#groundhog day fic
suttttton · 2 years
Hey there! Saw your new posts and am wondering, what is the Groundhog Day? New fic?
groundhog day (aka elias vs. the time loop) is about elias getting stuck in a time loop that stretches from the events of MAG 117 (when elias briefs the team before the Unknowing) until the end of the world (whenever that may be in each particular timeline). initially elias is like, "woo-hoo! a chance to create a version of the apocalypse where jon doesn't steal my spotlight and then murder me :)" but eventually he gets EXTREMELY sick of being stuck in a time loop, falls deeply in love with jon, and becomes a better person. and dies <3
it's a fic that starts out INCREDIBLY dark and serious, and then halfway through it just morphs into a clown show. in one loop elias just abandons everyone with no explanation and fucks off to his lake house for a full year. in another loop elias brings jon and martin to his lake house to Keep Them Safe (but mostly they're just Extremely Confused because they're suddenly on vacation with their evil boss???). in another loop elias kidnaps jon and holds him captive in his house to Keep Him Safe except the things that want to attack jon just keep coming into elias' house so it doesn't work AT ALL
it's also very very long, which is why I've been working on it for almost 2 years, and it's still nowhere near done. hopefully after nano this year, it'll be way closer though!
snippet below the cut:
“Why—why—why is—why?” Martin says, his breath picking up as he stares at Jon with an expression that can only be described as horror. He swallows hard and looks back at Elias. “Why did you put him in the boot?”
“I don’t think he minded, Martin.”
“That’s not the point!”
Elias sighs. “I didn’t want to risk questions about the corpse in my car if we happened to get pulled over,” he says, turning back towards the house, and Martin pales.
“He isn’t a corpse!” Martin says. He follows slowly, taking excessive care not to jostle Jon. “Why is he here at all? He needs to be in a hospital!”
It’s all Elias can do not to roll his eyes. “What, pray tell, do you think the hospital is going to do for him?”
“He—he needs to be hooked up to an IV, he’ll get dehydrated—”
“Martin.” Elias fixes him with his most patronizing stare as he fishes the keys from his pockets. Turning back to the door, he continues, “His heart isn’t beating. Dehydration is the least of his worries.”
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nasa employee: oh hey u guys are back early  astronaut: moon's stuck in a time loop.  nasa employee: what?  astronaut: *loading a pistol and getting back on the rocket-ship* moon’s stuck in a time loop.
nasa employee: oh hey u guys are back early  astronaut: moon's stuck in a time loop.  nasa employee: what?  astronaut: *loading a pistol* moon’s stuck in a time loop. do you have extra ammo? this won’t be enough. nasa employee: enough for…what? astronaut: *finding extra clip of ammo, pocketing it, and getting back on the rocket-ship* don’t worry about it!
nasa employee: oh hey u guys are back early  astronaut: moon's stuck in a time loop. nasa employee: what?  astronaut: *emerging from supply closet with a space harpoon, getting back on the rocket-ship* moon’s stuck in a time loop.
nasa employee: oh hey u guys are back early  astronaut:   oh hey u guys are back early astronaut: moon's stuck in a time loop.  nasa employee: what?  astronaut: what?  nasa employee: how did you know what i was going to say?  astronaut: *punching in key pad code for base evacuation signal, getting back on the rocket-ship* i told you…moon’s stuck in a time loop. *red warning lights begin flashing*
nasa employee: oh hey u guys are back early  astronaut: moon's stuck in a time loop.  nasa employee: what?  astronaut: *rifling thru bookshelf of operating instructions, selecting one that says “AIRLOCK MANUAL OVERRIDE INSTRUCTIONS,” getting back on the rocket-ship* moon’s stuck in a time loop.
nasa employee: oh hey u guys are back early  astronaut: moon's stuck in a time loop.  nasa employee: what?  astronaut: moon’s stuck in a time loop. hey, do you have anything to eat? i’m starving. *opens random drawer, finds nothing, closes it* nasa employee: a time loo- uh, we don’t have food in here…we can’t…eat in the control room, only the break-room. astronaut: *sighs* nasa employee:…my lunch is in like 10 minutes, though, and if my lunch is actually STILL THERE and not STOLEN, AGAIN, i can share it with yo- astronaut: nah, that’s ok…no time. *loading a pistol and getting back on the rocket-ship* or…too much time. but thanks, anyway. OK, bye! *alarm begins blaring* nasa employee: you’re…welcome? wait, a TIME LOOP?!
nasa employee: oh hey u guys are back early  astronaut: yup. nasa employee: …?  astronaut: *sitting down next to nasa employee* so…do you ever like…wonder what the meaning of life is? the secrets of the universe? nasa employee: aren’t you supposed to be ON the MOON?! *alarm begins blaring* nasa employee: hey, what the hell is that? astronaut: that’s the code red override klaxon. moon’s stuck in a time loop. oh, and there’s an explosion imminent. But don’t worry, we can deal with that tomorrow. So, you have any siblings? *pulls beer out of space suit, cracks tab* want a drink?
nasa employee: oh hey u guys are back early  astronaut: do you know frank in IT? nasa employee: what?  astronaut: do you know frank, who works in IT?  nasa employee: yeah, but why are you guys back so early?  astronaut: moon’s stuck in a time loop. call frank, tell him there’s a virus in the security patch and the system’s compromised. then get the hell out of the base.  nasa employee: wait what? what? where are you guys going?  astronaut: *loading a pistol and getting back on the rocket-ship* back to the moon. it’s stuck in a time loop. call frank!  nasa employee: *picks up phone* ugh, straight to voicemail. i wonder wha- *alarm begins blaring*
nasa employee: oh hey u guys are back early  astronaut: *grim silence* nasa employee: i said, you guys are back early…hey, what are you…?  astronaut: *randomly opening drawers until they find a pair of scissors and some duct tape, getting back on the rocket-ship* moon’s stuck in a time loop.
