#green nude eel
arcticdementor · 5 years
Well, it’s about to happen all over again. I’ve been wondering how soon a certain marriage of convenience in contemporary cultural politics would come messily apart, and now we’ve seen one of the typical warning signs of that impending breach. Those of my readers who are concerned about environmental issues—actually concerned, that is, and not simply using the environment as a convenient opportunity for class-conscious virtue signaling—may want to brace themselves for a shock.
The sign I have in mind is a recent flurry of articles in the leftward end of the mainstream media decrying the dangers of ecofascism. Ecofascism? That’s the term used for, and also generally by, that tiny subset of our society’s fascist fringe which likes to combine environmental concerns with the racial bigotries and authoritarian political daydreams more standard on that end of modern extremism. If you’ve never heard of it before, there’s good reason for that, but a significant section of the mainstream media seems to have taken quite an interest in making sure that you hear about it now.
The first thing I’d like to point out to my readers here is that, as already noted, ecofascism is a fringe of a fringe. In terms of numbers and cultural influence, it ranks well below the Flat Earth Society or the people who believe in all sincerity that Elvis Presley is a god. It’s one of those minute and self-marginalizing sub-sub-subcultures that a certain number of people find or make in order to act out their antinomian fantasies in comfortable obscurity, and enjoy the modest joys of being the biggest paramecium in a very, very small pond. It’s fair to say, in fact, that the chance that ecofascism will become a significant political or cultural force in your lifetime, dear reader, is right up there with the chance that the United Church of Bacon will become a major world religion.
So why is this submicroscopic fringe ideology suddenly on the receiving end of so many faux-worried essays in important liberal newspapers and magazines, and in the corresponding end of social media and the public blogosphere?  The reason, I’d argue, has to do with something else that’s been finally receiving its own share of media attention.
That is to say, counting up all its direct and indirect energy costs, this one conference had a carbon footprint rivaling the annual output of some Third World countries—and you guessed it, the point of the conference was to talk about the menace of anthropogenic climate change.
At this point, in fact, one of the current heartthrobs of climate change activism, Swedish teenager Greta Thunberg, refuses to fly anywhere because of commercial air travel’s gargantuan carbon footprint. Sensibly enough, she travels through Europe by train, and her rich friends have lent her a sailboat to take her across the Atlantic for her upcoming North American tour. This would be bad enough if Thunberg was an ordinary citizen trying to raise awareness of anthropogenic climate change, but she’s not—she’s the darling of the Davos set, a child of privilege who’s managed to parlay the normal adolescent craving for attention into a sizable cultural presence.  Every time she takes the train, she adds to the number of people who look at the attendees at the Sicily conference mentioned above and say, “So what about your carbon footprint?”
That, in turn, is fatal to climate change activism as currently constituted. For years now, since that brief period when I was a very minor star in the peak oil movement, I’ve noted a curious dynamic in the climate change-centered end of environmentalism. Almost always, the people I met at peak oil events who were concerned about peak oil and the fate of industrial society more generally, rather than climate change or such other mediacentric causes as the plight of large cute animals, were ready and willing to make extensive changes in their own lives, in addition to whatever political activism they might engage in. Almost always, the people I met who were exclusively concerned with anthropogenic climate change were not.
To some extent this is common or garden variety hypocrisy, heavily larded with the odd conviction—on loan from the less honest end of liberal Christianity—that if you feel really bad about your sins, God will ignore the fact that you keep on committing them. Still, there’s more to it than that. Some of what else is going on came to the surface a few years ago in Washington State when a group of environmental activists launched an initiative that would have slapped a fee on carbon. As such things go, it was a well-designed initiative, and one of the best things about it was that it was revenue-neutral:  that is, the money taken in by the carbon fee flowed right back out through direct payments to citizens, so that rising energy prices due to the carbon fee wouldn’t clobber the economy or hurt the poor.
That, in turn, made it unacceptable to the Democratic Party in Washington State, and they refused to back the initiative, dooming it to defeat. Shortly thereafter they floated their own carbon fee initiative, which was anything but revenue neutral.  Rather, it was set up to funnel all the money from the carbon fee into a slush fund managed by a board the public wouldn’t get to elect, which would hand out the funds to support an assortment of social justice causes that were also helpfully sheltered from public oversight. Unsurprisingly, the second initiative also lost heavily—few Washington State voters were willing to trust their breathtakingly corrupt political establishment with yet another massive source of graft at public expense.
If you haven’t heard of these followup studies, dear reader, there’s good reason for that. They argued unconvincingly that everything would be just fine if only the nations of the world handed over control of the global economy to an unelected cadre of experts, under whom the institutions of democratic governance would be turned into powerless debating societies while the decisions that mattered would be made by corporate-bureaucratic committees conveniently sheltered from public oversight. (If this seems familiar to those of my readers who endure EU rule just now, there’s a reason for that:  the state of affairs just described has been the wet dream of Europe’s privileged classes and their tame intellectuals for quite a few decades now.)  That’s the usually unmentioned reason why The Limits to Growth fielded the savage resistance it did:  a good many people in 1972 recognized it as a stalking horse for a political agenda.
In the same way, the mere fact that certain people are trying to use climate change as a stalking horse for unrelated political agendas doesn’t mean that it’s a good idea to dump trillions of tons of greenhouse gases into the atmosphere, or that doing so won’t cause epic disruptions to an already unstable global climate. Mind you, anthropogenic climate change isn’t the end of the world, not by a long shot; the Earth has been through sudden temperature shifts many times before in its long history, some of them due to large-scale releases of carbon dioxide into the atmosphere—that’s one of the things really massive volcanic episodes can do, for example.
Attempts to dress up climate change in the borrowed finery of the Book of Revelations—sinners in the hands of an angry Gaia!—have more to do with our culture’s apocalyptic obsessions, and with the desires of ambitious people to scare others into signing on to their agenda, than with the realities of anthropogenic climate change. That said, we can expect a good solid helping of coastal flooding, weather-related disasters, crop failures, and other entertainments, which will take an increasingly severe economic toll as the years go on, and help drive the declines in population and economic output mentioned a few paragraphs back. Yes, this is one of the things The Limits to Growth was talking about when it predicted the long slow arc of decline ahead of us.
The problem faced by the people who have been pushing climate change activism is that their political enemies have found a very effective way to counter them:  they can point out that the people who babble by the hour about the apocalyptic future we face due to anthropogenic climate change don’t take their own claims seriously enough to walk their talk. Thus the attendees at the environmental conference on Sicily mentioned earlier can no longer count on having their planet and eating it too—or, more to the point, they can’t count on doing so while still convincing anyone that they ought to be taken seriously. This is hard on certain delicate egos, and it also makes it hard to keep pursuing the agenda mentioned above while continuing to lead absurdly extravagant lifestyles propped up by stunning levels of energy and resource waste.
There’s a simple solution to that difficulty, though:  the celebrities, their pet intellectuals, and the interests behind them can drop environmentalism like a hot rock.
That’s what happened, after all, in the early 1980s. Environmentalism up until that point had a huge cultural presence, supported by government-funded advertising campaigns—some of my readers, certainly, are old enough to recall Woodsy Owl and his iconic slogan, “Give a hoot, don’t pollute!”—and also supported by a galaxy of celebrities who mouthed pious sentiments about nature. Then, bam!  Ronald Reagan was in, Woodsy Owl was out, John-Boy Walton and John Denver gave way to Gordon “Greed is Good” Gekko and “material girl” Madonna, and the Sierra Club and the Friends of the Earth had corporate executives on their boards of directors, and did everything they could think of to deep-six the effective organizing tactics that got the Clean Air Act, the Clean Water Act, the Endangered Species Act, and a galaxy of other environmental reforms enacted into law.
I think we’re about to see the same thing happen to climate change activism, and one of the symptoms of the approaching swerve is the sudden flurry of mass media publicity being given right now to the tiny fringe phenomenon of ecofascism. Over the months ahead, I expect to see many more stories along the same lines all over the leftward end of the media and its associated blogosphere, insisting in increasingly shrill terms that anyone who pays too much attention to the environment—and in particular, anyone who expects celebrity climate change activists to modify their lifestyles to match their loudly proclaimed ideals—is probably an ecofascist. In fact, I would be very surprised if we don’t see a series of earnest articles in the media claiming that believing in ecological limits is racist; such claims are already being made in the blogosphere, and their adoption by the mainstream left is, I suspect, merely a matter of time.
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Day 2: Relationships / Matching
*Introducing the Perfect Pair Collection, featuring asymmetrical designs that match.* The oxymoron was not lost on her.
Time to switch to a completely different art style on day 2– 😣 Today’s prompt features the Pomefiore trio!
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A harsh tug on his sleeve drew Jade to a halt. He glanced at Miss Raven, who clung to his side, pointing to a nearby shop window with her free hand. Jade followed her finger to what was on display—small boxes and racks, each displaying a glittering piece of jewelry.
“Oya, I do not believe we have baubles on the grocery list,” he tutted, teasingly wagging a finger. “To think that your interest would be so easily captured by mere shiny objects, Miss Raven... Corvids truly are simple-minded creatures. Perhaps you have more in common with the headmaster than I had initially thought.”
“I’m allowed to appreciate beauty, aren’t I?” Raven retorted, casting Jade a sideways glare. “Besides, you wear jewelry.”
“Ah, this?” He gently tapped at the earring dangling from his left earlobe. Three diamond-shaped scales cast a silvery-blue glow upon his skin. “I wouldn’t call it a piece of jewelry so much as a battle trophy.”
At this, Raven wrenched her face away from the glass display to stare at him. “Please don’t tell me you did something unsavory to get your hands on it.”
“You have such strange ideas, Miss Raven.” Jade chuckled as he slicked back his black stripe of hair behind his accessory-clad ear. “Fufu. There is nothing unsavory about victors claiming a prize for their triumph, correct? That is only the natural order of things.”
… I feel sorry for whoever the twins beat up.
She shook her head and returned her gaze to the display window--to the selection of earrings that were laid out upon velvet cloth. Introducing the Perfect Pair Collection, read a sign, featuring asymmetrical designs that match. (The oxymoron was not lost on her.)
Surrounding the sign were various pairs, as promised: a sun and a moon, a jar of jelly and another of peanut butter, a hand and a heart… but Raven felt herself drawn to earrings in the shape of a lock and a key. How peculiar that the head of the key curved into a heart and that its teeth were ribbed with pearls, and how slim yet stylish the lock was.
“My, are you interested in that pair? What an interesting choice.”
“N-No! I’m just admiring them,” Raven insisted. “You don’t normally see designs like this… I wonder how the jeweler was able to make objects so clunky and heavy into something wearable.”
“That is a fair point. The craftsmanship is indeed exquisite.” Jade’s sharp eyes carefully traced the shape of Raven’s ears--pointed, like the headmaster’s. “How unfortunate it is that you lack the piercings to wear them.”
