#greek Nicky
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Candid moments between Prince Nicholas of Greece and Denmark aka “Greek Nicky” with his 1st cousin once removed, Princess Elisabeth “Ella” of Hesse, Wolfsgarten, Darmstadt, 1899
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thesirenisles · 5 months
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Mars’ Warriors
𓃭 aries 𓃭
✨💥planet energy, mythology & astrology obsvs✨💥
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Aries Sun, Aries Rising, Venus, Mars
mars dominant, mars in the 1st house
Mars ruled.
Mars- Ascendant aspects, Sun-Mars Aspects
Strong Mars placements, Aries Stellium
✨💥“Her enemies had fallen. Sanguine showers painted the Earth a ghastly ruby hue. Wailing cries of defeat created a victorious symphony of which she savored…. cackling up at the heavens.”𓃭✨💥
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Do not steal any of my original work & writing. Photos are either from Pinterest or collaged by me. All rights reserved. © 2024 The Siren Isles | Leave a tip if you enjoy!
✨Majestic Martian,
Ruled by the blood-red planet of Mars, you blaze a path on this Earth with an unwavering air of confidence.
✨💥Regal is the word that comes to mind.
Never needing reassurance, you literally believe you have already won before ever touching the battlefield.
Mars has blessed you with an innate, instinctual battlelust... an energy that inspires some, frightens others, but entrances ALL.
While everyone else contemplates... you act. You win the battle and even after you've won... you're still not satisfied.
✨💥You crave the next battlefield.. another King to slay.. another display of your hard-earned glory and greatness.
Even though January starts our calendar year, March begets Spring, the season symbolizing the beginning of life. Is it no surprise this month is named after your planetary ruler and the beginning of the zodiac?
Mars the planet is named after the Roman God of war and battlelust (Ares to the Greeks, Sekhmet to Ancient Egyptians) The Greeks deemed him the spirit of battle and child of Zeus and Hera.
With this energy, you have a natural, primal and intrinsic ability to tap into pure... red... RAGE. ✨💥 𓃭
While it sounds a bit frightening, this manifests as an incredibly useful gift in so many avenues of life. A Martian or Aries will always be ambitiously setting goals, achieving them, and writing more before they can catch a breath.
✨💥You have the spirit of a winner. You do not even fathom the thought of failure.
You move through life aware of the power of every single person in your immediate space, ready for someone to challenge the crown that you bled for.
This may be due to having literal experiences being attacked, bullied, and just… bothered. Your energy is akin to Plutonian/Scorpio, whose ancient ruler is Mars.
The element Fire clarifies and you are Cardinal Fire! You're literally blazing the trail. 🔥
A natural debater and concise communicator, you often find yourself defending yourself and others. (Always going to clear the room! Esp. to defend the ones you love. I love this for you all).
You have probably been admonished for your bold nature and aggressive style of communicating by adults, teachers, and maybe even... employers.
✨💥But, you are just being real. Your energy thrives in authenticity.
You hate being given orders and have probably fought hard to get into a career with relative freedom... this could manifest as entrepreneurism or content creating.
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✨💥 She who mauls... 𓃭
The Mythology of Mars
While attempting to gain understanding of the energy of this sign and pIanet, I discovered the very simliar origin story in the Ancient Egyptian, Sekhmet, ("She who is powerful"). The goddess is depicted with the head of a female lion and ruled the desert sun, war, total chaos, and healing. I do want to clarify. This is not a male lion with the extravagant afro (symbol of Leo.)
Sekhmet manifests as a female lion because they are the fierce protector and huntress within the pack or pride, literally embodying primal female rage.
A female lion mauling is much like aftermath of a Martian or Aries temper explosion. It's not always a defensive energy, but a prowling one where the Martian sets its' sights on an easy mark.. or prey.
This could be a person or a task.
Egyptian mythology states she was created from the literal wrath of the sun God, Ra.
✨💥As the story goes:
Disappointed with the ungrateful treachery of men, Ra conspired with Set, God of Chaos to harness and manifest the wrath in which he felt... creating the embodiment of female rage, Sekhmet.
The stunning maiden possessing the spirit of war, is unleashed upon the people of Ancient Egypt, mauling anyone in her path until the waters of the great river ran...red.