nasa employee: oh hey u guys are back early  astronaut: moon's stuck in a time loop.  nasa employee: what?  astronaut: *loading a pistol and getting back on the rocket-ship* moon’s stuck in a time loop. *sticks head back out the door of the rocket-ship* by the way, if you go to the break-room in exactly 2 minutes and 45 seconds, you’ll catch the person who’s been stealing your lunches for the past two weeks. nasa employee: what?! WHO IS IT?! *alarm begins blaring* nasa employee: *running for the break-room* FUCK!!!!
nasa employee: oh hey u guys are back early  astronaut: moon's stuck in a time loop.  nasa employee: what?  astronaut: *sits down, sighs, pulls a beer out from their spacesuit* moon’s stuck in a time loop. nasa employee: …ok, and? hang on, how did you get a beer? you can’t have that in here. astronaut: what do you know about project floyd? nasa employee: I mean, the usual amount? i’m not really on the project anymore, why?  *alarm begins blaring*  astronaut: COME WITH ME TO THE ROCKET-SHIP, we don’t have ti-
nasa employee: oh hey u guys are back early  astronaut: yeah. moon's stuck in a time loop.  nasa employee: what?  astronaut: *loading a pistol and getting back on the rocket-ship* moon’s stuck in a time loop. see you tomorrow. maybe. nasa employee: WHAT?!
nasa employee: oh hey u guys are back early  astronaut: moon's stuck in a time loop.  nasa employee: what?  astronaut: *sighs, rubs hands over face, and loads pistol, before getting back on the rocket-ship* moon’s stuck in a time loop. and, uh…you should call your mother like you’ve been meaning to. and tell her you’re not actually mad and that you will come to dinner tonight. you’re gonna be hungry. nasa employee: wait, what? WHAT?? how do you know my mom?! why am i gonna be - *alarm begins blaring* 
nasa employee: oh hey u guys are back early  astronaut: moon's stuck in a time loop.  nasa employee: what? astronaut: *grabbing two pistols, an extra box of ammo, a pair of scissors, some duct tape, a space harpoon, and a booklet of operating instructions that says “AIRLOCK MANUAL OVERRIDE INSTRUCTIONS,” starting to get back on the rocket-ship, but dropping everything with a horrendous clatter* FUCK! goddamn moon’s stuck in a time loop. *alarm begins blaring*
nasa employee: oh hey u guys are back early  astronaut: moon's stuck in a time loop.  nasa employee: what? also, hey, where’d you get that duffel bag? astronaut: *grabbing two pistols, an extra box of ammo, a pair of scissors, some duct tape, a space harpoon, and a booklet of operating instructions that says “AIRLOCK MANUAL OVERRIDE INSTRUCTIONS,” shoving them into the bag, and getting back on the rocket-ship* moon’s stuck in a time loop.
nasa employee: oh hey u guys are back earl-  astronaut: *grabs nasa employee and kisses them passionately*  nasa employee: what? WHAT?! astronaut: *loading a single pistol and getting back on the rocket-ship* moon’s stuck in a time loop, sweetheart.  nasa employee: what?!? astronaut: a time loop!!! i love you!!! get out of the base!!! stay alive!!! nasa employee: *presses fingers to lips, confused but intrigued, as alarm begins blaring* 
nasa employee:…. nasa employee:… nasa employee: ho hum what a regular day at the office *alarm begins blaring* nasa employee: what the hell is that?!
nasa employee: oh hey u guys are back earl-  astronaut: *grabs nasa employee and kisses them passionately*  nasa employee: what? what?! WHAT!?!? also, hey, where’d you get that duffel bag? astronaut: *grabbing two pistols, an extra box of ammo, a pair of scissors, some duct tape, a space harpoon, and a booklet of operating instructions that says “AIRLOCK MANUAL OVERRIDE INSTRUCTIONS,” shoving them into the bag, then cupping nasa employee’s cheek with free hand* moon’s stuck in a time loop. nasa employee: the moon’s stuck in a what?! astronaut: a time loop, sweetheart, but we don’t have much time ourselves, so you have to listen to me RIGHT now nasa employee: *faintly* …“sweetheart”?! astronaut: in 2 minutes and a few seconds, you need to go into the break-room and find frank. nasa employee: wait, frank from IT? astronaut: yes. nasa employee: how do you know he’s gonna be in the break-room? i can’t just call him at his desk right now? astronaut: how do i know this?! because, one, time loop, ok? and…also…because…heismaybetheguywhohasbeenstealingyourlunchfortwoweeks nasa employee: that BASTARD i KNEW it astronaut: BUT THAT’S NOT WHAT’S IMPORTANT RIGHT NOW. hey! listen to me! go in there, catch him red-handed with your burrito, and tell him lunch is on you FOREVER if he goes RIGHT NOW and checks the last security patch - because there’s a virus and the whole system’s compromised. then you need to get the hell out of this base, ok? nasa employee: …ok. ok. and…and what about you? astronaut: *cocking pistol and getting back into rocket-ship with duffel bag* me? i’m gonna shoot for the moon.
nasa employee: so, how many loops in total? astronaut: i mean, it was hard to keep track. somewhere around six months, if i had to guess. nasa employee: damn. astronaut: yeah. nasa employee: and in those six MONTHS, the best zinger you came up with was “shoot for the moon”? astronaut: hey, you know what, i had some other stuff on my mind! nasa employee: i mean, i guess. it sounded like you found time to flirt with me each time. astronaut: yeah, like i said. other stuff on my mind. *they look at each other, blush, and look away* astronaut: sooooooo. you’re sure your mom is cool with me coming over for dinner? nasa employee: can’t make the day any weirder. plus, i owe you for ratting out frank, right? astronaut: he did help us save the world; we can’t be too mad at him. nasa employee: you’ve had a little while to get over it, i might need some more time. and it wasn’t even your food! astronaut: ok, that’s fair. what if i buy you lunch to make up for it? nasa employee: hmm, when? astronaut: tomorrow? nasa employee: well, i’ll have left overs from my mom, and you might too if you play your cards right. day after tomorrow? astronaut: honestly, anytime is good for me.
