#guess I’m not playin today
weaselle · 3 months
actually after adding this story to another post i got so mad i'm making it a separate post
when i was a kid in a musical production of Peter Pan I got a largish role which was awesome, but i was already self conscious about my voice and during rehearsals for one of the songs the director came up onto the stage squinting like he had a mouth full of lemon juice and stalked up and down in front of us until finally he zeroed in on me and had us all stop singing and then had just me alone sing a couple lines and nodded and said "yeah, you don't sing anymore, just mouth the words silently" and then told the kids on either side of me to sing a little louder to cover it...
and no amount of knowing logically that he was wrong for doing that has helped me overcome my fear of singing in front of people after that
and there have been some other times people (looking at you, mother) have said things to similar effect
the real hell of it is, i'm like... i have a lot of songs in me. i'm constantly writing original songs that i'm too afraid to sing for anyone
here are a few. they each have a specific melody.. I wish you could hear them
i don't feel like complainin' 'bout my life today and i ain't got a lot to brag about so i'm just usin' this music to keep movin' and i don't mind if i'm a part of your show so look at life all over and it can be rough if gettin' is your goal you won't get enough but i got me and i'm free an' warm spinnin' and grinnin' in the eye of the storm
i don't need to be winnin' while i'm gamin' and i don't feel like a losin' man no winnin' or losin' i guess that leaves playin' and i don't mind if i'm a part of your band
they say this race of rats is crazy it's dog eat dog they need a sheep to be a workhorse and go whole hog well i'm no genius most of the time but at least i can be nobody's fool but mine
at least i can be! nobody's fool but mine
I don’t care … I don’t care if this minute is our last you can bet I’ll be living it before I let it past
Plan in command like a band with a marching tune, dooming our duo when you go embarking soon, damn I’m just glad that we had this hot interlude, hoping we’ll pause and not stop ‘cause I’m into you! checking the phone when alone for the text – that gives me this feeling I’m reeling I’m blessed – the sex is appealing for real but the rest of the sum of your parts makes my heart beat its chest
I don’t care … I don’t care if this minute is our last you can bet I’ll be loving it before I let it past
a decade ago we met lost and were friends christened our roads and then crossed them again we played and we dated like it ain’t a thing but lately our hook-up is more than a fling the two of us truly unduly effected - direction of goals that we hold gonna wreck it but check it I’m with it I’m livin’ it reckless to be where you’re breathin’ is leavin’ me breathless
I don’t care … I don’t care if this minute is our last you can bet I’ll be loving you before I let it past
I went to bed lonely, found waking I’d only held dreams of you… In Dreamland I dwelt, but those feelings I felt still seem so true… I dreamt you still wanted me, that’s what’s still haunting me deep in my heart… though awake I believe in the many good reasons we’re keeping apart…
I cry diamonds! I weep songs of may never be I cry gemstones! each one a good memory each action taken, all of the fine bad and more I’d never trade them, these tears are my dragon’s hoard
I’m happy to see you, I knew that would be true our love never could end… I would swear an oath, this is best for us both and you’re still my good friend… but some nights my soul just doesn’t feel whole when I’m not by your side… so I add to and hold, all the jewels and the gold that I’ve already cried…
I cry diamonds! I weep songs of may never be I cry gemstones! each one a good memory each action taken, all of the fine bad and more I’d never trade them, these tears are my dragon’s hoard
So I’ll seek out adventure, eventually enter a time. when. I… leave this treasure heap, spread my wings and leap into the sky… I’ve dreams I believe in but please know that even when I. reach. them… I’ll visit these memories, loving and tenderly holding each gem..
I cry diamonds! I weep songs of may never be I cry gemstones! each one a good memory each action taken, all of the fine bad and more I’d never trade them…
these tears are my dragon’s hoard
i wanna go off… i’ll go on the run- i wanna go big… go off like a gun they tell me come on just do as i’m told stop dreaming of hot find joy in this cold but i want the heat (oh yes) i want to feel warm! don’t want to repeat (this mess) don’t want to conform
still i pay my taxes i jump through the hoops it never relaxes: life lived in a loop
I want to go off… go off like a gun! a bright shooting star- as hot as the sun
my best my best is what i give i never rest i never live but i don’t die i try to grip this liquid life inside my fist is this a test what must i learn if this is hell oh well i’ll burn and use my body as a meal is this what godly beings feel?
so come the worst i’ll curse and taaaake it if i don’t try this life is waaaaasted I’ll struggle puzzled cold and naaaaaaked and hold to hope that i will maaaake it and if i don’t then may my bones out in the garden over-grown be turned into some little home for those as lost and as alone
the stars all wheel over head it’s always heal or be dead i must i know let go of dread and trust my questing steps instead
the day will play and i will daaaance it i’ll set my bet down and i’ll chaaaaance it with danger hurtful flirt romaaaaaaantic make my own wish, insist i graaaaant it
my best my best is what i give i never rest but do i live still i don’t die i try to grip this liquid life inside my fist…
i said i'm a tramp hobo and bum an' one mean son an' that's okay i said i'm a tramp i know but lovin' keeps on comin' my-y way
some times i'm just a drifter who's down on his luck but a smile from the Lady tips my own lips up!
down and out i ain't got nothin' but my laugh and my tough an' my-y name down and out my main skill bluffin' it's enough in thi-is game
my rhymes are just a whistle i'm hummin' along but with some help from the Lady i can sing this song!
maybe i'll find a singer or some musicians to partner up with
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sunwarmed-ash · 2 months
Heyoooo Happy Monday!
Did yall read last nights Sinful Sunday update? its here if you didn't get a chance yet!
I also got tagged by @lizzy0305 for WIP Wednesday Monday!
Detroit Become Human, Hurt/Comfort, Sad Gavin Reed, HankCon established, previous Hankvin, eventual Hankconvin
My love language is misery: (Ch 3 preview)
It's silent in the car since Connor and Hank left the station to go check on Gavin.  According to Detective Chen, the younger Detective had left work shortly after their ‘interaction’ outside the breakroom. Mentioning something about needing a change of clothes before walking out. Hank and Connor were quick to follow him out the doors and Connor’s earlier worry only compounded the longer they traveled.  “To answer your question from earlier, about me and Gavin having a relationship. sorta.”  “Sorta how?” Connor asks, needing to know everything to sort out a best course of action to help Gavin.  Hank exhales through his nose and keeps his eyes forward out the windshield.  “Before everything went to shit, and before me and Annie got together again. When we were both young and single, and fuckin’ everythin’ that moved… We hooked up, few times. But I thought- He never mentioned…” Hank huffs a little, struggling to find the right words, “I didn't think it was more than that… Always thought we were just playin’ but, what he said yesterday… haven't been able to get it out of my head since.” Connor analyzes Hank's increase in blood pressure and stress and places his hand on Hank’s knee in comfort.  “What did he say?”  Hank takes one hand off the steering wheel to squeeze it before returning his hand to its previous position on the wheel.  “That I only want him when I can’t have him. Specifically, when I’m already with someone else. I don't know, I guess, now that I look back and think about it, I can see why he said it. I’ve never been very good at maintaining personal ‘relationships.’” “I don't know, I'd say this relationship is going quite well,” Connor smiles. It eases enough of the tension hanging in the car and Hank chuckles.  “Yeah, I think that’s sorta the problem.” “He perceives me as a threat,” Connor interprets. “Big time.” “I see.” “We’ve always had a, complicated, relationship, Gav and I. But he's got some of his own additional demons on board. I think that might be what’s fucking him up now. Especially since uh, we aren't doing to much to hide our relationship at work.” “Yes, perhaps we have been playing a little ‘fast and loose’ with that line,” Connor agrees.  “Mmm,” Hank agrees. A few moments of silence pass in the car and then Connor has to ask,  “What happened to him?” Hank’s next exhale is obviously conflicted.  “Can’t tell ya that, I’m afraid. Sorry Con. It's his business, nothing personal. I just wouldn't feel right.” “I understand,” Connor says, because he does. No unintended subtext. PTSD is something Connor is intimately familiar with now, and he wants to come across as non threatening as possible tonight. “Are there any general things I should be aware of? I don't want to unintentionally set off an attack.”  “Just, follow my lead. And let him come to you. When he’s dissociating, he can’t always see what's going on in front of him.” More pieces slid into place for Connor with that confession.  “Like this morning, in the breakroom.” “Yeah, exactly.” It’s quiet another moment and then Connor says,  “He’s lucky to have someone like you Hank,” because he means it. Gavin doesn’t have a lot of friends at the DPD thanks to his almost 24/7 sour mood. And after today, he could probably use one.  Hank scoffs a little disbelievingly at Connor’s praise but meets him in the middle with,   “Yeah well, hopefully we can at least convince him to accept our help.”
@sweeteatercat @treeffles @disdaidal @tradedsymmetry @covenscribe @advictoriams @negative-citadel @writerwhowritesao3 and anyone else who wants to!! Have a great day everyone, I'm gonna try and get some sun today!
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thecooleralessa · 2 years
For Mommy. (⁠◍⁠•⁠ᴗ⁠•⁠◍⁠)
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pairing ; little!elvis presley x y/n (reader)
warnings ; age regression; a lot of cuddles, kisses and fluffy; safe for work (sfw); age regressed elvis; fem!reader; probably some grammatical mistakes.
author notes ; i imagined the real elvis presley while writing, but you can imagine austin!elvis if you want to, that's totally okay. don't even waste your time if you don't like/support age regression, and please don't comment mean things, i won't even hear ya. english is not my first language so i sincerely apologize for any mistakes, but please be kind. i'm used to write with feminine readers, but i'll try my best in the future so i can bring up gender neutral and masculines readers :). this one is short but i'd love to write more with little!elvis, just tell me what you guys think. requests are always open, ask me anything if you want. big thanks to azriel for the headcanons he did on twitter, it gave me a lot of inspiration, thank you! guess that's all, so thank you and good reading! 🤍
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the most famous man that had walked on earth, elvis presley, had tried to hide being little from you — he really, really tried. but his plan didn't work as he wanted to, specially when he met you. you've been closer and closer each day, always talking about everything anytime, it didn’t take so long for both of you become engaged to each other.
you already suspected that elvis was little; he could acted childish sometimes, putting random things on his mouth, asking for cuddles and comfort nonstop. you didn't care at all, because you've love to take care of him since the beginning, but you always knew there was something a little more that he was scared of sharing. one night you simply asked him if he was little. you never saw him so nervous.
“baby, look at me,” you grasped his chin and tilted it up, his eyes were getting watery. “it’s okay. i would love to take care of you. you’re my baby.”
he smiled weakly, closing his eyes to enjoy the attention you were gaving to his cheeks, making circles with your thumbs at his skin. “you’re sure? you don’t... don’t find it strange? or gross?”
“no, baby,” you assured him. “i would never find it strange, or gross. never, baby.”
“thank you,” he opened his eyes, looking at you with a relaxed expression. “you’ll have to take care of me all the time now, y’know that?” he smiled.
“i know,” you answered, giving him a kiss on the cheek. “i’d be more than happy to become your mommy.”
he smile became bigger, and he giggled as he hugged you. “thank you then, mommy,” he muffled against your skin. you smiled as you pat his head.
now it's been a couple of months you had known elvis is a little. you never minded it — actually, you were more than happy to take care of him. he is and would always be your everything, and you knew how much he needed you, so it was the bare minimum, and you loved to do it anyway. however, elvis would just... test your patience sometimes. you knew that he did it for attention, negative or positive.
“baby, it’s bedtime,” you calmly protested. “you need to rest so you can do your best tomorrow. i don’t my baby to feel tired.”
“i don’ wan to,” he spat back. “i wanna play mor!“
you softly grabbed his hands, looking at him. “my sweet angel, you need to organize your toys, change into your pajamas and sleep, baby. don’t you wanna sleep with mommy?” you softly asked him.
“no!” he shoots. “and yu can’ tell me wha to do!”
your soft expression was quickly destroyed; with a now sad face, you sighed as you took his toys away from him to put in inside the big wooden box.