Sekhmet was insatiable and her bloodlust lasted days.. She literally maniacally drank and gorged herself on the blood of the people. (Think: Akasha, Queen Mother of Vampires, in "Queen of the Damned")
Ra attempted to stop her, but being a daughter of the Sun... his powers had no effect. This drunken slaughter lasted until Thoth (Mercury to the Romans, Hermes to the Greeks) God of Trickery finally convinced her to drink wine under the guise of blood. The Goddess drank and fell asleep, calming the spirit.
✨💥I believe this is a valuable lesson anyone with dominant Mars energy has already learned quite a few times. You must utilize caution and strategy before rushing in.
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On one hand, this is bad betch, rockstar, DIVA energy that can cosmically entrance the senses.
On the other... it can get a bit delusional…
✨💥 When I think of Aries energy, I think of the Roman Circus... (The Circus Maximus: Chariot Races, Gladiators, Live Animals, and Drunken Splendor.)
The event lured in many..under the guise of a celebration and glory. In reality, it was a grotesque sacrificial blood offering.
✨💥 To win the Roman Circus... was to suffer and harm many others. So, was it really a win at all?
This can be applied to the life struggles for some Martians or Aries who pursue a person or thing that is projecting a false but glorious image with everything they’ve got.
✨💥 I once knew an Aries sun who would always fall into silent competition with others girls because of just ONE Libra male in our social circle.
The Libra was a shameless flirt and seemingly a ladies man. However, he was very nonchalant towards the Aries sun... unresponsive to her direct energy. (Air sign men🙄)
She attempted numerous times, throwing very unsubtle hints sprinkled with arrogance. She knew that she was beautiful and wondered why he did not respect it.
✨💥 As beautiful as she was, she could not take the rejection. Aries HATES to lose. She needed to win.
Unbeknownst to the Aries sun, the guy was actually in the closet! Hiding his sexuality, he would only show his interest to women he knew weren’t interested... It was all a show and he was only projecting for societal benefits!
I share this story because I see this re-enacted amongst Martian and Aries women too often.
✨💥 In the spirit of battle, you set your sights upon who you deem as the most masculine man/woman or the one with the most options... because you want them to choose you above all.
You need to win. He becomes your Roman Circus. 𓃭✨💥
(Think: ariana grande & other people’s man; 1H mars 👀)
This happens to Martian men too… often rushing into a woman’s life before reading the fine print… only to have a cataclysmic collision of short-lived passion. 🫣
While I do applaud healthy competition, the female Martian complex often leads towards the Aries woman being trapped in a mothering role supporting a loser she only got because he used to be “the hottest guy in her area and everyone wanted him". (Giving major: Peaked in highschool mental vibes🤮)
✨💥You have a natural need to asess and rank a room according to power... or perceieved power. Badly aspected or unevolved Mars & even Pluto can make you exert force over those you deem weak.
However, those you perceive as powerful or heavily sought after seem to capture all of your romantic attention.
You want to conquer the most manly man and be the fierce queen at his side.
However, this desire comes from a need to feel glory. So people can become trophies… i.e. trophy wife or trophy husband.
HOWEVER, The problem with a "100% manly man… Toughest Hood Niiga… Greek God" archetype is that most men with these aesthetics did nothing to really gain them because they’re born handsome or are literally aware of the power of their own aesthetic!
Because your assertive energy is so direct and rivals that of a man at times… you can attract those pretty boys who are benefiting from male-pretty privilege & female sexual projection (i.e. the hottest and buffest guys girls assume will be the most sexual etc. NATE JACOBS CORE LOL)
✨💥Always remember… a less capable man is going to overcompensate!
He’ll be a knock-off designer... a fake… a fraud... and I am sorry to say, but I feel the biggest risks are (an unevolved Aries😭, Libra, Sags, GEMINI or Leo men...)
Not all of them, but they do have the tendency to exaggerate or be performative with their manhood. Pisces does this too, but they are not fooling an aries LOL.
✨💥This can become that gross Mommy and Son energy I mentioned. Eventually... if they are lucky.. the Martian can snap out of their bloodlust daze to realize this guy was just acting... Any additional mental manipulations is what can create a toxic bond which is draining over time.