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atlantablack · 3 months
from a groundhog day fic I may or may not ever finish
He’s alone in the throne room when Bilbo finds him, a miserable look on his face. It’s been quite some time since he’s seen Bilbo look this unhappy and even with the arkenstone forefront in his mind he still finds the space to worry about it. Focuses on the tight lines of his mouth and the trembling of his hands and feels nothing but worry. 
Bilbo who helped him reclaim Erebor. Who is as precious to Thorin as the gold in the next room. Once the arkenstone was found and the thieves at his front door were dispersed, once he had time and space, he would make sure that Bilbo had a place of honor at his side. 
“Bilbo,” he says, blinking furiously as he tries to stay focused. “Are you well? Has something happened?” 
Bilbo shakes his head and comes to a stop in front of the throne, dropping to his knees in front of Thorin. It’s so out of character that for a minute Thorin’s vision tilts. 
“Bilbo,” he says again, softer, pressing a hand to Bilbo’s cheek and tilting his head up. While it is a dream to have Bilbo in front of him this way he doesn’t like the grief filling his burglar’s eyes. “Tell me, what has happened?”
“I’m sorry,” Bilbo says, a sob working its way out of his mouth after the words. “I keep messing up and I’m going to mess up again but I’m trying.” 
He frowns, not sure what Bilbo is speaking of. “I do not understand.” 
Bilbo smiles at him, tragedy written in every line of his face. “I know. But I needed to say it anyway.” 
“This isn’t going to work, but, I’m going to try anyway, okay?” Bilbo pauses, studying Thorin’s face like he’s looking for something. Thorin doesn’t know what but he would give it to Bilbo if he can. 
“Just,” Bilbo swallows, presses into the hand Thorin still hasn’t removed from his face. “Just, please, don’t hate me, okay?” 
“I could not,” he says, wondering what could have happened to make Bilbo think otherwise. It does not once occur to him that betrayal could come from the one in front of him and more fool him. He is blinded by his regard for the hobbit and so, when Bilbo reaches into the pocket of his robe, he has no expectations. 
None, until he catches a glimpse of light playing off of Bilbo’s fingers. No, he thinks, breath catching. The room tilts dangerously and he doesn’t realize that his fingers are digging into Bilbo’s face until he whimpers. 
In the end the most remarkable thing about having the arkenstone pressed into his hand is not the arkenstone at all. It is the tears silently streaming down Bilbo’s face as he presses the stone into Thorin’s hand, his fingers curl over Thorin’s, the stone hidden between their hands. 
“How long have you had this?” Thorin asks, knows his voice has gone dangerous, but he’s helpless to stop the fury licking at the base of his spine.
Bilbo closes his eyes and in the smallest voice Thorin has ever heard from him says, “From the beginning. I found it almost as soon as I went into the treasury.” 
Thorin can’t breathe, the betrayal so strong he feels as if he’s going to drown. For all that he had thought someone would take the stone he had not truly believed Bilbo capable of such a thing. “You,” he says. “You would steal from me.” 
“No, no, I didn’t steal it,” Bilbo says and he sounds as if he believes this. “I was scared to give it to you, Thorin. I’m still scared. You’ve gone somewhere I can’t follow and I don’t know how to help you.” 
“I have gone nowhere,” he says, frowning and realizing that it’s true, Bilbo is terrified, is shaking under Thorin’s hand. It doesn’t erase the fury but it tempers it. He is trying to understand. Feels as if there’s a fog in his mind as he tries. He wants to understand though, does not want to believe that Bilbo could betray him so thoroughly without a reason.
Bilbo tries to shake his head but Thorin’s hand holds him steady. “You’ve gone away into your own mind,” he says, looking up at Thorin with wet, pleading eyes. “You’re sick Thorin. I need you to break out of it.” His voice breaks and he’s a liar, a pretty liar, but a liar nonetheless. 
Thorin pulls away, holds the arkenstone up to his face and finds it as beautiful as he remembers. He looks back down at Bilbo and finds nothing but grief looking back.
“Get out,” he says, the words heavy in his mouth. “Leave Erebor. I will grant you safe passage only because you did, in the end, give me what is rightfully mine.”
But Bilbo is already shaking his head. “No,” he says, a stubborn tilt to his mouth. “No. I’m not leaving you.”
Thorin barely thinks before backhanding him “GET OUT,” he roars. Somewhere, in the back of his mind, there’s shrieking. Dwalin and Nori come running in and for a minute stop dead in the doorway.
Bilbo’s sprawled on the dais, one hand to the blistering red of his cheek, but he still sits back up, eyes terribly wide and betrayed, and says, “No.”
Thorin can see him trembling. Can see Nori, his jaw set, creeping towards them as if Thorin would not notice. “You will leave,” he says, leaning down to the hiss the words in Bilbo’s face, “or I will make you.”
Bilbo’s chin tilts up. “Then make me, Thorin.” And then, like he has no concept of how much danger he is in, he tips forward and presses his forehead to Thorin’s. “I can’t leave you,” he murmurs into the space between them. “I can’t watch you die again.”
Thorin feels frozen. The press of Bilbo’s forehead to his overwhelming. He clenches the arkenstone in his fist until it bites into his skin and dimly, he thinks that he should be concerned about breaking it.
“Get out,” he says again, voice gone unaccountably soft. “I do not want you here. Traitor.”
“Like I said, make me,” Bilbo says, leaning even closer, the words ghosting over Thorin’s mouth.
Bilbo’s mouth, when it finally brushes his, is soft. He presses against Thorin so sweetly and for a minute Thorin wavers. Presses back. Thinks, please, thinks, let me have this one beautiful thing. He wavers—
—and then he pushes Bilbo down the dais stairs. It is not a long fall but Bilbo falls easily and with a resounding thunk as his body hits the bottom. Nori is at his side before Thorin can blink, pulling him to his feet and pulling him towards the door. Thorin feels so dizzy he could fall over.
“You’re a fool,” Dwalin says from the bottom of the stairs.
