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dailystargatebooty · 2 years
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wally-b-feed · 2 years
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Anthony Fineran (B 1981), Pine Grogan Ledger II, 2022
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santaclaralocalnews · 11 months
Santa Clara will conduct an external review after a man was stabbed at Levi’s Stadium on July 2. In a memo released on July 11, Santa Clara City Manager Jovan Grogan said three debriefs about the event have already occurred between the Stadium Authority, Read more at svvoice.com
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quotesfromall · 1 year
Palm Beach County is known as a playground for the obscenely rich, but what is less widely known is that it is also home to huge farms that stretch across drained Everglades swamps for miles out of town. Thousands of migrant workers, coast from Mexico and Central America, migrate into South Florida each growing season to pick the peppers, tomatoes, lettuce, and celery that supply much of the East Coast
John Grogan, Marley & Me
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panelshowsource · 2 months
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celaenaeiln · 7 months
do you ever think about how canonically in the batman v superman movie/universe, dick grayson is the dead robin and bruce never picked up another kid which eventually led to him killing superman?
If Dick were to die, Bruce would completely break. He wouldn't just stop at killing villains - hell no - he would start killing heroes too.
All that's going through his head is that no one deserves to exist if Dick is gone.
And knowing me, I will always gladly provide the evidence.
In the comics when Dick got shot, Bruce's world imploded.
He felt such a strong rage, he kinda lost it. He flew to another country, defeated assassins, and trucked through the freezing blizzard in Russia to get to KG Beast.
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Batman (2016) Issue #56
The utter, undiluted rage on his face.
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Batman (2016) Issue #56
He lost communication with Alfred. He's completely on his own but nothing will stop him in his crusade to avenge Dick.
He finds the assassin and they have a massive fight. KG Beast is actually one of the highest paid killers in the world. Him, Lady Shiva, Deathstroke, Deadshot, and someone else are the top 5 of the villain world and Batman almost loses until-
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Batman (2016) Issue #57
He shoots a grapple gun into KG Beast's face! He breaks him. He leaves him paralyzed.
His horror at what the Joker has done to Barbara is gone in the face of his hatred for what happened to Dick.
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Batman (2016) Issue #57
Batman willingly and knowingly paralyzed someone despite knowing the cost. That's how much he hated him. But you think it stops here? This is just the tip of the iceberg.
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Batman (2016) Issue #57
And this is where it all goes to hell.
Batman, the vigilante who beat his own son for killing criminals, leaves this criminal for the dead.
The Gotham commissioners talk about it
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Batman (2016) Issue #60
Forget Batman. JTTF stands for Joint Terrorism Task Force. They actually considered a hit on Nightwing an act of terrorism.
That's how much the world loves Nightwing.
The moment KG Beast shot Nightwing, he became the Nation's Public Enemy Number One.
Commissioner Grogan hates KG Beast so much for what he did, he can't even bring himself to say the man's name, too revolted by his existence. Gotham hates the guy more than they hate the Joker.
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Batman (2016) Issue #60
Commissioner Gordon offers some hope that maybe Batman knew but Commissioner Grogan - he just says maybe. I don't know, it's possible but - to which Gordon just stays silent. They both know what happened and what Batman did but confirming it out loud? Batman's not supposed to kill.
So Batman left KG Beast to die but Bane? The one who ordered the hit? He-
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Batman (2016) Issue #59
And when Gordon tries to stop him-
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Batman (2016) Issue #59
He. Punches. Gordon.
He hurts his friend and ally. The man who helped him the night his parents were murdered. He punched for his pain over Dick.
This is where it all connects to the Superman vs Batman movie. If Dick were to die, Bruce would kill his own allies in the end. He would raze the world to the ground.
In the comics, Dick's death is the turning point for Batman (2016). After this he enters a series of nightmares where his brain turns a nightmare of Selina dying to be exactly reminiscent of what happened to Dick, and even though Dick lived, Bruce can't let that go. Then the fight with Bane who targeted Dick solely because of his importance to Dick, and then the Joker War where the Joker tried to use Dick because of his importance to Bruce, and the Gotham War where Dick thrashing him was Bruce's breaking point from his toxic self and finally self-realization.
Damian once said Dick leaving to become Nightwing caused Bruce to lose his moral compass, and that's even more true now. He's breaking enemies and allies left and right just because Dick almost died.
Imagine what would happen if Dick really did.
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staud · 3 months
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guys named harry simping over their wives | bofb ep 3 & mota pt 2 ↳ requested by @paratrooper56 🤍
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lewis-winters · 6 months
we, as a fandom, are honestly missing out on the absolute hilarity and angst potential of putting kitty grogan on the front line with harry welsh.
can you imagine the bickering?
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betterthanlif3 · 4 months
clare grogan did SO well at acting she was rimmer in kochanski's body.
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wally-b-feed · 2 years
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Anthony Fineran (B 1981), Pine Grogan Ledger I, 2022
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santaclaralocalnews · 11 months
Santa Clara will conduct an external review after a man was stabbed at Levi’s Stadium on July 2. In a memo released on July 11, Santa Clara City Manager Jovan Grogan said three debriefs about the event have already occurred between the Stadium Authority, Forty-Niners Management Company (ManCo) and the Bay Area Host Committee...Read complete news at svvoice.com
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dykeredhood · 5 months
Why does Niamh Connolly from Father Ted look so familiar? That’s only because she’s also S1 Kristine Kochanski
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gemville · 7 months
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Nephrite, Mother Of Pearl, Onyx, Enamel and Diamond Desk Clock by Grogan & Makowsky, Circa 1925
Source: jckonline.com
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itstheheebiejeebies · 4 months
Do you think Crosby will tell Jean about the letter Bubbles wrote to her when he writes to tell her Bubbles died? Do you think she'll sigh in relief that at least her husband is alive and then feel terrible because his best friend, whom she loves as well, is dead.
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gloryofwinter · 5 months
Newspaper clippings with Welsh's & Sledge's wedding announcements
Came across a couple more of the boys' wedding announcements in newspaper archives!
One is for Harry Welsh's 1945 wedding to *the* Kitty Grogan. Remember in BoB how Harry talks about holding onto his reserve parachute for Kitty to ultimately make into a wedding dress? My favorite detail: "The bride...wore a white bridal gown fashioned from a parachute used by the bridegroom overseas." How full-circle.
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Then I also found an article reporting Eugene Sledge's 1952 marriage to Jeanne Arceneaux, also of Mobile. Looks like his dad served as his best man (their scenes together in the pacific were so heartbreakingly beautiful. How lovely to think that his dad was there with him at the aisle, just as he was there to comfort and support him upon his return from the front; to mark this event that showed that Eugene had found someone, some reason to be excited for the future after the pain of coming home and grappling with what he had witnessed and experienced). My poor little heart...
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