draw humans very well so it'll probably be furries or cats mostly! I wish I could write well but like, nah, I've tried - I'll leave the writing to my boyfriend lmao
I think my asks are open, I'm not sure on how this website works I'm like an old decrepid man so if they aren't actually on then whoopsie daisies!
Disco Elysium: Spoilers now ok! Love the lads, and I swear that is the funniest book game in existance
Splatoon: I don't actually play all that much anymore but I am HERE for the music and idols, I don't know a lot of lore but I'm here for the ride
Warrior Cats: Its like one of my oldest fandoms, I don't follow as closely anymore but I'm there for it. Like, all my music taste is from Warrior Cats MAPs, them funky animated cats got taste, y'know?
My own (and my friends) ocs: ok it doesnt technically count as a fandom but they're all that exist in my tiny brain! All the thoughts in my head are abt them! There's like nothing else in there!
Jujitsu Kaisen: No manga spoilers!! I am a little bit obsessed with this show, to the point I made a bargain with my boyfriend (who does not like Anime) to get him to watch it
The Boys: No spoilers I'm only on season 2! This was my end of the bargain mentioned in the fandom above, and now I am kinda obsessed with this too- Frenchie and Kimiko <3
Art as a whole: I just like trying different art forms, from 3D modelling to digital art to painting to sculpting to fursuit making, its very fun 10/10 would reccomend
The grand finale
yep thats me
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duckymcdoorknob · 2 years
Houston, i’m sad as fuck. Can I please have an emergency request?? I noticed you haven’t written any for Big Windup yet, and I would feel so honored to be the first. Can I request Mihashi and Tajima comforting their best friend who’s hopelessly in love with someone? Thank you 😭😭 (also why is the safari formatting for this so strange??)
Hi Anon!!
First of all, I felt you with the safari formatting. It’s so funky for no reason 💀💀
I hope you’re feeling a little better now!! If not, I’m here to help :)
I know all about being hopelessly in love, so I hope this can be comforting for you!!
I added a little of my own twist at the end. I hope it will still suffice!
Please let me know if you need anything!
CW UNDER THE CUT: reader is attracted to males in Tajima’s scenario.
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𝑅𝑒𝑛 𝑀𝑖ℎ𝑎𝑠ℎ𝑖
You and Mihashi had became friends in your first year of middle school.
You’d always felt a strong connection with him. He just seemed like the kind of support system you’d appreciate having in your life.
Once high school arrived, love lives arrived for the two of you. You both made a set of rules. Rule one, you wouldn’t fall for each other. Rule two, you’d be there for each other during heartbreaks.
While Mihashi didn’t seem to have any crushes, since he was so focused on baseball, you had found yourself infatuated with someone in your class.
You hadn’t talked to your best friend in a couple days, since he had a big tournament coming up. So, you asked to take him out for ramen and told him you had to tell him about someone.
While not thrilled to have such an important secret on his shoulders, Mihashi agreed so he could spend time with you again.
“Ren they’re just amazing! Their eyes are so pretty, and they play (sport/instrument) isn’t that just something?!”
“Y-yeah! Totally!” He beamed in reply, completely uninterested.
“And they’re really funny. They care about people above all, plus they’re super respectful. I’ve liked them for so long. They always check in on me every day and- agh Ren I think I’m in love!” You whined, dramatically throwing your wrist onto your forehead.
You and your friend burst into giggles, ready to dive into your dinners.
“Just um… J-just make sure you’re careful! I-I would hate to you up-upset over them.” Mihashi said with as much firmness as he could muster.
“No worries, Ren. I think they’re the one I was destined to be with.” You chirped in reply before you picked up your chopsticks.
Dinner went without a hitch! You were happy to catch up with your best friend, and even more happy to learn all about him and Abe becoming closer.
Over the next few weeks, your pining for (Crush’s name) didn’t stop. If anything, it only got worse. You decided that it was time to take your chances.
One fateful day after school, you wrote a small note explaining your feelings. Now, you just had to wait for the right moment to give it to them.
The right moment presented itself to you during third period. They had dropped their notebook out of their backpack! Score! You picked it up and tucked the note inside it.
“Um, (C/N)?” You asked, tapping their shoulder.
“Mm?” They turned to face you.
“You dropped this. I wanted to make sure you had it, in case it was important!” You chirped, handing them the book.
“Ah, thank you!” They beamed in reply.
After school ended, you frantically texted back and forth with Mihashi about your confession. Eventually, you just decided to pop into his house to hang out with him.