Raven’s hands instinctively flew to her earlobes, as though trying to shield them from him. “I told you, I’m not interested in buying--” 
“Why, whoever said anything about you purchasing the earrings? I was keen to pick up a new pair for myself.” Jade provided a smile and a bow. “Now then, if you would excuse me for one moment…”
Before Raven could protest, he had already vanished inside the jewelry store, leaving her stranded on the street with a list of groceries to procure.
“... Fantastic.”
The bird sighed into her palms. From past experience, she knew that it would not be a wise idea to pursue Jade and attempt to drag him away. For as skilled as Raven was at weaving words, she often found that Jade’s natural charisma, paired with his silver tongue, often gave him the advantage in disagreements.
Best to just leave it for now.
Still, she warily eyed him through the store window as he conversed with a clerk. A few vague hand gestures, a practiced smile, a polite and controlled laugh. All motions Raven had familiarized herself with.
Entranced with her eel watching, Raven didn’t register the trio approaching her until one of the group called out to her.
“Mon petit oiseau! What a coincidence it is to be running into you today.”
“Oh!” She startled at the huntsman’s voice. “Rook…!! And… Vil-senpai and Epel-san. Hello…!”
Acutely aware of Vil’s sternness, Raven quickly lowered her head in deference. This earned a slight curl of the lips from him.
He was dressed as fashionably as ever--a white, frilly top with a V-neck, paired with sunglasses propped in his hair, sleek leggings, and glove boots. Several necklaces adorned Vil’s long, milky neck, and his face was expertly painted with a sheer wash of shimmering, nude makeup.
“Good day to you, Shetland potato,” Vil replied coolly. He passed a glance to Epel, who stood behind him, struggling to carry several rolls of fabric.
“G-Good day,” Epel managed, tugging at his collar. It appeared as though Vil had dressed him, too--for he was dressed in a lacey lilac blouse, and tied off with a black bow. Instead of leggings, Epel wore puffy shorts and striped socks.
“Such a treat it is to see you out of the attic and venturing out into the world!” Rook laughed, brushing back a wisp of his golden hair. He was without his trademark feathered hat, and had traded his dormitory robes for a button-down shirt--the sleeves rolled up and a few buttons undone, army green khakis, and boating shoes.
Compared to the Pomefiore trio, Raven looked like a spaghetti stain on a square of white fabric. She nervously dusted off her skirt, hoping that Vil wouldn’t harp on how she was wearing the same outfit yet again.
“What brings you to town?” Rook inquired, dropping the bags he had been carrying and excitedly grasping Raven’s hands instead.
“Just… groceries. Uncle is away for a conference, so I am to fend for myself in his absence,” she mumbled, gingerly prying her hands away. “Well… sort of. Jade has been mother henning me for the past few days.”
“Monsieur Mastermind? Ohoh. What a dynamic duo! Two halves of the same coin, trading bitter blows with their words… forever locked in verbal combat!”
“I… I guess?”
“I trust that he is looking after you well?” Rook’s smile widened. “If not... perhaps we should kidnap you away and stow you in Pomefiore until the headmaster’s return!”
“Absolutely not,” Vil snapped. “We have our hands far too full with play preparations to be hosting the Shetland potato--or anyone else, for that matter.”
… H-He didn’t object to Rook kidnapping people. Is that a normal thing for Rook to do? Should I be concerned? She shoved her question down to change the subject to something more comfortable. “Erm… Is that what the supplies are for?”
“Oui! Roi du Poison’s club is staging a performance in the winter. These materials are to make costumes.” The huntsman’s eyes suddenly lit up with a mischievous sparkle. “Fufu. Mon roi has thrown his heart and soul into direction. It is a treat to behold!”
“Congratulations, senpai.”
“Don’t congratulate me yet,” Vil commanded, holding up a hand. “We are still in the throes of auditions. Wait until you have witnessed the show for yourself before you cheer for it.”
“Oh, well… I hope you find suitable actors, then.”
Vil’s eyes suddenly narrowed. “Hm. Now that you mention it… Shetland potato!”
Raven jumped when he barked at her. “Y-Yes?! Look, I know I’ve been wearing the same outfit every time you see me, it’s just that Uncle fills my closet with nothing but duplicate clothes…!!”
“I think you would be fitting for one of the roles in my play,” Vil declared. “Report to Pomefiore at 8 am sharp tomorrow if you are interested in auditioning.”
“Huh?! Me, in one of your… I don’t think I’m…”
“Are you doubting my eyes?” His glare sharpened, turning into a pointed dagger.
“N-No, sir…”
“Good. Then I hope to see you then.” Vil spun around on his heel and waved a hand. “Rook! Epel! We’re going. Don’t dawdle, now.”
“Yes, Vil-senpai. I-I’m coming!”
Epel dashed after his Dorm Leader, Rook following suit--but not before he gave Raven one last glance over his shoulder, accompanied by a wave. Au revoir, he mouthed, the twinkle never parting from his emerald eyes.
She waved back absentmindedly, brought back from her daze only by the ringing of the jewelry store door swinging open again.
Jade emerged from within, bearing a small baby blue box with a white silk bow. “I have returned, Miss Raven. Fufu. I trust that you were not too lonely without me?”
She hastily hid her hands behind her back. “Of course not. You were only gone for a few minutes…!”
“So I was.” Jade’s eyes darted to the Pomefiore trio, whose figures were vanishing over the horizon. “Had I been absent a few moments longer, perhaps I would have had to wrangle you from the hands of an nosy huntsman.”
“As though forcing your way in and kidnapping me back would be any better!”
Jade stifled a laugh.
“In any case, I have procured the earrings I had my heart set on.” With deft fingers, he slid off the top, revealing a glittering lock and key tucked away inside. Jade plucked up the key by the head. “Miss Raven, do lend me your ear.”
“Those are yours…!”
“Correct--and therefore, I may do with these as I please.” He smiled pleasantly. “And I choose to lend you one to wear.”
“It’s not that simple! Have you forgotten already? I can’t wear it--don’t have piercings,” she protested. “You’re not going to jab it through my earlobes, are you?!”
“I will do no such thing.” Jade’s voice remained tranquil as he seized the raven by her chin and jerked her head to one side, yielding a clear opening for him to plant the earring. She squawked in surprise, flailing against him--but his grip was too strong, and she, too weak.
He sighed, continuing to speak as though he were describing the nice weather. “I assure you, this will not hurt one bit, fufufu. Now be a dear and hold still.”
It happened in an instant, despite the bird’s struggles. A slight pinch upon her earlobe, the kiss of the cool metal key on her skin, and it was over.
Jade straightened with a satisfied smirk, and patted Raven on the cheek. “There we are.”
“Eh? What? How did…” She cautiously poked at the earring. “There wasn’t a needle…?”
“I requested that the jeweler convert the key earring into a clip-on.”
“Wha…?! You… You tricked me again?!” Her face flared with a mixture of embarrassment and rage. “But why even bother with such a thing?”
“I wished to see how it would look on you. As I suspected, it is lovely on you.”
Raven gritted her teeth, praying that it would somehow help hide her flusteredness. “... And what do you plan to do with the lock earring? You didn’t also have that one converted, did you?”
“Certainly not.” Jade toyed with the lock in question, rolling it between his index finger and thumb. “I was thinking to wear it myself in lieu of my usual sturgeon scale earring, so that we may match.”
“Match?” Raven scoffed through her blush. “I didn’t know you cared so much about your accessories while grocery shopping.”
“I do not,” he confessed with a coy grin. “However, I would be remiss to pass up an opportunity to show to the world what a perfect pair we make.”
“You what--” Raven was interrupted by Jade grasping one of her hands and placing the lock earring into it.
“If you would do the honors,” he murmured, tilting his head to one side--and once more, slicking his black hair back. His tone was low and inviting, yet somehow she could hear him well and clear over the townspeople that bustled around them.
The scales suspended on his earring swung back and forth in a slow motion. Click, clack, against one another, in an almost hypnotic fashion.
His single, golden eye stared right at her. Waiting, pleading.
Raven swallowed hard. With trembling hands, she unfastened the sturgeon scale earring from his earlobe and secured the lock earring in its place. As soon as the deed was done, she rushed to wipe her hands off on her skirt.
Eel cooties, eel cooties, eel cooties…!!
“Thank you for your assistance, Miss Raven.”
“You’re… you’re welcome.” She pursed her lips, avoiding his eyes--but her traitorous gaze soon found itself lingering on the lock. “That suits you, in a way--like a lock, you guard many secrets, and it’s impossible to get you to open up.”
“Fufu. I am flattered to hear such kind words. If I may return the compliment, that key earring fits you like a glove.”
“Right. Because Uncle is adorned in keys, it would make sense for the motif to carry over to his relatives.”
“No, no, you misunderstand.” Jade held a finger to his lips, a twinkle of conspiracy in his golden eyes. “Come closer… and I shall impart one of my closely guarded secrets to you.”
“This isn’t another one of your tricks, is it?” she asked, her eyes forming suspicious slivers--but despite her curt words, the bird’s body instinctively leaned into his. She cursed her curiosity.
Jade chuckled and bent down, allowing his lips to hover by her ear. Time seemed to slow, but her heartbeat quickened. Face, hot--extremities, cold. Opposites, yet matching. One, unable to exist without the other.
And, at last, his answer came.
“It suits you well--for you hold the key to my heart, Miss Raven.”
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green nude eel LOL
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digitaldiscipline · 3 years
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The Green Nude Eel
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defiblover27 · 5 years
Tragic Night
This is my first resus story that I never posted, not the best but its a start.  More to come, Enjoy!
Dave and Sara worked as paramedics and had been partners for 5 years.  One of their toughest calls came on a cold night in the middle of winter.  "Ambulance 16 to Highway 66 near exit 12, MVA with multiple passengers." They both jumped up and the ambulance was on it's way in the blink of an eye. As they got closer the highway was lit up with emergency lights.  They jumped out as Sara grabbed the medical bag. The Fire captain was coordinating the scene. "I have my men working on the trapped passengers in the car. One female was ejected, tend to her first."  They both rushed over and saw there wasn't still two females and one male no older than 25 stuck in the car.
