#guess I'll go check on laundry
pepsiwriteswords · 11 months
9 People You Want to Know Better
Thanks for the tag @k-v-briarwood !! 😊😊
(Please forgive what I'm sure is some lousy formatting, I'm at work & stuck tumblr-ing entirely on mobile for the foreseeable future, ugh)
Last Song:
Currently Watching: N/A xP I'm not a big TV person, & we recently decided to do away with WiFi bc we live in the Middle of Nowhere so what Few companies actually service our area all suck & are Too Damn Expensive so. No more streaming.
Last Movie: Star Wars: The Phantom Menace
Currently Reading: right now I'm rereading everything VE Schwab has published - specifically the DSOM series at this moment in time. (I'm almost done with the first book! & the next books I intend to reread are Vicious & Vengeful 😇 )
Currently craving: umm... I ... don't know? Tbh I just want to write. NaNo is quickly approaching & my brain has just been like 'mmm ... how about... No' -_-
Last thing you searched for writing purposes: oh shit, it's been a minute! Lemme see ... Oh. I was looking up a character name! Bc I swear, when I found it years ago, when first naming this character, I swear I verified it was an Irish name with x pronunciation, but when I looked it up a few weeks ago with my sister we got like 3 other origins for it with y pronunciation. ._. So now I'm trying to decide if this character needs renamed or not.
No pressure tags (play if you want, don't if you don't, y'all know how this goes xP) : @justsome-di , @jinnybinghamsghost , @maranull , @multi-lefaiye , @albatris , @blind-the-winds ... & anyone who sees this & wants to play!
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homestylehughes · 5 months
do i know you?
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coffee girl: part 2
pairings: luke hughes x fem!reader
summary: y/n's first day on the job, after her encounter big spill with luke hughes. her first day's is going as expected, until she locks eyes with luke, the tension begins to unfold.
wc: 1.6k
warnings: nervous and shy reader and luke. cuteness overload, cussing. fluff? nothing too crazy yet! cliffhanger kinda AGAIN
authors note: OMG HI!! i'm so so sorry it took me forever to get this up. college is actually kicking my ass. (someone help me). ANYWAYS this chapter is more of a filler, more reader focused. we will be getting to the good stuff soon, promise!!! thank you for all of your love and support, so so thankful. like and reblog if you enjoy. as always much love.
happy reading <3
Holy shit I got the job. I got the fucking job. The job that I was late to my interview for, because I ran into cute, sweet, day ruining Luke Hughes, spilling coffee on me and now we’re here.
I'm practically skipping out of the prudential Center, a smile on my face that nothing can take off, even the split coffee on my shirt. 
I start the walk back to my apartment, with a pep in my step. opening my door, my little orange baby Moe greeting me at my feet. 
“Hi, little baby” “mommy got her job” I said to him in a whiney pet voice as I lifted him up into my arms, cradling him into my chest. God, I need more friends, I think to myself.
But none of that matters because I got my dream job, that world is on my side right now. I put Moe back on the ground after our cuddle session, picking up my bag and making my way towards the bathroom. 
I take in my state, Luke's hoodie still covering my body, his scent filling my senses. Letting out a deep sigh, I pulled off the hoodie and put it in my laundry basket. Slowly making my way to my closet, pulling on the first things I find, and plopping myself into my bed. 
My eyes began to slowly close, the events of today filling my mind as I drift off to sleep. 
Today is the first day of my job. I'm shitting bricks, I'm not ready for this. You can do this y/n I think to myself, this isn't anything you haven't done before. You are more than qualified for this position. You've worked with athletes before, but these are insanely attractive athletes, but most importantly Luke Hughes is one of them. Fuck…Luke Hughes. 
Im quickly pulled out of my day dream, when the elevator door dings open. Swiftly making my way to my office, my office. 
Walking into the office I call my own, seems unreal, looking around once I set the box of my things on my desk, along with setting my purse in one of the chairs in front of it. Walking around the space taking it all. 
I'm quickly pulled out of my daydream again today when I hear a man's voice behind me. 
“I'm guessing youre y/n y/l/n?” turning around quickly, to meet eyes with the nameless man standing in the doorway.
“Hi yes, I'm y/n, nice to meet you?” I say holding out my hand to the man, whose name I still haven't gotten. “Hi, it's lovely to meet you! I'm Tyler but everyone calls me Ty!” Tyler or I guess ty says, shaking my hand with a smile on his face. 
“I'm guessing you like your place?” Tyler says behind me as we both look around the office, “Yes it's great! I love it already '' I smile back at him.
“Great! Hope you're ready, to meet the team, in about… 5 minutes” he says, as he checks his watch. Oh god, in 5 minutes, i haven't even unpacked yet. Oh gosh what if they all hate me. Oh my god, Luke. Will he remember me??
“I can see everything you're thinking on your face, they're going to love you, the whole team is excited to meet you. It's not everyday we get a female athletic trainer.” Ty says to me pulling me out of my thoughts, calming me down slightly.
“Thank you, i needed that” I sigh out back to him 
“Of course, are you ready?” 
“Yes? I think” Ty chuckles in response, as we make our way out of the office. 
“I'll give you a better in depth tour than the one you've had earlier, later. Sound good?” he says from beside me, nodding my head in agreement. As we make our way through the halls of the center. 
We finally make our way to what I think is the Devils locker room, my heartbeat begins to pick up. 
“The boys finished up practice about 45 minutes ago” Ty says as he's going to open the door, his back now turned to me. “I'm going to go in first to make sure they're all dressed and somewhat put together” he chuckles out to me. 
“Okay, I'll be here,” I say before he enters the locker room. 
It feels like 30 minutes goes by, but it's actually probably only been 2. 
I see Ty head pop out, “y/n, are you ready?” 
“Yes!” NO I  want to say, but I'll keep that to myself. Taking a deep breath, I follow Ty into the locker room. 
Walking in the locker room, I instantly feel 40 pairs of eyes on me. Oh gosh this is scarier than I thought, I say to myself. 
“Gentleman, this y/n, our new athletic trainer!” Ty says gesturing to me, our eyes locking briefly, silently asking me to say something. 
“Hi guys! I'm y/n! I'm really excited to work with guys "I say, as I pause to try and think of something else to say. 
“I'm not going to lie, I'm not sure what else to say… you guys make me nervous.” I laugh nervously. The whole room erupted in chuckles. 
They found that funny? I'll take it. 
“I like her already” I hear a few players chuckle out. My nerves are finally beginning to settle, until I lock eyes with him. Luke. 
It feels like my whole world stops, as his eyes lock with mine, our eyes swimming in each other, his gaze is so strong, it's almost like he’s trying to figure out who I am. 
I'm the first to break contact. Turning around to only get pulled into a conversation with the training staff, as they quickly pulled me out of the locker room, to show me around the rest of the building. 
I can't shake the feeling of Luke's eyes on me, as they show me around. My mind is still foggy from our interaction. 
My “first day” was more of a tour and getting the feel of where everything was. I was even able to get my office together. This is beginning to feel like home I think to myself. Im pulled out my thoughts when I hear a knock on my door.
“Come in!” I shout out, from my desk, my face in the paperwork I'm currently filling out, not bothering to raise my head, thinking it's one of trainers. 
“One second, just trying to do this last bit of paperwork” I say, as my pen is quickly moving across the page. 
“You're okay, take your time” says the voice that I know oh so well, the voice that's been stuck in my head for the last 4 days. 
I slowly bring my head up from my desk, my eyes slowly taking over Luke's figure, taking in his appearance. He's just as beautiful as I member
Quickly snapping out of my trance, clearing my throat “Hi Luke, did you need something?” I ask as politely and professionally as I can. 
“Do I know you from somewhere?” Luke quickly says to me.
“Um.” I am trying to figure out a way to continue this conversation.
I feel Luke's eyes run over my face for the second time today. I see his mouth slowly open, as he runs his hand over his face, letting out a sigh. 
“Oh my gosh, you're the girl I spilt her coffee on like a week ago aren't you?” 
“It's actually been four days but, yes that's me.” I say back letting out a breathlily laugh to my desk. 
“Shit, i'm so so sorry” he rambles out quickly. “Its okay, I promise, it was an accident” 
“But I made you cry, oh my gosh. You were on the way to your interview here, weren't you?”
“Yes I was, but it worked out, I still got the job,” I say, gesturing to the room around us. 
“This is so embarrassing, I'm so sorry.” Luke begins to apologize again. 
“Hey hey, i promise it's okay” i say getting up from my desk, walking around to lean up against the front, to stand in front of Luke. 
“We can start off again on a better foot if you'd like?” I say holding out my hand to him, “Hi, I’m y/n” my hand still being held out in front of him, luke's eyes look me up and before he grasps my hand finally shaking it. “Hi, I’m Luke” he says, staring my eyes. 
“It's nice to meet you” I smile out to him, as our hands drop, his touch still lingering. “You're really pretty when you smile” Luke rasps out to me.
My cheeks begin to heat with a blush, lowering my head, now looking at my feet. 
“I'm sorry, I didn't mean to make you uncomfortable.” 
“No, you didn't” i say suddenly “it just surprised me, that's all” 
“Good,” he says quietly, our eyes locked in a soft gaze. 
“I-I should probably get going, let you get back to work.” “Yeah of course, thank you for stopping by” I say, for some reason I don't want him to leave. 
“We’re really happy you're here y/n” luke says to me, there's something about the way Luke says my name, that makes my heart stop for a second. 
“I'm really glad, I'm here too.” 
“Have a great day” he says to me as he makes his way to the door. “You too!” I say turning back to behind my desk. 
Luke turned back once more, to take one final glance in my direction, smiling softly at me again, before closing the door behind him.
I released the breath I didn't even know I was holding out, letting my shoulder fall a little bit.
This job is going to much more difficult than i thought, and it's all because, of my stupid coffee and Luke Hughes. 
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Papa bear mode (Mick Schumacher)
Mick is in full papa bear mode and his baby girl hasn't arrived yet
Note: english is not my first language. this is another long piece that I hope you enjoy (I love how we all just love dad!Mick and I'm here for it)!
