#grimace is just a silly lil guy
heathenoushound · 1 year
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I still havent tasted the shake
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sometranssoup · 1 year
Every so often,I'll get so upset,my head tingles and I can't stop crying.
Today,that happened.
It was over a grimace angst edit with Taylor swift music.
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icyowl · 23 days
12:29, a Soshiro Hoshina sick-fic drabble
Pairing: Soshiro Hoshina x reader
Synopsis: teeny tiny drabble with Hoshina and the ever-popular sick fic trope. 700 words.
A/N: I'm sorry about being a little MIA. I've been going through various things since Jan. and for the first time in my life I'm critiquing my writing to the point of being unable to produce anything. Trying to get slowly back into the groove by writing this lil' guy. I promise I'm still here!
“At ease, soldier.” Soshiro said to you as he passed, grinning and relaxed.
“Yes, sir.” You replied, masking your grimace as a smile. Thankfully, he mistook the listless look in your eyes for fondness. Soshiro continued on his way, mind occupied with last night’s rendezvous and how the warmth of your head had felt on his shoulder. If he could ensure no intrusions, he’d do it again right now. He would have to settle for another time.
Soshiro reminisced as he left you behind, your smile and his hand in yours and the way you laughed still on his mind. The base’s halls hadn’t felt nearly as dark or musty since the two of you had started your. . . thing. He might have to advise the captain to get her own relationship; maybe she’d liven up a little.
The sound of someone falling had him rapidly backtracking, coming around the corner to find you sitting slumped against the grimy wall. He hurried over, calling your name, and saw how the dreamy look in your eyes had become languid. Where he’d placed his hand on your back felt unreasonably warm even through the fabric of your suit.
You wouldn’t lift your head to talk to him. Your voice had given in and become hoarse. “I’m okay, sir. Just a little under the weather.”
Soshiro put his palm on your forehead, scowling at the temperature. “Put your arm over my shoulder. I’m taking you to your room.”
“I’m okay—”
“That’s an order.”
You didn’t have much else to say to that. The short journey to your room was spent trying to power through the nausea pulling at your stomach and the embarrassment flooding your face; Soshiro should not be seeing you like this. Your condition was making you walk far too slow for your liking but you didn’t dare stress your upset stomach. If only you could get to your room faster, hide away from his penetrative gaze, but your energy was somewhere far away from your physical body. With every step you worried you’d trip.
“Why didn’t you call in sick?” Soshiro asked.
“While everyone else is doing work?” You had to admit, the others’ resolve was a little infectious. Kafka’s motivational speeches and Shinomiya’s natural talent had given you something to strive for. If a man with absolutely no battle prowess could persevere, then your silly little cold didn’t seem like much of an excuse.
“Rest is important.” He replied.
You wiped the sweat from your forehead, “don’t pretend you don’t sneak out for late night practice.”
Soshiro stopped at your room. “I’m not running a fever,” he pushed open the door. It wasn’t far to your bed, thankfully, and you slouched onto it like a shameless drunk. Your shaky arms could hardly hold you upright but at least you could catch a few wheezy breaths. Soshiro’s hand was on your forehead again, occasionally dipping down to your cheeks and neck while he looked over your pale skin. Your struggling breaths were only break in the otherwise quiet room.
“I just need some sleep,” you tried, “I’ll take a nap and be back in a couple of hours.”
“A nap isn’t going to get rid of that fever.” He sang. Before you could say anything he’d already gone towards the bathroom. It gave you time to try and calm your heartrate. The one-man-army that was Soshiro was tending to your sniffles with the same xx he had against kaiju. As if your germs were evil little kaiju themselves. He came back, damp washcloth in hand, and sat on your flimsy, creaky single cot. “Lay back,” he said, hand rising to push at your sternum. Much to your dismay, you gave in under the slightest pressure. Not that there was anyway of fighting him off, anyhow.
“Do I need to pin you down?”
That got your attention. “N-No.”
You couldn’t ignore the heaven that spread across your skin when he placed the washcloth to your sweltering skin. Finally, after suppressing the coughs, sweltering away in your combat suit all morning, and fighting off the dizziness and chills, you let yourself relax. A belly-deep sigh left you in a long rush. If your eyes weren’t covered, you see Soshiro smiling faintly. Genuinely.
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silent-raven13 · 10 months
Jealous Miles
Miles isn't the jealous type, or so he thought. His jealousy is mostly hidden with his awkward questions, or shy attitude. Normally he tries to bring up certain things casually which always sounds odd or just plain awkward. Somehow his jealousy isn't as extreme as his boyfriend's. No, Miles is always trying to be reasonable, calm and collective. He's not like his mom who ask many questions and starts investigating... tho his distant family members did say he's a lot like her. He never knew why.
Until today...
Gwen jumps happily: Isn't this great! We're going to see Hobie's concert.
Pav shimmies: Right! I am so hype!
Miles wearing his boyfriend's band shirt with tight skinny jeans and doc martin shoes: Ye-yeah! Do you see him? I can't find him anywhere. -he looks through the busy crowd wondering where his boyfriend is at-
Peter appears in the crowd with Mayday wearing black eyeliner and a black shirt. Mayday having on silly black and white makeup on to look like a skull: Hey guys! Sorry I'm late! Had to steal a shirt... you know to be punk? Ha!
Gwen looks at Mayday: You brought Mayday with you? Peter, she's a baby!
Mayday made a scowl look: BLAH!
Peter: Don't worry we practice! See. Blah! -they did the same expression-
One random guy in his punk outfit saw the two: That's what I'm talking about! BLAH! -he throws a sign of horns with his right hand- fuck society, man and lil one!
Mayday mimics the sign: hehe!
Peter: See! We fit in just fine! -he saw Miles looking over the crowd- What's up with him?
Pav: He's looking for his bf!
Peter: Ah, he's probably in the backstage with those groupies -casually saying-
Miles' eyes widen: Groupies!
Gwen: You know, bandmates always got a few sneaky links or sides. Sometimes fangirls wanting to sleep with their favorite band. -She saw Miles staring at her almost in shock- Not that Hobie will ever do that! You know he's faithful to you!
Pav: Yeah, you two are in a serious relationship!
Miles: We never said that! We just started to date and casually call each other boyfriend. -Something in him began bubbling, like a wave of anger and need-
Gwen: Ohh... Well, Hobie would never do that! You two are-
Some girls came walking pass them with their boobs out having pasties and there was black markers written names on it. One of them being Hobie's name. Peter quickly cover Mayday, who removes his hand to see: Boobies!
Peter: Hey, don't tell your mom! -he tries not to look at the women-
Gwen made a grimacing expression: Um... he's a star so he-
Another girl came by talking to her other friend: I can't believe your ex let you touch his hair! -they saw the blond girl with Hobie's name tattoo on her lower back.-
The other girl giggles: I know! He's so cute. I should've kissed him!
Pav: Ex! See, they are not together! -He frowns seeing a dark look on Miles' face. Something they never saw-
Another guy came almost similar to Miles' height holding Hobie's vest with his guy friend: Hahaha, Hobie is a fucking arse, isn't he?
The guy puts on Hobie's vest: Hahaha, well I got his jacket now!
Peter: Man, it's not looking too good for Hobie, huh Miles? Miles? -they saw him walking to the direction those groups came from-
Mayday: Ah shit!
Peter gasps: Mayday where did you learn that?
Gwen: Come on, let's go before something bad happens!
Pav: Awe, man. I fixed my hair today. Now we gotta tussle?
Miles slid his way through the crowd, at the end he saw a group of people surrounding bands that were about to play for tonight. One of them was Hobie's band. The young Spiderman looks at a crowd of women touching Hobie's arms, hair and face which tick him off. Jealousy bubbling into his stomach that left a nasty taste in his mouth.
Hobie standing trying to endure the fans: Okay. okay, stop touching my hair! I told you many times. -he scowls-
One of the fangirls lift her tank top shirt up to reveal her breasts: Hobie! Hobie, how about an autograph, please? -she cutely pouts-
Hobie sighs: Fine, whatever. Just don't touch my hair. -he only do this to seem like a badass, he didn't see nothing bad of it. He took a marker to write his name on the woman's chest- There! Now -his eyes glances over spotting his boyfriend. All his annoyance washes away and a big smile placed on his face- SUNFLOWER!
Miles merely standing there just witnessing his boyfriend writing his name on a fangirl's boobs. Now he's mad. He said nothing.
Hobie gently pushes his fans away: Excuse me, mate. This is my darling, Miles. -he happily gets to brag about his Sunflower, his hands on his lover's shoulders- Wow, you look amazing, darling. Are you wearing my band's shirt. -his eyes practically shape into hearts- I always-
Miles cut him off: Qué estabas haciendo? -going full blown Puerto Rican Spanish-
Hobie arched his eyebrows: What? -he didn't know much Spanish only a few words like Hola or Sí or Gracias. Just enough to impress or small talk with Mrs. Morales-
Miles scowls: What were you just doing? Que estabas haciendo? -his jealousy already taken over like a virus-
Hobie: Wha-what do you mean? I'm here sign-
Miles cuts him off: No- Qué acabas de hacer, ahora mismo?
Hobies: Ahora? O'Hara? -Why is Miguel brought into this?-
Miles: NO, Pendejo! What did you just did, right now? In front of me! -he's getting so mad, almost jumping into conclusions- You think, that's fucking cute? You think I would like that shit?
Hobie blinks a couple of times being surprised with his partner: Miles, I don-
Gwen calls out: Miles! We thought we lost you!
Pav ran behind along with Peter: Yeah! Oh hey, Hobie!
Hobie turns to their friends: Oh Hey- -Miles grab Hobie's face with his left hand squishing his cheeks, forcing the guitar player to look at him. He formally made Hobie lean/hunched over to get on Miles' eye level-
Miles spoke Spanish again: Estoy hablando contigo? -His Spanish firm, more serious... more Puerto Rican accent to it- Crees estoy jugando contigo? You think this is a fucking joke? -his right hand pointing, wanting his index finger at his boyfriend-
Peter: Ohhh, there's that Puerto Rican side... -Everyone in the group knows, you never want to pissed off a Puerto Rican or any Latino for that matter especially if your in a relationship with one-
Hobie: Luv, I am a bit confused -he mutters through his squish cheeks- I don-
Miles: Puñeta, no puedes escuchar? You got no fucking problem listening to your fans, huh? Huh, I'm not fucking playing with you, Hobie! -He glares still staring at his man-
Gwen softly whispers: Guys... calm down. Everyone is looking at us -the crowd around them were quiet with loud music bashing in the room. The fangirls slowly shift away from Hobie and his boyfriend seeing how mad Miles is-
Miles: Hijo de Puta, estoy hablando! Hobie, I'm fucking talking to you! Why you're not answering me? -Hobie finally sees a lot of Rio in Miles.-
Pav whispers to Hobie: Miles is jealous... he found out you were flirting with your exs...
Miles: Pav, mama bicho. Why are you taking his side, asshole! -he glares at Pav-
Pav backs away with his hands up in defense: I'm just clearing the air, don't have to be mean!
Hobie got the gist of it: Ohhh! -he never knew his boyfriend could get jealous- Luv, I wasn't flirting. Your the only one for me!
Miles: Cabrón, estas jugando comigo? Carajo, mama culo de su putas! -he didn't believe him, he's already too pissed off-
Peter going on his phone looking up Miles' use of language: Ohh, these are not good! -he winced at the use of language-
Pav innocently: What does mama bicho mean?
Peter types it in: Yikes!
Pav looks over and gasps: MILES THATS SO MEAN!
Mayday: Mama bicho!
Peter jumps: Mayday no! That's bad! Bad word! -his daughter laughs out loud-
Hobie: Luv, honest. I just did a simple autograph. I don't care for them. I'm the singer, you gotta understand I have to sign a few tits and deal with them.
Miles scowls: You need to set boundaries! How would you like it if I did that with random people, huh?
Hobie's jealousy sparked: Heh, your not in a band, Morales.
Miles:Ah, see you don't like that. I am your boyfriend -he brought his boyfriend's face closer to him- you need to respect me and my wishes! I am your half, not these bitches! Me estás escuchando? Are you listening me? Do you understand the words I'm saying coming out of my mouth? I am, your boyfriend, tu vida, tu amor!
Hobie couldn't be anymore happier, the amount of jealousy his partner is throwing and claiming his love to him. It felt all to amazing, hearts can be seen around his head. Even his whole body turned pink with magazine words with I love you all over: Yes, luv. I hear you. -he happily listens-
Miles went on: I'm not your fucking friend that you just high five. I'm tu cielo! Tu amor! Not your fucking puta! Yo no soy tu amigo! Yo soy tu cariño, tu bombón, tu CORAZÓN- -Miles touch Hobie's chest- This right here is mine! You hear me! Esto es mío! I'm not playing with you, Hobie! Tu eres mi alma! -still fuming-
Hobie hugs him: Yes, I am. Yes, I'm an idiot. I'm so sorry, luv. -he gave in. He didn't care if he was right or wrong. He's too in love with his Sunflower. He would do anything for him- I am everything for you.
Miles huffs happily: Good! Next time, I will kick your ass if you pulled that shit! -he happily got carried by his boyfriend as they make out-
Gwen saw how everyone went back to normal and she sighs: I never thought he would get that mad!
Pav: Yeah, yikes!
Peter: At least, it cool down on their own.
Gwen: MJ is gonna kill you...
Peter sighs: I know, maybe I can be like Hobie and give in!
Pav: Mmm, I don't think so!
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Chuuya Nakahara x Reader
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fandom: bungo stray dogs
New year, new format, same old Star? I guess only time will tell. Anyway, here's my silly little self dabbling in a new fandom to get myself out of my writer's block. Blame BSD for being my current obsession, and for keeping me up way past my bedtime just to finish this lil fic just in time for new year's. Please be kind, I'm trying to get back into the swing of things! Also I haven't been able to get my mind off of Chuuya for like the last few weeks, send help pls I'm very concerned, it's currently 3:30am and I'm very sleep-deprived haha dividers made by @/hitobaby
warnings: mentions of drinking/alcohol consumption, reader has a history with Chuuya (he's responsible for bringing her into the mafia in the first place), reader is a little sad with complicated feelings on new year's eve, Chuuya may or may not be ooc and I'm sorry if he is, this fic is totally not self-indulgent in the slightest, idk what you guys are talking about || words: 2.3k
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Fifteen minutes to go. 
The air is chilly against your cheeks, the thin jacket over your shoulders barely doing anything to keep out the cold. Even with the buttons fastened all the way up to your neck and a scarf wrapped over your face twice, you’re still freezing your ass off. Oh well, better out here than in there. 
You’ve never seen the Port Mafia headquarters look so lively. You blame Elise—well, Mori specifically for feeding into her wishes to throw such an extravagant party in the first place. The first two hours were fun, but you decided to tap out once you saw the familiar red hue splashed across Higuchi’s cheeks. As much as you enjoy her company, the last thing you want to do is watch her make a fool out of herself in front of Akutagawa. (Who’s also getting a little tipsy himself, and it’s quite uncomfortable to watch.) 
Besides, it’s too loud and rowdy for your liking. So instead you’re leaning against the wall outside, your second bottle of cider clutched in your hands, secretly wishing the skirt of your dress was just a tiny bit longer. 
You glance at your watch and grimace. Fourteen minutes left. 
“Party ain’t good enough for you, huh?” 
You jolt at the familiar voice; your cheeks are flushed, but you know better than to blame the drink in your hand. Seems that Chuuya just has that effect on you. 
You shrug your shoulders, gazing down at the pavement as he makes his way down the entrance steps. “It’s fine, just a little…crazy, I guess? It’s quieter out here.” 
“Cold as hell, though.” 
An uneasy silence settles over the two of you. You clear your throat and swallow another mouthful of your drink. He shifts his weight from one foot to the other against the wall beside you, careful not to scuff up the fabric of his fancy blue overcoat. Never one to pass up dressing a bit nice for a party or banquet, huh? 
He hums, taking a sip from his wine glass (of course he brought it out with him). You’re about to open your mouth before he raises an eyebrow, sending a scathing look at the choice of drink in your hands. 
“…You still drinking that shit?” 
You roll your eyes with a huff, “Well, we can’t all have your stellar taste in alcohol.” 
Not your fault he has a thing for fancy wines that cost more than your entire wardrobe at home. You prefer something a little more comfortable, and sometimes a simple bottle of hard cider is more than enough to get the job done. 
He shakes his head, but you can see the ghost of a smile on his lips (or maybe the alcohol’s making you see things already). “You’d think with all the time we’ve spent together, your taste in drinks would improve.” 
“As if.” You nudge your elbow into his arm before taking another swig. “Don’t try to take me away from my cider.” 