Patient #1
Sara looked around and found the female who was ejected.  "Grab a neck brace and then we'll roll her over."  Dave placed the backboard on the ground and secured the neck brace around her neck.  "Ready 1 2 3 roll. Let's get her hooked up to the monitor."  Sara grabbed the shears from her pocket and cut the 21 year old's shirt right up the middle, then she cut down each leg to remove her pants. In a matter of seconds she was exposed to just her bra, panties, and Ugg boots.  She was covered in blood and was unconscious. Dave attached the electrodes to her chest and turned on the monitor.  "Her pulse is weak, not sure how long it will keep going. Let's get some fluids in her." They placed an IV in her left arm and started the fluids.  "She's going into v-fib, start compressions, I'll charge the AED."  Sara cut away the young woman's bra and placed her hands in between her breasts and pushed down hard and fast.  Dave attached the AED pads to her bare chest "charging to 200, stand clear, shocking." Her body reacted violently as the electricity coursed through her body. "No change resume CPR"  Sara injected adrenaline into the IV and then resumed CPR. With each compression her lean body rocked and her petite breasts jiggled side to side.  She was a very fit and tan young woman who appeared to be in perfect health before the accident.  "Charging to 300 all clear, shocking!" Her body again jumped off the board and came crashing back down causing her breasts to bounce.  "Asysotlye, I'm going to intubate."  He slid the long metal blade into her mouth and then stuck the tube down her throat. After attaching the ambu bag he listened to make sure it was delivering breaths. "I'll take over compressions" Dave said as he moved down next to her torso and began CPR.  Sara injected another round of meds and squeezed the bag twice after every 30 compressions.  After 3 minutes the monitor showed V-Fib again so they charged to 360.  "All clear, shocking" she came crashing down again as the monitor stayed in V-Fib.  "Charge again and 360, clear" her back arched and her chest came crashing down again.  They stared at the monitor hoping for a change.  The green line flattened and the alarm rang out showing Asysotlye. "How long has she been down?" Dave asked, "Eleven minutes" she replied.  "Let's call it, time of death 1:35 am".  They detached the equipment and covered her nude body with a sheet.  They paused for a second before being interrupted by a fireman calling out "We got one of them out, she's in really bad condition." They left the young woman under the sheet and jumped back into action hoping to save their next patient.
The Ambulance Ride:
As they approached the firemen already had the woman on a backboard and in a neck brace. "This is Susan, she's 22, has a broken leg protruding from her skin, possible head injury, she was in the back of the car, we're still getting the other two."  They took over and hooked her up to the EKG and put in an IV.  "Is Carol okay, please she flew out of the car, where's Carol?" pleaded Susan.  "Let's just focus on you" Dave said.  "Let's get her in the rig and we'll stabilize her in there."  They put the backboard on a gurney and rushed her into the back of the ambulance.  Sara proceeds to cut off Susan's jacket that says University Cheer on it. After cutting off all her clothing Susan lays in just her bra and panties, Sara takes off her shoes exposing her small feet.  "You're a cheerleader?" Asked Sara trying to calm Susan down.  "We all are, we were heading back to campus from a party when we ran into the barrier".  Susan was only 5 foot and had medium sized breasts and a six pack.  Sara put a bandage on her head where there was a large gash. "We got the male out, the driver is DOA, we'll load him up and you can transport them to the hospital." Sara nodded as they put the 22 year old 5 foot 10 male cheerleader on a backboard on the bench of the ambulance.  "Let's get these two out of here" Sara said as Dave got in the drivers seat and drove away.  5 minutes into the journey Susan's vitals started falling as she slipped unconscious.  "Her O2 stats are falling im going to intubate her." She slipped the scope into her mouth and put the tube down her throat and secured it with a blue holder that wrapped around her neck.  She began ventilating her in attempt to bring her vitals back up.  Her vitals began to stabilize as she put her on a respirator so she could tend to her other patient.  He was a 6 foot well built African American male.  She cut away his jacket and shirt, revealing his toned torso.  She cut off his pants leaving him in only boxers and a neck brace.  She began placing leads on his torso as the monitor whined to life.  Finally both patients were stable as she took a deep breath.  Before she knew it they arrived at the hospital and the doors flew open.  "22 year old female with laceration to her head and exposed leg injury, lost consciousness 5 minutes ago."  The doctors rushed her into the first trauma room and began tending to her.  "21 year old male, laceration to the abdominal and potential spinal injury." Both of the patients were now in the trauma rooms and receiving personalized attention/
“Ready one, two, three lift.  Let’s get the rest of her clothing removed and hook her up to our monitors. Run a blood test, and get two units of O-neg in here.” The male doctor began to palpitate her abdominal, he then took his stethoscope and listened to her heart and lungs.  “Lets get a scan in here, eels like she has internal bleeding.”  They all backed away as X-rays and scans were taken of her entire body.  “I need an OR consult down here asap.” As he continued giving off orders to his team the monitors started sowing erratic heart rhythms that quickly led to a full arrest.  “Code Blue Trauma 1″ the PA system announced. “Someone start compressions and get some epinephrine in now.”  A nurse placed her hands in between her breasts and started pounding away. After every 30 compressions another nurse gave two ambu bag squeezes.  After two minutes passed they all reassessed one nurse placed her fingers right on her femoral artery as another checked her carotid artery.  “Still no pulse, resume compressions”  Another nurse took over compressions, each time her entire body shook, her head only stayed in place due to the neck brace.  “V-fib” a nurse placed two orange pads on her chest “Charge to 300, Clear!”  Her backed arched off the bed before crashing back down.  “No change, charge to 360.”  The defib unit charged as compressions continued.  “Clear” another shock coursed through her body as her back lifted off the bed once again.  Her entire body contracted before crashing back down and shaking due to the impact.  The monitors returned to asysotlye as a sharp alarm rang out.  “Resume compressions and push more med please.”  Susan had now been down for 14 minutes and shocked 8 times.  They checked for a pulse again as the lead doctor shined a light in her eyes. “Pupils fixed and dilated, shes been down for almost 15 minutes and has no pulses or signs of life.  Does anyone object to calling this code?”  The entire room was silent other than the alarm from the monitors.  The doctor looked down and her battered body “Time of death, 2:42 AM, thank you all for your help.”  He left the room as two nurses stayed back to clean her up.  They removed all of the wires and turned off the monitors.  Another nurse removed her socks and wrote out her toe tag before placing it on her small right foot.  Finally they placed a white sheet over her covering her body.
Franklin was the last patient from the crash and was found to have a complete spinal fracture.  He spent three days in the ICU and then went through a life of therapy without being able to walk again.  He advocated for driving safety as he told his story of losing three of his best friends and never being able to walk.
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nikkilancaco · 5 years
Something Ineffably Great
Hi guys! So if you’ve been following me you’ll know I’ve wholeheartedly jumped onto the Good Omens train. I was so inspired by the book and show that I just had to write a fanfiction. Now this fanfiction doesn’t involve any mature content, so far at least, and its my take on some of the angel and demon lore. It is focus on two characters who work in the Human Affairs departments in their respective sides and how they have been keeping Aziraphale and Crowley's interactions under the radar. 
I accept constructive criticism lol
Also please tell me if I’m stereotyping things and or people. I would like to know these things
Something Ineffably Great 
Chapter 1:
Roughly thirty minutes before the end of the world, somewhere on the moon :
There was a large, warm, fuzzy, blue blanket laid out on the grey dusty ground. The corners would disobediently float up, but a sharp eyed glare from the being laying on it would immediately rectify the situation. 
This being, one of ethereal qualities, was a whole five foot two, had long, luxurious, dark chocolate hair that was braided neatly with gold ribbons and trailed down her back, dark skin, and startling silver eyes. Her wings, mainly white with a splattering of brown and black, were out, slumped on the ground behind her. They were surprisingly well groomed for an ethereal beings. She was wearing a long silver cloak with a white hijab. The hijab was pulled down as she played with the end of her braid.
She was currently focusing on a certain area of the Earth where… Things… were happening. Specifically End of the World things. The Great Plan seemed to be underway and going just swimmingly. She scoffed and pushed her golden circular glasses back up her nose. She didn’t technically need them but she liked them. She was distracted then by someone else joining her on the blanket. They brushed their hand along the fluff once settling,   
“Hi Melekasia, I like the glasses” The other being greeted and shook the moon dust off her wings. There were two sets of them and were a midnight blue, almost black, and refracted light into them in a manner the ocean does. If you looked closely, there was a shadow that moved within them, shifting from one form to another. A shark to a manta ray to a whale. It did what it wanted. 
This new addition to the landscape brushed a coffee colored hand through her springy black hair to get some more dust off. She had it cut short to her scalp and Melekasia saw that she had a pretty silver ear jackets that resembled flowery vines. She was wearing a flattering and colorful dress that complemented her roundness. Her grey green eyes met the others.
“Lilith! It’s good to see you again,” Melekasia said while adjusting her glasses in appreciation. No one Upstairs had noticed. They don’t notice a lot of things. “How are -er - Things … on your end?” She would have pointedly glanced down but as they were on the moon, they significance of that action would’ve been lost. Gladly Lilith understood.
“Dagon and Beelzebub are gathering the troops and all that. Hastur was screaming about being discorporated by that ‘Damned Snake’. It was surprisingly easy to sneak out to meet you when he came barreling in, then again I’m kinda free to do what I want.” She said dismissively, watching as the shadow moved down her shoulder, shifted from a crab to an eel and proceeded to chase its tail while circling down her arm. Apparently it was bored. Shaking her head, Lilith continued, “The only question I was asked was why I was heading to the moon at such a time. I just told them that I wanted to see what the mayhem looked like from space.” She shrugged, glancing back at Melekasia when she snorted.
“I used the same excuse, believe it or not.” She chuckled. “They said since I work in Surveillance of Human Affairs and have been doing a stellar job of it since the beginning of time, that I deserved a bit of a breather before It begins and I lose my job.” She said sarcastically. 
And she has been very good at her job too. So good in fact that she’s been able to cover up the fact that a Principality and his Adversary have been best friends for the better part of four thousand years. Even if those two idiots weren’t ‘friends’, Melekasia wouldn’t have reported it because the Snakes meddling back in The Garden allowed her to meet one of the most delightful people, or people shaped being, she has ever met. Eve wasn’t the first woman, you know. 
“They said it like that?” Lilith inquired. She wasn’t really surprised. Based off of what she has heard from her angelic friend and other demons, heaven was stuck up and overly righteous. Not to say that Hell was much different, it just wasn’t that passive aggressive bullshit. It was just straight up aggressive. She tried not to spend too much time there and she didn’t really have to. She had special privileges. 
As the first woman ever, and the first former human to tell God that creating a being specifically for another, just because he was lonely, without a choice was a little odd, if not a bit sexist. It’s not that Adam was a bore, but Lilith didn’t really like him much, and they didn’t get along. God could have just given the animals the ability to talk. Lillith hadn’t really understood this until a certain scaled creature had pointed it out. God, having realized she may have put a bit too much of herself into creating Lilith, gave her a choice of wings, then promptly set her free on the Earth as her own immortal being. Eve was created with more earth making her a little more open to Adam, and other things. They ended up getting along rather well.
Some of the more snobbish angels weren’t very happy at all with this outcome and slightly appalled that God was questioned in such a manner had followed Lillith despite a stern “Leave her be.” from the Almighty. One thing led to another, Lilith was thrown into an ocean, and properly pissed off, had used one of her newfound abilities to turn into a rather terrifying basilosaurus and promptly discorporated two of the four assholes harassing her with a good chomp. The other two noped their way out of there in a flash of lightning. 
