#greatest lovestory never told?
hubba1892 · 2 years
Was wäre aus dem Marius da oben ohne den Danté geworden, fragten sich die Eltern: allein in Hannover, niedergedrückt von der sportlichen Aussichtslosigkeit. Danté war nicht nur ein liebe Kerl, sondern auch klug und pfiffig. Er half Marius, den Alltag zu strukturieren. Er stand mit ihm morgens auf. Wenn Marius zum Training fuhr, ging er oft auch trainieren. Er nannte das so. Er ging ins Fitnessstudio.
Seine Handynummer hatte Marius unter "Dante Brudi" abgespeichert. Nachdem Marius mir die Nummer geschickt hatte, brauchte ich ein paar Monate, bis mir aufging, dass Brudi nicht Dantes Nachname war, sondern ein Bruder-Ehrentitel ähnlich wie Vollbruder.
– Ronald Reng, Der große Traum, S. 296f.
(I'm not gen x but this might as well be me; gonna add one more star to the rating for this alone)
me, opening my ask box: Oh no, what have I written in the tags now.
Oh Dante, du (doch nicht so ganz) ehrenhafter Brudi, du tragische Figur, du bist es! Ngl, das Wort Vollbruder war mir vorher auch noch nie untergekommen, aber ein Brudi ist doch viel mehr als das!
Ich warte immer noch auf das Biopic! Und nur damit wir uns da richtig verstehen, die Hauptstoryline ist natürlich diese tragische Lovestory, der Rest ist nur nebensächlich. @Rick: You know you want to!
P.S. I'm this close to changing your name in my phone to Isabel Brudi. 🤝
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chainsawcorazon · 5 months
im gonna schedule a reread of death note probably for next year, but i am once again thinking about how the nexus of everything is ryuk. how even the creators note that without the death note, light would just channel his energy into detective work anyway bc it’s the only stimulating work a genius stuck in the mind-numbing doldrums of suburbia can do without going insane. how ryuk is never positioned as a main character or even a deuteragonist, but is still The Reason For Everything. how ryuk doesn’t choose light but does choose minoru bc light showed him the most fun in his life, and we wants to emulate that fun by using another smart human, but he cant, bc the human experience can’t be copied and light is dead. but the death god persists. what if i told you that death note was a lovestory between a bored god and a narcissistic sociopathic human. what if i told that if the death note had never landed in front of light, light’s greatest obsession would still be the same in every continuity - ryuk.
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enchanted--realm · 3 years
It's only been 1 week
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I hate you.
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When I think about the finale, I thought I was completely pissed because of how you ended Dean Winchester. And that's true. But you know what? There's something else, and it took me weeks to understand... For the first time in my life, I feel hate.
I hate you.
You wrote Dean Winchester clearly visible and deliberately bisexual.
I hate you.
The indications are endless.
I hate you.
You made it the greatest lovestory ever told and I mean that. The scarred, broken, heavily abused, suicidal, righteous man who thought he never deserved anything - and the fallen angel who lived for aeons of years, who rebelled and grew outside of god's control because of falling in love.
I hate you.
You deliberately built it this way.
I hate you.
Castiel was the only real thing in Dean's life. The ONLY. real. thing. in Dean's life! The bond they had... The feelings both felt. Those emotions were the only ones that were real! Do you even understand?! When Castiel died the last time, Dean lost his will to live!
I hate you.
The ONLY thing that EVER grew outside of god's control in millions of years! It couldn't be controlled by the man who built every single universe!
I hate you.
Castiel was fundamental to Dean for finally freeing himself. Castiel made Dean breaking free of the structure that had controlled and corrupted him his entire life! Castiel made Dean breaking free from his abusive, traumatizing cage.
I hate you.
I can't put in words how much I hate you for what you did in this last two episodes.
I hate you.
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ahoycharnas · 8 years
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i never thought that i might actually say this one day, but I LOVE THE FINAL PROBLEM.
(calm down..i’m talking about the acd canon, not the hell that was the bbc sherlock series finale)
if this isn’t one of the most beautiful and purest  love stories ever, i don’t want to hear anything about love ever again.
