#grim and yoda
thechaoticfanartist · 9 months
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#grim shut the fuck up challenge
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yuri-is-online · 11 months
... ok but you guys do realize that Disney owns Star Wars so they could have a cross over with twst yeah.
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other-peoples-coats · 2 years
Ok, so, I kinda assume this is for the daydream plot meme I was doing back in...march (?ish?), which. On the one hand, not actively doing that anymore, on the other, ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ what the hell, it's a monday night and I had a three hour nap after work, here we go. So, this one is based on the idea that lineage bonds are...basically the same sort of deal as the sense8 cluster bonds, only, y'know, willingly entered into and not because people were born at the same time, which makes them...not really like the bonds at all, I suppose, except for the idea that Specific People can 'visit' each other.
Your lineage is meant to be there for you, always, you can visit your grandmaster and your sibling padawans and etc, you're never alone because you have the force and your lineage.
Which obviously means that obi-wan is fucked. It's bad enough when he's a padawan himself, and his grandmaster is a-- rarely there sneering presence, and his brother padawan is fucking xanatos.
When the war starts, though, with a lineage member on the otherside, his lineage -- yoda and anakin and little ahsoka have to take blockers, because fucking dooku has a direct line to whatever they know. Which means they go through the war alone, and isolated, and--
Obi-wan gets through it because when the war is over and he's never once visited his grandpadawan, has only ever seen her in the flesh, has never once turned around and found his lineage all laying around his rooms on the negotiator, half substantial and all affection.
Dooku dies -- and he's grateful for the blockers, then, he's already felt qui-gon and xanatos die, and that was two deaths too many to experince directly -- and the war is nearly over and he restocks his blockers and hopes he'll not need the whole batch.
Only. well.
He never comes off the blockers.
Not after the temple burns.
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hungrymentor · 11 months
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Decided to start posting the lil postcards that I make on Mininote. It’s a really cool app for keeping stylized notes or making journal pages cute, I highly recommend it.
Edit: added descriptive text to images!
More images under cut.
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My inspiration; JWST Herbig-Haro 46/47
My imagination; Yoda, apparently :/
((and also (the grim reaper)/(a wizard)/(a cultist wearing a mask) wielding (time and space to force two stars to collide)/(fire)/(a sacrifice))
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for the character solidifying asks - 49 and 50 for the oc(s) of your choice !
hiiii oh my gosh is this the first time youve been in my ask box. i think so. i am so sorry it has taken me a literal month but here, i offer you my second favorite jedi dad and then a miserable wet rat of a seer character solidifying asks here
49. What about voice? Pitch? Strength? Tempo and rhythm of speech? Pronunciation? Accent? Hellir’-Amderak Edi Drovaddal // Hellir’ has a very smooth, soulful, I won’t say gentle but.. non-domineering voice. He is a Diplomat and must adjust his voice as needed for pretty much any situation but at rest he is quite soft-spoken, and pronounces his words pretty easily? He doesn’t speak so crisp when he’s not on the job. It’s between a mumble, and just on the tip of a smile. He’s VERY deliberate, no matter what the case may be. If he says it, he means it. And he has kept his native Balosar accent to him (which is like a typical Coruscanti Basic accent, just.. slightly to the left of the usual from what you hear on the surface but not quite found on any other level. A bit gruff, choppy at times, but never upset or accusatory or negative. It’s just a little to the left of it all.)
50. What are the prevailing facial expressions? Sour? Cheerful? Dominating? Jupso Onurimaa // He always looks like he’s suffering, because he usually is. It’s the slightly furrowed brow, a little frown to him, lips pressed tightly together, he’s got worry and remorse in his eyes more than anything else. He’s withdrawn even in expression, when anyone’s able to see it. He used to be very good at hiding this away from others but he’s slipped up majorly since resurrection, and if you see him with no veil…
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lostwcrlds · 7 months
take the linked quiz from the perspective of your muse(s), and share at least ten of your favorite results
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Joyce Byers (Stranger Things): 92%
Fox Mulder (The X-Files): 88%
Juliana Crain (The Man In The High Castle): 87%
Jyn Erso (Rogue One): 86%
Jo March (Little Women): 85%
Mulan (Mulan): 84%
Katniss Everdeen (The Hunger Games): 83%
Luke Skywalker (Star Wars: Episode IV - A New Hope): 82%
Will Turner (Pirates Of The Caribbean): 81%
Christian (Moulin Rouge!): 80%
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Tagged by: @valorums
Tagging: anyone who wants to do this
0 notes
anakinskywalkerog · 1 year
My Very Soul (Chapter 33)
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Anakin Skywalker x Jedi!Reader
Link to Chapter 32
Warnings: grief!! depression!!! tread lightly!! things will get better, our girl will heal, but please engage with this only if you feel good/healthy yourself! also, drama/angst, but that's what you get from me
Summary: Anakin comforts you after the death of your Master; you wrestle with some difficult truths, and agree to train with someone new
Word Count: 2.7k
It was heavy. There was no other way to explain it. Your grief was a heavy pillow, suffocating you as you lay in your bed. You felt like the sheets might swallow whole you under the weight. The feel of Anakin's arms around you faded in the face of the soft, quiet, heavy feeling pressing on you. It was like being underwater. It was like trying to fight wind stronger than a hurricane. It pushed you down, and you felt like you had no strength to fight against it.
You'd awoken after Felucia in the Temple's medical chamber, Anakin at your side. You had no memory of anything that had happened after Yuma had been killed, and you didn't understand why Anakin looked so full of relief, why he had tears in his eyes at the sight of you. Obi-Wan had simply explained that you had lost consciousness, similar to the way you had when encountering Dooku's presence. Something in Anakin's face told you that it wasn't quite that simple.
Still, you couldn't find it in yourself to care, much, about what had happened after your Master had been taken from you. You couldn't find it in yourself to care about anything at all, other than the arms that remained around you, other than having Anakin by your side. You found that there were times when even that desire started to fade; when you felt the heaviness pressing in and lost any feeling at all.
"Y/N," Anakin whispered, shaking your arm a little, reaching over to run his fingers gently through your thick hair, pushing it away from your face. Every so often he would say something like this, something soft and gentle, like he were trying to make sure you could still hear him.
"I'm here," you replied, not looking at him, but reaching out and gripping his sleeve. Anakin brushed away the tears that fell softly and steadily out of your eyes and onto the sheets of the big bed in your Jedi apartment, situated in the Knight's Billet in the Temple. This is where you had remained for days, barely moving, barely sleeping or eating, struggling to fight the weight in order to keep breathing.
After you had left the medical chambers, you had recounted to the Council how Vyra had lured you into that cave, how she had manipulated the severity of the battle on Felucia and used the Sith dwelling to call to you in order to trap you and 'torture' you. You had told them what she had said of her reason for doing so, her grudge that she had held since you had been assigned your mission on Serenno. You had explained what she had recounted about Dooku and his mysterious "Master"; you'd noticed that Yoda and Windu had shared a look at that information. You couldn't bring yourself to care, at the moment, what that meant. You had struggled for breath, standing in the center of that circle of Jedi atop the tall tower, as you had recounted the last moments of Yuma's life: how she had been in the throes of a horrible vision, caused by the poison that made her live through her worst fears. You could barely get the words out when you described Vyra killing your Master, and taking her lightsaber. Obi-Wan had stood up to walk you out, his hand on your back the whole way back to your apartment, his face grim. You hadn't emerged since.
