frostbeees · 3 years
Aaaand 20 for grilled cheesby please because I couldn’t resist asking one for them too 🥰
i love that you always send me cheesby prompts! it’s short but here you go babe. I don’t know why my brain automatically went to the angst but oh well!
20. “Why are you so annoying?”
Claude was restless.  He sat on his oversized couch in his high-rise condo and picked up the tv remote.  He turned it on and flipped through the channels, not actually stopping long enough to even let the feed load.  Claude turned off the tv.  He sat the remote back down and walked to the window to look out over the dark city illuminated by the glowing lights. 
Rough seasons happen.  He’s a fucking flyer, he knows.  But rough seasons paired with the fact that he’s trapped in his fucking condo?  Even worse.  He can’t invite the team over for fear of breaking league rules.  He can’t go to the bar down the block for a drink or two.  He could barely even go to the fucking grocery store.  So that left him alone in his condo. 
Claude was restless.  He walked from the window to the kitchen back to the window and stared at his city only being brought out of his daze by a soft “ping” from his phone on the table.  He sighed as he looked at the screen and saw yet another text message from Sid and thought, yeah, maybe he should finally answer one of those.
From Sid, 8:34 AM
Good morning, babe. 
From Sid, 8:40 AM
From Sid, 10:27 AM
I hate that they won’t let me go to the rink early. I’m just sitting here.
From Sid, 12:30 PM
Hey babe, I’m heading into the rink now. If I don’t hear from you before you have to leave, good luck tonight.
From Sid, 5:50 PM
God, that fucking sucked.  Can’t even beat the Sabres. 
From Sid, 10:07 PM
Babe, you can’t ignore me all day, we talked about this
Claude had just finished reading the day’s worth of ignored messages from Sid when an incoming FaceTime call buzzed on his screen.  He thought about ignoring Sid yet again but knew Sid saw the read receipt so he caved and hit the accept button and watched Sid’s face materialize in his hands.
“Why are you so annoying?” Claude asked with a small smile.
“Is that really the question you want to ask me?”
“No.  I want to ask you to get in your fucking car and drive to fucking Philly so that I can fuck you on my giant bed.” Claude watched as Sid’s cheeks turned his favorite shade of pink.
“Soon, babe. Soon.”
Claude felt his body relax in small waves, felt the restlessness wash out of him while he watched Sid smile on his screen.
“Do you really think I’m annoying?” Sid asked. 
“No,” Claude sighed and smiled back.  “Sorry I didn’t respond today.  It’s just, fuck, Sid.  Philly hates us.  The fucking reporters hate us.  We’re all tired.”
“I know babe, I know.  Philly can go fuck itself and the media definitely can fuck off, too.  Two more weeks, then we’re in town for three whole days and I don’t give a fuck what the rules say, if I’m not on the ice, I’m going to be at your place.”
Claude closed his eyes and let Sid’s words bounce around in his brain before looking back at his screen. 
“Thank you.  I love you.”
“I love you too, asshole, even though you ignored me all day.  Now go to sleep.”
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grittyreadsfic · 3 years
I actually have WIPs but barely anything written for them. Partially because of time being in short supply due to school, but also because I’m scared to like try to write something and have it not come out good.... I just don’t want the next thing I post to disappoint my readers because they liked the last thing I wrote...
I have a lot of fun ideas I love but I’m just like scared 😢
that seems like an incredibly fair thing to be scared of-disappointing people is lowkey terrifying but there’s also something to be said for the whole “practice makes perfect” expression. generally people improve the more they do something so chances are the next thing you write will do the opposite of disappoint!!!
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puckingawesomerecs · 3 years
14, 20, 23 for the fan fic asks!
14. What kind of plotline are you always here for?
tysonbaerrie: Friends to Lovers with Mutual Pining. Give me two idiot best friends who are stupid in love but think the other couldn’t possibly feel the same and there’s just pain and pining and heartbreak until they realize they’ve felt the same all along. 
pattyrosyteeks : ooh the “one is still a hockey player and the other isn’t”.  i just love the dynamics so much especially when the non-hockey is a teacher or does something with kids!
macknnons: I think I’m a sucker for break-up/make-up, especially if the break-up happened long ago and now they get reunited and they get the chance to talk about things and there is angst and a happy ending, love that.
20. Have you ever read a fic more than once? What is it about that fic that made you read it again?
tysonbaerrie: Absolutely! Sometimes, it’s because I’m craving a very specific trope/plotline and I know that fic will give me what I need. Other times, they’re just a favorite and I want to relive the way that fic made me feel (*coughs* Trust Fall *coughs*)
macknnons : Oh boy! Yes, absolutly, a good number. Which is funny because usually I get bored when I read something I already know (I rarely rewatch movies/tv-shows, with a bunch of exceptions) but some fics? I’ll probably never get tired of them (just have to wait a little between each read). Sometimes it’s because it’s a feel-good fic, sometimes I loved the voice a lot, sometimes it’s amazing porn. Tons of reasons possible.
pattyrosyteeks : i go back to my favorites ALL THE TIME. the only reason i bookmark something is if i know i’m going to want to re-read it. i could easily come up with 10 that ive read more than a handful of times each and just love going back to.
