#green-breasted mango
lowcountry-gothic · 11 months
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Composite of a hovering Green-breasted Mango (Anthracothorax prevostii). Photos by Jesús Antonio Moo Yam.
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birdstudies · 9 months
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September 10, 2023 - Green-breasted Mango (Anthracothorax prevostii) Found from southern and eastern Mexico to Panama, in parts of Colombia and Venezuela, and on several islands off Nicaragua, these hummingbirds live in shrubby habitats with some trees. They eat mostly nectar, along with some arthropods, capturing their prey in the air and picking it from leaves, spiderwebs, and windows. Females build cup-shaped nests from plant fibers, small feathers, lichens, tree bark, spiderwebs, and other materials on tree branches or structures including cables, fences, and antennas. They lay clutches of two eggs.
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spacefinch · 4 months
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And here we see one of my favorite tropical hummingbirds, which also happens to be the source of one of my biggest ornithological pet peeves.
First of all, this bird’s chest is BLACK. Or dark blue, depending on the lighting. There is not a single trace of green on Anthracothorax prevostii’s chest.
The genus name, Anthracothorax, even means “coal chest,” referring to the dark color of the feathers.
Second of all, WHY ON EARTH is it called a “mango?” A. prevostii and its close relatives are the only birds to share their name with a fruit (besides kiwis), but unlike the kiwis, it doesn’t make sense.
Kiwi birds were named first, and the brown fuzzy fruit with a green inside was named after the bird.
However, I cannot find any information on why hummingbirds in the genus Anthracothorax are called “mangoes.” They do not resemble the fruit in any way, nor is it their favorite food.
If I could time travel, one of the first things I’d do would be to find whoever gave Anthracothorax prevostii its English name and have a word with them.
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rondaincorporated · 1 year
Hummingbird Species, Part 80
Today’s bird is the green-breasted mango, Anthracothorax prevostii. The green-breasted mango hummingbird, Anthracothorax prevostii, is a species of hummingbird native to the Caribbean islands and parts of South America. The species is named after its distinctive green breast feathers, which are iridescent and reflect light in a dazzling display. The green-breasted mango hummingbird is a…
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birdblues · 1 year
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Green-breasted Mango
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swede1952 · 11 months
Not enough time.
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At the end of our excursion on Roatan, Honduras, there was this hummingbird feeder. I hung out there and tried to get some pictures. Most of the pictures I took focused on surrounding foliage and not the hummingbird. This is the best one of the bunch, it's not great but you can see some details. This is a green-breasted mango (Anthracothorax prevostii).
I have to say we were tired, and wanted back on the air-conditioned bus. Most of us were … let's say past our prime and we trudged up and down hills, through caves, and even crossed a small river using a rope bridge.
The green-breasted mango or Prevost's mango (Anthracothorax prevostii) is a species in subfamily Polytminae of the hummingbird family Trochilidae. It is found from eastern Mexico south through most of Central America, in Colombia and Venezuela, and as a vagrant in the United States. - https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Green-breasted_mango
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cupid-styles · 2 months
yours (ymls check-in)
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in which y/n just wants to be harry's — officially.
word count: 3.8k
content warnings: parenting/family stuff (y/n and harry are parents), smut (breeding kink, slight size kink, literal one "mommy" mention, dirty talk)
ymls masterlist | main masterlist
talk to me
. . .
Parenthood is difficult.
It doesn’t take a rocket scientist to figure that out, so it takes Harry and Y/N approximately two minutes of bringing Clementine into the world to come to the same realization. Her loud wails break their hearts every time, sleep becomes a luxury, and breastfeeding takes an incredible toll on Y/N’s physical and mental health.
But in the same way that parenting is hard and filled with tears and confusion, it’s just as — if not more — rewarding.
Clementine is the best thing that’s ever happened to each of them. Harry can’t remember a version of his life where he wasn’t head-over-heels in love with his sweet baby girl, and Y/N has softened up a considerable amount now that she spends most of her day cooing to her daughter. 
It’s not perfect by any means — Clem is a tried-and-true daddy’s girl and sometimes it hurts Y/N’s feelings. Clementine also inherited her mom’s grumpy exterior and, in the middle of a visit from Harry’s parents or Y/N’s sister, will starfish her body, going completely rigid until one of her parents takes her. (Harry always thinks it’s funny while Y/N is embarrassed by it. It’s something they’re working on as a family.)
Beyond their little trio, though, lies a larger situation that’s been conveniently tucked away since Clementine was born: Harry and Y/N’s relationship. 
They never decided what they were after confessing feelings for one another. One day, they lived separately and were going the route of platonic co-parenting. The next, Harry moved all his things into Y/N’s, ended the lease on his own apartment, and painted the guest room a pretty pastel pink. 
At first, it didn’t seem like that big of a deal. Y/N has never cared for labels on relationships, and their devotion to each other was blatant — they were parenting a child together, after all. He kissed her good morning, they held hands on family walks, and at the end of the day, they were crawling into bed together. She didn’t need a ring or a title to reiterate where she stood in Harry’s life.
Until… well, until the supermarket incident.
It was a rainy day, but Y/N wanted to pop into the store before they rounded the corner to head back home. Now that Clementine’s pediatrician gave them the okay to start trying out solid foods — or, as solid as baby food can be — Harry had gotten really into making it from scratch. Currently, their kitchen was a mess of sweet potato, apple, and green bean purees, but Y/N was trying to be supportive, even if the noise of the blender sometimes woke Clem up from her afternoon nap. She remembered him mentioning a new recipe he found for carrots, mangos, and bananas, so she figured they could grab the ingredients on their way home. 
Clementine looked adorable in her cute little rain jacket and matching hat. Harry couldn’t stop taking pictures of her, and as they dipped into the produce aisle, stroller in tow, she remembered they needed another gallon of milk since they were trying to wean Clem off of Y/N’s breast milk. 
“You guys can stay right here, it’s just in the next aisle,” Y/N said, arms stuffed with produce bags. Harry nodded, though his attention primarily laid on Clementine’s gummy smile. Y/N snorted to herself as she quickly shuffled off to the dairy section — the duo were two peas in a pod, but she didn't think she would want it any other way. 
Glancing down at her watch, she put a pep in her step as she walked back to the produce aisle. They had about 15 minutes before Clem started getting antsy and whiney about her pre-dinner nap, and she didn’t want her to get upset on their walk home. 
Only, when she turned the aisle, Harry and Clementine weren’t alone anymore — no, there were two women standing with them, cooing over their daughter. 
“She’s so precious! How old is she?” one of them asked.
“Ah, almost eight months,” Harry replied bashfully, petting down the tuft of brown curls at the top of Clementine’s head. Y/N clenched her jaw. Why had he taken her hat off? It was supposed to protect her from the rain! 
“So sweet,” the other woman grinned, reaching out to thumb over Clementine’s puffy cheek. The vision sent a pang of jealousy through Y/N’s chest — her baby wasn’t some kind of doll that anyone could just touch! Clutching the produce and container of milk in her hands, Y/N all but marched over to the stroller and threw them in the bottom compartment. 
“Ready to go, honey?” 
Harry blinked at Y/N, a world of confusion swirling in the green eyes he shared with his daughter. She stayed silent and still, knuckles white from gripping the stroller handle so tightly. 
“Yeah,” he finally replied, leaning down to gently place Clementine back in her seat, “This is Y/N, Clementine’s mum.”
“Oh, your baby is so sweet! Harry was just raving about you!” one of the women nearly squealed. Y/N smiled tightly as she watched him buckle Clementine in.
“Okay, say bye bye, Clem,” Harry murmured. They’d been trying to teach her how to wave hello and goodbye, but Y/N would rather scoop her own eyeballs out than watch her do it for the first time with these women. 
In fact, she was already pushing the stroller down the end of the aisle before they could even get the word “bye” out.
Since that day about two weeks ago, it’s been constantly replaying in the back of Y/N’s brain. Even though Harry didn’t think much of it (she knows this because he immediately started talking about nonsense on the walk home), for the first time, it plucked at a chord of insecurity that she didn’t even know she had. She’d always felt fairly secure in her relationship with Harry — he’d all but begged her for this life together, and he’d been incredibly involved from the moment she got pregnant — so how is that two random strangers at the supermarket tore this out of her? 
It bothered her so deeply to the point where she did something she’d never done before: Ask Lea for relationship advice. 
“In the years I’ve known you, you have never asked me for help with a man,” Lea had said, her eyebrows raised so high they nearly met her hairline. Y/N grumbled as she wrapped her hand around her matcha, avoiding eye contact with her friend. She’d been able to sneak out for an afternoon coffee date with her while Harry took Clementine to the park. “You’re always so… sure of yourself. And you have a literal child with Harry. What gives?”
Y/N shrugged as she rubbed her lips together nervously. “You should’ve seen the way those girls were all over him. It was… gross.”
“It’s normal to feel jealous, if that’s what you’re concerned about.”
“I am not jealous,” she muttered, “I just… he introduced me as Clementine’s mom. Don’t you think I’m a bit… more than that to him?”
“Of course you are. But you’ve never had that conversation, have you?”
“Like you said, we have a baby together. What else could you need?”
Lea smirked, “That’s all that you need. But he probably needs a bit more confirmation than that.”
