#grimm is an umbrella to me
grollow · 1 year
Hollow knight characters but their cloaks make them look like umbrellas
Gotta be one of my favorite fandom motifs
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bubba-draws · 2 years
I JUST REALIZED YOU ASKED FOR DRAWING REQUESTS can I ask for a very self-indulgent Grollow pic of the two of them building sand castles for absolutely no reason at all <<
It ended up as a Beach date bc I also wanted to give them silly clothes (ft. Grimmchild)
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arc-misadventures · 4 months
Lady of the Sea of Dunes
The Schnee's are from, Vaccuo, instead of. Atlas.
The Schnee's are faunas's.
And, Weiss is a white haired, tanned skin, fox faunas.
Jaune: My thanks for rescuing me... I got lost from my party during a Grimm attack... Those dessert crawlers are absolute bastards.Dragged me for miles before I killed the dammed thing.
SDC Guard: No problem my good man. We are happy to help anyone in their time of need. The desert is a treacherous place after all. We either stand together as one, or fall to the sands alone.
Jaune: Wise words. It’s a shame only a few follow such words with their hearts, and not their lips.
SDC G: A true shame indeed.
Jaune: Hmm? Your uniform; are you a part of the Schnee Dynasty Corp?
SDC G: Yes. I am a proud member of the Schnee Dynasty Corp. Proud defender of her, Royal Highness people, and all of her holdings.
Jaune: So, is that akin to a like a police force, a military, or a royal guard?
SDC G2: Something like that, they are all under the same umbrella, but they are separate organizations.
Jaune: It’s only like that because you couldn’t come up with a catchy name for the rest, eh?
SDC G: Ha!
SDC G2: They tried.
Jaune: Ha. Hey, do you guys have a CCTS system I can hook up to? I need to catch up with my teammates, I need to let them know that I’m not dead.
SDC G2: That can be arranged.
SDC G: Yes, we wouldn’t want you friends to think you’re dead.
Jaune: Oh thanks! I greatly apricate that.
SDC G: Of course, but before we do that, one of the Ladies of the Desert wishes to see you.
Jaune: Ladies of the Desert? What’s that?
SDC G2: The Ladies of the Schnee family, are often called the, Ladies of the Desert. One of them wishes to meet the, Huntsmen that came here. That's not a problem now is it?
Jaune: A problem? No, no not at all. It would be rude if I don't thank my benefactor for saving me personally.
SDC G2: That's good! Ah. we're here! The royal palace.
Jaune: (Whistles~!) I like what you've done with the place.
SDC G: Thank you.
Jaune: So, who am I seeing? I like to be prepared so I don’t make an ass of myself in front of someone important. Again…
SDC G2: You will be meeting her majesty the Lady of the Dune Seas.
Jaune: The Lady of the what?
SDC G3: Now presenting! The Lady of the Dune Sea: Weiss Schnee!
Weiss: Hello, noble Huntsmen! I welcome you to my humble abode. I am, Princess Weiss Schnee, the Lady of the Dune Seas. What is your name?
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Jaune: ...
Weiss: ...?
SDC G3: Your name sir huntsmen?
Jaune: Huw, what?! Oh yeah! My name is, Jaune Schnee... Arc! Jaune Arc! N-Nice to meet you..
Weiss: Jaune.. Schnee? Oh my~! How bold of you~!
Jaune: Yes... Bold, and stupid...
Weiss: Fufufu~! I like you~! I think I’ll make you mine~!
Jaune: ...
Jaune: Yay!
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The unexpected rainfall
Imagine. It is a regular day in the Devildom. There was nothing too serious going on. But that's when it starts raining without you expecting it. How will the brothers react in this situation? Will things have a romantic turn or not? Find out!
Contains: Fluff
You can find more of my work here: Masterlist
It was a long day at RAD. You had an exam and a few boring lectures so you were practically exhausted. When you finally exited the RAD halls you took in a deep breath and exhaled in contentment. You began walking down the street on your way back to the house of Lamentation when you suddenly felt a dropped on your cheek. You stop in your tracks and look up to see the cloudy sky while brushing the droplet with your thumb. And then another droplet falls. And a few more before it begun raining. It wasn't something too bad at first but soon enough it started pouring. You wrapped your arms around yourself, trying to snuggle up and began walking faster. That's when suddenly it stopped raining on you. You felt a hand on your lower back and you look behind yourself to see Lucifer – Covering you with his umbrella. He smiled gently at you before speaking up.
-Forgot to bring an umbrella today? –He asks and you nod.
-I didn't know it was going to rain.. –You mumble before the demon's arm wraps around you and he pulls you against his body.
-Well it works for me, because it seems like we will be walking together under my umbrella, hm? –The first-born teases. And you let out a subtle chuckle.
-Seems like it. –You say and look up at him as if you are expecting something from him. His smirk widens and he leans down to leave a gentle kiss to your lips.
-Come on, my love. –With that you and Lucifer walk home together with his arm wrapped around your waist. The walk home took longer than usual. The eldest wasn't on a rush to take you home. He much preferred having you close to him under his umbrella in the intimate setting. It was a way of showing the world that you were his lover.
You and Mammon had gone to watch horse races and of course the second-born lost some grimm at it. He said it just wasn't his lucky day but if you go by that excuse every day is Mammon's unlucky day. And of course the demon was feeling under the weather. When you exited the building you were stunned to see that it was pouring outside. And neither of you had brought umbrellas. You stood there under the small shelter watching the rain when you suddenly felt Mammon grip your hand. You look towards him but he wasn't at his place anymore. That's when you felt the demon pulling you into the rain. You almost stumble at your feet to how fast Mammon was running.
-Hey! Mammon! Why are you running like that?!? It's pouring! –You shout out but the demon only laughs.
-Come on! Live a little! –Mammon kept pulling at your hand and you ran along with him. The rain was falling onto you, making your clothes wet. You look over at Mammon who had the biggest idiotic smile on his face while he was running hand in hand with you during the rain. Suddenly the second-born starter shouting.
-Woohoooo! This is awesomeeeee, come on, human! –You laughed and ran along with him. The street was quiet and the only sound surrounding you was the sound of the rain. There was this refreshing smell and humidity. You and Mammon were the only ones outside. Suddenly the demon stopped and pulled you close into a kiss. It was wet and passionate. After you pull away you look at his wet hair and reach up to ruffle it.
-Come on, babe! Let's go home. –The second-born pulls you again and you run home.
Levi had brought you to wait in line with him at an anime shop. There was a new anime figurine he wanted to get and the third-born was really excited. He was telling you all about it and its story when suddenly it started raining. It was a good thing that You and Levi were under a sheltered space so you wouldn't get wet. But the thing was he had finished his story about the figurine. So there you were. Standing in queue at an anime shop with the Avatar of Envy in complete silence while it was raining. You looked away from the demon at the rain when you heard him speak up.
