aggestar · 2 months
18 h fast
Going to fast for 18 hours!!
I can drink 0 kcal drinks
The fast ends at 18.30
I can only eat one meal when the fast ends( so no snacking)
A new fast begins right after the meal
(I know that this rules seem easy to most of u all but they are hard for me. It's good to start of easy, or else ur restrications are not going to work. To reach ur goal u NEED to make sure u can handle it🩷)
I will update whenever I can on this post🫶
9 h- just woke up and I feel amazing
11 h- not even a bit hungry
13 h- I'm sooo bored, going to read a magazine with my sister
14 h- my stomach is growoling but I still don't feel hungry
17 h- I just feel normal, not hungry or anything
18 h- I DID IT!!
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diarymasifan · 4 years
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🍴#GROWOL 🤗 GROWOL juga merupakan MAKANAN PUNYA CERITA. Saksikan hanya di channel kesayangan kita ▶️ Diary Mas Ifan. Setiap hari kita akan bahas makanan-makanan. Buat yang ingin request kita bahas makanan apa bisa tinggalkan komentar 🤗. ✍️ Biar saya catat kalian ingin, kami bahas apa? 😋. 🔥#tradisionalfood 🔥#makanantradisional 🔥#jajananjadul https://www.instagram.com/p/CIn4tZxlUcY/?igshid=18uzcj69h6i0z
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pusakadunia · 3 years
Mustika Pelet Birahi Growol Mambu Pusaka Dunia
Mustika Pelet Birahi Growol Mambu Pusaka Dunia
Mustika Pelet Birahi Growol Mambu Pusaka Dunia Mustika Pelet Birahi Growol Mambu Pusaka Dunia mampu menjadi sarana untuk membantu pemiliknya mewujudkan keinginanya. Mustika kami yang sudah masuk kedalam website resmi pusaka dunia terjamin keaslianya dan khasiatnya karena sudah melalui uji tes khasiat terlebih dahulu sebelum terpampang di website pusaka dunia. Mustika kami memiliki energi yang…
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shegairowmyamo · 3 years
How you met Turbo
The first meeting wasn't the most pleasant to say the least, not entirely. Being a new and popular game makes you a threat to Turbo, at first. We all know that Turbo dont like to be upstaged by Newbis so of course he's gonna feel obligated to check out the computision himself. Unlucky for him there seems to be quite the crowd around the entrance to the newly plugged in game. But when he finally got to the front of the crowd of curious 8-bit characters and laid his eyes on the newbie, he instantly knew that this was gonna be an easy win.
His first plan was to try and sway the newby to get them into his grasp of control by convincing them that he was in charge and try to “befriend” them. Mostly by “complimenting” them after the arcaid is closed about their performance during the day. He often sees this with a strained smile on his face and very wide eyes, cinda uncanny but you brush it aside because having the “King” of the arcade as your friend must be a big deal especially if he only associates himself with such a select few. hehe
As Turbo hangs around you more he unknowingly starts to enjoy it, especially the things your game has to offer, one of them being food. Your game is like a jack of many traits in that you can do many things but in a limited way. One of the minigames is a cooking game where the player can choose between three different dishes to create.
There are other minigames asweal like a rhythm type game but with fighting, there are other ones too but you can personally make them yourself.
The more time Turbo spends time with you the more attached he gets and he realizes it too, and it makes him retaliate now remembering his gole and he grows distant. The twins are kinda bummed about it bicus now they have to deal with the gremlin agen, Like they haven't already done that enough. And he seems grumpier than usual. It's kinda unsetoling.
Turbo might be a greedy bitch but he isn't the only greedy bitch on the block because *points to a shady alley* Those 8-bit bitches want a piece of that pie and their solution to doing so is by bullying. This is slowly going to become a psa on anti bullying i swear to mod.
Being a newly plugged in game makes you in their minds a rightful target, just like what Turbo thought at first. So now you have power hungry 8-bit laughing at you and making “jokes” about you very loudly behind your back. circling you like sharks waiting for the blood to spill in their little poulle of hate they have trapped you in, ther “jokes” are rather oblivius so it's natural for a random passerby to hear their crude “jokes”. And one of them just so happens to be Turbo.
Now when Turbo first caught on he thought that you could handle it, he's seen you fight before acros the arcade so this shouldn't be an issue. But the sad look on your face told another story, a story Turbo couldn't understand, at least not in his code. Turbo merely brushed it off but the more he saw you get bullied the more annoyed and angry he got. “why won't you fight?” would lope in his mind every time he encountered the sight, he can't help but think back to all the times he saw you when the players were playing your game before the bullying started. He could see a key difference and he swore that your colors had faded.
