#got told by a friend about him being weird to tommys mom
dyketubbo · 6 months
sometimes i think dream has a big big wheel of people to harass and bully and like its color coded by what type of minority they are and when he spins it and it lands on a person with multiple colors he starts jumping with glee and clicking his ankles together. which is to say what the fuck dude. can someone kill this freak already
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nburkhardt · 1 year
Somebody Loves You, You Got A Friend.
Hello! This is my abo teenage parents steddie fic I talked about a few times. Wrote it a while ago for myself, never felt quite confident for sharing. But after sharing the few snippets, here’s the start! There’s real no end to it, it’s mostly slice of life with nearly no real plot. (Title is from Spaceship by Andy Grammer)
Some info you should know: it takes place in season 2. Originally wasn’t going to include the upside down but switched it to have it. ANYWAY, enjoy the start! It’s mostly Steve angst and only a hint of Eddie lol.
So, here’s the thing… Steve never keep his secondary gender a secret. In fact, he was quite proud of it. Mostly because it pisses his dad off to no end, and well, pissing off his dad is one of his and his mom’s favorite past time.
With that said he was definitely proud to take after his mom and for being a male omega. He knows it probably pisses more people off than they let on and really, that makes his fucking day.
Sometime around the time he entered high school, his status went sky high. He didn’t mind, though finding true friends was rough. Especially when Tommy and Carol glued themselves to him within a few hours of knowing him. Since he didn’t keep his omega status a secret, they thought he was weaker and needed to be protected. With Tommy being an alpha and Carol a beta, they decided to be best friends. It pissed him off, but at the time he didn’t have many friends. But of course, he’s not weak. He knows how to protect himself and even others.
His life gets flipped upside down, shortly after Nancy Wheeler calls him ‘bullshit’ in a bathroom at a dumb Halloween party.
It’s been months since Will Byers disappeared, thought dead and found alive. Also months since Nancy’s best friend fucking died while sitting at his pool. All while he and Nancy were in bed, they only found out in the next morning at school.
Nancy’s words send him spiraling down immediately, because unlike her, he does or did love her. So in a blind panic, he leaves the room and then the house and straight into the forest behind. Freaking out and sobbing as he went.
He didn’t know how long he was there, all he remembers of the night is panicking and then someone that smells of smoke, rain and freshly cut grass, helps him to his car and on his way. With only a matchbook with a number on it sitting on his passenger seat as who helped him.
In the morning, he gets ready for school, kisses his mom on the cheek and goes on his way. Only pocketing the matchbook as he parks in the school parking lot.
The day is simple only because he avoids Nancy as much as he can and then nearly get his ass handed to him by the new big alpha in town, Billy Hargrove.
“Should plant your feet, pretty boy”
He rolls his eyes, “shove the fuck off, Hargrove”
Billy is about to do another shove, he can’t figure out why to be honest. His scent is currently covered by scent blockers, the one thing his mom told him to take. When he notices Nancy waving him down, so he goes willingly to that danger instead.
It’s nothing but anger from her, it’s rolling off her in her scent even with a blocker, “Why didn’t you pick me up?”
He scruffs, “because I’m apparently bullshit?”
She at least flinches at that. But doesn’t apologize, at least, not the way he’d like. She does try to excuse it all by saying she was drunk and if there is one thing he took to heart from his asshole dad; drunk words are sober thoughts.
The final kicker of the whole conversation: her not saying “I love you” after he pleads her to.
He decides after that, Nancy Wheeler is someone he refuses to be with.
If you made it this far great!! Because after this the real fun begins 🥳 meaning Eddie is actually there and you get to meet my favorite person, Janet Harrington… Steve’s mom! This was just getting things mostly set up. I hope it doesn’t seem too weird with jumping around or weird phrasing lol.
(Btw, I don’t necessarily keep to everything everyone does in abo fics. I go with whatever I like and easy to work with. So there’s scents, mates, pack easy things. Nothing too explicit either, I’m definitely not confident enough to post smut hahaha.) OH AND IF YOU HAVE QUESTIONS OR WANNA TALK ABOUT THIS AU MY MESSAGES AND ASK BOX IS ALWAYS OPEN!!!!!
Permanent Tag List: @spectrum-spectre @itsfreakingbats @mysticcrownshipper @artiststarme @thereindeerlady @justforthedead89 @ronniescontinuum @freyaforestafay
Also those who liked my snippet: @zerokrox-blog @callme-keys @maya-custodios-dionach @rajumat @yellowdevilkitten @munsonfamilyband @steddierthings
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The Graduation Lineup
Ship: Steve Harrington x Henderson!reader
Summary: Billy Hargrove comes between you and Steve at graduation—but only by last name. Additionally, you finally find out Steve's middle name (among other things).
Word Count: 5,899 words
Warnings: Billy, Stancy mention, flashbacks (aka weird timeline/narration), little bit of self-pity from Steve, fluff
Note: Set in season 2! Also pretend Tommy's last name comes after Henderson so that you get stuck between him and Steve.
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☟ Continue below the fold ☟
Graduation practice was held inside the school gym. You'd been there for an hour at least, waiting for it to start and then going through the list of names to get everyone in the right seat and spot in line. They were on F now. Your leg bounced where you sat, but from boredom, not from nerves. While everyone else was panicking about who they would have to sit next to for the entire ceremony, you knew who you would be next to—and you were happy with it. It was the same boy you were already sitting next to: Steve Harrington.
It was a little weird, you thought, that it all worked out so perfectly. That there were no other Hs separating Harrington and Henderson. That Harrington was the one you had gotten so close to over the past four years, but particularly close to in the last semester alone.
The vice principle got through the Fs and into the Gs. Soon.
"You alright?" he asked you, seeing your bouncing leg.
You nodded. "Just impatient."
Steve smirked, a signature King Steve smirk he hadn't quite shaken. "Got somewhere to be, Henderson?"
"I have to pick up Dustin from Mike's, they all had a sleepover last night. Not that Dustin minds staying over a little longer, but Mom does. She doesn't like him being out of her sight for too long these days."
Steve's eyes went glassy, like they did when he thought about what happened that night for a little too long. "Yeah, well... Can't blame her for that one."
"I don't," you said. "Not when Dustin still has nightmares."
Shock flickered across his face. He opened his mouth but then—
He stood, grinning down at you. "See you in a minute."
You gave him a tiny wave goodbye as he walked away and waited a second for your own name to be called. The vice principle watched Steve take his seat, then looked down at his list.
Your heart stopped. What? Shit. You'd forgotten about Billy. You bit back a groan, glancing around the gym to try and spot him. There was no movement.
Of course you'd forgotten about Billy—he wasn't even here. Not to mention, he hadn't been here for eleven years. It had just been you and Steve next to each other for a solid eleven years. Steve on one side of you, and his (former) best friend Tommy on the other. Tommy had always been pissed that you separated them, but Steve had never minded, and he certainly didn't now.
"Not here today?" the vice principle said. "Alright, the next student should leave the seat next to Steve open for him." He looked back down at his list and called your name.
You walked to your spot—next to the empty seat—as if in a trance. You sat and looked over at Steve, who looked just a blindsided as you.
Your gaze dropped to Billy's empty seat. "But..."
For some reason, it felt like a betrayal. It felt like the world was ending.
You're overreacting, you told yourself. Just calm down.
But you had been next to Steve for eleven years. Every roll call they organized you by graduating class; every assembly; every Department of Education required testing. You had been in the seat next to Steve for your PSATs and SATs, stealing glances to find him sitting with his eyes huge, not a thought in his head, and trying so hard not to giggle. Then laughing about it after, when the proctors let you all leave, and the two of you exchanging a knowing look the moment you left the classroom.
Over time, especially after the demodogs, Steve grew to be something like your best friend, although, if asked, you'd probably say Nancy was your best friend. You'd grown up with her, too, when Dustin spent the night at Mike's.
(Which made you feel slightly like a traitor when, after all that had happened between her and Steve, you couldn't help but tolerate him enough to like him.)
But you also knew what happened that night in the Byers' house. You knew Billy and Steve had gotten into a fight bad enough to knock Steve unconscious and leave him banged up and bloody. You knew Billy hated him more than ever after that, even though it had been Max who finally knocked Billy out, and you knew it was the promise Max extracted from Billy that kept him from trying to finish the fight with Steve "properly."
So you knew that the look on Steve's face was not just from being separated after eleven years. You knew it was also from terrible fear, overwhelming fear.
The vice principle had gotten to the Js. You hadn't heard any of them, hadn't even noticed Tommy H. sit next to you. You just stared at that empty seat where Billy should have been—where you should have been.
You considered yourself fond of Steve Harrington.
He'd saved your brother's life, after all, and the lives of Dustin's friends. Dustin had wasted no time in telling you just how great his new hero was, despite the fact that he was falling asleep in the back of the car when you'd rushed to Steve's house to pick him up, late at night.
"And he took his bat—the one I told you about, with all the nails, that one—and he just started bashing with it. And then, and then, and then, when the demodog got on the roof of the bus, he pushed us away so it couldn't kill us!" He smiled sleepily in the back, visible in your rearview mirror. "You shoulda been there. You shoulda seen it! He was awesome, just...just so awesome... So bitchin'."
You would have reprimanded him for his language (even though it wasn't going to stop him), but he was already asleep, without even finishing his story.
Had it surprised you? A little bit. The King Steve you had known was nothing like the Steve in Dustin's story, but you didn't doubt Dustin. You'd seen a change in Steve the past semester or so. But you'd sat next to him for eleven years, gotten to see a side of him that he didn't let the rest of the school see. And when you'd gone to pick up Dustin, the boy before you was deserving of your sudden fondness for him.
"Hey," he said, greeting you from where he leaned against his car, next to the open door revealing Dustin in the back. "I would have waited for you at the Byers', but I know this is closer, and it's late, so—"
Dustin shouted your name, hopped out of the car, and ran to you, hugging your legs tightly. He'd pretended to be fine when Steve called, but you could tell he was terrified and glad the whole thing was over from how tightly he hugged you.
You looked up at Steve, leaning down just enough to wrap your arms around Dustin's shoulders. "I can't thank you enough, Steve, really." He waved away your thanks, but you talked over him. "Seriously, Steve. Thank you. If anything had happened to him, I would've..." You looked down at Dustin, at a loss for words. "I don't know what I would've done."
"Yeah. Just..." Steve shrugged. He seemed embarrassed to be standing at his car, giving back your brother like two divorced parents and their child. "He needed help and...I was around."
You prodded Dustin toward the car. "Go get in the car. The back, I've got too much stuff in the passenger seat."
He nodded, stifling a yawn and heading to the car without protest.
You looked back at Steve. "Thank you. Again."
Steve nodded, his eyes locked on yours. "Any time."
Without really realizing it, you closed the distance between you and Steve and threw your arms around him, squeezing him tightly and trying not to cry into his shoulder. He stood frozen for a moment, but then his arms came around you and squeezed. For some reason, you remembered he was dating Nancy Wheeler at that exact moment.
"Hey..." His voice was impossibly soft. "Hey, it's okay. He's okay. They're all okay."
You pulled away from him, sniffling and wiping your eyes. "I... I'm sorry. I don't know why I..." You shook your head. "Long, hard day, I guess."
"Don't worry about it," he said, in a tone so gentle and kind that you didn't.
So yes—you were fond of Steve, and that fondness grew when he visited more and more and more often to visit Dustin, or take him somewhere when you couldn't, and you learned through Dustin's endless chattering that Steve and Nancy had broken up a while ago, so you felt a little less guilty about the hug.
You considered Steve your best friend. You might have considered him more than that, if not for your friendship with Nancy.
(Although, did that really matter, when she was happy with Jonathan and comfortably over Steve?)
But you were far less fond of Billy Hargrove.
In fact, you were quite positive that you despised Billy Hargrove.
Even before knowing what he had done to Steve, to your brother and his friends, you had hated him. You had seen him antagonize everyone, from the poor, already outcast nerds, to the popular clique like Steve. Everybody suffered at the hands of Billy, one way or another. Even Max—or, perhaps, especially Max.
Regardless, you hated Billy. And now you had to sit between him and Tommy H, instead of next to your best friend? God, these were going to be a rough couple of hours.
On your way out of the gym, you found Steve waiting for you at the door.
"I know you've gotta go pick up Dustin, but after that, do you wanna—"
"Steve, I will do anything you want as long as you let me vent. I can't believe I'm stuck next to Billy Hargrove," you complained.
He snorted. "Yeah, believe me, you're not alone there. Jesus, I wanna punch him again."
"Hey." You put a hand on his chest, stopping him. "Don't start anything you can't finish."
Steve brushed you off and kept walking. "I didn't say I was going to, just that I want to. And, believe me, I really, really want to."
"We'll just ask Max to do it."
He groaned. "Don't remind me that I needed a twelve-year-old to fight my battles for me."
"She's thirteen." Steve gave you a look. You giggled. "Alright, alright. I'll leave you alone."
He pushed the front door of the school open and held it for you, following you out. "Okay, so, you need to vent, I want to go out—milkshakes later?"
"Yes, please," you nearly groaned. "But you do realize Dustin is going to want to come, right?"
Steve rolled his eyes. "You don't have to tell him. Just...bring him home and I'll pick you up at one?"
You rolled your eyes back at him. "The instant you show up at our door, Dustin's Steve-senses are going to tingle and he's going to hop in the front seat before I can. He's practically attached at the hip to you."
Steve laughed. "You have a point there. Alright, fine—Dustin, too."
You split away from him to head to your car, only for him to follow you. You realized he'd parked next to you. "We'll meet you at Benny's!" you said, getting into the front seat. He nodded slowly and waved you off. You returned the wave and left the school parking lot behind.
It was only after Steve was just a figure in your rearview mirror that it dawned on you he'd phrased the whole thing differently from just a regular hang-out with the group.
"But after that—"
"I want to go out."
You glanced back out your window, not daring to identify meaning of the twist of anticipation in your chest.