23 has been answered!
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dawson-mercer · 3 years
2, 4, 8 for the song asks!
2:  the first song you remember loving
probably man! i feel like a woman by shania twain
4: a song you haven’t heard in years
this is a cheat because technically i listened to it earlier today but my partner put on just the girl by the click 5 and i probably haven’t heard that in a decade
6: a song that reminds you of your favorite book
right where you left me by taylor swift made me think of susan penvensie, but after the series ended!
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kevin-magnussen · 3 years
28, 10, 9 for the soft asks 😊
28. hugs or hand-holding?
hugs hugs hugs! (partly cause my hands get clammy easily ugh lol and no one likes that lmao) 
10. what’s something you’re excited for?
seeing my close friends and my family when i can do so safely! also there’s this cookie recipe i want to try this weekend and i’m buzzing lol
9. what calms you down?
i find this instrumental pop covers playlist soothing and i listen to it a lot <3
thanks for the questions! :)  
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washyourdamnhands · 3 years
79, 94 for the ask game! ☺️
79. Who was your first real crush?
I think it was my first girlfriend, as cringe of an answer as it is. I was 14 and she was the most wonderful person I’d ever met. And then she agreed to be my girlfriend!
94.  What are you strengths?
I’m a good listener. And I’m a great fixer, whatever problem you have, I’ll try to fix it.
get to know me uncomfortably well
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saltnhalo · 5 years
This prompt was given with such enthusiasm so long ago, and I’m sorry that the result turned out so sad
Castiel comes home in the early hours of the morning to find Dean still awake.
In his own sleep-deprived and assignment-fueled haze, he had expected their dorm room to be dark and quiet, which is why he’s so careful in letting himself in, so that he doesn’t wake Dean. Instead, though, the room is washed with the blue-white light of Dean’s laptop.
When Castiel blinks tiredly at him, confused, it takes him a second to realize that Dean’s cheeks are wet.
“Sorry,” Dean mumbles quickly, wiping at his eyes with one hand while he quickly shuts his laptop with the other, plunging the room into near-darkness. “I didn’t, um… I lost track of time. How was the library?” His voice cracks, and Castiel’s heart aches, because if he’d realized that Dean was upset tonight, he would have been here with him, instead of cramming at the library.
“It was alright,” he says, leaving his bag on the floor and making his way over to where Dean is sitting on their bed. “What’s wrong? Are you okay?”
As Castiel’s eyes slowly adjust to the darkness, he sees Dean look up at the ceiling for a second. His intake of breath wobbles. “It’s the second,” he says finally, his voice quiet and small.
It takes a second to realize what Dean means—and then he puts the pieces together, and it feels like he’s taken a punch to the gut. Of course. “Oh, Dean,” he whispers. “I’m so sorry, love.”
Dean sobs, then, great wracking sobs that shake his body as Castiel climbs up onto the bed beside him and just holds him, stroking his back and letting him cry against his shoulder. They’ve been roommates for long enough—boyfriends for less, but still not an insignificant while—that Castiel should have known this was coming, and he whispers his apologies into Dean’s hair. Whether or not he’s heard, he’s not sure, but it doesn’t matter. All that matters in this moment is that he’s here for Dean.
It’s the early hours of the morning on the second of November, and Castiel holds Dean until he has no more tears left, until he is wrung dry from his grief, until the first faint light filters through the window and, finally, they sleep.
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cas-lost-grace · 4 years
gracelingwithpoisewithoutgrace reblogged your post and added:
Congratulations! That’s awesome! Sending good...
Thank you! I´m honestly taken aback by the positive reactions I´m getting!
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thetwelvecaesars · 6 years
gracelingwithpoisewithoutgrace replied to your post “chopain replied to your post “Learning Latin #2” this is useful for...”
If you haven’t already, check out Wheelock’s Latin! That’s how I learned in university, and it was awesome! And if you ever need any help or want to talk about stuff you’re learning, hit me up. ��
And ahh! I do have Wheelock! The thing is that I am going to have to re-write some of the tables so it makes sense in my head. So, due to the format of the book. I got a bit lost. But I think if I use the books from the library AND Wheelocks, it will be great. Thanks so much for the offer, I may actually message you if I need some assistance down the road. I am so glad to have someone i can talk to about this. Because it’s just starting to sink in and I am excited! 
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batik96 · 3 years
An ask game ...
Tagged by @gracelingwithpoisewithoutgrace
Thanks for tagging me in the ask game!
1. How many works do you have on ao3?
2. What’s your current ao3 word count?
174,445 words
3. How many fandoms have you written for and what are they?
Three -- Sherlock, hockey rpf and ... personified food and drinks! 🙂
4. What are your top five fics by kudos?
In order of most to least kudos:  Sid ♥'s Geno,  A bunny tale,  welcome,  just right, full (I’ll admit I’m surprised that three of these are hockey rpf.)
5. Do you respond to comments? Why or why not?
Yes!! I appreciate that someone thought highly enough of something I wrote to let me know about it. And one of the best parts of fandom is the interaction. What better way to start a conversation and make a new friend?