But there was one time that really tipped him off to the point it made him outright growol, one time where they took the “joke” a bit too far. He was just gonna walk away like he usually does until a certain sentence made him stop in his tracks.
“Did you really think that the “king” of the arcade would ever be friends with you? Him of all people? He's just using you because your golebol and your game apparently doesn't have a big enuf memory to code in the common knowledge that a no buddy like you doesn't have a chance with a bigshot like Turbo”. All the 8-bit characters laugh in unison making the racers' blood boil. You could see him coming from a mile away, the growing tension made Turbos presens even more omunis of his intentions towards these jerks. You were backed against a corner so there was no place to escape from the upcoming storm of absolut destruction coming your way but it was not directed towards you. The 8-bit bulis noticed the scared expression on your face and first thought that you were scared because of them, that wasn't until they realized that you weren't looking at them but rather behind them. But it was too late, as the middle one looked behind them a fist swiftle came and made contact with their jaw and sent him sprawling to the ground. The other ones scrambled away at the sight while the one on the ground trying to crawl away to safety but Turbo wasn't done yet. He had quite the colorful words to say to the now quivoring 8-bit character, and they were very colorful.
After that little debacle Turbo left you but not without telling you a few uplifting things first.
When he leaves you, your left bamboozled. But it's safe to say that this might be the outcome of a potential friendship, if you're stubborn enough.
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fajargegana · 3 years
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Produk KulonProgo dengan inovasi baru stik growol dengan 7 rasa. Makanan khas KulonProgo Growol diolah menjadi Stik growol yang lezat... CP : 0813-2877-9500 #produklokalkulonprogo #produkkulonprogo #kulonprogothejewelofjava #belabelikulonprogo #kulonprogoku #umkmkulonprogo (di Rumah Dinas Wakil Bupati Kulon Progo) https://www.instagram.com/p/CPHzNFkLlx3/?utm_medium=tumblr
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johanfjr · 6 years
Toko Milik Rakyat (Tomira): Apakah Benar Milik Rakyat?
Sebagai seorang peneliti sekaligus mahasiswa, saya begitu mengidolakan kebijakan-kebijakan berbasis ideologi kiri. Ya, ideologi kiri cenderung populis dan mendambakan kondisi masyarakat tanpa kelas-kelas sosial dan minim ketimpangan. Meskipun begitu, saya bukan fanatik sehingga tidak semua nilai-nilai ideologi kiri ditelan mentah-mentah. Saya lebih mengagumi ideologi neo-sosialisme (sosialis demokratis) yang merupakan modifikasi ideologi sosialis konservatif dimana percaya bahwa kesejahteraan masyarakat dapat dicapai melalui koridor demokrasi — melalui kebijakan sosial. Dengan kata lain, reformasi sosial dapat diperjuangkan melalui parlemen/pemerintahan.
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Saya begitu ingat waktu dimana Bupati Kulon Progo Hasto Wardoyo hadir di Ruang Seminar Timur Fisipol pada Maret 2018 lalu. Beliau memaparkan segudang program dan kinerja beliau bersama Organisasi Perangkat Daerah (OPD) Kabupaten Kulon Progo yang cukup sosialis. Program-program yang disajikan mulai dari gerakan Bela-Beli Kulon Progo, lalu Gerakan Pro Beras, pengembangan teh dan kopi lokal, hingga yang terakhir Toko Milik Rakyat (Tomira). Program yang terakhir benar-benar menarik bagi saya karena dewasa ini investasi toko modern di setiap daerah memang benar-benar menggila.
Dulu saya pernah menyurati DPRD Kab. Sleman tanpa ada tanggapan balik dari pihak legislatif tersebut menyoal banyaknya toko modern berjejaring di Jln. Monjali hingga Jln. Palagan. Jelas, investasi ini mulai tidak sehat. Keberadaan toko-toko modern ini tidak hanya menggilas pasar tradisional, namun juga para pemilik toko dan warung yang mana memiliki barang dagangan dengan segmentasi pasar yang sama. Melihat Bupati Kulon Progo memilih mengembangkan potensi daerah dengan programnya bertitel Tomira, saya tertarik untuk mendalami program ini lebih lanjut dalam sebuah penelitian.
Tomira, Memangnya Benar-benar Ambil-alih?