-I brought my wired headphones.. so.. do you.. perhaps.. want to.. uhm.. listen to music with me? –Levi murmurs and you look towards him with a gentle smile at your face.
-I would love to! –You exclaim and watch a soft blush cover the third-born's cheeks. He pulls out his headphones, plugs them into his phone and hands one to you. You put it in your ear as Levi chooses the music. You begin listening to the song. It was one of Levi's favourites.
-Do you like it? –The demon speaks up and you nod.
-Yeah. I do. It's nice. –You smile and get closer to the third-born. He hesitantly wraps and arm around you and pulls you close. You look over at him and chuckle at the heavy redness on his cheeks. You pull him face towards yours and gently press your lips against kiss. He kissed you back! Though the movement of his lips couldn't match yours it felt nice. After you pulled away Levi pulled you into a hug. The music was bursting in your ears as you were standing in Leviathan's embrace. It wasn't long before you finally entered the shop but the intimate moment was worth it.
It was a rainy day outside. You were sitting in your room, scrolling through Devilgram. The day was boring. There was nothing interesting happening today and to your surprise the brothers weren't up to anything questionable today. Each of them was doing their own thing. All of a sudden you hear a knock on the door.
-MC? May I come in? –It was Satan. You smiled at the thought of having some company and you would be crazy not to accept him so you answered.
-Sure! Come in. –To your words you heard the door open and you saw the fourth-born enter with two cups of hot cocoa and a book in hand. You looked at him with questioning look.
-What have you got planned, Satan? –You ask and look into Satan's eyes and he winks.
-I figured your day would be boring so I decided to be your saviour. What do you say to a cup of hot cocoa and a book while listening to the sound of the rain? –The demon asks and you nod.
-It sounds lovely. –Satan chuckles to your answer and sits next to you, handing you one of the cups. It warms you hands and you smile as you see the little marshmallows floating into the brown liquid.
Satan grasps your chin and turns your head towards him. He places a soft kiss to your lips and you smile. Soon enough it ends and the fourth-born gazes into your eyes.
-Let me read to you. –Satan whispers and opens the book. You cuddle next to him on the bed and listen to his voice as if you were listening to an angel saying its blessing. You and Satan spend a quiet and peaceful afternoon.
You and Asmo were on your way to Majolish. He said that the brand has a new collection so he just HAD to check it out. He brought you along with him since you had free time and you did say that you had interest in the new collection. Suddenly though on your way to the shop it started raining. It was soft at first but it began pouring down not long after. The fifth-born panicked and covered his face with his hands.
-Asmo? Is everything okay? –You ask in concern as you look at the panicked demon before you.
–No! Nothing's okay! I did my makeup so flawlessly this morning now this stupid rain is going to ruin it. Awhhhhhh. –Asmodeus whines and you look at his mascara pour down from his lashes. The demon sobs and tries to brush away the mascara but is unsuccessful.
Hey! Everything is okay! –You rush over to him and pull him into your embrace. He throws his arms at you and sobs at your shoulder.
-Why did it have to begin rainingggg! It's ruining everything! And my hair AND my make up! –He whines once again but you get a sudden idea. You pull away from him and cup his face with your palms. You lean in and press your lips to his. The demon stops sobbing and kisses you back passionately. Soon enough you pull away and the look on Asmodeus' face has completely changed. Now it's not a bothered and upset look, instead it's a lustful one filled with desire.
-Oh MC.. you always know how to calm me down. But it would be absolutely unthinkable to show up looking like that at Majolish. Let's go tomorrow. –The fifth-born says and pulls you along as you walk back in the rain. You go home and take a warm bath together.
You and Beel had gone out for an ice cream. You waited long in the ice cream shop so they could bring a few dozens of each ice cream flavour for Beel and when they finally did you walked out of the building. You had no idea how the sixth-born was even carrying all of those cones of ice cream but he was so you just accept the absolutely mind-blowing sight. Suddenly though it started raining. Beel looked up at the sky, confused. Neither of you knew that it was going to rain today. Or... Well neither of you had checked the weather forecast. So there you were. With the ice cream under tha rain. You look around and notice a tiny sheltered space so you pull on Beelzebub's sleeve to get him to stay under the shelter. He looked at you with confusion in his eyes but you smiled at him ever so gently.
-We can stay underneath the roof until the rain stops and we finish our ice cream. –You state and look over at the demon with a loving gaze. He returns the look and smiles.
-Thank you, MC. I wouldn't want my ice cream to melt under the rain... –He shrugs and glances down at his ice cream. He begins eating it.. no.. devouring at as you eat yours without any pressure. By the time you finish your own you notice that Beel is licking his fingers. How in the three worlds did he manage to eat all that ice cream at the same time as your cone? This demon never ceases to surprise you with his eating.. or better said devouring abilities. All of a sudden you notice some ice cream on his lips and chuckle. The demon looks at you in confusion.
-MC? What are you laughing at? Is there something on my face? –He asks and you shake your head.
-Stay still.. I'll get it for you.. –With those words you lean in and kiss his lips, getting the ice cream with it. Afterwards the demon looks at you with the most innocent smile on his face.
-Thank you, MC.. for both.. for the kiss and for getting the ice cream away.. –Beel murmurs and you notice a tiny blush at his cheeks. You spend the next few minutes like that. Silently looking into each other's eyes. When the rain stops you walk back home, hand in hand.
You and Belphie were sitting on a beach at the park. Well... You were sitting.. The youngest was laying his head on your lap and was napping ever so peacefully. You smiled down at him as you patted his head and dragged your fingers to his dark blue-hair. It was almost like the demon was purring in contentment in his sleep. Suddenly you see a droplet fall on his forehead as the demon tenses up before falling back into peaceful sleep. You while the droplet away but you see another one. Soon enough you feel one on your hand so you look up at the sky to see the rain pouring down. You caress Belphegor's cheek in an attempt to wake him up but you are unsuccessful so you decide to pinch his cheek instead. When you do the demon stirs up in his sleep and softly wakes up.
-Hm? MC? What's up..? –He asks in a groggy voice.
-It's raining! Come on! Let's get going before we get wet! –You try to push him off of your lap but he groans.
-Five more minuteeeessss. –He whines but when he feels the rain on himself his eyes pop open. He immediately stands up and grasps your hand.
-Come on! Let's go! –You nod and the two of you walk as fast to the nearest shelter. Both of you lean against the wall and pant as he looks your way.
-The rain is too bad.. We'd be dripping wet when we make it home. It would be better to just wait for it to stop.. –He says and looks at you before turning his gaze to the rain. You sigh and walk up to him and snuggle up close.
-I'm cold.. –You whisper to which Belphegor wraps his arms around you tightly.
-Here.. Let me warm you up. –He leans down towards you and presses a soft kiss to your lips. When he pulls away he speaks in a gentle tone.
-Definitely. –You remain in the youngest brother's embrace as you wait for the rain to stop.