“I am king,” he says, voice raspier than it should be. “I will not tolerate thieves and traitors.”
“Aye, but you have always been my king. Even without that stone. You used to know that.”
“Get out,” he snaps.
Dwalin leaves and Thorin stares down at the arkenstone for a very long time. Feels like his head is splitting apart. Feels like his heart has torn itself asunder. He’s not sure when he falls to his knees in front of the throne but he’s listening to Bilbo’s voice on repeat, You’ve gone somewhere that I can’t follow. Thinks of Dwalin’s words and the grief that had seemed to pass from Bilbo to Dwalin. A shared grief that Thorin can’t understand, doesn’t want to understand. You’ve gone somewhere that I can’t follow.
The arkenstone, when he throws it across the hall, does not shatter, but Thorin’s head feels clearer than it has in days and so of course, the guilt comes pouring in. By the time Bard and Thranduil arrive the gold haze has almost completely cleared from his mind.
It doesn’t fix anything.
“Thorin,” Bilbo gasps, sliding to his knees next to Thorin. “No, no, you can’t do this, not again.”
“Bilbo,” he sighs, reaching for Bilbo’s face despite the way it exacerbates the pain. “Amrâlimê, there is nothing to be done.”
“No,” Bilbo says, voice choked. “You can’t do this. You need to live. I need you to live.”
The side of Bilbo’s face is an ugly mess of blues and purples and Thorin’s heart manages to find the energy to clench. “I have done you a disservice,” he says, struggling to get the words. “You were right to keep the arkenstone from me for as long as you did.”
“No, don’t do this,” Bilbo says and he’s fully crying now. “I can’t do this again, please.”
Thorin presses his palm to Bilbo’s face, says, “I wish to part from you with you knowing that in any other circumstance I would have returned your affection.”
“Thorin,” Bilbo whispers, leaning down to press a furious kiss to his brow, to cheek, to his mouth. “Please, just hold on for a little longer. The eagles will be here soon.”
“Go home, master burglar,” he says, wishing he were not leaving Bilbo to such pain. “Go home to your armchairs and your books. Go home and live a good life.”
Thorin dies. Thorin dies and then—
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wangxianficrecs · 3 months
Rebirth of a Wretched Mayfly by marikazz
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Rebirth of a Wretched Mayfly
by marikazz
M, 15k, Wangxian
Summary: He sat upright and clenched his hands, numb from the cold. They felt as real as anything did these days. Wei Wuxian remembered 'yesterday' with relative certainty. They had planned an attack, Lan Wangji never leaving his side, spitfire eyes glaring and turning away in the end. Him, alone, coming down on the Wen's flank like a wraith. The stench of freshly raised corpses and the shrill sound of his own flute bleeding into the rush of blades and arrows piercing the clear air turned rancid. The ground churning into mud, an unknowable amount of fighting and bloodshed passing. Then, clear as day, the memory of an arrow to his back, of his sudden tumble and death. Not too terrible, but he felt there was no use dwelling on it for too long either. --- In the middle of the Sunshot Campaign, Wei Wuxian inexplicably repeats a harrowing winterday. Kay's comments: Incredibly painful Groundhog Day AU where Wei Wuxian lives a day in the middle of the Sunshot Campaign again and again. Either it ends with him dying or with passing out or Lan Wangji dies. It starts grating on his psyche sooner than later and eventually, he stars throwing himself at swords, too tired to continue. The angst in this was sooo good and the ending was so worth it. I really loved how it all wrapped up and how he finally found a way out of this, even though it was the most embarassing route for Wei Wuxian personally. Excerpt: For a moment Lan Wangji merely looked at him with a slightly wrinkled brow. "Wei Ying, why are you still here?" Wei Wuxian rolled his eyes. "I was meditating" Lan Wangji face became a little blanker at that, making Wei Wuxian snort. "We are leaving for the ambush shortly," Lan Wangji said and pursed his lips at Wei Wuxian's general unpreparedness. Wei Wuxian got a phantom sensation of those same lips, slick with blood, sliding against his neck. Fear suddenly clenched around his ribcage, making him recoil violently. "No," he spat. Lan Wangji lifted his hand aimlessly, but Wei Wuxian turned away and blinked rapidly at the ground. He took a bracing breath and choked out, "No, we are not" The frown was certainly noticeable now. "We are in a precarious position, it is unwise to remain here-" Acid curled in his stomach and he clenched his jaw. "We can't go, Lan Zhan"
pov wei wuxian, canon divergence, sunshot campaign, groundhog day, angst, angst with a happy ending, emotional hurt/comfort, death, major character death, suicide, mental health issues, graphic depictions of violence, war, trust issues, hurt wei wuxian, it gets worse before it gets better, miscommunication, misunderstandings, feelings realization, developing relationship, falling in love, getting to know each other, love confessions, golden core reveal, wei wuxian is not okay, wei wuxian whump
(Please REBLOG as a signal boost for this hard-working author if you like – or think others might like – this story.)
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that-girl-glader · 1 year
If you guys don't say it. I will. Like father like son. I'm looking at you Will. Specifically TOA Apollo.
Minor tsats spoilers and toa too, if you wanna read that.
Firstly, Flirting. You can just tell Will got he's rizz from his father. The difference is, it worked for Will. Reyna rejecting Apollo, chef's kiss.
Believe it or not. Their humor is very similar. Puns for goodness sake. Like Will power? Lol.
No hate on Will, and this is mostly satire, but they both complain a lot. Except only one of them, spoiler alert will, deserves too. (I DON'T MEAN IT THAT WAY, Anti-Will people, so don't even)
They both made jokes about fricking band names, lol. Nico and the cocopuffs. Nico, Rachel, Will, and the troglodytes
Both Bisexual icons
They are both stupid, Like bringing no weapons to tarturus is giving when Lester and his used to be a god self decided that swearing to never use the only weapons he can use properly and his singing gifts on the styx was a grand idea.
I feel like they both say the most socially inappropriate things. Like they just somehow say the wrong thing.
