#great assignment helper
essaywritinghelp · 5 months
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iambriannelson · 5 months
Unveiling the Mysteries of Control Variables in Research blog at Greatassignmenthelper
Unlock the secrets of control variables with Greatassignmenthelper in our latest blog! Understanding the significance of control variables is crucial for robust research methodologies. These variables act as guardians, ensuring that your study remains focused and accurate.
In this insightful read, Greatassignmenthelper sheds light on the role of control variables in research design, explaining how they enhance the reliability of your findings. Learn how to identify and manipulate these variables effectively to eliminate confounding factors and achieve meaningful results.
Dive into the world of research sophistication and elevate your academic prowess. Read the complete blog at Greatassignmenthelp and embark on a journey to master the art of control variables. Your key to unlocking research excellence awaits #ResearchMethods #AcademicExcellence #Greatassignmenthelp
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sinnersweets · 4 months
DogDay x Reader part 3
<----part 2, part 4--->
A/N: It’s been a week since your first day 
Everytime I came in for my shift I always needed to change into my uniform which was starting to get tiring. I wasn’t allowed to take the shirt, nametag, or headband home. I promised the team member that I would bring everything back, but they said they needed to wash it every time with the vanilla scent that DogDay has. I huffed in disappointment and took the clothes and went to go change.  
I was told that at the start of the week all the helpers need to give their assigned Smiling Critter a bath that way their scent can be strong again. Also, we needed to arrive two hours before Playcare opened to everyone. Guessing it took a while to wash everyone. Then a thought came into my head. DogDay is a dog, and dogs typically hated getting wet. Oh boy, today would not be easy for me.  
The Playcare looked scary when the lights were off. The only lights present was from the Bron lamps. I walked over to the counselors building and somehow while looking at the ground, I tripped over a wire. “Ah-!” I hit the ground and laid on the floor for ten seconds before rising to my elbows and looking at the wire. While I looked back at the wire, I noticed that it started to move. As I got a closer look, I saw that this wire was fluffy, and purple. “Huh?” Then suddenly whatever I tripped on wrapped around my ankle and quickly pulled me into the air. I didn’t dare make a sound while I was being hoisted up knowing that the kids were all asleep. My morning was going great. 
I was brought up to the statues and finally saw what the heck grabbed me. CatNap. This was the first time I’ve seen him up close and he was by far the scariest one out of the group. Since I was hanging upside down, I had to hold my shirt down with my hands. “Hey there CatNap...could you um, put me down please?” Where the hell was Sarah?! She’s supposed to be keeping an eye on him as his helper. CatNap just stared at me. DogDay did tell me that CatNap doesn’t really talk, but him not talking was making this much creepier. 
“Psst, CatNap, Angel, what are you doing?!” I looked at the floor and spotted DogDay just below me. “CatNap she’s my helper not a doctor. She’s a friend!” DogDay whispered but also yelled out. “Friend....” That’s all CatNap said before releasing his tail from me. I fell and landed into DogDays arms. “Did it hurt when you fell from heaven Angel?” He laughed at the joke that he made. I look towards him with a concerned look on my face. “He pulled me into the air and then dropped me...and you...”  
It then registered what DogDay had just said to me, and I smiled and laughed, all the anger that I felt left. “I can’t believe you just said that. That was cheesy.” I wiped a tear away from laughing. “I wanted to see a smile on your face Angel, especially since what was happening with you and CatNap.” “Yeah, what was that all about anyway?” His face then looked nervous for a moment before he answered. “He’s not a fan of adults. He rarely tolerates his helper. He didn’t mean any harm, really.” I looked back up to the statues, but CatNap was no longer there. “Hm. Well next time I see him I want an apology.” DogDay chuckled and nodded his head. “Oh, I like your earrings, Angel.” I totally forgot that I went out yesterday and bought me a pair of sun earrings. I liked getting earrings to match my outfit. It was earlier than I liked to be awake at, so it slipped my mind that I wore them. “Thank you, there new.” 
DogDay led me to a hidden door that blended in perfectly against the walls. This was where they got washed up. Each Smiling Critter had their own room with everything they needed to be cleaned properly. The whole time we were walking towards DogDays room he was cheerful but as soon as we entered the room, and I closed the door he started shaking. “Hey, hey it’s okay. Taking baths are fun!” I grabbed onto his paw to try to calm him down. DogDay then stopped shaking and looked at me and smiled. “Normally I would give myself a bath but now that I have you Angel, this should be less scary.” I nodded my head and went to put on an apron to not get myself wet. “Alright, let's get started! First, I will need to take off your pendant, don’t want that getting dirty now.” DogDay lowered himself so that I could reach behind his neck and undo the knot from his pendant.  
Since it was just us, I decided to ask him a question that I had for him. “So, I’ve been meaning to ask you this, but you said you went through a lot of applicants before landing on me. What made me stand out?” I could feel DogDay stiffen when I asked this. I was still untying his pendant when he spoke. “Everyone else's application seemed so boring, plus the pictures that they sent in I could tell that they would not be good to work down here at Playcare. But yours Angels, your picture was just full of-” I accidentally cut him off as his pendant was quite heavy and made me yelp in surprise. “Jeez this is heavy!”  
DogDay saw me struggling to pick it up and took it from me and set it down on the table. “Woops, should’ve worn you, sorry Angel.” “That’s really heavy, guess the kids weren’t lying when they said you were strong.” I nudge DogDay playfully. His ears perked up and he wagged his tail. Cute. “Okay now the not so fun part.” I pointed over to where DogDay needed to be at to get washed. He swallowed hard but then walked on all fours over to the area. I saw that there was a step stool for me, so I grabbed it and placed it near him. “I’ll try to be really quick, okay?” He nodded and closed his eyes. I turned on the hose and started to wet DogDay. 
It took around three minutes to fully wet DogDay, yeesh. Now I had to put the vanilla scented soap on him. To pull his mind away from his bath I decided to playfully tease him about calling me pretty. “By the way, I never got to thank you for calling me pretty.” “Huh?!” His ears perked up again. “Oh- right, I forgot that Damian shouted that out...Well you are pretty Angel.” I scrubbed his ears and smiled. “Thank you.” It took me thirty minutes to cover DogDay with soap. This was tiring, but I’ll improve over time. “Okay almost done, just gotta rinse you off and then dry you and then comb your fur and that’s it!” As I said it aloud, I realized that those tasks would also take a while.  
I rinsed off DogDay and turned off the hose. I walked over to a cubby and took off my apron while also grabbing a blow dryer. As I was plugging in the blow dryer I looked over and noticed that he had a look in his eyes. “Angel, I gotta shake this water off.” Oh no. “Nonono don’t shake, please don’t shake.” “It’s dripping down my body...” “Don’t shake!” “I gotta shake!” “No no shaking-” Too late. DogDay shook all the water off of him. DogDay sighed as he no longer felt as wet as he did before. “Whew I feel so much better.” DogDay turned to look at me and he then saw the aftermath of what he did.  
There I stood, all drenched in water. “So sorry Angel...” Even though I was drenched in chilly water I wasn’t angry at all. I started to laugh aloud. “Haha! I should’ve known that was gonna happen.” DogDay smiled and wagged his tail. “I really tried to not shake Angel.” “It’s okay, ahem, now let’s dry ourselves off.”  
I got dried as best as I could but knew I was going to need to change out of these wet clothes before getting sick. I brushed out DogDays fur and added in some more vanilla scent to him. DogDay then grabbed his pendant and I decided to buff it out so that it’ll shine. I looked at the pendant and saw my reflection. “There, all beautiful now.” “Yes, you are Angel...I-I mean yes, it’s beautiful now haha...” I booped him on the nose with my finger and smiled at him. “Thank you, you are looking pretty handsome now after that bath.” His ears perked up and his tail was wagging back and forth fast. Seeing DogDay like this made me happy, and warm inside...maybe I was already getting sick.  
A/N: Thank you for reading!
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moonsaver · 4 months
Hmm.. what if sunday only opens up to those close to robin?
As the spokesperson for The Family, he's under a great deal of pressure and oversees a multitude of things, so naturally he's a bit sly, and doesn't keep anyone close. His sister is his only "companion"/friend who he keeps by, and as per the quest she left when she got older, so sunday would have become more and more lonelier.
So.. imagine being one of the backstage helpers for Robin's shows, maybe helping out as a staff member at penacony in preparation for the Charmony festival, or really just about any other show Robin attends, being tagged along with a few more people as her reliable team. You get close to the superstar by a few conversations, jokes, and a bit of comforting from time to time. Eventually having to travel back to Penacony in time for the Charmony festival, and Sunday seeing you help out his sister so much, being a mutual friend of hers, instead of a worshipping fan.
Naturally she tags you along to certain tasks that sunday assigns, passing a look to her asking if she wanted you to really go with her. Over time, you start tagging along with them both to handle other general matters, and all 3 of you bond. Sunday feels genuinely lighthearted for once, joking around and sharing a laugh, with his sister and you. And he realizes just how much he will miss it, how lonely it will be without his sister. So, although Robin usually relies on Sunday to take care of things that trouble her, for once,Sunday passes an off-comment about how much he'll "miss company". If to cheer him and support him back just a bit, she offers to convince you to stay back, once she has to leave Penacony.
And you get a permanent "vacation" in Penacony. Isnt it exciting? Sunday will personally oversee your day to day affairs, and includes you in meetings, some quite sensitive in their information. He says if you leave, it'll be troublesome to ensure it doesn't.. leak. For the forseeable future, you're positively trapped under his care. Don't worry – he treats his employees well. At least, he'll treat you well. Just tag along to this meetings, sit beside him, and help him with picking out an outfit, perhaps help him understand dreams by telling him some of your own. Don't mind the hand that rests on your shoulder, creeping down your arm, rubbing your elbow gently. It's just a friendly gesture. You've been so sweet to Robin, he's quite pleased you're her friend. Why don't you listen to her and stay here, instead? She'll visit, and you will never feel lonely. Just.. don't bother trying to leave. The room is locked, anyway.
How about both of you test out the new dreamscape he's been carefully crafting? There's no need to go into separate beds, just share one, it'll be more efficient. Hold his hand, he'll help you adjust to the experience, of course.
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waaayoutofline · 2 months
PROMPTS: “This is just pointless” and “Fine, I’ll just do it myself then.”
Pairing: Natasha Romanoff x F!Reader
Tags: Grumpy x Sunshine, fluff, awkward Nat, resident sunshine reader, christmas fun! (yes, I’m aware is actually eastern but idc).
Summary —> Natasha has feelings for you. Feelings that make her feel grumpy whenever you are near. Unfortunately, she has no opportunity to avoid you as she is assigned to a holidays mission with you.
