#gtfo release date
Sneaky Link 💙 (Toxic!Student!Gojo x Professor!MILF!Reader FWB 18+ One Shot)
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“You know you want this.”
Pairing: Gojo Satoru x Black!Fem!Reader (Teacher x Student/FWBs to Lovers)
Synopsis: You’re a stressed-out mom and college professor who has been swamped with your job and mommy life lately. You’re so knee-deep in your work and kids that you need some kind of release. Unfortunately, you’re not finding any of that in your husband, but luckily, that’s what Gojo Satoru is here for…even though he’s way too young for you and is your student.
Warnings: Smutty Smut; 18+ (MINORS GTFO); Professor!Reader; College Student!Gojo; College AU; MILF!Reader; FWBs/Fuck Buddies; Toxic!Fuckboy-ish!Gojo; Switch!Gojo (MDom + msub); Switch!Reader (FDom + fsub); Infidelity/Cheating; Oral (Giving + Receiving); Some Analingus; Body Worship; Deepthroat; Facefucking; Spit Play; Pussy Drunk!Gojo; Cock Drunk!Reader; Daddy Kink; Mommy Kink; Multiple Positions (Doggy, Missionary, From the Side); Dirty Talk; Possession/Ownership; Scent Marking; Cum Play; Breeding; Unprotected PIV; Raw Creampie; Facial
Writer’s Note: I was listening to SWV’s “You’re The One” & got an idea for this. I love me some toxic!Gojo 🤤 Enjoy! -Jazz
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You never knew how loud a man could get until your husband orgasmed.
Usually, you’d find this sexy. You love vocal men. You love your vocal man. All of his slutty moans, gasps, and groans that bounce off of your bedroom walls would usually trigger your nut quick.
“Cumming!” he moans, hovering over you, his face glistening in sweat as he rails into you like he’s trying to wake the neighbors with the knocking headboard. “Fuck, baby, I’m cumming! Cum with me! Are you cumming with me?”
But instead, you lie there underneath him like a dead fish, just staring and not moaning or orgasming like you should be. Like you used to. “Uh-huh,” you reply.
Even as his handsome face screws up the way you like, you don’t find it even remotely attractive. It isn’t like your husband isn’t a sexy man. Every time you go out, you catch the wandering eyes of women and men alike who ogle at your man despite the ring on his finger and being the father of your beautiful twins.
But what they don’t know is that the sexy man they all want for themselves is dry in the sheets. What they don’t know is that he isn’t attentive or a good listener when it comes to doing what you want and need to achieve pleasure. What they don’t know is that your marriage that seems so perfect and amazing actually isn’t.
Case in point, when your husband finally orgasms, gripping the headboard and pausing to cum while buried deep inside of you, he doesn’t even notice how quiet and stoic you are. You are not enjoying yourself yet he is completely oblivious to it. Just like he is every night…or any night he decides to fuck you, that is.
Finally, he lets out a shudder and a satisfied smile stretches across his mouth, a sign that the sexy was more than satisfactory. He pecks you on the lips and rolls over onto his back, lying naked beside you while you lie in your beautiful gown from tonight’s date night. You didn’t even take off your dress! That’s how unsatisfied you feel and how much you didn’t want any kind of sex tonight.
“Wow,” your husband sighs. “That was amazing, baby.” He turns to you, a sparkle in his eyes. You don’t look at him, instead staring at the ceiling. “Mmm-hmm,” you hum.
He moves in close and wraps an arm around you, pulling you into his sweaty chest. “I’m so glad we were able to do this,” he chuckles. “I know we’ve been pretty busy with work and the banquet tonight was tiring, so it’s nice that we always get time to have sex.”
‘On your time, that is,’ you sourly think.
“Yeah,” you say instead. “It was…okay.” Your husband ironically catches onto your bored tone and sits up, his flaccid dick hanging between his thighs. “Okay?” he parrots, confused. “But we tried that position you’ve been wanting to try! Y’know, the one with your legs up and your head hanging off the bed?”
You play with a loose strand on your gorgeous dress that you bought a month in advance for your husband’s work banquet.
The banquet you went to tonight and shucked your kids off to your parents for.
The banquet you were hoping your man would get drunk at, notice how sexy you look, and use all of tonight without your children home to make you cum your brains out.
And even though he did agree to do a new position for the first time in months, it didn’t feel any better. You felt no kind of enjoyment. “Well, yeah,” you say. “A-And it felt good, but—“
“But what, Y/N?” He sighs, sounding tired of your shit. You’re tired of your shit too, but also his. “I thought we had managed to squash this finally after our dry spell.”
Dry spell. You nearly scoff. Is he still convinced that this dry spell is moistened now? You glare at him, not liking his tone or his blasé attitude towards your needs. “You only noticed that it was a ‘dry spell’ because I wasn’t sucking your dick anymore,” you snap.
This has been happening for the past couple of months, especially since the beginning of spring semester. You’re a college professor working at one of the most prestigious Ivy League universities in the country, so half of your time is given towards work. And if your time isn’t given towards work, it’s given towards your two beautiful yet chaotic 5-year old twins.
You are married to a bigtime corporate lawyer, going on year six. They’ve been six years full of love, happiness, and great communication. But lately, that communication has been waning thin because of work. Your hubby is a very busy man, constantly at work juggling cases and sometimes working on the weekends when he should be spending time with you and the kids…especially with you.
Ever since the spring semester started for you, things have gotten worse with the stress of grading assignments and exams before your senior classes graduate. Your head is filled with planning things for the next month: planning class lessons, grading, what to fix the kids for their school lunches, etc.
You are drowning in your stress! All you want to do is be with your man. Hug him. Kiss him. Have him put you in the mattress again and again…but that’s barely been happening. He’s always tired or asleep when you’re in need of attention. And when you do get the attention you crave, it’s lackluster and half the time you end up making yourself cum when he rolls off to sleep.
It wasn’t always like this. Your sex used to be amazing, filled with connection and intimacy. Now it’s just…nothing. The fact that he doesn’t listen to what you want or even attempt to try is even worse. He is too busy for you and it’s starting to piss you off.
But not enough to hit up the one guy you know can get the job done. Not enough for that at all! So you roll your ass over and tend to your irked husband. “I’m sorry,” you sigh, wrapping your arms around him. “It’s not you, baby; it’s me. It’s just stress from work and the kids an’ all.”
And that’s the truth, though you left out that you’re also pent up, horny, and sexually frustrated. However, your husband embraces you back, so you don’t say anything to ruin your cuddling session.
After a while of soft kisses and snuggling, your hubby gets out of bed and steps over his suit that he quickly stripped off as soon as you got back here an hour ago. “You wanna shower with me?” he asks, putting his bathrobe on.
You open your mouth to respond with an excuse not to, but your phone ringing on the nightstand gives you one. “Uh, in a minute,” you reply. “I’ve gotta take a call.”
He nods and gives you a smile which makes you feel horrible. He truly is a great husband, but your throbbing pussy and rising libido tell you differently. Once he leaves, you answer the call to the one person who can truly understand your dilemma. “Answering my call at 10 PM on a Friday night?” She asks. “You either fought your man or the sex was bad. Good evening, Ms. L/N.”
“Hi,” you chuckle, quickly looking at the bathroom door where your man disappeared. When the water starts running, you speak louder. “And no, it wasn’t bad. It was just….average.”
Your friend laughs despite your pain. “Well, be happy that he at least had the time to reciprocate this time. Did you cum this time?”
“Uh….” You contemplate whether to lie or tell her the truth. If you lie, you’ll feel bad for doing so, but if you’re honest then she’ll berate him like she always does. Finally, you sigh and give in. “I tried, but no. There was zero trying on his end.”
Your friend isn’t happy to hear that. “Please tell me you didn’t fake it this time,” she groans. “If he’s embarrassed, let him be embarrassed!” You roll your eyes at the mention of you faking your orgasms for your husband at one point to appease him. You do things for the ones you love. “No, I didn’t,” you sigh. “I did as you said and kept quiet, but he didn’t even mention it!”
You put a hand on your forehead, feeling a headache coming on. “I took the kids over to my parents’ place for some time alone after the banquet. Sometimes I wonder why I even bother with this.”
“Well, you could always come out with me and my man tonight,” your friend suggests. “They’re having this special called Freaky Fridays at the bar we like. You could meet a nice guy there.”
You can’t even picture yourself getting out of bed to get into your sexy clothes and cheat. You’ve done that already. “Thanks for the invite, but I’ve had enough drinking for one night.”
“Oh, how was the fancy banquet, by the way?” Your friend excitedly asks. “You looked so fuckin’ good tonight! If I were your hubby, I wouldn’t be able to keep my hands off of you.” You laugh at her referring to your photos on Twitter of you at your husband’s work party. Something about his firm celebrating their 50th year in business.
“Maybe I should’ve married you then,” you giggle. “It was fine, but all I could think about was gettin’ fucked in the bathroom. I tried to initiate a quickie before we left, but he wasn’t having it.” You sit up, ignoring the insistent throb of your clit and the need to get your vibrator out of your nightstand if not use your fingers.
“Plus I still have grading to do over the weekend before next weekend when graduation starts.” Your friend dramatically groans at the mention of your work.
“Girl, you’ve been busy since the beginning of the damn semester!” she scoffs.
“That’s the life of a professor,” you chuckle, taking your hair down and running a hand trough your curs/twists/locks/waves/braids. “And to make matters worse, I’m extremely horny.”
“That’s why I said come out and meet somebody!” your friend says. “But then again, maybe you don’t need that. You’ve still got Mr. Long Dick on speed dial, don’t you?” She giggles knowingly despite you cringing on the other end.
“Don’t even mention him,” you sharply warn her. “I told you before: what we had was just a fling and it should’ve never happened. That’s why I ended it. Plus, he’s my student!”
“Not for long!” she argues. “He graduates in a week, Y/N! And he’s a grown-ass man! He wouldn’t have agreed to fuck you if he couldn’t handle it.”
You squeeze your eyes to try and will away the thought of ‘Mr. Long Dick’ with his snow-white hair, alluring blue eyes, charming smile…and his long dick. His long, thick, perfect dick. And his sensuous, pink lips. And his tongue and fingers that he absolutely knows how to work.
Gojo Satoru. Straight A student, athlete, and renowned fuckboy. He has every girl and guy on campus going crazy for him. Yes, he is perfect. Yes, he is good in bed. But he is also too young, has community dick, and is one of your senior students.
You made the mistake of having a five-month long sexual relationship with him that you quickly ended last month before finals month. It first started when the chill of November came and your bedroom problems with your husband got bad to the point where he was sleeping at his brother’s place.
Gojo was always a flirt and made it clear to you that he had a thing for you—always complimenting your hair and outfits; holding the door for you and flashing you pretty smiles; always making excuses to stay after class or meet you in your office to discuss assignments.
You didn’t realize that he truly wanted you until he was in your office one day and happened across a photo of you and your twins together. “They’re beautiful,” he commented, smiling at them. Then he turned to you, his gaze soft and intimate. “Just like their mother.” You swear you’ve never been so wet before, your panties becoming soaked under your pencil skirt.
That was also the day you kissed him. Overcome with lust and desperation that your man wasn’t fulfilling, you stood up and planted one on him which he happily embraced. His kiss was electric and passionate, his hands soft and happily wandering your ass and hips. But you didn’t have sex in your office. Instead, you invited him over that night when your husband was at a work dinner and your kids were sleep.
There, in your marital bed, he fucked your brains out and made you realize how good young dick is…or maybe that’s just his. He made you cum three times before he left, keeping your panties in his back pocket when he did. For the next five months, you would see him behind your husband’s back.
You’d fuck him in your office. In his dorm room when his roommate was gone. In your house on your lunch hour while your husband was out and your kids were at school. In hotel rooms. In empty classrooms. It was the most alive you’ve felt in a minute…but despite how good it felt, it was also wrong, so you cut him off last month.
“No,” you sternly say. “Sure, Gojo was a good time, but it was inappropriate. Besides, who the fuck would I be fucking my own student? He probably would’ve started asking me to bump his grades up.”
Your friend, of course, goes to argue, but the bathroom door opens and you quickly jump up like your hand is in the cookie jar. “I’ll call you back,” you say and quickly hang up the phone. Your husband comes out in his robe, smelling of soap and cologne.
You watch him walk over to his closet and take out some fresh clothes. “Uh….where are you going?” You confusedly ask. He turns to you, putting on his shirt first. “Got a call from one of my working buddies,” he explains. “I forgot about this bar crawl my job is throwing just for my company. It’s the mandatory after-banquet after-party.”
You scowl at him, knowing he’s lying. “Mandatory?” You scoff. “There’s no such thing as a mandatory after-party. You just wanna go just to go.”
He shoots you a look as he drops his towel before putting on some boxers and jeans.
“Well, metaphorically, it is mandatory because of my position, just like the banquet was,” he argues. “And even if it isn’t literally mandatory, what’s the big deal?”
This is another thing you dislike about your husband: his inability to put aside his own wants. You do it all the time for him! “Well, I thought you were gonna stay here for a while so we could watch a movie or cuddle,” you mutter, crossing your arms over your bosom. ”Y’know…spend time together without the kids.”
You hope he’ll see how upset you are and reconsider. But he doesn’t. “Well…I’ve gotta get dressed, babe. Everyone is waiting for me.” And to add flame to the fire he’s already started, he scowls at you while buttoning his jeans. “And I just spent an hour here trying to make you cum!” he continues.
You gape at him, silently seething. So now it’s your fault. “Never mind,” you sigh. “Forget it. I’ll just grade these assignments.” Immediately, you shut down and scoot to the edge of the bed to dig into your nightstand for fresh panties.
Your husband realizes how bad he fucked up and quickly rushes to apologize. Like he always does, but never delivers. “Don’t be like that,” he huffs. “I’m sorry. I was gonna ask for you to come with me if you’d rather put the grading on the back burner tonight.”
He moves to sit next to you, shirtless and still damp from the shower. “Or I could stay here,” he continues. “You’re right—we should be spending more time together.” He puts an arm around you, willing you to look at him.
You do and instantly, you feel tired. Tired of doing this dance. You try to talk about your needs, you argue, you get angry, you fight, you stop talking, he apologizes, and then it starts again.
“No,” you say. “Go ahead and go. I’ll be here when you come back.” Your husband furrows his brows at you. “You sure?” he asks and you kiss him to silence him, cupping his face. “Yes, my sexy lawyer husband. Now go and tell your work buddies about how good I looked tonight.”
You share a laugh, another kiss, and all is forgiven (at least to your husband, it is). You watch him get dressed and begin to get a head start on grading, pulling out your laptop and glasses while still in your dress. By the time he is ready to go, you’ve already finished grading two papers.
Once he leaves, you regret it. Your horniness rears its ugly head once you are alone. Your pussy throbs insistently in your panties, desperate to be touched. You know that nothing you do for it is going to work, so you take a shower instead. You strip off your dress, jump into the cold water, and wash off tonight. You even squirt on some perfume to make yourself feel better.
But nothing works. While in the shower, all you think about is being held against the wall and railed by your Mr. Long Dick.
So you try other remedies to distract yourself with: a glass of wine; more grading; watching TV; calling your folks to check on the kids, reading a book, etc. But nothing. Fucking. Works. All you can think about is sex. Specifically sex with your FWB. Finally sick of your shit, you give in to your urges and toss your book aside before reaching for your phone.
You scroll down to your contacts until you get to “Tarou 💙” (the blue heart added by him). You couldn’t even bring yourself to delete his number, too emotionally tied to the dick to do so. You decided to keep him on call just in case. You’re so glad that you did now.
Taking a deep breath, you hit his contact and bring the phone to your ears. After three rings go by, he picks up. The first thing he does is chuckle, the silky, sexy voice making your stomach flutter. “Well, this is unexpected,” he chortles. “I thought you weren’t ever gonna call me again. You told me last time was the last time.”
You bite your bottom lip, your heart thundering in your chest. “Things change,” you impatiently reply. “I need you over here now. Are you busy?” You get right to it, not wanting to lose your nerve.
Gojo pauses for a moment, obviously surprised by your random call. “Uh…no,” he finally answers. “Just with Geto and Shoko, but they can watch the rest of this movie without me. I’m guessin’ he’s gone?”
You grip the phone to your ear, swallowing your shame. “You know he’s gone.”
Once again, Gojo pauses, weighing his options. “I’ll be over in ten,” he says and you sigh in relief. “Leave the door unlocked.”
You hang up and immediately begin to prepare for your dick appointment, leaving your phone on the bed. You replace your shirt with a sexy, satin slip and slather on some body butter to make your skin silky and soft. You put on lipgloss and spray on more perfume. You pour yourself a glass of wine to relax yourself. Then you venture downstairs to sit and wait with the door unlocked.
As time passes, you begin to feel sick with shame and second guessing. Maybe this is a bad idea. Maybe you should call Gojo to go home.