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crazy-dark-rainbow · 2 months
GrimmIchi - cats, rain, Ichigo's warm body
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Cats. I can't think of Grimmjow and not think of cats at the same time. I always love his cat attitude in fanfic. I imagine Grimmjow likes cats. (I'm sure of it and not even Mugetsu can convince me otherwise.)
Maybe Ichigo and Grimmjow were walking somewhere, maybe after a fight, maybe after a Hollow hunt? Maybe they were walking from somewhere. And they heard a quiet meow in an alleyway? Grimmjow has great hearing, he heard the meow and found a small, frozen kitten. Maybe the kitten is tiny and lonely. Grimmjow thinks he has no heart, but when he sees this kitten he feels a tug in his belly hole and feels sympathy? Maybe the kitten feels that Grimmjow is a cat and immediately runs up to him and grabs his hand and demands to be petted. Maybe Ichigo is barely holding back a nosebleed at the sweet sight? The rain is getting heavier but they both can't leave him here. Grimmjow can't leave him here. He takes the small kitten in his hand and hands it to Ichigo. "Your human body is warmer." Ichigo blushes like a strawberry but takes the kitten and hides it behind his jacket. Grimmjow holds a parallax over them and they go to Ichigo's house. Close together, with a quietly purring kitten.
Or… Grimmjow doesn't have a mask, so maybe it's an AU where there's no Shinigami and Hollow, and they're humans. Maybe Grimm is a "boy with problems", he has a tattoo by his eyes and a lot of others on his body. Maybe he fights on a rung, maybe he's a musician. Maybe he knows Ichigo, an English student, and they sometimes spend time together, even though people say they're from completely different backgrounds. Maybe Grimmjow likes cats and when they find a kitten he doesn't want his "image" to suffer and gives the cat to Ichigo. Ichigo thinks Grimmjow is cute with a blush. Or maybe it's something else…
Or in other words… After a terrible day, Grimm returns home. There is a terrible downpour, water flowing in rivers along the street. Suddenly, in the rain, he hears an angry voice. By the river, a small kitten meows mournfully as a young boy with fiery red hair takes it down from the tree. Gimmjow mutters quietly "crazy", but just then the wind blows and tugs at the red hair and he sees the freckled face of the Cat Rescuer. And he fell in love. He comes closer and gives Ichigo an umbrella and head. Grimmjow later walks him home and that's how their story begins. Theirs and the Panther.
Or maybe another way: Grimmjow as an Arrancar doesn't know the human world. He lived in it, but he doesn't know it, he doesn't remember. Sometimes it frustrates him terribly. But he remembers the cat. In his fragmentary memories, you can see a gray cat. Maybe that's why the only bearable and noteworthy thing in the human world are cats. And Ichigo, but cats are better because they don't talk as much as Berry.
Grimmjow may not want everyone to know he likes cats. Maybe he trusts Ichigo not to tell anyone, Berry isn't like that. It's easier to open up to him.
❗️ FANART Autor: ➡️batemeuma (link do deviantart)
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fairy-writes · 2 months
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Reblogs and Comments are greatly appreciated!!
Fandom(s): NBC Grimm
Pairing(s): Nick Burkhardt x Reader
Word Count: 0.6k
Genre(s)/Tag(s): Gender Neutral!Reader, Hurt/Comfort, Platonic Relationships, Reader is implied to be shorter than Nick
Notes: This is right after Juliette falls into a coma at the end of season 1
Just something short because I’m slowly burning out again
You meet Nick at the hospital. 
He had called you late into the night, babbling about magic and Juliette and comas. It was clear he needed someone with a clear head, so you dressed quickly and met him at the hospital. 
Detective Nick Burkhardt paced the hallway of the hospital as the team of medical personnel worked to stabilize his girlfriend. He was soaked with rain and smelled of petrichor as you approached him. 
He tugged at the ends of his hair and ran his hands through the wet locks, as he always did when he was anxious or frustrated. You gently stopped him from tugging his hair out and drew him into a hug. His leather jacket was just as wet as the rest of him, but his arms were tight, and you could feel his heart thundering in his chest. 
“How is she?” You ask, and he shrugs, looking toward her room where a nurse checks her vitals. 
“She’s stable. I think. The doctor hasn’t told me much other than he’s not sure what caused the coma without some tests. They’re just keeping her comfortable for now.” He says, emotionless, quiet, not at all like himself. You fit yourself into your friend’s side, and he wraps an arm around your shoulders as if you were his lifeline. 
Any random person passing by would’ve thought you were a couple. But you knew that wasn’t the case. He was your best friend. Your rock. And you were his. You helped him adjust to the Grimm world as someone who wasn’t a Grimm nor a wesen but knew of both. In fact, you practically grew up together at the insistence of Aunt Marie. 
“This is my fault,” He says bitterly, and you hush him gently. You had known of his desire to tell Juliette of the Grimm world and even encouraged it! You knew of Adalind. You knew practically everything that went on in his head. It was the perk of knowing him for two decades. 
“You know that’s a lie. It was that witch’s Adalind’s fault and no one else’s.” You say vehemently, and he stares at you for a moment before hanging his head and chuckling. 
“Thanks.” He mumbles, and you grin, reaching up to tangle your hand with his to lead him out to the car. 
“You gave your number to the hospital, right? They’ll call you if anything changes. And you need sleep,” You say, putting up your umbrella as the two of you step back into the rain. 
The sound of pattering drops on the umbrella helps calm you, and by proxy, it helps calm Nick. His shoulders release their tension until he’s bantering back and forth, just like old times. 
The two of you stop when you reach Nick’s beat-up old car. 
“Is there anything I can do for you? Anything at all. Name it, and I’ll do it.” You say as he stands with his driver’s side door open. He hesitates, and you arch an eyebrow. 
“Can… Can I have another hug? Please?” He sounds broken and oh so small. Your heart breaks just as his voice does. 
“Oh Nick… You know you never have to ask. You whisper and pull him into a tight embrace, foregoing your umbrella and letting it tumble to the asphalt of the hospital parking lot. 
The Grimm returns the affection just as readily. His arms go around your waist just as you pull him down by his shoulders. He buries his face in your hair, and you don’t even care that you’re slowly getting soaked by the still-falling torrent of rain. 
You pull away, hands on his shoulders, as you look him in the eye, 
“Everything will work out, Nick. I promise.” You say, and he just smiles. 
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mlmshipbracket · 9 months
Fourth MLM Ship Bracket Propaganda Submissions
Below you will find all of the submitted and approved ships for the Fourth MLM Ship Bracket Tournament along with the form to submit further propaganda at the bottom
This is another opportunity to submit propaganda for your favorite ships. Wether you were unable to submit propaganda for them in the initial form or you spot your favorite ship who has no propaganda submitted. Ships with a strikethrough have propaganda submitted, I will continue to update this post as propaganda is submitted. I will accept further propaganda for ships with already submitted propaganda but please prioritize those with out.
The goal is to have propaganda for all ships but I understand that may not be possible. Therefore I will be leaving the form open for a few weeks to see if we receive propaganda for at least half the ships.