Selama ini apabila disimak dari berbagai media massa, Bupati Hasto Wardoyo mengukuhkan bahwa Tomira adalah solusi terbaik untuk merawat eksistensi perekonomian lokal disamping tetap mengizinkan toko modern beroperasi, sehingga ‘merakyat tidak perlu alergi investasi’. Dalam setiap seminar yang beliau datangi, pada setiap media yang meliput, beliau berujar istilah ‘takeover’ berkali-kali. Alhasil, pemerintah daerah lain pun berbondong-bondong melakukan studi banding ke Kulon Progo guna mengadopsi kebijakan serupa yang mengukuhkan Bupati Hasto Wardoyo sebagai Kepala Daerah Teladan versi Tempo Media Group serta memperoleh banyak penghargaan lainnya. Bahkan salah satu media juga menyebut bahwa program Tomira bisa menjadi rujukan dari Kulon Progo untuk dunia. Well, apakah glorifikasi kebijakan Tomira sehebat demikian?
Selama satu bulan — dari 1 hingga 31 Oktober 2018, saya melakukan penelitian terhadap enam unit Tomira di Kecamatan Wates. Meskipun hanya 6 unit saja, penelitian saya cukup representatif karena sampel telah mewakili 1/3 dari total populasi. Penelitian yang memaksa saya untuk tinggal sementara di Kulon Progo ini bertujuan mengetahui apakah implementasinya sesuai dengan informasi yang saya dapatkan dari Dinas Perdagangan dan Dinas Koperasi dan UMKM Kulon Progo (sebagai perwakilan Organisasi Perangkat Daerah (OPD) Kulon Progo). Tak cukup di situ, apakah Tomira benar-benar berdampak baik pada UMKM*?
Seperti Apakah Tomira Saat Ini?
Pertama, rupanya Tomira selama ini tetaplah toko modern waralaba biasa. Sangat mudah sekali untuk mengidentifikasi hal ini walau sekadar mengamati. Branding toko yang masih benar-benar sama dengan kondisi sebelum ambil alih (kecuali untuk tulisan ‘Tomira’), adanya informasi promo-promo barang pabrikan, hingga komputer kasir yang menunjukkan logo peritel. Hal ini ditunjukkan dengan masih terikatnya sistem ritel (POS/point of sales) pada sistem yang dimiliki baik oleh PT. SAT maupun PT. IP sehingga struk belanja yang tercetak tetap mencantumkan nama kedua perusahaan tersebut.
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Kedua, manajemen Tomira seutuhnya masih dipegang perusahaan ritel. Padahal, berdasarkan perbincangan antara saya dengan OPD, seharusnya akuisisi membuat Tomira mutlak milik koperasi. Obrolan saya dengan beberapa koperasi pemilik memang mereka mengakui tidak bisa memanajemen toko modern sehingga ‘mengalihkan’ manajemen dipegang oleh perusahaan ritel. Padahal, apabila manajemen toko dipegang oleh koperasi, maka pihak koperasilah yang berhak mengatur segala keputusan di dalam toko: perizinan, barang, distributor, karyawan, penggajian, tagihan, retur, dsb. Pemerintah kabupaten sejatinya mewajibkan perusahaan ritel untuk memberikan pelatihan peningkatan SDM terhadap anggota koperasi (dalam nota kesepahaman di bawah), namun selama empat tahun pelaksanaan Tomira, pelatihan belum pernah terjadi. Karyawan pun masih sepenuhnya dari pihak perusahaan.
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Ketiga, dalam pelaksanaannya Tomira dilandasi dengan Peraturan Daerah №11/2011 tentang ‘Perlindungan dan Pemberdayaan Pasar Tradisional serta Penataan Pusat Perbelanjaan dan Toko Modern’. Pada Perda ini, secara eksplisit dijelaskan pada pasal 14 huruf c bahwa toko modern waralaba yang dimiliki entitas usaha berskala nasional harus berada pada jarak di atas 1.000 meter dari pasar tradisional. Dengan kata lain, semua toko waralaba akan dicabut IUTM (Izin Usaha Toko Modern) dan SIUP-nya (Surat Izin Usaha Perdagangan) hingga berujung pada penutupan gerai apabila berjarak kurang dari 1.000 meter dari pasar tradisional terdekat. Perlu dijadikan catatan adalah istilah ‘waralaba’ yang merujuk pada kata sifat. Jadi, tidak peduli toko itu milik siapa, dan bagaimana kondisinya, selama sifatnya masih waralaba seharusnya ditutup (Pasal 60).
Tomira pun sifatnya masih waralaba sehingga seharusnya tetap ditutup operasionalnya. Namun saya mendapati permainan yang cukup rapih mengenai perizinan ini.