Y/N bristled as she stuck her straw between her lips, taking a long sip. 
“He knows we’re in a relationship, doesn’t he?” 
“I don’t know,” she replied honestly, “Dom and I used to hear all the gossip about you two before Clem was born, but since then, I think he’s just been focused on making sure you and her are both taken care of.”
“So what do I do?” Y/N asked through a sigh, leaning back against the worn leather of the booth. 
“Talk to him,” Lea said easily, “But… maybe don’t do it in your rough-and-tough-Y/N way. Maybe… make it a little special. He likes that, y’know? Little romantic gestures?”
Y/N scrunched her face. Lea was right — Harry was all about the little things, like surprising her with flowers or waking her up with breakfast in bed on the weekends. And while Y/N was positive she didn’t have a romantic bone in her body, she’d certainly attempt to find one if it meant making Harry happy. 
. . .
A few days later, Harry walks into his shared apartment with Y/N to the scent of something delicious. 
“Y/N?” he calls as he toes his shoes off in the entryway. They weren’t due for company, were they? He doesn’t think so, but with eight months straight of four to five hours of sleep each night, he had trouble remembering anything that wasn’t Clementine-related. 
He follows the fragrance into the kitchen, where Y/N is standing over the stove, stirring a bubbling pot of some sort of sauce. She jumps, hand over her heart, when he goes to greet her. 
“Jesus fuck, you scared me!” she exclaims, the wooden spoon nearly clattering to the floor. He smirks and lets out an amused laugh as he walks towards her, observing the array of pans on the stovetop. 
“What’s all this for?” he asks. Y/N presses a hand to his muscular chest and attempts to block him from seeing anything. 
“I’m making you dinner,” she mumbles, nibbling on her bottom lip, “Clem’s with my sister for the night.”
She nods. 
“Did I forget a special occasion?”
She shakes her head.
“Then how come I’m getting spoiled tonight?”
Her cheeks warm at that, but they both pretend her blush is invisible. “I just wanted to do something… romantic for you.” 
“Romantic?” he repeats the word like it’s a bizarre concept and it makes a pit form in Y/N’s stomach, “That’s… sweet of you. Thank you.”
She nods, albeit a bit robotically. “Um. Yeah. It’ll be ready in like 5 minutes.”
“Sounds good,” he replies, “Do you want me to set the table?”
She shakes her head bashfully and Harry raises an eyebrow. “I already did that.”
Her demure nature makes a smile form at the edges of his lips and he reaches out to press a hand to her hip, squeezing gently. 
“Y’okay?” he asks softly, tilting his head to look at her. “You seem nervous.”
Y/N shrugs and it supplies him with a tepid answer. “I just wanna make this nice for you.”
His heart breaks a bit at that and he ducks lower to catch her lips in a short, sweet kiss. PDA isn’t irregular for them — not with touch being Harry’s primary love language — so it’s unsurprising to be on the receiving end of one of his dizzying kisses, even if it ends quicker than she’d like. 
“This is already so special to me. I do miss Clem, though.”
She snorts at that as he brushes his nose against hers. “Of course you do. She’s your mini me.”
“Except when she’s making that grumpy little face. That’s all you.”
Y/N lightly bats at his chest before mumbling out to go sit down in the dining room. 
Harry’s eyes widen when he sees the candlelit table — he can’t remember the last time they ate on actual plates, always opting for take-out containers or paper plates for the sake of convenience. He swallows as he sits down and listens to Y/N shuffle around the kitchen. He hears her curse, followed by what sounds like her emptying pasta into a colander — she always burns herself whenever she does that, and he can envision the slight grimace that appears on her face. 
Just as he’s getting antsy and preparing himself to ask if she needs any help, Y/N appears from the kitchen with a big bowl of pasta. She nibbles on her bottom lip as she places it on the table, then stands up straight. She looks like a soldier waiting to be told to return to their duties.
“Um… I made us that roasted red pepper pasta you like.” she says, wringing her hands out in front of her. “I hope that’s fine.”
“That’s great,” Harry nods, gesturing to the seat across from him, “Sit down. You look like you’re gonna have an aneurysm. Are you sure you’re alright?”
“Yes,” Y/N grumbles as she sits down, and the sound of her grouchy voice makes him chuckle as he grabs her bowl to serve her, “I know I’m not, like… the most romantic person, or even the easiest person to be around, so it’s important to me that I make this really good for you.”
“I hate when you say that,” he murmurs before placing her full bowl in front of her. He moves to serve himself, “You’re the easiest person I’ve ever been around. You’re a great mum and I love being a parent with you.”
Y/N swallows as she listens to him, leaving her food untouched. He watches her and takes a bite of his pasta, chewing slowly. 
“Is that… all I am to you?” she asks softly with low eyes. Harry furrows his eyebrows.
“What do you mean?”
“Like… am I still just a co-parent to you?” 
He sets his fork down and uses his napkin to wipe his mouth. “Well, we never really talked about it, I guess. But you know you’re more than that to me.”
“You’re more than just Clem’s dad to me,” she continues. “And it kinda hurt my feelings when you introduced me to those girls as ‘Clementine’s mom’ a few weeks back.”
Harry raises his eyebrows, “Oh. I didn’t think anything of it.”
“I know.”
His heart strains at the thought of hurting her feelings, but he also knows that what happened in the supermarket was weeks ago. Had she been sitting on it and thinking about it all this time?
“I never want to make you uncomfortable, Y/N. To be honest, I don’t know how to refer to you but… I’d say you’re my partner, yeah? You’re my teammate in raising our beautiful girl and I love getting to live life with you.”
Her heart thumps rapidly in her chest. “But what if… what if you called me your girlfriend, too?”
Harry’s silent for a moment. He reaches out to place his hand on her knee, squeezing softly.
“Would you want that?” he asks. “I’ll only do it if that’s what you want.”
She looks up at him and nods. Her eyes are glassy and it makes Harry’s chest tighten. Suddenly, he needs to be closer to her, so he stands up and scoops her into his arms. At first she rejects his touch, mumbling out sentiments about still having postpartum weight, but Harry shushes her and pulls her into his lap. 
“Tell me what you’re feeling, Y/N.” he murmurs. He leans up and presses a chaste kiss to the side of her neck. She shivers and he keeps his hands as solid anchors on her hips. 
“I want you to call me your girlfriend,” she says, lifting her gaze to look at him. “I don’t want you to entertain any other person or let them flirt with you or touch our baby. I just want it to be the three of us, always.”
If Harry’s being honest, he would have been content with living in this gray, in-between area with Y/N for the rest of their lives. He was happy — so incredibly happy to be in her life, to sleep next to her every night, to raise a gorgeous baby girl with her. He felt fortunate to be there for every moment, good and bad — but he would be a liar if he said he hadn’t been waiting for the day where she told him what was really going on in that pretty head of hers.
He presses a chaste kiss to her temple. “I’m sorry I hurt your feelings,” he says quietly, soft fingertips smoothing over the expanse of her hip, “You’re my girlfriend, okay? Not just Clemmie’s mum. You’re so much more than that.”
She nods her head and Harry smiles gently at how flustered she continues to be — it’s a side of her that he rarely sees, and the sight makes a low chuckle sound from deep in his chest. 
“You’re silly,” he mumbles against the shell of her ear. “Isn’t that what you are? A silly baby desperate to be mine?”
Y/N bristles and swallows harshly, keeping her gaze low in his lap. His smirk only grows as he begins to press slow kisses along her jaw and down to her neck. Her eyes flutter closed. 
“Everyone thinks you’re this pretty, grumpy girl, but I know better than that,” he continues, sliding his hands beneath her tee-shirt to feel her warm skin, “You’re loving and kind. The best mum I’ve ever seen. The best partner and the best girlfriend, too. Isn’t that right, mama?”
She gasps wetly and he feels her thighs threaten to clench, but his hips prevent her from getting any relief. He hums, satisfied with her response and, in a quick movement, pulls her shirt from her body and tosses it to the floor. Her swollen breasts sit prettily on her chest and he tries his best not to groan at the sight. 
“Don’t tease,” she mewls. He chuckles as she grasps at the fabric of his own tee-shirt, the soft material in the tight clutch of her knuckles. 
“Need me to fill you up?” he asks, though he knows the answer is an obvious and resounding yes. They haven’t had actual sex in at least a month, not with Clementine occupying 99% of their time. Even if he’s attempting to play it cool, his cock is hard and throbbing beneath layers of his clothing. He swears he can even feel the warmth of her pussy through her own clothes and it’s taking everything in him not to thrust up and grind against her. 
“Yes,” Y/N pants, shaky fingers digging beneath the waistband of his trousers to pull his length out, “S-stop playing around. You know it’s been too long.”
Harry laughs lowly and lifts his hips up to grant her enough space so she can retrieve his cock. She doesn’t even bother pushing his pants or briefs down, swallowing tightly at the sight of the ruddy tip already leaking with pre-cum. 
“Relax, baby,” he mumbles, grabbing one of her trembling hands and intertwining their fingers together, “Breathe, yeah? I’ll take care of my girl.”
