#green with evil
kimberlyannharts · 11 months
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Power Rangers Official really said happy birthday to ME!!!!!!!
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jalloweenknight · 2 years
Jason David Frank as Tommy Oliver was always my childhood hero.
A while ago I found an old VHS for sale, of him teaching martial arts, so I bought it.
Never watched it, but I figured if I ever actually wanted to know how to fight, then I'd do it like the Green Ranger. lol
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punster-2319 · 1 year
Since it’s Power Rangers day, I can’t help but bring up that this is still my all-time favorite moment in the franchise:
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sparrowsabre7 · 1 year
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Happy 30th Anniversary to the first appearance of Tommy Oliver
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jimmysavage · 1 year
Spent all week coloring because of the rain. Here's another piece by the amazing Gavin Smith!
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infinitysgrace · 2 years
it's funny when ppl are like "how did they not know tommy was the green ranger after his personality changed and he was wearing all green"
because first of all, he was already wearing green when they met before the green ranger was a thing
second, they had like no reason to assume the green ranger was another kid
third and most importantly, "this actual teenager's mood changed over the course of a day after he just moved into town from who knows where and just started in a new school a couple months into the school year. obviously this means he's secretly the evil green ranger trying to destroy the Power Rangers let's get him!!" DO YOU KNOW HOW THAT SOUNDS???
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ajgrey9647 · 6 months
Playing with Fire - Ajgrey9647 - Mighty Morphin Power Rangers [Archive of Our Own]
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popculturebuffet · 2 years
Mighty Morphin Power Rangers: Green With Evil Review (Sponsored By Brotoman.EXE)
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Happy St. Patricks day Rangers! On this fair blog i've dipped my toe into the morphing grid before with "Forever Red" but today I dive deep as I cover one of the most important arcs in power ranger history, an arc that would deefine how the series tackled sixth rangers, change the status quo for the first time ever and introduce the greatest ranger of all, Tommy Oliver.
Green of Evil is a 5 parter from the original power rangers, and the ones I watched as a kid, Mighty Morphin Power Rangers. MMPR was a massive part of my childhood: I had mmpr cutrtains, bedsheets, the toys, as did my brother, and played all the games, which would also be worth revisiting at some point. It was the big thing and likely, along with Fox Kids superhero lineup, helped steer me towards the superhero nerd I am today. Was the show cheesy? Yes. Overacted. God yes. Was the footage used from Super Sentai obvious in hindsight/ Indubtly. But was it fun?
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MMPR is so earnest in it's cheese, toyetic nature and acting I just can't help but still love it. It's all the ham of a 60's era comic or monster movie but with a style all it's own.. well it's and Zyuranger, but still. And this was eaisly season' one's peak.
For those two of you not familiar with MMPR, a refesher: Mighty Morphin Power Rangers is the story of "five teenagers with attitude" summoned by Zoron, a giant wizard what lives in a tube, and his robot buddy Alpha 5. They are Stallone style meat head and leader man Jason, valley girl and gymnst kimblery, cheery enironmentalist Trini, turbo nerd Billy, and breakdancer cool dude Zack. Together they became the Red, Pink, Yellow, Blue and Black rangers and using their martial arts skills, varied intrests and combinging giant dinsoaur megazords, they became the power rangers. Together they defend the world from the various goofy monsters sent to earth by Rita Repulsa, an evil space empress of evil who some astronauts found in a dumpster, and now hunts our heroes with the help of her minons: Goldar, a hammy furry in golden armor, Finster, who sculpts the monsters Rita sends out of clay, and Squat and Baboo… who certainly are there.
The show mostly stuck to the formula of "Rita makes a monster based on some intrest of the kids this week as she spies on them constantly", and our heroes have to stop it, eventually summoning their robots when Rita MAKES HER MONSTER GROWWWW.
Green with Evil is where it breaks for a bit: while some of it's still in tact Green with Evil is one long story, taking advantage of the sohw's daily release to tell one long epic as the team faces their worst nightmare: a sixth ranger under rita's control who soon leaves them without Zordon and on the defensive. It's the first time MMPR really had a story arc or higher stakes than go beat up a pumpkin what also wraps: our heroes had a real chance of loosing. Will they triumph? Well yeah, but find out how under the cut!
