nondidd · 2 years
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recently got a harry clarke illustration book so i’ve been studying
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altocat · 4 months
How would Seph react to meeting grimore if he was alive? Cus ya know he worked with his momma
Sephiroth is surprised to find that he and Grimoire resemble each other greatly. Almost as much as he resembles his mother. He is fascinated by the older man's level of knowledge, constantly probing him with endless questions--both about the planet and his mother.
What he doesn't know is that Grimoire is his paternal grandfather. And that he plans on taking Sephiroth away from Shinra the first opportunity he gets.
Or maybe everything is actually fine and Sephiroth grows up normal and well-adjusted with his mother? You could argue that all of this started when Lucrecia accidentally got Grimoire killed.
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house-of-tales · 1 year
Previous post / @psycoland
"Se você fosse o Pinóquio, dava pra serrar seu nariz e fazer quatro tacos de sinuca com ele" de onde ele tirou essa? Ninguém sabe, mas de qualquer forma ele seguia encarando o outro...ainda que agora estivesse com aquela dúvida também, de leve "O que você acha? O mais provável é que dá merda. E na real eu não sei se eu devo interferir ou não, porque não é todo dia que cai esse tipo de coisa no meu colo. Mas ainda assim prefiro que não faça."
Mais conhecido como, 'não é todo dia que encontro alguém que pode fazer algo assim e não sei se isso se enquadra no meu trabalho.'
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psycofreakx · 1 year
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Cada serial killer tinha seu modo de agir e pensar. Alguns tinham um padrão de assassinatos, outros nem tanto. Alguns apenas mulheres, alguns apenas homens, outros preferiam as crianças. Era difícil entender o que se passava na cabeça de cada um deles. Alek, por sua vez, matava apenas adultos e apenas quando sentia que aquela pessoa lhe daria diversão ao morrer e daria alívio ao seu estresse interior. O intervalo poderia variar, tinham vezes a qual passava meses sem cometer nenhum crime. Talvez seja por isso que a polícia nunca tivesse batido em sua porta. 
Haviam se passado dois meses desde o último caso, esse a qual teve a presença ilustre de uma entidade dizendo ser a morte. Não ficou traumatizado com o episódio, apenas estava sem a vítima certa. Entretanto, nas últimas semanas, antes de dormir, o médico passou a ver pessoas andando em sua casa, objetos que se mexiam sozinhos e poderia até dizer que viu alguém tentar te atacar, sem saber se era um sonho ou realidade. O último ocorreu enquanto dormia, acordando no exato momento em que apanharia.  
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Estava de noite, o relógio mostrava ser às vinte e duas horas, quando ouviu passos do andar de baixo, especificamente na cozinha. Desceu com os punhos cerrado, apenas para encontrar aquele ruivo que não queria ver tão cedo. - “Então é você que decidiu me assombrar? Eu queria dormir.”  
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aldantler · 1 year
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Some quick sunrise pics of the Grimoires.
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thatonebirdwrites · 8 months
The Grimorie post I did is now on AO3 with another spell added in for fun! Enjoy!
Purification Ceremony (Attempt 2)
Hyssop (for Purification and Protection)
Sloe (for Exorcism and Protection)
Holy Thistle/Blessed Thistle (Purification and Hex-breaking)
Mix and place in satchels. One teaspoon of each herb cut and diced poured into the felt square. Gather all four corners and fold them together to create a sack, then tie together with twine or white string. While performing this action, recite the following:
"Drive out all evil, Break all hexes, purify all spaces, and protect all who enter."
Once satchel is completed, tie to each door and window. Replace after a month. Replace immediately if they get wet.
Note to self: If I don't recite the spell as I make the satchels, then my magic doesn't seem to infuse them and they end up being weird smelling bags. Not useful. Thus, I've learned to recite as I make these satchels as the creation of the charm bags seem to be part of the spell beyond just the words. I also notice that I can use either Irish or Latin for this, though I am unsure how to detect which language is more powerful than the other. Also, if the satchels get wet, they start to smell terrible, so regardless of whether the magic still works, I won't be keeping them up.
Results:Tying the satchels to all entries points to the home seems to do the trick. I feel no weird unknown flickers of power in my space, and it creates a better smelling location. After a month of testing this spell, I have had a lot less issues using magic, and less spells backfired on me. Before I did this spell, I often had explosive or unintended consequences to spells I tested, even ones I know to work, which I suspect was due to me failing to properly purify the area. This ceremony seems to do the trick.
