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book 7 part 8 thoughts!!
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***THIS POST CONTAINS MASSIVE SPOILERS FOR BOOK 7 PART 8 OF THE MAIN STORY!!*** Please note: this is NOT meant to be a summary or a translation; these are only my initial thoughts on the events that roughly unfold. There may be details overlooked or misunderstood in this post, so PLEASE do not use this as a translation.
Right off the bat, we're starting off strong with a video presentation from Idia!! He uses many MMORPG terms and analogies to better explain his concepts, even referring to allies as "party members".
The video is ~3 minutes long and the artwork used are Takashi Mifune-sensei’s LINE stickers. Yana says she is particular about functionality like Idia is, so she is pleased that they were able to implement this video. “Please watch Idia’s debut as. YouTuber!”
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AGKVTIUOD8VQFVE IDIA SHROUD ASKS US TO LIKE AND SUBSCRIBE IF WE LIKED HIS PRESENTATION....... . . .. ...... .. . . . . .. . . . . I'LL GIVE IT TO YOU, IDIA... You popped off on the editing fr...
Idia tells us that there the population of Sage’s Island is roughly 20,000!
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He basically explains his plan to defeat Malleus. Idia's going to fuck around with stuff in his own dream to make cheat codes to debuff Malleus (ie remove his invincibility). The others shall distract Malleus so he doesn’t catch onto what Idia is up to. Yuu, Grim, Sebek, Silver, and Ortho will infiltrate the dream worlds of classmates, "wake" them, and then recruit them to their cause. They will then lure Malleus into Idia's dream, at which point all the recruited students will JUMP HIM 🤡 Truly, the power of friendship but the NRC way…
Idia grants everyone the ability to DREAM FORM CHANGE!! By saying that phrase, it opens up a menu where you can magically change your outfit in an instant. The NRC boys are becoming magical girls… ✨
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akjlfabidfbefeqof Grim has fun changing into his various Anniversary outfits! Ceremonial Robes, Labwear, Apprentice Chef...!
Silver and co. hop into Epel's dream! (Idia keeps in touch with everyone via his tablet while he stays behind in his own dream.)
Everyone at NRC seems to speak in the same Harveston dialect as Epel. And, well... here's apple boy...
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IS THAT EPEL’S HEAD ON JACk’S BODY????????!!!!!?!?!?!!!?!?
Anyway, the group just casually walks up to Epel and tells him everything is a lie??? And when Epel's world starts to go all wibbly wobbly, a dream!Rook and dream!Vil show up to praise him. Rook says he has heard rumors that Savanaclaw wants to recruit Epel for their own dorm, while Vil praises Epel as being both strong and beautiful, a perfect fit for Pomefiore.
I like that the implication is that while Epel still has a desire to be in a "tough" dorm like Savanaclaw, this dialogue seems to also say that he now also finds value in Pomefiore. This is why dream!Rook and Vil are tugging Epel in opposite directions; his soul must like BOTH options. Further proof is that Epel is still a Pomefiore student in his dream, he is not in Savanaclaw. To keep him under the sleep, the dream is trying hard to appeal to both sides of Epel's wishes.
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So we battle the fake Rook and Vil!! Then Epel's memories come flooding back to him; the cracking glass effect is so pretty and calls into mind a mirror shattering as Epel gains his lucidity.
(Rook and Vil get similar "glass breaking" scenes upon waking, so I'm only going to comment on Epel's here and leave it at that!)
Cut to black to explain the situation to Epel!
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Ortho invites Epel to join their "party" in Idia's dream! Then I believe he uses Epel's dream data to project a hologram of buff!Epel to remain in the dream while Epel joins the gang to hop into the next dream.
Next up is Rook's dream, and--
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YUP, THAT'S A YEEHAWING ROOK HUNT IF I'VE EVER SEEN ONE 💀 I thought for sure his in-game 2D model would have larger arms (like, at LEAST Leona-sized arms, if not Jack-sized)... I guess not though, because we cannot have nice things/j
I love the extra detail of the leaves being stuck in the brim of his hat!! dfhlbafbiapia and bro just walks around with a quiver of arrows and a bow strapped to his back at all times...
Uhhhh long story short, Rook runs off to his room and we chase him. What we find is--
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YEAH THIS IS ROOK'S ROOM??????? It's probably what is depicted in his Savanaclaw Dorm Uniform SSR too. Note the split bed and the completely different carpets in the SSR artwork.
Rook starts to chuckle menacingly and pops off about his hyperfixations to us???? Then he wrangles us all to sit down and watch DVDs with him for the next *checks notes* 5 HOURS?????? AM I READING THIS CORRECTLY????? Rook... HONEY... THE WORLD IS ABOUT TO END, WE DON'T HAVE TIME TO DO THIS...
We keep trying to talk to Rook, but he isn't quite waking up yet. So we have an aside with the gang and Epel suggests... RECREATING OUR VDC PERFORMANCE??????? ? ?? ????? He shows Silver, Sebek, Grim, and Ortho the dance moves and the show goes on!
Rook is lured to the VDC stage and we get a new Absolutely Beautiful rhythmic with our current squad! Unfortunately, the vocals are the same as book 5, so we do not get a new variation with Epel, Sebek, Silver, Ortho, and Grim singing.
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I love Love LOOOOVE that Epel is the center here!! He took the initiative to suggest the idea as well as teach everyone, and now he's REALLY walking the talk by serving as the "leader" of the group.
Watching the NRC Tribe makes Rook's head hurt and he starts to remember...!!
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Well, wouldja look at that... Here comes dream!Neige and RSA!Vil to distract Rook. They say they are inspired by the NRC performance and start to perform Everyone Yahoo! This entrances Rook, making our task of "waking" him all the more difficult.
aihfboyfpie LMAO THEY'RE SO DRAMATIC?????? Vil steps up to defend Neige, and Neige is all like, "Nooo, Vii-kun! If anything were to happen to you, I'd be crushed by sadness :((" ROOK... IS THIS WHAT YOUR MIND COMES UP WITH...
Rook points an arrow at them and cries about how he betrayed Epel... (AYO LIKE THE HUNTSMAN????) and now he has to destroy Vil and Neige, who are "proof" of his betrayal. It makes him cry even more because he can't think of harming them, even if it's just a dream...
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Anyway, time to pummel the sparkly duo! You can see from the battle sprites that RSA students seem to use REAL ASS SWORDS to channel their magic instead of magical pens. Man... Imagine being handed a writing utensil and then glancing over at the next guy and seeing them holding an ACTUAL WEAPON.