This relationship dynamic will be fun at first but it fizzles out when you realize he has the maturity of a child!
✨💥Run away from the man who puts on the show, ladies! It's what I call.. the Roman Circus.
With this energy, you can definitely be a bit overbearing when you are trying to show that you care. This is never minded too much by those who know your fiercly loving heart.
✨💥 You are a queen! Remember that what’s meant for you does not always have to be won over. It can manifest organically!
You are multi-faceted. Embrace diplomacy and take time to contemplate decisions like your sister sign, Libra.
Your Martian sibling, Scorpio also teaches the lesson of patiently waiting and observing the situation before action.(No one is plotting like a Scorpio Mars 👀)
However, a Martian never stays down for long and always bounces back improved from life’s perils!✨💥
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✨💥 Aries vs. Scorpio
Scorpio is a water sign, balancing out the fiery energy creating warm and inviting waves to lure you in.
Aries is a fire sign finding natural comfort in its sizzling Martian ruler and Solar energies... VA VA VOOM HOT..
✨💥The spirit of war lays waste to the lands and the God of the Underworld waits patiently to collect the souls.💥✨
I believe Aries are our public leaders, change makers, warriors, and fierce inspiration. Their protective maternal energy is inherent and divine.
Sekhmet was equally feared and adored!
The likeness of the goddess can literally be found today in Egyptian art and architecture guarding the Pharoahs.
Much like Sekhmet and Ares, both Martian signs are an unstoppable force once in motion.
✨💥In the 1st house, Mars defines the personality and appearance. A perfect example is the feline-faced Nicki Minaj (Mars in the 1st house) on the left can be seen in what appears to be a Sekhmet inspired headress with lioness ears.
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On the right… her Roman Circus🫣🙊😂(other 1H Mars women are Taylor Swift and Ariana Grande. Both have infamous love history!!)
✨💥I can literally hear Nicki’s iconic maniacal laughter… it legit sounds like what I’d imagine of blood-thirsty, Sekhmet after she’s slayed a Kingdom!
This can get a little egotistical… but she IS a queen. 🤷🏾‍♀️
I love my Martians though. You guys are so inspiring and honestly age like fine wine!! The youthful fire within you never really stops burning.
✨💥Be sure you are a productive force and not destroying all that lays in your path!
Thank you for reading! Wishing you blessings! ✨💥
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@thesirenisles | masterlist | Enjoyed? Support!🧜🏾‍♀️
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godsofhumanity · 10 months
Aphrodite: Personally, bad english is such a turn off for me. Hephaestus: You don't need to put "for me" after saying "personally".......
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nickysfacts · 3 months
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All hail Lady Palutena, goddess of light!
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melanie-14n · 2 months
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mqstermindswift · 8 months
lowk wanna get into Harvard or Cambridge when I'm older
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hi, i'm kevin, i'm nineteen years old, and i come from poland. I'm studying classical philology, and I'm in my first year. I love riding horses, reading books, and listening to music. My interests in particular are Greek mythology and the broadly understood Hellenic faith. I am bisexual and genderfluid, I use all pronouns (currently he/him). My comfort characters are:
andrew minyard
neil josten
aaron minyard
kevin day
nicky hemmick
percy jackson
aaron warner
nikolai lanstov
zoya nazyalensky welcome !! have a nice day (art cr: unholyrodeo, lunapiq )
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My favourite characters are: deanerys and rhaenyra targaryen, aelin ashryver galathynius, rowan whitehorn galathynius, fenrys moonbeam, cardan greenbriar, jude durate, jon snow, sansa stark, aegon III My fav greek gods are: Apollo, Hermes, Aphrodite, Ares, Hades, Hera, Nemesis, Athena, Poseidon, Artemis
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druckkugelschreiber · 2 years
Writing the old guard fanficiton is just constantly googling when a certain historical event happened, where everyone might have been at the time and deciding what language they’d use their petnames in
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sugaroto · 1 year
The aftg characters would be besties with the following greek ones:
Dan and Soula (Women-Born-On-Saturday) 2 strong independent women discussing about their success in life and the difficulties they found in their ways
Kevin and Alexis (In the nick of time) having a panic attack together
Andrew and Soso (Crimes) planning a murder
Matt... and Fotis? (In the nick of time) idk I think they'd get along well
Aaron and Marillena (In the nick of time) enjoying each other's silence cause they both would refuse to speak
Seth... and idk Manthos? (Konstantinou and Eleni's) cause Seth would think he's manly and cool
Allison... and Ntalia? (In the nick of time) "my parents disowned me as their heir" "mine all died and left me everything do you want some of my money?" "Wha-" "here take some purple euros don't want them" "girl how are you still rich? Imma give you advice" "...I'm not actually stupid. I just don't like the money"
Nicky and Jose(Women-Born-On-Saturday) partying and teaching each other pick up lines in foreign languages
Renee and Amalia (in the nick of time) just two angels being best friends, plot twist, one of them is a real angel
Neil and Aggela (In the nick of time) "So... you run away from home too?" "Yeah. My mom was shitty" "for me it was my father"..... "so is your red hair natural?"