“You n-need to get your mind off of this.” Mihashi said sternly, turning on your favorite movie and making popcorn. “L-let’s watch our favorite movie, and have a whole bunch of popcorn!”
You didn’t need much more reasoning to comply. You cuddled up right next to Mihashi and all of your worries melted away.
The next day, you were walking in with Mihashi and were met with (C/N) standing by your locker. “Good morning, (Y/N)! I got your note.” They said with a patient smile.
“I-I’ll leave you to it.” Your best friend said before turning around to catch up with some teammates.
“I’m sorry to have to say this, but I just don’t return your feelings…” (C/N) said a bit sadly, “Don’t get me wrong! You’re an absolutely incredible person, and whoever does get the honor to date you will be the luckiest person in the world, but I just can’t see you in that way. I’m sorry.”
Fighting back tears you smiled patiently, “There’s no worry to be had. Thank you for being honest with me. And likewise to you, the right person will be very lucky to have you.” With a slight bow, you turned around to find someplace to be alone.
When you arrived at your usual solitude spot, you immediately burst into tears. You texted Mihashi to simply say “no go.”
Within minutes, the door to the empty room you were in opened, and arms enveloped around you. “I-it’ll be okay.” a voice whispered.
“R-Ren-“ you whimpered, “Why does this a-always hap-pen?”
“I’m not sure.” He replied, running his fingers through your hair, “The g-gods always have some weird stuff planned.”
“Maybe it’s just me… I’m probably the problem., you know maybe it’s j-”
“Stop right there.”
Mihashi seemed to have lost all of his usual sheepishness in that moment. “You are not the problem. I don’t know what they may have said to you, but you’re not the one at fault here. Just because someone doesn’t return your feelings, doesn’t mean that you are the issue.”
“You’re an honest catch. The person who ends up sweeping you off your feet will be someone very lucky to say the least. You’re an incredible support system for anyone you meet, and you continue to grow and amaze me every day.”
“You, (Y/N), are an amazing human being. And anyone who doesn’t see that, I swear I’ll-“
He was cut off by you diving onto him and pulling him into a hug. “Thank you, Ren. I’m so happy you’re my friend.” You whispered.
Mihashi happily returned your hug, holding you close and smiling. “I do have to tell you something…”
You looked up, immediately concerned. “What’s wrong?”
In a mousy voice, Mihashi avoided your gaze and said: “I broke rule number one.”
Your heart suddenly leaped in your chest, had it seen something you hadn’t before? “Yeah?”
“Maybe I’ll need to break that rule myself”.
(C/N) was long forgotten that day, given that you had found the one who would be by your side forever.
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𝑌𝑢𝑢𝑖𝑐ℎ𝑖𝑟𝑜𝑢 𝑇𝑎𝑗𝑖𝑚𝑎
Sweet boy Tajima had been your best friend since diapers. Your moms were childhood friends, so they were quick to introduce the two of you.
When high school came around, the brunette had grown into an incredible young man. You knew that there were bound to be people fawning over him.
“Oye, Yuu’. We have to set some rules about relationships.” You said in a firm tone, “I don’t want you getting a partner and leaving me.”
The pinch hitter smiled, “Don’t worry. We’ll start with two.”
“Go ahead.”
“Rule number one! We can’t fall in love with each other.” Tajima said with a deadly serious face, “I know I’m dashingly handsome, and hard to resist, but you must!”
Giggling, you nodded, “Rule number two?”
“Rule number two! You can’t fall in love with any of my teammates.” He said with a cocked eyebrow, “I know, I know, we’re all just incredibly attractive, but you have to have some self control! I can’t have my best friend dating my teammates! I wouldn’t want to have to kill any of them for breaking your heart!”
You saluted him with a goofy look on your face. “Understood, sir!”
The two of you burst into uncontrollable laughter, barely able to keep your composure at your antics.
Overtime, you had begun to attend all of Tajima’s games. You wanted to be the best support system that you could be for him. And through those games, you met Azusa Hanai.
You found yourself falling hard for Hanai. You adored everything about him and your crush grew stronger and stronger every day.
One night, you called Tajima to just shoot the breeze with him.
“Yuu’, you won’t believe it, but I have such a big fat crush on someone it’s so bizarre.”
“Yeah?” He asked, putting his phone on speaker and scribbling down math problems in his notebook. “Tell me about them.”
“It’s a boy. He is super sweet and always checks up on me. He seems really intimidating, but he’s actually so dorky and kinda timid? I’ve liked him for about two months now, and I think I’ve fallen in love.”