Your head is a bit fuzzy, but no amount of alcohol seems to warm you up. You fold your arms across your chest, careful not to spill your drink down the front of your coat. It would be just like you to go and make a fool of yourself in front of your superior like that. 
Eleven minutes to go. 
“…What’s on your mind?” 
Damn it, he must’ve seen you looking at your watch. You swallow hard, tracing your thumb around the rim of your bottle. And suddenly all the words you wanna say vanish on the tip of your tongue. 
So you just don’t answer. A few more moments pass in silence before he tips his head back against the wall, a heavy sigh filling the air around you. 
“Come on, you gotta be drinking out here alone for a reason. So what is it, huh?” His eyes are sharp when he finally glances at you. “Someone upset you in there, or what?” 
“Huh—no, nothing like that—” 
At least, nothing any of your coworkers said. They’re not at fault for your sour mood; the only one you have to blame is yourself. 
Oh well, you’re already a bit drunk. You already have a list of things you’ll regret tomorrow morning. What’s the harm in adding just one more? 
“I just…I don’t see the point in celebrating new years anymore…” 
You cringe the moment the words leave your lips. Way to go, dumbass. He definitely won’t think you’re trying to be edgy just to impress him. Not in the slightest. 
Eh, you’ve already made a fool out of yourself. Might as well go all the way, right? Rip the bandaid off now while you can. 
“It’s like, well, for the last few years they’ve just kinda…blended together? They’re repetitive and everyone makes a big deal out of them, and I don’t really get it anymore. Yeah, it was fun when we were kids, but now? I just gotta look forward to another year of being the same person I was the last twelve months. It’s fun for the first few days, but then everything reverts right back to the way it was. Nothing changes permanently, y’know?” 
Fuck me, it’s not like he’s your therapist! He doesn’t need to hear this shit! Shut your mouth while you still have a chance! 
But he doesn’t stop you—not that your mouth would know when to quit, anyways. 
“Dunno, maybe I’m just being a downer about it. It’s been like that for a while, though, not just because of new year’s… Higuchi says it’s because I haven’t even been kissed—because that’s supposed to make everything better, apparently. New Year’s kiss and all—it’s stupid, right?” 
Not that you ever believed her about that bullshit. Totally not. And that weird fluttering feeling in your chest right now? You’ve had too much to drink. Not that you’ll stop any time soon. 
The silence in the air is killing you, and you’re just about to down the rest of your drink in one gulp when you hear a soft snicker beside you. Chuuya shakes his head, smirking at you over the rim of his glass. 
“Sour mood just because you’ve never had a new year’s kiss?” 
“S-shut up! You know what I mean!” 
“Yeah,” he mumbles, his voice softer than before, “I think I do.” 
He sinks himself down to the ground, the tails of his coat acting as a barrier between him and the freezing pavement. Setting his glass down he pats the space next to him, and it’s almost embarrassing how quick you are to follow his lead. Even when you’re all bundled up in your coat and scarf, your body curled into itself, you only start to feel warm when you’re pressed against his side. 
And he seems to notice, because he drapes an arm over your shoulder to pull you in close. It’s not the first time he’s done this, but it still makes you feel antsy all the same. 
“Another year in paradise, eh?” 
You raise your bottle to meet his glass halfway, the soft clink sending a shiver down your spine. 
“Maybe it won’t be so bad this time around.” 
At least, that’s what you tell yourself every year. Maybe it’ll be okay this time. Maybe things will work out. Maybe this year, you won’t see yourself as a complete and utter failure. Despite your accomplishments and contributions to the mafia, maybe you’ll start seeing yourself as something more than a lowly criminal. 
Instead of the same simple girl he picked up from the streets all those years ago. 
The two of you finish your drinks, with only the buzzing of the voices inside breaking the silence between you. It’s getting closer to midnight, only five more minutes to go. You place your bottle down at your side with a clang, wincing when you start to feel a pang in your temple. And one look at Chuuya tells you his own drink is finally catching up to him; he grimaces and tilts his head back, his cheeks flushed red from the frigid air around you. 
“We’re both gonna have one hell of a hangover tomorrow, huh?” 
“Bet yours will be worse than mine,” he challenges with a smirk. 
But you can see the exhaustion in his eyes; he’s always been a lightweight, as long as you’ve known him. Too many times you’ve helped him home from a night at the bar, other times you’ve been right beside him, just as wasted as he was. Perhaps it’s not the ideal superior-underling relationship to have at work, but quality drinking buddies are hard to come by these days. 
And besides, there’s just something about seeing him in such a vulnerable state that makes you feel a certain way. No, it’s not just that—it’s knowing that he’s letting you see him in such a vulnerable state. That he trusts you enough to get him home safe, to not take advantage of him when he’s too far gone to even remember his own name. And knowing that he would do the exact same for you, and that trust is returned in full (and then some, if you’re being completely honest with yourself). 
Because no matter how hard you try to talk yourself out of it, or convince yourself otherwise, you’re still that same stupid girl from the slums with a soft spot for the man who saved her. 
You press yourself deeper into his side, smiling when you feel his arm tighten around your shoulders. Three minutes left of the year. The voices from inside are growing louder, more pronounced as the seconds tick by. You don’t pay them much mind, not when you’re already half asleep, cuddled up against your boss. 
How scandalous—maybe if you’re lucky, you’ll pass out before midnight and won’t wake up till noon the next day. 
“You don’t have to be the same person you are now, if you’re not happy with it.” His voice snaps you awake at once, and you don’t even have to look at him to know he’s staring in your direction. “If you think you’ll be happier as someone else, then be that person.” He scoffs lightly with a shrug of his shoulders. “As long as you’re satisfied, I don’t see a problem with that.” 
Your lips open and close, reminding yourself of a fish. Your throat runs dry, but you manage to force a few words out. 
“It’s not that I wanna be someone completely different… I like myself sometimes, and other days…” You hate yourself and the person you’ve become. “…But I don’t wanna lose the parts of me I like, you know? Sometimes I wanna change, but I also wanna just stay being me… Ah, never mind, I don’t even know what I’m saying.” You force out a laugh, hiding your face in your frozen hands. “I’m drunk, I know I am. See what happens when you let me drink so much?” 
Maybe it’s the alcohol making your tongue looser than it normally is. You’ve only had two bottles, but combined with the wintry air and Chuuya’s warmth beside you… You fear you’ve gone off the deep end by now. And there’s no way you’re crawling back out of it until you crash and burn…and hopefully not take anyone else with you. 
He rolls his eyes, but they’re softer than they were before. A pretty blue shade, almost sparkling in the bright moonlight. Ah, damn it, who are you kidding? They’ve always been pretty—he’s always been pretty… 
You can hear people chanting in the distance. Must be the final countdown of the night, huh? 
“Don’t worry your head over it,” he whispers, and he’s so close you can almost taste the wine on his breath. Warm and comforting, reminding you of a home you once carved out for yourself. “I think I get what you’re saying.” 
You don’t even bother looking down at your watch. You know just how much longer you have before the year is up. 
“Whatever you decide to do,” he says, and you can feel his gloved fingers lacing through your own, “whatever parts of yourself you decide to keep, I’ll still be on your side.” 
A chorus of cheers erupts from headquarters; shadows dance along the golden windows, illuminating the streamers and confetti and drunken patrons as they celebrate the brand new year. You swallow hard, your cheeks burning against the cold, unable to tear yourself away from those pretty blue eyes. 
But then his words sink in, really sink in, and suddenly you want to cry. But you can’t stop yourself from smiling, even as you feel the first line of tears prick at your lashes. 
“That…means a lot to me,” your voice is hoarse, but you manage to get the words out just in time. “Thank you so much, Chuuya, I could just—” 
Kiss you now, like the idiot I am. 
Oh, what the hell? The lines have already been blurred, what’s the harm in actually crossing them? Or maybe that’s just the alcohol talking again. 
But you know damn well that this is one drunken decision you will never regret, for as long as you live. 
“…This might sound really stupid, but can I kiss you?” 
Call yourself stupid for asking, but he’s just as stupid for nodding—and the two of you are wrapped in each other’s arms, lips pressed together with the roars of the crowd inside echoing in your ears. 
Who knows what the new year will bring? More of the same? A little bit of excitement? Only time will tell, you guess. You wonder how many parts of yourself you’ll start to shed, like a skin that’s grown far too tight for your liking. Or maybe you’ll fall in love with a few different parts, seeing them in a new way you’d never even thought of. 
At least you’re not alone in it, no matter what your decision is.
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bloodymiso · 1 month
★ party rockin’!! — a birthday event:3 | 0/12 slots
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so like..what is it? below are some birthday party prompts, send in a character of your choice(within my fandoms), your chosen prompt and ill write some hcs(maybe a drabble) with them in said party!! this is in celebration of my upcoming bday!!(may 24) you may request up to 2 characters per prompt, pls only send in 1 prompt at a time+mention if you want platonic or romantic! you may add some extra info/stuff if you want<3
ex. could i get ___ with the prompt “house party?” it would be cool if ____.
rules keeping my blog sfw, i will not write anything including underage drinking, use of tobacco and of course, the basic weirdo stuff(inc.st, p.dophilia etc). pls check my req rules before sending anything in! in this event, i will not be writing for fem reader. i will keep it to gn reader unless the prompt requires otherwise. there will be 12 slots up for grabs, join while you can!
notes all posts related to this event will be tagged with #꩜ .ᐟ >_< party rockin’!!
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woah!! the prompts!
with the gang!!
stargazing and snacks!! — you and your friends decide to have a picnic in the evening to gaze at the stars, (in your backyard), but looks like your sleepiness took over! backyard olympics — “box ‘em out!!” your friend shouted, grumbling as your opponent shot against you. you decided to have a mini olympics with your friends for your birthday and it wasn’t going that well..(for this one, if you want a specific sport to be featured, plz mention)
house party? — look here, its your average american tv show house party. parents out, random teenagers from your school in!! music was played, gossip was shared, whats next?
slumber gang!! — with a small group of friends, you have a fun night in your house!! pillows being slapped across each other’s faces, makeup which will be soon destroyed, and of course, drawing on the first person to succumb to the temptations of sleep! poor guy.
“dazzling!” — your parents decided to throw you a fancy ball in celebration of your fancy birthday. a big chandelier in the middle, bunch of people(who you presume are family members) giving you sum big ol’ kisses on the cheek, and of course, big fancy steps which lead to nowhere!
pool party!!!! — under the burning heat of summer, you decide to have a lovely little pool party for your birthday! water guns included, of course.
surprise!! — inspired by a party i threw for one of my friends, your friends surprise you with a birthday party in..mcdonalds? oh and there’s a grimace mascot with a really funny host👍(and chicken nuggets)
surgery day — for your birthday, all your friends + your parents contributed to paying for your upper body and/or lower body surgery, they’ve been saving up for years just for you!<3 (this is for trans kiddos, plz do not request if you aren’t under said spectrum!)
goin’ solo!! (or duo idk)
“ma chérie” — you and your beloved went to a tiny little french café for your birthday, greenery all around. you spotted little bees surrounding the flowers, oh how you wished for a garden like that! (i might sneak in a lil’ hc of what your chosen char would buy:3)
cloud gazing! — you always loved cloud gazing, making up silly names for clouds in the sky. “hey, that one looks like you!” “???that one looks like the devil” “exactly, stupid.”
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txemrn · 1 year
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Book: TRR/TRH (events actually occur in TRH Book 1)
Pairing: Liam x MC (Riley); Bertrand x Savannah
Word Count: ~2500
Warning: innuendos; a little language; fluffiness
A/N: I usually enjoy writing fairly angsty TRR material, but when I started gearing up for this past week's @kingliamappreciationweek, I decided I really wanted to write something new that wasn't so dramatic. So, I started thinking about how Liam is a history buff... and if y'all don't know this by now, I'm from Texas, and the thought of that tall glass of water knowing about my home state's history...whew... Give me a moment... This is pure silliness. It's a re-write of Bertrand's bachelor party/Savannah's bachelorette party, and it's just... silly. It does not follow canon very well. But, I hope you still enjoy it! Happy KLAW 2023, friends!
A/N 2: This is my submission for @choicesflashfics week 30! I will be using prompt 3: "That's how the story goes." It will be in bold.
A/N 3: These characters and some of the plot belong to our dear friends Pixelberry. This was not truly pre-read or beta'd. Please excuse my errors.
"Alright, lil' ladies with the beautiful bride-to-be!" A burly bartender with a thick drawl and matching beard comes out from behind the counter, making his way to Savannah Walker's bachelorette party.  Delivering a tray of golden caramel-colored shots, he piles each one high with decadent whipped cream. "Here ya go: six blow job shots."
Hana spews out her cocktail, covering her mouth with rosy cheeks.
"Mon dieu! Did–did he just say–"
"Like you don't know what that is, Kiara," Olivia snorts. "Drink up, poufiasse."
Savannah, Madeleine, and Riley cover their giggles, leaning into one another as they take their drinks.
"Wait," Hana holds up her hands as they prepare to toast their third round of shots. "Where's Penelope?"
"Oh, I'm here! I'm here!" She runs up, out of breath, her short hair and denim dress completely drenched.
"What on earth happened to you?" Riley starts grabbing napkins.
"I was checking in with my dog sitter, but the reception here is awful. Plus, it's raining like cats and dogs out—oooooo!" Penelope's eyes beam at the sight of the shots. "What are these?" She leans down to sniff before humming in approval.
"Blow jobs," Olivia smirks.
"Oh!" Penelope nods with curious fascination. "Leo said that about my lips one time–"
"He said what?" Madeleine raises an eyebrow.
"I know, I didn't understand what he meant either."
"No, that's not–nevermind."
"Hold up." Riley raises her hands to silence everyone before turning to Penelope. "Raining like cats and dogs?" She grimaces, glancing at Savannah. "I hope the guys are alright–"
The sudden boisterous voice of Drake Walker echoes through the dive bar, the doors swinging loudly, clapping up against the wooden walls. The large bartender turns, then brightens when he sees his old-time customer and friend coming into his establishment. 
"Whiskers, is that you?"
The girls quietly glare at one another, mouthing the word 'whiskers.'  
The two men grab each other's hands in a shake before pulling into a brotherly hug. Liam, Bertrand and Maxwell file in through the door, shaking droplets from their wet clothes.
"You guys!" Riley jumps up to greet her husband. 
Savannah follows behind, wrapping her arms around Bertrand before brushing a kiss against his lips. "What are y'all doing here?"
"Isn't it obvious?" Maxwell chuckles, throwing his thumb behind his shoulder.
"The campgrounds were rained out," Liam explains, combing his wife's hair behind her ear. "We thought we could stick it out as long as the creek didn't rise too high. But then," he shakes his head, chuckling, "the tents flooded. The truck almost got stuck in the mud."
"Our clothes and shoes are airing out back at the house," Bertrand states, watching his bride fix his wet hair.
"Wow," Olivia snickers, "so much for roughing it for your bachelor party, huh, Beaumont?"
"I beg your pardon," Bertrand stiffens in annoyance, "we almost died out there, duchess."
"It's water."
"Centimeters upon centimeters–"
"Imagine meters of it. Frozen–"
"Well," Riley interjects the budding feud, "I, for one, am happy you guys are out of the nasty weather." She holds her hand up to the bartender, "first round on the crown!" 
"I like the sound of that," Maxwell chuckles.
"'First round on the crown'?" Liam whispers in his wife's ear, humored.
Riley scrunches up her nose, a mischievous grin crawling across her lips. "What can I say?" She giggles, slinking an arm around her husband’s waist. "I've been a queen for over a month, and I haven’t declared anything yet." She turns to her friends. "Let them drink booze!" She glances back at Liam, who's shaking his head at his tipsy wife. "What? I was channeling my inner Marie Antoinette."
"I… caught the reference," he narrows his eyes, gently placing a grip around Riley's neck. "I hope she’s not the inspiration of your own reign," he squeezes his fingers playfully, lowering his voice into a growl. "I'd hate for you to end up like her."
"You're not convincing me otherwise with your hand around my throat, my king." They knowingly snicker to one another, sharing a kiss.
"Okay, you newlyweds," Olivia snickers, rolling her eyes before turning to Drake. "So, um, Whiskers?"
He crosses his arms. "Yes…Red?" He collects a tray of glasses and a fifth of whiskey from Gunther to bring to the table.
"Curious minds want to know about this nickname."
"Awww, you’re thinking about me, Red?" She scoffs as he purposely bumps into her shoulder. "Maybe you'd rather a demonstration of why they call me Whiskers–"
"Drake Elmer!" Savannah scolds. "You're disgusting." She glances to the ladies. "Only Gunther calls him that, and the only reason he calls him that is because of Dad."