About a day later, Lilith was just floating there on her back in the nude. All four wings splayed out basking in the sun. The occasional shark or stingray would come and bump against her, looking for attention and she’d absentmindedly pat them. The beating of wings distracted her and she looked at the source of the sound. She recognized the newcomer as the serpent that told her to think for herself.
“Oh! hi, it’s you,” she said happily as he slowly sunk into the water. He wasn’t very serpentine with his human suit on. All long dark, auburn hair, clear skin, and nicely manicured hands. His eyes were though, that’s how she recognized him. He had a bit of a gleeful expression on his face that conflicted with his attempt to look dark, suave and cool, but she paid it no mind. 
“That was the most brilliant thing I think I’ve ever seen,” he said while scooping a white feather out of the water as he floated next to her. “Wanted to give you a bit of space to calm down before I showed my face. Didn’t want to risk getting discorporated. I’m sure all those idiots are going to get is a slap on the wrists though, despite going against orders.” he said pensively.
“How’d you know She told everyone Up There to leave me be?” she wondered. She knew he was a demon so it didn’t make sense that he knew.
The Serpent’s mind briefly flashed back to a short, surprisingly civil conversation he had with the Guardian of the Eastern Gate the day before. “It was that kinda prissy chap who would sometimes greet you and Adam from the wall,” He can’t let people know he liked their conversations.
“I see…” She looked at him speculatively. He didn’t really seem like a demon. Yeah he had raven black wings and an absence of a Holy aura that seemed to surround the angel back in Eden, but all he’s done so far is just help people ask questions. He didn’t fit the description of ‘demon’ that God had put into her head along with other general knowledge about the world. He seemed, well, nice. Something was telling her she shouldn’t state this outloud. 
The demon flicked the golden blood splotched feather away and glanced at her with slitted yellow eyes, “Listen, I have a bit of a proposition for you. How about you come to Hell? It doesn’t look like the Other side is willing to open their arms for you. But I’m sure the Morningstar would be happy to meet you, questioning God like you did. You can think it over.” 
He was sent there to mess about, Lilith understood this, but he has also been quite kind to her and even though she knew Hell wasn’t the best place to be it did seem more welcoming than Heaven at the moment. She really didn’t want to be alone on the Earth for the next few centuries. She also knew that the demon next to her was a bit of an outlier compared with other demons, as granted by her god given powers of insight, and that others down there probably weren’t so understanding. So she mulled it over while watching clouds drift by overhead.
To be honest, Lilith didn’t want to put up with any more self righteous idiots from Heaven. Some of the more cruel things jeered by the four who followed her had involved her not being either a pure angel or evil demon. That she was some little test subject of Gods that had already failed and that she was a disgrace. She didn’t really see anyone in Heaven thinking much differently, other than the Angel of the Eastern Gate. Lilith wasn’t really sure what the demons of Hell would think about her. If she was honest, she agreed that they might see her the same way, but she understood she was neither of Heaven or Hell but somewhere in the middle. She ultimately decided that she was now a ridiculously powerful human. And being human allowed her to choose what she wanted. God did tell her to be free and then smacked a bunch of knowledge into her head with a slightly guilty feeling that lingered.
So she chose, “I’ll go with you,”
The demon had been swirling his fingers in the water watching the small fish flit through them for them past five minutes. His eyes flicked back to hers and with a triumphant smile he held out his hand, noticing that a starfish shaped shadow had moved over her left eye and was spinning, “Alright, let’s go. I’m gonna have to drop you off since I’m supposed to be staying up here, making trouble, but I’ll hand you off to what passes for the help desk down there. They should be decent enough to help you and show you the ropes. Oh, make sure you tell them your name right away.” 
Lilith gave his outstretched hand a cursory look, then proceeded to take it into her own and the two disappeared with a blip. 
It turns out demons were generally assholes, but they helped her manifest some clothing, gave her a bit of a tour of the first few circles of Hell, and told her she was free to do as she wished. She just had to pick a department. Apparently, having made God feel guilty enough to give her powers and freedom to do as she pleased made her a bit of a celebrity.
After several centuries, Lilith was a pro in the Human Affairs and On Site Punishment department. She found that beating up very terrible and horrible people on Earth was quite liberating. Bad people went to hell to be punished and she was happy to drag them down there.
“Well naturally they were more snobby about it, I’m just filtering some of that out,” Melekasia responded while twirling her hand in front of her. This earned an amused snort from her friend.
 Lillith was about to reply with a little jab at angels when both their heads snapped to stare at the Earth. Or more specifically Tadfield. The clouds were rolling chaotically around the area and a distinct inhuman but powerful scream forced its way through the solar system. Both of them could feel the sadness and frustration that emanated from it. It ended with an air of relief and understanding.
“I think something just changed,” stated Lilith. She had always been quite receptive to the feelings and emotions of the creatures of Earth, probably because of what she is. The Anitchrist wasn’t exempt. She grabbed Melekasia’s hand and pulled her into a hopeful hug. “I felt the chaos in him clear up a bit. It’s still there but he has the steering wheel now. He’s not hurdling into a bottomless pit anymore!”
Melekasia’s silver eyes widened and she vigorously returned the hug while laughing. As an angel she could feel the panic start to fade from the humans across the Earth as fish and blood stopped raining down on them. Well most of the fish did. If she focused on a specific house belonging to a Mr. Tyler in Tadfield, she would see that where it was not raining fish a moment before, there were now salmon and trout now rolling down his roof and crushing many of his favorite flowers. 
Melekasia broke the hug with a bit of reluctance, but then miracled up her heavenly tablet. It was synced up with Heaven’s in time surveillance footage of the Earth and she typed in a command for it to focus in on Tadfeild. She had felt the general panic spike up tremendously again and realized why. 
She had heard rumors about the Four Horsepeople of the Apocalypse and about what they were planning to do with all the human weapons and such. Seeing it happen in real time and feeling the despair and utter fear increase across the world made her a little sick. Lillith wasn’t looking like she was handling the influx of emotions well either. Her face had paled as she watched Pollution, War, and Famine wrap themselves around the Earth. Humanities fear was choking her and she held tightly to Melekasia’s hand to steady herself. 
“I’m the only one Down There who can actually connect and feel their emotions on such a level. Some of the demons thrive on the fear and hatred. It fuels some dark part of them that want this war. If they could only sense this…” Lilith had whispered. Her eyes had started to water and she blinked back the tears furiously. It wasn’t the time to get emotional. She needed to be level headed. She summoned her phone and made a call. It went straight to voicemail. She would have tried again but he always picks up the first time and when she asked Melekasia to search Soho for a very specific bookshop, they found it to be on fire. Now she understood why he had told her not to get involved in this mess after texting her that he was on fire.
“Shit…” Well that was one way to put it. Melekasia cleared her throat nervously and checked her notifications. She had two. One stated that the angel Aziraphale had accidentally discorporated himself, flitted around the Earth body hopping back to London, and was currently cohabiting a human woman's body heading toward the Tadfield airbase. The other was that a rather strong demonic aura was barreling toward the base. “I didn’t know Angels could do that,” she stated. 
“Well we found one, but where is his boyfriend?” Lilith worried. His text earlier didn’t help. She hoped he was okay. Even after all this time, Crowley was her only friend down there. They’d meet up for gourmet food and drinks occasionally and he’d drunkenly complain about the angel and the fourteenth century.
Her answer was given shortly when Melekasia pulled up a map in the corner of the tablet and a large red dot of power appeared, racing to the airbase. A notification on her phone told her the same thing. She read aloud,
“‘The demon Crowley has been using a large amount of his demonic power to keep together and drive a flaming car for the last 20 min.’ Oh not the Bently, he loves that car. He must have driven through the M25.” That must have been what Hastur had been complaining about.
“I really don’t think that’s the most important thing right now,” mentioned Melekasia as she brought up the video feed of said burning car. “Okay, Yeah. He’s pretty cool.” she admitted. 
“Told ya!” Lillith said proudly. Her friend deserved more recognition than he got in Hell. They watched as the car screeched to a halt at the Airbase and as its driver sashayed out. It was an aerial view and they could see a group of four kids pedaling furiously closer to the base. They were followed by a rather adorable dog. 
At the gate, a soldier promptly disappeared after four children zipped by with their dog and a well loved car blew up. When the children faced down the monsters of man, the two onlookers held their nonexistent breath. They watched as War, Famine, and Pollution were defeated with open mouth shock. They could both feel the moment when millions of humans around the world burst with triumph as they made computers stop planning nuclear annihilation. Melekasia zoomed out extremely fast when both Gabriel and Beelzebub appeared for fear that those two might sense their watching eyes.
“I think things might actually work out well, for everyone,” Melekasia looked hopefully at Lillith and gave her hand a squeeze. Lillith smile held the utmost adoration, kissed her and rested her head on her best friends shoulder, which was interesting to do since Lilith was a good foot taller, then resumed watching something amazing unfold on the screen. The shadow had turned into a guppy and was happily running along her knuckles and fingers currently threaded through Melekasia’s.  
“You know I think it might.” she sighed happily as Melekasia’s head rested on hers. 
It was when Satan himself started to rise out of the ground that she finally switched off the tablet. He for sure would have sensed her and possibly Lillith. She didn’t want her girlfriend, basically her wife with how long they’ve been together, to get on his bad side. They could feel his anger from here. It was like a punch in the gut. But then it just randomly disappeared. 
Melekasia quickly turned back on the monitor and zoomed back into the Aribase. They watched as an old, but well kept family car drove through a cloud of smoke, stopped in front of a group of bewildered people, celestial and human alike. A man stepped out as a group of children and a dog  proceeded to quickly peddle away, looking bewildered himself. 
She sent a command for the feed to follow the Anti- no, Adam. His name is Adam she thought to herself. He has a name so she should use it. It trailed the kids back into the town, but once it got to Adams house, the boy himself looked up, smiled at the ‘camera’, made a finger gun, and mouthed BANG. The feed cut off with a pop.
This left two celestial beings on the moon gaping at the blank screen, before quickly falling into boisterous laughter.
“Oh hell! My stomach hurts!” Lilith was struggling to breath.
“Wh-ha-ha-haaaat the Hell just happened!?” Melekasia struggled to get out. “Humanity just won!? Adam literally gave a middle finger to the Great Plan!” Tears were streaming down her face while she hugged Lillith closer.
“That was the best thing ever! You need to send me that feed hahaha! Is there sound? There’s gotta be sound right? I want to know what they were saying.” Lilith cried.
“Ohmygod, yes!” and she pulled up the saved feed by hacking into one of the other surveillance systems Heaven had, this one was Environmental Affairs. She knew no one was watching it. The angel in charge of that department was called into a platoon earlier that day.  