Selain menggunakan Perda №11/2011, pelaksanaan Tomira turut dilandasi dengan nota kesepahaman. Untuk perjanjian dengan PT. SAT, Pemerintah Kabupaten Kulon Progo mengeluarkan Nota Kesepahaman №28/MOU-KP/HKM/2014, dan untuk PT. IP dengan №46/MOU-KP/HKM/2016. Dengan disetejuinya kedua MoU (Memorandum of Understanding) ini, alhasil kewajiban mematuhi Perda №11/2011 gugur karena nota kesepahaman menjadi hukum mengikat antara perusahaan ritel dengan pemerintah kabupaten yang juga merupakan regulator di tingkat daerah (Pasal 1320 KUHPer). Di dalam nota kesepahaman ini pun disebutkan bahwa …
Para pihak sepakat untuk melakukan kerjasama dalam mengembangkan pemberdayaan ekonomi masyarakat yang bersifat kemitraan dengan koperasi dan UMKM melalui program Toko Milik Rakyat (TOMIRA).
Jelas sekali bahwa Tomira bukanlah akuisisi melainkan kemitraan inti-plasma antara perusahaan ritel dengan pemerintah kabupaten untuk mengembangkan iklim pemberdayaan ekonomi masyarakat — terhadap koperasi dan UMKM. Jadi, klaim Bupati Hasto Wardoyo yang menyebut bahwa ‘Tomira adalah akuisisi toko modern waralaba’ adalah satu bentuk kebohongan publik demi citra politik.
Tomira dan Bukan Tomira, Perbedaannya?
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Melihat implementasinya yang jauh dari konsep yang digagaskan oleh Bupati Hasto Wardoyo — atau memang sengaja dibuat demikian, cukup membuat saya bertanya-tanya, sebenarnya Tomira dan Bukan Tomira perbedaannya dimana sih? Lalu saya coba membedah Peraturan Menteri Perdagangan (Permendag) №70/M-DAG/PER/12/2013 yang diratifikasi dengan Permendag №56/M-DAG/PER/9/2014. Bagaimanakah isinya?
Sebenarnya tanpa konsep Tomira pun UMKM sudah bisa memasukkan produk mereka ke dalam jaringan toko modern. Aturan ini tertuang pada Pasal 14 ayat 1 yang kemudian dilanjutkan di Pasal 15 ayat 1–6. Cara UMKM memasukkan produk memang dalam hubungan kemitraan dengan perusahaan ritel dan hukumnya wajib bagi perusahaan dengan lebih dari 150 gerai toko modern (Pasal 16)—per Januari 2017 PT. IP memiliki 13,9 ribu unit toko modern disusul PT. SAT dengan 12,5 ribu toko di seantero Nusantara. Lalu perusahaan ritel ini pun memiliki kewajiban untuk memberikan fasilitasi berupa pelatihan, konsultasi, hingga pasokan barang berdasarkan Pasal 17. Di Pasal 21 toko modern dapat memasarkan produk UMKM dalam label sendiri atau merek mitra binaan dengan maksimal 15% dari keseluruhan barang dagangan dengan tetap mematuhi peraturan standar produk pabrikan serta mencantumkan nama UMKM produsen. Sungguh menarik.
Saya pun mencoba mendatangi beberapa gerai toko modern waralaba — di luar Kabupaten Kulon Progo tentunya. Dan benar, beberapa toko modern memajang produk-produk buatan UMKM yang dikemas ulang oleh perusahaan sehingga dapat terintegrasi dengan sistem penjualan ritel. Barang-barang dikemas sesuai dengan standar pabrikan dan jauh lebih menarik daripada UMKM mengemas produk mereka sendiri. Meski begitu, tentu saya belum tahu apakah UMKM memang terbantu dengan kemitraan yang sudah diatur oleh Menteri Perdagangan ini, atau justru kemitraan Tomira memang lebih baik.
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Pada titik ini dapat disimpulkan bahwa Tomira dengan Bukan Tomira dalam garis besar sama saja. Yang membedakan hanyalah adanya koperasi yang berperan sebagai pemasok produk UMKM lokal Kulon Progo ke dalam toko, yang hingga saat ini belum terintegrasi dengan sistem ritel perusahaan — maupun memiliki sistem ritel sendiri, dalam rak-rak yang kurang menarik pun jumlahnya sangat dibatasi, dan tidak secemerlang gagasan sang Bupati.
Apakah UMKM Memang Diuntungkan dengan Tomira?
Perlu dicatat, UMKM di sini adalah UKM yang produknya berhasil memasuki jaringan Tomira oleh karena lolos seleksi koperasi pengampu Tomira terkait.