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floof-ghostie · 8 months
Nicki going from calling Lil Kim bitter and old back in the day (whilst copying most of Kim's looks), to now, almost 20 years later, throwing tantrums on every single social media platform because she got dissed after starting beef with, bullying, and mocking Megan, a younger, newer (in terms of time spent in the industry) rapper for getting shot (as well as overall starting shit with other up-and-coming female rappers) has been like watching a Greek Tragedy unfold in real time.
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wegottagetouttahere · 2 years
If we don’t get any languages besides Italian in tog2 I will riot
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maple-pies · 7 months
AFTG from a D1 perspective
As a D1 athlete from a sport where men and women practice and compete together (thought we are separate teams) here are my thoughts ;)
Whenever the Foxes travel and stay in hotels they have to share rooms (but if Wymack is going to drop the $$ for shower stalls they def don't have to share beds like my team does) but I wonder if they randomize the rooms?? lots of potential there...
(however, USC?? They're big enough that I can def seeing them have to share beds hahahaha)
training trip? do they go on training trip Nora I need to know! Lacrosse sometimes does, so maybe exy would idk... (they go to Florida or PR, Kevin gets hella burnt and Neil gets freckles end of story)
Lift?? They have to be lifting!! I know Aaron and Andrew are really into it and Nicky and Allison fight over the aux
there are days where everyone gets along (even people who hate each other) and there are days where everyones HATES each other (even the people who are best friends) it just happens
men are always puking during practice. Aaron personally gives me big barf boy energy (Nicky canonically yaks already lol)
periods. Having men and women practice together means the women don't GAF about talking about periods while the men stare at their shoes and pretend not to hear hahahha
Abby definitely gets pissed at Wymack and lift coach (they have to have one okay??) for working the foxes too hard, it's the trainer's job to get pissed at coaches okay
just NCAA violations in general. We have to do quizzes and shit to show we know the rules we can't break/rules the school and coach have to follow. (I could make a whole separate post about all the NCAA violations broken haha)
this is no way saying aftg is inaccurate, it just means they didn't ever get caught which checks out
speaking of which, whenever Aaron get's pissed he definitely is like "And we went over 20 hours last week!! I could just report them!!" to Katelyn and she calms him down
Interactions with other teams/greek life. I know there have to be some mixers/athlete events, if not the Foxes then the Trojans for sure.
complaining about dining hall food, I know Kevin's pissed about seed oils or lack of protein, something stupid like that
hookups within the team. okay the Foxes are small, but that just makes it more messy. the trojans have insane teamcest I just know it. (being coed means even more hookups than normal) . cute relationship sex, hate sex, random sex between people you would not believe (i def don't know this from first hand experience what....)
I'm so excited for TSC because we get so see how a "normal" Exy team behaves (I put normal in quotations bc ppl need to understand that D1 athletes, esp ones on a team as good as USC, are definitely not normal people ahahha)
this is definitely just part 1
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m4ttslvr · 8 months
High By The Beach
sub!chris x fem!reader
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one shot: where you get high by the beach with your bff chris but things get heated when you two are left alone ;)
warnings: smut, riding, fem receiving, drug use obv
Your guys' last day in Hawaii was coming to an end, the sun disappearing behind the slow waves of the clearest ocean you had ever seen. You, Chris, Matt, Nick and Madi had spent the day doing all sorts of fun activities- swimming with dolphins, taking a tour on a helicopter, walking all over the island visiting stores and restaurants. Needless to say, you were all exhausted from the days itinerary.
