#grab tissues guys
mochalottie · 7 months
“What are you talking about, no it won’t,” Jake protests, shaking his head so that the ends of his braids drag against his shoulder blades. “Where are you getting that idea from?” 
“Because it’s happened before,” Spider says, and Jake hates that there’s a little inflection in his voice, as if the kid truly believes it. “It worked, so kill me.” 
“No,” Jake says, wrestling with a multitude of monsters in his chest as he lets go of Spider’s shoulders. The kid slumps a little more but doesn’t move otherwise. “You’re in shock, Spider. And I won’t let you try and get yourself killed. I won’t kill you.” 
His eyes go blank again, the tiny bit of will fading from his gaze, and Jake shivers again as the kid says, “Kill me.” 
“Just do it.” 
“I said no.” 
“Kill me.” 
“I’ll do it,” a sudden, familiar voice says behind them, and Jake turns so quickly he gives himself whiplash. The heat spreads up the left side of his neck to his head, causing him to wince even as his gaze locks onto Neytiri. 
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sidsinning · 7 months
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leoified · 7 months
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hereliesbeetlejuice · 10 months
Hello! Can you please tell me what the video is of Alex Brightman and Sophia Anne Caruso dancing on stage in normal clothing is? The one where Alex kind of flips Sophia around his back and then sets her down. It looks like a rehearsal. Would you mind sending me the link to the video?
hey there!! absolutely wouldn’t mind, it’s from a little compilation video Rob McClure made as a tribute to his time at Beetlejuice when he left the show back in 2019. unfortunately i’m not aware of a full version of that particular clip available to the public (someone correct me if i’m wrong!) but you can find the compilation video on his insta, link below! 💜
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alvojake · 4 months
y'all this is my sincere apology for what you are about to go through reading the murder house... I am not going to spoil anything bc where's the fun in that, but just know that you might wanna grab your tissues and therapy plushie 🙃
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feralwritings · 3 months
three's company
interlude I: 1985
words: 6.3k
masterpost | part one | part two
steve, eddie, and reader are 18+ in this fic unless otherwise stated (such as a flashback) but will be 18+ in every intimacy scene.
warnings: graphic depictions of violence, depictions of physical injury, discussion of hospitals and medical care, ill-advised post injury sex but hey what are you gonna do when you see your bestie's tits for the first time.
tags: enthusiastic consent, vaginal fingering, nipple play, handjobs, protected piv sex, wound care leading to intimacy, riding, so loving and then so heartbreaking so strap in and strap on .
July 11th, 1985
“A week after the catastrophic fire that took place at STARCOURT Mall, recovery teams are still working diligently to recover the remains of Hawkins residents. As the death toll rises, the question persists: how can this once small town recover from such loss? The decrease in the Hawkins populace has already resulted in economic strain, and with Mayor Kline behind bars, there is a great deal of uncertainty among the town. With the loss of Chief Jim Hopper-“
Steve twisted the dial on the radio sharply, turning it off. 
Jesus, what a fucking week. 
In and out of the hospital, a couple of CT scans and a prescription of painkillers later, Steve had been given the all clear to resume to somewhat normal activity, but had been advised not to partake in any strenuous activity. 
Does being held hostage and beaten by Russians count? He wanted to say, but as soon as that thought had popped into his mind, the image of his messy signature on a NDA flashed right after. 
His injuries were comparable to everyone else’s, in a way. Except for hers. 
God, she was such a reckless little idiot. Fucking off on her own to confront Billy in some vain attempt to distract him and the Mind Flayer long enough for everyone to escape. It hadn’t worked, of course, and she’d missed the firework fight and hadn’t been found until rescue crews arrived at the mall, laying facedown on the asphalt, unresponsive and bleeding from innumerable places on her body.
He remembered spotting her ruined face being wheeled away on a gurney. It wasn’t something that he would forget any time soon. He’d been carted away with Robin in their own ambulance, thankfully to the same hospital, but the doctors wouldn’t allow him to find her until they had ascertained that his injuries weren’t life threatening. 
Once they had done so, he was finally allowed to visit her. 
As he ducked into the small hospital room, he briefly wondered if he was prepared for what he was about to see. Her condition, he’d been told, was stable and not life threatening, but he had also been told that she wasn’t out of the woods yet. When he asked what that meant, the doctor fixed him with a look of mixed pity and annoyance, and informed him, for probably about the seventh time, that any further answers to his pressing questions would be a violation of her patient confidentiality. 
Thankfully, when he stepped fully into her hospital room, he found her awake and alert, flicking furiously through a stack of magazines and newspapers.
“Hey,” he said quietly, trying not to startle her. 
She looked up, face breaking into a smile beneath the cannula that was sitting against her cheeks. 
“Hi,” she rasped, reaching for him automatically. He rushed over, bending to give her an awkward squeeze, before pulling up a chair to her bedside. 
“What’s this about?” He tugged gently at the oxygen tube situated beneath her chin, and she rolled her eyes. 
“This,” she flitted an annoying hand over her face, “Is the reason I’m still stuck in this fucking hellhole. I can’t breathe too well on my own yet, due to the four -four!- broken ribs, so they’re keeping me here until that improves.” 
“Four?” He breathed, eyes darting automatically to her torso, before looking back into her face, “Jesus, what happened?”
She shrugged, “I have no idea. Doc thinks it’s a combination of things - the concussion, being knocked unconscious, trauma, whatever.”
Steve felt a sour taste in his mouth then, and reached out to grasp her hand in his, needing to feel her pulse underneath his fingertips. Behind her, a monitor showed various vitals, signs of life being transmitted from her body, through wires, to machines, but it wasn’t tangible enough. Her warm hand in his, the steady pulse in her wrist was, and she gave him a sympathetic little smile, jostling his hand affectionately. 
“I’m fine, Steve, really. In no time, I’ll be back in fighting fit, completely ready to rip some son of a bitch from the Upside Down a new one.” 
Steve pouted, “Don’t joke about that.”
She returned his pout and gave his hand an apologetic squeeze for the joke not landing. 
“What are you doing?” He pointed to the newspapers and magazines, and she shrugged noncommittally. 
“Nothing. Just being incredibly bored. Trying to figure out what the general public are saying and what they think happened at the mall.”
“You don’t have to worry about that,” he said, eyeing the papers warily before turning his gaze back to her, “Owens will make sure that we’re safe, okay?”
“I know,” she thumbed the edge of a newspaper, “I just worry. About the kids. And Robin. She’s new to this bullshit and I just want her and the kids to be safe.”
“And they will be, okay?” Steve squeezed her hand.
She looked at him, eyes searching over his face. She took her hand out of his, using it to fiddle with the hem of her hospital gown.
“I hope you’re right.”
He looked over her face, bent back towards the stack of papers on the tray table.
“Why,” he breathed, “Why did you go after him by yourself? You could’ve been killed.”
She looked at him, opening her mouth to respond, but evidently she didn’t have anything to say. She shrugged.
“I mean it,” he pressed, “Why?”
“I don’t know?” She said, looking at him with a mix of confusion and annoyance, “Why does it matter?”
“It matters,” he scooted closer in his chair, “Because you could’ve been killed.”
“You said that already-”
“And, you keep doing it. Putting yourself in danger when you don’t need to.”
“Steve,” she sighed, pressing the heels of her hands to her eyes, “I was trying to distract him so the kids could get away.”
“And look what happened! You’ve been laid up in a hospital bed for days now, and you can’t even go home cause your lungs aren’t working.”
“Why exactly are you getting on my ass about this now?” She asked, staring at him, “What does it matter? It’s done, it's over with, just let it go-”
“You don’t know that. We have no idea if it's over or if it's going to happen again, and if/when it does, you’re going to be there, and you’re going to take another unnecessary risk, and you’re going to get yourself killed-”
“Steve, I’m an adult, I don’t need your fucking permission to-”
“It’s not about-”
“Excuse me.” They both looked around to see a doctor, standing in the doorway, arms folded across a clipboard, a stern expression on her face.
“Hi,” She said softly, and Dr. Whatever (Steve couldn’t read her name tag from where he was sitting) arched an eyebrow.
“You should be getting some sleep, Miss.”
“Right.” She sank back against the pillows, glancing at Steve, mouthing ‘I’ll see you later’.
He took his cue to go, passing by the doctor on his way out, sparing a final glance over his shoulder at her. She was staring out of the window, mouth pressed into angry line, and right before the door closed, she brushed away a tear.
His destination came into view. Her house was dark and quiet, with only her little pickup parked in the driveway. He pulled up to the curb, got out and made his way across the wilting grass to her doorstep.
When he knocked on the door, he expected one of her parents to answer, so was therefore shocked when the door opened and he saw her, leaning heavily against the frame, hair tied back messily, clad in sweatpants and a loose muscle tee, looking weary and dizzy from the journey to the door. 
“Holy shit,” he muttered, stepping inside without hesitation, arm winding around her waist. She sank against him, sighing a little.
“What are you doing here?” She breathed, looking up at him. 
“Selling encyclopedias,” he deadpanned, and he felt his heart leap when she rolled her eyes affectionately at him, “I came to see how you were. Where are your parents?”
Her small smile twisted into a sour grimace, “Indianapolis, with your parents.”
“Oh yeah. The conference,” he sighed, “Never mind that both their kids were in a burning building a week ago.”
She scoffed at that and then winced. 
“Ribs still hurting?” He asked, and she nodded, gesturing towards the couch. 
Together, they walked over to the couch. She sank back onto the cushions with a sigh, and from the side, through the slits in her muscle tee he could see the heavy bruising littering her ribs. He could also see the side of her breast, as she wasn’t wearing a bra, but he looked away pointedly, staring at the TV that was playing softly. 
She looked at him, “Your face still looks like shit.” 
He laughed out loud at that one, throwing his head back, “So does yours, dumbass.”
She quirked a split lip at him, “How's your head?”
“Better. Not as mushy. Yours?”
“Haven’t had any complaints yet.” 
He looked at her so fast he got a crick in his neck. She was worrying her split lip with her teeth, barely containing a smile. 
“Oh, ha ha. Very funny.” He sighed, willing his heart rate to go back down. It’s not like he would be uncomfortable with the idea of her having sex, but there’s a flare of misplaced protectiveness and jealousy that he knows, realistically, he has no right to feel but he feels it ebbing away at him all the same. 
“I thought so,” she adjusted on the couch, sinking further into the cushions, elevating her back so that there was about an inch of space between it and the backrest, “Irony always is.” 
He let that statement float in the air, too taken aback to comment on it. She kept wiggling, adjusting like she couldn’t get comfortable. 
“What’s wrong?” He asked, watching as she huffed out a frustrated breath. 
“My back. I dunno what Billy did but the doctors said that I have a huge fucking cut right in the middle. Can’t wear a bra for like, three weeks.”
Steve felt his blood run cold at that. When he’d seen her in the hospital, she hadn’t mentioned it, nor did any of her doctors when he was around, so the knowledge that there was yet another injury that Billy had inflicted on her, that she now had to contend with, alone, made him feel a renewed sense of anger. 
She sat up rather suddenly, arm twisting awkwardly to press against the middle of her back, “Fuck, the gauze came loose again. I’ll be right back.”
She stood without another word, and hurried to what he knew to be the bathroom.
He let her go, as she never asked for his help unless she absolutely needed it. He sat there, in that room that was as familiar to him as his own home. He’d known her since they were babies, spent more time in this house than he could even remember. It hadn’t changed much, save for some of the more modernized decorations. Out with the 70s, in with the 80s, and a fresh coat of paint to boot. He wondered when it had happened.
A grunt of pain brought him out of his reverie, and he sat up a little straighter, calling out, “Hey, you okay?”
A beat of silence, two, and then-
“Not really! Can you,” another grunt, “Can you come help me?” 
He found her in the bathroom, shirt rucked up in the back as she tried in vain to press a new bandage over her wound.  He couldn’t see it, as her hands and the shirt were still covering it, but a flash of angry, red skin was enough to make his throat close up a bit. 
“I can’t get it to stay,” She pouted, letting her hands fall to her sides again. 
Hesitantly, he approached her, fingers skimming under her shirt, feeling for the edges of the bandage. When he pressed it into place against the soft muscle of her back, it wouldn’t stick, and even when he held it there for a few moments, it still came loose. 
“We’ll have to wrap something around it to keep it in place,” he mumbled, glancing around the bathroom. Evidence of her taking care of herself was littered everywhere, empty bandage packages, blood soaked tissue in the trash, antiseptics and ointments. 
“The doctors said I couldn’t because of my ribs. The compression might keep them from healing.”
“Something loose, then, like an ace bandage, just enough to keep it on you.”
She tilted her head in consideration, “Yeah, I guess that could work, I don’t know how I’d wrap it, though, twisting like that is gonna be hell on my ribs.” She said, more to herself than him. 
“I’ll do it,” Steve offered, and she caught his gaze in the bathroom mirror, arching an eyebrow. He stared right back, returning her incredulous expression.
“Steve, I would have to take off my shirt.”
“So? Have you forgotten the part where I have tits?”
“Can we just-“ he turned her around by her shoulders, and she looked up at him with an unreadable expression, messing with the split in her lip again, “Can we just get you taken care of without this being weird? I mean, you did it for me last year.”
It was true. After Billy had beat the shit out of both of them, but mostly Steve, she’d taken care of him, holding an ice pack to his head as he rested in her lap, cleaning off his face, bandaging his wounds. She’d been so careful and methodical about it too. 
She sighed through her nose, “Fine.”
She retrieved the bandage from the first aid kit and handed it to him, and then hesitated again, before slowly starting to lift her shirt. She struggled at the halfway point, and so he helped her pull it all of the way off, her hair flopping back into place after the fabric had brushed against it. 
Now that the shirt was gone and the bandage was loose, the cut was thrown into greater relief, he felt that the word ‘cut’ to describe what he was seeing was an understatement. 
It was a gash, about four inches long, a couple inches wide, deep enough for healing to be a raging bitch but not deep enough for stitches. The skin had started to granulate back together, but Steve had had his shit kicked in enough times to know that she should be farther along in healing than this. 
“Why is it still so bad?” He ran his fingers along horizontal scratches that were littered around the cut. Drag marks. 
“I kept opening it up in the hospital, when I’d wake up thrashing and screaming, you know, as one does.”
“As one does,” he agreed quietly, unnerved by her cavalier tone. He caught her eye again in the mirror, “Jesus, you’re lucky he didn’t sever anything.” 
She scoffed softly in response. 
“Arms up,” he instructed. She laced her fingers behind her head, snapping her eyes shut against the pain that was blooming across her bruised rib cage. 
He began wrapping, making sure it was loose enough to not compress her ribs but tight enough to keep the bandage in place. He couldn’t help brushing the skin of her breasts, but instead of apologizing over and over again he elected to ignore it, and she was breathing shallowly anyway, more focused on the pain in her ribs than anything else. 
When he was done, he unlaced her fingers from behind her head and helped her lower her arms back down. 
“Thanks,” she breathed out, reaching for her shirt. 
He got there first, and started pulling it over her head. She turned, slotting her arms through the sleeves. 
When his fingers brushed against her hips, both of them caught their breath, staring at each other. 
Steve curled his fingers around her hips, finding himself incapable of letting her go just yet. They’d been through so much, together and apart, and he couldn’t help but feel if he let go too soon, she’d disappear, stolen by some many tentacled or many teethed thing from the Upside Down. 
Billy very well could have killed her. He certainly tried, and whether or not it was because of the Mind Flayer possessing him or it was just what he wanted to do, Steve couldn’t quite see past the fact that he had almost lost her, without telling her…anything. 
He’s not sure what she means to him. He’s not sure what he even means to himself - mortality is weird once you’ve faced it more than once, and Steve can’t help but feel like they’re living on borrowed time.
He knows that she’s always been there. Their lives, running parallel to each other, crossing sometimes but ultimately, they drifted apart. Ships in the night.
She looked up at him, eyelashes fluttering as she blinked. Pretty eyes, once so bright and curious now jaded and weary, their luster giving way to darkness. 
“Steve.” she said. 
It wasn’t a question. 
They moved in tandem, the first brush of their lips achingly shy, eyes half lidded to gauge the others reaction, but the next kiss, and the next, and the next were so very far from shy. The gentle, barely there grip of his fingers on her waist had turned into his forearms braced around her, pulling her as close as she could get.