“Sounds pretty serious.” He replied.
“I think… I think I’m gonna ask him out tomorrow.”
“Go for it. But... just be careful now. I don’t have enough of your favorite snacks on hand. Plus you know how much it hurts me to see you cry.”
“I know, Yuu’. I’ll let you know how it goes.”
After that, the two of you stayed on the phone talking about anything and everything. Among that everything was your plan to ask out your crush. The two of you decided on giving him a flower and telling him face to face.
The morning came and you rushed to purchase a small rose. You found Hanai after school and approached him anxiously.
“Uh, Hanai?” You said, tapping his shoulder.
The boy turned around, smiling upon seeing your face. “Heya, (Y/N)! What can I do for you!”
You toyed with the leaves of the rose with your thumb and forefinger. “I uh-“ you squeezed your eyes shut and sighed, “Ireallylikeyoualotandiwantedtoknowifyoudbemyboyfriend-“
“Woah woah, wait show it down.” The captain said with an amused smile.
“I really like you a lot, and I’d like to ask you to be my boyfriend.” You said, giving him the rose.
Hanai took it with a shocked look on his face, “I- oh. I am so very flattered, (Y/N). I just don’t return your feelings at this moment. I’m so sorry.”
“Oh! That’s okay!” You chirped, “I am happy you were honest with me. Please, keep the rose.” You said with a bow and a smile.
“Once again im so sorry-“
“It’s not a problem, Hanai. When you find someone who you love, they will be truly lucky.” After that comment you smiled and turned away from him.
You retreated to the rooftop, your usual favored spot to be alone. Your tears started flowing harshly and you couldn’t help the whimpers that ripped from your throat.
Meanwhile, Tajima spotted Hanai in the dugout. He said his usual hello to his teammate and prepared for practice. He noticed the look on his friend’s face. “Everything okay, Hanai? You look troubled.”
“Yeah I just had to reject one of my classmates’ confessions.” He replied, picking up the rose, “and they gave me such a pretty flower too.”
“Flower…?” Tajima asked absentmindedly. Suddenly it dawned on him. “No-“
“No no no!” The cleanup hitter almost fell over from the speed in which he took off from the dugout.
Tajima sprinted to the rooftop, knowing exactly where you’d be. “(Y/N)!” He cried out breathlessly, upon seeing your sobbing figure.
Your best friend immediately pulled you into a pretty forceful hug, still running in 3x speed. “I’m so sorry. I’ve got you, you’re gonna be okay.”
You hugged him back as you stained his white jersey with salty tears. “G-God im such an idiot… I never should’ve-“
“You’re not an idiot. You’re in love.” He replied in a whisper, taking hold of your hand.
“Yes I am! He doesn’t even like me and it’s my fault. Maybe I was just too forward. Maybe he just isn’t attracted to me because I’m not pretty or my personality is weird or-“ you blubbered, breaking out of the hug.
Tajima physically covered your mouth with his hand. “Stop. I won’t let you talk about my best friend like that. You made the right decision. You are the most beautiful and talented person I know. You have the most lovely smile and laugh and you shine brighter than the sun. Anyone who isn’t in love with you is in denial.” He stated firmly.
You released a watery chuckle, “Heh, Thanks Yuu’. I just wish I listened to those stupid rules you gave me. If I didn’t break rule number two, things would’ve been fine.”
“To hell with the rules!” He yelled absentmindedly, grabbing both of your shoulders gently. “I break rule number one every day and it hasn’t ruined any-“
Tajima broke out of his ramble with wide eyes and a blush that spread to his ears. You stared at him, lips parted and eyes hopeful.
“Um. You can forget I said th-“
“No!” You yelped, “I mean-“
The two of you stood on the rooftop, stuttering out answers back and forth for a good half hour. When the deal was sealed, you returned to the field with Tajima, hand in hand.
He’d have to kill Hanai for making you cry, but for now Tajima was content with knowing you were finally with the person who would love you for who you are.
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spyroforlife · 1 year
Aight I’m doing it, gonna explore some of my VERY OLD writing, the first “books” I ever wrote. Gonna use the tag ‘my old writing’ for this if ya wanna block it, but anyway it is time for me to reminisce >:) I’ll probably devote a post to each book I decide to post pics of, and I’ll likely do a format where the cover page will be in the main post, and the rest under a read more. Now without further ado…
ah yes. The label on the shoe box I kept all these in. Love how I wrote this as if it would actually stop anyone from opening it
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(it has my full name on there so I of course blotted that out lol)
Ahh gotta love that old school Microsoft Office clipart. Anyway it is time to open the box and select my first victim
OH I forgot I also used this much later on to store letters that were written to me in basic training (gently moves those aside)
…I’ve made a fatal error, this box doesn’t have my most ancient stories, it has ones from slightly later on in my childhood. NOO where is my Charmander and Torchic story!! Ah well I may have to delay this adventure until I rescue the early stories from my storage unit, but for now. This will do.
