#graveyards and gyros
advxnturerinlove · 5 months
it's fucking. four am. im literally imagining gyro following me around the hotel while i do my little tasks so that i can focus on staying awake through my graveyard shift. i've been awake for nineteen hours almost. i want to go home
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fullmetallemur · 2 years
EXP Share, Lucky egg and gyro ball for the Pokémon ask?
For favorite steel type I think Tinkaton and the Aron line are my favorites. For all the problems I see in SV, Tinkaton isn't one of them. And Aron is just adorable! Probably gonna use one next time I go through AS.
My first game was X and I was like 13 when I played it. Had an absolute blast and Greninja is still one of my favorite pokemon to this day.
For gym theme... Hard to say. Either water or electric type. Water gym would probably resemble a water park, with slides and geysers to move you around and a lazy river to take you back to the start after getting to me. Electric would probably be game themed some how? Like old school retro games. Pong with a wooloo as the ball or something and then a trainer battle. Pac Man but Haunters are chasing you.
Semi unrelated thought, a ghost type gym where it's a graveyard and the names on the graves are challengers who lost and if they came back and won their grave is dug up and empty.
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Chispas does an embarrasment, Part I
For miss @librarian-witchling, who is feeling down today, I am willing to share my most embarrassing story (and let’s be real, I have plenty of others, but this one takes the cake due to sheer absurdity). 
Under the cut due to length, and so all sensible people can easily avoid the following content: recreational drug use, blood, urine, unsolicited make out sessions, solicited make out sessions, graveyards, and tzatziki sauce
You’ve been warned.
Now when I say embarrassing, I mean objectively embarrassing. Though to be quite honest, I have little sense of the feeling. Like, if there is a part of the brain where shame lives, I’m missing it. It’s probably why I was such a bad Catholic (or maybe that’s because my mother dressed me in a black dress for my first communion. Who knows?) 
Let me take you back to a summer, long long ago, right after I graduated college. The world was new and full of possibilities. I had a few pennies in my pocket and time to kill before I had to make any real grown-up decisions. I was still living in the city and I had just started dating a guy I really liked (and by ‘just’ I mean we’d hooked up the weekend before). At this point he was still under the impression that I was cool and chill and attractive..so what could go wrong? 
Well, let me just say that I struggle with something called impulse control and one night the right mix of temptations crossed my path to create quite the molotov cocktail. 
It all started out innocently enough. The new beau and I both had the night off work, and our mutual friend was having a little backyard grill-out. So few people in the city have backyards that if someone who has one invites you for a grill-out, you obviously say yes. 
We were just chilling, drinking some beer, shooting the shit...again, innocent stuff...when the host of the party pulled out a little bag of psilocybin mushrooms. And while I’ve never been much of a drug-seeker, I also never really said no to them either. I had just had my first experience with mushrooms a few weeks earlier while watching the children’s film Up, and that was exceedingly pleasant. 
So of course I said, “why not?”
Once again, the trip was delightful. All those giddy, happy feelings of a new relationship were amplified, and suddenly everyone and everything was gorgeous. We stayed at the party long enough to miss the last bus back to my apartment, and while I had enough money to waste on concert tickets, nights out drinking, and a very ill-advised, very large back tattoo (which will be relevant to the story in Part II), I did not have money to waste for a cab ride home. 
On a beautiful summer night, this was no problem. The beau and I decided to stroll back to my place and maybe work off the buzz from the alcohol, the mushrooms, and the weed that inevitably made the rounds. 
At the time, I lived very close to a large cemetery, and as one is wont to do when holding hands with a new flame in the dead of night… I decided we should cut through it on the way back to my apartment. It was but a quick hop, skip, and jump and before we were over the fence and making out against a mausoleum wall. Mary Shelley would have been so proud. 
(At this point, you may be wondering where the embarrassing part comes in. While the above is cringey and annoying in the stereotypical way young adults in love are cringey and annoying...the embarrassment is coming soon, and when it comes, it comes like an avalanche.) 
No, where were we? 
Ah, yes. The cemetery. We strolled around, rated the tombstones, made out some more, before eventually realizing that we were starving. There was a 24-hour gyro place not too far away, so it was back over the fence we went... except I got distracted at the top by the moon (such a cliche, I know). After just sitting on top of the fence for a minute while the beau humored my witchy act, when I finally made to hop down, I forgot to let go of the barbed wire, or whatever was at the top of the fence...and I slice my palm wide open. 
It wasn’t a big deal, but it was messy, though not messy enough to forgo the gyros. 
Thirty minutes later, our stomachs were full and I was busy wiping tzatziki sauce from my face and blood from my hand and fervently hoping the beau wasn’t totally turned off by how well the late night crew at the gyro shop seemed to know me and my favorite order. It was probably one in the morning by this point, and we both had to work in the next eight hours, so back to my apartment we went, at last. 
At the time, I did not know a crucial fact about myself, but I was about to find out in the most mortifying way possible. 
I am very susceptible to vasovagal syncope. Vasovagal syncope occurs when you faint because your body overreacts to certain triggers, such as the sight of blood. The trigger causes your heart rate and blood pressure to drop suddenly. 
I should have known this. I fainted multiple times in high school and I knew I had low blood pressure… but I didn’t know blood was a trigger, or more significantly, that cleaning a cut under running water was my trigger.
When we arrived at my apartment, the beau became quite stern about properly cleaning up my hand. Apparently wadded up paper napkins and tzatziki sauce does not pass Eagle Scout/former lifeguard muster. While he rummaged through drawers looking for better dressings, I stood at the sink in my bathroom and began rinsing out the blood. 
 As soon as I saw him pull hydrogen peroxide out, I got a wee bit woozy. 
The last thing I remember was that I walked to the kitchen and sat down at the table. The beau told me quite emphatically to "stay seated.”
Always a bit of a rebel, I must have ignored this very sound advice, because the next thing I knew, I was cuddled up in bed in brand new clothes, being shaken awake by the beau as he muttered something about a taxi waiting downstairs. 
I tried to push him off, as I was quite comfortable, and again, who pays for a taxi in the summertime? 
Finally, after much gentle effort on his part, he explained to me that I did not stay seated and instead  I had stood up...and promptly fainted, cracking the back of my skull on the hardwood floor, before immediately peeing my pants. 
I wish I could say that this is the most embarrassing part of the story, but alas….
While the poor beau of only a week was on his knees, trying to assess the situation, I "came to" and followed up my sexy first act with an attempt to make out with him, all while still lying in a puddle of my own urine.
Again, you must be thinking this is surely where the mortification ends, but again, it is not. Still, I will leave you here, so as not to overburden anyone with too much second-hand embarrassment at one time. I promise to follow up with the conclusion of this sordid affair in Part II. It features: Segways, police officers, hot doctors, and a 3 am phone call to my parents. 
Cheers @librarian-witchling. I hope my silly past can bring you a little enjoyment on this night. 