She stood on tiptoe, arms wound around his neck, moving her mouth hungrily against his, pretty little sighs falling from her mouth. 
She was so soft, so warm against him. Her breasts, god, pressed against his chest as he hugged her close to him, and his palms ached at the thought of cupping them. 
They half walked, half stumbled to her bedroom. Given the fact that they were both concussed, and he could only really see out of one eye, it took longer than it normally would have, due to their lack of depth perception.
She fumbled for the knob as he pressed her against the door, one hand braced behind her knee, pulling her leg up to wrap around his waist. She made a guttural little noise then, giving the doorknob a final, frustrated twist until it sprang open, and they toppled through it. 
Miraculously, they found their way to the bed and not the floor, Steve flopping back against the mattress first, pulling her on top of him. She landed a little heavily, arms braced on either side of his head. 
She recovered well enough, legs scrambling to kneel on either side of his hips as she pulled him up for another bruising kiss.
He gripped her thighs through her sweats, ran them up her sides and cupped the soft line of her jaw, before delving his fingers into her hair. Everywhere he could touch, he did. The sides of her breasts through the slits in the muscle tee, her ass, the meat of her hips, the smooth muscle of her back.
With one hand braced on the small of her back, he ran the other along the waistband of her sweats, and she hummed into his mouth, her own hand squeezing his wrist in encouragement. 
Delving beneath her sweats, he found that she wasn’t wearing panties, and for some reason, the knowledge that she hadn’t been this entire time sent his arousal into a higher tailspin than it already had been. 
When his fingers brushed between her folds, he found her to be devastatingly slick. She gasped into the side of his neck, her head lolling along his shoulder. 
It seemed incredible, somehow, that Steve had gotten her like this. Needy, wet, canting her wide hips against the heel of his hand as he slipped his fingers inside her. It made his head swim with delight, but that could’ve just been the concussion. 
Regardless, there was no way she didn’t know that he was hard in his jeans. Indeed, her hand, nimble, chipped nail polished fingers were already (deftly, what was that about) unzipping his jeans, before she stopped altogether, looking at him with those eyes of hers, innocent and a little nervous. 
“Is this okay?” She asked, huffing out a breath, a strand of hair fluttering as she did. 
He looked at her incredulously, and he twisted his fingers a little inside of her, as if to remind her, “Given the fact I’m literally inside you right now, yes, it’s okay. You’re cute for asking, though.”
She looked flustered at the compliment, breaking eye contact, but he could see the small smile that crossed her lips, and she continued her ministrations, smirking at his choice of underwear.
“Shoulda known you were a tighty whities guy. Your jeans are so damn tight you couldn’t wear anything else.”
“I didn’t think they were that tight?” He gaped at her.
“Oh please,” She rolled her eyes, “You could put a quarter in your back pocket and tell if it was heads or tails.” 
“Oh, my God,” Steve brushed his thumb against her clit in retaliation, earning a low growl from her in return, “Exactly how long have you been staring at my ass?”
“Just about as long as you’ve been staring at mine,” She arched a knowing eyebrow at him. 
And there it was. Not necessarily a confirmation, but definitely an implication that they had always felt something for each other. Noticing each other, not just across the room in school, or when they were with everyone else with danger looming over them. No, they’d noticed each other in the quiet moments. He’d noticed when she switched from glasses to contacts, having broken two pairs in two years. She’d noticed when he started to get jumpy at small noises. They’d both noticed how they'd grown from chubby, carefree toddlers splashing each other in the kiddie pool to the people they were now, on the cusp of the rest of their lives yet still tied to this small town and its small minded people and tied to what lay beneath it, a dark and sinister mirror world that they’d been charged with keeping at bay. 
He brought her in for another kiss, a bit softer this time, brow furrowing against hers, a strange swooping feeling in his chest, a little bit like the sensation of falling when on the brink of sleep. 
She pulled him out of his briefs, breaking their kiss to lick her palm and take him in hand, running her thumb over his slit. 
“Holy fuck,” he murmured, eyes rolling in the back of his head as she jerked him off. He cupped her breasts with both hands, feeling her nipples pebble against his palm. He tweaked them, and her hand slipped on his cock, and she let out the loudest noise yet. Evidently, her nipples were very sensitive. 
“I wanna take this off,” he tugged at the collar of her muscle tee, and she caught her breath, hesitating.
She looked at him, eyes full of trepidation and somehow, someway, he understood. That she hadn’t been naked in this context with him, with the afternoon sun streaming through the window, outlining her soft, lush skin in an angelic glow. He wanted to see all of her, in all of her thick, curvy glory, no matter how bruised or battered she was from Starcourt. He wanted to see the expanse of her plush tummy, run his tongue along the valley between her heavy breasts, dig his fingers into the supple skin of her thighs. God, he wanted her. All of her. 
“I want to see you.” he cupped her jaw, thumb braced under her chin. 
“One of your eyes is still fucked up,” she muttered, looking away shyly, “You won’t be able to see much of anything.” 
“Baby,” he whispered, bringing her face close to his, “I want to see all of you.” 
She’d melted into his touch when he called her baby, eyes shining a bit. 
“Are you sure?” She breathed. 
He nodded. Together, they pulled off her muscle tee, and his breath caught in his lungs. 
She had scars. He recognized a few, the ones he’d been there for. The one along her right hip, evidence of an old, deep scrape from the time she’d fallen off her bike when she was ten. He remembered that, pulling her up from the asphalt as she tried not to cry. He’d taken her to his house, two terrified kids knowing nothing about wound care, standing in his bathroom, panicking over what to do. He’d poured half a bottle of rubbing alcohol on it, pressed five superhero bandaids over it and called it good. It’d gotten infected, and she wouldn’t stop picking at it, so the scar remained longer than it should have. 
The one beneath her clavicle, courtesy of their first run in with the demogorgon. A sharp, taloned hand had swiped blindly through the strobing Christmas lights and caught her in the chest. Thirteen stitches later, here it still was, raised and shining. 
The one from Billy, when he’d thrown her into Joyce’s hutch, shattering the glass and embedding a piece just above her belly button. Not deep enough to hit anything important, but enough to leave a scar a couple inches long. He remembered her pulling the piece of glass out and staunching the blood herself with a paper towel and some duct tape. 
He bent forward and worshiped her with an open mouth, pressing kisses wherever he could reach. He ran his lips along the inside of one of her breasts before taking a nipple into his mouth, rolling the hardening nub gently between his teeth before soothing it with the flat of his tongue. She choked out a high pitched gasp, one hand flying to his hair to curl her fingers into. 
“You like that?” He smirked against the silky flesh, gazing up at her through his eyelashes as he hitched her higher on his lap. He settled against the headboard, back aching from supporting both of them for so long. She nodded fervently, her snark disappearing in the wake of her utter and all encompassing arousal. 
He gave her other breast the same treatment, and watched in fascination as her brows furrowed and her mouth fell open in a shuddering little moan. 
He’d barely touched her between her legs, only enough to gauge how ready she was for him and to tease her, but now he slipped his fingers beneath her waistband again, sealed his mouth over her nipple, and got to work. 
“Oh, fuck fuck fuck,” She whined, tossing her head back, “Steve, I’m gonna- holy shit-“ her thighs trembled as he flexed his fingers inside her, feeling her cunt flutter around his fingers, thumb flicking relentlessly over her clit. 
She came with a choked sob, hand flying to cover her mouth as he worked her through it. Her warm, wet cunt gushed around his fingers, and they could both hear how wet she was, even through the barrier of her sweats. 
When she finally stopped twitching, breathing heavily against his shoulder after collapsing against him, she straightened up, brushing a lock of sweaty hair out of her face before shoving clumsily at her sweats, managing to get it off her ass and fully off of one leg before she settled against his bare thighs again, looking at him, hands braced on his shoulders. 
“I’m on birth control.” 
“What?” He was still reeling from the sound she made when she came. 
“If we fuck you’re not going to get me pregnant. Most likely. It’s new.” 
“I could just pull out?”
“Yeah, and James Clark pulled out of Samantha Kearns and then her parents sent her away for nine months to live with her aunt and then they had a miracle baby in their forties.” 
“How-“ Steve huffed out a laugh, she truly was something else, “How do you know that?”
She fixed him with a look, “James is a redhead. So is that baby.”
“Point is, it won’t matter whether or not you pull out, so are you going to fuck me or not?” 
“So demanding,” He teased, settling a hand on her ass, moving her closer, lining himself up with her entrance, “When did you get so bossy?”
“I’d like to call it - oh, fuck - motivated,” She let out a deep sigh as she sank down on his cock, one hand reaching up to curl around the decorative ridge of her wooden headboard, her other hand digging into the meat of her own fleshy thigh, leaving little half crescent dents against her skin. 
He brushed his thumb against the bruised skin of her cheek affectionately, “You okay?” 
She nodded through gritted teeth. He could feel her clenching around him as she struggled to relax, taking too much too fast. This wasn’t entirely uncommon - he was thicker than most, and he’d learned that girls deeply appreciated being well prepared before he sank into them. In her case, though, it might be different. He honestly didn’t know whether or not she’d done this with anyone before, and a rush of guilt flooded through him - he hadn’t thought to ask. 
She gave one long, experimental roll of her hips and he sucked in a breath, staying as still as he could. 
“Don’t let this inflate your ego,” she said softly, rolling her hips again, and he felt her start to relax, and her expression became less pinched and more open, lips separating in a gentle moan, “You’re just so big.” 
Lengthwise, somewhat, girth, definitely. With her on top he was definitely deeper than he normally would’ve been, fully sheathed inside her wet, silken warmth. It was intoxicating, the way they moved slowly against each other, languid, as if they had all the time in the world. 
He palmed at her breast, “I’ll try not to.”
Kissing had gone painful, due to their matching split lips, blood slowly oozing from hers and his throbbing, so they settled for resting their bruised heads together, breathing the same air, absorbing one another through presses of hands into skin, murmurs of closer and more and please whispered into the afternoon air of her bedroom.
“You feel so good,” Steve sighed into her mouth, catching hold of her hand, lacing their fingers, “So fucking good for me.”
She whimpered a little then, and he cracked open his good eye to look into her face. Her eyes were screwed shut, brows knit closely together, jaw loose. He watched as goosebumps erupted across her skin, ghosting his lips along the ones that were scattered across her shoulder like little constellations. 
She twitched around him, the swooping arc of her hips against his becoming steadily faster. She tugged at his t-shirt, nestling her head in the space between his shoulder and jaw, mouthing clumsily at the veined column of his neck. 
He angled his hips, lifting and rolling her onto her back, placing a pillow underneath her head. Her hair fanned out against the pillowcase, face a mask of pleasure.
“This okay?” He asked, and she nodded hurriedly.
“How’s your back?” He wrapped a hand around her waist, lifting her up the tiniest bit.
“What?” She spluttered, eyes flying open in confusion, before her expression cleared, understanding what he meant, “Its fine, I’m fine, just-”
She laughed hoarsely as he sunk back in, and he kissed her stupid for it, until she was a needy, moaning mess beneath him again. As his stomach started to twist, he knew that he was about to come, and he told her as much, pressing the words into the soft skin of her neck as he kissed her there.
She nodded, running her hand through his hair, which only sent him closer to the edge, and he snaked his hand between their bodies to rub clumsily at her clit. It had the desired effect, she began to clench around his cock, but it was the tremble of her thighs, her mouth against his and the way she breathed out his name, like a hit to the solar plexus, that had him coming, collapsing into her with a barely contained shout that he muffled into the plush skin of her breast.
They laid there for a while, breathing heavily against each other. At one point, Steve rolled off to the side, arm still slung around her waist as they fell into weightless, dreamless sleep.
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Steve woke up first.
Night had fallen outside, strips of pale moonlight seeping through the blinds, slits of light shadow laid delicately across her body.
She’d turned to her side in her sleep, one hand resting up by her face, pressing into her cheek, and the other curled in the sheets towards him, like she’d reached for him in her sleep but hadn’t quite gotten there.
She looked almost angelic, which was odd considering that her body was still marred with bruises and lacerations and scars, evidence of her participation in the battle they’d been fighting.
He felt the anxiety spike in the nerves of his spine, flooding his mouth with an acrid, sour taste as he realized what this could mean.
If they moved forward together, it was only a matter of time before they were thrown back on the front lines, and with each passing year, the war only got worse. Losses increased, for fucks sake, so many people had died in Hawkins this year that it was affecting the local economy, which had already been in shambles due to the construction of the mall, and now that the mall wasn’t even there, he had no clue how Hawkins would ever recover.
He didn’t care about the economy though, he cared about her. About Robin, Nancy, the kids, Jonathan, Joyce. About this little family he’d found himself ingratiated into, a family that was without its patriarch, Hopper, who somehow had kept them on some sort of track, and it was him that they could look to when they were scared and he’d look right back, sturdy in the face of otherworldly horrors.
But now Hop was gone. And the Byers were moving, and Eleven’s powers were gone, and it all just seemed so hopeless.
She snuffled softly in her sleep, nuzzling her face into the pillow, pulling her legs up a little more. She was cold.
Steve knew he couldn’t stay. He wanted to, god, he wanted to. But he couldn’t be with her, and end up having all those memories only to relive them while he stares down at a cold slab of granite with her name and birthday and death day on it, knowing that she’s six feet below him, withering away. He can’t face the possibility of missing what they could have had for the rest of his life. He already missed it, laying beside her. There’s no guarantee that it’ll happen, that she’ll die by the hand of something from the Upside Down, but the fear of it is enough to make him withdraw into himself.
Today, with her, the press of her cut lip against his and the feel of her soft, supple skin beneath his fingertips will have to be enough. This one time, this will have to be enough. This will have to satiate the desire, the need that, suddenly, he realizes, has been the undercurrent of the last couple years, when she crashed back into his life in ‘83 after the unceremonious and cold dissolution of their friendship back in middle school.
He hated himself for it, but he pulled himself out of her soft bed, grabbed the blanket that hung over the footboard and covered her in it, ran a hand through her hair and across the bruised skin of her cheek before withdrawing, getting dressed, and ducking out into the night air, warm and inviting, though he couldn’t feel it through the cold shame that was coursing through him.
He didn’t cry on his way home. He didn’t cry when he crossed the threshold.
The one and only time the tears ever fell were in the shower, mixing with the warm spray hitting his face, and he could pretend that the hot, prickly feeling in his eyes was exhaustion.
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She woke to the sound of the front door closing.
The other side of her bed was still warm, the pillow still creased where his head had lain.
She was a little sore, a little cold, wrapped in a blanket that she didn’t remember grabbing.
She blinked blearily, willing the foggy remnants of sleep from her mind as she sat up, hissing at the ache in her ribs, and the rolling sort of pain in her head. And her back. And just about everywhere else.
With the blanket wrapped around her loosely, she padded to the front room and looked out the peephole, just in time to see Steve’s BMW peel out of her driveway, the silhouette of the strong line of his nose and the fluffy coif of his hair briefly outlined by the orange streetlight before he drove out of view.
Right, she thought to herself, moving away from the door and walking numbly down the hall to the bathroom, shedding the blanket as she went.
Of course, she stared at her reflection in the mirror, peeling off the ace bandage and ripping the gauze from her skin, uncaring of the way the gash on her back stung and throbbed.
He never would have stayed, she turned the shower on, stepping into the hot stream of water, sinking to the sterile shower floor, legs pulled to her chest, arms wrapped around her knees.
No one is ever going to stay, she stared at the water swirling around the drain, wishing that she could turn into liquid and go with it.
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beingcluelessiguess · 6 months
My drug tolerance has worsened in the span of months what do you mean i threw up after smoking 2 cigarettes
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Ateez as Boyfriends [Explicit Ver.]
yet another collab with loren @eightmakesonebraincell. idk what this is but it's smut and it's a filthfest in here sooo MDNI!!
lmao when we think about it now we don't even know how we came to write this (speed write it more like) but this has collected dust in the drafts for a good while anddd it's our first time writing smut like this (minus my woo fic) so here we are :') Enjoy!