But before you can get up to go back upstairs for your cell, you hear a knock on the door. Your blood pressure nearly shoots through the roof. “It’s me,” Gojo says through the door.
That makes your blood pressure even worse. “C-Coming,” you stammer. Slowly, you slink off of the couch and walk to the door. With a shaky hand, you grasp the doorknob and yank it open like you would yank off a band-aid.
And there he stands: six-foot something and looking sexy leaning against your doorway in a leather jacket, jeans, and white tee that is way too tight on his toned upper torso with a gold chain on his neck that you want to yank on and kiss him. He smiles at you, the corner of his mouth quirking upward. “Hey, you,” he greets you. “I’ve missed you.”
You feel your stomach flutter at the sight of him, the sound of his voice, and his scent. He always smelled so expensive and sweet from the combo of his cologne and body wash. “I’ve missed you too.” The words come out naturally.
Gojo smirks, his blue eyes twinkling with mischief. “Mmm, I bet,” he replies. At the sight of your frown, he laughs. “I’m kidding. Just wanted to see that sexy eye roll.”
“No jokes, please,” you sigh. “I feel worse even hittin’ you up again after I said I was done. Just come in before I change my mind about this.” You open the door further and let him come in before swiftly shutting the door. He walks into the empty living room, his hands in his pockets. He is quiet. Too quiet.
You don’t blame him for being awkward. It’s been a month since you’ve seen each other or talked. “How are the kids?” he finally asks. You nod, giving him a small, thankful smile for asking. “Good. They’re not here.”
He nods understandably though he didn’t ask. “Would you like a drink?” you ask, nodding at the bottle of wine sitting on your coffee table. “I’ve got juice, water…” He shakes his head, instead stripping off his jacket and placing it on his lap as he sits down.
He leans back against the couch, his long legs spread like the slut he is. “Come sit,” he says, patting the seat next to you. His inviting eyes and smile welcome you, drawing you in like a moth to a flame. So you sit down next to him, thigh to thigh, the slight touch making you scream inside.
Gojo wriggles his hands, obviously thinking to himself. “Sooo I don’t know if this question is allowed, but why did you call me over tonight?” He glances at you questionably and you flush with shame. “You know why,” you quietly retort. “You just wanna hear me say it.”
Your student smirks playfully at you. “Can you blame a guy?” he chuckles. “A gorgeous woman hittin’ me up late at night would be any young guy’s fantasy.” You passively shrug, not wanting to be any young guy’s fantasy except his…for tonight, at least. “I’m guessin’ things didn’t go well with the hubby? I thought that dress would’ve worked on him too.”
You look at him, confused, and he sheepishly shrugs. “I may have seen your pics on IG,” he chuckles. “Sorry for bein’ a stalker.”
Though you should be irritated by this, you’re not. Maybe it’s your arousal clouding your judgment, but you find this hot. “He…tries,” you sigh. “But he doesn’t listen and that’s the problem. You do.”
Gojo’s eyes flash with something familiar: passion. Something that has been seriously lacking in your sex life and missing in your husband’s eyes. You turn to your student and fuck buddy, holding his eyes with yours. “Listen to me very carefully,” you firmly say. “Just to be clear, this is just sex. I need something and I’m sure you do too, so we’re just giving it to each other. This isn’t a relationship and I’m not leaving my husband for you.”
Gojo’s brows rise at this statement. “I didn’t think you would’ve,” he chuckles. “Honestly, I can’t see myself playing daddy to your kids though they are adorable.”
“This is the last time,” you continue. “You graduate uni in two weeks which means we’ll never have to see each other again. You fuck me, help me get my nut, and then you leave. No cuddling, no calling, none of that. My husband cannot find out you were here.”
It is the same as it has always been, except this time is the last time. It has to be.
“Am I understood?” you ask lowly. The handsome, young man cocks his head to the side, searching your face for something. You try to keep your face as firm as possible, needing him to understand how serious you are.
Finally, he gives you one of those charming smiles that get your knees weak. “Absolutely, miss,” he purrs. Relief floods your body and you immediately reach for your glass to down the rest of your wine. “Good,” you exhale. You lower the glass down and then turn to him, beaming.
“Now fuck me,” you quietly demand.
You don’t have to tell him twice. Immediately, he wraps a hand around your neck and pulls you in for a kiss. You eagerly accept it, even crawling into his lap which he happily accepts by hooking your thighs over his to straddle him. You wrap your arms around his neck like a koala bear and press yourself flush against him, your thighs open and your panties gliding against his fabric-covered cock that you feel is already hard.
Gojo has always been a good kisser. He has the softest, juiciest, pinkest lips you’ve ever kissed in your life. His kiss is slow and passionate yet sloppy. His tongue swirls with yours as you softly moan into each other’s mouths, appreciating the way you taste. His kiss is full of longing and yearning, his hands gripping your ass and thighs as they hike your slip over your hips.
You grind your pussy down into his hard-on, earning a moan of pleasure into your mouth. You pull away from him, staring down into his hooded eyes. “Upstairs,” you exhale. “Please.”
Quickly, Gojo wraps his arms around your waist and hikes you up against him before picking you up and carrying you upstairs to your bedroom. He knows the way like the back of his hand having been here many times before. When he walks in with you, he kicks the door shut with the back of the foot and walks over to the bed before tossing you down.
You giggle slightly as you bounce on the mattress right before he pounces onto you. He begins peppering your body in wet, soft kisses—your lips, your neck, your chest. You run your hands through his soft, white locks of hair, moaning and arching your back at his touch. “I still can’t believe you wanted to see me again,” he murmurs. “I swore you never wanted to talk to me again.”
You sit up and watch him slide down to his knees in front of you, peeling your slip up to reveal your naked breasts and panties. “That’s because you started talkin’ ‘bout me leaving my husband for you,” you breathlessly retort.
Your slip comes up and over your arms, discarded onto the floor. His blue eyes tick up to meet yours as he kisses your stomach, a brow raised. “Correction, miss,” he chuckles. “I said to date me. I never said you had to leave your husband. I wouldn’t ask you to do that.”
His hands reach up to grope your tits, gently molding and massaging them. As he does this, his teeth lightly nibble at your thighs while attempting to drag your panties down your legs. You moan at the feeling of his fingers pinching your nipples, the sensations making your back arch off of the bed. “Gojo, fuck,” you exhale.
He finally gets your panties off and drags them down your feet one after the other before giving you a cocky grin, your drawls hanging between his teeth. He then lets them fall and pushes your thighs open, biting his lip at the sight of your sobbing, wet cunt, so puffy and pretty for him.
“C’mon now, baby,” he whispers. “Why would I ask you to break up such a lovely marriage for me? Is my dick that good?” He leans in, pressing teasing kisses to your pussy lips and clit that cause sparks of pleasure to explode in your body, coursing through your muscles. “You really wouldn’t stay with your man and just date me?”
He looks up at you between your thighs, his long, white lashes fanning his cheeks. Suddenly, his tongue slithers out of his mouth to toy with your clit and all coherent thoughts and words are stolen from you. “N-N…Oh, fuck yes,” you moan, tilting your head back in ecstasy.
He chuckles, his hot breath making your cunt throb. “Guess I‘ll have to convince you a little more.” He suddenly sits up and yanks on your ankles, pulling you closer to him. “After all, it’s been a month since we’ve been together. We’ll have to make up for lost time.”
“God, Satoru!” You whine. “Just shut the fuck up and use your mouth on this pussy instead.”
He stares at you, shocked by your outburst, and then begins to laugh. “Someone’s eager,” he chuckles. “I like my women eager.” He stares back down at your pussy, tutting at the beautiful, brown rose petals of yours. “Aw, look at my girl,” he coos. “So wet…so lonely. Your hubby ain’t take his time with you tonight, huh?”
He leans in and begins finally tasting you, though his tongue strokes are slow and deliberate to tease you. Make you insane. You can feel yourself quickly becoming impatient, your body squirming for more. “Satoru,” you whimper.
He instantly stops and you realize your mistake when his sapphire eyes pierce into yours, as firm as his tone: “Sorry, who?” He asks, narrowing his brows at you.
You swallow hard, that forbidden name you only call him at the tip of your tongue. “Daddy,” you whisper. “Please just give it to me.”
A pleased smile stretches across Gojo’s lips and he presses a kiss to your inner thigh. “Gladly.”
And the man damn near dives into your pussy, slurping at your juices and sucking on your clit with his pillowy-soft lips. He alternates between swirling his tongue around your entrance while swiping his nose against your clit and sucking on your sensitive, little button, his hands pinning your thighs apart as far as they will go. You are losing it, your voice box turned on autopilot so your mouth makes whatever noises it feels like.
“God, yes, yes, yes!” You moan. “Right there, ‘Tarou, fuck, right there!” His hot tongue, tinged with cool metal from his tongue piercing, swirls about over your slit and pussy lips, making a mess of your pussy.
“Right there?” He teasingly asks. “Not right here, baby?” You then feel his finger gently probing you, slowly slipping inside of you and aimed upward to rub against the underside of your clit. “Ain’t you weak here?” He chuckles, his tongue still working its magic on your clit.
Your eyes roll back like you’re possessed as your thigh clamp around his head, desperate to keep him where he is. “Fuck,” you whine. “How the fuck are you so good at this?”
Gojo chuckles, feeling cocky and proud at his work. “Only for a needy pussy like this,” he hums. “You don’t know how much I’ve missed this pussy.” He pauses to spit on your cunt, letting it drip with a copious amount of saliva before slurping it back up. “Obviously, she’s missed me too,” he chuckles. “Look how wet she is for me.”
He spits on you again, this time letting it drip down to your ass. You feel his tongue there, the hot, wet sensation making you gasp as his tongue travels from your asshole up to your pussy. “Satoru,” you whine. “Don’t be so nasty.”
His eyes twinkle at you, ever the mischievous man he is. “But you love me at my nasty, baby,” he pouts, his bottom lip poking out. “Don’t you?”
And then he shows you that yes, you do. You really fucking do. When he moves his hands under your ass to hold you up and eats your pussy like he would a bowl of spaghetti, you nearly lose your shit. You grip the sheets and shamelessly grind your hips against his mouth, riding his face as he finger fucks you and eats you out.
This is it. This is what you’ve been missing with your husband. This is what you needed. He listens to your words and your body, paying close attention to how you respond to his movements. He keeps gliding his finger in and out of you while he sucks your clit, quickly bringing you to your peak. Shit!” You gasp loudly. “Satoru, baby, you’re gonna make me cum!”
He pulls away from your clit only to command you to do so. “Do it,” he growls. “Give it to me, baby girl. Give me that fuckin’ cum.” His eyes lock with yours and you are suddenly put in a trance as you stare into his ocean blue gaze. “Let go for me,” he purrs, his words just as hypnotizing as his eyes. “I’ve got you now.”
And like a puppet on a string, you do as he commands. With a loud scream-like moan that echoes throughout the bedroom and would no doubt wake your kids if they were here, you cum all over Gojo’s mouth, squirting down his throat and on his pierced tongue. He greedily slurps it all up, teasing your sensitive pussy until he can feel it throb in your mouth, pleading with him to stop.
But he doesn’t. He makes it a point to continue to eat you out even through your orgasm, making it last longer than it should. Your back arches so hard that you’re afraid that it will snap. Your vision blurs, fat tears sticking to your lash line. Your words become slurred and jumbled as you beg Gojo stop: “S-Satoru,” you whimper. “Please…oh, fuck, please! S-Stop! I-I can’t…oh, I can’t…it’s too m-much.”
Fortunately for you, he finally stops and stands between your thighs, his chin and mouth glistening with your cum. He gently takes his finger out of you and sucks on it, staring into your eyes as he does. “Betcha man can’t make you cum like that, can he?” He breathlessly chuckles. He then raises his brow at you, a smirk on his lips. “You’re sure this can’t work between us?”
You ignore him, suddenly feral at the sight of seeing your juices glistening on his lips. Immediately, you sit up and cup his face between your hands before mashing your lips passionately with his, tasting yourself. You taste so good coming off of him.
Then you pull away and stare into Gojo’s twinkling, pussy drunk eyes. “Shut up and take off your clothes,” you growl. “Stand at the edge of the bed.” Once again, he doesn’t need you to tell him again.
With quick fingers, Gojo strips off his shirt, leaving his toned body up for your full indulgence while he works on his pants. The sound of his belt buckle loosening and his zipper coming down excites you, making your stomach and pussy flutter in tandem. A small, excited smile crosses your lips as you watch him strip, his arms, stomach, and pecs making your cunt clench around air.
After his socks and shoes are off and on the floor, off goes his underwear. His bottom lip caught between his teeth, he peels down his briefs and his long, thick cock slaps against his stomach. He is already dripping with precum for you, the pink head glistening with it.
Immediately, you crawl to him on your knees and wrap one hand around the base, noticing how much prettier your nails look wrapped around him. “Look at you, so hard for me,” you purr. “I’ve missed this pretty cock so much.” You begin to stroke him, pumping him up and down while using your other hand to gently massage his balls.
Gojo instantly reacts to your touch and furrows his brows in pleasure. “Ah, shit,” he hisses. “M’sensitive, baby.” You continue to touch him, pulling delicious whimpers and low moans out of you. You smile, feeling powerful and oh-so sexy. “Perfect.”
That’s another thing you love about Gojo: he isn’t afraid to let you take control. He is a big time switch—sometimes taking control of you, but also letting you take the reins and submitting to you. You can’t get enough of it. The power you feel making this beautiful man writhe and beg for you to make him cum is like a drug to you. Your husband would never even imagine doing this for you.
That’s why you give Gojo the best blowjob of his fucking life as a thank you. It is sloppy, passionate, and absolutely amazing judging by his facial expressions and the sounds he makes. He watches you suck and slobber eagerly on his cock while your hands pumps him up and down through slitted eyes, the sight almost too much for him. His moans are almost high-pitched and slutty, the sounds doing so many delicious things to you.
“Mmm, shit, Y/N, that’s good,” he groans. “Let me fuck your mouth already, c’mon.” His hands clench at his sides, desperate to grab your head and force his dick deeper down your throat. You pull away, narrowing your eyes at him. “Um…who?” You sharply ask.
He gnaws on his bottom lip, a blush on his cheeks. “M-Mommy,” he murmurs. “Please let me fuck your throat. I wanna be such a good boy for you.” Those are the magic words. The embarrassing words that your husband wouldn't even think of uttering.
You smile, pleased. “Okay,” you giggle. “Just don’t cum. Save all of that for me.” He nods, a delighted twinkle in his eyes. “Yes, miss.” You then take him back into your mouth and allow him to wrap a hand around your hair before he begins thrusting his hips and fucking your mouth.
With each thrust, he goes deeper and deeper, his cock quickly filling up your throat. You accommodate to his girth and length by opening your throat up more, breathing through your nostrils as Gojo pumps away, using your mouth like he would a pocket pussy. You hold his hips and drag your nails down his toned thighs and stomach, indulging in his muscles.
The sounds coming from Gojo’s gorgeous, pink mouth are sluttier than you’ve ever heard them. He is loud and unashamed, his face screwed in pleasure and his white locks of hair sticking to his forehead. “Fuck, Mommy, m’gonna cum!” He gasps. “Have to…pull out!” Quickly, he does so, leaving you to breathe.
As he pulls away, a string of saliva connects from his cock head to your bottom lip that is coated in spit and pre cum. He begins to slowly stroke his cock, heavy and glistening in his hand, as you wiping your mouth and lick it off your hands. “Mmm, good boy,” you praise him. “You didn’t cum for me at all, but you did leave me a preview.”
Gojo is losing his self control, his hand quickly speeding up on his shaft. “Tell me what you want,” he begs. “Please or I’m about to fuckin’ bust.” You could easily watch him blow his load for you and get off just from that, but no. You want more. If this is the last time, you want to go out with a bang.
You sit up and place your hands on his shoulders, pressing a kiss to his cheek. “Lay back and let me fuck you,” you whisper, taking a nibble of his ear. “I wanna ride you.”
As quick as a flash, Gojo jumps onto the bed and leans back, quickly getting into position. He spreads his thighs for you and aims his cock upward, right where you want it. Once you straddle him, he lets you take the reins while he holds onto your hips for balance. “Easy now, mama,” he coos. “Take it slow. You look so beautiful up there.”
You smile, his compliment making you feel warm all over. He never fails to make you feel gorgeous despite your body after your kids and your older age. You take a hold of his dick and begin to grind against it first, nudging it up against your pussy and between your slit.
Looking into his eyes, you slowly press the tip to your entrance and slide him in, emitting a gasp from the both of you. You don’t stop there. You do more, taking it inch by inch, grinding against him as you do. “God, Satoru,” you moan. “You’re so…so—“
”Big?” He asks, raising an eyebrow at you. “Thick? I know that’s how you like it, baby. Just take it slow. After all, this is the last time.” He holds your hips and stares up at you, locking your eyes with his. “Do what you want with me. I’m all yours, Mommy.”