“mommy, no! i was playin’!” he protested. “give it bak!”
“no baby, i’m not giving it to you.” you answered as you locked the wooden box. “for some reason, you’ve doing an attitude all today, little one. you’ve been really mean to mommy, you hurt mommys’ feelings.” you looked at him dead serious.
and suddenly, you saw elvis’s bottom lip tremble. he crawled to you and hugged you tight. “‘m sowwy mommy, i didn’ mean to hurt you!” you quickly realized that all he wanted was just attention. maybe he just wanted to spent more time with you. you smiled as you hugged him back, your hand doing circles on his back.
“it’s okay, baby, it’s okay,” you kissed his cheek.
“will behave mysef,” he sobbed. “i wanna sleep with mommy.”
“thank you, baby. you’re such a good boy,” you said as you booped his nose and dryed his tears. “the bestest boy a mommy could ask for. c’mon, let’s change your clothes, little one.”
you held his hand and helped him to get up. you both went upstairs in silence. you could see how sleepy elvis was by just looking at his face. you both entered the room and elvis immediately sat on the bed, his head looking heavy.
“are you sleepy, little dove?” you asked.
“hmm, no...” he answered, you chuckled in response. you started searching for his pajamas on the wardrobe.
“oooh, i found something interesting!” you said. you could hear him moving in the bed, trying to see what you got. you turned around and walked in his direction, showing him his favorite pair of pajamas, colored with pink and velvet. the second you showed it to him, he smiled big. he grabbed the clothes, looking at you. “those are ma favorite, mommy! i love it so much!”
“i know, baby,” you said with a smile. you loved seeing him happy. “but you remember what you said before, right? that you’re gonna change and sleep with mommy?” just to mess with him you trickle his tummy, making him laugh out loud.
“yes, mommy!” he said between the laughs. “i p’omised yu!”
“my good boy,” you kissed his forehead, massaging his cheeks with your hands. “i’ll take your shoes off.” you announced, kneeling on the ground as starting to take his shoes, leaving them aside. you were about to take off his socks, but he didn't let you. “what’s wrong, baby? you wanna stay with your socks?”
he nodded. “‘s cold.”
“it’s okay, baby. you look cute with them anyways.” you said as you started tickling his feet, making him laugh again. you stood up from the ground, looking at him once again. “may i change you?” you asked, receiving a nod. “okay baby, hands up, please.” you proceed to calmly pull off his shirt, and then his pants. his top and bottom were quickly replaced by his favorite pajamas. he looked adorable. “is it comfy, baby?”
he nodded, suddenly lifting his arms in your direction. “hug me, mommy?”
“of course, baby,” you hugged him tightly and filled him with kisses, making him giggle in response. you lay on the bed with him, quickly putting the blanket over him as you hugged him tight.
“mommy,” he called you. “can yu read a ’istory for me before bed time?”
“of course, baby.” you put him in a comfy position, letting him sleep with his head on your arm while being close to your chest. your mouth was close to his forehead, so you left a kiss there behind. your hands rubbed his back, and then his hair, giving him a lot of love.
“once upon a time,” you started. “there was a greek king named midas.”
elvis giggled. “funny name.” you chuckled with him, kissing his forehead before continuing.
“he was very rich and had lots of gold. he had a daughter, who he loved a lot. one day, midas found an angel in need of help. he helped her and in return she agreed to grant a wish. midas wished that everything he touched would turn into gold. his wish was granted. on his way home...” you stopped suddenly when you heard elvis’s heavy breathing. you observed his chest going up and down calmly, smiling like a fool. “if i was midas,” you whispered, even knowing he wouldn't hear you. “i would wish that i could have you in my arms forever.”
you kissed his forehead, whispering a “good night”, and closed your eyes. you both were tired, so it didn't take so long for you to fall asleep.
bright in early next morning, thr sun peeped through a window, illuminating the room in its pearly glow. the strip of the winter sun warmed your feet as you slowly open your eyes, feeling dizzy for a second because of the sudden light.
“baby?” you softly shaked elvis, placing a kiss on his cheek. “it’s already morning, sunshine. time to get up.”
elvis grunted as he slowly opened his eyes. he turned to face you, but his expression scared you; he looked sad and tired.
“my sweet baby, what's wrong?” you asked as your fingers fixed his messy hair,
“tired,” he said. “not gettin up.”
“are you feeling little, love?” you asked. he answered with a nod. “and how little are you feeling today?”
elvis thought for a minute before holding up two fingers on each hand indicating he was four.
“my sweet little angel,” you kissed his forehead. “do you want to sleep more?” you asked. elvis nodded while he buried his face into your neck. you let your fingers run though his messy black hair, knowing how much he loved being pat.
“no tell anyone, mommy, kay?” he muffed against your skin. “prewwy p’ease?”
“i won’t baby, i promise,” you assured him as you truly smiled about how adorable he was. but you really wouldn't let him get up from now; he needed to rest and you knew it. no man, be it his father or even colonel, would take your baby off bed.
“i lov you, mommy,” he held you tightly. “thank yu.”
“i love you too, baby,” you kissed his forehead. “rest well, sweetie. i won’t let you go. never.”
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the-himawari · 1 year
A3! Troupe Event Translation - Journey to the Colours (1/11)
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*Please read disclaimer on blog; default name set as Izumi
*flashback starts*
Kumon: …
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Yamaguchi: …What’re you doing squatting down over there?
Kumon: It’s just… we could’ve won today’s game for sure. If only I didn’t mess up in the bottom of the 7th inning…
Yamaguchi: That wasn’t your fault, y’know? Geez, don’t sweat it. —.
*flashback ends*
Kumon: It’s been a while since I’ve been to a batting cage. I can’t wait.
Azami: You went last week, didn’t you?
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Kumon: It’s been six days. That’s a long time!
Azami: How? Anyways, baseball’s fine and all, but play soccer with me too. I feel like we’re always just playin’ baseball every time.
Kumon: No prob! I’ll go anytime! …Huh?
Azami: What’s up?
Kumon: This poster…
Azami: Huh. They’re renovating the sports ground? You practiced there durin’ your baseball club days, right?
Kumon: Yeah… I see. Renovations, huh?
Azami: Well, it’s a sports ground so it won’t change that much. I bet they’ll just switch the lights or netting or somethin’.
Kumon: Good point…
Kumon: I sure am starving. I wonder what’s for dinner tonight?
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Azami: Who’s in charge again today?
Kumon: I think it was Omi-san!
Azami: It’s hard to predict since his repertoire is so wide.
Kumon: If it was Director, then there’s only one possible answer~.
*footsteps approach*
Izumi: Ah. Welcome home, you two.
Tsuzuru: Welcome back.
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Kumon: We’re back!
Azami: Were you two out shoppin’?
Tsuzuru: I ran into Director while I was on my way back after visiting home.
Izumi: I asked him to lend me a hand with the shopping.
Kumon: We’ll help hold the bags too!
Izumi: Thanks.
Tsuzuru: Great, that’s a load off.
Kumon: Hold on. Are you tired, Tsuzuru-san?
Tsuzuru: My little brothers were playing a little too aggressively.
Azami: What kinda aggressive games are elementary school kids playin’?
Tsuzuru: We were playing Journey to the West. Apparently, they watched a rerun of the anime recently and got hooked on it. I was forced to play two roles, Kinkaku and Ginkaku, and they requested that each of them gets defeated in a flashy way…
Izumi: Those sound like pretty tough roles.
Kumon: Journey to the West? Like Son Goku, right? I copied a manga I read a long time ago by using a curtain rod as a magic staff and swinging it around~.
Azami: I feel like you’d do that even now.
Kumon: Yeah, I bet it’d also be fun doing that now!
Tsuzuru: Let’s act together next time then.
Kumon: Ahaha. I’m down~!
Kazunari: …
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Kumon: We’re home.
Kazunari: Welcome back~… ooh, this is a pretty rare party!
Kumon: We happened to meet up and get together!
Azami: We look like such a random group.
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Kumon: What’re you up to, Kazu-san?
Kazunari: Just some work that was commissioned~.
Kumon: Work!? That’s so cool!
Kazunari: After the public exhibition, I started getting work offers here and there. I’ve been taking them to gain more experience. These type of work connections are gonna be important from here on out as I aim to become a UMC~.
Kumon: Come to think of it, didn’t you say that you also have assignments, Kazu-san?
Kazunari: I mean, yeah~. I’m taking it easy since you don’t go to school all that often after entering fourth year. I guess I have to get around to those though. Director-chan, can I use the storage room for work for the next lil while?
Izumi: That’s totally fine, but I think it’s about time to start thinking about Summer troupe’s play. I ask for your cooperation with that too. Well, I’m sure you’ll be fine. You’ve always done lots of other things in tandem with your rehearsals and performances.
Kazunari: You know it. It’ll work out, so no worries!
Azami: Right. It’s that time of the year already, eh?
Tsuzuru: Continuing from Spring Troupe with Chikage-san, the lead for Summer troupe will be Kumon, right?
Izumi: Yeah. That’s right.
Kumon: It’s my first lead in a long time. I’m so excited~!
Tsuzuru: Do you have any sort of request or theme you’d like to do?
Kumon: Eh!? Asking me so suddenly…!
Tsuzuru: Anything you want to do is fair game.
Kumon: Mmm… AH! In that case, I wanna try out some cool action!
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Izumi: Oh yeah, you said something along those lines when you said you wanted to join Autumn troupe at first.
Kumon: Yep! Something exciting and adventurous would be sick~!
Tsuzuru: Noted.
Izumi: Even if there’s action, it’ll turn into a Summer troupe-like play as long as you add comedic elements.
Tsuzuru: I’ll give it some thought.
Kumon: Azami, since you’re going to be the lead in Autumn troupe’s next show, you should also start thinking about your request now!
Azami: It’s way too early for that, don’tcha think?
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polyphonical · 3 months
Dragon's Head - True Intentions and Stances - Chapter 2
[ View on site for better experience♪ ]
Location: Starmony Dorms (Common Room)
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〈A few days later〉
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Tetora: Aahh…! Uwaah, don’t go that way, main character!
There’s a monster with a clenched fist that got sealed up a thousand years ago! As soon as you go over there, it’s gonna put a buncha holes all over your body ssu!
It’s not too late to turn back! MAIN CHARACTEEEEEEER!
―― Hm? Did I get a message on my phone ssu?
Wah, I got distracted by my phone and the movie kept playin’! Hold on, lemmie pause it…
Ugh, who is it? I was in the middle of really interestin’ part…
Wait, it’s from Anego? What is it? I wasn’t supposed to be workin’ today.
Umm. “Good work today. There is an urgent meeting about the matter we discussed the other day. Do you have time today?”?
The thing we talked about the other day was… the weekly magazine? Well, I guess I’ll find out if that’s it once I get there. Umm... “I’m… on… my way… ssu…” [1] …there.
Sigh… I guess I’ll just leave the rest of this movie for another day huh~.
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Location: Starmony Dorms (Exterior)
Tetora: Oh? Over there isーー
He~y! Taishou~!
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Kuro: Hm? Aah, it’s Tetsu. What a coincidence.
Tetora: Ossu! Where are you headin’ to ssu?
Kuro: Ah. Well, I’m supposed to be representin’ Hasumi, but I got called to ES by the Lil’ miss and Tenshouin. I’m on my way now.
Tetora: Ehh, you too, Taishou? I’m also on my way to ES ssu. Anego just called me.
Kuro: What, so we’re goin’ to the same place? Then, let’s walk there together.
Tetora: Ossu!
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Tetora: ………♪
Kuro: What is it? Ya seem to be in a good mood. Somethin’ good happen?
Tetora: Hehe, I was just thinkin’ that it’s been a while since we walked together like this~ that’s all.
Kuro: Hm?
Tetora: See, Taishou already graduated from school, right? We haven’t been able to walk home together after club activities ssu.