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“Miss Y/L/N, you are being requested in the conference room,” Friday announced through the speakers, causing you to halt in your tracks, the dummy of practice finally getting a break. Wiping the sweat off your forehead, you stretched your limbs before grabbing a towel. It’s only been three days since you returned from your last mission, so it catches you off guard to be called in already.
After quickly hitting the showers, you head to the lift, pressing the button while humming. But just as the mechanical doors are about to shut, a hand slips in between. “Hey, sorr-…Oh, it’s you,” a rather dry voice comments.
A smile spreads across your lips in a matter of seconds, your eyes following the figure of Natasha Romanoff slipping almost in resignation. “Good morning, Nat!” you greet her cheerfully.
“Morning,” she grumbles. “Where are you going?”
“Conference room,” her eyes widened, enough for you to connect the dots. “Oh, you too? That’s great! Perhaps they assigned us a new mission.”
Natasha, usually a morning person, grumbled. “Oh, yeah… joy,” she says, her tone lacking enthusiasm.
You might think that the red-headed spy isn’t too fond of you. Most would believe she really didn’t like you. She’s always scoffing, complaining, and even whining when forced to be in the same space as you.
But quite the contrary. She is fond of you. That’s the problem.
These fuzzy feelings did nothing but anger her. She has always been in control. She’s supposed to be. She’s a trained assassin, cold and ruthless. And yet, there’s something about you that makes her nerves betray her.
It’s her secret. Well, she is convinced that it’s a secret. The truth is that the whole team is aware. They know how Natasha Romanoff has a soft spot for the resident sunshine. Tony even has a pool going around for when she is going to actually do something about it.
Not that either two of you are aware of this fact.
You seem to be clueless. Unaware of the way Natasha’s ears turn pink whenever you smile at her. Of how her heart aches when you do as little as laugh, the sound so clear and joyful. Of the way she silently but deadly threatens anyone who dares to even tease you. Once, the team, except Wanda and Natasha, devoured your stash of sweets, not aware that they belonged to you. Unfortunately, that day you were particularly sensitive and a few tears slipped away before you could mutter, “It’s fine, don’t worry.”
And unfortunately for the boys, Natasha’s darkened eyes watched silently as the tears caressed your cheeks. The following events that happened are not to be mentioned. Just know that the next day, they all bought bags and bags of your favorite goods, besides apologizing like crazy. Confused, you accepted everything with a “Thanks?”
You aren’t aware of any of that.
She just disconnects as you happily chat away, talking about how excited you were about the incoming Christmas festivities. Plans about decorating the whole tower and baking cookies and brownies and watching Christmas movies with the team and….The ding sound in the air as Natasha practically throws herself out of the lift. You giggle softly, “Where’s the fire at, Nat?” You tease, walking calmly in different ways to her wide, fast-paced steps. Natasha curses to herself, cheeks blazing. It should be illegal to be this cute at such hours.
“I just don’t want to be late,” she snaps. You shrug, not affected by her harshness. That’s another thing that baffled her. Usually, she intimidates even the senior agents with her direct personality and ironic comments and yet, you never seem to be hesitant or scared at all to approach her. It’s like you are immune to it.
Is she losing her touch? She feels like she is losing her touch.
Her hands go to the handle, opening it before doing a painfully awkward gesture for you to go in first. You smile in gratitude when passing next to her, the familiar scent of vanilla making her hold her breath.
“Y/L/N, Romanoff,” Nick greets, dramatically turning around. You say a cheery hello, Natasha just nods. Let’s get this over with. “I know you both just been on a mission, but we need your assistance on this.”
Natasha feels her stomach drop. Taking a seat, the director gives you both two copies of a report. Skimming through it, Natasha’s eyes widen. “Oh no, absolutely not.”
“I knew she was going to say that,” Tony chimes in.
“Don’t give her more reason to not do it, Tony,” Steve sighs.
“Are we sure it’s them?” You ask dubiously, eyes still on the paper. Fury nods.
“Yes. We have had surveillance on them for the last month, all points that they have they must have their next exchange somewhere in this mall. They are using the upcoming festivities to go more unnoticed.”
Natasha sighs. “So what, are we supposed to go and possibly catch them in broad daylight?” Fury shakes his head.
“Not exactly. We need you two to go undercover, keep a low profile and watch out for more suspicious activity. A few boxes of cargo isn’t enough to take the entire operation down. While we know they maybe are dealers on the area we don’t exactly know if it’s a full on operation. ”
The Russian’s eyebrows furrow. “Why not send an agent then? Have them confirm.”
“This is too delicate. A couple of rookies are less likely to draw attention. I need your eyes, subtlety, and Y/N’s enhanced hearing,” Fury explained.
Natasha sighed in frustration, pushing the folder away. “So, you want us to go into a mall full of late Christmas shoppers and look for suspicious drug trade that you’re not even sure is happening there?” she summarized.
Fury nodded. “Aren’t you perceptive, Agent Romanoff.”
Natasha opened her mouth to protest further, but Fury beat her to it. “Now, how do you two feel about Santa?”
“Oh no, absolutely not,” Natasha huffs indignantly. The sounds of the rushing people are muffled by the door, the lights already making Natasha dizzy. You turn your head to look at her over the shoulder.
”Oh. Do you want to be the elf, then? I don’t mind-“ She cuts you off with a grunt.
”No, I don’t want to be anything. This is absolutely ridiculous. Just wait until we return to the tower, Fury is going to hear it.” A laugh escapes you at the scowl on her face. She sends you the mean look, but you don’t even flinch.
“It’s not that bad. Think of it as a Christmas spirit operation.” You try to cheer up, not really finding the zipper of the disguise. A scoff.
“We’ve been following this narcotic clan for months now, all leading us into dead ends. Perhaps we should start to consider the fact that they aren’t even in America anymore. This is just pointless.”
You shrugged your shoulders, putting the green suit on your shoulder and going to the changing room. “Fine, I’ll just do it myself then.” The spy’s arms, which were crossed, almost get out of their place as she grabs your arm. Gentle enough to not hurt, but firm enough to stop you.
You look up at her and she feels like she is about to faint. “What- no. What if they are here—…”
“You just said they may not even be here, so there’s nothing to worry about.” The reassurance doesn’t seem to calm her, but you keep walking away. Your legs are barely out of the storage room when she calls you to stop.
“Oh, for heaven’s sake, fine! Fine. Just…” She stops you, pinching the bridge of her nose. “Let’s get this over with.” You clap in excitement and face lighting like a christmas tree, spinning happily. A satisfied grin on your face that she doesn’t get to see. “Great! See you in five minutes, Mrs. Claus!” You sing as you finally exit. Natasha almost hits her head on the wall at how easily she just gave in.
She has definitely lost her touch.
“Mommy, why is Mrs. Claus looking so grumpy?” a little kid asks her mom as they pass by, the woman giving you two a disapproving look. You nudge Natasha’s side with your elbow.
“Yeah, Mrs. Claus… light it up a little, will you?” You mutter with a tight smile. “And also, don’t sit like that.” Natasha huffs, but changes position on the tall, red velvet-covered chair.
“Shut it, elf, or I’ll have you sent to the North Pole in no time,” she answers snarkily, but you were too distracted relocating the wall of fake gift boxes to have a better view.
Still, you look at her with an eyebrow raised. “What was that?”
A gulp. “Nothing.”
For as sweet as you were, you did know how to throw a mean glare. Was Natasha into it? Absolutely not.
“That’s what I thought.” The cheers of children echo, Natasha’s face paling as they all line up. Before she can say something about it, you put a hand on her shoulder. “Now, smile bright and be nice to the kids.”
”Bet you wouldn’t be so happy about having small people sit on your lap.” Faking a pout, you bend slightly to look her in the eyes.
”Aw, does that mean I won’t have a turn later?” You tease. And suddenly, all the remarks that the redhead had disappeared into thin air, never to be found again. You giggle. “Careful, your face is matching with your disguise.”
She is still sputtering indignantly by the time you redirect your attention to the crowd, a big bright grin on your face. The fact that she finds you cute even in the ridiculous elf suit you’re wearing speaks volumes.
“Merry Christmas everyone!” You greet happily, dramatically doing a reverence. “See, Santa has got a bit too many sweets before going to sleep situation.” Everyone cheers sadly. “But lucky for us, someone came all the way here all the way form the North Pole to save the day, give a big applause everyone for…Mrs.Claus!” Everyone claps excitedly as Natasha does a big, strained smile and salutes everyone to the public. The children (and even the parents) cheer loudly.
“Marry christmas. Who is ready to sit on my lap?” Natasha asks in exaggerated happiness, flushing some more when you give her a sneaky wink. What did she do to deserve this?
Ten or so children go by, all asking for their gifts. You want to think that everything is going well so far, no sign of any undercover trafficking, and everyone seems to be having a great time. Even Natasha.
“What do you want, kiddo?” The little boy grins toothlessly.
“I want a pink pony with fire breath and Pegasus wings!” The redhead hesitates.
“Well, those are rare… Anything else that you want?” The kid stops and thinks for a bit.
“Mmm, oh yeah! I want for mom and dad to bring their adult friends home instead of hiding them from each other. That way we can have a party!” Natasha’s eyes widened, choking on air. Your hand flies to your mouth in surprise as Natasha looks at you in panic. You send her a look that screams “You better fix this.”
“A pink flying, fire-breathing pony it is then!”
Besides that one, of course.
As fewer and fewer kids are in the waiting line, you feel yourself relax. If anything were to happen, at least there won’t be people who will get hurt. Natasha stretches lightly on the chair. When looking at the next kid, a little smile appears on her face. “Would you look at that? You look exactly like a smaller version of someone I know,” she mentions as she pulls the kid onto her lap.
The girl smiles, and you get an idea of who she reminded her of. “Really? From the North Pole? Is she magical?” Natasha makes an exaggerated thinking face while you scoff lightly.
“Well, she is a little bit of a troublemaker at times…” Natasha says dramatically, making the girl laugh. “But yeah… you could very well say she is magical.” Her voice is soft, sincere. You can’t help but blush a little.
“Ugh, I’m sweating. Why is this thing so hot?” Natasha complained as you two walked side by side, finally being able to catch a break. You nodded absentmindedly, your eyes wandering until you suddenly froze. Still wrestling with the disguise, Natasha didn’t notice. “I’m suffocating. This can’t be legal…”
“Natasha,” a couple of men scurried into a door next to the bathroom stalls. You recognized the characteristic tattoo of a crossed couple of spears on their necks until they both disappeared.
“It has way too many zippers and—” You hit her with your elbow, startling her.
“Stop it! Give me some room to complain, woman. I’ve already accepted plenty of your side eyes this morning.”