Dustin slurped loudly on his almost-finished milkshake. You and Steve, who were only halfway through your own milkshakes, made eye contact over your glasses and giggled.
Your little brother looked up from his glass. "What? What's funny?"
"Nothing," the two of you said in unison. You glanced back up at him and your stomach did flips. The expression on his face looked like your fondness felt. It looked like the face Nancy had described to you, back when she was still sort-of in love with Steve—before Barb died, and before the Upside Down.
You and Nancy lay spread out on her bed, your legs hanging over the end of her bed, her feet curled up behind her, her knees at her pillows. Your hears were right next to each other, turned toward each other so you could see the huge smile on Nancy's face.
She was half an hour deep into telling you about her date with Steve. "And he just...he had this look on his face, you know? Like there was nothing else that mattered. Like I was the only thing left in the world. The only girl left." Without even realizing it, she had brought her hand up to her hair, curling it in her fingers. "His eyes, they were so...so soft and so open. And his hair was falling into his face, he'd been blowing it out of his eyes for hours, it was so cute, ridiculously cute, but he stopped trying to get it out of his face when I giggled at him."
You giggled at her. "You are so in love with him, admit it!"
Her grin got impossibly bigger. "That...that's the thing. I think he wanted to say it to me."
Your eyes widened. "He was gonna tell you he loved you?!"
"I think so," she whispered. "But then the door opened, and it was loud, rowdy teenagers, so we just glanced over at them and started to laugh and—" She giggled. "And then it was gone. But it was there. He wanted to say it to me." She paused and, in a whisper, added, "And I think I wanted to say it back."
You shrieked with joy, reaching for her and tickling. "Nance, oh my God!"
She giggled, batting her hands away. "Stop it, stop it, I can't breathe!"
"Have you told Barb yet?"
Nancy's mood darkened a tad too much for your liking. "I don't think she'd like it. She's not a...huge fan of Steve."
"Oh, come on, if you're happy, she'll be happy for you, right?"
Nancy rubbed her arms. "I don't know. I hope so?"
"Just tell her, Nance, she'll be okay. She'll get it." You grinned at her again. "Oh my God, I can't believe it, you're in love with Steve Harrington!"
You tore your eyes away from Steve, looking back down at the milkshake he had insisted on buying for you.
"Do you think they're going to say our middle names when we graduate?"
"Huh?" You looked up. That expression of Steve's was gone. "Our middle names?"
He shrugged. "Yeah. You know, we're just walking up and they're saying our whole names."
You blinked at him.
"They're supposed to," Dustin said beside you. Your heads turned toward him.
"They're supposed to say your middle names. At least, most high schools do it for graduation. Did they not do it during rehearsal today?"
"No," Steve said. He groaned, thumping his head into the table. "Damn it."
"Why?" you asked, giggling at his melodrama.
He lifted his head back up, sipped on his milkshake, and said, "I hate my middle name. I hate it! It's so...stupid."
You bit your lip, trying not to laugh again. "Well, now you have to tell me what it is."
Steve scoffed. "Absolutely not."
You leaned forward across the table. "Tell me."
"No," he insisted.
"No way!"
You found Steve's foot with your own under the table, making him jump. "Come on, Stevie... Just tell us!"
"We're gonna find out anyway," Dustin piped up from beside you. "They're gonna say it at graduation!"
Steve shook his head resolutely. "No. They might not, because they didn't at practice, and if they didn't, I'm not embarrassing myself by telling you now."
You rolled your eyes at him. "It can't be that bad. No parent would name their child something that awful."
He snorted. "You have clearly never met my parents."
"No, I have not, but now I would like to," you said. You'd heard him complain about his father being a "grade-A asshole" before, a phrase Nancy had confirmed he'd used multiple times about his father, but you'd never seen just how bad he was.
Steve shook his head, going back to his milkshake. "No, you don't," he said quietly. The look in his eyes—like a sad, lost, kicked puppy—shut you up effectively. So you let it go, drinking your milkshake happily.
Dustin twirled his straw around in the remnants of his whipped cream. "Did I tell you about the project Mr. Clarke gave us? I might need help setting it up, but he wants us to make a machine out of stuff we have around the house."
Steve brightened. "Is it a Rube Goldberg machine? I remember those! I think I used mine to open the door to my patio..."
"Yeah!" Dustin grinned. "Mike, Lucas, Will, Max and I have a contest to see which of us can make the best one. I already know Mike's getting Nancy's help, and Will's getting Jonathan's, and I think Max and Lucas are collaborating to make two separate projects, so I could really use you guys to help..."
In amongst Dustin's chatter, you glanced toward Steve, finding a small smile on his face as he watched the kid talk animatedly. Dustin pulled a napkin toward himself and started sketching out vague plans for his machine. You felt Steve's foot move beside yours. You glanced over at him as he started playing a subtle game of footsie with you under the table.
You stifled a giggle, smiling at him in a way that was far too friendly—or, rather, not friendly enough. That look came back on his face, the lovey dovey look Nancy had gushed so much over. You understood why now. Had the roles been reversed, you would have gone straight to her to tell her all about the way Steve Harrington looked at you like he was in love with you.
That tight feeling in your chest came back, a simmering, traitorous hope nestling in your heart and not once listening to the screams of your brain that you should not, absolutely should not, fall in love with your best friend's ex.
Steve propped his head up with his hand, that dreamy look in his eyes intensifying. His lips pursed slightly before they fell apart, pure wonder in that small, involuntary motion.
To hell with not falling in love with your best friend's ex.
You lifted your foot a little higher, catching the cuff of his jeans and slowly but surely tugging up. Steve gulped, pink dusting his cheeks. You felt a brief but distinct shiver of glee.
Dustin pushed his empty cup away from him, the scraping on the table drawing your attention away from Steve. For a moment, you feared Dustin had caught sight of your not-so-subtle flirting and was about to call you out on it, but then he yawned.
"Can we go home?" he asked you, his sudden tiredness evident in his voice.
"You didn't sleep at all last night at Mike's, did you?" you asked with a sigh. "Because if you had, this sugar would be keeping you bouncing on the walls for the next four to five hours."
He shrugged. "It was a long campaign." His eyes fluttered, his head drooping. His body slid toward you, your shoulder being the only thing keeping him upright anymore.
Love and guilt crashed over you at the same time. "Oh, don't fall asleep on me here, I can't carry you to the car anymore, Dusty—"
"It's okay, I've got him," Steve said. He paid the bill in cash and got up from his side of the booth, gently pulling Dustin out from under the table and out of the restaurant. You followed, a glimmer of warmth in your chest. You'd heard Dustin and the others jokingly refer to Steve as their dad; now you could see why.
You unlocked the car for Steve and he put Dustin in the passenger's seat and buckled him in. Dustin mumbled softly—you were quite sure it was a little 'thank you'—and Steve closed the door as gently as he could.
Steve turned back to you, his hands going to his hips. "He's all yours."
"You'd make a great dad, Steve," you said gently, unable to stop yourself, or keep the gentle smile off your face. And when he smiled back at you, you felt like you had flashed ten years into the future, a mom standing and watching her husband carry their sleeping child to the car, doing everything in his power not to wake him.
"I've, uh, always wanted to be one," Steve said, the admission quiet but confident. "Ever since I knew I could be."
"Oh, Stevie..."
He rubbed the back of his neck. "What? It's just...I like the idea. Of being able to be there for someone and guide someone through life and have a family of my own, you know? Like—a big one. A big, happy family."
"I'm not judging you, Steve," you said, hearing the defensiveness in his voice. "I'm not. It's cute. It's really cute. I'm glad that you know what you want in your future."
He sighed, kicking the ground. "Yeah, well. Doesn't help to know what I want if I can't get there."
You raised an eyebrow and waited for an explanation.
Steve shrugged awkwardly, looking the most helpless you'd ever seen him. "There aren't exactly a line of girls just waiting to make King Steve's dreams come true." He bit his lip. "They just want me for a night, if they even want me at all, and then I don't—" He stopped himself short, taking a deep breath, his eyes dropping to the asphalt beneath you. "I'm sorry, this isn't... This isn't the time or place for this. I'm sorry."
You stepped closer to Steve, leaving only a few inches between you. "Hey," you said softly, bringing his gaze up from the ground and back to you. "It's okay. I understand." You caught his hand in yours. "Steve?"
He hummed, his gaze still on your hand holding his.
"You meant for tonight to be a date, didn't you?"
He blushed, but very slowly, he nodded.
Your heart fluttered in your chest. You hesitated, then said, "Do you want a hug?"
The question very nearly made Steve burst into tears. He nodded, accepting your arms around him instantly. He squeezed tightly and you returned the pressure, sensing he needed it. "I'm sorry," he whispered into your ear. "If it was weird, I'm sorry, I should have made it more clear that it was meant to be a date—"
Your hand drifted behind his hand, tangling into his hair. "Don't apologize. You don't have to apologize for wanting to be wanted, Steve. I should have known you wanted it to be just us—and not on babysitting duty." You bit your lower lip, possessed by a sudden boldness. "And, for what it's worth, I'd want you for more than a night."
He went tense and then lax in your arms. "I... What?" He leaned away from you, just enough to see your face but not enough to leave your arms. He whispered your name. "What are you saying?"
You offered him a tiny smile. "I think you know, Steve."
"Say it," he breathed. "Please. Please, I want to hear you say it."
You pressed your forehead to his as his hand lifted to your cheek, fingers brushing over your skin with a reverence you'd never felt before. "I want you for more than one night, Stevie. I want as many night as you'll give me."
The sound he made was both holy and sinful. You really hoped the windows to your car were closed, because that was not a sound you wanted Dustin hearing—especially not from Steve, not while you were wrapped up in his arms and he was in yours.
Steve moved before you did, leaning in but giving you the time and the chance to back away from him. You did the opposite, meeting him in the middle and kissing him softly.
Nancy had not done his kisses justice in her descriptions of them. Though, you had to give her credit, because it was next to impossible to find a good way to describe the gentle pressure of his mouth on yours. There was certainly nothing to compare it to, except for that heady, wonderful feeling of getting out of trouble scot-free, or that beautiful feeling when a choir sings a perfectly arranged chord in a high-ceilinged building.
You whispered his name into his mouth, a prayer on your lips, a desperate cry for more of him. He hummed into your mouth, sending shivers down your spine, and his hands gripped your hips, pulling you even closer to him and then wrapping around you once more.
"Every night, Steve," you whispered against him when he stopped kissing you to breathe, though his lips remained against yours as his chest heaved. "I want you every night."
He groaned. "Don't say that," he whispered. "Don't say it if you don't mean it."
You cupped his face in your hands. "I wouldn't have said it if I didn't mean it. I want you, Stevie. All of you, all of the time."
He whimpered. It was a beautiful sound.
"You know..." His words were choppy, split up by his heavy breaths. "If it weren't for your brother in the car, I'd take you home if you'd let me." You opened your mouth, but he put a finger your lips. "Shhh, don't tell me. Don't tell me if you'd let me. Don't let me know what I'm missing out on."
You smiled at him, toying with the hairs at the back of his head. "Kiss me one more time, Stevie. Please, baby."
He grinned. "Well, because you asked so nicely..." And his lips were on you again, and it took everything in you not to moan your relief that he had kissed you again.
Heaven. His kiss was like absolute heaven.
When he finally let go of you, the air between you had changed, filled with a pleasant glee. For the first time in a long time, you saw that Steve's eyes were bright.
"Get your brother home," he told you. "And I'll see you tomorrow. Oh, and, one more thing?"
You reached for his hand, caressing his skin. "Yeah?"
"How about we keep this between us for a few days? Just until graduation." He grinned. "Surprise everybody. I'll walk across the stage and stop to wait for you and we kiss and walk off together—"
"You're forgetting something," you said, shaking your head. "Billy's between us."
Steve's face fell. "I could...wait until he's gone?"
You laughed. "Stevie..."
He sighed. "Well, it was a good idea while it lasted, right?"
"It was cute," you agreed. "Just like you are."
Steve beamed.
"Don't worry—we'll still surprise them all," you said. "We'll just wait until we pose for photos, and right when they snap a picture, we'll lean in and you can give me a big, dramatic kiss, alright?"
"I like that idea just as much," he said, smiling. He nuzzled into you and kissed your cheek. "Get yourself home safe, hun. Okay?"
"Okay," you said. You let go of him slowly, reluctantly getting back in your car. He waited, waving to you as you pulled out of the parking lot, before he got into his own car.
About halfway down the road, Dustin stirred. "I hope the reason you took that long is because you were confessing your feelings for Steve," he said, his voice thick with sleep.
You glanced at him out of the corner of your eye. "Go back to sleep, Dustin."
"So he confessed, too," he mumbled. "Good. You need each other."
You bit back a smile. "Whatever you say, Dustin."
"Yeah...whatever I say..."
You stood in line, your heart beating out of your chest. You were surprised no one around you had told you they could hear it.
Billy was standing in front of you, seeming ridiculously tall in his graduation cap and gown. Behind you, the cap and gown seemed to make Tommy even shorter than normal.
Your eyes went wide and your head whipped very quickly toward an embarrassed Steve. You'd heard him groan when they had first started graduating seniors by calling middle names, too, but you had not been expecting that.
No wonder he hadn't wanted to tell Dustin—the kid was never going to leave him alone about this.
Billy walked. You waited until your name was shouted into the room. You could hear Steve cheer as he went back to his seat, and Dustin cheering up in the stands. You shook Principle Higgins' hand and accepted your diploma, practically glowing and feeling on top of the world.
When you were seated and Tommy H. was following you back to his seat, you leaned forward to see around Billy.
Steve groaned. "Shut up. Please. Please."
"I can see why you didn't want to tell us," you giggled.
Tommy leaned around you. "You know, you could've told them not to say it."
Steve's eyes went huge. "I could have?!"
