shalomanna · 8 months
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Happy Friday! Thank you for following.
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awesome-recipes101 · 9 months
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Negroni Mocktail
1 serving
Negroni was a general in the Italian army and rumor has it that the Negroni family wanted a stronger drink so the Negroni was made stronger by a bartender in Florence, Italy.  It is made of gin, red vermouth, and Campari which makes it a very strong drink.  The mocktail does not have alcohol in it so you can drink it all day long.
½ cup grapefruit juice
1 slice of an orange
½ cup of granulated sugar
½ teaspoon ground cardamom
Pinch of ground coriander seeds
3 tablespoons white grape juice
3 tablespoons syrup
3 tablespoons cold water
1 drop of red food color
Garnish: orange wheel
Place the grapefruit juice, orange slice, sugar, cardamom, and coriander into a saucepan and heat until simmering.  Squeeze the orange slice with the back of a spoon to release its juice.  Let it cook for about 5 minutes.  Set it aside and let it cool.  Remove the orange slice and using a cheesecloth one can easily strain out the syrup.
Pour the cooled syrup into an ice-filled tumbler along with the white grape juice and cold water.  Gently stir until the tumbler feels cool.  Pour the mixture into a rocks glass, add one drop of red food coloring, and stir.
Garnish with the orange wheel and serve. (The Negroni is traditionally served with an orange peel or slice.)
Cardamom and Coriander should be available in well-stocked grocery stores
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cuteclaycritters · 9 months
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Broiled Grapfruit With Cinnamon and Honey
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puellusmagi · 2 years
by @puellusmagi (Nic)
A fruity, fresh, lemon, lime slush like this, St Jean Sunset Strawpine Slush, will coat your throat with an icy tingle; it’s refreshing and leaves you wanting more!
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1/3 cup of sugar
half a cup grapefruit juice
half a cup orange juice
1 pealed lime (squeezed)
1 half pealed lemon (squeezed)
1 cup strawberries
1 cup pineapples
2 cups ice
mix & blend
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katlimeart · 2 years
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Made in 2017
If you’ve seen this anywhere else, I posted it back on my deviantArt when it was made.
Mario girls cosplaying as characters from Okami and Okamiden
1. Scholar (Okamiden)
2. Kushi
3. Mrs Grapefruit
4. Mrs Orange
5. Princess Fuse
6. Madame Fawn
7. Mushi’s Mama
8. Nami
9. Queen Otohime
10. Kai
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lightshome · 2 years
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Broiled Grapfruit With Cinnamon and Honey
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brennanes · 2 years
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Broiled Grapfruit With Cinnamon and Honey
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meat-fr · 1 year
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Sorry but Grapfruit Carnivore is the only thing that matters to me now~ <3
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zipmode · 1 year
Rawdogging life rn (off my meds) so i forced myself to eat a balanced breakfast. i.e. eggs and grapfruit slices.
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cambriancutie · 8 months
grapfruit more like rapfruit
...you can rhyme fruit with fruit btw
you cant
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h3xactinellida · 1 year
2am. eating grapfruit. losing my absolute shit to ddevil. ✌️😭✌️
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whygodwhy69 · 1 year
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It's my 1 year anniversary on Tumblr 🥳
Happy birthday to this simple grapfruit with 2 followers. It's an honor being here with you all.
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dragonmuse · 1 year
For the flower themed ask cherry blossom 🌸
how do you feel about perfume or cologne? do you personally wear it or do you prefer not to?
I like it in subtle quantities! I would like to be able to smell you if we are close enough to hug ideally.
I don't wear it every day, but I have a small collection that I spray on from time to time. I have a bottle of Prada Candy Gloss (no the regular candy! Gloss has a grapfruit note that I like a lot) for when I want to smell really obnoxious and sweet. When I want something a little more subtle and masc, I use Bad Reputation or The Vanishing Hitchhiker from Sixteen92.
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oh-tobedainty · 2 years
oh shit i f'ed up - i just drunk like half a bottle of rosé wine right and i was reading the label for fun and apparently it has A TOUCH OF GRAPFRUIT i can't have grapefruit 'cause of my meds... but i can't have alcohol either i guess so idk
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illatosveny · 8 months
Illóolaj házipatika
Mit mire lista a teljesség igénye nélkül :)
Ha szeretnéd végre leváltani a kétes gyógyszertári készítményeket valami természetesre, akkor az alábbi sorok nagy segítségedre lehetnek. Fejfájásra: Past Tense, Deep Blue, borsmenta, levendula, tömjén, citrom.