Rolling your eyes, you pulled her along by her hand. Her eyes stuck where you two were touching. “What are you…” As you opened the door, you followed down the hallway, being careful not to be spotted. Shushing her and slightly pulling her against the wall to cover with the shadows, you pointed to the now visible men, who were around the corner in a small operation room. There were gift-themed boxes scattered everywhere, alongside bags of bright purple powder. Still, for anyone, it could be said this was a normal management room.
“Pretty sure there aren’t any Barbie houses in those boxes,” Natasha muttered. You nodded, counting the number of guys. “So that’s how they do it. They benefit from the holidays to smuggle the drugs…” She trailed off.
“…and because there is so much activity and shipment movement it goes easily under the radar.” You finished happily, looking up at her with a grin, only to notice that she was already watching you. Her eyes locked on your hand, which still rests softly on her upper chest, the space between the two of you being almost nonexistent. In your excitement, you didn’t notice how close you were.
For a second, you didn’t say anything. No happy comments or quick remarks. She didn’t say anything either, no sarcastic retort or reproach. The only sounds were your breaths and the faint pulse of a frantic heart.
Even if it felt like it was frozen, there was this notion that one of the two was moving slightly closer. If not both of you. But as it turns out, time didn’t actually freeze, and it didn’t take much for someone to spot you.
“Hey, what are yo-… Oh shit.” Someone exclaimed, making both of you jump away from each other. You caught the movement of Natasha reaching for the taser that (you didn’t approve of) was strapped on her back. However, a quick analysis of the man’s face told you enough to make her stop. She looked at you in confusion before reading the spark in your eyes. A nod.
“Oh, sorry, we thought this was an empty closet…” You giggled, dramatically grabbing Natasha’s arm and putting your face on Natasha’s shoulder, nuzzling her neck. You felt her tense before her arms wrapped around your waist, tugging you closer. You were pretty sure that extra beat wasn’t because of the adrenaline.
“This place is restricted to the public,” he muttered, flustered.
“Sure. How about we try the changing room, sweetheart?” Natasha muttered, loud (and suggestive) enough for the man’s awkwardness to grow tenfold and leave.
“What was that, man?”
“Nothing, just Mrs. Claus and her helper making out.”
It wasn’t long until you both returned to the first level of the mall. “Alright, this should be enough distance…” Natasha mutters, looking for any more tattooed men. Suddenly, an unusually soft, warm sensation process on her mind, looking down she can still see both your hands enterwined. You are looking to, but don't make any attempt to “fix” the situation.
“C’mon, let’s go inform Fury to bring in the team.” Immediately after that, you are pulling her along, Natasha’s face now fully complementing the same shade of her Mrs.Claus dress. If it was because of embarrassment or another feeling entirely she will not tell.
One thing she can say for sure. Perhaps this whole “christmassy operation” wasn’t bad after all.
”Great job, agents. I appreciate your work.” Fury hangs the calls, turning to the rest of the team. “Apparently, they found out actual activity of the smuggling. Have plenty of high ranked operators and shipment cargo.”
“Why the surprise?” Bruce questions, while Tony laughs.
”Shit, they actually did?” Everyone looks at him confused. “What? You guys don’t know?”
The room fills with puzzled looks as Steve exhales audibly in his chair. “This operation was merely a facade to orchestrate a charming little rendezvous between Natasha and Y/N. It’s rather remarkable they stumbled upon anything, considering the slim odds,” he elucidates nonchalantly.
”And Fury greenlit this?”
“I did. I’ve grown weary of witnessing Agent Romanoff’s infatuation with Y/N—it’s proving distracting. Even the junior agents are indulging in speculation about their eventual…get together. Sooner rather than later, I say,” Fury explains, shrugging indifferently.
“You did what?!” Natasha growled, practically kicking the door down.
Most people have never seen a single emotion on the director's face. But the ones who were there that day would forever remember the flash of fright that flashed in Nick Fury's good eye.
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merakiui · 1 year
Horny gripping at the thought of apocalypse twst boys.
Apocalypse!Riddle who’s first child has been born and you’ve never seen the Riddle Rosehearts so tender before. He’s helping to feed them at night, change their diapers, and tells you how great you’re doing as a mother. And while Trey babysits, he’s pushing you to the bed and thrusting into you slowly, making sure to hit all your sweet spots while working on impregnating you again.
Apocalypse!Trey who’s fallen for one of the kitchen helpers. <3 You’re a common houseworker in the Heartslabyul compound who’s assigned to help Trey make food. Because you’re so obedient you’ve even got privileges to use a knife, rolling pin, and other kitchen tools. Trey loves how soft and submissive you are for him. He often leans closer to you than the other servants while talking, and hand-feeds you little pastries he made just for you while you blush. So one day, when he’s walking around he hears that you’re going to be on the upcoming bride selection. He ‘gently suggests’ to Riddle that he’s had his eye on you for a while. Would he mind saving you in the back for him?
Apocalypse!Cater who’s the only son in a family of sisters, who all have their own husbands and families. His parents are nagging him to get married soon so out of frustration one day he picks a random girl off the list and fucks her so good in the Heartslabyul headquarters <3 it was just gonna be a one off thing to make his parents mad but you’re so cute and he got attached~ Hope you don’t mind him cumming inside to keep you tethered to him. No other man will want you if you’re knocked up with Cay-kun’s baby!
Apocalypse!Deuce who never had a father. His mother struggled so hard to raise him in this world and give him the tools he needed to rise through the ranks. He worked as a guard for the compound that houses women last year and fell head over heels for you, a gentle little thing that helped patch him up after he got in a fight with another amateur soldier named Ace .This year he’s finally made the honor guard and is given the chance to take a wife. Deuce immediately goes to the list and tries to find your name, only to see it crossed off with the label Husband: Ace Trappola next to it.
Apocalypse!Ace, who’s been waiting for this all his life! His older brother and father have told him all about how he should pick a girl he’s gonna love for the rest of his life, but Ace has different plans. He wants to get back at Deuce for some prank he pulled a while ago, so when he sees Deuce’s beloved on the list, he signs up right away as a joke. He’s planning to erase his name after a few days and let Deuce put his on there instead. Only, when he actually begins to spend time with you, he gets more attached than he anticipated.
Apocalypse!Kalim who could have any bride he wants, and so many women want him too. He’s probably the kindest husband candidate out there, besides maybe Silver. Plus he’s a compound leader and super wealthy. Unbeknownst to the outside world, he already has his sights set on you, the girl who dressed as a boy to outsmart the system and avoid the selection. You were his right-hand guard for a while , until you were discovered and arrested. But instead of throwing you to the wolves, Kalim declares he’s fallen in love! You’re still his best friend <3 just now, you’ll be his wife too and have lots of his babies whether you want to or not. You’ve been married for five years and you already have seven babies, please stop this man…
Apocalypse!Epel who’s been mistaken for a girl so many times it’s not even funny. He’s taken to walking around shirtless sometimes so that no one tries to arrest him for wandering around without an escort as a girl. Now that he’s become Vil’s apprentice though, everyone knows how tough and manly he is! He’s been making lots of progress in training and Vil tells him he has a surprise waiting for him. Epel walks in the room to find you, his childhood crush, tied up in Vil’s bed, his long fingers massaging that tender, squishy spot inside you and making you shake like a leaf with pleasure. Vil tells Epel to come on in and close the door. Vil’s gone ahead and chosen a bride for him. He had Rook track you down from Epel’s home village. He’s already worked you open for him, so now he’ll show Epel how to take care of you properly. Then he’ll sit back and watch years of Epel’s pent up feelings for you come rushing out. It just so happens that Epel wants many children and that you’re ovulating that week. Ah, young love is so beautiful.
Apocalypse!Silver who’s been Malleus’ guard for a while. You’re a maid who works behind the scenes at the castle, seen but never heard, getting your duties done and bowing before leaving the room to wander quiet parts of the castle where you will not disturb the master. Silver, being the sleeper he is, often goes to find quiet spots in the castle to take a nap, and by chance encounter, meets you. He’s so chivalrous and gentle to you, unlike the other royal guard, Sebek. You two talk for a long, long time, and he feels his heart tugging him towards you. A few months of regular meetings later, and marriage season rolls around. Lilia has been watching his lovestruck son with the maid in the garden, and he just knows that you’re Silver’s true love! A conversation with Malleus results in an order issued to have you brought to Silver’s quarters, in a lacy lingerie set that resembles a wedding dress. You’re deposited on his bed, trembling, while he stands above you, eyes blown wide with lust. “She’s all yours,” Lilia says, patting his son on the shoulder and walking out of the room, closing the door behind him. He hopes Silver remembers the conversation they had about grandchildren earlier. He’s getting on in years and wouldn’t mind having a few little ones running around. But now, he has to go find Sebek and explain why the girl he had his eye on was taken off the list and put on a separate one for a private client.
- Heartslabyul anon
Heartslabyul anon, all of these scenarios are so good omg!!!!! Especially that rivalry between Ace and Deuce. >:) ooooo Deuce is going to have Ace's head Riddle-style for stealing his bride!!! And Cater choosing you on a whim, only to get terribly attached!!! >v< that's really so Cater, isn't it? He never expects himself to actually fall for you, but he does and oh isn't he just so obsessed? You're totally perfect for Cay Cay! He'll treat you so well.
AND TREY!!!! OTL he really would be so humble and bashful about it when he mentions you to Riddle, but since Trey's such a trusted friend and righthand man Riddle can do him a solid. <3 aaaaaa and Silver with his sweet maid darling!!! <3 he just loves you so much; he's absolutely cumming inside as much as he can that night because it's hard to resist the temptation of knocking his beloved up and fulfilling Lilia's wish of providing him with grandchildren. AND THE FACT THAT SEBEK WAS EYEING YOU????? WOOOOOOO OTL poor Sebek's so huffy. >:( how unfair that the one human he can tolerate ends up becoming that Silver's bride instead!!! Silver and Sebek rivalry is also so good to think about...
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haknom · 9 months
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PAIRING: playboy!niki x crush-fem!reader
SYNOPSIS: Nishimura Riki, Earl Grey High's most known playboy. He constantly earned the title as ‘who's most likely to become a frat boy’ for the past 2 years and being a senior wouldn’t make a difference. But watching him chase after someone who doesn’t seem to like him back was quite shocking on his end—he never experienced it before. And for his highschool life to be complete, he need to ask you out for prom. Why? Great question. Still, with your frequent ignorance of his presence things only became even harder.
GENRE(S): written series, highschool au, nonidol au, playboy/troublemaker!riki, onesided enemies to lovers, slight sports au, and onesided pinning (for a bit)!