He was quickly shushed by the administrator guiding students to the stage. Stifling giggles, you and Tommy sat back in your chairs, waiting for the end of the ceremony to tease him endlessly.
Lover's Lake in June—busy, overcrowded, full of children.
Lover's Lake in June past six at night—still full of children, but just the ones you were keeping your eyes on with Steve.
The party was having an adventure in the water, shouting at each other, the occasional D&D term thrown in. Max and Eleven were a ways away from the group, shrieking and holding their arms up every time the boys splashed the water too close to them.
Steve looked at his watch. "Hey, guys! It's almost eight! You've got fifteen minutes before we gotta get you home."
Max lifted up a hand, giving him a thumbs up, despite the boys not hearing a thing.
"Especially, you, Dusty, you have to go to camp tomorrow!" you called. You got no response.
"Jesus, they never listen, do they?" Steve sighed.
You leaned into his shoulder. "They listen, they just like yanking your chain."
You and Steve sat together at the edge of a dock, feet in the water, his pants rolled up to his knees and his arm around your shoulders. You held a copy of your graduation photo—the photo, the surprise photo where Steve had turned to you and kissed you right as the camera flashed.
"My mom framed her copy of this, you know," you said, handing him the photo. "It's sitting on the hearth."
He grinned. "I'm glad it turned out so well. I was worried it would be all blurry if I didn't time it right." He nuzzled his face into your temple, pressing a series of quick, gentle kisses there. "How'd Dustin take it?"
You laughed, your eyes straying to your brother, who was being tackled by Lucas. "He already knew! After I got in the car, he told me he hoped the reason it had taken me so long to get in after him was because he wanted us to be confessing our feelings to each other."
Steve snorted, loud in your ear. You shied away and he whispered a quick apology. "Of course he noticed. He notices everything."
"Not that it was hard to see we were hiding something from each other," you added, turning to catch his mouth with your own. He hummed into the kiss. "You spent all of that night looking at me with your 'I love you' eyes."
He raised his brows. "Oh, my 'I love you' eyes, really?"
You nodded, giggling at him and pressing closer to his side. You set the photo down behind you as he pulled you into a hug with both arms.
"Well, you weren't exactly the most subtle, either," Steve said, kissing your nose.
"Oh, yeah? What did I do?"
Steve brought his hand up to your cheek, brushing his thumb over your cheekbone. "Oh, you know, you get this look on your face. When you thought I couldn't see you, I guess. You'd look over and it was like...it was like you'd relax." He smiled. "Like seeing me was all it took to calm you down from whatever stress you had."
You smiled. "Yeah, I guess you do kind of have that effect on me." You ran your gaze over him. "You know...you're giving me those eyes right now."
His voice was nearly a whisper. "Good." Steve kissed you deeply, cupping the side of your face to hold you close to him. "Because I do." He squeezed your hip with his other hand. "Because I do love you."
You stared at him, mouth dropped open.
Steve turned red. "I know it's soon, but I—"
"Kiss me."
"Okay," he whispered, leaning back in. When his lips met yours, you lifted your hand into his hair. He sighed happily into your mouth. He wrapped his arms around your waist.
And then it dawned on you. You pulled back from him. "Steve, it's too quiet."
You both looked at the water, half-expecting the kids to be gone, but they were all still in the lake—treading water and staring, silently, at you and Steve.
"What?" Steve asked slowly.
Dustin made a face. "Dude. My sister."
Steve rolled his eyes. "Dude. My girlfriend!"
"You're just as bad as El and Mike," Will groaned, setting off the shouting once more.
Steve glanced at you. "We're not that bad, are we?"
You shrugged. "I don't think so."
He kissed you again. "That's all that matters." He looked back at the kids. "Alright, come on, out of the water! You're not getting in my car soaking wet."
While the kids groaned and complained, Steve stood and offered you his hand to help you up. You took it, kissing his cheek once you were upright. His hand still in yours, you made your way to the car.
Dustin called your name. "Have you seen my towel?"
"Right here, Henderson," Steve laughed. He picked it up from the chair it was flopped over and handed it to him. You leaned into Steve, letting go of his hand so he could wrap his arm around your waist. He kissed the top of your head.
"See?" you whispered to him. "Good dad."
A glint entered Steve's eyes. "Someday," he said, and you got the feeling his someday included you.
You covered his hand on your hip with your own and looked up at him. "I love you, Stevie."
"Still my sister, Steve!"
Steve didn't take his eyes off you and his voice was soft, too soft for Dustin to hear. "Still my girlfriend, Henderson."
☞ ❊ ☜
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Stranger Things // Steve Harrington
Taglist: {comment and let me know if you'd like to be added to the S.H. taglist!} @ohatropa@nix-rose@live-the-fangirl-life
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theycalledmebaby · 2 months
| steve harrington x fem!reader | 18+
summary: flashback to the first time Steve Harrington made you cry.
warnings: angst.no smut. typical middle school bullying? mention of shitty dads. not edited.
series masterlist | series mixtape(coming soon)
October 2002
7th grade, end of the school day. Boys II Men’s “End of the Road” plays on the radio, sending chills down your spine. You’re trying to keep your composure as your mom asks how your day was, battling back tears. It’s a cruel twist of fate that this song is playing right now. Not only is it the end of your friendship with Steve, but this was one of the few songs you both agreed on.
Growing up, your tastes in music diverged—you leaned toward hip-hop and R&B, thanks to your younger parents, while Steve Harrington was all about pop. Backstreet Boys, NSYNC, Britney Spears, Celine Dion—those were his favorites. Despite your differing tastes, you both shared a love for movies and cheesy drama TV series. Except during his weird Titanic phase when he made you watch it every weekend, or the fact he hated horror movies, which drove you crazy since you loved them.
Steve’s parents were strict about the media he consumed, while your mom, being younger and more lenient, wasn’t as restrictive. This meant Steve was always reporting back about your music choices or horror flicks, especially when Eddie Munson was around.
You met Eddie when you were eight—he was your mom's friend’s kid, and since your mom often babysat Steve, the three of you were inseparable. Steve and Eddie got along well, but Steve’s jealousy over your friendship with Eddie often led to him tattling on your movie nights.
Yes, Steve Harrington, once a nerdy, goody-two-shoes tattletale, evolved into the King Steve everyone adored. But his sensitive side, the one who’d cry during The Lion King and learn Grease dance moves with you, was never truly hidden. He’d hold your hand during thunderstorms, kiss your scraped knees, and walk you to class every day, always reassuring you when you cried.
Steve was your first in many ways—the first best friend, the first boy to kiss you, but also the first to make you cry and break your heart.
The first time Steve broke your heart was when he started dating Nancy Wheeler in the second semester of sophomore year. That’s another story. But the first time he made you cry was in 7th grade when he called you ugly in front of all the 7th and 8th graders, including your crush, Tommy Hagan. Steve humiliated you on purpose.
Since last summer, after you told him Billy Hargrove asked you to be his girlfriend, Steve’s been a dick. You’re not sure why—he didn’t seem to dislike Billy back then, though he does now, thanks to their fight.
When Billy broke up with you, the first week of 6th grade, he did it in front of everyone at early morning break. He almost made you cry. And Steve sucker punched him. It was the first fistfight Steve had ever been in. Billy gave him a black eye. They both got lunch detention for a week and Steve wouldn't talk to you for a couple of weeks after that but said it was just because he was grounded.
 Since then he’s become a complete asshole to you, and you get it. He’s becoming more popular, you two have different interests, and that's okay. Friends grow apart, but you never expect this from him. For his words to hurt so bad. To embarrass you like that in front of everyone. Just like Billy did. Just like Eddie did that day in the park.
Fuck boys. 
You hear your mom saying something to you, but you're too focused on the lyrics. 
Although we’ve come to the end of the road, still I can’t go. Why does this stupid song have to be playing right now? You think to yourself as the tears stream down your face now. You couldn’t believe him.
You two had gotten into an argument in your last period and Steve commented that you are probably just obsessed with him and jealous. You blew up on him and said some pretty mean things and so does Steve. 
“oh get over yourself Steve Harrington, like I would ever want to be with someone as lame as you. Why don’t you go fix your stupid hair”
 “Yeah well, no one would ever wanna be with you, 'cause you’re crazy and.. and ..and ugly!  Everyone knows Billy Hargrove only went out with you 'cause he felt sorry for you!” No one wants to be around you! Thats why your  step dad never sticks around and...and why your real dad didn't stick around!
You didn’t respond. The tears in your eyes were evident, and the classroom fell silent as the teacher walked in. Thankfully the bell rang, and you grabbed your backpack, and left without a word when Heather and Robin called after you. It was all a blur.
Steve cried himself to sleep that night. You were once his best friend, and he had promised your mom he’d always take care of you. How could he say such things? He had always thought you were perfect—the prettiest girl he’d ever seen. The comment about your dads made him sick. He was ashamed and scared to apologize sooner, worried about how you’d react and fearing he’d get in trouble with your parents, who you hadn’t told, but he didn't know that.
You eventually forgave him, but things were never the same. You’d say hi in the hallways or chat online, but the closeness was gone.
That was the first time Steve Harrington made you cry. Unfortunately, it wouldn’t be the last.
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talanashta · 3 months
Stevie Week Day 2
I'm late (only discovered this event today), but have my lil fill for day 2 @stevieweek! Prompt was "gender euphoria," but it can also (probably) fill "first dress." I'm going to try to get to the other prompts soon too!
Word Count: 707, Rating: G, Pairing: Gen (or can be read as one-sided Stobin)
“It’s shocked me to my core, but I like you. I really like you. But I’m not like your other friends, and I’m not like Nancy Wheeler.”
“Robin. That’s exactly why I like you.”
“Tammy Thompson. I wanted her to look at me.”
“But Tammy Thompson’s a girl… Oh.”
It’d been months since their conversation on the floor of the men’s bathroom at the Starcourt movie theater, and Steve still couldn’t get it out of his head. At first, he’d thought maybe he was still weird about Robin liking girls, but that didn’t feel right. He’d thought maybe it was his crush on her, but he respected her boundaries. She was his best friend, and that was perfect! He’d never had anyone like her in his life before. Tommy used to be his best friend, and he’d never even come close to how much Steve and Robin clicked.
Steve spent night after night staring at the ceiling of his bedroom in the dark, forced to contemplate it. It was that or think about the nightmares. He’d been, not sad, something else, when Robin essentially told him she didn’t like him back because he was a boy. It wasn’t how being turned down normally felt. This was like a throbbing ache in his chest and a hollowness in his stomach. It felt like being called bullshit by Nancy. Like he was wrong. Then the tears started falling.
He only let himself cry like this in the dark of his room with his parents away. Great heaving sobs where his breath hitched, clutching at his chest like he wanted to rip it open to tear out the negative feelings.
All his thoughts swirled through his head like he was drowning in them, being whisked away in a flood.
He remembered all the times he had felt like this in the past. How sometimes, with his skin crawling, he’d rush to the bathroom and frantically shave all his body hair to feel safe and normal. How his voice dropping had made him scream into his pillow at night. How he’d rub his fingers over and over his mother’s silkiest dresses when his parents were gone.
He’d explained it all away. He got used to being hairless during swimming, so of course, it felt weird having it back during the off-season. Alongside voice changes, puberty caused strong emotions from hormones (or something like that; that’s what the guidance counselor said during sex ed), so of course, he had the urge to scream sometimes. He missed his parents, but especially his mom, so of course, he wanted to feel close to her by grabbing the hem of her dress like he would when he was little.
It was all adding up, though, and sure, he wasn’t good at math, but he could add two plus two. All those times when he stared at girls’ hair and makeup a little too long feeling envious of how pretty they were. How much care and attention he paid to his own hair, keeping it as long as his father would let him.
Maybe he was… a girl? He- she- she decided to test her idea.
In the dark of night, she padded down the stairs to her parents’ room. She looked through her mother’s closet for a dress that looked like it might fit. She grabbed the first one she found in a stretchy fabric and headed to the ensuite.
The drawers on the right held her mother’s makeup, and while she didn’t quite know how to put it all on, she’d seen Nancy and her mother do it enough times that she could make a decent guess.
She pulled the dress over her head, fluffed her hair, and started in on the makeup. It felt right wrong right, so she leaned in as close to the mirror as she could so she couldn’t see the whole image. Just focused on applying the eyeshadow, liner, blush, lipstick. Until there was nothing left. Until she had to step back from the mirror.
She burst out into tears again, instantly ruining her work. Mascara ran down her cheeks. But her heart soared. She felt like she’d float away into the stars.
She’d never looked more like herself.
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hannahhook7744 · 6 months
What are the junior crewmembers of the Stormbringer (Fiona, Noah, Atlas, ect.) like when they're teenagers? By the time they grow up, the barrier would've been down, so what happens to them? How do their personalities differ from the older kids who grew up into teens on the isle?
I'm sorry this isn't every one of the younger kids (not including Isaac who isn't much younger than Hannah Hook) and that this has taken so long because I haven't thought about everyone yet BUT here are the ones I got/thought of.
I'll add more when I think of them:
Fiona: She's a total sweetheart but never loses her gothic style.
Rarely loses her temper but can fry you alive with her words when she finally reaches her limit.
She and Noah eventually open up their own little record, flower, and boutique shop.
She also eventually figures out she's from Moors and tells Maleficent she's not special when Maleficent brings up being from Moors.
Levi: He's more mischievous than he was as a toddler though still helpful and can be a bit of a bad influence to his younger 'siblings'.
Loves sailing and wears baggy clothes in an attempt to look smaller. It does not work because once he hits puberty he's over 8 feet.
Also always wears a sailor paper boat hat even though some people find it weird because he doesn't care what they think because Hannah always told him he could be whatever he wanted.
Tommy: She's a sweetheart, has a cool girlfriend, and is over all happy with life.
She has an army of guinea pigs that she loves to death.
She's the go-to witch for her crew still.
She becomes a ROAR/sword fighting instructor and works with animals in her spare time.