The two watched as Gabriel and Beelzebub tried to force Adam to restart Armageddon, then listened with glee at Adams response and bored dismissal of the two. When Aziraphale had put in his two sense, quickly being joined by Crowley, and backed Adam, they knew those two were going to be in quite a bit of trouble. It was worrying but absolutely delightful to watch Gabriel and Beelzebub get owned. 
Things seemed to be settling down. Neither side got their war. The Earth didn’t perish and Humanity survived. There was an aura of hope that surrounded the two pairs of celestial beings for better things to come.
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northernwinedregs · 5 years
If ever you’ve doubted how much of an idiot I am, just know that for weeks I’ve been hearing the phrase ‘A Green New Deal’ and every time I’ve heard ‘Agreed, Nude Eel.’
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writinggeisha · 5 years
Colour Words
White: French beige,  Navajo white,  alabaster white,  albino white,  antique white,  arctic white,  argent white,  ashen white,  beige,  birch,  biscuit white,  bisque,  blanched almond,  blanched white,  bleached white,  blonde,  bone white,  buff,  camel,  canvas beige,  linen white,  marshmallow white,  milk white,  mocassin,  mother-of-pearl,  mushroom,  neutral white,  nude,  oatmeal white,  off-white,  old lace white,  opal,  paper white,  pearl white,  piano key white,  polar white,  porcelain,  powder white,  pure white,  raw cotton white,  coconut white,  contrast white,  cotton white,  cream,  diamond,  dove white,  ecru,  eggshell white,  flax,  flour white,  fog white,  frosted white,  ghost white,  goose white,  hemp,  ivory white,  lace white,  latte,  light tan,  lily white,  sandstone,  seashell white,  sheep white,  sheet white,  shell white,  shining star white,  silvery white,  smoky beige,  snow white,  solid white,  spotless white,  sugar white,  toothpaste white,  vanilla,  waxen white,  wedding white,  whey,  white,  white chocolate,  white smoke  Yellow: Chardonnay,  French fry yellow,  Titanium yellow,  amber,  banana yellow,  bleached blond,  blond,  buff,  bumblebee yellow,  butter yellow,  buttercup,  butternut squash yellow,  butterscotch,  cadmium yellow,  canary yellow,  champagne,  citrine,  corn yellow,  lemon peel,  lemon sherbet,  lemon yellow,  linen,  lion yellow,  maize,  marigold yellow,  mellow yellow,  metallic gold,  mimosa yellow,  mustard yellow,  ochre,  olive,  omelette yellow,  palamino,  papaya,  parakeet yellow,  pencil yellow,  cream,  custard yellow,  daffodil yellow,  dandelion,  duckling yellow,  egg yolk yellow,  electric yellow,  flax,  flesh tone,  gold,  gold yellow,  golden bronze,  golden yellow,  goldenrod,  highlighter yellow,  honey yellow,  lemon chiffon,  lemon drop,  pineapple yellow,  popcorn yellow,  raincoat yellow,  saffron,  school bus yellow,  squash yellow,  straw yellow,  sunflower yellow,  sunglow yellow,  sunset yellow,  sunshine yellow,  taxi cab yellow,  topaz,  vanilla,  wheat,  yellow,  yolk yellow  
Orange:  amber,  apricot,  basketball  orange,  blood  orange,  bourbon,  burnt  orange,  butterfly  orange,  candlelight  orange,  candy  corn,  cantaloupe  orange,  carnelian,  carotene,  carrot  orange,  cheddar  orange,  cinnamon,  mango,  marigold  orange,  melon  orange,  neon  orange,  old  gold,  orange,  orange  juice,  orange  peel,  orange  sherbet,  orange  soda,  orange-red,  papaya,  peach,  persimmon,  pumpkin  orange,   copper  penny,  coral,  dark  orange,  dark  salmon,  dayglo  orange,  ember  orange,  fall  leaves  orange,  flame  orange,  ginger  orange,  gold,  golden  orange,  goldfish  orange,  ice  pop  orange,  light  orange,  light  salmon,   rust  orange,  safety  orange,  saffron,  salamander  orange,  starfish  orange,  sunrise  orange,  tabby,  tangelo,  tangerine,  tawny,  tiger  orange,  tiger  stripe  orange,  traffic  cone  orange,  yam  orange
Red: Bordeaux  red,  Indian  red,  alizarin  crimson,  amaranth,  apple  red,  auburn,  autumn  leaf  red,  barn  red,  beet  red,  blood  red,  blush,  bougainvillea,  bourbon,  brick  red,  bright  red,  burgundy,  burnt  sienna,  candy  apple  red,  cardinal  red,  carmine,  carnelian,  cerise,  cherry  red,  chestnut  red,  chili  pepper  red,  magenta,  magma  red,  maroon,  orange-red,  paprika,  pepperoni  red,  persimmon  red,  pink  red,  pomegranate  red,  poppy  red,  rabbit  eye  red,  radish  red,  rare  steak  red,  raspberry  red,  red,  red  apple,  red  berry,  red  carpet,  red  licorice,  red  lipstick,  red  nose,  red  pepper,  red  potato,  red  rose,  red  velvet,  claret,  copper,  coral  red,  crab  red,  cranberry  red,  crimson  red,  dark  cerise,  dark  red,  deep  pink,  devil  red,  faded  rose,  fire  engine  red,  fire  red,  fire  truck  red,  flame  red,  florid  red,  fruit  punch  red,  garnet  red,  geranium  red,  henna,  hibiscus  red,  hot  pink,  ketchup  red,  ladybug  red,  lipstick  red,  red  wine  vinegar,  redwood,  rosewood,  rouge,  ruby  red,  russet  red,  rust  red,  sangria  red,  scarlet,  sports  car  red,  stop  light  red,  stop  sign  red,  strawberry  red,  tawny  port  red,  tawny  red,  terra  cotta,  tomato  bisque,  tomato  red,  torch  red,  vermillion,  watermelon  flesh,  wine  red,  winter  apple  red
Pink: Pepto Bismal pink,   Persian rose,   amaranth,   apricot,   ash rose,   baby cheeks pink,   baby pink,   bacon pink,   ballerina pink,   ballet pink,   ballet slipper pink,   begonia,   blush pink,   bougainvillea,   bubblegum pink,   cameo,   carmine,   carnation pink,   cerise,   cherry blossom,   mulberry,   neon pink,   orchid,   pale pink,   pastel pink,   peach,   peach puff,   peony pink,   petunia pink,   pig pink,   pink,   pink Cadillac,   pink champagne,   pink cheeks,   pink diamond,   pink grapefruit,   pink lemonade,   pink sherbet,   polka dot pink,   powder pink,   conch pink,   coral pink,   cotton candy,   cranberry,   cupcake pink,   dayglo pink,   dusty rose,   eraser pink,   flamingo pink,   flesh,   flesh-colored,   fuchsia,   grapefruit pink,   hibiscus pink,   hot pink,   jellyfish pink,   lavender pink,   light plum,   lipstick pink,   magenta,   rose,   rose petal,   rose pink,   rose quartz,   rosy red,   ruby,   ruddy pink,   sand pink,   seashell pink,   shocking pink,   soft pink,   strawberry jam,   strawberry milkshake,   sunset pink,   tea rose,   thistle pink,   tongue pink,   tulip pink,   turnip pink,   worm pink
Purple: Concord grape,   amethyst,   aubergine,   beet purple,   bilberry purple,   blackberry,   blackcurrant,   blue violet,   blueberry,   brandywine,   bruise purple,  byzantium,   cerise,   claret,   currant,   dahlia,   magenta,   mauve,   monster purple,   mulberry,   opal purple,   orchid purple,   pale plum,   pansy purple,   passionfruit purple,   pastel purple,   periwinkle,   plum,   prune,   purple,   purple cabbage,   purple jam,   dark raspberry,   dark violet,   eggplant purple,   fandango,   grape crush,   grape jam purple,   grape jelly purple,   grape purple,   heliotrope,   hyacinth,   inky purple,   iris purple,   juice purple,   lavender,   lavender blush,   lilac purple,   quartz,   raisin purple,   raspberry,   rhubarb purple,   royal purple,   thistle,   true purple,   turnip purple,   violet,   violet red,   wild berry purple,   wild grape,   wine,   wisteria
Blue: Caribbean blue,   Caribbean turquoise,   Dodger blue,   Pacific blue,   Prussian blue,   Tiffany blue,   alice blue,   aqua blue,   aquamarine,   azure blue,  baby blue,   blue belle,   blue ice,   blue jean blue,   blue-green,   blueberry,  bluebird blue,   bluebonnet blue,   cadet blue,   lapis lazuli,   light blue,  marine blue,   marlin blue,   midnight blue,   navy blue,   neon blue,   nighttime blue,   ocean blue,   pale blue,   pastel blue,   peacock blue,   police officer blue,   pool blue,   powder blue,   ribbon blue,   robin egg,   royal blue,   sapphire blue,   cobalt,   cornflower,   cyan,   dark blue,   dark slate blue,   deep sky blue,   denim blue,   dolphin blue,   electric blue,   frostbite blue,   glacial blue,   heather,   iceberg blue,   icy blue,   imperial blue,   indigo blue,   inky blue,  jay blue,   lake blue,   slate blue,   snowflake blue,   stained glass blue,   steel blue,   stone blue,   summer sky blue,   surf blue,   swimming pool,   teal blue,   true blue,   turquoise,   ultra blue,   ultramarine,   verdigris,   violet blue,   washed denim blue,   whale blue
Green: Granny Smith apple,   Kelly green,   Kermit green,   Persian green,   absinthe,   algae green,   alligator green,   apple green,   aqua,   army green,   artichoke green,   asparagus green,   avocado green,   bay leaf green,   bluegrass green,   boxwood green,   broccoli green,   cabbage green,   cactus green,   caterpillar green,   celery green,   chartreuse,   chive green,   chlorophyll green,   iceberg lettuce,   iguana green,   ivy green,   jade green,   jadestone,   jungle green,   kelp green,   key lime green,   leaf green,   leprechaun green,   lettuce green,   lichen green,   light cyan,   lime green,   lizard green,   melon rind green,   metallic mint,   mint green,   moss green,   myrtle green,   neon green,   olive drab,   olive green,   parrot green,   crocodile green,   cucumber green,   cyan,   cypress,   dark khaki green,   dark olive green,   dollar bill green,   drab olive,   eel green,   emerald green,   evergreen,   fern green,   forest green,   frog green,   grass green,   grasshopper green,   green,   green apple,   green olive,   green pepper,   green tea,   green-yellow,   holly,   honeydew green,   pea soup,   pear green,   pickle green,   pine green,   pistachio,   sage green,   sea green,   seafoam green,   seaweed green,   shamrock green,   spinach green,   spring bud green,   spring green,   sprout green,   spruce green,   summer grass,   swamp green,   tea green,   turtle green,   verdant,   verdigris,   wasabi green,   zucchini green
Brown: October brown,   acorn brown,   auburn,   autumn leaf,   barbecue sauce brown,   bark brown,   bay,   bear brown,   beetle brown,   biscuit brown,   branch brown,   brick brown,   bronze,   brown,   brown sugar,   brunette,   burnt sienna,  burnt umber,   butterscotch brow,   cafe au lait,   camel brown,   cappuccino brown,   caramel brown,   cardboard brown,   chestnut brown, kangaroo brown,   khaki,   leather,   lion brown,   liver brown,   mahogany,   maple brown,   maple sugar brown,   maroon,   meatball brown,   milk chocolate,   mink,   mocha brown,   mud brown,   nougat,   nude,   nut brown,   nut brown ale,   nutmeg,   oak brown,   pancake brown,   peanut butter brown,   potato brown,   pretzel brown,   raisin brown,   cinnamon brown,   cocoa,   cocoa brown,   coffee bean brown,   coffee brown,   coffee stain brown,   copper,   dark chocolate brown,   dark citrine,   deer brown,   desert sand,   dirt,   doeskin,   dun,   earth brown,   earth yellow,   earthenware brown,   fallow,   fawn brown,   football brown,   fox brown,   freckle brown,   ginger brown,   golden brown,   hazel brown,  rich earth,  roan,   root beer brown,   rosewood,   ruddy brown,   russet brown,   rust,  saddle brown,   sand,   sandy brown,   sea lion brown,   semi-sweet chocolate,   sepia,   sienna,   sorrel,   steak brown,   tan,   tan brown,   tan-nude,   tawny,   toast brown,   tumbleweed,   tweed brown,   walnut brown,   wheat,