WARNINGS: riki is a homewrecker and is jealous, swearing (i forgot), proofread like half of this, lmk if i missed anything
WORDCOUNT: 1505 words
NOTE: see i was supposed to post this yesterday but i fell asleep and woke up to do hw LMAOO so im posting it now and ill begin writing chapter 4 soon !!! tysm for the support on chapter one im glad u guys enjoy niki being a red flag 😭😭
TAGLIST IS OPEN! 👑 send an ask or reply to be added.
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CHAPTER TWO. gross, romance.
Physics was never Riki’s strongest subject, and of course, he always took it to his advantage with a sly smile on his face. It was obvious to everyone that he was going after you. Everyone thought you were his next so-called target, but that truly wasn’t the case; at least Riki knew.
He couldn’t help but chase after you as if he were a lost puppy. To be honest, he doesn’t know what caused it. His feelings even took him by surprise. Although the two of you have been attending Earl Grey High for the past three years, he only noticed you during your Junior year. 
Maybe it was the way you smiled at others when walking through the halls or how focused you were trying to unlock your locker—who knows? You still managed to catch Riki’s eye. Since then, he’s always bothered you. You soon began to develop a hatred for the boy due to how much of a disturbance to your studies he could be.
Riki leaned back into his chair, arms crossed over his chest, as he tried his best to listen to the lesson. He really did try, but nothing about Physics sounded interesting to him. Instead, his eyes stayed staring at you, who sat a few seats ahead of him. Through his peripheral vision, he spotted Junghwan, who seemed more annoyed than ever. It left Riki satisfied.
“Alright, please take the rest of the period to work on the assigned sheets. I’ll be collecting them tomorrow.” Mr. Jeong instructed as everyone got to work. Riki grabbed his sheets and phone, leaving his pencil behind on purpose.
Regularly, you would move your desk closer to Junghwan and work together, but today wasn’t the case. As you prepared yourself to push your desk towards his, a taller figure walked right in between you two. “Excuse me,” Riki interrupted, earning scowls from you and Junghwan. He took a seat in front of you with a teasing look all over his face.
“Sorry, am I disrupting something?” He asked even if he didn’t care at all. “You kind of are,” Junghwan informed the boy as Riki shrugged. “Anywho,” He said, staring right at you. “What?” You asked with a vivid, annoyed expression on your face.
“I don’t understand the concept.” Riki rested his arms on top of the seat he sat on, causing the sleeves of his uniform coat to rile up his forearms as you raised a brow at him. “Why is that my problem?” You asked again, your expression never faltering. “I mean, you’re one of the top students in class. Plus,” he said, pointing at the board with writing everywhere. “You’re one of the helpers.” He wasn’t wrong about his words.
You couldn’t say no either. “Fine.” You gave in, earning a slight smile from the boy in front of you. If someone stared hard enough, they could most likely see the tiny hearts forming in his eyes. He was quite literally obsessed. “Where’s your pencil?” Your eyes scanned his closed fists, but no pencil was spotted. “You don’t have one, do you?” He shook his head at your words as you sighed. 
You handed him yours and searched your pencil case for a new one. “Here.” Junghwan handed you a pencil with a loving smile. You returned the smile and took the pencil into your hand, causing Riki to roll his eyes. So what if he was Jealous? “What don’t you understand?” You asked, your eyes meeting his. “Everything.” He replied as your brow furrowed. You sighed, realizing how long this would really take. 
There will most likely be no time to work with Junghwan. Quite sad, but not for Riki. He was glad and internally smiling like a toddler on Christmas morning. This was almost like a blessing for him. All he had to imagine was that you two were alone and on a study date without Junghwan. That wouldn’t be so hard, right?
“See, if I were (Name), I would hate you too,” Jungwon said while kicking at the mini rocks in between the detailing of the bleachers. “I’m being so honest, Jwon, I could treat her way better than Junghoe,” Riki said, adjusting his resting position against the bleachers behind them. “It’s Junghwan. And I highly doubt it.” Jungwon laughed as Riki shrugged. 
“Hear me out. There’s something so suspicious about him.” Riki said. “Or are you just jealous that he’s dating the literal love of your life?” Jungwon asked. “Ouch?” Riki gasped at Jungwon’s words. Was he always this harsh?
The sudden ding that emerged from Riki’s phone caught both of their attention. “Oh, my mom needs something from the store after school,” Riki said, summarizing the message he just received. He looked over at Jungwon while putting his phone away. “Do you want to come?” He asked, but Jungwon shook his head.
“Can’t. I have to study for my math test.” Jungwon answered as Riki sighed. Of course. He nodded at Jungwon’s response and made a mental note to stop at the dollar store after school. “Listen,” Riki started while rising from his spot on the bleachers. 
“If my suspicions end up being right, you owe me one,” Riki said, earning a confused look from Jungwon. “What’s in it for me?” He asked as Riki shrugged. “No clue. What do you want?” Jungwon pondered Riki’s words. What did he want? There was nothing he really needed at the moment. 
“I’ll think about it. Don’t go causing trouble though, remind you, he’s the student president after all.” Jungwon warned. “Okay, okay. I won't trust me.” Riki said with a ‘promising’ smile. “You’re lying, aren’t you?” Jungwon asked as Riki broke character, letting out a teasing smile. Yeah, I am,” Riki said. 
Jungwon softly pushed Riki with narrowed eyes. He knew how much of a rascal Riki could be at times after being around him 24/7. It was only natural for an interaction like this to happen frequently.
Riki pulled his hood over his head and made a knot with the drawstrings. All that could be seen were his eyes. He was truly lucky to have a spare hoodie in his locker to hide his school uniform. The task he was sent to do was quite embarrassing. Nobody could see him buying foot fungus treatment. 
He walked into the dollar store, looking more suspicious than ever. Many would've thought that he was currently on his way to steal, but he wasn’t the type to do that. Yes, he might seem like a bad person and a huge troublemaker, but breaking laws wasn’t something Riki found cool.
He searched the aisles for the item that should not be named. He read every sign, hoping that he would come across it quickly so he could leave quickly. But sadly, to his dismay, his plan wouldn’t work. The good news was that he, sadly, found the correct aisle, but the bad news was even worse. 
The treatment wasn’t in a small box like he expected, instead, it was in a bigger box. One that couldn’t even fit in his pockets. So he panicked. What could he do? They didn’t sell plastic bags, and there was no way he’d have enough money left to buy a reusable one.
He grabbed the box, accepting the fact that his reputation was practically gone. He sighed and made his way to the self-checkout line, hiding the box under the hem of his navy blue hoodie. Yes, he looked suspicious, but hey, at least he’s paying for the item, unlike others. Riki waited for the line to move, him being the next to go as he stared out the windows in the hope that time would move faster if he was distracted. 
The sun was starting to set as its orange gleam rested on the trees and cars that drove past. His eyes scanned the area, reading the random signs he had never noticed before as if they were the most interesting thing in the world, but clearly, there were other things he hadn’t noticed before, like the handholding of a couple who smiled brightly at each other. They were practically sending hearty eyes to one another as the boyfriend landed a kiss on the girlfriend’s forehead. 
Riki rolled his eyes and held back a gag. “Gross, romance.” He mumbled. Yes, he’d been chasing after the same girl for the past year, but it was only fine if he did it. No one else. He even went to a dollar store that was nowhere near his neighbourhood or school. There was no way anyone would see him at this rate—or so he thought.
His eyes narrowed, brows furrowing, as he looked back out the window of the dollar store he stood in. The couple were passing the last window as their faces finally came into view. The orange gleam from the setting sun disappeared for a brief moment, making things even more visible to Riki.
There was absolutely no way he was seeing this right.
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TAGLIST BATCH ONE: @soov @redm4ri @ox1-lovesick @urszn @feeeli @hanniluvi @dakkisz @dimplewonie @ddeonudepressions @xiaoderrrr @ja4hyvn @mmaplepastries @essmarye @w3bqrl @jennaissantes @yenqa @yeokii @yyunari @wvnkoi @flwrshee @strwberrydinosaur @gibbysupremeacyisreal @rikizm @teddywonss @whoschr @misokei @forjungwons @sourdiary @ririlovesrenjun @enhaz1 @cha3w0n-hearts @ashy1um @lovelovelovebts @jxp1-t3r @haechansbbg @soobs-things @j-wyoung @en-chantedtomeetyou @dolletesera @im-yn-suckers @imsiriuslyreal @ilychee08 @nishik1 @namdeyoui @lovelovelovebts @jlheon @hueningkslvr @s00buwu @envirae @latriii @beomsbeanie @rikicito @annoyingbitch83 @shawnyle @en-happiness @sungwhoonz (TAGLIST IS OPEN!)
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starlightwayfinder · 1 month
I got the sudden urge to share about an AU, and I actually think it’s one I’ve never talked about here before?
Anyway, it’s just for fun, but a while ago I decided to make a Pixie Hollow AU. I liked the first couple Tinker Bell movies a lot as a kid, so it’s fun for me to revisit that world now. (The AU takes place in Pixie Hollow/Neverland, but the characters themselves are all from KH. Most of them would be KHUX-style keykids, but they’re not exclusively from any one point on the KH timeline)
As far as world building goes, it’s mostly the same as the movie. The fairies are born from dandelion seeds + children’s laughter (perfect, right?) and end up in Pixie Hollow. There, they choose their talent and work to prepare for the change of the seasons. There’s a minister who oversees each season, in addition to a ruler over all of the fairies. (I think in the later movies they made it so the winter fairies are separate from the rest, but I’m choosing to ignore that since… it wasn’t really a thing back when I was watching them.)
They do still have Keys, but they’re lost keys that become magical when they appear in Neverland. They can all open any lock, but additional abilities will depend on the wielder’s talent.
So now to the fun part—assigning talents! 
First, the seasons: 
Ava is the Minister of Spring, Gula is Minister of Summer, Invi is Minister of Winter, and Aced is Minister of Autumn. Similar to his role in Back Cover, Ira is the king in charge of overseeing them. (And yes, Aced would still prefer to have Ira’s role as leader!) 
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I made concept designs for them when I first came up with the AU, but now I’d probably change the masks to make them simpler. Dust-keepers:
The Dust-keepers store/distribute rations of pixie dust. It’s a somewhat mundane job, but all of the other talents depend on them to keep things running. Sora of course is happy to have a role supporting his friends, and Player and Skuld are known for being dependable helpers as well. Vor is the most unsatisfied with her talent, and will often get in trouble for flying off to do fun things with the others. 
Garden talents:
These four are chosen for fairly obvious reasons, haha. They help to plant and grow flowers on the ‘mainland’. Lauriam and Strelitzia are still siblings, in the sense that they’re seeds from the same dandelion that were enchanted by the laughter of two human siblings. 
