yulia-inferis · 7 months
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Be a fucking man. Cause violence is always manly 0_o
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ms2253 · 4 months
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estrangedandwayward · 2 months
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Helaena the dreamer
Alicent and aegon
A bug landed on this while it was drying
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1nf3ct3d-x3 · 4 months
This one is gonna be fun :3
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lemonhemlock · 2 years
So then, maybe a weird ask, how would you write or explore Lucemond?
So, a couple of months ago, I accidentally stumbled upon this lucemond fic that completely rearranged my chakras. Thing is I tried to find it recently but couldn't, so perhaps the author deleted it, which is such a pity because it was truly spectacular. I don't remember a whole lot bc it was late at night when I read it (thinking I would come back to it later), but it was very much surreal poetry body horror. I am not a gore girly at all, but the language was mesmerising. I happen to have sent my bf a few snippets for shock value (also not a gore enjoyer), so I can share the little of it I saved:
The tender jelly of Lucerys’ eye bursts like a ripe grape between teeth, climbing, sheer white, up Aemond’s blade, as if it were dripping wax.
Its viscous liquidity leaving no gruesome trophy or good-luck charm to pickle in vinegar and make a gift of, Aemond decides to lick the mucoid fluid from the metal and impel it through his own flesh. When he puts the blade to his tongue no taste but that of his own blood stains the quivering muscle.
If the author of this fic happens upon this post, I'd just want to let you know your talent with words was very appreciated. 🙏
Returning to the topic, I would definitely keep this element and lean into the horror aspect. I'd keep some background jace/luke as vibes, with aegond on the opposing side to make it as spicy and convoluted as possible. (It took me ages to remember I have a jaceluke tag since I hid it so well from team black I ended up hiding it from myself, too. Updated my tags list with this occasion lest we forget!)
Readers of my blog will know by now that I sometimes go on rants about The Magnus Archives, but, bear with me, I think we could borrow some elements to make lucemond really extra fucky. So, within the TMA universe, there are several entities that govern different sets of fears and the one I like the most and the one I think fits really well here is The Beholding - so lots of eye imagery, the fear of being perceived, of secrets being revealed, of forbidden/awful knowledge, of knowledge that would destroy you, of being exposed or shamed or judged. The problem I have with Luke (which permeates a lot into lucemond fics) is that he's so fucking boring and milquetoast & doesn't really react / isn't affected enough by the events surrounding him, so much so that it kind of turns him borderline sociopathic, just in the most boring way possible. So let's give him some internal conflict!
I would give Luke a serious case of scopophobia, basically turn him into the perfect victim for the Beholding. Make him realise deep down that he's a bastard and how much danger he's in because of his mother's lies and gaslighting. Make him terrified of becoming Lord of Driftmark, like actively paranoid some Velaryon cousin is going to slash his throat in his sleep or something (maybe even Rhaena??) Have that intensify after Vaemond's execution, because now the blacks have already spilled first blood in his name. Have him feel increasingly isolated from his family because they feel like he's exaggerating and don't really grasp the gravity of the situation - in addition to more gentle gaslighting done by Rhaenyra, who thinks this is the proper way to assuage his fears (even ridiculous stuff like how he shares blood with Borros Baratheon via Rhaenys), and more violent type of suppression by Jace, who absolutely does not want to hear about how they're bastards and everybody knows about it. So the fear of being perceived, of his "secrets" being revealed, only worse, because they're already out in the open, so what he really fears is shame and judgment, which could come at any minute. Any person could at any time start pointing out what an obvious bastard he is and the entire foundation of his life would start cracking.
This intense fear of judgment would be where lucemond comes into play. Aemond as a person he actively harmed, an act that he did his best to sweep under the rug, absolutely horrified to face him, because that would mean facing his actual crimes; the punishment/retribution for that would have to be immense and he's not in a proper headspace to handle that. When he finally sees Aemond again, fighting fit and ready to go, all those feelings of inadequacy would come crashing down. Aemond casting his single eye of furious judgment on Luke, painfully aware of each and every one of Luke's flaws and planning his wrathful comeuppance!
In TMA, I really enjoyed the statements where The Eye would terrorize their victim* because I personally found it hilarious, so I think I'd try to recreate that dynamic a bit between Aemond and Luke. Whether it veers into body horror and violence or remains at the promise of violence and psychological torment, I think there's a lot to explore in a funky, novel way that doesn't involve this unearned Romeo and Juliet binomial.