If you look closely, you can tell that Neige and Vil's pommels, grips, and rain guards are slightly different. Apparently, every RSA student has a unique one? WOW, I feel like NRC got ripped off then??? Cuz only the dorm leaders get unique items or staves to channel their magic and everyone else has the same standard issue magical pen but with a different magestone color. The only exception to this for the average student seem to be Diasomnia kids, who have baton style magical pens in their dorm uniforms.
Rook fully awakens and we rinse and repeat what we did with Epel (cut to black to explain things to him, make a hologram Rook to leave behind, and invite him to join us).
The last part of the update has us venturing into Vil's dream.
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OMG, WE'RE IN FAIREST CITY??? AT QUEEN'S FILM STUDIO???? We just visited this place in a recent event! What perfect timing... I see you, clever TWST devs!
I swear that Vil's outfits are getting worse with each new one I see him in, but that's probably just my fashion sensibilities clashing with his 💦 I thought from the initial silhouette that we would be getting a slightly older Vil to show us how his values have changed since book 6, in which Vil declares he is always beautiful no matter what. Him being older would truly drive that point home; I feel this was a missed opportunity but maybe it wasn’t possible because these dreams don’t seem to be taking place in the “future” but mostly center on the present or past? Something, something, magic limited to what can be imagined and maybe the magic can’t reach that far “ahead”?
Here, Vil seems to be highly popular + considered fairest of them all. Additionally, a certain SOMEONE has been relegated to being his mere assistant (and uh, Vil is somewhat demanding of them):
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On a more serious note, I think this raises an interesting point about Vil’s character. Try as he might to get over his envy of Neige, it’s clearly still something so deep-rooted in Vil, right up to the end of booo 5. Now this element also permeates in his dream world. Neige “has” to be demoted in so Vil can stand on top—but is that really “fair” to Neige?? Is it truly Vil’s jealousy that informs the dream of this, and thus the dream is spinning this shallow, easy victory for Vil’s satisfaction??? Because the noble Vil I know of in book 5 wouldn’t consider this a real “win”. Very fascinating topic to ponder!
Vil has Neige toss us out, which Neige does. The dream is preemptively acting this time, with dream!Neige coming at us. We make a getaway and somehow whack the head of the announcer + have Rook usurp his role.
As Vil is walking down the red carpet, Rook announces the various sins that Vil has committed. Vil panics and demands that someone shut Rook up, but then he starts to realize things aren't quite right.
We try to intervene, but Neige gets in the way and ultimately Vil is pulled deeper into his own darkness. Everyone else plunges into the dark with Vil?? I was worried that we'd have another battle map segment but thankfully there was none!!
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We're back in the VDC backstage hallway area and stumble across a horrifying sight. Neige is on the ground (next to an empty bottle of apple juice) and all Seven Dwarves are surrounding him and sobbing. Ortho runs a scan on his vitals and Neige... FLATLINES...
WHAT DOES THAT MEAN?????? THAT VIL ACTUALLY INTENDED TO KILL NEIGE IN BOOK 5????? 💀 Dude... No wonder why Vil was feeling so guilty and screaming that his actions were so "ugly"...
Epel uses his UM to encase Neige in a magical glass coffin to keep him safe. Then they run out onto the VDC stage and hear the announcer declaring that NRC has won. Vil is there soaking up all the attention and praise until we confront him.
Just as he is starting to "awaken", the darkness comes back and Vil alone is taken.
What I find really adorable here is that both Epel and Rook rush to his side and try to pull Vil out of the darkness. They're... OFFERING THEIR HANDS... TO HELP HIM OUT OF THE MIRE... OFFERED HANDS... A MOTIF THAT HAS BEEN IN TWST SINCE THE PROLOGUE... 👁️
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Vil finally faces off against his Phantom. Like Idia in the last update, Vil willingly assumes his OB form to do battle. These fights seem very symbolic in the grand scheme of things. Idia and now Vil, confronting the worst, most unsavory parts of themselves, their inner demons, and rising victorious, proving that they have become better people… It continues the little bits of character growth that we’ve been seeing in each of the past books!!
He rises from the darkness and joins up with everyone else after conquering the fight!! The update ends here.
Okay, there's a LOT to talk about????????
The highlight for me was definitely Idia's presentation. It was very fun to watch because of the slick editing and it was a silly way to lay out the plans. I appreciate that we get to see Idia's strengths on display here; he can get long-winded and throw in lots of eccentric gamer slang, but you can also see how quickly he's able to tailor a complex plan together while accounting for many variables. adfhlboafoiyebif I UNDERSTAND THE IDIA HYPE NOW, I UNDERSTAND IT ALL...
(Side note: I did not know where to insert this, so I'll do it at the end! BONUS POINTS TO IDIA FOR RIGHTFULLY CALLING MALLEUS SHALLOW 💀 because his understanding of constitutes as happiness truly IS shallow. Once again, Idia slays with his brutally real words...)
I already said my parts about Epel and Rook's dreams when they happened. It was great seeing how their characters have developed, especially Epel! I never much cared for him, but I really appreciate all that he has done this update.
This pretty much confirms that future updates will have us visiting every remaining classmate's dreams and "waking" them. Admittedly, I'm both excited and worried??? Because that's a TON to cram in, and I worry that not everyone will get proper screentime or development. On the other hand, I'm hype to see what their dreams are like and what other limited SSRs the game might throw at us.
I feel like with the reveal of Vil OBing to fight his Phantom/"inner demons", we'll get similar scenes with the other OB boys coming to terms with what they've done and where they can go from here. This... might lead into the highly desired and speculated about Overblot series of SSRs, which I theorize will be the limited SSRs for each of the OB boys. I'll definitely be keeping my eyes peeled for those, TWST... I wonder if we'll get a Neige card eventually too??? Since we did see his battle assets exist this time. Will Chenya get one too, assuming he comes in a futureHeartslabyul update??
Aaaaaah, next time... Scarabia... 🤡 I'm so hype for that, Scarabia is like my second favorite dorm next to Octavinelle!! (SPEAKING OF, WILL WE FINALLY GET EEL FORM CARDS FOR THE TWINS...)