Note from Kara: Lena! It makes your lab and apartment feel cozy. Like a blanket that is warmed by you. Like your magic hugs me when I enter. Voi, it's voi!
Note from Lena: I looked up Voi in your Kryptonian dictionary. Safety, secure. That is a lovely thing to say. However, I don't see how I can show the causation since your experience is subjective.
Note from Kara: Set up an experiment by having the satchels set in the entryways and windows, then bring people into the area and ask them questions. Tally up their answers and see if they correlate? It's a social experiment that way, and it's in a controlled environment.
Note from Lena: Huh. That... might actually work. Thanks. Also, why are you writing in my Grimorie?
Note from Kara: You left it open on the table. And I want to help!
Note to self: Don't leave Grimorie open on the table with Kara in the room.
Read rest here.
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mossywizard · 4 months
Dear google, how do I find rituals to kill gods or call the earth
Also acceptable: how to kill angels? Or demons
Third accepted: how to sleeping beauty angels, demons and or gods
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the-year-before-time · 10 months
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V - Mystic Woods & Cursed Hollows
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anewbrainjughead · 1 year
they ask me what being an unhinged 10 year old closet case wicked fanatic felt like, and i say not everything feels like something else
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sassysophiabush · 1 year
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house-of-tales · 9 months
Ok, há quem diga que para um ser imortal que se regenera, não é uma luta justa se defender com toda a sua força de quem o agride...mas naquele caso ele não teve sequer escolha. Alguém que manipula poderes semelhantes a ele, que ele próprio deveria ter cuidado para quem esses poderes vão, certamente é um inimigo a se ter cuidado. E bom, agora já era tarde e o corpo estava ali. Que maravilha.
Grimory precisava dar um jeito no corpo, e fazia tempo demais desde a última vez que precisou disso. Como fazer? Sem ter muitas ideias, decidiu aproveitar que estava consideravelmente próximo de onde Alek provavelmente estava. Infelizmente o ruivo não podia só jogar o corpo num portal e seja o que os deuses quiserem, se fez o trabalho, tem que fazer completo... e, bom, aquele humano entendia muito do assunto.
A Morte atravessou o portal com o corpo nos ombros, se apressando para deixar ele num canto onde ninguém fosse ver, e se transformou em fantasma, logo se dirigindo para onde Alek estava e- espera. Tem mais uma pessoa ali, ele reconhece a alma de Alek a essa altura, mas não a da outra pessoa. A curiosidade falou mais alto, será que apareceu bem na hora do outro matar alguém?
E foi do pior jeito possível que Grimory se recordou que Alek seduzia mulheres para matar depois.
Puta que pariu, depois dessa até se afastou para perto de onde deixou o corpo, voltando à forma física e esfregando os olhos como se fosse apagar aquela imagem horrorosa. Uma hora Alek sairia dali, e veria um ruivo com cara de traumatizado seriamente considerando arrancar os próprios olhos.
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psycofreakx · 1 year
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Correntes rangiam. Sala mal iluminada, dois indivíduos ocupavam o espaço, sendo que só um deles estava consciente. Correntes rangiam. Máscaras, luvas e um avental branco. Em pé estava o médico, arrastando sua vítima para o centro onde uma maca repousava. Correntes rangiam, levando o corpo desacordado em sua extremidade. Olhos sem expressão, carregados pela frieza de um assassino. Ergueu a vítima e colocou sobre a maca como se fosse um animal, o corpo desse que estava sedado por drogas, porém ainda com vida. 
Alek havia pegado esse rapaz de 27 anos, segundo a ficha do hospital, em um de seus plantões. A clínica de quiropraxia estava fechada enquanto a secretária retirava suas férias, consequentemente suas vítimas precisavam vir de outro lugar. A sede de matar era inexplicável, apenas olhava e sentia um prazer em causar o fim para aquela pessoa. Esse não deu trabalho para ser sequestrado, uma vez que tinha recebido alta e o sedou enquanto estava a caminho do metrô.  