Gray/Grey: argent silver,   ash gray,   battleship gray,   cadet gray,   charcoal gray,   chrome,   cloud gray,   cloudy day gray,   concrete gray,   cool gray,   cool grey,   dim gray,   dolphin gray,   dove gray,   overcast gray,   owl gray,   oyster gray,   pewter,   pigeon gray,   platinum,   rainy day gray,   rhinoceros gray,   river rock,   salt and pepper gray,   sardine gray,   seal gray,   shark gray,   silver,   elephant gray,   fog gray,   grandma gray,   granite gray,   gray,   grey,   gunmetal gray,   haze gray,   hippopotamus gray,   iron gray,   koala gray,   metal gray,   mist gray,   moon gray,   smoke gray,   soot gray,   steel gray,   stone gray,   storm gray,   stormy sea gray,   taupe gray,   thunder cloud gray,   warm gray,   wed sidewalk gray,   wool gray,   zinc gray
Black: Mars black,   black,   black cat,   black coffee,   black licorice,   black pearl,   black pepper,   black tar,   blackboard black,   blackout,   blue-black,   bow tie black,   kettle black,   kohl black,   licorice black,   mascara black,   mica,  midnight black,   molasses black,   night sky black,   ninja black,   obsidian,   onyx,   outer space black,   caviar black,   chalkboard black,   charcoal black,   coal black,   ebony black,   eclipse black,   eyelash black,   fig,   gothic black,   hearse black,   ink black,   jet black,   piano key black,   pitch black,   pupil black,  raven black,   sable black,   shadow black,   smoky black,   sooty black,   spade black,   spider black,   tar black,   tarmac black
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Trinkets, Worthless, 7: These trinket are garbage plain and simple. They would be termed vendor trash or junk loot in video games. They aren’t touched by stray magic or mystery as with regular trinkets, aren’t made from valuable materials and aren’t particularly useful even if they aren’t damaged.
A wheel of blue cheese that's been dyed red.
A black burlap satchel containing five burned and charred wooden coins.
A small pouch of cinnamon dust.
An inverted monkey skull dusted with traces of silver and gold shavings.
A bouquet of dried belladonna flowers that have an odd smell to them
An empty copper scroll tube with a broken wax seal.
A stuffed falcon, tattered with age, with black onyx eyes.
A battered goblin skull
A pewter thimble
A rusty handsaw
---Keep reading for 90 more trinkets.
---Note: The previous 10 items are repeated for easier rolling on a d100.
A wheel of blue cheese that's been dyed red.
A black burlap satchel containing five burned and charred wooden coins.
A small pouch of cinnamon dust.
An inverted monkey skull dusted with traces of silver and gold shavings.
A bouquet of dried belladonna flowers that have an odd smell to them
An empty copper scroll tube with a broken wax seal.
A stuffed falcon, tattered with age, with black onyx eyes.
A battered goblin skull
A pewter thimble
A rusty handsaw
A bright red hooded cape sized for a child, spattered with dried blood.
An unused paintbrush made of horsehair and pinewood.
A low, three-legged stool topped by an uncomfortable brass seat
A finger lengthed decorative pewter fish with green colored glass eyes.
A burlap sack packed with straw and a dozen chicken eggs that have been hollowed out and filled with white flour.
A small brown glass jar sealed with wax and with a gray dust inside. A white label is affixed to the jar, and reads: “Zombie Dust” in a shaky script.
A hand-fan of clipped, black-dyed harpy feathers bound with copper wire. The dark feathers still smell as foul as the beasts they were taken from
A thick leather satchel containing 100 clay marbles, equally divided into four different Random Colours of 25 marbles each.
A wooden tube containing sheet music for a popular folk song adapting it to tablature which requires a three-handed (All of them left) mandolin player
A crude wand made from a goblin’s femur and set with a cracked jet stone lashed to the bone with sinew.
A brown and red flecked egg, the size of a loaf of bread, that gives off a rancid scent.
A set of six quill nibs used for scroll making.
A set of dentures made from old wood that smells horribly and has small hunks of what is hopefully food stuck between the teeth.
A shrunken goblin head
A pair of tarnished steel tweezers
A small vial of cheap cologne
A pair of steel tweezers made to fit the hands of a large creature.
A burlap bag containing a gold sifter and a pound of pyrite (Fool’s gold) nuggets.
A small sack with two dozen unused corks of various sizes and shapes.
An old wooden bucket full of mismatched spoons.
A sealed letter that refuses to open
A sealed, empty glass vial that can't be opened and will never break
A one-gallon cask of pickled eels.
A thrice-folded sheet of paper with incomplete punchlines to six knock-knock jokes.
A ratty burlap pouch containing nine small stones, each a slightly different shade of blue.
A small scrap of paper, upon which is written, “Do you like me? YES or NO?”
A key ring with three small keys looped on it labeled, “This one,” “That one,” and “The other one.”
A brand new, but tragically empty, wallet.
A weather worn wooden board, inscribed with patterns which make it clear that it was once used for a game whose rules have long since been lost to time.
A woodcutter's axe that refuses to cut anything but wood.
A child’s puppet which is normal in all respects, except for the third eye on its forehead.
A small granite pebble which registers faintly as magical, but which is otherwise wholly unremarkable.
A large wood chip which acts as a magnet, despite its non-metallic nature.
A large wire and glass spectacle, designed for a creature possessed of only a single eye in the middle of their head.
A pair of six-fingered gloves, along with a single matching seven-fingered glove. The set is made of supple black leather, and stitched with white thread.
A dismembered skeletal hand clutching an unopened letter. If the seal is broken and the message read, it warns its would-be recipient to guard against an eminent betrayal.
A monogrammed handkerchief with a set of initials you do not recognize
A morbid shopping list consisting of random body parts with hints as to what evil concoctions the parts are needed for.
A small unlabeled brown glass bottle with a reddish liquid inside.
A smooth oval shaped rock with the word “Family” chiseled into it in a fine script.
A faded 2’x4’ watercolor painting of a young couple in old world wedding attire, set in a pewter frame.
A white food-prep apron that fits over the neck at the front and ties around the waist at the back. It looks like it has seen heavy use but has been repeatedly cleaned with lye soap and only has minor stains.
A pair of thick knit, heat proof mittens used by cooks to handle hot objects. The cuffs go half way up wearer’s forearms and can handle extremely hot metals and ceramics without issue.
A pair of child sized pink wool mittens with a cat face design on the back of each. They are strung together at the wrists by wool cord.
A pair of dried and preserved human hands, sewn together and made to be worn as a pair of earmuffs.
A mummified troglodyte's hand
Half of an iron holy symbol of Bane, the evil deity of tyranny and war.
A small burlap pouch filled with various animal teeth
A painted lute missing its strings
A bloodstained map of the local area.
A coin purse containing a pair of jade earplugs
A small stoppered vial of clear glass that cannot be uncorked. The vial is empty
A bit of slime in a jar. When the jar is opened, the slime tries it's hardest to stay as deep in the jar as it can and wise PCs feels as though they shouldn't touch it.
A brass locket containing a picture of an unrecognizable child.
A barely fathomable map of an infinite labyrinth that is all but illegible and seems to loop back on itself in several instances.
An unfinished nude drawing of a man with an eye patch.
A deflated leather ball.
A pamphlet preaching the glories of “Nameless: The Double Faced Gnome”.
A crude sketch of a goblin entitled “Leonard”.
A half built wooden sled.
A pouch of various dried mushrooms. It's probably not wise to consume them without proper identification first.
A statuette of a goblin made from a coprolite.
A wand sized for a kobold made of glued together chicken bones
A wooden scroll tube containing a deed to a large bridge in a fairly populated area as well as the consent of the king to collect tolls from pedestrians. The deed is an obvious forgery only an absolute imbecile would believe that it's genuine.
A cabbage that cannot be eaten. It can be torn apart or destroyed but no part of it can be chewed or swallowed.
A gold-painted rock that resembles a gold nugget but would never pass as one.
A defective red boomerang that never returns to the person who throws it.
A deed to a large castle and the five acres of land around it. The deed is an obvious forgery and none of the PC's are sure if the place even exists in the first place
A cork that has a faint aroma of orange.
A single large mushroom that smells of butterscotch and rot.
A battered scabbard that smells strongly of old cheese.
A rusty speculum.
A broken lute covered in bloodstains.
A old dagger that has rusted into its sheath and cannot be removed.
A empty miser's coinpurse whose drawstrings can only be untied by a particularly dexterous PC.
A child's wooden sword, with the names of several children carved into the side. It is completely covered blood stains which vary in age.
A pewter spoon that (According to the initials on it) was owned by a rich but miserly landlord of a nearby city. If the gossip you’ve heard about him is true, it’s likely that after it went missing he started eating his soup with a fork rather than buy a new spoon.
A jar containing an alchemical salve that is labeled "Apply to soles once per week." However, the salve has solidified into a waxy mass.
A folded paper frog that when unfolded, can be read the uplifting message: “A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single hop.”
A bracelet braided from the ligaments of an unknown creature, with a single charm carved from a humanoid tooth.
A piece of torn linen cloth worn soft by someone else's fingers. Up close there are obvious marks where embroidery has been picked away.