Her pussy clenches at that — my girl — and she nibbles on her bottom lip eagerly when he pushes her soft shorts to the side to reveal her pussy. He wishes he had more willpower to look at what he’s been missing out on and his throat bobs when his eyes flicker down to the puffy clit tucked between her lips. He thinks they’ll both explode if he doesn’t get inside of her in the next two seconds, so he gives his cock a pump before he positions himself beneath her and slowly pushes in. 
Immediately, she whimpers out and he stalls, his free hand pressing rigidly into the skin of her thigh. 
“Yeah,” she whispers, “Tight fit.”
“I know.” he mutters, glancing up at her to read her expression. “Do you need me to pull out?”
She instantly shakes her head, “No, no. Keep going.”
Harry leans up to seal their lips in a messy, wet kiss as he continues pushing in as slowly as he can. He supposes he should’ve spent more time stretching her out, but if there’s one thing he’s learned about Y/N over the past year, it’s that she’s always eager and ever determined to take him, even if it’s been weeks since their last time together.
When he’s finally all the way in, his balls snug against her bum, their kiss slows, though it doesn’t seem like Y/N has any plans to separate their mouths. He doesn’t move a muscle, even if he knows his cock is throbbing from the tightness of her pussy. And then, after what seems like an eternity, she nods.
Slowly, he begins to fuck up inside of her and breathy moans depart from her swollen lips. Harry’s mouth catches each one, punctuating every whimper with a gentle peck. 
“There you go, mama, take my cock. You’re doing so good, aren’t you?”
She only responds with a lilting whimper and he moans, feeling the way her pussy clenches around his length. It’s not the dirtiest sex they’ve had — not by a long shot — but god, if it doesn’t feel incredible knowing that they’re completely devoted to one another.
“You make me feel so good,” she mewls, making his eyes nearly roll back, “I love your cock— ‘s so good, Harry, want— want you to give me another baby.”
“Jesus Christ,” he mutters, squeezing her hips hard, “Can’t just fucking say that stuff, baby. I’ll bust before you even cum.”
“D-don’t care,” she shudders, but he can tell she’s reaching her peak by the way her thighs begin to tremble, each of her muscles tightening. “Cum inside me, m-make me a mommy again.”
His chest vibrates with a deep groan and he reaches between them to pinch at her pearly clit, rubbing it in quick, tight circles. He’s seconds away from bursting himself, but he refuses to finish before she has a chance to. 
It barely takes a few loops around the bundle of nerves before she’s shaking in his lap, her pussy tensing around his length as she moans out his name over and over again. It’s the most beautiful sound he’s ever heard and he presses his forehead against her sweaty shoulder, shuddering as her orgasm triggers his own. As requested, he pumps his cock deep inside of her as he comes, pushing his seed as far as it’ll go. She whimpers from the sensation as pants fall from her lips, shivering every time he thrusts another rope of cum into her.
They’re both shaking by the time both of their orgasms taper off. Harry wraps his arms around her sweaty form, pulling her chest against his. 
“You’re mine, yeah?” he murmurs, pressing a kiss to her shoulder. “You and Clem. We’re a family.”
Y/N nods, echoing his words. “Yours.”
They settle into a comfortable silence; Harry’s softening cock still inside. He’s unsure of how how long they stay there, but he does know that they’ll have to move eventually so he can clean her up. It’s only then that she sits up to look at him, her eyes soft and tired. 
“Will you get me Plan B tomorrow?” she asks, biting her lip. “I think Clem is… more than enough for me right now.”
He laughs and nods his head. 
“Yeah, sweetheart. I’ll pick some up for you tomorrow.”
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wndaswife · 1 year
two slow dancers
wanda maximoff x fem!reader
tags: smut, fluff, angst, unspecified age gap, jealousy, strap-ons, cnc, manipulation, breast slapping, cunnilingus, hair pulling, slight spanking, belly bulges, degradation, praise, dumbification, mommy kink, breeding kink, piss kink, impact play, breast play, mentions of somnophilia, dom!wanda maximoff, sub!reader. MINORS DNI.
word count: 6996
summary: Your coworker invites you and a few others to celebrate New Year's Eve at her place, but all she wants to do is get you alone.
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gif credit to creator.
Through your window, stray fireworks shoot up in the dusked horizon.
A week ago, your coworker, Wanda, invited you over for a New Year’s Eve gathering at her house. She started at the job no longer than a month ago, and you believe you’ve gotten relatively close with her since then.
Wanda Maximoff is thirty-four with an ex-husband and two twin boys you’ve never met. You’ve seen her ex once when he was dropping some things off for her at work. The exchange you observed could only be described as one between two vaguely similar creatures at best, interacting only out of necessity. They shared children and nothing more.
She took a liking to you in particular, and you were grateful for having her company for the last month.
She had a knack for offering comfort, and you often found yourself revealing to her some of your most intimate feelings and worries when you hadn’t even intended to. Wanda would always be so kindhearted, running a hand down your arm or squeezing your thigh gently while responding to you with supportive coos.
Now that the day of the party has come around, you’re standing in front of a mirror, holding up a pair of earrings to each side of your face. You survey the glistening faux emeralds, turning them around and observing them with great focus in the mirror before opting for a different pair.
“Are you ready?” a voice chimes from the hallway. 
Looking into the mirror, you see Monica step into your bedroom in a pair of black jeans and a warm blue-green long sleeve. 
“Just about…” you mutter, putting on a pair of pearl earrings. Turning around to face your friend, you ask, “Does it match?”
After a moment of deliberation, Monica nods. “Yeah, it matches,” she confirms and heads over to your bed to get your purse. “Who are you dressing up for, huh?” she inquires, a grin forming on her face as she looks over at you getting your jacket on. “Wanda?”
Your eyes snap over to her too quickly to hide your peaked interest at your coworker’s name. “What?” you chuckle out nervously. You lean down to pick up a pair of flats from your closet, thankful for the way your hair shrouded your suddenly-flushed face.
With crossed arms, Monica approaches your bedroom door as she looks down at you, amused.
“N-No,” you finally answer. “I just want to look good. It’s New Year’s Eve.”
“Sure,” Monica says simply, nodding. She hooks her arm around yours and leaves the bedroom with you.
You carpool to Wanda’s house together, as plans were to meet everyone there at a certain time. Despite having left early, Monica takes a wrong turn and you end up getting caught in traffic as the car takes the main roads to Wanda’s place.
Finally, you arrive at your destination about half an hour late.
With her homemade mango float and your bottle of champagne, Monica hopes the both of you can apologise to Wanda for the late arrival. She makes a joke that Wanda wouldn’t mind in the slightest if the two of you came even two hours late so long as you were arriving with her. 
The front door to Wanda’s house opens, revealing your coworker with her brown hair let down, and you notice for the first time how long it is. Today, she is wearing a bit of blush and a darker red lip than she normally wears for work.
Her eyes flicker between you and Monica before Monica lifts up a covered dish of mango float, breaking the brief silence.
“We’re sorry for how late we are. Traffic,” she says, a sheepish smile forming on her face.
As if returning to the present, Wanda blinks and smiles. “It's quite alright,” she reassures.
Just then, Darcy pops up behind Wanda and reaches her arms out to take the mango float from Monica’s hands. “Thank you,” she says graciously, eyeing the tinfoiled dish as if she would take a whole bite out of it then and there, tinfoil and ceramic material included. 
“Hey, Y/N. Happy New Year’s Eve,” she greets with a grin.
“Hi, Darcy,” you reply with a smile and a little wave.
Monica steps into the house and takes her boots and jacket off. Darcy leads her into the house.
Then, it’s only you and Wanda standing at the front door.
“Oh dear, how rude of me,” your coworker says. “Please, sweetheart, come in.” She ushers you into her house and tucks a hand under your jacket, making your back straighten. If she notices your sudden jerk of tension, she says nothing of it. Her hand loops around your waist to your furthest hip so her arm embraces you under your jacket.
Her hand reaches down below your eyeline while you’re looking up at her. You’re hugged against her side, swallowing your nerves but trembling all the same.
“Is this for me?” she whispers, grinning as if amused.
All you can manage in response is an idiotic, “Wh-What?”
A bottle of champagne is lifted up so you can see it and, with her eyes, Wanda gestures to it.
“Oh,” you say, then clear your throat. “Yeah, that’s for you. For everyone, kind of.”
Wanda hums and examines the bottle. Her eyes return to you and she smiles again. “We can say it’s for everyone to appease the guests,” she suggests and removes her arm from around your body. She begins to take off your jacket with her free hand and you slip your other arm out of the sleeve. She hangs your jacket up for you, and with her hand against your lower back, leads you out of the front foyer and into the living room.
Familiar happy faces greet you once you enter the living room with some women lounging on the couches and some standing around.
Jen, Darcy, Natasha and her younger sister Yelena, an unfamiliar girl who you would later find is named Kate, and Carol all exchange greetings with you.
Wanda’s hand leaves your lower back and you turn to watch her place your champagne on the kitchen counter with a few other bottles of wine and a cooler of what you suppose is filled with sparklers and beer.
Monica pulls you down onto the couch and you take a seat between her and Darcy. 
You think you see a flash of Wanda eyeing you from across the living room from beyond the passthrough window that connects the living room and the kitchen, but when you look over to her, she’s already starting a conversation with Jennifer. 
You tell yourself that you’ll talk with Wanda later.
