#granny square quilt
bevanne46 · 27 days
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Scrappy Granny Square Quilt Pattern Web address for the Free Pattern is in the picture
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theshabbysaltbox · 2 years
Check out this listing I just found on Poshmark: Vintage Granny Square Quilt - 36" x 50" Multicolor Baby or Lap Blanket.
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emroarillustration · 7 months
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New Community Quilt illustration is up on my Redbubble shop.
I’m back on meditating on pride colors and the queer community and how we’re all woven together. Take care.
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existentialcrafting · 11 months
Finally finished the crochet granny square “quilt” I’ve been working on!! Took me about 6 months but I really like how it turned out given I’ve never made a blanket this big before (It fits a twin bed)
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The base squares are the “sunburst” granny square pattern, they’re linked together with a slip stitch through the back loops only, and the border was made with the star stitch. This took 9 skeins of RHSS Aran yarn o_o I ran it through the wash with some fabric softener, then put it in the dryer. It came out pretty soft actually!
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shadowcass · 2 years
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It is really weird to me that when people wore/used granny square items 50 years ago, they were probably made by the person or their mom/grandma, but now people are wearing them again and most are made by hand in factories. Loses its cuteness factor for me.
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byeveryhumanlove · 11 months
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Because one creative project would have been too easy…
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batemanofficial · 11 months
found some cool jelly rolls at joann so it's quilting time wahoo
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ebbarights · 1 year
i always think it's so funny when poor people/people without friends or family on tv have quilts or granny square blankets. for some reason those are associated with being poor and lonely?? even though they famously take a huge amount of effort and therefore care or money to make.. like if someone has a quilt or crochet blanket either someone loves them very much or they are loaded
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forever70s · 6 months
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1970s granny squares quilt
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thinking today about how much I love literally all fiber arts. I am hopeless at almost every other kind of art, but as soon as there is thread, yarn, or string I can figure it out fairly quickly.
I learned how to knit when i was eight, started sewing at nine, my dad taught me rock climbing knots around that age, I figured out from a book how to make friendship bracelets, I've made my own drop spindle to make yarn with, and more recently I've picked up visible mending. I've learned embroidery through fixing my overalls, and this year I've learned how to darn and how to do sashiko (which I did for the first time today). After years of being unable to crochet I finally figured it out last night and made seven granny squares in just a few hours.
I want to learn every fiber art that I can. I want to quilt, I want to use a spinning wheel, I want to weave, I want to learn tatting, I want to learn how to weave a basket, I want to learn them all. If I could travel through time and meet anyone in the Bible, high on my list are the craftsmen who made the Tabernacle.
I want to travel the world and learn the fiber arts of every culture, from the gorgeous Mayan weaving in Guatemala, to the stunning batik of Java, to Kente in Ghana. I want to sit at the feet of experienced men and women and watch them do their craft expertly and learn from them.
Of every art form I've seen, it's fiber arts that tug most at my heartstrings.
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duothelingo · 3 months
Hey quick tip
If anyone says to start practicing crocheting with granny squares
You'll get halfway through and you'll never finish enough to make a quilt
Start with plushies
Trust me
Hehe granny squares go brr
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ask-itager · 11 months
If you had to pick, on a cozy winter night would you rather snuggle under a crochet granny square blanket or a quilt? -mossy
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tinsnip · 8 months
A WIP GAME, tagged in by @ladyyatexel. Okay this does look fun. Show off my random crap? y yes, yes i like to do it
First we tag, and it's not as many wips because I don't even know that many people - tagging @aawrightworth, @0rb0t, @bmouse, @cosmictuesdays, @feltelures.
RULES: post the names of all the files in your WIP folder, regardless of how non-descriptive or ridiculous. Let people send you an ask with the title that most intrigues them and then post a little snippet or tell them something about it! and then tag as many people as you have WIPs.
Hmm... okay I am not sure how to do this, as I use scrivener and just have a giant mega doc for each fandom. Right now the fandoms are wrightworth and hereditary enemies (aka ineffable husbands) and outside the web (my novel that maybe one day i will actually finish). But I do have little plot-bunnies/lines of dialogue so that could work...
Oh hey i do have some random crap from garashir toooo oh ho ho
and so much deep dish nine? ummm
blind king (garashir)
geminon and raila bits (OCs)
life on mars (dd9 garashir)
night will have no stars (post-canon cardassia garashir)
prinnabits (OC)
unexpected telepath (OC)
ben surene (OC)
dd9 civil defense (dd9 gen)
dd9 hope is a four letter word (garashir)
dd9 road buddy (dd9 kira & dukat)
dd9 what a heart is for (garashir)
american teen (wrightworth)
my interpretation (wrightworth)
i'm not the one who leaves (wrightworth)
camping (wrightworth)
excerpts from eurovision (ace attorney gen)
pretenders = edgeworth vignettes? (ace attorney gen)
it keeps going folks
18. stickwork (wrightworth)
19. falling for the first time (hereditary enemies)
20. brimstone in his mouth (hereditary enemies)
21. dinner miscommunications (probably garashir)
22. don't trust a snake (ditto)
23. cigarette dangles (ds9 garashir)
24. ds9 please don't go (garashir)
25. ds9 trading spaces (probably garashir? i literally don't remember half of these)
26. exercise (garashir)
27. he wasn't wearing gloves (garashir)
28. hold me to this thing (garashir)
29. horns (probably garashir?
okay i'm actually stopping now? there are like fucking 50 of these things
i'm kind of glad i did this, holy shit
i sit here going 'man i don't write enough'
i wish i could stitch all of these together like a giant granny square quilt!
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grub-s · 4 months
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now we are TALKING. i’ll see how big it’ll get with what i have and make a throw for mum (she is collecting lovely quilts & granny square throws)
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thackeroy · 3 months
April 2024 Plans and WIP list!
Previous month here
Hi there, my name's JZ, I'm a 31 year old transguy (he/they) I'm from the North-East of England. I'm an artist, crafter, writer, gamer, streamer (I stream crafting and art) and an environmentalist punk. Masterpost for all project links including completed ones
My plans for April;
[misc] Write up full month crafting review
[misc] Post Kofi project
[misc] Post Midnight Whispers
[misc] Continue to run my year long stash busting challenge in my discord server
[misc] post all frog yarns so far from @mothyandthesquid
[cross stitch] 1% on Deadgirl
[cross stitch] One dinosaur from my A-Z Dinosaur sampler from Purple Panzy
[cross stitch] Find a frame and FFO my sisters wedding gift
[cross stitch] Continue stitch along with @chelystitch
[knitting] Work on first sweater
[knitting] Frog 1 overalls
[blackwork] Keep up with Moonlit Market SAL
[blackwork] Complete frame for Moonlit Market SAL
[cross stitch] Memento Ophelia
[cross stitch] A-Z Dinosaur Sampler
[cross stitch] Bee
[cross stitch] No More V2
[cross stitch] Stitch-o-graphy
[cross stitch] Mondays
[blackwork] Bat With Bell
[blackwork] Moonlit Market SAL
[blackwork] Norse Mandala
[embroidery] Trick or Treat
[knitting] Corryn / Spider Lace Shawl
[knitting] Make Gnome Mistake
[knitting] Burn It Down socks
[knitting] First Sweater
[knitting] Frog 1 overalls
[crochet] Spider Web doily
[crochet] Granny square blanket
[tablet weaving] Second Project
[hand sewing] Tiny Hexies
[hand sewing] Measuring Tape
[sewing] Denim Apron
[quilting] Windy Day / Birb quilt
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