Noah: He is still a ball of sunshine but has more of an attitude and is more dramatic/theatrical/sarcastic as he grows.
He will also wear ty dye everything with a black leather jacket full of patches he sewed on himself with no shame. Someone even found him a tye dye jacket he refused to take off.
He's bit whiney about the fact Hannah isn't suicidal enough to agree to him getting a tattoo without his mom's permission but is still very sweet and kind and loving to her and everyone else.
He loves alternative music (like rock, punk, etc) and eventually opens up a record, flower, and boutique shop with Fiona.
He also dyes the tips of his hair pink at some point and will randomly wear fruit/plant costumes because he can. And gets more tattoos.
Is in Haul's band.
Atlas: Wears mainly dark colors.
Gets more of an attitude as he grows up and due to being one of the youngest of the crew he ends up picking up several of the older crew's hobbies/personality traits.
Tends to look most like Hannah when he isn't switching forms to mess with people.
Looks up to Hannah and Haul the most.
You can very much tell what he thinks because he's not good at covering up his expressions. He also has a tendency to stare.
Over all, due to his varying personality traits, mannerisms, and hobbies and the fact he shapeshifts throws people off a lot lol.
Nadia: Avid music lover and dancer.
Very gracious.
Occasionally grants wishes for fun/as a good deed.
Has trouble saying to people.
Loves helping others. Especially her friends.
Willow: She's a sickly hippie and an environmental advocate.
Noor: Avid music lover and dancer.
Very artsy and bold.
Gets along great with Jordan and occasionally helps with their cases.
Finds a way to work with monkeys because they're her favorite animal.
Elara: Mix between an adrenaline junkie and a hippie.
Cheats at poker.
Very mischievous and she has a bit of a temper.
Always daydreaming.
Very good with people and animals, especially kids.
Can always find a lop hole in a contract (which makes people suspect she MIGHT be part fae).
Loves the world and those around her and animals but is not overly judgemental.
Loves art and she takes up gardening as she ages.
Darius: He is very mortified by his whole 'I curse you think' that he used to do as a child.
Can still come off as stuck up and rude to some people but he's not a bad guy. Can be a bit judgemental though.
He's very sophisticated.
He becomes a historian and is hellbent on preserving historical monuments and objects.
Oh and he's still sickly.
Marcys: Chill hippie.
Bit of a philosopher. Wise beyond his years.
Loves parties and hanging out with people.
Bit of a handy man.
He becomes an archery teacher and he learns magic once he discovers he has it.
Lysander: Chill hippie.
Bit of a nature activist. Vegetarian.
Very sweet boy.
Grows out his hair and wears lots of tye dye.
Bit of a philosopher. Wise beyond his years.
Loves parties and hanging out with people.
He becomes a musician.
Beau: Becomes a model.
Grows more comfortable and confident in his own skin.
He's still a very shy person but he doesn't hate himself anymore.
Loves parties and showing off his collections.
He becomes just very eccentric and is actually confident and comfortable now and not just faking it.
Craven: His style is a mixture of punk and kidcore.
He's sweet and shy but will not hesitate to stand up to those who try to abuse their power.
He still very much loves frogs and toads and is very protective of them.
He's not afraid to play 'dirty' to protect those he cares about.
Jolene: She's very protective of her brother still.
She's wild and full of attitude and sarcasm. Taking very much after Darcy.
She's a mixture of goth and punk.
She's very much a wild child and an advocate for those in need.
She's been to TONS of protests and led several of them herself.
She gives no fucks about any one else's opinion (accept maybe her crew).
Ike: He's a bit of a hermit due to being painfully shy. Doesn't like being around people he doesn't know too well.
Is ride or die.
Very artsy.
Would home alone a burglar.
Is a master at sword fighting.
Has a marble collection.
Will snark you to hell and back, and will nag at you (because he cares).
Skelebar: Has had some bad experiences with people and is very insecure.
Covers as much as her skin as she can and keeps her hair in her face.
She's slowly becoming more outgoing but she's still very traumatized from the aforementioned previous bad experiences.
She's very artsy and very affectionate to those she's close to.
Tries to see the best in people.
Feel free to add your own headcanons on them. I could use the help.
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hjcoolartnerd · 6 months
Just a little push part 2
Dylan, Steve and Robin enjoyed the evening by sharing stories about tough customers that Steve and Robin have encounter, they even said how they each countered Dylan’s dad and step mom and how she couldn’t even say what she wanted to see and had to oblige to what Dylan’s dad wanted to see. “Typical that ass hole was the same with my mom. That’s why she left him for the Russian guy, and… well because of little Danny’s death….” He said sigh as he got up “I need a beer” Steve looked at Dylan raising his eyebrow “since when do you drink Dyl?” Steve asked as Dylan shrugged “since Billy began taking me out for car rides, he wanted me to loosen up a bit.” He said walking towards the kitchen while Steve had a jealous filled face as he watched his best friend walking to the kitchen. “Steve, you are jealous? “ Robin teased Steve as he glared her. “What do you think…” he replied “come on, Steve. Dylan and Billy are just good friends.” Robin said as Steve scoffed. “I mean how many friends does Billy have?” Steve said as Robin looked at him “Non so it’s weird why Billy keeps Dylan as a friends.” He added as Robin shrugged “Maybe Dylan knows how to reach Billy and that’s why they are close. But are you jealous because Dylan is replacing your friendship with him, or because he is super close to your crush.” She asked he grew flustered and looked away, just as Dylan walked back with beer. “This is just what I needed” he sat down next to Steve before smiling at them “Want to watch a movie or something?” He asked them "Uh sure what do you got" Robin ask as Dylan pointed to a corner where there was a small box "There are a few movies there, i don't know which one you guys want to see, as for me any movie is fine." He said as he took a sip from his beer as his gaze went towards the window a view into Carol's room. "you don't have any good movies here Dyl" Steve said as Dylan shrugs "I'm barely here Stevie, I don't go out to rent movies... it's my sister and Bruce's job honestly." He said before Steve suddenly remember Dylan's 3 friends "How are Marcus and Julia? I haven't seen them in town lately" He asked as Dylan continued looking next door "Oh I don't know Julia went to California for I don't know what, though she sent letters about meeting a cute guy who looks just Like Billy... I told her that's probably Billy's twin brother but she doesn't believe me-" He was cut off by Robin "Wait Hargrove has a twin?" She asked "Yes Buckley. Billy has a twin, Tyler is his name, though he and Billy don't talk much... Billy hates him... any way. Marcus i heard from Dustin, that he went for a summer camp experience, or something like that, that he is going to be a C.I.T" Dylan said as he took another sip of his beer "It's weird, most of my friends are either out of town, with their partner or just working" He sighed. Steve placed a hand on Dylan's shoulder, even if Steve was Jealous that Dylan spent more time with Billy, Dylan was still his friend.
Eventually it got late and both Steve and Robin had to leave, Dylan went to see them leave. Steve and Dylan awkwardly shaking hands since their friendship wasn't the same, and then Dylan hugged Robin. He then watched the two of them get in Steve's car and drive off. Dylan smiled as he watched them leave, 'It feels nice reconnecting with Steve, even if we aren't as close as we used to.' He thought as he was about to close the door, just as he was doing that a voice called out "Walker Wait!" Dylan turned back to see a stumbling Tommy Hagan who could barely stay on his feet "Walker my man! my bro! could i crash in your place" He said his voice sounding slurred as he spoke "What? why. don't you sleep with your girlfriend?" He asked the drunk man who was leaning on the walls of the front door "Man.... Carol is being difficult right now. I can't deal with her when she's like that and when I'm almost wasted.... Walker please let me stay the night here! I can't drive home.... i can't get another citation .... I sware Officer Hopper has it out for me." He pleaded, it was strange, seeing this side of Tommy, when the version he remembered was the bully who was constantly in his face and made derogatory comments about Dylan's sexual preference. If Dylan was someone else, he would have definitely left Tommy outside and to fend off himself but Dylan wasn't like that even if he still harbored a bit of anger towards Tommy, he can't let him drive. Especially when he is pleading for a place to stay, if that was Billy he would have been barking Dylan to get him home considering Dylan always takes Billy's keys when they go to parties "Okay fine Hagan come on it." Dylan finally said as he noticed the small thank you smile that formed on the corner of Tommy's lips. Dylan helped him inside and led Tommy to the couch he wanted to know why he got so drunk and why was Carol acting difficult right now. He took a deep breath "What happened Hagan?" He asked as the drunk tommy shrugged "I don't know man. We were having a fine evening and We were about to have some fun in her room but all of a sudden she became irritable...." He trailed off "And angry and confrontational" He said as he tried to hold his head up. "You must have done something if she got confrontational and angry at you Hagan. I mean Look at my sister, she gets pissed if i dont have the chicken out to unfreeze." He said shrugging as Tommy smiled in his drunken state "Well I don't know... I think i mentioned you... I don't remember what i told her Walker..." He sighed "I just didn't wanted to deal with her bad mood so i came here... You don't mind right?" He asked looking at Dylan "No i don't... I can check if I have clothes that can fit you so you can sleep more comfortable." Dylan said getting to his feet "Thanks Walker you are the best." Tommy said with a weak smile as Dylan walked toward his room. He knew Tommy wasn't too muscular they both shared the same body type. So he could lend any of his clothes to him. He found a pair of workout shorts and a plain white shirt, he then walked back toward Tommy "Here you go Hagan. you could shower or just change into them. the bathroom is right down the hall" Dylan said as Tommy got up and stumbled a bit "Can you Help me Walker?" He asked, Dylan hesitated before he helped Tommy toward the bathroom. They walked down the hall towards the small bathroom "You are a good person Walker. You weren't a fighter, I guess i took advantage of that and.... bullied you" He said as Dylan helped him "I don't know why... Maybe i admired your care free attitude or the fact that even if the whole town had been against you, you stay true to your self... I admired that." He smiled and moved his face to admire Dylan's "You were very.... nice and cute... and I really liked it when you gave me the time of day, I don't know why Walker but.... I always looked at your lips when you started chewing me out. Maybe it was.... because i wanted them" This confession was making Dylan flustered and all nervous
"H-Hagan don't say stuff like that, You have a girl frie-" He was cut off by Tommy pressing his lips with Dylan's. Even in his drunken state Tommy was a bit more stronger than Dylan as Dylan's mind raced. Not long after Tommy broke the kiss and changed in the bathroom. Dylan went to the living room to prepare the couch for Tommy to sleep in... But one of his hands were touching his lips.
Eventually Tommy walked out of the Bathroom and stumbled towards the living room and collapsed on the bed, his back facing upwards. In a fast motion Tommy had fallen asleep. Dylan just watched as how his chest heaved slowly with each breath. He was peaceful while he slept, and Dylan couldn't staring, his mind still wondering to the kiss. Why did i bothered him so much, Why did he thought about it? Was it because Tommy had a girl friend? or because Tommy used to bully him? Dylan eventually went to his bed his thoughts drifting to the kiss and Tommy's confession, it was surreal. Dylan didn't liked Tommy like that but still his mind kept drifting to it, until he fell asleep.
A/N: Continued the Just a Little Push Fan fiction, Starting off with the Dylmmy part of the fan fiction, a drunk Tommy confessing what he felt and why he bullied Dylan.
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joelsrifle · 3 years
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an: based on the song above and my first teaser smut
parings: Joel Miller x Female Reader
warnings: implied/ light smut, fluff, soft make out session, groping, readers a virgin, age gap(readers 23 and Joel is around maybe 49-51 based on the gif), SOFT TEASING JOEL
summary: being snowed in a hut with you Jackson Hole crush has things go from one thing to another.
Today was supposed to be a quick hour long patrol with Joel Miller, but one thing led to another and the two of you got stuck in a shack not even a mile from the lookout. A yearly Jackson Wyoming blizzard showed up, you would think that’s the best thing in the world, getting stuck in a small wooden home with you crush, just like those cheesy movies. But in reality it was a nightmare. You had made it a so called ‘rule’ that you would stay away from the oldest Miller and keep those nasty, loving thoughts to yourself. Tommy Miller had a different idea once finding out about your crush on his big brother. And it didn’t matter about the age gap to him.
Tommy knew everything. He was like your best friend. He also knew how much Joel liked you so he was playing Jackson’s very own Cupid. Little did you know—he told Joel everything.
“Darlin’ come by the fire. You’re gonna freeze if you stand at the window another second,” Joels Texan accent broke your thoughts, making you look at the man with breath caught in your throat.
“Probably right,” you uttered. Taking one last look out the window before you moved away towards the fire place where orange heat radiated. You shifted down sitting next to the older man, but when you looked at him again you couldn’t look away.
The glow of the fire perfectly caught his hazel eyes making them a golden color, his salt and pepper haired shined without a doubt. Joel didn’t catch on right away at your staring or your gaping lips, caught in his own thoughts. He was the most beautiful thing you’ve seen. Beautiful in a sense because every lick of light that caught his face shined on him just right.
Joel was far gone in his thoughts. Tommy had teased him throughout the week about you and magically last night he confessed your secret crush. At first he didn’t believe his brother but then he thought back about everything. The way you blushed just by him waving, your friends whispering in your ear at the bar when he looked your way, the nervous tone each time he tried to talk to him. Joel never had such a weird feeling in his gut since Sarah’s mom or Tess—a young pretty girl had a crush on him? And it was making him feel all—fuzzy and warm.
Joel was trying to gather his words. He just kept thinking about how wrong it would be, he’s so much older then you, others in Jackson would think his crazy for trying to go for such a young girl. But he had to learn to shove that aside, like he told Tommy years ago, people talk shit cause their jealous of what you have.
“Got anything you wanna tell me?” Joel suddenly questioned, his tone was gentle but gruff. Making your eyebrows furrow in worry and confusion.
“No I don’t think s—”
“Tommy told me about this little thing yer’ got.” He interject, turning his head to look at you. “Though I don’t think it’s a ‘little thing’. Seems mighty big.”