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eye fucks you
literally when he is in the mood he will let his eyes scan you ever so slowly
i just think that most of the times you’ll be in the studio
and studio sex calls for you in his lap to get his attention
while his attention remains undivided on his pc
until you grind-
one wrong move and you’re done for
if he doesn’t want you to break his focus at that moment, he’s probably gonna growl and bite your shoulder with the promise of what’s about to come
and threaten you with things he would do to you once he is free
however, if you've succeeded?
immediately on to you
lips everywhere and anywhere on your body
tongue in your mouth
i feel like even if he tries to go slow, he’s the type to lose control in the middle of it
and go super intense and heated
loves it when his hands are on your hips and controlling your movement
the type to wedge his thigh between your legs as you make out 
and watch you become a mess as you grind on it
or when you’re sitting on him, he’ll hook your legs over his to stop you from closing them
he’ll finger you until you’re squirming in his lap
punish you for distracting him and being a bad girl
neck kisses he’s gonna leave pretty marks all over you
will praise the f outta you (not me censoring this.) 
will probably move around a lot during sex
like one moment you’re in his lap
next you’re on the couch, he’s on top of you
until you switch
and then he has you standing up and suddenly you’re pinned against the wall
will not miss a chance to go down on you
knows exactly how to make you cry
and i mean cry.
laughs against your throbbing core and the vibrations oh goodness
absolutely loves the feeling of your fingers gripping his hair in desperation
nips you everywhere
and when you’re finally begging him to give you what you want, that’s when he’ll let you have some moment of control
probably curses in pleasure
loves watching you on top of him but makes sure you know who’s in control (him)
he’s gonna spice things up when you’re reaching climax
i think i said he knows how to make you cry so go ahead and imagine
will overstimulate you before he wraps things up hehe
i just feel like his fingers on your clit right before you come and it’s 10x more intense
would love to come inside you when he can ;)
hongjoong would also probably record the audio of your moans during sex and when you climax (with consent ofc)
and on nights when he’s missing you he’ll play it through his headphones and touch himself wishing you were here
takes such good care of you when you’re done like you joke that he’s suddenly worried if you’re okay when he fucked you like there’s no tomorrow-
but really he’s all prepared he’s immediately making sure you have what you need- water, cuddles, round 2, you name it
will kiss your forehead as he assures you you’re his muse, the love of his life and all that sweet stuff :’)
you whine that you feel all sticky and gross
he definitely has an abundance of tissues and wet wipes in his studio
when people ask him why he has so many he tells them it’s for yknow cleaning
if you guys are back home in the shower though?
omg he is so soft and all about the romance
makes you feel so so loved
holds you in his arms for the longest time
or you’re in the middle of doing something and he grabs your wrist
and pulls you towards him with the biggest smile on his face
hands on your hips as he sways you around
and you just know that look in his eyes means he’s in the mood and he’s going to make this a memorable night for both of you
you’ll hook your arms around his neck and sway to the music that is in your heads
guided by his movements
he tells you what he’s feeling. no filters
and you appreciate that so much about him
would definitely have a post-sex playlist that he’s made with like slow candle-lit dinner vibes
plays it with a speaker in the bathroom as he presses long and lazy kisses against you
basically a very love-driven makeout session :((
hehe but he most definitely nibbles all over the marks he’s left on you with a sense of achievement
loves when you wear one of his shirts over just your panties as you go to bed together
it’s the possessiveness in him i’m telling you
he’s quick to fall asleep but you can see a faint smile on his lips as you caress his head or his face
and you tell him all the reasons you love him
you can swear his hold on you tightens even though he is fast asleep
and you’re going to wake up with him looking at you like you’re the most beautiful thing he has ever laid eyes on :(( 
even tho you look like an absolute mess in the morning-
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man has a mouth on him like have you seen his lips?
the prettiest lips in ateez 
and his tongue????
he is the best kisser in ateez fight me
he knows how deadly his tongue is
and he’s going to use that to his advantage
makeout sessions are gonna be next level with him
and when his tongue goes elsewhere-
like when he kisses your neck?
or anywhere for that matter??
you literally cannot breath
it’s like it’s turning him on too
makes the dirtiest noises you bet 
he loves the feeling of your thighs clenching around him because it means that you’re close
he praises you and tells you that you have the prettiest moans
loves that you’re making those sounds just for him
he’ll enjoy overstimulating you
he coos and tells you to give him one more orgasm baby as he digs his fingers knuckle-deep into you
he knows your body so well
he can tell exactly when you’re about to come
like, he’ll say “come for me” because he knows that’s what tips you over the edge
and then when he’s satisfied with how many times you’ve come for him
that’s when he gets started
when you guys are fucking there are two different moods
sometimes he likes to take it slow and worship your body
pepper kisses all over your face and anywhere he can reach
presses his body against yours like he has to be touching every part of your exposed skin
drags his length in and out of you slowly so he can feel every inch of you
will latch his lips onto yours and explore your mouth with his tongue
likes to hold your hand :’((( i love him so much
other times it’s hot and fast and needy
his hands roam all over your body and through your hair
rolls your nipples between his fingers to make your back arch 
moans into the kisses
bites your lower lip
either lets you run your hands wherever you want or pins them to whatever surface you’re on
you fist the sheets beneath you or grip his shoulders
he grunts and pants in between praises of how tight you are and how good you feel
before he’s coming hard into you
i’m convinced that when hwa comes his eyes roll back and he lets out the deepest moan
it’s so filthy his expression alone can make you reach your climax honestly
his warmth fills you up (pls use a condom irl)
and when he pulls out, the sight of his cum leaking out of you has him half-hardening again
he loves to see how he’s ruined you
and you best bet he’ll help clean you up-
with his mouth
he’ll hold your legs apart as you writhe from sensitivity
as soon as you both come down from your orgasms, it’s like all the dom has left his body
he literally becomes the softest when he’s doing aftercare like his touch is suddenly delicate and he’s holding you like you’re fragile
“sir, i’m pretty sure you’ve left bruises on my body but okay”
“ah, did i? shall i kiss them so they get better?”
and you grin bc you’re lovestruck
and he feels so proud that he made you smile bc that means you’re okay
literally every second sentence that comes out of his mouth will be praise
that you did so well for him
that you’re so beautiful
that you’re all that he could ever ask for
peppers soft kisses on your face and kisses your knuckles
brings you sth warm to drink and cuddles you all night
i feel like he’s the type to love feeling skin on skin when cuddling
especially after having sex
he just has his boxers on and you just have your panties on
and he loves to hold you close to him and just feel you next to him in such an intimate way :’(((
he can’t keep his hands off you but it’s completely innocent
traces little patterns and shapes on your back
splays his hand over your tummy
rests a hand over your chest bc he likes to feel your heartbeat
and he does it unconsciously too, even during pillow talk
you two can talk for hours about anything and everything deep into the night
it doesn’t even matter what the pillow talk is about all you two want is to hear each other’s voices
imagine hwa’s post-sex husky deep voice akjfldsg
but you two talk and cuddle for so long neither of you even realise when you’ve fallen asleep
in the morning he wakes up before you but he stays cuddling you until you wake up so that he’s the first thing you see <33
there’ll be lots of lazy kisses before he gets up to make you a cute breakfast
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eye fucks you pt 2
literally the way he just watches you at times
like he’s drinking in the sight of you
before he kisses you he’s going to cup your face and look at you for the longest time
and you can see a thousand undecipherable emotions in his eyes
hesitates a bit before he kisses you but once you’re into it he’s a changed man
idk about you but i feel like his tongue can do wonders
i just think he’s a natural at this he kisses you like he’s been doing it forever and will never get tired of it 
makeout turns heated pretty quick and one thing leads to another-
will be vocal during sex too like
he needs to hear you say some stuff before you proceed
he needs to hear your voice to confirm you’re feeling good
he’s pretty much driven on that
he aims to please you. 
his hands. need i say more?
he drives you crazy with his hands alone
even when they’re cupping your face or like holding you behind your neck
you love his hands in your hair
you love it when you feel his big hands anywhere on your body for that matter
especially when they’re gripping your thighs
and his long fingers omg
just a brush of them in the inside of your thigh or near your core and you’re done for
makes you a writhing mess before he will even touch you
will also pin you on nearest surfaces 
and lets his mouth and thighs do the rest
probably loves when you ride his thigh too as he makes out with you
to the point you almost come on that alone
he just loves when you want to be in control but he restrains you
and you gladly let him
will at times let you dom him
but he just thinks that you’re cute for trying
really, he’s watching all smug, watching you on top of him, waiting until he’s had enough
and then he’s flipped you
he’s pinned you to the bed and he dwarfs you grrr 
“now it’s my turn”
if you think cuddling while lovemaking is a soft trait? make it hard for yunho
like he’s just burying his nose in the crook of your neck while he pumps into you
spoons you from behind as he rubs his length against your ass
or kissing your temple or head and moaning against you
and oh goodness his weight on you when he’s on top of you i-
will mumble praise into your ear
“you’re so fucking wet baby” hdsjhjkdfhg
“you feel so good”
and you’ll def praise him in return he loves that
not afraid to experiment with you
and he’s always just so supportive of your wants and needs
he’s also fully capable of driving you insane like he can be a little shit sometimes-
his hand around your throat.
his hand being able to wrap around both of your wrists
loves to pin your wrists above your head
when he’s approaching his orgasm he’ll see what you need
probably loves it when you come together
and he’ll pump all that inside you he won’t stop
will remain inside for a good few moments until he pulls out
and then it's just another round of teasing each other as he takes care of you
“can we shower together now?” but you know it will lead to shower sex
“will you let me spoon you after i clean you up?”
“only if i don’t find your dick hardening against my ass in the middle of the night, yunho”
the teasing is just ramped up honestly
you two flick soap suds at each other
he smacks your ass and it startles you and you slip a little in the shower
he makes sure to catch you but you smack his chest as revenge even though you two are giggling
when you step out of the shower he’ll throw your towel over your head so it covers your face
the man runs out of the bathroom before you can throw the towel back at him
he’s just streaking through the house naked at this point
it takes a while for you two to calm down enough to actually get into bed
but there’s definitely another hour or two of very handsy teasing
mostly from him as you giggle at his antics
and lots of hypothetical discussions about things you guys could try out next time
but also not hypothetically because he would totally be down lol
he’ll be like “okay but what if we restrained your wrists to the shower curtain bar, do you think it’d break?”
and you say you can try next time but if it does break he’s paying not you
you’re just both a laughing mess in each other’s arms as you fall asleep
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vanilla guy
he can move his tongue 180 degrees do you all know what use he can make of that?
he’s either super shy super shy~ or he’s gonna be the demon that we all know he is
his kisses range from shy to heated and rushed
like when he’s shy he’s all smiles and cautious touches 
but you can literally taste it when he’s desperate
because his body language changes significantly
suddenly he’s the most confident
kinda feel like lingerie really turns him on
like whenever you wear something lacy or revealing
his length is already hardening before he knows it
sometimes he tries to hide it
other times he comes right up to you and growls into your ear that he needs you right now
his favourite place to do it might be in the bed
he just wants to make sure you’re comfortable first and foremost
and i feel like he’s a switch
he has his dom days he has his sub days too
sometimes he just needs you to lead and he loves watching you when you take the lead
he lets you do whatever you want to him
like he’ll watch as you unbutton your shirt and slip off your bra
and when you lean down to take off his pants
he’ll let you kiss him and touch him however you like
but when you start teasing him?
i feel like he has a switch that goes off and bam he’s now in dom mode
and he’s suddenly flipped positions and he’s like “i’ve had enough sweetheart”
and he’s banging into you with no remorse
and you swear his beautiful deep voice does something to you makes you feral is what it does
tucks your hair out of the way as he pumps his length into you
holds your face :( he’s so precious grrrrr
swipes his thumb across your lower lip
daring you to try something like-
he’s a tease he knows what game you’re playing
and if you try to capture his thumb between your teeth he’s gonna be like ‘nuh-uh not so quick’
like he can be the sub and still be in charge how beautiful is that
bonus points if you make him laugh or make him shy during sex
you love to see it when you praise him and he gets all flustered
but boi does he know how to make you lose your shit too
esp when he’s in control and just running his hands all over your body
tracing all your curves as he drinks in the sight and praises you so. much.
as if he isn’t a walking sculpture himself :’)
loves watching your little reaction and catches on real quick
like if you writhe under him when he kisses your sweet spot? he’s gonna be all smug and you bet the night has gotten longer
because he will spend his sweet time there
and when he’s fingering you or eating you out he will do everything to get the best reactions out of you
aftercare is 90 percent him fussing over you 
even though you reassure him that you’re okay from under the mountain of blankets he’s piled over you
he literally treats you like a queen
also because he wants to give you everything that you might even potentially need
so he like
brings you a whole platter of warm tea, water, energy drinks, salty snacks, packets of lollies, chocolates, you name it
will also ask if you need painkillers or anything
you better give that man his aftercare too he deserves it
you slip him bits of chocolate or snacks 
sometimes after he’s had one of those days where he’s radiated dom energy or he’s teased you a lot
you bring it up with him and wiggle your eyebrows
like “so i’m your good girl, huh”
and he gets so flustered and shy and does his little giggle
but you never tease him too much, because you know that he can start to doubt himself or feel insecure
so you always make sure to tell him how good and perfect he is no matter what he does
he deserves all the love in the world <3
so after you let him fuss over you for a while you sort of just, fling up the side of your blanket and say
“get in here”
and he has such a cute bright smile as he burrows underneath the covers with you
sometimes he spoons you
but more often than not
you spoon him
and he feels so safe and loved whenever you hug him like that :’(
you love to run your fingers through his long locks because his hair feels super soft
but also because you can almost hear the purr that comes out of yeosang when you do it
he’s a precious baby :(
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a switch nobody can convince us otherwise
he can be a hard dom
manhandles you, like have you seen the way he is with woo??
holds your jaw to make you look at him
or he gets up close and crowds your personal space
passes you the dirtiest looks
will stare at you for the longest time just to see what your reaction will be
loves it when you get flustered and shy 
doesn’t care if you’re in public his touches will look casual to others
but you’ve memorised what his hand placement means
like when his hand on your waist slowly lowers to your hip, you know it’s gonna be a long night
teases you during sex, like he’ll lightly drag his fingers around your upper thighs and on your lower stomach but never touching your core
and he’ll ask you what do you want
he wants you to be vocal and beg for him to touch you
and when you do he’ll rip away your clothes and go down on you like he’s starved
he unbuttons your clothes and unclasps your bra with one hand and that alone makes you so wet
fondles your breasts with one hand while he circles your clit with the other
he latches his mouth onto your neck and collarbones and sucks on your nipples
has your back arching from all the different sensations all at once
but he’s also the subbiest sub to exist
like can you imagine him whimpering underneath you
this time he’s the one begging
he begs to touch you
and he begs for you to touch him, kiss him, anything
he doesn’t care if there are people in the next room or if they can hear him
he just needs to be inside of you
man always does it like it’s his first time taking you 
like you’re blown by how much he can enjoy this every time it just gives you that confidence boost too
and he’s big on praise as well
loves being loud during sex 
makes the unholiest noises-
makes the most intense eye contact and if you dare shy away from him?