Note: Please reach out to me if you spot any mistakes in character or fandom names, even if it is only formatting or spelling issues.
Monkey D. Luffy/Roronoa Zoro (One Piece)
Kyojuro Rengoku/Akaza (Demon Slayer)
Mikhail”Misha” [Heavy]/Dr. Ludwig [Medic] (Team Fortress 2)
Dave Strider/Karkat Vantas (Homestuck)
Chu Shuzhi/Guo Changcheng (Guardian, 2018)
Oliver Marks/James Farrow (If We Were Villains)
David Starsky/Kenneth "Hutch" Hutchinson (Starsky & Hutch)
Tinn/Gun (My School President)
Loki Odinson/Mobius M. Mobius (Loki)
Jaime Reyes/Bart Allen (DC Comics)
Levi Schmitt/Nico Kim (Grey's Anatomy)
Ren Amamiya or Akira Kurusu/Goro Akechi (Persona 5)
Wallace Price/ Hugo Freeman (Under the Whispering Door)
Daffy Duck/Bugs Bunny (Looney Toons)
Shen Wei/Zhao Yunlan (Guardian, 2018)
Isak Valtersen/Even Bech Næsheim (SKAM)
Henry "Monty" Montague/Percy Newton (Montague Siblings)
Nico di Angelo/Will Solace (Camp Half-Blood Chronicles)
Argos/Mr. Plant (The World of Mr. Plant)
Richard St Vier/Alec Campion (Swordspoint Universe)
Klaus Hargreeves/Dave Katz (The Umbrella Academy)
Woody/Buzz Lightyear (Toy Story)
Victor Lawson/Hap (In the Lives of Puppets
Charlie/Babe (Pit Babe The Series)
Fred/Shaggy (Scooby-Doo)
Simon Snow/Tyrannus Basilton "Baz" Grimm-Pitch (Carry On)
Gaius Octavius/Jedediah Smith (Night at the Museum)
Sound/Win (My School President)
Pat/Pran (Bad Buddy)
Mike Wazowski/James "Sulley" P. Sullivan (Monsters, Inc.)
Nicholas “Nick” Bell/ Seth Gray (The Extraordinaries)
Evan 'Buck' Buckley/Edmundo 'Eddie' Diaz (9-1-1)
Sean/White (Not Me: The Series)
Vegas Theerapanyakun/Pete Saengtham (Kinnporsche: The Series)
Runaan/Ethari (The Dragon Prince)
Larry Daley/Ahkmenrah (Night at the Museum)
Tintin/Captain Archibald Haddock (Tintin comics)
Bai Lang/Jin Xun An (My Tooth Your Love)
Napoleon Solo/Illya Kuryakin (The Man from U.N.C.L.E)
Wario/Waluigi (Mario franchise)
Peter Parker/Miguel O'Hará (Spider-Man: Across the Spider-Verse)
Steve Rogers/Anthony "Tony" Stark (Marvel Comics)
Dave Miller/Jack "Old sport" Kennedy (Dayshift at Freddy's)
Boston/Nick (Only Friends)
Kinn Theerapanyakun/Porsche Kittisawasd (Kinnporsche: The Series)
Satoru Gojo/Suguru Geto (Jujutsu Kaisen)
Craig Cuttlefish/Octavio Takowasa (Splatoon)
Tulio/Miguel (The Road to El Dorado)
Sun Wukong/Neptune Vasilias (RWBY)
Zachary Ezra Rawlins/Dorian (The Starless Sea)
Fox Mulder/Alex Krycek (The X-Files)
Thomas/Newt (The Maze Runner)
Fulgrim/Ferrus Manus (Warhammer 40k)
Kim Theerapanyakun/Porchay Kittisawasd (Kinnporsche: The Series)
Alec Lightwood/Magnus Bane (The Mortal Instruments)
Tan/Bun (Manner of Death)
Qrow Branwen/Clover Ebi (RWBY)
Rhy Maresh/Alucard Emery (Shades of Magic)
Yashiro Isana/Kuroh Yatogami (K Project)
Jaskier/Geralt of Rivia (The Witcher)
Dustfinger/Mortimer "Mo" Folchart (Inkworld series)
Brandon/Sky (Winx Club)
Phineas Taylor “P. T.” Barnum/Phillip Carlyle (The Greatest Showman)
Alfred Hillinghead/Henry Ashe (Bodies TV Show)
Baal/Inanna (The Wicked + the Divine)
Timothy "Tim" Drake/Bernard Dowd (DC Comics)
Vash the Stampede/Nicholas D. Wolfwood (Trigun Stampede)
Anthony Lockwood/Quill Kipps (Lockwood and Co)
Henry Winter/Francis Abernathy (The Secret History)
Crowley/Aziraphale (Good Omens)
Dainix/Falst (Aurora Comic)
Prince Rupert/Prince Amir (The Two Princes)
Finn/Poe Dameron (Star Wars)
Jean Luc Picard/Q (Star Trek: The Next Generation)
Will Stronghold/Warren Peace (Sky High)
Heart/Li Ming (Moonlight Chicken)
Wallace Wells/Todd Ingram (Scott Pilgrim Takes Off)
Sunai/Veyadi Lut (The Archive Undying)
Linus Baker/Arthur Parnassus (The House in the Cerulean Sea)
Aaron Slaughter/Jace Boucher (House of Slaughter)
Hercule Poirot/Captain Arthur Hastings (Hercule Poirot)
Phaya/Tharn (The Sign)
Hercules/Iolaus (Hercules: The Legendary Journeys)
Todd/Black (Not Me: The Series)
Julio "Rictor" Esteban Richter/Shatterstar (Marvel Comics)
Wen Kexing/Zhou Zishu (Word of Honor)
Siffrin/Isabeau (In Stars and time)
Kendall Knight/Logan Mitchell (Big Time Rush TV Show)
Yuichiro Hiyakuya/Mikaela Hyakuya (Owari no Seraph/Seraph of the End)
Palm/Nuengdiao (Never Let Me Go)
Khatha/Dome (Midnight Museum)
Asterix/Obelix (Asterix Comics)
Bowser/Luigi (Mario Franchise)
Lucien "Luc" O'Donnell/Oliver Blackwood (London Calling)
Kazuki Kurusu/Rei Suwa (Buddy Daddies)
Benjamin “Ben” Tennyson/Kevin Ethan Levin (Ben 10: Alien Force)
Lumière/Cogsworth (Beauty and the Beast)
Damian Wayne/Jon Kent (DC Comics)
Spy/Dell Conagher [Engineer] (Team Fortress 2)
Shanks/Buggy (One Piece)
Jesper Fahey/Wylan Van Ecks (Six of Crows)
Harold Finch/John Reese (Person of Interest)
Ulrich Stern/Odd Della Robbia (Code Lyoko)
Vincent Freeman/Jerome Morrow (Gattaca)
Eustass Kid/Killer (One Piece)
Christopher Hitchcock/Jalil Sherman (Everworld)
Frodo Baggins/Samwise Gamgee (Lord of the Rings)
Edgin Darvis/Xenk Yendar (Dungeons & Dragons: Honor Among Thieves)
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rocknroll7575 · 1 year
Mk intros with guest characters
Solider boy (the boys)
Mark Grayson (invincible)
Bloodsport (DC, the suicide squad)
Micheal myers
Dom torreto fast and furious
OK these are some interesting choices!