I’m sliiiightly concerned for Silver because bro used his UM no less than, what? 4 or 5 times this update alone??? He used his UM to enter Yuu’s dream and then Sebek, Lilia, AND Idia’s. Presumably, he also has to use his UM no less than 13 more times (12 more for the remaining boys + 1 more time to return them all to Idia’s to ambush Malleus). And even worse, he has to transport an increasing number of people each time. HOW TF IS SILVER NOT OVERBLOTTING????! 😭
bxjsgwjwnwkcbjsbs This update was nonstop WTF moments sandwiched between genuinely heartfelt moments. It’s been really rewarding to follow along and see how the Pomefiore boys have changed since we first met them all the way back in late book 4, early book 5. Looking forward to seeing how the other boys play out!! (… Book 7 is fr about to be 200+ parts long 😭)
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deulleya · 2 months
"people don't seem like people."
the twelfth instalment of my musical translation series — a gathering of scholars, in an inequitable world, and the political conflicts that ensue.
the videos are not mine, but all translations are my own.
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musical: deungdeunggok (등등곡) (登登曲)
cast: [kim yeongwoon] kim jaebeom, yoo seunghyun, kim zychul • [choi yoon] kim bada, jeong jaehwan, ahn jeehwan • [cho] kang chan, park junhwi, kim seohwan • [jeong jinmyeong] park sunyeong, kim kyungrok • [yi gyeongshin] hwang doohyun, lim taehyun
synopsis: 1591, joseon. in the capital city of hanyang, young scholars gather unbeknownst to others. wearing strange masks, they begin a pastime of song and dance, termed deungdeunggok. "people are not people. since there is no meaning after death, let us play while we live!" and so the four noblemen's sons and one serf play, each of them concealing secrets and ambitions that may soon fracture them along political factions...
production: ninestory (twitter / youtube)
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등등곡 (登登曲) – deungdeunggok
yoo seunghyun as kim yeongwoon, jeong jaehwan as choi yoon, park junhwi as cho, kim kyungrok as jeong jinmyeong, lim taehyun as yi gyeongshin
[Jeong Jinmyeong] Today, too, you’ve worked hard acting like scholars!
[Yi Gyeongshin] Commence the scene! The eodukshini has arrived
[Cho] Open the gates! The revered ghosts have come
[Choi Yoon] Lay down your lives! The phantoms are watching
[Kim Yeongwoon] Play the music! The dokkaebi are dancing
[All] People don’t seem like people People don’t seem like people People don’t seem like people
[GS] Once you’re dead, what use is it all!
[JM] While you’re alive, enjoy it to the fullest!
[GS] Commence the scene! The eodukshini has arrived [C] Open the gates! The revered ghosts have come [Y] Lay down your lives! The phantoms are watching [YW] Play the music! The dokkaebi are dancing
[GS] Dance, with excitement [C] Sing, till your throat rips [Y] Eat, till your stomach bursts [JM] Get drunk on wine [YW] Till you die
[GS] Dance, with excitement [C] Sing, till your throat rips [Y] Eat, till your stomach bursts [JM] Get drunk on wine [YW] Till you die
[All] A reign of peace, a reign of peace Peace in the world, peace in the world
People don’t seem like people People don’t seem like people People don’t seem like people
[YW] Once you’re dead, what use is it all Enjoy it now!
[ in korean folklore, the eodukshini is a spectre that dwells in the darkness and grows larger when perceived. the dokkaebi is a goblin-like ghoul that enjoys both tricking and helping humans. ]
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그런 세상 – a world like that
jeong jaehwan as choi yoon, kim seohwan as cho
[Choi Yoon] A world without sorrowful acts, or sorrowful ones A world without wrongful acts, or wronged ones Where anyone can laugh and chatter And dance and sing to their heart’s content A world like that; if such a world comes If it could truly change Could we live in such a world?
[Cho] In such a world Where a son can call his mother’s name aloud In such a world Where one can live on, not hating one’s father, but loving him without holding back
[C (Y)] Like that (like that) Freely (freely)
[Y/C] A world like that A vast world that embraces all its people Such a world, that we dream of together
[Choi Yoon] That is the path toward your convictions. Do not apologise, and till the very end, do not falter. …Let us meet again on a better day.
[Choi Yoon] A world without forlorn acts, or forlorn ones A world without woeful acts, or woeful ones Where anyone can laugh and chatter And dance and sing to their heart’s content
[Y/C] A world like that; if such a world comes
[Cho] Could we become friends, then?
[Choi Yoon] I shall live, simply, without holding back
[Cho] If such a world comes
[Y] A world that we wish for [C] That we wish for
[Y/C] A world like that
[ original korean lyrics here. ]
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그래도 가겠다 – even so, i will go
kim jaebeom as kim yeongwoon, jeong jaehwan as choi yoon, kang chan as cho
[Kim Yeongwoon] The night deepens, and the path is erased The wind stops, and the cloud halts in its tracks What was I hoping for, that I came all the way here? In this darkness, I wander, lost
[Choi Yoon] I held fast to my will, but the path disappeared I harboured a dream, but I stood facing a wall Was what I hoped for all an illusion? Within this darkness, I am trapped
[YW] I cannot see, even an inch ahead
[Y] I cannot go, even a step forward
[YW, Y] A world in which we are born as people Then live and die as people Can I not go to such a world?
[Cho] Even so, I will go I will go to you Even if this fate has already diverged Even if this fate’s end is already set in stone Ah, I will go to you For you are someone who came to me I will go to you
[YW] Even if I cannot see
[Y] Even if I cannot go
[All] Even if there is no path I will go where my will leads me A world in which we are born as people Then live and die as people Towards such a world, I
[YW / Y / C] Even so, I will go Till the end / To tomorrow / I will go to you
[YW] Even if this fate has already diverged Even if this fate’s end is already set in stone
[YW / Y / C] Till the end / To tomorrow / I will go to you
[All] For it is a destiny that came to me I will go
I will go, through this darkness Putting my all on the line Even so, I will go
[ jeong jaehwan focus cam here, kim jaebeom focus cam here ]
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영운 (嶺雲) – yeongwoon
yoo seunghyun as kim yeongwoon
That cloud, above the mountain ridges, which embroidered the midday The sun sets; to where is it bound? It seems that cloud, which embraced the azure skies Failed to rise fully above the sky
Is this Heaven’s will? A purpose unable to be fulfilled? Perhaps the destiny bestowed upon me Is a forlorn, preordained fate Had it been an ending written in stone?