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awhphooey · 4 years
Au list with basic descriptions:
1. Triplet trap - HDL are raised seperate and swap places to mess with their guardians, only to find out they’re brothers
2. Tiktok - the kids have tiktok
3. Sidekick Huey - Fenton agrees to let Huey become his sidekick, and Gyro makes Huey some gear
4. Highschool - Della, Donald, Fenton and Gyro highschool shenangains
5. Phineas and Ferb - Perry the Platypus is a secret agent in the DT universe
6. Genderbend - exactly what it says
7. Human - what it says
8. Witch and Raven - Webby is a witch with Lena as her raven familiar. They need to find help and defeat Magica
9. Hue-E - Wall-E Buey au!
10. Spiderwebbs - webby is a spider-person!!
11. Avengers - the avengers are replaced by Ducktales characters, but the au mainly focuses on HDLW + co
12. Next Gen - next generation au, you can find more info on @dtnextgenau
13. Castle McDuck - medieval au that focuses on Gos, a knight supposed to guard HDLW, and her crush on a witch in the forest sworn to protect magical creatures
14. Ghost House - HDL, Gosalyn and Boyd are ghosts in a house turned into a tourist attraction by the Sabrewings. Lena is a tour guide who can talk to ghosts, and Webby is a YouTuber who wants to catch a ghost on camera
15. Love Louie - Love, Simon Bouie au!
16. Feelings - in which the McDuck clan has powers that are highly based on their feelings
17. Apocalypse - zombie apocalypse au!!
18. Heroes - highschool au with the kids but HDLW have superpowers
19. Duckfalls - @duckfallsau
20. Over the Garden Wall - HDL take the place of Wirt and Greg
21. Pets - just an au where the kids all have pets
22. Pirate au (dewlet) - Webby and Violet are both pirate captains looking for a missing treasure
23. Youtubers - HDW are you tubers
24. Stranger Tales - Strangerthings au, self explanatory jsjsjs
25. Gos and Vi - Austin & Ally au, Gosalyn is Austin and Violet is Ally
26. Villain Webby - webby is raised by FOWL
27. Villain Violet - Magica manipulates Violet into doing what Lena failed to do
28. Villain Lena - Lena is a monster, quite literally, and Magica has better control over her
29. Cast Members - the kids work at disney
30. House Hunt - Fenro adopts HDLW after Donald dies in an accident. They have to find a house that suits them all
31. Dell&Webbs - Della comes back early and HDL never meet Scrooge and webby
32. Heathers - Heathers au with Lena as JD and Webby as Veronica
33. Octonauts - the Octonauts are hero’s in the DT universe
34. Moon twins - Donald gets stuck on the rocket with Della and they both get shot to the moon, Scrooge raises HDL
35. Moon Triplets - Selene is the triplets other parent and they have powers relating to the moon
36. Hero Dewlyn - Dewey is an ameture hero and Gosalyn became Quiverwing
37. Reversal Au - total character reversal au
38. Mark Beaks isn’t an asshole au - Mark is nice jsjdjd
39. HDLW Guardians of The Galaxy - HDLW and co are basically space Pirates and aliens and they’re p cool
40. Adult Guardians of the Galaxy - follows the movies
41. Kid Nation - go watch the show on YouTube and you’ll understand
42. BMC - BMC au,,, idk what to say here jsjsjs
43. Coraline - This one has been done a lot but yeah
44. Donald and the Phantoms - Julie and the Phantoms au, Donald is Julie
45. Huey and the Phantoms - same thing ^ but Huey is Julie
46. Tales of Duckburg - Tales of Arcadia au covering Trollhunters, 3 Below and Wizards
47. Sherlock au - fenro au, Gyro is Sherlock and Fenton is John
48. Invisible Sister - I’m gonna stop explaining ones based off movies lmao
49. HalloweenTown
50. Coffee shop - rare pair coffee shop au! The shop is run by husbands Duckworth and Scrooge and the rare pairs are either workers or customers
51. Monster au - Gyro accidentally turns everyone in the bin into monsters before a Halloween party
52. Triplet Age Swap - HDL realize they’ve been lied to about their age. Dewey is the oldest, Louie is the middle child, and Huey is the youngest
53. Kid Swap - the kids swap personalities
54. iZombie
55. Team Magic Band au - Team Magic starts a band to help Lena vent her worries and stress
56. Inheritance Au - HDLW inherit the company when Scrooge passes
57. Age Gap - Huey is 16, Dewey is 11, and Louie is 6
58. Umbrella Academy au
59. Voltron au
60. Alter Ego au - when the kids joke about one of their alter egos (Phooey, Kablooey, Zooey, etc) they appear
61. Elements au - the kids all have the ability to control an element
62. Dad Donald - Donald is the kids real dad and Della is just their aunt who gets lost in space
63. Welcome to Hell
64. Regular - no crazy adventures, just a normal boring family with normal issues like crushes and quarrels
65. Spiderduck - DT universe but Fenton is Spider-Man not Gizmoduck
66. Santa Scrooge - Scrooge is secretly Santa
67. She-Ra
68. Z Nation
69. 2D Gos - Gos from the original Dwd came through the portal on accident and is stuck in the DT17 universe
70. Locke & Key
71. Light Up - all the kids have light up shoes. Doesnt have a plot yet
72. Restaurant - Donald owns a restaurant and the kids work there
73. Spider-Wing - Gosalyn is a spider person
74. Spiderverse - my Spider-Man aus and @/stevenfallsvs spiderhuey au
75. Darkwing Gizmoduck swap - Drake is an intern working for Gyro and accidentally takes the Gizmosuit. Fenton is an actor who bases his hero persona off his childhood hero.
76. De Spell Sisters - Lena finds Violet as a baby and raises her as her sister under magicas watch
77. Teachers - Fenton and Gyro are CTE teachers at a highschool and their classes are always trying to set them up
78. Graveyard Shift - Violet and Lena work at a graveyard during college, and accidentally raise the ghosts of Webby, Fenton, Gyro, Della and Donald
79. Hollywood Arts - somewhat of a victorious au but actually not cause i just couldn’t think of a better name
80. Bolt
81. Polar Express
Thank you for reading that if you did, and if you ask for a description of one of my aus I’m just gonna link this post and the number it is on the list
!! List will be updated with each au !!
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haikkun · 4 years
A year ago, I gave myself a day. I stopped in a graveyard and wept for no known reasons as I heaved loving sobs over the leaning stones and pretended future civilizations would wonder why we left so many books all over the ground. I stopped in a vintage shop and bought first editions of my favorites after cradling cloth covers and reverently flipping pages for hours and inhaling the must. I bought a cloudy stone ring and put it on my left hand as though I was asking me to marry myself. I didn’t quite say yes. At the time, I hated myself. I didn’t believe I deserved it. I finished the date by buying myself dresses and gyros and baklava for dessert. I wooed myself. And part of me finally realized that it had never been done before and that I should never settle for anything less. My body felt something in the sunny upstate air that day which breathed me back to life and prepared me for the day which was to come two days later. I don’t know what I will write that day. That first of anniversaries of the day my life was changed forever more. I don’t know if I will be able to speak. So today, like a year ago, I seek the sunshine, and charge my soul in it, preparing for the muscle memory, for the ghost pains, for when I lost ten pounds the first week I fell in love with you. Ghost throbbings. Ghost tears. I don’t have to know what I’m crying for until two days from now, when we will have put our hands on the wire and let fate begin to record, when I’ll have found what I’d been looking for. And now it’s just a song that will play every year, on the year, no less quietly each time.