Thank you so much to everyone who likes and reblogs, your feedback is appreciated 🤍 and I'm taking requests so if you have any ideas or concepts you want to share, feel free to do so as I'll try to get to them the best I can!
my masterlist
Tw: pregnancy and postpartum
"Can we go tomorrow, then? I already said that I'd be taking the day off", you said to Mick, passing him the last piece of cutlery so he could put it on the drawer after you dried it, "the meeting was the only thing that I had scheduled and since that is cancelled, I have a free day for that, yes", he smiled, settling his hand around your lower back as he guided you to the living room, sitting on the sofa so you could sit next to him, his iPad on his hand so you could both look at it.
"I think I finally found the buggy for us", he announced, tapping the wide screen and opening the shared document you had created so you could have a set list of what you needed for your baby girl's arrival. Mick wanted to be involved in everything as much as he could, and when you suggested that you'd split the list of items so both of you would have less things to look up and search for, it went down as a good idea.
"This one has an adaptable pushing bit, you can regulate according to the height of the person pushing it so it's comfortable, comes with this thing where you put the nappy bag, and I've checked on your list here", he motioned, splitting the screen so both lists would be showing, "and it fits the bag we have already", he smiled, happy with his finding. You tapped the screen to see all the different pictures and features of the equipment, nodding when it seemed good, "yes, I think this is a good choice. It's good that it's adjustable, means you won't hurt your back because it's to small for you or that I will be uncomfortable because it's too tall for me", you smiled, looking up at him and stealing a kiss, "yes, and it looks sturdy enough to venture out for our walks, too", you mentioned, watching a video where the brand tested how the buggy behaved in different types of ground. You were hoping that once things settled down and you felt comfortable enough, you'd join Mick and Angie for walks as a family of four.
"I also found this crib", you mentioned, tapping the link you had pasted on the document earlier on in the day, "it looks pretty and practical, too", you noted, "she won't sleep on it for a while, I guess, because I've heard everyone say how they just sleep in the cot you put next to the bed for first few weeks", you shrugged your arms, "but at least it will be done and out of the way, and the nursery will be ready", you explained your point of you, earning a nod of agreement from your husband, "seems good to me too. We make a fine team, don't we?", he asked, cuddling you into his chest while you looked at the rest of the items you wanted to get.
The next morning, you both woke up and got ready to move your bodies. While you weren't an athete like your husband, you tried your best to engage in some form of exercise to keep active, usually some stretches and lighter movements now that you were pregnant. And because of that, you had built a nice routine to exercise while Mick did his workout in the morning.
You were tidying up, throwing your towell on the basket so you could later take it to the laundry room and then rolling up your yoga matt, walking to the place where you stored it when you nearly tripped in one of weight machines, "Y/N!", Mick said, approaching you to check how you were, "everything good?", he looked you up and down, Angie following suit as she looked up at you, "I'm fine, just didn't see the corner of it", you smiled, craddling his cheek, "no need to go all papa bear mode, at least not now", you reasoned, "yes, you're right. But maybe we should get those lock things, so baby girl doesn't walk in here and hurts herself, there are some heavy things here", he looked around, "and upstairs too, for that matter", he continued his ramble of everything he thought would be heavy and dangerous in the house, "I'll get to it once we get home from the shop", he finished.
Chuckling, you grabbed Mick's hand and laced it in yours, "there's still a lot of time until those are a concern, my love", you tried to pull him back to reality, "I know, but better be safe than sorry. And don't be so certain than I'm thinking she'll be the one to accidentally hit things, by the looks of it, you'll be too", he teased you, kissing your forehead as you made your way upstairs for a shower before leaving for the baby shopping afternoon.
Arriving at the store, you greeted the older sales assistant, showing her your list of items you wanted to get and following her as she also offered her opinions and views, "yes, I always recommend these cots where little one is right next to you in bed, they're like an extension of your own bed and they can be near the parent for feeds and changes during the night, and especially when the mother is the one getting to them in the night and she's still recovering, it's a lot easier to just roll and have the baby right there", she supported your decision, marking down on her notepad the exact model that would fit your bed, "and can we move it around? Say I want it on my side of the bed instead of hers", Mick asked, "yes, it's fairly easy to move around. This model has wheels that lock into place once you're happy with where it is", she showed the detail on the model they had on display.
After discussing all the furniture, you moved into the aisle concerning the mothers rather than the babies' sections, "again, we can never know for sure how the birth is going to go, but from my own experience and from what the clients tell me, it's better to be prepared for everything rather than run around in the newborn stage trying to buy something", she smiled softly, "we have this kit here, and it comes with nipple cream, which I would recommend you start applying a few days before the birth, a lot of new mothers swear by this trick", she winked, making you look at the product while Mick listened intently.
"Also these witch hazel pads also work wonders, if you lay them on your maternity pads or underwear, they really help cool down the area and make things a little bit less uncomfortable", she continued explaining what all the products did and how to use them to get the most benefits.
By the time you were home, sorting everything took even longer since Mick would not let you carry the bigger boxes, only allowing you to carry some baby clothes, hygiene products and a lamp to the nursery and your shared bedroom, and you couldn't help but notice his tense stance. His shoulders were stiff, he only spoke when you talked to him and the crease on his forehead was prominent. "Hey", you nudged him with your foot under the dinner table, "are you okay? Do you need something?", he asked worriedly, earning a no from you, "I should be the one asking you that. You are awfully quiet since we got home from the store. What happened? Was it something I said or did?", you wondered, receiving a chuckle on his end.
Frowning, you waited for his answer, "sorry, liebling, I don't want to offend you. And no, it's not your fault. I mean, it kind of is because yiu are the one carrying our baby, my baby", he brushed, "you and your body are doing this wonderful thing, like, you're growing organs and bones for our baby girl, you are her home", he smiled, tears filling his eyes before be frowned a bit, "but you're also the one enduring the pains, the discomfort that it is sometimes. You'll have to deal with so many things even after our baby girl is out here with us", he stretched his arm so he could hold your hand in his, his thumb rubbing your knuckles, "it's not fair, and I don't know how to make up to you", he explained.
"What made you feel like this? Was it just today?", you questioned, wanting to know where this whole thing came from, "It's just, today, at the store", he gulped, "the lady kept saying that the things we were getting were because things would be bad, like nipple cream because you'd have cracked skin there, or the witchhazel pads because you would be sore, and the band because sometimes everything would feel off on your body", he said, "and I'll be here for you as much as I can, I'll do anything and I'd do anything to take any of that discomfort away from you, but, it's bothering me, I think that's what it is", he confessed, opening up to you.
Smiling at his thoughtfulness, you tutted so he would look at you, "Mick, my love, it's all part of this. And while maybe, yes, if this was some sort of video game where I could transfer the pain of childbirth to you", you giggled, helping him relax a little bit more, "I'm sure I'll be just fine because I have you by my side, through all of it.
"So, please, stop feeling like you're not doing enough because you are. You're taking care of us, making sure I'm doing everything okay. And I have no doubt that the minute this one is her with us", you brought your laced hands to touch your bump, feeling your daughter kick, "you'll be even more wonderful. Parenthood is not measured by who does more of what, but rather how we handle it all together for the best of our family", you smiled, kissing your husband's lips as you finalised your attempt to make him feel better.
"Do we have to do this now?", you asked your husband, walking inside the home office to see his opening storage boxes, "you're not doing anything, but I need to get these away from here", he pointed to his trophies. His successful career was the first things that came to mind whenever you saw the wall, and now he wanted to store them away, "one day, Rora might think it is a good idea to touch these and what if they fall on her? They're really heavy and they can hurt her", he reasoned as he saw you sat down on the spinning chair, and if your stomach hadn't fluttered as he mentioned your daughter's nickname, your response would be quicker, "those are really high up, Mick, I don't think I can even reach them, let alone a baby or a toddler that, may I remind you, is still some time away from doing that", you noted, only hearing him mumbling something, "and I plan on dedicating every win to you and our little one, so these will soon be filled with new trophies", he smiled charmingly.
"You, little lady", you talked to your bump, "have a very worried and forward thinking papa, and while he can sometimes be a pain in our behind, he only does it because he loves us so much", you tapped the skin, "but we love him even more, so we are all lucky to have eachother, I guess".
"So, I hold her like this?", your husband asked the instructor, earning a pleased nod from her, "very well, Mick, exactly like that!".
You and Mick were at a baby class, and today you were covering the birth and what positions would be helpful whenever the pain of contractions was too great to handle and how you could deal with them, "Am I hurting you, liebling?", he asked, "no, on the contrary. This is actually really nice, I think I should walk around everyday with you like this until she's born", you chuckled, feeling how rhe pressure on your hips subsided, "you know I wouldn't mind being with you all day, you know? It would help me to keep an eye on you at all times an-", you interrupted him, "Papa bear mode is activated", you chuckled, kissing his jaw, "you're lucky I think you're insanely hot when you do that".
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joeys-babe · 9 months
Joey B Imagines: The Best of My Love
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Summary: A sweet Valentine's Day surprise trip from your boyfriend Joe turns into one of the most important days of your life.
(Part one to - Part 2)
Warnings: pure sickening fluff
Pairing: Joe Burrow x reader
February 13th, 2024
(y/n’s pov)
Waking up on the day before Valentine’s Day alone in bed is never fun, especially when it's just 4 days after Joe and I’s 7th anniversary as a couple. The reason the day before was special was that Joe and I were celebrating today, Joe said he was super busy tomorrow with foundation stuff and we needed to celebrate today.
Joe had already told me last night that he was still going to work out this morning but instead would opt for our home gym. Still, the last thing I'd want to do is bother him.
Spending the alone time wisely, I didn't stay in bed too long and took a relaxing shower. Afterward, I did my normal skincare routine and put some light makeup on.
Once that was finished the next step was slicking my hair back into a tight bun and getting dressed.
As of right now, Joe and I don't have plans to leave the house so I put some leggings on and grabbed my favorite one of Joe’s sweatshirts, and put it on.
It was his pink Nike sweatshirt that was my favorite one ever since I hugged him when he wore it for the first time. It was so soft so I've been stealing it out of his laundry since.
After brushing my teeth and making the bed, I went downstairs to make breakfast.