A body suddenly sprawls itself out across the laps of you and the two other women on either side of you, thus taking your attention away from Wanda.
Carol stretches herself out in front of the three of you.
“Happy New Year’s Eve, Y/N,” she says with a grin that reminds you all too well of a golden retriever. 
You respond with an equally large smile, “Happy New Year’s Eve, Carol.”
The afternoon passes swiftly, especially with Wanda hosting. Not a moment passes when there aren’t drinks nor fresh snacks and food available along the kitchen counter. She’s an extremely attentive host, engaging herself in conversation and ensuring everyone is well taken care of.
Wanda also gave everyone a tour of her house during which she got endless compliments on nearly every room she introduced. 
Eventually, all of you gather around the dining room table playing a board game Kate brought and are divided into two teams. You have no idea how to play.
At the sight of your confused expression, Wanda places a hand dangerously close to your ass and pulls you close to her under the table. 
“Do you know how to play, darling?” she inquires with a curious tip of her head.
When you tell her you don’t, she invites you to sit beside her and stay on her team. She tells you she’s played it with her twins and ex-husband a handful of times and that she’ll help you through it.
You settle in the chair beside Wanda and move yourself closer to the table.
“I’m here, I’m here, I’m here!” Monica announces and rushes over from the washroom. “What team should I join?”
“Join Y/N’s,” Wanda suggests. “I do believe couples should avoid all competition if possible.”
A few laughs and confused expressions are exchanged around the table.
“Cou…” you trail off and look up at Monica, who looks equally as confused as you. “What?”
“We’re not together,” Monica corrects with an awkward smile and a chuckle.
“Oh, you aren’t?” she repeats, looking between the two of you. You recall the way she looked at the two of you when you arrived together and when you took a seat beside Monica on the couch before. Though it was true that you and Monica were close, one would truly have to reach to come to the conclusion that you were dating each other.
Then, Wanda laughs. “I was under the impression that you were. My apologies,” she says.
The misunderstanding is easily forgotten because Wanda only started working with all of you about a month ago. Anyone could understand the mistake. But even so, your face remains flushed as you think back to the curious stares you got from her, and you were caught up in the momentary glint of envy behind each one.
Monica takes a seat beside Darcy, on the other team across the table.
Kate sets up the game and Wanda pours everyone a glass of the champagne you brought and leaves the bottle in the middle of the table for anyone to refill their glasses.
“Come closer, Y/N,” Wanda whispers once Yelena and Kate begin explaining the rules of the game. She wraps her fingers under your chair and moves your chair closer to her. 
Wanda’s arm remains comfortably wrapped around your waist despite your occasional movements. You watch her concentrated face, her eyebrows slightly furrowed as she listens to the rest of the game instructions all while her hand is running up and down your side as if you were an idle pet.
A pressure forms between your thighs and you adjust your position on your chair.
The game becomes increasingly amusing the more all of you sip at glasses of champagne and some on their bottles of beer, steadily growing more tipsy.
At some point during the game, Wanda’s arm leaves from around your waist, after which her hand ends up finding your thigh instead. Absentmindedly, her hand moves up and down your thigh, her fingers sometimes rounding your leg and squeezing.
Now that you were tipsy, you’d become significantly sensitive, shuddering under her touch and having difficulty playing your part of the game. Your face feels warm, which doesn’t help the blush that you know is there.
After the other team gains an advantage of six points against yours, they’re deemed the winners and everyone helps clean up. They decide to watch a movie and Wanda leaves the dining room momentarily to show them how to work the remote and the television.
There are plans to play a different game afterwards and you hear Wanda say she has it upstairs and will fetch it so it’s ready once the movie starts.
“Come help me, Y/N,” she says as she passes through the dining room to the staircase. Wanda stops at the base of the stairs and lets you catch up with her before you ascend together.
You follow beside her quietly, looking around curiously at the second floor. You’d seen it before when Wanda gave the tour of the house, but it was different now that it was empty other than for you and her. 
With the silence, you could envision Wanda living here on her own, heading upstairs in the evening and descending in the mornings. For the first time, you feel a sort of pity for Wanda’s living circumstances. It’s a quiet house, and rather large. It’s New Year’s Eve and you haven't seen Tommy, Billy, or even her ex-husband. 
You follow behind Wanda when she unlocks her bedroom door and steps in. 
“How are you enjoying the evening so far, sweet girl?” she asks. It’s only when Wanda looks over her shoulder at you that you redirect your attention from her bedroom. 
“Oh,” you answer idly then clear your throat. “I’m enjoying myself. It’s been really fun.”
When Wanda reaches her closet, she opens it and leans down to dig through a pile of boxes. Your eyes instinctively move to the curve of her ass, but you force yourself to look away and at the dresses and coats hanging in the closet. 
“What are you enjoying about it, sweetheart?” Wanda asks once she straightens and closes the closet with her free hand. In her other hand, a few stacked boxes of board games. She approaches you and you struggle to answer her.
It’s incredible what a fool you become around her.
Wanda smiles and sets the board games atop the corner of her bed. She raises her hand to your face and strokes your cheek with her knuckles. “You’re so young,” she whispers. The words themselves didn’t sound entirely like a compliment nor insult, but her eyes that are softened in gentle admiration tells you otherwise. 
You swallow and make a noise that was supposed to sound like a ‘thank you,’ or at least an acknowledgement of her commendation.
“Come here,” Wanda says, her hand dropping to your own. She takes it and leads you towards her vanity. She lifts your arm and with her other hand on your hip, moves you forward to round the seat that’s in front of vanity. Then, two hands are placed on your hips from behind and Wanda guides you into sitting down.
In the mirror, you can see her looming above you from behind. But Wanda isn’t looking in the mirror. She’s looking down at you from above. Her hands move upwards, up your sides and up the sides of your breasts, then to your shoulders. Finally, her hands find each side of your head where Wanda finally does look up at the mirror.
Careful fingers brush your hair back behind your ears.
“These are pretty, Y/N,” she tells you. Her thumbs flick at your pearl earrings.
You blush and utter a quiet, “Thank you.”
Wanda smiles at your graciousness and runs the backs of her fingers down the sides of your face. She continues to do this for the next few moments, alternating between the tips of her fingers to her thumbs to the backs of her fingers, exploring your face gently. With a featherweight pressure, she runs her fingers across your bottom lip, your brow bone, your forehead and your temples.
You watch in silence as she does so.
Green eyes flicker up from your face and into your eyes through the mirror. They wrinkle at the edges when she smiles slightly.
“Turn to me,” she instructs and you do while she leans forward and digs through a box on top of her vanity.
When Wanda straightens, you’re looking right up at her. Your legs are dangling off the other side of the chair and your face is in front of her stomach. Her hand cups your cheek and she positions a mascara wand in front of your face.
“Look up,” she says. When you look up at the bedroom ceiling, Wanda moves the wand forward. She brushes your eyelashes gently, retouching your makeup, and you’re tempted to look down at her but do not lest you get mascara on your eyebrow.
Her thumb strokes at the corner of your mouth.
Then, suddenly, Wanda whispers, “My boys didn’t want to spend New Year’s with me.”
At her words, you look down at her immediately. She clicks her tongue against the roof of her mouth in forewarning and you look back up to the ceiling,
You question, “Why?”
“Perhaps… their father is more attuned to celebration and I am not,” she supposes. 
“Why didn’t you celebrate together?” you ask and instantly bite your tongue for asking too much. But Wanda’s thumb continues to stroke the corner of your mouth and she shows no sign of irritation.
“They didn’t want to,” she answers. Wanda moves to your other eye. “Almost done.”
There’s a momentary silence between the two of you until you ask, “When will you see them next?”
“I presume the first week of January,” she thinks aloud. “Some time then.”
Wanda inhales softly but you hear the long drag of her breath. 
“Are your parents together, Y/N?” she asks.
“No, they divorced when I was younger.”
With a nod, Wanda says, “I see.” 
Then after a moment, she speaks again, “Was there ever any partiality?”
“It was hard sometimes, from what I remember,” you answer. Wanda nods. “But I really loved both of them the same. They were my parents. They did love me, I always knew that.”
Wanda’s hand leaves your cheek and she reaches back to twist it back into its bottle. “Finished,” she states and lifts a handheld mirror to your face. She tucks your hair back behind your ears. “Look how pretty you are.”
“Wanda,” you whisper.
She looks from the mirror and over to you, lips parted. “What is it?” 
“There isn’t a moment your boys don’t know how much you love them. How could they?” you uttered quietly. “And they love you because of it. Loving them is, essentially, one of the greatest things you can do for a kid. Any child would be extremely lucky to have you as their mother. You mustn't think they don’t know that. They’ll come back to you. I promise you they will.”
Wanda only stares down at you, her eyebrows still slightly pushed together. Her lips twitch in a miniscule, hardly noticeable way, and you wouldn’t have noticed it had you not been staring at them- the soft curves and the full faded-red shade of them.
Her finger hooks under your chin and she sets the mirror down on the edge of the vanity seat. She tugs her finger up carefully and you stand from your seat, but Wanda leans down quick enough to kiss your lips and you stumble back down onto it. Her hands find your hips then round them to your ass, squeezing harshly and pulling you up.
Clumsily, you trip forward against her, but Wanda steadies you. She turns you and makes you walk backwards into her bed.