And you do. You brace your hands on his chest and squeeze his pecs as you begin to slowly ride him, alternating between grinding and bouncing on top of him. You can’t describe the feeling you feel as you feel his cock plunge in and out of your body, disappearing and reappearing from between your thighs. “God, Tarou, yes!” You moan. “You’re so fucking good!”
Gojo watches you, ogling your jiggling tits and pretty face blissed out above him. You look down at him, watching him struggle to take you. You giggle, cupping his face in your hands. “Does it feel good, ‘Tarou?” You cooingly ask. “Is this pussy too much for you?” You roll your hips back and forth, rubbing your clit as you do.
The sight is too perfect for Gojo and he bites his lip, holding himself back from cumming right there. “Fuck, b-baby,” he moans. “You’re makin’ this so hard for me. Tryna…hold back…fuck!” He grips your hips tighter as you continue to ride him, quickening your pace.
It doesn’t take long for your second orgasm to rise, making you ride Gojo’s cock like it’s stolen. “I’m gonna cum again,” you warn him through a gasp. “Want you to cum with me, ‘Tarou. Fill me up.”
Though Gojo is a moaning, whimpering mess underneath you from how good and tight your pussy is, he doesn’t cum. Instead, he grabs your ass the way you like and fucks you back, hitting that spot you love again and again. “Cum for me, Mommy,” he begs. “Please, please, please cum for me. Cum all over that cock.”
He begins to babble—“Please, pretty girl, gimme that cum, fuuuck, please, please”—and his words, soft pants, and moans tip you over the edge. You become aggressive, rolling your hips forward and back, Gojo’s hand now on your clit and working it until you finally cum. “Fuck, ‘Tarou, yes!” You whine as you finally reach your second orgasm, making his cock wet and sticky with your cum.
Your mind goes blissfully blank for a few seconds as your second nut courses through you, making you sink your nails into Gojo’s pectorals and slow your riding as you ride out your orgasm. When you look down at him, he stares up at you almost lovingly, his cock still hard inside of you. “You…didn’t…cum,” you gasp out.
He shakes his head, smiling. “No,” he states. “‘Cause I wanted to watch you first. I wanna finally cum inside you when I’m fucking you stupid…with your permission, of course.” His eyes flash with a fire that you know that only you can put out. You feel that same fire blaze within you.
Your need to be held down and fucked takes over, making you willing to take whatever Gojo gives you. You hold his gaze with yours, gently rolling your hips to persuade him further. “Then do it,” you demand. “Take me, put me however you want me, and fuck me, Satoru. I want you to take control this time.”
Those ocean blues darken and a devious, sexy smirk crosses his lips. “Yes, ma’am,” he chuckles and before you know it, you’re being flipped onto your stomach. Gojo slides off of the bed behind you and grips your ankles, yanking you all of the way to the beside toward him. You squeak and giggle as he does, loving his strength and how unafraid he is to be rough.
You immediately assume the position: hands and knees, your back arched and ass in his face. “So,” he says, his voice dipping an octave, “you want me to take control now, hm?”
Smack! His hand comes down onto your asscheek, making it jiggle. The sharp sensation makes you gasp, your toes curling at the intoxicating mix of pain and pleasure. “Such a nasty girl,” he sighs. “Gettin’ wet over one little spanking. You really are touch-starved, poor baby.” His hand slides down to massage your ass while his cock slides up against the puffy, wet lips of your pussy. “Don’t worry,” he whispers, his lips at your ear. “I’ll help you. Just do everything I say, okay, mama?”
Feeling his breath fan across your face and his cock slide against your slit makes you want to do anything he wants. And you will. You turn to him, staring at him over your shoulder the way he loves. “Yes, Daddy,” you whimper. “I will.”
That’s all Gojo needs to hear. After planting a kiss on your lips and another smack on your ass, he positions his cock and in one swift motion, slides back home inside of you. “Oh, fuck,” he moans while you let out a gasp, gripping the sheets below you. He doesn’t start off slow either. Instead, he gets right to it, pistoning his hips against your soft, jiggling ass with full intention of making you cum again.
“Fuck, ‘Tarou, sh-shit!” You moan, your knees and arms quickly becoming weak with the force of his thrusts. “Daddy, wait! D-Don’t…oh, fuck!…don’t go so fast! Ohh, my God!”
Gojo cackles at your pathetic stammering and babbling in between your moans and gasps as he drives himself into you again and again, gripping your hips so tight that his fingers dig into the fleshy parts of your ass. “Why?” He puffs. “I’m tryin’ to make you cum. And after all, we don’t know when your man will be home.”
He pauses mid-stroke to hike his leg up on the bed and continues to drive his cock into you, making your jaw fall slack at the deep angle. Every time he thrusts, his balls slap against your clit, filling your body with absolute pleasure. His hand swoops around your neck and squeezes, tight enough to make you feel restricted but not enough to cut off your breath.
“Or do you want him to come in and see you like this?” He teasingly asks. “You want your hubby to see you get this pussy stuffed by your side dick?” He tilts your head up by your neck, emitting a choked moan from you.
“I betcha do,” he giggles. “I bet you want to get caught with your boy toy…show your dude how a real man fucks a woman.”
Your eyes shut and you see your husband walking in under your lids. His expression is written in shock and horror as he watches Gojo pound into you, his wife, from behind, bringing you closer and closer to orgasm. You hate to admit it, but the idea of that makes you even wetter.
Gojo continues with that breakneck, agonizing pace, alternating between fast, short pumps and long, slow strokes that make you see stars. His other hand leaves your hip to rub your clit while he continues to choke you, moaning about how pretty you look for him getting railed by his cock.
You feel your third orgasm rising, your pussy tightening around his dick while that knot in your core begins to tighten as well, signaling your end. “Yes, ‘Tarou!” You cry out. “Fuck, m’almost there! I’m almost—“
Your words are cut off when Gojo suddenly stops, putting an end to the symphony of moans and skin slapping against skin. You look over your shoulder at him, confused. “W-Why’d you stop?” You pant. The white-haired hottie smirks at you. “Because I wanna see your pretty face when you cum,” he answers.
He then flips you over onto your back and slides between your thighs, standing between them. Without waiting for you to give him permission, he slides into you again and tosses your leg up, your painted toes pressed against his hard chest. His thrusts now are slow, long, and deep, his cock stroking your pussy walls and making you arch your back.
Your mouth falls open, soft moans and gasps leaving your lips that Gojo relishes. He can’t believe how good you look taking him, your soft titties bouncing and your pussy sliding up and down his dick. “You’re so fuckin’ pretty,” he pants. “Your man is so fuckin’ lucky to have you all the fuckin’ time. What the fuck is wrong with him?”
You think he’s pretty too. His face is flushed and glinting in sweat, his white locks sticking to his forehead. His eyes are dazed with lust and pleasure as he stares down at you taking his cock so well, his brows furrowed as if he’s in pain. You’ve never seen him look prettier than now, completely pussy drunk off of you.
“Fuck me, ‘Toru,” you beg, tossing your arms over your head to grip the sheets. “Fuck me and make us both cum. Do it like you won’t do it ever again.”
Gojo shifts into another mode immediately. It’s like your plea has pushed some button inside of him that makes him shift into a setting where he is merciless, pounding into you with every intention of either A. Making you cum or B. Breeding you with his baby. Or both.
You bounce and jiggle on the bed as he fucks you silly, making the bed creak and moan underneath you. He looks so good on top of you, his white locks hanging in his face, his blue eyes dark and blown with lust. “Really though,” he growls. “What the fuck is wrong with your man to not fuck you like this every night, hm? Why does he neglect such a perfect slut like you?”
He pauses to turn you on your side, hooking your knees to your chest before grabbing your ass and drilling your shit from the side. You are a hot mess—moaning, gasping, crying out for more, your hair unkempt, your skin coated in sweat, and your thighs dripping with your juices and Gojo’s pre-cum, making your pussy a lot sloppier than before and easier for him to fuck as much as he wants to.
“But that don’t better,” he continues. “Because I’m your man now. I’ll fuck you like this any time, any day you want, baby.”
He gives your ass another smack as he continues to fuck you. “You know you want this,” he says, a smirk on his face. “You know that I’m the one for you, Y/N. You know you want me…you’d even want my baby.”
Your loud moaning pauses as his words process. You look up at him, not sure if he’s playing or not. “W-What?” You gasp.
You turn your head to look at your phone sitting beside you. You stretch one arm across the bed to grab it, but Gojo beats you to it. While still stroking your shit, he reads the notification and his brows raise. “Huh,” he says. “Looks like your baby daddy is home. He just pulled in.”
“What?!” You shriek, your words breathless and broken as your fuck buddy continues to put you into th mattress like your husband isn’t home. “Gojo, he’s back! H-He’s in the driveway!” You try to push him off, but he pins you down, tossing your phone aside. He goes faster, harder, using your pussy like he would a fleshlight.
He has never gone this hard or this fast before, gripping your ass and hips so tightly that you’re sure he’ll leave bruises. ”What are you doing?” You attempt to ask.
“Don’t move,” he demands. “I need you to cum with me first.” He leans down to press his face into your ear, rutting into you like a wild animal. You grip his back and shoulders for dear life, holding on tightly and moaning into his ear while you sneak a hand between your thighs to furiously rub your clit. “God, ‘Toru, yes!” You moan. “Fuck, right there, ah!”
“You’re mine,” Gojo pants into your ear. “You’re all fuckin’ mine, you understand me?”
Even in the haze of pleasure and above your mingled moans, you can hear the sound of your husband’s car door opening outside and him chatting with the neighbor. Fear bursts inside of your stomach, somehow making your pussy clam tighter around a feral Gojo. “Satoru, please!” You beg. “He’s coming!”
“So am I,” he groans. ���But not until you do. Tell me what I wanna hear and I’ll make you cum, pretty girl. Look into my eyes and tell me you wanna be mine.” He leans up to stare down at you, his blue eyes transfixing and hypnotizing you as his giant hands knead your tits and ass.
You stare at him in horror. You want to cum, yes, but to do that, you’d have to tell him everything he wants to hear. Therefore, ruining your marriage and your vows…but then again, you already did that. “N-No!” You shout, delirious.
Gojo frowns and immediately slows down, his thrusts shallow and slow. “No, you don’t wanna cum?” He asks. That devious tinkle in his eye is there as he continues to slowly fuck you, teasing you.
A choked hiccup leaves your mouth, tears wetting your eyes. You can’t take this. This is torture. So you swallow your pride and let yourself break: “Goddammit!” You sob. “I want you, ‘Tarou! I wanna be yours! I’ll be your baby, your slut, your girl! I’ll be whatever you want me to be! Just make me cum!”
A wide, gigawatt smile crosses Gojo’s handsome face. “Good girl,” he chuckles. “Now give me that fuckin’ pussy.” He grips you and speeds up his thrusts, putting his whole back into it, his cock drilling your wet cunt over and over and over again until…
”Cumming!” You whimper. “I-I’m gonna cum!” Gojo’s lips part as he pants and groans at the feeling of you squeezing around him. He leans down, wrapping a hand around your throat. “Kiss me,” he demands. Without waiting for you to do so, he leans in and captures your lips in a sloppy, moan-filled, open-mouthed kiss.
Instantly, you are creaming all over his cock, his kiss swallowing your moans and gasps of release as your body tenses and writhes in his arms. With a few more thrusts and a high-pitched moan, Gojo empties himself into you, a stream of cum leaving his heavy balls and entering you hot, wet pussy, making you quiver and tremble against him. The orgasm is tense and dizzying, stealing your sense of self for a moment.
You then hear your husband’s footsteps click against the brick walkway outside to the front door. Suddenly, you are brought back to reality and to the man you just let fuck you raw that isn’t your husband, but your student.
You don’t get a chance to say anything though because Gojo gently slides his cock out of you. You look down, realizing that he’s still hard. He wraps a hand around himself and begins to vigorously pump his cock in your face, his hand turning into a flash with how fast he’s going. “Not yet,” he growls. “Gimme that pretty face. I want my nut all over that gorgeous mug.”
You don’t say a word and you don’t even move. You can’t. Your body is too exhausted to do so that you just lay there, helplessly watching Gojo jerk himself off in front of you, his pretty face screwed in pleasure and his lips pressed together in concentration. “Thaaat’s it,” he hisses. “That’s my good girl.”
And with a low groan, Gojo gives you a second orgasm, sending ropes of his cum all over your face and mouth. Your lips part in shock, causing some droplets to get onto your tongue. Some also fly onto your stomach, tits, and ass, coating your skin in cum. His cum. You can smell him all over you, marking you as his.
Gojo sighs in relief, his muscles loosening and a light chuckle leaving his lips. He releases his cock, soft and coated in your mixed cum, and tilts his head back to look up at the ceiling. “Now that was a nut,” he whistles. You don’t say anything, still too exhausted to do so.
You hear your husband’s car keys and then the lock on the door clicking open. You gasp, immediately sitting up and looking at the closed bedroom door. Both you and Gojo look at each other, panicked. “Shit,” you say in unison.
“Honey, I’m home!” Your husband shouts. “I bought you back something!” Like fire has been lit under your ass, you jump off of the bed while Gojo grabs his clothes, hurrying to put them on. “U-Uh, wait, baby!” You shout. “I-I need to get dressed!”
You yank your slip off of the floor and toss it in the hamper beside your closet, unseen and unheard of. You turn to Gojo hurrying to get dressed, quickly pulling his shirt over his head. “Hide under the bed,” you whisper. “I’ll distract him and then you leave.”
Gojo nods and Quickly, you dress into a T-shirt and some gym shorts, checking to make sure all traces of sex are gone, including the nut on your face (thank God you keep baby wipes in your night drawer). You even take your laptop and glasses back out to make it seem as if you were working this entire time. Once everything looks okay, you fix your hair and walk to the bedroom door to greet your husband.
But with your back turned, Gojo makes no move to actually get under the bed.
Too late to realize this, you open the door and smile up at your husband back from a night out. “Hi, honey,” you sweetly say. “How was the party?”
He gives you a smile and takes something from behind his back: a bouquet of colorful, sweet-smelling flowers. “I bought you these,” he says. “I wanted to apologize for…Gojo?”
His eyes trail behind you to meet the young man standing behind you. You turn, horrified to find your fuck buddy still standing there but fortunately dressed. “Hey there, sir!” He politely greets your husband like he didn’t just fuck his wife stupid in their marital bed. “Sorry to show up like this. I had to drop off a last-minute assignment to Ms. L/N and she invited me over with no problem.”
He walks over to shake your husband’s hand like his wasn’t just spanking your ass or wrapped around your throat. “Oh,” your husband says. “Well, I hope everything is worked out now.” He returns Gojo’s handshake. “Oh, it is!” He answers. “Isn’t it, Ms. L/N?”
You feel his hand sneak behind you to grab a handful of your ass. You bite back a squeak, instead forcing a smile. “Y-Yeah,” you stammer. “Everything’s fine now.”
Your husband doesn’t look the least bit suspicious which makes things worse. “Well, good!” He says with a smile. Gojo drops his hand from your asscheeks and gives you both a smile. “I’ll be taking my leave now,” he announces. “Thanks again for your help, Professor. I really appreciate it.”
Unbeknownst to your hubby, he shoots you a wink and walks past you to exit the room. You can feel the walls that had begun to close in on you begin to widen a bit, making you feel like you can breathe again, until—
“Oh, Gojo!” Your husband says, stopping the young man in the hallway. “You can look for me at the graduation ceremony. I look forward to seeing you at the firm.”
You blink at him, confused. “Firm?” You cluelessly ask. “What firm?” Your husband and Gojo stare at you, making you flush. “Oh, he didn’t tell you?” He questions. Gojo gives him a smile and a playful laugh. “I was gonna let her know at the ceremony.”
“Gojo recently got a full-time job at my firm and he’ll be working in my department!” Your husband joyfully states, passing you the flowers. “He starts next month in June with the training. He is quite an intelligent young man, so we intend on keeping him.” He shoots Gojo a proud smile, but your student is too busy smiling at you.
This smile isn't’ at all nice though. It is devilish, almost as if the devil has jumped into Gojo’s bones. “That means you’ll be seein’ an awful lot of me around,” he deviously says. “I’ll see you soon, miss.”
And as he turns to leave, you see in his back pocket your soiled panties.
You watch him go, standing there with your husband's flowers and your student’s cum still dripping down your thighs. ‘Oh, no,’ you lament to yourself. ‘What have I done?’
“Uh, sweetie?” Your husband’s voice drifts to your ears, sounding almost far away. “Why is the bed all wet? Did you take a shower?”
So much for ‘the last time’.
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meanbossart · 5 months
Alright, I am like 90% sure there is ONE line in A Novel Experience touching on Gale GTFOing rapidly, so I don't think there are answers in there for me. So I come to you and ask-WTF went on between Gale and Drow???
