#great now im tired rambling
savethepinecones · 3 months
its nearly 4 am and i still cant sleep augh
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kairithemang0 · 2 months
So this post was originally something entirely different for an entirely different fandom but I'm rewriting it now as what I really want to talking about.
It's a fucking. WALTZ.
The Soriku side of the fandom has picked this song to bits, having the game featuring the two main characters who have one of the strongest bonds in the series and having their theme for the game where they're together be a waltz is just a perfect hint towards their possible romantic relationship together.
Frankly, I think that's just beautiful, and if we ever get another kh game where we play both Riku and Sora, I'd love to see the DB call back to this song in some way. I also like how it's most magical, dreamlike. It fits DREAM drop distance.
I dunno, I love this song so much. It's definitely not my favorite Dearly Beloved (save me days/com/mom/kh2 db... save me) but it's up there. Then again ranking the Dearly Beloveds is a task no one should even try to do because they're all just so damn good. Yoko please come back for kh4, DBs aren't the same without you.
For the -1 person curious what the original post was gonna look like, it was gonna be something like "oh yeah these two fictional relationships soirta mirror each other in how they play out, one starting with hatred and the other ending with it" and how this is the db that would be on my playlist for them because I love the idea of the two dancing no idea why but just gahhhh them <3
Now that I think about it, I should rank the DBs, just to see how much I can screw that list up and have it all change in a day max.
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im-smart-i-swear · 9 months
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im sick so i drew my girl nika to cheer myself up,,
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Sorry for not posting much depression is hittin me hard rn
I really wanna make the next part of the comic or some cute doodles or even just answer asks or talk to my moots and reblogg their super cool stuff but everything is so hard for me rn nd i am so very exhausted and thats so frustrating
I wanna have fun with all of you right now but i just cant >:( sanch
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Originally i wasn't gonna post this, n was just gonna keep it to myself but it's insane to me how much fandoms or just people in general cannot seem to fathom anything outside of what they know. They've placed themselves into a box of what they know, what makes them comfortable and what's understandable to them. Anything past that is met with hatred and dislike for xyz. You can't have a morally grey character [ESP FEMALE.] Without accusations of abuse of any of fucking being terrorist [Looks at what people say about Mia Winters.] Fiction is not supposed to always be made for YOU. It's made for anyone, they're not nor SHOULDN'T be limited to yourself. This idea that things cannot be bad or gruesome without backlash destroys so much of what sm media is built on... If a ship between 2 characters can be seen as horrible and disgusting when theres no actual evidence of it being that way yet theres still a push when in all actuality you are allowed to write shitty relationships, its okay to write about the relationships that arent squeaky clean!!!! This idea that if you ship it, it immediately means you support it, has gone so far, when i talk about 4525 [David x Simon] or hell Woods x Hackett. Its not to bring this idea that i want real relationships to fucking be like this, its just an interesting viewing of 2 people trying to make something work. They're fictional characters. They are not real. They're little dolls you play around with, to push n do whatever with. A limit of which is okay and isn't should be there, but we've crossed it so much that, the line isn't even there anymore. Like any difficult subject you handle it with care but it doesn't automatically mean you cant ever talk about it or want to talk about it! Just like how real life is not pure, not all media will be pure and that's FINE. You should talk about villainous characters and their complexity and not be harassed for just liking them. <3333
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arrowpunk · 3 months
Well I got a job
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nat-20s · 7 months
I really lost an entire fucking WEEK to being sick huh like hrrrGGGG i had STUFF to DO. also i felt slightly better today so i tried to like gung ho do stuff and honestly im exhausted from doing like two things :(((( AND i have to be at stupid fucking work at 8 am tomorrow DDDDDD:
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sga-owns-my-soul · 29 days
it 430 am and im sitting on my couch because i locked myself out of my fucking room
no its great im fine im having a GREAT TIME RIGHT NOW
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cuz-reasons · 4 months
Cleaned my whole fuckin room be proud of me
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elisedonut · 11 months
ok so accidental "baby" acquisition
but it's Percy(and like maybe Marcus and Oliver)
ok so like the group is helping to smuggle muggleborns out of the country right? but something goes wrong the group is compromised a few times in a row now so they've been found out but nothings happened to anyone in the group other then when in the act so it's obvious that while the death eaters know SOMEONE is doing it they haven't figured out who.
so one of the members of the little group is hiding out a muggleborn couple with their young daughter before going the last stretch the next day when they're attacked they know the death eaters are there but they haven't made it in the house yet
now all the members of the group have these charms? no like a little thingy I have no idea what to call it but a little thing that makes it where they can escape in the case it goes south sadly they are far too hard to make for everyone to have them not even going into that they don't want the death eaters to get a hold of them because then they could make counter measures but the point is they're only strong enough to take theoretically one person.
point is whenever its an unwinnable situation like the muggleborns have already been killed its meant to be used to escape before the Death eaters get there hands on them
the muggleborns know this because it's explained to them that its a last case scenario and one of or both of the parents beg the person to just use it and go but to try to take their 3 year old with them. the person tries to explain that its never been tested on more then one person before and its not a guaranty that it will keep they're kid safe. to which the parents argue that the kids going to die here for certain that there's too many of them for them to fight off and it would be better to go with the option with a chance of survival.
so in the end the person relents and takes the kid with them
and it either works just find because she was so small
I like the idea of it being Percy just for that initial connection but also feel in my heart he would probably not be involved much in actually going on the trips because he would have to keep up appearances at work so cant just be vanishing like that
really i feel like Oliver would be the most likely to be the one going on the trips since quidditch gets put on hold so it would be easiest for him to slip out and around without people realizing.
