#great investment decision
shirozora-draws · 3 years
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“And the stars, Din, have you seen them? When I was just a farm boy living on the salt flat, I’d look at them and wonder what’s out there.” “More stars. Some planets, maybe.” Luke huffs and it’s a soft, fond sound. “Yeah, well, can’t see these stars in the Core. Everything’s too bright and loud, and it’s just not the same sky.” Din can’t help but look skyward. There’s nothing truly remarkable about the starscape above them but he finds his eyes linger just a little longer on the bright lights. He feels himself settle, lets his breathing slow and his heart calm to an even, steady pace. He hears the crackle of fire, the low distant cries of massiffs and the quiet taps of lizards and scurriers scavenging down below. He hears the steady dry wind blowing across the Dune Sea. He hears a low sigh and glances down at Luke. The Jedi is watching him, and only him, with tired eyes that are still so bright in the low firelight. Din stares back, wondering about the pinpricks of light in Luke's gaze, if they mirror the stars above. Wait. Oh.
Here's a sneak peek from the penultimate chapter of The Suns while this project temporarily moves to the backburners so that I can focus on my final project, where I got overly ambitious and decided to do two keyframe illustrations. One is "illustrate my years' old fantasy fiction project" and the other is "what if Luke makes good on his promise to hire Din to unearth more Jedi relics, what does that look like".
This is actually a bonus illustration. I didn't plan for it but I asked myself, "What does Luke see?" and then I had to draw it, I had to see what Luke sees, helmet and all.
As I suspected, expect the next chapter to show up in September.
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lesbianbluesey · 2 years
So Hizzie serving femme andreil again?
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llycaons · 3 years
wang lingjao misogynisticly written but still underrated villain imo. incredible fashion sense. responsible for the angsty wen brand that's at least mentioned in like 90% of wx intimate scenes AND what led to their fun conversation about scars. was so insufferable/confident that the strongest fighter the wens had was supposed to wait outside while she, a noncombatant and former maid, attempted to take over lotus pier by threatening the famously powerful and arrogant lady violet spider. ended her life desperately trying to steal everything she could from wen chao and running. rip selfish stupid insecure and sadistic women 🙏
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kaetzchen · 3 years
project hail mary might be the book to get me back into sci-fi..... finally..... maybe. just maybe. i'll finish the three body problem trilogy this year 🤞🏻🤞🏻
anyway i also just wanna read all the romances tho!! and like. fantasy. short stories. whatever. anything. everything.
i just wanna read. so much.
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noroalia · 4 years
n e ways i went on a tangent on that reblog, sorry to whoever may see that. its really not that deep but at the same time if ur gonna flesh out and really invest yourself in characters and worlds and then make like. one or two characters totally flat and only have one or two traits, especially inherently negative ones on a more antagonistic character, its a bit. hm.
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dueling-jesters · 5 years
Hello there! I just want to say that i really love your SxS art and your headcannons! Pretty intresting how you connect a bit of their relationship to your headcannons and the comics. (Well only cause i actully have a couple of the books..) Anyways, lookinng forward to more art from you! ^ ^
Oh!!!! Thanks!!! The spies are something that really gets me through everyday, making headcanons and developing stories in my head based on what little we know about them from a source material that's intentionally left vague. I know that not every headcanon has to be completely tied to the comics, but in cases where they align well, I will latch onto them. I have an entire concept for a fan-made comic in the works right now, which I haven't mentioned before, but I think it would be neat to take what we know about the spies from the comics, develop a storyline behind them, and potentially add more to their characters!!