The back of your knees meet with the edge of her bed and you sit back. Her wrists escape your hold and she slips her cardigan off, then her shirt. You lean forward and kiss her stomach, peppering kisses upwards while you unbutton her jeans and pull them down to her ankles.
Wanda reaches down and unzips your dress. She pushes its sleeves from your shoulders and eagerly pulls it down to your waist. With a hand on your shoulder, she pushes you back onto the bed and you move backwards atop of it so Wanda can pull your dress from your hips. She tosses it onto the foot of her bed and runs her hands up your thighs as she straightens.
She delivers a spank to the side of your ass and with a swift wave of her hand, pushes the board games from her bed, sending them toppling down to the floor.
You move further backwards onto her bed and Wanda gets on. She starts at your knees, parting your thighs slowly as she moves up your body. 
Wanda nips at your inner thighs, sucking at your skin and running her tongue up anywhere she could. Her hands find your ass again and she lifts you up from the bed momentarily so she could nudge her nose against your clothed clit. She grins at your muffled whimper and nips at your hip teasingly. She peppers wet kisses up your stomach and up to the valley of your breasts.
Her hands on your ass move up your body and find the clasp of your bra, taking it off and tossing it somewhere behind her. She gropes your breasts with both hands and moans appreciatively. She pinches your nipples between her thumbs and forefingers.
Her grin widens. “Look how cute you are, huh?” she muses and plays with your tits in her hands, massaging them thoroughly and tugging at your nipples.
Straddling your hips and rolling them forward slightly to rub her clothed pussy against your thigh, Wanda pushes your breasts together and leans down to flick her tongue across each of your nipples. She kisses your breasts and then your painfully erect nipples, making you shudder. Her lips wrap around one of your buds, suckling at you and raking her teeth against you.
Your back lifts from the bed, pushing your breasts further against Wanda’s face as you moan out. Her free hand gropes your tit, her thumb having a particularly enjoyable time playing with your nipple.
“Feels good, baby?” she asks, looking up at you.
You hum out in response because you can’t manage any real words.
Wanda grins at your incapacity and switches breasts. Her saliva cools your other nipple in her mouth’s wake. Her other hand takes hold of one of yours and brings it up to your breast, making you fondle yourself.
The speed of her hips quicken and Wanda’s lips release from your nipple to moan out, her exhale warm against your skin. She straightens herself and moves to sit on your lower stomach, detaching her cunt from your thigh. You can see a darkened patch of her slick against her red panties.
She reaches back and unclips her bra.
Your cheeks and ears become warm as her tits push against your face when Wanda leans down and kisses your forehead. 
“Touch mommy’s breasts, puppy. Don’t be shy,” she utters against your forehead before sitting up and running her hands up your chest.
You reach up and press your hands to her breasts like she asked, fingers squeezing around them and making Wanda moan out. Her hips begin rolling forward against your stomach as she craves friction once more.
She squeezes your tits again, paying special attention to your hardened buds. 
Then Wanda reaches forward, her breasts only mere inches from your face once again. You hear her dig through her nightstand while you hold onto her shoulders, looking up at her face. She smiles over at you appreciatively when you kiss the side of her breast.
When she closes the nightstand and sits up, she’s holding some type of harness and a rather large black dildo. She watches your expression closely, smiling at the shock that comes over you. “Interested, my sweet girl?” she asks you with a quirked eyebrow.
You swallow nervously and Wanda slips off the bed. You watch her slip her panties off and run a few fingers through her cunt. She leans forward and sticks them into your mouth. You wrap your lips around her fingers immediately. 
She curls them in your mouth and you suck from them eagerly.
Wanda smiles and slips her fingers out once they’re cleaned of her juices. She strokes your cheek then pulls away to finish inserting the dildo and strapping the harness around her hips. 
When Wanda mounts the bed again and straddles your hips, she lays her cock across your lower stomach. Her hand reaches down between the two of you and pulls your panties down your legs.
Cold fingers press against your bare cunt and a small smile forms on Wanda’s lips at the shudder that runs through your body at the contact. She draws wide circles against your clit, her middle finger slowly entering and exiting your hole. She traces your opening with the pad of her finger while her free hand plays with your hair.
“You’re so pretty, Y/N,” she says, looking down at your naked body. Her fingers release their hold on your hair and she runs her fingers through the valley of your breasts all while you squirm below her. “So perfect. These beautiful tits and your young body. Gods, even at your age, I never looked like this.”
“You’re…” you manage to say through your whimpers, “... beautiful too, Wanda.”
She smiles at that but her thoughts are indiscernible. 
Now thoroughly saturated with your cum, Wanda wraps her hand around her cock, jerking it softly and coating it with your juices. Moving her hips back slightly, she positions herself against your opening. 
She lowers herself to your face, your breasts pushed up against hers as she kisses the tip of your nose. 
You feel her begin to enter you and a surge of panic quickens your heartbeat. “W-Wanda, no, it’s too big,” you plead, turning your head to look at her as she buries her nose against your cheek. 
“It’ll fit,” she presses.
“No, it won-”
You’re cut off as Wanda’s hips advance forward. You feel yourself begin to stretch out for her and your eyes shut tightly. You’re wet enough for her to glide against you, but you can’t stretch enough for her- she’s too big. It won’t fit. She’ll break you in half.
“Wanda, please!” you cry against her.
“Mommy,” Wanda corrects, hissing against your temple, “will make it fit. Just be a good girl and stay still.”
Your face contorts into something tight and anguished.
Once Wanda fits her tip past your opening, her speed of entering you quickens and you cry out, reaching up and trying to push her off of you.
She raises her hand to your breast and slaps it harshly, making you pull away from her and withdraw your arms. She gropes it, fingernails digging into your skin. 
“Do not move,” Wanda commands, each word thumping heavily against your ears as she speaks from beyond clenched teeth. She releases your breast and takes a hold of both of your wrists before holding them up above your head.
“I’m not above tying you down, Y/N,” she jests with a grin though you know her words are more than partially true. The words send a chill up your spine and you feel a shameful sense of warmth spread through you despite yourself.
She buries her face in your neck and kisses her way up to your ear. “Just relax, my beautiful girl. It’ll hurt less,” she hushes. “Mommy will take good care of you.” 
Her lips wrap around your lobe and she sucks softly at the flaccid skin. Her warm saliva cools your skin in the wake of her lips when Wanda moves towards your face. Her nose rubs against your temple, then her cheek against your own as a mother would her young. 
Her lips are pressed against your cheek and she continues to whisper soft praises and words of encouragement against your flushed skin, her warm breath cocooning you in a snug embrace.
Your hips finally come into contact with Wanda’s and you whimper. Every movement you make creates a pressure in the base of your spine, reminding you that you have the largest cock you’ve ever taken deep inside of you.
“Ah, do you see?” Wanda coos. “You took it all.”
With a shaky exhale, you nod. You open your eyes to see Wanda smiling down at you warmly and you suddenly feel extremely proud of yourself.
She kisses you tenderly and utters against your lips, “You’re such a smart girl. So bright,” she murmurs. “Mommy knows how to take care of you, doesn’t she?”
You nod with a happy smile and kiss her again.
Wanda laughs softly through her nose and kisses the space between your eyebrows when you part from the kiss. “Now, I don’t want to see you disobey me again. You ought to know how helpless and dumb you are without me. Good smart girls listen to their mommies,” she instructs.
“Yes, mommy. Wanna be a good girl,” you affirm, wiggling joyfully underneath her. The pressure of Wanda’s cock returns as you wiggle your hips so you stop immediately, though you feel an urge to buck your hips upwards to see what it would feel like.
“That’s what I like to hear,” she praises and pecks your lips, her tone suddenly maternal. She sits up again and takes hold of your hips with both hands, pulling you forward so the lower half of your body rests atop her lap. 
She pulls your ass against her lower stomach, her hips moving forward and moving her cock deep inside you.
You squirm and only feel it deeper within you, her strap stretching you out as it moves either way while fitting snugly between your walls. 
Then Wanda begins thrusting forward. With your thighs wrapped weakly around her waist, she thrusts her hips against your ass. 
Your head falls back against the pillow and your eyes screw shut at the immense pressure that forms at the base of your spine.
“Fuck, malyshka,” Wanda grunts, “you’re tight.” She places her hand on your lower stomach, drawing soothing circles there with her palm. The act relaxes you slightly and Wanda quickens her thrusts. 
You take your bottom lip between your teeth and restrain a cry. “Mama, too big…” you slur out, grasping at the bed sheets underneath you.
She responds, “You’ll take it, fucking slut.” Wanda pulls out of you suddenly and flips you onto your stomach. With her hands on your hips, she tugs you forward and sticks your ass into the air. She enters your cunt again and you cry out into a pillow. But Wanda does not take precautions she previously did. Her hips pick up speed and she slams forward into your ass repeatedly.
The slapping of skins mingle with the sounds of your muffled cries and Wanda’s grunts.
With the last fragments of capability you have to think independently, you hope desperately that none of the guests downstairs come through the door. You don’t realise how far ahead Wanda had planned when she first took you upstairs, nor the fact that she locked the door.