Come, cloud, rise above the skies Rise further, rise beyond the skies The pledge I swore, to establish A world where all stand beneath the sky And all are equal
Come, cloud, rise above the skies Rise further, rise beyond the skies Come, unfurl a new sky And unfold a new era I bury this vow in my chest So that I may remember it in my next life Shame on you! I shall watch what will become of you
With these hands, I opened this chapter And so, with these hands, I shall close it
[ kim zychul's version here, studio version here. ninestory please give us kim jaebeom's version too ]
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goldenshrikecomic · 8 months
Found GS through Youtube recommending me your 'I had a dream' animatic and fell in love with the art direction, colors, character designs and shot composition. Decided to give it a shot and I binged it in 2 days! Going crazy for this world you built and some panels took over my mind, namely the one during the gathering where Usma and Runi cross path and their halves' talon's interlock jfdgffaljhd. So many great characters, I can't wait to get to know more about Boneslav, and Cutlass and Riptail are so cuuuuuuute AAA Will be keeping up to date for sure!!
(Also you're really a master at composition and I will definitely be taking notes ;w;)
Wow wow, glad it brought you to the comic! Thank you for reading and for your kind words! 🎀
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7grandmel · 1 year
Todays rips: 22/08/2023
The 2:28 Collab and The 2:28 Collab -The Sequel-
Season 3 Featured on: Now That's What I Call Quality! Also on: SiIvaGunner: Starter Kit & Essentials Ripped by Nape Mango, Sean-Patrick, toonlink, MtH
Season 4 Episode 2 Featured on: SiIvaGunner's Highest Quality Rips: Volume GS Ripped by Kirbio, Jiko Music, Sonicheroesfan1, Nape Mango, Sean-Patrick, toonlink, MtH
YouTube upload - featuring both!
Sorry for running so late - but bonus points to you if you could call today's rip ahead of time! For 22/08, we're covering the world renowned duology of Route 228 Collabs, The 2:28 Collab and The 2:28 Collab -The Sequel-.
Its always been really fascinating to me that SiIva's larger-scale projects aren't always pushed to the forefront. These days in particular, Fusion Collabs get tons of buildup and special attention leading up to and following their release, but other kinds of collabs often simply get uploaded and left to the whims of the YouTube audience to discover. Its really interesting to see how the original The 2:28 Collab was still able to land with so many people and, in at least my eyes, become one of the most cherished rips by the SiIva diehard such as myself - it and its sequels represent such a genuine, wholehearted love for the art of music creation and VGM as a whole. The original Route 228 theme is a tune beloved by Pokémon's Gen 4 diehard fans - a lategame tune from games over 15 years old by now, yet it and DPPt's sound is still so fondly remembered.
Both parts of The 2:28 Collab just ooze love around every corner, and given their sheer length it feels fruitless to condense it all down. One of my favorite details, however, relates to our good friend tunedlink - an incredible ripper in the early years of SiIva that I've discussed plenty of times before. toonlink's contributions to SiIva slowed down quite a fair bit from Season 4 onward, but as a leading contributor to the original collab, he was specifically brought back on to work on The 2:28 Collab -The Sequel-. The sequel is such a natural extension to everything the original set out to do, to where the YouTube video embedded here was able to merge the two as one seamless video. With so much to chew through, its something you can always put on in the background at any time of day for a guaranteed good time.
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firedjinni · 6 months
(for this ask meme)
🍓 ⇢ how did you get into writing fanfiction?
I think it's something I've been doing for a long time, maybe before I fully understood what it was, but my first proper exposure to fanfiction on the internet was via elementary-school me searching the internet for crossovers between different things I liked (mostly ending up on Fanfiction.net and dedicated single-fandom archives.)
My first experiences actually writing fic, from what I remember, involved posting through my friend's account while over at their house because I didn't have an email and couldn't make one myself, haha. (Of course, that account is long deleted now…)
🥤 ⇢ recommend an author or fanfic you love
Aaaaaa oh man I have to think there are so many--
I basically have a big reclist for longer completed works on AO3 here: rainy day longfic <3, so I'll go for a couple of authors off the top of my head:
Seebright (@/lackadrastical): beautiful Hollow Knight fic! I have both of their longfics in my longfic reclist, but they've got some lovely oneshots as well. I love their Ghost and general sibling trio characterization so much. <333
CourierNew: wrote another really good HK longfic, but also I love love love their Deltarune oneshots! Their prose is so good and sharp and eerie and there's a perfect sort of tone to it I don't know quite how to describe…
tls1314 (@/tls332): beautiful Rain World fic!! A time travel fixit that's ongoing, and some quieter oneshots. Also a Hollow Knight oneshot which is probably the only (or one of the only) fics I've ever seen to pull off first person POV with Hornet.
NoelleHolidayStanAccount (TerminalMiraculosis): as the name suggests, really good Noelle-centric Deltarune fic, but also the formatting?? The CSS?? It's so fucking cool and creative to see, and I wish more authors really leaned into the ability to make AO3 do fun stuff like that.
🔪 ⇢ what's the weirdest topic you researched for a writing project?
I can't quite decide, so I'm just gonna leave a list of highlights. Ironically, most of this pertains to fics that have never actually been posted.
half an hour of staff training videos on hospital de-escalation techniques
multiple Youtube searches for "breath of the wild meat pie man" (unsuccessful)
how to harvest spider silk
symptoms of acute radiation poisoning (this is a lie i just like to read this page for fun. don't look at me)
a bunch of stuff about reproductive behaviors of various invertebrates (for, and i cannot stress this enough, worldbuilding purposes)
how big can a slug get (answer: the size of a very drippy football, apparently)
Large Animal Immobilon, some very weird back of the napkin math, and the discovery that 500mL syringes do exist and will haunt my nightmares forevermore (same fic as #1)
☁️ ⇢ what made you choose your username?
My original username, Firedjinn, came from me being really, really into Golden Sun at the time I signed up for an FFN account, haha. I think I originally had some other GS-djinni-themed names in an old word doc somewhere? But this is apparently what stuck, and I've kept it around for continuity.
(Also funny story: the reason this account is called 'firedjinni' is because someone has had the URL firedjinn since 2013 where they have posted one (1) cosplay photo and nothing else since. I assume it's an active user since the name has never expired? Anyway uh yeah.)
(Rubber Chicken with a Keyboard I picked because it just sounded funny, though.)
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kylorens · 10 months
gs social media needs a whole overhaul istg ik the players are prolly busy but i get so envious of other teams getting whole ass fun content or even just short interviews with the players... when all we get is training videos SOMETIMES and even some of them are behind a paywall 💀 we need to promote our team better.
it's not just teams from other european leagues either, even in süper lig i really like the way trabzonspor is doing their socials. im not even a supporter of them but i find myself watching their videos. AND that's why it's important, imagine if the gs youtube channel actually did their work and help promote the team and the team synergy off to the rest of the world. we cant even properly connect with the team💀
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thoughts as i watch the goldfinch for the first time <3 (this does include spoilers)
(also tw: abuse, cursing, death, drug/alcohol abuse, suicide,)
-already stopped paying attention what just happened. who tf is andy and who names their child that.