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popculturebuffet · 4 years
The Life and Times of Scrooge McDuck: The Last of the Clan McDuck!  Review “It Was Worth THE Dime”
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This is one of my faviorite comic book stories of all time. Given i’m a massive comics nerd, for both books and strips, that is the highest praise I can give this wonderful, epic, beautifully drawn and deeply emotoinal story. I first discovered it in the local library that had the second volume, and found the rest online at a now long dead fan site. And while it took me longer than I care to admit to really dig into Duck Comics, and even now i’ve only scratched the surface, I can say without a doubt this story is the reason I’m so deeply attached to Scrooge as a character, and that I was excited as  I was for Ducktales 2017. This comic showed me just what Scrooge McDuck should be at his core as a character, and showed me what a wonderful character that is. So with all that glowing praise as you can guess i’ve been wanting to cover this for years, and even considered though back when I was more primarily a comic book reviewer last year. Any time i’ve reviewed stuff before now, i’ve considered it, and with Scrooge’s Sisters Hortense and Matilda presumably and definitely debuting on Ducktales soon, and it’s about damn time, the timing could not be better or clearer to dig into this utter triumph.  But before we can take a look at the story itself we naturally have to take a look at the man behind it: Writer and Artist Don Rosa. Don Rosa is easily one of the best Duck Comics writer out there, seen by many as only second to his own faviorite duck comics writer and God of Ducks, Carl Barks. For those 1 of you who do not know, Barks was the man who created pretty much everything in the duck universe comics wise and a bit in animation too: He created Daisy, Scrooge, Gladstone, Magica, The Beagle Boys, The Junior Woodchucks, Gyro, Little Bulb, Glomgold, Rockerduck, and the list goes on. While he didn’t make EVERY duck, he made so many that it’d be impossible to imagine either version of Ducktales being possible without him.  So of course Rosa was a fan and while he took up the family buisness, he was also an artist and duck comics fanboy on the side. So when, even if it meant a paycut, the opportunity to actually write and draw them came up, he lept at it and thus became one of their publishers go to guys, even if said publisher published the stories overseas where the Duck Comics are far more popular and still going to this day, and ironically where most duck comics printed nowadays get their stories from. Rosa was known for his meticous historical research and gorgeous art that he took his time drawing to get just perfect and showed on the page. The man has easily some of hte best and most detailed duck art around and I still haven’t found a duck artist that can match him.. and if you have or found one close i’d genuinely love to see that. He is a genuinely talented, spirited guy who was sadly mistreated by disney and that, coupled with tragically failing eyesight, eventually ended his career. He’s still around and I genuinely hope to meet him some day as he still does conventions.  The man is not without fault: I don’t get his hatred of superhero comics, as while I get them overshadowing funnybooks and that around the time of his career they were in decline, but it’s just as unfair to write off Superhero comics as mindless.  garbage as it is for people to write off the Duck Comics as “only for kids” and I genuinely wish he’d see that and see how the medium has evolved so much since then. I also grumble a bit as his refusal to allow anything besides barks into his bubble, and having to be forced to include fethry on the family tree, but that’s more personal preference. I like using as much material as you got. IT’s why i’ve wanted to, and hopefully will eventually get around to, write a sonic fanfic using bits of all the various universes that for legal, ken penders being an absolute waste of a human being, and sega being stupid reasons can’t be used anymore. I like taking everything in a franchise and putting it in a blender and it’s why I love the reboot. But there’s nothing wrong with taking things as is, not stepping on toes canon wise, but still being awesome. We’re just diffrent people and that’s okay.  And a lot of his fanboy showing actually lead to REALLY good things: Goldie O’Gilt was a one off character, and while used ocasoinally overseas, didn’t really pick up as a character again until a combination of Ducktales 87 and Rosa’s work with her, as he always loved the character, and fleshing her out lead to her being used more, and gaining a sizeable fandom. He also gained the Cablleros an even bigger fandom by giving them two stories of their own, and fleshing them out a bit more.  And this very comic is the peak of that, taking EVERY mention of scrooge’s past from various backstories to set up adventures, every tiny scrap, and to his credit going to both Barks Himself and various other Barks Experts Rosa was friends with to check his work, especially difficult given he likey had to find these stories in issue or pullt hem from disney archives, and complied it into one long epic that not only uses all this info effortlessly, but spins a compelling story that gives us a clear vision of what Scrooge should be, how he became the man he is, and how he lost himself only to find himself again with the help of three precocious boys and a cynical 30 something duck. So taint all bad is what i’m saying.  As for how this got started, thankfully rosa himself provided the origin story for this project in the back of the volume of his works that contained the first 7 chapters of life and times, as well as detailed notes for every chapter. At the time Rosa was working for Egmont, the big european publisher who handles Disney’s much larger european comics market, hence why most of his stories appeared years earlier in Europe before debuting here. The american publisher at the time , and an old friend of his, called Rosa with an idea: A 12 issue Maxi-Series focusing on Scrooge’s history, since at the time they were all the rage.. and really even today mini series are still a viable market and many indie titles just have several minis instead of an ongoing. So it wasn’t a bad idea, Rosa just simply offered a tweak: He’d tell his publisher at Egmont about the idea, and let her get a crack team of writers and artists to do this proper, and thus Disney could publish it for free once it was done and for no extra cost. Rosa gave his publisher a fax detaling both the idea and the fact that it needed to be done right, given to the best person possible, and done with the greatest care. She agreed.. and naturally handed it to him, as he admits he hoped. She made the right call, a legend was born and here we are.  One last bit before the read more and before I get to the first story itself at last: Since barks wrote a lot of side stories that fit into the canon, I COULD slot them in between chapters, but have instead chosen to review the original 12 part story as was, and do the various side stories and two epilogues, the utterly fantastic “Dream of a Life Time”, easiliy one of my faviorite comics ever, and the also really great “Letter From Home”, which will likely on some level be the basis for the upcoming at the time of this review “Battle for Castle McDuck!”, after completing the story. In other words i’m probably going to be at this for years. so join me under the read more won’t you as I begin the journey of a thousand miles with a single step as we look at the humble start of a legend. 
We begin, after a fun short teaser with present Day scrooge saying his past is no one’s buisness only to get hit with an oh yeah?,  with a scrap book title for the issue, something I want to bring up since while I got that’s what it was what I never got, and  must’ve glanced over when I first read rosa’s notes when I got this copy, was that it isn’t SCROOGE’S scrap book, but his sister Matilda’s who dutifully and happily catologued her brother’s adventures. It’s a really sweet moment.. and something that will hit VERY hard when we reach Chapter 11. If you haven’t read this story or heard of it.. .that’s this story’s equilvent of “Last Crash of the Sunchaser” and clearly Frank and Matt drew from that story a bit for it, but we can get more into the parallels when we get there. A smaller but fun note is that Rosa had specific coin drawing templates, for different indentions and what not he used, and used them for the coins in these intro bits. Yes he admitted he has a problem and yes that’s damn impressive anyway. 
It’s Scrooge’s 10th birthday, and his father Fergus has taken him up to see the family land, Dismal Downs to tell him of the mighty Clan McDuck and show him the ancestral lands, graveyards and Castle. He admits to having taken this long because the Clan McDuck currently lives in Glasgow so it’s kind of a long trip just to show your son “Hey look at the decay and rot that’s our ancestral homeland”. The Clan is on hard times, as a bad shipping deal, the backbone of a rather good barks story and I wont’ be interjecting for every barks reference as it’d get rather tiring though for what it’s worth Rosa provided tons of detailed footnotes in the back of each Fantagraphics collection, so good on him. Speaking of which though they do include 10 pages of Mc Duck family history that was supposed to open this story.. until Rosa’s editor wisely pointed out the story isn’t about them but scrooge and having read his roug draft, yeah.. there’s a good gag here and there, as well as “Dirty” Dingus McDuck, scrooge’s Grandpa and the reason Dewey is cursed with that middle name. Why anyone thought Dingus was a good name is beyond me, nor why Donald thought that was a good middle name back in 2009 is again, beyond me. Good on Don though for getting that past the censors.  But yeah with no money they can’t buy the land back and they were scared off it years ago by a mystical ghost dog, the hound of the whiskervilles. There is treasure in the castle, Sir Quackly’s gold, but he accidently sealed himself into a wall while sealing his treasure in there. Their interrupted by the town assholes, the Whiskervilles who have been grazing sheep on the land and are naturally behind the hound, using the sound of it to scare off Fergus once they realize he’s a McDuck. Because apparently you can keep a Scooby Doo style hoax up for Centuries if you don’t have meddling kids around. Who knew.  Back in Glasgow, we meet the rest of Scrooge’s family: His Uncle Jake, his sisters Matilda and Hortense, and his mother Downy. Jake hasn’t really been mentioned at all in Ducktales and I know next to nothing about him, which given I share a name with the guy you’d THINK I would. I mean I know a decent amount about this Jake. 
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But nothing about who the hell Jake McDuck is or why he lives with his brother and his family. Here, you guys watch the dancing Jake, i’m going to probably do that for hours after this review is done, i’m going to go sort this out.  Okay one google and finding the Scrooge Mcduck wiki page on him, Jake shows up here likely because he was referenced in the story “A Christmas For Shacktown” and apparently borrowed from Scrooge and never paid it back. Otherwise.. there’s not a lot about him and unlike the rest of Scrooge’s family he really dosen’t do much that I can remember. Except like 2017 Scrooge, he apparently has become extremely long lived, as Scrooge and Donald STILL think he’s alive in the 1950′s.. and likely is STILL alive in some form in the Don Rosa stories, given his take place after Barks and thus in the 40′s and 50′s where Barks stories were set. Hence why unlike the Reboot, Scrooge isn’t inexpecilbly over 210. But Jake McDuck sure as heck is. Maybe this highlander is a highlander.. you know the movie and tv show type. Maybe someone cut off his head. That’s what i’m going with.