Your cries steadily turn into moans of pleasure if not fucked out of you with each thurst against your ass. Your hands unclench from the bed sheets but your face is still pressed into Wanda’s pillow. 
Her front presses against your back and Wanda’s groans exhale against the side of your neck.
“Tell mommy you love her cock,” she instructs, then kisses your shoulder.
Your words are slurred against the pillow as you answer, “I love your cock, mama.” You move your head so your lips are exposed to the air and your repeated words can be heard more clearly, but what comes out is no more discernible than before.
Wanda kisses the side of your neck and straightens. This time, she takes you with her, pulling you up so you’re sitting on her lap, your back still pressed against her front. Your knees are on the outer sides of Wanda’s, your legs spread as you sit on her lap. 
You can feel her nipples grazing against your back as Wanda thrusts upwards into you.
With this position, your moans are expelled into the room that already seems to you to be muggy with the scent of sex and the hot pants from the two of you.
She buries her face in your neck, wrapping her lips around your pulse and sucking. She bites down on another spot, causing you to cry out and jerk forward. But she wraps her hands around your waist, keeping you in place.
Her eyes dart down to your bouncing breasts, and with an amused and nearly sadistic smirk, she slaps one of your tits, and then the other. You hear her chuckle against your neck between your yelps. Both hands then grope your breasts, massaging harshly and twisting your nipples callously. 
“Mama, no, that hurts,” you whimper pathetically, squirming on her lap.
Wanda hums, uninterested in your pleading. She kisses your shoulder. “Mommy hurts you because she loves you, puppy,” she says. 
One of her hands moves down to your lower stomach. Her hand brushes over the bulge there, feeling the way it pushes against her hand with every one of her thrusts into your pussy. The heel of her hand presses down without warning. Immense pressure shoots through you and makes your clit throb.
You cry out and you feel your walls squeeze around Wanda’s cock. A different kind of pressure that you can’t quite discern forms in your lower stomach.
“My pretty brainless fucktoy,” Wanda coos into your ear. 
You feel warm pride bloom within you, but you can only manage a garbled, “Thank you, mommy.”
“I want to fill you with my children,” she pants into your ear. Her hips quicken as she continues, evidently turned on by what she’s saying. Your body jerks on top of her lap helplessly, your breasts bouncing at each harsh thrust and making it impossible for Wanda not to continue playing with them.
“Come in your pussy and fill your tight hole full of my hot cream,” she says. “I want you to carry my children. I want to see your pretty belly full of my puppies, to see our babies as cute as you. I want to come home from work to fuck my adorable little housewife dumb, until you can only take more of my seed, filling you over and over like the willing little breeding bitch you are.” 
Wanda reaches up and takes the lower half of your face into her hand harshly. She turns your head and kisses you. Despite her words and the harsh way she’s fucking you, despite the brusing handling of your breasts and the bites she delivered to your neck, her kiss is soft and possessive, her lips moving against yours in soft embraces as if worshiping them.
“You’ll be mommy’s precious cockwhore. I’ll fuck your pussy whenever it pleases me. If you’re angry with mama, if you’re sleeping, if we’re out together- I won’t spare any mercy in taking you for my own,” she grunts with the effort she’s putting into fucking you. “From now on, you’re mine.”
Her hand reaches down and she brushes three fingers side-to-side against your clit, sending you throttling forward and closer to your orgasm. 
Wanda kisses up your neck adoringly, nipping where she can and sucking at your skin soothingly. “Come for mommy, moya lyubov,” she whispers against your cheek then kisses it. “Let me see my perfect little girl.” Her free hand rounds your waist. The heel of her hand presses into your tummy bulge and her fingers pick up speed.
The indiscernible pressure in your lower stomach from earlier suddenly flowers, and at the slightest taste of your orgasm, it comes into fruition. You wince and hide your face in the mess of Wanda’s sweet-smelling hair, and a warm burst of release streams out of you.  
Wanda inhales sharply and her lips part from your neck so she can look down your body where you’re pissing all over her lap.
Your body is fatigued and now acting on its own without any conscious thought, leaving you to Wanda’s mercy as she takes your body for her own. In your complete abandonment of independence, it’s only Wanda who’s holding you up and keeping you warm.
“Oh, Y/N,” she whispers, in awe at your release. Her lips form into a grin and she kisses you. Her hand wraps around her dick, carefully pulling it out of your pathetically wet hole. She lets go of her cock and she slowly slides her hand up your cunt, allowing her hand and fingers to be soaked by your piss. “That’s a good, good girl. That’s right. Just let go, baby.”
Your cries release in short, trembling whimpers and Wanda kisses up your cheek. She presses a kiss to your soft lips.
While you quiver on her lap, your walls clenching hard around nothing and getting used to being empty after taking mommy’s thick cock, Wanda unfastens her strap from around her hips.
She lays you down carefully, onto your back. She kisses your breast, lips grazing your nipple and making you shudder. She watches you pant and squirm weakly with a smile as she slips the harness from her ankles and lays it on the edge of the bed.
The bed dips around you as you slip in and out of sleep. When the bed dips by your head, you open your eyes and find yourself looking up at Wanda. Even while dazed, you’re struck by the sight of her- her cascading hair and her breasts, the plain of her stomach and the creamy white porcelain shade of her soft skin.
Wanda caresses your cheek with her hand and when her knee brushes against your ear, you realise they’re on either side of your head. 
“You’re so beautiful,” you say suddenly, looking up at the older woman with nothing but admiration in the glints of your eyes.
She smiles, though from the angle you’re laying at, you can’t see the soft blush that forms across her face at your words.
Unlike before, it seems that Wanda does believe in the genuinity of your words. It reaches her, embracing her in a way she hasn’t been in years.
“Thank you,” she answers, stroking her thumb across your cheekbone. Then she lowers herself, her cunt pressing up against the lower half of your face.
She throws her head back immediately, one hand going to grip at the headboard and the other grasping at your hair painfully. A long moan escapes her and Wanda begins rolling her hips forward and back.
You part your lips, immediately taken by the taste of her pussy. You dart your tongue out and allow Wanda to ride the stiff muscle. She jerks her hips to the side slightly, teasing her clit and making her clench around nothing.
When the tip of your nose nudges against her sensitive bud, Wanda shudders and chases the feeling quickly, rolling her hips further up and now riding your face steadily. You take your breaths in time with the rolling of Wanda’s hips when your nose is uncovered.
Your lips, chin, and nose are completely coated in her cum, and you feel it begin to glaze your cheeks over in its sticky coating too. Your lips make a circular shape against her cunt, allowing you to suck at her hole then at the rim of it, which Wanda finds particularly pleasurable, evident by the way her thighs tighten around your head.
“Fuck, puppy…” she moans. “So… good. You’re talented.”
With a jerking motion, you turn your head and create a certain friction against Wanda’s pussy that makes her screw her eyes shut and huff out.
The tip of your tongue raises and teases at her hole before delving into her. With her clit pressed down against your nose, Wanda reaches her hilt. Her fingers grip at your hair painfully, pulling you up against her pussy. Her thighs tremble and a melody of pleasured moans and pants mingle.
She climbs off from sitting on your face and sits beside your hip, one leg on the bed and the other dangling off of it. Her thumb runs across your cheek. “What a mess you’ve made of yourself, Y/N,” she states, her voice a low thrum. “Let me clean you up.”
While you doze off in her bed, an indefinite amount of time passing, Wanda soon returns in a red silk robe that only just covers her ass after having redone and retouched her own makeup. She takes a seat at the edge of the bed. She leans over you and with a cool soft cloth, wipes your smudged makeup off.
Her elbow is holding herself up while she pets your head with her free hand. She wipes your makeup and the beads of sweat from your face.
Once she finishes, she lays the cloth on her nightstand and looks down at you. She kisses your face, slowly, all over your forehead and cheeks, your closed eyes, your chin, and finally, your lips. 
“There we go,” Wanda whispers. She touches your face with her fingers while watching you slowly awaken from your brief nap. “You’re very pretty, Y/N. You’re so young…” she says quietly, looking down at you with a small smile, “and your skin is so soft.”
You finally open your eyes and Wanda’s smile widens.
Subtle, muffled music plays downstairs.
“They must be getting close to the end of the movie,” Wanda says. She places her hand between your breasts and draws invisible shapes on your chest with the tips of her fingers. “It's one of my favourites. I won’t spoil it for you. I think we should watch it together, just the two of us.”
The soft hymn continues to play downstairs. 
“I love this song too,” she adds. “Come dance with me. Then we can get ready to join the others again.” Wanda stands from the bed and, while you sit up, retrieves a soft fleece blanket from her closet. She returns to you and wraps it around your shoulders.
You stand from the bed and Wanda pulls you against her chest, her arms wrapped around your shoulders and back, keeping you cocooned by the warm blanket. She tucks your head under her chin. 
“Thank you for what you said earlier, Y/N,” Wanda whispers. “Those were very kind words. I’ll treasure them eternally.”
You nuzzle your face against her chest. “I meant it,” you say.
“I know.”
Wanda cradles the back of your head with her hand, her fingers scratching gently at your scalp. She hums along with the barely-audible music downstairs while the two of you sway in the middle of her bedroom.