Solider Boy: *Walks on stage with Shield* Vought send another pussy to capture me?
Jaune: *walks on the stage with his broken sword* You kiss you're mother with that mouth?
Solider Boy: Kid, I've eaten so much pussy you don't even know
Mark: *Flys down on stage* I'm a lot tougher than you think
Yang: *Cocking her gauntlets and putting up a stance* Oh yeah, how tough?
Mark: I could destroy this planet if I wanted to
Bloodsport: *Creates gun from his suit* Waller sent you?
Mercury: *Kicks the air as he gets on stage* I'm just here for your bounty
Bloodsport: Trust me, you don't want this fight
Neo: *Floats down with her umbrella* [What's you're story spooky?]
Michael Myers: *Takes knife out of victim's head* ...
Neo: [Is this what Everyone feels like when I talk to them?]
Dom: *Gets out of Dodge Charger with shotgun* You abandoned your daughter?
Raven: *Puts Grimm Mask on* I didn't have time to raise a weak child
Dom: You don't ever turn your back on family
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Vampire Character Showdown Roster
First Bracket:
Ebony Dark'ness Dementia Raven Way (My Immortal)
Trencil Varnnia (Smile for me)
Tyrannus Basilton "Baz" Grimm-Pitch (Carry On)
Dracula (Dracula (Bram Stoker))
Colin Robinson (What We Do In The Shadows)
Armand (Interview with a Vampire)
Count Chocula (Kelloggs)
Noé Archiviste (The Case Study of Vanitas)
Vamdemon (Digimon)
Dio Brando (JoJo’s Bizarre Adventures)
Elsie (Fangs)
Jeanne (The Case Study of Vanitas)
Silas (The Graveyard Book)
Kanaya Maryam (Homestuck)
Marceline (Adventure Time)
Vanfeny Vamp (Inazuma Eleven)
Kevin Wettsworth (Hunter: The Parenting)
Bunnicula (Bunnicula)
Pyotr (Hunter: The Parenting)
Draculaura (Monster High)
Count von Count (Sesame Street)
Kid Vampire (Kid Vampire (Mummy Joe))
Count Papa (Kid Vampire (Mummy Joe))
Lady Dimitrescu (Resident Evil Village)
Count Orlok (Nosferatu)
Carmilla (Carmilla (Novel))
NOS-4-A2 (Buzz Lightyear of Star Command)
Dracula (My Dad Is Dracula)
Edward Hart (Tokyo Debunker)
Oz (Morgana and Oz)
Astarion (Baldur’s Gate 3)
Spike aka William the Bloody (Buffy the Vampire Slayer)
Second Bracket:
Nadja of Antipaxos (What We Do In The Shadows)
Baron Von Ghoulish (The Grim Adventures of Billy and Mandy)
Andre Le Brel (Children of the Night by Mercedes Lackey)
Dracula (Castlevania)
Alucard (Hellsing)
Louis du pointe du lac (Interview with a Vampire)
Matthew Clairmont (All Souls / A Discovery of Witches)
Philippe de Clairmont (All Souls / A Discovery of Witches)
Vampirina Hauntly (Vampirina)
Juliet Van Heusen (Wizards of Waverly Place)
Vamp (Metal Gear Solid)
Damon Salvatore (The Vampire Diaries)
Bree Tanner (The Twilight Saga)
Niklaus Michaelson (The Vampire Diaries)
Rosalie Hale (The Twilight Saga)
James (Nightworld)
Mick St John (Moonlight)
Josef Kostan (Moonlight)
Henry Sturges (Abraham Lincoln Vampire Hunter)
Shido Tatsuhiko (Nightwalker: The Midnight Detective)
Purgatori (Comic book character)
Mavis (Hotel Transylvania)
Dracula (Hotel Transylvania)
Countess Marya Zaleska (Dracula’s Daughter (1936))
Eric Northman (True Blood)
Pamela Swynford de Beaufort (True Blood)
Shivers (The Umbrella Academy (Issue: You Look Like Death))
Camula (Yu-Gi-Oh GX)
Shalltear Bloodfallen (Overlord)
Chizuru Kirishiki (Shiki)
Sunako Kirishiki (Shiki)
Olivia Voldaren (Magic the Gathering)
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bridgyrose · 11 months
Ladybug Week Day 6: Scars
Blake opened the door of Ruby’s apartment, pausing as she saw the cut she made for Ruby to feed from had already started to scar up. Another scar added to the collection of cuts on her back from silver weapons and the bite mark on her left shoulder from the wolf that turned her. She turned away from her arm and helped Ruby into the apartment. “You’re sure you’re okay?” 
“I am,” Ruby answered as she relaxed once into the dimly lit apartment, taking her cloak off and looking at the burns on her arms. “At least it all looks like a sunburn now.” 
Blake nodded and sat down on the couch, watching Ruby as she put ointment over the sunburn. She had wanted to be upset that Ruby didnt trust her enough to tell her about being a vampire, though she knew she couldnt be all that upset with how often she had avoided Ruby and kept being a werewolf her own secret. “How long?” 
“I’m sorry?” Ruby asked. 
“How… how long have you been a vampire?” 
“Since I was born.” Ruby finished putting ointment on her skin and made her way to the kitchen to start making dinner. “Dad was a bit freaked out, but mom reassured him it was okay. Yang helped keep me safe after mom disappeared, though I did try to act as human as possible to help keep dad sane.” 
“And you were able to keep all of that hidden at Beacon?” Blake watched as Ruby grabbed a few potatoes and started to chop them up, licking her lips. “How? There was sunlight everywhere and I know I saw you come out during the day. A-and how did you feed?” 
Ruby sat the knife down and started to rinse the potatoes, carefully making sure her hands didnt get into the water. “Feeding was the hardest part. Yang helped when she could, but I always made sure to feed from her when it wasnt going to hurt her. Otherwise, I… went off in the middle of the night and fed from whatever animals I could find. Or from anyone who tried to bully my friends.” 
“What about the sunlight? I’m sure we would’ve noticed from that.” 
“You remember those gloves I used to wear all the time, right? The red ones with green trim?” 
Blake sighed and pinched the bridge of her nose. “I should���ve known that. And your cloak… that would’ve kept the sunlight off you most of the time.” 
Ruby nodded and turned the water off. “That, and my umbrella. Plus, most of our classes were indoors, so that helped out a lot. Only had to worry about when we went on training missions and I… kept careful with that.” 