If you're really intent on turning this sexual, I think an under-discussed aspect of the eye-gouging is how Luke essentially gave Aemond a huge disadvantage when it comes to participating in traditional masculinity, something that we know Aemond cares a lot about - being a model Targaryen prince, having the depth perception necessary to ride his dragon, his martial prowess, even him being suitably attractive to the opposite sex. It wouldn't be outrageous to presume all of these new issues halted Aemond's sexual and social development and that it would make him feel Some Kind of Vengeful Way about it that would maybe manifest itself not in a very socially-appropriate way. Like, mayhaps, wanting Luke to undergo similar pains? ☠
For Aemond's side, I stumbled on this tik tok once that really encapsulates the kind of vibes I think would be really fun to play with. A corruption arc, being consumed by vengeance, allowing yourself to give into your worst impulses, contemplating the nature of justice etc.
For the aegond bit mentioned above, I really like this idea. Luke pondering which is worse: facing Aemond directly or being decimated by his big brother, who he himself once looked up to.
*Here is an example if anyone is interested in the vibe I'm going for. I bookmarked the clip for when the statement begins, because the rest of the episode is filled with the metaplot: MAG 193 A Stern Look,
Some quotes from the transcripts!
He recognises those eyes. He’s seen them all his life, watching him, judging him, cutting through him so no part of him was secret or safe. They peel away the armour, his carefree smile and practiced shrugs. 
His mind races. He can’t tell the truth, obviously. Elias can’t look this man in the face, and tell him that he is what scares him. That his eyes, the curiosity and judgement that pulses out of them, they terrify him in a way he can’t put into words. He feels that prickly panic building in the back of his skull, that worry that spills through: he knows. 
A cough from over the desk breaks his train of thought. His interviewer is staring at him, and all at once he’s back with himself, burning with embarrassment. Those eyes stare, impassive and stern as ever, but… is that a twinkle of satisfaction? As though he has been given him an answer he likes.
He stops. Those eyes. They know. They can see right through all his bullshit, right to the core of him. They know what he really thinks.
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aeronbracken · 6 months
I mean, I really don't care about team Black because I fucking hate D*emon and they are so uninteresting for me... believing in Targaryen superiority isn't doing for me also I find Greens more cringefailure and sexy so...
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bankersarewankers · 1 year
Took me a while, but I'm now fully convinced that we live in "the matrix".
Only ChatGPT could come up this nonsense...
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aoifemackay · 2 years
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o7 to the gigachads who took the money and dipped from Twitter.
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Curious about the identities and addresses of neo-nazis in your country? Thanks for lax security on a website run by the violent fascist group Nordic Resistance Movement (NMR), antifa in Sweden have been able to put together a list of real names and addresses of neo-nazis in Australia, Belgium, Canada, Croatia, Czech Republic, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, India, Ireland, Japan, Netherlands, Norway, Spain, the UK, and the US!
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pyersiki · 4 months
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more pics from last summer bc I am so greenpilled rn . I <3 green
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caseofbask3ts · 5 months
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greenpilled scarfmaxxer
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nrilliree · 4 months
TG's favourite retort: Bbbbut what about Daemon? Daemon this. Daemon that.
It's excruciatingly boring to see how they act Daemon can be used as a 'gotcha' for TB and is proof that both sides are 'equally bad'. Or that Daemon is as bad as Aegon and Aemond or even worse.
To put it in simple words because anything else won't be understood by them, Daemon falls in the category of GRRM's antiheroes which also includes Jaime Lannister and Oberyn Martell, both of whom are highly romanticized by the fandom. Jaime's deeds need no introduction. It should also be taken to note that Oberyn - the fandom's darling - besides being a known whoremonger - has also used physical violence on Obara's mother in canon and was indirectly responsible for her death by separating her from her daughter.
Anyway, it is obvious that all three of the abovementioned characters are far from morally upstanding human beings. They are not without their shortcomings, some of which have no justification. Yet, to many, they are fascinating because besides being capable of cruelty, they are also able to act within the bounds of reason many a times and possess a capacity for love. Such characters provide ample scope for one's imagination to run wild.