Puxou as correntes para amarrá-las em lugares resistentes, a sala tinha espaço de sobra para isso. Era um porão, com canos grossos a mostra e pilares da estrutura original residência. Retirou todas as vestes alheias, rasgando-as com uma tesoura, deixando-o apenas com a roupa íntima. Suspirou enquanto passava a mão pelo tronco. Não tardando em puxar uma seringa e colocar um líquido sedativo. Efeitos do medicamento: por ser um sedativo profundo, desligava as ações do alvo, porém os sensores de dor ficavam ligados, porém sem oportunidade de reação.  
Sabia que estava próximo de acordar, logo era hora de iniciar. A agulha perfurou a pele atingindo uma das veias localizadas nas costas da mão direita, depositando toda a droga. A vítima se mexeu levemente. Começou massagear as mãos do “paciente”, com tranquilidade. Com um bisturi, abriu a pele de toda a extensão do pulso até o cotovelo deixando o músculo a mostra. Correstes rangiam. Ele já estava sentindo a dor, mas não podia gritar... Isso era perfeito. Só o cortou para ver como os nervos reagiam quando fazia a torção e rompimento de alguns ligamentos.  
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Todo o processo de tortura foi extenso, estava naquele jogo a aproximadamente duas horas, quando a vítima deu sua última respirada. Fim do jogo. Agora era a pior parte, se desfazer sem deixar vestígios. Foi quando pegou uma serra para começar a reduzir o tamanho daquele corpo que ouviu uma presença atrás de si. O pescoço virou rapidamente, com um olhar de matador. - “Eu tenho certeza de que tranquei a porta.”  
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tothesolarium · 1 year
It’s my story and I can- put fairy lords in it if I want to
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negreabsolut · 1 year
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El Calendarium Naturale Magicum Perpetuum (c. 1619-1620) és un grimori i obra esotèrica del renaixement tardà en la forma d'un calendari. El títol sencer és Magnum Grimorium sive Calendarium Naturale Magicum Perpetuum Profundissimam Rerum Secretissimarum Contemplationem Totiusque Philosophiae Cognitionem Complectens. És fet de tres fulls que, units, fan més de 120 cm de llarg per uns 61 cm d'ample.
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songweaver · 17 days
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enterwittyjokehere · 1 year
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A Soapy Entaglement
[Raiden x afab reader smut]
⚠️ warnings :
[No pronouns used]
[Smut 18+ only]
You laid in your large stone bath tub as earthrealms champion, Raiden sat in the corner of your large bathing area. The stone against your body, in contrast to the fluffy bubbles over flowing in the tub felt amazing. You were royalty and the child of an elder God, and your life reflected just that.
Raiden sat with his back to you as you soaked in the bath. You wanted his attention, you had been giving him signals but the shaolin monk was incredibly dense.
You had been "going out", as the incompetent Earthrealmer Johnny Cage called it, with Raiden for about four months and had yet to share intimacy with him.
If Raiden did not wish to have that kind of relationship that would be fine, but he has said quite the opposite from time to time. The earthrealmer loved talking about the future he hopes the two of you could have.
"You and kung lao turn everything into a competition, why?" You asked, earthrealms champion.
"We just kinda always have. Kung lao has always been overconfident making him incredibly competitive." Your earthrealm boyfriend repiled.
"But you're not?" You tried to understand.
"Not what?" Raiden quickly turned to face you, "overconfident?"
"No." You said locking eyes with him, "competitive?"
A red hue covered his olive features as he turned back to his corner. Going back to his scroll you'd gifted him, it was your father's grimorie. You gave it to Raiden, when he had mentioned learning more about outworld and the other realms.
"I can be." He said, softly.
"You aren't with me." You stated flatly, you knew you were beginning to get under his skin. Your lips turned up at the ends, in satisfaction when he mumbled something under his breath, "I'm sorry dear, I didn't hear that one."
"I said..." He paused and turned to face you once more, the bubbles from the tub covered your chest, but were see through enough to show the scars littered across it, "I don't have to be."
"What do you mean?"
"You bring out the best in me..." Raiden said, "what would we compete for?"
"Not sure." You said, "But-... actually disregard that."
"No, go ahead." Raiden encouraged you, he was looking at you.
You had won.
"I was just gonna say... that you can get in." You said, turning your back to him, hoping he would take it as a chance to undress and crawl in.
You only heard a small giggle, "really? That's all your loveliness would like from me."