Alright, so
There are two versions to what happened to Gale in my first campaign (the OG DU drow campaign that this whole universe is based around), lets begin with the technical version. As I've only somewhat recently come to understand, my Gale was bugged. I had 1 interaction early in the game that slightly veered into romance which didn't go anywhere, and first chance I had I clarified that I was not interested in him that way (the whole reason why It happened in the first place was because i misunderstood his dialogue). Despite this, and despite me turning him down in every romantic interaction following, I kept getting them and my interactions with him were as if we were romantically involved. I even got one exchange (the one about muscles glistening and cheeks flushed) twice, and rejected him both times.
So, later in the game once DU drow and Astarion sucessfully 5d chess-ed their way into falling In love, I was surprised to still be informed i had to "break things off" with Gale if I wanted to get with him. Which I did. And he gave me a whole spiel about it.
Now it's crucial you understand this was early in the game's release, I went into it completely blind and I had never played a game like Baldur's Gate before, so I was not familiar with the mechanics at all, which... Kind of led me to believe Gale was just like that normally.
From that point on I was highly amused, but for roleplaying purposes I decided my drow would have been highly annoyed and a little creeped out. And so I proceeded to be extremely rude to the guy at every chance I got. This eventually resulted In him pursuing the crown of Karsus despite me (rudely) telling him that was a very dumb idea.
The second version of what happened, as I already touched on above a little bit, Is the Narrative one. As I mentioned I had no clue what was and wasn't supposed to happen, so I just... Went along with it within the role-play.
So our beloved DU drow gets worms. He goes on a grand adventure with this weird possy of people to find a cure. When the tiefling party comes everybody except Astarion wants to get into his pants (because I left him on the beach for like a week and then proceeded to be The Rudest to him, sorry babe, I didn't see your pale ass and the asshole dialogue options were Really funny).
Someone else who Didn't seem to wanna fuck him was the wizard. He said he just wanted to show him a magic trick and he (and, I'll admit, me) really thought that was just that. The scene unfolds, Gale tries to teach DU Drow to cast a spell but his 9 intelligence says No. The unsolicited date ends abruptly because Gale is upset that a champion fighter without a single cantrip makes for a shitty wizard. DU Drow thinks thats the end of that - It's Not.
Then what proceeds to happen is a long, annoying, somewhat unsettling dynamic where Gale continually tries to pursue him throughout the game, coming to the point where the guy I'm Actually interested in thinks we are together - and when DU drow tells him verbatim that he had no idea they were even a thing in Gale's mind, he has to hear him whine about it. Add to that the fact that all Gale talks about is his ex-girlfriend, DU drow is (kind of justifiably) led to believe he must be a Profound weirdo to whom he cannot ever say even a Neutral word to again lest he becomes any more infatuated with him - 0r whatever the hell is going on.
Whether it be DU drow's own inflated ego or the actual truth, when Gale begins to pursue the crown he also assumes he's just doing it to spite him - so he isn't the kindest to him about that either.
And within this narrative that I concocted around a simple bug that didn't let me end a romance, I cannot imagine Anyone getting on particularly well with Gale within my main party. Drow thinks he's madly in love with him, Shadowheart is probably a little confused but she trusts DU Drow's word on the matter more than the Wizard's, Astarion thinks... What Astarion thinks.
So, no, they didn't part on the best of terms.
Before anyone gets mad, I assure you - I've completed the game again since then, I realize this is Not the intended Gale experience. He's a hysterical and deeply interesting character and only Slightly clingy and weird.
But, you gotta admit, this is way funnier.
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sukisheadlights · 7 months
landonorris x famous!oc
summary: where she sends the Internet into a slow spiral after releasing a song out of the blue (except it’s not out of the blue, it’s papaya)
part 1: make me stay, series masterlist
faceclaim: dua lipa 🫶
rory’s voice mail 🎧: PART 1! hope you guys like this, it’s obviously going to be a slow burn but I’m really excited to write it for y’all <3 ALSO the first two chapters are gonna be a little slow to set up the story and a strong base for it 😚 LOVE YOU SAY IT BACK
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@TMZ • 2 hours ago
Exclusive: F1 phenom Lando Norris spotted leaving Las Vegas after-party with a mysterious redhead!
Rumors are swirling that F1 racing superstar Lando Norris may have found a new love interest in Las Vegas!
The 22-year-old McLaren driver was spotted leaving the after-party of the FIA Formula 1 Las Vegas Grand Prix with a gorgeous gal on his arm.
Our source spotted Lando and the mystery woman leaving together and said the pair appeared to be "flirty", as Lando "wrapped his arm around her" and they "walked off into the night."
@THEHOLLYWOODFIX • 2 hours ago
It looks like F1 driver Lando Norris is getting back into his dating game!
After breaking up with his long-term girlfriend last year, our favorite driver was seen leaving the Formula 1 Las Vegas after party with a mysterious red-haired woman dressed in a form-fitting black leather dress.
We're not sure if this is just a one night stand, or if Lando has his sights set on someone new. Either way, we wouldn't blame him - the Formula 1 Las Vegas parties are known for being a hot spot for celebrities and models alike!
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liked by paisleysterling, zendaya, and 8,75,784,894 others
lizcolton miss me?
paisleysterling no girl gtfo of my house 🙄
lizcolton stfu you love me
paisleysterling god I hate you
user654 the world is NOT READY for whatever lizzy is cooking rn
user849 literally buy me
taylorswift stunning as always!! ❤️
lewishamilton pic creds to me, btw.
lizcolton he took the pictures, or whatever 🙄
user9 @user4 it’s giving “excuse me what the actual fuck are you doing in my house—”
isoldmysoultof1 WHAT WHAT WHAAAT
isoldmysoultof1 @f1wags NEW F1 WAG POSSIBLY?!!?!!
@TMZ • 45 mins ago
Pop Sensation Liz Colton is Back!
Liz, who's long been hailed as a retro-pop phenomenon and one of the biggest social media stars, has just announced her return to the spotlight after a two-year break! Liz had been absent from public life following her rough breakup with actor Jacob Elordi.
Now, the queen of pop has set the Internet ablaze with a photo of herself sporting a sleek new red do and rocking an all-leather look, accompanied by the caption 'miss me?' Fans are abuzz!
In addition, Colton has been recently spotted interacting comfortably with Formula One superstar Lewis Hamilton in her social media comment sections! Hamilton, who is a known celebrity himself, has even asked Colton to give more picture credits, making fans hope that she's ready to expand her network and step into the world of Formula 1.
Could this mean the start of a whole new era for Liz?
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liked by paiselysterling, sabrinacarpenter, and 9,34,748,830 others
lizcolton the face of a person keeping secrets 🤐
comments disabled.
@TMZ • 1 min ago
It looks like Jacob Elordi, the "Euphoria" heartthrob who recently broke up with longtime girlfriend Liz Colton, was caught in a compromising position.
Just months after Liz and Jacob decided to split, details have emerged that the Australian actor cheated on his girlfriend multiple times. While neither Liz nor Jacob have commented publicly on the situation, fans have been quick to blast the actor for his apparent indiscretions.
With a successful career and multiple projects in the works, it looks like Jacob's reputation is about to take a dip.
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liked by alexademie, sydneysweeney, and 8,59,499,484 others
lizcolton kisses to my exes, out 8pm tonight 💋
paisleysterling ATE
paisleysterling first picture’s for someone special?? I KNOW YOU BITCH
liked by lizcolton
lizcolton @lizcoltonsslave single as HELL baby!! Y’all haven’t lost me yet dw 😚
lizcoltonsslave @lizcolton bye I’m about to go die in a hole now
lewishamilton roscoe is ready to stream
lizcolton @lewishamilton thanks ig 🤨
lizcolton @wagintraining no comments
coltonhq headphones are ready!! 🎧🤍
lizcolton @coltonhq love u admin 😭💋
lizismother18 oh this is gonna EAT
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lullabyes22-blog · 1 year
How and when did Sevika and Silco’s sexual relationship start?
Mild spoiler for FnF, but the gist is laid out by Act IV, so no harm in sharing.
As a child, she was vaguely fond of him (or the food he gave her) when they were in the mines. By the time she was a teenager - say, sixteen or seventeen - she'd developed a definite thing for him.
Silco was twenty-five at the time, pining for Vander and obsessed with the idea of Zaun. He didn't give her the time of day (she was too young for him, and absolutely not his type).
Then he started dating her older sister, Nandi.
Fast-forward four years. Silco and Nandi were going steady. Sevika, by then twenty-two, hadn't gotten over her crush. She kept pushing boundaries in little ways - to both Silco's and Nandi's annoyance. However, her politics and Silco's also began aligning on similar sides - "Topside GTFO!"
One might call her the radical 'bad' angel to Nandi's centrist 'good' angel. Or one might say one sister was pushing Silco toward actually achieving his goals, and the other was holding him back.
Then Nandi was killed on Bloody Sunday.
Grief and survivor's guilt brought him and Sevika closer. At some point the grieving turned to fucking.
Then the Day of Ash happened.
Silco spent three years in prison. Sevika assumed he was dead. When Silco was released, he went straight to Vander instead of getting in touch with Sevika. Vander responded to the overture by drowning him.
Sevika spent another three years oblivious to Silco's whereabouts in the Undercity - until Act 1 of Arcane, when the Enforcers overrun the Lanes again.
Cue a reunion.
Somewhere along the line in the interceding years, Silco and Sevika resume having sex again.
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puella-1n-somn10 · 3 months
guys, please know that when i say i don't want natdexers to follow me, i am fucking serious abt it. if i had a reason why i wanna quit my major even tho i came so far, it is because of these far-righter assholes whose so-called "activism" only extend to white developers and would rather bitch about the devs being "lazy" (please look at the blatant fact that they are given less than a year to work on the games, like, idk, THE SWSH BETA AND RELEASE DATE OF BDSP) than TPC/Nintendo being actively scummy. genuinely, get these neckbeards out of my damn face.
also i had. a fucking horrible experience with one of them, to the point that it has fucked with my head so bad, combined with the pandemic and all. i hate the fact that i can't look up character analyses without natdexers being all around me, thatthe first thing i see is fucking distantkingdom, a known proshipper and antisemite, being shoved in my face, among other illiterate whores like him. if you have participated in it, im sorry, but please gtfo of my face, i dont want bad memories to haunt me and i dont wanna feel like i am self-destructing.
0 notes
enhaeven · 5 months
[1:10am] — lhs (m.)
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pairing: heeseung x reader
genre: smut, angst, fuck buddies, college!au
wc & rating: 3.5k | 18+ (minors gtfo pls)
summary: the last thing you expect in welcoming the New Year is for Heeseung to remind you that he's still the best fuck you've ever had.
warnings: swearing, riding, making out, car sex, fingering, petnames, praise kink, creampie, semi-clothed sex?, unprotected sex (don't do this i beg), public sex? i mean, also he kinda has fuckboy antics so :’)
a/n: i had a feeling that he'd win the poll lol idk what to name this and it's supposed to be a timestamp but enjoy the ✨ toxicity ✨
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— masterlist & wips — navigation
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"Happy new yearrrrrr 🎉🎉"
god damn, he looks so good.
damn good indeed that you accidentally liked his story, only realizing that you did when you got a reply from him.
shit, stupid finger
you’re blaming the drinks that you’ve consumed and the weariness from New Year’s Eve preparations for being this careless. you're usually careful especially when it comes to Heeseung's whereabouts each time he leaves you unread.
the nonstop greeting and responding to people as much as you could throughout the day despite being busy must’ve added to it too. curse your habit of occasionally liking ig stories when you’re on that app so naturally, instances like this couldn’t really be helped.
and it wouldn’t have mattered if you had just blocked Heeseung but you didn’t because you couldn’t.
then now he strikes how he normally does when he could've done so weeks ago.
hee: hey
happy new year hee
hee: can i come over?
it’s new year’s?? 
hee: and? it’s been a while
it has and you’ve been planning to keep it that way without making it obvious. but Heeseung must’ve been catching on though cause why else would he hit you up right now, out of all times too.
aren’t you celebrating with your family?
hee: already did in advance
your brother?
hee: on a date with his girl
his parents must’ve been on a holiday like most people around you which sometimes you envy them for. your family’s never been the travel type so you never had the chance to go on holidays, just at home with any available relatives to celebrate.
then that means that Heeseung’s alone and you’re in danger because you don’t want him to be while entering the new year.
your usual convo with him continues but with you trying to divert topics as much as you could this time. however, Heeseung’s always been too good at this, circling it to his intention of wanting to see you.
it's when he asked if he could sneak into your room like many times before that you relent. you can't let him since there’d be many people in your place that could spot him. you don’t want anyone, let alone your family asking who Heeseung is and what he is to you, something that you’re also coming to terms with when you started distancing yourself from him.
but Heeseung does love making it difficult by doing this.
“wouldn’t have minded you know..” he says against your neck, busy nipping your skin. you find him leaning on the side of his car earlier when you decided to meet him, surprising you at how needy he's being by caging and kissing you right away.
his touches are a bit too desperate like he misses you though you seriously doubt it when he has a lot of girls he could call anytime.
then why is he here?
“m-minded what..” a gasp escapes you when his hand reaches up to cup one of your tits through your top, squeezing while his other hand does the same with your hip, holding like he doesn’t wanna let you go. 
“meeting them..” he says after releasing your neck from his mouth, revealing the devilish smile on his handsome face. and why would he wanna meet your family knowing the questions they'll throw at him?
Heeseung sees your face forming into a scowl so he grabs your chin to kiss you again until you pull back fully, shaking out of his grasp with a raised brow at him.
he responds with a small chuckle, causing you to roll your eyes and open the door of the passenger seat beside him. he finds your impatience cute and it leaves Heeseung a bit of relief that you're finally entertaining him.
“whatever, let’s talk somewhere”
silence rules over inside the car as Heeseung starts the engine. this whole scenario's not new for the both of you anyway since you're always in the car with him when you're not at each other's places.
with how he's tightly gripping the steering wheel, you had a feeling that he might drive you around again or take you back to his place to talk longer. you would've if you're being honest but you made an excuse earlier to grab something at a place nearby so you couldn’t possibly take too long.
you've always preferred it this way and it's easier for Heeseung anyway so when he gets a booty call, he can just drop you off anywhere you want and he can go on his merry way. 
something's different about him tonight though. sure he’s always been the quiet one while you're the exact opposite but he seems off tonight so you break the silence between you to find out.
“why did you really wanna meet me hee? during this occasion too” you huff, still annoyed at him for pulling this on you last minute.
not that you’d say no anyway, you’re unfortunately that weak for him even knowing that seeing him again is a bad idea.
especially with how fucking hot he looks right now.
“just wanted to see you” he quips nonchalantly without adding more and you scoff.
“let me guess the New Year’s Eve party didn’t hit” 
pretty sure it’s the party that one of his best friends is hosting. no one would miss anything Park Jongseong hosts since it’s usually held at high-end places depending on the theme.
and this particular one was what everyone was talking about before the break started.
“not that..but”
Heeseung's having a hard time answering you. the party was fine though it did take a lot of his energy away like it usually does after a while. he doesn't even go to them without a reason, only showing up for his friends each time they ask him. before leaving, he took a shot as a courtesy since he didn't have to stay longer than he had to when he was familiar with everyone's faces there already.
he'd rather meet you, whom he hasn’t seen in almost a month now. 
“stop the car” you blurt out all of a sudden which confuses Heeseung but he obliges regardless. he thought that you didn’t want anyone from home to see you together and now you’re stopping him when you’re barely out of the skirts of your neighbourhood.
you see him turn to you from your peripheral view after hitting the brakes but you refuse to look at him because it'll make you weak. you know that he'll look stupidly adorable with his bewildered face and that you'd give in to whatever he says.
as much as you want to be as far away as possible, you don’t really wanna go that far if you’d have to leave since it’s his car. you’re at a safe distance from your house anyways so that's the least of your worries. 
it’s how Heeseung’s been looking at you this time that does.
you finally look at him, seeing the dilemma in his doe eyes and he's not saying anything, increasing your worry-
“can i just..” he averts his eyes from you, looking a bit frustrated at himself but you’ve known how hard it is for him to express himself with words so you give him time.
he faces you after a few seconds before leaning closer. his eyes never leaving yours as he grabs your face, causing your heart to race at this proximity. confusion bubbles up inside you as you try to decipher his expression to bring back your focus.
but the lingering words on your tongue are abrupted when Heeseung crashes his soft lips against yours.
you respond out of habit, missing the feeling of it cause you haven't kissed nor fucked anyone since him. you feel him at ease when you do, holding your face with eagerness then carefully asking for an entrance by biting your lower lip so you do.
“heeseung..” you whimper when his lips move to your jaw, feeling a grin slowly forming on his lips against your skin. he continues kissing down your neck before coming up, his thumbs caressing your cheek which makes you more desperate of his touches.