You’re (y/e/c) eyes instantly widened. Oh god—oh god Tommy told him? Tommy told Joel!?
“I don’t—I don’t know what you’re talking about, Joel.” You stammered over your words. Heat was rising to your face the longer you looked at him.
“Don’t got to deny it (Y/N),” he shrugged. A cocky smirk was tugging on his lips. “I just want to know if the news is true.”
You rolled your lips together, gathering up the courage to tell him ‘yes’. But all you could do was shyly nod your head, Joel raised a brow, eyes still on your heated frame. “What was that sweetheart? I couldn’t hear you.” 
“Yes. Yes it’s true.” You whispered, looking down at the hard flooring beneath you. Joel bit his tongue as you looked away. Gently, his pointer finger and thumb hooked on your chin and had you look up at him away, this time he was much closer and his hand migrated to your cheek. The rough skin of his callused thumb ran over your cheek sending shivers down your spine. “See now, that wasn’t too hard was it?”
Joels voice had dropped an octave. He wasn’t sure what he was going at. It was like the twenty year old boy was coming out in him, his confidence was fueled enough for him to make such a simple move like using a seductive tone, and you wouldn’t lie when saying it went straight to your core. It was something about Joel seeing this reaction he has power over, didn’t matter how simple his moves were, you’d turn quiet and red. Because of him.
You shook your head in response, eyes flashing from his eyes to his lips simultaneously. You wanted him to do something other then use his voice and gentle, comforting movements against you. You wanted his lips on yours, you want to feel every part of him.
Joel seemed to noticed, his hand slipped behind your head, bringing your face closer to his, just enough for him to have to close the small gap. He was hesitant. So his stuttered his move each time he got closer to your lips, then it finally happened, Joels lips touched yours. He was soft and sweet. His lips molded to yours perfectly as he enveloped you into the kiss, leading it on as surprise had washed over you. Then your small hand found the side of his face, you had to force your body to wake up and react to kiss him back.
Even sitting on the hard ground, Joels hands soon helped you find his back as he propped his back onto the rickety coffee table. The kiss never wavered, it still went on as you sat on top of the older mans lap. His member harding just beneath you. That’s when his rocked your hips against his. A surprised gasp made you part your lips, Joels tongue darted out questionably when your lips sealed back, asking for permission to enter. You granted his wish and his tongue slipped past your lips and you let your own get involved.
You tasted of sweet fruit from this morning’s breakfast while he tasted of bitter coffee. The taste of the two of you were a perfect mix just like his grunts and your whines were as your hips bucked against his.
Joel parted from the kiss, looking at you with lust filled eyes while yours were filled with innocents. You still—sinfully bucked your hips on his, his bulging hard on caught your clit just right each time. Joel loved the little whines you produced rocking against him, more then he loved the feeling of you rubbing over him.
Your mind went blank for a second as his hands went to your jeans to ask for permission while his lips were marking your neck, he doesn’t know your a virgin. What would he say?
“Joel—Joel,” you said lowly tugging on the sleeve of his shirt as you slowly started to still your hips, he pulled back from your neck with a worried expression. Scared he took it too far or that you suddenly realized you didn’t like this idea.
“You alright Darlin?” Concern high in his voice, you nodded.
“Yeah just—just,” you paused sucking in a deep breath. “I’m a virgin. I’ve never done anything like this. I don’t know how to do anything and I—”
To your surprise, your rambling made him chuckle faintly. “Sweetheart—it’s fine. I ain’t gonna be upset if that’s what your thinking, we don’t have to go through with this okay? We can stop here and—”
“No. No I want to,” you uttered quietly. “Just be gentle?”
“Wouldn’t plan on hurting you.”
Joel stayed true to his words, he took his time with you and made you comfortable. He spent time kissing you and groping you gently until you were whining and begging for him to do something else as your panties got slick with arousal. Joel fulfilled your request, helping you out of your clothes down to just your panties(same with himself he stripped to his boxers), he marveled at the sight of you as he laid you back on the ground. Loving every second he spent kissing up and down your body and teasing you through the thin fabric below.
That’s when he felt how turned on you were, then he slipped your panties to the side to feel your bare, wet heat. Two of his large fingers expertly found your clit after he stalled his movement, they drew small circles on your clit as he kissed down your neck and chest.
He loved the way you begged for him. Begged for him to finger you or anything. It took a moment before he obliged. Starting out he slipped in one finger, slowly pulling and pushing it back and forth after giving you time to adjust tp the very slight stretch. And soon it was a second finger that was added, you were gasping all the way around, especially when his fingers pressed against a spongy spot on your walls inside of you. Thats when you told him to speed up the thrust of his hand, it spun you into orbit, his fingers were so much better then your own. Making it hard to keep down your innocent noises and sweet moans of his name. Joel made you cum twice with just his fingers before the real act begun. He was just as sweet and loving then too, taking his time to work you through it. Joel Miller took your virginity and made love to you until the snow storm passed and you both could head back home.(aftercare was included ofc! Both times)
In the end the two of you got together and the shack was declared your love shack, every patrol you two got together you found yourselves back in that wooden hut not that you were complaining.
Taglist: @misspearly1 @extraneous-trip
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collecting-stories · 3 years
Hey Stephen - Steve Harrington
Request: Hi, can I please have a ride based on Hey Stephen by Taylor Swift with Steve Harrington where the reader is Dustin's sister and Dustin's watching his sister crush on his best friend like "this is disgusting, but adorable"? @thecaptaingingersnap 
A/N: Sorry this took so long...I was kinda sick last week and struggled to get on. 
Stranger Things Masterlist
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Your infatuation started long before your little brother somehow managed to become friends with one of Hawkin’s High school’s most popular students. It was probably around the time you sprained your ankle during gym class and Steve Harrington volunteered to take you to the nurse’s office so you could get iced up and call your mom.  
There in the nurse’s office, as he held a pack of ice to your ankle, you were positive, was exactly when the crush began. It lasted through girlfriends that he had, the few times that Carol and Tommy had set their sights on you during a class and Steve had rushed an apology as the bell rung and he followed them out, and now, his friendship with your brother. You weren’t even really sure how Steve had become friends with Dustin, or why for that matter, but you couldn’t help being a little thankful. Sure, most of the time when you knew he would be stopping by you were doing your best not to embarrass yourself but at least you got to see him right? Got to really actually talk to him.  
“You’re such a creep, you know that?” Dustin teased, standing in the kitchen doorway as he ate the pizza lunchable he had just constructed and watched you try to look natural as you glanced out the window for any sign of Steve’s car.
“I’m not a creep Dustin.” You insisted, “I’m waiting for our ride, like people do.”  
“Yeah, except normal people don’t stand at the window like they’re an axe murderer waiting for a victim.” He replied. He was all dressed up for the winter dance that you had somehow been roped into chaperoning. You knew Nancy would be there and, while you weren’t always the best of friends, she was nice and you could at least talk to her. Steve would be there, apparently, and he’d offered to drive you and Dustin there too.  
A dance for middle schoolers shouldn’t make you this anxious but you couldn’t help it. You felt like you were going to burst from excitement and nerves all at the same time.  
“I don’t wanna be late!” You snapped, turning to glare at him. You’d been ready for the last two hours, picking at your hair and dress, trying on three different pairs of shoes, reapplying mascara and lipstick, practically shaking. You wanted to look good, but for what? So Steve might, maybe, notice you? And not just as Dustin’s sister or that girl who couldn’t manage to run the mile in seventh grade but as an actual person who he maybe could like.
“Okay, okay, take a chill pill, god. You’re negative attitude is gonna deflate my hair.”
“I’ll deflate your hair if you don’t stop bothering me Dustin!”  
With your back turned to the window, headlights turned into your driveway and a horn echoed in the car port. Dustin smiled, mouthing a “showtime” as he tossed his trash in the bin and headed for the front door. You followed, grabbing your purse and trying to catch one last glimpse of your appearance in the mirror.  
“You look fine.” Dustin promised, grabbing your arm and dragging you out the front door. He didn’t wanna be late, especially not because of you and your weird Steve Harrington hang up. Will told him it was the same as him liking Max or Stacey but Dustin was unwilling to believe that explanation. It was just weird, his sister having a crush on his friend.  
“Hey Hendersons, ready to party?” Steve joked, leaning over the middle console to pop the passenger side door for you. Dustin climbed in the back seat and smiled, his reflection catching in the rearview mirror.
“I was born ready.” He replied, enthusiastically. “She was born with one leg up in the air.”
“It was the Olympics that year,” you shrugged, smacking your brother when he leaned between the seats, “I was getting a head start on gymnastics.”
Steve laughed as if that was the funniest thing anyone had ever told him, “that’s great.”
“So, are you excited about going to your sixth grade winter formal all over again?” You asked, twisting a little in your seat to focus on Steve as he drove.  
In the backseat, Dustin rolled his eyes.  
“I was gonna wear the same tux but, ya know, I got taller.” He joked.  
“I thought your hair just got higher.” Dustin teased and you couldn’t help laughing.  
“Ha ha you’re so funny.” Steve replied, “hey, smack your brother for me?”
You obliged, leaning over the seat to hit him. As you leaned passed the center console, you held the edge of Steve’s seat for stability, your arm brushing against his and your hair falling into his line of vision for a moment, curly strands tickling his cheek. He turned his head when the car stopped for a red light, watching you as you laughed at Dustin and pulled yourself away from him, falling back into your seat.  
Tommy and Carol always said you had a hopeless crush on Steve but he was always a little too preoccupied by the girls who were more vocal about their feelings. He remembered when Nancy first started flirting with him at a party. He’d felt a little “on top of the world” every time someone paid attention to him. Steve honestly couldn’t remember a time when you were throwing yourself at him though. You were always friendly, and he’d seen more of you this year as he found himself hanging out with Dustin in an unironic way, but he’d never really thought of you liking him. Even when Tommy and Carol first said it, he just brushed it off.  
“So, Henderson, you excited?” He asked, trying to get back some of that junior year cool he’d had.  
You raised an eyebrow at him and pointed to yourself, clarifying that it was you that he was talking to. When he nodded, you shrugged, “I guess.” You smiled at him as the light turned green, “I got a hot date after all.”
“She promised Will she’d dance with him at least once.” Dustin replied. Out of all his friends, Will was your favorite. Much nicer than Lucas and Mike, not so self-centered.  
“Oh man, I can’t compete with that.” Steve laughed, “save me a dance though, will you?”
“I’ll try to pencil you in.” You replied, even as you felt your face get hot, flushed with the suggestion that the two of you might actually share a dance. You definitely shouldn’t be this excited about a dance for sixth graders.  
Dustin made an exaggerated gagging noise from the backseat, “disgusting, you guys are disgusting.” He stated, trying to keep the smile at bay. Disgusting maybe, but kind of adorable, though he definitely wouldn’t tell you that.  
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annab-nana · 3 years
🎄 I've had this idea for so long, and you are an amazing writer so here it is.
(For information: my uncle's name is Tommy, and my cousin's husband's name is Tom)
So can you make a blurb where it's like that, and the reader feels weird calling Tom for Tommy and Tom, so stue reader calls him Thomas. And then you and Thomas are with his family for a dinner, and it's like the readers first time meeting them. And when they hear reader calling Tom for Thomas, they all think you are mad at him.
i can absolutely see harry talking so much shit like "oh, you're in for it now, thomas."
also, omg thank you so much for thinking i'm an amazing writer! it means a lot :)
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you should've known you were going to fall for a tom at some point in your life. they were everywhere it seemed so might as well add in another. your uncle tommy, your cousin's husband tom, your long-distance best friend tommie, and now the love of your life, tom holland. having tommy and tommie got confusing enough so two tom's would definitely be too much.
you asked your tom if it was okay for you to use his full first name instead of his most commonly known nickname which of course, he had no issue with. he actually secretly liked it since it was something new and special for him. he had always been called tom, only ever called thomas if he were in trouble or in a sarcastic manner. you said it so softly and with so much love and care that he adored being called thomas by you.
since tom met you in the states during filming, he had the opportunity to meet your family, toms and all, after a little while of dating. but now, you were walking up to his parent's house to finally meet his.
"thomas?" you called gently from behind tom who walked ahead of you. harrison, who you had met before, had picked you both up from the airport before he had to head home to pack for a trip of his own. tom turned when called upon but he softened when he saw the way you were anxiously biting your lower lip.
"hey," he spoke softly, leaving his suitcase where he stood prior as he moved to you. his hands cupped your cheeks and his thumb carefully removed your lip from between your teeth so you didn't hurt yourself. "it's okay. hey, i know it's intimidating and a lot, but they already love you."
"how do you know that?" you asked with a pout as your hands held onto his wrists.
"because they basically already know you. i talk to them about you all the time." your heart swelled as a grin pulled at your lips. "you've basically already met my mum and the twins through phone calls and facetimes, so all that's left is paddy, my dad, and tess."
"that's the one i'm worried about," you joked, referring to the sweet pup. tom rolled his eyes before pressing his lips to your temple.
"that's the one you should be worried about," tom told you teasingly before he went back to grab his suitcase with one hand, his other reaching out for you to hold.
"thomas, you can't say that! i'm nervous enough," you whined as you took his hand in yours.
"i'm just kidding, lov-" he was cut off by another voice, both of your eyes going to the open door a few feet away from you two.
"tom?" his mother called out before the boy surged forward to embrace her. you absolutely loved the relationship tom had with his mom and for the next week, you would get to see it in person. "and is this the lovely y/n?"
"hi, it's so nice to meet you," you spoke as she pulled you into a hug as well, the sight of his two favorite women together making tom's heart feel very full. you found his entire family to be very welcoming and felt as if you were a holland yourself with how comfortable they made you feel during dinner.
paddy had been the one to suggest a board game and you and tom shared a glance, knowing how competitive the both of you were. that competitiveness only heightened when you split into teams, you, sam, and paddy against tom, harry, and dom. nikki opted to just watch, saying she found it very entertaining to see everyone get so riled up. it was an intense game, but only by a few points did tom's team win.