To my surprise, when I walked into the kitchen there was already a whole spread of breakfast foods on a longboard charcuterie-style.
My heart warmed as I looked at the collection of baked goods, savories, and different juices.
When I picked up a blueberry muffin there was a white envelope underneath it.
I put it down for a second to quickly pour a glass of pink lemonade.
Picking it up to read the front a smile spread on my lips when it said “Joe” with a little heart.
I quickly opened the envelope and pulled the small note card out.
Happy Valentine's, Baby!
I'm probably still working out as you're reading this (gotta have big muscles to fight off guys that hit on you). But anyway… how'd I know that you were going to get a blueberry muffin out of all that food I put out?? I'll tell ya. It's because I know you like the back of my hand. I'm gonna guess right now that you're going to pick strawberry lemonade out of all of the drinks I put out.
This isn't the first little surprise either, I've got lots of things up my sleeves and in my pockets to make today the best Valentine's Day ever.
The best of my love, Joey
The little note had me smiling from ear to ear and I was so deep in a trance that I didn't hear Joe behind me. I jumped when two strong arms wrapped around my waist from behind but the familiar laugh coming from behind put me immediately at ease.
“Startle ya?” - Joe
“My gosh, Joe! Yes!” - you
I turned around in his arms and placed my hands on his chest, looking up into his gorgeous blue eyes.
“Did I guess right?” - Joe smiled
Nodding my head in the direction of my muffin and glass of pink lemonade I grinned as Joe’s cheeks deepened a shade of red.
“You know me so well.” - you
“Well, I hope that I know you a little bit after seven years together.” - Joe laughed
“Seven years is a long time…” - you
“It is, isn't it? Does it ever surprise you that we have lasted this long?” - Joe
“Oh gosh no. You're my best friend, can't live without you. Does it ever surprise you?” - you
“No. The rest of my life is with you.” - Joe grinned
I jokingly scoffed and Joe’s face turned to confusion.
“Not officially, last time I checked my left hand was empty.” - you held your bare left hand in front of his face
Joe’s lips formed a straight line as he glared at me. His facial expression made me giggle before I leaned in to kiss is soft lips.
“I’m kidding, Joe. You know I seriously don't care if and when it happens.” - you
“If?! What do you mean if it happens?! It's sure as hell going to happen, I don't care if it's the last thing I do. Who knows, it might be happening sooner than you think.” - Joe
“You said that last Valentine’s.” - you laughed
“Oh, whatever. I have to go shower but expect another surprise in a few minutes.” - Joe
“Ok…” - you
Joe kissed my cheek and unwrapped his arms from me. I couldn't help but watch him walk away because of how borderline delicious he looked wearing his cut-off Nike top with shorts.
Just as Joe was out of my sight the doorbell rang. Woah he wasn't joking, I thought.
I immediately walked to the door and thanked the delivery man after he handed me the substantial bouquet of beautiful red roses.
There was a vase that was my go-to for when Joe got me flowers but after a quick analysis, I came to the realization that there was no way they would all fit.
After placing them on the counter I was examining the huge arrangement when I realized there was yet again another small white envelope.
What it said was short but so sweet, making my heart swell even more.
For our one-month anniversary a few weeks short of seven years ago, I gave you a singular red rose. Here’s eighty-four roses for every month you've been my girl.
The best of my love, Joe
He must be in a sentimental nostalgic mood this Valentine's because though Joe is secretly a raging romantic, I've never seen him go to such great lengths as this.
When I went to put the card back in its stand, it fell and I realized there was writing on the back as well.
P.S. Go get my card from my wallet, a new nail set on me. There's a surprise waiting for you there, and maybe a few more afterward…
What is this man up to??
I went upstairs, and grabbed Joe’s card before grabbing my purse, putting shoes on, and heading to my favorite nail salon.
When I arrived the front desk lady offered me a warm smile and I sent one right back.
“Miss y/n! We've been expecting you. Go ahead and head back.” - Lady
“I don't have to pick a color?” - you
“Your boyfriend prepicked a color, nail type, and everything. You're all set!” - Lady
“Oh okay! Thanks!” - you
As soon as I walked over to my go-to station I noticed a familiar face already sitting there.
“Aubrey?!” - you
“Hey girl!” - Aubrey jumped up
Aubrey was my roommate at Ohio State and has been my best friend ever since. She had moved to California after college to pursue her career as a doctor.
“What are you doing in Cincinnati?” - you hugged her
“Mmm, a certain someone invited me down here…” - Aubrey smiled
“Joe?” - you smiled, immediately thinking about Joe’s letter on your roses
“Maybe.” - Aubrey smirked
“What is he up to?! Do you know? He's been acting so… romantic today.” - you laughed
“Hard to tell. I don't know what he's up to, but he has a nail request that he's also paying for so let's get down to business.” - Aubrey
A couple of hours later I had nice oval French tips and Aubrey got solid sage green coffin nails.
We went up to the counter and I handed the lady Joe’s card. She smiled up at me and gave me a wink.
“Your boy has taste.” - Lady
“That he does.” - you giggled and looked at your nails
She laughed as she handed me the card back but she held up a finger telling me to wait. I watched the woman reach under the counter to retrieve yet another white envelope.
When she handed it to me I couldn't help but gasp and quickly rip it open to see what was inside. It was a note and read…
Go down to Kroger with Aubs and get your favorite road trip snacks… you'll need it. ;)
I hope you like your nails, I tried my best to explain what I wanted.
The best of my love, Joe.
Aubrey was reading the note along with me over my shoulder and when we were both done we looked at each other with wide eyes.
You didn't know of course, but Aubrey has known Joe’s plan for weeks so she knew this was happening.
“Aubrey what the heck is he doing?! - you
She just shrugged so I thanked the front desk lady and practically sprinted to the car with Aubrey.
“I’m so confused.” - you
“I know just as much as you, let's get to the store to get your snacks though.” - Aubrey
I tried to make the Kroger trip as quick as possible because all I wanted was to get back home to Joe and find out what was going on.
Aubrey asked me to drop her off at the hotel she was staying at since she got an Uber to the nail salon.
After dropping her off, I headed straight for home.
“Joe!” - you called out as you made it through the front door
“Upstairs!” - Joe
I practically ran up the stairs and into our bedroom.
When I did, my heart stopped when my eyes scanned the room.
There were probably over 30 heart-shaped balloons that had floated up to the ceiling and multiple huge bags sitting on our made bed.
Joe was standing to the side of the room looking incredibly cute in his usual sweatpants and t-shirt combo while he wore a bashful grin.
“What is all of this?” - you
“Just another step in my master plan of putting this year's Valentine's Day down in history.” - Joe
I walked up to him and immediately pulled him into my embrace, my head on his built chest as we rubbed each other's backs.
“What are you up to Mr?” - you smiled
“You’ll see. Open your gifts!” - Joe grinned
Walking over to sit on the bench in front of the bed, Joe handed me the first gift bag.
We grinned at each other as I pulled the tissue paper out of the bag. It revealed a shoe box that said “UGG” and I immediately gasped.
They were the Tasman’s that I had been wanting for a while. I had briefly mentioned them when another WAG had them on and I complimented them, turns out Joe was paying attention.
“Thank you! They're so cute.” - you
“You’ll be needing them later today, you know something comfy. And speaking of comfy…” - Joe handed you another bag
I removed the tissue paper and a cute sweat set was revealed.
“Pastel orange, Joe?” - you giggled
“Orange looks good on you!” - Joe
“You’ve said that multiple times, honey.” - you
Joe just smiled at me and took the empty bags off the bed to put them in a pile by the door. He also grabbed the UGG box and sweat set to neatly stack them on the bench in front of the bed.
“Why are you waiting? Open your last gifts, baby!” - Joe
“I’m waiting for you Mr. to tell me which one to open!” - you
“This one.” - Joe grabbed a bag and handed it to you
I reached down into the bag and my fingertips brushed against a smaller box. Giving Joe a skeptical look, he returned my look with a sweet smile.
When I finally looked down inside my heart stopped when I noticed the familiar Cartier packaging.
“Joe… what did you do? This was probably so expensive.” - you
“Stop that, I love spending my money to spoil you. You know that. Just open it.” - Joe
His gaze was convincing so I took the box into my hands and flicked the lid off.
They were the most gorgeous earrings I'd ever seen. The White Gold, Diamond LOVE earrings.
“Joe… they're beautiful.” - you
“Yeah? Do you like ‘em? They're the matching earrings to the bracelet I got you for Christmas. I've had ‘em since them but I didn't give them to you at the same time to avoid ‘you spend too much on me’ speech.” - Joe
“If you keep it up with the white gold and diamonds Imma be more shiesty than you.” - you giggled
“That’s 100% my plan. Gotta keep my girl iced out.” - Joe grinned
I walked forward and immediately wrapped my arms around my boyfriend.
“I love you so much. Thank you so much for everything.” - you kissed his lips
“Aye not so fast. You've got one more gift.” - Joe
Joe unwrapped one of his arms from my waist and reached into the final gift bag. He pulled out a white envelope and smiled brightly when he handed it to me.
“Saved the best for last.” - Joe
“Better than those earrings?! Did you get me a puppy??” - you
“No! No puppy.” - Joe laughed
I backed away from him to open it and my mouth dropped open when I pulled out two plane tickets.
“Where are we going??” - you
“Read the tickets.” - Joe
My eyes frantically searched the tickets and I slapped Joe’s arm out of pure excitment when the destination of my dream getaway was printed on the sheet of paper.
“Shut up! I’m going to Portofino?!” - you yelled
“You’re going to Portofino, Italy!” - Joe
I practically lept at Joe and wrapped my legs around his waist, my arms around his neck.
“Thank you! Thank you!” - you yelled into his neck
A thought popped into my mind that made my heart sink and I pulled away from Joe’s neck to confirm or deny my disappointing thought.
“Wait… you're going with me, right?” - you
“Yes, baby. I'm going with you.” - Joe laughed
“Yay! My dream vacay with my favorite person ever.” - you smiled
“Are you excited?” - Joe
“Am I excited?! Joe, I'm ecstatic! I've been dreaming about going there since I was in high school. I can't wait to mark this one off my bucket list… especially with you.” - you
“Good. I'm happy to be there with you.” - Joe
“Do you have everything packed??” - Joe
“Yup!” - you
I rolled my suitcase out of the closet and into our bedroom where Joe was sitting on the bed waiting.