-daddy isssuessssss lmao. nightmares! i love those
-what has this guy got with sailing istg
-oh no oh noooo bad vibes bad vibes
-he eats for the first time woohoo (and the blackwell guy?? he died i think? was he the dad????)
-he just??? licked the lollipop????
-ive decided i like this movie its cute <3
-bonding woo hoo
-i knew it. never trust foster parents theyll ship you off to your weirdo father
-oh cute couple bonding moment interesting wow
-dang thats depressing death death blah blah whatever can we get back to the dad plot
-what happened to this family dang
-omg boris :((((( feel so bad for him parents fucking suck bro
-mmm drugs
-lmao are they wanted for murder
-these kids deserve to kiss or something bro i can feel the romance
-i hate theos dad i hate life i hate the world oh my god he fUCKINH HIT HIM????
-boris. boris please. boris run away with him please PLEASE RUN AWAY WITH HIM I CANT LIVE LIKE THIS
-boris never came :(
-oh pippa i forgot about her
-boris is back <3
-this is a bad idea bad bad bad but boris is here so im trusting it
-that was a wild ride but at least they got the paintign back
-boris istg if you die i will hunt you down and kill you myself
-i love boris hes my favorite character
tldr; 10/10 best movie ever. will destroy you emotionally and leave you shasking in your boots
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melblur · 1 year
Todays rip: 24/05/2023
Hopes and Divinity+
Featured on: SiIvaGunner's Highest Quality Rips: Volume GS Ripped by Nikki+ YouTube Visuals by Netyasha Roozi
As mentioned prior, Nikki+ is a standout name on the channel and one whose rips I always seek out to listen to as soon as possible. The last rip I shouted out from them may not have made the reason for such obvious - it was a nice mashup, but not really anything out of this world. Its rips like Hopes and Divinity+ that remind me both of what makes Nikki+ such an incredible part of the team, and what makes me stay with the SiIvaGunner after all this time.
The concept is nothing new for the channel and is, really, intentionally derivative, mashing up Undertale music with Porter Robinson in the exact same way as Goodbye To The Underground did back in Season 1. Todays rip was actually released under the Nostalgia Critic Takeover of Season 3, during which rips were made with the goal of resurrecting the spirit of the channel during its first season, and in that sense Hopes and Divinity+ is an absolute triumph. It sticks to the original winning concept as described beforehand, yet embellishes it with further touches: several of the channel's most iconic inside jokes show up across the six minute runtime to add to the initial mashup, as if to show how far the channel has come since the initial Season. Its one of those rips that manages to be both a nostalgic look back at the past whilst reminding the audience of how much time has passed, helped especially by the fantastic visuals of the YouTube upload.
The track succeeds in so many ways - as a testament to Nikki+'s capabilities as a ripper, to how far the channel has come from Season 1, to Season 3, to the track's remaster in Season 5, and to how much Undertale still means to SiIvaGunner's creators and audience. Godspeed.
oh also a fun fact: the creators of these two rips, MtH and Nikki+, are actually lesbians and dating
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muaraart · 1 year
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I am a footwear designer with expertise in categories for men's shoes. I have knowledge and experience in the shoe development process from manual sketch to mass market production. I Can design any shoes. from sneakers, casual, lifestyle, athletic, running, walking, skateboarding, sportstyle, basketball, baseball, football, volleyball, pickleball, tennis, soccer, golf, hiking, hunting, softball, training, spike, slip-ons, crocs, flyknit, safety, work, boat, boots, oxfords, loafers, clogs, sandals, slides and more.
I'm a freelance graphic designer and full-time designer, I have been a professional graphic designer for more than ten years, you will get 100% original, elegant, trendy, dynamic and modern graphic designs from me. I will get to your dream footwear design!
I can work on target. If you’re looking for high-quality work from a person that understands Graphic Design, then I am the person you need to work with.
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Note: Include any images and descriptions of footwear and shoes that inspire you and your brand, elements of design that you like and elements of design that you do not like. The more information provided the closer I will get to your dream shoe design!
I will be able to render the design from multiple angles including a technical outline, detailed renderings and a complete technical pack with all the relevant sampling and manufacturing information included.
All Shoe designs that we make are developed keeping "Ease of Production" in mind. The shoe designs we make are 100% original and we don't resell them.
The world of Design and Creative is something that I love and passion.
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Have a project? Available for new projects Send me a email at Email: [email protected]
Order a design according to your needs and desires on Fiverr: Muara Art Upwork: Sigit W Peopleperhour: Muara Art
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thomasbaileyy · 19 days
The Deceptive Web of Josip Heit: Unraveling the Collapse of GSB Gold Standard Corporation "Josip Heit Reviews" Fake
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When it comes to the world of high-stakes finance and investments, Josip Heit is a name that has sparked controversy and suspicion. Known for his involvement in multiple companies under the GSB Gold Standard Corporation umbrella, Heit has left behind a trail of dissolved companies, dubious schemes, and fraudulent practices. With a string of regulatory warnings and a tarnished reputation, Josip Heit’s financial dealings raise serious concerns about his intentions and the impact on his unsuspecting investors.
A Pattern of Dissolved Companies and Deception
Recently, four GSB-related companies were dissolved, casting a shadow on Heit’s activities. According to the UK Companies House records, these include:
GSB Gold Standard PLC - dissolved on May 14th, 2024
GSB Money LTD - dissolved on July 6th, 2021
GSB Asset Financial LTD - dissolved on May 7th, 2024
GSB Premier Exchange Corporation LTD - dissolved on May 7th, 2024
Josip Heit, a Croatian national, was listed as a Director in all these companies. Alongside him, Sanjay Nath, a purported UK national and a long-time accomplice, served as the Director and Secretary of GSB Gold Standard PLC. The dissolution of these entities raises red flags about Heit’s commitment to his ventures and his credibility as a business leader. The pattern of dissolution is not merely coincidental; it appears to be a deliberate tactic to escape scrutiny and avoid accountability.