"Y/N," Anakin said again, stroking your face, your arm. "You need to eat something." You shook your head. The thought of moving at all, let alone eating, drinking, sounded too hard. You felt the heaviness pressing in on you.
"I love you," Anakin said again, and the agony in his presence was like a spark, a stabbing pain that brought you out of the heavy feeling, if only for a moment. Your eyes filled, again, with tears.
"I know," you whispered, looking into his eyes.
"I'll be here with you," Anakin said, reaching forward to kiss your eyelids, brushing the tears away with the gentle press of his lips. "I won't let them make me leave."
"You can't stay forever, Ani," you sighed, curling into him, wishing your words weren't true.
"I won't—"
Anakin cut off his words, feeling the same disturbance in the Force that made your senses heighten. Someone was coming.
A soft knock sounded on the door of the apartment. You and Anakin both looked at each other, sensing the presence that stood outside.
"Maybe he'll leave," you breathed into Anakin's ear, not moving. Anakin remained still, listening. You waited, holding your breath.
"Y/N," you heard, Obi-Wan's soft voice calling through the door as he knocked again. If he came into the apartment, it would only take a few steps past the kitchen for him to see through the open bedroom door, where he would find you and Anakin in bed together—
"What do we do?" you whispered, panicked, your eyes widening. Numb with grief you may be; but if you and Anakin were caught, it could risk your position in the Order. Anakin's eyes darted around, and landed on the tiny wardrobe built into the wall. Jedi Knights were granted little storage space, as they were not to keep possessions of their own.
"Anakin, he'll sense you!" you whispered frantically, but Anakin was already up and running in his boxers to the wardrobe. He sucked in his gut and used the force to close the wardrobe's doors as you heard Obi-Wan's voice sound again from outside the door.
"Y/N, I'm coming in," Obi-Wan said, his voice gentle and suppliant. You pulled yourself up in your bed, fighting against the heaviness in your limbs as you used the Force to summon your robe, hastily throwing it on over your nightgown as the door to your apartment opened and Obi-Wan stepped inside.
"I'm sorry to disturb you," Obi-Wan said as he walked forward to stand in the open door of your bedroom. You knew you probably looked like Moraband; you hadn't visited the refresher in days, and your hair was a tangled mess on your head. You felt Obi-Wan's thoughts linger on the dark circles under your eyes.
"That's all right, Master," you replied, your voice hoarse. Obi-Wan walked forward and pulled the chair near the window around so that it was facing you. You gulped as he turned, looking back to you as if to ask, may I ? You nodded, gesturing that he should sit. Obi-Wan had never been inside your apartment before—his presence startled you enough that you felt the heavy numbness backing away from you.
"I came to bring you this," Obi-Wan said, leaning forward in the chair and pulling something from the pocket of his robes. As he reached out to hand it to you, you sighed in amazement.
"How...?" you asked, leaning forward to take your lightsaber from him and gripping it. You felt each familiar divot of the hilt like you had found an old friend lost to time; you felt the ghosts of tears prickle behind your eyes, and you willed them away.
"I recovered it for you, on Felucia," Obi-Wan responded quietly. "When you were found, in that cave." His tone was careful, quiet, and solemn. "I wanted to return it to you before, but...it seemed a difficult enough moment." You thought back to facing the Council, to the whirlwind of emotions you'd faced upon waking up here, in the Temple, without your Master, for the first time in your life.
"Thank you," you managed to get out, looking back up at him and keeping your tears at bay. He simply nodded. You looked around, feeling awkward, working to keep your gaze anywhere but on the wardrobe behind Obi-Wan's back.
"I also..." Obi-Wan started, and you met his gaze, his face lit by the rays of sun streaming in through the partially closed blinds. "I am also here because I wanted to make a proposition to you."
You squinted, gripping your robe around yourself, inclining your head to indicate that he should continue.
"You are, of course, under no obligation to do so..." Obi-Wan started, rubbing his hands over his mustache and through his beard. "But...I know how important it was to Yuma that you work on your ability, to block out the presences of the Sith." At these words, your heart dropped. The weight came back in full force, pushing you down. It was an effort to keep yourself seated, to not lay back into the sheets and give in to the heaviness that pressed into you. You swallowed, nodding. "I would like to continue your training, in that regard," Obi-Wan said, watching you intently, his voice soft. "Not to pick up where Yuma left off, necessarily. But to work to make sure you are fully in control of your abilities...so that, when the time comes that you must protect yourself, you are as prepared as you can be. I would like to do everything in my power to help you."
You struggled to breathe evenly, working the air in and out of your lungs. You knew that Obi-Wan meant well—that he was trying to show care for you, and for Yuma, by offering to help. And you knew you needed the help, knew now that your susceptibility to the dark side of the Force was a liability. So you couldn't help but hear the unspoken truth behind Obi-Wan's words—that it was your fault, what had happened on Felucia. That if you had made more progress in your lessons with Yuma, she would still...
Be here, you finished in your head, your eyes welling up against your will. You didn't need Obi-Wan to tell you. You knew the truth. You knew who was responsible for Yuma's death.
"Y/N," Obi-Wan started, leaning forward like he wanted to do something to comfort you, but you shook your head, letting the tears fall.
"I'll do it," you said, pushing against the heaviness. "I'll train with you." It was all you could manage. Obi-Wan paused, as if debating, then leaned back in his chair, putting his hand down.
"Good," Obi-Wan replied, his voice contemplative. "I'd like to start right away, given that the war has made it so my time at the Temple is limited. Tomorrow?" You nodded, looking away from him, your face flushed at your embarrassment. You'd never cried in front of Obi-Wan, and you didn't like it—you didn't want to feel weak around him, the Jedi who was always so very much in control. Until recently, you'd thought of yourself and Obi-Wan as similar souls, similar warriors who kept their emotions in check. You now realized that you were useless in more ways than one, that people like Obi-Wan would always surpass you. You wanted to go back to sleep.
"The last thing..." Obi-Wan continued, his voice unnervingly gentle. "I wanted to tell you," he said, leaning forward in his chair, waiting until you looked up to meet his gaze, "that you aren't alone. Though I know that no one and nothing could ever replace what Yuma was to you—to all of us—I want you to know that you still have family, here. That you still have a mentor that cares for you deeply." You blinked, the brazen affection in this statement disarming you.
 "And that if you ever need to discuss anything," Obi-Wan continued, "anything, even things that you wouldn't bring to others in the Order, you can come to me. Whenever you need." You could have sworn Obi-Wan glanced infinitesimally toward the wardrobe, but it was so fast, you must have been imagining it.
"Thank you, Obi-Wan," you said, your voice small, your gratitude sincere. You felt so much affection and adoration for the Jedi Master sitting in front of you. You wished only that his faith in you wasn't so displaced. You felt your body shaking, the effort of pushing off the weight beginning to wear on you.
