#growth comparison
nemfrog · 10 months
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Growth. Our Human Body. 1962.
Internet Archive
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elicathebunny · 5 months
You are your only competition.
"Unhealthy Comparison (to others) is the thief of joy"
(suggestion post)
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You are your only competition.
Don't compare yourself to anyone.
You don't know their starting point, you don't know how long they took to get to their position, and you don't know exactly what they did to get to their position despite what they might be telling you (referring to online influencers who show end results but never the journey). You are not them, you are YOU.
Your body is different, your brain works differently and you are different from anybody else. There is nobody who is an exact copy of you. So why beat yourself up for not being like someone else when you physically can't be. There is only one of a being in the world, don't be a carbon copy of someone else when you can be the best version of YOU.
Comparing yourself to someone different to you in many ways is just straight-up self-bullying. Compare yourself to you, you are the only person who has your brain and your body. If you want to improve, don't compare yourself to someone else, compare yourself to yesterday or the week before.
Example: So you want to run faster? Compare your times to your previous ones and train hard to beat your previous PERSONAL record, not somebody else's. What is the point of trying to beat somebody else's time when you can't even beat your own? You don't know how long they have been training or how much effort they have put in to run as fast as they are. So the only logical reason is to compare yourself to someone who you know how much effort they have put in because you are experiencing every single amount they attempt. That person is you. You have lived in your body, you know your body best so you know how to push yourself and how far you can test your limits. Basing this off of someone else is just being cruel to yourself.
Learning to be the best in terms of your own personal achievements. Beating your own personal best, your own personal streak. Don't celebrate your achievements based on if you did better than xyz solely. Celebrate the fact that you did better than you did before and continuously aim to be better than you are today.
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intriga-hounds · 4 months
you keep saying she has a belly but she's STILL CONVEX
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she is fat 2 me 😌
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joanpot98 · 7 months
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Hey babe come in here! Looks like I grew some more overnight. Everything above my pecs is cut off from the mirror. I must've grown another 8 or 9 inches and put on 20 lbs of muscle while we were sleeping! Take a photo and come help me measure little man!
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I have all of these extended thoughts on my head about the amazing way themes and character relationships are handled in Iruma-kun and the inclusion of queerness and the handling of the coming of age narrative in this shonen manga/anime
And every time all that comes out when I'm reccing it is "You should watch/read it"
Do it. Go watch/read Mairimashita! Iruma-kun/Welcome to Demon School Iruma-kun
#mairimashita! iruma kun#m!ik#welcome to demon school iruma kun#i just be ramblin#anime recommendation#manga recommendation#Like okay baseline on its surface it's an isekai anime about a teenage boy who is sold to a demon by his terrible parents and has to go to#school in the demon realm and live there without being found out (otherwise he thinks he'll be eaten)#But it's also a story about growing up and a story about a kid from a terrible situation learning what it means to (and being allowed to)#have goals and ambitions and wants#It's about a kid who gets all his needs met for the first time in his life (and a little spoiled) and figures out he wants everyone to have#that#It's about friendship and bonds and the importance of working together with others#It debunks that usual take about how humanity's base traits are evil and greed and the urge to murder and steal and whatnot through#the comparison to demons‚ who are said to be all of those things at their core and yet in actuality aren't beholden to it#It's about outcasts coming together not letting other people determine their worth and proving just how high they can reach and what they#can accomplish. they force the world to recognize them instead of assimilating#It's about what happens to outcasts who are taken in by bad actors vs outcasts who get genuine support#It's about kindness#It's about how adults should both help the next generation improve while also being their defenders from things they shouldn't have to#handle yet#It's even about the dangers of being fully selfless or fully selfish. How personal desire/the serving of oneself and kindess/the serving of#others should be balanced#About how desire is not inherently terrible and about how being constantly self serving stunts one's growth#And it's also about a human who got sold to a demon and is gonna be the demon king one day#Thinking about this manga makes me want to chew through concrete I love it so much#*how constantly serving others stunts one's growth
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themissseptember · 1 year
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whoopsie! 😛
💋 Miss September
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echobsilly · 1 year
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I never did share my last year’s piece, did I —? Better late than never! Here’s two for one Anniversary! 💐 2022 / 2023
There’s a million things I could say about Smile For Me and the effect it’s had on me these past four years — mentally, artistically, socially — but I’m never good at words, and I hope these can express those emotions instead! Thank you all for being the coolest community I’ve ever joined, I’m so happy I met you all! 💕
Links for 2022 Zine / 2023 Zine :-)
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haleyincarnate · 11 months
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TW: body image, comparison
Even as a young kid of around six I struggled with my self-worth. Every inch of me was foreign, my entire body a phantom limb begging to belong somewhere, to be seen. I remember comparing myself to my cousins in every way I could. Intellectually, mentally, emotionally, and especially physically. Feet too large. Got a B on a test where they received an A. The curvature of my hips wider than theirs. My entire being just an echo in the background when I shared a room with them.
Of course, this was not the case in anyone’s eyes but my own. The belittlement of my self was no one’s doing but mine.
I was surrounded by love and still, I was cold in a body I felt unknown, unfit, unable.