“I was going to pack everything for you… but I realized I can't pack everything you need, cause I have no idea.” - Joe
Laughing at him as I wheeled the suitcase to him, I quickly came up with a response.
“You can't pack it but you can use those muscles to carry it to the car.” - you winked
Joe grinned as he flexed his arms, I had to hype him up and it never failed to surprise me with how deep the blush went.
He left the room shortly after to take my suitcase down to the car and I did a final walkthrough of the house to make sure all lights were off, we had everything we needed, and nothing was left running.
When I finally got outside the site of Joe headbanging slowly while biting his lip through the front glass of the car made me internally giggle as I rounded the side and plopped in the front passenger seat.
“Do we have to listen to Kid Cudi?” - you
“I thought you liked him?” - Joe
“I do. But we listen to him all of the time.” - you
“Fine. You pick.” - Joe sighed and handed you his phone to play a song on Spotify.
Naturally, I pulled up my go-to playlist and shuffled it. The first song that played was Nat King Cole’s “L-0-V-E”.
I of course was yelling along the lyrics while Joe just shook his head with a playful grin.
“This song is boring.” - Joe
“You think so? It reminds me of us.” - you
“Why? Because it's boring? Are you calling us boring?” - Joe
“No, you goofball. Because it says ‘love was made for me and you’ and I think that it was.” - you
“I think it was too.” - Joe grinned and laced your fingers with his
“Was that whole playlist just old love songs? Or are you in a vintage gushy mood?” - Joe
I thought back to the songs that had played previously…
Can’t Take My Eyes off You by Frankie Valli, Everybody Loves Somebody by Dean Martin, Everlasting Love by Natalie Cole…
“Uhm… yes.” - you
“Yes, to which one, baby?” - Joe laughed
“Both!” - you
“Did I put you In a gushy love song mood?” - Joe
“Yeah… maybe you did. You've been so romantic today.” - you
Joe grinned at me while he squeezed my hand and the next time we were at a red light he leaned over to kiss me.
“I have a feeling that every trip we take from here on out isn't going to top this.” - Joe
“I already know they're not! I'm so excited. Thank you so much, Joe.” - you
“You’re so welcome, but just wait till you see what I have planned throughout the trip.” - Joe
“Ok, I still can't believe you planned a whole International trip with your homebody ways, Joseph Lee.” - you
“I didn't do it by myself. I got help from a lot of people. My mom helped, Aubrey, some guys on the team, your parents, and maybe or maybe not the team’s travel advisor.” - Joe
“Baby, that's so sweet.” - you
“It needs to be perfect…” - Joe sighed
“I think it will be. Can I ask you something?” - you
“Yup.” - Joe
“Why’d you get my nails done?” - you
“Uhm… because we're probably going to take pictures and you had said multiple times your old set was busted. Thought you might want to get new ones.” - Joe
I reached over and put my hand on Joe’s arm, lightly scratching his skin with my nails while I smiled brightly at him.
“I love you.” - you
“I love you too, babe.” - Joe
We arrived at the airport and to my confusion someone was there to escort us. The tall male with a bodyguard build led us through an area adjacent from the regular airport and before I knew it Joe and I were standing in front of a jet.
“What did you do?!” - you
“Wanna fly in a private jet?” - Joe grinned
After we handed our bags and suitcases to part of the crew, I was standing there astounded so Joe took my hand and guided me up the steps.
“This is incredible… how much did this cost to fly us there?” - you frowned slightly
“My love, money is not something we have to worry about.” - Joe winked with a cocky grin on his lips
I had changed into my sweat set, UGGs, and put my new earrings in before we left the house and I swore sometimes I would catch Joe’s eyes lingering to the substantial diamonds on my ears.
Eventually, we made it inside the jet and it was even nicer inside than it was outside. The lighting was warm and the leather seats were astonishing.
“You like it?” - Joe
“I love it, and I love you.” - you pecked Joe’s cheek
Joe put a hand on the small of my back and gently moved me in the direction of a chair.
After sitting down, Joe took his spot across from me, a table in between us and I propped my feet up on his lap.
He slipped my UGGs off and gently put them on the floor before he started massaging my feet.
It was the little things that Joe did that made me praise him for being the best boyfriend ever, and he never failed to hold himself to that title.
“You comfy?” - Joe
“Very.” - you smiled
“We have a long ride ahead of us so hopefully we can take a nap at some point.” - Joe
I nodded and the flight attendant walked over to us to explain a few things. Due to the fact Joe is an avid hater of PDA I was expecting Joe to drop my foot when she walked over, but he didn't. He listened to her intently as he continued rubbing small comforting circles on my foot.
Joe had a few questions about the lunch and dinner menu but eventually, she walked away.
“You have absolutely spoiled me today, I don't know how it can get much better.” - you
“Just you wait.” - Joe winked
February 14th, 2024 - *Actual* Valentine's Day
When we finally arrived in Portofino it was early morning the next day, Joe and I were pretty exhausted.
Despite being jet-lagged and tired, the drive to the Airbnb was absolutely beautiful.
The different colored buildings and the water were some of the most breathtaking sites I'd ever laid eyes on. I had to look back at Joe who was sitting next to me in the back of the car just to verify he could see it too.
“It's beautiful…” - you
“It is, isn't it?” - Joe smiled
He was so in love with you, so obsessed with pleasing you that he’d do anything just to see that twinkle in your eye when you see something you love. When you looked back at him he saw that twinkle and he hoped that it wasn't just coming from the gorgeous surroundings, but also because of him.
You were still looking out of the car window but suddenly he felt a hand on his thigh. When he looked down he saw your fingers making grabby motions and when he laced his fingers with yours, they were at ease. Even with the view in front of you, you still reached for him behind.
The Airbnb was even more breathtaking. Joe, in the most broken Italian accent I'd ever heard, told me it was called the Baia degli Ulivi.
It was a pretty pink color with forest green shutters and a beautiful balcony view.
Joe and I sat our bags down when we got inside because he said he wanted to show me around.
I could tell that Joe was proud of himself for picking such a ravishing place for us to stay.
He was so adorable as he walked around the house and pointed out little things he liked on the Airbnb app when he looked at pictures.
My favorite part was when he was super proud to show me the bathroom because…
“It has a fucking bidet!” - Joe pointed
He was looking equal parts intrigued and proud but I couldn't help but bust out laughing at his exclamation.
“There’s my goofy boy. You've been so romantic the past two days that I've kinda missed the goober side of you.” - you
“Trust me, it’s never gone sometimes it just gets overpowered by another side of me.” - Joe grinned
“C’mon Joey, let’s go take a nap.” - you
A few hours later, meaning like six, we woke up at one o'clock and decided to venture out of the house.
Joe had an itinerary on his phone that he pulled up while we were still lying in bed cuddling.
“Wanna go to a castle?” - Joe
“A Castle?! Yes!” - you
“Okay, we can get dressed and go to the Castello Brown before we head to lunch.” - Joe
“Is that the name of it?” - you
“Mhm.” - Joe nodded
“I can't believe I'm here with you right now. This is my dream come true, Joe. Thank you for everything, you're the best boyfriend a girl could ask for.” - you
“I love you.” - Joe kissed your forehead
Soon we were walking through the castle grounds hand in hand.
There was this one particular painting that I walked away from Joe to take a picture of, and when I turned around I was met with the sight of Joe holding his phone up taking a picture of me. He never fails to make me feel like the most loved woman on that planet.
We continued walking to the top where there was a beautiful view of the water. Our hands were laced together as I laid my head on Joe’s shoulder, and he laid his against mine.
The moment was amazing, everything just felt so surreal and magical. After everything Joe went through with football last season and all of the obstacles we've faced, it felt like they all disappeared.
I was so focused on Joe and the view that I flinched when there was a tap on my shoulder. When I turned around it was an older woman and what seemed to be her husband standing next to her.
“Sorry to bother but you two are just so adorable and remind me of my husband and I when we were young. I took a nice picture of you guys, do you want it?” - Lady
She showed Joe and me the picture and we both looked at each other with a large grin. You could see the love radiating off of us.
“Yes! Here I'll give you my number. I'm y/n and this is my boyfriend Joe.” - you smiled
“I’m Linda and this is my husband Ben. How long have you guys been together?” - Linda
“Seven years.” - you answered
“Wow, that's a long time! We've been together for 35. We got together as 15-year-olds in high school.” - Linda
“That’s so sweet. What are you guys doing in Italy?” - you
“Revisiting the place we got engaged for Valentine's Day. What about you two young’un’s?” - Linda
“Aww. This is my dream vacation place so Joe surprised me for Valentine’s Day.” - you
“That’s a good man you have.” - Ben nodded
“I know. He's my best friend.” - you grinned at Joe
We talked to Linda and Ben for a little longer before I offered to take a picture of them just like Linda had done with me and Joe.
They agreed and posed with smiles plastered on their faces.
Linda and I exchanged pictures before we parted ways and Joe and I went to lunch.
It was a place that Joe again attempted to pronounce, named Trattoria Tripoli.
“It has 4.5 stars.” - Joe
That boy really did do some research.
While we were sitting and waiting for our food Joe made a little ring out of the straw paper and slid it onto my ring finger. It was a gesture he'd done for a long time almost at every restaurant we go to, but this time it felt different. More butterflies set off in my stomach than normal.
We spent the rest of the evening and afternoon at the Airbnb watching movies on the couch since it had been such a long day.
At around seven I told Joe I was getting in the shower and that he was welcome to join me but he passed on the offer and said he wanted to start unpacking instead.
The shower was amazing and the many different settings had me making a mental note to buy a new showerhead for the house.
After stepping out I wrapped a towel around my body and put my hair up in another one before leaving the bathroom to get a comfy outfit.
I was confused when I stepped into the bedroom and Joe wasn't there, his suitcase was still zipped up and hadn't moved spots since we had gotten here.
“Joey?” - you yelled
My eyes scanned the room one more time and paused on the bed.