"That's all," Obi-Wan said, smiling at you as he stood, walking toward the door. "I'll expect you in the meditation chambers tomorrow." You nodded, feeling drained. "Don't—don't be unkind to yourself," Obi-Wan added, pausing in the bedroom doorway to turn back to you. "All of this is hard enough as it is." You nodded again, wondering how he could sense what you were thinking so accurately. Obi-Wan turned away, striding for the door to the apartment.
You listened as the front door slid shut, waiting, your heart beating. He didn't return. You sank back into your pillows, pulling the robe around you in a cocoon as you heard the wardrobe door slide open.
Anakin didn't say anything as he lay down next to you, pulling your whole body and cradling it in his arms, burying his face in your hair.
"Training might be a good thing," Anakin whispered, in a tone like he was trying to sound optimistic. You pulled yourself closer to him, your body quivering as if you were cold. You felt the tears at the edge of your eyes again, felt the quivers turn into quiet sobs.
"I'm here," Anakin said, kissing your head and stroking your back. "I'm here." What else could he say? Everything certainly wasn't okay. You tried in vain to calm the sobs, but they continued. Whenever you fought the numbness enough to stave it off, this was what happened. It was, in some ways, worse to feel.
"I should have been there," Anakin said vengefully, his voice shaky, "I shouldn't have left you." You inhaled, quickly, another sob breaking out of you.
"Are you saying—are you saying that you could have prevented it?" You pulled back in Anakin's arms, looking him in the face, your eyes wide. "That it's my fault, that she's...that she's...?" you felt your body continue to shake. Unfamiliar anger pulsed through you, the bitter anger that was only self-directed. You needed somewhere to put it. Nothing made sense, anymore. Your brain turned to fire.
"No, of course—no, Y/N, of course that's not—" Anakin started, alarmed, gripping your arms as you pulled farther away from him.
"You don’t have to say that, because I already know!" you replied, shouting now, as you pulled yourself out of the bed, standing before him. Anakin was on his feet immediately, his arms outstretched for you, but you backed away. "I know what happened is my fault entirely!! If I hadn’t—choked—if I had just listened—"
"Y/N, no, no, that's not it, no, listen to me, that's not..."
"You heard Obi-Wan," you continued, sobbing again. "And you said it yourself. Yuma was right. I was a liability, and because of me, my Master is dead."
"Y/N!" Anakin was shouting now, reaching out for you again, but you pushed him away, backing into the corner of your bedroom and sinking to the floor.
"Just leave," you choked, closing your eyes, feeling the world around you start to sway. "Just go." The world was starting to fade.
"Y/N," Anakin said gently, moving toward you slowly, his arms outstretched like he was approaching a loose rancor. "Y/N, it isn't your fault. None of it was your fault. I didn't think that for one second, and neither does Obi-Wan."
"Just leave," you repeated, softly, your sobs coming freely now. You didn't deserve to be comforted. You wanted to descend into oblivion. You were starting to lose the feeling in your legs, in your arms. You looked around, but saw that your vision was blurring over.
"I can't do that," Anakin murmured softly, and you felt his hands prying at your arms. You hadn't realized you'd been gripping your knees so tightly. You started to breathe quickly. "Look at me, Y/N," Anakin whispered, and you looked around, frantic now, your eyes clouded, unable to see. "Come back to me," Anakin breathed into your ear, and you blinked, his face swimming into view.
"I can't ever leave you," Anakin said, pulling you into his arms right there on the floor. You wanted to reply. You wanted to tell him that you couldn't ever leave him, either. You wanted to promise that the two of you would be together forever. But the world had changed, when Yuma had been taken from you. Or, you had changed. You now knew that everyone, no matter how much you loved them, would someday vanish. You didn't understand it—how one day, someone could be so very real, and the next, they could be gone. And Anakin would vanish, someday, too. You leaned into him, feeling how very real and alive he felt, with his arms around you. You felt the heaviness descend as you wept.
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just imagine this Obi-Wan comforting you after reading this angst 😂🤓
divider credit to @racingairplanes
taglist pt 1: @iyoogi @cluelessgurl @layazul @annadastra @graciexmarvel @galaxiasy @organasith @indigoblues1207 @outoftheregular @katsukiswrld @prettyboyrryy @jellydodger @wildflower57 @padmeamidalaslover @em-asian @heavenseraph @iloveinej @leapofblank @sahverah @elsyyie @usuallyunlikelyfox @jadeonce @papadragun @dopejellyfishfury @stxrrielle @lilianashomaresparza @prettylittlecarstairs @deadunicorn159 @atoelicker @arelisskywalker @maythefloorbewithyouanakin @your-local-crzy-lady @dontmindme262 @xenochuguardian @cassiopeiashift @allihavenegativethoughts @hamiltonwc @1-800-nostalgiaaa @heyitsaloy @haydenchristensenluvbot @sunflwrsunnieshine @muthafuckingstargirl @window-to-nothing @shadowhuntyi @jedi-archives @inmourningforanakin @vivsmcdo @betrund @ahqkas @aquaamethyst96 @escapepoet @randomstuff2040 @kenjikishimotosupremecy @nycweb-slinger @anxlaufeyson @magic-magnoliaa @theezlife @unipugrose22-blog @anhsoka @lucyysthings @hopefulpursepeanutdeputy @captainson-of-coul @zelzablues @chrisevansslutttt2
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tobiasdrake · 2 months
Hot take: Sith are at their best when they're goofy little bastards having wicked fun and chewing scenery.
I like that Kylo Ren throws temper tantrums and stabs nearby machinery. I love this goofy-ass smile-helmet.
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Remember that time Darth Sidious threw the entire Senate at Yoda while giggling like a little girl? Classic.
There is a school of thought that Sith Lords should be these grim, serious, stomping super-menaces who speak in quiet tones about the severity of their master plans. And nuh-uh. Give me Sith who are emotional, Sith who are having fun, Sith who go on screaming rampages and throw tantrums, Sith who are absolutely buried in their feelings.
The Sith Code is about drawing strength and power from passion. That is what they are. So give me Sith who are passionate. Sith who are pure id incarnate.
That's what I want to see from the Dark Side of the Force.
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jjoelswatch · 2 months
Having thoughts on The Acolyte.
I've seen a lot of commentary about how the show doesn't feel like Star Wars because it's not a hopeful show. Hope is central to Star Wars, and I think this commentary is fair at a surface level, especially given the other Star Wars stories already told, but (for me, at least) the show still feels like Star Wars and here's why.
It is a show that focuses on misguided viewpoints. The politicians have a misguided view of the Jedi. The Force cult have opposing views of the Jedi. The Sith of course have a skewed view of the Jedi. We are shown several flawed Jedi making questionable, misguided choices. I had no expectations going into this series that it was ever going to paint the Jedi in a kind light-- because it's a Sith story.
The hope that's featured in the show is a personal sort, not a broad, overarching hope for mankind and the future. It's about small, personal hopes for something better or, more often, something that the characters feel they deserve. It's mostly rooted in ridding oneself of what's holding them back and embracing personal freedom. That's great on the surface! But if you look closely, it fits right into the Sith code.