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Once upon a time (probably before 2008 but idk when exactly) my older brother made the fatal mistake of revealing to me that people will actually go on the Internet and just post weird lil stories :O Like they’ll just write something funny. And post it. And other people can read it. Wow!
Naturally, I wanted to try it, and came up with a really ridiculous idea about giant weiner (or wiener, I kept changing the spelling) dogs that ended up morphing into a multi-story saga where it turned out the giant dogs are actually ALIENS and Earth ends up destroyed, also it features me and my older brother as self-inserts which he thought was GREAT. The best thing? None of this actually made it onto the Internet but I sure did print out the whole dang story, make a cover, and then tie it all together with nice gold thread. More under the cut
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I just wanted to post the full first page so y’all can get an idea of the ridiculousness of my early writing. I was probably like. Actually I don’t think I was even 10 yet. Or maybe I was? Ehh about 10, maybe a little older but I’m relatively sure I wasn’t a teen yet. My brother helped contribute parts of this (like the strange, funky business part) but most of this was written by me.
As you can see the gross out humor is in full effect. Of course. As I was a young child who watched Nickelodeon. Moving on
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A small excerpt I just happened to enjoy. “Let’s go drink the sacred toilet water!!” is quality dialogue let’s be real here. From here on out I’m just gonna share my titles from each story
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This is the start of the second story in the series, and it heralds a running thing with me criticizing people if they happen to skip stories and read out of sequence
“if you had even bothered” TWEEN ME WITH THE SNARK
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Yeah said picture of Kibblion is actually what was on the cover page. Made in MS Paint, to everyone’s shock I’m sure
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I don’t care what anyone says, I was funny back then. My older brother said so which means it’s true
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How much do you wanna bet this one wasn’t actually the last story? Don’t bet anything, it actually was, whoa :O I had a thing back then where I liked doing Animal House style epilogues so-
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I promise there was context to all this. My self insert (Kari, of course) and the guy from the start, Joe, got to go to Kibblion and we inexplicably turned into alien weiner dogs ourselves. I think I handwaved this as “radiation”
My brother (Chris) got to be the villain who also survived Earth’s destruction and he had psychic powers just because.
the weiner dogs have a thing in their society about not eating animals unless they’re dangerous ones, hence them pulling bullshit like “oh this animal is tasty but not a threat? Oh- we’ll make it dangerous then :)”
Other names are just other random characters, mostly weiner dogs. but uhh yeah. There you go
the random shit I wrote back then. I promise I’ll dig out the truly old stuff but ohh my god looking back at this series was so funny. Maybe I could transcribe it all and post it to AO3. I already did that with some other old stories of mine which can be found here so. HmMM >:)
well lemme know what you think and I hope you enjoyed this ridiculous nostalgia trip
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wadbot · 2 years
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PIMP.WAD: PIMP.WAD MAP24 (-368, 976, 180) Author: All the various WAD authors Jeremy Sammons Date: 1994-11-22 Description: This is a collection of 27 Doom1 wads which have been converted to Doom2 format usind WadCat and Wad1to2. They are deathmatch wads specifically designed for 2-player DMing. They are, in my opinion, the very best doom1 wads, both in terms of playability and design. The conversion process changed some things that could not be helped, and the various doom2 editors out do not seem to let me correct the problems with ease, so some levels, such as ledgesi, may be a little different than you may remember. Nevertheless, these wads are the very best out there. When I converted them I changed all the shotguns to super-shotguns. Make sure when you play them to use the -timer option; otherwise you will not be able to exit some levels. They are, in order: madmax bigempty jhldth1 par-002c pueblo house myhouse tnplhome usqe1m1 kill church tourney hitmeinf ledgesi subway11 area8 joi-cm1 blob slapme butt trideath peace markroom phucked ledges4i markrm3 october These wads look excellent as well as play well. Manyof the top ranked wads on the DM Wads ranking sheet play well but are designed poorly; not so with these wads. I have played hundreds of different wads, and when these wads were converted to Doom2, a very important and beautiful change took place on many. You first see it in the 4th wad, but you get the full extent