Blake nodded, smiling a bit as she watched Ruby continue to cook. Her smile faded as Ruby spoke to her, a hand moving to her shoulder. 
“When did you become a werewolf?”
Blake sighed and moved her shirt to show the bite mark scar on her shoulder, still tender to the touch after all these months. “I… I was bit by another werewolf while I was on a mission. It was supposed to be a quick scouting mission for Vacuo to make sure there werent any grimm in the area. Instead, I ran into a wolf during the full moon. It had bright blue eyes and a scar across it’s left eye, and it seemed angry that I was there. I tried to fight it off, but…” her voice trailed off as she pulled her shirt up to hide the scar again, looking away from Ruby. Her body shuddered as it remembered the pain from the bite, how the teeth practically burned as they pierced through her aura and into her. How it felt to shift the first time, her body feeling hotter than normal while her bones shifted, hearing each crunch as joints moved and bones seemed to reform to suit her wolfish form. “Doesnt matter anymore though.” 
“Of course it matters.” Ruby walked over to Blake and sat down next to her, gently rubbing her shoulder. “For the longest time, I wanted to be normal. To be just a regular human or faunus, but that was never a choice for me. And while that was taken from you, what you need is someone who can stay by your side.” 
Blake slowly looked over to Ruby. “And who would be dumb enough to do that?” she asked. “I might attack at any minute when I’m shifted.” 
Ruby grinned and pointed at herself. “Then call me stupid, because I’m not leaving your side for a minute. I might not know what its like to shift like you do, but that doesnt mean I cant try to help keep you safe and maybe get this under control.” 
“And if anyone comes to hunt me?” 
“Then I’ll make sure they know never to come after you again.” 
Blake relaxed a bit and nodded. “Alright, I trust you.” 
“Great. But there is one thing I’ll need as payment.” 
“And what’s that?” 
Ruby kissed her. “For us to go stargazing again. Barring nights of the full moon.” 
Blake pressed into the kiss, practically purring as she relaxed. “Sounds like a small price to pay. But, yeah, I’ve missed that too. Stargazing it is.” 
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daughter-of-melpomene · 6 months
So, as I mentioned in a couple places on Discord, I really, really want to use the lovely and gorgeous China Anne McClain for a faceclaim. Problem is, I have almost no idea what fandom to use her for, who to pair her with, anything. So that’s where y’all come in, because WE ARE GOING TO BUILD AN OC TOGETHER!!
Basically, what I’m gonna do is put out a series of polls giving you options pertaining to different aspects of an OC (fandom, name, ship, etc.). There also might be a few more specific polls based on what fandom ends up winning, I’m not sure. And whichever option ends up winning is the one I’ll go with - basically, you guys get to build this OC and leave me with the result!
I really hope you guys enjoy doing this, and for now, let’s get started! We will begin with the obvious question:
Tumblr media
Tagging all my OC besties: @auxiliarydetective, @luucypevensie, @dancingsunflowers-ocs, @ginger-grimm, @manyfandomocs, @ginevrastilinski-ocs, @oneirataxia-girl, @supermarine-silvally, @lucys-chen, @hiddenqveendom, @claryxjackson, @bibaybe, @nolanhollogay, @thatmagickjuju, @starcrossedjedis, @asirensrage, @come-along-pond, @endless-oc-creations.
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nonmurdery · 3 months
suit saeran + reader | oneshot
summary: reader deals with the aftermath of saeran’s bad ending 2.
author’s note: hello! this is my first time posting my writing on tumblr. i recently got back into mystic messenger thanks to @cvhenia and fell hopelessly back in love with these pixel arrangements. i’m already thinking of writing a pt.2 for this.
trigger warnings: verbal abuse, starvation, suicidal thoughts
word count: 1,482
This is Reader’s doing. Isn’t it? At least, that’s what Saeran’s been telling them for the past forty-nine days. Forty-nine days. That's how long he has spent delighting in their misery. It's been fifty-eight days since their arrival to Mint Eye, nearly two months.
“…Ugh. I suppose you’ve earned something to eat, moron.” He sauntered over to the single pedestal table in the middle of their room. Along with the black vase with its assortment of flowers, there was a platter of sandwiches. Two pale pink wingback chairs flanked the table, one with a decorative square pillow. Reader has grown weary of the shade; that same pink occupied their blanket and pillowcases. They bit back any comments about how it sickened them—it made sense that Saeran would change their ivory walls and curtains to pink in order to torment them further.
They were sitting on their knees, on the mattress where they spent most of their days. Reader toyed with the hem of their dress, the same dress Saeran kept them in. Once, they might’ve thought the flower patterns and vine embroidery across the blackness of the smooth fabric was beautiful. Now, the dress was a tragedy.
At least Saeran dressed in the same well-tailored suit that hugged his body. Reader redirected their attention to the rain lashing the windows. They imagined hanging out in it with old friends. A ghost of a smile graced their lips imagining the scene: Yoosung slipping in a puddle and dragging Saeyoung down with him, Jaehee suppressing laughter, Zen’s mocking smirk, and Jumin hiding away under an umbrella.
It's difficult to picture what they're doing right now. Hopefully not locked away in a tower like the Brothers Grimm’s Rapunzel with her long, gold tresses.
They imagined Zen to be the one clad in prince’s attire and chanting: “Reader, Reader, let down your hair!” from below. He'd make a great fairy tale prince. They pictured him beaming at their comparison.
With the rain, Reader’s mind became flooded with thoughts of their kind-hearted Ray. They'd kiss him as rain beat down on the two. Reader regretted not kissing them harder in the secluded garden. Their daydreams went up in smoke with the loud click of Saeran's tongue.
“Are you deaf? Or do you just lack the brain cells to understand me?” Saeran's mouth slid into a lopsided grin.
Reader's eyes roved freely over his figure. He lifted a brow and moved into one of the seats, his movements perfectly feline. Saeran picked up one of the little finger sandwiches off its silver platter and bit into it, chewing slowly. “See? it’s not poisonous.” Not that I'd waste poison on you, he failed to add.
They’ve trusted him before, only to get their gifts ripped from them. Reader didn’t remember when they started thinking of food as a gift … Maybe when it became a rare delicacy. Saeran’s cruelty seemingly knew no bounds. They only wondered when he'd get a partner to spite them. They’ve lost a dangerous amount of weight in their time at mint eye. Reader has started to lose other things, too.
Small things, mostly. Such as autonomy, freedom, access to daily showers, and the RFA. But that doesn’t mean they haven’t lost great things—take afternoon walks and cold lemonade in the summertime for example.
“Ask: ‘Saeran, may I please eat lunch with you?’”
When they went to speak, their tongue felt leaden. Despite this they asked: “Saeran, may I please eat lunch with you?”
Reader’s voice cracked right in the middle of their sentence.
That fiendish smile on his moon-white face grew. “You may, Reader.” He watched as they reluctantly left their spot on the mattress and sat in the other chair.