Mae is driven by a sense of (from her point of view) justice to avenge the death of her mother and her people. Osha hasn't come to terms with her anger and grief and her belief that Mae's actions fully resulted in the loss of her mother and people and had buried those emotions rather than facing them as the Jedi would teach her. Osha's journey is one of apparent truth and clarity. There is truth in the reality that Sol was wrong in his actions (misguided and well-intentioned as he was). It isn't necessarily wrong that Osha is angry at the lies she was told. Instead of burying or facing her negative emotions, she embraces them under the guise of facing the truth of them. There's a running theme of "truth in freedom, freedom in truth" to what's being offered to the dark side characters in the show.
Osha and The Stranger clasp hands over her dead Jedi Master's bled lightsaber and stare out into the sunset while Vernestra covers up recent events to the Chancellor and meets with Yoda in private. It's framed as freeing and hopeful for our Sith-aligned characters because it is-- for them. For the Jedi, it is damning. These are two statements that can coexist. And yet, through Osha's agreement with The Stranger and Mae's memory erasure, we are presented a crumb of hope for Mae's future with Vernestra.
This is very much a Sith story, not a Jedi story, and I think once that's taken into consideration the apparent lack of hope in the story makes perfect sense. It's a different kind of hope, underlined by a grim reality that it is a false hope, the promises of the dark side. It isn't a story the Jedi would tell you~
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jo-harrington · 2 years
jo-harrington's masterlist
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The Store Manager Verse - Complete Pairing: Eddie Munson x Store Manager!Reader
Series Masterlist
Some Unrelated SM-Verse Blurb
You'll Be In My Heart - (Submission for Corroded Coffin Fest)
SMVerse Eddie Commission by @raccoonboywrites
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Freaky Friday - A Stranger Things Story - Complete Pairing: Eddie Munson x Reader, Steve Harrington x Reader
Part 1 - Part 2 - Part 3 - Part 4 - Part 5
Freaky Friday "Poster" Art - by @dr-aculaaa
Freaky Friday Eddie - Gift from @br0ck-eddie, by @inflomora-art
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As Above, So Below - In Progress (Van Helsing, 2004 x Soulmate AU) Pairing: Eddie Munson x Fem!OC
Series Masterlist
Under the Covers - (Submission for Corroded Coffin Fest)
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Stranger Than (Fan)Fiction - In Progress Pairing: Eddie Munson x Fem!Reader
Series Masterlist
A Study Date - (Submission for Carol's The Boy is Mine event)
Sex, Drugs, & Rock n Roll - (Submission for Corroded Coffin Fest)
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2024 Corroded Coffin Fest - Complete Submission Masterlist
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"Luminous beings are we, not this crude matter." - Yoda, Star Wars Episode V, The Empire Strikes Back
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Eddie Munson One-Shots
Loving Eddie - Grim Reaper!EddiexReader Blurb
Magnificum et Horribilis - Angsty Older!EddiexReader Blurb
Ex Nihilo - Hurt/Comfort EddiexReader Blurb
Substratum - Romantic Cannibalism Kas!EddiexReader *Dead Dove*
Unsolved - Eddie x Supernatural!Reader
Lack of Faith - Eddie Munson x Star Wars Blurb
Eddie Universe - A Modern Steddie Story
A weird thing where we rescue Eddie. - Another theoretical story.
A thing where Eddie cheers us up at Christmas.
A thing where we meet Eddie at a funeral.
A thing where Eddie is a Cemetery Tour Guide.
Pinprick - An offshoot of Gutterballs by @dr-aculaaa
Insoucient - Eddie x Reader Hurt/Comfort
Best Spring Break Ever - Eddie Munson x Spring Break 1986 AU
Pwdre Ser - Eddie Munson Monsterfucking Fantasy
Strawberry Shortcake - Eddie Munson x Reader Hurt/Comfort Meet-ish Cute-ish
Breadsticks - Eddie Munson x Fem!Reader Fluffy Hurt/Comfort Pick Me Up
Become What You Were Meant To Be - Eddie Munson x Star Wars; Birthday Fic for Abi
Chuck - Eddie Psychological Torture Experiment; Birthday Fic for Meg
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Random Eddie Munson/Stranger Things Headcanons
Headcanons Part 1 Headcanons Part 2 Headcanons Part 3 Headcanons Part 4 Headcanons Part 5 Eddie Munson is a Libra/Scorpio Cusp Eddie Munson Silly Allergy
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Misc. Writing
Meg’s Bday Request - Normies Stay Out
Sequel to Meg's Bday Request - Normies Stay Out
Give and Take - Steve HarringtonxReader
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2stepadmiral · 6 months
So I’ve been getting back into Bionicle lately, I loved it as a kid and I’m on a whole nostalgia trip right now, rebuilding my Toa and Bohrok and rereading the comics/watching the movies, and as much as I still love it, it makes me sad for anyone who didn’t get to experience it as it was coming out.
Like take the MCU, for example. If you weren’t old enough to start watching the MCU before the first Avengers came out, you could still experience the MCU in its golden times. And if you have young kids, who are just getting to the age, where they can start the MCU, they can still kind of experience that by watching the movies in order and building up to Endgame. It obviously won’t be the same, but I feel like if you do it the right way and paste it right, you can kind of re-create that experience in a reasonable proximity.
The same goes for Star Wars, you can have your kids, watch the original trilogy, then show them trailers for each of the prequels before letting them watch those to get them. Excited, then let them go back and watch clone wars and rebels, and let them read the expanded universe books at their own pace. It won’t be the same as growing up with the prequels coming out and being excited to see new Star Wars movies after seeing the original trilogy when you were little, but it’s still a fairly decent facsimile.
But with Bionicle, that feeling cannot possibly be re-created.
You can’t recreate the feeling of being 11 years old and finding out that Mata Nui is dying, and that the Toa Nuva, your traditional heroes, were defeated by the new villains, and that the six Matoran you grew up with since the franchise started are the new Toa who have to pick up where the Nuva left off.
You can’t recreate the shock of finding out that the eccentric village elders who have advised your heroes for three years were once Matoran themselves who became a team of Toa a thousand years earlier, defeated the main antagonist, went through a Jekyll and Hyde mutant phase, and then turned into the Yoda type elders.
You can’t recreate the horror at finding out that Makuta won in the end, his convoluted, millennia long plot resulting in himself gaining control of the universe. You can’t recreate the disbelief that the story abandoned the Matoran on that dark note to explore an entirely new planet with entirely different characters, species, and culture. You can’t recreate the relief when Mata Nui showed up, his presence, carrying the promise that the original storyline would tie into the new one sooner later, and the grim ending was only a temporary pause. You cannot re-create the excitement at seeing the story climax with the final showdown between Mata Nui and Makuta. A final battle that you had never imagined possible, but one that only feels right and full circle.