of it in Pueblo wad. Im sure the author had this in mind when he made it. Some notes on each wad: Madmax: this is a new wad, but an excellent start- ing wad. The music is fitting; it is a pleasant surprise, seeing as how the sounds and music come from blob.wad. You will see what I mean. Bigempty:I made some minor changes to this, but it still remains an excellent shotguns-only wad. Jhldth1: This is my all time favorite wad. Its fun to play in, fun to wander around in, and any style of fighting can be used. Par-002c: I think this was named something else originally but Im not sure what. I got it out of another wad collection as I could not find it on the various sites. The background fits the theme well, but not as well as in... Pueblo: absolutely beautiful. Well designed, originally made for a pro tourney, but never used. Unfortunately the oven texture gets pasted onto the wall of the BFG secret room in ledgesi for some reason during conversion, and other places too, but its no big problem. House: A classic wad. Nothing but fun. Well made, with weapons placed strategically. myhouse: A very recent wad, but lots of fun. Goes after house perfectly. tnplhome: Another home, wad, I made minor changes to it to make more weapons. Check out the toilet and the stove. usqe1m1: This is a college Student Union I think, and its a lot of fun to run around in, although not quite in the same vein as with myhouse. kill: Another college building wad. church: I tried to add a missle launcher to this, but for some reason the editing program wouldnt let me. But I did add deathmatch starts (which it did not previously have) and some shotguns and other weapons. Remember, God does not like BFGs on Holy Ground. Tourney: A wad created for a tournament. hitmeinf: a good arena wad, lots of fun. ledgesi: The conversion process made minor changes to make this wad not as fun (it removed the missle launcher for some reason) but it is still the all- time classic wad. subway11:Like church, this wad was not originally for deathmatch play, but the minor changes I made make it a lot of fun. You will see why when you meet up with a guy in a tunnel. area8: This wad looks neat, and is fun to play, although the strategy level is not quite to the level its design would lead you to believe. joi-cm1: Oh Joi! A small castle wad blob: This wad is the largest in the collection, but you can still find frags pretty easily. Its a good hunting wad. This is where the funky sounds come from. slapme: Another tournament wad. butt: This one has lots of secrets, another classic wad. Trideath: a good set of arenas. The dark is fun. Peace: another classic. There is a secret here which will hand you the match if you find it. Watch the lmp for clues. markroom: the classic arena wad phucked: an interestingly designed wad, annoyingly fun to play in. ledges4i: ledges's big brother. markrm3: transporters can be annoying but also fun. October: another small castle wad, well designed. When you play this wad, I suggest you put in a -timer 5 or 3 or 7 limit in it so you can go through all of them. Our floor will be using this for a tournament. Thanks to all the guys on my floor who helped with the selection process; you don't know how long it took me to weed through all the wads out there and combine them in the proper way.
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spicebiter · 2 years
Ooooookay! I got my new DS set up completely with all the hacking and lil extras done and done. Some things of note to dust off my brain:
It's now clear just why this system was priced so cheap. It arrived without the system being formatted and with the SD card still loaded with the original owner's pictures and videos dating all the way back from 2016- so for a console that old it's in very good condition all in all, especially since from the photographic evidence it had shared ownership between a teenager and a younger child. Likely the person listing it was the older of these two and was listed more for the purposes of making some quick cash, hence the oddly low price despite no major defects.
The thumbstick cover is gone and it didn't come with a stylus- both things that were noted in the listing and not surprises, I can replace both easily. It has the typical scuffs on the outer casing and hinge areas but no areas with cracks or stress marks indicating weakness in the casing and no scratches on either screen though there is one strange spot that appears to be a tiny cluster of dead pixels which isn't uncommon for a console this old and owned by the demographic it was.
Because there are no major issues with the casing I don't think I'll replace it- at least not right away- since I've already been looking in to matte metal covers because I hate the glossy feeling of the New 3DS's outer casing (I MUCH preferred the feeling of the 3DS XL's casing. Because any replacement casing would have that same glossy feeling and it can really only be solved with a cover, and there are no extreme issues with the cases as is, I can't justify replacing it right away. I know of places that sell just the outer shell pieces so if I wanted to make it pretty I could just get those.