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buffetlicious · 4 months
Colleague invited me and some of my other colleagues to her son’s Wedding Dinner at Goodwood Park Hotel (良木园酒店) last Saturday. The heritage hotel in Singapore is situated in a 6-hectare landscaped garden on Scotts Road. It was first built as the club house for the Teutonic Club serving the expatriate German community in Singapore and later converted into a hotel. The Tower Block of the hotel has been gazetted as a national monument of Singapore.
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Have a peek at the Dinner Menu and Wedding Favours which is a heart-shaped condiment bowl or a round bottle opener. My trio of drinks from left - orange crush, Chinese tea and red wine, along with condiments of three types of chilli – pickled green chilli, chilli sauce and red chilli in soya sauce. One of my colleagues was already red-faced and half-drunk even before dinner was officially served.
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Let’s start off with the Appetizer Platter comprising of five smaller dishes. From the bottom clockwise, we have the golden brown Suckling Pig Slices with crispy skin. Happy to say that the roasted piglet did not disappoint, after all I expect no less from a 5-star hotel.
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Up one dish partition is the Chilled Marinated Baby Abalone with Thai Sweet Chilli. While the spicy and sweet abalones were good, the mountain of raw shallots used to prop up the mollusks were too pungent to eat on its own.
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I have never seen unagi as part of the cold dish platter but this Teriyaki Eel was a delight to devour. With hint of charred smokiness, this freshwater eel was sweet and soft. Crispy Sesame Seafood Roll was the next dish I tried and it was still warm and shattering crispy with filling of crunchy prawns and other bits of seafood inside.
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Sliced Smoked Duck was served with drizzling of diced mango & spicy plum sauce. The tangy and fruity sweet sauce paired well with the savoury smoked duck breast. Overall to say, this is the best appetizer platter I have ever eaten.
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lowcountry-gothic · 2 months
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Female green-breasted mango (Anthracothorax prevostii).
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thegigilwriter · 1 month
06 | “Danger & Star, Rooster & Angel” — Bradley “Rooster” Bradshaw x Female Mitchell OC
Summary: 26-year-old Lucy Asa Mitchell did not know what was in store for her when she first bumped into Bradley “Rooster” Bradshaw. After an instant mutual connection followed by a sweet whirlwind romance that swept both their feet, Lucy found herself being immersed deeper into Bradley’s world of the Navy, F-14s, and deployments. What she didn’t expect was finding was the answer to an elusive part of her past — the identity of her long-lost father.
Keywords/Warnings: Romance, Fluff
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06 | Picnics at Golden Hour 🌅
Sunday June 19, 2023
“Hmmm...ˮ Bradley hummed, helping himself to another tear of focaccia bread dipped in olive oil and balsamic vinegar. “This... is so good.ˮ
“Thank you,ˮ Lucy giggled popping a strawberry in her mouth as she continued to peel a green mango in one long, spiral strip.
Lucy had laid a red-checkered picnic basket at the backseat of the Bronco where they were now seated in each others company with her snack basket in between them. Bradley proceeded to peer into its contents, moving around various containers of food and a bottle of wine they had purchased from The Vineyard.
“Whatʼs this?ˮ Bradley picked up a white ramekin, which elicited a gasp from Lucyʼs lips.
“Put that down!ˮ Lucy crawled over, trying to reach it to which Bradley avoided by leaning away.
“Why? Itʼs something delicious isnʼt it?ˮ He smirked. “Are you trying to keep this all to yourself?ˮ
“Bradley,ˮ Lucy warned.
“Lucy,ˮ he teased.
“Give that back!ˮ She laughed at his expression, lunging at him.
“Woah!ˮ He gasped as Lucy fell on top of him, successfully obtaining the ramekin. A blush scattered across her cheeks when she realized the predicament they found themselves in: her soft breasts pressed against his hard chest, their lips only inches away from touching, their legs tangled, and their eyes intimately meeting. Bradley swept a lock of hair behind her ear.
“Iʼm only teasing Angel,ˮ Bradley told her sweetly. Lucy pouted in reply as they both sat up together, Bradley tucking her into his arms and sitting sideways on his lap.
“Itʼs a botched chocolate soufflé,ˮ Lucy frowned, evading his stare as she grazed her fingertips against the grooves of the ramekin. “I saw how much you liked that dessert at the Vineyard, and I thought I could make it for you. Itʼs more like a mousse now, than a soufflé...ˮ
“Angel,ˮ Bradley sighed, holding the small of her back. “You made that for me?ˮ
“I did, but itʼs no good.ˮ
“Well I donʼt care, itʼs mineˮ
Lucy gazed at him before reaching into her basket and grabbing a spoon. She uncapped the ramekin and offered a spoonful to Bradley. He smiled before wrapping his large hand around hers that was holding the spoon and brought it to his lips. They were just looking at each other as Bradleyʼs moving mouth slowly broke into a wide grin.
“Itʼs bad isnʼt it?ˮ Lucy groaned with her face in her hands.
“Angel—“ Bradley chuckled as he pried the utensil from her fingers and offered her a spoonful. “Here— you try.ˮ
Lucy didnʼt even need to chew. The very desert melted into her tongue and exploded in chocolate richness. They were both sporting huge grins now.
“Itʼs the best damn chocolate mousse Iʼve ever tried thatʼs for sure,ˮ Bradley exclaimed as he relished another bite.
Lucy laughed, her fingers covering the growing blush on her cheeks.
“Lucy Mitchell, you literally cook like an angel,ˮ he praised, finishing the last few scoops of the desert with enthusiasm and appetite.
“Iʼm just glad that it didnʼt go to waste,ˮ Lucy breathed, chuckling.
“Angel as long as youʼre cooking for me, I promise you — nothingʼs going to waste,ˮ Bradley told her seriously.
“Yeah?ˮ Lucy wrapped her arms around his neck as he stared into his honey eyes.
“Oh yeah,ˮ Bradley rasped, holding her stare as he relished the feel of her small hands grazing his shoulders.
“How about I take you up on that?ˮ She says with a sparkle in her eye.
“You mean it?ˮ
“Next Sunday, at my apartment, dinner for two,ˮ she whispered as Bradleyʼs eyes lit in child-like joy.
“Angel, I could kiss you right now,ˮ he said to her softly, his gaze so intense that it lit her skin on fire.
Lucy smiled as Bradley drew her in for a sweet kiss. She instinctively straddled him as he gently moved his hands to caress her waist and the smooth nape of her neck beneath her soft curls. Encased in the golden light of the dusk sky with a backdrop of a lavender hydrangea path leading to Californiaʼs Torrey Pines Bridge, they basked in each otherʼs passion so intensely that they were breathless as they came apart.
“Angel?ˮ He stroked the small of her back. “Yeah?ˮ
“I donʼt want you to be upset.ˮ
“How can I ever be upset with you?ˮ
A beat.
She cupped his face and traced his scars.
“Iʼm gonna be gone for a while... Iʼm getting deployed.ˮ
It was at this moment that while Lucy was well aware that while Bradley was a naval aviator, she was reminded that he was also a soldier — called into to duty and done so without question. She also knew that she was falling for him, just as she sensed that he was inevitably falling for her. Lucy herself has never been in a romantic relationship, but if there was anything that life had taught her is that nothing worth it comes easy. So Lucy reached yet again into her handy basket and took out her polaroid camera and placed it in his grasp. She then proceeded to pose against the door of his Bronco with a genuine smile and shining eyes.
“Whatʼre you—“
“So youʼll have something of me, even when youʼre away.ˮ
Bradley chuckled. She was truly beautiful — she wore sunsets like a gown and her smiles like a crown. She was an image far too abstract to contain. So Bradley took the shot, and left all else to his own memory — hoping it would be enough when it was time for them to say goodbye.
Oh no! Bradley’s getting deployed! I’m so excited for the next chapter! I hope you enjoy reading it as much as I loved writing it! 💕 Here’s 07 | Beauty and Brokenness.
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spacefinch · 4 months
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Green-breasted Mango
Golden-tailed Sapphire
Emerald-Chinned Hummingbird
These are all the hummer species that appear in episodes of Wild Kratts, or at least the animated portion of the show.
Side rant: WHO ON EARTH named the green-breasted mango? The bird’s chest is dark blue or black, depending on the lighting. And what does it even have to do with mangoes? I’ve looked everywhere for answers and I can’t find any.
Ornithology side of tumblr, please help.
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xoxokala · 10 days
New Healthy Choices 🥦☺️💕
Iron - One Cup Of Lentils (6.6mg) has more than 4Oz chicken /1.2mg or Beef 3.5mg Avocado, chickpeas, broccoli , asparagus , Raisins 🤍!
Vitamin A - Orange Fruits/Vegetables ; mangoes,peaches, pumpkin, carrots, nettle, red raspberry leaves , dandelion.
Vitamin B6 - bananas, potatoes, avocado, cabbage.
Vitamin B12 - vegetarian meat substitutes, eggs 🥚
Vitamin C - cantaloupe,red pepper, kiwi, tomatoes, strawberries
Vitamin D - Get Sun ☀️
Vitamin E - Nut Butters, butter, Egg Yolks.
Calcium - Soybeans, Tofu, blackstrap molasses, salmon, chicken breast, almonds, chamomile.
Magnesium - Okra, Almonds, Dates, Green Vegetables 🥬
Potassium - Peanuts, dry beans, peas, whole grains.