You cannot re-create the horror and sorrow when Matoro failed to reach Mata Nui with the Mask of Life in time to save him. You can’t re-create the disbelief and terror at wondering where the story can possibly go after that point. You can’t re-create the disbelief and sorrow and morning as you read the pages of that comic, as you see Matoro put on the mask and start to become part of its energy. You can’t re-create the stunned, heartbreaking silence that you felt as the death of Matoro, who you would known for six years, who you had at least peripherally grown up with, whose journey you had watched unfold as he went from a simple but well-known and even iconic Matoran, to a new Toa of Ice, unfolded on the pages of that comic in that curious new art style that you would never quite gotten used to. You can’t recreate the feeling of mourning you share with his friends as they learn that Matoro has died, that feeling of almost being part of this universe as you share in the sorrow of the characters (Matoro’s sacrifice was way better than Tony Stark’s, sorry but not sorry).
And above all, you can’t re-create the feeling of having to wait two months for the next comic or the next book, or the movie to find out what happens next, and filling that time by making up your own storyline, and acting it out with your own toys.
Largely because the story unfolded through books and comics, and through the new wave of toys, and through the movies in some years, trying to re-create, even a close facsimile of that feeling just isn’t possible. And it breaks my heart for any kids I might have one day that I’ll never truly get to share this wonderful franchise with them.
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(banner by @arrthurpendragon )
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Chapter 34: Check
Yoda placed a gentle three-clawed hand on her knee. "Young one, listen to me," he said. She nodded and looked at him with emerald eyes that shone with tears. Yoda saw Grim as she really was and had been for months, a lost child who was searching for guidance. "Always in motion the future is. Know this well you do, changed things before you have."
"And what if that wasn't enough? What if the ending stays the same?" Grim asked him. "I made a promise to you and all the others on the Council, if I fail-"
"Keep that promise you still do,"Yoda replied. "Save everyone you can not, save everyone your promise was not. Save as many lives as possible you said, save as many lives as possible is what a Jedi does. Let go of your fear you must, alone you are not. Saved lives already you have. Forget this do you?"
Grim smiled and wrapped her arms around Yoda. "Thank you, Master Yoda. I needed to hear that. I won't fail you."
"Here for you I am, little one. Alone you are not."
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rebelscums · 2 years
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You Drew Stars (Tech x Jedi reader)
Ratings: Angst | Slowburn | Fluff
Summary: Unrequited love is a real bantha
Pt 2 of You Drew Stars
“Hm… Well hello brown eyes.”
That one line had the blood in my body boiling as I repeated it over and over in my head.
“Brown eyes…” I scoffed as I helped Echo load some supplies, “That is the most ridiculous nickname I have ever heard.”
And yet so effective…
“Don’t look too much into it General.” Echo dismissed my pacing as I walked up and down the ramp.
“How can I not?” I sighed at the obvious attraction the two have between each other, “He adjusted his glasses!”
“Okay?” Echo looked at his General with confusion trying to figure her out.
“He adjusts his glasses all the time.” Hunter mused as he walked up the ramp, “Wrap it up you two, it’s time to move.”
“Not like that.” I muttered as I followed behind the two.
The mission was more or less successful given Phee’s constant flirting. Tech didn’t doing anything to dismiss her, but it’s not like he didn’t have the right too. He’s a free man after all.
Things seemed to get worse after a treasure mission of hers. One that she almost had us all killed mind you, but she was funny and helped when she was needed…
“Do you have an interest in Phee?” I remember asking him one night.
“No, of course not.” He said it so easily and I wondered then if he meant it.
After that, Phee began to show up constantly always taking up his attention when she was in the room. More often then not, I would have to leave the bar before I brought it crumbling down.
Even Omega seemed to take a liking towards her and our usual game of Sabaac and story telling turned to me sitting at a back table as she focused all of her attention on Phee’s pirating adventure.
Makes sense since my stories were usually grim with so much loss…
I still tried to get my affections towards Tech across. I would compliment him more.
“You look nice today.”
“I think you are really kind Tech, you care a lot about others… I just hope you know I care a lot about you too.”
“I like spending time with you the most.”
Everything passed by him like my words were made of air.
“Thank you.”
“I’m glad that at least you think so. If you could so kindly tell my brothers that, it would be highly appreciated.”
“I… Interesting.”
Simple thank you’s and easy replies, moving past it as if it never happened.
I know my eratic nerves seemed surprising to the others as I began to take more note in my appearance or in the way I carried myself.
Everything felt so forced now that I was no longer a Jedi. I couldn’t look to my master Secura for wisdom about what it was like to love a clone or Yoda’s wise words could no longer comfort me.
I bet if master Obi wan were here right now he would tell me that a Jedi should not hold such a strong connection to someone for it would lead to weakness and to the dark side… But look where love got master Skywalker, he was married to a senator… Or were… May they rest in peace.
I missed Ahsoka the most for our friendship was stronger than any order. Sometimes Hunter reminds me of her, kind, strong, and always pushing me to go after my dreams. I hope she made it out of order 66 just like I had.
Hope… it seems that’s all I can do nowadays.
To put it simply I had trouble expressing my feelings so freely and to have to hide who I really am to the world forever… Everything felt unbalanced.
It just seemed like my time was running thin with Tech yet those moments when it was just the two of us… Together on the marauder, going over mindless upgrades that the ship would need. It make seem dumb to the others, but for me… Everything felt right like it was meant to be.
Despite the fears slowly making a home in my heart, I focused on the good of the force, letting it guide me through my emotions.
I decided the best course of action was to do small things that would make him happy. It was what I remember Commander Bly would do for Master Secura and vice versa. A warm feeling filled my heart remembering how much they loved and protected one another. If only Order 66 didn’t happen then maybe they would be married somewhere by now.
I would make sure the ship was in order, he would always have home cooked meals, Omega was taken care of and that his brothers wouldn’t pester him so much.
I liked making recipes that were popular from my home world the most. The ones I remember my mother making and of course made enough for the rest of our little family or else they would be heartbroken. But I would always make sure Tech would eat instead of fixing something like right now for instance.
I placed one of my hands on my hips as I held a bowl of folio herb stew in my other hand, “Tech I swear if you don’t eat, I’m going to erase all the data you have on your holopad.”
“Mock threats isn’t going to stop me from finishing this task woman.” He commented and proceeded to tighten another bolt on the control panel.
“Fine.” I huffed as I sat beside him, where he was lying under the control panel.
I took a spoon full of stew, blowing on it before pressing it to his lips, “Open.” I said as his eyes widened in surprise.
He cautiously took a bite as if it were made of poison. He stared at me as he chewed, a low hum emoting from him at the taste.
I smiled back at him as I took spoon back to get more, “You work. I’ll feed you. Or else I’ll use the force and make you stop working.” I teased.
“You wouldn’t.” He squinted at me.
I raised a brow at him, “You wanna bet racer boy?”
“Yes General.” He replied with a playful roll of his eyes.
Our night ended up in laughs, the empty bowl paced off to the side and the two of us resting against a wall. Sleep was the furthest thing from our minds as we told stories about the good old days.
The next morning, a package that I have been waiting four days for arrived, placed in my hands by Echo. I was quick to thank the sec trooper before rushing to my room to wrap the small gift.
“You sure he said this was the part he needed for the transmitter?” I asked Hunter one last time as we stood outside of Sid’s cantina.