“ride me?” he whispers against your lips before devouring you again, eliciting another whimper from you as you nod. 
your fingers tread through Heeseung's already messy hair while his hands are all over you in an instant, touching whatever part of your body he can reach. his touches become even more desperate but slightly different from earlier and you’re not sure why.
still, you should’ve denied him like how you’ve been doing a few weeks before the break but how could you pass this up when he's finally the one seeking you out this time.
he releases you suddenly which surprises you, opening his side of the door before transferring to the backseat. you followed him in a hurry, embarrassment slowly filling you at how quickly you were succumbing to him.
then as soon as you're inside, Heeseung kisses you again before positioning you on his lap. you pull back to take a breather but mostly because you wanna look at his face.
the face that you undeniably missed despite trying your best to avoid him like a plague.
up this close, you can see it in his eyes clearly, like you’re the only one he wants when that could be far from reality. at the same time, Heeseung sees the uncertainty in your eyes so he begins to squeeze your sides to distract you. 
it worked like it always does, nudging you to roll your hips against his, allowing you to feel the hardness right by your core. he must've felt how wet you are already cause the small smirk from earlier is now back on his face.
Heeseung leans in and starts kissing your chest, both hands traveling up to pull down the straps of your top along with your bra. he doesn’t waste any more time and squeezes your tits briefly before his hands bunch up your skirt, granting him access to your wet core.
one hand of his grabs your face to kiss you again while the other reaches you from behind, pulling your panties to the side. he's not letting you breathe, his slender fingers tracing your sopping folds before plunging them in, earning a loud moan from you.
“fuck..” you couldn’t help but close your eyes when he increase the speed of his fingers, grinding more against his hands and in turn his crotch.
“so wet and tight..” groaning against your neck, he pulls his fingers out of you so he can unbuckle his pants but your hands stop him when he's ridding his boxers, wanting to do it instead.
you take Heeseung's leaking cock in your hands, a quiet whine leaving his lips when you squeeze it a bit. he knows of your impatience though so now he's grinning as he watches you guide his dick towards your pussy before sinking on it.
his hands fly to your waist, a loud groan coming out from him after he eases you fully on his cock, the tightness of your pussy knocking his breath out. 
it's your turn to make him suffer so you start bouncing right away, putting Heeseung in delirium at how fucking amazing you feel around him.
"so good, so good for me" he’s gripping your hips tightly, which in turn would possibly leave marks on your skin but you don’t care.
you love the effect you have on him though he tries to hide it by biting his lips. a smile graces your lips watching him struggle, his moans growing louder when you increase your pace.
he's louder than you've ever heard him so continue despite your thighs burning, wanting to hear more of his needy whines.
you don't know how Heeseung manages to recover, now flicking your hardened nipples with his fingers. he feels the satisfaction when he sees your face contorting in pleasure, looking so beautiful on his lap with the light from the street lights illuminating your body.
he misses having you like this, falling apart because of how good he makes you feel. he has no idea how you both just stopped hooking up in the first place cause he knows he’s the only one you’re fucking unless..
your whimper brings him back so he dismisses that thought, opting to support your stance when he notices your pace slowing down from riding the hell out of him. he's close but he wants you to cum first so his thumb reaches your swollen bud, rubbing it furiously until you started shaking above him.
you hate how Heeseung can make you cum this fast but what can you do when he a natural at it like how he is with everything else. you end up collapsing on top of him when the band on your lower abdomen erupts, cursing and moaning his name nonstop.
"glad to welcome the new year with you baby," he says endearingly, a little breathless while caressing your bare back as he helps you ride through your high. 
“you couldn’t wait until the semester starts again?” you scoff, still panting but you had to try to ignore the little flutter in your chest at his words. his tone confuses your pleasure-muddled brain cause for all you know, he could just be with you right now cause the others are not available.
“had to make sure..” he leaves a soft kiss on your temple, further increasing your nerves around him. 
perhaps it was Jeongin mentioning you in their conversation earlier at the party that pushed Heeseung to see you right away. the prospect of you meeting his close friend who’s just like him feeding his worry somehow.
that you may have found another “friend” during the break, hence, your avoidance of him.
it might be his fault that a lot of things have kept him so busy, not realizing that it’s been so long since the last time you met. it escaped his mind that you could just find anyone to replace him since you both never talked about specific boundaries in your current setup anyway.
"i'm still the best right?” he asks before slowly rolling his hips, making you whine at the sensitivity.
you’re unsure what Heeseung's talking about but this may be what’s been bothering him. his question didn’t sink into your mind, still confused about why he’s asking that. 
plus all you can focus on at the moment is how delicious he feels inside you. he didn’t even give you enough time to recover from your orgasm, hoisting you back up to ride him again.
"huh? uh yeah-oh fuck hee" you mewl when Heeseung starts bucking his hips up to you, happy to hear that he's still your best fuck. it's a funny contrast really, how soft his voice is when asking you compared to how hard he's fucking you right now.
your eyes close once again when he’s able to find your sweet spot immediately, his cock hitting it with precision. then your breath hitches when he grabs the side of your neck as he chases his high, eyes never leaving your face while you keep whining, fisting his black shirt.
all your thoughts went out the window when you finally opened your eyes and looked down at Heeseung.
he looks really good, with half-lidded eyes and even messier hair staring at you while you try to match your pace with him.
the timing must be playing you then when you notice the fireworks starting behind Heeseung, reminding you of how similar it is to what you feel inside right now and him finally exploding inside of you.
“gorgeous..shit” he chuckles before leaving a few wet kisses along your neck and then kissing you like he can’t get enough of you after stuffing you full of his cum. 
he's back to being calm but he’s staring at you intently again and it momentarily brings back his question earlier about him being your best fuck.
of course he is, he's the only one who knows your body like this that's why you're wondering why that would bother him if ever. besides, he had many girls he can fuck who could be better than you by his standards.
and what could probably have sparked this? you're too busy with the holiday preparations to meet anyone new let alone fuck someone.
“what’s with earlier hee?” 
your question's making him anxious so he shifts his eyes towards the front before looking back at you. he was hoping that you’d forget about it after he fucks you that good but the determined look in your eyes is saying otherwise.
“nothing i just missed you” he planted a quick kiss on your lips before pulling you off him. 
you obviously didn't buy his excuse even though he meant it. his refusal to tell you the truth made you wonder if it was because he thinks you’re sleeping with someone.
as pathetic as it sounds, you feel a bit flattered cause that would mean that he might not be fucking anyone during the break but then he still could be, and that he’s just saying that knowing it’s something you wanna hear from him.
he's just keeping in check and now he has his answer.
you both clean each other up in silence while Heeseung continues to avoid your eyes as he helps you. then after, he pulls down the windows to let the cool breeze in before getting out of the car to go around and open your door.
your legs wobble as soon as you stand up but you move quickly, wanting to stay away from him as much as possible because you didn't mean to have him like this.
you wanted to leave anything of him behind that’s why you essentially ghosted him during this whole break as part of your resolution for the year.
but you already broke it literally on the first day. if you weren’t being a dumbass earlier then none of this would’ve happened.
“i’ll drop you off” he says softly as he closes the door but you don't wanna answer him.
"no, i can walk home"
"can you?" he says smugly, holding your waist at once when you almost tripped. you push him back, still pissed at how he's been acting and it’s when you’re about to answer him when you hear a familiar shriek behind you.
"finally found you! oh and who is he?”
your eyes widen at the sweet voice asking who belongs to your younger cousin. you looked at Heeseung who looks just as surprised as you, the both of you getting anxious at her presence, wondering what she could possibly have seen.
his hand's still on you, ready to catch you in case you trip again. you feel Heeseung give you a small squeeze when you look away, shrugging him completely off of you.
turning to your cousin, you try to maintain your composure despite your nerves. she's of age but still young and she's quite similar to you, persistent in getting her answers so you're not sure how to escape her question.
"no one, just someone from school"
your answer shouldn't have affected Heeseung but it did which leaves him in disbelief. you both know he wasn't just no one to you but you couldn't possibly tell your cousin what's the real deal between you.
"i happen to see her on the way so i stopped by to greet her happy new year" he replied curtly and you winced at his tone which your cousin didn't miss. you fight the urge to scoff at how dismissive Heeseung sounded. he has no right to be upset when he's the one who's been vague this whole time.
"okay then let's go! the games are starting already that's why i've been looking for you!" your cousin grabs your arm hurriedly, probably sensing the tension between you and Heeseung.
"goodbye hee" you tell him as you start walking away, not bothering to look at him one last time, hopefully.
"see you around.." he responds but you don't catch what he said after, relief and gratefulness towards your cousin taking over you at the moment.
meanwhile, as Heeseung watches you leave, he thinks about how he fucked up with you again this time but you still called him by that nickname so his chances are still there.
and when you get a series of "i'm sorry" texts from him before you can even reach your house, you wonder if it was a mistake to address him that way earlier.
cause this whole thing continues to give you hope and you're not sure how long until you'd cave in to his alluring charms again.
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e/n: it's still january so happy new year 🤧, may y'all have an amazing 2024 ahead. also, that gdamn video of his showed up again on my tl when i was editing this so i had to add it here bye 😩
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tomorrowedblog · 6 months
First look at Den of Wolves
A new trailer has been released for Den of Wolves. No release date was specified.
Den of Wolves is a co-op heist FPS from the creator of PAYDAY: The Heist, PAYDAY 2 and GTFO. In this techno-thriller you and your friends operate as criminals for hire in the conflicts between rival corporations in Midway City. Gather your crew, design the plan, gear up and execute the heist.
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jcmarchi · 6 months
Every Big Announcement From The Game Awards 2023
New Post has been published on https://thedigitalinsider.com/every-big-announcement-from-the-game-awards-2023/
Every Big Announcement From The Game Awards 2023
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The Game Awards 2023 was full of announcements big and small, so if you’re having trouble keeping track of them all, we’ve gathered up all our stories here in one place. You can also check out the full list of award winners here. Let us know which announcement excited you most in the comments!
Brothers: A Tale Of Two Sons Unreal Engine 5 Remake Revealed
Pony Island 2 Is The Next Game From The Creator Of Inscryption
Dead Cells Developer Motion Twin’s Next Game, Windblown, Revealed
Metaphor: ReFantazio Gets Fall 2024 Release Window In New Trailer
Harmonium The Musical Is A Sign Language Music Adventure
Usual June Is The Latest From Finji
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Big Walk
Exodus Is A New Game Starring Matthew McConaughey
God of War Ragnarök Gets A Free Expansion Called Valhalla Next Week
Get A Look At Senua’s Saga: Hellblade II’s Visceral Combat In New Gameplay Trailer
Check Out Big Walk,The Next Game From The Devs Of Untitled Goose Game
Ori Team Moon Studios Reveals Action RPG, No Rest For The Wicked
Ikumi Nakamura Reveals Her Studio’s First Title, Kemuri
The Casting Of Frank Stone Is Supermassive’s Single-Player Horror Game Set In The Dead By Daylight Universe
Sega Is Remaking Some Of Its Best Games
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No Rest for the Wicked
Team Ninja’s Rise Of The Ronin Gets March Release Date In New Gameplay Trailer
Dragon Ball Sparking! Zero Is The Next Budokai Tenkaichi Game
After 15 Years, Visions Of Mana Revives The Series
Hideo Kojima Is Making A New Game Called OD With Jordan Peele
Black Myth: Wukong Gets August Release Date In New Gameplay Trailer
Get Another Look At Banishers: Ghosts of New Eden In New Cinematic Trailer
Jurassic Park: Survival Is A Stunning First-Person Adventure Set Right After The First Film
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Jurassic Park: Survival
Here’s The Suicide Squad: Kill The Justice League Trailer From The Game Awards
The First Berserker: Khazan Is A Single-Player Action RPG Set In The DNF Universe
Don’t Nod Reveals Mysterious Adventure Game Lost Records: Bloom & Rage
Hoyoverse’s Zenless Zone Zero Gets 2024 Release Year In New Gameplay Trailer
Marvel’s Blade Is Coming From The Makers Of Deathloop And Dishonored
Last Sentinel Is A New Triple-A Game From Former Rockstar Devs
GTFO Makers Announces New Co-op Heist Title, Den Of Wolves
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Marvel’s Blade
Hello Games Celebrates 10 Years Of No Man’s Sky With New Trailer
Hello Games Announces Light No Fire, A Massive Multiplayer Exploration-Based Fantasy Game
Multiplayer Tactical Shooter Exoborne Wants Players To Extract Loot While Fighting In Tornados
The First Descendant Gets A Full Release Next Summer
The Finals, Embark Studio’s Free-To-Play Shooter, Is Out Right Now
Monster Hunter: Wilds Revealed At The Game Awards
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Monster Hunter: Wilds
Tales of Kenzera: Zau Is A Magical Metroidvania Inspired By Bantu Myth
Final Fantasy XVI Is Getting Two DLCs And One Of Them Is Available Now
Narrative Adventure Game As Dusk Falls Heads To PlayStation In March
Battle Mechs In Battle Royale Or Alongside Friends In Mecha Break
Alan Wake 2: ‘The Final Draft’ Update Includes New Game Plus And New Ending, Out Next Week
The Outlast Trials Goes 1.0 And Comes To Consoles In March
Baldur’s Gate 3 Is Now Available On Xbox Series X/S
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zody77-blog · 10 months
Payday 3 Features Ice-T has a rival heist game
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As Payday 3 approaches, a rival heist game emerges from GTFO developer 10 Chambers and former Payday 2 leaders Ulf Andersson and Simon Viklund. Payday 3 is shaping up to be another terrific heist game in the series' mould, but there's a new opponent on the horizon - and it's an inside job. PCGamesN talked with former Payday and Payday 2 developers Ulf Andersson and Simon Viklund at Gamescom 2023 about the next co-op game they're working on with their new firm, GTFO developer 10 Chambers Collective. Payday: The Heist and Payday 2 were both developed by Andersson and Viklund, with Andersson serving as main designer and Viklund serving as composer. They're currently serving as game director and narrative director on a new project that hopes to build on what they accomplished with the Payday series while expanding on areas where the game is inherently constrained. "I don't want to s**t on them; I want them to succeed." For us, it's more of a prelude to the following game." After 10 years after the release of Payday 2, Andersson's views and objectives have shifted. Making the tempo more intriguing is one aspect of this. "Payday builds up and just stays on that high note," he says, noting that it was difficult to slow down once things got going.
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"If you're starting in stealth and you get discovered, it just stays full-on combat, basically, all the way through until you either fail the heist, or you succeed," Viklund says. In comparison, 10 Chambers' GTFO has a considerably more stop-start structure, with spurts of action punctuating the more silent, tense stealth periods. "It's an exhausting game to play in that way, but we learned a lot from accomplishing our goals." So the new game is doing something similar, but in a slightly different way, for a somewhat different demographic." The emphasis remains on a "hardcore cooperative" experience, but the team hopes to create something that is simpler to get into than the more aggressive GTFO while still "gradually getting you to that point where you're constantly challenging yourself." This unnamed heist game will support "at least four players," according to Andersson, but the developer also aims to accommodate anyone who wish to play alone. 10 Chambers, on the other hand, avoids the typical class-based arrangement. "It sort of limits your expression or planning." Rather, the team wishes to provide something more adaptable that does not bind you indefinitely. "It's even more difficult when you have to choose a class at the start of the game - you don't know s**t about it, you don't know what's what, and it gets worse with time, these permanent decisions." You pour your energy into that role, and suddenly it's practically all s**t for you." Viklund points out that this extends beyond gameplay to aesthetic character modification. The new game focuses on "late stage capitalism," according to Viklund. "We have a bit of that classic corporate structure - it lends itself to that flexibility of 'who's the enemy and who's not?'" says Andersson. He cites techno-thriller films and shows like Black Mirror, raising the question of who you're working for in any particular circumstance. "We're going back to the idea of reinventing what a heist can be," Viklund continues. "You're a criminal doing criminal things, but then you're sort of a criminal within that by doing something that your client hasn't asked you to do, for yourself." The game has been in production for around three years, according to the couple, with the concept stretching back much farther, but the completion of GTFO allows the entire team to shift over to concentrate on this new project. They are, however, resolute about not providing any release dates for the time being, emphasising that their self-funding model allows them to wait until the game is "good enough." While he emphasizes that nothing has been released yet, Andersson says the team loves the early access strategy and the openness that allows users to test things while the development team analyses. "Is the game playing the way we want it to be playing - rather than saying, 'what do they like, should we pander to them?' it's more like, are they having the experience we want them to have?" With the commercialization debate in Payday raging, we inquire about the team's plans for future post-release expenditures. "With monetization, hopefully comes quality and content," Andersson says, adding that "because you're making money, you can make more s**t." Instead of simply saying, 'Let's monetize hats,' it's more about painting yourself into a position where you have to manufacture wonderful stuff to sell more." That doesn't rule out the possibility of wearing a hat! "We may do some if people want hats, but in general, we want it to be about the quality of the experience." So, absolutely, it will be monetized." The particular details of how this will be accomplished are unknown, but the pair emphasizes the importance of "no pay to win" and "no gambling" as key to their worldview. So, how does the squad plan to win over Payday fans? Andersson questions whether it is indeed the team's objective. "We keep producing the games we want to develop, and we like making them. Hopefully, that will appeal to people." To that demographic, he did remark, "If you're into Payday, it's the same dudes - so you'll probably like components of that." "There will be Payday 3 players who look at our game and think, 'I wish Payday 3 had these things,' and then there will be some who wish our game had some of those Payday 3 things," Viklund adds. Andersson says, "We're just working on making a good game - everything else is a multiplier." We'll have more on 10 Chambers' upcoming appearance, including the ultimate name for their project, as soon as it's confirmed. In the meanwhile, browse the finest FPS games available right now, or frighten yourself stupid with the GTFO VR mod if you like. Read the full article
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We've also seen sites give us stories tale past occurrences, and those that slyly builds mostly on levels of accuracy and give us something new, but none have been brave enough to generate a groundbreaking story bound over a fictional backdrop of real events. Yes, humans have resident evil, but barren is one many other game which tries to do this gtfo .