"Dad had a rule," Drake air quotes, "that I couldn't taste whiskey until I had whiskers." He nods towards the bartender, "Gunther there served me my first whiskey right after Dad's funeral–"
"Drakey!"  The syrupy voice of Savannah's ex-boyfriend bellows from across the room. "And he brought his royal round up!" The broad-shouldered red-head gives a curt bow, removing his Stetson as he notices Liam, switching to a British accent. "Your majesty."
Liam nods cordially before casually turning towards Riley. "What is it with you Americans thinking everyone in Europe talks with that accent?" Riley giggles under her breath, pinching her husband teasingly.
"Bert!" Chuck opens up his arms, pulling the duke into a tight, bear hug. "How's our groom? Come down here to flex your trivia knowledge?"
"Trivia?" Maxwell questions.
A sudden jolt of excitement hits Drake, his eyes widening as he looks to Gunther. "Is that tonight?"
"You bet yer' asses, Whiskers. $250 cash prize and a bottle of Jack to share."
"Whatd'ya say, Drakey? For old time's sake?" Chuck holds out his hand. Without giving it much thought, Drake clasps Chuck's calloused hand, pulling him into a quick hug. The men begin to hoot and grunt, clapping as they turn to join the rest of Chuck's friends in the corner.
But then Chuck stops, spinning on his heel. He glares at Bertrand before fixing a charming smirk to his mouth. "Where are my manners? Bert, the team is full, or else I'd invite you to join–"
"That's–" Bertrand clears his throat, "--quite alright, I assure you–"
"I mean," Chuck motions to Liam and Maxwell, "unless y'all wanted to make your own team." He glances over his shoulder, “Gunther, what’s tonight’s theme?
"Texas history, fellas," Gunther announces. "Trivia about the greatest fucking country in the world. Texas."
"Ahh. See?" Chuck swings out his arms, shrugging. "That’s how the story goes. Y'all better sit this one out."  With the deep clack of his cowboy boots, he adjusts his belt buckle before slowly strutting back to his seat. 
Seeing the defeat in his face, Savannah runs a hand across Bertrand's chest before giving him a sweet kiss on the cheek. "Don't worry about it, hun," she softly croons, "that's not even your idea of fun anyway."
Bertrand grows rigid. "What do you mean? I like to have fun–"
"Of course, B, just… in other… ways–"
"I," he pulls away from his fiancée, pressing his finger into his chest, "am… the epitome of fun–"
"You're right, but–"
"I'm a crate full of apes!"
Riley looks over her shoulder to Liam, whispering, "Does he know that it's a barrel full of–?"
"Shhh," Liam softly hushes, "just let him go."
"You there!" Bertrand shouts to Gunther, causing everyone to freeze. "We would like to play."
"Uh, Bertrand? A word." Maxwell motions for his brother to join him as he stumbles over to Liam. "Are you crazy?" He whisper shouts. "These people already enjoy making fun of us. Why do you want to do this?" 
"It's the principle of it all," Bertrand grows serious.
Maxwell sighs. "What do you think, Li?"
Liam looks up at Bertrand whose gaze is now attentive to Savannah. She laughs at something Kiara says, causing Bertrand's demeanor to slump a little more, as if each second with her reminds him he's not worthy of her.
Liam gets that.
"I think we should do it."
"See, Bertrand? Even Li–wait, what?" Maxwell's jaw drops. "You think this is a good idea?"
"It's just a game, right?" Liam winks handsomely. "Besides, I think Bertrand needs this."
"But Li… Texas trivia? Those guys reek of BBQ, football and leather."
“And we have survived how many secret coups attacks? Liam shrugs before patting the younger Beaumont on the back. "This could be fun."
Liam, Bertrand and Maxwell settle at a bar top table near four other teams, including Chuck and Drake's group.  As Gunther passes out electronic buzzers, he explains the rules. Chuck rubs his hands together in cocky delight as Bertrand wipes his brow with small drink napkins.
"Alright! Is everybody ready?" Gunther announces over a karaoke machine microphone. "Let's begin. When is Texas Independence Day?"
Chuck buzzes in with a proud, sarcastic snicker. "March 2nd."
"Ahh, snaps, you guys," Maxwell hangs his head in his hands. "This was a bad idea."
"It's only been one question," Liam encourages.
"And we're already losing!" Maxwell whines, covering his eyes. 
"Next question. Before her independence, Texas was governed by how many different nations?"
Liam hits the buzzer, turning to an unsuspecting Bertrand. "Psst… how many forks are in the traditional Cordonian place setting?"
Bertrand scoffs. "Six!" He barks out loud before realizing everyone is silent, staring at him.
"Huh?" Maxwell looks up, a smile tugging at his lips.
"Way to go, Bertrand!" Riley and Savannah cheer as the other ladies clap and whistle.
"Alright," Gunther starts, "next question…"
The trivia night continues, back and forth, question for question. The other teams at the bar had opportunities to answer, but overall, Chuck and Drake's team remained in the lead.
But not by much.
The men from Cordonia gave them quite a run for their money, thanks to Liam and his wealth of knowledge. But although Liam knows the majority of the answers, he is yet to speak for the team; rather, he turns to Bertrand each time after hitting the buzzer, prompting him with a different question that possesses the same answer.
"Okay, folks," the bartender announces, "this is the last question. If this team," Gunther points to Bertrand, Liam and Maxwell, "chimes in and gets it right, it will tie the game, sending us into sudden death." The bar fills with cheers, patrons shouting with excitement and pounding their fists on the tables. "Here we go. The Texas Revolution started in what year?"
There's a slight hesitation, but finally Liam turns to Bertrand and states, "The ending of the Bavarian Regency of Greece." Bertrand furrows his eyebrows, but Liam gives him a reassuring nod as he hits the buzzer.
He clears his throat. "1835?"
Everyone freezes, a hush falling over the bar in anxious anticipation.
"Folks? We've got ourselves a tied game!"
Bertrand exhales heavily, closing his eyes. Liam pats him on the back while Maxwell cheers, tugging on his brother's shoulder.  The entire bar is in a fuss as Chuck and Drake stare confusingly at each other. Gunther gets back on the mic, and explains the sudden death round, which requires for each team to choose one member to represent them.
"You've got this, Li," Maxwell applauds, Bertrand smiling and nodding.
"I think… Bertrand should take this."
"Pardon my insolence, sir, but I do not find that to be a wise decision," Bertrand argues.
"I agree with my brother, Li," Maxwell nods, "you knew all those answers–"
"But Bertrand scored us those points," Liam counters, "he needs to put up a fight until the game is over. It's the principle, remember?"  
Hearing Liam repeat his words, Bertrand grins, courage blooming in his chest. He looks to Savannah who is clapping, mouthing the words 'I'm so proud of you.' 
"I'll do it."
Bertrand and Chuck step forward for the sudden death round, peering into each other's eyes. "Are we ready, gentlemen?" Gunther asks. Both men shake their heads yes, their gazes not leaving each other. "Let the best man win."
For a split second, Bertrand glances at his fiancée, and realizes he might not be the best man, but to her, he is. And no matter what, he's already won.
"Here's the question: made popular by an Alamo hero, this portable weapon that can kill and butcher game. Name the weapon–"
Chuck buzzes in. "The Swiss army knife." He smiles brightly, pulling out his own pocket blade and twirling it in victory.
Bertrand turns back to Liam and Maxwell, shaking his head. Maxwell mouths, 'that's okay! You did your best!' Bertand shakes his head more adamantly, but now he’s starting to grin.
"Actually," the bartender starts, "that’s incorrect, Chuck." Gunther turns towards Bertrand. "Do you have an answer, my foreign friend?"
Bertrand smirks. "You are referring to the Bowie knife."
A stillness hushes the crowd; Savannah and Riley anxiously wait, hands clasped with bated breath.
"That… is correct!"
The entire room erupts with shouts of praise and earth-shaking applause.  Several men remove their ten-gallon hats to whoop in honor of the winner, the women of the bachelorette party squealing in glee.
Drake shakes Bertrand's hand before pulling him into an endearing hug. Liam and Maxwell both clap the duke on the back in congratulations. Savannah quickly cuts in, throwing her arms around her fiancé as her lips crash into his. Gunther comes over with the prize, and shakes Liam's hand. Maxwell snatches the bottle of Jack and the cash, and holds it over his head like a trophy.  More shots and drinks are ordered, the night carrying on into a wild honky-tonk of a dance party.
Riley finds Liam, roping her arms around his neck as he secures his large hands to her waist.
"I'm so proud of you, partner," Riley attempts a drawl. Liam laughs, kissing her forehead as they begin to sway to the slow country beat. "Bertrand said that you actually never gave him any answers; you just… asked him questions that had the same answer"
Liam nods slowly, "Yep."
"Oh, my queen," he beams looking down at her, "it's the principle."
"The principle?" She cocks an eyebrow.
"A man wants to win a woman's heart."
"But Savannah loves him–"
"That's not the point," Liam counters. "A man wants to win her over… and over and over again. If I gave him the answers, that would've cheated him out of proving to her and to himself that he's worthy of her."
"Do you ever feel that way about me?" She croons.
A rosy hue swirls across Liam's cheeks. "More than you realize."
Riley presses a tender kiss to her husband’s chin before continuing their dance. "But… I gotta ask. When did you become so smart about Texas history?"
Liam chuckles. "I've been best friends with Drake Walker since I was 8 years old. We used to do our studies together, and… he was terrible at history."
"So?" Liam stifles his toothy grin, licking his bottom lip. "Who do you think did his Texas history homework?"
"William Rys!"
Thank you so much for your support! Every like, comment and reblog means the world to me! 🖤
Tags (please let me know if you wish to be added/removed)
@alj4890 @ao719 @charlotteg234 @issabees @kat-tia801 @kingliam2019 @mainstreetreader @mom2000aggie @neotericthemis @nikirennie87 @peonierose @socalwriterbee @tessa-liam
@3pawandme @alyshak92 @iaminlovewithtrr @katedrakeohd @lovingchoices14 @malblk21 @rubiwalker @sfb123 @twinkleallnight
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tixuctoad · 1 year
Various Owl House characters reacting to getting cheesed [sh1tpost]
Based on oomf from my other blog :0
Mostly randomized characters, probably ooc but really, who cares? This is meant to be silly
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Not gonna lie I feel like she'd see it coming and open her mouth as it comes flying. Eats it whole, almost doesn't flinch
Yelps when she sees it coming, but her body doesn't react. Just takes it, it sticks to her face. She cringes at the smell of the fake cheese
Understands the meme, is a good sport about it,
"Cheesed to meet you too," as she grins
Similar to lilith but she manages to react; summons a bit of abomination good in an attempt to block it
Sternly tells you to never do it again
It slaps him right on the nose
"Oh cool! Human cheese!"
Tries eating it off his face as it slides down to his mouth.... immediately stops when the taste sinks in... heartbreak
More confused than angry
Just peels it off and?? Awkwardly hands it back??
Also confused, but like, angry confused
Doesn't get it at all nor does he appreciate the prank
Peels it off his face and just slaps it back at you
Red faced
So you know how cats kinda leave their heads and upper body backwards when they get cheesed while they're sitting?
They do that
Hope I explained that well
They fall over
Similar to eda; just eats it but hes not as agile as her so he just eats it off his skull
Same thing as eda, but he'd much rather eat bugs
Principal Bump
Really REALLY confused; doesn't know if he should be angry or if he should laugh
Doesn't know its cheese.. doesnt smell like it
Confiscates it
What can I say? They've got a huge forehead
Beet red, just
Feeds the slice to eda
Do you have a d3ath wish?
Thats all I'm gonna say
Jumps out of the way
Sniffs the cheese
He's already seen it coming
No matter how hard you try, you will fail to hit him with it
Gives you a tired and disapproving look
Annoyed, peels it off and throws it away
Huffs at you before returning to his things
Do you have a d3ath wish?
Enjoy your kidneys while you still have them
Probably the only one (asides eda king and hooty) who will eat it
He's had worse, I hc he tests his own potions and ingredients
One kraft single isn't going to break him
Don't do it again, though
Audibly squeals and attempts to slap it out of the air
Verbally berates you for even thinking about throwing something so vile at him
Will complain about it for the rest of the week
Do you have a d3ath wish?
Have fun being plant food
Will fake being a good sport, is actually pissed
This man has never seen such a thing
This man will perish if he drinks a McDonalds sprite; I'm sure a kraft single will inflict similar damage
Really confused and thought it was one of his lil stars for a second
Do not the lil guy
On a good day he might giggle and return the favor, but on a bad day...
Starts ranting and raving about how disrespectful you are
Stomps her feet and raises her voice
Has a little tantrum
You don't think Luz has already done this with her?
Yeah no, she immediately knows whats going on
Pats your head, but sets a clear boundary to not do it again.. or at least to not aim for faces
Stands there stunned for a few seconds
For a moment you think he broke him
He peels it off and just observes it
Immediately goes off, not too dissimilar to how she treats her family
Slap another piece on her out of spite
Red faced and embarassed
Peels it off
Throws it away
Tries to play it off
Unfazed, peels it off
"Oh cool,"
Takes a bite of it, immediately grimaces, but keeps eating because he committed
If she threatens to set Luzs eyes on fire over a light glyph, imagine what she'll do if you PURPOSEFULLY cheese her
Inspects it
Throws it away, tells you not to do it again, moves on
Shakes it off his face, sneezes at it
"Why would you disrespect me like this?"
Presses it in your hand
It's all crumpled and folded up now
He walks off
Laughs it off but the look in her eyes is a look only a mother can muster: the message clear as day.. don't ever do that again
Genuine good sport
Laughs it off
You will be incinerated.
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snowysalad · 1 year
grimace is just a lil guy!! a silly little goober!! he would never hurt anyone and he’s just tryna have a good birthday,, hbd if you will,
defending grimace from this slander fr 👁👁🔫💜 the shake was kinda mid tho LOL
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sminiac · 7 months
hello i love reading ur bf!xikers 🫶
i wanted to ask if u can write bf!seeun?
if requests are closed just ignore this ask😅
💌 — Oh my gosh I’m so glad! Of course, I gotchu!!! <3 (Y’all don’t understand how geeked I get receiving reqs, like I’m literally rolling around on the ground every time a new one comes in like a dog in grass)
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Bf!Seeun who loves pretending to be a stranger that’s attempting to— and failing miserably at flirting with you just to see how you’d handle the situation. He’ll get these random and sudden bursts of inspiration for a new ‘scene’ that he’s hurriedly jotting down before the thought dwindles into smoke and slips from his grasp, then whenever he sees you next he’s whipping out his notes and “Okay babe, how about this.” He’s so cute, gets so serious about it, but at times he’ll catch himself giggling at your answers if they’re syrupy sweet, “Ahhh cute!” You can hear his voice in your noggin, can’t you? and now you can’t seem to get his hands off of you.
Ex: At some point this becomes a running joke in the dorm, the boys even jump in to help you deconstruct the question at hand and map out what the most effective yet petty method there is to satisfy your silly boyfriend, they’d even critique you on your answers 😭 “He’d want you to be more blunt.” “Maybe throw in a good grimace, yeah! Like that!” “Mm, be a little more mean, that guy doesn’t seem nice.” and you’re like: “Who doesn’t seem nice??? This is still Seeun talking????”
Bf!Seeun who is so a: “But Y/n said” type of boyfriend, and it’s never anything you’ve explicitly told him to do or to not do, it’s simply suggestions to help keep his health in check, or what skincare products to avoid, nevertheless he’s still— “Sorry, Y/n told me I need to go to sleep earlier tonight.” Whenever he’s asked to hangout with a few of his members, and “Y/n said that you shouldn’t mix those two serums together or it’ll irritate your skin.” Basically unsolicited advice, but you always know what’s good for him, wouldn’t it be unfair to keep your helpful tips all to himself? When him and his members are out shopping he’s always, “Y/n said those weren’t the best quality, I wouldn’t waste my money.” And it’s always so casual, just rolls right off his tongue without any forethought, the boys would get a good giggle out of it but almost always take his word for it because Seeun’s Y/n just knows best.
Bf!Seeun who I feel like loves having matching clothes/accessories! Like whenever he’s looking to buy a lil something for himself he’s always looking to buy a lil something for you too, and it’s always the exact same pieces. Does it every time he’s going abroad so that you’ll ’remember’ you have a very sweet boyfriend, as if you’d ever forget?? he’d be so annoying it’s so cute🤭
Ex: Seeun is a proud owner of those custom “I ❤️ my girlfriend” shirts, and he isn’t afraid to wear it in public!! he’s always making sure to pack it whenever he’s catching a flight just in case these girls try something. I feel like he’d also love those cute bff necklaces/bracelets, like the ones they sell at Claire’s yk? Would unironically wear it, showing it off any chance he gets.