Anyway, this is my first time interacting with the New model 3DS and honestly design-wise I think it blows compared to the original model. The SD card slot being locked away behind the casing and only accessible by removing screws is a hassle and is more of a feature I would expect from the 2DS as it was designed to be more geared toward young children and the ones you'd have to worry about getting at something delicate like that. The gloss is Gross and the placement of the stylus and cartridge slots is icky and off kilter for anyone who's ever used another model of DS. I do enjoy the placement of the power, select, start, and home buttons compared to the old models though the way the 3DS XL had their home, select and start row as proper buttons rather than a panel like the standard 3DS was still just fine and didn't necessarily need changing. Functionally, though, I can't argue with results. It's quite a bit faster than my 3DS XL was and it's capable of handling games that are a bit more beefy so I can even play PS1 games on it and that's Pretty Cool. All in all it's not an awful console by any means I just don't much care for the design changes to the console's exterior, and even then I'm sure I'll adapt and get used to everything that's a little funky.
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jayextee · 11 months
Mega Man: The Wily Wars
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Because of course my journey through classic Mega Man would take me through the versions officially made for my favourite console ever.
Wily Wars is an odd beast. On paper it's fine; a Megadrive remake of the first three games with some additional content for those who complete said trio of titles. They look fine enough and sound okay (YM2612 variants of the tunes are in my eyes a large case of Your Mileage May Vary™) but they've got some weirdness about them for sure.
To start with, the visuals are usually wonderful in their own way; not really showcasing the Megadrive's visual flair as much as they could, but servicing as a slightly-fancier redraw of the originals. Mega's sprite looks a little weird though, and there's some slight hitbox dissonance that may throw-off fans of the original. By and large, I've no problem with the rest; it's sometimes actually kinda nice to see a large boss sprite without a flat black background accompanying it. But then again, other times have a completely different atmosphere because of this. Again, it's fine.
And they sound fine, too. As in 'okay' -- the Megadrive renditions of the tunes largely being inoffensive and having minimal 'twang' associated with the format; but as a side-effect of this, very few of them are memorable. Indeed, the only tune I can bring to mind right now is Shadow Man's from MM3, because dat Megadrive bass actually does wonders in giving the piece a funky new feel. Most of the rest are serviceable, forgettable, alright.
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Gameplay, then; the most-important element of any videogame (ignore the haters, all three of them, it is!). Mega controls fine, perhaps a little on the sluggish side when trying to 'twitch' toward a platform edge for a further jump, but nothing majorly serious. Firing, however, is another story. Most of the weapons function fine, but there's the odd occasion (Hard Knuckle I'm looking right at you) where the speed is so out of whack that it becomes almost unusable as it was in the original game. That, plus the plain old buster shots seem to move in slow-motion, three of them lingering onscreen; especially when running in their direction; for much longer than desired. As if to knowingly 'fix' this little problem, the potential firing rate of them has been slowed down from "almost as fast as you can mash" to something like 1/4 a second. It's not ideal, although it serves as something of an incentive to use the special weapons more, I guess.
It's worth noting that a fan-created patch exists that fixes the buster shot speed among other things. I may play with this in the future, if it improves the proceedings, but I digress here.
So the three games are fine-but-not perfect. If you want a 1:1 recreation of the NES trio, it's probably better to stick to those unless you really want the fixed Top Spin this collection has. But! There's that 'Wily Tower' thing, a whole new minigame unlocked when beating the three main titles, as something of a challenge for those who've mastered them.
Except it's not. The interesting thing it does offer is a user-chosen 'loadout' of eight weapons chosen of any of the game's selections; plus three of the various support items, be they Magnet Beam or the numbered Items or the Rush support tools. However, probably because of this, Wily Tower is actually very easy indeed. It's little more than a curio, and not too interesting one at that; the mix-and-match nature of the weapons extends to the level gimmicks and enemies and gives the minigame more than a little of the same feel a fangame or hack may have. It's there if you want more Mega Man, but it won't absolutely Rock (Man) your (Mega) World or anything. 3/5
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TSB_Formative feedback changes & review
After both the formative feedback and another review discussion with Emil in class. I played around with some of the suggested feedback i got. Unsure of whether i like all of the results, however, the points that Emil made were definitely valid - especially with regard to some overall page formatting and composition elements.
After telling Emil i had issues with colour matching my digital and printed booklets, he suggested i change the colours back to RGB from CMYK (i think indesign chooses automatically when printing between the two). I was having issues with this because i changed my workspace to CMYK to so i need to figure out how to reset it. Hopefully this will resolve my colour printing issues.
> Front Cover
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[Image is rotated for easier viewing]
I changed the title to be completely regular (removed the italics)
Removed the full stop on my title and changed tribute to exploration
Changed to Type Specimen Book
> Rationale
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As per Emil's feedback on the order of the start of my booklet he said to put my rationale first, pepeha second and then the history. So i've done that.