New Food Items To Implement Into My Meals ☺️ — this is for me based on what I like and what I want to focus on but build yours based on the nutrients & food items that you want to add / try 🌸
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What you have 5 things in your fridge
5 cheeses I often use
Cream cheese
5 deli meats I often use
Serrano ham
Smoked salmon
Fish meatballs
Chicken breast
5 vegetables I often use
Red snack peppers
Snack sized carrots
Snack sized cucumbers
Cherry tomatoes (though they don't live in the fridge)
5 condiments I often use
BBQ sauce
Green pesto
Sweet chili sauce
5 fruits I often use
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missbrightside00 · 1 month
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Some of my fave healthy meals from this week (with recipes!)
Mango Chia:
-Vanilla unsweetened almond milk
-Chia seeds
-Sugar free coconut flavored syrup
-Fresh mango
Lemon Kale Pasta:
-Pasta (rotini is my fave)
-Chicken breast (cooked, chopped)
-fresh kale or other choice of greens
-Plain Greek Yogurt
-Lemon Juice
-Lemon Zest
-Salt + Pepper
-Olive Oil
-Crushed red pepper
Tuna Bowl:
-Canned or packaged tuna (I chose ginger flavored)
-Your choice of greens (I used kale)
-Rice (I added jasmine rice)
-Spicy mayo
-Your choice of dressing (I made a combo of teriyaki and yuzu sauce, sesame oil + seeds, garlic, and onion powder)
Spicy citrus juice:
-Lemon Preworkout powder
-Lemon Collagen Protein Powder
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cypriathus · 2 months
Here are my versions of Vassago, Purson, Agares, and Dantalion/Amdusias!
WARNING: I talk about how alcohol affects the first OC and there is a mention of genitalia.
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Vurszlago is a good-natured, obedient, and playful kleptomaniac who has a goofy greediness for vintage alcoholic beverages and shiny coins. He’s obnoxiously loud, overly friendly, and foul-mouthed with a habit of annoying others for fun. His alertness is nearly non-existent, and he can be quite clumsy due to his lacklustre coordination skills. He often loses his train of thought and makes irrational statements, and he’ll become belligerent and argumentative when threatened or confused.
Vurszlago is lanky and emaciated with elongated limbs and a swollen belly, and his legs end in cloven hooves and are covered in spikes. His anus is replaced with a sharp-toothed mouth and there are three mulberry wood eyes with slit pupils placed in an upside-down triangle shape on both buttcheeks. He has dry skin of key lime pie, sunset orange eyes with double amblyopia, droopy eyelids, and a flushed face. He possesses yellowed boar tusks that protrude from his lower jaw, a dangling forked tongue, and a dragon-shaped head. He also has the tail of a leopard, the ears of a brown bull, the wings of a green-breasted mango, and the horns of an antelope. He wears a necklace of pennies, purple pearls, and four-leaf clovers, and a Turkish rose-to-French lilac loincloth. Tied to Vurszlago’s red-stained leather belt is a dirty coin pouch, a ceremonial dagger, and three bottles of alcohol: rum, tequila, and vermouth.
He can easily locate lost objects, incite love within women, and grant people full knowledge on past, present, and future events.
As an Æylphitus, their name means “to overthrow, good-natured prophecy or altar pyre of the sea breeze”.
He rules twenty legions of demons
He’s one of the servants to all royal members of Nifjazroghetus
He rides a fiery crocodile
He has a greenish-black pitchfork, but he usually forgets to bring it with him.
He reeks of alcohol and sweats a lot
He likes to whistles random tunes and loudly babble
He’s often in a drunken state, but is capable of proper bodily function.
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Puriszlotha is a serious-minded and vigilant fury who has a strong focus on artistic integrity and fidelity. She sees it as a duty to attain balance, harmony, peace, and justice by punishing those who commit violent crimes. She uses her vast stores of charm, intelligence, frankness, persuasion, and seamless connectivity to achieve her goals. She possesses a great accountability for her actions and is purposefully stubborn, but can be quite ruthless and jaded.
She has a feminine body with chiselled muscles, well-endowed breasts, two bluish serpentine tongues, and three straight horns in a partial V-shape. She has the head of a female Asiatic lioness with a mane of rose gold serpents and the hindquarters of a mule deer. Puriszlotha’s torso and arms are a mishmash of galactic green, blue, purple, pink, cyan, red, yellow, orange, and black with beige stars. She wields a ferocious Rahim’s eyelash-pit viper as a whip and a double bass that causes deep fear in the heart of mortals.
She has dominion over mockery, savagery, and daytime, and can turn spiritually undetectable and physically intangible. She’s able to turn everyone into renegades and lechers, bestow people with knowledge of hidden things, and aid in the discovery of treasure. She can shapeshift into any human or spectral form she desires and bring good familiars. Puriszlotha possesses unlimited knowledge of forgotten and remembered histories, earthly things both secret and divine, and the creation of the multiverse. She also holds knowledge on natural sciences and can communicate with the spirits of the dead.
As an Æylphitus, her name means “bear cub, priest or valet”.
She’s the double bass player of Amara Lignum (“Bitter Wood” in Latin)
She rules over twenty-two legions of demons
She rides a great pizzly bear
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L’Agheszrobi is a wise and virile glutton who takes pleasure in teaching immoral expressions and has a keen eye for luxurious sustenance and fashion. He can be quite the self-indulgent loudmouth, especially when alcoholic beverages and lovemaking is involved. However, it doesn’t interfere with his kindness and impartiality too much, but it can make him clumsy, gullible, and slothful. He’s marked by eloquence and full of clever humour, and he finds a semblance of joy in cracking jokes, the idea of enlightenment, and sharing his knowledge.
L’Agheszrobi is a buff, yet overweight man with scaly juniper skin, yellowish-green blushing, anglerfish teeth, upwards-curving horns, and muddy brown claws. He has medium-length light caramel pompadour hair with sideburns and a long bushy bead that has greyish streaks. He has the ears of a horse, the tail of a Chinese alligator, and the hindquarters of a pygmy brocket. His three eyes form a triangular position and they’re a fern green with luxor gold slit pupils and old brick sclera. He wears a gilt-brass cuirass with tassets, a Roman coffee suit jacket with vertical silver rust stripes, and a silky jabot of tuft bush. He also dons a knee-length blue and grey pleated skirt, a Turkish rose royal mantle with red fox fur trim, and a chrysoberyl cocktail ring on his left middle finger. L’Agheszrobi often carries around a bronze pocket watch and a pack of cigars that like cinnamon and grapefruit.
He’s able to teach all languages, stop and retrieve runaway individuals, cause earthquakes, grant noble titles, and summon sharp weapons from the earth. L’Agheszrobi can destroy supernatural and temporal dignities and trap people in brass vessels, casting them into deep lakes. He possesses absolute knowledge on philosophy, astronomy, rhetoric, logic, chiromancy, and pyromancy.
An unnamed older sister
An unnamed younger brother
12 unnamed nieces
8 unnamed nephews
As an Æylphitus, his name means “to ruin dignity, to be slothful, glistening field or vigilant guardian”.
He’s the duke of Overconsumption
He was once a knight of Nfjazroghetus before being promoted as a duke
He rules over thirty-one legions of demons
He has three pets: a treasure-guarding Eurasian goshawk, a sleepy cockatrice, and an armoured alligator with ten horns.
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Dantezlomius L’Aymdetronus is a benevolent and enlightened fallen angel with a nature that extrudes positivity and amoral charisma. He can be a sadistic mental-breaker with bloodthirsty tendencies, but he continuously retains his introspection and truthful insight. He’s outgoing and energetic, and when he flaunts his knowledge, he comes across as snobbish and standoffish.
He’s an abnormally tall man with a lanky and rectangular figure that has pallid skin, elongated limbs, a bit of well-defined muscle, and a micropenis. He possesses three heads: that of a unicorn (front), a man with the shining aureole of the sun (right), and a woman with a crescent moon tiara (left). Dantezlomius has draconic hands and feet, jazzberry jam eyes with dilated reef gold pupils, and the tail of a pale knob-tailed gecko. He wears a peacock choker with a luxurious gold coating, pink pearls, and pieces of unpolished ruby, emerald, and blue zircon.
He can change his head into all faces of men and women he has silently observed or personally encountered. He’s able to teach all arts and sciences, manipulate infamy, and aid in heightening a person’s emotional intelligence. He’s capable of declaring secret counsel for anyone as he knows all thoughts across the multiverse and can change them at his will. Dantezlomius can cause love and show prophetic visions, and possesses knowledge on similitude of any person. He can manipulate stormy weather, thunderous noises, musical instruments, and mistakes, and make trees bend.
As an Æylphitus, the different parts of his name have special meanings: Dantezlomius means “to declare secret counsel, faces of all living creatures or knower of thoughts” and L’Aymdetronus means “concert of storms, cacophonous thunder or unicorn’s trumpet”.
He’s the duke of Ire
He’s in charge of parades and concerts of cacophonous music in Nifjazroghetus
He’s the trumpeter of Amara Lignum (“Bitter Wood” in Latin)
He protects the only bibliotheca in Nifjazroghetus
Due to his strong association with thunder, many believe that his voice can be heard during vicious storms.
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