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We begin our epic as Angel Grove is having it's 30th or so Martial Arts compettitoin at the Juice bar and being the team martial artist, Jason is naturally one of the front runners. He has some commpetion first as we first meet Tommy Oliver doing what he does best: giving a lot of badass "KIAHS" and doing some martial arts moves. Jason David Frank was a martial artist and it shows, and he'd go professional after leaving power rangers.
The show also does a nice job hyping Tommy up without it being too "GEE LOOK AT THIS GREAT GUY SURE HOPE HE DOSEN'T TURN EVIL' It's just the right amount "GEE LOOK AT THIS GREAT GUY I SURE HOPE HE DOSEN"T TURN EVIL", as he and jason are evenly matched to the point they tie and thus both win. or no one wins/ I dunno. Instead of sudden death or anything the two just shake hands and become best buds while Kimmberly is super into the new guy, kicking off one of the biggest romances in ranger history>
Tommy further wins Kim over the next day when Bulk and Skull hit on her as they do every episode. That was really all they did at first far as I can tell: hit on kimberly and get into shenanigans while their dope as hell theme song played. Bulk plans to teach her a lesson but before Kimberly rearrrange their face, Tommy steps in and makes it clear he will if they keep this shit up. Being Bulk and Skull, they scoff at the guy clearly more musccular than they are till he does some karate moves and scares them off. Kim asks Tommy to casually hang.
Sadly for their casual hang makeout plans, Rita has other ideas. Rita has a green power coin. Where did she get it?
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Yeah Rita just.. has a power coin. It's hinted Zordon knows more but he never tells the audeince. It's easy to accept because this series is hamtastic, but ti's still weird they didn't really flesh that out in this five parter. With all the ways Rita rants you'd THINK sh'ed be all over this.
Still WHY she hasn't used it is shockingly not spelled out but is easy enough to figure and makes way more sense: Yes she could've given it to anyone. Even Bulk. They hassle the rangers. But Rita wanted the right canditate before trying this, the right person whose skilled enough to take on all the rangers solo.
She still has to test him: after all a fair tournament sanctioned match and two wonderous idiots who talk a mean game but couldn't defeat a paper bag are one thing. She has to make sure he actually can figh tand sends puttys after him. He easily beats him and thus she kidnaps him, brainwashes him and gives him the power coin, and thus the Green Ranger Is Born!
Now the fact there's a ranger on the bad guys side would be enough.. but shockingly MMPR dosen't skimp on the implications of this: Tommy's first act under his brainwashing after the requite evil speechifying, is to teleport into the command center, gives Alpha a virus, sends Zordon to Parts Unknown and trashes the command center just to be a real dick. What helps this is Jason David Frank's delivery: not only is he credible both as nice goo dboy face tommy, but as heel tommy while over the top as anything else on this show, he truly exudes malice, being perfectly intimdating as he cuts his way through the rangers and in one move has done more damage than any other foe they've faced. And this is just PART ONE.
Oh and he's not done, after fighting Giant Sized Goldar #1, the rangers are ambushed by Greenie, who HOPS DIRECTLY INTO THE ZORD.
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I mean.. it's not good for the rangers whoa re all comically thrown out, but it shows just how much danger there in: in the span of one episode Tommy has trashed their HQ, gotten rid of all the support they have, and now can simply just pop in during a zord. Sadly he won't do this again, likely due to sentai footage restraints, but the fact he COULD and the fact our heroes , as far as I can tell hadn' tbeen brought THIS low in the 20 episodes before this by any of the various weird monster men they'd blowed up real good, it strikes a nice town of danger and despiar: our heroes are up against the wall and Tommy isn't about to stop pushing.
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Part 2 eases up on the tension slightly and instead leans back into the series comfort zone: total bollocks. We get Jason venting, thrown off and wanting the green ranger's as far as he knows green blood. I mean… given the evil magic is also green it could be right now. Maybe evil!tommy donated blood and ther'es some weird green blood out there. We don't know. At any rate he does this in a striped tank top and thus I can't.. not laugh.
