#grand unifying theory
Okay, grand unifying theory of Castaway Diva time! (my last ones have been proved wrong but whatever). On Ep 2 btw
Kang Bo-geol is the childhood friend who saved Mok-ha. That is why he volunteered to clean islands, to search for her. That is why he says there are so many deserted islands it was possible for her to be lost. He's been looking this whole time.
He is living with his real mom which is why they both know the quote, who has a limp (probably from abuse), and they changed their names to hide from the evil police dad. His brother is either his half-brother, or more likely his mom fled when she was pregnant but was unable to take her baby for some reason. Or she had to make a Sophie's Choice.
I am curious if they'll subvert the trope and Mok-ha will end up with the other brother, not her childhood friend... that would be fun. Almost like the Little Mermaid where the Prince mistakeningly thinks he was saved by the first human who finds him instead of the mermaid.
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caffeineandsociety · 6 months
All the bullshit queer infighting about queer subgroup a refusing to be normal about queer subgroup b, or no it's b that can't be normal about a, or no it's both of them refusing to be normal about subgroup c-
And I feel it's time to recognize that the problem has less to do with specific identities and more to do with people refusing to be normal about queer people other than themselves
Yes someone who's like this will usually be slightly more normal about someone whose queer identity is more similar to their own than not, but I have never seen, for example, an explicitly transmisogynistic trans man who wouldn't jump to throw another trans man under the bus for "making us all look bad" at the first viable excuse, and we all know how big overt exclusionist movements like terfism end up just aggressively policing the ingroup to make sure they never, ever, ever deviate from a perfect True Scotsman
It's self-centered bullshit is what it all is and I think it deserves to be seen for that
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illwynd · 2 months
Eternally confused by assertions that Thor and Loki don't like each other.
They love each other, obviously. And sometimes they fuckin hate each other (well, Loki sometimes hates Thor. And Thor is sometimes at least very goddamn righteously pissed off at Loki, whether he'd call it "hate" or not.)
But they do also like each other.
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Thor clearly likes Loki. Enjoys and appreciates his company and admires many things about him, despite their many conflicts. And although that's a comics reference, consider Thor's "well of course I want to have my brother come with me on an adventure!" attitude when he's trying to convince his friends to go to Jotunheim with him at the beginning of Thor 2011, and it seems like it's pretty applicable to the MCU as well, at least before TR's moronic retcons.
Is it mutual, though?
... is that a real question?
Loki idolizes him, wishes he could measure up to him, thinks the sun goddamn rises and sets on Thor. "Loki felt no rancor [...] -- his stepbrother was perfect: beautiful, powerful, golden. He adored him. And if Thor repaid that adoration with little slights and humiliations, it was a price Loki was only too willing to pay for his company" (R. Rodi, Loki: Blood Brothers). Yes, another comics reference, but doesn't that also jibe with the movie depiction of Loki who clearly has a less than ideal relationship with the rest of Thor's crew but hangs out with them nonetheless because that's the only way to spend time with Thor?
Genuinely, I can't think of a better metric for liking someone than wanting to hang out with them even when the circumstances make that less than fun for other reasons. Seeing their company as satisfying even if you're both just sitting there doing something that would otherwise suck. And they both seem to have each other as first choice for that, with everyone else a very distant second if they rank at all.
So I just don't get how anyone can try to slot them into some cliche of "siblings who love each other i guess but also can't stand each other at all." These dumb bastards would spend their lives in each other's pockets if they could. They probably had their own secret language as kids, like figured out a way to get around the Allspeak to invent one no one else could understand. Anyone else that either of them dates had better be ready to have the other brother as a constant topic of conversation, because the moment you express annoyance at that they're going to be shoving breadsticks into their bag and making excuses to gtfo. "they don't like each other" what the fuck are y'all talking about.
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perevision · 5 months
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Yessss I finally finished it! From Chapter 447 of The Grand Unified Theory of Shen Qingqiu by @blondejaneblonde - who completely by coincidence dropped a whole new chapter just as I was finishing this up so I haven’t read it yet.
LQG teases SQQ about making Sect Leader a set of robes in that cool new half-off style that’s going around. Excuse you, SQQ makes robes for best friends who have become fine gentlemen, thank you very much. No off-the-shoulder ho outfits for his Qi-ge!