I held the gift nervously in my hand. Hunters small smirk didn’t help my nerves as he nodded his head.
“I’m sure. He told me himself if that helps.” Hunter answered with a wave of his hand.
“It doesn’t.” I spoke, my voice taking a solemn tone before I glanced back up at him, “I’m sorry for asking again. Usually he tells me these things. Thank you… For letting me know.” I said gratefully.
“Of course, I’m rooting for you General.” He placed his hand on my shoulder, “You deserve to be happy to and so does he.” He said before heading off, “Let me know how it goes.”
I smiled a bit when I entered the cantina to find Tech sitting at the bar alone. Now’s the perfect chance.
“Hey.” I greeted as I placed the small present on the bar counter beside him, “I got you something.”
“You did?” Tech’s eyebrow raised in surprise, “You know, this sudden display of gifts is interesting. What for?”
“Because…” I chuckled nervously, “You deserve something as simple as a gift and… You deserve so much more…”
“Well… Thank you.” He nodded and his eyes went back to the gift, opening it like a kid during Winters Day.
“Tech, there’s actually some thing I’ve been wanting to tell you. For a while actually.” I rubbed my arm nervously, “It was hard before because of the council and specific codes a Jedi must follow but now…”
His eyes widened as he pulled the part out of the box, “This is… I don’t remember telling you about this.”
“You didn’t, ah Hunter did actually. That’s the part he said you were looking for.” I squeaked out as my cheeks tinted pink, “It took a bit to find, but I asked around and heard it was at a shop off world so I had it shipped in.” I explained as he inspected the part closely.
“That was… Kind of you.” His voice trailed off as if he was unsure of how to say what he had to next, “But I’m afraid I have already obtained this part.”
“You did?” My brows furrowed in confusion, “But how?”
“I got it for him.” Phee stated as she walked in.
I watched at she took to his side like a loth cat. Tech accepting her presence as easy as the sky accepts the sun.
I felt my heart drop at the sight knowing that once again I was too late, “Oh…”
“Yes.” Tech nodded, his body shifting towards the pirate.
I cursed myself at not getting it fast enough. For not telling him how I felt… If only he would have just listened. I was a Jedi and yet I was being such a coward.
I put a smile on my face to hide my jealousy, “I’ll just put in the supply bin. You know- Just in case we need it for the ship or something else. I- yeah.”
“Great.” Phee shrugged before turning her attention to Tech, “What are you up to today brown eyes?”
I quickly grabbed the part and rushed out of the cantina from sheer embarrassment.
How did she find out? Did Tech tell her instead of me? He always told me the ins and outs of his experiments. Why did he tell her…
My brows furrowed as I stopped walking.
Why did he tell her?
“What’s wrong?” Echo asked as soon as I stepped off the ramp and onto the marauder, “You look… Angrh and unsettled. Is everything alright?”
“I am a Jedi, an embodiment of light and good and peace and calm… I’m calm! I’m…” I had to hold my breath to keep my breathing in control, but it did nothing to help.
“You don’t look good General.” Echo insisted, “Maybe Tech should-”
Just hearing his name triggered such a rage in me that before Echo could finish a crate went flying out of the ship.
“Nothing is wrong!” I seethed as I stormed towards the back of the ship and shoving the part into one of the junk bins.
“I see it didn’t go well then.” Hunter stated as he stepped into the small space.
“I…” I gripped the shelving trying to gain control of my emotions, “I was going to tell him.”
It seems lately these days, I’ve been slipping. My heart curling into the dark and I had to climb endlessly to keep myself from falling.
“He told Phee about his project and he didn’t even tell me. He always tells me and… And I had to hear about it from you. But what hurts the most is she got him the part and it was like our thing became there thing.” I sniffed, “He barely acknowledges me when she walks in the room and now she’s just always around and...” I squeezed my eyes shut, “I don’t think I have a chance Hunter.”
“Hey…” He stepped forward and pulled me into a hug, one that he would give Omega when she was feeling down, “Don’t think like that. She’s just new and they’re becoming friends which frankly he needs more of.” He chuckled, “Listen to me and just ask him out to dinner. You need to tell him you love him before it consumes you.”
“That is not the Jedi way.” I murmured jokingly.
“You’re not a Jedi anymore.” He spoke my earlier words back at me.
I sighed, “You’re right.” I pushed him away with a smile, “I should go apologize to Echo.”
“You did give him a start.” Hunter laughed, “It’s been a while since you used the force. I think you sent him back to the clone war days.”
I ran my hand over my face, “Oh poor Echo… I feel so bad now.” I sighed, “Where’s Omega by the way? I promised to take her out shopping.”
“She’s with Wrecker, but she should be back soon.” He said.
I nodded as we walked to the ramp of the ship, “Hey Echo!” I called out to him, “I’m sorry about earlier…”
Echo simply shook his head with a soft smile on his lips, “Don’t worry about it.”
There was only one thing was on my mind as I helped Echo with the rest of his tasks.
Tonight when Tech returns… I’ll ask him out on a date before I end up throwing something more than a crate.
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kim-the-kryptid · 7 months
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Master Luminara comforts her former Padawan Oros Sami after their anxiety inducing knighting ceremony at the Temple
Really like the atmosphere here and the background doesn't look too bad, considering I hardly ever add backgrounds. Luminara was really enjoyable to draw and write about, she one of my favourite side jedi characters! I'm excited to start exploring Oros's story so I thought a good place to start would be the start of their career as a knight, which began rather unorthodox, for reference, this is 6 years prior to Order 66.
Below the cut, you can read the fic this piece is based on!
Rating: G
Word count: 1.3k
Characters: Oros Sami (jedi oc), Luminara Unduli, High Jedi Council members
The hallway to the High Council’s chamber was excruciatingly long. There were no doors on either side lining the walls, only embellishments and designs of gold leading you towards your destination. Oros tried to look ahead, focusing on how the huge double doors slowly drew closer with each step. Their hands clasped tight together, they breathed deeply, trying to clear their mind.
“I assure you my young Padawan, there is nothing to be fretting over. You have done very well on the trials and should be confident in your abilities,” Master Luminara’s voice cut through the deafening quiet. “If I can sense your fear, the Masters will have no trouble doing so.”
Oros’s eyes flicked down the floor before they breathed and replied, “Yes Master. I regret not having the time to meditate before being called upon.”
“You meditate enough as is. You need to stop letting your anxieties consume you and face them instead. What we are being summoned for today will help you see the advantage you can gain if you let yourself lie in the uncomfortable. It is to be an exciting moment of your Jedi career.” She finally looked over to Oros and gave a smile, pushing her calm through the force. They reached out to their Master’s grounded presence and took one last deep breath, visualizing the anxiety leaving their mind like the tide of an ocean. Gone for now, but welcome to kiss the sand sometime soon.
“I am sorry it has to be done in such an unorthodox way, you deserve to be going to the Hall of Knighthood instead. And you should have been told whether or not you passed already, not find out amongst the Council. For that, I can understand your worries,” Master Luminara placed a gentle hand on Oros’s shoulder. “The times we are living in are looking more and more grim, and the Order has responded by fumbling our traditions, when we Jedi need to be a strong constant in the Galaxy.” Oros studied their shoes but said nothing. No Jedi would admit it, but the recent rise in violence had them tripping on their own robes.