He also said to see if i could fill the blank space, as i said the page felt a little bland, putting a letter or symbol of some kind he said could work.
Enother thing with the overall booklet was to add some of the red from my tarten (on the covers) into the booklet as i had kept it to green and black text & graphics until now. So i started playing with that to see what elements would look best in the red.
At the moment the first and last spreads are my favourite, composition-wise as they are the most balanced with scale and colour.
I will see what looks best on the other pages with the header and footer information as to whether to keep them red or not.
The red definitely does add interest, brightens the page and creates more contrast (especially in hierarchy).
> Pepeha
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Next is my pepeha spread. I began with making the text on the left side larger and it definitely looks more balanced, especially in relation to the photograph on the right.
I am more drawn to the bottom two spread where i have made the pepeha text red. It draws more attention to it but not too much that it leads away from the left side (scale of that balances the colour i think).
I also moved the header text about the font information down to the footer. A suggestion from Emil to reduce clutter at the entrance to the page and not to confuse the reader with the entry what the page will be about.
I may move the title to the left so that the entry point of the spread introduces what it is straight away. However, it does look good above the pepeha as a sort of title for it.
> History
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I changed the left side of the history spread a little as well. The suggestion from Emil was to again create a point of entry for the page (title of sorts). So i had a play with putting a drop cap in the first paragraph and making a title looked too unnatural no matter where i placed it.
I also made the text (now in red in the paragraph) smaller so they don't draw the eye straight to the middle of the page.
> Ampersands
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I thought why not have a little fun with adding more red. I don't want this booklet to give off Christmas vibes but i do plan on printing it on off-white paper and do intend to make sure the colours are rich but not too crisp and bright.
I think the red looks funky and could definitely work to be a bolder spread in the booklet.
> Writings (don't know if i will give this page a name or if so what to give it)
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This one als had some minor changes. Just to match the paragraph/title formatting of my rationale i thought i would make the titles larger and in red as well. I think it definitely livens up the spread a little.
Again moved the text specs to the footer. Will see whether i change footer and page numbers to red or not.
> Anatomy
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I didn't change this much apart from header and footers.
I have been hesitant to make the small text any bigger as it may crowd the spread.
I am hoping once i can print this nicely that the small text will be readable.
> Stylistic alternatives
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Again only smaller changes. I decided to make the footnot red just to add a pop of colour to the spread and i think it works well. I tried making the text red but i think that may be too much in the scheme of things.
> Serif modulation / the big W
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As suggested by Emil i moved the W away from the image. I also move the image up further to put more emphasis on the W which worked. I also made it red so it popped more.
The only thing i need to decide is whether to have the small explanatory text, inside the W, match the red or not (?)
Other than that i think the small changes made a big difference with this spread.
> Diacritics and ligatures
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I only moved the headers and footers on this one.
Decided to keep it green for the sake of the readers eyes given the size of the text, it would be too much if this was red - especially with the white text.
I trialled it with red and black though and i could see that working if it were printed correctly and on the right paper stock (matt one and not with a super shiny print finish with the ink). It definitely creates more visual interest so ill see with that one.
I don't know whether the header is too close to the text being left aligned (did this to match the other pages) > may change back to centre aligned but it is a good entry point to the page that immediately tells you the title of the content.
> Punctuation, numbers & number styles
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Made some more noticable changes to this spread.
I highlighted the flower in red and changed the outline colour of my Papa's birthdate to red as well > then made the captions that explained the significance of those two things red as well to visually link them.
For more visual symphony, as Emil has mentioned a couple of times it would be good to outline another number. I didn't really want to do that as outlining only one of them did have significance (as explained in the caption on that page). But i did trial it with some of the other numbers - not to sure how i feel about it though.
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64bitgamer · 1 year
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lindsaywesker · 1 year
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Good morning! I hope you slept well and feel rested? Currently sitting at my desk, in my study, attired only in my blue towelling robe, enjoying my first cuppa of the day. Welcome to the weekend!
Wow! Here we are again: Friday! Where did that week go? No, seriously, where did that week go?
Yesterday, I got some bad news. Mixcloud have totally destroyed the format of my show. They have now said that, if we want to be on their platform, radio broadcasters can only play a maximum of three songs from one album (and no more than two consecutively) and a maximum of four songs from one recording artist (and no more than three consecutively). This means that the ‘tributes’ can only be scheduled if the songs are staggered throughout the show and the two-hour tributes are dead in the water! This is NOT the end of the world but it doesn’t allow us to pay FULL tribute to the really major acts. How can you do a four-song tribute to Luther Vandross? It's an insult! Whoever made this rule knows little about radio.