I'm almost certain they both act quieter when nervous/scared/sad.
They both think they are useless even though they did pretty impressive and quite helpful stuff.
Both had their previous view on things (darkness/being more human) changed. And bla bla development.
Yeah so that's pretty much all I could think up at the top of my head.
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octivia1o2 · 7 months
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timeline in which spot misses springtime and puts phil the groundhog in air jail for lying about his shadow. thank u
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jedi-order-apologist · 8 months
Light of Day
Cody had always been drawn to the sun, long before he got to see one. Written for Cody Day (2/2/24) and Fandom Empire Prompt Tables 2024 - Prompt: "Gold"
Also on AO3
Sunshine was nonexistent on Kamino.
It rained, and it rained, and it rained. It stormed, mostly, but even when the sea and sky were calm, there were usually still heavy clouds above, drizzling a fine mist that never really stopped.
And on the rare occasions where it didn’t rain at all, fog rose up from the ocean, thick and obscuring the sky.
That wasn’t to say that Cody – or his brothers, for that matter – was entirely unfamiliar with the concept, of course. There were simulations. They were training for a war where they would need to be prepared to fight in all manner of environments. There were UV rooms, for the continued maintenance of their health – the Kaminoans may not have needed it, but humans, even cloned humans, certainly needed more of the sun than they could get naturally on Kamino.
So, Cody knew sunshine, to an extent. He knew its effects on the body, both positive and negative. He knew what the suns looked like in the skies of their respective planets. He knew the dangers of its glare as it hung low in the sky or reflected off their armor and equipment.
He suspected, however, that it was not quite the same thing as experiencing it.
It was an idle thought, and not something he dwelled on, more concerned with training and proving his capability as a soldier and commander candidate. Still, if there was something he looked forward to aside from fulfilling his purpose, it was that someday he would experience the sun for real.
He, unfortunately, was not deployed to the first battle, on Geonosis, a world that had no shortage of sunshine.
From the stories from those who had returned, though, there wasn’t much of it to see once the battle got going, too much dust and sand kicked up into the air, obscuring it just as much as the ocean’s fog.
Cody expected that such would be the case when he did get to experience a real sun for the first time. It was unfortunate, but that was the way things were.
But Cody turned out to have better luck than that, getting shipped first to Coruscant rather than directly to the battlefield. So he had the good fortune to actually have a moment to appreciate his first true sunshine.
It was quietly satisfying – more or less what he expected it to be like, the warmth of it, the shining reflections off the skyscrapers as dawn crept up on the city. There was a softness to it that he hadn’t quite expected – even the simulation lighting on Kamino always had a harshness to it, that the real sun lacked, while still keeping everything in perfect clarity. It left a lingering impression, and he wondered if other suns would rise the same.
He decided that, as much as the demands of war permitted, he would take a moment to appreciate the sunshine, if not the sunrise, on as many planets as he could. They all had to find their own personal indulgences, and this was Cody’s, only known to himself.
Or at least, it was, until General Kenobi asked Cody’s opinion on what color to distinguish the 212th battalion with.
“The color of sunshine,” Cody said, without hesitation. General Kenobi seemed unsurprised and untroubled by such an imprecise request. He did tease Cody with a bit of pedantry about how the different temperatures of stars and the composition of planetary atmospheres impacted the perception of their color, but he also didn’t press for any further details.
Somehow, though, the gold paint now in front of Cody was exactly what he had wanted, easily recalling the warmth and that satisfaction of his first sunrise.
And it was clear as day just how he was going to apply that paint.
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f1-stuff · 1 year
Thank you for tagging me @c2-eh ! ❤️ Let's see if we can get @vegasgrandprix @penaltyboxboxbox @nottiinrosso and @ayceeofspades to do this 😁 (even if you only share 1 idea, I will Eat It Up...)
tell me about 1-5 ideas that you’ve not written a single word for yet. notes don’t count. (I have so many...this will be hard. All are charlos bc I have a problem.)
Last of Us AU - You know that episode with Bill and Frank? Yeah, that's where this idea came from. Carlos makes a fortress out of his Mallorca home after the apocalypse goes down, and finds Charles in one of his traps one day. Carlos hasn't interacted with a non-infected human in years, but he lets Charles into his home to shower and eat...and other things.
Stepford Wives/Inception AU - I had this idea of like charlos in the suburbs - married, white-picket fence etc. But actually, it's all a dream (they've been incepted) and they slowly figure out that it's not reality, and remember that they're F1 drivers who are not in fact married. The dream collapses and they return to their real lives, only to kinda miss being a married couple lol
Sex Competition AU - asfghfhsjgdk so this idea came to me like...what if charlos think they're both better than the other in bed, and the only way to prove it is to watch each other with the same girl and have her (after signing an NDA ofc) tell them who's better at sex. But then she says their better than each other in different areas. And this bothers them immensely. So they decide the only way to settle it is to experience for themselves what the other is so good at smhhh these IDIOTS
Princess Diaries 2 AU - Charles is Mia and Carlos is Chris Pine... Mostly bc I want that garden party scene where Nicholas kisses Mia mid-argument and then she somehow makes them both fall into the fountain. Also, charlos getting caught sneaking out of closets in the palace, and Charles is fuming like 'No, I hate him!! It's not what you think!' Also, Carlos Sr being mustache-twirly villain who's trying to get his son to steal the throne from Charles, and his son is like 'I know! I'll seduce him!' (Carlos Sr: 😕 'You'll...what now?') We talked about this extensively in the discord and it was sooo fun. I'm determined to write it one day if someone else doesn't do it first.
Stripper AU - I had two ideas for this: #1, they're both strippers at the same club, and Carlos does the more "manly" stripping (firefighter, boxer, construction worker etc.) while Charles does the more "twink" stuff (heels + lingerie, you get me). #2, based on this real story I read about, charles is a stripper who gets his own gigs on days off. Someone (Carlos) hires him to come once a week and clean his apartment in only his underwear, and that's it. At least, for a while...😅
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ceilingfan5 · 8 months
#30 Taakitz
read here or on ao3!