Bf!Seeun who would repeatedly be found cuddled up to you in his bed during the mornings before the two of you were officially together by a handful of his members, and for the longest time he swore that the two of you weren’t a thing, stupidly the 9 all believed it to be true, not having the capacity to doubt him for a second, because they’re busy people, that was until they filmed the video in their dorm where everyone was being exceptionally annoying in attempts to wake all of the members up, and naturally he let his guard down when they decided to wake you next, and being startled out of your sleep by their loud noises and flashing lights surely couldn’t be enjoyable. Sweet boy, he didn’t have the heart to let you continue being scared, especially if you’re sensitive to loud sounds, forgetting that there was cameras set up and recording he quickly went to you, notably dramatic as he pulled your head gently into his chest, pecking small kisses into your hair, he had turned to look over his shoulder to scold the boys into silence, except it wasn’t his complaints that made them comply, it was that Seeun just kissed you? on the head? Seeun was holding you, comforting you, in his bed?
Ex: They realized soon after, because sure Seeun can be affectionate, but not quite like that. When they all got over the initial shock that Seeun does in fact have a partner the members were all quick to apologize, acknowledging that you were still new to being around them and they should’ve left you out of their chaos, they were all incredibly relieved to know that you weren’t terrified but merely jumped when they suddenly bursted back into the room and that Seeun was just being overly protective :,) Yujun will never let this go though, because of all people, he didn’t know?
Bf!Seeun who is always figuring out new ways to go about showing his love for you :(
Words of affirmation? With him you learn to find the sweetness in his simplicity, i think the feelings would be much too complicated and big to put exactly into words that he becomes overwhelmed it, sweet boy just adores you so much :( and it would take a while for you to realize, but once you become more familiar with eachother you’re always “awww🥹” when he’s just simply running the pads of his fingers softly under your chin, or he’s wrapping his arms around you, head moving to rest in the dip of your shoulder, nuzzling at you with this warm feeling spreading throughout his chest that he physically can’t stop himself from clinging to you.
Acts of service? Absolutely, the type to throw your towel in the dryer so it’ll be nice and warm when you come out of the shower/bath. This might also be completely random but bear with me, you know how some public restrooms have really unreliable locks? He’s so willing to be on door duty for you if you’re feeling a little wary, and he takes it very seriously, isn’t shy about telling people “My girlfriend’s in there, sorry!” Like he’s just so trustworthy 😭
Gift giving? Sometimes he goes out of his way to buy you the most atrocious, silly looking plushies and he thinks that he’s so hilarious for it, can’t stop giggling when he hands it to you. But he’s also always on the hunt for those cute Sanrio ones too, the type to not really know a lot about it but if he sees a familiar character he’s like “Y/n knows that one” and is so quick to buy it.
Quality time? When I think of Seeun the thought of him having the habit of following you everywhere pops up, like he’s so “where you going?” Every time you get up, so quick to follow you even if he doesn’t know where you’re headed, he’s so cute just silently trailing behind you, especially with his height I’m tearing up. Loves sitting in the bathroom with you while you shower, sometimes busied by whatever it is that’s on his phone, but I feel like he’d rather sit and talk to you, making you laugh, it’s hard to not get soap in your eyes when he’s distracting you by trying to be funny.
Physical touch? He loves hugging you from behind, such a cozy feeling, long arms draped loosely over your shoulders, chin resting on the crown of your head if the height difference calls for it. I feel like he’d have a habit of holding your finger, STOP because it’s such a small thing of him to do, like you walking in public with this tall, stoic looking guy cutely holding onto your finger with all 5 of his 😣 also head pats!! whenever you’re talking, cuddling, coming up to him for a hug he’s always gently patting at your head, soft subconscious smile on his face when you start talking :(
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notallwonder · 1 year
Alright kiddos, let's see... Criminal Minds 16x08 "Forget Me Knots".
Spoilers and "thoughts" under the cut:
Okay, so the previouslies are JJ and Will heavy...ruh roh. We gonna find out Will's been lying about his health still?
LOL I'm still so excited. It's so funny that I'm still emotionally jazzed up by this silly show.
Hahahaaha Penelope "that's not how this works" finally
I guess it would be uniquely easy to kidnap real estate agents.
I'm still laughing to myself about the...section of artful shag carpet?...hanging above the Jareau-Lamontagne fireplace.
Will I wish you had better taste in ties
aw no, Henry overhearing adult things. Hope you're ok bud.
it's so nice when a serial killer can share photos of his children to make himself seem disarming and safe.
there's that $400 of duct tape being put to good use!
oh no - is she supposed to be a surrogate for his wife? *grimace!*
yeah lady I also would be like WTF save you're fucking marriage? WTF???
EMILY VOICEOVER...hello hottie (voice)...
GOD. how are you so beautiful? every time. Every Time!!!
Aw, isn't it nice, law enforcement agencies working together to circumvent...rules and stuff
PG I really like this lil' jacket number
And Luke, welcome to the brown suede jacket club.
Oh HO. So Now we are calling PG out!! They know she is Getting Some. lol ok
Oh, Henry buddy. Budding investigator apparently (knows how to Google). He's sweet. Where....where where is this going? Is Will still going to die? This honestly feels more like...normal family stuff frankly. Maybe I am searching too hard for *meaning*. But usually...look, it's a TV show. It's usually going somewhere.
this poor woman is doin' her best, but she's gonna die.
damn, that's cold. she's tanking her marriage (ish) to make it through.
Luke and Tara partnered up! yay!
Tara, when is your turn in brown suede?
why would Indio police immediately contact FBI? Just on the 'strength' of the 2nd street connection? shenanigans. but ok.
"JJ and I will run interference with the AG" sounds....slightly promising. can't wait for no onscreen follow up on this idea!
awww. Sicarius is Murder Santa!
I should also learn how to stay off camera. But for fun and profit (not murder).
"Copy you"??? what.
murder elf picking up the package...
poor lady, she just wanted to sell some houses.
Extreme Home Makeover Ty Guy??!! Selling me gambling apps??
jeez. that's a huge fucking list of missed calls bud.
An ENTIRE SCENE with Emily and JJ in the same room all by themselves. what a gift. yes they are doing crime solving. of course they are!!! i love them.
yes they both look super fabulous, because of course they do!!!
just to reiterate for no one, i do not watch this show for the crime or the crime solving. nor the naturalistic dialogue lmao.
murder elf dead. lady hang on!!
Ramona I'm so proud of you. First, extremely fast resuscitation, A +. Second, you're alive babe! But you really should get your husband to change his hair/beard situation.
Yes, bazillion sounds about right. I do kind of miss CM depicting agents actually doing any kind of tedious investigative work.
EMILY. You are so gorgeous. Dear AJ Cook, thank you for this shot that is just Emily at her desk. I am not mad about it.
Yeah, so Henry. JJ is this going in the "I have to leave the FBI" column? Is that where this is going?
Henry you are my most favorite now of all. They are terrible liars. And this is a sweet through-line from the ol' "monsters" thing at Halloween five million years ago.
Oh! a real live timeline clue. "It's been 10 days since you walked out of this house."
uh oh crazy eyes time. he is gonna kill his wife. oh no. I really thought for a second the doorbell was going to be another murder elf. David Rossi!!!
I wonder if this will 'end' with Elias turning himself in to the FBI to try to salvage the remainder of his life. Hm.
Okay. As far as episodes go, this one again felt like filler - like connective tissue leading up to something(s) bigger. Ultimately not particularly interesting in its own right. But, bright spots? Not so little Henry Lamontagne. A nice bit of Tara & Luke camaraderie. Emily Prentiss looking fine as hell, as per usual. And some more Elias Voit time, if that's what you're into (I'm not, but it's not horrible).
Really missing...Rebecca, right about now. So Tara stopped freaking out about her phone and then.....nothing? Gimme a little something here, CM. An indication of some kind. Emily running into Rebecca in the hallway (oh wait, Rebecca got pulled back to DC, no longer at Quantico). Anyway, want more of that. I'm not mad there was no overt follow up on the Garcia/Tyler sitch. It's coming, I'm sure.
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onewholikesthings · 2 years
Matt Murdock x Reader
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Anon request: do u think murdock would smell blood in reader's apartment and instantly think of the worst case scenario and the reader would be like "matt it's just my time of the month" and he'd feel silly for the way he kind of overreacted but still end up caring for her after
short and sweet lil thing for ya here :) hope you like it ALSO thank you for 400 followers!!! I really appreciate you guys for sticking by me even when I lag <3 stay tuned for more content soon!
The calls of your name were unheard as you slept the day away, recovering from a bad case of cramps and nausea. Matt, of course, had no idea and was starting to panic at the smell of blood coming from your apartment; which he picked up on at the door to your building. 
After a few attempts at calling for you his knocks became more harsh, his tone more aggravated, his words more rushed.
He paused and crooked his neck up to listen for your heartbeat, but this floor was one of the busiest. After a few seconds of searching, dread filled him when his results were inconclusive.
He pulled out the spare set of emergency keys from his jacket pocket and felt for the keyhole. Feeling the ridges of the key, he pushed and turned it until he heard a ‘click’ before almost busting the door down opening it.
“Hun? Hun, are you okay?” He shouted as he dropped the keys upon entry and guided himself as fast as he could through your apartment.
After thankfully hearing your heart steadily beating he followed the sound to your bedroom, his nerves calming a bit after hearing proof of your well-being. 
He stopped for a moment at your door, knocking despite his intent to go in regardless of a response. He opened the door and rushed to your bed, his hands searching for your body.  
He quickly felt your hair splayed out next to you and was able to locate your shoulders; his touch waking you up from your nap.
“Are you hurt?”
“Matt, what? When did-”
“Where are you bleeding from?”
He cut you off, beginning to feel around your head and face for any injuries which could explain where the smell of blood was coming from. By now you were completely awake, half annoyed and half amused at the evident worry in his actions, voice, and face.
You removed his hands from your face and sat up to gently guide him to sit on your bed. “Matt, the only place I'm bleeding out of is my vagina.” You said and booped the tip of his nose with your index finger.
His face immediately flushed pink as he realized his overreaction and his tense body relaxed, taking your hand and kissing it.
“Im sorry,” he laughed, “I might have been a bit overdramatic.” He said and placed the palm of your hand on his cheek, feeling your warmth on his face.
His tenderness made you smile, “A bit? I thought you were gonna call an ambulance.” You said, a grimace following the words as another jolt of pain was sent through you. He picked up on the spasms causing you pain and planted a kiss on your forehead.
“Anything I can get you while I’m here? Food? Ibuprofen? Something?” He hurriedly asked while you scooted over in your bed, making room for him to lay with you.
You patted the now open spot next to you, “Just hold me for a bit, would you?” You almost pleaded, knowing the comfort his presence provided.
You closed your eyes and missed the smile plastered across his face, “Of course.” He muttered quietly as he began to undress. He took off his suit jacket, tie, and shoes before taking his place at your side.
He scooped one arm under your neck and another around your waist, cradling you as you leaned your face against his chest. You took a big inhale of his clean scent and exhaled, only to do it again a moment later. This plus the sound of his heartbeat was enough to take your mind off the pain.
He stayed there with you as you drifted off back to sleep, the sensations of your skin, hair, and breathing allowing him to focus on something besides the outside world and terror within it.
The peace you found in each other was like no other.
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jatphatones · 3 years
I Just Want Breakfast | One Shot (Luke x reader)
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I Just Want Breakfast | One Shot (Alive!Luke x reader)
A/N: THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR 500 FOLLOWERS! YALL ARE AMAZING AND SO SUPPORTIVE. For being so awesome, here is almost 8k of a classic trope! Basically, lukey boy gets around and Y/N don’t like that. Friends to lovers with a sprinkle of angst in the middle is always a good time. I hope y’all enjoy!
Word count: 7.7k lol
Warnings: swearing, typos, lil angst
Stupid boy, stupid feelings, stupid friend, stupid books, stupid small fucking locker…
My grumbling only stops when Flynn arrives at my locker in concern. If my grumbling wasn’t an obvious indicator of my current disdain, then it was the rough attempt at shoving my books into the cramped locker.
“Uh, who pissed in your cereal this morning?” Flynn asked slowly. She flickered back and forth between my disgruntled expression and my locker. 
“Luke. He was supposed to drive me to school this morning, but he had to take care of something and cancelled. He thought yesterday was Saturday instead of Sunday and therefore had whoever that blonde chick from his history class come over and then this morning had to drive her home and to school,” I rant while attempting to close my locker, “and to top it off, since I waited for him and then had to drive myself, there were no more parking spaces so I had to park on the street!” I huff when I finally shove my locker closed.
“Yikes. At least you won’t have to see his face until lunch,” Flynn offers with a shrug. I shake my head and walk with her to our first class.
“You mean he’s safe until lunch. That boy, I swear…” 
“You owe me, asshole,” I sigh once I sit down at our lunch table. By the time it was lunch, my anger faded to resignation.
“I know, I’m so sorry, Y/N. I don’t know how I mixed up my days,” Luke apologizes as soon as the words leave my mouth.
“What happened?” Julie asks once she sits down next to me. Reggie and Alex already knew the situation because the boys were always early for the lunch period. All three still grimace when I explain it to Julie.
“You dummy” was all that Julie had to say to Luke before she started to eat. As soon as the guys started to joke around with him, Flynn, Julie, and I talked amongst ourselves, complaining about our upcoming tests.
I was back in good spirits after lunch and walked with Luke to literature, the only class we shared. It was definitely the class I struggled to pay attention the most because we always messed around. Luke never failed to make me laugh or distract me somehow. Our teacher, Mr. Delusa, was used to our antics, and, frankly, didn’t care enough to yell at us for misbehaving. This time, Luke decided to make up for ditching me by writing little compliments on my notebook.
Y/N is so smart. 
She’s smarter than me. (he gives me a rough nudge when I underline that line)
She’s also really cool
But not cooler than me. (nudges me again when I cross that line out)
But she’s still awesome.
And she’s prettier than Mr. Delusa.
Although I already forgave him since it really wasn’t a big deal, I appreciated his efforts - more than I should. His silly attempt at making me feel better worked too well and I could feel my heart start to beat faster when he attempts to write more legibly. It wasn’t hard to be attracted to Luke - gorgeous, passionate, charming, funny, etc. But the way he truly cared for his friends was what really made me fall for him.
Now Luke Patterson is a good friend, don’t get me wrong. He’s always ready to stand up for the five of us if we ever ran into trouble. He’s talked Julie and Flynn down from fighting Carrie multiple times, but has encouraged them to share a few words with the girl whenever she crossed the line. And, according to Luke, no idea that Alex and Reggie have is a stupid idea and should definitely be pursued. Luke’s always the first one to push us to do things despite any nerves. The amount of times Luke has stopped Alex from backing out of asking Willie out before they started dating was too many to count. He was always there for us - well most of the time.
Because despite being a good friend, Luke is definitely not a good boyfriend. Or that’s what he claims as to why he prefers flings and one-off “dates” instead of getting into a relationship. His attitude towards dating is always flippant and never serious. He’d rather be with one girl on a Friday and then another one on a Tuesday than settle down with one person for, god forbid, more than three days. He’s escaped into another girl’s arms one too many times - enough to get a reputation around school. But it is what it is. Luke is a good friend, just with a notorious reputation. 
“So are we still gonna check out that new breakfast place on Saturday?” I ask him as we pack up our backpack at the end of class.
To give context, Luke and I came up with this goal to find the best breakfast place in town. One random day during the summer, we talked about our love of breakfast foods and eventually began to argue on which restaurant had the best breakfast. It got so heated that we didn’t talk for a few days, only making up with each other after we established this mission. So, around once or twice a month, we go out and test a restaurant. Sometimes, our friends happily joined us in our endeavors, but most of the time I would find myself alone with the doe-eyed boy. 
That’s probably when my feelings started to change for him. In between the bites of pancakes and the banter, I got to know one of my best friends a little better. I found myself starting to stare whenever he drank a sip of coffee or falling in love with his laugh. His habit of tapping a beat on the table became more endearing than annoying. Even our arguments over what we thought of the food was starting to become a favorite pastime because it was always filled with teasing. Sometimes, I caught myself slipping and imagining that these were dates. But when school started back up and his attention was directed elsewhere, I realized that I was only a fool stuck in a sticky situation.
“Yeah! And I’ll pay for the meal to make up for this morn-“
“Hey Luke!” Sara, our classmate, interrupts with a cheerful tone. Already a little annoyed, I throw my backpack on as she continues to talk, knowing that we were having a conversation. “I was wondering if you were free tonight for some studying?” Sara asks while looking him up and down.
“You mean study for our lit test this Friday right?” Luke flirts right back. I roll my eyes at the low voice he used before making my way out of the classroom, frown etched on my face. I lost him as soon as Sara batted her long eyelashes at him. 