At this, the two reached the doors and waited as the sentinels on either side pushed them open with the force. They stepped out into the centre of the chamber and bowed, waiting for their Masters to proceed. Oros noticed all of them were present, only Master Koon and Master Mundi were tuning in via holo. This did not help their nerves, if they didn’t pass the trials, the entire Jedi High Council would be here during the announcement.
“Master Unduli, appreciate you being here, we do,” Master Yoda started “Important time for your Padawan, it is.” He nodded in acknowledgement and smiled. Master Luminara returned the smile and stepped back, somewhere out of Oros’s view. They awkwardly shifted before standing up a little straighter. The churning in their stomach continued, but now their face was neutral and their breathing calm.
Master Windu waved his hand slowly downwards, lowering the blinds over the windows and cutting off the golden sunlight as well as the surrounding distractions of Coruscant. Oros heard the shifting of shoes and robes, sensing the movements through the force rather than seeing them in the darkness of the chamber. The High Council Masters now stood in front of their seats and after a pause, Master Windu spoke.
“Padawan Oros Sami, with your focus and compassion…” A beat. “you have passed the trials.” Oros immediately let out a breath they didn’t know they were holding, a wave of relief washing over them. A small smile settled on their face, as their Masters’ lightsabers powered on all at once, creating a circle of light around them. Each of them had their saber clasped in two hands, pointed to the ceiling, just in front of their face.
“Padawan Sami, step forward, will you please.” Master Yoda, as the Grand Master of the Council, granted all Jedi Knights their status and place in the order. All the way from Master Windu, to Master Luminara and now Oros all the same. If anyone was worried for the possibility of war, it was him. He’d seen far worse and much more during his time in the order, longer than any of the High Council’s lifetimes combined.
Oros stepped forward, the green light of Master Yoda’s lightsaber bathing their face. His hood also had been drawn over his head, likely during the position change in the dark. The wrinkles around his mouth were calm, carving the familiar warm smile that Oros had seen during their Padawan ceremony. They kneeled and bowed their head just like the other thousands of Jedi had before them.
Master Yoda lowered his lightsaber to Oros’s right shoulder, before swiftly and precisely cutting their Padawan beads from where they had hung for years. He then brought the saber up and over Oros’s head before settling it above the left shoulder, effectively knighting them.
With a rippling sound, the High Council Masters all powered down their lightsabers, filling the chamber in darkness once again. Oros reached and picked up their severed Padawan beads before standing up, bowing and turning to leave the chambers. In silence they waited for the doors to re-open and stepped back out into the hallway, noticing that their now former Master had followed them. They made their way back down the hallway and once they reached a spot where they were alone again, Oros was the first to speak.
“I don’t feel any different, Master.” They stared at the beads in their hands, now just a memory that will have to be disposed of.
“You won’t, not for a while yet. It will take longer than you expect to become used to being called Jedi Knight. And once again as Master,” Master Luminara looked over to Oros, a smile on her face and her hands tucked into the sleeves of her robes. Oros could feel a great deal of unsure sadness radiating from her in the force. The relationship between Padawan and Master was precious, special and connected through the force. They will physically be able to feel the loss of the presence of the other as their duties begin to differ. “Your responsibilities may change, your circumstances, your experience, but I want to know you will always have been my Padawan. Even if there will be no lasting proof of it.”
“I guess this will be the last lesson you will have to teach me Master,” They put the beads into a pocket on their robe to dispose of later in their quarters. “I will miss you greatly, I know my skills are adequate, but I lack in your wisdom. I fear being thrown head first into things doesn’t work well for me. You have seen this first hand.” Oros stopped walking and turned to face Master Luminara now, their eyebrows furrowed and shoulders hunched over in embarrassment at the memories.
Master Luminara made an amused Hmph noise, “Young one, you have always been the sensitive type. But that’s one of your strengths, you will face the same kinds of challenges as you did before, only now you may be alone. I assure you, you will find you might not need to rely on me as much as you thought you did, Jedi Knight, Oros Sami.” She smiled and tentatively reached her arms out to offer a hug. Oros stepped closer and took it, wrapping their arms tightly around her, settling to nuzzle their nose on their Master’s head. With the difference in height, Master Luminara would have essentially been on tip-toes to do the same, so she relaxed and rested her head on Oros’s chest, holding them tightly.
Oros let everything they felt towards their former Master flow through the force. All Padawans are cared for by their Masters, it’s their responsibility, their duty for the future of the Order. Time after time, they will be granted a new Padawan, to fill the space of the last, to teach, to protect and to be a trusted adult of the force-sensitive kids running around the temple. This wasn’t the last time Master Luminara had to say goodbye to a Padawan, but it was the only time Oros had to let go of a Master.
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jedi-enthusiast · 2 months
My Random Bullshit MasterPost
Note: Not to be confused with the "My Star Wars Fic MasterPost" or "My Other Fic MasterPost," which are actual links to my fics, or any other MasterPost---this MasterPost is just about all of my random bullshit, hence the title
Part One - Codywan
Part Two - Cody in a Kama
Part Three - Oh Yeah, I had Cancer
Part Four - Cody's Trust Issues
Part Five - Obi-Wan's Slut™️ Hair
Part Six - Grim About to Rock Palpatine's Shit
Part Seven - My Idiots <3
Part Eight - My Idiots Pt. 2 <3
Part Nine - Me: Screaming, Crying, Throwing Up
Part Ten - My OCs Love Their General
Part Eleven - My Angry Rant About 'The Devil Below'
Part Twelve - The Dilemma of Wanting to Ramble
Part Thirteen - Cody Bitching About Anakin
Part Fourteen - Baby Obi-Wan Being the Anti-Christ
Part Fifteen - Dooku is Old as Shit
Part Sixteen - Dooku Talking Like Yoda
Part Seventeen - Damn I Want to Fuck the Jedi Council
Part Eighteen - Ponds is Suffering
Part Nineteen - My Giant Ass List of OCs
Part Twenty - I Never Shut the Fuck Up
Part Twenty One - Stanakins (derogatory)
Part Twenty Two - MACE WINDU MY BELOVED Pt. 1
Part Twenty Three - MACE WINDU MY BELOVED Pt. 2
Part Twenty Four - @frostbitebakery I STILL LOVE YOU FOR THIS
Part Twenty Five - 'we're burned for better' shitpost
Part Twenty Six - Killing my Darlings
Part Twenty Seven - The Force v. Obi-Wan
Part Twenty Eight - Laughing at my Own Tags
Part Twenty Nine - My Idiots <3 Pt. 3
Part Thirty - GET HIS ASS
Part Thirty One - Clones Are Hot
Part Thirty Two - I love the Jedi <3
Part Thirty Three - CAN YOU NOT FUCKING READ???