Water talents:
Water talents are in charge of rain, morning dew, ponds, etc. Xion spends her free time with Roxas looking for seashells around mermaid lagoon.
Frost talents:
Frost talents are in charge of making snowflakes and ice. They’re great at what they do, but have a bit of a rivalry with the garden fairies after an incident of freezing their flowers... Baldr and Hoder are ‘siblings’ like Lauriam and Strelitzia. Hoder chose her talent first, and Baldr almost picked the same to stay with her. However, he ultimately felt more called to be a Frost talent.
Light talents:
Elrena *
Light talents are in charge of storing light, making rainbows, guiding sunbeams, and looking after fireflies. They’re also the ones who melt snow when it’s time for spring to arrive—so there’s a bit of irony in Eraqus and Xehanort’s friendship. Hoder probably would’ve preferred her brother becoming a light fairy, but they still spend plenty of time together outside of their roles. Elrena is something of an odd one out, as she creates lightning and works with the water fairies to make storms. Odin is primarily a ‘supervisor’ figure for them.
*edit—apparently Storm talents are a thing, so Elrena is one of those now 🌩️
Fast-flying talents:
The Fast-flying talents use wind to transport seeds and pollen. They make deliveries and send messages thanks to their incredible speed. They also guide newcomers to Pixie Hollow. 
Vala and Vali are close friends, but Vanitas and Ventus don’t get along well. Vanitas is competitive, while Ven is much more easygoing. Sora was a fairy Ven guided, so he got to see him choose his talent.
Tinker talents:
Tinkers are in charge of everything that needs to be made or designed. Ephemer and Brain are always working together on a new gadget to help the other talents. Naminé is more of an artist, so she’s interested in finding and restoring lost things. She often helps people to remember something they’ve forgotten by returning their lost item. (I put Remus here even though we don’t know much about him, because he seems to have an interest in ‘lost things’ as well.)
Scout talents:
Last but not least—the scouts! They’re in charge of keeping an eye out for hawks, pirates, and any other potential threats. It’s the most dangerous talent by far, but they’re determined to protect their friends. (Bragi in this AU is not ‘Luxu’, he’s just himself!)
Starlight. Where are the animal talent fairies?
So, they exist, but they’re mostly just the generic keykids I mentioned before. I’m honestly not sure who out of the main characters would fit as an animal talent…
Regarding other characters: I’ve limited the fairies to just the Keyblade wielders, excluding Lea. The others exist in the AU, but they’re either mainland humans or pirates, haha. Roxas and Xion would eventually befriend the (human) Lea and Isa, but that’s a story for another time.
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misspieckfinger · 2 months
FFVII as School Kids:
Cloud: Really good at sports, average grades. Has a couple friends he really likes & sticks to them.
Zack: Class clown, he means well but drives the teacher nuts with the ADHD. Always talking, always excited, tries his best but not great at following instructions.
Tifa: Future prom queen, class president, gets good grades, etc. Knows everybody, liked by everybody, basically a tiny adult. Teacher’s aid.
Yuffie: Same as Zack who she is no longer allowed to sit next to, she’s there to play sports & have fun & sees the school part of school as this annoying suggestion rather than an actual obligation.
Aerith: The class space cadet. Surprisingly smart but it’s clear if nobody were literally forcing her to be there she’d be outside staring at the sky & talking to grass or something. Perks up during art & sing along.
Vincent: The class artiste. Has depressing books, wears black every day & probably plays piano or something. He spends his time with Cloud & Tifa.
Barrett: Class helper, Barrett’s another student athlete. His grades can slip from time to time but interestingly he’s also always helping everybody else get their assignments done.
Sephiroth: The teacher’s pet. Talking during the lecture, Sephiroth is tattling. Teacher forgot to collect the assignment? He’s reminding them. Teacher got a question wrong? “Actually miss the answer is 47, not 50”.
He used to get picked on it for it but when his peers figured out he wouldn’t be stopped they started bribing him instead. He’s best friends with Barrett in this scenario. He stopped telling on Aerith after he accidentally reduced her to tears for pointing out she forgot her (finished) homework for the third day in a row.
Cid: The kid who is busy doing life & has that one specialized interest he’s really good at. Whenever they have to build a diorama or class project his is always absolutely amazing. Could probably put together a functional vehicle by himself.
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slinket · 5 months
Smutmas Day 8
Prompt: Touch me and you lose
MC wanted the world to be fair, as much as it could be, which is why she was alway so upset with Professor Sharp and his treatment of Ominis.  It was ok to have high expectations despite the disability, but it was not ok to have those expectations if you as a teacher are unwilling to adapt your teaching to better help the student.
Ominis couldn't see the ingredients or read the labels.  Nothing was written in braille.  While Ominis was able to identify some things by their smell or feel, it was often dangerous to sniff or touch several ingredients, which left him at a huge disadvantage.  Ominis couldn’t compare to a regular sighted student because he wasn’t being given a way to learn that ‘overrode’ his inability to see.  
He should have been assigned something like an interpreter.  This person would not be able to help Ominis in any way, just level the playing field.  The assigned person could be expected to read labels, just the names, no information about what the item did (unless other students were also given that information.)  This helper would be able to make a statement regarding the color of the potion - ‘the potion has become purple’ - Ominis would still be expected to know what the purple color meant, but he had to know first that it had become purple.  
Basically, Ominis was being screwed out of his education, and possible future opportunities because his Professor refused to accommodate him.  It really pissed MC off.  She knew Ominis didn’t like talking about his disability, or even admitting that his blindness did cause him some problems.  MC thought he should talk about it more though.  There was nothing wrong with him intellectually due to the blindness, and it was unfair that some of his grades may have reflected as though he was ‘slow.’  No, she wasn’t going to stand for it anymore.  He worked his ass off, was a great friend and person, and she would do what she needed to do to make sure he was treated fairly.  
MC gave a few impassioned speeches to Ominis’s professors, several of them agreeing with her, and would look into adapting the material so he had better access.  The one person who refused to bend though, was Sharp.  Potions was already a hard subject for Ominis, but it being so reliant on sight really made it nearly impossible for him to compete academically.
She scheduled another appointment to speak with Sharp again, this time making it late at night.  It was time to put her plan into action.  She arrived a bit early for the appointment, wearing her tightest clothing under her robe.  If she couldn’t Sharp to agree to treat Ominis better, she would blackmail him into it.
When Sharp arrived, he found her sitting on his desk awaiting him.  Rather than unsettle her, he sat down in the chair the student would usually take.  He looked up at her, forcing a smile.
“Another meeting, to what do I owe the pleasure?”
“Oh Professor Sharp, I am here to speak to you about Ominis again.”
“MC, I already told you, I will not be allowing any advantages in this classroom.”
“It wouldn’t be an advantage - you would be making things fair and possible for him.”
“My answer is still no.”
MC furrowed her lips.  She shifted on the desk, removing her robe, and showing off her tight clothing.  Watching Sharp follow her movements with his eyes, she brought her feet up onto the desk, and spread her legs apart.  Sharp’s eyes dipped down quickly to see her exposed pussy.  MC saw his eyes go wide, and he looked up at her before turning away.
“Oh, you can look, Professor Sharp.  I want you to look.  I am here, specifically for you to look.”  MC slid her hand over to her leg, running her finger over her thigh before tracing it down to her lower lips.  
Sharp turned back to look at her, his eyes falling directly at her open legs.  He swallowed hard.  “Why are you doing this?”
“See, Ominis is my best friend, and I would do anything to make sure he is treated fairly.  I love him dearly.  If I can use my body to help him live a better life, I will do so willingly.”
She took two fingers and ran them up and down her pussy lips.  She then opened her lips apart with the fingers, allowing Sharp to see inside of her.  The glistening skin, pink and warm, her opening being visibly small, letting him know how tight she would be, should he ever be lucky enough to get inside.
“I am going to let you watch while I touch myself.  You are welcome to pleasure yourself as well, but touch me and you lose.  In response to this gift, you will start treating Ominis and his education in the way that I demand.  If you don’t, I will go straight to the headmaster and tell him all about how you took advantage of me.”  She dipped a finger inside of herself, pumping it in and out slowly, listening to Sharp’s breathing change.  
“We both know that while you may have some misgivings about this - Black won’t, so if I offer him the same deal - fire you and he can watch me - he will take the win.  So, I suggest you just enjoy yourself.”  
Sharp nodded, his eyes never leaving her pussy.  He reached down to his pants, pulling his already pulsing cock out, and wrapping his hand around the base.
“Oh, look at that, how large you are Professor.  You see my tight little hole?”  She pulled her finger out, letting him look inside of her once again, “I think that as long as you uphold your part of the deal, I may let you slip that monster inside of me.  You would stretch me so well, wouldn’t you?”
“Yes, I would shove myself completely inside of you, I would tear you apart, and you would love it.”  His hand started pumping, and at each upstroke Sharp would run a finger across the head, pulling his dripping pre cum down over his shaft.
They continued this way for a bit, MC playing with herself, even allowing Sharp to guide her motions.  He really loved watching her play with her clit, running her finger over it in circles and then watching her core clench over nothing, like it was begging him to fill it.
He kept his hands to himself, never touching her, just stroking himself, thrusting into his hand as he brought himself closer to explosion.
“Professor - You’re going to start treating my Ominis better now, yes?”  MC asked him once again, knowing that he was reaching his height of pleasure.
“He will be given anything that will help him in passing.”
“Ohh, good boy.  Come here.  You still can’t put your hands on me, but I want you to press the tip of your cock right here.”  She pushed her finger into her core.  “Don’t push inside, but I will allow you to cum right on my hole.”
Sharp was standing in front of her within seconds, his cock pressed right up against her, making sure his slit was covered so his seed would flow into her.  MC rubbed her clit again, Sharp now able to feel the liquid heat spill onto him, and finally was able to feel her core pulse, grasping onto the little bit of his cock that it could.  That moment was all he needed, his body shattered as he started to cum, shooting inside of her before it would pool and start seeping out.  When he pulled away, he watched as his seed puddled at her opening, some of it slowly dripping down the remainder of her slit, pooling once again at her ass.
The next time MC and Ominis had Potions, he found that the bottles holding ingredients had braille on them.  Ominis was also surprised that Sharp was allowing MC to tell him when his potion had shifted color.  As class was ending, Ominis leaned over to his friend, kissing her cheek as she grabbed his hand.
“I don’t know what you did, but I know this change is because of you, thank you, my darling.” His whisper flowed through her ears, bringing joy to her face.  
She returned the kiss, while looking at Sharp.  “Anything for you, Ominis.”
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spatialwave · 2 months
For your Limoreau asks request..