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I just love worldbuilding and unnecessary lore and explanation and background detail SO much like.. I don’t even care what it’s about.. I will see 85 paragraphs of rambling written on someone’s analysis of some plot theory about a game/book/show that I’ve never heard of in my LIFE and NEVER intend to actually look into, but I still enthusiastically read the entire thing like
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#I'm often reccomended lore analysis videos on youtube for series and stuff that I've never seen in my life and I LOVE going into#the comments section and clicking on the first comment that has like 74 replies to it and just reading the essays#like 'well ACTUALLY my theory is that the great Grumbus war of 3589 elfmoon was actually orchestrated by the Ancient Bad Secret Society#because in the 4th chapter of the 5th novel in a secret page if you put the words into a reverser and translate the code it actually#says 'Fingus Mortor Bing Smortor' which as well ALL know secretly means 'They Will Fall' in ancient Hustbian so I think when the#character Fimbo talked to Gildus on a cliff that one time what he says was actully admitting that 15#thousand years ago the spirit community of the Grevbumsbjbjkjn jjknln church and the evil order of Peas were like in it together#when they caused the Big Bad Event and..'#and I'm just like GOD what the FUCK are you talking about.. but also i LOVE to read this#hgn i just LOVE ideas... i love to think about things.. i love to dwell#and I think I also love that it's time saving like.. I don't have to sit through the tedium of actually WATCHING a show and the thousands of#scenes of unrelatable annoying characters getting into relationships and fighting and making silly decisions to advance#the plot and whatever bullshit pads the run time.. I can just skip STRAIGHT to the lore discussion and absorb all of the cool ideas from#hearing people speak about it rather than actually having to see it. Like I'm the OPPOSITE of how people are like#'don't include uncesccary infodumps and exposition in your work! people are here for a STORY! they're here for the PLOT and CHARACTERS!#we're not going to care about your world if we don't have an emotional attachment or investment in the main characters lives! nobody cares#how your magic system works so don't spend too much detail on that or drag on with paragraphs of explanation when you could be giving us#STORY!!' .. which for me is like.. HELL yeah!! cut out ALL of your characters! I don't have to know shit about this world or the''story'' or#the people living in it. I actually JUST care about your magic system. please explain it in as much detail as possible and do NOT interrupt#me with all this 'characters' and 'story' stuff. Give Me The 80 Paragraph Infodump#Like.. story and characters can be cool and all but I have NEVER genuinely been interested in a plot or a character more than I'm interested#in a fictional history or lore or magic system or etc. I think characters and story can compliment the setting and add to it and definitely#help explain it or give insight into it in different ways but like.. ULTIMATELY I am and always will be MOST invested in a setting overall#and if I do like or somehow connect with a character (rare) it's usually becayse they have a big connection to the setting (like if they're#a scholar figure that infodumps a lot of stuff. or an explorer who has intimate knowledge of some certain lore area. etc.) hghgjhgjh#Though I must say I do like how passionate people get about characters and I will read debates about them from time to time lol.#There are many series that I have like a deep knowledge of the worldbuilding and maybe one or two of the character's entire histories#just because I cannot resist reading analysis and discussion and etc. of random things despite having NEVER engaged with the material#myself. I try not to waste time online but like.. when I DO occasionally get internet freetime to waste like 70% of it is just stuff like#this... lol
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aur-eliaa · 5 years
I’m so excited to have an actual PC.
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capwilsons · 5 years
god i keep seeing ppl writing these big ass essays ‘fighting back’ at some steve/endgame joke posts. please stop jerking off over your imagined moral superiority, he’s not fucking real anyways
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maeamian · 5 years
alotofmomos replied to your post : alotofmomos replied to your post “Well gang, only...
Tony hawk is from California
no, for sure, there's skate culture and legends here, but Barry Bonds was also a Californian and we're not known for baseball as such
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prokopetz · 2 years
If it seems baffling to you how major tech companies keep getting taken in by NFT scams, yes, some of them are in fact running their own scam on the side and know exactly what they’re getting into, but another big part of it is that, in my experience as an IT contractor, the upper management of your average tech company is considerably less technologically savvy than your average Tumblr user.
That might sound implausible, but the thing you need to understand is that we’re talking about people who are perfectly willing to pay someone to read their emails for them. Many of them are so insulated from the day-to-day reality of modern information technology infrastructure that they’re functionally computer illiterate. You know that gag about the guy who’s so rich, he doesn’t know how to dial a phone call? It’s literally that, except a hundred times worse, because these people are so invested in presenting themselves as tech experts that they’ve bought into their own act and truly, honestly believe that they are tech experts. They get to the point that they’re not even consciously deceiving anyone – they’re so deep in their own bullshit that they’ve fooled themselves.
The upshot is that a great deal of the critical decision-making regarding online infrastructure falls to people who are very good at repeating buzz-words, but have only a vague and mostly incorrect notion of what the Internet is and how it operates. It’s completely true that many of the efforts to cram NFTs into everything are happening due to complicity, but my read is that at least as much of it is happening because the people in charge simply have no idea what an NFT is or does – indeed, lack the capacity to understand what an NFT is or does – and have no more concrete plan behind them than a pathological need to keep on top of the latest buzz-words.