I try not to let his dismissal get to me as I make my way over to Julie’s house after school, but I couldn’t stop myself from thinking about it. To be honest, the fact that he just immediately turned his attention to Sara or the fact that he continues to get with these girls with no second thought weren’t the things that bothered me the most. No, it’s my damn stupid feelings that are driving me up the wall. 
“Are you ready to get this project over with?” Julie asks when she opens the door for me.
“No, but do I have a choice?” She chuckles at my joke while I set my bag down and take out my laptop. 
Our stupid research project distracts me from my disheartened feelings. Julie helps by being the best project partner with her intelligence and quick thinking. I couldn’t believe that we had finished it in just a few hours until we were happily closing our laptops for the night. Closing all those tabs on our laptops was almost as euphoric as stuffing our faces with dinner as a reward for our hard work.
“So how did our favorite guitarist make it up to you after lunch?” Julie asked with a pointed look.
“He said he’ll pay for breakfast on Saturday,” I answer with a shrug. “Or he would’ve finished saying that if Sara didn’t interrupt with a ‘study invitation’.”
“Let me guess, Luke’s over at her place right now?” Julie asks with a knowing tone. I try not to think about him and Sara and their ‘studying’.
“Oh, I don’t doubt it,” I roll my eyes in hopes that Julie doesn’t notice my pained expression. She peers at me curiously as I focus on finishing my food.
“So how long have you liked him?” Julie asks softly. I don’t answer her question as I start cleaning up our dinner. I take a second to gather my words in the silence that follows.
“Since this summer,” I answer quietly. The nerves in my voice weren’t from fear of her judgment but rather admitting these feelings out loud. Now it all seemed too real - my feelings of attraction and heartbreak for Luke is out now without any way of taking them back or pretending they didn’t exist. Julie nods knowingly. 
“Me and Alex thought the whole breakfast mission was just an excuse to hide your dates from us. When we realized that you guys actually weren’t dating, well, we thought you would end up together eventually. But then school started back up and Luke…” I shake my head as she trails off, understanding what she was referring to.
“Then school started back up,” I repeat. I come back around and sat down next to Julie who was grimacing. “I almost forgot his reputation. Won’t be making that mistake again.”
“Maybe you should talk to him about your feelings, I can tell that you’re hurting from this,” Julie offers, ironically echoing some of Luke’s words when she was nervous to talk to Nick before they started dating. 
“Hellllll no! I am not gonna tell him I like him! Are you crazy?” I look at her with wide eyes.
“But what if he likes you too? Because me and Alex thought he did,” Julie argues back.
“I can guarantee that he does not like me back. He could have any girl he wants and he clearly understands that if this morning and this afternoon is anything to go by!” I argue back. Julie could see the pain in my eyes from my statement. 
“I just hate seeing you hurt over him. He may be our friend, but I don’t like the way he’s treating you,” Julie says in her soft tone. She wraps an arm around me and rests her head against my shoulder.
“It’s fine, Jules. These feelings will hopefully go away eventually,” I say. We both were unconvinced, but didn’t say anything else on the subject.
When Luke rests against the booth and lays an arm across the back of it, all I could think of was the unfairness of it all. Why did I have to like this good-looking, fellow breakfast loving, idiot of a friend? He’s not allowed to sit there with his charming smile and beg me to listen to the band’s new songs with excitement in his voice and not know how he makes me feel. Why did my heart want a heartbreaker?
“And Alex actually has a duet with Julie for this song and it sounds so good! You have to come by for rehearsals at some point next week because this song is fucking killer!” He exclaims as he digs into his breakfast burrito.
“I will gladly listen to that. Man, I haven’t been to one of your rehearsals in a while,” I say thoughtfully, while taking a sip of my chocolate milk. Don’t judge me - chocolate milk is for all ages (and Luke agrees).
“You haven’t,” he muses with a mouth full of food, “I miss having you there.”
“Really?” I ask, successfully masking the eagerness in my voice.
“Yeah! Who else is going to back me up when Alex starts roasting me for literally doing nothing?” Luke tries to smirk, but his blown out cheeks from all the food he stuffed in his mouth made him look like a chipmunk.
“Um, still no one since I usually join him? You forget that I’m literally only there to help Julie keep y’all from fooling around too much.” He playfully rolls his eyes before he steals a piece of bacon from my plate and quickly shoves it into his mouth. “Hey!”
“You deserve that, you meanie.” He tries to swat my hand away from stealing a piece of his bacon, but it doesn’t work. I happily chew on my new bacon, closing my eyes in exaggeration. I miss his twinkling eyes and soft smile. 
“Well, I don’t know about you, but I think that was a pretty solid breakfast,” I observe after I swallow the last of my food. I scold Luke when he lets out a burp with no hesitation. He lightly kicks my ankle in retaliation.
“It was. But does it deserve the title of the best breakfast?” He tilts his head and I almost get distracted by how his jaw becomes sharper from this angle. He raises his eyebrow as he looks at me expectantly.
I shake my head no and he agrees with me with a chuckle. Once the check comes around, I reach for it, but he swats at my hand again.
“I’m paying for it, remember?” He quickly takes out his wallet and starts taking out money. I lightly kick him under the table as a thank you. I don’t think he took it as an action of gratitude, but oh well.
Once he pays the bill he gets out of the booth and stretches. A sliver of his toned torso is level with my eyesight and I truly try not to drool right then and there. I busy myself with gathering my things and standing as well. We both say thank you to our waitress who wishes us goodbye but not before shifting her eyes between us in a suggestive way. I wanted to correct her and say we were not on a date, but Luke was already holding the door open for me. I wrap my jacket closer to me as we step out of the cozy restaurant and walk beside him to his car.
“So you down to hang out still? We could go to the mall or something?” I offer, wanting to spend time with my elusive friend. 
“I can’t. I got a date with Amanda in an hour. You remember her right? She’s the girl who sits by our lunch table,” Luke says while he starts driving. 
“Oh,” I say quietly. The content headspace I was in fades away as Luke turns up the radio and drives back to my place, not knowing any better.
“But we could hang out tomorrow if you want?” he suggests, giving me a side glance. Not even his nice profile could distract me from the hurt slowly starting to creep into my chest.
“No, uh, I gotta help my mom out at her shop tomorrow,” I lie. I didn’t want to meet up with him, knowing that it would be after tonight’s activities.
He nods and we continue to drive in silence. I turn to him and quietly observe him for a few moments. His soft lips were hidden under his teeth as he chew on them out of habit. His sharp features makes me want to reach out and trace the lines of his face, but I knew it wasn’t my place. With that reality check, I put myself back into the present. I wanted to ask him something again, but I feared that his answer hasn’t changed.
“So you’re still all about that one-night stand lifestyle?” I ask curiously, gauging his reaction. He lifts his chin up as he watches the road ahead of him.
“Hasn’t done me wrong yet.” He chuckles at my raised eyebrow as a montage of different angry girls snapping at Luke flicker through my mind. “Okay, it hasn’t failed me yet.”
“So you still don’t want to have a girlfriend?”
“Why would I?” he asked incredulously. I thought I would feel defeat just like I did the last time he explained his adventurous lifestyle, but instead I felt a combination of numbness and acceptance at his answer. It was better than feeling hurt.
“It’s just nice to have someone you know? Someone to have by your side to make you happy or be there when you’re sad. Someone who can always make you laugh or make you feel all warm inside,” I say mindlessly, “I bet it’s nice to just love someone and have them love you back…” I trail off, resting my head on the window.
“That’s a nice thought.” I couldn’t tell anything from his response or tone, but didn’t pry any further. We spent the rest of the drive in a comfortable silence. Luke would occasionally sing along to the radio.
“You’re gonna come to one of our rehearsals right?” Luke asks once he pulls out to my house.
“I’ll try to, but I might be busy,” I say truthfully, thinking about the midterms that were coming up. He lets out a disappointed grunt as I step out of the car.
“You better come or else no more searching for the best pancakes!” he bargains. I gasp and stare at Luke through the open window.
“You’re evil Patterson! I’ll really try to come by if I can.” He lets out a sigh before conceding with a nod.
“Have fun on your date,” I say with a fake playful tone. Luke couldn’t see me dig my nails into the palm of my hand.
“I will. I’ll see you later, Y/N!” Luke speeds off. He doesn’t see the dejected girl walking back to her house in his rearview mirror. 
“Okay what did I do?” Luke barges through my front door as soon as I opened it. I was bewildered enough as it is to get a random knock on my door on a Friday night, but even more so when Luke angrily walks into my living room with a scowl etched on his face. I thought he would be out with who knows which girl instead of stomping around my living room. 
“What?” I ask, confusion evident in my voice. I stand in front of him with my arms crossed while his hands were clenched at his sides. I try not to let my eyes trail up his tense arms.
“What did I do?” He repeats while shake his head at me with wide eyes. He took a step closer to me.
“Huh?” I repeat his actions back to him, still confused about why he was here.
“What did I do to make you not talk to me? You’ve been avoiding me this whole week!” He exclaims. 
To be fair, I was truthful when I said I was busy with school and my own extracurricular activities. My friends all understood how important my grades and clubs were to me and weren’t mad about me being MIA. However, that didn’t excuse my slight avoidance after our breakfast rendezvous last Saturday when I realized I loved him - a terrible thing to realize.
As I walked back into my house after Luke dropped me off, I figured out that the person I was describing in the car was him. Following that revelation, my heart dropped to my stomach and I hated that. I hated that I felt a good amount of dread that came with the love. Since that morning, his words replay in my head every time I entertained a possibility for us. His refusal to change his ways reminds me of the harsh reality that I will always be just a friend and Luke will always be unavailable. 
So you can understand why I haven’t really wanted to be around the boy too much. As soon as we had our first class together after that Saturday, Luke knew something was wrong, but didn’t think anything of it. If anything, he was too distracted by Sara or whoever else to notice the growing distance between us. Or at least that’s what I thought. 
“Seriously? Nothing?” Luke says with a frustrated tone when I didn’t speak up, “you’ve been giving me the cold shoulder since Saturday. Did I say something at breakfast? Are you mad that I didn’t hang out with you afterwards? You know I had that date!” I couldn’t stop myself from rolling my eyes. He takes another step closer to me.
“See that’s what I mean! Is it Amanda? You know it was only one date. I didn’t really like her either. She was too talk-“
“Please stop talking Luke.” I beg quietly. 
“No. I’m gonna keep talking until you start talking!” He yells at me throwing a hand up in the air. 
“Fine!” Luke eyes widen, not expecting an outburst from me. It was my turn to take a step closer in anger. If he wanted me to talk then that’s I’m gonna talk.
“I do have a problem with you! I have a problem with how you’re always going off with girls, fucking them, leaving them, everything!”
“Okay, but why do you have a problem with that? What I want to do with them is none of your business!” He yells back just as soon as I end my statement. 
“But it is! Because-“ I cut myself off and take a breath. Our chests were heaving at this point, almost touching. I could smell his cologne clearly as I take huge breaths from my nose. It was all too much for me and I take a step back.
“You know what,” I start calmly and shake my head, “you’re right, it isn’t my business. I don’t have a problem with you. I have a problem with me.” I take another step back, creating more distance between us. I start to clench and unclench my fist before I lift my head up and stare at the beautiful boy in front of me. 
“My problem is that I’ve fallen for a guy that won’t like me back. Remember what I talked about in the car after breakfast? I realized that I was describing you and it hurt knowing that you were heading off to another date with another random girl while I was left here all alone. And it will always be like that and I can’t handle it anymore. So yeah it would be nice to love someone and have them love you back, but it absolutely fucking sucks if they don’t love you back.” 
A pained smile stretches across my face as I finally feel the weight be lifted off my shoulders. However, Luke was silent. For the first time he was speechless, mouth open with no words falling out. 
“Listen, I’m sorry I ghosted you when I should’ve at least said something to you. I just need time to get over these stupid feelings and then we can go back to the way things were okay?” 
It killed me to say that but it was better than the silence that followed my confession. He closed his mouth but didn’t speak, didn’t move, didn’t do anything but look at me with a hard stare. Not able to bear another second in the room with him and his silent rejection, I nod my head once and walk back to my bedroom, closing the door behind me. I waited a minute before I heard the front door close and then I started crying, wishing for a knock on the door that never came. 
It wasn’t as awkward as I imagined it would be. Sure, we didn’t speak to each other for a few days, but then the small talk started and it sort of got better. He never brought up our confrontation and I didn’t either. I’m not even going to mention the dull ache I get whenever we talk though. Let’s just keep burying that until it doesn’t exist anymore, right?
“Yo, what did you do to Luke?” Alex asks me as he comes up behind me, making me jump. Reggie follows him and wraps an arm around my shoulder. I thought everyone went their separate ways after lunch while I had to grab some last minute things from my locker. 
“What do you mean?” I ask with an uncertain smile. Alex and Reggie share a look behind my shoulders.
“He’s been kinda off the past few days. I don’t know, like he’s not paying attention too much or he’s grumpy,” Alex explains.
Our friends knew something happened between us, but didn’t want to get caught in the middle of it. Instead, they carried on, trying their best to maintain a sense of normalcy amongst the six of us. I was grateful for it because I didn’t want my annoying feelings to create any rifts between any of us. But it seems like Luke was causing some drama on his own. 
“What does that have to do with me?”
“Well, he doesn’t really care about school, our band hasn’t been having problems, and since his parents have been working more, he hasn’t had any problems with them in a while,” Reggie lists off.
“Maybe one of his girls is bothering him again?” I raise an eyebrow at the boys once I close my locker. As much as I would love to stay and chat with them about Luke, I had a test in our next class and would rather concern myself with the test material than a certain sleeveless, beanie loving guitarist.
“That’s the thing!” Reggie exclaims, “we haven’t seen him with another girl in like three weeks!” 
“Maybe he’s just taking a break? Giving his dick a rest, I don’t know,” I shake my head as I still don’t understand the problem or why they think I have something to do with Luke’s odd behavior.
“Y/N, dude, we all know you’ve been avoiding him, but you can’t not see he’s acting different,” Alex says with a knowing yet disappointed tone, “and we think your little silent treatment might be why he’s been off lately.”
I feel a flash of embarrassment when Alex calls me out, but shake it off. If he knows why I’m avoiding him, then he should just leave it at that. I throw my head back with a sigh before looking at the two concerned boys again. 
“I honestly haven’t noticed, but I’ll look out for it next class. And for the record, I don’t think I have anything to do with it,” I conceded, glancing at the clock in the hallway. I had just a couple minutes to get to class. “Okay, I gotta get going.”
“Good luck on your test!” Reggie yells after me as I head down the hallway. I send a thumbs up in the air before rushing into the classroom. 
I search around the room past all the kids trying to get to their seats and see Luke chilling in his usual spot. He was just slowly tapping his pencil against his desk, staring off into space. As I make my way over to my seat next to him, I do notice that he’s a little less…him. Even when he needs to sit still, he’s usually tapping his fingers against the desk or shaking his leg or chewing on his necklace or whatever. He’s always moving as per his lively personality, but right now he couldn’t look any more bored. Maybe Alex and Reggie’s concern wasn’t out of nowhere…
Right as I sat down, our teacher started to hand out our tests. It wasn’t anything too difficult and I thanked my lucky stars that I made time to study for it. My eyes couldn’t help but peer to my side and observe Luke. During these past few weeks, I really haven’t given Luke too much thought. Sure, the first few days were a little difficult, but when everything else started to mount, it was easy to get distracted by it all. Now though, I wondered if Luke had studied a little for this test or was he too busy with other girls things like he usually is. What has Luke been up to lately?
Before I knew it, all tests were passed forward and the bell rang, signaling the end of our period. Luke hasn’t said a word to me once which is a little weird. Like I said, I haven’t completely ghosted him; we’ll share small talk almost every day in our class, but I guess not today. When I start gathering my things, I see Sara approach Luke again. It took actual control to prevent my eyes from rolling in annoyance.
“Hey Luke! I was wondering if you wanted to come over this weekend? We haven’t hung out in a while,” Sara pouts as she rests a hand on his arm.
“Oh, I can’t,” Luke replies smoothly, “I got some band things to take care of. Sorry Sara.” 
I miss Sara’s pout as Luke catches my eye for a second. I couldn’t understand the emotions swirling in his eyes before he turns around and leaves the classroom. That quick exchange was definitely weird because I know for a fact that there’s nothing going on this weekend. Why would he lie and why did he look at me like that?
Alex’s words echo in my head for the next couple of days as I take the time to observe Luke when I could. They weren’t completely going crazy. To anyone else, Luke was the same carefree student who liked to joke around, but I could tell something was off. He would stare off in thought a little more than usual and he wasn’t as clearly involved in conversations. I was also surprised to learn that the guys were right - Luke was turning girls away. Even Julie says he hasn’t been scurrying off after practice to meet up with a girl. Now, I was extremely curious. 