Fülfájásra: bazsalikom, levendula, tömjén. Torokfájásra: On Guard, teafa, citrom, levendula, szegfűszeg Orrdugulásra: Air, borsmenta, tömjén, citrom Köhögésre #nyákoldó: eukaliptusz, cédrusfa, tömjén, teafa. Köhögésre nyugtató: levendula, muskotályzsálya, geránium, fenyő, ciprus, Balance Kötőhártya gyulladásra: levendula, teafa. Bőrhibákra, #ráncokra, #striákra: Immortelle, tömjén, geránium, levendula, mirha. Pattanásokra: HD Clear, Balance, teafa, levendula, geránium. Herpeszre: Immortelle, levendula, citrom. Égési #sebre: levendula, tömjén. Vágott sebbre: levendula, citrom. Zúzódásra, #rándulásra, #ficamra: Deep Blue, levendula, kúszó fajdbogyó. Haj- és #fejbőr próblémákra: rozmaring, levendula, citrom, geránium. Korpásodásra teafa, kakukkfű, levendula, cédrusfa. Gombásodásra: oregánó, teafa, szegfűszeg, levendula Hányingerre, rosszullétre: borsmenta, Digest Zen, citrom, gyömbér. Emésztési panaszokra: Digest Zen, borsmenta, édeskömény. Refluxra: Digest Zen, levendula, citrom, vadnarancs. Izomfájdalmakra, izomlázra, idegszál becsípődésre: Aromatouch, citromcirok, borsmenta, Deep Blue. Reumára, izületi fájdalmakra: Deep Blue. Aranyérre, visszérre: ciprus, borókabogyó, levendula, tömjén, vadnarancs. Narancsbőrre: cédrusfa, ciprus, grapefruit, borsmenta. Növekedési fájdalomra: Deep Blue. Fogfájásra: levendula, szegfűszeg, borsmenta. Fogínygyulladásra: On Guard, mirha, szegfűszeg, levendula. Nyugodt #alvásra, #lazításra: Serenity, levendula, muskotályzsálya, bergamott, vadnarancs. Stressz, depresszió, szorongás oldására: Balance, cédrusfa, ilang ilang, bergamott, citrom, vadnarancs, muskotályzsálya, Forgive, cédrusfa. Motiválásra, élénkítésre: Elevation, Motivate, citromcirok, borsmenta, citrom, Citrus Bliss. Babavárás ösztönzésére: Passion, muskotályzsálya, geránium, fahéj, szegfűszeg, gyömbér, grapfruit. Vajúdás fájdalmainak enyhítésére: muskotályzsálya. Immunerősítésre: On Guard, citrom, vadnarancs, oregánó, szegfűszeg.
Az illóolajok, na meg az emberi szervezet sokoldalúsága miatt a lista nem teljes, szinte képtelenség is lenne. De kiinduló pontnak, alapnak nagyszerű. Támpontként érdemes tudni, hogy a levendula, borsmenta, szegfűszeg általános fájdalomcsillapító, gyulladáscsökkentő és izomlazító. A legerősebb fájdalomcsillapító a kúszó fajdbogyó. Elsődleges fertőtlenítő lehet a citrom és a teafa. És sose feledjük az illóolajok használatára vonatkozó tudnivalókat, a személy korának, adottságainak megfelelő választás fontosságát, mint ahogyan az egyes illók fényérzékenyítő hatását is tartsuk számon. Forrás: Abraham Ildiko
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maximuswolf · 1 year
Tuning my half-caf drip coffee results
Tuning my half-caf drip coffee results Previous post reproduced below. TL;DR: I mixed my own half-caf using two different beans, and I ground the two beans together at the same grind setting, even though when I make cups from the respective beans, the grind settings are easily 8 clicks apart on my 1zpresso. The resultant half caf drip coffee was fantastic.Question I had for the group was: do you think it's worth grinding the caf bean separate from the decaf bean, with the decaf beans being ground more coarsely than the caf beans (just as if I were making a single cup)?I did that today just to try it out. Note that I'm tasting these two days apart, so having to go by memory, which is ALWAYS unreliable. Still, by memory, the results are: today's separately-ground by drip-brewed-together coffee was still really good. Still get nice sweetness, some underlying fruit. The malty undertone has given way to chocolate. I'm not sure I like the chocolate basenotes better than the malty basenotes from the previous batch, I think I might prefer the malty.I found the malt to chocolate transition being the most notable, to be interesting. Chocolate is a flavor from the DECAF beans (which I ground exactly the same as on Friday), not the caf beans (which are ground much more finely now). Which, to the extent that my experiment is valid at all, means that despite the caf beans being ground finer and presumably extracting more, it's the flavors from the decaf beans (which also extracted more, in theory, due to the fact that the entire drain slowed down) that extracted more and came more forward.Anyway, take it for what it is. I ground quite a bit finer this time (virtuoso from 16 to 12 for the caf beans), I might back off a bit for next pot***** original postI'm brewing separately two coffees:Blind Tiger Hamasho: Tasting notes were grapefruit, ginger ale, apricot, fruity pebbles. I didn't get the grapfruit or apricot, but did get the fruity pebbles and a hint of ginger ale at the end. This was absolutely delicious.Barretts Coffee sugarcane decaf Mexican Esmerelda : Listed notes were sweet fruit & chocolate, and I got a bit of both. Very solid decaf.But the real subject of the review is this week's mix of both of those coffees in my drip maker. Usually I use a v60 to make a cup at a time, but about once a week I have an early meeting and use my Bonavita One Touch instead. At these times I just make 4 cups of coffee at once, and mix caf with decaf since I generally don't go over 16g of caf coffee daily.I just mix whatever caf and decaf I'm currently drinking, sometimes that works out and sometimes it definitely doesn't. This week's mix of 21g Barretts decaf and 15g of Blind Tiger's Hasmasho was: sublime, splendiferous, intergalactic! Even in my drip coffee maker (more muted flavors than v60 obvi), it was sweet, understated fruit underneath, and a ... not chocolate, more malt base that was absolutely delicious.Question for the group: I just measure out both beans and throw them in my Virtuoso to grind at the same setting when I make drip. This despite the fact that when I make single cups using the v60, I use a 1zpresso and the Hamasho is ground 7-8 clicks finer than the Esmerelda decaf. Think I should grind them separately at different grind sizes? I'm going to try this as an experiment this weekend, but just wondering what your hypothetical answers are Submitted May 07, 2023 at 11:55AM by Vernicious https://ift.tt/DirOe0z via /r/Coffee
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