This does bring me to another point about this story: While Barks gave all of scrooge’s family their names, it’s where Rosa got them after all, it’s Rosa who really made them into characters. Fergus as a loving father ashamed his family legacy has fallen and wanting his son to do better than him, Downy as an equally loving wife and mother, Matilda as his sweet and caring sister and later her brother’s moral center, and Hortense.. well here she’s just a babbling baby but her character will become clear and glorious as we go. She is adorable here though and we do get some great bits with her.  Getting back to the plot now i’ve made my points, Jake is riled up wanting to understandably kick the Whiskerville’s asses with Scrooge, who even as a sweet innocent ten year old still has the family temper already, agreeing.. but Downy gently shoots them out pointing that two middle aged-ish men and a 10-year old just aren’t enough to fight an army of them and while she doesn’t mention it the fight would just tire them out for work and accomplish nothing as while it is the McDuck’s land the combination of the hound and the lack of money to move back means it’s pointless. She also mentions their younger brother Pothole, who went to America. This will be important later. 
Scrooge storms off and Fergus laments, in a scene that’s more painful the more I think about it, how his clan has fallen, with he and his brother lamenting their chances at glory are long gone.. but Fergus has hope his son can do better, and for his son’s birthday makes him a shoeshine kit in the hopes of inspiring him to greatness. This scene still resonates since many of us are poor, struggling and not doing so good money wise. I’m sure many parents have doubts and regrets about not being able to do more for their kid.
 Not only that but the story carefully avoids the trap of Fergus accidently being abusive by you know, pinning his family’s future on one 10 year old. While yes he is asking a lot of Scrooge, to restore their family name.. it’s very clear he mostly just wants his son to do better than him. Even if Scrooge was just slightly more successful, Fergus would likely be happy with that. He’s not using the legacy as a “This what you must be” like say the Gems in steven universe did for Steven with Rose’s Legacy, the kind where it sort of suffocates you till youc an make it your own. He’s just saying “this is what you can be” He believes his child can be great and simply once him to reach his full potetial and is simply giving him a means to hopefully do so, a simple home made shoe shine kit. While Jake scoffs, the narration notes the idea isn’t worth a dime.. it’s worth THE dime. The dime that would set Scrooge’s destiny in motion. 
The next morning, Fergus goes to check up on his son and his new buisness but Scroogey’s having no luck and about ready to just quit, the poor child. Also Matilda is dragging her baby sister around like a doll and it’s entirely precious as it is funny. 
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But as for those Dorty Boots, Matilda wonders why her dad dosen’t just tell Scrooge that Burt the Ditch Digger is coming. Fergus tells her to quite and then explains his plan: he’s sending Burt to scrooge, with an American dime Fergus and Matilda found, to teach his son a lesson: By giving him a hard days work, he’ll teach him what hard work truly means.. and by having Burt “cheat” him with the American dime, it’ll give him the motivation to keep going and to nto be as wide eyed and trusting. It’s a well meaning if harsh lesson, and the kind you’d expect from 1900′s parenting and fits the origin well: Scrooge still earned his first money square, as he still did work.. but his getting cheated being a lesson dosen’t diminish what it taught scrooge, and helps flesh out what I talked about above, Fergus knowing his son has great potential he just needs inspiration to reach it. And instead of just telling him that he does a con job but it’s the 1900′s. This orign, and Fergus’ part in it would be entirely untouched in Ducktales 2017, the first scrooge based adaptation since this comic came out, and I bless them for it. Frank even said this comic was used as a bible by the writers and while theirs clear deviations, and we’ll get to that, they were mainly done for good reason, and it’s very clear that while scrooge’s history is very VERY diffrent in the reboot, the core of his past is still there. 
So the plan is on and young scrooge spends half an hour killing himself to get Burt’s shoes clean before getting his dime.. and realizing he’s been had, makes this proud decleration that will be the bedrock of his entire life and character. 
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Scrooge being naturally stubborn as you can see takes his cheats a leson: There will always be hard honest work, and he will be there to do it and he’ll be tougher and sharper than anyone trying to cheat him out of his pay. Fergus’ plan has the intended effect, and Scrooge having learned a hard lesson now has the drive and determination we know him for. As for why it gives it to him.. I had to think on it a bit but it makes sense: For some a setback like this would make them quit.. for Scrooge it’s just proof he CAN find customers, he CAN do this job, or any at his hardest and instead takes this as a lesson to be prepared ot out think and outfight anyone who dares cheat him again, and to not earn his money by being the kind of guy who cheats a kid out of an honest days pay, but as a good honest duck like his father and his father before him. =He will make his money square so he can be the kind of person this seeming stranger SHOULD have been. Granted we’ll see Scrooge doesn’t end up as the best person at times but .. we’ll get there.  So with the fire inside turned from a spark into the flame Scrooge soon got to work, and by the next panel we see he’s eventually worked his stand up from a small box given to him by his dad, to a three seater shoeshining bench, who he wipes all at once by stretching one of his mother’s girldes over a light pole, a detail I didn’t get the first time around but now love. Naturally being a good kind boy much like his Nephews, Scrooge always gave his proud father a portion of his earnings, if with a full receipt for tax purposes. Because he’s still scrooge after all. His dad wonders he did too good a job while Hortense glxbit’s in agreement. 
As the years go on, a now tween Scrooge is eventually able to save up for a horse cart, and starts selling Fire Wood up in the city. He eventually realizes Peat, an earthy subtance found in bogs I only know about because I had to look it up for this review, is more profitable and with some snappy marketing moves into selling Peat for the rich instead, also showing the young lad already has a grasp of how to sell to obnoxious rich people. 
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But while his business is booming, our young hero can’t resist visiting his family’s ancestral home and longing for it, hoping one day to have it for himself and in a nice show of how despite his temper and tenacity forged over the last few years he’s still at hear the kind, sweet optimistic lad he was just a few pages ago, he decides to tidy up the Clan’s Cemetary while he’s here. 
Unfortunately as proof that Donald and Della’s terrible luck comes from both sides of the family the Whiskervilles are sub-glomgold levels of human beings.. or Dogfaces in this case, and are digging up the McDuck Clan’s graves to hunt for treasure. Scrooge tries to simply do the smart thing and flee, but the asshole brigade catch sight of him and mistkaing him for a peat burgalar chase after him.. and spend WAY too much time and energy chasing a teenage boy over some fucking bog grass you clearly aren’t selling yourselves. I mean spare a thought for how dumb this is: They could easily sell of of that peat to put up a fence or chop down some trees to get the material if their really that concerned about someone getting in the bog. Then again this isn the 1800 and 1900′s where the child death toll was simply “Yes”, so they likely thought whose gonna notice one more dead child on our property?