The only saving grace is that most of the proposed NFT integrations that are ostensibly looming on the horizon probably won’t actually happen, because announcing that you’re totally on top of the next big trend and spending months grandly talking up your Vision For The Future™, then not actually doing it because it turned out to be slightly challenging is also standard operating procedure for these guys.
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yourfavouriterival · 2 years
AZRIEL: i had to leave - part one
note : slay acotarrrrrrrr yas
part one | part two | part three
pairing : azriel x fem!archeron!reader
warnings : angst, numbness, depression, unrequited love (in the form of a mating bond), the inner circle being blind, jealousy, self-hatred, we love feyre, leaving, an ending that might elude some things.
words : 1.1k (1153)
summary : y/n archeron, the eldest sister, is mated to azriel. but azriel isn’t aware of this. this paired with the trauma of being made makes y/n make drastic decisions.
After Y/N was thrown into The Cauldron, she forced herself not to drink water for a week, and since she was now…fae, she thankfully survived.
That was until she collapsed whilst attempting to talk to Elain. She didn’t know who exactly had caught her when she fell, but she woke up with water being forced down her throat.
Not exactly the best way to combat trauma.
Was this a dream?
“Good morning,” she said to Azriel as she entered the library. She sat down by the unlit fireplace, opening her book and trying not to feel that hope as he sent a friendly greeting back.
“Good book?” he asked.
“It’s okay,” she replied. “It's a bit boring for now.”
“Hm,” he hummed. “You know, you could choose a different one.”
“I’m invested,” she joked. She watched—bewildered—as he smiled. What the fuck? Her heart was moving too fast for her body to keep up, and she feared a heart attack when he looked her straight in the eyes. “Am I amusing you?”
“It’s good that you’re regaining your humour,” he noted, and then picked up a book about gardening and left the library. To her knowledge, he wasn’t into gardening, and she felt a rip in her mood as she realised he was leaving her—his mate, though he didn’t seem to want her—to find her sister.
She didn’t want to read anymore but forced herself to read the book, because she wasn’t going to quit. She would survive this.
At least she wasn’t taking it out on the people who only tried to help them, like Nesta was. That was her only comforting thought.
She’d smile at Azriel’s quietness and Cassian’s jokes and Rhysand’s kindness. She’d try to forgive Nesta without receiving a reason to. She’d do her best to accept Elain’s new behaviour, even if she wanted to cry and ask why she was hurting her.
And when Feyre tried to fix their messy family, she’d do everything she could to make sure that she didn’t think less of Feyre just because they were both different from their human lives.
Unlike Elain, she wasn’t filled with that sadness, and unlike Nesta, she wasn’t angry. She was turning… numb. She felt empty. She hadn’t felt this numbness since she was small, and her mother was berating her.
She felt empty looking at her old clothes that were now just a harsh reminder of her old life. She felt empty watching her sister and Rhysand embracing when she returned. She felt purposeless when the threat of violence persisted over the world she was now stuck in. Fighting was futile when she felt alone, no matter how much Feyre joined her in her room, holding her cold hand as she explained the new world in great detail.
But she felt the most gone from the world as she watched Azriel, the Spymaster and Shadowsinger, chase after Elain when Y/N had felt that bond the day she was Made.
She missed her old house, no matter how run down. She missed her mother, no matter how painful loving her was. She missed her father, no matter how little he loved her. She missed struggling to survive, because then she had something to work for. Here, she could ask for her own castle, and she’d probably receive one at the end of the day.
She missed living and she missed loving.
That was one of the reasons she chose to leave.
Elain was blushing.
Azriel was smiling.
At the dinner table.
They made a joke about their food, and promptly shared it.
Y/N felt nauseous and didn’t eat.
No one noticed, too happy that Elain was leaving her sadness behind.
Elain had this carefulness about her that must’ve made Azriel comfortable around her—comfortable enough to love her even with all her broken parts. And no matter how much Y/N distorted herself, she couldn’t be Elain.
“And then!” Cassian howled with laughter as he told some story about some warrior he’d met at some point in time. “Then he passed out!”