Yap, pada dasarnya UMKM peserta Tomira (dari awal peluncuran program) memang diuntungkan — meskipun tidak seberapa. Bagi masyarakat Kulon Progo tentu tidak asing mendengar nama Stick Growol, Kopi Suroloyo, Gula Semut, atau Kopi Moka Menoreh. Ya, keempatnya adalah UMKM yang cukup familiar dengan produk yang ada di hampir setiap gerai Tomira di Kulon Progo. UKM-UKM besar ini terbantu oleh program Tomira untuk media promosi dan penambahan segmen pasar dari yang sebelumnya hanya di jaringan toko oleh-oleh dan pasar tradisional saja. Belum lagi pengunjung Tomira tentu memiliki karakteristik yang lebih beragam. Namun UKM ini mengaku tidak sepenuhnya bergantung pada Tomira karena skema konsinyasi yang diinginkan koperasi rentan membuat permodalan UMKM macet. Apalagi permodalan adalah salah satu aspek penting bagi keberlanjutan UMKM.
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Sayang sekali, koperasi-koperasi pengampu Tomira menerapkan seleksi ketat bagi UMKM yang ingin memasukkan produk ke ‘toko mereka’. Padahal, hingga akhir 2016 terdapat 34.029 UMKM se-Kulon Progo. Seleksi ini pun termasuk memperhitungkan apakah produk akan laku di pasaran, cepat direspon pasar. Alhasil bagi UMKM pemula dengan nama produk yang kurang dikenal di masyarakat kesulitan untuk memasuki jaringan Tomira — meskipun syarat PIRT, adanya tanggal kadaluarsa, dan kemasan sudah dibuat semenarik mungkin. Belum lagi koperasi yang tidak berwenang dalam mengatur isi (manajemen) toko membuat rak khusus produk UMKM Kulon Progo sangat terbatas jauh di bawah 20% dari ketentuan seharusnya. Produk pabrikan jelas mendominasi. Pengamatan saya sejauh ini, rata-rata dari keenam Tomira hanya menyediakan 2 rak produk UMKM dengan 79 rak produk pabrikan lainnya (sudah termasuk lemari es dan kotak pembeku). Jumlah rak sangat terbatas dibandingkan dengan banyaknya UMKM di Kulon Progo.
Jadi, Pada Akhirnya …
Tomira hanyalah kebijakan yang bersifat lipservice yang dijadikan dagangan Bupati Hasto Wardoyo yang juga merupakan salah satu politikus dari Partai Demokrasi Indonesia - Perjuangan (PDIP) — partai Wong Cilik katanya. Kebijakan ini sangat jauh dari gambaran beliau sewaktu mengisi seminar-seminar, atau disaat mengisi pewartaan pelbagai media dan hanya dijadikan pendongkrak elektabilitas dalam kontestasi politik belaka. Apakah Tomira adalah milik rakyat? Silakan disimpulkan sendiri.
Kenapa ya Pak Bupati enggak membangun toko 100% berisi produk UMKM lokal dengan nama Tomira saja?
*) tidak berlaku generalisir
©2019 Johan Ferdian Juno R. Hak Cipta Dilindungi Oleh Undang-undang.
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cendananews · 7 years
Growol, Sarapan Khas Transmigran Asal Kulon Progo di Lamsel
LAMPUNG — Meski sudah pindah ke negeri orang namun kekhasan daerah asal masih tetap melekat pada diri transmigran asal Kulon Progo yang berada di Lampung Selatan. Mulai dari kebudayaan hingga kuliner terus dilestarikan, salah satunya growol, makanan terbuat dari singkong yang biasa disajikan untuk sarapan.
Siti Suwarni (40) warga desa Gandri kecamatan Penengahan, warga transmigran generasi kedua…
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ghostzali2011 · 7 years
SPORTOURISM - Beberapa tempat wisata di Kulon Progo, saat ini sedang populer. Mulai dari pegunungan, pantai, waduk, hutan mangrove dan lainnya.
Bukan hanya itu saja, kuliner salah satu kawasan di Provinsi Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta ini juga tak kalah nikmat. Nah, berikut ini tiga kuliner khas Kulon Progo yang paling terkenal.
Geblek merupakan kuliner tradisional asal Kulon Progo. Terbuat dari tepung kanji dan tapioka, kemudian digoreng. Rasanya gurih, teksturnya pun crispy. Biasanya, geblek disantap dengan tempe bacem. Lebih nikmatnya lagi, jika dinikmati selagi hangat.
Makanan satu ini, keberadaannya sudah ada sejak dulu. Pada masanya, growol merupakan makanan pengganti nasi, karena dulu beras cukup susah didapatkan. Growol, terbuat dari olahan singkong yang begitu gurih dan biasa disantap menggunakan serundeng atau tempe benguk.