Something was bothering him and I have a feeling that it does concern me. I didn’t notice how often he glances over at me throughout this whole thing until he caught me watching him. We both would look away just as fast, not noticing our mirroring rosy cheeks. I didn’t realize how successful I was at focusing my attention elsewhere until I felt myself remembering what it was like to like Luke.
I’d forgotten how how he’d play with his rings, sliding them up and down his fingers. Or how his eyes would crinkle whenever he laughed or smiled. Or how funny it was when he would roll his eyes at Reggie complaining about how oblivious his crush was to him. Or how he’d rest his head on his fist and pretend to listen to Julie and Flynn whenever they talked about ideas for the band’s look. Or how pretty he was. Or how much I truly cared for his company.
But I’d also forgotten how much it hurts to love him.
“So have you figured out what’s going on with him?” Alex asks while we walk out of our shared class.
“Nope,” I shake my head as my stomach grumbles. Ugh, in-n-out is only one class period away. 
“Neither have we but Julie and I think that if anyone could get him to talk about whatever it is, it’s you.”
“Me? Why me?” I quickly turn my head towards the blonde. I watch him roll his eyes with a sigh.
“C’mon, you’ve been watching him. Brushing off girls, but staring at you? He hasn’t talked to any of us about it, but it’s pretty obvious - he likes you and doesn’t know what to do with these feelings. Don’t fight me on this and go talk to Lukey boy.”
Alex walks away before my shocked reaction wears off. I walk to my last class in sort of a daze. I couldn’t even tell you what I was supposed to learn as I try to process Alex’s statement.
He was crazy. There’s no way that Luke likes me. I mean his fucking reputation doesn’t exactly let him. And we haven’t been having one-on-one time lately so there’s that. While I walk to my car after school ends, I came to the conclusion that Alex had no idea what he was talking about. 
But maybe his idea about talking to Luke would help clear things up. Who am I kidding? I just fucking miss Luke. I want to have my friend back regardless of my feelings. Maybe it isn’t the smartest idea but I just miss him. I knew I would eventually, but I didn’t expect it to hurt this much. As I sat in my car, my mind was made up. 
When I arrived at Julie’s house, confusion swept through me as I didn’t see any of the guys’ cars in the driveway. That’s weird, they usually have rehearsals right after school. Walking up to her front door, I knock and wait for Julie, wondering if I missed some announcement of cancelled practice at lunch. Julie opens the door and was happy to see me on the other side of it.
“Hey girl! What’s up?” Julie tilts her head with a confused smile.
“Hey Jules, I wanted to talk to Luke, but I guess you’re not having practice?” Julie’s confused smile turns into a smirk which puzzles me even more.
“Oh, you wanted to talk to Luke! For why?” She asks in a teasing tone. I roll my eyes at her behavior.
“Because I just wanted to see what’s up with him. Don’t you wanna know why he’s been acting weird?” I ask, trying to fight off the blush as her smirk widens.
“I know why he’s been acting weird. He hasn’t told me, but I know why,” she says knowingly. It didn’t take a genius to figure out what she’s implying. “Anyways, Luke cancelled practice today. Didn’t tell us why, but we all had a bunch of homework anyways so we agreed.”
“I wonder why he cancel-“ I was cut off by my phone ringing. I bring it up and see Luke’s name and photo flash across my screen. I don’t miss Julie’s excited expression as I answer his call.
“Hey! Where are you? You’re not home!”
“Yeah, I’m not. I’m at Julie’s house because I thought you had rehearsals.”
“Oh so now you have time to go to our rehearsals. The one time you do and I cancel it! Of fucking course that happens,” Luke’s exasperation is evident through our phone call. I don’t bother to tell him that I was there for him.
“Why are you at my house?” 
“Uh, how about we just meet up to continue this conversation? Remember that diner we tried in August, the one with the all day breakfast? It’s right in between yours and Julie’s houses.”
“Yup, the one on Market?”
“Yeah, see you in 10?”
“See you then,” I hang up and look to see Julie wiggling her eyebrows at me.
“About to go on a date now?” She asks, teasing tone still prominent as ever.
“Shut up. I’ll see you later?” I say walking down the pathway. Julie waves goodbye and I hurry back into my car.
My hands start to feel clammy on the wheel as I realize that I’m about to be alone with Luke, something that I haven’t done since I admitted that I loved him. Driving down the busy streets, my mind races with thoughts of what Luke wanted to talk about. I try to expect the worse as I pull into the parking lot of Jim’s Diner, my nerves having a fantastic party in my stomach. Parking next to Luke’s car, I step out and already see him sitting at a booth in front of a window. Taking a deep breath, I walk in to the diner and to his table. As soon as I sit down in front of him, he stops playing with his rings and looks at me.
“Hey,” Luke licks his lips. I could tell that he was nervous to talk to me, which freaked me out because he’s never nervous around any girl. 
A waiter comes up and Luke quickly tell him our orders before I could even speak up. The waiter walks away, leaving us two in silence.
“So, uh, why were you at my house?” I ask slowly. I hide my hands under the table so he wouldn’t see me twiddling my thumbs.
“I wanted to talk to you.”
“About what?” I ask nervously, not prepared for what he has to say. Luke leans forward, placing his arms on the table. He squints at me with a very frustrated expression.
“You know I was happy right? Just doing me, sleeping around, doing whatever the fuck I want. I barely had to work to get girls and it was fun.” 
“Okay, and?” I ask, clearly annoyed. 
“But then you didn’t talk to me and I was mad about that. And then you told me you loved me and I was even more mad. Because now I was confused and didn’t know what to do about one of my best friends loving me. No one has ever loved me before. And then we continued to barely talk and we didn’t have any more breakfast dates. And then I realized that I missed our breakfast dates because I got to spend time with you. And I missed how we would make each other laugh or listen to each other whenever we had to rant about school or parents or whatever the fuck was bothering us and I started to miss how you would smile after you stole my food or try not to laugh whenever I bothered you during class or how you tease me whenever you had the chance. And it isn’t fair that you get to go about your life not knowing how you completely changed mine.”
Oh. Now it’s my turn to be speechless. 
“And now I can’t think of any other girl except you. You and your bright eyes and your food-stealing habits and your smart mouth and your sweet smell and your pretty smile. I can’t think of anyone else to make me happy or be there for me when I’m sad or make me laugh or make me feel all warm inside. And I especially can’t think of doing anything else other than those things for you or think of anyone else doing those things for you.”
He says all this before our food even arrives at the table. As the waiter finally sets all of it down, I remain motionless, unable to do anything after that whole confession. He was breathing heavily through his nose, chewing at his lips.
We never reached for our food. Instead I let my gaze wander from his messy brown hair to his sharp jawline down his neck and to his tense shoulders. His arms bulged as he clenched and unclenched his clasped fists. My eyes flick back up to his eyes that were filled with passion and uncertainty. 
“So what now?” I ask, finally reaching forward for a piece of bacon. He scoffs as I chew with a raised eyebrow.
“What now? I don’t know! I’ve never done this before!” He says leaning back and throwing his arms out in front of him. 
“Well,” I start after swallowing, “after one person confesses their feelings and then the other person confesses their feelings, they usually start dating. Do you want to do that?”
“Yes! That’s what I want. I want this,” he gestures to the table. He sets his hands down and looks at me, blazing hazel eyes set with determination.
“I want you.” 
“Okay,” I say.
“Okay?” I nod my head.
“Listen, I thought it would hurt more to see you go off with all these girls, but it hurt way more to be away from you and your stupid face. I tried to get rid of these feelings, bury them, but I can’t. So I’m not gonna sit here and bullshit you and tell you I don’t want to be with you. But I’m also not gonna bullshit you and tell you that I’m scared.”
“Why are you scared?” He asks quietly.
“It’s pretty obvious, Luke. You’re a fuck boy. Sure, you haven’t looked at another girl in a few weeks, but fuck, who’s to say you won’t in the future or when you’re with me? You said yourself, this reputation has yet to fail you.”
My concerns didn’t come from nowhere. These insecurities have been plaguing me from the moment I realized I liked him. Even if he confessed that he reciprocated my feelings, I was still rightfully hesitant about everything.
“Y/N, I’ve changed.” Luke lets out a frustrated sigh when he sees me raise an eyebrow at him in disbelief. “You’re right - you don’t know and I can’t prove it to you right now, but I swear, I will prove it to you every day if we’re together. You just have to trust that as your boyfriend - no, as your friend, I would never ever hurt you like that. I want you and only you for as long as you’ll have me. Please.”
I take a second to ponder over his words. I can’t lie - it’s a huge boost of confidence to hear Luke almost beg me to go out with him because like he said before, he didn’t need to try hard to get a girl. But his eyes, shining with sincerity and desperation, never looked away from me. 
“Boyfriend, huh?” I ask. Luke slightly nods with his begging eyes.
“Okay, Luke. We’ll try it out. But I want to go slow.” I say firmly leaning forward to gauge his reaction.
“Slow is great, fantastic actually.” he says with relief while leaning forward as well. His grin was so infectious that I couldn’t stop one from growing on my face.
“So Y/N, you want to go on a date? We could go right now and grab breakfast?” Luke gestures to the food already set out in front of us again with a chuckle. I felt my heart stutter and my body start to heat up as I suddenly became the receiving end of his charming smirk and his teasing. He’s never used it on me before, and I’m happy that he hasn’t because I would not have been able to go up against it. I let out a fake gasp at his offer.
“Breakfast? That’s my favorite food! How did you know?” I tease when I reach for my chocolate milk. His eyes soften as he watches me lick my lips from the sweet drink.
“Lucky guess.” 
With that last comment, he finally digs into his food. We both enjoy it in silence, comforted by each other’s presence. There was a warm glow settled over us as we sneak looks and small smiles at each other. It was like we were doing all of this for the first time.
We eventually start talking, catching up over the last few weeks. He actually scolds me for not coming around to rehearsals to which I promised that I would go to the next one. He pumps a fist in the air to celebrate his victory, giving me the perfect opportunity to snatch a small piece of fruit from his plate. Luke doesn’t even bother to protest, opting to lightly kick me under the table instead. I try to kick him back, but he traps my foot between his own. We share a smile when we don’t move our legs and continue to talk about school and whatever else. 
I couldn’t stop stuttering or blushing now that Luke was so obvious about his feelings for me, never missing the opportunity to flirt with me. I literally would’ve never stood a chance if he ever directed his affection at me before. But it was so cute and honestly satisfying to see him falter when I grabbed his hand to hold or flirted back. He still scowled whenever I teased him though, but he would squeeze my hand afterwards and start rubbing his thumb back and forth. It was the best breakfast date I’ve ever had with him. 
When we finish our food, he pays for it (you’ve paid for it 3 times in a row, Luke! - get used to it - Nope, I’m breaking up with you - stop it!) and sets the tip down on the table. I eagerly grab his outstretched hand, our hands fitting together like puzzle pieces. He continues to rub the back of my hand as we step out of the diner. 
“I was actually starving so thank you for that,” I admit, nudging his shoulder. He nudges back with a chuckle.
“So did that count as our first date?” Luke asks as he leans against his car, facing me. I lean against my own, our hands still intertwined.
“I think so,” I nod my head. My heart jumps at the fact that this was actually happening.
“Do I get to kiss you on our first date, or do I have to wait for a second one?” Luke laughs when I scoff at his question. I couldn’t even be bothered to yell at him, just happy that he’s already looking forward to our second date just like I am.
I pull his hand towards me, tugging his body so that he was standing right above me. My gaze that was level to his broad chest moves up to his face, admiring his thoughtful expression. 
“I’ve gotta be honest. I’ve thought about kissing you for a while now.”
“Really?” I ask in surprise, “me too.” He nods as he places his hands on my waist. His hands are warmer than the ones I place on his chest as he brings me in a little closer. “Please, don’t make me wait any longer.”
And Luke did not make me wait. 
A/N: friends to lovers is always a good classic. Again, thank you so much for 500 followers. Y’all are the absolute best! If you wanna join my taglist, lmk and if you just wanna hang, hit me up! - Titi xx
Taglist: @aunicornmademedoit​ @phantoms-julie​ @lolychu​ @pixiethefirecat7​ @badwolf00593​ @kinda-really-lost​
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lepusrufus · 3 years
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Lil' Mia and Miranda thing since I dragged you guys down the rarepair hell with me~
Lab equipment was really not meant to blend well within a lived-in home. And it didn't. The plush carpet on top of wooden floors giving way to the smooth lab flooring that squeaked under boots not appropriate for the setting created an odd contrast. Not that that was uncharacteristic for Miranda, any of her workspaces falling perfectly under the description of an organized mess, with particular emphasis on mess.
With Rose sleeping peacefully in the room generously, suspiciously so, provided by Miranda, Mia decided to stretch her legs by walking around the manor, the baby monitor connected to her phone. The building was relatively big, albeit quite old, tucked in the woods somewhere between the Beneviento house and the factory, with a tunnel conveniently connecting it to the labs running under the town. It had close to no spatial organization, bedrooms and labs and storage rooms alternating by patterns known only by the so-called goddess, or most likely not even by her.
Mia did not trust the woman. Not with the memories of the prison cell and the kidnapping of her daughter for experiments still fresh in her mind. But, the tiredness of motherhood and the odd loneliness that came with being the only two inhabitants of the house that were capable of coherent speech as of now, had her longing for some company.
It was an easy task finding Miranda, the soft cries of Eva guiding her down a short hallway to a lab door left ajar. Inside, the woman was sat at a desk, a laptop with half written reports and notes in front of her, pushed out of the grasp of the fussing infant in her arms. Miranda was far too busy trying to calm her daughter down enough to fall asleep to notice Mia leaning on the doorframe, curiously observing the scene. Oddly human, in her failing attempt to get her child to stop crying, when at any given time she could get anyone to kneel before her and bend over backwards to her every whim. Yet a small infant was giving her so much trouble.
"Need a hand?" Mia offered with a small chuckle. Should she even offer her help?
"I am fine thank you." But a slightly louder wail from Eva came with perfect timing to disprove her words.
Miranda's shoulders seemed to slump ever so slightly as her eyes closed slowly, the usual makeup replaced by dark circles, testimony to the long hours spent going through decades of research and reports while also caring for her newly reborn daughter. It was oddly bittersweet, to see a woman so dignified otherwise all but beg the small child to go to sleep so she could finish her work.
Work, Mia concluded, that was rather essential for the whole place, and also her home for now, to continue existing the way it was. With a sigh she walked up to the desk and gently stoked Eva's short brunette hair. "Here, let me hold her. At least until you finish typing whatever it is you're doing," she said waving a hand in the direction of the forgotten computer, who's screen had turned black by now.
There were a few long seconds of hesitation, but a weary glance at the mountain of files on the other side of the desk that she was yet to go through convinced Miranda to finally allow her daughter slip into Mia's arms. It took maybe five minutes of cooing and a one sided conversation made in silly voices to turn the cries into giggles, small hands trying to grasp at Mia's finger that was ticklishly caressing puffy cheeks. Exhausted from crying, Eva's eyes slowly fluttered shut and she was gingerly lowered into a crib set by the desk, one of the many scattered around the house.
Miranda watched the scene unfold with uncharacteristic softness slipping by the icy mask of her steely eyes. Even goddesses can be caught by surprise it seemed, and whether it was due to the apparent skills that Mia had with calming Eva down or at how she was willing to help despite their precarious position was up to debate.
"Shouldn't you be better at this," Mia asked, pulling one of the chairs closer to sit in. "I know it's been, what, two or three centuries or something but haven't you done this before?"
Her question was obviously poking fun for the most part, but Miranda couldn't help the tired sigh that crawled its way from the depths of her now useless lungs.
"No, actually. I haven't," she responded curtly as she grabbed one of the files and opened it in order to transcribe its contents in a digital file. "At least not on my own," she added upon remembering the numerous subjects she helped raise during her time working with The Connections.
"Oh? Did you have a sweet loving husband once upon a time? Do tell me more," Mia said leaning her chin on her palms as if she were a teenager at a sleepover talking about crushes, although the memory of Ethan clawing its way to the forefront of her thoughts made her grimace slightly, until she pushed it back down in the depths of her mind.
It was foolish perhaps, acting like that around a woman that could, and would with the right motivation, kill her in the blink of an eye. Truth be told though, Mia was bored out of her mind, so what better way to pass the time than push Miranda's buttons, especially when she seemed too tired to retaliate.
The so-called goddess grimaced, at least ten different reasons to find the thought outrageous flashing through her mind and, settling on the most obvious one, looked at her, one eyebrow raised. "I was a nun."