Even more rediclous is after getting his orders from rita, Evil!Tommy sees Bulk and Skull, who naturally want revenge for last episode as they have the self preservation of two pugs hopped up on cocaine and red bull. Tommy repels them by SHOOTING GREEN LIGHTNING OUT OF HIS EYES
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I just have no words. And it just.. levitates them kinda into a trashcan. Which TBF probably isn't new to either of them. If anyone has "Slept in a trash can" energy it's bulk and skull. At any rate he also brushes off Kim
We then get a bit more plot advancement for a second, as Rita decides to cement the brainwashing with the sword of darkness, a sword that was presented ot her as a gift after one of her troops won it from Zordon long ago. Goldar however suggetss a proper test and rather than something Tommy hasn't easily done.. they just sick more putties on him except he's in a rediculous mesh shirt this time.
The shenanigans intestify as now he has the power of darkness Tommy's plan is to politely say he understands Jason has to back out of their plans to work out, seriously at this point it comes off like a love triangle between him and kimberly.. or a possible polecule. Oh 90's, so many of your problems could be solved iwth polyculres. But instead of a romantic workout TOmmy just… zaps jason in the back with the coin to some dimesion with a bunch of neat decorations and a fog machine. This is some pocket Dimension what Goldar lives in and he takes Jason's morpher
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And mostly.. bullies him for a while. That said it does bring back the tension: Jason is up alone against one of the rangers most powerful enemies without his morpher, and at best can just hide under the fog.
We do get a cool bit as the rest of the rangers have to make do without Jason.. and hav eto fight Tommy solo. Well as a grou pbut he easily hands them their asses on a green decorative plate 10 for a dollar at k-mart, which force sour heroes to do something they rarely do: call the megazord on a tiny opponent. This is something i've never quite understood till this five parter as during the last part Zordon lays out rules for a ranger for newcomer tommy: two are pretty standard: dont' tell anyone his identity and don't use his powers for personal gain. Standard superhero stuff and fair thigns for zordon to ask: Rita knows who they are and could weaponize the fact someone knows for her own gain, especially if said relationship turns sour. It dosen't justify them later going to obscene lenghts to not tell bulk and skull judging from history of power rangers, but I get it. But the third while making sense also neatly explains WHY they always wait to use the mega zord mode: "Do not esclate unless rita does first". It's a fair play rule: they COULD likely just summon the mega zord and kill them, but that would be both exessive, and sometimes not necessary. While most foes do embiggen, not every one gets the chance. Plus if they did start using the megazord for every fight, Rita could just counter by doing "MAKE MY MONSTER GROW" at the start, likely causing WAY more collateral than if they were just person sized.
This case though makes sense; The Ranger outclasses them, being Jason's equal and having a shiny new sword with "whatever the plot needs him to do" Powers, so they hav eno cohice and it's their first real victory. But it's still a hollow one as Jason is still missing and inches from Goldar's sword'
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Part 3 opens with Jason cleverly hiding in the smoke machine mists… then not so cleverly just jumpnig out, yahhing at goldar then getting his ass beat again
(plan was)
Meanwhile a LOT of this part is the rangers runnin runnin around because Tommy's go tthem searching, fighting some puttys, though we do get Billy and bestie Trini working hard on the commuincators off screen, which pays off as just as Tommy goes to go finish jason after Goldar spent several hours toying with him fo rhis own amusement, they teleport him out. It's not badly done stuff as there's genuine tension with both of jason's opponenets and he gets out JUST in time with his morpher, it's just not a lot to recap. Jason is forced to stay in the dark dimension.. which I just realized is claled that. Did… did Rita rent a room just for this scheme from Dormmamu? I mean I could see them being buds. Talking about conquering, cursing minons and such. We also get Alpha breifly reaching Zordon and failing, and a fight wtih Scorpina. Scorpina is one of Rita's lesser known minons who showed up ocasoinally before they ran out of stock footage. She sure is here. They fight, our heroes win by withdrawl as Rita calls Scorpina back with a bigger idea; since the Zord is solar powered and Zordon dosen't belivie in you know, having a backup battery in case this exact thing happens or you know, Rita decides to attack at night which likely would be easier but not as much evil fun as causing an eclipse, this would drain the zord and leave it vunerable. She then sends Goldar out as bait and the part ends with the Rangers looking on horrified, knowing this is a trap but planning to attack anyway.