6. What’s the fic you’ve written with the angstiest ending?
I’m not sure I have any. I tend to like happy endings. Maybe gray, just because the whole plot is “bad mood”, even though it ends on an up beat.
7. Do you write crossovers?
Well, some of my fics have definitely been AUs. Like nailed him! Does that count? 
8. Have you ever received hate on a fic?
Once, but it wasn’t actually directed at me and AO3 took care of the offender quickly! If anyone else has been hateful in their comments, I was too oblivious to notice.
9. Do you write smut?
10. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
Not that I’m aware of.
11. Have you ever co-written a fic before?
Yes, once. It was fun and I’m glad I did it, but I’m not great at writing together. In real life or in fandom.
12. What’s your all-time favorite ship?
Well, considering I’ve only ever written three ships and one of them involves hot chocolate ...
13. What was the first fandom you wrote for?
14. What’s your favorite fic you’ve written?
It tends to change as I write new stories, at least if I like the finished product. And I like different fics for different reasons, the humor in one, the smut in another. But full and Love Potion No. 55 (both pwp) rank pretty highly.
Tagging @pennypaperbrain, @sweetvoiceofdoom and @purplesherlock, if you want!
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frostbeees · 3 years
7, 13, 23 for the writing asks!
hello lovely 💕
7. what books have shaped the way you think about writing the most? why?
i don’t know that any have changed the way i think about it but more so there are books that have inspired me to keep going? all of @greymichaela’s works just make me want to write for the sake of writing, to be better by practice.
13. describe your writing style
i definitely tend to stick to little dialogue. short but concise wording
23. what do you do to engage with your projects which isn’t actually writing? ex: playlists, pinterest boards, etc. how much do they play a role in the development of your work?
ohh i rely heavily on spotify playlists. my two most detailed WIPs have full playlists right now. i also keep a tag for each one on tumblr so that i can either search for inspiration or add things from my dash. they both tend to inspire me whether it’s a post or song that inspires a scene or a set of dialogue.
send me writing meme questions!
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grittyreadsfic · 3 years
I’m reading/following “Should've Been Home Yesterday” by ivycrowned & LoveLeah!
It’s a TK/Nolan AU about farming in a small town. Also Nolan lives with Kevin Hayes on the farm as platonic best buds! It’s really really good and I’m loving this fic so much. Really good vibes on this one and the dynamic between the characters is amazing. Also it makes me feel things a lot. 🥰🥰🥰💜💜💜🎉🎉🎉
Here’s the link:
oh YEAH i’m a big fan of this fic-literally every update is such a gift (i straight up read it half asleep still in bed this morning, i’m lowkey kind of obsessed with it) i gotta agree with you on the dynamics, they’re done so perfectly
come talk wips with me, your own or others!
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existenceisthis · 3 years
Thank you for making my 2020 not only bearable but giving me strength and insight and love, be it fandoms related or personal. You have all given me something special, and I am so, so grateful of each of you.
@matan4il @mikerxd @sparkchemy @tristinai @gracelingwithpoisewithoutgrace @katkafish @highfunctioning-clotpole @arthurpendragonns @merthurallure @mx-warl0ck @serena-a @mother-of-lionss @starwitness42 @johanirae @bottledminx
Thank you.
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kevin-magnussen · 3 years
tagged by @offlcialbvb (thank you 🥰❤) to share five positive things happening now
● just came back from edinburgh a couple of days ago, i had a lovely time
● this is getting a separate bullet point lmao, i had some delicious food there and i'm still thinking about it
● my temp job became permanent!
● went shopping today and found some nice tops
● my geranium's about to bloom and i'm very excited
tagging @couturriere @teekays @ijustlovehockey @gracelingwithpoisewithoutgrace @voratzek if you want to do it! ❤😘
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sequestering · 3 years
wip meme! thank you for the tag @ticklefighthockey.
THE RULES: Post the names of all the files in your WIP folder, regardless of how non-descriptive or ridiculous. Anyone can send me an ask afterwards (or a comment in this post) with a title that most intrigues/interests you, and I’ll post a little snippet of it or tell you something about it if it’s an art piece!
the contents of my folder in roughly newest to oldest order ~
referee sid (sidclaude)
gritty fic (sidclaude)
playing in the whl (sidgeno lesbians)
welcome to new york (k'alexis)
little things / silver linings (sidclaude)
fucking miserable angst (sidjack)
those crosby girls (r63 sid/jack)
built on bodies (gen? sidclaude??)
tagging @plethoriall @waddlingpenguin @gracelingwithpoisewithoutgrace and anyone else who might want to take part
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icedbatik · 4 years
I was tagged by @maljic​ with this request:
Post five shows with a gif that always make you smile.
There is nothing guaranteed to make me forget I’ve ever liked anything -- ever -- faster than someone asking me to list five things I like. But I’ll give it a go. (I seem to have a thing for Brits and detectives.)
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Doctor Who (Eleven version, especially)
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I’ll tag @pinetreelady​, @hockeylovinglibrarian​, @pr-scatterbrain,  @gracelingwithpoisewithoutgrace, and anyone else who wants to play along.
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