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thegoldenavenger · 6 months
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i'm declaring this finished! some fanart for an early chapters of The Grand Unified Theory of Shěn Qīngqiū by @blondejaneblonde
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starfata · 2 months
Disney Songs Shen Yuan would have heard
I didn't include Disney Songs on my 'list of English language songs Shen Qingqiu might know' list.
Every song here has a mandarin counterpart on YouTube, so even if he didn't know the lyrics english speaking readers would, he would probably have heard the tune. This first section are disney films he probably would have seen at least once growing up, followed by the most notable song. I only included up to 2015, the year Scum Villain was first published online.
Toy Story- You got a friend in me
Little Mermaid- Part of your world, Under the sea
Aladdin- A Whole New World, One Jump ahead, Prince Ali,
Beauty and the Beast- A tale as old as time, Belle, Be our Guest
Lion King- Circle of Life, Hakuna Matata, Can you feel the love tonight,
Mulan- Reflection, I'll make a man out of you, Honor to us all, a girl worth fighting for
Hercules- Go the Distance, Zero to Hero,
Tarzan- Strangers like me, You'll be in my heart
This section are movies and songs he might not be that familiar with.
Frozen (2013)- Let it go. Easily the latest on the list, but I doubt he could have avoided hearing it, even if he didn't watch the movie.
Tangled (2010)- I see the Light, When will my life begin
Cinderella- A Dream is a Wish your Heart makes
Sleeping Beauty- Once upon a dream
Cinderella and Sleeping Beauty are Disney Classics, but not that interesting to the average young boy. So they're on the list, but if he remembered the music well enough to possible reproduce it is another matter. Tangled is the opposite- a fairly new movie he may not have seen, being well into his teens.
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marichromatic · 10 months
Me, looking at my copy of Anna Karenina that I bought last year: "Yeah... I feel like it's way too long, I don't have the mindframe to tackle this right now, better read The Grand Unified Theory of Shen Qingqiu for the third time.
Jane Blonde (a.k.a. The Author™): Hey! This is officially longer than Anna Karenina now!
Me, a clown:
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everylastbird · 7 months
Me at the top of 'Shen Yuan and Shen Jiu Are the Same Person' AO3 Tag hill: Surely this won't awaken any feelings of interest, appreciation, or excessive sympathy for OG!Shen Qingqiu
Me, having slid down the slippery slope of 'Shen Yuan and Shen Jiu Are the Same Person' AO3 Tag hill and found herself strolling through 'Shen Jiu Gets a Happy Ending' AO3 Tag lane:
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My SVSSS Peaks/ Peak Lords
Plain text: My SVSSS Peaks/ Peak Lords
(Basically a reference post for myself as much as an excuse to talk about them :) )
5. Qi Xi (栖息), the Beast Peak / Peak Lord Ye Qingzhu (叶 清竹)
Qi Xi specializes in beast rearing and mounts; they're one of Cang Qiong's money-making peaks (along with being very expensive to run, lmao), which is why they're ranked so highly. Its name can mean "dwelling" or "bird's perch" :)
Ye Qingzhu's name comes from "Ye" for leaf and means "pure bamboo"! (The very obvious nature theme is actually unintentional; my naming reference site lied to me and I'm too attached to change her name at this point, lmaoo.) She's no-nonsense and very practical, but she can take a joke!
Yqz is middle-aged and looks it, is quite burly, and has missing fingers and scars under her right eye/over her left eyebrow from handling accidents; the former are from her disciple days. She wears vambraces and keeps her hair in a simple bun accessorized only with a hairstick
9. Zui Xian (最先), the Beverages Peak / Peak Lord Peng Qingsen (彭 清森)
This is a canon peak, but we know nothing about it, so my city now! Zui Xian is canonically where the Peak Lords meet up to have dinner (which: cute!!!), so I dubbed them a peak that produces spiritual wines and spiritual teas to sell to both other cultivators and to mortals. They probably dabble in broader agriculture as well, making them another one of Cang Qiong's money-makers!