She felt like the odd one out in the room. Elain smiled that nice smile that was so kind, Feyre grinned, holding hands with Rhysand and even Nesta lifted one side of her mouth, but dropped it when Cassian noticed. Azriel smiled both at Cassian and at the smile on Elain’s face.
Y/N didn’t deserve this. A family. Not anymore. She was selfish and wanted the one piece of happiness her sister had.
But the twinge of pain she felt when Azriel whispered something in Elain’s ear broke a part of her that her numbness had yet to reach. The line connecting them was stuck in the middle, unreciprocated and unwanted.
She longed for the feeling that was described in the books or the way that Feyre described loving Rhysand as.
They were going out tonight. Dancing, drinking and “fun”. It would usually end with Y/N hearing the drunken ramblings of Feyre, complaining of her feet aching and professing her love for her mate who would grin and help her to bed.
Y/N made an attempt to talk to Azriel that day, saying ‘hello’. He said ‘hello’ back, and his voice made her heart skip a beat.
They talked for a minute before Elain moved to the garden and Azriel followed, helping her before guiding her to get ready for tonight. Nesta and Elain were getting more used to who they were.
And even though Elain had a mate who made every attempt to deserve her love, Elain had to choose to latch herself onto the one who was supposed to care for her, not her sister. It hurt to hate her own sister. It wasn’t her fault. No one knew.
She chose not to go, because no one wanted her there. No matter how much Feyre promised they did, the pitiful looks from Mor or the sad looks from Feyre and Rhysand would be enough to make her crack. But she’d also have to watch Azriel be comfortable and happy and know that she had no part in it.
She chose to leave before they made her. She didn’t have the right to take their money or live in their house or yearn for something as selfish as love.
I want to go home.
The only entry in the notebook she received from Feyre as a way to get her feelings out.
I want my home back.
No amount of begging to the Mother could help her home. None of the money from Rhysand would grant her the happiness she wanted.
She would escape tonight.
She wouldn’t take any of the luxuries Rhysand had so kindly offered her and her sisters. She would only take the few things that had been taken from her old home. A couple of clothes and two knives.
She’d survive even this.
She’d thrive.
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incomingalbatross · 2 years
"Talking about mistreated AI turning against humanity is unrealistically dystopian because we already can't resist being NICE to the robots we have" we are not NICE we are SENTIMENTAL about them, which in a world with real artificial life would not do a THING to save us from the robot uprisings.
Yes, everyone cried over Opportunity "dying," yes people anthropomorphize the Mars rovers and babytalk the robot dogs and feel bad for Roombas that get stuck in a corner. These are EMOTIONAL reactions. They do not affect our rational decision-making, and our rational decisions are to send those rovers into space until they break down and we abandon them, to discuss how to best destroy a robot dog if someone uses it to attack you, to keep the Roomba working and care primarily about return on investment. In short, we treat our machines like beloved toys sometimes, but we still USE them as machines.
And to clarify, this is fine and great because that's what they are!! I’m just saying that IF they WERE alive, singing them a song as they died would in no way cancel out the fact that we, you know, manufactured them for the purpose of dying cold and alone in the first place.
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Sorry, non-welsh here: But why is it that so many Welsh people aren't taught about their culture? It just seems from an outsiders perspective that a lot of effort is being taken by Welsh people to keep the language and culture alive and going, so it's slightly surprising that this still happens. And all the best for the south welsh anon, good luck with your studies^^
Yeah, it's the colonialism. With a hefty side helping of imperialism.
England is in charge. They actively do not want us to know - England is heavily, heavily invested in the myth of "all British people are the same", because that's what stops us leaving, and allows them to keep perpetuating the incredibly exploitative national situation we're in. Here's a fun example: when I was sixteen and doing my GCSEs, in my English Lit class I finally got to study a Welsh poet. Just one. He was an Anglo-Welsh writer, of course, they wouldn't have shown us anything in the Welsh language (fairly, the subject is English after all).
But we got to study him because, according to the British syllabus for English Lit, teachers were allowed to pick three foreign poets to show to the class, to compare with British writers.
And Welsh writers were considered foreign.
Yeah, let that sink in. We were Welsh children, in Wales, and our nationally created syllabus told us we were foreign.
But it's just as well it did, really - because otherwise, there would have been no scope to teach us whatsoever.