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Part 4.. is easily the weakest of the five. It feels like the story only got a part 4 because they needed 5 episodes and you probably coudl've condensed the events of episodes 3 and 4 into one. It's mostly just things we've seen before, the biggest being Tommy attacking the command center AGAIN… instead of you know just letting them have zordon back already given it's been three episodes and they've been working to do so the whole time. It does give Alpha a nice big moment as he imbolizes tommy in a forecfield and while Tommy doe shis best to taunt the android, Alpha just tries to unmask him and only fails because Rita pulls him out.. and even then STILL succeeds because he succesfully bioscanned him. It is troubling Zordon has bio scans of every single person in angle grove and I have a LOT of followup questions as to why, but for now this troubling development means our hereos can find out the obvious.
It's not without good moments though. While Part 4 is weak, being mostly some wheel spinning it has a few standout moments that keep it from dragging everything down: Just because nothing happens for MOST Of it, to the point that again ther'es not much to say dosen't mean what there is to talk about isn't good: We get a LOT of quality bulk and skull as they break from just "hit on kimberly get shot down" for the 80th time to instead get into the wacky shenanigans I love them for.
For starters Bulk, despite the juice bar COMMING DOWN AROUND HIM , refuses to let Skull leave until he's finished with his ice cream.. then when a massive beam comes inches from killing him and his hetro lifemate, gulps it down. He also has the smart idea of taking the bus outside the youth center that Ernie leaves the keys in just for situations like this. He may of lost 80 busses this way but dammit you have to admire his warm spirit wanting teens to flee.
Being Bulk and Skull this naturally gets them caputred and suspended over a cliff as bait because Goldar thinks their the rangers friends
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But their still civlians so they still work to save them, while Bulk and skull get a LOT of good jokes in the process, from the two planning to flee the buss only to see it surrounded by putties, to Bulk calling for his mommmy and Skull also calling for his mommy because he's into milf, cumilating in Bulk wondering if their dreaming when their finally safe only for Skull to pinch him, Bulk to naturally get pissed.. then the two to bro hug as you'd expect when he realizes it does mean their alive. I can't help but love these two and wish they got more to do in this 5 parter, but what we get here is fantasic.
The other scene to note is after a good chunk of just.. dicking around, we get the fight, where the rangers have to fight both Scorpina , in game face, and Goldar. It's an awesome fight, helped by the spell meaning our heroes are slowly loosing powers, and is both creative and tense. What follows is also brutal as it is rediculously awesome: tommy grande sizes himself, beats up the zord and PLUNGES IT INTO A VOLCANO. Which angel grove has because stock footage makes it so! So we get horrific shots of the various zords plunged into lava as our heroes look on in horror. its impressivly creepy for a cheesy 90's live action kids show and ends the part on a real downer: our heroes are ready to give up, their out of options.. and then theyf ind out Tommy is the Green ranger.
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We begin the end on what I realized as I wrote this was the heart of the arc: Jason. While he's your standard good guy hero type… we see thorugh the arc something beyond that; his determination. He never gives up neve rbacks down, wether it's being sent to dormmamu's summer guest house, or seeing it wrecked> He's bummed, of course, but he dosen't stop. YOu can call jason kinda flat, and very stupid, but you can't knock the kid for the fact he keeps going no matter how dark it is. It provides a nice counter to brainwashed tommy: With him we see all the determination jason has funneled in the wrong direction, waht someone that noble and detemrined would do if turned to the dark side.
It's why Jason has such a strong drive to free tommy and why the climax works so well: Jason clearly sees what coul'dve easily happened to him had the places been switched and he been the cool new kid, and while he couldn't convience his friends not to back down before, he begs them not to give up on Tommy and to save him. That an innocent, kind, rigtheous dude dosen't deserve this. It's ultimately that drive, that hope that wins against the forces of evil: Jason dosen't give up.. and in doing so Alpha dosen't, which frees zordon and gets them the zords back, leading to an epic fight between two childhood faviorites: the mega zord and the dragon zord, newly dreged from the ocean. It's a triumphant battle: after all our heroes have been through, one of them never getting up finally gets them a win.
And in the end… the finale is what it should be: Jason Vs Tommy. It's a match that had been expertly set up all 5 parter: we started with the two fighting evenly with no claer winner, and have seen all arc that NO ONE ELSE can match him. But it's here we finally get the rematch that the entire story is built on: the strongest rangers head to head, winner take all. Granted how Jason ends up destroying the sword of darkness is hilarous .. he just… laser guns it
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But the fight can't be overstated… and the cathariss at seeing tommy free at last is oh so satisfying… and what comes next is predictable: JAson warmly welcoms Tommy into the rangers despite his doubts, citing not only all he's done wasn't his fault.. but this is what meant to be. It's why the early moments with tommy were important: we saw he had the makings of a ranter.. and now he really gets to be one. Everyone welcomes him and welcomes a new era while Rita naturally isn't happy. We also show off the dragon megazord because why not and we end on Zordon welcoming tommy in. It's a wonderful warm ending and a satsifying wrap up.