On the other hand, Aegon and Aemond are, in plain and clear words, villains and two of their actions stand as proof.
a) Aegon's brutal murder of Gerardys which is described in detail in the book. That man was an innocent maester who was trying to do his duty by helping Aegon. His only perceived offence was that he had served Rhaenyra.
b) Aemond's massacre of House Strong which is also detailed in which no member including children - trueborn or bastard - was spared save for Alys who was taken as a war prize.
The reason for singling out these two acts in specific, out of all other heinous ones committed by Alicent's sons in the book, is that they are often swept under the rug by the same lot who can't stop crying about B&C which was a reaction to yet another of the Greens' crimes. Aegon and Aemond acted unprovoked without any rhyme or reason and their actions are more in line with those of Joffrey and Ramsay. Or, if we have to pick from their own contemporaries, Hugh and Ulf. Not morally gray or antiheroic like the fics attempt to reimagine them as but plain evil. Even the greenpilled maesters couldn't conceal it despite trying their best.
Now, people can like whatever character they wish to for whatever reason. That's none of my business. But blatant denial of canon while propagating all kinds of fanon is another matter altogether. The fact remains that Daemon ,even at his worst, pales before the Greens' villainy and no amount of whataboutery and denial is going to change that.
Daemon committed one crime throughout the entire Dance - B&C. Yes, it was a cruel crime. But why should the death of one high-born child be treated as a greater tragedy than the death of hundreds of children from the cities that the TG plundered and burned? Why is he considered a "villain" by TG and the TG boys are considered "misunderstood"? This is truly unimaginable to me. Especially when such accusations are made to the book.
Daemon is not good. Daemon is not evil. He is something in the middle and it is the fact that for some he can be considered a hero and for others a villain that makes him such an interesting character. And it really hurts me that the series ruined it so much.
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neruomancer · 1 year
I don't feel bad for them but you know for a fact there was some guy recruited into the "Program" because they saw a egirl military recruiting tiktok to join space force to "fight aliens and defend our world" and now they are covering up extra judicial murders of civilians because they saw some yellow squiggles and some dude in a white mask.
They probably say some annoying or dumb shit like "I got GreenPilled". I hope this guy I made up sees some unspeakable horrors.
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scagcoretvmaxxing · 11 days
whats your opinion on gnarpy?
(gnarp gnap)
Greenpilled freakmaxxer.
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daenystheedreamer · 1 year
been going crazy about arsenic green. oh the rich are dressing themselves in something that kills them slowly they sleep in rooms slowly poisoning them. but theyre also human they like shiny things they like pretty colours. anyway im alicent hightower arsenic greenpilled
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lemonhemlock · 2 years
My take on Jacemond is pretty simple- we actually saw Jace putting in a smidgen of effort into his responsibilities in learning Valyrian and there’s his going around saying he doesn’t care about what anyone thinks only to go from 0 to 100 at the first hint of being called a bastard 1/
Jace was also the one who brought the knife to the fight and attacked Aemond first; I feel like this is generally under-discussed because Luke took all the spotlight. But Aemond should also have beef with Jace - this is a little evidenced at the dinner table where Aemond is paired with Jace during the fight and Aegon is the one who gets to slam Luke.
Until the show runners inevitably ruin it I’m prepared to like Jace because he has the most potential to figuratively slap Rhaenyra with some uncomfortable truth + the implications of his potential of a relationship w/ Sara. Also he doesn’t seem to like Daemon- the enemy of my enemy is my friend- and all that 2/
Shipping aside-with the amount of fics that have an abused Green kid running off to Rhaenyra who then rescues Alicent from an abusive Otto which results in Alicent tearfully apologizing to Rhaenyra for everything & super Mom/sister Rhaenyra helps bad mother Alicent learn to relate to her children…- I just want ONE fic that has Jace trying his luck with Alicent bc she was once his mom’s BFF to rescue her from Daemon & Rhaenyra getting the learning curve treatment. (I don’t care if it’s a canon era or modern AU, it may actually work better as a modern AU but the point still stands) /3
I never actually considered Jace being the defector actually, that's how prevalent green defection is in fics. 😅
I'm still not super convinced how jacemond might actually work - like that anon said recently, albeit it was about lucemond, that it's just a lot of work to think up a believable dynamic for these two. Ultimately, I feel like there's nothing these two pairings have to offer that isn't already immediate and more satisfying in aegond.
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