There was a beautiful dress I couldn't recognize as one from my closet and on top of it was a white envelope.
I immediately grabbed it and ripped it open.
Put this on and meet me on the balcony, the final surprise of the night. (but not of the trip)
The best of my love, Joe.
Asking myself the question I've been asking myself for 48 hours straight once again, what is he up to?
A while later I had the dress slipped on, my hair fixed, and very light makeup on.
There were nervous butterflies in my stomach because I had no idea what Joe was going to do.
I took a final deep breath before I walked out of the bedroom and out to where the balcony doors were in the living room.
When I stepped outside my heart stopped.
The instrumental version of Turning Page started playing (specifically at the time stamp 1:40) and Joe stood at the end of an Isle lined with candles and rose petals. He was wearing a dark grey button-down shirt with dark-washed jeans and dress shoes.
“Joe… what are you doing?” - your eyes filled with tears
“C’mere, baby.” - Joe smiled
I slowly walked to Joe who was nervously rubbing his sweaty palms on the front of his pants.
Joe took my hands in his and took in a deep nervous shaky breath.
“y/n y/l/n, for as long as I can remember I've wished for a princess to be the woman next to me. When I was younger every wish I made on an eyelash, dandelion, shooting star, or birthday candle, was about love. You filled that void. I remember the first time I laid eyes on you back at Ohio State, I was so infatuated with you but I knew there was no way I would be able to get an actual goddess to get out with me.” - Joe
He paused to laugh with me while I wiped my tears until he forged ahead.
“I was so surprised that my embarrassingly awful tries at flirting with you worked. I didn't need tutoring that much by the way, I just really wanted to be with you any chance I got. It seriously didn't matter to me if I was at your dorm studying till two with an eight AM practice the next morning if it meant I was spending time with you. You've been the one consistent thing in my life since then that I know will always be with me through anything. y/n, you're the princess that I've been asking for my whole life. The most gorgeous, humble, kind, selfless princess there ever was. You understand me on a level that no one else is even capable of doing and there isn't a life that I picture for myself without you in it. I'll love you when we're old farts with dentures, stealing kisses at the family get-togethers to freak our grandkids out because I know the rest of my living is with you. y/n, your love is my turning page.” - Joe
Both Joe and I giggled at his use of a line from the song that was currently playing before he dropped one of my hands to help wipe the steady flow of tears falling from my eyes.
“That being said…” - Joe
Joe paused and let go of my hands. My crying only got harder when he dropped down onto one knee and pulled the light blue Tiffany box out of his pocket. He flicked the box open and the gorgeous diamond ring only made me cry harder.
“Will you marry me?” - Joe looked up hopefully into your eyes
My hands covered my face for a second just because of how surreal this moment was.
“Yes! Of course, I'll marry you, Joe.” - your cried
Joe lept up and immediately wrapped his arms around me.
I wrapped my arms around him as he picked me up and spun me around.
When Joe finally sat me down he slipped the ring onto my finger and grabbed the back of my neck to kiss me.
Out of all the kisses we've had over seven years, this one was my favorite.
“I love you so much.” - Joe hugged you tight
“I love you too.” - you
We were both back in bed now that things had died down, but we were both bubbling with excitement.
“You’re my fiance.” - you smiled at Joe
“We’re getting married.” - Joe grinned
“You say that like you didn't think we ever would.” - You
“No, I knew we would. It's just official now. I'm so glad I finally did it.” - Joe
“Me too, baby. Me too.” - you smiled
I cuddled into Joe’s chest more and found myself nuzzled into his neck.
“Do you like the ring?” - Joe
“I love the ring. It's like exactly what I had pictured. You're really good at picking things out for me, Joe.” - you
“I have never put so much thought into anything else in my entire life. It took me weeks to find the one I wanted to get for you because it had to be perfect.” - Joe
“You seriously did an amazing job. We need to talk about some things though.” - you
“Like what?” - Joe
“When and how we're going to tell people, if we're going to make it public…” - you
“Shhh. We can worry about that when we're in Ohio. Right now I just want to be with my gorgeous fiance, eat dinner, and go to pound town later.” - Joe
I giggled and wrapped myself around Joe, grateful to have such an amazing man in my life who would soon be my husband.
Author’s note: on the ninth day of Christmas I gave you all the fluffiest fic ever. (part two with smut is coming guys don't worry)
Request for this fic;
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sneakyneth · 3 months
I felt like expanding my introverted reader post
Price who after training rookies, going to missions, dealing with paper work and multiple stress factors just wants to stay at home with his lover but at the same time worries that they are gonna get bored staying in one place without doing anything.
Y/n: sooo... Do you wanna do something now that you have free time?
Price: *sigh* honestly love I just wanna stay here and relax but if wanna go out-
Y/n: NO!!! sorry, I mean, I would love staying here with you just the two of us ❤️
Price: you don't have to stay here and get bored.
Y/n: love I a hundred and ten percent prefer staying here at home that going outside dealing with people.
Ghost who after a really rough mission only wants to be alone but also wants to be with you so in reality he wants some quiet after the guns, the explosions, the screams, the noice of everything. but feels bad because he bets that you'll want to talk to him about your day and everything that happened while he was away but once he gets home and hugs you, you only tell him to get a bath and change into something more comfortable while you prepare something to eat.
The rest of the day is silent except for the sound of the TV but is so low that it can be ignore, he is glad that you are indulging him in the silence he wanted and that makes him even more guilty so he does the effort to talk
Ghost: so how was your day?
Y/n: shhh... We are in quiet time.
Ghost: what?
Y/n: It's obvious you want some silence and I gotta say I also want silence after what happened at work.
Ghost: what happened?
Y/n: I'll tell you later for now let's just enjoy ❤️
Gaz who wants to take you to a nice tea shop that he saw in social media but while you were getting ready your phone made a sound when you got a message.
Y/n: babe, can you check who is?
Gaz: it's your friend, they are asking if you want to go with them to a karaoke...
Seeing this Gaz felt bad that he was taking you to a boring tea shop when you could go to anywhere else and have fun with your friends, when you finished you took the phone from his hands and texted something to your friend.
Y/n: ok, let's go.
Gaz: wait, you are not going with your friend?
Y/n: nooou?... We have plans already.
Gaz: Don't worry about that, the tea shop it's something that I want to do, go have fun with your friends.
Y/n: first of all, who said that I don't want to go to the tea shop? Also they want to go to a karaoke, I don't think I can endure that, between the noise and the smell of alcohol, because I bet they are gonna order drinks, I prefer for us to go to a cute and cozy tea shop ❤️
Soap who it's on your side all the time after being away for a couple of months, while you're cooking he has his hands around you, while you are taking a shower he seats on the toilet, while doing the laundry he helps you but all of this it's in complete silence, something unusual for him, you think that maybe something happened in the mission so you do the talk although it's also a bit complicated for you since you didn't do a lot while he was away, mostly you tell him stuff that happened at work, but it was when you were cuddling that you decided to ask him.
Y/N: baby, are you okay?
Soap: what? Yeah, I'm ok.
Y/n: are you sure? You haven't talked much since you came back and you don't leave my side at all.
Soap: I just... I just feel bad that you stay alone for so long so I guess I want to kinda compensate for leaving you.
Y/n: I understand, but let me tell you that I don't mind being alone because I also understand that your job it's gonna make you be away for a while so there's nothing that can be done, besides I don't mind the alone time because I know that I'll never be alone when you are with me ❤️
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xhfics · 27 days
Hi! If you’re still taking fluff requests would you comfortable doing reactions to being called a pet name for the first time? Thank you so much!
"I've put away the laundry already." Your boyfriend says when he sees you going to the bedroom to tidy up. "I know you don't like to do it."
You make a detour to give him a quick little hug from the back as he's on he couch. "Thanks sweetie."
He looks up at you and smiles, his ears slightly red from hearing a pet name for the first time. "Of course."
He makes a funny kissy face, and you let out a soft laugh before pressing your lips on his. The pet name now feeling perfectly fitting for him.
The second you see your boyfriend's name on your phone screen, you smile.
"Hey honey!" You answer happily.
"I-huh?" You hear Jungsu say on the other side.
"What? What's up?" You ask him, slightly confused.
You hear him chuckle shyly. "You called me honey."
You realize that you did. "Oh. Yeah I guess I did!"
"It's cute, I liked it a lot." Jungsu replies, a slight tease in his voice.
"Jiseok, cutie. You're massively in the way." You say as he wurms himself in between you and the tv you're playing a game on.
He turns around, face surprised. "Cutie is my pet name?? That's what you decided on?!"
You panic slightly, as you aren't even really officially dating or anything.
"Well it just happened? You want me to call you something else?" You shrug, pausing your video game and looking at him.
He smiles, and pets the top of your head. "Nope, this is what came to your mind first so you'll have to call me that forever!"
"Babe, could you pick me up some soda when you're coming home?" Is what you say just before Seungmin leaves your apartment to go to work.
It slipped out and you hadn't even noticed it. Until your boyfriend suddenly stands before you and takes your face in his hands before kissing you firmly.
"Hm?" You look at him, slightly confused.
He chuckles. "You've never called me babe before. Or anything else cute for that matter."
He chuckles even more when you get shy and mumble a soft 'oh'. He then gives you another kiss and heads towards the door, "Of course I'll bring home your favorite soda, baby."
"I'm so sorry that I can't go tonight." Junhan says, looking apologetically at you.
The two of you had planned a date night, but something had come up for your boyfriend.
"No, I know how important this is to you." You assure him, brushing his hair out of his face. "I don't mind it at all, love."
You freeze as you said the word, hoping he wouldn't notice or at least wouldn't mind.
Junhan looks at you and gives you a sweet smile. He heard it, but he doesn't want to make a whole thing about it.
He wraps his arms around you and pulls you into a hug, warm and comforting.
Your boyfriend has been extra clingy today, you can't leave the room or he's with you. Not that you mind it, but it would be nice to get dressed quickly without him checking you out for half an hour.
"My eyes up here, pretty boy." You say to him as you change your shirt and you catch him looking at your chest.
He chuckles but keeps his eyes where they are. "Baby's first pet name. I like it!"