Marcus could as well but i imagine him being forced into a ministry job after graduation so while he's not being scrutinized as heavily as Percy he still has to be more careful.
i also think in this world they're all living together somewhere even though i think it happened by accident not an intentional choice
they now have a kid they don't know what to do with because they need to get them out of here but the death eaters at this point have caught the last three muggleborn family's they had tried to save and they still don't know how and they're so tired so they decide to hide them and not even tell the others in the group they have her just in case it is a traitor
and so yeah now they have a kid and get attached really quickly and then after the final battle happens and the war ends they end up just keeping them because they don't have any family left
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randomwords247 · 6 months
Optifine and reddit rant
I love using Optifine. I use it a LOT. And I mean a LOT
But since starting recording and using youtube, I also have a handful of mods I wanna use to make recordings better. Namely replaymod (the big one), boosted brightness (can be handy) and sometimes litematica (building)
1.19.3 I was able to use Optifabric to get Optifine working alongside the few mods I used, and it was great! Love being able to get the best of both worlds!
Come the next optifabric update, optifabric is now incompatible with replaymod. As it wasfor the next update. And 1.20. And 1.20.1. And so on. The mod I use the most is incompatible
So I start scouring the internet. Looking to see if anyone has a solution, has figured out a way to fix the incompatibility
And all I see??? Is reddit threads where people's only response is
"Optifine sucks lol stop using it and use sodium"
No help anywhere. Just the same "optifine is ass" "if you're still using optifine in 2023 you need to get with the times" "just use sodium *link to optifine alternatives*"
Now I have a number of problems with this attitude
The people making these original reddit posts are asking for help with optifine. They wanna use Optifine. They do not want to be told to use A DIFFERENT MOD. If I'm asking how I can get apples, I don't want you telling me to just get oranges, okay????
To get the same functionality that you have in Optifine. YOU HAVE SO INSTALL SO MANY GOSH DARN FREAKING MODS!!! Like seriously at least like 15 to get the same functionality you'd get from installing ONE thing
In the same vein of the mod thing, people's attitudes about it SUCKS because they act like this is an easy solution and "just get alternative mods lol". Hey hey you wanna know something fun? If I want to update Optifine to 1.20.2 from 1.20.1, I have to install one thing. It's great! If I want to update sodium with optifine alternatives? I HAVE TO REINSTALL LIKE 15 DIFFERENT MODS. PER UPDATE.
Now, I know what you're gonna say, "Random it's only once per update its not that much of a hassle" it really is??? Like it's irrtating for one, and for two if I wanna use MULTIPLE instances of minecraft? Oh gosh forbid I wanna do that and I have to juggle 3 sets of the 15 mods around in my mod folder
I literally have like 4 seperate "Unused mods" folders in my unused mod folder, and even with this seperation its STILL really confusing to move mods in and out and is a freaking hassle and a halve
Of course I'd still have to move things out with using optifabric, but I'll take having to move 2 files (Optifine and optifabric) in and out over FIFTEEN
Its literally EVERY comment I see on these threads is "Just don't use optifine lol" like as if its the easy win win solution that is less hassle or some crap. And it isn't!!!
Not to mention, I don't WANT to use sodium! I don't care if its "better", I don't like the interface, I hate having like 15 mods in my mod folder, and I LIKE OPTIFINE. Call me freaking old fashioned if you want I don't care, the freaking attitude of "just dont" is so infuriated when I'm tryna research if ANYONE has a solution
If you see one of those posts and wanna comment "just dont use optifine" seriously do not. It helps nobody. And your alternative frankly sucks butt and is way more inconvinient. If you don't have an actual solution to the problem people are having, DONT COMMENT your "solutions"
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kittykatinabag · 9 months
A short list of the things I desperately miss from the US:
Antiperspirant that actually works as intended
Good Asian food
Good American BBQ
Cheap shipping
The United States Postal Service
Good Mexican food
Good Asian grocery stores
American candy brands
Cheap energy bills
Not immediately being out grouped because I have an American accent
3rd places not reliant on drinking culture
Good breweries and craft beer
Good craft stores
My normal skincare products
Ben and Jerry's pints under $7/pint
My favorite Ben and Jerry's flavor Milk and Cookies
Good takeout places
Smoking being uncommon
Normal sized fridges
Good vegetables
Good fruit
Screens on windows in the summer time to keep the bugs out
Parks/Green spaces that are open 24/7
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Sorry if I ever dont respond to a comment on my fic(s) or other stuff. I'm ngl. I've been having a lot of trouble with inferring tones and such from comments lately, and a lot of anxiety in general, I'd rather just not respond than respond in a way that could be wrong to the first comments initially intended tone.
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0rchidm4ntis · 2 years
i want to skip classes tomorrow bc i need to go get groceries but also i skipped the entirety of last week mhhhh
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kiradotexe · 2 years
i should probably post an update on like. what im doint with my life. since its been a while. the answer is not much other than I finished my student film (two years ago) I realized my body and an art career don't mix and so I pivoted to production management (lol, i'm better at it than i give myself credit for but i still find it funny) and I've been a PA at a cool small studio for a year and working on a project with a bunch of dinosaurs that i cannot wait to be finished both cause it is cool and because it has gone on too long and we just want it wrapped.
ive learned a lot, have a fantastic boss and coworkers, and a supportive boyfriend who helps me believe in myself.
now im just trying to work my disabled body up to handling full-time work and dreading the idea of moving to LA in a year or two.
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caruliaa · 2 years
its like the universe is telling me tht everyone else around who doesnt complelty get along w their parents have these compilcated realtionships w them were they do ultimalty forgive them nd then im j an evill terrible monster bc i cant. idk.
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