"don't get too happy. we let you win," sam added, you nodding beside him.
"sure you did, sweetheart," tom winked at you as he spoke causing you to roll your eyes.
you let out a playful scoff, playing along with him before you felt the tiredness from your travels catching up with you. "i think i'm gonna head to bed. you coming or staying, thomas?"
it was like the atmosphere changed around you two from playful to serious. tom was obviously oblivious to it and you would've been too if you hadn't noticed the faces of harry and dom on either side of him. you shrugged it off when tom told you he might join you in a little bit, so you looked down to tessa who was curled up by your feet. she turned out to love you very much despite your worries.
"are you gonna come with me, tess, since your dad won't?" the dog perked up at your words, ready to follow you anywhere. you continued to tease tom as you spoke to tessa and petted her fur. "is he a bad dog dad, tess? do you like me better than thomas?"
"hey!" tom let his jaw drop in a dramatic manner, you returning a theatrical facial expression as well.
"is everything okay?" paddy inquired first before harry cut a glance at him, using his hand to gesture for the youngest holland to cut it out. you and tom shared similar looks of confusion and he spoke up, an awkward chuckle accompanying his words.
"yeah, why wouldn't it be?"
"she's clearly angry with you, mate," harry whispered to tom, but you heard it.
"no, i'm not," you clarified.
"yeah, she isn't," tom said confidently before faltering, "right?"
"yeah, i'm all good, i promise," you reassured him before looking to harry. "why do you think that?"
"normally, if i get called patrick, it's not a good thing," paddy commented beside you and that's when you and tom understood. then came the laughter from you both.
"no, i'm not mad with tom," you started to explain, calling him by his nickname feeling weird on your tongue and in tom's ears, "there are a lot of tom's in my family and that i know in general so i call him thomas so there isn't any confusion."
"oh," harry said as everyone caught on.
"yeah," tom answered with another giggle.
"and on that note, i'm going to bed," you informed as you stood.
"i think i'll join you now." tom moved to stand with you as tess followed you toward the hall.
"good night, guys," sam called out to you two to which you grinned at him.
"good night, thomas," harry teased, a sly smirk pulling at his lips, but tom shook his head.
"that is only for y/n or mum when i'm in trouble, harold."
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tagging: @rebelemilu @starryevermore @mxltifandoms06 @mendesblurb @dpaccione @msgorillagripcoochie @dpaccione @marjorie189 @milkiane @murdockcastleslut @sovereignparker @vintageobx @sunflowerbecca @whoeveniskendall @bibliophilewednesday @seventeen-reaction @zdrewrrys @tomsirishgirlx @peterscurl @1-800-glossylipz @parkerpeter24 @narcissuspetal @onyourgoddamnleft @osterfield23 @tesoro-tommy @the-friendly-ghostwrite @safeplaceholland @belovedholland (strikethrough means i couldn't tag you)
click here to be added to the taglist <3
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baka-monarch · 3 years
Part One
Trigger warnings: mention of death, vore, mouth play
Part 2
Tommy was sitting down in the middle of his familiar cage, looking out at all the big people that were walking around and grabbing other cages. He didn't understand why people kept screaming whenever a big person would grab their cage though, the big people were always so nice, giving him free food and water, and sometimes even things to play with- well, until one of the special big people in aprons take his new toy away saying it's bad. He kept watching the big people, listening to their conversations, just like he did everyday… but today nothing interesting was happening, no one was doing any funny things and it was starting to get boring to just sit here.
Tommy's boredom was cut off at the sound of a familiar ding. He looked up to the door and saw a new big person wearing a yellow shirt with really fluffy looking brown hair and- they were looking at him!! No one ever looked at him apart from the special big people!!! Tommy smiled brightly and ran to the front of his cage to wave at the person, excited and hopeful that he could finally have a friend! The big person gave him a weird look, and Tommy wasn't sure why they seemed confused- he was just being friendly. For now Tommy didn't think about it, or really, he forgot about it as the big person walked over to him and crouched down in front of his cage.
"Now what do we have here~" The big person smirked, showing off a few of their teeth, and Tommy smiled in return at getting attention.
"Hello! I'm Tommy!!!" He introduced himself, and didn't notice the look of confusion that crossed the person's face.
"Uh, hi Tommy- are you… are you not scared?" The big person asked, and Tommy tilted his head, a bit confused by the question.
"No? Why would I be scared?" It was true that most other people were scared when a big person talked to them, but Tommy still really didn't understand what there was to be scared of.
"O- oh uhm…." The big person's face changed to show several different emotions, and after a few minutes they picked up Tommy's cage.
Tommy immediately started to bounce excitedly. He'd been picked up! That meant they picked him!! Now he'd finally get to see where all the big people took everyone to! Tommy started to think about his mama, she'd been picked once too, but she hadn't been taken out of the store like Tommy was. He zoned out the conversation the big person was having with the special big person as he imagined all the things he'd be able to do with his new friend, like finally having someone to talk to!
Tommy smiled and kept looking everywhere as he was carried out of his home and saw loads of huge walls with square holes. He'd never been out here before, and it was amazing to see the blue blanket above with it's big light (didn't big people call it the "sky and sun"? He couldn't remember-). He winced a bit whenever a loud roaring shiny thing passed them, but was still amazed by all the different colours and how fast all of them were. He let out little gasps as he saw walls with bigger holes that showed loads of amazing items he'd never seen before inside. It was all so amazing! Tommy wished he could go run around and see everything- unfortunately he couldn't as the big person carrying him made a hole appear on one of the big walls and walked inside.
"Wooooaaaahhhhh, where are we?" Tommy asked as he looked around, seeing a very unfamiliar but just as exciting new place he was now.
"This is my home…" The big person answered, and when Tommy looked up at them he was a little confused by the look on their face, he couldn't really tell what emotion it was, but it definitely wasn't the happy look they had earlier. Hmmmmm… maybe they just thought it was a mess? There was a lot of big things sitting around in the middle of the room after all.
"Well it's really really cool!!!" Tommy shouted up, trying his best to cheer up the big person.
"I guess it is…" they let out a small chuckle. They opened the cage door, and Tommy stood up in excitement. He didn't try to leave the cage as much as he wanted to, because he knew he'd just be picked up out of the cage like what was supposed to happen! So he waited, and waited… and waited, for eh big person to pick him up? Why haven't they picked him up yet? It's been a few minutes now, usually he'd be grabbed by now. "You gonna come out?"
"No, I'm waiting!" Tommy smiled up at the big person, still waiting patiently to be taken out. The big person looked at him in confusion, and he just smiled back. They let out a sigh, and Tommy smiled as he watched their huge hand reach in and pick him up. He squirmed with excitement at the feeling of being lifted up high.
"It's just like any other tiny…." They mumbled and licked their lips. Tommy watched as their mouth opened wide and he could see all of their teeth, their huge tongue, and even the dark abyss that was their throat; he didn't fight as he was dropped onto their slimey tongue, only moving to reposition himself to be comfortable. He watched as the mouth slowly closed around him, and all the light left… he wasn't scared though! He knew big people did this to people all the time! Tommy was actually excited to see where people went after being put into mouths!
Tommy started to giggle as the tongue under him began to lick him all over. Throwing him around the small space and tickling him whenever it touched his skin. He whiped some spit out of his hair, then laughed as the tongue pinned him down and got spit all over him once again. He wiggled a little bit once he was moved around and now the tongue pinned him to the top of the mouth, he then soon heard a loud gulp behind him- then he finally thought of something.
"Big person, can I ask you a question?" Tommy asked, then felt himself get pushed into a cheek, he only squirmed a little bit at how tight it was, but was otherwise comfortable already.
"Oh- uh sure…"
"When you swallow me, will I see mama? She got put into a big person's mouth too, is this gonna take me to her or to where your mouth goes?" The child asked, innocently and curiously. He waited a long time for an answer, and started to wonder if the big person didn't know where mouths took people- but then was surprised when he was spit out into the big person's hands.
"Fuuuuu- frick, you… you're actually just a kid…" They said as they held the innocent child- god he'd almost killed a child- in his hands. Wilbur watched the small one look around in confusion then finally up at him.
"Why'd you spit me out?" It- no- they asked, and Wilbur felt nothing but pain and guilt in his chest. Did they not understand? Did nobody tell them? Did they really think…. Did they really believe that humans didn't kill tinoes when they are them? "Wasn't I gonna see mama?" Dammit morals-
"W- well uh, it's not time for you t- to see her yet?" Wilbur lied, he had no idea who this kid's mom had been, just that she was dead now if she'd been eaten.
"Oh… Oh! She told me to wait for her when she was picked! I remember, so I just gotta wait more!!" He smiled up at Wilbur and he felt his heart beat more.
"Y- yeah- yeah… you just gotta.. gotta wait…" Hold it in Wil, don't cry in front of the kid.
"I can't wait to see her again-" The kid (didn't they say their name was Tommy?) said then gasped "and now I can show her my new friend!"
"New friend?" Wilbur couldn't stop himself from asking, a little curious.
"Yeah! You!!!" Tommy smiled and Wilbur felt his heart crush to a pulp.
"You- you think I'm your friend?"
"Yeah!! Your the first person to be nice to me, big person!!"
"Wilbur." He cut in.
"My name is uh Wilbur…" He was definitely going to keep this kid now and try to make sure nothing bad ever happened to them.
"Okie Wilby! We'll be the bestest friends foreva!!!!" And as Tommy said that, it solidified Wilbur's promise to himself to keep this child safe. He gently ruffled their hair with a finger, and smiled when Tommy laughed.
Yeah… he'd keep them safe...... And hopefully Dream wouldn't find out about them...
Mcyt g/t list:
@trashpumped @lorie-the-little-ghost @encaos @i-am-a-weeb @wyforyu-gaming @5unfl0writ3r @colorfulsiren @moonmwah @iwasgoingtohellanyways @echoslime @wilbur-simp @trouble-off-grid @lilsyxx @smogs-0 @hello-world-im-snow
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draventhedemon · 2 years
Revivebur X reader imagines
⚠️ Warning ⚠️ swearing, Screaming
Revivebur is going to be 25 instead of the 40 year old man he actually is
And Y/n is 23
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(Y/n pov)
I come from a long line of witches, and for the past couple of years we have been going to a place called The Dream Smp for supplies. But one day we heard an explosion come from their lands. And shortly afterwards a creature flew our way and almost wiped out our coven. And so when I told my mother that I've felt the revival book being in use, and that it is being in use in their lands. She screamed at me and told me to stay home,
"MOM! If I stay they will continue to use the book without any knowledge of the rule that all magic comes with a price!" I scream at her while picking up my bag with potions and spell books inside. "GOOD! MAYBE IF THEY LEARN IT THE HARD WAY THEY WILL CHOOSE NOT TO SEND CREATURES OUR WAY!" She screams back as I pick up my cloak and Journal. "Mom I'll be back before you know it, I just need to find out who has the Revival book,". And as she goes to say something I have already opened the door and left the tiny village.
I left at night so when I am finally at the Smp the sun was rising. But I don't pay attention to that because I spot a huge crater covered with glass. "What the-" but suddenly I hear a voice so I duck and hide.
"If life's a fucking horse I'm going to ride it Tommy, I'm- I got to go, I got things to do, I got things to plan, I'll see you soon alright, I'll see you next time alright, bye guys! Bye!" And as I look over to see a boy looking back at his friends as a man in a trench coat leaves. And because he saying goodbye I'm guessing that was who was talking. So confused by the situation I follow the man in the trench coat. And I move quietly so I will not to be heard but every slip up I make he turns around and looks for me. So I hide better every time I'm almost caught but then the gig was up. I suddenly heard
"whoever you are, you're fucking horrible at hiding" he says in a low voice making me duck behind a tree to make sure he doesn't spot me. So I say as a disembodied voice
"you have no aura, so either you're like me and learned a way to hide it, or you're a dead man." I said with a clear voice but I hear him laugh and say. "I'm sorry I can't take you seriously, I need to make sure you're not just a voice, come out and you'll get as many answers as you'd like" he says with anger in his voice but when I come out of the shadows all he does is laugh "wait, wait I recognize you, you were one of the weird fucking necromancers that used to walk up to Lmanburgs doorstep looking for supplies" he says while I nod slightly. And I realize that this man has a scar that no ordinary person would be able to survive from, "look, all I wanted to know was who resurrected you?" I ask with my hands in the air like he had a bow to my head. "Wait, You want me to rat out on the person that saved me, my Hero!" He says as he raises his voice. And he rolls his eyes and begins to walk away but this time I follow at his side instead of in the woods. "His name is Dream..." He says as he begins to weave me a tale, but in the middle of it I look at him and realize.
'you look hot'
"what did you say" he said suddenly making me realize that I said the last three words out loud. "N- nothing, nothing at all" I respond after a sickeningly amount of silence.
"wow, a horrible hider and a horrible liar," he said with a chuckle as he stops and pins me to a nearby tree by the wrists. "Tell me what you said" he says while his face gets terrifyingly close to mine, making butterflies flutter in my stomach. "I- I don't know what your talking about" I say as he laughs getting even closer, making me need to fight to not blush.
"come on witch, I know you want to tell me" he says with a grin "I- I called you hot" I whisper so quietly I'm pretty sure even he doesn't hear it. "Huh, say that again" he responds as he turns his ear to me also tightening his grip on my wrists making me wince in pain. "I- I called you hot" I said somewhat loudly because of his strength.
"that's what I thought" he says as he lets go of me but still stays close. "Welp, I got things to plan so... I got to go" he says as he walks off but I scream while he's still in view "can I come too?" And as he turns I suspect rejection but he's says "FINE, but if you do one wrong thing, you're dead" he says while dragging his finger across his neck. And so as we walk away I ask myself.
What have I gotten myself into?