Mia leaned back in her chair, looking at the black head covering hanging from a hook behind the door, together with black robes. She had to wonder if they were the same ancient ones or if she replaced them every once in a while.
"Yeah, I couldn't tell," she chuckled. "A nun turned goddess. How ironic don't you think."
"Worshipping was never quite up my alley. And neither were men," she replied flatly, turning the pages in front of her and typing the relevant information in the file she had open on the screen.
Mia's eyes widened slightly with an amused oh. "So was she raised by the convent then?"
Was this information really to be given out? Mirada did not like talking about her past, or personal information in general. Gods did not need backstories, they simply were.
She sighed. "No, no. Her parents died when she was four and with nobody else to look for her, she was brought to us." Miranda gave a small shrug, pausing to type up decades old results on lycans. "I was the newest there, so the nuns dumped her on me. I was so mad at first, but she's always been such a brilliant little girl, even back then. She would ask for a bedtime story and did not complain when I'd start reading from one of the medical books I stole from the merchant. There was just something about her that made her grow on me."
With the paragraph done, she pushed her chair back, quietly so as to not have its legs scratch against the linoleum floor, and walked to another, smaller desk pushed against a wall. From there, she walked back to the crib where the small infant was sleeping peacefully, a small doll in hand. Doll that Mia recognized immediately, as an identical one was by her own daughter's sleeping form, back in their room. It was a small replica of Angie, plush and soft to the touch, unlike its real life wooden counterpart, the white dress made of delicate silk. Both toys had been made by Donna herself as gifts.
"But as you can guess, she was well past a toddler when she was placed in my care," Miranda finished, leaving the doll just by her sleeping daughter's side.
"So you suck with babies," Mia concluded with a grin. She would have laughed, but had enough clarity of mind to be quiet.
Miranda simply gave her a tired glare before rolling her eyes. She went back to her desk and opened a new file to be transcribed, this one on the reservoir's structure.
"I can care for them," she started, an odd almost imperceptible strain in her voice. "It just gets trickier when it's my own daughter and not an act."
Mia nodded absent mindedly, eyes darting to Eva. To see a woman with such power and ruthlessness, who could level the whole town to the ground if she so pleased, show such raw genuine affection towards the child made some of the notions in her brain crumble to the ground. Miranda was still the same woman who, ironically enough, experimented on more children than she cared to count, but then again Mia was also a willing participant in said experiments so was she really that much better?
She definitely was, Mia concluded, choosing to ignore a small pang at her heart when she watched all the ice in those gray eyes melt into tenderness while looking at her daughter. Instead, she started toying with one of the many pens scattered on the desk.
"Since I'm staying here, I don't mind helping you out with her," Mia said quietly, keeping her eyes on the small giraffe doodle she was doing on a napkin.
It wasn't for Miranda's sake really. She simply wanted the best for Eva, the child completely innocent unlike the atrocities committed by her mother throughout the last few centuries. Besides, it would be nice for Rose to have a friend not unlike herself, given the yet to be understood power both girls possessed.
"There's no need-"
"Consider it a thank you for letting us stay here, without a sniper pointing at my daughter's head at all times," Mia finished, a slither of ire slipping into her tone on the last words, the memory of a rookie agent panicking and pointing his gun to Rose for the unforgivable crime of being a hungry crying child seared behind her eyelids.
Miranda sighed, an odd sense of relief washing over her. After centuries of trying to bring her back, you'd think the she would do anything to spend each and every second with Eva, not letting anyone else care for her in any capacity, but truth be told, the prospect of not facing motherhood completely alone, even if Mia was helping her solely out of some sense of obligation, did not sound half bad.
"As you wish," she finally said, going back to the half written paragraph her mind drifted away from minutes earlier.
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scintillasofbeomgyu · 4 years
➷ first snow | c.bg
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pairing: choi beomgyu x fem!reader (older)
genre/s: fluff, lil crack
word count: 2,5k
you and beomgyu have the biggest crushes on one another, yet are blissfuly oblivious until that mid-December evening.
an: This is my first piece; please be kind hehe. I’m aware it’s bad, but I hope to do better in the future! 
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Beomgyu’s teeth clenched down on the chopsticks in his mouth with such force, it’s surprising that they didn’t shatter. The samgyeopsal restaurant was as vibrant as any other restaurant of it’s kind in Seoul – teeming with customers who, yelled their orders to the owner as they grabbed seats at the round metal tabletops and downed the soju in their shot-glasses as they roared with laughter amongst their friends. At the moment, there was even a company dinner taking place at two of the tables in the far corner, and a female customer crying with five empty beer bottles on her table close to the window.
The restaurant was as bustling as ever, so much so that you weren’t even able to hear yourself think; but Beomgyu could not tear his eyes away from the sight in front of him.
It was the first time in a while that you and the boys had been able to meet up. They had just had a comeback, weeks of promotion and even award ceremonies to attend; so you hadn’t even been texting much. It was safe to say, that the dinner that night was very much anticipated by all of you – especially Beomgyu, who had insisted on the get-together under the pretence of commemorating the younger members becoming adults.
The time apart had made him realize just how he felt about you. He couldn’t pinpoint exactly it was (heck, it could have been since the very beginning) that he fell for you, but what he was now certain of, is that whenever his heart raced upon your visits to their dorms or their performances, or simply just having you near –  it wasn’t from a chronic illness. Thank goodness.
But now he had to sit, watching you and Yeonjun talk to one another the entire night as if you were inseparable. It left a nasty after taste in his mouth, but each time either of you looked at him, he’d flash a smile and either nod, or mumble a ‘yes’ almost as if he were able to pay attention to any of the intricacies of what you were talking about. He was utterly jealous, but there was nothing he could do about it.
To make it worse, you looked absolutely stunning. He noticed everything – the new pastel pink blazer, which complimented your skin; the new elevated sneakers, which made him giggle, he knew how your tiny little self pouted whenever hanging out with them. You had gotten bangs, which he wasn’t a fan of – he saw less of your face now, and you even wore a new fragrance – he noticed everything. After all, he hadn’t been able to take his eyes off from you since you arrived at the restaurant.
But when he imagined that you had done all of those things for Yeonjun, it stung.
Taehyun seemed to notice, the dark brooding energy eminating from his hyung was very hard to miss, and a knowing smile stretched across his face. “Hyung, what’s up? You’ve barely eaten anything.”
It took Taehyun having to actually wave his hand infront of Beomgyu’s face before he actually even realized Taehyun said anything at all, turning to face him with a ‘hmm?’ and a distant smile. Taehyun sighed. “Why don’t you just speak to her?”
Huening, who had been deeply engaged in an eating battle with Soobin, seemed to overhear this discussion and snickered before calling Soobin to listen in as well. “Oh? Beomgyu hyung has a crush on (Y/n) noona?”
“Beomgyu? (Y/n) noona?” Soobin gasped, in genuine surprise. “Did I miss something?”
Beomgyu’s face heated up like Florida in summer. He had never been more grateful for his long, floppy brown locks than right in that second. “How can I speak to her? Yeonjun hyung has been hogging her attention span ever since we got here.” He sighed, crossing his arms and pouting a little when you laughed at something Yeonjun said.
“Hyung,” Taehyun sighed, pursing his lips together. “You’re just being jealous and dramatic right now. We’ve all spoken to Noona this evening, it’s only you who have been giving her the cold shoulder. And obviously Yeonjun hyung and Noona have more to talk about, they’re taking the same courses and have the same friend circle.”
“Yeah, hyung, they’ve always talked plenty. You haven’t noticed?”
Maybe they were right. Maybe he was just being silly. Maybe you had attempted to make conversation with him on more than one occasion and maybe, just maybe, he hadn’t been as nice about it as he had thought he was. The truth was he was, he was insecure. Albeit he was aware of the feelings he had toward you and wanted to run to you the minute he knew, he had no idea how you felt. So when witnessed how close you and Yeonjun were, it brought him back to reality.
It made him realize that just because he liked you, it didn’t mean you felt the same – and it scared him. He knew Yeonjun was a great guy, who would definitely treat you as you deserved; like a queen. So if it was that you liked Yeonjun the way he liked you, he had no confidence to tell you the truth.
Seeing your rosy cheeks push up as you laughed at something Yeonjun had said again, he lowered his gaze into his soju glass and swirled around the bit which remained. After contemplating for a moment, he downed the remnants and grabbed his jacket off the back of his seat as he pushed it back. There was no way he could convince himself to confess to you. So instead of hurting himself by sitting there, he’d leave, is what he thought.
Soobin, who had initially been as oblivious as you were to Beomgyu’s feelings, knew exactly the kind of distress he would be putting himself through (after Taehyun and Kai had brought him up to speed, of course). When he saw Beomgyu get up, he placed a hand on his shoulder and gave him a warm smile; meant to persuade him to sit back down.
“I’m pretty sure you and I know that Yeonjun and (Y/n) noona are pretty great, and that if they did have to get together, they’d be a pretty sick couple too,” he said, pouring Beomgyu and himself another drink.
Beomgyu grimaced. “Wow, that makes me feel a lot better. Thanks, Hyung.”
“Ah, no,” Soobin laughed, taking a sip from his glass before placing his hand on Beomgyu’s shoulder again. “What I mean is, that’s exactly who you are, Beomgyu. You’re kind and selfess; always prioritising the feelings of others, even over your own. Yeah, you’re really playful and annoying sometimes, but that’s just how you show your affection. And I’m sure that if you just tried, you’d been surprised at the outcome. Don’t go assuming how people feel.”
Huening grabbed Beomgyu’s waist and gave his tummy a hearty rub. “You’re great enough as you are, Hyung!”
As if on cue, your drunken mumbling cut them off. They all laughed, finding you extremely adorable. Your head, which had been resting on your arm, swayed left to right for about two minutes before finally slipping and falling to the table. Both Yeonjun and Beomgyu stuck their hands out to catch you before that could happen though, Yeonjun looking at Beomgyu in confusion.
The rest all passed glances at one another. Taehyun slapped Soobin’s shoulder, and Soobin sighed reluctantly.
“Well, I think it’s about time we head home. Huening and Noona are out cold,” he laughed, before slapping money down on the table and throwing Huenings arm over his shoulder. Taehyun got up to get Kai’s other arm, and Soobin looked to the three of you again; none of which had moved a muscle since. “Ah, Beomgyu, why don’t you take Noona home tonight? Hyung should come with us since we need someone to get a cab and get into the dorms for us.”
“But why can’t Beomgyu -”
Before Yeonjun could say any more, Beomgyu had already made his way to your side of the table and had slung your coat and bag around his shoulder. He carefully moved you onto his back, making sure not to wake you. You weren’t asleep though.
“Yooou smelll liike......Beomgyuu!” you giggled in your drunken stupor, tightening your arms and nuzzling your head into his neck. The poor boy’s heart feeling as if it could leap out of his chest.  
The walk back to your apartment was silent, but not the awkward kind. It was almost mid-December; around the time that the first snow was expected to fall. People were either already home with their families, or making their way there, setting up Christmas decorations and planning the menu for their Christmas lunch. Beomgyu wasn’t able to go back to Daegu this year, but the comfort of the silence and your bodies pressed together – knowing that you were there with him, holding onto him tightly – it was enough for him.
The sound of you mumbling broke him from his trance, the sensation of your breath hitting his neck sending chills down his spine.
“Hmm? Are you sobered up a little now, Noona?”
Sucking in a sharp breath through your nose, you pushed yourself up and stuck your head over his shoulder. Realizing that it was in fact Beomgyu carrying you, you huffed, kicking your legs like a toddler so that he’d let you down. Thinking that was your answer to his question about your sobriety, he came to a stop and carefully set you down.
You shoved his back, stumbling a little. “I can get back home on my own.”
He had ignored you for the entire evening. Tonight was the first night you had been able to hang out together in months, but he didn’t even pay you any mind. You had been harboring this one-sided crush on him not long after you had first met one another. And it was driving you absolutely crazy.
For a night out drinking at a samgyeopsal restaurant, you had bought new clothes, made an appointment at the hair salon, carefully studied make-up tutorials on the internet and had spent the entire 2 days prior mulling over whether or not you should just tell him how you feel. It all seemed for naught, though, because the fool didn’t even look at you!
After shaking your head a bit to clear your field of vision, you pushed back the hair in your face and stuck out your arm in the direction of you apartment building in hopes that it’d keep you walking straight. You were good for about two or three steps, before the heel of your shoe got caught in the tar of the road and you slipped right into Beomgyu’s embrace.
“Noona, what are you doing. You’re still a little drunk, let me take you back.” He sighed, lifting your arm up over his shoulder. “Plus, do you have any idea how late it is? It wouldn’t be safe to let you go alone anyway.”
You scoffed, grabbing your arm back from his grasp. You turned to him and squinted, the same liquid blurring your vision giving you the courage to grab his face in your hands. Apparently alcohol wasn’t even enough to boost your confidence though, because after staring into his pretty brown eyes which seemed to sparkle even when laced with confusion and amusement, you sighed, throwing your hands down, before continuing to stumble up the street.
Damn boy is unrealistically gorgeous, and for what, you growled, mostly to yourself, but not entirely.
Beomgyu grabbed you arm and spun you around, with a big fat smirk plastered over his face. “You think I’m gorgeous?”
Your face quickly turned a deep shade of red, realizing he had heard you.
“What I’m saying, is that apparently what you have in looks you lack in brain cells.” you snapped, pulling your arms out of his grasp again. Only this time, he didn’t let you go so easily.
“You... think I’m gorgeous.” He smiled, laughing in such a way that you were almost certain it was he who was drunk.
“I just called you an idiot, and you’re focused on that?”
“You could call me Elena Gilbert and although I’d want to hit you in your throat, I’d still be completely in love with you.”
Oh, but how the tables had turned. You rested your arm against a car parked in the street, as a precautionary measure, in the case that you collapsed either from the alcohol or the disbelief. Beomgyu shoved his hands into his pockets and locked his eyes down onto the tar below his feet, lip between teeth and hating himself intensely. “What did you just say?” you asked, half giggling from the butterflies fluttering around in your stomach.
“I-I mean, I know you probably have a crush on Yeonjun hyung and all...” he said, voice breathy and unsteady as he pulled a hand from his pocket and placed it at the back of his neck. Your face fell and you felt almost completely sobered up now, standing a little straighter. “So it’s probably wrong of me to confess, b-but if I don’t do it now I might regret it, and Choi Soobin said something about me being a great guy – I mean I know, but -”
“So what I’m getting in between that attempt at self-praise, and the numerous attempts which are probably still pending, is that you think that I have feelings for Choi Yeonjun, right?”
“Well you spent all night talking to him, laughing at all those jokes that I could do better.”
Somewhere in between your back and forth banter about how Yeonjun was funny and how you didn’t have a crush on him, little flakes of snow had began their descent from the pitch black sky above. The two of you hadn’t noticed until the fall had become a bit heavier, some of them collecting in your hair. You both fell silent, and he joined you as you leaned up against the car.
Together, you watched the flakes make their journey down to the street, where they lumped up, covering the trees and rooftops in a white blanket. Others had now joined you in the streets, excitedly gasping and snapping photos with friends and family in the first snow of the year. The laughter of little kids could be heard too, running around with red noses as they flung one another with little clads of snow. It was magical and warm, and there was no one better you could imagine to have by your side.
You let out a sigh, your breath making a thick cloud float in the air. “I like you, a lot. I missed you so much during all these months apart, and right now, I feel like I’m the happiest person alive to know that you feel the same and that I get to be here with you.”
There was a silence again.
Beomgyu took your hand, slowly intertwining your fingers as he placed them into his coat pocket. As his thumb traced across yours, he whispered something which had your breath caught in you throat.
“There’s cheesecake in the dorm refrigerator, want to come?”
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jamesmydeer · 4 years
not a date x sirius black
notes: this was requested by a lovely anon, but i lost the ask :( i adore the concept of this one, but don’t know how i feel about the execution. also, i’m terrible with titles if you couldn’t tell. oh well, it took a few days to write due to my insane writers block. thank you lovelies for reading !!! as always, feedback: appreciated <3
word count: 3.6k (she’s a long one)
warning: none, angst if you squint
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There was nothing that the students of Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry loved more than sleeping in on the weekends. The professors had grown accustomed to being greeted by less than a handful of students in the Great Hall for breakfast when there was no class to follow. However, Hogsmeade weekends were a different story.
On Hogsmeade weekends, the students were up and ready to go as soon as the first piece of toast appeared on the table. Everyone was much more joyful and lively, inside and outside of their dorms.
Y/n L/n was hardly the first one to wake up in the morning, no matter what the rest of the day entailed. She was perfectly content with having to rush if it meant she could stay in bed for a few extra minutes. Lily Evans, however, was not.
“If you don’t get out of that bed in the next three seconds–” Lily started, only to be cut off by a snorting Marlene.