“look at me when i’m looking at you”
^that’s your reaction btw 
his kisses become more messy as things escalate and he just
he wishes he could kiss you everywhere all at once
switches positions so many times but mostly because he needs to feel closer to you in every aspect
might have a thing for putting your legs over his shoulders as he pumps into you
will make you scream without a doubt
like his aim is to make you see stars and boi do you get lost
so you also love to return the favour
and he’s not all that hard to please all you have to do is push the right buttons and say the right things
but you prolong the process on purpose
because you too enjoy seeing him break under you
it’s just that he makes you feel so good about yourself 
he makes you feel like you’re everything he’s ever wanted and then some
will make you come on his fingers
and then lick them clean-
will make you come on his dick next
and break right after he can’t handle you becoming a mess on him
collapses next to you and laughs in disbelief because how good was that?
takes a few moments to gather himself, all the while caressing your skin 
and kissing you- the softest kisses
before he gets up and takes care of you
and he’s so so good at that
he’s cleaning you up, making sure you’re hydrated, helping you into bed and then the cuddlefest starts
lies against the pillows and then shifts you so that you’re basically half-lying on top of him
he loves when you rest your head on his chest, an arm and a leg slung over the top of him too
(half the reason he works out his shoulders and chest is so that you have more pillow surface area hehe)
in these moments he wishes he has three hands
one to hold you against him
one to caress and run through your hair
and one more to hold your hand with :(
he just has to settle for alternating between the three
and all the while he is just constantly. pressing. kisses. against the crown of your head
“i love you”
“i love you too, san”
and not even twenty seconds later
“i love you so much”
“i love you so much too, san”
repeatedly confesses his love to you because it’s true he loves you so much it’s crazy
and when he can hear the sleep starting to cling to your voice, he’ll wish you goodnight
with many more kisses to go along with it <33
he doesn’t let go of you once during the night
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have you seen his hip rolls-
okay from the start
9/10 times it starts with you cuddling
it’s all good and nice and fluffy and you’re watching something or just scrolling 
he just likes to be in physical contact with you in any way
one of you is mindlessly touching the other- very casual at first
casual kiss on your bare shoulder or you kissing his jaw or knuckles
until one of you is in the mood and starts touching the other with purpose
and wait until the other starts squirming visibly
if you’re in his lap? you’re gonna feel it before he can even tell you
and you turn around all smug
but he doesn’t give you time to react because he will kiss you
he’s also prob really big on makeouts
he just loves the feel of his lips on yours as if they’re made for each other
or his tongue inside your mouth and the way you move under him while he kisses you
will have a good proper makeout session before you proceed
his hands will literally travel everywhere
plays with your breasts as he kisses you
also he will kiss every inch of you
and when he goes down on you?
he knows his nose brushing against your clit is your undoing
and he takes advantage of it
the tip of his nose glistening undoes something in you-
will basically make out with your clit
and make you come multiple times on his fingers and tongue before he gives you what you want
those hands squeezing your hips along with that really don’t help-
eats you out like a man starved
but before that
he’s also the type to get his own fair share of oral
and you would love to please him as well
you want that
you love it when he rolls his hips, clutching your hair, whether his cock is in your mouth or inside you
and when you’re having sex even tho he gives dom energy, he likes you on top
he’s just gonna be holding your hips and making you bounce on him
he’s gonna slow it down, make it bouncy ;) 
your hands on his chest
he’s gonna watch you with those eyes
and groan a lot it fuels you
it drives him crazy when you snake a hand down to your front to circle your own clit
and when you climax and collapse against his chest, he’ll hold you steady against his chest and grip your ass
will plant his feet against the bed so that he can pump up into you
i feel like he can be pretty filthy in the best way
like he likes it messy
he wants to make you a mess in every sense
he will spill inside you all over you and be proud of it and look at the mess like it’s a work of art
and the air smells of sweat, sex and love <3
will probably prompt another round-
if he lets you have your way first, he’s def going to have his way in the second round
and that could entail a lot of things
but at some point, it’s definitely gonna be him pinning your wrists down on the bed with one hand
while his own thighs holds your open
and he makes you see stars with his fingers alone
and at some point
it’s going to be him pounding relentlessly into you, a hand on your back pinning you down to the bed
and the second round is always so much more intense
you think you’re spent? he knows exactly how to get you riled up again
but he knows when you’re tired and done even when you say you want more
so he just turns very soft all of a sudden and kisses you like a boy having his first kiss
because he’s so in love with you :(( 
and then he’s gonna tell you what you mean to him
he’s gonna make you look at him as he tells you how beautiful you are and how you mean the whole world to him
sometimes he sees doubt in your eyes but he won’t go away until he clears it
and then you’re both giggling and he’s looking around wondering what to do
“the towels first, please,” you giggle again and he hops off the bed, laughing to himself
probably drags you in the shower with him too and teases you a lot there
so much that sometimes you have another round there-
always so fun with him innit
but he makes sure you’re fed, hydrated, clean and content before he joins you in bed and the cuddlefest starts
human pillow i said what i said
and he’ll caress your hair or skin as he tells you about something that happened at work or you rant about something that annoyed you today
and he jokes and teases you and you slap his chest and he’s suddenly a laughing mess and you’re joining 
and then at some point, you both fall asleep in each other’s arms <3
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omega vibes.
a bratty sub
and wooyoung literally ousts himself as having a degrading kink
not his heart fluttering when hongjoong bossed him around
he likes to tease you and frustrate you all day
a quick smirk here
a sneaky touch there 
feel like wooyoung would also make you wear vibrating panties or put a remote-controlled vibrator in you
will turn the vibration up at the worst times
like when you’re talking to someone or when it’s super quiet
he’ll give you the cheekiest grin from across the room
especially when a noise accidentally slips out of you
he loves watching you awkwardly fumble and pretend you didn’t just moan
sometimes in the bedroom when he’s pressing the vibrator against your clit, he’ll pull away at the last second just before you reach your orgasm
and he’ll be like oops sorry :))
until the sexual tension makes you snap
he lets you flip him over or pin him against the wall as you kiss his lips swollen and mark his neck until it’s bruised
and you can feel how smug he is
he loves when you show him his place
and when you mark him with hickeys
you’ll push him onto the bed
and sometimes you tie his wrists together
he’s such a brat you can’t help but try and tame him even when you know it’s hopeless
so you just give up midway and he’s all smug and laughing and you’re like okay have your way then
it’s just very fun with him never a boring moment
and feels like a game of who has more control (you’ve got equal points)(you’re both in negative)
you bet he keeps a record of that
also he gets turned on at the strangest of times
you’re cleaning and he saw you bend down to get that dust? he’s turned on
you almost tripped and made the cutest face afterwards and he teases you but you glare at him? he’s turned on
but the same goes for you
all he has to do is roll his sleeves and display his delicious veiny arms while he cooks
and you’re a whining mess
he knows it
we all love wooyoung in the kitchen
speaking of the kitchen-
no one would eat the food he makes if they knew how many times he’s fucked you on the countertop lol
but he fucks you on every surface he can so-
he loves going down on you mostly because of the noises you make when he’s eating you out
and he knows exactly what move of his tongue or lips against your core earns what noise
he knows you have a thing for his nose digging into your clit too 
so he’s gonna make the most of it ;) 
will let your thighs squeeze him as he makes out with your clit
but when he pushes them apart? the veins on his arms pop and you can’t help but run your fingers all over them 
his arms are just such a work of art
and then he’s trailing kisses up your body and kissing you as if he’s short on breath
also has a thing for fisting your hair when you go down on him 
and oh goodness does he make the most pretty sounds you’ve ever heard
basically the two of you live to rile the other up no matter what way it is <3
when he’s finally inside you, he’s either taking full control or just letting you do whatever you want there’s no in-between
mostly it’s the latter because he loves to see you ride him
but just because you’re on top of him doesn’t mean you’ve got full control. he makes sure you know that
because he is going to pound into you from under you and make you see stars <3
aftercare is something ingrained in him
it’s like he gets all his energy back just to take care of you :(( 
he’s fussing over you, not letting you move before he cleans you up and makes you drink or eat something
he has to give the green light for you and at this point, you let him
because who wouldn’t enjoy a fussy woo??
and then he’s like “let’s shower together ;) “ and you’re like
“ah. is that what all of this was for?”
not complaining though
but the best part about showering together isn’t another round- that’s rare
you simply love it when you’re washing each other up
he loves when you shampoo his hair and massage his scalp
and he rubs the knots out of your neck or arms or thighs
wherever you might be feeling sore from your escapades lol
there’s still a couple of teasing remarks and wandering hands here and there
but he makes sure you’re all warm and dry before he tucks you into bed or wraps you in a huge fluffy blanket on the couch
he’ll insist that you do nothing while he cooks up a small meal for you two because if you two hadn’t become distracted during the process of making dinner, then you two are hungry from the energy you’ve expended LOL
and when he’s made sure you’re absolutely full he’ll cuddle you until you both succumb to food coma
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we all know he’s not physically affectionate
but boi does it look like he’s been doing this all his life
big on foreplay
gets you all hot and bothered first with the way his fingers run over your arms or your thighs
gentle squeezes in between or like something muttered in your ear
until you can’t take it anymore and you make the first move
slow kisses are his things like he loves the intimacy when you’re just making out like you have all the time in the world
and he’s shy at first def, will laugh and joke between kisses just so he can get super comfortable
before he turns into a monster
peppers kisses all over your face :( 
has a knack for making you feel like you’re the most precious thing in this world
to him you are <3
has a thing for necks
will kiss your neck and your sweet spot until it turns red
probably nibble on it too he’d love to see you marked by him
will trail kisses all the way down
will play with your breasts for the longest time as well
just teasing you and making a mess out of you
before he lets his fingers touch you down there and find you already soaked
and god does it give him an ego boost
anddd that’s where things get interesting
watches your every move when he touches you down there 
and has a shit-eating grin on his face throughout 
(which you love you’re not even gonna complain)
he’s gonna make you come multiple times on his fingers that’s a given
he loves to watch you move under him and will probably have a hand on your stomach to brace you and refrain your movements
which drives you so fucking crazy
you’re going to beg for him before he ever lets his cock near you
and when he’s ready for that, he’ll make it so agonisingly slow
will 100 percent grip your thighs as he spreads them apart and just let you feel him against you
before he enters you
he takes a moment to relish in the feeling of your tight walls against him- he can never get enough of that
will pump slowly into you first before it becomes rushed and then-
uses his strength to manhandle you into the position that he wants
he’ll hook his arms under your knees and pound you against the wall pls i need holy water stat
in your bedroom, in your living room, in the shower
omg when he gets all sweaty
and his muscles are glistening as they ripple with his movements lol
growls in your ears
smacks your ass 100 percent. 
it drives him crazy to feel you trembling against him
or the way your nails dig into his shoulders and drag down his back as he fucks you
he thrives on the sounds you make to the point you’d almost think he’s getting off on that alone
if you come before him, he won’t stop pounding into you until he does
and boi does he still have some stamina left
but you have all the time in the world so he’ll take it slow again
build it up
make you want him again before he touches you
and it just keeps getting more heated, more interesting as the night gets darker
will make sure you’re not overwhelmed though, he really doesn’t want you to feel weird at any point of it all
he wants what you want, to the point you sometimes have to beg him to tell him what he wants
because he’s always focused on pleasuring you and you want to return the favour too
so on the rare occasions that he does let you take the reins, you make it a night he won’t forget ;)
by the time you’re done you’re so tired but this man still has some stamina
so he takes you to the shower with him and washes you up :( <3
dries your hair for you too :( 
you’re so sleepy by now but he’ll carry you to bed :(
and then you cuddle and make jokes until you fall asleep feeling the most content ever
and even though jongho is starting to feel tired too, he fights to stay awake just so that he can cherish the feeling of you in his arms for just a little longer
presses soft little kisses on your forehead and down the tip of your nose and over your cheeks and along your jaw
he’s so soft please
when he really can’t hold off sleep any longer he’ll tuck you closer under his chin before he drifts off too with a smile on his face
has the audacity to giggle at you with his gummy smile when he sees you hobbling the next day because you’re kinda sore
but he’ll be at your beck and call for anything you need the rest of the day <3
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yundeob · 3 months
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— featuring ot8!ateez in iconic HOLLYWOOD romance and rom-com movies
— TICKET BOOTH IS CLOSED! 🎟️ : the movies are about to start! all fics will have MATURE CONTENT! MDNI!
sit back, relax, grab your popcorn and tissues, and enjoy the silver screen . . .
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TROPE: exes to lovers! divorced!au
TAGS: nsfw, smut, fluff, angst, crack, slice of life
AS DIVORCED PARENTS to two twin daughters, you and hongjoong have your fair share of work cut out. Driving to piano lessons, cheering at hockey games, drop offs at each other’s houses, it can all be a little much. But could a relaxing summer retreat as a whole family possibly rekindle past emotions you’ve swept under the rug? . . .
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TROPE: bad boy!seonghwa, enemies to lovers!au , 60s!au
TAGS: nsfw, smut, angst, crack
THAT WAS THE SUMMER before JFK got shot, before the beatles came, and when you were working part time at your aunts summer resort. That was also the summer you met resident heart breaker and cocky entertainment crew member, Park Seonghwa. Remind yourself why you’re suddenly dance partners with him again? . . .
— not yet in theatres . . .
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TROPE: dilf!yunho x formerstripper!reader, strangers to lovers!au, contract lovers!au,
TAGS: nsfw, smut, fluff, angst
LIVING IN BEVERLY HILLS comes with its perks. But for two different people such as yourself and multimillionaire business tycoon, Jeong Yunho, both of you can’t seem to find what you’re looking for in the so called ‘Land of Dreams’. So the proposal is simple really… let him spoil you with money, jewelry and clothes while in return, you stay by his side. . .
— not yet in theatres . . .
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TROPE: marriage!au, established relationship, spy!au, assasin!au
TAGS: nsfw, smut, fluff, ANGST, crack
WHO WOULD’VE THOUGHT picture perfect suburban neighbourhood couple, Mr. and Mrs. Kang would be at each others necks trying to kill each other first. You’ve both come this far in your marriage while hiding your secret identities, but it looks like only one person can remain standing. I guess you both did promise “in sickness and in health”. . .
— not yet in theatres . . .
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TROPE: royalty!au, princess!reader x reporter!san, strangers to lovers!
TAGS: nsfw, smut, fluff, angst
AS CROWN PRINCESS, you’re on a tightly scheduled tour of European capital cities. But after an especially rough day in Rome, you sneak out of the embassy to explore the so called Eternal City, running into no other than celebrity news reporter, Choi San, looking out for his next big royal scandal. . .
— not yet in theatres . . .
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TROPE: college!au, stoner!mingi, enemies to lovers!au, fakedating(?)au, y2k aesthetic
TAGS: nsfw, smut, fluff, angst, crack, slice of life
YOUR YOUNGER BROTHER Wooyoung is desperate in getting you, his older sister in college, to date so that he can finally date in highschool. The options for potential candidates are scarce, considering men flock away like birds the second you’re near. Good thing campus stoner and weirdo, Song Mingi is the same as well. . .
— not yet in theatres . . .
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TROPE: fashioncolumnist!reader x advertiser!wooyoung, y2k aesthetic, fake dating(?)au, enemies to lovers!au, mutual pining
TAGS: nsfw, smut, fluff, angst, crack, slice of life
LISTEN, IF IT MEANS getting a promotion at your editorial company as a news journalist instead of pop culture and lifestyle columnist, you’d do anything. And that includes pretending to be the most annoying and clingiest girlfriend to some guy for 10 whole days. But just so you know, Wooyoung likes clingy. . .
— not yet in theatres . . .
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TROPE: unrequited love, star crossed lovers!au, mutual pining, secret romance (shakespeare be rolling in his grave rn)
TAGS: nsfw, smut, fluff, ANGST
FOR CENTURIES, a plague of hatred and hostility has been present in the relations between the House of Choi and your own. You know you can’t be together, but yet why do you keep catching that dark haired boy staring at you so longingly? And why do you want him just as bad?. . .
— not yet in theatres . . .
a/n: for updates, follow my blog! this will be a work-in-progress so I ask for your support:(🙏
taglist: @vent-stink @dazzlingstarrs @vcutparis @xpixie @potatos-on-clouds @showingmafandomlove @bibbleypoof @kpop-will-kill-me @avantalem @beabatiny @gabrielle-brugger @nsixns @amaranth1ne @stayminho @myblovedjyh @kkeshia @rebekah-reads @yoonbroom @4kwp @butterflydemons @iwaizumiismybae @soobinsputnik @stayatinykatsy @atitties @justconniez @kitten4sannie @ghostskilledmyaddiction21 @cheolsthicthighs @morethingsfandom @geminiml95 @byuntrash101 @quailbagutte @syubseokie @newworldwritings @urmom26john @sleepy-kat-here @pearltinyy @hjshyhyssnmgwyjh @cursedeastern @starryunho @piratekingateez2001 @jiminbility @paumll @drinkingrumandcocacola @roomsofangel @channies-bbg-room @meanaonthemoon @teeztopia @pommelex @kiln9z @sanhwalvr @youresolivlie @edawg77 @a-0206 @summer-gyu @bvidzsoo @yoongzsmile28 @tournesol155
taglist became too long so find the second taglist here💀 no longer taking requests
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ariaste · 2 months
i want to see Daniel make Lestat ugly-cry like in the teaser. Daniel says all the same kind of snarky things he said to Louis, but where Louis got mad and grabbed him by the throat (and Armand gazed at him with either affectionate amusement or Absolute Hurt And Betrayal), Lestat crumbles immediately into a pathetic wet meltdown.
daniel's like "jesus christ he is made of tissue paper, what the fuck is this???" Where are the guys who at least roasted him back about his divorces??? Lestat has not brought up his divorces even once. Lestat does not seem to know one thing about him except that he wrote a book. Lestat does not seem to have even peeked inside Daniel's surface thoughts. Lestat has not even asked Daniel who his maker is bc he assumes it is not relevant and it's not anyone he'd know anyway.
