#got too exited
didderd · 1 year
(so sry i havent even started on those asks that i asked for lmao)
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couch-house · 10 months
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accidentally calling your teacher dad except he's actually your dad so nobody thinks it's a big deal but you still feel like you just called your teacher dad in front of all your friends and they won't think you're cool anymore even though you're pushing 30 and none of your friends think you're cool anyway.
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icantdothistodaybruh · 2 months
First of all, happy birthday! I hope you are having a great time and eating lots of cake.
I really like your artworks, if I could buy you a print I would, but alas, the student life doesn't allow such luxuries
I would love to see your process when rendering artworks and paintings and the like.
Would you be so kind as to share a speedpainting with us the common folk any time im the future?
My best regards,
Awww thank you so much, Anon!! I had a wonderful day :)
As for the speedpaints, I only have timelapses (without close-ups and canvas mirroring\rotation) but I still think they are kinda fun to watch! I picked out a bunch and left them unedited with all my artistic craziness on record💅💅💅 will post them one by one some other time, now let's get to it!!
Till this day, I believe this is my favourite artwork, and with that said... looking back at it my first thought was that I am insane. The lines. Oh god the lines. Every day I wish I'd get as swallowed up and utterly possessed by the process as then. Somewhere closer to the middle you will see that I'm writing a signature, that was actually because I thought I am almost finished. Who could've guessed...
Sudden jumps to another work (like on 1:47) is a common occurrence for me, I tend to work at multiple projects at a time, and sometimes it's just so happens that they are even on the same canvas, oops//// you will see quite a bit of this happening in other timelapses too
The funniest part in my opinion are the moments of complete stillness. The timer is going, the music is on, but for solid 10 seconds I have no Idea what am I doing or where am I doing it because looking from afar literally nothing changes💋
It is also worth noting that it's a rare moment where I have no problem with Sebastian's face AT ALL, usually it takes about three to five tries and makes me question my life choices
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xx-k1tsun3-k1d-xx · 16 days
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strawberry dreamz scene queen >:3
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seafoam-taide · 26 days
on my second playthrough of in stars and time that i just started. i swore i saw something during the loop >> tutorial. and it was nagging at me that i wasnt sure if i actually saw it or not. so. i started ANOTHER save file jjust for the sake of recording that interaction and.
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numberonenat · 1 year
thinking about solomon being completely jealous once mc manages to get closer to the demon brothers in nightbringer...
'it's not fair.
they were supposed to be mine here, i'm the only one from their time~'
and he would furrow his eyebrows whenever any of the brothers mentioned mc's name...
he would make excuses to "steal" mc back to cocytus hall, and mc would always believe those excuses because they trust him...
he would make ugly faces when mc says they have a game night planed with leviathan and/or mammon...
he would angrily cook monstrosities after receiving a text from mc telling him lucifer invited them for dinner at the house of lamentation...
he would hold mc's hand just a little tighter when one of the brothers got close, tighter enough for them to notice...
but mc is not stupid
"was that... jealousy?"
"i have no idea what you are talking about."
"don't look at me like that-"
maybe a little bit, yes-"
but he would always escort mc back to their room after a tea afternoon at the demon lord's castle or a movie night at the twins room to make sure they're safe...
he would always text mc if they're wandering somewhere or shopping with asmodeus to ask them for a selfie so he knows they're alive...
he would always call mc in random times of the day when he's busy just to hear their voice...
he would always knock on mc's door to ask them if they want or need something just to see their face...
solomon just...cares too much
"hey, did something happen? you don't look so well."
"oh- it's nothing, really...you don't need to worry-"
"you miss home, don't you, mc?"
"yeah...i do."
"i know you do."
he does. he does care too much.
so he would never stop holding mc whenever they remember they don't belong in that time...
he would never stop saying that mc is not alone, that he's there too...
he would never stop being a shoulder for mc to cry when they just wanna go back home...
he would never stop reassuring mc that they're going to be able go back no matter what...
and he would never, ever stop searching for a way to go back and to bring mc back to where they both came from.
even though he kind of wishes they would never go back. wishes they could be "alone" and together for eternity.