That's why you were all resting at the beach, sitting in a circle by the fire, recounting the days events while passing a joint around.
"And then Nick slapped the dolphin!" Matt was saying, all of you dying of laughter. Nick who was taking a drag of the joint choked on the smoke, making everyone laugh harder.
"I apologized to Mr. Squeaky!" Nick defended between coughs and laughter, "He sneaked up behind me, I didn't mean to do it!"
Chris, who was laying his head on your lap, took the joint from Nick's hand, "If I was Mr. Squeaky, I would have bit you" he joked, earning a dramatic scoff from Nick.
You giggled, Chris grinning up at you, his eyelids low. You watch him as he wraps his pink lips around the roll of weed, his cheekbones prominent as he inhales the smoke, his hair tickling your thighs, and his jawline sharp as he blows the smoke up at you.
“Hey!” you protest, falling back into the sand. “Stop that you goof!”
His head rolls over onto your exposed tummy and he looks at you with a mischievous smile, discarding the finished joint. He puffs his cheeks and before you realize what he’s going to do, he leans forward and blows a raspberry on your tummy making you laugh uncontrollably.
“Chris! Chris!” you say between gasps for air, he’s now tickling your sides while blowing raspberries. “Stop it” your hands are on his hair but you’re too weak to push him off.
He pulls away laughing with his tongue sticking out “You’re tummy was right there, I had to!” You roll your eyes. You’re about to protest when he stuffs a marshmallow in your mouth. Your protests are muffled by the marshmallow and he breaks into a louder fit of laughter.
You can’t get annoyed at his actions. His laughter is super contagious and with the weed in your system you can’t help but join him.
Your laugh is cut off by Madi yelling “I’m awake!” out of nowhere. You all watch her as she slowly falls onto Matt’s shoulder and she shoots up again “I’m awake I swear!” she mumbles, her eyes closing.
“Alright!” Nick exclaims, “time for bed!”. Matt agrees and carries Madi to the hotel.
“Whaaat?” Chris whines, sitting up. “I was about to light up my other joint!”
“You haven’t had enough?” Nick asks.
“No” Chris deadpans. “Have you y/n? Cmon back me up” he pleads.
“I could have another few more hits” you shrug.
“Alright you stoners,” Nick replies. “Have fun!”
“Niiiight Nicky” you both wave goodbye.
The fire is dying out and the breeze is getting cooler, as Chris searches his shorts pockets for the other joint. “Whoops.”
“What?” you ask.
“I…may have… already smoked the other joint earlier”
“Sorry y/n!” he falls back into the sand next to you, defeated. “I forgot I did that”
You both sigh, looking up at the starry night, the fire died out completely.
You turn to look at him, his side profile stunning. You were always taken aback by your best friend’s beauty, no matter how many years of friendship you had under your belt. His wavy hair fell over his face perfectly, like a prince. His nose sculpted like a greek statue, and his cheekbones like a model’s. His dark blue eyes as blue as the ocean a few feet away from you.
Those eyes were looking back at you now. “Hey” his voice quiet.
“Hey” you smiled.
A silence settled between you. The silence usually comfortable, but right now, for some reason, you were getting nervous with his eyes on you. You felt your cheeks get hot and you couldn’t hold eye contact with him.
“Am I making you blush y/n?”
“What? No!” you quipped. It wasn’t unusual for Chris to jokingly flirt but something about how he looked tonight and the heat of his body…it was making you panic.
“You sure?” he has a smirk on his face, unaware of his effect on you.
“Yeah- yes I’m sure. I’m just getting chilly. The sun set already, the fire is out and the breeze is cool, I’m in this swim suit.” you ramble. “Can we get in the tent or something?”
“Sure” he helps you up and tucks you under the blankets, cuddling up against you.
This was okay. You were cool about this. You and Chris cuddled all the time. Best friends cuddle. Best friends share the same tent and cuddle under the same blankets. Right? Yeah! Of course. This was normal and cool.