Today, that little girl still sits inside of me crying but I try my best to console her. “There is beauty in every part of you,” I tell her. “I know it’s hard to see it, but it does burn, right there in your chest. You are worth feeling comfortable.”
Collage from my poetry collection "Winterbrook", out 11/11.
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wastelandsteppe · 23 days
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fursona redesign ^_^ i've grown and changed a lot in two years and so has my art!
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i3utterflyeffect · 2 months
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anyway this may be slightly inaccurate size-wise because i still suck at scale but i think you all need to know why cursor selkie!alan is initially so terrified of crushing selkie!SC like a bug. this is around their size compared to him when they first show up
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mystical-growth · 1 year
Humble beginnings~ started Oct 2020
Small cups - F cup
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Growth through 2021-22
F cup - J cup
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Journey through 2023 J cup - ? cup ;)
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Hopefully I can keep updating for years~ 🥰 it makes me so incredibly happy 💕
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elicathebunny · 6 months
Is comparison the thief of joy?
How to be comfortable in your own skin and learn healthy competition. (suggestion post)
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Comparing yourself or being compared to someone else is not the best feeling. It can make you have low self-esteem and bring up feelings of jealousy or anger. But self-comparison, like others, is only bad when too much of it occurs.
To help you understand my point,
Let me show you an example:
Your friend is doing better than you academically. You may feel pressured to achieve at the same level and constantly compare their grades to yours. Your grades are not bad, but in comparison, they are lower than your friends. This leaves you feeling constantly bad about yourself and possibly having negative feelings towards your friend. This example shows that the person feels unhappy with their grades. Therefore, anyone else succeeding will trigger feelings within them. Not only is it bringing up negative emotions about themselves, but those emotions could possibly be reflected onto their friend. The person isn't even failing academically, but they are blinded by someone else's success, to the point that they cannot see their own progress or achievements.
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Shift your mindset on what comparison truly is.
Yes, comparison can be negatively used. But it can be a helpful way to learn and grow.
Here is another example:
Your friend is doing better than you academically. You decide to ask them for help with your work or if they could show you how they study. You also spend extra time looking into other ways you could support yourself academically. You use your friend's achievements as motivation to improve your grades and congratulate them even though they are still achieving higher than you. Your grades may not be the best, but you recognise your efforts made and small progress over time. This example shows the person has used the energy that would have gone into creating negative feelings, into motivation to achieve better despite their friend achieving more than them. They are not upset because they acknowledge THEIR own improvements and focus on THEIR own achievements, not others. The person still congratulates others on their hard work and efforts because they recognise that the progress of others (no matter what big) is not the absence of their own. This means that their relationships are still intact and healthy!
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If you are comparing yourself to someone who isn't close to you, then obviously it is a 50/50 chance that they will be willing to help you out. It also depends on what the comparison is about which will determine if you can actually ask for help from said person.
Why are you being compared/ Why are you comparing yourself?
Who are you being compared/ comparing yourself to?
Why are you being compared/ comparing yourself to it?
When did this comparison start and do you know why?
Are you comparing yourself or are you being compared by someone else? (If someone else is comparing you, then it is a projection on their behalf. But if it is you who is doing the comparing, then you have a lot of inner work to do)
Could you actually resolve the comparison issue? (for example: if you are comparing yourself to someone who has better grades, could you improve your own if you actually tried to? Be honest with yourself here) .
What situations trigger you to compare yourself
Now that you know the "whys ", you know where to start your work from. Become aware of when these comparisons take place and try to catch yourself out for it. Don't suppress it but acknowledge it, and move on.
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Learning healthy comparison is the way to go. But, knowing that wanting to achieve the same as another person is okay, but letting those emotions come out very strongly and out of hand is not good. Comparing yourself to someone is unfair on yourself because everyone is different and has different starting points. Beating yourself up for not being like someone else is unhealthy. On top of everything else, you don't even know the work the other person put in to get to that point or how long it took. So when your comparing yourself, are you actively trying to do something about it? for example, If you compare yourself to someone with better grades than you, and it's an ongoing thing that you feel bad about your grades. Have you attempted to try to improve your own grades? When I ask this I mean actually properly try for a long enough time that you would see progress, not an! "I tried for a bit and I'm nowhere at their level". If you feel there is something you want to change about yourself/ achieve something you have to try before beating yourself about that thing.
Stop using other people as a kind of milestone. Only celebrating your successes if you are like this person or if you have this thing. Set milestones for yourself that are for you and only for you. It's okay to not be perfect, nobody is perfect. Focus on your strengths and work on yourself to make your own goalposts to reach.
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intriga-hounds · 3 months
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then and now
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joanpot98 · 4 months
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Holy crap dude! You really got BIG over summer break! My head doesn't reach your waist and you aren't even standing up straight! How tall are you now... 12... 13 feet tall? We're a shoo-in for Basketball championships now!
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photozoi · 1 year
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The Mung Bean is like a newborn colt, or fawn, all legs!
Silken Windhound, 3.5 months and 23 lbs!
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charlieslowartsies · 8 months
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Putting together a folder of all the KGA art I like (190 files later...) and I came across the original sketch of Mike and Marion during London Bridge's time. While 2022 shot isn't the most recent of them (that would be this one which is still from July >>;) I still love that one a lot and used it for this side by side :3
((9 years of knight guard au))
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