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- english is not my first language so... let me know if i ever make any mistakes 😛
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crabs-brencil · 3 months
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saw @lueddegen-art 's post and had to do my own take of it lol
anyways yeah, that one exit strategy outfit but make it a runway
excerpt in question: "i hesitated over long skirts, wide pants, full-length caftans, and tunics and jackets that went to the knees."
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corvigae · 9 months
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lavampira · 8 months
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happy valentione’s from d’alia and her drk family 💞
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engagemythrusters · 4 months
no bc a large reason i was instantly drawn to the Walmart Echo was because he WOULD be a walmart employee
all these modern AUs where the clones are cops or lawyers or whatever are missing the Big Thing about the clones in canon: they come from nothing, earn nothing, and die with nothing. They don't make money (i think?), they have very little rights, and they're fucking expendable.
You know what that is in real life now? That's the fuckin working class! That's minimum wage, no benefits, no overtime! Your front desk attendants, your cashiers, your stockers, your servers, your retail associates!
not to mention, the clones are men of colour, and a large portion of them becoming disabled (via physical disability or PTSD or what-have-you)... you think they're easily finding jobs? And in THIS economy? I hid my disability, played pretend, and I'm still makin jack squat. I've got privilages they don't have! I have a degree--they wouldnt have gotten formal educations in this universe!
in Star Wars, the clones are taken advantage of the whole damn time. you think it's gonna be any different in the real world?
now obviously people break through and stuff. some clones would, too. but by and large... society is made of working class. clones are blue collar through and through and damn its actually nice to see it.
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strangeangel22 · 6 months
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Made my farmer a profile for funsies. What a guy!!!!
(profile maker and portrait creator links here!!)
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difeisheng · 1 year
okay the thing is that everything i said about li lianhua and being a ghost and tying up every loose end before he leaves, is that that's what li lianhua hoped would happen. it is.... not the reality.
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dazaistabletop · 1 year
Me: *watching the Japanese Livstream on both my work desktop and on my phone in my lap, waiting for Ranpo to use Ultra Deduction and realize Some Shit™*
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My boss: *walks in*
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deus-ex-mona · 21 days
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the ✨fickleness✨ of the heart
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derpinette · 8 months
when i exchange a message whether i receive or send one i have to immediately shut off my device & walk some laps for a few minutes to shake off the adrenaline rush
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eldhuug · 2 years
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AH i finally settled on some designs for the main charas in the rdr2 witcher au I have in my head :-)) if youre interested in some more details, keep reading!
Arthur: Wolf witcher who struck out of his old school alongside his two father figures, and has been standing by their goal of funding their own witcher school. Not very up to date with what they’re doing, but is their main source of stable income. Meets Charles on his travels and falls in love inbetween the growing political intrigue he’s forced to try to understand. Jack of all trades kind of fighter, but has especially beautiful swordskills.  Charles: Bear school witcher who has lived a really long time on his own, and took a chance doing work alongside a kind of witcher he knew roamed in packs. grew fond enough of Arthur to help him fund a place they might both call home. One of the few witchers who hunt animals as much as monsters, and uses very few signs. Molly: A down on her luck sorceress trying to find a noble kind of adventure, scorned by her family as she’s attempting to join in on the aspirations of Dutch. Struggles to not be the only magic wielder in the group, and her isolation and fear of both being a burden and being unexeptional drives her to loose controll of her magic abilities. Lenny: A man with an almost impossible level of luck, Lenny survived the trial of the grasses by the skin of his teeth despite being concidered too old to have any change of living through it. An exeptional sign user, he’s an academically minded young witcher who does a lot of research on both enhancing signs, and brewing new types of potions. Both Hosea and Dutch view him as their protegee, and he juggles the expectation to be a researched and a future leader as best as he can.  Dutch: Struck out from the school of the wolf in a dream to create his own stronghold for witchers where they would view each other like a family and treat their fellow men with compassion and kindness. His drive to cement his legacy as one of historys most impactful men hounds at him, and as his dreams keep expanding his desperation grows alongside it.  Hosea: Used to primarily be a potion teacher before he struck out with Dutch to see the ability of proper future for himself and the love of his life. Initially incredibly sceptical of the endevour and Dutches insistance of letting anyone of any school join their group, he tries his best to leave a legacy through Lenny and their shared research. 
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