Part Thirty Four - Dumbass Anti-Jedi Morons
Part Thirty Five - Second Thoughts (oops)
Part Thirty Six - Girl Help
Part Thirty Seven - Miscommunication Pt. 1
Part Thirty Eight - Mandos (derogatory)
Part Thirty Nine - MY BABY <333
Part Forty - 🔫
Part Forty One - Hyperfixations Baybeeeeee
Part Forty Two - Temple Guard my Beloved <3
Part Forty Three - MACE WINDU MY BELOVED Pt. 3
Part Forty Four - MACE WINDU MY BELOVED Pt. 4
Part Forty Five - Jedi Culture Thoughts
Part Forty Six - Jedi Culture Meme
Part Forty Seven - BCC Meme
Part Forty Eight - My Brain Hates Me
Part Forty Nine - Obi-Wan's Parents Biting the Curb
Part Fifty - Miscommunication Pt. 2
Excerpts of The Great War:
Part One - Scrapped Part of BCC
Part Two - Codywan Feels
Part Three - Last Line Challenge Pt. 1
Part Four - Last Line Challenge Pt. 2
Part Five - A Snippet of Chapter 4 (BCC)
Part Six - A Snippet of Chapter 5 (BCC)
Part Eight - Last Line Challenge Pt. 3
Part Nine - Depressing Bullshit™️ (MITPTT)
Part Ten - Last Line Challenge Pt. 4
Part Eleven - Last Line Challenge Pt. 5
Part Twelve - Last Line Challenge Pt. 6
Part Thirteen - WIP Chain
Part Fourteen - WIP Wednesday
Part Fifteen - Last Line Challenge Pt. 7
Part Sixteen - Last Line Challenge Pt. 8
Part Seventeen - Last Line Challenge Pt. 9
Part Eighteen - Last Line Challenge Pt. 10
Part Nineteen - Last Line Challenge Pt. 11
Part Twenty - Future Snippet Pt. 1
Part Twenty One - Future Snippet Pt. 2
Part Twenty Two - Last Line Challenge Pt. 12
Part Twenty Three - Last Line Challenge Pt. 13
Part Twenty Four - Future Snippet Pt. 3
Part Twenty Five - Future Snippet Pt. 4
Part Twenty Five - Future Snippet Pt. 5
Part Twenty Six - Future Snippet Pt. 5 (Expanded Info)
Part Twenty Seven - Gooey-Wan Snippet
Part Twenty Eight - Ahsoka Show Spite Fic
Ask Games:
Part One - Fanfic Ask Game Pt. 1
Part Two - Fanfic Ask Game Pt. 2
Part Three - Another Fic Ask Game Pt. 1
Part Four - Another Fic Ask Game Pt. 2
Part Five - Choose Violence Ask Game Pt. 1
Part Six - Choose Violence Ask Game Pt. 2
Part Seven - Choose Violence Ask Game Pt. 3
Part Eleven - Choose Violence Ask Game Pt. 4
Part Twelve - Choose Violence Ask Game Pt. 5
Part Thirteen - Choose Violence Ask Game Pt. 6
Part Fourteen - Yet Another Fic Ask Game Pt. 1
Part Fifteen - A Completely Different Fic Ask Game Pt. 1
Part Sixteen - Another Choose Violence Ask Game Pt. 1
Part Seventeen - Another Choose Violence Ask Game Pt. 2
Part Eighteen - Another Choose Violence Ask Game Pt. 3
Part Nineteen - WIP Ask Game Pt. 1
Part Twenty - WIP Ask Game Pt. 2
My Recommendations:
Part One - Shoulder the Sky
Part Two - My [Completed] Codywan Fic Masterlist
Part Three - My [Ongoing] Codywan Fic Masterlist
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novelconcepts · 4 months
6 and 91 for Lottie/Van? Can be platonic
6 -Sharing Secrets; 91 - Piggyback
Sometimes, having a friend who's about seventeen feet tall comes in handy, thinks Van. Particularly when your skateboard betrays you out of absolutely nowhere.
Her arms are looped around Lottie Matthews' neck, her knees hiked either side of Lottie's hips. They've been puffing along for a few minutes now, Van playing the role of Yoda to Lottie's Luke Skywalker, both of them sweaty and more than a little exhausted. It's silly, Van thinks; she could have just limped her way home, busted ankle or no. But Lottie had looked at her with grim determination, bent down, and said, "Hop on", so--what else was there to do?
"Anyone ever tell you you're supernaturally strong?" she asks now, conversational. She's trying not to focus on the throb of her ankle, which has swelled purple and aches with every jostling step Lottie takes.
Lottie makes a soft noise of amusement. "Not really."
Her hands are careful, gripping Van's legs. Even so, it hurts like a motherfucker. Van grits her teeth.
"Can I tell you a secret?"
"Uh huh," Lottie says, breathing unsteadily. Neither of them have ever processed just how many hills are in this stupid town, and how most of them seem only to slope upward at something like 90 degrees. Lottie's holding her own, but with each step she takes, Van is struck with increasingly vivid images of toppling backwards and breaking her skull open.
To distract from this potential travesty, she says, "This is my first piggyback ride."
"What?" Lottie puffs. "Ever?"
"Ever," Van confirms.
"Your dad didn't...?" Lottie trails off. Shakes her head. "Even my dad used to, when I was little. Stopped when I turned six, but it was something."
"I don't have a dad," Van says mildly, realizing a beat too late this might qualify as a more important secret than the piggyback thing. She doesn't tell her friends about family stuff, about her cage of a ramshackle house, or the complicated routine of keeping Vicky on track. Twelve is too young for all of that, but it's all she's ever known, so what point is there in complaining?
Lottie considers this last sentence for a long stretch. Her body tilts forward, her chin set against her chest as she drives bullheadedly on up the hill. On the other side, the rich side of town waits. On the other side, Van will find ace bandages and ice packs, and maybe a glass of shock-cold lemonade so fresh, it'll set her teeth to aching.
First, they have to get there, and she has to deal with what Lottie says next. She braces herself, sweaty cheek nestled against dark hair, her arms tightening around Lottie's neck for balance.
"Huh," Lottie says. "I guess that would do it."
Her hands shift up Van's thighs, hoisting her a little higher. The knob of her spine is sharp against Van's chest; Lottie's in that squirrelly stage of adolescence, an awkward giraffe of a girl who nonetheless strikes Van as strangely grown-up. Only a grown-up, after all, would let what Van's just said go with nothing more than a huh.
Van draws a deep breath, a low whine leaving her throat when her ankle gives a particularly awful pulse. Lottie glances back, brow furrowed.
"Sorry. Almost there."
She says it like it's her fault, somehow. Like Van's skateboard mishap--which ended in her board skidding off into the street and being mowed down by a pick-up--was something she should have seen coming, should have been able to deflect. It's weird, that she'd take an accident so personally, and weirder still, that she's carrying Van all the way across town to safety.
"You're a good friend," Van tells the side of her head. "And, seriously, ridiculously strong. You should go out for the wrestling team."
Lottie laughs breathlessly. "I was thinking I'd try soccer, actually."
Soccer. Van hums, considering. Yeah, that's a better fit. She imagines herself on the field, dribbling a ball, passing to Lottie at the eleventh hour. It sounds good.
"Cool. Maybe I will, too."
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