If for some reason Marie and Jordan aren't able to join the seven or be assigned as heroes to a city (Vought might non longer even exist in this scenario) what do you see them doing for the rest of their lives? What jobs? what goals? where would they live? etc.
great questions!
honestly, i think the two of them would actually enjoy their lives a lot with the simplicity of things. they’d both be devastated, of course, because being in the seven was both of their dreams. though, since we’re talking within the same TL as the show, i’m certain they’ve started realizing that vought… isn’t worth it.
marie, to me, is a helper! she is the type of person to support and build a community, putting her energy and passion into those who need support the most. i am a firm believer that she would build a beautiful centre that overthrows the red river institute, a place for orphaned/abandoned super children to grow and thrive. she would be the executive director of the place, not quite running the operations but overseeing the advancement of its activities, bringing in funding for the centre and making sure that the children there are happy & doing well.
i would hope that jordan would be involved in the same area of work, possibly working at the centre as well. they would be such a gentle and caring teacher, showing the kids how to use their powers and control them. supporting them if they don’t want to use them, providing them with options on how to use them beneficially to help themselves and those around them without necessarily being involved in ‘crimefighting’.
maybe this work would extend further, into a whole new area of super development. maybe another university somewhere in the future that has zero ties with vought. less to do with making these kids famous and more to do with how they can help change the world.
both jordan and marie would understand that their happiness comes from helping others meet their goals. supporting others to find the happiness and contentment they both have. though, being with each other helps build into their satisfaction more than anything else.
when they’re well into their adult years they would live their lives somewhere in upstate new york, near the treatment centre which would be built close to the city, but far enough to provide the children with open space to surround themselves with the beauty of nature.
they would travel a lot and bring in new experiences with each other. start a family. adopt pets. fill their home with plants and flowers that they need to care for.
marie would teach jordan how to love unconditionally & they would live their lives happily ever after. nothing bad would EVER happen to them again!!!
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iambriannelson · 6 months
70 Unique Expository Essay Topics and Ideas blog by Great Assignment Helper
Dive into the realm of academic brilliance as Great Assignment Helper presents "70 Unique Expository Essay Topics and Ideas." Uncover thought-provoking subjects that spark creativity and captivate your audience.
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shivaniboutique · 6 months
A christmas party
A Christmas party with costume themes can add an extra layer of fun and excitement. Here are some festive Christmas party costume themes to consider:
Ugly Christmas Sweater Party:
Encourage guests to wear the most outrageous, funny, or mismatched Christmas sweaters they can find. Consider having a contest for the "ugliest" sweater.
Santa's Workshop Elves:
Invite guests to dress up as Santa's little helpers with elf costumes, pointy shoes, and hats. This theme works well for both adults and kids.
Winter Wonderland:
Encourage guests to dress in all-white or silver outfits, resembling a winter wonderland. Think snowflakes, icicles, and frosty accessories.
Christmas Movie Characters:
Have guests come dressed as their favorite characters from classic Christmas movies. This could include Buddy the Elf, the Grinch, Ralphie from "A Christmas Story," or characters from "Home Alone."
Gingerbread People:
Guests can dress up as gingerbread men or women, complete with gingerbread-themed accessories and perhaps some icing and candy decorations.
Christmas Carol Characters:
Invite guests to dress up as characters from Charles Dickens' "A Christmas Carol." This could include Scrooge, Tiny Tim, or the Ghosts of Christmas Past, Present, and Future.
Holiday Villagers:
Have guests come dressed as characters you might find in a festive village—carolers, toy makers, snowmen, and even the occasional Grinch.
Christmas in Different Decades:
Assign each guest or group of guests a specific decade (e.g., '70s, '80s, '90s) and have them dress in Christmas attire from that era.
Festive Pajama Party:
Keep it cozy by having everyone come in their favorite festive pajamas. This theme is especially great for a relaxed, at-home gathering.
Candy Cane Lane:
Ask guests to dress in red and white, resembling candy canes. You can also encourage creative interpretations, such as peppermint-inspired outfits.
Christmas Around the World:
Have guests represent different countries and their unique Christmas traditions. This can lead to a diverse and colorful array of costumes.
Naughty or Nice:
Let guests choose whether they want to dress up as a mischievous character or an angelic one. This theme can result in a fun mix of costumes.
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windvexer · 6 months
Do you know any spells for attracting good and healthy (as in going to treat me respectfully and kindly) friends? I'm having difficulty coming up with a spell myself, as it's been a while since I've done a spell.
Good morning! On reflection I think I might know a total of about 5 spells and none of them related to friendship, so I asked around.
And while the buds had some great links, none of them were directly related to attracting friends.
I don't have a lot of experience in this area, but I can regardless suggest a general course of action:
[Please consider the following to be aligned to my personal practice; I'm not trying to claim that this Tumblr post is the 1 true way to do magic.]
Try combining your conjuring spell with a protection against disrespectful, unkind friends. This protection can be accomplished through the creation of a simple amulet or energetic shielding patterned to that specific purpose.
I believe that magic we put on ourselves can subtly influence those around us. Very aggressive, scary protections can make people think of us as being aggressive and scary. So, protections for your purpose are better off being gentle (perhaps those protections provided by Amethyst or Rose Quartz, or Cinnamon, *maybe* Dill if you want to come off as a bit mysterious and cool, and of course all varieties of common and garden Sage).
Try working yourself into a lovely spell jar that reminds you of exactly the kind of friendships you'd like to have in your life. According to my beliefs, these kinds of jars work best if the are charged/fed and activated.
Any sort of general, basic spell jar format is fine, as long as it's a spellcasting technique you're comfortable with.
I'm looking up resources for friendship and finding very little. Intuition advises that sugar, lemon, and allspice might serve you well. But, of course, anything you like is what should be done. If you like to work with elemental correspondences, consider using Air (communication, talking) and Water (relationships, connection). Of planets, Mercury and Venus might be helpful.
Try working "consumable" spells, such as a candle or incense spell, dressed and treated to specifically attract a respectful, kind friend.
If you don't know of or have certain correspondences, direct energy work can be used to imbue the candle or incense with desired outcomes.
If you're interested in doing multiple spells, you can do both the jar and other types of friend-conjuring spells as well.
Find-a-Friend Powder
I have a lovely copy of Pestlework by @breelandwalker, which is a formulary of magical powders. I got her permission to share the Find-a-Friend Powder formula from that book:
2 pt Confectioner's Sugar
1 pt Forget-Me-Not Blossoms
1 pt Pink Rose Petals
1 pt Meadowsweet**
½ pt Passionflower Herb**
½ pt Cloves
** Substances which should be avoided by those who are pregnant or nursing
Add the powder to a bottle charm that you carry with you to attract quality friends and companions. You can also combine it with modeling clay and use that to create a charm or poppet to be the focus of such spells.
NicGarran, Bree. Pestlework: A Book of Magical Powders & Oils (p. 49). Kindle Edition.
Bree also kindly notes that most any attraction or love spell can be modified to call friends and compaions, instead of lovers.
[For those interested, here is an additional resource list of some of Bree's recipes available for free]
Other Notes:
I find that when working multiple spells towards the same goal, assigning a spirit helper to oversee the operation can be of great value.
This can easily be done by petitioning the help of a tarot card. This is a basic ritual format for petitioning tarot cards.
I would especially recommend working with the Knight/Cups to find a friend, the 2/Cups to foster new relationship beginnings, and the 3/Cups to nurture desired relationships.
If seeking one card to oversee general operations, I recommend the Knight/Cups.
I hope some of this ends up helping! Best of luck.
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Captain Levi part 3
a/n: this has been in my drafts since christmas and I hit 100 followers today so I decided to finish it. smooches xoxo love you guys. Not proof read and I’m half asleep bc I’ve done so much writing today lmao, sorry if this doesn’t live up to your expectations!
part 1 • part 2
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The evening of the winter party comes faster than anticipated.
In the week leading up, Hange, Petra, and Captain Levi took turns accompanying you to town in order to book vendors and buy decor.
The word was spreading around the scouts and everyone seemed very excited for a chance to celebrate some.
Levi and you hadn’t hooked up again but had a few lingering touches and looks that made your stomach heat up. By the middle of the week, you had to relieve yourself after being around him so much.
By Thursday it was time to head back to the castle to finish cleaning and to set up decor. Levi, Hange, Petra, and a few volunteers from your squad accompanied you. The crisp December air chilled your bones riding your horse there, wishing you opted for an extra jacket over your scouts uniform.
The ride seems to go slow, and Levi opts not to speak a whole lot given your two closest friends are there and neither of them know of your relations. Well, they know that you along with the rest of the female scouts find him mysterious and beautiful.
Petra talks about the dress options she has and how she’s going with Eld and Gunther because she felt bad saying no to either. Hange says they’re going to fly solo so they can hit on anyone they want. You hear Levi “tch” and let out a slight chuckle at Hange’s words, the closest he’s come to laughing at one of her jokes yet.
“Are you taking a date y/n?” Petra tilts her head at you as you dreaded this question.
“Yeah, actually Captain and I are going together,” you say quietly. Hange’s jaw drops practically to the floor and Petra asks, “Wait like-?” And points between the two of you.
“Yes.” Levi responds this time, and you notice the tops of his ears have turned pink. He is a few paces ahead of you three, and he refuses to turn around to face you. Hange and Petra fall silent at his answer with awkward silence following.
Few words are spoken for the time remaining of the ride there.
As you arrive to the castle, you see the cart waiting outside with all of your decorations you sent ahead of time.
“Wow, these are going to look great, I’m so excited!” You can’t hold back, everything you picked out looks so good together. Your three companions all smile back at you, happy that you’re happy.
“Give us jobs, where should we start?” Hange asks, getting off their horse and tying it up.
“Hm.. let’s see.” You think for a second, sizing up your helpers and the jobs that need done.
“Hange, you’re the tallest here so you can hang up the wreaths. Petra, I’m going to let you deal with the decorations inside in the foyer and hallways, and Levi and I can work on the great hall and then help put finishing touches on everything. We’ll split the volunteers between you two Hange and Petra.”
It’s almost if all three of them read your mind and smirk at you for assigning yourself with Captain Levi. You blush looking down at your notebook ignoring them as you organize the decorations for which group they need to go to.
Hange walks past you with a ladder making smooching noises only loud enough so you can hear, and you shout whisper at her “Hange! Enough!” You pass some wreaths to the volunteer lingering behind them and and send them to decorate the outside of the castle.