It starts as a normal enough day, although Taako fell asleep before taking out his contacts last night because he was so worn out he just crawled into bed at like 7:30 and then it was game over, so he wakes up in his undies and his work undershirt and has to fuckin’ scramble to shower, and spotify chooses to play four ads in a row about the same stupid credit union, and then the song choice? Hey, the song choice? Heat of the Moment. 
But whatever. 
He trips over some shit he left on the floor, a bag with stuff that he finally moved from his car to his apartment, random asses and ends, and smacks his elbow on the wall hard enough he has to drop everything to find a bandaid, and he’s combing his hair with his fingers on the way out the door, stomach rumbling because he missed breakfast, and he speeds to work the backway and hits a pothole and his car makes a funny noise, which, you know, bodes well. He parks and rushes, clocks in, and bumps into the handsome manager from another department, who smells like a man candle, and smiles like a stock photo, and gives Taako a pat on the shoulder that just slightly lingers. 
“Hey, Taako,” he says, already with his customer service glow turned on too bright. He gives his obnoxious green polo shirt a tug, and Taako imagines being given the opportunity to kiss that tummy. He imagines taking it. “How’s your morning going?”
“Ehhh, y’know, blood, chunks, the usual.” Taako intentionally says something concerning and then doesn’t elaborate. He likes getting Kravitz’s attention. But another employee comes in after Taako and shouts for Kravitz, who’s instantly distracted. 
“Haha, uh oh. Sorry to hear it. Well, here we go again, right?”
Kravitz glances back at him kind of apologetically, and then starts to say something else, but Taako shakes his head and moseys to the cheese counter, tying on his stupid lime green apron and putting up his long hair. 
And it is truly a work day from hell. Ren spills the mozzarella juice on the floor, and when Taako goes to get the mop, the stock manager yells at him for taking the wrong one, even though they all know Robbie busted the other one. Some old lady asks Taako for a cheese that isn’t spicy, and when he jokes about that, she tells on him. And then Lucretia is on his ass, and asks him if he even cares about the Grocery Adventure Mission Statement, and he has to say yes ma’am of course he cares ma’am so he doesn’t lose his fuckin’ job, and when he gets back from being yelled at, again, some other idiot is at the cheese counter trying to return a basketball, which gets dropped, because it was taken out of the packaging of course (but why would that disqualify a return. To the cheese counter. God, isn’t the customer ever right anymore?) and it knocks over Taako’s sign that says don’t tap on the glass, it scares the cheese, which he secretly worked really hard on, shh, don’t tattle, and it gets nasty and they have to throw it away, and when he is having five consecutive quiet seconds for a joke funeral, the alarm goes off because someone went out the wrong door, and security busts ass through the cheese zone, and Magnus socks Taako on the arm but misses his shoulder and hits his sore elbow. Some idiot watches tik-toks at full volume in the breakroom, over top the sports news nutwork, which is also at full volume, and also Taako forgot his lunch. And doesn’t have any cash on him for the vending machine. And no one will give him any, and he gets caught with his arm up ins, and has to play it off all cool like a joke and not like he’s a wet tiger about to start eating faces. 
And when he goes back to the cheese counter, Kravitz is standing there, but when he opens his mouth, nothing comes out, and he gets real embarrassed, maybe because Taako’s giving him the Kubrick stare, unfortch, and he just goes, “See you tomorrow?” 
And Taako goes, “What, you’re done?” 
And Kravitz goes, “Yeah, sorry, wish I could hang out longer.”
And Taako goes, “No you don’t.” 
And Kravitz laughs awkwardly and walks away. And cheese business continues as per usual, including a horrible Karen that gets real mad at him for telling her that her crumbly pick ain’t gonna grill her any cheese awards, and her kids won’t like it anyhow, and he gets tattled on again. And when he finally gets to go home, he notices one of his tires is low, and he has to go home via the gas station air machine, which makes the worst noise he has ever paid two dollars for the privilege of enjoying for five minutes. And he resolves to go to the tire store tomorrow, if he makes it, and goes home, eats an entire bag of chips in one sitting, and falls asleep on the couch. 
And wakes up in bed, with his contacts still in. 
He peels his eyes open, and tries to math that one, because he knows he was wiped, but not like…that wiped, right? But the time makes him frantic and he forgets it in favor of a shower…which is 4 consecutive credit union ads…and Heat of the Moment. 
And he trips on the thing and busts his elbow. 
And then he sits on the floor, even though he doesn’t have the time. Because there was no bandaid on the wound, and there was no wound to want a bandaid, until he tripped. And today is yesterday and he is in hell, actually. 
“FUCK!” he hollers at the top of his lungs. But he hurries to work anyway, because what the fuck is he supposed to do?
Avoid the pothole, at least. 
“Hey, Taako, how’s your morning going?” Kravitz smiles at him, all plastic and ready for a day of retail Barbie, and Taako squints at him. 
“Uh, you know, little bit of blood, little bit of horrendous de ja vu?”
And Kravitz winces, but someone shouts for him, so–
“Haha, uh oh. Sorry to hear it. Well, here we go again, right?” 
“Right,” Taako says slowly, rolling it over in his head.
Kravitz starts to say something else. But Taako shakes his head and fucks off to cheese alley, and has the same, exact, fucking, day, again. It’s nightmarish, and not even in the normal retail way. Like in a literal fucking time loop way. 
He catches the basketball, though. 
By the end of the day, he’s hungry and he’s ready to lose it, and Kravitz comes by again, and Taako snaps at him-
“What the hell do you want?” 
And Kravitz shuts his mouth, shakes his head in apology, and just walks away. And Taako his ice cream and chips and freezer mac and cheese and all of the chocolate chips in the baking bin for dinner. 
And when Taako’s last chance phone alarm goes off again, and he wakes up in bed with his contacts in, he screams bloody murder when he sees the date. 