Saeran’s minty blue eyes filled with amusement. He propped his cheek with a spare hand and his snow-white hair shifted, the frosted pink edges falling over one eye. It was difficult to imagine him with crimson hair and honey-colored eyes like his twin, Saeyoung. They gingerly reached for one of the small sandwiches and picked it up. Seconds later, they wolfed down the entire thing, going in for seconds.
“You’re such a hog.” He made a face. “I’d kill you if you weren’t fun to break.”
“I wish you'd do it. Get it over with.” Their eyes spoke what their lips refused to.
He can pretend to have power all he wants; Reader knows the truth. Saeran is equally weak, if not weaker. He’s under Savior’s control, just like everyone else in Mint Eye. That’s what made it difficult to completely hate him. Reader justified his wrongdoings because of his trauma. Their bodies are bony, skeletal, with hollow cheeks and sunken eyes. The main difference between the two of them was the smell. Saeran smelled like his floral lotions while Reader’s scent consisted of sour breath and sweat.
Saeran saw the flickering embers within their eyes, the remaining fight from their lost inferno. He wanted them to snap and say something without his permission. Reader is only a shell of their former being. They’ve lost nearly all hope of being rescued by the RFA. If Saeran sought further control, he’d need to reevaluate his plan. His harsh words elicited no more tears from the faucet in their eyes.
Did that mean their affection for Ray has gone down the drain so soon? They stopped fighting for him. Saeran expected them to burn brighter. To Reader’s satisfaction, he found himself painfully disappointed in them.
“Dull as dishwater,” he mumbled under his breath.
It's not like they're silent without reason. Saeran commanded them to only say “yes” to him. Yet there isn't anything worth talking about anyway. They lowered their eyelids, watching the sandwiches as if they'd grow legs and crawl off the platter.
“I’ll be back.” Saeran’s bottom lip caught between his teeth on his way out of the room.
They let loose a sigh of relief when the door clicked behind him. Reader placed a hand over their chest in an attempt to calm their thundering heart. They gobbled up the rest of the sandwiches, not sparing a crumb. If they kept this up, Saeran’s ought to get bored of them.
“Now,” Reader moved to the door when he surely left, twisting the knob.
When it didn’t open, they tried opening up the windows. This became something of a daily routine. Reader held a sliver of confidence that he’d forget to lock them in. Everybody makes mistakes. They've made a whopping amount of them. Enough to completely change their life in a number of days.
If only there was a reset button for this.
Even with one, they didn't trust themselves enough to not fall in love with Ray again and do this over again. Love had proven itself to be a destructive force.
“Oh, come on … There must be something.” They chewed on one of their jagged fingernails, contemplating their next decision.
Their attention turned to the vase on the table. Angrily, they scooped it up in their frail arms. Either it's heavier than it looks, or Reader has lost their strength. They walked over the light gray rug that sprawled across the floor and hurled the vase at their window.
Except they missed their shot. The vase slipped from their hands and crushed a foot beneath it. Tears rushed to their eyes from the pain as they let out a screech in response. Reader grabbed their foot and watched as water and flowers poured from the intact vase.
Why hadn't they thought to drink the water? Plant fertilizers are mildly poisonous, but it's better than nothing at all. Burning tears trailed down their cheeks. They took a sharp breath inward and threw themselves on the bed, landing on their back with their legs dangling off the side.
They sniveled as the tears gathered in their ears. Watching the brown chandelier overhead had also become a part of their daily routine. It reminded them of the parties they used to host. Reader interlaced their fingers and settled them on their belly.
Unknowingly, they melted into the void. A dreamless sleep with nothing beyond darkness. They've compared rest like this to death itself. It made death seem … Easy. Easier. Relaxing. Worth it; Saeran couldn't bathe in their sorrow if they were dead.
He never specified when he'd be back. But Reader saw no more of him for the night. Maybe he did show up with dinner for them, only leaving upon the discovery of their rest. No, that wasn't like him.
When their moronic eyes opened, they took in the expanse of their bedroom. Their temples throbbed from another migraine. Sunlight seeped in through the windows, casting a soft glow on the planes of Reader's face. How long had they slept? Was it the next day or a catnap later? Only one thing was for certain—
They were alive.
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skelingtonsderek · 4 months
for the ask game: petrichor for monroe/rosalee from nbc grimm pretty please?
Haha hey it's me yaboi skelingtonsderek. Several months late! Whoops!
Getting sober had been sort of like being trapped in an unending thunderstorm. Warm, sticky, discomfort and long nights listening to something bigger than her pound the roof of her home while she waits for it to pass and hopes that the rain wouldn't find its way inside.
Up at two AM hissing regrets and flinging pots to catch what drips in despite the patches on the roof in the hopes of staving off the mildew and weakening the very ground beneath her feet. She's spent a lot of time trying to weather the storms of her life.
It was a lot of nights and days and weeks spent just barely managing to keep the umbrella up under winds strong enough to blow any bauerschwein house away. No matter how stiff her hands got clinging to the handle of her sobriety.
Getting sober was a lot like trying to walk home in the rain in that there isn't really a way to stay entirely temptation free. Not forever. Not in every way. The rain is always coming down and everything outside the small shelters of dry she created were always at least a little wet.
Staying dry is an active thing in a storm and so is sobriety. Some days the rain is lighter and some days it's torrential. It took Rosalee a long time to realize that any idea of perfect sobriety was a joke. There was no cure-all. No special trick or point in abstinence at which she suddenly no longer yearned for oblivion when things got hard.
It's a skill to not get drenched in the downpour and a skill to stay sober under the unending onslaught of existence. Rosalee knew all of this. Could not escape the reminders of it every day but she had forgotten that there were other things like rain.
Monroe was a lot like a summer storm, too. His introduction into her life came as suddenly and as painfully damaging as the worst storms she's ever survived. It took with its departure her brother and any peace she'd managed to scrape together since her estrangement from the rest of her family.
It takes a while for her to realize there's more to this storm than pain and damage and drowning. It takes her a while and then it breaks open like thunder splitting the storm's belly open to pour it down.
He laughs like the first few bursts of raindrops tapping against the forest canopy so uplifting and unchoreographed that it turns itself into a ballet of surprised delight. Smile stretching from one end to the next like steely clouds that blot out the bleak horizon.
Standing in his gaze warms and soothes the way a hot summer rain does, washing away all the grit and grime that covers up the beautiful things in the world around her. Turning trees dusted brown and drooping heavily with the weight of Portland's pollution to jewel colored greens so vibrant and alive that bird song seems crisper and more beautiful than it ever does.
She's beginning to love the smell of the oncoming storm. The way the small creatures tremble to leave its wake. Earthworms crawling onto the sidewalk to avoid drowning. She's learning now that to be caught up in some storms is not such a miserable thing. She's learning to love the scent of petrichor on the air, the damp in the air signaling the storm brewing in the distance.
She's beginning to learn that not all storms need be weathered. Some can be embraced.
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lonesilverw0lf · 1 year
@didyoutrydynamite I have an offering for the Renegades!