To match Zui Xian's overall good vibes, Peng Qingsen is an amiable old uncle type, easygoing and well-muscled from field labor; he often hands out friendly shoulder pats which are varyingly appreciated by his fellow Lords, lmao. He's a good cook and fond of hosting, and his name means "clear forest," just to be on theme
10. Yuan Zhi (远志), the Arrays Peak / Peak Lord Song Qingyu (宋 清雨)
Yuan Zhi means "lofty ideal," which reflects the importance of the Peak's work-- they handle Cang Qiong's protective spells and wards! Their members are often called upon by non-cultivators to ghost-proof homes and to fortify or bless land
Song Qingyu's name means "clear rain." Sqy is fat, probably in her mid-30s, and she wins the prize for being the most-- indeed, the only-- bubbly personality of all the Peak Lords. In fact, she's so overly friendly that she’s seen as kind of annoying, but she's also so competent that everyone has to ignore it <3 Thankfully, she hasn't quite caught on that not everyone's into her morning-person vibes :')
Sqy has a personal grudge against Huan Hua bc one of their disciples snubbed her skills + Cang Qiong as a whole when she was head disciple and she never forgave them. Also, she'd never admit this out loud, but she hates having to sit next to Hong Qingfeng, since he's kind of yell-y and she doesn't really appreciate that energy
11. Zhi Man (枝蔓), the Artifacts Peak / Peak Lord Cai Qingxuan (蔡 清萱)
Zhi Man handles the creation and identification of artifacts and talismans/seals! It's very much a Peak full of mad scientists; Zhi Man's name literally means "branches and shoots," but it has the figurative meaning of describing something overcomplicated, which perfectly suits my vague imaginings of how seals work
Cai Qingxuan got her last name from the Cai Lun who invented papermaking, and her first name means "pure daylily." She's on the younger side and is kind of the prissy straight-A student type, and she keeps to herself for the most part. (She is continually besieged by sqy's well-meaning overtures of friendship; rip them both.) She has a slight tendency to act without thinking out of a mild case of arrogance, which doesn't pair well with her inability to handle flusterment. (She'd have gotten along great with Shen Jiu if he wasn't even bitchier than she is)
12. Ku Xing (苦行), the Ascetic Peak / Peak Lord Hong Qingfeng (朱 清风)
Another canon Peak, but my Peak Lord! Hong Qingfeng's name means "pure wind," but the pinyin is a holdover from when I'd originally spelled his name with a 锋 for "spear point" in honor of his canonical "fiery temper" before I decided that didn't fit the overall Qing generation's naming scheme, lmaoo
Hqf is the oldest Peak Lord, and I think he has an interest in penjing (the Chinese tree art which bonsai originated from!)
Extra notes:
My Peak order goes: Qiong Ding, Qing Jing, Wan Jian, An Ding, Qi Xi, Xian Shu, Bai Zhan, Qian Cao, Zui Xian, Yuan Zhi, Zhi Man, and Ku Xing
I envision sect meetings taking place over a long oval table with the first and twelfth peaks at the short ends and even-numbered and odd-numbered peaks placed on opposite sides. This makes sqh and sqq neighbors, and qqq and mqf are also neighbors!
I put Qian Cao as the eighth Peak because if I have to grit my teeth and accept the canon that mqf is lqg's shidi and not the other way around, I am not putting him more than one single peak below Bai Zhan, ALRIGHT
No, I still don't know what Xian Shu does. "Lesbians" is the official Peak specialty in my notes. (Realistically, I think it's primarily a safe haven for young women escaping circumstances-- it's likely split between poor younger girls and rich noblewomen trying to leave their households, and plenty are probably taking advantage of cultivation's curtailing effect on reproduction. Xian Shu, home of lesbians and spinsters!)
(Stolen joke:) Ku Xing had to be the twelfth peak because only an ascetic could withstand sitting directly across from yqy's sad cow eyes for an entire Peak Lord meeting
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hellenhighwater · 2 years
welp. I've got a four-day weekend so it's time to reread The Grand Unified Theory of Shen Qingqiu from the beginning
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flamingkorybante · 3 months
the inevitable and delicious triumph of faggotry over empire
Medium: acrylic, pearlex, and drool
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gnomeicecream · 3 months
Reaction to new Grand Theory of Shen Qingqiu update
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illogicalvulcans · 1 year
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[Fic Book Covers 8/?] The Grand Unified Theory of Shěn Qīngqiū by 00janeblonde
Shěn Qīngqiū new game pluses himself into a happy ending and unlocks some premium content along the way.
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illwynd · 9 months
What direction would you have enjoyed most for Thor and Loki after TDW?