Scrooge heads toward the castle and is gestured in by a friendly mystery duck who gladly shows him around and can tell he’s a McDuck just by look, showing the castle is still in glorious condition as the whiskervilles are too spooked to go in, hence why they didn’t chase Scrooge inside. I’d say being afraid of ghosts but not murdering a child is weird but these are the same guys who thought murdering a child was plan A. We’re not dealing with a brain trust is what i’m saying.  So the mystery duck shows Scroogey around, showing off some colorful stories about his ancestors recycled from that scrapped prologue I mentioned. THe mystery man, who brushes off Scrooge thinking he’s a McDuck asks Scrooge what he’s doing to restore the family glory and while Scrooge points out he’s already working on it, Mystery Duck points out he’s still missing something: He has the drive and the dream, but peat and shoeshining, while getting him good money for his family, aren’t the thing you can build a fortune or a future off of. He then points out where Scrooge’s dime comes from: America.. and that gives the boy the idea to head to the states. As for what he could possibly DO there to start, the mystery guy mentions his uncle pothole. So Scrooge has the dream, the drive.. and now a plan: Go to america, work for his uncle on the riverboats, and work his way up from there till he finds his fortune and restores his family name.  But while his future is settled, the present is still an issue and Scrooge wants to teach the child murder club a lesson and thus borrows, though MM wisely points out it’s all his property a horse and some armor, and stuffs the armor with peat. As for what his plan is.. welllll
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That.. is fucking awesome. And far from the last fucking awesome moment in this thing. It also shows off even as not quite a teen yet, Scrooge is still a badass already, and while he doesn’t have his trademark strength or fighting skills quite yet, his ingenuity is already there.. and that will always trump both. The Whiskervilles run away and into some quicksand and Scrooge vows to return one day as laird and reclaim his family land. But that’s a story for a few chapters down the line. As for who the mystery duck is, he’s naturally Sir Quackely himself, or rather his ghost, who was simply guiding Scrooge and didn’t give him the treasure as simply handing him the money wouldnn’t restore their family’s good name or continue their bloodline now would it? 
For now Scrooge returns to work for a bit before finding his way to America: A cattleboat to New Orleans looking for a Cabin Boy. And so Scrooge bids farewell to his family. His Dad, feeling bad he can’t even give his boy shilling, gives him the family pocketwatch with jake pitching in with the family gold dentures. While Scrooge naturally refuses to sell the watch, he does plan to sell the teeth as soon as possible for good reason. We then get some sweet goodbyes with him, his sisters (With hortense uttering her first words to everyone’s astonishment) and loving mother as he wonders just what awaits him in America. 
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And there he stands on the bow of a ship, heading for a new land, in New Orleans he can be a new man. And we’ll see just what kind of man he becomes as this series continues. For now this is the end of a chapter but the beginning of a lifetime. 
Final Thoughts on Last of the Clan McDuck:
This story is excellent. While there are even better chapters to come, this one is still one of the most memorable and most joyous, showing just how Scrooge became what he is, where some of his values come from, others will be instilled along the way , and beginning to flesh out his family. We see Scrooge’s love of wealth comes from starting from the bottom, growing up with a family that barely had anything and badly needed everything, but was loving and instilled fine morals in him. We also see a Scrooge far removed from the bitter old man he is in present day, an optimistic naïve young lad who only wants best for his family. It’s a nice stark contrast to who he’ll become, good and bad, and a nice way to both compare him to Huey Dewey and Louie and break your heart as his own hardens before briefly turning black later on.  The art, as is standard for this series and Rosa, is breathtaking, and the story isn’t lacking in good jokes, their just downplayed so the story itself can take center stage. There’s nothing really more to say: it’s an excellent start to an even more excellent tale and stands proud among an already stellar story as one of it’s finest outings. 
NEXT RAINBOW: Scrooge goes down to the mighty Missipi to work on the riverboats and meets one of his signature Rogue’s for the first time in their first form, as well as Gyro’s dad.. or grandpa.. or possibly both I don’t know his family tree. Point is, tune in next time for some riverboat hyjinks.  Until then if you’d like to comission an episode of any animated show, especially ducktales and the various other duck related disney shows, or another Duck Comics story you really like from Rosa, Barks or whoever you want really, I take commissions for 5 dollars a review, with 5 dollars off your full order when you put in for more than one episode or issue. You can also follow me on patreon.com/popculturebuffet and for just two bucks a month get access to polls (which i’ll start once we have at least three patreons), and my exclusive discord server. And if you liked this review be sure to reblog it to show off. My self promotion done until next time: There’s always another rainbow. 
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ladykailolu · 4 years
So I've been researching about retrograde amnesia to get a better sense of writing Jocelyn and their interactions with other characters in the post-Calamity. The Slumber of Restoration that lasted 100 years left Jocelyn with a form of retrograde amnesia in that they forgot their memories in the years leading up to the Calamity, but they aren't a "clean slate." While severe retrograde amnesia cases exist where the patient loses all memories of their life up to amnesia onset, this is notably rare and called "Hollywood amnesia" by physicians. Many cases of retrograde amnesia leave the childhood and adolescent memories intact. Jocelyn's case is not that severe; however, they do lose their memories of adolescence, and while they retain some memories of childhood, they forget names of places and people. This is notable in that they don't remember the fact that Jotaro and his wife Usagi adopted them when they were a teenager and that they lived and worked as Jotaro's research assistant since then. They also don't remember their close relationship with Johnny.
So, I wanted to talk more about Johnny and Jocelyn's relationship to one another. They are third cousins in this AU and so share a set of great-great grandparents (I think lol), but unlike many third cousins, they had seen each other often and got along well. Jocelyn is 6 years Johnny's senior, and during a memory competence examination conducted by Gregorio in the post-Calamity, Jocelyn recalls a specific memory of playing this one game in their home village in Central Hyrule (they don't actually mention the name of the village since they don't remember it, but they do understand from the memory that the event happened at their "home" before they had moved in with Jotaro in Goponga village). This was when Jocelyn was a kid, probably 12 years old or so, and they played this game with Johnny when he was six. However, they recall Johnny's appearance but not his name.
"Oh, I remember this one!" They blurt out when Gregorio presents them with an image that reminds them of the game. "I used to play this all the time at my home village! And I used to play it with this kid. His name was--" they pause as if waiting for the information to come out from the darkness, but it never did and left them hanging. "His name...was...Ugh, I can describe his appearance but I just can't come up with a name!"
"What did he look like?" Gregorio spoke while Will acted as a scribe and jotted down notes.
"He was this small kid, wavy blonde hair that poked out of the knitted cap I don't think he ever took off, and blue eyes as bright as a summer sky. I know that we used to lay out in the fields somewhere flat on our backs and just watch the clouds float by. We didnt have a concept of time back then. We kinda did what we wanted to do, but it bothers me that I cant remember his name. Instead, I can clearly picture his face--he had these small freckles across his nose and cheeks."
Jocelyn had described Johnny when he was six years old, but they can't remember what he looked or sounded like when he was older. Those more recent memories were lost. During their childhood, Jocelyn lived in a village nearby Mabe Village, where Johnny lived, in Central Hyrule, and so the two often visited each other, but that changed when Jocelyn left their village to live with Jotaro in Goponga Village some distance away to the marshlands to the east. Yet, when Johnny left Mabe Village in the fallout of being disowned and falling from grace, he met Gyro sometime when he lived alone and eventually moved to live with him in Kakariko Village. And interesting tidbit here is that the Kakariko graveyard overlooks the lake and wetlands where Goponga Village is, so if Johnny goes to visit the graveyard, he can look out towards Jocelyn's new home. And I like to point out that Johnny was buried in this graveyard, so from his grave, his spirit can look out to the ruins of Jocelyn's home--Goponga Village was one of the many settlements destroyed during the Calamity.
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pumpkinpersephone · 5 years
ok gyjo au idea
modern day i guess but a slightly more magical world
so gyro is a doctor and hes at a graveyard of ppl he couldnt help and hes feeling regretful
and he sees this blond kid diggin up graves and hes like THE FUCK 
so he goes over and the two quarrel a bit but over time gyro figures out that the blond, johnny, is hunting down the bodies of guys who died before their time bc hes a witch and he thinks if he finds body parts that still had life to give he can replace them with his own deteriorating body because hes got tons of injuries that dont seem to heal
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abbacchiosbelt · 4 years
The description of Gyro's island in animal crossing actually makes me concerned about what he'd do in the Sims. Like, if he manages to pull that stuff in animal crossing of all things, how far would he go in something as open and chaotic as the Sims series???
gyro is a Video Game menace. do not trust him to play any of your games because he’ll find ways to ruin them. as for the sims? he’s going to be one of those players that comes up with elaborate sim graveyards, making it a goal to get one of every death.
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nega-aria · 5 years
Gyro and Mark visiting a cemetery at night
Ok, I suck super hard at keeping things short, so these may go slower than I expected, but I��m having a lot of fun with this so thanks for the request!