You throw your other shirt on his face and try to control your laughter. "Shut it, or I'll never call you anything nice again."
He blows his hair out of his face and huffs. "I'll shut up forever if that means you'll call me all the cute names."
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Star Patient: Chapter 8 (ONGOING SLOW BURN SERIES)
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WARNING: This series will include; possible inaccurate medical procedures and medical setting, gore, toxic relationships that should NOT be replicated in real life, murder, yanderes, cursing, suicide mentions, implications of misandry (male misogyny), descriptions of self-harming, accusations of cheating, child death, death of major and minor characters, OC's are used throughout the story for plot and depth, reader is in denial and paranoid, toxic family dynamics, perversive thoughts, reader is bipolar (not saying that in a quirky way, like literally bipolar), religious comparisons, light mention of demons, stalkers, nonconsensual drugging, minor implication of necrophilia, possibly more to add.
Inaccurate canon-timeline and setting (this is before Ashley and Andrew murdered their parents). They also live in America (because I wasn't aware they lived in Europe prior to this series).
Reader has a small fear of adult men/rape and has a history of suicide attempts.
Incest is not Wincest.
Amnesiac! Obsessive! Patient! Andrew Graves x Yandere! Nurse! Reader:
Wordcount: 17,700+ words
Chapters: Chapter 1, Chapter 2, Chapter 3, chapter 4, chapter 5, chapter 6, chapter 7, current chapter, chapter 9 (in the works)
Want to listen to music while reading? Check out the Star Patient's Official Playlists! Multiple different playlists and genres!
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(Y/N) woke up from her sleep, tired and disoriented. She felt a warm presence holding her, and looked up to see Andrew. Andrew's hand was placed on her head, his other arm wrapped tightly around her body, holding her close in a protective manner. 
        (Y/N) tried to carefully sneaking out of his hold, but it was to no use. She didn't want to wake him up, so she just resorted to lying there. She looked at her clock, noticing it was 8 A.M, far earlier than she'd like to be up by.
        She looked over at Andrew and smiled. It's funny how she enjoys this practical stranger's company far more than she enjoyed Ren's, but I guess the difference between them is Ren was a stalker who didn't have any boundaries, and Andrew wasn't. 
        (Y/N) mentally gushed over his handsome face, resisting the urge to giggle as she saw drool on his lips.
        What? She's allowed to mentally enjoy the peaceful sight. Who cares if he's a murderer staying with her rent free and she murdered his sister. She doesn't have many peaceful things in her life, shut up and let her enjoy this moment before her life goes to hell once more!
        She remembered that her parents had spent the night, and that (Y/N) had express-shipped a package today for Andrew. 
        (Y/N) groaned, closing her eyes for a second before reopening them. She placed her hand on Andrew's arm, shaking him until he woke up.
        "Uh... (Y/N)?" Andrew muttered, sleepily. "Something wrong...?"
        "Morning, sleeping beauty." (Y/N) teased. "Ready to start today? We have a bunch of shopping to do."
        "To spend a day with you? I'm honored." Andrew hummed sarcastically, before reaching his hand out and touching her cheek, gently pinching and tugging it. "Let's get today started, bedhead." He smirked, before ruffling her messy hair. 
        (Y/N) smiled, standing up from her bed and stretching. She grabbed Andrew's crutches and handed it to him, standing near his side until she was certain he was up and balanced. 
        "I'm going to go change. Do you need a change of clothes?" (Y/N) questioned, rummaging through her drawers. 
        "No, don't bother." Andrew hummed, picking up his clothes where he left them last night. "I'll wear what I wore yesterday."
        "Okay... but I'm warning you, I meant it when I said that you're not going to be wearing the same clothes days at a time. After today, that outfit is going inside of the laundry basket and being washed." (Y/N) spoke sternly, holding her chosen outfit in her hands.
        "Got it, mom." Andrew teased, playfully rolling his eyes at her. 
        (Y/N) smiled, before walking into her bathroom and shutting the door, locking it behind her. They were only going out today, so there wasn't any reason to dress up in diamonds and bling. She changed out of her nightgown, putting on her bra and white shirt. She threw her dirtied bandages in the trash, before adding more gauze and medical tape to cover her stitches. She left her other scarred arm exposed, considering she was no longer bleeding and it’d be a waste of resources to cover it. She put on black shorts and a pastel purple jacket, a white star on the back of her jacket. She did her hair, adding in her signature yellow star hair clip before walking out of the room. 
        Andrew was done changing, wearing his black sweater and ripped grey jeans. His hair was messy from his bedhead, so she grabbed her hair brush and handed it to him.
        "Thanks." Andrew smiled, taking the brush and brushing out his black hair.
        Even with his hair brushed, it still stuck out in places, looking very fluffy and tempting to touch.
        Burnt marshmallow fluff... (Y/N) thought, staring at his hair. 
        Andrew handed her back her brush. She set it down on her bathroom counter, before looking over at him.
        "Are you ready? I have a surprise for you." (Y/N) smiled. 
        "Nothing bad, right?" he questioned, smiling.
        "No, no. Nothing bad." (Y/N) chuckled, placing her hand on his back as she guided him to the door. "It'll be helpful for you."
        "If you say so." He smiled, fighting back the shivers her touch gave him. 
        (Y/N) opened the door and guided him down her hallway. Rose and Frank were up and sitting at the dining table, 
        Frank’s phone sitting in front of them as they studied a digital map.
        “Good morning.” (Y/N) greeted, causing Rose to look up from the phone.
        “Do you know any good breakfast spots? We’re heading back to the farm now.” Rose spoke.
        “Morning, kiddo.” Frank smiled politely, before looking back at his phone.
        “Um… there’s IHOP? I like their crepes?” (Y/N) suggested.
        “Nevermind. I shouldn’t have expected you to know much about taste…” Rose sighed, her eyes drifting to Andrew, which seemed like an insult. 
        “Thanks, Ma.” (Y/N) smiled, more on the sarcastic end.
        (Y/N) guided Andrew to the living room coach for him to sit and rest his legs. She walked over to her front door and opened it, looking around before spotting a white package. 
        Thank God a porch pirate didn’t still this. This was about 300 bucks for a good quality one on sale. (Y/N) thought, crouching and picking up the box. 
        She carried the box inside, placing it down on the living room floor. She grabbed knife from her kitchen, cutting open the box and pulling out a plastic bag with something inside of it. Andrew looked curious, but was unsure if he was allowed to question her on what she bought.
        (Y/N) ripped open the bag, placing the object on the ground as she skimmed over the instructions. She got the gist, and grabbed the object, pulling it apart until it unfolded in a wheelchair. 
        “Ta-dah!” (Y/N) smiled. “I noticed you were struggling with those crutches, perhaps you had gotten used to wheelchairs at the hospital. I don’t blame you, they can tire out your arms quicker. I didn't want you having to apply pressure on your legs while they're trying to heal either.”
        Andrew smiled, placing his crutches down on the side as he looked at her. He was moved that she thought about his comfortability like that.
        "Thanks... but you didn't have to. I'm sure I could've managed." Andrew spoke, watching as she adjusted some screws and locks to keep the wheelchair from collapsing. 
        "Hey, don't worry about it. I want you to be comfortable." (Y/N) spoke. "Besides, we need your legs to heal after all." She added, testing out the wheelchair by placing her hands down on the chair, applying pressure to see if it’d collapse. “Here, test it out.” She smiled, turning the chair to his direction, wheeling it up to the couch.
        She placed her hand on his shoulder, her other hand wavering close to his waist in case he needed assistance. Andrew stood up using his crutches, before moving over to the wheelchair, sitting down on it. 
        “I paid extra for it to have brakes on it, that way you don’t have to burn your hands to stop.” (Y/N) explained, taking his crutches and resting them on the couch. 
        “Really now? How much?” Andrew questioned, tilting his head over at her.
        “Don’t worry about it.” (Y/N) smiled, ignoring the question. 
        “That’s a more fancy looking wheelchair than the movies.” Frank chirped, walking into the living room. “Hey, how’d you even break your legs? I’ve seen your legs move, so you’re not paralyzed waist down.”
        Andrew paused, looking over at Frank hesitantly.
        What’s he supposed to tell him? That he jumped off a building a few stories high? That’s a bit personal, and in a sense, humiliating.
        “A car accident about a week back.” (Y/N) jumped in, placing her hand on his back in a silent reassurance. “It’s was some shattering, but he seems to be healing up quick!” 
        “Yeah. It was a nasty car accident.” Andrew nodded, playing along. 
        “That sucks…” Frank commented, before looking down at his legs. “Does it hurt?”
        “Obviously it hurts, Frank.” Rose scoffed, entering the living room. “He shattered his bones.” 
        “Well, maybe he has strong opioids! Or maybe he’s superhuman, like Hulk or something…” Frank spoke.
        “I wish.” Andrew chuckled. “It hurts, but it’s not terrible…”
        (Y/N) looked over at him with a concerned expression. She had completely forgotten that he should’ve been taking pain meds, but Andrew looked to be the guy to tough it out (much to any nurse’s annoyance).
        “Hey, do you need any meds?” (Y/N) questioned. “I have some. They’re not the strong kind but they can help?” 
        “Nah, don’t worry about it.” Andrew smiled. “This wheelchair helps me a lot already.” 
        “If you say so…” (Y/N) muttered, concerned.
        “Oh, (Y/N). We need to talk before I leave.” Rose spoke, sitting down on the couch, gesturing for (Y/N) to sit next to her.
        “Yes, Mama…” (Y/N) nodded, a bit hesitant before sitting down next to her.
        “You boys go on git for a few seconds. Go outside on the balcony or something.” Rose ordered to the boys.
        “Why can’t we stay?” Andrew questioned, a sort of annoyance fizzing in his stomach and chest.
        “Cause this doesn’t concern the likes of you.” Rose scoffed.
        “C’mon, you heard the lady.” Frank spoke, before forcing Andrew out of the room by pushing his wheelchair, taking him out to the balcony.
        “So?” Rose hummed, crossing her legs together, placing her hands on her lap. “Tell me, how has your job been going babysitting?”