His arm brushed your breasts as he lifted it to wrap it behind your neck. Your heart skipped a beat and you felt something flutter down there. Alright, now you were blushing hard. Like this your breasts pressed against his side and you you felt your nipples get hard. You knew he could feel them through the thin fabric of your bikini top.
“You alright?” he asked, his voice huskier than before. God, what was happening to you? Now you were noticing a change in his voice? It must be the weed in your system. Of course! The weed is the one making you think like this.
“Mhm” you hummed, your pitch high. It was obvious you were not alright. He must feel your heart beating out of your chest and your legs rubbing against each other.
“You sure?” he asks again.
“Yes Chris I’m alr-“ you stop mid sentence when your leg slides up his body and it hits something hard, causing a low moan to escape Chris.
You both freeze in place, both of you shocked at what just happened. You had just felt Chris’ erection on your leg and clearly heard him moan.
Chris is the first to move, sitting up and hiding his face in his hands. You sit up next to him, placing a soft hand on his shoulder.
“I’m sorry y/n, I don’t know what happened” his voice muffled against his hands.
“It’s okay Chris, don’t worry about it”
“I don’t want you to be uncomfortable, i’m sorry”
“I’m not uncomfortable Chris” you reassure him. “I’m actually…feeling…the same.”
Your feel him tense under your hand. You can’t believe you just admitted that. You just admitted to your best friend that you’re as turned on by him as he is by you.
He slowly lifts his face from his hands, turning to look at you. You see a hunger in his eyes that you’ve never seen before as he scans your face, his gaze lingering on your bitten lips. “R-really?”
You nod slowly, shuffling closer to him. Your body was acting on its own, as if by a magnetic pull. You wanted nothing more than to be pressed up against him again. You wanted to be the cause of his moans again. Now that you’ve had a taste, you were starving for more.
You leaned forward and kissed your best friends lips. They were softer than you thought and you tasted marshmallow. His lashes tickeled your cheeks as you deepened the kiss, his tongue gliding on your bottom lip. You pulled him closer, your fingers in his hair. You parted your lips, letting him explore your mouth with his tongue. He hear him moan for the second time tonight and the sound goes directly to your pussy, making it throb with yearning.
You guided his body down to lay on his back, his eyes locked on yours. You could both see in each other’s eyes that you both thought this was crazy, you had been best friends for years now, nothing more. But you could also see the fiery desire in your expressions and that overpowered any other reasoning.
You lifted one leg over his body and he quickly guided your hips down to his groin with his hands. You could feel every inch of his growing erection against your wet heat, making you both moan in unison. He felt big which didn’t surprise you, but it did make you instinctively grind against it.
“Fuck y/n” Chris groaned underneath you, his head tilting back in pleasure. Your tummy did a flip, desire growing hot inside of you. It was intoxicating to be the reason he’s making those filthy noises.
He gripped your hips tighter, his biceps contracting, grinding your hips against him. “More more more” he pleaded. You had never seen this side of Chris, so needy and whiny. Every sound escaping his mouth was heavenly.
His cock was rock hard now and your bikini bottoms were soaked. “Enough grinding” your voice breathy but your tone stern. His eyes wide and expectant. “I’m dying to ride this cock”
“Mmm yes please” Chris whimpered, his hip bucking up as you slid his shorts down. “God y/n, youre hypnotizing” he mumbled, lifting himself on his elbows to admire you. Your ass was up in the air, back arched, and your teeth biting down on your lip to keep from drooling.
His boxers were wet at the spot where the tip of his cock was leaking precum. You leaned your head down toward it, licking through the fabric. Chris inhaled through his teeth, his eyes rolling back.
You reached over to grab his hand and place it in your hair, “pull it”
He quickly obeyed, wrapping your hair in his long fingers and pulling. You moaned against his clothed cock, the vibrations making his dick twitch. “Holy shit” he groaned out.
You wrapped your lips around his hard cock, tasting his precum through his boxers. He was watching you in awe. You took in every expression he made, looking up through your eyelashes.
“y/n?” he moaned as you started palming him.
“I…..I-I've dreamt of tasting your pussy for the longest time y/n, can I please? I promise I'll make it good, please let me taste you on my tongue” he begs.