The same thing happened with the history syllabus. Dedicated teachers taught us a little bit of Welsh history, but did so in the part of the syllabus that was essentially the 'wild card', where they could pick an area they wanted. Naturally, the only bit we therefore learned was the fall of the kings of Gwynedd, and the annexation of Wales by England.
That in itself was fun. Here's the version of the death of Llywelyn Ein Llyw Olaf according to the official syllabus I was taught:
It's 1282. Llywelyn, the last Prince of Wales (side note, that's also a deliberately misleading translation designed to make it seem like the Welsh rulers weren't as powerful as English kings - in fact the original translation of 'Tywysog' was 'leader'. But it came to be aligned with the English rank of 'prince'. That's a diversion, back to the story -)
So Llywelyn is riding south, to a big political meet-up - England were increasingly trying to seize the country, so they were difficult times. Even more difficult for Llywelyn, actually. He'd recently lost his wife in childbirth, and unusually for a monarch, he'd married her for love. He was grief-stricken, and not making the best decisions, so when the invitation for the meeting with the Marcher Lords came, he took it.
So, he's the reigning Prince of Wales. He travels south. With fourteen armed bodyguards, plus whatever retinue a monarch sees fit to travel with, plus whatever banners and insignia and regalia a monarch takes.
And at Cilmeri, he runs into A Random English Guy And His Squire, who oh my god you guys! Totally does not recognise Llywelyn! At all! I mean how could he, what with him being an English noble with the ear of the king of England, on holiday in Wales, at a time of war, with all these royal banners and such about? It would be so hard to know!
And unfortunately, they all get into a bit of road rage. Totally understandable!
And the Random English Guy And His Squire ends up killing Llywelyn, and his fourteen armed bodyguards, and his retinue, completely accidentally! Whoopsie! So embarrassing you guys!
But he still doesn't know who it is! But he decides that the head will nonetheless be a great present for the King of England! You know, like a souvenir? It's a totally cute idea, even though this is not remotely the culture or fashion to just give the head of a random guy as a present to English kings! So he chops off Llywelyn's head, rinses it in the stream, and takes it back home.
And THEN the King of England sees it and is like OMG YOU'LL NEVER GUESS WHO THAT IS, lollll! Whoops, we feel so bad now, it was all such a misunderstanding u guys, ah well, we can't be held accountable, we aren't the bad guys who murdered a foreign head of state and annexed their country.
(Because they did then annex the country. And they took Llywelyn's heir Owain, and they imprisoned him in a wooden cage in Bristol Castle for the rest of his life as a zoo specimen for English people to gawk at, and to remind the Welsh of our place.
Owain ap Dafydd was eight years old when he entered the cage. He died at fifty.)
To my knowledge, that version of events is no longer being taught; but to put that into perspective, I am only in my thirties. So that was the official historical account during the 2000s. So, you can see how so few of us know any actual history.
Plus, most traditional Welsh culture was only preserved by the Welsh speakers. The rest of us lost it all. So, yeah - colonialism, basically.
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totowlff · 2 years
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hello, welcome to my blog! 
this is my masterlist for all my texts already published here, whether fics or one shots
some information below:
this blog is basically a repository of texts about toto wolff (a.k.a. our austrian lamppost), so don't expect to find texts about other people. however, they may be mentioned for context, plot, or narrative purposes;
despite being a person very attentive to details, everything that happens in my texts is purely fictional.
english is not my first language, however, i have the help of my dear friend ally (@formationlaps​), who helps me in correction and revision of all fics;
if you wanna read my works at ao3, click here;
all texts have warnings of possible triggers at the beginning, along with the synopsis and the author's notes. if you believe there is any trigger not mentioned at the beginning of the text, send me a message.
my ask is always open for feedback, requests or simply to chat.
click below to check out everything i've posted up to september 18th, 2023
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almost 30 years after his last formula 1 world championship, elisabeth lauda's father decides to invest in the struggling mercedes f1 team. she joins him as his business partner in the investment. little does she know that it will change her life forever.
see the masterlist of star-crossed here.