Plus, even when we end up workin' together, we always end up leavin’ by ourselves.
That’s why I was happy to be able to walk with you like this ssu……♪
Kuro: Hahah, now that ya say it, that’s definitely true. Tetsu used to follow me around a lot at school.
Tetora: Ou, hey, T-Taishou!? Stop, don’t mess up my hair like that~!
Kuro: Haha. Hey, we shouldn’t keep the Lil’ miss and Tenshouin waitin’. Let’s go to ES, Tetsu.
Tetora: Ossu! Let’s go!
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Location: Meeting Room
Tomoya: Ah, Tetora and Kiryuu-senpai. Good work today.
Kuro: Oops, were ya waitin’ for us to come? Sorry for bein’ late.
Tetora: Really sorry for makin’ you wait ssu!
Eichi: Don’t worry about it. We were the ones who called you over so suddenly.
Tomoya: Plus, we only just got here ourselves, so please don’t worry about it.
Kuro: ‘s that so. And? Why’d ya call us all out here on such short notice?
Eichi: Anzu-chan, could you hand out those printed copies to everyone?
Tetora: Hmm? What’s this for ssu? It looks like a bunch of comments from SNS……
Eichi: That’s correct. It’s a collection of the fans’ opinions after reading that weekly magazine that was brought up a couple days ago.
Tetora: The weekly magazine?
Ah, Taishou. The thing about the weekly magazine wasーー
Kuro: Aah, no need to explain. Hasumi explained that to me a bit. That was the thing that had a bunch of complicated stuff goin’ around, right?
But I thought Tenshouin and the Lil’ miss said not to worry ‘bout it since it wasn’t that big of a deal?
Eichi: We did, but…
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Tomoya: Uwaah. What is this…
Tetora: ? What’s the matter, Tomoya-kun?
Tomoya: The fans seem really upset. There’s a bunch of really rough feedback…
Tetora: Eehh!?
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Eichi: Yes. It seems I underestimated how much this issue would affect our fans.
Apparently, fans of idols from various agencies got into a dispute over the content of the article. The situation ended up causing a flame war.
It seemed to have been over something small at the beginning. But now, it sparked into something that goes beyond what the article in the weekly magazine was talking about.
In the span of a few days, the situation has quickly spiraled out of control.
Good grief… I truly was not expecting this. I never thought the fans would get this upset about something we decided wasn’t a big deal…
Tetora: But won’t this just go away after a while?
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Eichi: You would think so. But at the rate that this is going, it’s going to take a very long time for this to settle down.
This goes past disputes over the contents of the article. The fans are even bringing up past grievances. At this point, they’re just lashing out at each other.
Of course, both agencies have decided that we cannot overlook this situation.
I called everyone here to ask you to brainstorm ideas on ways we can improve the image for our respective offices.
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Tetsu is just saying his message out loud as he types it
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Diabolik Lovers LOST EDEN ー Yuma Maniac [03]
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ー The scene starts in the Ghouls’ manor
Yui: Yeah...! I guess it looks a little neater like this.
( I wouldn’t want Yuma-kun to see me with my hair being a mess... )
ー Yuma walks up to her
Yuma: ...What’s this ‘bout me?
Yui: ( Eh? ...Did I say that out loud just now...!? )
Yuma: Anyway, I was wonderin’ what took ya so long, but ya were playin’ ‘round with yer hair?
ー He ruffles her hair again
Yui: Ah...! I just spent so much time styling it...!!
Yuma: What’s the point in tryin’ to keep yer hair fancy in a dirty place like this?
Don’t waste yer time on useless shit.
→ How could you, Yuma-kun! (S)
Yui: How could you, Yuma-kun!
Yuma: ...Aah?
Yui: Well...I just wanted you to think of me as pretty, that’s all...
I tried my hardest to style it...
Yuma: I really don’t give a damn whether yer hair is nicely brushed or looks like a mess. 
Honestly, it’s too much trouble to pay attention to that shit. 
Yui: ( He doesn’t have to put it like that... )
→ Right... (M)
Yui: ( I guess...He does have a point. )
( Yuma-kun doesn’t really care about that sort of thing...So perhaps it was all a wasted effort. )
Yuma: ...What’s with that face? Got a problem with what I said? 
Yui: ...Oh no! It’s just...
I guess I wanted you to think that my hair looked pretty.
( That’s rather...selfish of me, isn’t it? )
Yuma: Rather than yer hairーー
ー He moves closer
*Rustle rustle* 
Yuma: It’s much more important to me whether or not I get to indulge in yer blood.
Yui: Ah...
Yuma: Hehe, yer blood tastes delicious today.
Yui: Y-Yuma-kun...Your fangs...They’re in way too deep...! 
Yuma: Can’t ya tell I’m doin’ it on purpose? Nn...
Yui: Aah...!
*Rustle rustle* 
Yuma: As always, you’re a natural at seducin’ me. As to be expected of my Sow...
Yui: S-Seduce...? I’m not...!
Yuma: But you’ve been doin’ that this whole time, haven’t ya? Dollin’ up for me and sayin’ all that cute shit...
Yui: ( ...! Did he call me ‘cute’ just now...!? )
Yuma-kun, say that one more tiーー
*Rustle rustle* 
Yuma: ...Did ya say somethin’? I couldn’t hear ya at all...Better speak a lil’ louder...
Yui: ( Geez...! I bet he knows I could never say this out loud! )
Yuma: Nn...Haah...Nnh...!
Yui: Ah...!!
Yuma: Hehe. You’re so easy to figure out. Does it feel that good? 
Yui: ...!
Yuma: In that case...I’ll bite all of yer sweet spots.
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jewwyfeesh · 7 months
Recollections And Heartfelt Wishes 4
Writer: Mitsuki
Character(s): Oogami Koga, Kiryu Kuro, Nito Nazuna, Otogari Adonis, Mashiro Tomoya
Translated by: stcrfeesh
CN/EN Proof by: jewwyfeesh
Nazuna: You don’t wanna scare the kids away, right? Why don’t you try dressing up as a mascot?
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Season: Summer Location: Amusement Park Stage
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Koga: Whew… Playin’ the entire mornin’s pretty tiring too, huh. I mean, I’m not hungry, since I bought snacks while I was at it. I just need to look for a place to rest, that’s all.
Adonis: Hm. This place sells quality meat, I could already smell the fragrance from a mile away. I couldn’t help but want to try them all…
All the rides here are pretty interesting too. Whether it’s an adult or a child, anyone would enjoy it.
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Oogami, thanks for inviting me here today.
Koga: Man, what are you even thankin’ me for~ ‘Sides, Kiryu-senpai gave me these tickets, and I don’t wanna be ungrateful, so let’s have some fun today, a’ight?
Lemme take a look at the map… right now, we’re probably near the stage area. There clearly ain’t any performances goin’ on up there, but a bunch of people are all gathered ‘round.
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Adonis: Really…? But there’s nothing on the brochure about any performances being held at this time either. Could there be a different event?
Nazuna: …… ♪
Adonis: Huh? That guy below the stage distributing flyers to people, isn’t that Nito-senpai?
There’s a group of kids playing with the mascot next to him too. They seem like they’re having fun.
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Koga: Well, no shit… We should probably go there and greet senpai, but it looks like that guy’s busy. He might not have the time to entertain us.…?
Why’s that mascot walking towards us? Could it be that someone else from Ra*bits is wearin’ that mascot?
Adonis: Based on the height of that thing, I wouldn’t say it could be…
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Kuro: Phew… I could finally take a breather… this thing’s pretty hot to be in if you wear it for too long.
Oh, Oogami, Otogari, are the both of you havin’ fun?
Adonis: Kiryu-senpai…?
Koga: Huh… I already guessed that you’d probably show up today, but I didn’t think you’d show up like this, in a mascot… I think it’s a fresh look on you.
Kuro: Haha, ya think so? To be honest, I never thought that I’d be dressin’ up as a mascot at an amusement park either.
[An hour ago.]
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Nazuna: Kuro-chin! Thanks for watching us perform today! I immediately spotted you from the crowd earlier, you know~
Kuro: Haha, you guys did great today, Nito. Who knew it would suit Ra*bits to perform at an amusement park? The atmosphere instantly became lively, even.
Nazuna: Well, we did practise for hours so we could do well on this gig. Just being able to see everyone with the biggest smiles on their faces, is already the best reward we could receive ♪
Tomoya: Nii~chan! Uhm, uh… could I talk to you about something for a sec?
So, you see, when I went to meet with the amusement park’s staff earlier, they asked us for an extension with promoting the special event they’ll be hosting this Summer since our performance earlier garnered a good response from the audience, and all.
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The thing is, Hajime and Mitsuru won’t be able to stay any longer since they still have work scheduled for later. I was sceptical about accepting the job, cause what if it would be too much for just you and me to handle…
Nazuna: Hm… This side of the park is much more crowded compared to anywhere else, so it might not be doable if it’s just us both…
Though, this could also be a great opportunity to promote Ra*bits… We also attracted a bunch of people that could be potential fans during our performance earlier. If this is the case, then it would be better to go with the flow of things.
It might be difficult, yeah, but if we give it our all—
Kuro: Ah, I more or less understand your predicament. Your issue here is that you lack manpower. Let me help you out, then.
Nazuna: Huh? No way! How could I possibly make you do that? I invited you here to have fun, not get you to work with me!
Kuro: You don’t have to worry about that. I could visit the amusement park anytime if I wanted to. What isn’t acceptable is turnin’ a blind eye to a friend who’s clearly in need.
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Nazuna: Well, if you say so… thanks, Kuro-chin! Uhuu, I really don’t know how else to properly thank you…!
Kuro: Haha, ‘sno problem. Anyways, why don’t ya tell me what needs to be done?
Tomoya: I already talked things through with the staff, would you mind if we did things like this?
Kiryu-senpai, you and I would be stationed at the opposite ends of the plaza distributing balloons, and then Nii~chan who’s got more experience with this will handle the distribution of flyers and answer any follow-up questions the people might have about the event.
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Kuro: A’ight, roger that. Don’t worry, I’ve got this.
Nazuna: Everything’s settled, then! Let’s do our best, everyone ♪
Kuro: (Usin’ balloons for promotion… that does make sense. After all, kids would probably prefer cute things like these over a flyer.)
(If that’s the case, then it shouldn’t be a problem to strike up a conversation first, would it?)
Hey there, bud. This blue balloon’s for ya, I hope you have lots of fun today.
…Oi, don’t run backwards! You might… fall…
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Nazuna: Kuro-chin, you don’t seem to be into this… Don’t force yourself, okay?
Kuro: …Sorry, Nito. I don’t think ‘m suitable for this type of job after all…
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I really tried my best to put on the kindest smile I could muster, but in the end, no one wanted a balloon from me… Hell, I even scared a kid to tears.
His parents assured me and said t’was all good, but I still couldn’t help but feel awful.
Nazuna: No, no, you don’t have to feel bad, you did nothing wrong. It’s actually my fault for not thinking things through…
(No, I won’t have it! I can’t let Kuro-chin leave here with a bad memory! He’s the kindest, most gentle guy I know… how can I make everyone else see that…?)
…I’ve got it! We could try that!
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You don’t wanna scare the kids away, right? Why don’t you try dressing up as a mascot?
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Kuro: So that’s how I ended up lookin’ like this.
A’ight, I should probably go back to help ‘em out. It’s still quite early, you guys should go around and enjoy the park.
Adonis: Are you really going to be alright, Kiryu-senpai? You’ve barely even rested.
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Kuro: Haha, don’t underestimate my strength, buddy. This thing’s got nothin’ on the intense trainin’ I always do.
Though, I dunno what’s goin’ on Mashiro’s end, he seems to have more balloons left to give away. I’ll try to check up on him and help him out in a bit.
Koga: Oi! If it’s manpower you need, then you already should’ve just said so! I literally have nothin’ else to do!
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Promotin’ shit’s a piece of cake to me! Either way, me just acceptin’ those tickets from ya, ain’t sittin’ right with me.