Besengek, atau lebih populer disebut tempe benguk. Terbuat dari biji kacang koro, ukurannya lebih besar dibandingkan kacang kedelai. Meski tampilannya kurang menarik, tapi rasanya sangat gurih dan khas. Lebih nikmat, jika makanan ini disantap dengan geblek atau growol. [Novie Fauziah]
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indosecurity-blog · 7 years
Jual Stun Gun | Senjata Alat Kejut Setrum Listrik di Kabupaten Kulon Progo Provinsi DI Yogyakarta
Jual Stun Gun | Senjata Alat Kejut Setrum Listrik di Kabupaten Kulon Progo Provinsi DI Yogyakarta
[product_category category=”is02″ per_page=”24″ orderby=”title” order=”asc” columns=”3″]
Jual Stun Gun | Senjata Alat Kejut Setrum Listrik di Kabupaten Kulon Progo Provinsi DI Yogyakarta
Growol merupakan makanan tempo dulu yang terbuat dari olahan ketela atau singkong. Makanan ini memiliki nilai historis korelatif dengan berdirinya Kulon Progo. Makanan alternatif pengganti nasi memiliki rasa…
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mechagalaxy · 7 years
KOTM: March 3326 Birthday Blitz
Mountain Climbing Mecha Combat
Brought to you by ANN, A Newschannell for Mecha Combat
Highlighting the March 3326 Birthday Blitz
I was having a good time in the party. Relaxing and sharing gossips to friends and opponents alike. Out of the corner of my eye I saw something familiar, but it took me almost a full minute to have my slow synapses figure out what it actually was. It was the end of the climb flash! Had there been a climb? Diving into the nearest infoboot I could see it had indeed been one. Now, one thing to make a great party and keep participants on their toes is lots of events and surprises. This climb certainly had come as a surprise on most. Total participation was less than a handful more than had participated in div 5 alone last climb. If the craftsmen want a better participation in the "sexy six" annaversery, a program might be called for. The sharpeyed individuals who spotted the climb and claimed the tops were:
Div 1 (8 Players): Jaime Beltram, Leviathan (2m,15s) Div 2 (5 Players): Theo Peeples, The Isle of Misfit Toys (10m) Div 3 (7 Players): Ales Tomasek, Red Comet (4m,5s) Div 4 (1 Player): Spartia Mechapoulos, THUNDERBIRD (5m,31s) Div 5 (6 Players): Jack Travis, THUNDERBIRD (4m,27s) Div 6 (0 Players): () Div 7 (7 Players): Allen Hines (1m,4s) Div 8 (1 Player): Baron Fish, JP`s Rowdy Bunch (11m,23s) Div 9 (0 Players): () Div 10 (0 Players): () Div 11 (0 Players): () Div 12 (1 Players): growol, Academy (10m,39s)
Total Participants: 36, Total Medals 36 (of 180 possible)
Participation dropped by 247 since the fourty. The medal collection that needed resmelting consisted of 4 Gold, 28 Silver and 112 Bronzes.
Dont know how long this climb lasted. The longest held medal was a silver in div 7, held for almost 15 minutes. THUNDERBIRD claimed two Gold. Unaligned Allen Hines took Gold in div 7. And there were no repeat winners.
In the bustle as it slowly dawned on the assembled celebrators that there was Birthday Climbs as well as circuits, and those still on their feet surged toward the following event there was no possibility of securing an interview.
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pusakadunia · 4 years
Mustika Pelet Janda Combong Growol Pusaka Dunia
Mustika Pelet Janda Combong Growol Pusaka Dunia
Mustika Pelet Janda Combong Growol Pusaka Dunia Mustika Pelet Janda Combong Growol Pusaka Dunia mampu menjadi sarana untuk membantu pemiliknya mewujudkan keinginanya. Mustika kami yang sudah masuk kedalam website resmi pusaka dunia terjamin keaslianya dan khasiatnya karena sudah melalui uji tes khasiat terlebih dahulu sebelum terpampang di website pusaka dunia. Mustika kami memiliki energi yang…
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case128 · 9 years
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This is what we calling "We Were Born for Togetherness!" . . . #Hammer013 #jogjahits #indfie #gaulyk #hawuk #hoyol #growol #ikatanalumnihammer013 #hammerlovesyou
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mechagalaxy · 8 years
Ringo and Chrono
Mountain Climbing Mecha Combat
Brought to you by ANN, A Newschannell for Mecha Combat
Highlighting the July 3320 King Chrono
interview John Ringo #899287
Back on K2. I had almost forgotten how high that top was, and how hard the opposition was. Sixteen opponents, ranging from 26 to 81 levels above me and outmassing me 585 to 1180 tons.
