simasblogs · 7 months
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Week 8: “Testing stage: plasticine prototype”
This week we had to choose another item to recreate it as a new and not existing one. My choice is a bulb. So here is my explanation and photo of my creation. {I chose a light bulb, that's why the name is: A Sun bulb. The light bulb is developed by having an integrated sensor that determines the level of illumination in the room. When the environment turns dark, the light bulb automatically turns on, emulating the light and warmth of the sun. When the room is illuminated by natural light, the light bulb turns off automatically, saving energy. The light bulb also has the ability to connect to smart sockets and switches. Thus, the user will be able not only to adjust the light, but also to control other devices connected to the smart home system.} But unfortunately the person who evaluated me misunderstood my idea and put a low score than my previous scores. That’s so saddddd. At Friday my groupmates go to the Mega with Miss Ainur to have meal. But I wasn't there because of my own business. Even though I'll leave their photo here ^-^.
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shandzii · 8 months
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gonna be extra busy bc the semester assignment is a 1-2 mins short film asdfghj throwing around these two goobers
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sunlit-mess · 5 months
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bookwyrminspiration · 5 months
just realized at some point in the future I could have study sessions to a real and true kotlc movie soundtrack
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astranauticus · 1 month
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(edit once again i drew something with my ipad screen brightness too high and now that i've posted it nothing is visible. sad!)
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t00thpasteface · 1 month
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i totally forgot to share this— check out the world's crappiest photo of dna gel electrophoresis! i'm taking a genetics lab and it's my first time working with mechanical pipettes that can draw up as small a sample as 0.01 μL. what you're (very blurrily) seeing here is dyed samples of dna suspended in a gel matrix according to increasing molecular size and viewed under a blacklight!
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greenjellybeanfish · 2 months
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More Simon info!! He was once a wizard's familiar, a regular street cat. Something happened and he got turned into a humanoid cat... something happened and his old master died... Simon then picked up where his old master left off on his necromancy work. It's all fairly vague since he isn't a fully developed D&D character. He is for a side campaign (Dragon heist) my group runs when we arent able to run our main homebrew campaigns. He fluctuates between being a pompous know-it-all and an absolute fumbling wimp... the rest of my D&D group bully him a lot (completely warranted haha)
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tartppola · 1 year
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acediaedeus · 4 months
a little afterthought from the last post about Ichigo, which I didn’t want to leave as a tag, cause it felt kinda unrelated, but yeah: the amount of existential and identity crises this boy had to go through is astounding.
he sees ghosts;
he killed his mother;
finding out he’s a shinigami;
finding out he’s a hollow;
finding out his father is a fucking liar (that one was a banger, straight up A+ parenting, give it up for Isshin);
finding out his whole life was planned and orchestrated by Aizen (I know Eren would go mad if someone pulled this shit on him);
finding out the spirit he thought was his sword wasn’t his sword all this time and actually is kind of the god he’s supposed to go defeat (casually, yk, like we all do on a nice Tuesday morning), and his actual sword is the Hollow he thought he needed to fight. but oh no, wait a moment, BOTH of them are his swords:
and oh yeah, he’s a quincy;
also don’t forget his mum dying wasn’t his fault, but wait no, it kinda was??
and of course that time he lost his powers aka the only thing allowing him to fulfil what he sees as his purpose in this life;
and then that one time a random dude pulled up and started gaslighting everyone around him, to the point that Ichigo started thinking HE was the one going mad (all that while still being powerless, so his sanity was already nonexistent);
and yeah, don’t forget the training with squad 0 when he got kicked out no sword, no nothing! (and was so ashamed and afraid of his father’s reaction he couldn’t go home, so he went to his boss???)
I could probably add some other stuff, but it’s not really canon, so let’s settle on these 11 points. obviously not in chronological order, bc I have memory issues and haven’t re-read the manga in a while, so don’t hold that against me, pls.
also, if this seems a little bit erratic, manic and unhinged… it’s bc it probably is, tbh. so I’m putting down tumblr before I write more bs.
aand last, but not least, I must thank @kingofanemptyworld , you are truly a darling and I couldn’t agree with you more, you never fail to validate my delusions!
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whosgoji · 1 year
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mr-orion · 19 days
I actually hate how rancid the game design class vibes are that I'm dropping the major now I think
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ughpirates · 5 months
The Cat King: Do you two have a special friendship? [while being two meters away from a heart-shaped bed]
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likeadog · 5 months
absolutely fucking cataclysmic special interest moment today lads
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irhabiya · 7 months
i genuinely hate when professors interrupt my presentations so much. i was already speeding through it it's all pharma and there's so much important shit to cover and she's like "skip skip khalas yallah faster" and THEN SHE COMPLAINED THAT I SEEMED OUT OF BREATH WHILE PRESENTING LADY WHAT DO YOU WANT FROM ME -_-!!!!
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bvckbiter · 1 year
something i think is extremely funny but also sad about the broken trio (luke, thalia, annabeth ft. grover) is that the levels of attachment among the three of them are,,, simply not the same HHAHAHAH as much as we love the ‘found family that would die for each other and would be forever together if the tragic events of canon didn’t happen’
like,,, luke is shown in-text (Diary of Luke Castellan) to just. unilaterally decide that they’re a family and he’s gonna be the dad of the bunch because someone has to make up for what they don’t have. talk about projection. 
annabeth was with them for two? three? weeks before they made it to camp half-blood. naturally, she had the five years between then and TLT to bond with luke at camp but thalia has been basically pedestalized in her memory because of her sacrifice. i love my traumatized attachment issues girl
thalia on the other hand has the energy of that teenage next door girl who’s doing a favor for her bestie to babysit his younger sibling WAHAKSDFJASDHS
and let’s not even talk about grover they were his first job and a hella traumatic one sure but all in all, still a few days’ job god bless
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t00thpasteface · 6 months
google dot com how to give formal research presentation on complex biochemistry/neuroscience topic while seething with barely contained anger and resentment
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