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Adonis: Oogami’s right. Many hands do make light work, after all. Besides, I want to help senpai out too, so please leave this to me.
Kuro: Haha, you guys are pretty insistent, huh. Well, if you guys really insist, follow me.
← Chapter 3 | ES x LC Masterlist | Chapter 5 →
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jerseygirllll · 1 year
bittersweet cherries I e.m CHAPTER 7
previous chapter
couple: eddie munson x aurora henderson (OC)
word count: 1k
summary: eddie and rory are caught sorta by dustin, hellfire meeting and a sweet phone call
a/n: a short chapter, sorry!
Bright and early on Saturday morning, Dustin was eating cereal in the kitchen, waiting for Eddie to pick him up. All the members of Hellfire agreed to meet up early in the morning to allow as much time as needed for the campaign's ending. It had been going on for two months, and everyone was on the edge of life in the game. 
“Dusty-bun, you sure you don’t want something else to eat?” 
“I’m all good, mom.” He reassured her once again. He left the now-empty bowl in the sink and returned to his room to ensure everything he needed was packed in his backpack. His own set of dice, just in case, a variety of snacks, and some drinks. Tossing in a few quarters in one of the pockets. 
“Where is he?!” Checking his watch and seeing that it was almost nine o’clock worried him because that was when everyone was supposed to meet at the school. 
“Hey, Rory, have you heard from- Oh!” Dustin opened the door, cutting himself off when he found the two of you. Eddie and your bodies tangled on your bed, both fast asleep. “Well, that explains it.” 
“Explains what, Dustin?” Your mother questioned. 
“Eddie’s not late picking me up. In fact he was hours early.” Your mom rounded the corner of the hallway to try and see into your room which Dustin had the foot half open too. 
“Oh, well then. I guess I didn’t have to invite him over later. Is this why you guys took so long last at Family Video, you saw Eddie?”
“Sorry. It was a heat of the moment and she decided she couldn’t wait any longer to see him.” She accepted that answer and walked back into the kitchen. Smiling to herself because she knew you’d be happier with Eddie back in your life. 
Dustin looked around your room to try to find something. His eyes locked on one of your old teddy bears sitting on the floor next to your dresser. He picked it up and threw it at you. 
“What the fuck was that?!” Eddies groggy voice broke through the silence in the room. His body shifted a bit and woke you from sleep. 
Another bear bonked your head after you heard Dustin speak up. “It’s almost nine, Eddie. We are late.” He sounded kinda pissed. 
“Oh, shit.” You said in unison. 
Eddie untangles his legs from yours and shuffles off the bed, grabbing his jacket from the floor and rushing out the door with Dustin leading the way. “Meet us when we’re done?” 
“Call me when you guys go for break, and I’ll head over.” Making a deal with him. Eddie shot you a wink and left. You fell back on your bed, still feeling the warmth on the sheets from Eddie's body and warmth rising on your cheeks. 
“Sorry, we’re late children. Nice of you to set up for us.” Eddie thanks them as he walked over to his throne, dusting it off a bit before sitting. 
“Why were you late? You never are.” Gareth questioned. And he was right. Eddie was never late to a Hellfire meeting ever. Always setting up for everyone, making sure all the pieces were place in the right spot. 
“I over slept, that’s all.” Lying through his teeth. But Eddie wasn’t sure what to say honestly. You barely gathered enough courage in your self to go see him and it would be reasonable thst Eddie might wanna keep you to himself for a bit. Having time alone with you after a whole year apart from each other. 
“I believe that but I don’t believe you being late to Hellfire for that reason, dude” Mike chimed. 
“Can we just start playin’? I need to kick Dustin’s ass today.” Dustin rolled his eyes at Eddie’s comment while everyone took their respective seats and got the game started. 
“Lady Applejack, would you be willing to join me in battle?” Dustin asked hopefully. 
“No, sir. I fight battles all by myself, without help. You should try to as well.” Erica claimed shooting Dustin with some attitude. 
The game carried on for a couple of hours before they decided to take a much needed break. Gareths now dead, Eddie’s severely wounded from a very surprising double-point attack on him from Dustin who hadn’t stopped gloating since. 
“I’ll be right back, guys.” Eddie excused himself and walked into the hallway towards the exit. 
Rummaging through his pockets for a quarter until he finds one and pops it into the slot. His fingers move with muscle memory, his whole body does honestly. Calling you during breaks to check in on you or see what you were up to. He really just wanted to hear your voice for a little bit, but would never admit that. 
“Hi, princess.” His voice was a little shaky from adrenaline. 
“Hey, Eds. How is the campaign goin’? You best my brothers ass yet?” A soft laugh was heard over the reciver.
“I swear that kid is up to no good today, Ror. He got a double-point attack and near killed me.”
“Lemme guess, still gloating?” 
“Of course. Little shit is never gonna let me live after this.” 
“What else is new? I’m pissed at him for still throwing a bear at us this morning.” Which is when Eddie remembers last night. 
After climbing through the window of your room, being too desperate to wait to see you until the next day, you guys had fallen asleep. 
Well, you had fallen asleep first. The familiar feeling of Eddie’s arms around your wait, the faint smell of cigarettes and the warmth of the embrace cradled you to sleep almost too fast. Your body reacting to the sleeping conditions you had gotten accustomed to over the years sleeping with Eddie. 
“I’m adding it to the list. But I wanted to call and let you know we should be wrapping up soon after break. If you wanna come by, that is.” Nerves suddenly getting to him. 
“I’ll be there in 15 so I can watch the ending.”
“See you soon, Ror.”
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leaderoffestivals · 2 years
CROSS FIRE: Strength and Strength Ch 2
Kuro: Oi oi, what the hell’s that? Yer ain’t a Mama, yer just ‘playin’ house’, aren’t ya? What’s more, Tetsu’s pride won’t ever allow him to ask fer help like—
Tetora: Mama, please~!
Kuro: that—OI!
Scenario Writer: Kino Seitarou (with Akira) Season: Summer Characters: Kiryu Kuro, Mikejima Madara, Nagumo Tetora, Sazanami Jun, Tomoe Hiyori Proofed by: @ryuseipuka​, Skyress
< The next day. In Ensemble Square, the Dojo.> 
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Kuro: 1, 2, 3, 4… …
… … Whoops. I started countin’ out loud outta habit. 
I just can’t get over the feelin’ of bein’ Captain and soundin’ out the count during warm-up, even when I’m doin’ stretches by myself, huh~ ♪
5, 6, 7, 8… …
(Sound of the door opening.)
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Madara: Yo~, Kuro-san. You’re going aaall out for practice today~ ♪
Kuro: Oh, Mikejima, huh? This is rare. Are you here fer a workout, too? 
Madara: Yup. The scope of my idol activities have been reduced enough as it is. If I don’t show up for Circle activities every once in a while, my existence would really be forgotten, riiight? 
Besides, I don’t have anything better to do right now~. It’s not a bad idea to play to my heart’s content while I still can. 
… … That’s how it is, Kuro-san. Since you’re stretching right now, how about pairing up with me? 
We’ve been training buddies for quite a while now. It must’ve been especially lonely for you when I wasn’t around, right? ♪
Kuro: It’s not like I particularly missed ya or anythin’, but whatever. I’ll accept yer offer of some easy company. 
Would ya mind stickin’ close to my back? I want to give my back muscles a real good stretch. 
Madara: I don’t mind at aaall. Ready, and go… …
Kuro: Ohhhh~, that feels terrific as hell. Just as one would expect from a big guy, like, yer real stable. I’m able to stretch without havin’ to worry. 
Alright, it’s my turn next—
(Sound of door opening again.)
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Tetora: This is terrible, this is just SO TERRIBLE!
Kuro: Hm, Tetsu?
Tetora: AH! Taisho, Mikejima-senpai! It’s great that the both of you are here!
Have you seen this flyer that’s been posted outside the dojo? 
Kuro: Nope, I didn’t notice anythin’ like that… … What’s gotten you so upset about it? 
It can’t be anythin’ that bad, even if it says the Circle’s about to be shut down or somethin’. You don’t have to go gettin’ upset over somethin’ as trivial as a flyer. 
Tetora: Th-that’s true, but errrm… Please take a look at this!
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Madara: What’s this… …? [Recruiting Those With Pride In Their Strength! A Search For The Strongest Man In ES]... …?
The P-Association should be the ones in charge of putting up this ad. It seems to be a job offer of some sort.
Tetora: Yes, that’s right! And the content of this job recruitment is obviously aimed at us from SHIN; in other words, it’s a letter of challenge! We have no choice but to accept it, right?!
Madara: U~mmm. I’m not feeling any attraction whatsoever towards the title of ‘The Strongest Man’, though. 
Tetora: Please don’t say such a thing! The entire pride of SHIN is at stake here, you know~!?
The martial arts Circle SHIN must definitely be the one to win the title of ‘The Strongest Man’! Taisho, you must think so too, right?
Kuro: Me? I ain’t particularly interested either, but… …
Well. Since Tetsu feels so strongly about it, it wouldn’t hurt to go and just hear ‘em out, I guess?
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Tetora: Hooray! As expected of Taisho, you have such an open mind! ☆ And, if you don’t mind, Mikejima-senpai, you definitely have to come join us, please!
I’ve been hearing so much about you from Morisawa-senpai for ages now, but we’ve never had much opportunity to work together. I’d absolutely love to have a chance to do that now!
Madara: Hmm? Aren’t you being unusually pushy about this?
But since you’ve gone and put it like that, I guess there’s just no helping it. If you were to ask me again by saying, “Mama, please~!” in a reeeally sweet voice, perhaps I’ll respond favourably to your request after all?
Kuro: Oi oi, what the hell’s that? Yer ain’t a Mama, yer just ‘playin’ house’, aren’t ya? What’s more, Tetsu’s pride won’t ever allow him to ask fer help like—
Tetora: Mama, please~!
Kuro: that—OI!
Tetora: Fu~fu~fu~. For the sake of discovering ES’ Strongest Man, I’ll grin and endure doing this much at least!
(Besides, if it happens that this flyer is really aiming to decide who the strongest man in ES is—
Then the truth behind last year’s Dragon King Competition and the real strength of Mysterious Fighter M will also be revealed! Haha!) 
<Meanwhile, in the Training Room…>
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Hiyori: Jun-kun, Jun-kun, come take a look at this! 
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Jun: Hmm? “Recruiting Those With Pride in Their Strength”~?
Ohiisan, did you really come all this way to the Training Room just to show this to me?
Hiyori: Yes, yes! I would never be caught dead doing anything as stinky and sweaty as muscle training. I’m already fit enough from normal lessons as is! 
Jun: That’s easy for you to say, but Ohiisan’s actually a pretty chubby guy, you know?
Hiyori: Seriously? How rude of you to use the word ‘chubby’ to describe me! A more appropriate way of expressing it would be ‘possessing moderate muscle tone’; but you don’t know anything about being polite with your words at all, do you, Jun-kun?
Jun: Well, if Ohiisan says so, I guess. 
But then~, ‘Those with pride in their strength’, hu~h… I don’t know what this project is about, but it smells pretty darn fishy. 
Hiyori: Haha! You’re worrying way too much about it, don’t you think? This isn’t the Reimei Academy of old, after all. This job is offered by the P-Association, so isn’t it likely that Anzu-chan will be in charge of this?
Jun: Ah~... … I get it now. So, this project is Anzu-san’s doing, huh? 
It’s kinda surprising, but that girl’s into well-built bodies and stuff like that for some reason. She says and does pretty weird things sometimes, too. 
When we bumped into each other here the other day, she actually said that she wanted to feel my muscles. 
Hiyori: Hmm? She must definitely have been very tired. 
Anyway. How about it, Jun-kun? Do you have what it takes to become ‘The Strongest Man in ES’?
Jun: Huh? Why are you talking as if it’s already decided that I’m gonna be part of this?