But as this was a Chrono, I followed my usual routine. Get there early and have good positions when the (early) snapshots are taken. This time it worked pretty well. Quite a few of the others were late to arrive, so I ended up sixth in my first try. Still a bronze, but some bragging rights as well. Those who got most points on their mountaintops and earned Gold, Nephilax and REAL bragging rights this time were:
Div 1 (21 players): Fabio Favaro, Fusion (+13420) Div 2 (17 players): Mark K Penner, Zeon (+16260) Div 3 (32 players): German Jaramillo, Northwind Dragons (+27920) Div 4 (28 players): Steve Nanning, Zeon (+23070) Div 5 (24 players): Justin Bertelli, Phoenix (+5290) Div 6 (31 players): Jack Travis, Phoenix (+2480) Div 7 (22 players): Richard Ward, Knights of Chaos (+8580) Div 8 (32 players): John Ringo, Emerald Dragons (+15250) Div 9 (24 players): Roy Cristofer, M.P.A. `Squad B`s (+1810) Div 10 (18 players): Stug Hill, 144th Caissan Light Cavallery (+14340) Div 11 (3 players): Elmer_Fudd, Politically Incorrect (+42130) Div 12 (2 players): growol, INA Acadamy (+43460)
Total participants: 254, Total Medals: 155 (of 180 Possible)
Again a lack of players in the two lowest divisions, this time 20 bronzes and 5 silvers went unclaimed. Is it to short time between the climbs?
It was a short Chrono, and those who got in early had an even bigger advantage than normal. With only 64 scorerounds, joining up after 16 have passed leaves a lot to cover. It also ended early, but even so the winners in at least ten of the divisions was apparant hours before the end.
Zeon and Phoenix both managed to land two Golds this time, no unaligned Goldwinners, and Elmer_Fudd from Politically Incorect got his second Gold in a row.
There was a New Climb anounced shortly after the end of the chrono, Timing was again short, but I went looking for an intervee. As luck would have it I met another reporter and recent winner. John Ringo (#899287) was busy, but we scheduled time for an interview in his office for later.
At the appointed time I was allowed into his sanctuary. GG had certainly spared no expenses in letting their newest intern be focused. In the spacious 800 cubic feet office everything was a subtle reminder of the tasks at hand. From the desktop made of Fury Laser casings, the visitors couch as a field stretcher. His own chair was a relic from before the Red Ant cockpit upgrade, and his shelves looked to be made from the missile storage of Double Mordrems.
Now, if his coworkers were of the booze stealing variant, I had brought just the thing; Snavrumian Brandy. The smell and taste is so vile that even Boris and Keikko refuse to be in the same room as an opened bottle, and would rather get sober than drink it.
Presenting it to him with some anecdotes from when my coworkers were emptying my liquer cabinet, and dire warnings of the smell and taste, we opened some beers and sat down for a relaxed talk.
John Ringo Hi Sten. Thanks for stopping by for the interview.
Sten Hugo Hiller Congratulations on a well deserved new Nephilax. You started your career back in `95. First mention I find of you in the CW records is alongside Robot`s Revenge in 96. In 97 they got Incorporated into AFF and you was in warious AFF units and got two CW Golds until you left for Dragon Training 2 in 04. When you left them for Arcane sanctuary in `10 you had gotten two more CW Golds. Then was a short stint in Project Mecha in`13 and back to Arcane sanctuary in `14. In `15 you were back among the Dragons, and have claimed another 3 CW Golds alongside them. Are you wandering days over now, or are you still looking for distant pastures and other companions?
John Ringo After some time in AFF I was asked to join Scott Abbott and help form a new family of clans that we now all know as the Dragons. My first job was to take on the command role in DT2 and help develop our lower level pilots. From there I was moved into Arcane Sanctuary and Project Mecha as needed to help develop some of our mid level Dragon pilots. Now I am in a command role for one of our mid level front line units. So while it might not look like it I have not been wandering I have just been moving around as needed with in our clan family of clans.
Sten Hugo Hiller While the CW Golds rolled in, you were less successful in the KOTMs, in fact it took you two decades before you got your first win there in the August `15 Mountain of Fire. Since then you certainly picked up the pace, and this was your 11th Gold?
John Ringo Yes as a young pilot I made some mistakes as I was learning the ropes and it cost me fighting against veteran pilots in my first KotMs. Then for a number of years I only entered when there was a quest given by the Craftsmen for so many medals in a row etc. Now I am back better geared and seeing what I can make of myself. Yes this last event was my 11th Gold win.
Sten Hugo Hiller All Golds are impressive feats. Your perhaps greatest moment of glory was in `16 when you won three Golds in a row. What Gold is most special for you. The first, the last, the next or some other?