“You First”
Rating: SFW
Characters: Mark Beaks, Gyro Gearloose, Falcon Graves, Fenton Crackshell-Cabrera
Ship: semi Beaksloose but not very shippy
Warnings: mild swearing
“You go first.”
“Like hell I’m going in there first! What happened to youproving how oooh so much better you are than me?”
“Pfft, don’t gotta prove facts, bitch.”
“That’s literally how they become facts.”
“Look just go already!” Mark yelled, his voice quivering andshrill in the cool night air as he finally turned to face Gyro. “Unless you’drather go back to the party and tell everyone you were too chicken.”
Damn that party, and damn that smirk on Mark’s face. Gyroscowled at the outstretched arm that was extended towards the gate, hiding hisown nerves behind a demeaning attitude. “For the love of Mewton, you are such ababy!” Gyro scoffed, pushing Mark aside roughly enough to completely relocatehim. The frustration fueled anger lasted long enough for Gyro to throw themetal gates open dramatically, but he cringed in that entryway when the ironrods gave way to the inky abyss before them.
The obvious click of a phone camera went unnoticed as Gyrostarted wide eyed at the scene before him. Trees twisted in seemingly unnaturalways, their shadows casting an army of demented branches, muddled up into aportrait of madness. The hints of moon that could be seen in the cloudy skydisplayed as nothing but an ominous slice of light: a mere tease in theterrifying darkness. It was like a set, something unreal plucked out of themost cliché of horror movies, but it was real and that was enough to make tiredtropes truly terrifying.
“See, just a depository for dead people erected solely to appeasethe irrational religious beliefs of society,” Gyro stated matter-of-factly,crossing his arms over his chest casually as though his heart wasn’t literallyabout to leap right out of it.
Mark rolled his eyes at the pompous display. “Whatever yousay, professor,” he mumbled. He jumped sharply when a soft rustling in the darkthat answered him instead of Gyro. “Did you hear that?” Mark squeaked.  
“What, you scared or something?” Gyro taunted. Quitefrankly, it made him feel better about his own fear to bother Mark about his.
Mark’s feathers puffed on cue. Gyro knew they would, thesmug bastard, but that didn’t stop Mark from going on the defensive. “Of thislame spooksville? As if!”
Gyro didn’t say anything, not so much as a hint of laughter,but he might as well have been cackling manically. He didn’t even look back ashe began a slow trek into the foreboding landscape, and that crude brush-offinfuriated Mark more than a real retort ever could. He didn’t retaliate –that wasexactly what Gyro wanted, after all—but his silent seething provided more thanenough satisfaction.
They occupied themselves with investigating the tombstones,argument pushed aside to allow frayed nerves to settle on something less agitating.Just to the far wall and back and this stupid bet would be satisfied.
The age of those markers shifted like fluid with each stepfurther into the cemetery, as if stepping back through time itself so smoothlythat one couldn’t even tell they were no longer in the right century. The olderthe graves got the more ominous they looked and the more it felt as if theiroccupants would simply rise from the ground and drag any trespassers with themto hell. The rows of crumbling stone were no longer organized and well caredfor. Any people who might wish to visit long were ago buried alongside theirkin, leaving nothing behind but markers of stone and iron to indicate they wereever there at all. A mossy pile of decaying rock was all that was left to markthe final resting place of many poor souls, while others still boasted toweringmonuments, guardians with their angelic features twisted by time into abstract monstrosities.
Mark swallowed at the terrified knot in his throat, but nomatter how hard he tried it proved too tremendous to gulp down. He clung to hisphone with trembling fingers, pointing its flashlight ahead of his every steplike a cross to banish evil. A boring bunch of rocks didn’t make for the bestdistraction, but Mark did his best with what he had.
“What do you suppose this dude’s story is?” Mark asked,pointing down at the grave near his feet.
“Sorry, I left my Ouija board at home,” Gyro said with anexaggerated roll of his eyes.
He scoffed at Mark when an investigation of his silencerevealed the other man to be currently predisposed with yet more social medianonsense, using a tube of red lipstick (that Gyro truly did not want to know whyhe had) to turn the dearly departed’s surname from “Buttshide” into “here liesButts”.
Gyro had never felt second hand shame so intensely in hislife. He could swear the entire graveyard was judging him from bringing such aloser into their domain. “What are you, five?”
“Yeah, wellll I wish you were five!” Mark snapped back. “Youwere actually fun when you were five! Was before you had that ginormous stickup your butt,” he concluded, turning his beak skyward in a very snottypunctuation.
In an instant the snooty demeanor was dropped to allow Markhis oh-so important task of documenting the journey via selfie timeline. It madeGyro scowl harder as he watched the parrot demean himself even further bygiving bunny ears to a headstone. “I loathe you, you know that right?” he said,but those words were not demonstrated in what came next.
A soft snap echoed in the dark. A twig rustled by an animalmost likely, but the logic of that couldn’t quite stick; in that fog filledevening, it was most certainly the breaking of bones, some animal gnawing inthe night, perhaps even a creature of such unknown horror that they couldn’teven fathom its likeness even in the most heinous of nightmares, but it was mostdefinitely something wicked.
Be it stick or monster, it had Gyro in full flight responsemode, cringing close to Mark as the other man did the same to him. “What wasthat?” Gyro squeaked.
“Totally not a horrendous monster,” Mark whimpered. “I mean,that would be super lame, right?”
Gyro actually tried to be comforted by Mark’s absurdlyinadequate attempt at a dismissive laugh, but it proved quite foolish to eventry. “It’d be preposterous.”
The night mocked him with a far more disturbing sound, likedeath itself clawing at a grave. They stood shoulder to shoulder, wanting torun but too terrified to move.
“Is it bad that I reallywanna hold your hand right now?”
Yet another eerie sound pierced the night, and Gyro’sfingers answered for him, quivering digits entwining tightly with Mark’s. Hegripped tighter when a dark shadow darted through the misty graves, but Marktook it one step further by clinging to Gyro’s entire arm when that same inkyfigure got closer and its hideous noises along with it.  
“What the hell isthat thing?!” Mark hissed in a panicked whisper.
“N-nothing, because it’s not real!”
That entity swept closer, moved faster, and growled louder. Theywere being surrounded, voices whispering from all directions and death droolingdown their necks, famished for their flesh. A typically effeminate scream burstfree as Gyro launched himself into the embrace of the man beside him, holdingon as if his life truly depended on it.
“WHAT?!” Mark asked, the pure terror seething from his voiceas he frantically scanned their surroundings with wide, petrified eyes.  
“It touched my butt!!”
“Oh, great a horny ghost! Just what we need. We can get laidbefore we die!”
Gyro did not appreciate the sarcasm. “Hey, don’t get pissyat me just because my ass is so fine that the even the afterlife can’t resistit!”
“THAT pathetic thing? It’s already living in the afterlife!”
“What does that even mean?!”
“I don’t know! I’m nervous, okay?!”
Another sound, this time louder and more sinister than allthe others, had Mark crying pathetically. “Gyro, if we die I just want you toknow that I never hated you as much as I said!” he wailed as he cowered intothe other man. “I just wanted you to think I was cool!”
“That’s stupid,” Gyro replied in the calmest tone he couldmuster, “We’re not gonna die…and I’m physically incapable of thinking you’recool.”
All at once the graveyard grew silent. Mark and Gyrostiffened in the eerie quiet, both feeling the presence behind them but neitherdaring to face it. They could hear it drooling, feel its breath, sense itsfamished growls, but it couldn’t really be there… could it?
It was Mark that actually looked first, turning slowly ashis eyes widened and his entire body quivered. It was large and menacing, andin that inky darkness it was easily eight feet tall and capable of breakingthem both in half. Blood red eyes pieced through the night and wet fangsglistened. Mark could swear he saw it lick its drooling maw, but he wasn’tabout to stick around and find out what that meant. He took off before he evennoticed that Gyro had thrown himself into his arms, but the hitchhiker didn’teven phase his stride, and they clung to each other, screaming in unison theentire way out of the cemetery. Gyro had to give Mark one thing, he was prettysure he’d win the fleeing for your life contest.