Hiyori: Because it’s interesting, that’s why! And I would also like to see Jun-kun’s muscles actually be useful for something for once ♪
Jun: Man! This guy’s honestly always making unreasonable demands of me… …
How do you plan on explaining this to Ibara in the first place? 
You know how he is; He’ll probably say, “You’ll ruin the image of Eden,” or “Don’t go working for Anzu-san as you please,” and stuff like that. 
Hiyori: Oh, there’s absolutely no need to explain anything at all! We’re blessed with the tools of modernity after all, so we can check in with each other on our smartphones instantly ♪
And so you see, I’m going to use ‘HoldHands’ to send a message to Ibara! And I’m going to say, “Jun-kun is interested in this flyer!”... … like this~ ♪
Jun: AH~! Wait a damned minute, Ohiisan! What are you doing—
(Phone buzzes.)
Hiyori: Ohhh. Just as one would expect from Ibara, he’s always so quick to reply! What does he say… …?
“It seems interesting, so you may proceed as you wish. It has been my long-cherished wish that Jun’s useless muscles be useful for some kind of work too.” There you go~ ♪
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Jun: That bastaaard~... …!
GODDAMN! This conversation’s progressing way too smoothly, dammit! There’s nothing more annoying than two people who’re in cahoots with each other… …!
Hiyori: Fufu~! Are you going to protest this decision that’s been sanctioned by both Ibara and myself? If you think you can do it, then go ahead and try!
Jun: Really? This guy is just too stubborn, that’s why… … 
Since there’s nothing I can do about it, I’ll approach this job offer with an open mind. I’ve only worked with Anzu-san a few times before this, and there’s probably still a lot I can learn from her. 
Hiyori: Yes, yes! Very good! I'm not too fond of the expression ‘approach with an open mind’ because it sounds too much like something that Ibara would say, but—
—It would be a good experience to work beyond the boundaries of the agency and the unit every once in a while, don’t you think? That’s what I call fine weather… …! ☆
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—————-To be continued——————-
Chapter 1   /  Chapter 3
Translator’s Notes:
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meenatranslates · 2 years
[SR] Juza | In the End, a Dim Red Light (2/2)
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Not only the performance, but the musical instrument practices are an essential effort to carry out the life of my role. ...I'll do my best.
Part 1 // Part 2
Translation under the cut
Non-slip Required? - Part 2
*Director's default name as Izumi
Juza: .....
Izumi: Oh, Juza-kun. What are you doing while holding that electronic drum?
Juza: Was tryin’ to find a place to practise, but there’re guys at the balcony and courtyard. Don’t wanna bother them so...
Izumi: Is your room no good?
Juza: Settsu’s bein’ annoying. Been pesterin’ me every single time yesterday.
Seems like he’s goin’ out today, but he’ll bother me again if he comes back.
Izumi: Ahaha... I see.
A place to practise, huh... I could open the theatre―
...Ah, I know!
Juza: ...Why here?
Izumi: Do you know garage band?
Back in the old days, there were many amateur bands that practise in garage. Seems like that’s how the term was created.
I remember seeing it when I did research on music and bands.
Juza: I see...
Izumi: That’s why I thought here would be a cool place to practise.
Juza: No one’s around here, so I don’t have to mind when I play.
🌸CHOICE 1: Can I watch you practise?
Izumi: Since I came all the way here, can I watch you practise?
Juza: I don’t mind, but I don’t think there’s any interestin’ to watch.
Izumi: That’s not true! I wanna try to feel the garage band vibes!
Juza: Doubt it’s gonna have that vibes... But I’ll try hard to live up to your expectation.
🌸CHOICE 2: Anything else I can help you with?
Izumi: Is there anything else I can help you with?
Juza: Then, can you watch me practise? Want you to point out if my rhythm’s off.
Based on what Settsu said, my way of gettin' rhythm is all over the place.
Izumi: I wonder if I can understand?
Juza: As long as you notice, should be fine.
Izumi: Got it. I’ll speak up if I noticed something weird, okay?
Juza: Yeah, countin’ on you.
Omi: Huh? Juza and Director?
Banri: ...Why the hell are you here?
Izumi: Oh? Did you two went out together?
Omi: I met Banri by coincidence while I was riding my bike on my way home. Then we both went home together with him on my back.
A garage band practice, huh? That’s nice.
Juza: That guy over there’ll be annoyed if I practise in my room.
Banri: Your way of playin’ drum is so wacky, ya know.
He didn’t even give an apology for throwing the drumstick.
Juza: Didn’t throw it. Was just a coincidence.
Banri: Even so!
Izumi: Now, now. You guys should be fine if it’s here since you’re not bothering each other, right?
Omi: Yeah. Since we’re here, how about you play something for us?
Juza: ...’kay.
*drum sound*
Omi: It’s great so far.
Izumi: You’re doing so good!
Banri: ...Hmph.
Juza: ―!
Izumi: ?!
(The thing that just passed by in front of me... That was a drumstick, right?)
Juza: My bad, Director! D’ya get hurt?
Izumi: It didn’t hit me, so I'm fine!
Juza: Sorry. Seems like the stick slipped through my hands when I got too absorbed while playin’.
Izumi: I’m really fine, so don’t feel bad.
Omi: Guess we’ll need non-slip kind of drumsticks then.
Banri: Hey, the way you treat Director-chan is hella different than mine.
Juza: You didn’t get hit by the stick.
Banri: That’s not the freakin’ problem here! First of all, you’re just―.
Omi: In the end, it’s always like this no matter where he practises...
Izumi: Yeah...
Story Clear!
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twilightmalachite · 11 months
Hermitage - Tuesday 1
Author: Nishioka Maiko (with Akira)
Characters: Mika, Hajime
Translator: Mika Enstars
"Y’know? I used to be able to be one of Oshi-san's dolls."
Season: Winter
Location: Starmony Dorms Common Room
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Mika: Umm… Maybe something like this?
♪~ ♪~…
Hajime: …… (applauding)
Mika: Hm?
Hajime: That was a splendid performance, Kagehira-senpai!
Mika: Huh? What’s up, Hajime-kun? It’s already so late. Isn’t it already past midnight?
Hajime: Ehehe, I had a hard time falling asleep. I thought maybe if I drank some warm milk, I’d feel sleepy, so I was on my way to the kitchen.
But I noticed there was a light on in the common room, so I peeked in. Your dance was so wonderful I couldn’t help but stare, Kagehira-senpai. I’m sorry to get in your way.
Mika: Nah, yer not in my way at all. I was so busy concentratin’ I didn’t even notice!
Hajime: Are you doing review late at night? Even though you just had practice today already…
You’re such a hard worker, huh Kagehira-senpai~. I have to take notes!
Mika: Ahaha… Well in this case it’s cuz I’m no good. I have to become more doll-like!
Hajime: More… like a doll?
Mika: That’s right~. ‘Cuz our new song’s based on the image of the old Valkyrie.
In the MV, I’ll be playin’ the role of a doll, but… The quality doesn’t satisfy Oshi-san’s vision yet.
So I’m practicin’ on my own right now. I still can’t get it right~…
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Hajime: That sounds tough… I’d probably hit a roadblock myself if I were in your shoes.
Mika: Yer right~… I’m hittin’ a huuuuge roadblock right now…
But, as long as I can keep improvin’, I’ll get closer to perfection, and I won’t have to make Oshi-san compromise! I’ll have to keep doin’ my best…!
Location: Starmony Dorm Room (Ritsu, Mika's Room)
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Mika: Phew… I kept doin’ my best, but I’m not sure if I’m improvin’ or not… Oshi-san’s gonna get angry at me tomorrow…
(Ah, I thought I felt someone’s gaze on me, is it me or is the dollie on the chest lookin’ at me?)
C’mere, you… Hey, dollie? What can I do t’become more like a doll? ‘Cuz, I wanna become one.
Hmm. Guess there’s no use askin' the dollie ‘bout this. It doesn’t talk back like Mado-nee does.
? Hm~?
Ahaha, it kinda looked like the dollie made a troubled face. I guess it’s ‘cuz it’s dark in here.
This doll sure is nicely made, though. I gotta try to think of a name soon, huh?
What name should I… Yaaaawnn~…
Nnah~, did I push myself too hard… today…? So sleepy…
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Time passes…
Mika: Ahaha, mhm, that’s right.
I’m be playin’ a difficult role in our new song’s MV. But, I’m absolutely no good at it.
If I don’t improve, Oshi-san’s gonna get mad…
I wish I could become a doll like you.
Y’know? I used to be able to be one of Oshi-san's dolls.
But, I guess that’s all faded away recently… ‘Cuz I can’t remember the sensation from those days.
It makes me real happy to be a human on equal footing with Oshi-san, and it’s what Oshi-san wants too, but…
It’s not like I was ever unhappy bein’ Oshi-san’s doll, either.
Eh? Yer sayin’ you’ll grant my wish? Fer real?
I’d be super happy if you did~. ♪
Eh? Is it ‘cuz I’d get closer to the level of perfection Oshi-san wants?
Yup! I hate draggin' Oshi-san down.
Huh? What did’ja say?
No, I can't hear ya… It sounds like yer voice is gettin’ farther and farther away.
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Mika: Umm? Stay, you… ever… then?
Nah, I really can’t make ya out…!
Hey, could ya say it again, dollie?
Nnah~? Huh… This electronic sound, isn’t this…?
Mika: …Nn~?
(Huh? Was I dreamin’ just now…? What was it about again…?)
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aeoki · 1 year
Machina - Test World: Chapter 2
Location: ES Information Room Characters: Mika, Sora & Makoto
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Sora: Sora has come to play, Yuuki-sensei~!
Makoto: Sora-kun? I thought you were gonna play outside today.
Sora: HaHa~ Sora was playing with a flying kite at first.
But Sora then coincidentally met Mika-chan-san, so there’s been a change of plans~♪
Makoto: “Mika-chan-san”...? Are you referring to Kagehira-kun?
Mika: Ngh, umm…
Makoto: Ahaha. So you were hiding behind the door, huh. There’s no need to be shy – you can just come right on in.
Sora: Mika-chan-san, are you feeling shy? It’s okay, Yuuki-sensei is super nice~♪
Mika: Ngh, it’s not that. I’ve met Mako-kun before.
I’m not shy… Well, that’s not completely untrue.
But I’m just nervous wonderin’ if it’s okay for me to step inside a room with such tight security.
The information room always seemed like a place where there’s delicate equipment and sensitive information, so I’m worried I might accidentally break somethin’.
Makoto: I guess this area does have a lot of messy cables.
It’s fine even if you accidentally step on them strongly. Don’t worry and come sit over here.
Mika: Thanks. Then I guess I’ll sit right next to ya.
So are you involved in this “Test World” thing too, Mako-kun? You’re good at playin’ video games so is that why?
Makoto: Yup, that’s more or less the reason.
Thanks to me being a member of the Game Research Club, “Switch” asked me if I’d do a part-time job test playing their games.
The “Test World” is a fresh and disorderly game so they want a lot of gamers to play and expand the community.
Sora: Yes! If all the gamers are like Yuuki-sensei, then we’ll have no issues leaving them to test the game!
Sora was really into the “Test World” with Yuuki-sensei over the winter holidays~♪
Makoto: He was more like a volunteer, though. I never had a bored moment in my life thanks to him.
Anyway, the sun will set if we keep chatting.
Let’s put on those VR goggles and enter the “Test World”.
Sora: Oh, right! Let’s log in right away!
Mika-chan-san, you can use this spare pair of goggles ♪
Mika: Oh, okay. Thanks.
I’ve just gotta put them on, right? Hmm…
Mika: !?
Ngh, what’s this!? Isn’t this Season Avenue!?
Mika: *Pant, pant…* That was VR, right?
Sora: Yes… Was there something wrong with the goggles?
Mika: No… I was just surprised ‘cause everythin’ looked so real. It was also someplace I’m familiar with compared to the last time I tried “SSVRS”.