Active Shell Companies on the Brink of Collapse
While several of Heit’s companies have already been dissolved, two other GSB-related entities, GSB Financial Services LTD and GSB Gold Standard B Corporation LTD, remain active but are in the process of being struck off due to long overdue filings. This further demonstrates a lack of transparency and raises concerns about the legitimacy of these businesses. Additional shell companies connected to Heit, such as GS Chain PLC (active) and GS&IB Fintech LTD (dissolved in August 2023), have also drawn attention for their suspicious activities.
Laundering Investor Funds: A Network of Shell Companies
The network of GSB-related shell companies registered in the UK is believed to be part of a broader scheme used to launder investor funds from the now-defunct GSPartners investment scam. GSPartners, a fraudulent investment scheme orchestrated by Heit under the guise of GSB Gold Standard Corporation, collapsed in December 2023 after facing over a dozen regulatory fraud warnings throughout the year.
The collapse of GSPartners and the subsequent dissolution of several GSB entities strongly indicate a calculated move to avoid legal consequences and to obscure the illicit flow of funds. The opacity surrounding these companies and their sudden closure hints at a deeper, more complex financial operation intended to defraud investors and cover up any wrongdoing.
A Social Media Cover-Up: Scrubbing Evidence of Fraud
In a desperate attempt to erase evidence of its fraudulent activities, GSB Gold Standard Corporation’s official YouTube channel was recently terminated. At the same time, GSPartners’ social media accounts were renamed and scrubbed of all content. These actions are indicative of a concerted effort to eliminate any digital traces of their deceptive practices and to prevent further investigations from uncovering the truth.
GSPro: A Short-Lived Reboot and New Schemes
Following the collapse of GSPartners, there was a brief attempt at a reboot under the name GSPro. However, this effort was short-lived, and Heit and his associates quickly moved on to defraud investors through new schemes, such as Billionico and Auratus Gold.
Billionico: A Cultish Money Grab Targeting South Africans
Billionico initially emerged as a suspected GSPartners backdoor for US and Canadian investors. It quickly devolved into a bizarre, cult-like membership scheme aimed at South Africans. Recruitment efforts in South Africa, however, appear to have stalled following a recent GSPartners-related arrest. This episode further underscores the lengths to which Heit and his collaborators will go to exploit vulnerable communities and continue their fraudulent operations.
Auratus Gold: Another Fake Gold Scheme Unfolds
Auratus Gold, another of Heit’s dubious ventures, was primarily marketed to Australian investors as a legitimate gold investment opportunity. In reality, it was nothing more than a facade for yet another fraudulent scheme. Several new shell companies were linked to Auratus Gold, including:
Helvetic Digital Finance AG (Switzerland)
TAS Helvetic Gold Trading LLC (Dubai)
DX and One Trust LTD (Bulgaria)
MTX Finance LLC (Montana, US)
Link Genius Portal LLC (Dubai)
These entities were set up to facilitate the continued defrauding of investors, creating a convoluted web of deception that is difficult to untangle.
A Global Reach of Fraud and Exploitation
Josip Heit’s operations are not confined to any single country. After tarnishing his reputation in the US, Canada, Australia, and the UK, he continues his fraudulent schemes globally, exploiting unsuspecting investors in other regions. The latest ventures, Billionico and Auratus Gold, are clear examples of his persistent efforts to stay one step ahead of the law. While his past may have caught up with him in some places, Heit shows no signs of halting his deceptive practices.
Conclusion: The Enduring Threat of Josip Heit
Josip Heit’s business practices paint a troubling picture of deception, fraud, and exploitation. His use of a complex network of shell companies, his manipulation of social media platforms to erase traces of wrongdoing, and his continuous efforts to defraud investors through new schemes reveal a calculated and systematic approach to white-collar crime. Until regulatory bodies take decisive action against Heit and his associates, the threat of his fraudulent activities will persist, putting countless more investors at risk.
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themotorbikechannel · 20 days
2024 BMW R 1300 GS | First Look https://themotorbikechannel.com/wp-content/uploads/2024/09/1725246017_maxresdefault.jpg Source: 2024 BMW R 1300 GS | First Look by FullThrottle. Please don’t forget to give the Video a “Like” on Youtube and subscribe to the channel! The 2024 BMW R 1300 GS is finally here to stir up the adventure bike world and it is much more than just an upsized R 1250 GS. […] https://themotorbikechannel.com/2024-bmw-r-1300-gs-first-look/?feed_id=1247&_unique_id=66d52aba838ee
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heavenforblog1111 · 5 months
Dark Necessities is a song by Red Hot Chili Peppers and was released on 5th May 2016 as the first single of their eleventh studio album 'The Getaway'. Red Hot Chili Peppers was started in 1982 in Los Angeles and has been active since a very long time. They still release tracks on their YouTube channel. Dark Necessities is among their best songs ever. It has a unique sound and vibe to it. Meaning and Explanation Red Hot Chili Peppers has been among the most notable rock bands ever. They were prominent at a time when rock music was at its peak and they are still prominent today unlike most bands in their time. The 1980s was characterized by rock bands dominating the music scene. Their lifestyle was stereotypically thought of as those who indulged in rampant dr*g use, partying while touring. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Q0oIoR9mLwc It was natural for rock members to have a dark side. It was only through exploring their dark side, did they come across creative ideas for music. Anthony Kiedis was known to have quit dr*gs at the time and was known to have been living a sober lifestyle for quite some time when the song was released. Dark Necessities refers to the dark issues that one has to deal with. It is not only limited to dr*gs although that is a major theme behind the song but also other negative aspects that one may have to deal with. In the song, the singer is actually embracing his dark side and talking about how accepting it made him the way he is. By accepting his flaws, he feels liberated from it. It also comes with the realization that everyone has shadow aspects that they need to deal with. A lot of people feel hindered by their shortcomings but when we realize that we are not perfect and neither is anyone else; we become at ease with the fact that we will always have problems and issues to deal with like everyone else. Dark Necessities are a part of not only the singer's design but everyone in the world. The part about Zodiac is a subtle reference to the serial killer Zodiac who about killed 37 people. In the second verse, Anthony vividly describes the issues that dr*g add*cts face in their life. They might stumble across the parking lot with no sense of self or surroundings. They hardly have time to think about themselves, much less about the image they project on to the world. The video features notable female long boarders Carmen Shafer, Amanda Caloia, Amanda Powell and Noelle Mulligan skating through Los Angeles. The injuries they suffer while skateboarding is mainly the dark aspects of skateboarding a metaphor that the band uses to explain its point behind dark necessities in the simplest of things https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=n1Mfk0Q50d8 "We received [her treatment] and it was very simple and it was about this dark and bruised side of these athletes, these female skateboard athletes and it was just easy and simple and we were trying to do simplicity." Anthony Kiedis They sent that to me on a CD because I’m old school like that and I like to go work in my car that has a CD player. And I listened to it and I was pretty immediately stricken with my part in the song, which sometimes happens and sometimes doesn’t. Sometimes you hear a piece of music that you fall in love with but you have no idea, as a vocalist, what you’re supposed to do with it; just doesn’t make sense, the timing is weird, the melodies are weird. With that song I was like, I know what to do with this song, I think I know what my part is, and I took that and went to Hawaii and wrote lyrics for it. And it just kind of speaks to the beauty of our dark sides and how much creativity and growth and light actually comes out of those difficult struggles that we have on the inside of our heads that no one else can see. Anthony Kiedis As far the song is concerned, it was definitely among the best songs they had ever produced. This song really confirmed to people that Red Hot Chili Peppers still had a lot left in its tank and had not run out of ideas yet.