Really enjoyed my dinner last night with some of my favourite people. We went to one of London’s most iconic restaurants, the breath-taking Brasserie Zedel in Piccadilly Circus. You feel like you’re in another country in another century. It’s bloody noisy in there but the food never disappoints!
In my new, crazy, chaotic world, Friday is relatively chilled. I only have 1-2-1 Zoom calls from 9.00 until 2.00. The Trouble and I can both work from home, which means I can provide a steady supply of hot drinks, and we can share a hot bacon salad. Naturally, I am thrilled to be so busy (particularly as I love my work) but Friday’s lighter workload is much needed! Ah, hear that sweet sound? That’s the sound of the weekend!
Tomorrow, we will go down to Hove and spend 24 hours with Lady Wesker. She will fill us in on all the local and family gossip, and we will help her make sense of modern technology. She has all mods cons but I’m not sure she knows how to use them.
Hope you can join me tomorrow at 1.00 p.m. for ‘The A-Z Of Mi-Soul Music’. Tomorrow is The Letter L (Part Four). Executive Producer is silent listener and one of my oldest friends, Stephen Conway.
Have a fabulous and funky Friday! I love you all. You’re probably thinking, “You don’t even know me!” but, if people can hate for no reason, why can’t I love?
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aztrareia · 1 year
[Working title: a-z || cendent]
Hello! It’s me, i’ve been asleep for—maybe not the most of my day. I’m still fortunate that I’m able to sneak in some wip updates, and quite a bit on linearts, edits. One thing is for sure, my cold is sorta worse now. More sneezing, my throat feels dry (pls I’m almost about to finish the throat lozenges), and just now, a runny nose.
So, what’s happened with this so far?
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Clothing details—better ruffle details, a bit of change to some of the details, yadda yadda please refer to the attached photo (above). The left leg, I am very tempted to add fishnet stocking details. But I tried a little bit and it looks a bit cheap? So I might leave it as a sheer white color layer, or just skin. I’d agree it’s a strange stocking design but I’m happy with it. Sort of. I’m working as fast as I can but in moderation since I’m also trying to stay not too sick.
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Elongated nails of death—I wear the shortest nails irl (longer ones interrupt with concentration) and some details of this chara (long nails, the funky eyebrows) are vestiges of the past chara designs. I also think it gives her a sort of menacing vibe?? Pretty but don’t mess with me sort of mysterious lady. But very much a softie. I just—like to dress her up okay? The dangly bits are inspired from the MV for [Honey], by Solar. Any sort of dangly bits on nails look cute imo, function-wise I think it’s a nightmare.
The overlap of nails + veil + hair is going to mess with me in the coloring stages, especially that veil. I’ve temporarily put color overlays on them so I don’t get too confused when I start cleaning layers before coloring.
I also need to start putting down the details on the—torso, what do you call this? I’ve also began to think the logistics of how the thing should stay up if the sleeves are that low—I might add a few supports. As sexy as she looks right now it would be quite unfortunate if we run into wardrobe malfunctions. I also think of dumb shit like this when I draw.
The arms are sort of inspired by those Henna details on hands, but these are definitely made of silver or gold material—I like that kind of simple design with jewelry. Just long strands of metal, we all good.
There’s also an abundance of teardrop gem pieces. But I am not about to go into a meta discussion about tears becoming blah blah blah blah blah—
Imagine coming here for an art breakdown just to walk into a sob story. Which it is not, by the way, I just don’t have the strength to go into that detail right now. I’ve turned this part into a bulleted format because neither you, nor I am very fond of big blocks of text.
[In other rambling news]
I’m still quite disappointed with a new book I’ve gotten recently. It was supposed to help me figure out my coloring dilemma but all I got was a bunch of instructions that showed really okay photos. But you don’t really get much out of, “add shading,” without showing you where or how—I’m stupid. I really don’t understand how or like putting shadows on my art. I’m not a fan of the gloomy look it sometimes gives. Even if I use something like a brighter color—it just reminds me of how I shade my other art style [see: “Wounded” series a few posts below, makes the shit look cute, but for this art styles I don’t really want it to look cute…]
I’ve since tried to reach out to people if they are interested in taking it off of my hands. I don’t see it as a waste—the book really just wasn’t for what I needed it for.
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