John Ringo Every Gold medal feels good. There are a lot of tough pilots to face off against each event so getting that Gold is always special. If I had to pick my favorite it would have to be winning 3 in a row. That was crazy hard winning the 3rd on a double Gold bump against pilots 30+ levels larger than I was.
Sten Hugo Hiller Yes, as I said an impressive feat, especially since some of them was more than twice your level. If we get back to your latest win. It was the first unlimited Gold you got. Are the limited formats more to your liking?
John Ringo I enjoy most of the formats for KotM - Chrono is one of my least favorite as I often have to many things that need my attention to make sure I can stay high up on the rankings for the needed points. I do really enjoy a good unlimited brawl though. Sometimes it is great to have everyone bring their best and throw down and see who wins. I do think that some of the limited ton events help smaller level pilots have a chance at another Gold if they are on a Gold bump. Fighting in an unlimited event when you are in a division or two higher then your normal one makes it extra hard to place against the larger pilots unlimited formations.
Sten Hugo Hiller I might have noticed that a time or two myself. When it comes to the limited formats, they tend to be lumped in broad groups. One of them is the Rainbows. You have three Golds in double Rainbow, and none in single or triple. Coincidence, or are the formats more different than most think?
John Ringo I will enter any format. For me it is just a matter of do I have the time to compete or not. Sometimes if you do not have the time you can enter and then hope you are strong enough to hold your place and camp a medal. Most of the time at the level I am at this will not work and if you can't actively fight you will not place.
Sten Hugo Hiller Seem to be that way all over, exept perhaps in div 11 and 12 where medals seem to mostly go unclaimed. Another broad type of limited is the weapontypes. You have won some fire events. Are they a favorite of yours?
John Ringo Yes fire events can be lots of fun. Everyone likes it when they score a coveted "Ignite" on a foes mech *Smile*
Sten Hugo Hiller The last broad event is weightlimit. You have wins there as well, both in Point and Frontline. When it comes to weightlimit, do you prefer max weight or mechtype, say max 25ton or Hoplite?
John Ringo I like them both. It can be difficult to buy and maintain a full formation for all the mech type events though. Pilots who are short on resources can have better luck fighting in a weight-limit event.
Sten Hugo Hiller Ah, yes the resource situation. Many have mentioned that getting the needed resorces, especially crystal and ferrite, was getting harder. How are you set, feeling the pinch or have the successes in the circuits kept you affluent?
John Ringo Right now I have enough to keep up. Once I unlock the next class of mech that could all change. I figure you can never have to many Crystals or Niodes so I will keep working hard to grow my stash.
Sten Hugo Hiller Niodes are a different kind of kettle, although as a writer you get to pick up some for articles and interviews. You have been around since there was 25 medals in the KOTMs, how do you view the reduction to 15?
John Ringo Most of the time you try to take rule changes in stride and evolve how you play to win. The smaller amount of medal places has increased activity for most of the events and that can make things more exciting. When I do not have time to actively fight in an event then I miss the extra medal places as it would increase my chance of at least camping a Bronze *Smile*
Sten Hugo Hiller You stated that you will participate in any events, provided you have the time. If you were to design a new KOTM, what would you chose?
John Ringo A reverse progressive pileup event could be interesting
Sten Hugo Hiller From your lips to the Developers ears. Your success in getting KOTM Golds proves your knowlegde is good when it comes to what mechs, weapons and equipment a would-be-Goldwinner should aquire. The fact that you are commander of a Dragon unit just gives it added weight. So, without giving away to many secrets, any recomendations?
John Ringo Well I would tell newer pilots to be very careful how you spend your niodes. Try to get full formations for the different Kotm/CW specalty formations - Crystal mechs are better than no mechs. Then pick something you want to be really good at and focus on developing that aspect. Say you want to have a strong 20T formation, then you can invest your extra resources there and win more of those events as unless you can spend real money in this game it is very hard to be great at everything. Also as this is just a game do not let your defeats get you down. Just have fun *Smile*
Sten Hugo Hiller Thank you for that sound advice. Now, I notce the sixpacks are empty and the time you alotted me are up. Any final words?
John Ringo I would like to thank everyone who enters Kotm and CW. The more pilots in these events the more fun it is. I also want to thank all the pilots who are stronger than I am. You keep setting the bar high and gives me something to work on and reach for. Thanks for your time today Sten. I enjoyed your visit.
And off I went. Time to get this article posted, and he surely had better things to do than sit in his office.
Upcoming Event: Limited Tonnage Bring whatever mechs, equippped as you like. But watch the total weight allowed by your division. Bringing in more will result in officials redlining your mechs, leaving gaping holes in the formations.
Event ends March 4 between 2100 and 2200 New York Time.
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