Desolate research desktop 1 Anyway, desolate 1.0 gameplay is a game that seeks to reveal an alternative past of the Soviet Union, and with this players are brought back two years ago to the massive and enigmatic tragedy that radiated and poisoned the numerous residents of Granichny Island. Now so supernatural incidents are kicking up a fuss on the secluded beach with a shady institution known as new Light attempting to protect things up, it's ready to throw into shoes from one of the volunteer groups looking searching investigate the various anomalies that have hit the island.
One aspect that surprised me early on with the wild eight was the opportunity to hop in with up to three others and play the game as a co-operative party. Meanwhile the game was played it alone, discovering the weird island as well as teaching about its residents is far more pleasurable to friends, but it also needs to take away the focus of just how vacant this overambitious country is really.
At the beginning of the game, players are placed in the tutorial level immediately and while I'm not a fan of arm-holding tutorial videos, this one does a pretty good job of displaying the ropes, attempting to set up a bit of the upcoming story without pressuring you to hurry along. Sadly, it doesn't take long until you know that it would be the strongest you'll get when it comes to concentrated storytelling, With a prolog speaking of horrid experimentation being carried out on the residents of the islands, before gradually but steadily forcing the player to find a way to avoid the gloomy and dreary facilities. Furthermore, short of intense FPS action and realistic drama, we are instead introduced to a game that attempts to compete with the likes of the Fallout and S.T.A.L.K.E.R series by introducing survival mechanics and an open-world setting. What do these mighty genre-leaders do? We took a flashlight and went to the dim, gloomy island and Granichny to discover more!
Participants are then let loose throughout the accessible-world environment after entering the tutorial area and at first glance it looks as you might imagine, with a wonderful sense of a potential threat, with the complete discovery of the island's surroundings possible from the outset. As you wander through the empty and desolate game lands, you'll soon find yourself facing the nasty and irradiated creatures that occupy the land, most of which seem to be on a constant mission of killing you. Together with these fowl animals, though, there are documents that, once understood, help put together different aspects of the plot and show other specifics of what has occurred on the island through diaries and scribblings.
Desolate desktop 3 study Exceptionally, however, this is as far as things are looking in terms of a truly immersive gameplay environment, with player interactions taking place across tiny dialog boxes reminiscent of older Fallout titles.
Of sure, there was a little more to it than and with barren allowing access to the full accessible-world off the, there's a lesson to be gained thru the exploration – foes and their distinct weak points can be discovered through studies and observing – and this enables for the opportunity to get the advantage thanks to understanding inside when in battle. As the game can even be played for up to four teams, the requirement for the analysis is almost non-existent if you just decide to rush in and pound away at the first thing that moves, so if you are playing alone then researching the opponents – finding the best critical hits and more – has a degree of significance for the proceedings.
A further essential element is your conservation but like any typical gameplay mechanic, barren has a functionality provided wherein players have to take care of physical and mental fellow human-being. It's a required addition because the consequences will get very severe if you neglect them for too long, with a weak emotional condition influencing how our characters see the universe. Yet unfortunately, desolate movie isn't quite the refined and satisfying feeling it should be. See, you have seen all of them after you saw your first Dorg, Madmen, and so on. After the first experience there's nothing new to think across, and the same goes for anything else you'll see, with buildings having the same materials, so even jumpscares are typically repetitive. Instead of instilling a degree of consistency in the playing, this needs to take any satisfaction or real horror knowledge out of the play.
Graphically and gtfo release date gets hit and miss a bit again. Within the map, the island's grizzly and lonely environment is well portrayed, but this is not necessarily a game that will see imaginative awards come in abundant supply. Worn colors see it feel such as the elderly Fallout as well as creep sports once again, as well as with both these series giving far more in-depth and usually more fulfilling perspectives, there was no reason users want to spend some time doing it again in a game that isn't as well polished as possible. The folks over at Nearga tournaments have tried to provide previously mentioned superhero movie series with a defined competitor, but the lack of any meaningful content, small bit-by-piece character development, and an evident existential crisis is sufficient to turn this same people away. Sure the possibilities are for someone else great and it could be appealing with just a little more job, but with little to dictate how much Nearga tournaments are seeking to accomplish, barren on PC falls into the category of wanting to satisfy everyone, but fail miserably.
With a spending plan but nowhere close to the size of its now also crucial decision made, this is one that will easily be neglected whenever the next massive outdoor-world excursion comes in.
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bibbidibobbidibucky · 3 years
what are we? | b.b
pairing: rockstar!Bucky Barnes x fem!Reader
summary: Y/N confesses how she feels to Bucky.  How will he react?  Will he share her feelings or will she have her heart broken by the devil himself?
word count: 2.2K
warnings: 18+ so minors GTFO! Smut, drugs, alcohol, language, angst, collar pet play, pussy slapping, nipple play, spitting, and spanking. I apologize if I missed anything!
a/n: This was kinda based on an old story I wrote before and this is also for @babyboibucky​‘s writing challenge! It’s based on her series Devil’s Mark! Which is you haven’t read you def need to!  If you haven’t read her’s its still okay to read along! It can stand on its own so you won’t be confused I think. Plus all of those new pics that came out of Seb today got me in the moooood. 😈
Also this is what I imagine Bucky’s band to sounds like: We Lose Control by The Relentless 
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“Fuck! Oh my god, Bucky.”
“That’s it, sugar. Right. Fucking.There.”
A firm slap was placed to your ass and you couldn’t help the wanton moan that escaped from your lips. There would definitely be marks from his rings later on.  Bucky gripped your hips tighter as he slammed into a few more times before both of you started to cum.
You collapsed down into the bed as your release washed over you and couldn’t help but smile. The feeling of cumming while being high was something you had gotten used to in the last few months and it never got old.  Sex with Bucky only got better and better. You looked next to you and saw his chest rising and falling as quickly as yours was.  “Did I wear you out, Barnes?”  You smiled as you traced your fingers over his tattoo that decorated his stomach and you knew that if you kept this up he’d have his cock buried inside you again within minutes. He chuckled and turned his head to look at you. His after sex glow was something you loved. He looked like a fucking god and that smug fuck knew it by the way he was smirking.
“Oh pretty girl, I could go all night with you, but you know I have that concert in an hour.” You pouted playfully and Bucky took your hand that was still lingering to pull you in closer to him. His arm wrapped around you as you placed your head on his chest.  This was something new that had happened in the last few weeks.  Usually it was just rough fucking that made you question your morals and then you would get dressed and leave, but something had changed.  That scared you.
This is what couples do right? They cuddle after sex and just lay next to each other because they don’t wanna let one another go. To Bucky you weren’t a couple because he didn’t date. He fucked.  He was a rockstar who always had girls throwing themselves at him and not to mention he was traveling frequently.  But ever since becoming his ‘pet’ he had only been with you.  To be frank you didn’t know what the hell you were to him now. You wanted to be his girlfriend and that’s what it felt like sometimes when the two of you were in each other's company as of late.  You teased him once about how you were basically a couple but when you did he’d brush it off.  It started to bother you the more time you spent with him because you knew that you were falling hard for him. You knew this only started off as sex, that Bucky wanted you as a plaything so keep his cock warm. And what he said goes; in and outside the bedroom.  Right now though you would leave it alone so you could enjoy being wrapped in his arms for the next few minutes. When he gets back from the concert tonight, you thought to yourself. When he gets back you would talk to him about it.
The next few hours seemed to drag on forever and your stomach had been in knots the whole time you watched the concert from backstage.  Your mind was racing the whole time about the different scenarios of what could happen. What if he got upset or angry when you confronted him? Or what if it was the push he needed? Your eyes drifted back to the stage when one of your favorite songs by the band started.  Bucky had such a presence about him when he was on stage.  He got lost in the music and didn’t give a fuck about anything else in that moment. He was something else and that made your heart flutter a little.  As it did though you grew more worried
It was half past midnight when you let yourself into Bucky’s hotel room and you knew he wouldn’t be too far behind you. You were starting to chicken out and thought about just going to bed and avoiding the whole thing.  You couldn’t, you needed to know so you fixed yourself a drink and did a line of coke to try and settle your nerves.  For now you would sit on the couch and wait for Bucky to get back and hope that you wouldn’t get your heart broken.
Around twenty minutes later the lock turned and Bucky was stepping through the door.  “Hey there, pretty girl”  He smiled over at you and gave you a wink as he kicked off his shoes.  “I was thinking we ordered some room service and while we wait, you could wear that new pretty collar I got you.  Hmm wanna be a good little pet for me and let me fuck you, sugar?”  He chuckled and made his way over to you, but soon noticed your demeanor.  “You’re awfully quiet. Is everything okay, sugar?”  Bucky sat down beside you and you felt your heart start to race.  It was now or never.
“What are we, Bucky?” you bit your lip and turned to look at him as you waited for his response.  He cocked his head a little and rested his arm on the back of the couch as turned his body towards you.
“What do you mean?”  He looked at you curiously and you didn’t know where this was gonna go.
You sighed and ran your fingers through your hair as you got a little frustrated.  “I mean what are we?  Are we just fuck buddies? Am I just your fucking pet? Or is there the chance there is something more here?” you got up from the couch and started to pace. “We’ve never talked about it and the one time I joked about it you just avoided the question. I need an answer. I need to know how you feel, dammit because I might be falling for you.”
Bucky stayed quiet for a moment and you couldn’t read his expression.  “I-I I..fuck, Y/N.”  He gets up from the couch to stand in front of you.  “I didn’t know you wanted more. Why didn’t you tell me sooner?”  You shrugged your shoulders and looked down at your feet.
“I was scared. I was scared that if I did that I would lose you. I know you’re not the relationship type Bucky and…”  you were cut off when his lips crashed against yours and you couldn’t help but melt into the kiss as he cupped your cheeks.  He pulled away slowly and rested his forehead against yours as his hands moved to trail down your back to your ass.  He was hoping he just did the right thing.
“I wasn’t the relationship type until I met you, pretty girl.”  He gives your ass a small squeeze and gives you a small smirk.  “Y/N, sugar, I never talked about what we were because I thought you only wanted the fucking.  That is was what you wanted and what got you off, but ever since you’ve stuck around.”  He chuckled and shook his head.  “You’ve grown on me, pretty girl.  I got addicted to you.”
You couldn’t believe what you were hearing. Bucky Barnes, the devilish rockstar, just admitted that he has feelings for you and that brought the brightest smile to your face. “I guess we need to work on our communication more in the future.” You pulled him back into a kiss and felt all of your fears from earlier start to wash away as he kissed you back. You admitted your feelings for Bucky and he hadn’t yelled and pushed you away.  That’s all that mattered right now.
The kiss became heated quickly and you were moaning against Bucky’s lips as he roughly squeezed your ass as the two of you moved back over to the couch.  “How about we get that new collar out, pretty girl? Wanna see my girl wear it while you cum all over my cock.  You want that don’t you?”
You nodded quickly as Bucky yanked your pants and panties off in one swift motion.  He smacked your ass and smirked before moving over to your bag to grab the collar.  It was a baby pink and had diamonds encrusted on it.  You remember him telling you that you deserved a present for how good you made his cock feel.  You smiled at the thought as you discarded the rest of your clothes and kneeled down as he walked back over to you.
“Pretty collar for my pretty girl.”  He put the collar around your neck before grabbing your face, kissing you roughly.  “Lay down for me, sugar.  Gonna fuck you so good you’re gonna see stars tonight.”  He bit your bottom lip and pulled on it with his teeth before letting go.
You laid back on the couch for him and you could feel yourself getting wet as you watched him undress.  Your pussy clenched around nothing as he pushed his boxers down and took his cock in his hand, stroking it slowly.  You whined and Bucky smirked, grabbing a bottle of whiskey from the nearby table.  All you could focus on was his cock as it started to grow hard so you were surprised when you felt the coldness of the alcohol run down your stomach to and over your pussy.
Before you knew it Bucky’s tongue was all over on you as he licked up the alcohol and you felt like you were on fire already.  You knew this time would feel different after what the two of you just confessed to each other.  “Taste so fucking good, sugar.  All fuckin mine. Only mine.”  A moan escaped your lips as his fingers glided through your folds, his rings adding more friction.  After months of fucking Bucky knew exactly what made you putty in his hands.  He pulled his hand away and placed a frim slap to your pussy, making your legs try to close but he just pushed him back open.  “Now now pretty girl, remember you close your legs like that you don’t get to cum.”
You whimpered and nodded as he leaned his head down to take one of your hardened nipples into his mouth as he slapped your pussy again.  “Oh fuck! Oh my god.”  The way his tongue was working against your nipple you felt like you could cum from that and that alone. “Bu-Bucky, please I want more.  Want your cock inside me.”
He pulled on your nipple with his teeth as he pulled away, making you moan and hiss.  “My pretty girl is greedy tonight isn’t she?  You just want me to fill up that tight little pussy don’t you?”  He looked down at your pussy and your juices were dripping onto the couch already.  “Fuck look at you.”  He smirked and grabbed your hips to pull you closer as he kneeled onto the couch.  A string of spit left his lips and you shivered as it landed on your pussy.  “Don’t worry, I'm gonna take good care of my pretty girl tonight.”  He grabbed his cock and started to rub the tip between your folds and over your clit, smearing the spit.  “Who’s pussy is this, sugar?”
Before you can answer him, he slams his cock into your dripping cunt. All you do is moan wantonly and Bucky pulls out all the way before slamming into you again.  “You better answer me, sugar.  Who’s fuckin pussy is this?”
“Yours! Only yours, Bucky.”  You roll your hips into his and Bucky smacks your thigh before moving his hands to your hips.  He starts to pound into you at a relentless pace to where the only sounds in the room were the sounds of each other's moans and your skin slapping against each other.  Usually Bucky was very mouthy during sex but not this time.  This time all he wanted to do was focus on you.  How beautiful you looked and how good your pussy squeezed his cock as he fucked you.
It wasn’t taking long for both of you to feel your releases drawing near.  Bucky leaned down and grabbed you by your collar, pulling you in close.  His hot breath fanned across your face and you wrapped your arms around his shoulders, digging your nails into his skin.  “Gonna make me fucking cum, pretty girl.  Want you to cum with me.  Want you to soak my cock.”  You could only nod, not being able to form any words at the moment.
Bucky reached his hand down between the two of you and started to rub your clit in tight circles.  You moaned wantonly and it wasn’t but a few more seconds before you started to cum around his cock.  Your body arched into his and your moans were music to Bucky’s ears as he watched your face contort into pure ecstasy. “Oh fuck fuck fuck, Y/N!”  He pressed his forehead to yours and groaned as his hot cum started to coat your walls.
Your body was trembling as you started to come down and brought Bucky’s lips to yours, humming against them as he kissed you back. “Fuck thats was...wow.”  You couldn’t help but smile and comb your fingers through his hair.  “Definitely had me seeing stars there, Buck.”  You giggled and your hand moved from his hair to take his chin between your index finger and thumb.  You rubbed your thumb over the goatee and couldn’t stop smiling.
“Why don’t we head to the shower and I can make you see stars all over again, pretty girl?”
tagging: @lokiscollar @borikenlove @buckybarneschokeme @buckys-blue-eyes @vanillanaps @bitchassbucky @moonbeambucky @buckyhoney @bucksfucks @fuckandfluff @moonlight-onyx
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bohica160 · 3 years
Yandere Chris - Drabble 2
Sorry for the lack of uploads, work has been crazy the past 2 weeks with all the new covid patients we've been getting 😖
This may not be good hahaha....😅
Once again this is purely IF Chris was a yandere. In no shape or form do I see this man as any type of "dere"
ᕕ( ᐛ )ᕗMinors gtfo, this isn't for youᕕ( ᐛ )ᕗ
Warnings: Yandere Chris, mentions of toxic/abusive ex & relationship, suggestions of violence
TW: This drabble contains slight yandere themes. By clicking 'Keep reading', you have accepted and acknowledged the warning.
