#grinning emoji
candy-boom-anon · 1 month
What kind of science nerd are you?
hmm.. id say the chemistry type?? I guess?? I dont know, haven't really thought about it-
*ring ring!!! Ring ring!!!*
Oh, that's my phone. Sorry, give me a sec- *answers the call* uh, hello?? Who is this??
[@reptile-reaper pspspspsp ^_^(ooc)]
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oopsalltes · 1 year
i think all of my followers should ask me about bomberman especially the reimagine au
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Your Mom
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littlegeecko · 1 year
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my take on human Prismo- And Scarab gets pijamis too!
i like to think Scarab can wake himself up with enough sheer willpower, then he can wake Prismo up- they still keep their powers but dulled out a bit. They make it work tho
While Prismo can get out the time cube at will like this, Scarab can't unless he's alongside Prismo, they're chained to each other mostly cuz of the apprentice/trial stage Scarab's in, its fun to be around the cube like this tho, Prismo thinks- and its also nice to spend casual time with Scarab : ]
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shinynewmemories · 1 month
"Gale says I never smile except in the woods."
Well that's strange, considering Peeta can make Katniss smile/laugh-
- on the train to the Capitol:
"Peeta unexpectedly laughs. 'He was drunk,' says Peeta. 'He’s drunk every year.'
'Every day,' I add. I can’t help smirking a little."
- while waiting to be paraded around like livestock:
"'Where is Haymitch, anyway? Isn’t he supposed to protect us from this sort of thing?' says Peeta.
'With all that alcohol in him, it’s probably not advisable to have him around an open flame,' I say.
And suddenly we’re both laughing."
- in the training center:
"When we finally escape to bed on the second night, Peeta mumbles, 'Someone ought to get Haymitch a drink.'
I make a sound that is somewhere between a snort and a laugh."
- at the dinner table:
"'I hope that’s how people interpret the four I’ll probably get,' says Peeta. 'If that. Really, is anything less impressive than watching a person pick up a heavy ball and throw it a couple of yards. One almost landed on my foot.'
I grin at him and realize that I’m starving."
- in the Arena:
"Peeta, it turns out, has never been a danger to me. The thought makes me smile."
- in the Arena:
"I lean over and put my good ear to his lips, which tickle as he whispers. 'Remember, we’re madly in love, so it’s all right to kiss me anytime you feel like it.'
I jerk my head back but end up laughing."
- in the Arena:
"'Katniss?' Peeta says. I meet his eyes, knowing my face must be some shade of green. He mouths the words. 'How about that kiss?'
I burst out laughing because the whole thing is so revolting I can’t stand it."
- in the Arena:
"Peeta’s struggling to get up when I reach the cave. 'I woke up and you were gone,' he says. 'I was worried about you.'
I have to laugh as I ease him back down."
- in the Arena:
"'So that day, in music assembly, the teacher asked who knew the valley song. Your hand shot right up in the air. She stood you up on a stool and had you sing it for us. And I swear, every bird outside the windows fell silent,' Peeta says.
'Oh, please,' I say, laughing."
- in the Arena:
"'Hey, Effie, watch this!' says Peeta. He tosses his fork over his shoulder and literally licks his plate clean with his tongue making loud, satisfied sounds. Then he blows a kiss out to her in general and calls, 'We miss you, Effie!'
I cover his mouth with my hand, but I’m laughing."
- during the Victory Tour:
"'Isn’t it strange that I know you’d risk your life to save mine . . . but I don’t know what your favorite color is?' [Peeta] says.
A smile creeps onto my lips."
- all the way from the Capitol when she's in District 13:
"'You’re alive,' I whisper, pressing my palms against my cheeks, feeling the smile that’s so wide it must look like a grimace. Peeta’s alive."
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s0ckh3adstudios · 5 months
Fun fact! They/them pronouns are actually REALLY easy to use! 😁 You use them the EXACT SAME WAY you'd go about using he/him and she/her! 😁😁😁 It's REALLY easy because you just USE THOSE ONES HOW YOU'D USE ANY OTHER 😁 SO THERE IS NO POINT IN SEEING a character who uses THEY/THEM pronouns and 😁😁 deciding 😁 that it should be Something Else Instead! 😁😁 When it's really easy to type the words THEY and THEM!😁 Pronouns with Two Extra Letters More Than You're Used To, I know, but it's Really Easy.😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁So you should perhaps Just Use them. 😁
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River's escape is the funniest thing they've done so far, he literally went
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artseniccatnip · 1 year
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mimilllion · 1 year
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dogs (cogs) playin poker (toono)
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proxmojis · 1 month
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two yellow-guy emotes, a devious grin and a sad one :)
getting back into *the grind* post-cruise, post-surgery and post-sickness. hope to see you around!
ps: click them. tumlber destroyed the colors lmao
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stealingpotatoes · 1 year
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youracecard · 3 months
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yeah @spotaus
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just a simple question.. i just need 2 know.. for a friend..
fall for my trickery !!
inspired by @owl-bones and @antlered-prince fae au ive been really interested in it lately and yeah
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The Smiling Moon [February 2023]
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strobbylemonade · 1 year
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@necronatural backstreet dante au dante and rodya as that one spiderman mj image
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c-kiddo · 2 months
I love tgirl cad and if you ever post any drawings of her i would be very happy and look at them literally for hours
oh aw :'-) i maybe have before a couple times but it was a while ago but i willl try to post current drawings o her tonight 😁 !!!!
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s0ckh3adstudios · 7 months
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I doodled the two Kanako's once, but wanted to draw some more silly crossover interactions between my swap AU and @zedleaked 's swap AU!! hello hi i love your swap au forever
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