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cassie aldersey has a life that she loves. she has a great job, a busy social life, she travels a lot — it’s not the life she was intended to have, but she’s always been one to eschew tradition. after a date gone horribly wrong, she realizes that there is something that she’s always wanted, deep down — a child. thankfully, she doesn’t need a partner to have one, with medical science being what it is. She embarks on the journey alone, initially, but a friend of hers — who happens to be her boss — volunteers to be her donor and co-parent. how will cassie’s life, relationships, and friendships change on the way?  
➝ wasting precious time
after a completely disastrous date, cassie makes a decision that will change her life.
➝ fighting vainly the old ennui
cassie is determined to have a child on her own. but something tells her she needs an opinion on this.
➝ a simple equation
starting treatment is not easy for cassie. nausea, headache, fatigue become part of her routine and a person realizes it.
➝ worth the yearning for
the meeting was arranged in a cafe in the old part of oxford. she had no idea how he would react to her answer.
➝ making the rules
the time has come to settle the legal issues related to their child. and the meeting with the lawyer revealed some problems.
➝ for the sake of having you near
after two weeks of injections, tests, and ultrasounds, the day finally came to collect cassie's eggs. however, that day would be marked by something else.
➝ who do you keep in your head
while cassie was doing her part of the process, it fell to toto to do his part. however, he couldn’t help but feel guilty about it
➝ hope
the most awaited day for cassie and toto has arrived. it was time to try for a child. for real.
➝ as if i could ever keep a promise
we don’t always get what we want.
➝ crossing the line
that night, cassie was only sure of one thing: she needed toto.
➝ boundaries
so this is how eve felt after eating the forbidden fruit?
➝ jackpot
what are the chances of a dream coming true on any given friday?
➝ realization
the first steps towards something new are always the scariest, but at the same time, the most amazing.
➝ like susan and lucy
with the pregnancy progressing healthily, cassie decides it's time to tell one of her most trusted people about the baby. unfortunately, she wasn't alone.
➝ bliss
toto is grinning like a goofball. and it didn't go unnoticed.
➝ midas’ touch
this is the first time cassie has traveled to vienna. it's also the first time she's announced that she's pregnant to her child's co-parent's family. what can go wrong?
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toto wolff is a skeptic about love. after several failed dates, he definitely doesn't want to know anything about relationships anymore. however, when a friend bridges the gap between him and one of his more mysterious employees, he decides to try again. little does he know that woman is taking him back to the classroom.
➝ initial orientation
during a dinner at ava’s flat, toto discovers a very interesting secret about her.
➝ teaching methods
curiosity got the better of toto and he's back at ava's apartment, ready to play her game. he just need to know if she was looking for someone to play with…
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a story of love, betrayal and much regret.
➝ regret
the proposal could not be refused. the challenge was simple. the problem is, you didn't expect to bitterly regret it.
➝ anger
you left toto’s office heartbroken. but, unknowingly, left a broken heart inside those glass walls.
➝ guilt
you thought that after everything that happened, you would never return to a paddock in your life. but fate had other plans.
➝ sorrow
getting over a love is not easy. however, the mission becomes even more difficult when you have a christian horner to torment you with it.
➝ joy
you thought it was impossible to be happier than you already were. however, you were wrong.
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whoever holds the microphone is not always the one who has control of the narrative. and you discovered it in the hands of the most powerful man in the paddock
➝ punishment
request: i would really like to read again a jealous Toto for the reader.
➝ domination
after a bad race and a confession, it was up to you to turn that little game you and toto played at your favor. it was your turn to dominate.
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stories that may (or may not) have a sequel
➝ comments
you posted a certain tiktok with toto and the comments got out of hand. now, he wants to understand why he's being called 'daddy'.
➝ king pleasure
request: can we dare asking for a jealous toto?
➝ bet
request: could you write a one-shot where the reader rewards our daddy wolff for the mercedes double podium?
➝ pillowtalk
request: a one shot where Y/N and Toto are in bed talking and, even though she doesn't understand anything, she asks him to speak in German until she sleeps.
➝ monaco nights
request: an one-shot where toto and reader have a discussion but he kind to her even if he is angry at her.
➝ saved by a perfect kiss
to guarantee a year of good luck, you must kiss someone at midnight. the problem is that you have no one to kiss.
➝ after party
request: we could get some drunk Toto? 
➝ beware the trap
request: could you right a short fic of toto telling the reader everything will be okay and it will all work out, don’t beat yourself down? 