        “Nursing.” (Y/N) corrected, though she knew Rose said that on purpose. “And it’s been very fun. New things everyday. No repetition. There’s always something to do.” (Y/N) explained. “And of course, the kids are absolute sweethearts.” 
        “Right” Rose hummed.
        “I’m studying more. I’m continuing college and taking classes so I can up the ranks and be a pediatrician.” (Y/N) explained, crossing her arms. 
        “More money is good…” Rose nodded.
        “And you? Being a nurse?” (Y/N) questioned. “How is that for you?” 
        “Money is money, you can never have too much.” Rose smiled. “Besides, the farmhands have the farm under control. They do the work, get some pocket change, and get some money—you’ll be doing that soon too.” 
        “Is that so?" (Y/N) hummed. 
        "He wouldn't do good on the farm, you know." Rose spoke, her cold eyes trailing to (Y/N)'s. "He's a city boy—he doesn't know a thing about farming." Rose spoke, her fingers tapping her thigh impatiently. "But don't worry, I was able to ask around and I have some suitors for you. They grew up doing the farm work on their family farms, so they know how to care for the farm. They're only a town or two away from ours, so they don't know anything about your problems or what happened with Ren."
        It felt like a blood vessel popped as Rose said his name, causing (Y/N) to bite her tongue and her nails to dig into her palms. 
        "Don't you fucking talk about him." (Y/N) spat out.
        "Excuse me?" Rose exclaimed, shocked. 
        "I'm not going back home, I'm not going to inherit the farm, and I'm not going back to him so long as he breathes. I've already told you this, Mama." (Y/N) hissed. 
        "You need to let go of the past. You need to get over your denial and understand that you were the one that killed that boy, not Ren." Rose spoke, pointing her finger at her. "You just don't remember because you have that stupid fucking curse just like your father."
        "It's not a curse; it's a disorder." (Y/N) scoffed. "You're a nurse. The least you can do is understand what patients you'll have to deal with."
        "Whether you like it or not, you're going to take over that farm. You're the only existing (L/N) and my family name will not die off because of your selfishness." Rose spat. "The farm will be written in your name when I die, it'll be in my will. You're going to marry a farmer, and you're going to take over the farm until you produce a child with my last name who is actually grateful for the opportunities the farm gives them."
        "No, I'm not." (Y/N) hissed. "I didn't just move out of home to hide, I came here to be seen." (Y/N) spoke. "This is where I belong. Nursing is where I belong. My coworkers are amazing and they don't judge me like you. The kids are absolutely fantastic and so, so smart. So much smarter than you! Even the kids' parents are better than you when they throw fits because at least they care for their children's health!"
        "You're an attention seeker. You're selfish. You're incompetent. You're nothing without my last name." Rose hissed, clenching her fist as she stood up from her seat. "If you don't open your eyes and realize that soon enough, that boy is going to run away from you as soon as he can walk!" 
        "No, he won't!" (Y/N) exclaimed, sitting up from her seat. "Andrew's not going to leave me."
        I won't let him. She thought. 
        “You’re delusional if you think he’d actually stay with you as you are.” Rose laughed. “You’re practically nothing without the farm! No money, student loans—you’re nothing but the embodiment of paranoia and guilt. You have it worse than your father.” 
        “You are not going to disrespect me under my own roof, Rose.” (Y/N) hissed, clenching her fists.
        “I’m your mother.” Rose scoffed. “And I’m not disrespecting you, I’m guiding you! I’m trying to give you a good life and you’re being a brat about it!” 
        “Oh, excuse me for choosing what I want to do in my own life.” (Y/N) scoffed.
        “If you chose what you want, you'd be dead!” Rose exclaimed. “I have to make decisions for you because you’ll kill yourself otherwise!” 
        It stung to hear that, a piercing knife stabbing through (Y/N)’s heart that couldn’t be pulled out without causing more damage. It hurt to know she was such a burden, and it hurt even more to know that Rose was—in a sense—right.
        "I decided all of this; not you!” (Y/N) shouted, her arms opening up as she gestured to everything around her. “I left the farm on my own, I was homeless for months on my own, I got a job on my own, I made money on my own, I got into college on my own. I don’t need you to make decisions for me!” 
        “You have no experience in life, you can’t even commit to living your life!” Rose spoke. “You don’t know anything about life because you’re so close-minded. One day you’re going to wake up alone in bed without that little boy and wish you would’ve listened to me because that’s not a man out there, that’s a boy! He’ll leave you as soon as his legs heal, and you’ll come crawling back to me about how I was right, and that you’ll marry one of those farm boys and live a lavish life with raspberries and riches!” Rose blabbered, rambling on about her fantasy.
        “You don’t get to decide that!” (Y/N) spat out, her hands reaching out to grab her own hair anxiously, tugging on it from the claustrophobic pressure.
        “You can’t even talk to me like a normal person without freaking out! What makes you think that you can even make decisions for yourself if you can’t even take care of yourself?” Rose hissed, pointing her finger accusingly at (Y/N).
        “I am normal—I just have a few extra steps to me!” (Y/N) spoke, exasperated. “Mama, I’m not going to take the farm. I’m not going back. I’m not marrying those damn farm boys you want! I don’t need your generational wealth!”
        “It doesn’t matter what you say, it’ll be in my will.” Rose retorted.
        “You give me that farm and I’ll sell it!” (Y/N) hissed. 
        Rose’s face dropped, surprised, before it hardened once more.
        “You know, I’ve made plenty of decisions in my life; but marrying your father and having you was by far the worst. It haunts me to this day.” Rose spat out. “Your father has complicated my life, but you’re the one who's completely destroyed it.” 
        “Stop it, Ma.” (Y/N) spoke, gritting her teeth.
        “Even though you’re out of town, I still have to pay for your actions. It’s my family’s farm and reputation on the line. My last name is slandered because of you. I can’t even go to the grocery store without getting nasty looks. I’ve been kicked out of church, my own damn religion and identity rejects me because of your actions. Those pesky kids in town are burning my berry bushes and stoning my chickens and throwing rocks at my windows. I can’t talk to the other mothers, or even try to talk to Ben’s mother., all because of you and your father.” Rose spoke.
        Another stab to her heart, guilt overwhelming her. Even if she wasn’t the one holding the stones, she was still the target; Rose was just unfortunate enough to be caught in the crossfire. Even if it wasn't her fault, nobody will believe the freak show's daughter over the jail warden's son. 
        After all, you wouldn't expect your son to be a bad person until he is. Ren being the warden's son only gave him an advantage in life to break the law. Maybe his father believes that Ren could "straighten" or "stray the path" of (Y/N)'s away from the Devil (her disorder) to where she wouldn't be a freak. Either way, Ren will inherit his family's jailhouse just like (Y/N) will inherit her family's farm. A normal civilian can't vote for who inherits the jailhouse or farm, only the previous owner can; and it looks like Ren isn't being put off that will anytime soon.
        “Why don’t you move away? Start a new farm?” (Y/N) questioned.
        “Because I don’t run away from my problems, unlike you.” Rose hissed.
        No, that wasn’t the truth. The truth was Rose’s home was at the line. Her money was at the line. Relocating and having to renew all her crops, find a large enough piece of land with a similar climate, hire new and experienced farmhands; all of that would be too tedious for Rose's liking.
        “You’ve made my own home unsafe.” Rose spoke. “And I hope you die for it.” 
        “Please get out of my house, Mama.” (Y/N) pleaded.
        “House? House? You can’t even call it a home because you don’t have one! You’re welcomed nowhere!” Rose shouted. “Even after you took my home you have the audacity to claim you don’t have one! It’s right under your nose!”
        (Y/N) didn’t know whether to cry, scream back, or run. She felt nauseous and weak, any second longer and she might puke on the ground. 
        There was a feeling of fear too, even though there was no immediate threat. Maybe it was the fear of her feelings, or maybe it was just the urge to run again—whatever it was, it was overpowering.
        (Y/N) didn’t want to put her hands on her own mother, that’d be disrespectful even if she was being slandered herself.  
        Even if she hates her mother; she loves her too.
        “It’s time to go, Mama.” (Y/N) sighed. “Go eat breakfast with Papa.”
        “Don’t tell me what to do.” Rose hissed. “I’m going to go get lunch now instead!”
        So petty.
        (Y/N) mentally rolled her eyes, walking to the balcony to get the men.
        The pair of boys stopped their conversation, their heads turned to the door. They both had an expression verging on confused, concerned, and surprised. 
        “Papa, you need to leave. Me and Andrew have plans today.” (Y/N) spoke, opening the door.
        “C’mon, you heard the lady.” Frank spoke, before forcing Andrew out of the room by pushing his wheelchair, taking him out to the balcony.
        Andrew reluctantly turned his head to the pair of women. The pair held poker faces, but there was tension in the air even before their conversation started. 
        Frank opened the balcony and pushed Andrew out with him, closing the balcony door. They stood on the balcony together, looking down at the dirty city. 
        “I really hate places like this…” Frank sighed, leaning on the balcony railing. 
        “Uh… yeah. I guess it’s not pretty.” Andrew agreed hesitantly.
        Even though he did agree, he was more concerned of Frank throwing him off the railing 2 stories high. Sure the drop wasn’t too far down, but 20 feet is 20 feet, and if he lands on his head wrong, he’s not so sure he’ll get back up this time.
        Frank fumbled in his back pocket, before pulling out a box of cigarettes.
        “You smoke?” he questioned, shaking the box as an offer. 
        “Yeah.” Andrew nodded.
        Frank opened the box and pulled out two cigarettes, handing Andrew one. Andrew just realized that Frank was missing a finger, a clean nub where the bones should be. Andrew doesn't know what Frank works as, but he can only guess it's a factory or a manual labor job.
        Frank grabbed his Zippo lighter, flipping the cover and spinning the flint wheel till it sparked and fire appeared. He lit his cigarette, then Andrew’s.
        “If I smoke by Rose, she’ll chew me out.” Frank hummed, exhaling smoke. “She doesn’t like the smell. Says it sticks on my clothes. 
        The mention of third-hand smoke made Andrew pause, looking down at the cigarette he was about to put in his mouth and hesitating.
        “Actually… you can keep this…” Andrew spoke, smudging the end of the cigarette so it went out. “I don’t want to smell bad in the car with (Y/N).” He spoke, holding the cigarette out.