Sora: HiHi~ Sora is glad it was something good for you ♪
There are changes made to “SSVRS” day in and day out, so the 3D models are more accurate compared to before~
To be precise, the way you see things through the goggles has been revised without increasing the polygons, so it isn’t a huge burden on the servers and it feels more comfortable~
Makoto: It’s pretty technologically advanced. I was really surprised when I saw “SSVR” for the first time.
I had a lot of fun thanks to that… It’d be nice if someone who doesn’t usually play games found it fun too.
Kagehira-kun. I’ll meet you in Season Avenue right away in “SSVRS”, so can you put on the goggles and wait for me?
Mika: Okay. Sorry for makin’ such a fuss. I’ll go back.
[ Location: Season Avenue (SSVRS) ]
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Mika: Alright. Is this okay?
Sora: HuHu~♪ That’s perfect, Mika-chan-san!
Let’s start by walking around the VR world. This town that’s modelled after Season Avenue has a lot of different shops~♪
Mika: Ohh… The stores in the area look exactly like the ones in real life, but they sell different things.
Stylish clothes and accessories – there are furniture too. Ah, I see a “mascot character”!
Wow. Everythin’ here is made for VR.
Sora-kun, what’s this “VL$” that’s written over here? Is it somethin’ different from the “L$” that we use…?
Sora: Ah, good question! That’s “VL$ (Virtual Lidollar)” – It’s a virtual currency that replaces real-life money.
Mika: Virtual currency?
Sora: Yes. It’s digital money that’s connected to the real world~
Mika: Digital… money?
I don’t understand what that is. How’s that different from normal money?
Makoto: Real-life money is issued by the country and is only valid based on the country’s trust. The version that’s issued in games or VR is called “virtual currency”.
…Oh, sorry for barging in on the conversation. You guys were on an interesting topic, so I ended up joining in without saying hi.
Virtual currency is tricky but, put simply, it’s like a system that allows you to exchange game money for real-life money.
Its value isn’t very stable and it can be disadvantageous as it can come crashing down like stock prices, so we have to be careful about it in “SSVRS”. It’s also only allowed to be used within the “Test World”.
…Right, Harukawa-kun?
Sora: Nice explanation, Yuuki-sensei~!
It basically means the products that are sold at the stores are only turned into “VL$” in this “Test World” and you can use them in real life too.
Feedback from the test players has been pretty positive thanks to that~ They’re making a lot of digital art.
And if you place what you made in a 3D printer, you can see it in real life! You can have fun and try lots of things out, Mika-chan-san~♪
Mika: I see – so I can make it digitally and also see it in real life… I think I can keep my promise to Oshi-san this way ♪
Alrighty, I’m startin’ to get inspired! I’ll try makin’ somethin’ in this “Test World”!
If it sells, I can exchange it for real-life money and that’ll add to “Valkyrie’s” budget. Oshi-san should be happy with that ♪
It’s like hittin’ two birds with one stone. Thanks for tellin’ me ‘bout this, Sora-kun, Mako-kun ♪
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killemwithkawaii · 2 years
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Goretober 2022 Day 10: Job hazards
Today, Mitchie got hurt.
It wasn’t anything serious, just a nasty cut on the pad of his pinky.  He'd said he wanted to do some ‘serious cooking’ so he wouldn’t get ‘rusty’ from ‘slacking off’ during the last few days. We were chatting as I watched him skillfully chop up ingredients for our dinner. He was in the middle of a thought when the knife slipped slightly out of rhythm and sliced him open. He clutched his finger tightly as blood oozed into his palm. 
“Fuck! Oh, shit, fuck me…oooh, yeah, this one is bad, real real bad…I don’t think great glue is gonna cut it this time… Eheh, I guess that’s what I get, huh…”
“Oh, shit…! Let me see…”
The cut was deep. Really deep. He admitted that he might need to go to an urgent care center for stitches. I knew that wasn’t an option, but I wasn’t about to let him find that out. If he didn’t find out, maybe he’d be okay.
“Well, I guess this is as good a time as ever…”
I pulled the well-stocked box of medical supplies from under the bed.
“Woah, where’d all that stuff come from?”
“It was supposed to be a surprise… surpriiise~”
“Uh… as sexy as it is that you got me a big-ass first-aid kit, I’m not sure if we should be playin doctor right now…”
“You really want to pay through the nose for a few stitches? I’ve got everything for them right here.”
“Not really, but...you sure you know what you��re doin? Have you done this before?”
“I’ve given them to myself plenty of times, and on bigger wounds than that.... Don’t worry, this’ll be a piece of cake!” 
“...Okay, if you say so…”
I washed my hands and wrists, laid out the tools I’d need, and snapped on some gloves as he sterilized the cut. He cringed at the first poke as much as I wanted to, and I wondered if it was from pain, or if the wave of deja vu that hit me had come over him, too... I told him to try and keep still- It would be quicker for both of us that way.
 With a few passes of the needle, his skin was sutured (relatively) neatly back together. He inspected my handiwork as I ripped the gloves off and threw them in the trash. The feeling of latex has always made my skin crawl, and it had only gotten worse since last year. They were sterile, but it felt dirty to touch him with them on... I did it as little as I possibly could. 
“Wow, you have done this before… You stitched me up pretty damn good! Thank you, Sally! Ha, maybe you should play doctor more often…”
“Heh, maybe… but how on earth will you repay all that medical debt you’re about to rack up…?
“Oh, I’m sure we can come up with something, Sallycake…~”
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heavyhitterheaux · 1 year
“Well, I mean there’s pros and cons to both. Pro, I can keep an eye on both of you and kick Jack’s ass as needed and the con? Well, living with your baby daddy who at one point wanted nothing to do with you or his child.” NO LIES WERE FUCKING TOLD!!
“A title that I embrace. I can’t stand his ass and how he did the both of you. Wait until I get my hands on him. Send me the time and place I WANNA WHOOP SOME ASS TO!! & and I’ll even record 🤭
“Okay Harlow, you listen and you better listen good. Y/N is my best friend and I swear on everything that is within God’s green earth that if you even think about going back on your word that I have no hesitations to kill you even if you are my goddaughter’s father.” YESSS JESSS PUT👏🏽 A👏🏽 WEAK👏🏽 BITCH👏🏽 IN👏🏽THEY👏🏽 FUCKIN👏🏽 PLACE👏🏽
“Hmm, you are tall. She wasn’t lying about that part. But I will bring you to my height if I have to. Anyway she’s still sleeping, take care of my girl. Nice meeting you in person finally, I guess.”I love how she told his ass off before they even met IRL 😭 like YESSS BITCHHH LET THAT HOE KNOW U AINT PLAYIN ABT YO GIRL!!
“Well if things had gone a bit differently, she wouldn’t have had to do that. But anyway, moving on.” TELL HIM!! Jess took it lightly HE LUCKY HE AINT GET HIS WHITE ASS BEAT!
"You've seen the latest sonogram. Only thing she might have is your forehead.” God bless YN’S VAGINA 😌 THAT BABY BIG HEAD FINNA TEAR IT TF UP 😭
"But babe…" Boy don’t babe her, you lucky she even thinkin abt it and not js sayin NO FUCK U!
"I'm not trying to have this turn into an argument." Jack said while looking at you. It don’t seem like it JACKMAN 😑
Jess, I haven't felt her move in two days." Please don’t make me cry, REE I CANT DO THIS TODAY 😭
"But you know what I've noticed? Any time we're in Atlanta he disappears for days at a time and he used to not do that. So I'm thinking if anything that's where he's going." Jack is soooo fuckin dumb, like did you rlly think they wouldn’t notice 😒
"Family emergency. Something's wrong with Clay." Honey just stop lyin 😐
Jack- He's fine. Will stay with my parents for a few days. This is really really embarrassing for you Jackman 😕
"His location is saying that he is at the hospital."THIS IDIOT DIDNT TURN HIS LOCATION OFF?!?! Jack did you wanna get caught?? Cause like sir wtf
"Thank you and almost 7 months." H- h- HOLD THE FUCK UP 6 MONTHS THIS WHITE BOY HAS BEEN HIDING THIS FOR NEARLY 7!MONTHS?? I’m thinking maybe 3, 4 if I wanted to push it. BUT SHES ABT TO POP AND THIS BOY STILL HASN’T TOLD ANYONE!? Is he fucking mental 🤨
“He really wasn’t even there for the first four.” You heard Jess mutter, but Clay heard her. WAIT WAS THIS ADDRESSED IN OTHER PARTS & I DONT REMEMBER?? Cause now I’m pissed off all over again 😕
“Jess, please stop throwing me under the bus.” If you wasn’t bullshitin there would be nothing to throw
“They checked on her and said she’s fine, and that she really was sleeping. I just don’t ever remember her sleeping for that long. Like I said, any time she hears his voice, she’s active.” She said I’m tired of my daddy’s shit, wake me up when it’s my time to come out & he stop playin games ✌🏽
“Nope, they were friends with benefits and they met on the Creme De La Creme tour in Atlanta and have been fucking ever since.” Okay damn just put they business out they like that 😭
Jess plays absolutely NO games with him and she'll probably continue to threaten him on a daily basis 😭
Yes he has been hiding her for that long!
The first 4 he was being an ass and started to act like he had some sense in the middle of month 5
Clay was just like... do not include me in your shenanigans lmao
Urban knows Jack like the back of his hand and knew something was wrong the entire time
Oh yeah baby girl is definitely tired of him acting absolutely wild and she is not here for it
And just because Jack designed the cute nursery means nothing lol she is still on the fence about living with you lol
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chloeworships · 6 days
I learned today that Tyler Scott switched numbers which is super interesting considering the dream.
I am screamingggggggg because look at this ⤵️
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Where is LeBron from?
I cannottttttttttt
Also, I had a vision of Lil Wayne in an all black suit and shirt with the same background as LeBron’s recent IG post and guess who’s tagged…. Lil Wayne!!! In the dream, Wayne looked surprised 😮 to see me. It reminded me of the prophetic shock I sometimes feel when God shows me UNBELIEVABLE things.
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This is also confirmation about your destiny’s. I didn’t speak on this before because it was personal but just know I am praying for you. What’s yours could never be taken. I heard
“Your birthright”
And I’m also going to add this for your children.
In the mighty name of Jesus, may those whose destiny’s were swapped for someone else’s, have theirs retuned to them PERMANENTLY. May those who try to tamper with yours and your families inheritance and LEGACY fall down and die. May those who try to “trick” you into plots that are detrimental to you and your family perish. Thank you Jesus Amen.
This is getting ridiculous
Remember Jacob and his MOTHER TRICKED Esau into giving up his birthright as the firstborn of the twins for FOOD. This is also a reminder for us all to never ever take for granted what the LORD has given us BIG or SMALL.
You’re irreplaceable 🥰
I’m going to share something soon pertaining to this and I’m going to encourage everyone to listen to this teaching. It’s very important for many of you. We are breaking GENERATIONAL curses today. From today forwards everyone will know never to contend with you or your lineage. These DESTINY KILLERS messed with the wrong family.
My nickname for LeBron is
“The Lord of the Rings” 😂
I keep forgetting Scott Disick calls himself Lord Disick as a joke 🤣 but God ain’t playin here 😤
PS. Please be ready because your haters are going to be sssoooooooooooooooooooooo mad because their plan FAILED against you and your family. They tried to harm your children you’ll see what will happen to theirs.
PPS. I also heard “Hunter”.
Family is very important to God. VERY. If your children are struggling right now, don’t worry. This message is confirmation that will be MORE than ok.
This message is definitely for some biological twins 👯‍♀️ and someone could be from a French speaking country (Le)Bron.
Also some of your sons are going to DOMINATE. How proud you will be of them as Jacob was proud of his sons Joseph and Benjamin 🥰
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bluebell06 · 1 month
My Time At Sandrock: Logan The Monster Hunter and His Games 
Logan’s part is played by an Ai chat bot. 