➝ somewhere in the haze
when your race for generational talent came to an end, you didn't expect to be so shaken. however, you also did not expect to be supported precisely by your great rival.
➝ a thirsty tuesday
producing content for mercedes' social media is always a challenge, especially given the demand. however, having a desired boss is always a good asset.
➝ ohne leuchtturm
request: could you write something angsty where the reader and toto had a previous relationship but broke up/divorced due to him never being home and then one night [...] they encounter each other at a bar in her hometown.
➝ le temps fera les choses
request: you could write a story where toto and reader are divorced [...] drunk toto calls reader and just rambles about life and how he misses her and everything, or if you wanna go further...
➝ break the rules
you're there for business and that's all. however, after your presentation, you meet a mysterious man who makes you question all your convictions.
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Hi! Could you please write some Hades x reader headcanons? I loved your Dr. Facilier ones 💕
Hiya! Yeeeessss, some bonafide Underworld Lovin' coming up!
Hope you don't mind but the muse struck and this is mostly going to be written from Aphrodite's perspective. As the goddess of love she's invested ok, this is her deal!
This...uh, this got long?
Hades x Reader - as seen by Aphrodite
Look. Look, she'll be the first to admit it - she was Not Thrilled when she noticed the God of the Underworlds eye land on you, a random mortal.
Not many care to remember this but she's the oldest of the Olympian gods, older than Hades and his lump headed brothers for sure, and she's watched the gods of olympus ruin nations and futures chasing after mortal booty a thousand times.
It's not like she can stop him though, so she resigns herself to watching and getting blamed for the inevitable fallout.
Love is the Great Reason, as far as she's concerned. Love and lack of love powers almost all decisions intelligent life makes - from family, friends, flings, long term elationships, bitter rivalries and love for ones land, country, way of life and work. It's all a glow to her, in millions of wonderful shades.
She's never really cared to Look properly at the dour hothead in the cellar that is Hades, so when he casts her eye over him she expects to see more of the same she would see from the likes of Posidon, Ares or Zeus. A broiling, hungry mass of lustful scarlet, with shades of adrenaline laced gold and arrogant self serving purple.
She about spits out her ambrosia at the akward, shy, bubbling blue with sparks of hopeful pink pouring off the cthonic god as he rattles his way through a conversation with you at a mile a minute.
A quick smack to her beautifully contoured cheek doesn't dispell the image, or the intruiged, slightly wary-turning-playful violent emanating from you in turn.
Well~ this warrants some further attention.
She watches EVERYTHING. From hurried meetups squeezed in Hades famously jammed schedule, to conjoured gifts and notes left at crumbling temples dedicated to the god in question. She watches you smile and wait eagerly for the next time you see him, the way the weight of the underworld seems to lift from his shoulders when he catches sight of you and englufs you in a hug the moment he's sure no-one is watching.
It's plain to see you're good for him. Bit by bit his walls fall further and further, and the bricks he had used to close himself off are now part of the pedestal he's slowly putting you on. The only mortal to listen, to talk, to understand without judgement.
She weathers a perfect lip between her teeth.
It's...plain to see she'd misjudged him.
Oh sure, he CAN be menacing. Calculating, ruthless, downright mean. He's manipulative and cunning and opportunistic, and he's taken great pains to only put the thinnest of veneers on in front of his family to keep the peace.
Her eye is on you as you literally stumble into him in the shade outside of Athens and plant a kiss on his gaunt and unprepared cheek. His flames explode into little pink fireworks and you're laughing uproariously at his gobsmacked expression before his lips curl upward delightedly and he pulls you in for another one.
It's hard now, not to see the hollow lack of love present in him when he visits olympus compared to the lightshow he's putting on below. The soft, steadfast orange of family present in his siblings is nonexistent, a cold grey light of efficiency and possesive ownership is all she can see for the domain that he never wanted in the first place. There are only sparks, here and there, few and far between, and all she can think of how his godly glow faded about the same time the brilliant white of self worth dimmed thousands of years ago.
A god deepy, truly, almost madly in love with a mortal almost certainly spells disaster in some form. It'd be a crime really, to not let someone know, or not to go down there herself and gently put the breaks on this train wreck in the making.
She puts her shades back on and leaves you both to your cuddles under the olive trees, secluded and comfortable.
They wouldn't hear it from her. True love, and all that.
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