You're hypnotized by his string of pleas. You quietly crawl up to straddle his face. He takes your ass in both of his big hands, pulling you down quickly onto his mouth.
Your back arches in pleasure as his hot tongue licks a fat stripe up your folds. Your head falls back, your eyes in the back of your head. “Fuck yeah Chris,” you moan, riding his face.
He’s making all sorts of porn-like noises into your wet pussy. “Just like that Chris, fuck yeah, right there”
He is assaulting your hole with quick jabs of his tongue. It reaches impossibly deep inside you. He folds it in a way that scratches that sensitive bundle of nerves, making your legs shake.
You feel pleasure pool in your belly and you lift off him. He whines at the loss of contact.
“Need your cock now” you shuffle down to straddle his lap and align his memeber with your pulsating hole.
You sink down on his cock, balls deep. His jaw hangs open, his body washed in so much pleasure that the only noise he’s able to form is a small squeak. “You like my tight pussy taking in your entire cock like this, hmm baby?
He nods, another small squeak, his jaw slack, his eyes in the back of his head.
You start bouncing on his cock, sliding all the way to the tip and slamming back down to the base. His girth is spreading you wide open and his length is hitting you just right. “Your dick’s so big, making me feel so good baby,”
“Mhm,” his grip on your thighs tightens.
“Am I making you feel good baby?"
He nods fast, his hair sticking to his forehead.
“Tell me how good”
He moans louder, biting the sheets at his side.
“Tell me how good Chris”
“So fucking good y/n/n, you're fucking me so good”
Your hips stutter at the mention of your nickname. He usually ever only called you that when he was being serious with you. In this context, it only motivated you to give it to him harder and rougher.
“Yeah baby? You like my pussy slapping down on your balls like this?”
“Yes yes yes, you're riding me so well y/n/n" he said between gasps for air, "your pussy feels heavenly y/n/n- ah just like that mhmm”
You take his hands placing them above his head as you arch your back so your clit is rubbing against his groin. His attention is now completely on the feeling of your pussy grinding down on his cock. He’s moaning and whining incoherent praises, his eyes shut closed.
You wrap your free hand around his jaw making his eyes widen, “be a good boy and fuck up into me” you pant into his open mouth.
His breath hitches and a beat later he’s slamming his dick up into your pussy, making wet sounds reverberate inside the tent. You are both panting hot air into each other's mouths. Chris starts whimpering when you swivel your hips in small circles. You take his bottom lip between your teeth, “want it to last”
He slows his movements, pumping slow and deep into you as you grind down into him. “Yes y/n/n, whatever you want”
“You're so good to me baby, doing everything I say”, your legs start to quiver and your elbows fall on either side of his head. This pace is excruciatingly pleasurable and you feel your cunt clench around his full member.
“Make me cum sweet boy” you whisper shakily in his ear.
He wasted no time pumping fast into you, his hands flying down to your waste, slamming your hips down into every thrust up of his hips. Your hands grip onto his hair as your pussy clenched around him, your orgasm ripping through you in a string of loud moans.
He spurts hot cum into your pussy with a couple last hard thrusts, coating your walls and groaning deeply in your ear. The mix of your juices with his cum drip out of you coating his balls and your spent body drapes over him.
He stays inside you as you both come down from your highs.
“Loved every fucking second of that Chris” you whisper, lifting yourself to look him in the eyes.
“Yeah?” he asks softly, a sweet smile on his face.
“Yeah” you replied, elated.
“Me too y/n/n” he kisses your forehead and you smile, resting against his chest. You both drift off to sleep at a beach in Hawaii.
a/n: my first chris smut 😵‍💫 i’m feeling things !!!! hope u enjoyed<3
— LEV ᖭི༏ᖫྀ
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nickysfacts · 20 days
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Remember that Greek and Roman art continues to be both figuratively and literally whitewashed.
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melanie-14n · 6 months
Hehe new hello neighbor AU idea called
Hello neighbor greek mithology AU. My idea for characters was:
Aaron-Deami god
And so to made Aaron and Nick lovers hehe
That's all byeeeeee (rate it please)
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mqstermindswift · 6 months
in love with the raining sounds 😍
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