Your stomach unflured and your face began to heat up, a large hand met your shoulder as he sat in the tub next to you.
"Raiden." You spoke softly.
"Yes?" He answered.
"I do not wish to make you do anything your uncomfortable with, just tell me and I can stop. I just wish you would tell me what was on your mind so I'm not having to assume." You spoke freely.
"(Y/n), umm... if you really want to know.." He said scooting closer to you, "I would love to kiss you right now."
He seemed unsure about what he had said, immediately breaking the eye contact he'd initiated. You took his chin with your hand, lifting his head back up to met your eyes.
"Much better." You spoke and broke the distance between the two of you, pressing your lips onto his. Raiden grabbed your shoulder and kept you in place.
You rewarded the gesture by grabbing his hand, "Your highness, I must let you know, that I do absolutely enjoy our time together." He said, rubbing the hand.
"Raiden, there was actually something else about our... liaison, but I would hate to ruin this moment." You said, placing your head on his shoulder, opposite from the one your hand laid on.
"I figured, although, it's unlike you to withhold your thoughts." Raiden said, resting his head on your own, "Are we ok?"
"Of course, my love." You assured him, "I just wondered when our relationship would become more... intimate..?"
Raiden's face warmed at the question, your face, yet hidden showed your worries, about the question.
"Intimate?" Raiden repeated, his calm and clear voice made it hard for you to know what he was thinking. Although, at the beginning of the relationship, that was half of the appeal.
You removed your hand, followed by you pushing off of Raiden to scoot back. When Raiden notice what you were doing he grabbed your arm, "where are you going?"
"I was going to give you space."
Raiden's flustered appearance, silently pleaded against your claim. He held your forearm tightly, looking into your eyes, "but... I thought-"
"Raiden?" You questioned, Earthrealm's champion glanced down, " Do you want to be more intimate?"
Raiden nodded, had it been possible the earthrealmer would be blushing even harder at the question.
"Are you sure? I can wait." You said, "I really do not wish to pressure you, with your training, outworld and the tournament, I know you've had your share of stressors."
"Maybe that's why we should." He said, surprising you.
"O-ok..." You trip over you words, as you moved over to sit in raidens lap. You faced Raiden, who was face level with your chest, although, he tried his best to keep eye contact.
Your hands traced down his torso, moving inward to find his p*nis. Raiden whispered a mess of words when you found it, grabbing it harshly, you began to pump your hands around it.
Raiden groaned as you pumped, he whispered strands of words you couldn't understand. Grabbing you shoulder, for stability, trying his best not to squeeze you tightly.
"Ready, my love?" You asked him, as you stopped, Raiden was flustered and breathing heavily already so he only replied with a nod.
You moved onto him, the two of you moaned in harmony as you took all of him in. You grinded against him, moving your hips and holding his hands to help. You moved back on him, then up and forward and back down. Making sure he felt all of you, he was enjoying it to say the least, the heavenly look on his face and soft moans assured you of that.
"(Y/n)..." He spoke, inbetween pants and moans, "baby I feel like..."
"You're gonna c*m?" You spoke, reassuring him that you understood his needs.
With that you began to only bounce up and down, searching for that one spot, in the back of your body. You were very vocal when you found it, Raiden caught on to it very quickly. Grabbing your hips, he began to f*ck you, you guided your movements now, sloppily but he was trying.
Slamming himself into that one spot you had found for him, "Raiden... Kiss me."
Once again you got only pants and a nod as he moved to your mouth. Kissing you deeply, you would disconnect with the movements, but he would give you little kisses when you came back down.
You let out a sound of pleasure when your knot in your stomach snapped, your body clenched and unclenched around Raiden, sending him into his own noisy climax, milking earth champion. He tossed his head back, making his Adam's apple more prominent, and moaned mixed with hoarse panting.
You bent down, sucking on his Adam's apple, while he came.
"By the elder gods-" He spoke, as you sucked and bit at the sensitive skin, "(y/n)."
Moving around his neck you left little hickeys, while the two of you laid together in the tub.
Eventually, Raiden had to leave, as earth realms champion Liu Kang was very strict about his training. When Raiden got back to the academy, the first thing his tournament friends had noticed, were the bruises littering his neck.
Raiden, however shook them off, avoiding the question. Although, even kung lao was not that dense.
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