The video has amassed over 450 millions views on YouTube. Let me know what you guys think of the song.
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europa-news · 10 months
GS Partners not licensed to solicit investments in SA – FSCA
This follows adverse warnings against the company and its affiliates in several US states and Canada.
The Financial Sector Conduct Authority (FSCA) has warned the public to exercise caution when dealing with GS Partners, also known as GSP or Gold Standard Partners.
This follows similar warnings against GS Partners in the US and Canada for violations of securities laws.
“GS Partners is not licensed under any financial sector law to provide financial products or financial services in South Africa. The FSCA is concerned about the unrealistic returns offered by GS Partners, and is conducting a preliminary investigation into its activities in South Africa. The FSCA has approached GS Partners for comment, and the entity has until Friday, 24 November 2023 to reply,” reads the FSCA statement.
The FSCA goes on to say that while it is not commenting on the specifics of GS Partners’s business, anyone offering financial products in SA requires authorisation from the FSCA.
Backing from sports stars
GS Partners and its affiliates have been criticised on social media for operating a multi-level marketing scheme that appeared to offer unrealistic returns while rewarding agents with generous commissions for introducing new investors.
The company extensively used sports stars, among them former Springbok hero Victor Matfield, to market its investments.
A cease and desist order issued by the Texas State Securities Board this month highlighted this aspect of its business model: “GSP has been claiming that various athletes have also endorsed, promoted or otherwise supported the investments, the operations of GSB Group, and/or Lydian World. These athletes include boxer Floyd Mayweather and footballers Roberto Carlos, Mario Yepes, David Trezeguet, Michel Salgado, and [former SA soccer star] Lucas Radebe.”
Gold Standard Banking Corporation (GSB) is another affiliated company registered in Germany.
Defamation lawsuit
In 2021, GSB, its chair Josip Heit, and four other individuals – Tony De Gouveia, Bruce Hughes, Andrew Eaton and Brendon Earp-Jones – sued three commentators appearing on the YouTube channel G-Crypt for defamation and loss of income to the tune of R476 million after they criticised the company’s investment offering in unflattering terms. The company and the plaintiffs say they suffered substantial income losses after the videos first appeared.
The three defendants are Louis Nel, Francois Harris, and Gareth Grobler. The offending G-Crypt videos have since been removed from YouTube, though efforts are being made to reinstate them. Grobler founded the now-defunct iCE3x crypto exchange, which is currently in provisional liquidation.
The defendants opposed the GSB defamation claim and fired off a counter-suit, seeking to have it declared an illegal scheme. That legal suit has yet to be heard in court, and it is unclear what impact the latest FSCA warning will have on the outcome.
Skyscraper vouchers and the metaverse
The Texas State Securities Board says GSP recently engaged in an offering of digital assets where each digital asset represented fractional ownership of a unit in a skyscraper, known by the names “G999 Exclusive Living Business Bay” and “G999 Tower”.
It purportedly acquired the rights to resell units in the Dubai skyscraper for 12 months and issued “XLT Vouchers”, representing ownership of one square inch of the tower as a way to earn passive income.
The vouchers for the first phase of the scheme went on sale for $9.63 (about R180) each, with two more phases due to come on stream at $12.52 and $15.68 each, with the purpose of raising about $175 million (about R3.2 billion) in total.
The Texas regulator took exception to GSP’s claim that it “believes there is no limit to the upside for XLT token holders …” and the fact that the tokens are highly illiquid.
The Texas regulator says the company was also involved in promoting a metaverse known as Lydian World or Lydian.World, which would allow its community members to participate in assisted copy trading (the ability to mimic expert traders), digital artwork creation and marketing, and transparent digital banking reward mechanisms, among other opportunities.
Lydian World provides over 18 million square metres of virtual land that can be acquired with LYS tokens, a digital asset issued on the Binance blockchain.
“After using LYS to purchase virtual land in Lydian World, users can then build a virtual building on the virtual land, and then open a virtual business using the virtual building as a virtual storefront, and even rent the virtual building to other users – assuming the virtual building’s design is approved by a virtual city town hall,” says the Texas cease and desist order.
LYS token owners can purportedly earn annual returns of 14.8% in the first year by “staking” (investing) the tokens. Additional benefits accrue to members who purchase what are known as Elemental MetaCertificates and Success Series Certificates.
“Respondent GSP frequently incentivises the loading of additional principal through various promotions. These promotions may increase the value of a certificate or unlock weekly or monthly income streams,” says the Texas regulator.
The FSCA notice provides links to warnings issued against GSB by regulators in Texas, Washington, California and Wisconsin, as well as the Canadian provinces of British Columbia, Alberta, Saskatchewan and Canada’s Autorité Des Marchés Financiers.
Cease and desist orders were also issued in recent weeks against GSB and its affiliates, including Swiss Valorem Bank and Josip Heit, by the US states of New Hampshire, Arizona and Florida.
0 notes
newsmaniaa · 10 months
GS Partners not licensed to solicit investments in SA – FSCA
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The Financial Sector Conduct Authority (FSCA) has warned the public to exercise caution when dealing with GS Partners, also known as GSP or Gold Standard Partners.
This follows similar warnings against GS Partners in the US and Canada for violations of securities laws.
“GS Partners is not licensed under any financial sector law to provide financial products or financial services in South Africa. The FSCA is concerned about the unrealistic returns offered by GS Partners, and is conducting a preliminary investigation into its activities in South Africa. The FSCA has approached GS Partners for comment, and the entity has until Friday, 24 November 2023 to reply,” reads the FSCA statement.