“What? You’ll ground her?”
“Yeah mom, five more minutes,” Y/n’s voice was muffled by her pillow, which she had placed over her eyes at the first hint of sunlight.
“One,” Lily started.
“Are you actually giving me a count down right now?” she asked, unbothered.
“Oh come on Lils,” she raised her head from underneath the pillow.
“Okay, okay, I’m up,” she moaned, genuinely frightened at what Lily might do if she stayed in bed.
Lily smiled and clapped her hands together, ushering Y/n to her vanity and sitting her down. She wasn’t going to ask Lily what she was doing, but the look on her face showed that she so eagerly wanted her to.
“Why?” was all she had to say before Lily started her rant.
“You,” she emphasized, “have a date to get ready for.” Lily squealed, grabbing the girls hair and contemplating what she was going to do with it.
“No I do not.”
“You and Sirius are going to Hogsmeade by yourselves for the whole day. Sounds like a date to me,” Marlene chimed in, earning a harsh glare from Y/n through the mirror.
“He’d have to like me for it to be a date,” she spoke matter-of-factly. When she was met with two unamused looks, she asked, “You two actually think the Sirius Black likes me?”
“Yes,” neither of them stopped to contemplate.
“Oh, whatever. Alice is actually going on a date today. Why don’t you pester her?” she attempted to change the subject.
“They did. Now it’s your turn,” Alice spoke from her bed.
“It’s not a date,” she whined, nevertheless allowing Lily to start on her hair.
“I’m telling you guys, it’s a date!” Sirius repeated for what felt like the one hundredth time that morning.
James raised a quizzical eyebrows at him. “Are you sure?”
“Yes!” Sirius threw his hands up in exasperation.
“Did she say it was a date?” Remus asked, walking up to stand beside James.
“Well, no,” Sirius started, “but it is, okay?”
“How do you know?” James asked, still not believing his friend.
“Prongs, we're going to Hogsmeade by ourselves for the whole day, what else could that mean?”
“You do that all the time, you git,” Remus chuckled walking towards the bathroom, seeming through with the conversation.
“Yeah, but this time felt different.”
Remus stopped dead in his tracks, turning around and smirking at the boy. “How so?”
James and Remus plopped themselves on the foot of Sirius’ bed.
“This oughta be good,” Peter spoke up from his bed across the room. Sirius glared at him, before looking down at his feet.
“I… well...she… you know, I don’t have to explain anything to you wankers,” Sirius gave up on thinking of a good reason.
“Now, if you three will excuse me, I have a date to get ready for.”
As he walked towards the bathroom door, he gave Peter a swift smack to the back of the head.
As Y/n squeezed past yet another group of students, she wondered what the village looked like when there weren’t so many rambunctious teens running around.
She imagined it to be peaceful and quiet, with older witches and wizards stopping ever so often to greet each other. She figured that was why they always gave her and her fellow students such harsh glares.
She was pulled from her thoughts by a loud cough coming from beside her.
“Have you heard a word I’ve said?” Sirius asked, glaring playfully at the girl beside him.
“You were probably talking about yourself, so I doubt I missed anything,” she quipped.
Sirius chuckled softly, wrapping his arm around her shoulder.
“Well, you actually just agreed to go to Madam Pudifoot’s with me, so…” he stopped to pat her shoulder, “lead the way.”
“In your dreams, Black,” she rolled her eyes, hoping to Godric he was joking.
“Every night,” he winked, causing her to remove his arm and walk a couple of steps in front of him.
Sirius took that moment to take in everything around him. There were countless people in the village, yet she wanted to go with him. He smiled softly to himself. Not a date his ass. He felt a surge of courage, and decided to do something he had wanted to for a long time.
“Are you coming or not?” she startled him.
He looked at her and his smile only grew. He walked quickly to stand beside her and reached down to grab her hand. He pulled her forward towards The Three Broomsticks.
Y/n’s face flushed immediately. What felt like a shock of electricity flowed through her body. He had always been affectionate, but he had never held her hand. She was freaking out, but he didn’t seem to be thinking twice about it. When Sirius looked back towards her and tugged on her hand to make her walk faster, she decided that he must have meant nothing by it. After all, there was no way he could like her.
She smiled bashfully and fell into step next to the boy, talking normally as if her stomach wasn’t doing flips. Little did she know, Sirius felt the same way.
The more Y/n thought about her day with Sirius, the more confused she got. They always had their own days together. Why did Sirius suddenly hold her hand like it was nothing. Maybe it was nothing; maybe she was overreacting. Either way, she couldn’t shake the feeling of unease when she thought about it meaning nothing to Sirius.
The pair got back to the castle way later than expected, having lost track of time. She had tried to avoid her dorm mates ever since she stepped back into the castle. She needed to take time to think about what had happened before explaining it to anyone else. What if it was a date? What if Sirius did like her?
That’s why she found herself laying on the couch in the Gryffindor common room at midnight, still thinking about Sirius.
When Sirius returned to the castle, he couldn’t wait to find the marauders to tell them every single detail of his day. He practically ran to their dorm and threw the door open.
“It was a date,” he smirked cockily, strutting over to his bed.
James’ head shot up. “No way!”
Sirius took his time pulling off his shirt, hoping to build the suspense.
“Yeah, guess I was right. What’s new?” he questioned, causing Remus to roll his eyes. Once he was fully changed, he plopped down on his bed, lifting his hands behind his head and glancing towards Remus with a face that screamed ‘I told you so.’
“What makes you so sure?” Remus raised an eyebrow.
“Yeah, did she tell you,” Peter walked out of the bathroom, having been eavesdropping.
“No, but I held her hand,” Sirius smiled to himself, trying to hide his blush at the thought of his hand in yours.
“Oh wow, that sure seals the deal,” Peter sarcastically remarked. Sirius sent him a glare.
“Shut it, Wormtail.”
“He has a point, Pads,” James started, earning a surprised look from Sirius. “Don’t you guys hold hands all the time?”
“No, Prongs. We don’t.”
“Well you might as well. You’re always all over each other,” Remus grimaced. Sirius squinted his eyes at Remus, before huffing to himself.
“Whatever,” Sirius rolled his eyes, standing up from his position on his bed. “I don’t have to take this from you.”
“No, please don’t go,” Remus monotoned, clearly bored with Sirius’ antics. James laughed at Remus, then turned to Sirius who was looking him dead in the eyes.
James made a tight line with his lips, trying his hardest not to laugh. When Sirius narrowed his eyes at him, he couldbt hold it in any longer.
Sirius shook his head, muttering to himself “I have the worst friends,” and walked out the door.
He descended the staircase and trudged towards the couch. What if they were right? What if it wasn’t a date?
Lost in his thoughts, Sirius nearly yelped when he saw someone laying down on the couch he was about to sit on.
“I’m so sorry, I didn’t– Y/n?”
Y/n chuckled lightly, moving her legs out of the way so he could sit down. She patted the spot beside her, and Sirius plopped down, throwing an arm over her shoulder.
“What are you doing down here?” she looked up curiously at the boy.
“I could ask you the same thing,” he nidded his head at her to emphasize the word ‘you’.
Sirius moved his eyes from her face to her hair and started running his fingers through it. They settled into a comfortable silence, content with being beside each other.
However, Sirius couldn’t shake the odd feeling he was getting. They had done this very thing hundreds of times, but something felt different. He looked back towards her and noticed she was staring into the fireplace, lost in thought.
Scrunching his eyebrows together, he decided to ask her what was wrong.
“S’matter?” he shook her from her trance. Y/n glanced up at him and blushed, shaking her head.
“Known you long enough to tell when you’re lying, love,” he nudged her side with his. “Come on, what’s bothering you?”
“It’s silly,” she started, but was cut off by Sirius’ stern glance. She knew not to argue with him; he never had been very patient.
She looked down at her hands rested in her lap, fingers fiddling together. Sirius reached his hand up and lightly grabbed her chin, coaxing her to look at him. When their eyes met, he offered her a reassuring smile.
“Why did you hold my hand?” she blurted, eyes staying trained on the boy beside her.
Sirius was taken aback, eyes widening in shock. Had she not wanted him to? He drew his hand back.
Sirius heard her loud and clear the first time, but the only response he could muster was a soft “huh?”
She averted her eyes back towards her hands and repeated herself even quieter than before. She really wanted him to say it was because he liked her. She had been in love with Sirius for what felt like forever.
Sirius wanted to tell her it was because he had wanted to for years, but his head told him that was a bad idea. She probably didn’t like it, or him.
He started racking his brain for an excuse. His hands were cold? No, he distinctly remembered how sweaty they were when his hand grabbed her.
He didn’t want to lose her in the crowd? No, that wouldn’t work either. He had had his arm around her the whole time.
He was trying to make someone jealous? That could work, he thought. He tried to remember anyone he had seen at Hogsmeade that day, but had been too focused on Y/n to notice anyone else.
Marlene! He remembered her winking at him when she saw the couple’s hands linked together.
“I was just trying to make Marlene jealous,” he shrugged nonchalantly, pulling his arm that was around her shoulder back beside him.
He was too focused on keeping his cool demeanor to notice the disappointment on Y/n’s face.
“Oh,” was all she could respond to him with.
“Yep,” he folded his arms in front of him, hoping she couldn’t see through his act.
They sat in an uncharacteristically awkward silence for what felt like forever, before Y/n started to stand and head back to her room.
“Goodnight,” she uttered, not daring to look back at him, too afraid of how she might react.
“Night,” he watched her figure trudge up the stairs to her dorm. He couldn’t help the song of hurt he felt in his chest while watching her walk away from him.
Although Sirius was upset that things didn’t go the way he had planned, he was content with the lie he had come up with on the spot. He layed back on the couch and thought about what could have happened if she felt the same way.
As Y/n entered her dorm, she was glad to see that everyone was already asleep. That way nobody would be able to see her cry.
The next day, Y/n woke up feeling a little bit better than she had the previous night. She had decided, despite her sadness, to be happy for Sirius. She knew Marlene had, at one point, had feelings for him, and she just wanted him to be happy. She had made the decision to try and help set the two up together.
She made sure to get to the Great Hall before Marlene. As she approached the table, Lily sent her a knowing smile, having probably been told by James about the ‘date’. Her smile turned into a look of confusion when Y/n sat down beside her in Marlene’s seat, and not in her usual seat beside Sirius. She tried her best to steer clear of Sirius’ worried glances.
Sirius tried not to seem hurt by it, but it was killing him. He didn’t mean to make her that uncomfortable, he just wanted to hold her hand. However, he knew Y/n. And his Y/n wouldn’t avoid him over something so silly. When Marlene sat beside him and she gave him a thumbs up, he became even more clueless.
The whole day seemed to go by the exact way breakfast had. Any time Sirius tried to talk to Y/n, she would try and involve Marlene in some way. It was really getting on Sirius’ nerves, but he tried to be polite. And Sirius’ way of being polite was flirting.
Y/n didn’t know how much longer she could take seeing Sirius and Marlene fawning over each other. On one hand, she wanted the pair to get together. On the other, she would be content with never seeing the two in the same room again.
She didn’t like the way jealousy made her feel.
She figured that it was only stopping the two from getting together. Y/n felt as if she was intruding on their soon to be relationship, so she decided to lay low until they started seeing each other.
Sirius was absolutely miserable. He hadn’t hung out with Y/n for an entire week. He didn’t want to leave his bed. He was so angry with himself for messing up their friendship with his feelings.
“Get up, Pads,” James grumbled for the third time that morning.
“Uh uh,” Sirius pulled his pillow out from under his head and placed it over his face.
“Sirius, get up,” James trudged over, yanking the cover off of the boy.
“Don’t wanna,” Sirius whined.
“Well, that’s too bad,” James yanked his arm, trying to pull him out of the bed.
“Leave me here to die,” Sirius whined in his pillow.
“We’d love to, but you’d stink up the room,” Remus huffed, joining James beside Sirius’ bed.
“Look buddy, it’s not the end of the world. When Lily–”
“Lily doesn’t like you either,” Sirius droned.
“He’s got a point,” Peter chimed in.
James glared at them both, then continued.
“All I’m saying is the Sirius I know would get out of bed and go confront his girl.”
“Well when you find him, I’d love to talk to him,” Sirius’ voice was muffled by the pillow he had once again thrown over his face.
“I give up.”
Across the hall, the exact same scenario was playing out in the girls’ dorm.
“You need to get up,” Lily coaxed, stroking Y/n’s hair as she laid her head in Lily’s lap.
“I can’t see him yet Lily,” Y/n turned her head to look up at her. Lily has never seen a more pitiful look in her entire life. When Y/n jutted out her bottom and looked as though she was going to start crying again, Lily pulled her closer.
“Oh, Y/n” she cooed, trying her hardest to be supportive.
“Why doesn’t he like me?” she cried into her friend’s leg. All of her pent up emotions finally breaking out. Lily didn’t mind, she understood what her friend was going through. She only wished she could help more.
“Cause he’s a twat,” she spoke softly, causing Y/n to giggle.
“Yeah,” she sighed fondly.
“You are far too smitten for that boy,” Lily shook her head.
“I know,” she frowned.
They settled into a comfortable silence. When Y/n’s sobs turned into small sniffles, Lily smiled down at the girl.
“He does like you.”
Y/n wanted to believe her, but she couldn’t. She sat up across from Lily and rubbed her eyes.
“That’s enough about Sirius. I heard you and James–”
“No way,” Lily shook her head.
“Oh come on.”
Y/n had just returned from a walk through the castle to clear her head when she heard whispering from behind the staircase. She tried to ignore it, but felt too compelled to eavesdrop when she realized who the voices belonged to.
“She’s setting us up?” Sirius grimaced. “Why would she do a thing like that?” When Marlene glared at him, he threw in a quick “No offense!”
“Yes, you tosser. That’s why she’s been avoiding you.” Marlene crosses her arms over her chest. “Do you need me to explain it to you for a fourth time?”
“I still don’t get it,” Sirius started, focusing on the wall behind Marlene’s head. Before he could finish, Marlene decided she had had enough.
“She’s in love with you, you git!”
Sirius’ eyes widened, finally understanding what Marlene meant.
“I don’t understand why, but she is. And you really hurt her feelings when you said you were trying to make me jealous.” she elaborated, shoving his shoulder with her palm.
Sirius’ mouth opened and closed several times before Marlene decided to leave him alone to his thoughts.
As she made her way up the stairs, she looked back at the helpless boy. “You love her too, don’t you?”
Sirius blushed and averted his eyes back towards his shoes. Marlene had never seen him so bashful.
“You’re both hopeless,” she rolled her eyes, continuing up the stairs and into her dorm.
After hearing everything Marlene had told him, Sirius figured he should sit down.
Y/n watched from across the room as Sirius sat with his head in his hands and contemplated whether or not to approach him. She was elated to find out Sirius felt the same way, but felt bad for listening in on a private conversation of his.
She was suddenly overcome with a feeling that had her marching right up to Sirius and tapping him on the shoulder.
Startled, he jumped up and instantly relaxed when he saw just who it was in front of him.
“Love, I need to tell you something. I– what are you doing?”
Y/n reached her arms up to wrap around his broad shoulders, fiddling with the hairs at the nape of his neck.
“I love you,” she whispered, looking directly into his eyes. Sirius’ face contorted in shock, but quickly relaxed as he realized that her lips were now on his.
He melted into the kiss. He softly placed his hands on her face and deepened the kiss. They both smiled into it, content to finally be in each other’s embrace. Sirius pulled away and placed his forehead on hers.
“I love you,” he whispered back, kissing her lightly on the nose. When she scrunched her nose and beamed up at him, he swore she had never looked more beautiful.
He picked her and and spun her around, peppering kisses all over her face, causing her to giggle. “I love you!” he yelled a lot louder than Y/n would have liked.
She was quick to shush him, placing a finger over his lips. He smirked and kissed it. “I’ve waited too long to say that, I will not hush.”
Y/n rolled her eyes, wrapping her arms around his waist and laying her head against his chest. Sirius rested his head on top of her’s and began to sway. The pair couldn’t tell how long they stayed like that. It could’ve been hours, or seconds. All that mattered was the fact that they were finally together. For real this time.
“I’m really sorry,” Sirius whispered into her hair. “I don’t like Marlene.”
“So I’ve heard,” Y/n looked up at him and smiled. “It’s okay, I overreacted.”
“I guess we both did,” Sirius chuckled.
“James told me you were miserable,” Y/n smirked.
“Pft, I was perfectly fine,” Sirius rolled his eyes dramatically, before leaning in towards her ear. “I’ve never felt worse in my entire life.” he slowly kissed the side of her head.
Y/n cooed at the boy, and pulled him in tighter, rubbing his back.
“So, about that date…”
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