Green With Evil… is good fun and a well crafted story. It has some goofy bits and the ocasoinal bit of padding, but the core of it is strong and it's easy to see why most six ranger stories after this take some inspriation: it's a triumphant tale of good vs evil, of the triumph of the human spirit and of mesh shirts, bus shsenanigans, dark dimensions and heroes. It's well worth a look and really shows off just how from day one jason david frank was invulsable to the franchise and really bhrought it to the next level. It's all free on youtube, so go watch it if you haven't, or even if you have like I did, thanks for reading.. and may the power protect you.
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funeralcity · 3 months
instead of gay poems about some two headed cow they should make poems about a two headed ogre mage. would be way cooler and more relatable, to the average person
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idliketobeatree · 4 months
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dead boy detectives + text posts part 1/?
+ bonus
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wintersberg princess peach and bowser
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Jazz, for some reason or the other, becomes a wielder of a red lantern ring. After going on her rampage and getting her revenge, she realizes that the feeling of rage won't go away. Instead of letting the anger destroy her, she decided to do something else with it.
That's how we end up with a stand-off between Hal Jordan and the most powerful Red Lantern he's ever seen. Because...
"What... what did you just say?"
The young woman smiled gently at him. He would've been fooled by it if not for the burning rage carefully hidden... No, she wasn't hiding anything behind those turquoise eyes. It was taking everything she had to hold it back.
"I said that I would like to join The Justice League." Her voice was soft and velvety. Comforting in a way that sends chills up his spine.
"But you're a Red Lantern."
There was a beat of silence, she cocked her head to the side while looking at the blood-red ring on her finger.
"I don't know what that means, but I'm guessing it's got something to do with this ring?"
Hal didn't respond but she took it as confirmation. There was silence between them once more before Jasmine sighed and continued.
"I feel angry, more than angry. This rage that I've been holding inside for so long has reached its limits and is finally bubbling over. Everything that I loved is gone so killed what took it away from me. But... but I'm still SO FUCKING ANGRY!"
She was screaming now. Tears of rage and sadness rolled down her cheeks as violent red energy radiated from her being. Hal flew back. He didn't want to fight her but was ready to do so if it came to it.
Just as easily as she lost it she pulled herself together, wiping her tears away, returning to her previously calm demeanor. It freaked Hal out.
"I... I know that blind rage without direction leads to meaningless destruction. I don't want to hurt anybody. No... I don't want to hurt the wrong people. I'm asking you to guide me, to guide my rage in the right direction... Please."
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daeneryseastar · 3 months
people let their true colors shine through their consumption of media. case in point an adult man in a position of great power can rape his way through a numerous amount of serving girls in the castle he lives in and through the streets he frequently visits, but if he’s nice to exactly one member of the small folk due to said small folk member stroking his ego while he sits the throne suddenly *all* of his past evil actions are forgiven and he would ‘make a great king.’ in the same breath these people will cut to a moment twenty years in the woman claimant’s past where she stated, “their wants are of no consequence,” after stumbling upon a play that blatantly makes fun of her for being born a woman and being a girl heir, which in turn upsets her because it’s an insecurity she’s dealt with her entire life, something she’s never been able to forget. SHE isn’t forgiven, instead it’s used as a way to say she wouldn’t make a good queen and has no care at all for the small folk (she is the only royal family member attempting to keep the realm united as of right now).
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jimmysavage · 1 year
I've never colored Tommy Oliver, as weird as that sounds. I tend to not want to work on characters that are precious (Same with Batman) to me, BUT Liana drew this for my birthday in May and TODAY WAS THE DAY.
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infinitysgrace · 2 years
Jason: listen, I know I said I'd work out with you later
Ok wait stop. hold it right there, red ranger... when the fuck did y'all make plans?
Chaos Man's been here for like two days and was yoinked right after school yesterday when did y'all have time to make plans?
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majesstiiic · 2 months
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