He doesn’t shower this time. He dry shampoos his hair and ties it up, and just puts on two coats of deodorant and hopes for the best. He does beef it, (who put that shit there!!!! fucker!!!) but he knows where the stupid bandaids are now. He eats fucking breakfast, even if it is a protein bar that kind of tastes like toothpaste. It’s fucking something. And he drives the long way to work, and he gets there on time, instead of truly last minute.
And instead of bumping into handsome man candle Kravitz, who could be a model, or a kiss instructor, or keep a heart shaped locket warm, he seeks him out, and when Kravitz looks up from his locker and sees Taako standing there with his you-can’t-say-it’s-greasy braid and the dark circles under his eyes and the intense intent within them, he lights up like a fluorescent oasis. 
“Taako!” he says, delighted. “I’m surprised to see you- not that you’re never early, it’s just…” he clears his throat lamely. “You’re never early.” 
“Yeah, only why would a guy like Taako wanna waste his time here if he wasn’t gettin’ paid?” Taako says, leaning back so so so casually against some other fucker’s locker and folding his arms. His elbow hurts. He wishes he’d picked out a pikachu bandaid, but the shuckle one will do.
“True,” Kravitz says, sheepish. “I just- you know, punctuality- it builds…a reputation, um. Anyway. To what do I owe the pleasure?” 
“Nothin,” Taako says, sooooo casual. Achingly casual. “Just wanted to say hey.”
“Hey,” Kravitz says a little more softly.
“Hey,” Taako says, with an intense smolder, and Kravitz grins and bites his lip with his perfect teeth. Fucker could afford braces. No no, no resenting. Not yet. “You got any plans for lunch?”
Kravitz brightens somehow, which is a real surprise, given how bright he’s already acting. But…It’s more real, somehow. “I’ve been meaning to show you my secret spot, would you want to-?”
“Is it quiet?” Taako says, maybe far too urgently. 
“Yes,” Kravitz says, firmly enough that Taako knows he knows about the tik-tok guy. And Taako nods very seriously. 
“It’s a date,” he jokes. 
“Is it?” Kravitz’s eyes widen a little behind his pretty glasses. Taako’s cheeks get hot suddenly. 
“I mean what I say, and I say what I mean, unless I categorically don’t. Anyway, bye.” And he bolts, before Kravitz can figure him out. 
He glances back though, and sees him smiling to himself. A real one, not a customer service one. 
Taako moves the mozzarella tub so it won’t spill, and he catches the stupid fucking basketball, and recommends a mild cheese, not a spicy one, and when Grocery Adventure Radio plays Heat of the Moment, he only flinches a little. And when the alarm goes off and Magnus barrels through, Taako high fives him so he doesn’t hit his elbow. And Taako is handling some other dumb shit without bristling too bad when Kravitz shows up at the cheese counter, looking kind of nervous and excited in equal measure, and Taako takes his lunch break with him, and Kravitz shows him the boiler room roof access, and the broken padlock, and the chill spot outside the view of the cameras. 
“I thought you were a rule-follower,” Taako accuses, eating the premade sandwich he swiped when stocking the gruyere and only complaining about the lack of a dimensional profile a little. 
“Yeah, well,” Kravitz grins. “I get bored. I enjoy a game here and there, you know, to make things a little more exciting. As long as I get my job done at the end of the day, what does it matter?”
And Taako nods, grinning. 
“You’re better than I gave you credit for, Krav.” 
And Kravitz beams. 
Their lunch break isn’t nearly long enough, and Taako ends up standing at the edge of the roof looking down past the bird fence, wondering about a billion things, about time loops and capitalism and gravity and exhaustion. The sun considers setting, and then jumps right into it. 
And Kravitz, handsome Kravitz, who smells like a man candle and whose face could sell paper towels and who showed a secret side of him just because Taako asked, puts a hand on his shoulder. 
“You know, it’s hard?” he says, and takes a breath. “It is, it’s hard. But there’s good bits, you know. Things that make the day worth it, rather than the same can of beans dumped in your lap every day.”
“Yeah?” Taako says, staring at a brilliant, flaming orange-magenta  grocery store parking lot sunset. They’re always prettier than they have any right to be. And he has to be here for three more hours. It isn’t fucking fair. 
“Yeah,” Kravitz says, honestly. “I like seeing you every day.”
“And I liked having lunch with you?”
“Yeah?” Taako tears his eyes away from the sunset, and looks at an even prettier sight. Kravitz pushes his hair out of his eyes and quietly resolves to tie up his long locs better before he gets back to work. Taako thinks about the day before, and the day before, and the day before, and hopes that tomorrow can fucking be tomorrow, and that this was the lesson he was supposed to learn, and not some other stupid dumb fucking bullshit, because he’ll just let it loop at that point, fuck it, he’ll stay home and learn how to play guitar and speak four languages and perfect his auntie’s applesauce cookies through trial and error, finally, because he can’t find the damn recipe card. 
But no, no. This feels right. 
“Let’s do it again tomorrow.”
Kravitz’s relief is palpable. 
“Oh good,” he says. “I didn’t have a chance to share my Michael Winslow style sound effects, and we’re definitely late.”
Taako has to laugh. 
“You’re kidding, right?”
“Mmmm, the mystery continues. Bye!” And Kravitz races him down the stairs, Taako laughing right on his tail. 
And when Kravitz comes to visit the cheese counter before he leaves, he slides Taako a slip of paper with his number on it. Taako dreams of kissing him under the moonlight. Or on top of the cheese counter. He’s not that picky. He winks at Kravitz, and Kravitz turns and ducks his head like he knows he’s blushing, and Taako laughs, feeling a lot less heavy than he has in a while.
And Taako goes home after work, and showers, and makes the best damn grilled cheese, twice, and puts on his actual fucking pajamas, and takes out his contacts, and right before bed, he just texts Kravitz,
And he crawls under the covers, and for once, is ready for tomorrow to come. Maybe he’ll even pick up that bag. 