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enderwoah · 3 years
(this is really long ENJOY :gun:)
he is phil's son smile
phil's most recent son at least
he's got like one more somewhere
he picked this one up off the dangerous streets a few years ago and he's been sticking with phil ever since
his wings are small- not too small to fly, but they're untrained to the point where it would take a lot or work to get him off the ground
but at first, he didn't really seem to want to learn all that much?
(he has three scars on his face- all from trying to learn how to fly when he was younger)
(he gave up after the third one)
("if at first you don't succeed; try, try again" is his motto, and he tried all three times)
but!! phil and wilbur are very persuasive :) and now that he knows he can fly, he's not going to rest until he does
he's a little manipulative to get what he wants sometimes, but can you blame someone that lived on the street for so long?
he had to do that to survive! it's not his fault.
(it's a great excuse.)
he laughs like a kookaburra amen
he squawks when he gets scared
he chirps. he tries not to because it makes phil go absolutely bird-brained but he does sometimes and he hates it.
god he is. so fucking annoying (/rp)
he simply does not know when to stop
he ignores social cues to see when someone is annoyed
(see: he can read social cues. he does read social cues. when you get annoyed that's when he starts being more annoying, because you're more likely to give him what he wants to get him to shut the fuck up.)
he loves talking to (at) people, especially people he doesn't really know that well
so he's trying to be friends with ranboo, but the absolute prick keeps trying to avoid any actual conversations, so that's not working
he buzzes when he gets excited-happy
his fingertips are completely blackened and horrendously sharp, functioning as ten individual stingers
they don't do any actual damage but he's working on that
wither hybrid (??)
how can you be a wither hybrid?? nobody got down and dirty with the wither
he's an experiment
the reason we haven't seen him yet? he's staying away from the main area of the smp
he doesn't want to ruin its natural beauty with his withering effect, so he keeps to himself on the outskirts of the smp
which sucks
withers get health from killing things
he's not fully a wither, so he gets energy from being around people and sort of draining their life force a little bit
he feels terrible when he's with just one person because they are Literally his life support and it makes the person feel like shit
when he's with a big group of people its great!! he only has to take a little bit from everyone and its barely noticable!!
but then there's the wither part. so he has to stay away.
he's always tired
always exhausted
he's a farmer, so taking it from animals works, but god does he miss people
but he can only visit a few times and for very short
(he's afraid that one of these days he'll get so bad that the next time he sees someone he'll accidentally kill them)
(it already happened once. he's blessed that he's been forgiven, even made friends with by the victims, but he doubts he'll be able to pull that off again with no consequences like last time)
phantlings are dead elytrians, and given that wilbur was phil's son...he's a phantling
he died in the late 50s and was a librarian when he was alive, so he's very possessive (ha) over all of his things
you should never ask to "borrow" anything from him, he will hound you about it until you give it back
it's best to just say that you want something from him to keep
even if youre going to give it back
just for your own peace of mind
phantlings can feel fear and get a genuine feeling of elation from scaring people
of course, sometimes its unwelcome (feeling large amounts of fear from someone they care about in a bad way just makes them pissed)
but for the most part, wilbur loves appearing in the corner of people's visions just to jumpscare them a few minutes later
all in good fun, of course!! it's just hilarious :)
being the lighthearted, fun guy he is, he's not particularly secretive about his method of death
"how did i die? well, it all started -- ended -- on november 16th, 1958!"
"i walked out of the library late, since i took the shift for my wife since she was feeling sick and i worked there anyways,"
"the streets were dark and only lit up by gaslamps...and out of an alley...appeared..........."
he didn't mean it. wilbur isn't at all mad at him (anymore)
he was starving. he didn't know that one touch would be enough to fully revitalize him...
and murder wilbur where he stood.
has details on everyone on the server
you Cannot Hide Shit From Sneeg
its impossible
if you find of his any shittly little mouse holes then you're doomed
you find one and there are twenty more
he's under your floorboards while you're having your important discussion about trapping the nether roof
sucks to suck ig??
he seems to be the favourite of many, which is weird since he rarely goes out of his way to actually talk to many people
he's the only person that tubbo doesn't actively try to annoy (or maybe he just doesn't find tubbo's antics all that annoying)
he's the only person that ranboo stays around (or maybe he stays around ranboo- he and Phil seem to be the only ones not off-put by his slightly sadistic and whiny demeanour (not counting tubbo, who annoys him anyways)
phil seems to be more protective of him than he thinks is normal (he lets sneeg ride on his shoulder while travelling, so he doesn't really complain)
niki is completely protective over him (again, not complaining)
contrary to popular believe, he does not get high from sugar
if anything he gets
(get it)
he's literally just a nine-year old getting a sugar rush leave him alone
take the normal "bird-brain" headcanons and multiply it by like sixty-four
and you've got origins phil
he can't see glass- or, rather, he can, but it doesn't register that 'hey, this is a solid surface i am going to slam into'
its very funny for everyone else but he's pretty sure he has permanent brain damage from the blunt force trauma
if there is ANYONE on the server who dares to chirp, bird or no, they must understand that they are signing away their privacy and giving phil the right to go absolutely bonkers over them momma bird style
(shoutout to tommy, wilbur, ranboo, and fundy for having to suffer through this)
"oh??? you don't have wings?? you don't have feathers?? omg?? then what's this im preening?? what do you mean im just braiding your hair?? nono this is preening smile"
god help you if you dare to have wings
poor tommy, wilbur, sneeg, and tubbo
phil can't help himself alright
do you think he wants to be any sort of protective over sneegsnag?
no!! but he cant stop himself!! sneeg might damage his wings if he keeps flying those super long distances!!! nnnno! carry the bug man!!!
it's weird, he's always had that protective sense over ranboo, too
but ranboo very obviously doesn't have wings, so he doesn't get it...
yes ur a peasant
yes ur poor
yes im cooler than u
what r u gonna do about it
the enderdragon's son! partially a dragon, partially enderman, partially human (don't ask, his other mom is a hybrid), all spoiled brat!
given that he has a ton of dragon genes, he's extremely possessive over his stuff and Yes He Does Do The Hoarding Thing
he has a pile of rings and gold chains and necklaces and most of his jewellery hidden underneath his bed
(if you ask him, no, he doesn't)
not to wear
just to Have
one time, fundy stole one (1) bracelet from the hoard and ranboo was sent into a panic for a good 24 hours
he wouldn't leave his cave and kept counting and recounting as if that'd make the missing piece reappear
(when fundy had to give it back because of the guilt, he expected to get his face bitten off)
(instead, he just watched as the prince was flooded with relief, telling him to get the hell out and nothing more)
it's weird, he has so much gold and even a crown, and yet here he is
living with all those people ^^^
truth be told, the enderdragon isn't a very nice dragon
nor is she a very kind queen
nor was the other queen
nor was her son
there was a mutiny in the end, leading to the dragon queen and her wife being killed brutally by the crowd of angered people
they went after their son next, who had ordered executions and worked servants to the bone just as much as they had
they cut off his wings in the middle of the square
he was sure he was going to die until a random person (a peasant) jumped up and yelled at them for publicly torturing a child
but ranboo didn't really catch all of it, given he was delirious from pain
he got to get some stuff quickly and escape with his life
this wasn't too long ago, either, so he's still trying to...adjust...to people talking rudely to him
(he's also trying to adjust to not having wings)
(hence why he hurls himself off the edges of cliffs and then has to teleport to the bottom instead of glide. he keeps forgetting.)
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moththefly · 4 years
DSMP headcanons
tall!techno - he a gigantic motherfucker. Like at least 8ft.
Phil dyed his wings at some points in time
Not anymore tho because they got basically blown to shreds trying to shield Wilbur from the explosion in the L'Manburg incident..
We all know abt horned Tubbo, but he also baah's when agitated
Canon deaths leave scars, so:
- Quackity got his face fucked up by Techno's pickaxe
- Burnmarks for the people who got blown up, etc.
Jack Manifold lost part of his soul in hell.. I consider him undead.
Fully on board with Puffy being Dream's mom
Techno isn't Wilbur's or Tommy's brother.. Phil just found him in the Nether one day. But aging works differently in the Nether, so he's been around for a loooong time and just existed instead of aging properly. Phil thought that he was a kid but when he took him to the overworld, he aged much faster than his other kids. Rather than being raised by Phil, he was just that weird dude that always seemed to hang around. He played with Wilbur and Tommy and they have some sort of brotherly bond but Techno would never admit that. He also was much more mature than the other kids because he's been around for much longer, so he feels closer to Phil age-wise and always preferred talking to him.
Bad used to clip his claws because he didn't want to accidentally hurt anyone.. Now that the egg is a thing he doesn't care about that quite as much anymore and let's them grow out. He doesn't even realize.
Wilbur's fingertips were burned even before doomsday because he quite literally played with fire in his insanity to keep himself grounded in reality.
Sam has a pocket for EVERYTHING. His clothes seem to be made out of pockets. Need a bandaid? He got u. Need a screwdriver? Also no problem. He says that it's for all the prison stuff he needs to carry around, but really he just started collecting stuff, people might need.
Sapnap naturally has a very high body temperature. Do with that what you will.
The only person Niki would still bake for is Puffy. When her dreams aren't nightmares, she dreams about red poppies a lot.
Sparkly skin Skeppy hahah
George has narcolepsy, which explains him falling asleep even in important situations.. He just can't help it.
Fundy grew up without much positive or negative reinforcement, which lead to him being kind of a loose cannon. He constantly tries to push his boundaries and see how far he can go because Wilbur never taught him about right and wrong. He had to find out by himself. This also made him a quick problem solver and very creative. Because he didn't have many friends growing up he used that creativity to learn instruments and made lots of music TLDR: Daddy issues.
Fundy HATES being babied. When not taken seriously he goes full grumpy 14 year old mode.
Dream learned braiding in prison to pass the time. He started doing it when his hair became long enough because he doesn't have any way to cut it. When people come visit his hair is styled differently every time.
Foolish uses his human form to walk around and his god form to build. He doesn't need scaffolding because he's (canonically 23ft) tall enough to reach almost anything. Keeping this form is pretty exhausting for him though.
Ranboo has very big, slender hands. His silk touch is a result of that. They help him pick up blocks more easily. He also has a very hunched over posture most of the time because he doesn't like sticking out too much.
Schlatt is/was Tubbo's dad. Schlatt suspected this because he left him in a box when he was a baby but Tubbo was pretty oblivious to it.
Tubbo didn't know he was adopted until Tommy told him and it went a little like this: https://vm.tiktok.com/ZMejH3qrs/ Plottwist: Tommy was joking and didn't know either. In the end Phil had to awkwardly comfort both of them crying. He thought they had noticed that they are different species by now...
I have a ton more... If anyone wants to know, I'll post them.
part 2
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Good Girl, Bad Boy (Pt. 02 of 15)
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Pairing: Billy Hargrove X Reader
Word count: 2.3 K
Summary: You're the extreme opposite of Billy Hargrove. The good girl, with perfect grades, the child every mother wants to have. And you don't want to have nothing to do with his kind. Ignoring Billy – and his constant, lingering stare – became an habit. But after you're put together for a special school program, you'll have no choice but to get along with him. And soon enough you'll find out that Billy is so much more than just Hawkins' bad boy.
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Next part (03)->
{Stranger Things Masterlist}
{Dacre Montgomery Masterlist}
Growing Closer
You find Billy walking away from his locker, ready to go home. He's alone this time, and you heard something about Stacy being mad at him. You wonder what he did to her. Or if he just got tired and is now aiming for someone else.
“Hargrove.” You call when you're closer enough to be heard. Billy turns around immediately, and you both stop in the middle of the hall. “Do you happen to have some time? We need to discuss the calendar.”
“Sure.” He simply says, and it's clear to you he's pissed off already. He was forced into the program, so it's only normal he doesn't want to do that.
“We can hit the library. It remains open for two hours after class.” You can't help but notice some people staring. But that isn't a surprise. You and Billy are as different as day and night, and nobody expects to see you two talking.
“Sure.” He repeats, and a fun expression crosses his face before he steps aside, gesturing for you to walk.
Chuckling, you furrow your eyebrows, starting to make your way to the library.
You know the place by heart since you're here at least three times a week. Waving at the teacher who stays in the reception, you pick a table in the back, so your chattering won't bother anyone. Taking a seat, you watch as Billy settles down across from you.
It's a little weird at first, and a silence falls in between you two. You suddenly realize you've been staring at him, way too focused on his blue eyes. You didn't know Billy's eyes were so beautiful. But you quickly clear your throat, searching on your bag for your notebook.
“I made you this planner.” Pulling the paper sheet off the notebook, colorful by many different marker colors, you slide it over to him. Billy's eyes fall on it immediately, eyebrows raising. “It's just to help you keep up with everything until the end of the year. More stuff will probably be add, but don't worry, I'll let you know.”
“You have everything figured out, don't you?” He finally speaks up, holding the paper in his hands.
“I know you don't want to do this. But this is senior year and you're almost free. Just a little longer and this will be over.” Offering him a small smile, you put a strand of hair behind your ear.
“I won't repeat the year. My grades are enough to get me through.” He sounds a little angry, and you sigh.
You don't know what to say to make him cooperate if he doesn't want to. “Look, you can't get out of the Improvement Program. But you can pick another tutor. So if you want, I have a list of everyone who's still available and maybe if there's someone you already know or happen to be friends with–” As you speak, you start looking in your bag for the small blueish paper. “–you just have to talk to Mrs Martinez and–”
“I want you to be my tutor.” His voice startles you since it's a little too loud and because of the silence, it echoes a bit. “But just because I know you're the smartest person in this school.”
Biting your lip, you nod, not sure how you feel about his compliment. “Thanks... I try.”
“You freaking succeed,” Billy mutters, cupping his hands above the table.
There's heat creeping through your cheeks so you look away, bringing back to mind what else you must talk to him about. “So, the next project is a presentation on History about World War I. Our part is about the assassination of Archduke Ferdinand, the invasion of Bosnia and Herzegovina, and the July crisis. The happenings before the war was set.”