Behind them the monster cackled, maniacal laugher quickly devolvinginto elated gasps for air that struggled to allow enough room to actuallybreath.
“I can’t take it,” Falcon wheezed as he watched them, flee. “They’retoo adorable.”
Falcon pulled the mask from his face, slipping from theoversized ratty mass of fur that he normally wouldn’t let anywhere near him ashe dropped himself to the ground beside the smaller man who had been assistinghis deception. He lit a cigarette, leaning against the large gravestone behindhim and still chuckling lightly as he released the fumes into the cold night. Callit foolish self-indulgence, but when this opportunity had presented itself,Falcon couldn’t resist, and he was sure he had never laughed so hard in hislife.
“Dr. Gearloose is gonna killme when he finds out about this. You know he will find out about this right?!This was a terrible idea!!” Fenton answered, his tone growing more franticuntil he was waving his arms hysterically by the end of it.
Falcon chuckled at his partner in crime. He would likely beforever grateful that Fenton had been steamed enough at his boss to even offertechnical assistance and tipsy enough to actually go through with it. “No itwasn’t,” he answered simply.  “This was bloodybrilliant.”
Immediately outside the gate both Gyro and Mark were pantingfor air, the latter asking himself how Gyro was so out of breath when he hadbeen doing all the running.
Gyro was oblivious to the annoyed look as he smoothed hisjacket and cleared his throat. “Now, when everyone else asks-”
“Oh, dude we were total badasses. Hashtag crushed it.”
“Very good.”
The wind let forth a gust, laughing at the irony as it movedthe heavy iron gate behind them just enough to make both Gyro and Mark shriekin fear and back a good distance away.
Mark gulped nervously. “…Gyro?” The other bird looked hisway uncertainly. “Will you hold my hand on the way back?”
Gyro sighed. “You do realize this is supremely pathetic.”
“…does that mean yes?”
The second sigh was even more pronounced. “Yes.”
They instantly linked fingers, both holding tighter thanthey would like to admit as they braved the dark walk back to the party. Patheticit may be, but it sure did make them both feel better.
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pawnshopsouls · 4 years
Messing with the brother's hair a bit longer, Zael soon replaced that signature hat upon Bonely's head. "I took a summer course for robotics. I've become quite invested in these tinker toys I've made~" Tired of standing, Zael sat themselves in the other's lap, draping an arm over his shoulders. "Tell me about your time though. Drown me in story...~"
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The pawnbroker raised an eyebrow in interest as he listened about Zael’s new hobby. Tinker toys were fun things to play with, especially ones with magic elements, but he’d have to bring that up later. Zael was apparently feeling bored and clingy, if the draping of his arms over his shoulders said anything. He’d forgotten how little Zael regarded personal space. He wouldn’t bother with it now though, he was too glad for the company.
“Heh, well believe it or not, it’s actually been a good 400 years since I last saw yeh,” he began with a wave of his hand, “though it’s only been a summer here in Bel’Terum. Me ‘n’ my brother got whisked away by a broken wayport, a link between our world ‘n’ another. Not exactly the usual way we travel, especially considerin’ how it splinched us on our way there. Ended up findin’ ourselves in a new world with new forms ‘n’ new rules teh play by.”
Bonely wrinkled his nose at the memory. On one hand it did hurt to end up halfway between yourself and something else. On the other, waking up with horns and stone skin wasn’t exactly what he called a good start to a family vacation.
“Took us 400 years teh get back. Or rather, teh be found since my Gyro displaced itself not long after we arrived. Fortunately, my boys were resourceful enough teh use it, find us, ‘n’ get us home. ‘Course when we got back we found out that our 400 years were only four months here. Kinda awkward havin’ teh explain our four-month departure teh local officials.”
Fortunately, they were pretty understanding about the whole ‘getting magically whisked away’ thing, and were able to re-institute Salem as the local graveyard cleric and he himself kept as his boy’s legal guardian. What a pain that had been to deal with! But he was glad it was all taken care of. At least for now.
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thefallenapprentice · 5 years
POKEMON CARD MEME  -  REPOST. do not reblog!
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NAME:  Modeus AGE: ??? HOME REGION:  Unova region, in the Kingdom of the Vale. FIRST POKEMON:  Ralts. Both he and Baul started with twin male Ralts, who grew alongside them while they traveled the various regions. Eventually, the two were faced with the dilemma of only finding one Dawn Stone despite all their efforts. In the end, Modeus and his Kirlia gave up on the idea of evolving into a Gallade, giving the stone to Baul and settling with becoming a Gardevoir instead.  POKEMON DREAM:  When Modeus was younger, he wanted to be a Pokemon Master like his idol, Sparda. He has competed in many league challenges and have collected a multitude of gym badges, but has since retired. Now he prefers to travel the regions and learn about history and pokemon legends. TYPE SPECIALITY: Ghost  / balanced TRAINER TYPE:  Veteran.  CURRENT LOCATION AND ACTIONS:  Back in Unova, studying up on the Tao trio. Especially in relation to Zekrom and the Hero of Ideals.
#1 Name:  (Mega) Gardevoir, shiny Nickname:  none Nature:  Modest Met:  The Kingdom of the Vale. as a Ralts. The two of them share a strong psychic connection. Modeus allows him to walk around freely, and the two are frequently seen travelling  or holed up in libraries and museums together 3 Likes:  Baul’s Gallade, Sunbathing, Being read to 3 Dislikes:  Rude people, Being touched by strangers, Large crowds Move set:  Hyper Voice, Psyshock, Wish, Thunderbolt
#2 Name: Zoroark Nickname: None Nature:  Jolly Met:  The Kingdom of the Vale, as a Zorua. Originally sought out by Modeus to become a good balance for Ralts, Zoroark’s Illusion ability is crucial for tricking opponents into wasting a few turns. Being a Dark type, she can absorb Psychic attacks meant for other members of the team, as well as tanking Ghost and Dark type attacks. 3 Likes:  Running around, Shifting into humans, Sweets 3 Dislikes:  Closed spaces, Hunters, Getting wet Move set:  Taunt, Knock Off, Toxic, U-Turn
#3 Name:  Gengar, shiny Nickname: none Nature:  Timid Met:  In a graveyard, as a Gastly. Originally sought out by Modeus to help cover / resist some weaknesses on his team, Modeus ended up befriending the scaredy ghost instead of just capturing it. Together, Modeus helped the pokemon overcome her fears and become a more confidant battler. 3 Likes:  Hiding, Moving / hiding items, Winning battles 3 Dislikes:  Jump scares, Strangers, Crying Move Set:  Shadow Ball, Sludge Wave, Focus Blast, Will-o-Wisp
#4 Name:  Virizion Nickname:  none Nature:  Jolly Met:  Pinwheel Forest. Said to be one of the Swords of Justice, Modeus earned Virizion’s respect by defending it and the pokemon of the forest from hunters. Like its title, Virizion has a strong sense of justice, and will sometimes break out of its pokeball if its senses cruel humans nearby. Similar to Zoroark, Modeus uses its Justified ability to help guard other members of the team weak to Dark type attacks. 3 Likes:  Rain, Nature, Open fields 3 Dislikes:  Hunters, Bitter foods, Cities Move Set:  Sacred Sword, Leaf Blade, X-Scissor, Reflect
#5 Name: Aegislash, shiny Nickname:  none Nature:  Brave Met:  In a far away region, as a Doublade. After proving himself to his idol, Sparda awarded Modeus with a Dusk Stone to make up for Baul using the Dawn Stone on his Kirlia. As an Aegislash, Modeus can make due on his promise to the whole team that their strength will be used to protect others, and not simply to “be the best”. Quiet and loyal, Aegislash is a powerhouse both offensively and defensively. 3 Likes:  Defending, Sleeping, Being polished 3 Dislikes:  Team members being KOed, Being used to cut things, Getting stuck / embedding in stuff Move set:  King’s Shield, Shadow Sneak, Sacred Sword, Gyro Ball
#6 Name:  Cubone Nickname:  none Nature:  Adamant Met:   In a far away region, as an egg. Sometime in the middle of his journey, Modeus made an arrogant mistake that led to him being unable to protect the pokemon of an area, including Cubone’s tribe. To repent for it, Modeus took the egg with him, and now cares for it as a Cubone. After he is done with his research in Unova, Modeus hopes to travel to Alola so Cubone can learn to commune with its dead tribe members. 3 Likes:  Exploring, Spicy foods, History 3 Dislikes:  Fire, Walking for long periods of time, Sitting still Move set:  Swords Dance, Bone Club, Headbutt, Stomping Tantrum 
tagged by: @faegrifted​ tagging:  Anyone else who wants a crack at it xD
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vampir3bait · 6 years
Robbie was content with his plans for Halloween. He was sure to feel some FOMO when he saw his friends’ instastories on the night but he was full committed to the cozy night in. He’d even picked up some Halloween themed ciders proactively for the evening. They were positively ghoulish and portrayed a scene of a graveyard reanimated with various zombies in states of walking the earth again. He knew when Halloween actually did roll around in a week they’d absolutely be gone. 