The FSCA goes on to say that while it is not commenting on the specifics of GS Partners’s business, anyone offering financial products in SA requires authorisation from the FSCA.
Backing from sports stars
GS Partners and its affiliates have been criticised on social media for operating a multi-level marketing scheme that appeared to offer unrealistic returns while rewarding agents with generous commissions for introducing new investors.
The company extensively used sports stars, among them former Springbok hero Victor Matfield, to market its investments.
A cease and desist order issued by the Texas State Securities Board this month highlighted this aspect of its business model: “GSP has been claiming that various athletes have also endorsed, promoted or otherwise supported the investments, the operations of GSB Group, and/or Lydian World. These athletes include boxer Floyd Mayweather and footballers Roberto Carlos, Mario Yepes, David Trezeguet, Michel Salgado, and [former SA soccer star] Lucas Radebe.”
Gold Standard Banking Corporation (GSB) is another affiliated company registered in Germany.
Defamation lawsuit
In 2021, GSB, its chair Josip Heit, and four other individuals – Tony De Gouveia, Bruce Hughes, Andrew Eaton and Brendon Earp-Jones – sued three commentators appearing on the YouTube channel G-Crypt for defamation and loss of income to the tune of R476 million after they criticised the company’s investment offering in unflattering terms. The company and the plaintiffs say they suffered substantial income losses after the videos first appeared.
The three defendants are Louis Nel, Francois Harris, and Gareth Grobler. The offending G-Crypt videos have since been removed from YouTube, though efforts are being made to reinstate them. Grobler founded the now-defunct iCE3x crypto exchange, which is currently in provisional liquidation.
The defendants opposed the GSB defamation claim and fired off a counter-suit, seeking to have it declared an illegal scheme. That legal suit has yet to be heard in court, and it is unclear what impact the latest FSCA warning will have on the outcome.
Skyscraper vouchers and the metaverse
The Texas State Securities Board says GSP recently engaged in an offering of digital assets where each digital asset represented fractional ownership of a unit in a skyscraper, known by the names “G999 Exclusive Living Business Bay” and “G999 Tower”.
It purportedly acquired the rights to resell units in the Dubai skyscraper for 12 months and issued “XLT Vouchers”, representing ownership of one square inch of the tower as a way to earn passive income. The vouchers for the first phase of the scheme went on sale for $9.63 (about R180) each, with two more phases due to come on stream at $12.52 and $15.68 each, with the purpose of raising about $175 million (about R3.2 billion) in total.
The Texas regulator says the company was also involved in promoting a metaverse known as Lydian World or Lydian.World, which would allow its community members to participate in assisted copy trading (the ability to mimic expert traders), digital artwork creation and marketing, and transparent digital banking reward mechanisms, among other opportunities.
Lydian World provides over 18 million square metres of virtual land that can be acquired with LYS tokens, a digital asset issued on the Binance blockchain.
“After using LYS to purchase virtual land in Lydian World, users can then build a virtual building on the virtual land, and then open a virtual business using the virtual building as a virtual storefront, and even rent the virtual building to other users – assuming the virtual building’s design is approved by a virtual city town hall,” says the Texas cease and desist order.
LYS token owners can purportedly earn annual returns of 14.8% in the first year by “staking” (investing) the tokens. Additional benefits accrue to members who purchase what are known as Elemental MetaCertificates and Success Series Certificates.
“Respondent GSP frequently incentivizes the loading of additional principal through various promotions. These promotions may increase the value of a certificate or unlock weekly or monthly income streams,” says the Texas regulator.
The FSCA notice provides links to warnings issued against GSB by regulators in Texas, Washington, California and Wisconsin, as well as the Canadian provinces of British Columbia, Alberta, Saskatchewan and Canada’s Autorité Des Marchés Financiers. Cease and desist orders were also issued in recent weeks against GSB and its affiliates, including Swiss Valorem Bank and Josip Heit, by the US states of New Hampshire, Arizona and Florida.
0 notes
7grandmel · 11 months
Todays rip: 10/11/2023
Season 5 Featured on: SiIvaGunner's Highest Quality Rips: Volume GS
Ripped by Expensive Dispenser
Sometimes when picking these out, I feel a bit worried that I'm overdoing the amount of Undertale/Deltarune content, but then I remember that the two games combined have over A THOUSAND rips on the channel - and it starts to make a bit more sense...
Either way, this wasn't really a rip chosen specifically for the Deltarune-iness of it, but because of the joke featured - Hello by OMFG. OMFG's very particular brand of electronic music is one which I closely associate with bands like the annoyingly-similarly-named LMFAO - a band whose songs practically defined the early 2010s. Be it Everyday I'm Shufflin' or Party Rock, the Smosh-age of online content was very much accented by that particular brand of cheesy, corny, yet undeniably catchy electronic dance music. One strange remnant of how long they've survived was with hit YouTuber Pyrocynical's now legendary 250K subscriber special from 2015, which weirdly began circulating as a meme in 2018. If you've ever heard the phrase "So guys, we did it, a quarter of a million subscribers!", then that's where its from - a quote said after a faux-MLG clip of Dying Light with the aforementioned OMFG song playing.
It feels...wrong, to call this kind of shitposting a product of "cringe culture", because while the meme is entirely about sharing how ridiculous that era of YouTube was, it has an air of...nostalgia, to it. I covered this way, WAY long ago with Super Paper Mario if it was a rhythm game for mobile, a rip whose joke I and many others initially falsely attributed to the Pyrocynical meme - that kind of video-making has, due to changing trends and overall mockery, just fallen out of fashion entirely, and its something we're somehow nostalgic over despite it not really being all that long ago.
Three years past even 2018 when the meme first took off, HELLO CYBER WORLD! is able to feel even more like a nostalgic tribute to OMFG's and company's very specific influence of the internet as a whole. In a way, I feel like Toby Fox's music has become a new kind of cornerstone for YouTubers - its widespread popularity along with its lack of risk for music copyright has made it a standard in YouTube videos from hugely popular creators. So HELLO CYBER WORLD!, especially with how overall well-made it is, feels like a marriage of those two times (weirdly prevailing theme recently, huh?). The rip sort of blurs the line between being a rearrangement and melody swap, changing core parts of A CYBER'S WORLD to recreate the most iconic parts of Hello, whilst still primarily using the instrumentation of the latter within the former's melody. Paired with the sort of conglaturatory, triumphant feel of both songs, and it's a mix that feels destined to have happened - executed damn near flawlessly, as to be expected from Expensive Dispenser.
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