“Shhh.” Someone says, and you look at a small group of people on your left.
“You shut up, asshole.” Billy raises his voice a little, and you look at him with wide eyes.
“Hey. Don't say that.” You warn him, giving the boy an apologetic look. “We're at a library, we're supposed to be quiet.”
“Excuse me.” Mr Williams comes, standing a few feet away. “Some students are complaining about your chattering, so I'll have to ask you to leave, please.”
“Oh...” Blushing a little, you start gathering your stuff. “Sorry, Mr Williams. We'll leave.” Billy is just about to say something when you give him a look.
You're quickly outside again, fixing the strap of your bag on your shoulder. “We...” Moving out of the way of some people heading to the library, you set into his pace, walking side by side. “We'll need some time to work on everything. So we can switch between your place and mine because doing things in the library won't work.” You feel a little shy to propose this, but it's not a big deal. You'll be doing this until the end of the year, so it's quite inevitable. “If that's ok with you, of course.”
“We should hit your place then. My father is home today, so... It just won't work.” There's a change in his voice, and you glance at him.
“My mother is home too. But she won't bother us.” Walking a little faster, you gesture at your car. “Just follow me.”
Billy nods, and you smile, giving him a little wave.
The school is empty, and so are the streets around it, so you have no trouble speeding away. Keeping your eyes on the review mirror, it only takes twenty minutes to get to your house, so you park on your usual spot, stepping out of the car and waiting for Billy to do the same. When he finally joins you on the porch, you move to unlock the door.
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Billy couldn't help but feel lucky to be at her place. He never thought he'd come here, under any circumstances. Trying not to let her notice, he allows his eyes to wander a little as she opens the door, taking in the place (Y/N) calls home. It has a weird feeling for him, almost as if the place is sacred, somewhere he wasn't supposed to be.
“My mother is nice. But she may say some embarring stuff so... Be prepared.” Following her inside, Billy notices as her mother looks at them, eyes going a little wide to see him. He wonders if she isn't used to her daughter bringing boys home. Knowing (Y/N), he knows she's not. “Mom, this is Billy Hargrove. I told you about him yesterday, remember? From the Improvement Program.”
She told her mother about him. So yes, she was thinking about him. Maybe just for a couple of seconds, maybe just as someone she knows, who she has told to help. But it doesn't matter. (Y/N) was thinking about him, and for now, it's enough.
“Of course.” She stands up, coming to give her daughter a quick hug and shake Billy's hand. “I'm Amanda. (Y/N)'s mother.”
“It's good to meet you, Mrs–”
“Call me Amanda kid, or else I feel terribly old.” She jokes, kindly smiling. “I believe you'll be hanging around here a lot because of school. But don't worry, I won't get in your way.”
“Thanks, mom. We'll be in the dining room.” (Y/N)'s light touch on his forearm is enough to make him shot her a glance, almost too desperate, something in him wanting to ask her why she did such a thing. Billy curses himself as he follows her to the dining room for feeling so stupid. It's just a freaking touch. On his freaking arm. And she wasn't even giving it much thought.
As Billy settles down on the table, (Y/N) moves the centerpiece to the edge so they'll have more space. “Do you want anything? Water? Or some chips? I happen to have some.”
Her voice sends Billy into some kind of stupor. A guy like him shouldn't feel this way. (Y/N) is just a girl, and he had many. But none of them ever made him feel like this. Like his heart is trying to jump off his chest. After a year, he did think he got over it. But he was wrong. Billy didn't want to be this close to (Y/N), always watching her from a safe distance. But this stupid school had to put them together, so damn close. Look at him now, seated on her dining table, staring at her like a complete idiot.
Just because she offered him water and freaking chips.
“Water is nice.” He mumbles, eyes on her back as she walks away, passing behind his chair. A sweet scent irradiates from her. Like flowers, he doesn't know which one though, like freaking sunshine.
Laughing at his stupidity, Billy looks down at his hands. How can someone smell like sunshine? It's illogical.
“Get it together, she's just a girl,” Billy says to himself, resting his back against the chair and taking his jacket off, laying on the chair next to him. Girls are nothing new to him. He had they all figured out, their ways, how to break them, how to please them, how to bend them to his will.
But not (Y/N).
A nice girl like her is immune to his tricks. And that's good because if she wasn't, it would mean she could also fall on someone's traps. Like Tommy, or Jimmy, or Jackson. The very thought of those assholes with her, touching, caressing, kissing... It disgusts him, and he's quick to push such images away.
“Did you say something?” (Y/N) asks, coming back from the kitchen and handing him a glass with cold water. Once she's close enough, he takes a deep breath, and her sweet scent almost drives him mad.
She's not a girl for you, get it together. “No.” He mumbles, taking long sips before putting the glass down. “So what now?” He sounds a little rude, so he immediately clears his throat after, eyes on (Y/N) as she takes a seat next to him on the round table instead of across from him. Billy finds it odd, but he's thankful for the proximity. This way, he can be surrounded by her candy-like scent, trying to memorize it so he could play it back later. When he's into the nightmare he calls home.
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You're just about to start, History books already on the table, since you'll begin with the presentation, notebooks and papers so you can take notes, but then you look at Billy. There's a bruise on the apple of his cheek that you haven't noticed it before.
“Did you get into a fight?” You ask, leaning slightly forward to take a better look.
“What?” There's a moment of confusion on his face before it changes. “Yeah.”
“Did you win?”
“In a way.” It doesn't look like he'll say anything else.
“Well, if someone punches you, make sure to beat them up.” Smiling a little, you take the History book, opening it on chapter 7. “What exactly do you know about–”
“Are you still dating Steve?”
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The question takes you by surprise, making you nervously giggle. “Why are you asking me that?”
“Just curious.” He shrugs his shoulders, tilting his head to the side. “Saw you two talking earlier today and he wouldn't be happy to know we'll be around each other a lot.”
“Steve is my friend. We dated last year but only for two months.” Avoiding Billy's eyes, you go through the book, not really paying attention to anything. You can feel his stare, and for some reason, your cheeks start heating up.
“Who broke up with who?”
Chuckling, you turn your body towards him. “Why do you want to know, Billy?” Maybe he's just trying to procrastinate. “Because if you're just trying to delay things I–”
“No, I really want to know.” He leans forward, pulling the book closer to him. “You and Harrington don't fit together, so I was surprised to see you hanging out with him last year.”
“Steve and I got pretty close when he dropped the jerk act. And we were both single so we decided to give it a try.” The only reason you're telling Billy this is because it's not a secret. Some people know and they probably didn't put any effort into keeping it hidden. “But it didn't click. We were dating but it wasn't really romantic, so...” You smile to remember it, and the memory that comes back is definitely a secret. Nancy is the only one who knows, her and Steve, obviously. But you guess it's ok to tell Billy, it's quite funny. And silly. “We... We never really kissed, you know?”
“What?” His voice startles you, and the genuine confusion on his face only makes you laugh. “You're joking.”
“I'm not, and if this gets out, I'll know it was you.” With a finger pointing at his face, you fake a threatening face. “So keep it between us or else.”
Pinching his eyebrows together, Billy seems amused. “Or else what?” His voice gets lower, as he leans closer.
“Or else I'll have no choice but to make out with Steve in front of the whole school.” In a sassy tone, you smile, biting your tongue not to laugh at his expression. Billy is... Impressed? Surprised, maybe. Something tells you he wasn't expecting this answer.
“Ew. Please don't.”
“Then don't tell anyone.” Shrugging your shoulders, you pull your feet up, crossing your legs on the chair. “Now, C'mon. World War I.”
“One more question and we get to it.” As he speaks, you feel him pulling your hand away from the notebook, forcing you to give him attention. “Why in the hell didn't you and Steve–”
“We kissed. I mean, those quick kisses, you know. Like when you say hi or goodbye. Just a peck in the lips. But that was it.”
“That was it?”
“That was it.” Giggling again, you assure him. Why is it so important to him anyway? “Now, can we start?”
You watch as Billy's eyes remain on you, burning, lingering. After a while, his lips break into a smile and he looks down at the book, shaking his head lightly. “Let's start.”
@multific @clockworkballerina @tina1938 @graciehams @moatsnow @all-the-stars-on-your-skin
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passp0rtguardian · 3 years
Can you do something self indulgent? Something you want to write?
((You have no idea how many possibilites this opened up for me alsdkfj))
Joshua Freeman was six years old. He was in first grade, with his birthday being in July.
Joshua Freeman's dad was Gordon Freeman. He was a cool dad who was nice to Joshua.
Recently, Joshua's met some new people. His dad was gone for a really long time- at least it was long to him- and then came back weird.
His dad has always been weird in the goofy fun way, but... this was bad weird. He got all scared all the time and he kept having bad nightmares.
Joshua only got every other week with his dad so he didn't see much of that. But on the weeks that he was there it was bad.
His dad would wake up screaming sometimes, and Joshua would climb into the bed with him claiming that he himself had a nightmare. He had a feeling that maybe his dad didn't want to say he had nightmares.
This week, his dad told him that he would be meeting some new people.
"Old friends," his dad said.
Joshua didn't think they were old. Or friends. His dad looked nervous.
Either way, Joshua was polite. He got ready to have guests over, cleaning his room - he never understood why he had to do that if they weren't going to be in his room - and getting dressed in something relatively nice.
That nice dress being a cowboy outfit. Light brown button-up, dark brown jeans, and his red bandana tied around his neck. He had his dad tie his hair up into a ponytail.
He liked doing his hair like his dad. He had a feeling his dad liked it too.
He played in the living room with some toy horses and cowboys while they waited for these new people to come. He could see the man in the corner, too. He didn't appear too often.
The man wore a dark blue suit and a red tie. He had black hair with stripes of white, and bright bright blue eyes. Sometimes he would watch his dad. Joshua had a feeling nobody else could see the man but him.
He pretended not to see the man though, continuing to play with his toys.
Eventually there was a knock on the door. Glancing at the time on the oven told Joshua that it was around the time that his dad said his friends would be around.
That was good. His dad at least remembered that he liked knowing when things would happen.
He watched his dad head to the door and open it, revealing a very tall man that looked like the man in the corner. Joshua tilted his head a little as the man ducked his head to head through the door.
"H-Hello Mr. Freeman!" The man greeted, his voice oddly soft. Joshua held his toys tightly, picking them up before going to grab his tablet so he could talk if needed.
He goes back into the living room after getting his tablet, finally getting a good look at the man who arrived first. He had dark brown hair, so not black, and yellow eyes. He also had a cool propellor hat.
He still looked a lot like the man in the corner though. It seemed like this man could see the one in the corner too; he kept glancing over there.
His dad and the man stopped their talking as he came back, his dad looking over at him. "Oh- this is, um, this is Joshua. My son- the one I told you about back... back there." He said, sounding unsure of himself.
The man looked down at Joshua. "Oh-! Hello, Joshua! I'm- I'm Tommy! It's nice to muh, meet you!" He said with a smile that was warmer than Joshua expected.
Joshua takes a second to type on his tablet. "Hello," He had his tablet talk for him. Talking was hard. The only time he talked was when he was with his mom and that's because she didn't like it when he used his tablet or sign language.
Tommy didn't seem bothered by the tablet. He just smiled and then went back to talking with his dad.
Joshua sat on the couch in the living room, where his dad told him to answer the door if anyone else knocked.
There were other knocks.
Joshua hopped off of the couch to answer it, looking up at two... old guys.
One kinda looked like Einstein, and the other looked like an evil scientist Joshua would see in cartoons.
"Oh, hello!" Einstein said with a happy tone to his voice- or at least, Joshua thought so. "Who might you be?"
Joshua took a second to type into his tablet. "Joshua Freeman."
"Ah, so he's Gordon's boy," the other old man said, sounding a bit meaner than Einstein. Joshua felt his dad walk up behind him, gently ushering him out of the way.
He invited the two old guys in, and they introduced themselves as 'Coomer' and 'Bubby'.
Joshua thought the name Bubby was really cool. When he told Bubby so, he laughed and said "Hell yeah!!" before being told not to swear by his dad.
Things quickly got loud in the house, so Joshua asked his dad to go outside for a little bit. His dad said yes, but to only stay near the house and to not go anywhere else.
So Joshua did. He stayed outside of the house, away from the noise inside. It was quiet out there, because it was getting dark. The only things he could hear were cicadas and cars.
The man was out here too, sitting on one of those electricity boxes. Joshua's dad told him not to sit on those because they could electrocute him.
Joshua goes over, looking up at the man before patting the electricity box testily. The man looked shocked that Joshua could see him, but not too shocked.
The man helped Joshua onto the electricity box, and they sat quietly for a moment.
Joshua paused before tapping a button on his tablet, making the robotic voice that was his voice go 'meow'. It made the man chuckle, and Joshua couldn't help but feel a sense of pride. Maybe it was because the man looked so serious all the time.
"I always had a,, feeling, you could see me when others, couldn't." The man said. He spoke in a similar way to Tommy, he just paused where Tommy would stutter.
"Why can't anybody else see you?" Joshua typed out, before pausing and adding something else. "It seems like Tommy can."
"Tommy can,, see me." The man replied. "I have made it to where,,, the others, can't. Maybe you'll learn,, invisibility one day."
"I think shapeshifting is cooler." Joshua typed in response. "What's your name?"
"You may call me,, the Gman." The man, the Gman, responded. "It seems, you have another visitor. Good things are in store for you,,, Joshua." He said before standing up and just disappearing. Joshua didn't know if that was invisibility or not. His dad told him that people could teleport before too.
Joshua keeps sitting there for a little bit, wondering what the Gman meant by another visitor, before he heard soft footsteps crunching in the grass.
He looked up to see a person in a weird security guard uniform. It had the logo of his dad's old job on it.
"yo," they said. They didn't look exactly human. "you little feets?"
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