A small glass jar with a gilt-painted image of a minor goddess of a Random Domain. The container is empty except for a waxy residue at the mouth of the jar.
A small glass file, intended for the care of nails, claws or talons.
A string of rough, red beads that smell faintly of cinnamon.
A carved bone portrait of a famous pirate. The enamel has worn thin over the years.
A small doll who someone thought it would be a good idea to carve its head from an apple. The face is brown, dry and wizened.
A wolf-hair paintbrush that's perfect for calligraphy, though the binding is coming loose.
A walnut-sized terracotta jar containing traces of red makeup.
A used brass chamber pot in which has been hidden three pieces of uncut rose quartz.
Talisman of Ultimate Entropic Destruction: An iron amulet displaying the twisted face of a snarling demon, that when activated will utterly destroy the entire universe... in 15 billion years. There is no way to speed up this process.
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5 Fun Things to Do in San Diego for Adults
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Discover Some Fun Things to Do in San Diego for Adults
Sometimes it really is just frustrating trying to search through a multitude of websites in desperate hope of finding something worth doing… Well, I’ve condensed your searching into one article! Whether you live in the area and are wanting to do something different or you are on vacation and wanting to make every moment worthwhile… This should help! Get out on the water The Gondola Company The Gondola Company is basically your Passport to Italy as it allows you to experience the magical tradition of Venice… in the United States. You will have the chance to softly cruise in a private gondola - a flat-bottomed boat with high points at each end, rowed by one oar - through the beautiful canals of the Coronado Cays.  There are different options for these gentle cruises such as, Pasaporto Cruise - relaxing and romantic, Sunset Cruise - a twilight gondola cruise, Carolina Cruise - for families, Fleet Cruise - to celebrate special occasions with family, friends, or coworkers… You may have up to six gondolas travelling side-by-side, seating up to forty-three people at once. Whichever you choose, you can upgrade your cruise with a professional mandolin or violin player. La Jolla Kayak With this kayak tour you will get to kayak through the La Jolla Ecological Reserve. This reserve is home to leopard sharks, Garibaldi (California’s state marine fish), kelp beds, sea lions, and sometimes even pods of dolphins. Depending on weather you may even have the chance to enter into the sea caves! Prepare to get wet! San Diego Whale Watching Cruise One specifically thrilling, yet relaxing, thing you are able to do in San Diego is whale watching! You will sail San Diego waters aboard a replica of an infamous sailing schooner - the world’s first America’s Cup trophy winner. Throughout the experience your guide will share interesting and informative commentary about any marine life in the area, as well as about some US Navy sites you will pass. Along this cruise you have the chance to spot migrating whales and/or dolphins! Exciting! Go sightseeing Sunset Cliffs Natural Park Sunset Cliffs Natural Park is a city park that sits on a unique coastal landscape. It has a three-mile family-friendly (aka, rather easy) hike along the shoreline. There are several amazing points to access on the trail which include Ladera St. and Sunset Cliffs Blvd. in the Hillside section. From these access points, you can find stairs that lead to tidepools as well as to the path that meanders along the coast. Along this said trail you will have the ability to see the Sandstone Arch and Cormorant Rock. The Meditation Gardens More specifically called, Encinitas - The Place: Self-Realization Fellowship Meditation Gardens. At these gardens you are said to lose yourself in thought as they are peaceful and “cleansing.” Here you will find yourself walking on stone and dirt paths, surrounded by well-manicured gardens filled with tropical plants, trees, beautiful vibrant flowers, and potted plants. There are also small, soothing creeks and miniature waterfalls that lead into little ponds - which are filled with colorful koi fish. Now, if you are not wanting to walk the whole time, do not worry. There are benches located along the paths and some more hidden in remote corners so you can sit down, and soak it all in. Maybe even meditate. Stonewall Peak Trail This trail, located in the Cuyamaca Rancho State Park of San Diego, is actually one of the most popular in San Diego. Upon hiking this trail, you will have the opportunity to see breath-taking three-sixty views from Cuyamaca Rancho State Park to Anza-Borrego Desert State Park. The trail is not too difficult, and it has a few places to stop if you want a break. Maybe have a picnic in Paso Picacho Campground - located along the trail. Something especially cool about this trail is that you will be upon rounded hills of granitic and metamorphic rock… This rock is the ancient roots of a once actively volcanic, Peninsular Range. Do not worry, it is totally safe now. Visit all sorts of parks Balboa Park Balboa Park is considered central to the story of San Diego as it started up one-hundred and fifty years ago when leaders took the step of setting aside the mesa overlooking downtown to establish a city park. It is ethnically diverse, historically rich, culturally abundant, and naturally breathtaking. This park includes seventeen museums and seemingly infinite gardens. There are different tours, restaurants, shopping places, and theaters. It is seen as one of North America’s most “iconic” urban parks - it definitely seems to be a must-see. Belmont Park Belmont Park is actually an amusement park but that can still be fun for adults… Right? There is access to laser tag, sky ropes, sky climb/rockwall, mini-golf, and a seven-dimensional theater. Who knew there even was such a thing?! Not only will you be able to participate in said activities but there are also many rides, as it is an amusement park. Some include The Giant Dipper, Beach Blaster, Control Freak, and so on.   Petco Park Petco Park is a Major-League baseball park located in the downtown area of San Diego. It is also sometimes used as a venue for concerts, soccer, golf, and rugby sevens This Major League ballpark differentiates itself from others built in the same era with its absence of retro-style red brick and green seats. The stadium is garbed in Indian sandstone and stucco. Any exposed steel is painted white and the (about) forty-thousand fixed seats are dark blue. It’s a truly unique design, making for an even more special experience.   Laze on the beach Black’s Beach Black’s Beach is definitely one for adults only… You will see why in a moment. This beach is perfect for surfers as the coastline has big winter swells. But, for non-surfers, the beach is known as San Diego’s nude beach. Nudism is indeed unlawful in San Diego, but it has persisted at this beach for decades. If you are looking to surf, the surfers tend to head south, of the Glider Port Trail, to the main peaks. If you are looking to laze (18+ style), the nudists hang out more north. If you are not interested in either, keep reading as La Jolla Shores may be for you. La Jolla Shores La Jolla Shores is one of the most popular beaches in all of California - it is actually on a peninsula, surrounded by three sides by the sea. During the summer and fall months, the waves are gentle, and the waters stay warm. This is perfect if you are just looking to float in the sea, maybe even lay in a raft. Or, if you are wanting to simply stick your toes in the water… ass in the sand. Ocean Beach Not only can you surf or sunbathe here, you can also walk amongst a wooden pier that extends an entire half a mile out to sea - you are permitted to fish here, too. Also, there is a sub-beach to Ocean Beach called Dog Beach. On this beach pets are not only allowed, but heavily encouraged to come at any time! See some animals San Diego Zoo Some exhibits include; Monkey Trails and Forest Tales, Owens Aviary, Scripps Aviary, Panda Canyon, Urban Jungle, Polar Bear Plunge, Discovery Outpost, Ituri Forest, Elephant Odyssey, Gorilla Tropics, and so on. San Diego Safari Park Some exhibits and attractions include; Asian Savanna and African Plains, Tiger Trail, Nairobi Village and Gorilla Forest, Hidden Jungle, Lion Camp, Condor Ridge, African Woods and African Outpost, and more.   SeaWorld San Diego Some exhibits include; Aquariums, Explorer’s Reef, Dolphins, Killer Whales, Wild Arctic, and Seals and Seal Lions. There are also rides such as Bayside Skyride, Ocean Explorer, Riptide Rescue, Electric Eel, Journey to Atlantis, and the list goes on! All in all, there really are so many different, fun things to do in San Diego. From sailing San Diego waters to hiking up an inactive volcano, you have hopefully found what suits you! Have a blast with whichever one (or more) of these exciting adventures you choose! More info on things to do in San Diego can be found below: https://californiathroughmylens.com/things-to-do-in-san-diego/ https://gocity.com/blog/san-diego-for-adults/ https://www.tripster.com/travelguide/things-to-do-in-san-diego-for-adults/Sail San Diego Bay in style | America’s Cup Sailing Charter Read the full article
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yourbrokenreality · 5 years
Actor Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez’s Green New Deal - February 7, 2019
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On 2/7
A possible foreshadowed narrative is someone either linking or purporting to have nudes of her from college. Green NUDE Eel.
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A GREEN New Deal 8 months and 6 days from her upcoming 30th birthday.
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lawfultruth · 5 years
What’s the Bidding on the Green New Deal?
Just because anthropogenic climate change is a legitimate concern doesn’t mean that the most radical pronouncements from the idealogues aren’t fair game for criticism.
Not an idealogue, Bjorn  Lomborg, thinks we should worry about it  … a little bit. That caution has earned him derision as a skeptic or worse, a denier merely because he believes the “threat” is overstated and the proposed cures are needless and far more expensive than the disease.
Now for the vote-trolling presidential aspirants.
How many trillions for the Green Nude Eel?
Uncle Joe Biden opens with an unmuscular $1.7 Trillion and, in honor of his past, is accused of stealing ideas from the GND.  He sweetens the pot by refusing to take money from fossil fuel interests.
Senator (not gonna call her that) Warren sees Uncle Joe, raises to $2 Trillion, and proposes a brand spanking new government department to enact a new “national jobs strategy”. (Which we need as much as the Soviets needed their five-year plans.)
Robert Francis O’Rourke raises to $5 Trillion.
Two percenter Jay Inslee raised the pot to $9 Trillion of your money (as seen by the editorial board of America’s finest news source).
OAC, who got this whole thing going, insists that the bet is “at least” $10 Trillion. She compares the climate challenge to the evils of WWII. Consider the first 25 minutes of Saving Private Ryan, the Japanese atrocities in Manchuria, or the Holocaust and decide if you agree. At least Sen Warren has the dignity to compare hers to the “Green Apollo Program”.
No word from Bernie, who will be spending your money on government supplied housing and free healthcare and free college for all. Still no word from any of them about where the money will come from, other than “the rich people”.
How are Danerys Targaryan and the climatistas are alike.
The Breaker of Chains, on Jon Snow’s question about who governs, “They don’t get to choose”. S 8 Ep 6.
Christina Figueres, former chair of the UN IPCC, eliminating capitalism is the only option left to protect the planet. (To be replaced by what, exactly)?
What happened to reporting the news?
There was a time when opinions were for the editorial page. Not anymore. Here are the new guidelines at the Guardian for “reporting” on the environment:
Use climate emergency, crisis or breakdown instead of climate change.
Use global heating instead of global warming.
Use wildlife instead of biodiversity (when appropriate).
Use fish populations instead of fish stocks.
Use climate science denier or climate denier instead of climate skeptic.
And they wonder why they aren’t trusted.