IF Lestat asked at all, it would only be like "Louis didn't turn you, right????? [shaking with jealousy]" and Daniel would manage to get out "What? No, it was--" before Lestat interrupts like "THANK GOD" and immediately changes the subject back to other things he cares about, ie: the beauty of Louis' entire being, the glory of Louis' thighs specifically, the top 10 times Louis let him smash, the top 50 times Louis let Lestat hold his hand, all the very sad and tragic things that have happened to Lestat in his life, the ways Armand is a conniving bitch and Lestat is glad Armand never made a fledgling because it would be a garbage bitch of a fledgling probably, etc
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oukabarsburgblr · 4 months
filthy drabble...
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"Yeah, put it in me- mmff! I'm a cum dump. I'm a cum dump definitely- anggh!"
His hands were strapped to rubber cuffs that was connected to elastic ropes, its ends hooked on the upper corner of the beds. The (h/c) could pulls his hands but to a certain extent, he was still restrained, vulnerable under the men who was playing with his ass, shoving toys and groping his skin.
Someone slapped his butt, a whine from (m/n) as he pushed his hips back, grinding more on the toy that was deep and vibrating inside of his anus. He was intoxicated, so drunk that he couldn't even tell who was fucking him right now.
The toy was pulled out and he whined but moaned gleefully when a wet dick entered his ass. His knees dug into the plush bed, a room he didn't recognise but based off of the toys and bdsm equipment, it was definitely a love hotel.
"God, you're a pro at this. Good cunts get to have cum in their butts. You want it? You wanna drink some cum?" Someone was pounding his ass, their skin slapping together as (m/n) nodded ferverently, pulling on his restraints to the man that sat in front of him, gripping his jaw.
"I want it. I want some dick." He salivated and stuck out his tongue, drool pooling in the middle of the muscle. "Use me. Use me like a toilet, please." (m/n) squirmed, his face hot and his legs sticky. The stranger chuckled as he shimmied off his boxers, pulling out his cock as he ruffled (h/c) hair.
"If you lick it like an ice cream, I'll stick it in with him." He gestured to the other guy who was going to town with his hole. "Your hole is so good-mmff! Gonna cum in here." The man slapped his ass. "Make it leak and all, you'd like that wouldn't you?"
(m/n) couldn't respond, his tongue swirling around the tip of the cock in his face before shoving himself into the man's crotch, moving his throat to massage the base. The man hissed, shallowly thrusting in the (h/c)'s mouth while gripping his hair.
Ropes of cum shot out of (m/n)'s cock, the man behind him rubbing him as he gave one last thrust, spilling his seed deep inside his ass, rubbing his tip against his prostate. "Mmmgghh- oh fuck oh fuck." The (h/c) pulled his mouth away when the man behind him wouldn't stop jacking him off.
"I'm gonna cum again- wait wait-!" He squirted onto the bed, his hole tense and squeezed around the base that was still in him, his rim now dripping cum. "Don't forget about me." His hair was grabbed and he was forcefully shoved into a crotch, his mouth full as he gagged on the tip, the man moaning his name and as he thrusted into his face.
(m/n) mewled when the dick bursted in his mouth, suffocating him as he coughed deliberately, feeling a sharp pain up his nasal holes. "Did it came out your nose? Fuck, my bad." The stranger cheekily wiped his nose, grabbing a tissue to help (m/n) who blew his nostrils into it.
"There's so much, look!" He tossed the wet fabric at the guy behind him. "You're gross, man." "Shut up." The (h/c) was panting, drooling milky fluid from his lips as he shoved his ass against the man behind him. "C'mon, I need more. More cum, more cock-" He slobbered, wiggling his ass.
"So eager." The guy in front cooed at him.
"Pull him up."
"Ahh! Ah! Anggh! Urmm! S'deep- mmff! Cock's so big-!"
(m/n) wailed, his hips pulled behind him, as his arms was restricted with a leather fabric. He was suspended in the air, ropes pulling his arms from the hook of the ceiling and the only thing that was close to a surface was the penis that was nestled in his ass, pounding up into him.
"You're so beautiful like this. A waste if we don't use it, hmm?" The (h/c) nodded, kissing the stranger in front of him, the other man still fucking his back as they had switched their spots. His toes could barely reach the floor and his nipples were pinched by a toy clip, intensifying his pleasure as the man in front played with the pressure, releasing and clipping his sensitive buds.
Their tongues mashed together along with their dicks. The stranger humping onto his stomach, their precum dripping heavily onto the floor. "Mm ahh! Ackk-!" He gagged when the man shoved his tongue deep inside his mouth, somehow touching his uvula as he licked his palate, coating his mouth with his drool.
His ass was moving harshly against the man behind, skin was irritated from being pounded and previous cum was dripping onto the floor. (m/n)'s hands moved to grab his buttcheeks, spreading it so his rim was entirely exposed, liking the full bare pressure on his hole. "F-fucking perv'- mmngg! With an ass fat full of cum, I'm shocked if you're not pregnant after this."
The man licked his ear, sucking on his shell and thrusting his tongue into the canal earning a squeal from the (h/c). His cock was grabbed and was jacked off, the man behind him speeding up his pounds as he bursted his semen into (m/n)'s hole, pouring deeply along his walls.
The clips snapped on his chest, (m/n) screaming and creaming into the hand, someone bit his cheek, playfully pulling the skin. "Someone deserves a reward. For being such a good bucket for us." He pulled out, laughing at the amount of cum that dripped while holding the (h/c)'s hips.
(m/n)'s stomach was coated with fluids, the man in front cumming and slobbered the tip all over his skin. (e/c) eyes were drowsy as they moved him, his legs touching the floor as he sat obediently like a dog infront of the two who were jacking off to his face.
"Nice body, nice face...man, you're just built for this, aren't you?"
He nodded drowsily, whining as he grappled onto their dicks, greedily pointing it into his mouth. "No, no. Only good bitches get to drink cum. And you're the best one out there." The man slapped his face, (m/n) whimpered as he stared up at the two, pouting.
"Fucking hell, I can't with that look..." The other jerked off faster, moaning as he rubbed (m/n)'s cheek. "He's a bit rough, does it hurt?" "I like it. I like getting slapped." (m/n) confessed drunkenly, with a grin like telling his mother he got an A on his test.
The man laughed, rambling on how cute and confident the (h/c) is before slapping him as well. The (h/c) hissed, pulling his face back to face them with his mouth open. "Told ya' he's the best."
Both of them fastened their pace, inching closer to (m/n) who was eyeing their red tips, eager to swallow the salty liquid before one of them pushed his lower jaw up to close his mouth. "Not there."
Suddenly, they placed their tips onto his forehead, cumming sperm onto his skin, dripping down his face, cheeks and it slobbered over his eyelids. Some of it got into his hair as (m/n) whined. "What a waste.." One of them, the one who had slapped him first, rubbed the semen into his cheek, running his thumbs in circles.
"It won't be. You've got two dicks to cover for. Unless you're that fucking greedy."
(m/n) wasn't sure how coherent he was, sure he was drunk but his body was tired used over and over again. So many rounds and so many toys. His body was submitted into so many forms of horny torture.
His waist was strapped, his cock was tied with a ribbon, his hole was explored, them playing archer to see who could shoot his cum the most into his twitching hole while they locked his mouth with a gag ball.
His back had whip marks, one of them using a leather toy to whip his skin when he was riding the other. (m/n) had came so much at that time, shooting his sperm so much that it hit the guy's face he was bouncing on.
His ass was soft from how much they pounded into him, smacked and they loved it when their cum spilled out of his hole, dripping down his thighs as they fucked themselves into him more, watching how it squelched and the sticky strands connecting their skin together.
Currently, he was laying on someones chest, his legs pushed up as he mumbled incoherently with a dick static deep in him. "I...ugh...urm..." (m/n) didn't react much when a finger dipped inside his filled hole, pulling at his rim and he hissed when they pushed his walls. His mind was somehow clouded and blank, letting the two strangers stretch their hole, as one of them climbed on top of him, coating himself with lube.
"This one's for you, (m/n)." He cooed at the drunk (h/c) who gripped onto the man under them for stability, digging his nails into his bicep. The (h/c) couldn't breathe, his ass full with a cock and a tip slowly pushing past his strained rim. "I-It's gonna rip. Fuck- t-too full!"
"You were the one begging to have your ass shoved up with two dicks. Did you forget already?" He teased the drowsy (h/c), slowly pushing in as (m/n) clenched onto both of them, whining how much it hurts with his dick flat against his stomach.
"You'll be okay, it won't tear." The man under him comforted him, rubbing his nipples and licking at his nape. "This is your reward, remember? For being the best cum dump."
They moved slowly together, moaning at the heat and tightness and (m/n) had it the most. Screaming and cumming when they fucked him gently before gradually speeding up, using him as a cocksleeve. Grabbing his waist and pulling at it to slam him on both their cocks, the (h/c) crying how his ass was too full and they were bound to break his hole.
"Ngg-gah! Too much-TOO MUCH!" He screamed again when he both tips pushed against his prostate, kissing it as they pounded into him more and more, his legs pushed up to his shoulders. "Mmng angh anh shit shit!" He cussed as he felt like he was gonna come again, but tilted his head when nothing came out of his dick.
It was a drygasm, his hole unconsciously squeezing harshly onto both cocks. The one under him stayed still inside, yelping as he bursted inside (m/n)'s hole while the other pulled out, shooting his sperm at the (h/c)'s twitching rim, painting both the stranger's balls and (m/n)'s hole with his cum.
(m/n) wasn't sure what happened after, he was lying on the bed numb and full. The two men were talking to each other, their hands stroking his hair and his sore thighs. They turned their attention to him when he whined, annoyed how their focus wasn't on him.
"Prince finally woke up. Thought you died there, got him thinking we killed you with our dicks." "I was worried, you asshole. You went crazy on his body like a damn animal." "You slapped him first??"
They argued and (m/n) realised he had been laying in someone's lap. His thighs were gently massaged and his hair was being played with. He could get used to this.
"It was...good. I feel satisfied." He rambled mindlessly, the man rubbing his legs laughed. "If two men can't satisy you, then I'm worried what will." They were all chatting like friends despite being strangers in each other mere hours ago.
"Annh." (m/n) opened his mouth as he kneeled on the floor, showing off his tongue and he caught the guy off guard, his face amused and shocked by his enthusiasm. "Wow. I'm impressed, really. Don't have anymore in me. Unless you wanna be a real toilet."
"Just give me whatever. Whatever it is, I'll take it like a good whore." The other rubbed his hair, raking his fingers through his locks. "Consider it as a present then." He mumbled as the other one rubbed his penis in (m/n)'s face.
"Open wide!"
He jokingly slurred, pouring hot liquid onto (m/n)'s face who grinded onto their feet, squealing as the fluid came into contact with his skin. "Hah...hah...ha..." It wasn't cum. It definitely wasn't cum.
"We're going to have so much fun."
Afterthoughts :
I got horny mb
Keep in mind that these are empty characters, no connection to my ocs and these are just me being horny after class again. Please dont rq more of these weirdos cuz i genuinely donno who theyre gonna be. Ong someone tip me cuz im going broke ARGH Goodbye LOL
Edit : got off of my high...i donno what to feel abt this. The fact that theres no set character makes it feel bland, its literally just my desire to be squished in a threesome. Oh well this just proves that sex is better w feelings🥰 (im watching blue lock tonight!)
@tehyunnie @rainnyydaysworld @webwanderer @a-short-ass-disappointment @chikai-k @mello-life25 @miyuuuki @simpsations
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jamminvroomvroom · 11 months
ln x fem!reader
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in which you’re his best friend until you’re something more
hi! here you go lmao. probs the fluffiest thing i’ve ever written and i am obsessed with the concept! thank you for being here and baring with me - i loved writing this one and i’d love to hear what you think! huge shoutout to my girlies @mcmuppet and @lavenderlando ily both!
songs that set the mood: pink and white by frank ocean, daylight by harry styles, angel by finneas, enchanted by taylor swift, hate to be lame by lizzy mcalpine
warnings: 18+!! minors dni!! smut, language, friends to lovers brain rot, slight corruption kink, readers first time, qatar angst
6.4k words
“do you wanna talk about it?” you whispered softly, your hand resting on lando’s sagged shoulder.
your eyes were fixed on the third place plaque on his table in front of you, his very much fixed on the floor.
“no.” his reply was short and sweet, his tone conveying exactly how deflated he was.
you’d only flown in to qatar this morning, the october sun hitting you hard as you walked into the paddock, drastically different to the london climate you’d grown accustomed to. lando had all but begged you to come, your evening before spent on the phone, and you knew that he needed a friend, otherwise he never would have asked you to fly halfway around the world.
friends. that’s what you were.
you’d hugged him tight and told him that the weekend had to get better, and then his teammate put it on pole and got his first win. so, yeah, maybe it wasn’t going to get better and not even the podium could cheer him up.
his radio messages had hurt your heart, your chest aching as he self deprecated in the cockpit. he owned his mistakes, sure, but he’d taken it a step too far and you knew you had a job to do. you’d do anything, quite literally anything, to cheer him up.
you’d always found a way to be there for eachother, your friendship spanning five long years after you’d knocked a coffee over a guy you quickly recognised as the new mclaren driver. both nineteen and awkward as hell, you’d um-ed and er-ed and danced around one another in the busy pret in central london, chucking tissues at him, attempting to mop up the frothy mess all over his white sweatshirt.
eventually you’d just burst into laughter, lando immediately following suit. your cheeks were hurting from smiling at the curly haired stranger, intrigued by the very way his faced moved when he laughed, and he’d looked at you like you hung the stars in the sky, not like someone that had just destroyed a brand new hoodie.
and just like that, a connection was born.
you’d gotten used to having a friend for only half the year, but he never let you feel the distance. paddock passes often fell through your letter box and you could usually be located in the background of his streams when he was home long enough to do them, the amount of times you’d been wrongfully accused of being his girlfriend a list as long as your arm. even in those moments of awkwardness, friendship prevailed and you both managed to crack up together about the conspiracy that you were more than friends.
and what an intriguing conspiracy it was.
“we should get you back to the hotel, you need to get some rest.” you told him, standing from the sofa and offering him your hand.
lando grabbed it, squeezing, his own special way of telling you he was grateful for your presence, and let you pull him up. as he tried to walk towards the door, you stopped him, hands on his shoulders. you wanted to shake him, tell him how fucking great he was. you didn’t think he’d appreciate that after an intense session in the car.
“hey, look at me. you got this, okay?” you smiled reassuringly, managing to get the smallest crack back from him, his lips upturning ever so slightly. something in his eyes told you that you’d succeeded, a small glimmer of an emotion that you didn’t know how to unpack.
that’s what you were.
you tried to ignore how touchy lando was being. you figured he just needed some comfort, physical touch not out of bounds in your friendship, but a new level had been reached.
on the entire walk through the paddock to his car, his hand sat comfortably on the small of your back, despite the endless amount of cameras pointed at you. his hand skimmed your thigh in the car, accidentally, you told yourself, and you had to avert your eyes when his hand graced your headrest as he reversed out of the parking space. knowing that he needed you in qatar so desperately that he’d flown you out was one thing, the way he was treating you once you got there was something else.
he’d opened your door when you pulled up at the hotel valet, helping you out of the car, his hand tucked in yours for a second longer than necessary. once again, his hand seemed to be glued to your lower back the whole way to the elevator.
the ding of the lift had you both shuffling out onto your floor, trailing towards your rooms in a heavy silence, something more left unsaid in the air.
you reached your door first, coming to a stop and shuffling around in your bag for your keycard.
“um, i need to be at the track early tomorrow. breakfast?” lando asked.
you turned to look at him, nodding your head profusely.