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dotunsblog · 6 years
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She's incredibly #beautiful but she looks amazing with #ShortHair. He loves her, he simply adores her. But truth be told... he's an idiot! He knows she's #sensitive to him blanking her but what does he do? He goes on blanks her. Whenever he's home, he dreams about & feens for her - But whenever they're in person, he puts up a front & acts all hard... macho. It's pathetic! He's clearly #InLove with her but he treats her like he's a boy. It's like he never really grew up & is emotionally stunted. Yeah, he's been through hell... and has seen the devil in mankind... But after a while... it's over, man! He can't hide behind his past forever. This chick is a #goddess & as amazing as she is, she's not gonna wait forever. No matter how much potential he's got. She deserves better, she deserves a man who will worship her & love her furiously! And stare at her all day & night cuz she's the best thing God ever made... EVER!!! He's hers but he needs to grow up. She's way out of his league but that doesn't mean he shouldn't play. She's magic - And he's about to miss the greatest show of his life! May he get her!! She's worth a thousand tribulations... at least!!! #ILoveYou #ImYours #IBelongToYou #YouOwnMe #YouAreMine #ImNotLettingYouGo #InItToWinIt #AllTheWay #NoRetreatNoSurrender #ForeverAndAlways #Love #LoveStory #LoveBirds #Courting #Couple #Interaction #Interacting #Perception #Perceiving #Together #Togetherness #Unity #Bond #One #Closure #DigitalArt #DigitalPublishing #DigitalArtistry #Drawing #Illustration #Beauty #Reality #RealLove #Inseparable #Monogamy #Committed #TheOne
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justholdinghandsok · 7 years
This morning I woke up with a very bad mood and everything is a pain today. In days like this I used to think 'at least Gillovny is real' and that used to cheer me up a little. But now? Do you REALLY think they just broke up after a few years, both are totally fine, dating other for a few month or years and then will be back together? Actually I'm more with the theory that all was just a PR thing and GA and DD just the great actors as we consider them. After GG last year when we first saw PM...
…you were so devastated, but now you seem to be fine that they are not a couple. I’m still not. I’ve lost an idol and the greatest lovestory of all turned out to be false and just a PR trick! How can I enjoy anything of GADD in the future?! Please tell me sth to cheer me up! Just lie and tell me in the end all will be fine and they will be happy together!
I don’t think things are so simple, and I must admit that I’m quite confused about what could have happened between them. But we will never know and there’s nothing we can do about it but wait. I truly believe they were together for a few years, and that it was serious, and I believe that because I cannot forget what we’ve seen, what I thought was true, the story we all read and the ones I’ve been told. I refuse to believe it was all a lie, and most of all, I do not think for one second it was just PR. Their relationship has never been about PR and will never be. They’ve described it in such genuine and sincere words that they couldn’t have faked them. I was devastated like the rest of the fandom, but yes I’m fine now. We all have different way of coping with that, and I think you’re still grieving, which is okay, but in the end you’ll be fine too. I’m ready to enjoy season 11, enjoy their dynamic no matter the status of their relationship and wait. Because I truly believe they’re each other’s end game. So it may take months, years, I don’t care. I’ll wait, and I’m convinced it’ll happen again and this time, we’ll know for sure.
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hansoeii · 8 years
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the Brain & the Heart
-> the greatest lovestory never told
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junejuly15 · 8 years
Why are people in following you?
Well, it started right after The Final Problem aired and lots of disappointed fans left the fandom and also unfollowed me. I think I lost about 250-300 followers, and people are still unfollowing. Some maybe because I’m not positive enough, some maybe because I’m too negative, some maybe because I still am a Johnlocker, some maybe because I still blog Sherlock? Who knows… 🤔Anyway, I’m still here, ready to celebrate the boys and the greatest lovestory never told - except by us 😉
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kajaono · 8 years
“The greatest lovestory never told”
                                                                                               - bbc Sherlock
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Sorry but I need to continue, my head is exploding.
Do you even understand, how massive Castiels love is? This love is on a level no one could imagine, it's so fucking massive that it can't be put into words. It was the O N L Y thing that couldn't be controlled by god himself, by the being that built EVERYTHING. Chuck built every-fucking-thing, he built millions of parallel universes, heaven, hell, life, death, purgatory, the empty, he created every single being, light, darkness, every single angel, demon, leviathan, monster, animal, plant, sea, blade of grass, every centimeter of mountains, the four seasons, emotions, what the fuck ever. Everything you can ever think of, he made it. And he controlled it. In every single one of his fucking millions of universes.
And Cas' love was the fucking ONLY thing that he couldn't control. This is like a 0,00000000000000000000000000001% chance. Maybe not even that, technically it's impossible, like 0,0% possible to outrun god. And this love belongs to a man who never loved himself!? This love belongs to a man who was abused and broken and suicidal and destructive!? And it frees that man! It makes him breaking free from the abusive and traumatizing structure that has corrupted him his whole life. It completes that man!
This fucking doesn't happen on accident. Don't fucking tell me they built the greatest lovestory ever told on accident. Don't fucking tell me Supernatural isn't about love.
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ahoycharnas · 8 years
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tell me once again that these stories aren’t bursting with innuendo..
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kajaono · 8 years
Me: Johnlock will really really happen. I know that.
*new hints, like “the greatest lovestory never told”*
Me: I know Johnlock will happen, but now i KNOW it will happen!
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