That was until his Peter Pan shoes (or suede woodland fairy shoes as they were described on the website) finally arrived that he ordered months ago. This had been the first year since he was a kid that he actually planned ahead for Halloween. The events of the summer unfortunately created a bit of a lapse in his memory. Trival facts like his Halloween costume and that he had a dentist appointment in November slipped through the cracks. Now that he had the complete costume didn’t make the young man decide to change his mind though he did put on the whole patchwork ensemble while Felix was out. No, a cozy night in would be better than going dressed up like a fool. 
Robbie changed out of it and tucked it in it’s box and went to go pick up take away for when Felix got done working on the ship with the boys. As he waited for their gyros to be done Robbie’s eyes wandered to the stack of neon green mini flyers for a Halloween party and not just any Halloween party but the one he attended every single year since he was legal held at the biggest and gayest night club in town. No cover if in costume! Ghoulish jello shots $2! Costume contest CASH PRICE $500!!! It had all the buzzwords and gimmicks typed out in the Halloween equivalent of comic sans.  Robbie shoved one of the flyers in with their take out just for sentimental sake and left the shop. 
Robbie knocked on the door before letting himself into his home assuming Felix would be there already, he said he would be by now. “Hope you didn’t start cooking already, I picked up dinner,” Robbie called out as he rounded the corner to find his boyfriend. 
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ali-enby-moved · 6 years
Since I didn’t really live-blog it here are some highlights from my mono ghost type Ultra Sun run (since I just became champion)
-Becoming insanely attached to my Rowlet, Tulip, the moment I went into refresh with her
-Running around in the graveyard on Melemele for like an hour before realizing I can’t run over Driftloons at night
-Nyx (the Driftloon) accidentally over leveling Tulip
-Hala being a complete joke to battle
-Actually beating Araquanid easily
-Grinding up Reaper the Cubone as fast as I could at 5 am in the morning so he could evolve
-Alolan Marowak then becoming extremely hard to use because it’s signature move is heart scale locked for some god forsaken reason
-Telling Faba to fuck off while I catch a Sandygast
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-Said Sandygast (named Calcifer) beating Nihilego by himself
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-Finishing my Ghost Aesthetic(tm) outfit once I got to Malie City
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-Accidentally looking like I’m part of Team Skull in said outfit
-Going to catch a Snorunt  to have a Froslass on my team, finding that one Frillish overworld event and catching one of those instead
-Finding a Mimikyu after the ghost trial in .02 seconds
-Said Mimikyu, named Elle, ended up having a very good nature (jolly) and being the best member of the team
-Abandoning rescuing Lillie for like 10 minutes to go get the Mimikium-Z
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-I keep forgetting what a little shit Hau is I love him
-I ran over a Wailord and said oh shit out loud with my family in the room
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-Catching Solgaleo in a moon ball
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-Being scared of Acerola but she actually wasn’t that bad
-Making sure I used every member of my team against Hau which ended up pitting Calcifer against his Primarina, which he almost did kill her actually
Here’s all my children now I would die for them
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pumpkinpersephone · 5 years
Gyro was paying respects to a graveyard a few towns over. It was probably around midnight, as he had started at his local graveyard and made his way to three more before this one. He took his time , sending a prayer to those he knew and those he didn’t as well. So much regret laid heavy in his heart. It got harder and harder to drag his feet. But he allotted time for this, his punishment, the last Sunday of every month. Rain or snow. 
He was holding his hat to his heart, after placing a small handmade teddy bear at the grave of a child. A child he could not save. Even lost in reverie, he was a man with his wits about him and the incessant sound of gravel being torn up made him lift his head and reach his free hand around to his pocketknife. 
Gyro stalked closer to the sounds... drag drag drag, a bang, and more gravel hitting the ground. Someone was digging... digging up graves. 
Losing the knife, he approached the heathen shouting, “What’s your problem? Why don’t you tell me exactly what you think you’re doing digging up these graves before i knock you down silly!”
A smaller male looked up at him, his light eyes glowing in the moonlight. A tired but desperate face. The face of a sinner who had accepted his fall, and was fighting for something with no angels on his side. 
A few beats passed. He slowly straightened up, tossing down the shovel. “If you must know, I’m collecting body parts of people who died in good condition. So that I can use them to fix my body. It’s not like they’re using them anymore.”
Gyro noticed the large sack next to the open casket. Filled with unthinkable things. 
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siorca · 7 years
hi! for the prompt: coswave ~ 'when was the last time you have seen home'?
Sorry this is late I got unexpectedly busy!
The first thing Cosmos did upon reaching Sanctuary Station was stretch. Long and languid, the popping of gyros spinning back into place, and the subtle feeling of twisted wires coming back to their natural state. A pleased sigh escaped him, the cramped feeling that had been plaguing him escaping in one breath. Deep space was meant to be a second home to him, he was designed specifically for it, but long trips into the unknown always left him stiff and uncomfortable. It was nice to be able to be in root mode.
He walked hurriedly into the station, keeping his helm down low. In space, it was hard to keep track of the cycle, but he hoped that his chronometer was right in telling him that it was the graveyard shift right now, only a small crew on staff to keep the station running. It was hard enough to be social on a normal day. After being away for so long, it was extra difficult.
There was only one mech he was interested in seeing right now.
He trudged along the gangways, keeping to the shadows. It was quiet and dark, only the gentle humming of various machinery creating a quiet background noise. To anyone else, it would be eerie, but for Cosmos, it was a welcomed comfort after being in a vacuum. He made a pit stop at the energon dispenser, before making his way to the residential hall.
The third door on the left was his intended destination and he gravitated toward it as if drawn to it. He keyed in the code quickly, stepping in with a sigh of relief.
In the middle of the berth was a familiar large figure, a welcomed sight. If he had the ability he would have smiled to himself. He settle for carefully reaching out his field in a warm, welcoming caress.
Soundwave didn’t stir, but Cosmos felt a subtle, sleepy, affectionate, return. Cosmos slid into the berth, sprawled half on Soundwave, burying his face into Soundwave’s chest, nuzzling the glass there.
A deep rumble came from Soundwave. He pulled Cosmos closer against his side until Cosmos looked as if he were being smothered. It was very comfortable.
“You were away for a long time,” remarked Soundwave.
“Yeah.” Cosmos propped his chin on Soundwave’s chassis. “Radio interference made it hard to navigate back.”
Soundwave pet his head gently, rubbing his thumb across the back part. Cosmos leaned into the touch, his visor dimming with pleasure. His armor was hypersensitive still, his sensornet alight with sensation at the tame contact. “I am glad you are safe.”
Cosmos hummed. “Missed you.”
“Missed you too, little Autobot. Now recharge.”
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