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hood-ex · 1 year
The fic where Dick keeps a brick on his nightstand and blindly throws it at Jason because he thinks Jason is an intruder 🤝 the fic where Raph can't get to Leo in time to shield him so he throws a brick at Leo's head to save his life.
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arcsimper5 · 1 year
Fic concept I am struggling to write:
Fives gets stuck in what I'm opting to call 'Groundmott day'.
Either he's on Kamino so he can save Tup, or on the way to Corsucant when he wakes up.
And every time he's killed or the day ends, he goes straight back there. And at first, he's frustrated.
Then he realises that a) he can't die, and b) there will be no permeant repercussions for his actions.
Cue him being an absolute delinquent.
Commandeering the shuttle and flying it straight into the Chancellor's chambers, killing them all. He wakes up again.
Shouting and screaming to Shaak-Ti about Nala-Se trying to drug him, which stops that, and then he speaks to the Chancellor, who starts off being all 'so you thought you could ruin my grand master plan. See, my end goal is....
and Fives just shrugs and replies 'Giving out order 66 to kill all the Jedi. Yeah. Boring. Can I use your lightsaber?"
And the Chancellor is just like
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But Fives is so non-chalant, and he knows everything and the Chancellor is like 'who is this clone?' and panics and kills him.
And Fives wakes up again.
So he escapes like before, except this time, he doesn't try to kill the Chancellor. He kisses him. Square on the lips. And runs while he's paralyzed with shock. Heads to 79's and find Kix. Tells him about the time loop, about the chips, about everything. Says he's going to reset at midnight and that Kix needs to tell him someone only he would know, so he can convince him quickly if time runs out.
And it just escalates and escalates. In less and less time, he manages to gather more and more people.
But I just love the idea of the Chancellor being all 'oh, poor little clone, here come into my office and you can tell me everything'
*door closes*
Palpatine: Ahahaha you have become trapped in my web, little fly, you see...
Fives: Chips in every clone, Order 66, Jedi dead, you bad, rule galaxy, yeah, got it. Can I try and kill you so I can escape now? I've got stuff to do.
Note: this came to me at 3 am when I felt sick and couldn't sleep and I cannot write it without it being all serious and blegh.
Can someone help? Can anyone help? Nobody knows!
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suttttton · 4 months
Groundhog day anon, I've got some good news for you.........
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commanderbuffy · 6 months
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flirt, drink, sleep...repeat - chapter 5: touch
Jade wakes with a smile on her face. It’s the most excited she’s been for the day ahead since…probably since the practical last semester on robotic engines. Discounting that, though, Jade hasn’t woken so happy since she crossed the ocean all those months ago.
She knows it’s Tuesday again. The fourth Tuesday she’s experienced in a row. But Jade has no obligations to anything other than what she and Kit wish to do that day. Kit. Jade throws an arm over her face to hide the growing grin taking over her visage. There’s no one here to see it and make fun of her for it, but she covers it anyway.
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idontknowmyownmind · 7 months
Modern RokCale AU
With Cale stuck in a time loop for hundreds time
The first it happened, it's when Rok Soo died saving a kid almost got hit by a car
No matter how much Cale struggles, it always end up the same
Rok Soo will always died because of various reasons
The loop always started exactly 5 days before Rok Soo death
It still keep happening even when he killed himself
Plot twist (maybe)
In another reality, it's Rok Soo who got stuck watching Cale dies every times
There is a time rift where their reality overlap with each other
Let's say that their reality fuse for five times and on the last day they found out about it
But one of them still died
When they come back, their partner doesn't know anything
That, or one more scenario where the loop include some horror and supernatural elements
Something targetting the other while the other one try to keep the other safe
As the loop keep happening, so is the list of rule they need to follow
For it to end, the other who always end up dying need to pass mignight
And in the 100th loop, it finally break
Just for another one to happen the next day
So, yeah, every 100th loop if they manage to break it,, the new one will happened that rendering the rules useless because they need new one
Let them suffer by having them take turn each time a new loop happened 😊
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buttahpie · 1 month
god the previous chapter of Magnolia hit me right in the feelings - the emotional happiness, it was such a feel-good chapter with Ringo, John and Paul jamming together, it felt so right... and then the end hit me with thousands bricks, omg it was so sad!!
this chapter... my goddd that was sizzling, absolutely one of the top John & Paul smut scenes I've ever read, it just literally hit all spots?? (of course some other spot of that doe-eyed twink can be hit I bet)
gooodness, I imagined it all so clearly in my head, osjfakf it was so good! you really describe John and Paul the way I see them, and it makes the fic one of my absolute favorites. And then the ending was so sad again I cried! You truly put your readers through the emotional rollercoaster, I love u
I haven't even watched Groundhog Day, but I'm so invested, it's crazy
sorry for this jumbled mess of the review, I wish I could give your fic a million kudos more because I love it so much!
it means so much to me that people are so invested in Magnolia!! I love you all so much! It means so much to hear these things!
Also it’s SUCH a relief that you think my J&P are in character! This is literally like the first beatles fic i’ve ever written because I’ve always held myself back from writing about real people cause they are real! and they are complex! and they have legit personalities and you can’t just head canon them like you can fictional characters! So i put a LOT of thought and time into my characterizations of john and paul. also i had a lot of help from @johangeorghohman who beta read and helped me understand the direction I was taking the bugs!
Also i’m happy you liked the smut 😈 i’m literally crazy about those two they are so sexy to me. i am fascinated by the intricacies of their relationship both in the fic and irl. the psychosexual nature and possessive qualities that john and paul shared irl literally make my gears GRIND!
there will be plenty more smut… don’t worry ;))
also— i haven’t seen groundhog day in literal years (although i LOVE it). the premise is the only thing based off of GHD, so you really don’t need to watch it to understand anything! BUT Groundhog day IS inspired by “The Strange life of Ivan Osokin” which is obviously where I got my rules for time travel from and it’s also where GHD got their rules from!
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hannahwashington · 10 months
okay yeah im gonna start being abnormal again. have you guys heard that i am fucking obsessed with time loops
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