It had been a long week for you. You’ve been on edge these past few days due to a certain someone from your past sliding into your DMS on multiple social media platforms. However it seemed like no matter how many times you ignored the messages, and even blocked every new account they made, they would never stop filling up your inbox. Thankfully you had your weekly hang out with Chris to look forward to towards the end of the week. Even though you both work in the same building, it was very rare for the two of you to actually talk during work hours. He was training with his squad or researching for his new mission, while you were mostly in the lab. It was nice to do normal people things and not have to worry about work.
When Saturday came around, you left your house pretty early, to keep yourself busy. The constant harassment from your inbox was only making your anxiety grow. You figured running a few errands would help distract you until you met up with Chris. You ended up getting to the café a little bit earlier than your agreed time. You decided to put in your order and find a spot for the two of you. Once you got your hot cup of caffeine, you went over to one of the empty tables and dug out your phone. Chris should be here soon.
"Hey! Long time no see." Your heart sank. Ice ran through your veins. You looked up and saw someone you were hoping to never see again for the rest of your life. Your ex. Given you haven't seen him in years and you've dated a couple of people after him, obviously nothing became serious, but the bitter taste he left in your mouth never went away. Forever lingering. You did your best to forget about him, but there were times where he would pop into your head out of the blue. Making the scars on your heart ache.
You quickly shot out of your seat, almost knocking your chair over. Quickly gathering your things you pushed past the man and hurried out of the café. Just as you burst through the doors, you walked into a solid large body. The sudden impact on your nose made your eyes start to water. Two large hands clasped your shoulder, “You okay?” The familiar deep voice asked as you rubbed your nose. You quickly nodded only to freeze when a voice called out behind you. “Y/n you forgot your-... Who are you?” “Chris” he glared at the other man. He was about to ask the same questions when Chris suddenly felt a tug on his shirt, bringing his attention back to you. Looking down he noticed your knuckles turning white as you clutch to him, looking straight at his chest. His thumbs rubbed small circles into your tense shoulders, hoping to calm you down.
“Well Chris, maybe you should mind your own business,” Your ex said with a matter-of-fact tone. Each time the man behind you opened his mouth, your shoulders would become more rigid. At some point, your head began to pound from all the intense emotions bubbling over. Wanting to yell, cry, even punch him in the face. You finally released your hold on Chris before spinning around, stalking up to the man and ripping whatever you forgot from his grasps. "Don't talk to me ever again." Giving the man a disgusted look before turning on your heel. You slip your soft hands into Chris's calloused ones tugging him in the opposite direction of the café.
For a moment a look of surprise flashed across his face before looking towards the other man. If looks could kill, your ex would have no pulse. Once when the two of you were far enough the male yelled out. "Good luck finding someone who can put up with your crazy clingy ass! No one will ever want someone as broken as you!" The words pierced through your chest, almost instantly making your eyes tear up, but you refused to cry. Just not now. Once when you get to the comfort of your apartment you'll let all your emotions out. However, for Chris, those words made his blood boil. Just as he was about to turn around, you felt his arm go taut, only to squeeze his hand and tug on his arm again.
You guys were now a few blocks away from your once favorite café. So lost in thought you didn't hear Chris call out your name the first few times. "Y/n" you felt Chris’s hand gave a small tug at yours as he slowed his walking to a stop. You released his hand, mentally preparing yourself for the worst before turning to look at him. "Sorry about all that. I didn't mean for you to get involved in that." You let out a small chuckle. "If you want to call it a day I'd totally understand," you said with the best smile you could muster up without trying to make it seem forced. Though by the looks of it Chris wasn't falling for it. A loud muffler from a passing car startled you, catching your attention for a quick moment. Within that small window, Chris quickly closed the distance between the two of you and pulled you into his muscular body, tucking your head under his chin. “He an ex?” he asked softly enough just for only you to hear. You nodded your head, letting out a big sigh. He gave your smaller body a squeeze as if to tell you it's okay. You hesitantly wrapped your arms around his middle, nervous about messing up your friendship with the man in front of you. Chris ended up walking you back to your apartment, worried your ex would approach you again.
As you both continued the journey back home, you gave a little bit of information about your previous relationship. You never really told people about your relationship, because you knew damn well that it was absolutely toxic. How you let him walk all over you. You pretty much threw all your standards out the window without even realizing it at first. In no shape or form was he worthy of you, yet he chewed you up and spat you out like nothing. The emotional scars he left on your heart made you very skeptical and guarded. Afraid to give your heart to anyone. A small part of Chris was grateful for your shity ex to have brought you two a little bit closer, however, he hated to see you so hurt. He was extremely speechless, that someone like your ex had the audacity to hurt someone so wonderful. Even though you didn’t fill Chris on every detail, his blood was boiling. Even though a storm was raging inside him, he wanted to make sure your day ended on a good note. The two of you ended up grabbing some snacks from a convenience store and sat at a park not too far from your place. Talking about anything and everything. The two of you stayed there until the sky took on a beautiful mixture of red and orange. Before bidding Chris a farewell, you apologized again only for him to say, “you have nothing to apologize for”. For once it felt like despite your emotional baggage, it didn't mean you were a lost cause. You’d even say you had a sliver of hope to try to dating again.
While it seemed like the rest of the city was sleeping, Chris laid in bed staring up at the ceiling. Something about the whole situation with your ex didn’t sit well with him. Just something kept nagging in the back of Chris’s mind, and it seemed like the only way for his mind to quiet down was to go and check up on you. He knew that you would be asleep by now seeing how late it was, but it wouldn't hurt to make sure. The cool breeze flows through Chris’s short brown hair while his footsteps echo down the empty streets. Just as Chris rounded the corner, he saw a dark figure stand at your doorstep. It looked like they were trying to see if you had a spare key hidden. Little did they know, you had already snatched it a while back when the two of you first started to see each other outside of work. The figure was so focused on looking under the mat and in your potted plants, they didn’t even hear Chris come up behind them. He quickly engulfed their mouth and nose with one of his hands. Trying to squeeze the last bit of air from their lungs until they blacked out. Once Chris knew the stranger was out cold, he turned them just enough to get a good look to see who was trying to get into your apartment. It was none other than your ex. Chris quickly looked around to make sure no one was around before throwing your ex over his shoulder and walk off down the road.
“Man why are Mondays so long?” you ask out loud with a yawn, stretching your arms over your head. Chris’s lips tilt up slightly at you. “Don’t you say that every Monday?” You elbow him in the side as the two of you wait for your orders. “You saying you like Mondays Mr. Redfield?” “I mean not having to worry about packing food every Monday is pretty nice” You shook your head with a smile. The man behind the register flipped through the channels on the TV hanging right near the counter, stopping on the local new channel. ‘And now News at 1 with Amy…… ‘Good afternoon. There has been another report of a missing male within the area. Police are unsure if both are connected to each other in some way. Back in ……… Mr……’ “I was thinking maybe one of these Mondays we can try this other place that just opened up a couple of months ago,” Chris said pulling out his phone, pulling up the restaurant’s menu, as he moved closer to get your undivided attention. You looked at the device screen with him as we pointed out some dishes he knew you would love to try. After a few minutes you turned back to the TV, ‘We are hoping if anyone knows anything on these two whereabouts or anything that could help the police, please call the local police department. It is said that Mr….. outside of café…….’ “And I heard they have amazing pancakes on the weekends.” Your ears perked up. “Really!? It’s been too long since I’ve had some” Your eye started to sparkle just thinking about the warm fluffy buttermilk pancakes. “Are you hinting that we should go there this weekend?” You gave him a little nudge. “I am a sucker for breakfast food” he replied with a small chuckle. “Sounds like a plan!” the smile dropped from you face, “Plus it would probably be for the best if we didn’t go to that café for a little bit.” There was that look again on your face that broke Chris’s heart. “Don’t worry. I’ll take care of him.” “Hmm, I bet. Honestly, he stands no chance against you” you gave him a reassuring smile before your order numbers were called out from behind the counter.
Later that night, once Chris got home from work. He kicked off his boots before heading into his bedroom to change into some old clothes before heading towards the back of the house where the basement stairs were located. The sound of him unlocking the multiple locks on the metal door echoed through the house. Once inside he closed and locked the door again before taking a couple of steps to pull at the chain hanging above, to turn on the dusty yellow light. There in front of him sat a male figure with a black sack over his head, slumped forward in the metal chair he was tied to. Chris walked up to the figure, ripping the sack off before moving to a table that sat against one of the stone walls. The man in the chair groaned as his eyes adjusted to the light, “How long do you think you can keep this up Chris” the man asked, looking around the room trying to find any way to escape the room. “Well that depends on how long it takes for you to make up all the pain you gave Y/N” he replied with his back still turned to the captured male. He clicked his tongue, “I didn’t do anything to that dumb bitch. Besides someone's probably out there looking for me right now.” Within a few seconds, the male was on the ground face pressed into the cold metal floor, the side of his head throbbing from the punch Chris quickly delivered. “No one will bother over scum such as yourself.” Chris picked the guy and the chair, sitting right up. Chris walked back to the table before picking up a hatchet and turning back to the man. “Now, which hand should we start with?”
(ノ´ヮ`)ノ*: ・゚°˖✧.*:・ Tag list: @thatgoblin , @interviewedchicken
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jeriafterdark · 2 years
Is this the real life, is this just fantasy, CAUGHT IN A LANDSLIIIDE - (April 2, 2022 rant & JunZhe IRL drama)
So ok. SOMETIMES, being in this fandom feels like it's its own real life DRAMA. Like, first we all stanned SHL/WOH, where two adult men find each other after years of toil and trouble, fall in love, fight together against society and its expectations, and go live their merry lil lives.
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And then I get pulled into the IRL drama - aka two adult men find each other after years of toil and trouble and go on 'secret' one night dates, and EXCHANGING rings, and DEFYING c-ent expectations by supporting each other even through the highly competitive c-ent branding industry (i.e. sharing the same LIPSTICK and LINK sales for Tom Ford),+
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and living and LOVING and SINGING their love to each other LIVE ON STAGE with their whole on-screen family and OFFSCREEN FAMILY watching (and where we all collectively lost our hearts and minds to them FOREVER) +
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and STANDING BY EACH OTHER through thick and thin, and always raising each other up by their own hands and REFUSING to unfollow each other even after the world crashes down around them (813), continuously giving hints and love that each of them exists and are healthy and whole ("Auntie" and fried duck intestines), and showing off that they are SUPER married please DO NOT APPROACH (GJ and his many ringed fingers) +
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and finally feeling a breather when one Uncle, one man who saw wrongdoing and took it upon himself to help out one of these boys in his darkest times, only to hold onto each other and to truth and justice and LIGHT as tightly as possible. Things were looking up and police cases were getting FILED and public opinion TURNED.
And even solemnly professing and going on an RP walk to the very spot his husband/laopo went to and telling the world on VALENTINE'S DAY with full I LOVE YOU FOREVER kadian that nothing changes even after the world has fallen and the earth is threatening to swallow them up - with continuous anti-scandals/ZSJ scandals/MERCH scandals,
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And then said Uncle gets muted and the TRASH COMES FLYING OUT from all corners of c-ent, a man comes out to try and impersonate one of them, an ex-music manager takes advantage of his image and brand while he's so muted he can only release small leaked audio clips of him affirming his goals, his own best friend is so LOST he thinks he's supporting his bro but he has ties to the very ex-music manager herself so WHO KNOWS where he's coming from, +
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and meanwhile his husband, his LAOGONG subtly posts on instagram that it's so easy to accidentally post things on instagram woops! I guess sometimes you can't trust what's on someone's Instagram post! He meant to post that sunset photo for his drama what a silly gougou, BUT US, WE'RE USED to him being a 50G internet/tech savvy person and know he meant something by it because it's impossible to accidentally post photos on instagram during editing bc it makes you confirm several times that you're posting! He also surreptitiously proved this subtle point by posting and instantly deleting a black and white photo of his shadow overlayed on soft polaroid pictures - clearly he KNEW that he could just delete, he didn't HAVE to announce to the world that he made a "mistake" - AND THEN +
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His husband/laopo's instagram is suddenly taken out of private mode and starts accepting followers at midnight and his logo is now CHANGED and a sudden OLD photograph of him is shown on it - what curious timing this is! Right when GJ posted an out-of-character comment on his own Instagram. TIN HATS ON? MAYBE. BUT ALSO, IT'S GJ he does this shit all the time, Mr. Colander.
So the drama continues, our heroes, our protagonists are now dealing with a new foe in C-ent, the ex-music manager, the confusingly loyal but misleading best friend, the IMPERSONATOR.
Who will come next? What can we expect on next week's episode of SHL / WOH: IRL edition?
(ok but forreal these two's love for each other (even if you're not a CP fan or you don't believe in love then gtfo why are you here, but even so you cannot deny how much they do for each other) - their love for each other AMAZES AND DISGUSTS ME AND MAKES ME CRY INTO THE VOID. YEET MYSELF INTO THE SUN and it'll still be less hot than their IRL romance ok done)
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My OUAT Rewatch -- S6E4 -- Strange Case
Link to Rewatch Review and Ranking archive
Okay, there’s A LOT to unpack in this one, but before we do THAT . . . . . it’s time once again for our new favorite game show . . . . 
What the Fuck is Emma Wearing??????
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Seriously, after S6 Ends the S6 Emma Snarky Fashion Show post is coming . . . . . if you have any snarks on ANY of her S6 wardrobe, you are welcome to send it to me via messenger or message and I will keep it on file until the big event!  I don’t think there was ever a full on “Drag Emma’s S6 Wardrobe” in-depth post, and I am here to fill that much-needed gap!  Stay tuned!  
By the way, sub-category just for this episode . . . . what the fuck is BELLE wearing?????
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I usually love Belle’s wardrobe.  I’m usually either drooling over how stunning she is or seething with envy that I’m not skinny enough to wear the stuff she wears.  And very often I’m doing both.  
But THIS ugly-ass thing?  WTF is it supposed to be?  A dress?  A nightgown?  A dressy nightgown?  A nightie dressgown?  It’s ugly, its so bland it washes out her coloring (and the wig she’s wearing in this one, OMG!!!!  Hideous!), just -- yech all around.  Probably the ugliest thing she’s EVER worn.  Not sure what they were going for costume wise here, but EPIC FAIL.
Okay . . . . . . now that that’s out . . . . . here’s the thing, and it might surprise you . . . . . . I didn’t totally HATE this episode.  Yup, you read that right.  Don’t worry, you’re as surprised as I am, because I expected to come on here ranting and screaming and all like . . . . . 
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But nope.  
I mean . . . . I didn’t LOVE the episode.  It’s not one I’ll watch over and over again.  But there are WAY worse episodes in this series than this one.  I don’t do the tally till after I do the review, and I went in expecting this to be in the negatives, possibly even moving the shitfest that was Smash the Mirror out of the bottom spot.  I don’t think it will be in the negatives.  We’ll see when I end this, but . . . . . . it wasn’t THAT BAD.  And I was aggressively and unapologetically hate watching when this originally aired.  Also, David Goodman was one of the writers so of COURSE there’s going to be some shit in here because it’s GOODMAN.  
So . . . . . ready to discuss?  Yes there WILL be Belle dragging but I will politely do this to the Belle dragging so that those who don’t want to read it can skim on by.  
Come on in . . . . . . 
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BTW, for those reading this at a later date, or those just flat out not in the know . . . . . Bobby filmed the movie Trainspotting 2 during the summer between S5 and S6, and he had to cut his hair and grow out a porn ‘stache.  Well he didn’t HAVE to, and actually ABC told him NOT to, but he basically said “Fuck ABC” and did it anyway.  So over the summer of 2016 he looked like this:
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So yup . . . the past three episodes he was wearing a very bad wig.  And there’s a lot of debate on which Rumple is the hottest, and S6 Rumple wins for many.  S7 is MY preference, but I’ve grown to appreciate the short hair.
Anyhow . . . . this episode was actually WAY better than I remembered.  I mean Belle was a fucking bitch, that hasn’t changed, Hook was being shoehorned into the Rumbelle story, as he’s being shoehorned into EVERY story to see where he can be useful (the answer would be NOWHERE because he’s a fucking useless lamp with no real purpose on this show), and of course the CLASSIC Swan Queen #no homo moment:
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Swan Queen: Social Distancing since October 2016!
You know, I didn’t remember this moment being in THIS episode.  I honestly thought it was later.  But then again, S6 is a blur of me bitching, drinking, and being blocked by the fandom because I called a fictional character a bitch, so what do I know?