You, Levi and some other volunteers head into the main hall, and you give directions. You tell them where the tables should go, which table cloths they get, demonstrate the centerpiece arrangement, and place candles in all the windows. By the end of the day everything looks magical, the sun glows orange as it begins to set on the horizon while you all put the finishing touches up. The volunteers make their way back to base with Petra and Hange leading them, leaving you and Levi to perfect every last detail, and he was the best person for that job. As you make your way around the hall putting table numbers, place cards, and menus, you hum a little tune of an old song your grandmother used to sing you as a kid. You tend to do it subconsciously when you're focused, but then you hear a whistling of the same tune. Levi has his back turned to you, hanging up garland around the window ledges, with a lovely whistle adding to the melody. You look up to him and stop humming, causing him to turn to you, "Why'd you stop?" he asks plainly.
"Sorry I just didn't realize anyone else knew that song, you sounded lovely." You set down your pile of papers and walk to where he is, helping with the last window. He gazes off, not wanting to make eye contact while talking about his teenage years. "My friend, Isabelle. She would sing it to some of the kids we would help in the underground, when they had no food or parents."
Then you remember, the back story of Levi's first few months in the scouts. He lost the two people he came from the underground with, one of them must have been Isabelle. After a few seconds of silence Levi begins to apologize, "Sorry I didn't mean to make it awkward-" You cut him off by abruptly hugging him from behind, nuzzling your head against his and resting on his shoulder. "It's okay." You whisper so only he could hear, although no one else was there to hear you two. You feel him relax in your arms after a few moments, obvious that he is not big on physical affection and has not been hugged a lot. He wraps his hands over top of yours and lets you hold him for a few minutes, "Thank you, y/n," he whispers.
The intimate moment comes to an end when Levi shifts in your arms, gently placing them back at your sides, leaning in to kiss your forehead. He returns to finishing up the details like nothing happened, and you both finish your tasks, riding back to base for the evening.
As you're in the stalls tying your horses up, Levi breaks the silence, "You make a really good leader you know?" The comment catches you off guard, very rarely does Levi compliment anyone, even with the complex relationship you two have. You smile at him, "thank you, but not as good of a leader as you captain." You finish with a wink and watch as he blushes and turns to head to the sleeping quarters. He walks you to your door in silence, giving you a soft kiss on the lips before turning to walk to his room. "Goodnight, Levi" you softly call after him. "Goodnight L/N" he responds without turning around to look at you. You're not sure why this evening has been so awkward but you hope you find out before the party tomorrow.
The base was buzzing on Friday morning, you heard Erwin gave everyone a half day to prepare for the party this evening so they can look their best, plus with the winter break coming soon everyone couldn't wait to have a good time. You sit at breakfast with squad Levi although he is not there. You answer countless questions about tonight's party and listen to Oluo ramble on about something you couldn't care less about. After finishing your meal you head to talk to Commander Erwin, but stop in your tracks when you hear a conversation from his office with the door open.
"Levi, I don't know what to tell you. Superior's can't be in a relationship with their subordinates in any fashion."
"Erwin, promote her already, she doesn't need to be on my squad, she's more than capable and then we'd be equals." You can almost hear Levi rolling his eyes and sassing his commander.
"Listen, because were friends, I will pretend like this conversation never happened and you two can keep what's going on a secret. Until something else gets figured out. Understood, Captain?"
"Understood, sir."
Signaling the end of their conversation, you rush back down the hallway , trying to pretend you were just going for a stroll when Levi walks out into the hall. You don't turn around but continue walking, thoughts racing, not noticing Commandant Shadis coming out of the dining hall and running right into him. Your eyes grow wide and you spew out apologies of "I'm so sorry sir, I wasn't paying attention, please," As you reach down to help pick up the papers you knocked out of his hand. Shadis was never too happy of a guy but seeing you in borderline hysterics had him feeling a little sympathy. You stand back up to see Captain Levi looking at you with an eyebrow raised, and hear Shadis make a quiet comment to him, "Keep an eye on this one, she's rather clumsy." Your stomach drops even further at his words, not even daring to make eye contact with Levi, and rushing to your room.
The combined events of this morning and being stressed about the party this evening sends you into a panic attack, tears stream down your face as you sit on your bed staring at the dress hanging in your closet. You and Levi hadn't even talked about what you were yet and he was already asking Erwin to take you off his squad? And there is no way you'd get promoted if Commandant Shadis thought you were a clumsy mess. There is a soft knock at your door, but you don't bother to get up to get it. If it's an emergency you'll find out sooner or later. But your door creaks open softly, revealing a worried looking Levi. Seeing your state he rushes over beside you on the bed, sitting himself behind you and wrapping his arms around you. "Shhhh, it's okay, shhh," he gently tries to calm down your shaking body, setting down the glass of water he got you on your night stand. He kisses the back of your head and rubs circles into the soft skin of your biceps to sooth you. "You don't have to tell me anything, I don't need to know what's wrong, I just wanted to help." Your cries begin to die down as you take deep breaths laying your head up against the side of Levi's.
After sitting in silence for a few minutes, he stands up and moves to your window, opening it for you. "The fresh air and the sound of birds may help," he offers sheepishly. You nod, taking a sip of the fresh glass of water from him. Levi returns back beside you, stroking your hair as you wipe the remaining tears and snot from your face with the handkerchief he handed you.
“Isabelle was like my little sister. She used to have panic attacks from the things we saw down there.” He says, catching you off guard. You sniffle and nod your head. “You remind me of her…not in like a sister way but in your courage and kindness.” He smiles with the last part, as you finally bring yourself to make eye contact with him.
“What time do you want to head to the party tonight?” Just like that, the soft Levi is gone and closed off. Your voice cracks, trying your best to keep up with the whiplash of his emotions. “I should probably get there a half hour or so before everyone else.” You say trying your best to sound like an enthusiastic party planner. “I’ll go with you, I’m your date after all.” He smiles down at you before kissing your forehead “I’ll be in my room if you need me.” And just like that Levi is gone before you can understand the feelings between the two of you.
You do your best to remain calm that afternoon, taking a long shower and letting your hair dry in curlers, putting more makeup than you usually wear on. You take special care of the forest green gown you and Petra picked out, which accentuates your small waist and large chest. You put on the finishing touches while Hange and Petra bust in your room to fawn over your beauty. Petra wears a lovely dark purple velvet dress and Hange a suit that suits them very well. You give them both a kiss on the cheek before rushing to Captain Levi’s room to let him know you’re ready.
He meets you at the door and ushers you out to your private carriage that he arranged since you two were leaving earlier than the others. The last light of day is creeping through and you see his cheeks flushed a shade of pink.
“You look incredibly amazing. I’m sorry but I’m kind of speechless.”
“You look pretty handsome yourself,” you say bashfully, trying not to bite your lip so you don’t mess up your lipstick. After a few minutes, you speak up again.
“Levi, I want to know more about you.”
“I- what?”
“I just get these glimpses like you randomly bringing up Isabelle and I do care, I really do, but I want to be able to put your puzzle pieces together,” you sigh, “you can be such an enigma.” You finish with a sarcastic eye roll and a small smile.
“No- nobody’s asked me that since Erwin took me from the underground.” His tone sounds sincere but almost sad.
“You don’t have to talk about anything you don’t want to. I just want to get to know you more.” You hold his hand and lean your head onto his shoulder, being careful to not mess up your hair.
“Well- short story I guess. My mother was amazing but got handed a shitty deal in life. She worked in a brothel in the underground and died from disease when I was 8… I never knew my dad… this guy named Kenny who I hardly knew took me in and trained me to be a killer. I stole from the rich and took for the poor. I had two best friends Farlan and Isabelle. They died on our first scouting mission when we made it above ground.”
You lift your head from his shoulder and stare him in the eyes, “I’m so sorry.” He looks away, and doesn’t respond for a little. “Don’t pity me or anything now. I don’t tell anyone that shit for a reason.” You can’t tell if he’s joking or not and just smile and squeeze his hand.
As you arrive the castle glows from the candles and lights luminating it against the newly settled in dusk. You gasp, “oh my god it looks even better than I imagined!” With that Levi helps down from the carriage, and holds your arm properly as he walks you inside like a gentleman. You instantly go to work, talking with the musicians and caterer and bartenders. Levi sets out the name cards at the table that you finalized who was sitting at what tables yesterday. The first carriage arrives in no time, with all the leadership and higher ups. Erwin, Shadis, Pixis, Zachary, and a few of the higher ranking captains with other squads in the scouts make their entrance. They take their turns greeting you, bowing as you curtsy and giving your hand a gentle kiss, and they shake Levi’s hand. To most, it would seem that it was just a supporting captain helping his team member, but Erwin winks at Levi and whispers something in his ear, to which he blushes and adjusts his tie.
You make your way over to the bar, helping yourself to a glass of wine to release some nerves now that the party is in progress. Carriage after carriage arrive of the scouts and their dates, most of them enter the castle with mouths agape, flabbergasted by the beautiful decor you worked so hard on. You don’t greet everyone at the door but make your way to your table at the very front. Levi sits talking to Miche as you set your wine glass down and attempt to join the conversation. Levi subconsciously wraps an arm around your waist before you clear your throat. Miche raises an eyebrow between the two of you and you decide it may be best if you’re not in this conversation. Walking back towards the main entrance you wait for Petra and Hange, you got them at a table as close to you as you could but since they are technically without rank they were with most of the general population.
Soon enough all the guests have arrived and Erwin makes a brief toast to the courageous scouts and all those that could not make it home for the holidays this year as they made the ultimate sacrifice. You always tend to tear up around the topics, having watched someone your fellow cadets lose their lives on the battlefield. After the sad part of the speech, Erwin turns his attention to you, making you stand up and thanking you for planning the party. As the toast ends you cheers your white wine glass against Levi’s red wine glass. You are reminded of the first time you were intimate and the wine you shared. As if he read your mind, Levi takes a swig and winks at you. You feel heat in your core and know that you need to suppress it for the evening.
After dinner, drinks are flowing and the music is lively. Most of the men no longer wearing their suit jackets. Levi has his sleeves rolled up just to see some of his forearm and he loosened his tie a bit from his neck. Not that he dances, he just had enough drinks that his body was warmed up. You have about 3 glasses of wine in and are making eyes at him from your spot on the dancefloor.
He mouths to you “meet me upstairs,” before he gets up and heads to the main staircase just out of the great hall doorway. You wait just enough time so it isn’t suspicious before following his steps.
When you make it to the top of the stairs you feel Levi before you see or hear him. He pulls you into a random room which looked to be an old office or study, pressing himself up against your backside, caressing your face from your cheek the whole way down your neck and arm, sending shivers down your spine. “Sweetheart, have you been trying to tease me tonight?” Levi has the slight smell of alcohol on his breath, enough to be tipsy but not to raise concern.