The rookie on the team hates his job sometimes. Yes he’s the low guy on the totem pole, but did they really have to send him to tell the Boss the bad news every time? It was almost to the point that just him knocking on the door put the already surly boss in an even worse mood. He raised his hand to knock when he heard-
Boss: Just get in here already!
Rookie thinking: Great. He’s ready to bite my head off and I haven’t even said anything.
Walking in he’s almost choking on the smoke. Squinting he can make out at least three spent cigars in the ashtray, another bad sign. And his news isn’t going to help.
Boss: Of course they send you. What bad news do you have for me now?
Rookie: You know that team of Renegades that keep giving us the slip? We lost track of them. Again. Our contact watching the road they were reported to be on hasn’t seen anyone for the past 7-8 hours.
Boss: Damn! We miss them at every turn! How do they keep getting past us?!
Inside the van carrying the ever elusive Renegades, were Jaune riding shotgun trying to read a large paper map, Cinder in the back seat looking over his shoulder trying to help, Adam next to her fighting with his scroll, and Neo trying to drive. They are completely lost.
Cinder: I’m telling you we should’ve gone left!
Jaune: But we did go left, just like you said!
Cinder: Not left there, left back there!
Jaune: There aren’t any other places where we could’ve turned left other than where we did!
Cinder: Perhaps you’re just-
Adam: Stupid Scroll! Why won’t you work!
Cinder: You know that reception is worthless in this area so stop playing with that thing and help us figure out where we are!
Adam: You also know that my contact went missing on our last job two nights ago and I haven’t gotten it replaced so reading that map is not happening!
Jaune: Hey! This is all I could get my hands on!
Cinder: You can at least try to do something! Weren’t you leading strike operations in the White Fang?
Adam: We had better maps than this and a localized knowledge of the area before we did anything. What do you want me to do? Do I look like Magellan?
Cinder: Adam you can’t even spell Magellan.
Jaune: Wasn’t there some Louis guy that did some map work? Or am I thinking-
Cinder: Louis de what? What are you talking about?
Neo, leaning over to point out a part of the map: Hey, didn’t we pass this section here? We gotta be right here!
Jaune: Where? Which part?
All the Renegades lean in to get a closer look at the spot Neo is pointing at, the map obstructing their view of the road.
Cinder: Now I see what she’s talking about. How did we miss that?
Adam: The lines are too close together, but I think I can make out the shapes.
Jaune: Hey Neo?
Jaune: Who’s driving?
Renegades, looking up from the map:😕😳?
The see a massive Grimm Ursa that seems just as surprised to see them as they are. And they are headed right towards him.
Renegades: 😱😱😱😱😱 AAAAAAAAHHHHHHHH!!!!
Jerking the steering wheel, the crew find themselves in an impromptu roller coaster ride across the countryside unable to stop as Neo’s umbrella got stuck in the gas pedal. Eventually Jaune was able to free the obstruction just as they drove back onto the road with their destination in sight. Without a word, Neo pulls into the first gas station they see.
Cinder: Neo, remind me to never let you drive again.
I hope this was funny enough for ya. Your AtlA bit reminded me of An Extremely Goofy Movie. I just hope I did this justice.
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i'm not sure what to put in a pinned post yet, but i'll just get things going from here!
please do send me asks for doodling characters from indie games! or for indie games to put on my radar!
no NSFW requests please! i might make sensual doodles here or there, but nothing explicit or NSFW. if you're uncomfy with that, i will tag them with #sensual for blacklisting purposes
i will tag for spoilers! for games that are one word, i will use the tag "#[gamename] spoilers", but for games that have multiple words, i will use the tag "#[abbreviation] spoilers".
i will only draw OCs if i want to. please do not request i draw any OC be it yours or another's, i will simply delete the ask. my OCs will be under the tag #my ocs and other people's OCs will be under the tag #others ocs.
if you want a list for what indie games i'm cool with doodling upon request, just have a peek below the cut!
indie games i've completed
bug fables
dust: an elysian tail
grimm's hollow
hollow knight
ori and the blind forest
ori and the will of the wisps
(umbrella tag for both ori games here!)
rain world (plus downpour!)
indie games i haven't played or completed, but am okay with making doodles for. feel free to expand this list! (*this means i've begun playing it or tried to play it)
a hat in time
darkest dungeon
dead cells
a hat in time
hyper light drifter*
risk of rain classic and 2
shovel knight* (completed shovel of hope, not the others)
solar ash
them's fightin' herds
there are some games i do not wish to make any doodles for. if someone requests a doodle from any of these games, i will simply delete the ask. i don't have any ill will towards any of these games, they're simply not my cup of tea, or i don't like them, or i don't think i could do them justice! i'm not elaborating which is which.
99% of horror games, especially mascot horror games
sea of stars
stardew valley
adding games i wish to get to one day but until then i will not draw them!
animal well
bō: path of the teal lotus
cassette beasts
in stars and time
nine sols
outer wilds
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ashleyfanfic · 2 years
Jonerys Remix 2023
Hey guys! So, I know we skipped the last two years, but this year, I think we're gonna do it again.
But I want your input! I want to make it as fun and engaging as possible. I want people to sign up and look forward to the posts and possibilities! With that in mind, here are a few considerations that I've been bouncing around with @justwandering-neverlost I will post a list of couples that are based off the ultimate winner. This isn't based on a poll or anything like that. Feel free to give your opinion in the comments and I will evaluate from there.
ALL FAIRYTALES - Now, this falls under what's your definition of a fairytale. You have your Grimm brothers, your Hans Christian Anderson, and even folklore of different civilizations. Everyone's remix would be based off a couple that falls under this umbrella.
LET'S GO TO THE MOVIES - All couples come from movies. But Ashley, what about movies based on books or tv? Well, you'd have to use the movie as your main source material. Not your only source material, but your main. TOTALLY TUBULAR 80'S - Guys, my love for the 80s knows no bounds. The movies, the tv, the music. So, you'd pick a movie or show made in the 80s and use a couple from that. Now, just to give you an idea of what I mean, Raiders of the Lost Ark was made in the 80s and is fair game. It would give you a pretty broad range, especially considering the Princess Bride and the Neverending Story were all made during that time, you have a pretty wide berth to choose from. PERIOD DRAMAS - Guys, we don't have enough of these. The Rennaissance, Regency, Gilded Age, Turn of the Centry, The Roaring 20s, The Groovy 60s and 70s. Pick your couple and set them in or use their time period. Let your imagination flow and transport us to a different time, with different circumstances. LEAVE IT AS IT IS - Why mess with something that works? No limitations obviously work better, so why start putting them on now? You want the ability to change your mind or couple and not make the work so hard on yourself with having to stick to a theme. I get it. Letting things keep as they are isn't outside the realm of possibilities, but I will take suggestions for couples to add to the list as a lot has happened in a short span of time since the last. So, please, don't be shy! Let me know what you think! I look forward to hearing from you!
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