“of course, just drop me a message and i’ll come down and meet you.” you affirmed, your fingers finally grasping the piece of plastic that had, of course, fallen to the very bottom of your tardis of a tote bag.
you expected him to leave, but he lingered, as if there was something else on his mind.
“you okay?” you raised an eyebrow, unlocking your door. lando seemed to snap out of it then, awkwardly running a hand through his curls that had taken a brutal hit from the humidity. you liked the look on him, nonetheless.
“yeah, i- yeah, i think i just need some sleep.”
“okay, well, goodnight. let me know if you need anything.” you disappeared through the door then, the tension getting the better of you. you slumped against the shut door, wondering what he so clearly wanted to say.
the clock read 1:32am on your bedside.
a faint tapping had woken you up, and you groggily scanned the room, trying to find the source of the noise. you deduced that it was coming from your door, letting out a groan as you threw the cosy comforter off and trudged towards the disturbance.
you cracked it open, peeking through the gap and coming face to face with your best friend.
“lando?” you croaked, opening the door further.
“i’m sorry, can’t sleep. can i come in? it’s okay if not, i just didn’t know what to do.” he sounded so shy, something you didn’t recognise in the man stood before you, and you quickly swung the door open, ushering him inside.
“come, sit.” you waved for him to follow you across the room to the foot of your bed. he sat down beside you, the mattress dipping.
you patted your lap and he instantly knew what to do, laying down with his head in your lap. it’s something he did quite frequently when you were sprawled on his sofa at home, watching a shitty movie that neither of you were really paying attention to. you’d often be looking at him, praying he didn’t notice, and he’d be playing with your fingers, tracing the palm of your hand.
you couldn’t help yourself, running your hand through his curls. you didn’t mean to, stomach instantly twisting with embarrassment, but it was quickly twisting with something else. his eyes fluttered shut, a low groan falling from the back of his throat. it made your thighs clench, and he must have noticed, the tiniest smirk on his face.
“you okay?” lando asked, his eyes still shut, a look of relaxation finally on his face.
you coughed awkwardly.
“yeah, sorry. are you comfy?” you said teasingly, trying to cut the growing tension in the room.
“i am now, could fall asleep here.”
“you can, you know.” you whispered. his eyes flew open. your heart was hammering in your chest. this was new territory and you were worried you’d fucked up. sleepovers were also a norm, but one of you usually retired to a guest room, not the other side of eachothers beds.
“you want me to stay?” his voice rose in surprise.
“well, i mean, you can if you want, like, there’s space and-“ you rambled.
“do you want me to stay?” he repeated.
“is it gonna help?” you questioned cautiously.
“yes.” the confidence in which he replied did something to you.
“then stay.”
you crawled up the mattress, falling back into the place you’d so comfortably occupied just minutes before. you laid so still, watching with quiet curiosity as he slipped his hoodie off. his shirt came with it ever so slightly, riding up over his back, and you had to pry your eyes away, the ache between your thighs still ever present.
what on earth were you doing, allowing your best friend to crawl into bed with you? emotions were running so high, but it felt like a switch had been flipped ever since you hit the tarmac in qatar. every look, every touch was fuelled by something different to what it had been before and you weren’t sure if it was a good thing or not.
lando turned towards you, making his way back over to the bed. he looked apprehensive, as if he was thinking the same thoughts as you, wondering if there was any logic in what was about to happen. he seemed to come to the conclusion that this was, in fact, happening, crawling into bed beside you.
“is this okay?” lando breathed into the darkness of the room, his hand brushing yours. you were both as still as planks, mere centimetres separating you, the only light coming from the lamp beside the bed.
“yeah,” you took a deep breath, preparing for the words that were about to come tumbling out. “i’ve just never done this before.” you spoke quickly, sucking in another breath as you finished.
“you’ve never…”
“i’ve never shared a bed… like this.”
“like what?”
“with a… a guy?” your anxiety riddled words came out more like a question than an answer.
“oh. oh.” it seemed to dawn on lando then. “so, you’ve never… oh. i mean i can go if you’re uncomfortable.”
“lando, no, i just wanted you to know. i’m always comfortable with you.” you said, quietly baring your soul to him.
you weren’t sure why you’d basically told him you were a virgin. it held no relevance, he was just here to sleep, for some friendly comfort. he was not here for any other reason. and yet here you were, spilling the beans, all over the bed you found yourself sharing.
“i didn’t come here to, you know. i just needed you.”
you tried to ignore the pang in your chest and the annoying, minuscule butterfly springing to life in your belly.
“god, yeah i know! i didn’t think that you wanted to, well i mean not with me because why would you want me like that anyway, i get why you’re here, lando.” you rambled into the empty air. you heard yourself, groaning in embarrassment and dragging the cover over your face. lando laughed, pulling it back so he could see you again.
he was leaning over you, perched on his side, resting on his elbow.
“trust me, i’m more than happy with any part of yourself that you wanna give me.”
“don’t tease me, lando.” you scoffed. he was joking, right? right?
“i’m not! i promise, this is the one place i want to be.”
“why? why with me? i mean you could’ve called max. all he does is stream when you’re not home, think he misses you.” you were half joking, half deadly serious.
“come on, it’s you. it’s just… its been so hard this year, being away from you so much more. and then you came all the way here…” lando trailed off, averting eye contact.
you turned on your side to face him, placing your hand over his affectionately.
“you needed me.”
“exactly. i needed you. you.”
he gave you a look, one that you didn’t recognise, but you understood what it meant. it said more than anything had done since this confusingly beautiful interaction began. you got it, then, why you were here.
“i know that i shouldn’t tell you this and i can’t just spring this on you in the middle of the night, but i-“
“kiss me.”
and god, he kissed you. the air was sucked out of your lungs, dragged out of you by the way he put his hands on your body, so urgent.
you sunk back into the mattress, his body over yours, a hand cupping your cheek while the other rested on your waist, stroking the skin there, exposed from your ridden up top. your hands were in his curls, and you revelled in the way that you could shamelessly touch them now.
he paused for a second, nose brushing yours, breathless and grinning down at you, a knowing smile that was so beautiful that it rendered you speechless.
“you have no idea how long i’ve waited for this.” lando breathed, scanning your face as if he was trying to take it all in. you, panting beneath him, coy smile, cheeks flushed. you’d never looked so gorgeous to him.
you leaned in to kiss him again, slower this time, relishing in the moment. you were lost in him, thinking back to the very first time you’d locked eyes and how you never thought it would come to this. this, the way he was holding you, was the best surprise.
lando pulled away, peppering your flushed cheeks with kisses, a dazed giggle passing your swollen lips.
he flopped onto his side, grinning at the ceiling mindlessly. you hadn’t seen him smile that big all weekend.
“are you tired?” you whispered, lips brushing his cheek, his light stubble rough against you. you wondered how it would feel elsewhere, scratching over your bare skin.
“then why did you stop?” you asked, the words falling off your tongue slowly, sinking all over him like honey. you felt the way he tensed up, the suggestion that laced the seemingly innocent question making you tingle.
“i didn’t come here for that.” he reiterated.
“and i didn’t let you in for that. but here we are.” you weren’t ashamed of what you were asking, the moment was right, the one, and you knew it.
“it’s too soon.” lando was apprehensive. he was always overly protective of you, previously as his friend, but this, god, this was an entirely different ball park and he was proceeding with caution, against every natural instinct in his body screaming at him.
“says who?”
“it’s your first. it needs to be special.”
“everything about this is better than i could have ever imagined.”
“are you sure you want it to be me?” there it was again, those unrecognisable nerves that made everything inside of you flutter.
“lando, there is no one else i could ever want to do this with more than i want to do it with you. i want it to be you.”
“but… now? are you sure? i don’t want you to regret this.”
“the only thing i regret is that this didn’t happen sooner.”
“one last time. i just need to hear it one last time.”
“i want you, lando.”
and with that, the air changed, charged with a different kind of tension. lando pulled you on top of him, hands firm on your body, the action itself gentle. you steadied yourself, hands on his shoulders, his resting on your waist.
“can i take this off?” he tugged at the hem of your shirt. you nodded profusely. “words, sweetheart. i need you to use your words.” lando cupped your jaw as he said it, squeezing ever so slightly, enough to turn you into putty in his hands.
“please. yes.” you said shakily.
he smiled softly, slowly peeling the material off of your body, up over your head and tossed carelessly onto the floor. he kept his eyes on yours, despite the fact you were now left bare, aside from the white cotton panties that separated you both. he pawed at your sides, kneading gently at your soft hips.
“we’re gonna start slow, okay? gonna take my time with you.” he muttered, eyes on yours before they trailed slowly down, across your face, neck, collarbone, further and further until he was taking all of you in. he began to stroke the underside of your breast with his thumb, watching the way your body tensed under his feather-like touch.
“okay.” you choked out, head tipping back as he placed a kiss to the base of your throat.
his kiss trailed further down your body, peppered in the valley of your breasts, and then you stopped breathing, the air caught in your throat because he was looking at you, really, truly looking at you, as his tongue found your nipple. you couldn’t take your eyes off of him, not when he was looking at you like that, not when he was making you feel this good already.
lando pulled away, just for a second, just so that he could shift you from his lap onto his thigh. he was still fully clothed beneath you, totally in control, and you craved him in a way you didn’t know was humanly possible, so much so that you didn’t need the encouragement he was giving you to start rolling your hips, pussy grinding down on his covered thighs, the friction of your underwear driving you insane.
“oh, baby. you want me so badly, don’t you? should’ve asked me sooner. m’gonna make you feel so good.” his hands were on your hips, guiding you backwards and forwards on him.
“it feels so- oh, god.” you whimpered, fingers tangling in his curls, back arching further into him as your thighs clenched around his. he licked over your collarbone oh so slowly, a shiver running down your taut spine.
and then he was kissing you again, tongue slow over yours, his fingertips surely leaving marks where he was controlling your pace. the kiss was filthy, untameable, and you found yourself dragging against him slower, harder.
“i need you.” you panted, forehead falling on his shoulder as you pulled away from his lips, goosebumps pricking your sweat slicked skin. you were so close to an orgasm, desperate to feel him everywhere.
“i want you to come for me like this first, okay? can you do that for me, baby?” he cooed, bouncing his leg ever so slightly. “look at me.” and you did, somehow mustering the strength to pull yourself back up and find his darkened eyes.
you were a mess of curses when you let go, your body convulsing, collapsing into him as you came. you were throbbing on his thigh, one glance down at where you were grinding against him displaying your slick. his arms went around your body, flipping you onto your back so that you were resting against the mattress.
“you did so well, baby.” lando crooned, resting over you on his forearms. you stared up at him in awe, blinking away the haze. “do you want more?”
“i want everything.” you breathed, pulling him against you. you smoothed your hands over his shirt until you reached the hem, dragging it up over his back. he helped you take it off, and then it was lost to the room. you grabbed at his shoulder blades, smooth, muscular planes of bronzed skin so warm under your touch. you felt insatiable, like nothing was enough, totally intoxicated by him and everything he was managing to make you feel.
lando’s hand slid down your body, searching for the band of your underwear. when he reached his destination, he toyed with the lacy edges, letting them snap against the pudge of your belly, teasing you. you bucked your hips, frustrated, and he used the opportunity to cup your pussy, feeling where you’d soaked through the cotton. the groan he let out was carnal, animalistic, almost needy. he could feel all of you, how you ached and dripped, how you needed the everything that you’d requested.
“you’re so fucking good for me, god.” lando almost slurred his words, voice lower than you’d ever heard it. you keened at the sound, pushing your hips further into him.
lando didn’t give you much time to dwell on it, mouth latching onto your underwear where it met the crease of your thigh. he was so close, so tantalising close to where you were aching for him and you were just about levitating off the bed when his teeth grazed your inner thigh. you couldn’t see him looking at you, losing it, inhibitions out the window. your eyes were already squeezed shut when he began mouthing over your cloth-covered pussy, spit further ruining the sodden material.
“take them off.” you cried out, tugging hard at his curls that you hadn’t even realised you were clutching for dear life. and lando was a good listener, because he complied immediately, tearing the lace down your legs like a starved man.
his tongue was on you then, everywhere all at once, running through your folds and over your clit. you didn’t know if you were dead or alive, a different kind of pleasure than anything you’d ever experienced coursing hot through your veins. lando switched between long, slow licks, his tongue flat against you, and rapid kitten licks, burying his face in your cunt.
everything was moving in slow motion, your hands grasping frantically at anything you could reach; his curls, the sheets, his shoulders. you could barely make out what he was saying, his words muffled, lost to the soft flesh between your legs. it seemed to echo, every lick, stroke, word. you snapped out of it, finally, when he pulled away.
“more? you want my fingers, baby? gonna get you nice and ready for me.” you just nodded, voice lost to the air of the room.
one arm locked around your thigh, pinning you still, and the other snaked up your leg until he reached the mess between your thighs. he took a moment to take it in, how wet you were, how fucked out you looked, knowing full well he must have looked the same, unhinged as he gave into your shared desire that he’d tried his best to keep hidden. he’d never felt more stupid in his life for holding back, as he took in the ethereal delight sprawled under his touch.
when lando slid the first finger in, your stomach twisted deliciously. he watched you carefully, searching for discomfort but all he could find was sheer bliss, written all over your face as clear as daylight. he worked the digit in and out, nice and slow, curling against your walls. he could feel how tight you were, clamping around just one finger and he thought his head was gonna explode. he added another finger, watching the way you took him in, twisting his fingers.
“are you gonna let go for me again, sweetheart?” lando punctuated his words by putting his mouth back on you, teeth grazing your clit as he sucked.
you were thrashing, a silent scream building from the fire in your belly. you could just about make out the way he was spurring you on, his mouth running as you spilled over the edge, covering his fingers. you saw white, maybe god, ears ringing, and when you finally mustered the energy to look at him, you could have come for a third time. lando looked feral, lips red and coated in everything you had to offer him. his eyes were glazed over, a hazy grey that sent a jolt through your body, the aftershocks of the orgasm setting in.
“christ.” was all you could sigh out. a lazy smile painted your face, your eyes blown out, everything a little blurry. everything except him.
you could feel him scaling up your body, crawling over you until he was level with your face. he placed a kiss to your throat, your jaw and finally your lips; when he pulled away all that was left was shared giddy smile, both of you suddenly shy. you couldn’t stop the roaming of your hands, exploring all the parts of him that you could reach. when you found the waist band of his joggers, your hand grazing his abs as you did, he sucked all of the air out of the room, a sharp inhalation making him tense up.
“you still want all of me?” he breathed, his shaky breath fanning your face. lando was obsessed with hearing you say it, obsessed with how you wanted him as much as he needed you.
“all of you. lando, this is… you’re perfect.” you admitted, lips brushing his. your hands pushed the material down his hips, nails raking over him as you did. he couldn’t seem to wait any longer, kicking them off the rest of the way, his boxers quickly following suit.
you couldn’t help but stare, all of him bare against all of you. your nipples brushed his chest, his hands holding you close, your hands threaded through his curls. it was like you were sussing each other out, eyes watching lips and hands getting lost. you stayed like that for a moment, pressed together, closer and closer, until he was slotted between your legs like he was coming home. lando searched your face one last time, hunting for a smidge of discomfort.
“are you ready for me?” he whispered.
the initial stretch burned, but he slid into you smoothly, his cock slipping through your folds with ease. he felt you clamp down on him, his head thrown back as far as it could go, thick neck exposed to you. you bit down on his shoulder, where it met the base of his throat, trying to mask the gasp of pleasure that sent your eyes rolling back in your head. he grunted at the sensation, enjoying the sting.
“oh, fuck.” he was shuddering, trying to keep himself in check.
“don’t, oh god,” you started, meeting the roll of his hips. “don’t hold back.”
“we gotta go easy.”
“i don’t want easy.” you tightened around him then, and he saw stars.
“you’re so fucking good.” lando groaned, an edge of excitement in his voice, and then he unleashed everything that he’d held back. how much he wanted you, and a bittersweet weekend of frustration versus success came crashing down and he couldn’t do anything except give himself to you exactly how you wanted.
lando was a delicious weight on top of you, the drag of his hips slow, meeting yours hard. the pressure made you lightheaded, his body moving against yours like the thick drip of honey, smooth and sweet. you couldn’t make sense of it, of how fucking good he felt, grinding deeper and deeper into you like he’d found buried treasure. the overstimulation had your third orgasm building nice and quick, waves of pleasure making you dizzy.