Anyhow, this moment . . . . . oh the FUN we had with it!
So the Jekyll and Hyde stuff . . . . . was actually not that bad.  But honestly kinda anti-climactic?  Because they set up Hyde to be a S6 Big Bad and he’s DEAD by Episode FOUR???  But then again A&E have always sucked at follow-through, so is anyone surprised?
Also the lovely Karen David is now on board as Jasmine and I cannot WAIT to see how these hacks will fuck HER story up!
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Also LMAO, Snow sucks at teaching!
So back to the Rumple/Belle/Rumbelle shit . . . . . . . 
1.  I side with Rumple
2.  Belle was being an unreasonable dumbass and I wanted to smack the ever living fuck out of her the entire episode
2.  What in the actual FUCK is Hook doing there?  And a magic seashell, REALLY????  Don’t they both have PHONES?????  More Stu propping, ugh.  Also he tried to murder Belle FOUR TIMES, please stop with this fuckery!
I had lots of opinion about this episode when it aired, and honestly I only half assed watched it at the time so let’s review my opinion and see if I still agree with them . . . . . . . . 
Okay, I didn’t think Rumple was THAT OOC and the Snow stuff was fun.  Other than that -- agree.  Next . . . . 
Absolutely agree!
So one good thing that this episode gave us were these BTS gifs that a fan filmed of Bobby goofing around on set:
But otherwise . . . . . . S6, a summary so far (that will continue):
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BTW, on a side note -- Creation released their promo poster for the 2016-2017 OAUAT Convention season -- and this was it:
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In case you ever had ANY doubt who was the “most important” character on the show.  
Points tally:
40 points to start
10 points for Rumbelle centric ISH
5 points for socially distanced but still more chemistry than with a man Swan Queen
I’m doing 2 points Rumple in character and deducting 2 points for him OOC because I didn’t think he was either but he was both.  And that makes no sense but neither does some of this shitty writing
5 points deducted for Hook
10 points deducted for OOC Belle
10 points deducted for Belle and Hook GTFO
10 points deducted for Goodman
10 bonus points for Rumple losing the damn wig
Sorry, gotta dump 25 points for all the Rumbelle bullshit and all the Hook propping bullshit
Total points:  5
Wow, not in negatives!  Color me stunned!
Follow #celtichearted OUAT ranking tag for more to come!
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Unexpected (Part Three)
DESCRIPTION:  A bad date lead you to Family Business Beer Co. where you met the last person you would have expected that night. Jensen Ackles. Your relationship blossomed after that night, turning into something you were afraid to lose.
CHARACTERS: Jensen Ackles, Reader
RELATIONSHIP: Eventual Jensen x Reader
WARNINGS: Fluffy cuteness. Again. Lol
A/N: This was edited by me, so excuse the errors cause I suck lol. 
This story is PURE fiction. It is not meant to hurt Jensen or his absolutely wonderful family. If anyone hates on Danneel, you can gtfo. I don’t tolerate that hate shit. 
Work dragged on. You continuously looked at the clock, willing for the arms to move quicker than they were. 
You hadn’t been this excited for a date in a long time. 
You finished typing the conclusion to your research proposal when your phone chimed beside you. You bit your lip as you saw a text from Jensen across your homescreen. You unlocked your phone eagerly and read his text. 
-Still on for tonight? 
-Yes! I’m actually getting done earlier than I thought today. I’ll be leaving in a couple minutes if you wanted to come early at all. 
You set your phone back down on your desk as you saved your proposal and sent it to your editor. You checked your email one last time, shut off your computer and began packing up your things to go home when your phone chimed again. 
-Great! I’ll let you know when I leave. I have a couple things to deal with at the bar and I’ll be over. 
You smiled as you walked out of your office and to your car. You rocked out to some of your favorite bands as you drove home, helping suppress the nerves that were bubbling in the depths of your belly. 
As you entered your house, you checked your phone for any messages from Jensen. Nothing. Your stomach dropped slightly from the lack of messages but you knew he was busy. You decided to continue the classic rock concert you were having in the car as you got ready. 
You took a quick shower, washing away stress from work, before you got ready for your date. After you showered, you dried your hair quickly and began putting on some light makeup when your phone chimed. You jumped towards it and hastily swiped at your screen.
-I’m on my way. Be there in about 20 minutes. 
“Oh shit,” you mumbled as you looked at yourself in the mirror, makeup half done and a towel wrapped around your chest. You typed back a quick message before you finished getting ready. 
-Okay! Let me know when you pull up, I might not hear you knock from my bathroom lol. 
You finished up your makeup, before you walked into your bedroom to pick out what you were going to wear. You fumbled through your closet, grumbling at every piece of clothing you owned. It took you too long to find a something you liked before pulling out a floral maxi dress and quickly threw it over your head. You looked at yourself in the full length mirror, eyeing your ensemble as your phone chimed. 
-Just pulled up. I’ll be up to the door in a sec.
You squealed softly to yourself and checked yourself in the mirror one last time before you ran towards the front door. You heard a light knock as you approached the light oak wood. You could see the top of Jensen’s head as you looked out the small windows fixed into the top of the door. You put your hand on the knob and took one final deep breath before you opened it. 
“Hey,” you breathed out. Jensen was looking towards the ground when you opened the door, his eyes went wide when he focused on you. You stood to the side and gestured with your head, “Come in.” 
Jensen smiled, “Thanks.” He walked past you and stood in your entryway as you shut the door. “Y/N, you-you look amazing by the way.” 
You tucked your hair behind your ear as you looked down, trying to hide the crimson that adorned your cheeks, “Thank you Jensen.” You turned towards the hallway and walked towards your bedroom, “I’ll be right back, just gotta grab some sandals and my purse.” You looked over your shoulder at Jensen, standing in your entry with his hands shoved in his pockets, “You can go sit in the living room,” you pointed towards the archway behind him and shrugged, “if you want to, of course.” 
“Yeah.” Jensen turned around and then looked back towards you with a nervous smile, “I’ll go do that.” 
You snickered as you walked towards your bedroom. Taking another deep breath, you walked towards your closet and mindlessly looked through your shoes. Jensen Ackles was really in your house right now and you were about to go on a date with him. You felt like the last 24 hours had been a dream and you were going to wake up at any moment. 
You pulled out a tan pair of sandals, slipped them on, and grabbed your purse off the bed. You walked back out towards the living room, seeing Jensen walking around the cream and blue themed room. His hands grazed a few pictures along your fireplace mantle showcasing your parents and a few friends. You cleared your throat softly, causing Jensen to turn towards you quickly, “You ready to go?” 
He nervously smiled, “Yeah, definitely.” 
You walked towards the door and waited for him, letting him out in front of you. Jensen walked out towards his car as you locked up your house. You were halfway down the sidewalk when you realized the car Jensen had brought for your date. You stopped, mouth agape as you stared at the black, polished, classic beauty. Jensen smiled at you from the passenger side door as you squeaked out, “You brought Baby?” 
He chuckled as you walked towards him slowly, taking in the view of the car. He opened the passenger door for you, “I did.” He waited until you were seated comfortably before he shut your door and rounded the front of the car to the driver’s seat. He slid in behind the wheel elegantly, turning the ignition with ease, looking too much like Dean in that moment. He pulled away from the curb before glancing in your direction, “You watch the show?” 
You silently cursed at yourself for not letting him know you were a fan in a far smoother way. You cleared your throat as you blushed, “Uh, yeah. I’ve watched all 15 seasons, a couple times.” You played with the strap of your purse, praying he wouldn’t turn the car around and drop you off back at home. 
Instead, he laughed. 
“Don’t be embarrassed about it.” 
You shrugged as you looked at him, “I just didn’t want to seem like a fangirl. That I was trying to get something more out of this than what I actually want.” 
“And what is it that you want, sweetheart?” 
“Well,” you sighed, “You. A relationship.” You gnawed on your lip as you stared out the windshield. “I didn’t want to seem like I was in it for the money or something because that’s the last thing I want.” 
“You never seemed like that type of person. If I felt that you were, I wouldn’t have asked you out tonight. I’ve dealt with my fair share of ‘fans’ who just wanted the fame and fortune.” He laid his right hand softly on your thigh, “Besides, I want the same thing.” 
You looked towards him, catching his olive eyes sparkling towards you. Blushing, you smiled as you tucked some stray hair behind your ear, “You do?” 
He focused back on the road, but you were sure if he wasn’t driving during this conversation his sole focus would be on you. “Yeah. I-I feel something different with you. You’re different.” He paused to chuckle, “And I don’t mean that in a bad way.” He sighed, “But, when you walked into the bar last night, I just,” he paused to collect his thoughts, “I had this feeling about you that I can’t explain.” He pulled into the parking lot of the pizza place, turned off Baby, and turned towards you in the front seat, “I know we literally just met but, I could see this going somewhere. So, you being a fan isn’t going to deter me.” 
You bit your lip, smiling. “Well, I’m glad.” 
He smiled as he grabbed at the door handle, “Good. Now, let’s go get some grub.” 
You giggled as you slid out of the front seat, “Okay, Dean.” 
Jensen walked around the front of Baby and laughed as he wrapped an arm around your shoulders, “Oh, sweetheart.” His voice became deeper, gravelier, “You haven’t seen anything yet.” 
You giggled as you wrapped an arm around his waist, “So, are you saying I’m dating both Jensen Ackles and thee Dean Winchester?” 
He scoffed playfully as you both walked towards the pizza place, “Why does Dean get more of an emphasis than me?” 
You winked towards him as you wrapped your arm around his waist, “I had a crush on Dean first.” 
“Well,” he released you from his friendly embrace as he opened the door to the building, “Let me show you how much better Jensen is than Dean.”
@emoryhemsworth , @nanie5 , @gabrielslittleangel, @alexwinchester23 , @witch-of-letters , @caswinchester2000 , @justawaywardwinchester , @thehufflepuffblog , @missihart23 , @spnfamily-alwayskeepfighting, @mogaruke, @supernaturalsammy01, @heyitscam99, @hobby27, @frozenhuntress67, @duskany, @mazie87 , @tumbler-tidbits , @mersuperwholocked-lowlife, @asfanfiction , @emilyshurley , @zephyrie , @ghostshadow1312 , @wholockmerlinlover, @singers-auto, @lokilove3112, @teddybeardoctorr, @sleepylunarwolf, @negans-lucille-tblr
@xxtheoutsidersxx, @betsy-bradock, @adoptdontshoppets, @dean-winchesters-bacon , @jerkbitchidjitassbutt, @smoothdogsgirl
@daniyell619, @winchester-girl96, @dreaminemz , @deangirl7695
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juvellita · 5 years
My top 5 voltage guys&reason
Top 1: Eisuke Ichinomiya, KBTBB
Ahhh top 1 was hard to pick because I like Kazuomi Shido more than eisuke at this point. However since Masquerade Kiss just came out, he cannot beat Eisuke YET in terms of relationship development.
His devotion to MC: I know a lot of people have mentioned this, but he really did change a lot after season 1. Contradicting to his cold attitude, he is over-the-heels with mc LOL. I feel like he is just about or more obsessed with MC than mc herself. He just doesnt express it. (And I like how he can say 'gtfo of my face' without flinching at all lololol) If you dont believe me, read his POV bcs they are SO PRECIOUS AHHHHHHHH
His overprotective behavior: He would do ANYTHING to keep mc safe. So far, I feel like there is NO other character who would go far as Eisuke, in order to keep mc safe ( telling her to not leave the penthouse, increasing security at his hotel, watching her 24/7 through security camera, flying to Japan within 48 hours to prevent Mc from dying, etc...). He would do anything to keep her smile.
His absolute loyalty: At this point, cheating is out of question for Eisuke. He will pretty much say "gtfo of my face" to any women who tries to cling onto him. He emotionally depends on MC, and MC is the only light source that Eisuke has. If someone were to hurt mc in anyway, ..say bye to life.
Jealousy: The way he shows his jealousy, is so adorably...hot? LOL. But I think it's just his excuse to give mc very... harsh 'punishment'...
Sexual appeal(?): ... Do I need to say more on this? LOL.
Top 2: Kazuomi Shido, MK
Yes, Kazuomi and Eisuke come in close tie. But since I don't really know Kazuomi that well, I couldn't place him in Top 1.
Perceptive: Regardless of his 'womanizing' mask he wears, Kazuomi is very perceptive. In fact, MC even mentions that Kazuomi was the first one who saw through her 'agent' mask (I know they are supposed to be love interest but not the point here). He even figured out MC's identity(or rather had a "hunch") earlier in his main story. (I know many people might say, mc wasn't a good spy, but let's just follow along the storyline for now ;-;) It was the 'real' mc he saw that made him fall in love with her, not the 'agent/Arisa' MC. He even figured out who MC's boss was by looking at him for 2 seconds.
His carefree personality: Even though he is third wealthiest person in the world, he certainly does not act like one. He doesn't mind walking around chaotic streets in his casual clothes, getting soaked by rain, and going to 'cheap' restaurant for some drink. He also isn't a 'tyrant' type boss who wants absolute obedience. He wants someone to speak out to him when needed; someone who sees and treats him as an equal. He also didn't mind 'begging' to mc when he wanted those ice cream ♡
Secretly loyal(?): No one has access to his apartment(above his office), except Kei, Yuzuru, and later on MC. MC is the first female who gains access to his apartment. HE IS ALSO PRECIOUS CINNAMON ROLL OKAY
Childish side: His sugar addict, and how he smiles whenever he sees the 'real' mc.
Appearance: yes... do I need to say more about this? 😏
I can't wait to see more of Kazuomi's character development! (I hope it doesn't disappoint me..)
Top 3: Shun Randoh, KoP
Devotion/Loyalty: He gains his "famous playboy" title after his first love broke his heart, when he showed his first movie to her. He reverts back to his old self when he meets mc. In his epilogue, it is clear that he has no intention of playing around with different women anymore. He clings to MC, as much as mc clings to him. He basically tells mc that he wouldn't mind if mc spammed him with texts/calls, and followed him to his work ♡. It is unthinkable for him to love anyone other than MC now.
Lovey-dovey/sweet: In his epilogue, when Shun returns from Okinawa, he kisses mc in front of other paradise guys and tells her that he missed mc SO much over 3 days. He even tells mc that he doesn't want to 'share' mc with others LOL.
How he tells off mc's bitoch jerk ass ex-husband: You. Tell. HIM.👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏 (AND SLAP HIS FACE MC 👏👏👏👏👏👏👏). slappingisn'tenoughsomeonepunchthatjerk
Top 4: Kiryu, EITM
Self-sacrificial : In his main story, sequel and Wedding arch, he let's himself get hurt (where he could have almost died) in order to protect mc from danger. Once they started loving each other, he doesn't blame on mc for getting in danger. He instead reassures that he will protect her.
Banter: He always banters with mc and other ayakashi. He messes with mc, bcs its part of his hobby, while he thinks other ayakashi are annoying af lol (often cockblocks mc and Kiryu's romantic mood). Whenever the story is about to get gloomy or too heavy, other ayakashi shows up and upsets Kiryu LOL (one of my favorite moments). Even if he thinks other ayakashi are annoying, he still thanks them for protecting MC when she is in trouble.
His lucky charm: Kiryu's lucky charm turns out to be his first fan letter, which is from MC. He have treasured that letter ever since he got it.
TOP 5: Aoi Shirafuji, BUM & Partheno, SCM
I couldn't choose one, so I grouped two together lol
I know Butler Until Midnight and Star Crossed Myth are discontinued.. which is really sad bcs those two used to be my favorite game, after kbtbb. I wished Butler Until Midnight would at least continue until their wedding route was released. But that didn't come true 😭😭😭.
Treating MC like a princess: Both Aoi and Partheno, treats mc like a princess, often by going with what she wants to do. Or acting as a prince, to make mc feel like she is a princess. In Partheno's sequel, partheno wakes mc up with a kiss, within the line of "princess cannot be awaken without a kiss from the prince". In several Aoi's substories, such as One year servitude and tropical, he has shown MC 'princely' side of his (saying stuff like mc is his private princess, calling mc adorable, etc).
Devotion: Aoi and Partheno both had an issue of not knowing the definition of 'trust'. Aoi, brainwashed by his family, only knew about reviving his family's amusement park. Partheno never experienced 'trust' because gods/goddesses knew he was 'different'. After meeting mc and falling in love with her, now that they experienced 'trust', they both would have NO problem doing anything for MC, as long as she doesn't lose her smile/happiness.
Not afraid to tell public that they are dating: In Aoi's Afternoon temptation, he introduces mc to his parents and his parents suggests that he should bring mc to future parties, as his date. At the party, he surprises his friends by telling them that MC is his girlfriend. He also had no trouble showing love to mc in public. This is similar with Partheno. He has no problem showing affection in public.
I think this wraps up my list... I probably have more reasons why I like those characters but I cant think any LOL.
Still sad about Butler Until Midnight 😭😭
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