He takes a hold of your jaw, turning your face to kiss him. His lips are addicting, you’re unable to stop once his tongue enters your mouth and a flame inside you has been ignited. You pull slightly on his tie as he pushes you up against an old wooden desk that looks not too study. He nudges your legs for you to sit on the desk while his lips find your ear lobe, neck, collar bone, and down to your beautiful cleavage, leaving kisses all over the exposed part of your chest. He doesn’t dare leave any hickies because after all he doesn’t want to give you a bad look with the higher ups if he wants you promoted! You reach down to hike up your long gown, allowing Levi access to between your legs. He takes this opportunity to kneel down, face close to your wetness, to ask “Do you want this hun?” To which all you can do is whimper before he moves your panties to the side to find your glistening cunt. He doesn’t waste any time, knowing people will wonder where you and he are soon. He dives into your pussy tongue first like a starved man, licking a strip from your hole up to your clit and circling it. His tongue is magical, making you whimper and moan like a mess just for him. When he feels you’re sufficiently prepped, he stands back up, allowing you to unbutton his pants and free his hard cock from its confines. You spit on your hand to rub his tip, getting him warmed up.
“Such a naughty girl,” he groans, taking in the sight of you with your pussy out stroking his cock in your formal wear. With that you’re begging him to put it in, and he adjusts you on the desk so he can angle into you perfectly.
He lines himself up looking you in the eyes, pupils blown out with lust and hairy disheveled from you running your hands through it. “Please,” you whimper and with that he pushes into your tight folds. He wastes no time picking up speed, but being careful not to be too mean to you so your hair and makeup don’t get messed up. You can’t help but moan each time his cock perfectly angles to fill you the whole way up and he is not much better, groaning and muttering filthy, sensual, words to you. The sounds of skin slapping and moans could sure be heard in the hallway outside the room, you just hoped nobody would be upstairs with you.
“You’re thinking about getting caught aren’t you baby?” He looks at the door and back into your eyes, his pace unrelenting. “You want someone to walk into you getting your shit rocked by your captain? See how good you are at pleasing me and the way you submit to me?”
Your body answers for you, clenching around his length and rolling your eyes back. “Yes, please,” you moan out, knowing he expects an answer from you.
“Mmhmm, good girl. Such a perfect girl for me. Have to make sure nobody else gets you.”
This is the first time you’ve heard some jealousy from Levi, but your brain does not have the capacity to think about it. His low sultry voice is enough to get you close to the edge. Just when you thought it couldn’t get any better, Levi pops one of your titties free from your dress and sucks on your nipple as he thrusts harshly into you. Your moans are enough to get him close, “baby where do you want it?” He asks, and in your cock drunk state all you can answer is “inside, insideeee, insidee,” through breathless moans. Watching Levi about to come undone sends your orgasm shock waving through you, whorish high pitched noises escaping as your nails dig into his exposed forearms. He follows shortly after feeling your pussy beg for his seed, irregular shallow thrusts as his rests his forehead against yours, hips stuttering. You both remain still for a few seconds, allowing each other to come down from your highs. Levi pulls your panties back over your cum filled puffy cunt. “It better still be in there when we get back tonight.” He whispers in your ear, helping you off the desk and adjusting your dress before he tucks his now soft penis back into his pants. You both fix each other to make it seem like you didn’t just fuck at a work function.
Too caught up in post orgasm infatuation with each other, you forget to walk down the stairs separately, and are met at the bottom with a conversation between Erwin, Petra, and Hange.
They all grow quiet as you approach, you figure they must be talking about the two of you as you head back into the main hall to finish off the night. A few more glasses of wine later, you are on the last carriage back with a bunch of other drunk scouts. Levi stopped drinking a while ago, helping you up and sitting you on his lap to make room for all the people cramming in. You doze off on the ride back as he plays with your hair and comforts you, it’s not like anyone can see him touching you in the dark anyways!!
When you get back to base he carries your drunk ass bridal style to his bedroom, washes your face and dresses you in some spare clothes of his. You blabber on about how handsome and sweet and caring your boyfriend is. All Levi can do is smirk and wait to talk to you about this in the morning. You make it so hard for him to keep you a secret.
another authors note: sorry guys but I'm sooo over this story now that its not the holidays so this will the the last part but definitely will be writing more Levi stuff in the future!
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ctitan98official · 4 months
Graduate student Donna Beneviento x professor Y/N part 2
Love this AU! Read the first part here!
It had been a few weeks since Donna started working on your research team. She was brilliant. She had already come up with important conclusive findings and you had come to rely on her.
One day, you walk down the hallway, whistling happily as you make your way to your classroom.
You open the door and see Donna already sitting there. She’s always so punctual. It’s really sweet how focused and prepared she is.
“Good morning!” You say with a grin.
Donna turns and smiles sheepishly at you before you see a little face poke up and look at you from behind her.
“Hi!” A cute little girl greets you excitedly.
Your grin gets wider. “Well, hi there, little bit! I’m Y/N. What’s your name?” You ask as you make your way over to hold out your hand to her.
“I’m Angie!” She says proudly and shakes your hand.
You chuckle at how adorable she is. “The pleasure is all mine.” You say good-naturedly.
You look over to Donna who is blushing like mad. “Old undergrad roommate?” You joke and point your thumb at Angie, who giggles wildly.
“I’m so s-sorry, Y/N.” Donna apologizes. “This is my daughter, Angie. Her school lost power for the day and I couldn’t find a babysitter.” She says, holding her head in shame.
“Hey, no problem here. This is a 9 AM class, it’s nice to see someone so bright-eyed and bushy-tailed.” You laugh. “I’m very happy to meet you, squirt.” You say to Angie, making her squeal joyfully. “In fact, would you like to be my very special helper today, Angie?” You ask her.
Angie’s eyes light up. “Yeah!” She says.
“Great! Could you make sure each desk has one of these sheets of paper on it?” You ask and reach into your bag to hand her a small stack of assignments.
Angie is honored and immediately grabs them before setting about her task.
You turn and look at the lovely dark-haired woman. “She’s beautiful, Donna.” You say with a warm smile.
Donna feels like her heart just melted at how sweet you were with her daughter. Unfortunately, this does nothing to quell the large crush she has on you. “Thank you for being so understanding.” She says nervously.
You grin at her. You could look at Donna’s cute, flushed face all day and never get tired of it.
“Like this, Y/N?” Angie calls and gestures to what she’s done already.
“That’s perfect, thanks!” You say with a thumbs up. “She’s a natural.” You say, pointing at Angie.
Donna can’t help but giggle at your playfulness.
You laugh before going to set up your presentation.
Class goes fairly well. Donna is able to keep Angie entertained by letting her play on her phone.
You, on the other hand, are having a difficult time focusing. Donna is such a good mom. You see the way she gently rubs Angie’s back or brushes hair out of her face as she takes notes. It endears her even more to you. You’d be lying if you said you didn’t have a crush on her, but that was just all kinds of inappropriate. You feel guilty even thinking about it. You’re not only her professor, but her project lead.
Eventually, as the hour ends, students begin to rush out to get to their next class.
You know Donna has a few hours in her schedule before she needs to attend another lecture, and you really just want to spend more time with her… So, you do something that you’ll probably regret. “My dynamic duo.” You say, smiling at Donna and Angie. “Are either of you hungry? I skipped breakfast so I am. There’s an awesome sandwich place close to campus. My treat.” You offer.
Donna stammers for a second before Angie begins asking the real questions. “Do they have grilled cheese?!” She asks with a hopeful look in her eyes.
You laugh. “As a matter of fact they do! Grilled cheese is my favorite.” You tell her.
“Mama! Y/N and I have the same favorite food! Can we go, Mama?” She begs, bouncing in her seat.
“Yeah, can we go, Mama?” You plead with big eyes.
Donna’s entire face goes red after hearing you call her that. You’re cheeky. “U-um… Well, if Y/N has time.” She says, looking at you.
You grin. “Absolutely! Let’s roll, gang.” You say, motioning for them to follow you.
It’s a beautiful day, so you three decide to walk the block or so to the little restaurant.
You and Angie are animatedly discussing video games. It’s nice to have someone to talk with who enjoys the same things you do.
Donna has no idea what you two are discussing, but it makes her so ecstatic that you like Angie.
Everything goes fine until some guy runs up and tries to yank Donna’s purse out of her hands.
“Gimme your bag!” He yells and starts wrestling the purse away from her.
The violent assailant makes Angie cower in fear and tears roll down her cheeks.
Something primal awakens in you as you see the panic in Donna and Angie’s eyes. The complete need to protect them spurs you to act. You immediately grab this fucker and throw him to the ground harshly.
He somehow manages to get the purse before he tries to make a break for it.
You run after him and tackle him to the ground.
The punk howls in pain. “You broke my fuckin’ arm!” He shrieks.
“Good! Maybe you’ll learn something from this, ass!” You say.
He manages to hit you a few times before you effectively end the fight.
You punch him right in the face to get him to stop struggling.
A crowd of people begins to form and you yell out for someone to call 911.
The guy is out cold. You must have really hurt him badly.
Some people from the crowd restrain him until the cops can arrive.
You thank them before walking back over to Donna and Angie. “Are you two okay?” You ask, breathing heavily before handing Donna her purse.
Poor Angie is shaken up. She’s bawling as Donna hugs and consoles her.
“Yes, Y/N. Just reeling a bit.” She tells you. “I… Thank you for saving us. That was incredible.” She says, standing up while Angie clings to her leg.
Donna is still in shock from how easily you took the guy down, but she notices a few nasty gashes on your face. “Y/N, you’re hurt.” She says and reaches out to cup your jaw.
The warmth from Donna’s hand is amazing. You fight the urge to let your eyes roll back in pleasure. “I’ve been through worse.” You smile tiredly and give her a wink. You look at Angie and crouch down to her level. “What about you, little bit? Everything okay?” You ask gently.
Seeing how you were able to protect her and her mom makes Angie feel completely safe with you. She bursts into relieved tears as she runs into your arms.
You’re surprised but immediately hug her back.
Angie feels secure in your embrace.
You stand up, still holding Angie, and look to Donna. “They’re probably gonna want to get statements from us about what happened.” You tell her. “I’m going to drive you both home after we finish up. I’ll send your professor an email to excuse you from your other lecture.” You say.
Donna can’t begin to even process how thankful she is for you. It’s rough being a single mom, but ever since you came into her life, you’ve made her feel like she is being taken care of. As much as she had a crush on you before, you just became her savior. You neutralized a potential threat to her beloved daughter. That basically makes you a saint in her book.
She timidly walks closer and places a soft kiss on your cheek. “Thank you, Y/N.” She whispers and puts her arms around you and Angie.
Note: Plot twist at the end there. Let me know what you thought and if you want another part!
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