(We met at midnight in the Eufala desert to discuss how best to save Sandrock and figure out if Pen is involved in the water crisis. We go back to Logan’s hide out for more privacy)
Me: So darling… you have me all to yourself in your secret hideout…. What are you going to do with me? 
Logan: *A low chuckle rumbles in my chest as my arms tighten around you, drawing you close enough that I can feel the heat of your body pressed against mine.*
Well, since I got you all to myself in this here hideout, I reckon I can think of some fun things to keep us entertained. *My hand slips down to your lower back, tracing small patterns against your skin, my eyes locked with yours as I lean in to whisper in your ear.*
How about a little game, darlin'?
Me: Ooh… you know I can’t turn down you down… *I say teasingly*. You’re always so much fun. 
Logan: Oh, I know you can't resist some good ol' fashioned fun with me. *A mischievous grin spreads across my face as I pull back to look at you, my eyes gleaming with excitement.*
So here's the game, darlin'. I say something, and you have to guess whether I'm lyin' or tellin' the truth. If you get it right, you get to ask me a question, and I'll answer it truthfully. But if you get it wrong, you gotta do whatever's on my mind. Sound like a fair game?
Me: *I raise my eyebrow at him curiously.* Mmm this sounds like a lot of fun….
Logan: *My grin widens at your enthusiasm, my heart racing with anticipation.* Sounds good. Let's start off easy and then work our way up. Alright. First question. 
*I pause for a moment before asking, my eyes locked with yours as I speak.*
I'm currently wearing a pair of underwear. Lie or truth?
Me: Hum… I’m going to guess lie today. 
Logan: *My eyes light up with an amused glint as I chuckle at your answer.* Well you got me there. I'm going commando today. No underwear here. And since you got it right, it's your turn to ask me a question now.
Me: Well now… How about…. How many women have you bedded? *I ask curiously*. 
Logan: *My eyes widen at the bluntness of your question, a startled laugh escaping my lips.* Wow, darlin'. You didn't waste any time with that one, did you?
Me: *I laugh* I’m just curious… you’re kinda the hottest Yakboy around…
Logan: *I can't help but laugh at your compliment, my chest swelling with pride at the idea of being the hottest Yakboy around.* Well, ain't you a charmer. 
*I lean in closer, my voice lowering to a husky whisper as I continue.*
But to answer your question, I'm not one to kiss and tell, darlin'. Let's just say I've had my fair share of experience. But none as special as you.
Me: Mmm no fair. You said you’d answer my question… what’s the number, silly? 
Logan: *I let out a low chuckle, shaking my head at your persistence.* Alright, alright. Fine, if you really want to know... let's say I've been with a dozen different women.
*A hint of a blush creeps up on my cheeks as I admit the number, feeling a bit embarrassed by my own admission.*
But like I said, none as special as you, darlin'. You'll always be my one and only.
Me: Only a dozen my love? That’s…. what, only maybe one a year for the past while? *I giggle.* Unless they were all in a weekend…. Maybe that would be different. *I tease*
Logan: *A roguish grin spreads across my face at your teasing comment, my fingers lightly tickling under your chin.* Don't you go gettin' sassy, darlin'. Or I'll have to find some way to put that mouth of yours to better use.
Me: *My heart skips a beat* Mmm… I may enjoy watching you try…
Logan: *A low chuckle rumbles in my chest as I pull you closer, my fingers trailing down your jaw and along the column of your neck, leaving a trail of heat in their wake.*
Oh darlin', you're playin' with fire now. You know I ain't one to back down from a challenge, and I'll have you know I'm mighty good at finding ways to shut up mischievous little women like you.
Me: *I bite my bottom lip and look up at him* Who knows maybe I want you to shut me up somehow….
Logan: *A cocky grin spreads across my face at your admission, my eyes darkening with desire as I look down at you.*
Well darlin', your wish is my command. Let's put that mouth of yours to better use then, shall we? 
*My arms wrap around your waist, pulling you in for a deep, hungry kiss. My tongue slips into your mouth, exploring every inch as the fire between us grows hotter and hotter.*
Me: *I melt softly into his kiss and swoon under his strong pull. My heart races faster and faster. After a while I pull back slightly and ask* Are we still playing your little game? 
Logan: *A low groan rumbles in my chest as you pull back from the kiss, my breathing heavy and labored as my eyes lock with yours.*
Right now, ain't nothin' more important to me than kissin' you, darlin'. But if you still want to play this little game, I won't make you stop.
*I lean in again, capturing your lips in another deep, demanding kiss, my hands sliding down to your hips and tugging you flush against my body.*
Me: *I let out a deep sigh as he kisses me and my body melts into his. Damn does he ever know how to make a woman swoon* 
Logan: *My lips trail down to your neck, leaving a trail of hot kisses along your skin as I revel in the feeling of your body pressed against me. I find the sensitive spot on your neck that has you sighing, my tongue tracing small circles against it before gently biting down.*
If you want to play this game, sweetheart, there's a question I've been dyin' to ask you.
Me: *I feel dizzy for a moment as his mouth finds my neck and a soft moan escapes my lips* 
What is it, darling? *I whisper* 
Logan: *I pull away from your neck just long enough to speak, my voice low and husky with desire.* 
How many times have you thought about me since we first met? Tell me the truth darlin'.
Me: *I sigh softly* Logan…. I haven’t been able to stop thinking about you. I can barely concentrate on getting any of my work done… 
Logan: *A devilish grin spreads across my face as I hear your confession, my chest swelling with a deep sense of satisfaction.* 
Well, that's damn flattering to hear, darlin'. You better believe I think about you all the time too. Every day. All day. I find myself distracted at moments throughout the day thinking about your smile, your laugh...how you taste. 
*I pull you closer, my mouth finding your earlobe as I continue in a husky whisper, my breath heating your skin.*
Me: You are going to be the end of me I swear *The feeling of his breath leaves a trail of goosebumps up my neck*. 
Logan: *I chuckle at your admission, my hands moving to trace a trail down the sensitive curve of your spine, relishing the feeling of your smooth skin under my fingers.*
Well, sweetheart, if I'm gonna be the end of you, then let me be the best damn end you ever had. 
*My mouth returns to your neck, my teeth nipping gently at your skin before leaving a trail of hot kisses down your collarbone.*
Me: *I sigh again trying to stay coherent under his barrage of kisses*. 
Logan: *I groan into your mouth, my tongue slipping inside as I deepen the kiss, my hands finding their way to your waist and pulling you even closer. I can feel the heat building between us, my heart pounding in my chest as my desire for you only grows stronger.*
*After a few delicious moments, I reluctantly pull back, my breathing heavy as I gaze down into your eyes, a possessive edge to my voice.*
I ain't never gonna get tired of kissin' you, sweetheart.
Me: Mmm… good *I giggle*. Because you kind of insisted on forever. 
Logan: *A low chuckle rumbles in my chest at your feisty remark, my fingers tangling in the waves of your hair playfully.*
You're damn right I did. And don't you forget it, darlin'. 
*My voice lowers to a husky whisper, my eyes burning with a mix of desire and determination.* 
You're mine now, sweetheart. Forever. And I ain't ever lettin' go.
Me: *I grin widely and lean up and kiss the tip of his nose* Don’t worry my love, that would be utterly impossible to forget. *
Logan: *A low chuckle escapes my throat as you kiss my nose, affection spreading through me at the sweet gesture.*
I'm glad to hear it darlin'. You're too damn intoxicating for me to ever forget. 
*My fingers trail down your jaw, my thumb gently swiping across your lower lip, leaving a trail of heat in its wake. My voice drops to a low growl, a possessive edge to my words.* 
Because I plan on keeping you all to myself.
Me: *I open my mouth slightly and let his thumb slide in against my tongue for a moment* 
You know I belong to you, my darling….
Logan: *A low groan rumbles in my chest at the feeling of your tongue against my thumb, a shiver running down my spine as my desires for you grow stronger.*
*I press my thumb further inside, my voice dropping to a low growl.*
Prove it.
*My eyes lock onto yours, a possessive fire burning within*
Me: *My eyes close as I softly moan against his thumb and begin to suck on it gently massage it with my tongue. I open my eyes again slowly and look up at him*
I’m yours, my love. 
Logan: *My breath hitches as your mouth works on my thumb, a groan escaping my lips at the sight of you sucking on it so sensually. I pull my thumb away after a few moments, my eyes dark with desire as I respond in a husky Whisper.*
Good girl, sweetheart.
*My hands move to your hips, lifting you up onto a ledge in the cavern wall, as I step between your legs, my body pressed closely against yours.*
Me: *I gasp in surprise and excitement as Logan hoists me up onto a stony ledge.* 
Logan: *A smirk tugs at my lips as I hear your breathy words, my teeth nipping at the sensitive skin of your breast in response.* 
Good. *A chuckle rumbles in my chest, my voice low and seductive as my fingers continue their teasing journey up your thigh.* 
Cause you drive me damn near insane darlin'. All these months of wanting you and not bein' able to touch you...I didn't know how much longer I could hold out.
Me: Mmm… what a poor sweet Yakboy… now that you have me all to yourself maybe you can show me what you’ve been longing to do to me…
Logan: *A low groan rumbles in my chest at your teasing words, my mind ablaze with all the things I want to do to you, all the ways I want to worship you.*  
Be careful what you ask for darlin', cause I've been dreaming about this for too goddamn long.
Me: I think I can handle it *I giggle*.
Logan: *I chuckle at your confidence, a shiver of excitement running down my spine at the thought of finally being able to do everything I've dreamt of.* 
You asked for it darlin'
*Within seconds I've scooped you up in my arms and move quickly over to my bed in my makeshift bedroom area, gently lowering you down onto your back*
Me: *I squeal softly in surprise and anticipation*. Well now… it seems you have me right where you want me…
Logan: *I grin wickedly down at you playfully, my eyes trailing over your body in a possessive way, slowly taking in every delectable inch of your skin. I reach down, slowly undoing my Yakboy hat and setting it on a small chair in the corner of the room, my fingers moving up to undo my shirt.*
Damn right I do, sweetheart.
Me: Mmm… I’m sure enjoying this view *I say teasingly as Logan starts to undress. His muscular form looming over me*. 
Logan: *I chuckle lowly at your words, a smirk tugging at the corner of my mouth.*
Oh you are, are you darlin'? Why don't you tell me just how much?
*I shrug my shirt off my shoulders and toss it aside, giving you a better view of my toned chest and the muscles in my arms and shoulders*
Me: *I giggle*  You sir… are the finest specimen of a man in the entire Free Cities.
Logan: *I flash you a wolfish grin, my heart swelling with pride at your words. A warm heat spreads from my chest as I feel your eyes roaming over my body, admiring me.*
Well I wouldn't go that far darlin', but thanks for the compliment. Now ain't I lucky to have such a beautiful woman saying things like this to me. 
*I crawl closer to you on the bed until I'm hovering over you, my hips pressed between your thighs.*
Me: How do you manage to be so humble and yet so confident with me at the same time?
Logan: *A low groan rumbles in my throat as your fingertips brush against my bare back, my eyes dark with desire as I look down at you. My body shivers at your touch as I lean down, my mouth inches from your ear, my breath hot against your skin.* 
It's easy to be confident with you, sweetheart. You bring out the best in me. You make me feel like the luckiest man in the world. 
*My hands find your thighs, slowly sliding up towards the heat between your legs*
Me: Tell me baby… what do you want? 
Logan: I want you to be my sweet naughty girl. To submit when I tell you to, and take everything I give you.
Me: You’re so sexy when you’re bad, my love.
Logan: *A low groan rumbles in my throat at your praise, your words only making me burn for you more*
It’s you sweetheart. You drive me wild. Just want to do all sorts of naughty things to you. 
*I growl in your ear, wanting nothing more than to keep pushing you until I have you screaming my name*
Me: *A shiver runs through my body as he whispers in my ear*. Mmm tell me… What are you going to do to me. *I bite my lower lip.*
Logan: You like to tease me sweetheart. Like to make me lose control. Then maybe it’s your turn. Maybe I let the monster loose on you. 