I recall in the long dry years between TDW and TR, a large part of the conversation in the fandom around this topic was on how pissed off Thor would be when he learned that Loki hadn’t actually died and had kept that fact from him (or “faked his death,” however you wanna phrase it) and how much trust would have to be rebuilt. And there is definitely that aspect of it. I think there was trust that needed to be rebuilt on both sides, in fact, and many long-overdue conversations about everything that had gone wrong to get them to that point. Conversations about Loki’s ancestry and his miscalculation with the Destroyer and all the questions Thor didn’t ask when Loki reappeared and not visiting him in the cells and ancient resentments and so many other things. 
But most of the fandom, in the discussions I’ve seen, seems to have been hoping for resolution between them, for things to get all healed and tied up in a tidy little bow and have their character arcs just ride off into the sunset and… yeah, I don’t want that. I never wanted that. There is way too much emphasis these days on “healthy” and “wholesome” and, goddamn, like what are y’all doing looking at these two if you’re looking for therapist-approved wellbeing? You’re digging in the wrong place. (Something that I feel is carried over from Norse mythology into their characters is the idea that there is value and importance in lives that don’t have a Happily Ever After, worlds ending in destruction and final defeat but with a deep integrity to what mattered. The world doesn’t promise healing. Sometimes, living with the knowledge that things will not be fixed in the end but it all matters anyway, and the connections between people matter, and the ability to find flickering moments of joy amidst the sorrows… to me that is far better, far more fitting to who they are than any tidy, happy resolution could ever be.)
One of the things that I love about many of their comics arcs is the sense that while things do change between them over time, with different emphases coming into focus and into prominence, there is an essence to both of them that keeps them in perpetual conflict and ALSO keeps the love strong enough that neither of them ever wants to go their separate ways permanently. They both have their own lives, with Thor doing his best at heroing and Loki doing his best at being himself, but Their Relationship is a constant, and it’s nobody else’s business, and whether they’re on opposite sides in their daily lives doesn’t really factor into it. 
So basically, in my ideal world in which phase 3+ didn’t suck, TR would have involved some of those long-overdue conversations and some working together against a bigger bad, but the kiss-and-make-up would have been incomplete, like an unresolved chord at the end of a phrase of music. Loki would have disappeared again but this time making sure Thor knew he wasn’t dead, and he’d have popped up again from time to time, always with uncertain allegiances, to have a few poignant interactions with Thor, or to absolutely destroy some big bad that’s threatening Thor’s life but in the meantime doing something that makes it seem like he got some material gain out of doing so (just to keep everyone on their toes), and if anyone questions this in Thor’s presence you’d get a very stormy look and a subtle suggestion that he doesn’t have to be slumming it on Earth. 
Loki would be there to be The Most Important Person in Thor’s life even when he’s not physically present, and the niggling itch that never quite goes away from the fact that things aren’t resolved and may be unresolvable. (Having a relationship like that—where it is possible or likely that things can’t be fixed—is actually really important to telling Thor stories that have emotional weight. Resolving the relationship or making the question null through death cuts off so many of the important questions that cling to Thor in themes and resonances. To a character who embodies the virtue of striving for heroism and goodness, an unquenchable love for such a liminal character as Loki, whose moral standing flits all across the field at any given moment, and having Thor see that not as a problem, as a liability or an inconsistency but instead as a value in itself—that keeps Thor from becoming an insufferable, inflexible moral pedant.) And Thor—Loki’s love and devotion to Thor, mingled with his resentment of him and the lingering frayed edges of his trust and the centuries-old anger and desire to win against him just once—would be there to rest like a base color underpainted beneath everything Loki does in his schemes and clever workings and, a gnarled anchor or a rusted root, keep him from wandering too far afield.
And, I mean, they’re gods. If you carry any story on long enough it ends in death, but in a story of superheroes and modern legends, the gods should still be there in the end, at the edge of the tale, perhaps, but continuing nonetheless, spinning against the stars, the huge half-invisible shadows of giants bordering the far horizon, the cycles of their lives so much longer than ours.
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perevision · 1 year
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I should be working on a different project but I had to take a minute to doodle this self-indulgent scene from chapter 447 of the Grand Unified Theory of Shen Qingqiu, where Liu Qingge teases Shen Qingqiu about dressing their shixiong in the cool new half-robe trend going around. SQQ is not sending his Qi-ge out looking like a ho.
Yue Qingyuan is my big weakness in the book and this fic, so I may have been a little too into this idea. I will ink this soon.
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utilitycaster · 1 year
we need a druid class themed around the four fundamental forces
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