“you like it like this? like when i fuck you nice and hard?” yes you did. “don’t think i can go without this now, you know that? such a good fucking girl.” you couldn’t breathe, couldn’t think, just let his words wash over you. “so beautiful, taking me so well.”
you couldn’t process that this was your best friend lando. this was a different person, it had to be. yet, somehow, it made sense that the man you knew, the one who spoke his mind, mischievous and troublesome, would be like this, a god above you as he fucked deeper into you with every thrust. he was filthy and gentle, brutal and sweet. it didn’t make sense, but it also just did.
“are you gonna come for me? one more time, baby. need to feel that perfect fucking pussy.” well, his wish was your command, because then you were gushing. the one thing you could feel was him, none of your other senses worked, you couldn’t see past the tears that fell, couldn’t get any words past your lips. maybe you screamed, you weren’t exactly sure.
lando was kissing you everywhere. each hip bone was met with his lips, your stomach, over your ribs, breasts, clavicle, neck. your face was covered in kisses next, your cheeks, forehead, a dainty peck to your nose.
“can you look at me?”
your eyes cracked open slowly, the exhaustion hitting as you came back to reality.
“was that okay?” there he was again, this shy version of lando that you couldn’t get used to.
“okay? lando that was…” you shook your head in awe. “that meant everything to me.”
he smiled then, that gorgeous, gorgeous smile, the one with the crinkles by his eyes and his teeth on full display. you melted.
“me too. you’re fucking beautiful. so, so fucking beautiful. should’ve told you sooner.” he murmured.
his words made you think, way too hard for your current state. what happened next? lando had said some things, some pretty big things that you didn’t know how to comprehend. it was crazy, how scared you were to bring it back up to him, considering he’d just been inside of you.
“sooner?” you whispered, hardly audible. lando was midway through tucking you both into bed, pulling your flushed, naked body into his own under the duvet.
“yes. a lot sooner.” he replied, not a trace of doubt in his voice.
‘how much sooner?’ you thought to yourself, unable to stay awake any longer to agonise over it, your dreams haunted by the way he touched you so well. it was magnificent to fall asleep in his arms, and you couldn’t help yourself from wondering when it would happen again.
you woke up tangled with him, fingers stroking your cheek, smoothing your hair out of your eyes.
lando was always so warm, but now his tanned skin radiated sunshine, a beacon of light in your bed. you smiled, eyes still shut, shielding yourself from the streaks of light casting over the room from the crack in the curtains.
“what time is it?” you croaked, bringing a hand to your eyes to rub away the sleep.
“gone eleven. i need to go, baby.”
you hadn’t gotten a chance to take my notice of the things he’d called you last night, too caught up in the way he played with your body. now that you heard it, in the calm after the storm, it made you swoon.
“already?” you tried to hide your disappointment, not quite ready to detangle yourself from him.
“need to get to the track. i think i’m already late. i just wanted to be here when you woke up.” lando sounded so soft, not as groggy as you, and you wondered how long he’d been awake, watching the soft rise and fall of your chest.
“thank you.” you knew that you’d have spiralled waking up alone, and you were immensely grateful that he’d stayed.
lando began to get up, wincing at your whine of protest.
“i’m sorry. i’ll have someone pick you up later, okay? i’ll see you soon, i promise.”
you knew he had to work hard today, knew how much analysis he needed to do before the race. he was starting further back than anyone would have liked, and he had something to prove as well, oscar starting too close to the front for lando’s liking. there were places to make up and hard work to be done to get back to the front.
“don’t apologise. i hope it goes smoothly today.” you smiled at him, watching him collect his long forgotten clothes. you were entranced by the way his body moved, the lines and shapes that tensed and rippled as he dressed himself.
“i’ll message you.” he promised, creeping back over to the bed. you weren’t sure what to expect, but the soft kiss to your lips, almost apprehensive on his part, could have killed you off, your heart pounding.
your grinned like a fool when the door shut behind him.
the shower was burning hot, loosening up your muscles. you cleaned yourself slowly, examining your body, the same one that you’d given to lando. he’d taken you apart, piece by piece, and put you back together, the traces of him that he’d left behind delectably apparent.
you followed the trail of marks he’d left, starting with the love bite below your right breast that you couldn’t even remember him leaving, making your way to the litter of fingerprints that were tattooed into your hips. your fingertips ghosted over your swollen lips, the kiss that he’d left at the junction between your neck and your shoulder, reminiscing the evening. you seemed to ache everywhere, the dull pain setting into your bones so nicely.
you prayed it would happen again. you felt like it would, everything between you had changed now, changed from any possible return to the norm. you wanted it to change, you couldn’t fathom the idea of staying friends when the lines had blurred like this, when he’d kissed you so deeply, touched you so intimately.
the shower was much needed, refreshing your body that was now tainted by him in the best way. you tried to keep a clear head while you got yourself ready, taking your time to make yourself presentable to the paddock. the time of your departure was looming, the pink and white sunset outside your window indicating that the race was only a few hours away. the air had cooled slightly, and you knew you needed to make your way to the lobby.
your phone dinged in your hand as you were packing your essentials into your bag. you glanced down at the device, unruly smile gracing your face.
see you soon, the text read, an orange love heart punctuating the short but sweet text. it was safe to say that the butterflies in your belly were well and truly alive.
the screen beeped as you scanned your paddock pass, and you slipped through the gate, making your way into the paddock. it was beautiful in qatar, they’d outdone themselves with this structure, the glass ceilings and jungle of greenery an expression of wealth and elegance.
you made a beeline for the mclaren garage, greeting lando’s pr officer who smiled warmly at you. you recognised oscar smirking as you appeared in the garage, and as you got closer you realised why.
“nice to see you. looking for lando?” his monotonous voice held an amused twang.
“hey oscar, great job last night!” you said, waiting for the other shoe to drop. “yeah, is he around here somewhere?”
“yeah he’s just doing press i think. extra spring in his step today.” oscar gave you a knowing look, one that made you blush.
“what do you know?” you deadpanned, fighting back laughter.
“i know that this was a long time coming.” he smiled, and then he was gone, lost to the bustle of the garage.
you stood there, probably in the way, lost in thought about what oscar had just said. he was right, this was a long time coming.
you jumped a bit when a hand landed on your waist, relaxing instantly into lando’s body when he pressed himself against you, head on your shoulder.
“i’m so glad you’re here.” he whispered, pressing a secret kiss under your ear, and then he, too, was gone, before you could even react.
your nerves were shot, ushered to the back of the garage where you found a headset. you chewed your nails, anxious about it all. the race, the changes that you were surely coming. you wanted it, wanted everything from him that he’d give you, willing to commit to all of it, to him. the distance, borrowed time, chaos of his world. last night had changed everything and you couldn’t have asked for more.
eventually the lights went out and the fight was underway. you found your hands clasped together, sweating in the dry heat and the anxiety. you clapped every time he made an overtake, storming through the field. when he made it into p3, picking the pace up on oscar, the nerves resurged and you prayed for a clean end to this race.
lando’s radio messages flooded your ears, and your leg bounced uncontrollably, your shoe slapping against the floor.
“be sensible, lando.” you muttered under your breath, resting your chin on your tightly clasped hands. he would be on the podium, but you knew it wasn’t enough for him, it never was. would you be enough for him?
eventually he agreed to hold position, thank fuck, and you could breathe again. he’d driven a beautiful recovery drive, bringing the car onto the podium, and you rushed out with the team to congratulate him. you lingered at the back of the pack behind the metal barriers, watching in quiet admiration as he jumped out of the car. he slapped oscar on the back, hugging his younger teammate before bounding towards the team. his head was darting around as if he was looking for something, but you couldn’t make it out with his helmet still on. and then the helmet came off and it became clear.
he was looking for you.
lando pulled away from a hug with a mechanic, leaning over the barrier right in front of you. you gravitated towards him, somehow moving through the swarm of team members until you were pressed against the metal too. he was beaming, eyes brighter than they had been all working weekend, and then his hands were on you. the hug he pulled you into was tight and you clung to one another for a moment, unbothered by his damp race suit, or the tickle of his sweat slicked curls.
the kiss he pressed to your cheek was far less secret than the one in the garage, so was the one he pressed to your forehead, but the one he pressed to your lips, as quick as it may have been, was the one that really took the cake. you were blushing when he pulled back, a mischievous grin on his face. you shook your head in disbelief at his boldness, unable to tame your bewildered smile.
“what are you doing for dinner, baby?” he called out to you as he walked away. the podium high had clearly set in.
nothing, you mouthed back, not quite confident enough to shout across parc ferme.
“good, we’re going on a date.” lando winked and then he was gone, pulled into the chaos of post race duties.
tears pricked your eyes when he stood on the podium, a much happier man than the one you found when you’d arrived. you couldn’t put it into words, how one night had changed everything, giving you everything you didn’t realise you wanted.
then again, lando was always good at beating expectations.
hehe the end
had to remove some tags that aren’t working! let me know if you wanna be added or removed xo
@boysthatgovroomvroom @thegirlinthefandoms @welld0nebaku @mcmuppet @japanesekel @vinvantae @ggaslyp1 @dr3lover @smiithys  @turningxstrange @rachstash @infinitebells @multilovebot @fizzpopsnap101 @gaily19 @icecoldtires @mysticalnightenthusiast @thatchickwiththecamera @oyesmendes @disneydaydreameralways @yeolsbubbles @canyouseethesainz @ferrarifwendvale @fcbformulaeri @tony-stank3 @maih23 @nokiaholland @soleilgrec @carolineworld @anthonykatebridgerton @allywthsr @iamasimpingh0e @ophcelia @lovelynikol16 @coffeehurricanes @jennx03 @organasith @micks-afterglow @blueflorals @juno-1610 @lqvesoph @wilmasvensson @sidcrosbyspuck @better-dead-than-smeg @buendiabebeta @h0e-xoxo @mattxxamryli @pjofics @kovalcin @wintergilmore3
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lqvesoph · 5 months
Kingsday || LN4
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lando norris x fem!reader
summary: when celebrating kingsday with your boyfriend lando ends with a small injury, and a call from his boss
Your boyfriend being friends with a dutch DJ, meant one thing: party, party and party. Especially on Kingsday, a day where the dutch people celebrated the King‘s birthday, or got drunk on random boats driving down the channel of Amsterdam.
You had arrived about two hours ago. Lando immediately joined Martin at the DJ desk whereas you went to get some drinks for the two of you.
Now two hours later, Lando was still with Martin, or so you hoped because you actually haven’t seen him in over 30 minutes.
"Y/n!! Y/n come here!", a voice that you recognized as Martin called. You whisked around to find the dutchman waving frantically.
You frowned and excused yourself from your conversation before making your way through the mass of people. "What’s wrong?", you shouted. "It’s Lando, come!", Martin yelled and reached a hand out for you to take.
You gladly accepted his help to guide you through the people and to your boyfriend. And lord, you almost dropped your glass when you saw Lando.
"Baby!", a drunken smile graced his face. But that wasn’t the only thing. Before there were glasses and a ribbon in the dutch colours but now there was a white bandage wrapped around his head.
"Lando, what the hell happened??", you called, hastily placing your glass on a table and rushing to your boyfriend.
"I’m so happy you’re here", he slurred, placing his hands on your cheeks and pulling you into a messy kiss. You returned the kiss for a second before pulling back, holding him upright and steady.
"Baby, can you explain what happened?", you tried to again, pushing back his curls. "There were SO many people", he giggled and you tried your best to stay calm and let him finish talking. "And then I tripped and then there was an elbow and glass and suddenly ow…", his face dropped towards the end and his fingers reached up to his nose.
You held his hand back. "Don’t touch, let me see", you muttered and removed the very badly done bandage. You held his chin to move his head to the sides to get a good look at his bloody nose.
"Does it hurt?", you asked, carefully touching the brink of his nose. "Nope!", Lando grinned proudly, making you roll your eyes. "Of course not, you’re drunk", you mumbled.
"Martin, can you get my bag please? It’s with Lando’s jacket behind the DJ pult", you explained to Lando’s friend who nodded immediately and went to grab your bag.
When Martin came back you pulled tissue and sanitizer out of the black bag and cleaned up the blood around Lando’s nose. "Are you like a professional?", a guy asked, nodding at the things in your hand and your firm grip on Lando’s chin. "Almost", you chuckled. "I’m studying medicine."
"Yeah, she’s gonna be a doctor!", Lando called proudly. "Shh", you firmly said snd squeezed his chin. "It doesn’t look broken, maybe bruised but you‘ll be fine", you delivered the verdict. "You‘re the best, thank you. I love you", Lando mumbled, leaning forward to connect your lips again. A few "Aww"s were heard around you which made you smile just as Lando‘s phone started ringing.
The boy fumbled it out of his pocket, only to find his boss‘ name on the display. "Oh oh, that means trouble", Martin muttered. Seeing as you weren’t as drunk as the rest of the people around you, your reaction times were way faster. And so you reached forward to grab Lando‘s phone out of his hands to answer the call yourself.
"Lando Norris, what on earth are-", Zak‘s voice roared through the speakers. "Zak, hi, it’s me Y/n", you quickly interrupted the American who abruptly stopped talking.
"Y/n? I didn’t know you are with Lando", he sounded surprised.
"Martin invited us over-" "There’s a picture of Lando bleeding and with a bandage circulating around the internet, care to explain the situation?", Zak interrupted you, getting straight to the point.
"I wasn’t with him when it happened but according to him and various people around him, he tripped and cut his nose. Martin got me soon after and I already took a look at his nose and he‘s okay. A bit bruised, going to cause a bit of pain when putting a helmet on but he‘ll be fine. Nothing‘s broken or anything like that", you broke down the whole story to Lando‘s boss while pushing your fingers through Lando‘s curls.
He let out a sigh and you could imagine him sitting in his office chair, rubbing the side of his head. "Okay, can I talk to him for a second?", Zak said and you nodded, leaning down to Lando and handing him the phone.
"He wants to talk to you", you muttered, putting the phone to his ear. "Hiii", Lando called excitedly, making you squeeze your eyes shut with a chuckle. "Noo, I swear I‘m okay even better than okay!", he assured his boss. "Zak, I‘m fineee! Y/n is taking care of me."
"Hey Zak, did you know that dutch people-", you pulled the phone back from his ear before he could spill some stupid shit. "I‘ll get him back home in one piece, I promise", you said, ruffling his curls. "Thank you, Y/n", Zak replied before saying goodbye.
You took a deep breath and put Lando‘s phone in your back pocket. The Brit leaned his head against your stomach and closed his eyes with a content drunk smile.
"You okay?", you whispered with a smile and tapped the back of his head a few times. Lando nodded against your stomach and then looked up at you, pouting his lips to let you know he wanted a kiss. You smirked and leaned down to connect your lips.
"Okay let’s get back!", he called enthusiastically and got up, swaying a little when he stood. You wrapped an arm around his waist, doing your best to steady him. Lando naturally put his around your shoulders.
"Let‘s get you a glass of water and then we can go back, alright?", you compromised with him and dragged him over to the bar, telling the guy to hand you a glass of water.
You thanked him and turned your body to Lando, holding the cup close to his mouth. "Here you go."
Lando took a few sips and then leaned closer to your ear. "I love you", he whispered, pressing a kiss to the side of your neck. You giggled and pulled him into a hug. "I love you", you replied.
"Let’s go back to Martin", he then called, making you laugh. "Oh and can I please get another Vodka Lemon?", Lando turned to the barkeeper who looked at you for approval. "Okay sure", he said when you nodded.
"Drink up, come on, hop hop", you clapped his waist a few times and nodded to the cup of water. Lando nodded and down the liquid in a few seconds before grabbing the fresh cup and taking the two of you back to Martin.
"What do you think Zak would say if I get behind that DJ desk?", Lando asked you. You chuckled. "He already called you once today because he worried you broke your nose so I don’t think it can get much worse", you replied making Lando laugh. "I‘ll just say you forced me to", your boyfriend said before pressing a kiss to your lips and walking around the desk to join Martin.
"Joining in again?", the dutchman asked, putting his arm around Lando. He nodded and was quickly handed the headphones. You chuckled, pulling out your phone to take a video of Lando pressing random buttons on the DJ desk. He grinned broadly when he spotted your camera on him.