But now for the bad news
One-of-a-kind Mac Rebennack, a/k/a Dr. John, RIP.
Protector of New Orleans musical tradition
Piano player
  What’s the Bidding on the Green New Deal? syndicated from https://ronenkurzfeldweb.wordpress.com/
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centuryassociates · 5 years
Oil Field Technology … and a Texas Bill Aimed at Royalty Owners
Welcome to today’s grab-bag of unrelated topics.
The climate avengers are clever in the way they demonize the industry. They give zero credit for technological advancement. Truth is, the industry’s use of technology is constantly evolving, resulting in improved performance and, not secondarily, lessened environmental impact from operations.
One example: Scientists from The Ohio State University are working on a project to convert fossil fuels and biomass into useful products, including electricity, without emitting carbon dioxide into the atmosphere. The papers were published in the journal Energy & Environmental Science.
Further to the point: Here are relevant portions of a recent presentation by ConocoPhillips’ Chief Technology Officer Greg Leveille to TIPRO members showing technological breakthroughs that have  improved natural gas production processes while also using less water and emitting lower amounts of CO2 into the atmosphere.
Why is this important?
Jude Clements in Forbes identifies five practical reasons (there are more) why the Green Nude Eel is not workable. He predicts that fossil fuels will be with us for a long time to come. That is a better alternative than importing LNG to the East Coast from our president’s putative BFF, or bringing oil  into California from, as they say, people who want to kill us have killed us.
And all the while the avengers are out-trillioning one another to prove their green bona fides.
What is the Legislature about to do to Texas royalty owners?
The short answer is, cutting them out of a cause of action for unpaid royalties.
On the legislative front, we have House Bill 3372, gliding quickly and stealthily through the current legislative session. The bill would amend Section 91.402(b) of the Texas Natural Resources Code to deprive payees of a common law cause of action for breach of contract against the payor who withholds payments under 91.402(b).
The Bill is in response to the 2018 ruling of the Supreme Court of Texas in ConocoPhillips Company et al v. Koopmann. (Reported by me, but not so much on this topic)
The Koopmanns sued Burlington for failure to pay royalties due under an oil and gas lease. Burlington argued that the Koopman’s exclusive remedy was under Chapter 91 of the Natural Resources Code, citing Section 91.402, allowing a payor to withhold royalty payments without interest when there is “a dispute concerning title that would affect distribution of payments.” Section 9.404(c) established a cause of action in favor of royalty owners for nonpayment of royalties required in section 91.402. Burlington argued that by this statute the Legislature intended that a royalty owner’s only cause of action for failure to pay royalties is under section 91.404(c). The court disagreed. The statute did not clearly indicate legislative intent to abrogate a common-law cause of action. Thus the Koopmanns were entitled to sue for breach of contract.
This legislation would overrule Koopmann. Royalty owners, be advised.
What does it portend? Passage could mean fewer Cadillacs, surely no pink ones, and no Mercurys.
  Oil Field Technology … and a Texas Bill Aimed at Royalty Owners posted first on https://centuryassociates.blogspot.com/
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alexandersmcdaniels · 5 years
Oil Field Technology … and a Texas Bill Aimed at Royalty Owners
Welcome to today’s grab-bag of unrelated topics.
The climate avengers are clever in the way they demonize the industry. They give zero credit for technological advancement. Truth is, the industry’s use of technology is constantly evolving, resulting in improved performance and, not secondarily, lessened environmental impact from operations.
One example: Scientists from The Ohio State University are working on a project to convert fossil fuels and biomass into useful products, including electricity, without emitting carbon dioxide into the atmosphere. The papers were published in the journal Energy & Environmental Science.
Further to the point: Here are relevant portions of a recent presentation by ConocoPhillips’ Chief Technology Officer Greg Leveille to TIPRO members showing technological breakthroughs that have  improved natural gas production processes while also using less water and emitting lower amounts of CO2 into the atmosphere.
Why is this important?
Jude Clements in Forbes identifies five practical reasons (there are more) why the Green Nude Eel is not workable. He predicts that fossil fuels will be with us for a long time to come. That is a better alternative than importing LNG to the East Coast from our president’s putative BFF, or bringing oil  into California from, as they say, people who want to kill us have killed us.
And all the while the avengers are out-trillioning one another to prove their green bona fides.
What is the Legislature about to do to Texas royalty owners?
The short answer is, cutting them out of a cause of action for unpaid royalties.
On the legislative front, we have House Bill 3372, gliding quickly and stealthily through the current legislative session. The bill would amend Section 91.402(b) of the Texas Natural Resources Code to deprive payees of a common law cause of action for breach of contract against the payor who withholds payments under 91.402(b).
The Bill is in response to the 2018 ruling of the Supreme Court of Texas in ConocoPhillips Company et al v. Koopmann. (Reported by me, but not so much on this topic)
The Koopmanns sued Burlington for failure to pay royalties due under an oil and gas lease. Burlington argued that the Koopman’s exclusive remedy was under Chapter 91 of the Natural Resources Code, citing Section 91.402, allowing a payor to withhold royalty payments without interest when there is “a dispute concerning title that would affect distribution of payments.” Section 9.404(c) established a cause of action in favor of royalty owners for nonpayment of royalties required in section 91.402. Burlington argued that by this statute the Legislature intended that a royalty owner’s only cause of action for failure to pay royalties is under section 91.404(c). The court disagreed. The statute did not clearly indicate legislative intent to abrogate a common-law cause of action. Thus the Koopmanns were entitled to sue for breach of contract.
This legislation would overrule Koopmann. Royalty owners, be advised.
What does it portend? Passage could mean fewer Cadillacs, surely no pink ones, and no Mercurys.
  from Oil And Gas Updates https://www.energyandthelaw.com/2019/05/02/oil-field-technology-and-a-texas-bill-aimed-at-royalty-owners/
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oldguardaudio · 5 years
PowerLine -> Minnesota Rep. Ilhan Omar the ungrateful one
PowerLine -> Minnesota Rep. Ilhan Omar the ungrateful one
PowerLine -> Minnesota Rep. Ilhan Omar the ungrateful one Daily Digest
Coup’s next
Ilhan the ungrateful
Steven Rattner concurs
The Week in Pictures: Green Nude Eel Edition
Venezuela Goes Domestic
Coup’s next
Posted: 16 Feb 2019 08:15 AM PST
(Scott Johnson)Mark Penn puts the greatest scandal of Obama administration officials — the greatest political scandal in our history — this way:
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azjurahdnd-blog · 6 years
The Deities of Azjurah
The Gods that hold sway over the domain of Azjurah are many and varied. Whilst a particular race or city may hold a god or gods of lesser renown in favour, the most powerful and influential gods in Azjurah are those of the ‘Pantheon of Dyvar’. A polytheistic religion, the many facets of which are reflected in the beliefs observed throughout the universe and various planes of existence. 
Disciples of Dyvar believe that their gods came to this realm as twins and so share an intrinsic kinship and so should be worshipped in kind. Whilst it is not uncommon to find shrines, or even temples, dedicated to a singular god their tabernacles are most often found devoted to both gods of that particular entwine. The Domains of the Pantheon of Dyvar and there corresponding twin in the order in which they are believed to have come to Azjurah are as follows; Light and Dark, Life and Death, Nature and Tempest, Knowledge and Deception, Justice and Vengeance.
NAME : Valar Y’un MAJOR DOMAIN :  Light MINOR DOMAIN(S) : The Sun, Cleansing, Love ALIGNMENT : Neutral Good DEPICTIONS & SYMBOLISM : Often depicted as a nude female form obscured by blinding light. Symbols of Valar take the form of an amber four pointed star often crafted from orange, yellow or white precious stones and metals.
NAME : Kratar Y’un MAJOR DOMAIN :  Dark MINOR DOMAIN(S) : The Moons, Shadow, The Unkown ALIGNMENT : Chaotic Neutral DEPICTIONS & SYMBOLISM : Often depicted as a faceless cloaked figure shrouded in curling black smoke. Symbols of Kratar take the form of a white full crescent moon encompassing a black hand.
NAME : Qaya Althaan MAJOR DOMAIN :  Life MINOR DOMAIN(S) : Birth, Safe Passage, Motherhood. ALIGNMENT : Neutral Good DEPICTIONS & SYMBOLISM : Often depicted as a female with feathered wings and tall golden horns. Symbols of Qaya take the form of gold and ivory crossed feathers.
NAME : Vaniq Althaan MAJOR DOMAIN :  Death MINOR DOMAIN(S) : Disease, Poison, Pain ALIGNMENT : Lawful Evil DEPICTIONS & SYMBOLISM : Often depicted as a skeletal man with a dragons skull, wings and scorpion tail. Symbols of Vaniq take the form of an ebony ankh looping a human or bestial skull.
NAME : Syldan Y’var MAJOR DOMAIN : Nature MINOR DOMAIN(S) : Harvest, Animals, Agriculture ALIGNMENT : True Neutral DEPICTIONS & SYMBOLISM : Often depicted as a great green lion with a mane of foliage and flora. Symbols of Syldan take the form of an oak tree with green foliage, a golden trunk and red roots
NAME : Qithis Y’var MAJOR DOMAIN : Tempest MINOR DOMAIN(S) : Destruction, Elements, Speed ALIGNMENT : Neutral Evil DEPICTIONS & SYMBOLISM : Often depicted as silver sea serpent or eel with three sets of scaled wings. Symbols of Qithis take the form of a many headed serpent emanating from an upturned skull.
NAME : Vo Ark’hoss MAJOR DOMAIN :  Knowledge MINOR DOMAIN(S) : Learning, Craft, Invention ALIGNMENT : Neutral Good DEPICTIONS & SYMBOLISM : Often depicted as a nine armed man with the head of an owl. Each hand conceals an eye. Symbols of Vo take the form of nine keys stacked.
NAME : Skallis Ark’hoss MAJOR DOMAIN : Deception MINOR DOMAIN(S) : Secrets, Trickery, Mischief ALIGNMENT : Neutral Evil DEPICTIONS & SYMBOLISM : Often depicted as giant spider with the torso of a man, retaining its many eyed arachnid head. Symbols of Skallis take the form of a web emanating from a central eye.
NAME : Qorin Indil MAJOR DOMAIN : Justice MINOR DOMAIN(S) : Truth, Protection, Discipline ALIGNMENT : Lawful Good DEPICTIONS & SYMBOLISM : Often depicted as a massive intricately armoured humanoid with an elephantine helm. Symbols of Qorin take the form of a copper elephant or elephant head.
NAME : Zarryk Indil MAJOR DOMAIN : Vengeance MINOR DOMAIN(S) : Sin, Cruelty, Cowardice ALIGNMENT : Chaotic Evil DEPICTIONS & SYMBOLISM : Often depicted as massive human form made up of countless smaller men. Symbols of Zarryk take the form of two swords crossed under an eye with a red slit pupil.
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