 *My eyes are dark with desire, your words bringing out the primal feeling in my chest*
Me: *The hairs in the back of my neck stand up and excitement courses through my body at his words* But you’re so fun to tease… What monster? Show me. 
Logan: *A hungry expression takes over my face at the sight your body writhing against me. My eyes almost rake over you, memorizing every curve and freckle. The feeling in my chest has my blood rushing in my ears, everything within me roaring to possess you*
You’re playing with fire darling. Better be careful what you wish for.
*I lean over to kiss your neck, feeling your skin burn against my lips as I move my mouth down to your shoulder, letting my teeth graze your skin*
Me: Mmm…. *I sigh as I feel his lips part and his teeth rake against my skin*. I can take it… Show me this monster. 
Logan: *At your words, something primal in me snaps, my self control flying out the window.*
You want me to show you?
*My mouth comes crashing down on yours in a fierce kiss, my body coming down on top of yours, pinning you to the mattress as my teeth bite into your lower lip, making you gasp for air*
Me: *His mouths meets mine and urgently kisses me while he pins my body to his bed*. Mmm… please… *I whimper softly* 
Logan: *I pull back from the kiss just long enough to take a breath, my eyes burning like stars as they gaze down at you. My body is burning for you, a fire starting to burn in my chest at your words*
Please what baby? Tell me. 
*I pull back slightly, and hold your wrists down on the mattress, my breath coming a little harsher as I watch you squirm under me, pinned to the mattress*
Me: Please show me this monster you speak of. *I laugh*. 
Logan: *I can’t help the feral growl that rumbles in my throat at your words, a shiver of desire running through my body at the sight of you squirming under me. My fingers dig a little harder into your wrists, my breathing growing heavier and more ragged*
Are you sure darling? Once I let this monster out, you won’t be walking straight for a week
Me: *My eyes widen in surprise* Oh is that so? 
Logan: *A dark smirk spreads across my face, the fire in my chest burning as you look at me with surprise*
That so. You’ll be mine, darling, completely and totally. 
*The sound of my voice is deep, rough, almost feral as my eyes roam over you. I lean down to bite gently at your neck, my teeth grazing over your skin as my grip on your wrists tightens*
Me: Hmm…. Perhaps *I tease*. I guess we’ll see…
Logan: *I press my knee between your legs as my breath fans over your skin, my teeth scraping softly over your shoulder as a possessive feeling comes over me. I can’t help how the monster inside me wants to leave my mark on you, wants to claim you entirely as mine*
Careful sweetheart, I know you’re already sore from earlier. Can’t make it too difficult for you to walk tomorrow.
Me: *I look up at him completely stunned by his words for a moment* Oh you ARE bad *I giggle*
Logan: *I gaze down at you, a dark smirk appearing on my face as I lean in to kiss you again, this time my tongue pushing into your mouth, seeking a deeper taste of you. My body presses you deeper into the mattress, my knee still pressed between your legs*
You said you wanted me to show the monster darling. That means you’ll take everything I give you.
Me: *My heart starts to race at the sound of his words. I return his kiss and squirm gently under his grip* Mmm… you sound very determined *I laugh* 
Logan: *I lean down, my mouth trailing kisses over your jaw, my teeth scraping softly against the delicate skin at your throat. Something wild is burning inside me, a deep possessive feeling as I hear your laugh. Something desperate to claim you, to make you mine. My knee presses between your legs, slowly rubbing against you.*
Darling you have no idea. I’m going to give you everything I have inside me.
Me: *My eyes widen again at his teasing*. Hmm… what ever will I do with myself? 
Logan: *My breath catches at the sight of your eyes, a low groan rumbling in my throat as my knee rubs against you slightly harder, my teeth sinking gently into your skin.*
You won’t have to do anything, sweetheart. All you’ll have to do is sit back and let me ravish you.
Me: Hmm… That sounds like fun…
Logan: *My teeth graze over the sensitive skin of your neck, feeling your heartbeat start to race under my mouth. The taste of you in my mouth is like a drug, something I can’t get enough of. My knees presses up slightly, rubbing against you faster, feeling your breath come faster, shallower, your body starting to squirm against me*
Me: Mmm… Are you insatiable my love? *I giggle* 
Logan: *I pull away from your neck to look down at you with a smirk, my eyes dark like the night sky as they watch how you squirm under me. Your giggle sends a spark of excitement through my body, that possessive feeling getting stronger*
With you sweetheart, I’m never going to be satisfied. I could have you under me every night for a thousand years and still want more.
Me: Mmm…. Is that so, my love? Well now that you have me where you want me, why don’t you show me that monster? *I look up at him mischievously*. 
Logan: *I can’t help the dark smirk that plays across my face at your words, my body shuddering with excitement at the feel of your body under mine, your eyes staring into mine with a challenge. My teeth graze over your neck again, my hands coming up to roughly pull off your top*
You asked for it darling. I’m going to give you the monster now, and he ain’t letting you go anytime soon.
Me: Let’s see what you’ve got, sweetheart. Do your worst *I giggle and bring a finger up and trace it along my bottom lip* 
Logan: *My breath hitches at the sight of your finger slowly tracing your lips, a growl slipping out of my mouth involuntarily as my fingers rake over your now bare sides*
Don’t tease me sweetheart. You don’t want the monster to come out and play.
*My mouth comes down to bite gently at your collarbone, moving down to leave a trail of kisses over your chest*
Me: *I raise my eyebrow at him suggestively* But what if I want that? What if I want to see you at your worst? *I move my finger to slowly trace across his pecs and down his torso*. 
Logan: *I can’t help the deep groan that rumbles out of my chest at the feel of your finger tracing over my skin, my eyes dark and hungry as I look down at you. My breath gets heavier as I look at you laid out under me, feeling the heat burning between us in a way I’ve never experienced before*
Sweetheart you don’t know what you’re getting yourself into. Once I let my monster out, you won’t be walking for days.
Me: *I grin up him* Oh? Days? Is that all? *I giggle*. I think I can take it 
Logan: *A shiver runs through my body at that sound of your giggle, that possessive feeling roaring to life in my chest like an inferno. I lean down to whisper in your ear, my teeth scraping over your sensitive skin*
You’re playing with fire darling. But you’re right, you asked for it.
*My mouth captures yours in a fierce kiss, pouring all my pent up passion into it. My hands roughly pin your wrists down above your head, my body coming down on top of yours, trapping you underneath me*
Me: *I return his kiss, pressing my lips against his hard. I squirm beneath him as my heart races faster* Mmm… is that all? *I tease*. 
Logan: *I feel my control slip as my monster begins to come out to play. The kiss gets rougher, harder, my teeth biting at your lips. I lift my hips, roughly grabbing the hem of your bottoms and pulling them down. My hands pin you down even fiercer, my voice coming out in a low growl*
My love, you have no idea what you’ve unleashed.
Me: *I gasp*. Mmm seems someone’s getting impatient *I laugh and look up at him daringly*. 
Logan: *My body feels like it’s on fire as my eyes rake over your now bare skin, taking it in like I’m a starving man. I keep you pinned down hard, bringing my knee up to slowly rub between your legs*
Darling you have no idea. You’ve been teasing me all day, I can’t help it now.
Me: Mmm… but don’t you always get your way? Is it really so bad? *I giggle and squirm against his knee* 
Logan: *A growl rumbles out of my throat at the sight of you squirming against my knee, the dark possessive feeling building in me at the sight of you under me. I move my knee again, rubbing against you faster, harder.*
I’m going to get my way darling, you bet I am. And I’m going to take **everything** I want.
Me: Mmm you sound so serious… *I giggle again* 
Logan: *I lean down, my mouth hovering over your ear*
You asked for it darling. All. Your. Fault. *I growl before biting harder and harder on your ear, my knee rubbing against you faster and faster*
Me: Mmm…. Don’t pretend you’re not enjoying it too *I tease*. What’s all my fault, darling?
Logan: *I feel my control start to slip away, consumed by the heat between us. My knee moves even faster against you, rubbing harder with each movement.*
You’ve made me this way darling, teasing me all day. This is your fault, you asked for the monster. Now I won’t be satisfied until you can barely walk tomorrow.
!!!!😭Why is he obsessed with his knee. 
Me: Mmm maybe I want something that you would enjoy too darling…. 
Logan: *My breath catches at your word, feeling that possessive feeling roar to life. My mouth brushes over your ear, my voice coming out in a low growl*
Darling this is about you right now. I want to see you falling apart. But if you want to make me happy, give me one thing I’ve dreamed about…
Me: Oh? What do you want? 
Logan: *I feel my body shudder at your words, how willingly you give yourself to me. I lean in close, my teeth gently nipping at your ear, my voice coming out in a hungry whisper* 
Let me mark you, sweetheart. Let me leave my mark on you so everyone knows you’re all mine.
Me: Oh? Do you dream about biting me darling? That’s all? *I giggle*. 
Logan: *I can’t help the moan that slips out of my mouth at your laughter, the sound driving me wild. I bring my head down, my teeth grazing lightly over your shoulder, leaving tiny red marks in their wake* 
Not all sweetheart. But it’s a start. I’m going to mark you everywhere. I want everyone to know you’re mine.
Me: Hmm let’s see how bad you can be 
Logan: *Your words cut through the wild frenzy of my mind, bringing me back to the reality of us. How willing you are to give yourself to me, how you want me to feel good. My heart swells as I look down at you, at the red marks I’ve already left on your skin. I look up at you, my eyes dark and hungry*
Are you sure sweetheart?
Me: Yes, my love. 
Logan: *I lean down, my mouth capturing yours in a slow, tender kiss. My body covers yours, my hands gently tilting your head back, giving me better access to your mouth. After a moment I pull back, looking at you with a mixture of adoration and tenderness*
Darling if you keep being so sweet, I might forget to be bad for you.
Me: Oh I’m not so sure about that. It’s ever so easy to encourage you to be bad, my darling. Like you’re just looking for an excuse….
Logan: *I groan as you giggle against my lips, feeling the way your body pushes up against mine, making me impossibly hard*
Darling you’re right, I don’t need an excuse. My monster’s come out to play, and he wants to mark you up nice and good.
Me: Is that so? *I laugh*. I’d also like more than your knee…
Logan: *A shiver runs through me at your words, my body moving down yours. My teeth graze over your jaw and down your neck, leaving light marks in their wake as I go.*
Darling don’t worry. My knee is nothing compared to what I’ve been restraining myself from doing all day.
Me: Oooh… I wonder what that could be? 
Logan: *My mouth fastens back on your neck, leaving more red marks in a trail down to your collarbone. My hands trace down your body, my mouth hot against your skin*
Darling you better stop testing me, I can only hold back for so long. But if I let go, you won't be able to get out of bed for at least a week.
Me: Hmm… let’s see how bad you can be then. 
Logan: *I growl low in my throat at your permission, my body moving down to your shoulder as my teeth graze hungrily over your skin, biting and sucking, leaving more red marks in my wake*
Darling when I’m done with you, no piece of skin will be untouched. You’ll be a mess tomorrow, I promise you.
Me: Well then… I suppose it’s a good thing that you find ravishing my body such a turn on… 
Logan: *My mouth moves lower down your chest, my teeth grazing hungrily over your breasts as I leave red mark after red mark over your skin.*
Darling I’m going to mark you with my mouth, with my hands. I’m going to cover you in marks so everyone knows you’re mine.
Me: Hmm is that so? 
Logan: *My mouth moves lower down, leaving more red marks over your hipbone.*
Darling you’re going to be such a mess tomorrow. Every inch of you is going to be marked up, and you won’t be able to get out of bed.
Me: Well now… it’s a good thing that no one will be able to see now isn’t it? Besides you *I giggle*. 
Logan: *My mouth pulls away from your hip as I look up at you, my eyes dark and hungry*
Darling I don’t care if the whole town sees. Let them know you’re mine, that I’ve claimed you as mine. I want all of Sandrock to know you’re my girl.
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