"Come here, baby!", he called you over, holding the hand that wasn’t holding his glass. You put your phone away and took your boyfriend‘s hand.
He turned you around in a swift motion, wrapping his arms around your neck and pressing your body to his. You laughed out loud at the action but let him sway you from side to side.
Taking a sip from your glass you carefully pushed your hips back into his. When you didn’t get a reaction from him you did it again, this time a bit firmer. "Once is a mistake, two‘s a choice", he muttered in your ear, making you giggle.
Lando moved one of his hand down to your stomach, pressing you against him while he swayed your hips. His lips being so close to your ear meant the small breathy moan that left his lips was only for you to hear.
You turned your head so your nose was pressing against his jawline. A small kiss against his skin made him smile.
It wad Lando‘s turn to press himself closer to your back. "Okay, baby, no funny business until later", you chuckled, placing your fingers on his hands on your stomach.
"Oh, so you can tease but I can’t?", Lando chuckled teasingly and turned you around. "You can tease all you want, as soon as we’re inside our own four walls", you whispered, leaning closer to his ear.
"Promise?", Lando smirked.
"Promise!", you laughed, pressing your lips on his in a soft kiss.
📍 Amsterdam, Netherlands
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tagged: landonorris, martingarrix
yn: Kingsday well spent (+ Lando at the airport the next day🤭)
landonorris: Violation
> yn: U were the one who got injured…
> landonorris: U r the one who posted it
> yn: I was also the one who aided you
> landonorris: I- don’t have anything else to add🙃
martingarrix: Had the best time🧡
> yn: Thanks for having us!!
maxverstappen: Did my invite get lost orrr?
oscarpiastri: Mate, you looked DEAD
> landonorris: thanks a lot, MATE🙃
ybff: YOU LOOK GORGEOUS unlike a certain brit boy
> landonorris: hey!
fan: The way she still slayed at the club while Lando was wearing that neon ass hat😭
fan: All the Mclaren members laughing at sleeping Lando lmaoo
fan: Lando getting violated by his girlfriend and his girlfriend‘s best friend and his teammate😭
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leqonsluv3r · 4 months
husband!leon kennedy
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—re!4 husband leon x pregnant!wife!reader, a headcanon list
based on this one-shot request
masterlist taglist
an: decided to give you guys this hc list since you guys liked the oneshot so much, giving you guys a little peek of what happens after the oneshot. i’m finally moved and currently unpacking at my new place, i’ll be working on requests and opening them back up soon. hope you guys enjoy, pls reblog and like if you do <3
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husband!leon who buys you all the food your body deserves. anything for his wife and his growing baby inside of you.
husband!leon who helps you plan and decorate the nursery for your child. he’s just happy he gets to be a dad, especially with you involved.
husband!leon who drives you to all of your doctors appointments, always having tears pool in his eyes whenever he sees your guys growing child on the ultrasound.
husband!leon who always lets you pick whatever you want for dinner, even if it’s not something he wants. as long as your happy and you get what you want.
husband!leon who massages your swollen feet after you complain how much they hurt. rubbing your calves and legs just to make sure your comfy. he wants what’s best for you.
husband!leon who rubs your belly when you both are laying in bed together, pressing kisses to it and talking to the unborn baby. he knows the baby can’t fully hear him yet but he’s too excited.
husband!leon who helps you pick out stuff for the baby to wear after you find out the gender. cute little onesies and footies, stuffed animals and whatever else your heart desires. only the best for his wife and his baby.
husband!leon who hangs up all the ultrasounds up on the fridge like a kid displaying artwork, he likes watching his baby grow. he’s still having a hard time believing he’s a father even if the evidence is right in front of him.
husband!leon who will go down on you because you can’t even touch yourself, making you moan and whimper. he knows the hormones make you more susceptible and more horny, he doesn’t mind one bit. knowing he’s the one that gets to ravish you when you’ve been pent up.
husband!leon who loves the fact that he can still fuck you like your not carrying his kid, practically crying on his cock as he pounds into you, rubbing your swollen tits and pressing kisses all over your body, caressing your belly. he knows you love it, giving each other what you want.
husband!leon who is the king of aftercare, especially when your pregnant. he helps you take a bath afterwards. giving you bubbles and even going so far as to getting in with you and massaging your back.
husband!leon who watches you struggle with the simple tasks you used to do before you were pregnant. if you need something from a shelf because it hurts for you to reach, he grabs it for you. if you can’t stop crying over the most simplest things, he hands you some tissues and holds your hand. he’s supporting you the whole way through this because you need it.
husband!leon who lets you lay on the couch on days your not feeling the best, letting you watch whatever your heart desires. even if it’s something he can’t even stand like the bachelorette or some bad reality tv show.
husband!leon who watches you open presents for the baby shower. your happy, opening little onesies and gifts from your guys friends and family. watching your mom cry happy tears when you open her gift; your stuffed bear from when you were a baby.
husband!leon who watches you hug your mom, stuffed bear still in your hand and tears pouring out of your eyes. he knows that you have been dealing with a lot going through this pregnancy and he’s just happy that your getting some joy out of it.
husband!leon who lets you have whatever weird craving your wanting. even if it’s pickles and frosting or peanut butter and graham crackers. he lets you have whatever you want, within reason, letting you have the cravings that make you and the baby happy.
husband!leon who when your doing the dishes, your water breaks. he doesn’t think first, he acts. he gets the bag that he’d packed and grabs you. he’s nervous but he’s doing his best to push his own nerves aside and get you and the baby to the hospital.
husband!leon who practically speeds down the interstate to get you to the hospital on time. weaving through a couple cars and speeding, all the while your hand is squeezing his in death grip as he just tells you to breathe through the contractions.
husband!leon who gets you to the hospital in one piece, your hand almost breaking his where he holds it. letting the nurse guide you into the delivery room to get you prepped for labor. your eyes are wide with pain and nerves, leon just keeps standing next to you, holding onto your hand and pressing kisses to your head the entire time.
husband!leon who watches as you push, push, and push over and over again. your doing so great and he’s so proud of you, being able to bring a life into this world, he’s never seen anything like it. he just rubs your back, the doctor kneeling in between your legs and helping the baby come out.
husband!leon who watches as the doctor tells you the babies almost here, your exhausted frame trying to push the baby out the rest of the way. he mumbles praises into your hair and ear, telling you that you can do it. you can push the baby out, you can get through this.
husband!leon who watches you do the final two pushes, the doctor helping the baby come out. leon hears the small cries before seeing the small baby being cradled in the doctors hands, his eyes watering at the sight. he looks over at you and sees how exhausted but happy you are, your eyes watering just like his.
husband!leon who watches as the nurse cleans and swaddles your guys baby, bringing it over to you. your eyes crying big tears. the baby looks just like the both of you combined, having your eyes and his cheeks. he sits gently next to you on the bed, rubbing your head. he admires you and your guys baby, how beautiful it is. how you did it, despite you thinking you couldn’t, he knew you could.
husband!leon who gets to hold the baby for the first time while you rest, talking to the baby in soft whispers, the babies only soft coos in response. “i’m your daddy, yeah…yeah, i’m your daddy…” he murmurs and watches as the baby wraps the tiny hand around his finger. “so cute…so cute…” he smiles as tears leak down his face.
husband!leon who days after you’ve healed from having the baby, you all three get to go home. leon goes from room to room with the baby, showing it its nursery and giving it a tour, even if his child isn’t going to remember this. he does it all the same.
husband!leon who changes his first diaper in the days following, who does it with pride. knowing that all his practice of learning the past nine months are going to use. he lets you rest and sleep whenever you have time in between feeding and bonding with the baby.
husband!leon who loves that he’s a husband and a father, he gets to watch his child grow. he gets to have that luxury and it wasn’t something he always thought was possible. and with you, it’s more achievable and he loves you even more for that if it’s even possible.
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sinning-23 · 5 months
Hot Tatted Uncles (Uncle!SukunaAu X Teacher!Reader)
I’ve fallen victim to the unkuna/uncle sukuna au so HAVE THIS
PART 2 UP NOW!!! <------- Click the link here!
“My uncle be fighting people.” Yuji hums, your gaze immediately shooting to the toddler.
“O-Oh really?” You gulp, knowing kids say the wildest things but after you’re first encounter with the pink-hair boy's uncle, you would put it past him.
“Yeah, he. He told me uh-um-.” The boy sniffed, wiping his nose with the back of his hand, to which you sigh and directed him to the sink as he continues his story
“Uh- he told me that he beat up this guy and he- uh he won and that the guy lost.”
You fight the urge to laugh, his sentence seeming so long and incomplete. Typical toddler.
“Well we don’t fight our friends right Yuji? You be good and keep your hands to yourself?” You encourage, ruffling the boy's hair as he smiles, one of the fronts missing.
“Yeah! We use nice hands.” Yuji repeats, leaving you with your thoughts as he grabs ahold of a car to play with.
Why would you tell a 2-year-old you beat someone up?! You sigh, scrolling through your contacts, making a note to speak with his father, even though the boy hadn't done anything, it's still concerning that he might feel as if that’s okay since his uncle does it.
It’s quiet for a moment, your other three students Nobara, Megumi, and Mahito playing together….and then it happens.
A still silence falls over the room and soon a roar of cries as Mahito holds the top of his head. In all honestly the child was a problem so whatever he did to get smacked over the head with a wooden block was probably warranted. But the bigger problem was that you biggest fear had come to fruition. Yuji, had hit and essentially started to fight with another child, as Mahito had hit him back. You’d definitely need to speak to his father now.
The rest of the children had gone home now, Yuji being your last child as you closed your classroom down. Your class usually ended around 6:00 and it was pushing 6:15 now. Just as you were about to make your courtesy call, the door opened with the jingle of keys and a throaty chuckle.
"Look at you, giving your teacher a hard time?" The tatted male asks, scooping up a giggling Yuji with a toothy grin. You, however, were far from pleased, giving a tight-lipped smile as he just barely glances your way.
"Hi, I'm Miss Y/n, Yuji's teacher." You announce, taking a tissue to wipe Yuji's nose one last time before he left.
"Uh huh," He responds, grimacing as you wipe the snot away.
"So, Yuji had a pretty good day today, but I did have to have a chat with him about..fighting and hitting other friends." You explain, feeling smaller under his sharp gaze. His face is tatted too, the thick dark lines running along his nose, cheeks, and jawline.
"You in here beatin people up?" He states sharply at the boy who only nods with a smile.
"Yeah! Like how you said you beat everyone up!" Yuji admits ith joy and his Uncle's face falls.
"Yes so, before Yuji hit the other child he told me that you...fight people and I told him that we use our nice hands. But right after that, he had-" "Hit another kid. The parents mad?" He asks, a bit troubled now, most likely mentally cursing himself for kinda causing this whole debacle. \
"W-well I can't really disclose that. The point is, please just chat with him and hopefully, he can learn that's not okay." You explain, feeling a bit more relieved since the convo went smoother than usual. And part of you was a little... flustered with how seriously he was looking at you. You couldn't help but look at his tatted and flexed arm as he moved Yuji to sit on his shoulders.
"Yeah, well, here have my number so if anything else happens and I'm picking up you can just let me know." He hums, pulling his phone skillfully from his sweatpants pocket and
Holy shit...
You think to yourself, seeing the print just faintly. You swallow, taking the divide and inputting yoi contact.
The pair leaves, Your heart trobbbing as you take a breath. Being any type of romantically involved with your students' parents was highly unprofessional...but the rules never said anything about hot tattooed uncles.
-in the car-
Sukuna buckled Yuji into his seat, passing the child a happy meal he'd picked up as payment for a job well done.
"Nice work. How bout next time you mention your Uncles got no girlfriend either." He laughs, backing out of the parking space with your number and a grin.
Authors Note; Ok yes i wrote this on a whim I swear I'm trying to finish the stuff I had listed on my update post lmao
Also might make a part 2 for this cause I freaking love this au
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cafterdark · 7 months
I don't think y'all truly grasp what fucking a god would be like.
Not only are they beings who can shape reality like clay, but they have such a massively different conception of time, morality, and existence that they become alien to you
For example, let's say you are a normal guy:
One moment you're looking at yourself in the mirror, the next in a quiet field. Before you even have a chance to react, a voice rips through your tissue paper body. It is multilayered, unable to stick to one voice, but is it smooth and alluring and almost feminine.
"I have chosen thee to be my temple." The voice says.
"W...who are you?" You stutter out.
The voice doesn't answer. For a moment you wonder if you've gone insane, then she begins. A thousand hands of light touch you, some delicate and precise, some wild and rough. They grab and grope and tear and claw and brush and pinch and slap all over, all at once. One hand grabs your short hair and forces you to look up in the air and she says:
"Let me show you your purpose."
You are launched in time to a temple, backwards or forwards, you don't know. It is lit by candles, showing that you're at the feet of a massive marble statue of a nude woman. The hands force you to your knees, all while feeling up your boiling body. You look up and only catch a glimpse of her beautiful thighs before you're unstuck in time again.
You feel yourself dragged back to reality. You're in a woman's body, being fucked by two other women in a dingy hotel. One hold the leash to a collar around your neck, the other holding your legs as she fucks you with her dick. The hands are still there and guide you, teasing each moans from your throat and buck of your hips. You've never felt this good ever as you start ascending the mountain of arousal. The collar chokes you enough for a momentary blackout
You're back in the temple, still looking up. You catch a glimpse of her hips, grabbable, with curves in just the right spots. You blink in awe and find yourself in another woman's body, actually no, a robot woman's body. You're connected to a machine made of tech so powerful you can't comprehend by series of wires and plugs throughout your body. A woman, dressed in lab wear smiles, kisses you, and starts the machine. You feel a jolt of pleasure shoot through you. The woman's smile widens, then a notification appears on your HUD
Sensitivity increased 150%
A soft glide teaches down your back and you feel your entire body kicks in response. You ascend further up, climbing step after step towards orgasm. Each touch the machine simulates makes you skip ten steps. The woman's laughs at you makes you skip more. The heat is unbearable, your fans spinning at Max speed, their noise filling the background. You get a warning notification about overheating and you're back at the temple.
The hands keep your arousal steady as the hand tilts your head further up still. You're enraptured by the most perfect pair of tits you have ever seen. The last bit of thought you we're holding onto is wiped away by their glory. But before you can properly worship them, you're thrown back in time.
You're in another temple, hazy and thick with the perfume of incense. You're in a priestess' body slick with oil, prepared to worship your goddess with your other priestesses. You look around and see the rest of your order staring at you and approach. After a long moment, you realize that you're the offering. The other women attack you with kisses and teeth and hands and nails in just the right spots. Each blow brings you closer to the peak. They pin you down and begin fucking you with their trained tongues and you blank out. You're so close now you can see the peak. You pray to just be allowed to reach it.
You're set back to the temple again and with one swift yank of your long hair, brings your eyes to the statues face.
It's you.
You don't know how you know. It looks nothing like you, but it's you. And you're gorgeous you can feel the orgasm coming, it's so so so so close now. The world stops, your body freezes.
You find yourself stuck one step before the peak, staring at your beautiful features and unable to do anything about it. You're stuck there for a long time. An hour? A year? A Millennia? A second? You don't know. But by the end, you're asking Her to let you cum. She responds:
"Do you know your purpose?"
"Yes... Goddess," you pant out. "As your temple... Where your followers... Worship you"
"Good Girl" She says.
Those two words bring you over the edge and you find yourself cumming harder than you've ever done before. Each convulsion rips away a part of your past life, what you ate for breakfast, your job, your hobbies, your name. If you could think through the tsunami of pleasure, you wouldn't care. Goddess will provide, she always will. But for now, you are drowning in devotional ecstasy.
After an eternity, you finally feel the afterglow bleed in. The hands let go and you collapse to the floor, letting the darkness consume you.
You wake up on the bathroom floor and groan. Was it really just a dream? You get up and look in the mirror and see you. Not the fake you that you wore before, but the you Goddess crafted, her masterpiece. You smile and dance in your body, that statue turned flesh, and laugh a beautiful laugh to celebrate and thank Her.
"You know your purpose and are trained in it," She says in the back of your mind. "Begin."
"Yes Goddess"
You leave the bathroom and begin your new life. After all, what's a god without her temple?
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