        “Thoughtful, huh?” Frank chuckled, taking the stick and placing it back in his cigarette box. “I stop caring about that 20 years ago.” 
        “You’ve been smoking that long?” Andrew questioned, surprised.
        “You're bound to pick it up after dealing with that woman.” Frank huffed. “(Y/N)’s got her moments too.” 
        “She does?” Andrew responded, surprised.
        (Y/N)? Really? He’d be shocked if she even raised her voice. Even when he was yelling and shaking her back at the hospital, she didn’t try fighting or talking back, just cowered.
        “Yeah.” Frank nodded. “Though, we all have our moments.”
        “What’s hers?” Andrew questioned before he could think.
        “What’s yours?” Frank retorted.
        Andrew opened his mouth to speak, before deciding to just shut up. Yeah, he’d rather not talk about his moments either.  
        “Touché…” Andrew nodded, crossing his arms.
        “Do you have any farming experience?” Frank questioned.
        Andrew looked at him funny, caught off-guard from the unexpected question. “No… why? Is that on the job requirement?” Andrew chuckled, making a poor joke. 
        “Rose has a family farm, and it’ll be in (Y/N)’s name when she dies.” Frank spoke. “So, Rose is pretty adamant on a guy who can farm.”
        “So?” Andrew questioned. “I mean, does (Y/N) even want that? Why is she even in the city as a nurse if she’s supposed to take over the farm?”
        “She doesn’t want it.” Frank smiled, taking an inhale of his nicotine, before exhaling. “Acres upon acres of land. Selling the land is hundred thousands, maybe even a few million. But selling the land with the family business included, that’s a guaranteed 5 million or more.” 
        If Andrew was smoking a cigarette, he’d be choking on smoke now—well, even without a cigarette in his mouth, he was practically choking on his spit, shocked.
        “W-wait—ack—really?!” he gasped, coughing. 
        “Yeah.” Frank smirked, proud as if he was the one bestowing upon his daughter a fortune. “But she doesn’t want it.”
        “Why?” Andrew questioned, his jaw dropped.
        Who the hell would reject that much money? He thought.
        “I don’t know.” Frank shrugged. “I don’t care what her reasoning is. If she doesn’t want it, she doesn’t want it. I’m not going to try and get an answer. Sometimes you just gotta follow what your heart says.” 
        Andrew looked over at Frank, before groaning. 
        “That’s… kind of stupid.” Andrew commented.
        “You just don’t have the heart to understand it.” Frank hummed, tapping the end of his cigarette, watching as grey ashes fell from the burning end of the stick.
        "Can I ask you something?" Andrew spoke up.
        "Is it stupid?" Frank questioned. 
        "Maybe?" Andrew chuckled, but his voice held a sense of nervousness. 
        "Shoot." Frank nodded his head Andrew's way, telling Andrew to proceed. 
        "Why do you stay with Rose?" Andrew questioned. "No offense, but she's kind of... a bitch."
        Andrew sure was bold...
        Frank hissed, gritting his teeth like the question physically hurt him. 
        "Ah... Sometimes I wonder that myself." Frank grumbled, raising his cigarette to his mouth, inhaling as he thought, before he blew out the smoke. "I think I stay because it feels natural." 
        "Natural?" Andrew repeated, confused. 
        "When you stay with someone for so long, their bad qualities just seem like qualities in your life." Frank sighed. "A routine builds, and overtime, you just follow that routine on reflex. Every bad thing just feels like second-nature to you... There’s not much for people like me in this world, so I have to take what I can get." Frank cleared his throat and smiled. "But hey, maybe that's just natural for me."
        Andrew turned his attention back out to the city, staring down at the people who walked on the streets, talking on their phones or window-shopping. 
        "No, I think I understand you." Andrew nodded.
        Sure, he can't relate 100%, but he thinks he knows what Frank means. If Andrew actually remembered what happened before quarantine, maybe he’d have a better understanding.
        What he does know from now, is that his past self was stitched to Ashley’s side; who sewed who together, he’s still unsure. 
        Ashley’s made him do tons of bad things as far as he’s aware of. He’s had to kill people, eat people, sacrifice people to summon demons; he doesn’t know where the bad ends and the good begins in himself.
        Maybe his past self was just used to Ashley’s ways too, that it felt normal just as Rose’s ways feel normal to Frank.
        But if that’s the case, where does (Y/N) fall in?
        Andrew sighed, a knife of guilt stabbing his chest as he stared out at the city.
        Jesus, where was Ashley? She was still missing. He hasn’t seen her in at least three or four days now. Or has it been a week? Shit, he can’t remember? Why can’t he remember how long it’s been? That’s his sister for goodness sake, where is she? Is she okay? 
        The mens’ attention were turned to the closed balcony door, they could hear yelling, but they couldn’t hear exactly what they were shouting about.
        “Don’t worry much about it, it’s not too rare for those two.” Frank sighed. 
        Pushover. Andrew thought to himself, his eyebrows furrowed as he contemplated if he should go in there or not. He’d rather not (Y/N) get hurt, and he doesn’t want any neighbors to be curious of them and accidentally discover his identity. 
        “Shouldn’t you do something? It is your family in there.” Andrew spoke up.
        “I believe that problem is their problem.” Frank hummed, inhaling his addictive substance. “I don’t have nothing to do with it because I’m not welcome in their girl talk.” 
        “Seriously?” Andrew scoffed, annoyed at Frank’s lack of concern for the pair of women. “If they fight so much, shouldn’t you be the voice of reason?” 
        “It’s not worth getting chewed out for.” Frank retorted, exhaling smoke. “Life works in mysterious ways. It’ll resolve or it won’t, it’s as simple as that.” 
        Andrew rolled his eyes. He’d chew Frank out himself if he wasn’t currently wheelchair-bound.
        “But… I’m worried for her.” Frank admitted, looking out to the city. “I’m afraid she’ll end up like me. Or worse.” 
        Andrew tilted his head to Frank, unsure if he should try and pry into that or not.
        The balcony door suddenly ripped opened, (Y/N) appearing there as she peered at the two men. Her face held a frown and her skin was pale. She bit her bottom lip anxiously, her eyebrows furrowed before she spoke:
        “Papa, you need to leave. Me and Andrew have plans today.” 
        “Right. I still remember.” Frank sighed, pressing his cigarette’s burning end to the balcony railing, smushing the fire out. 
        Frank walked back into the apartment as Andrew followed, wheeling himself inside. (Y/N) shut the balcony doors and locked them tightly, before looking over at her parents.
        “Well, it was lovely to see you again. Thank you for stopping by and checking up on me, it means a lot.” (Y/N) forced a smile, clasping her hands together. 
        “Anytime, kiddo.” Frank smiled, before it dropped. “Okay, well, maybe not anytime. I mean, we don’t want you getting hurt again. And gas is pretty expensive too…” 
        “I’ll make sure to be more careful for now on.” (Y/N) reassured. 
        “Let’s go, Frank. I want to get lunch now.” Rose huffed, grabbing her husband’s arm.
        “Be safe. I love you, Papa, Mama.” (Y/N) smiled.
        (Y/N) gave a goodbye hug to her father, before going for a hug from Rose, but Rose refused as she walked out the door swiftly.
        “Ah, you know her…” Frank sighed, before walking over and shaking Andrew’s hand. “You know, Andrew. You’ve been looking pretty familiar this whole time I’ve seen you, but I just haven’t been able to put my finger on it until now…”
        Fuck. (Y/N) and Andrew thought at the same time.
        While Andrew thought his identity and crimes were a secret, (Y/N) was aware of them; however, she wasn’t willing to turn him in, having a sort of strange pull from him to her. If Frank somehow knew about Andrew, then why is he telling them this?
        “I-I do?” Andrew stuttered, nervous as his face paled, a struggling smile painting his lips.
        “Yeah, you look like my future son-in-law!” Frank cackled, letting go of Andrew’s hand.
        Andrew practically deflated of air as it escaped his mouth, glad to have not had his suspicions right.
        “D-do I?” he chuckled, breathless as he got over his previous scare.
        “Jesus, Papa… Don’t go saying things like that.” (Y/N) breathed, releasing her own breath she had held in. “You might scare him off by talking about such topics so early into our relationship…”
        “I just had to have the last word.” Frank shrugged, smirking before he walked out the front door and down the apartment stairs. “Nice meeting you, Andrew. Stay safe, (Y/N). I love you, sport!”
        (Y/N) smiled, waving her hand as she watched Frank hop into his pickup truck, Rose sitting in the passenger seat with the AC blowing. Frank drove out of the parking lot as the couple watched them leave. 
        “So…” (Y/N) sighed, her forced smile dropping as she looked back at Andrew. “You wanna out now? Get some lunch then go shopping for some clothes?”
        “Yeah. Sounds like a plan.” Andrew nodded, smiling.
        .         Andrew always knew the stereotype that girls love shopping. He recalls Ashley browsing through the Internet during quarantine, saving a link of a cute choker from Hot Topic or searching the web high and low for a cheap pair of Doc Martens. 
        He was under the impression girls liked shopping for themselves, but (Y/N) proved him wrong with how much shirts and pants she kept adding to their basket. 
        She didn’t like shopping for herself—she liked shopping for him. 
        Andrew had a basket full of clothes sitting on his lap, another basket hanging off (Y/N)’s arm as she held up a shirt, bringing it to Andrew’s chest as she pictured him in it, before she threw the shirt into her basket.
        “Jesus, (Y/N). Don’t you think this is enough?” Andrew groaned.
        He was being to understand why kids complained about back to school shopping with their mothers at Old Navy. If his legs weren’t broken and he was standing throughout this whole ordeal, he’s certain his legs would be cramping and he would sit down on the dirty public floor with no shame.
        “No way. You’re staying with me, so you gotta be set.” (Y/N) spoke, feeling the fabrics to make sure they were comfortable and that it matched her taste.
        “Maybe we’ll go to a few more stores after this.” (Y/N) hummed. “Like, we can go somewhere you’d be into. Perhaps you’d like those sarcastic shirts from Spencer’s.” (Y/N) teased, giggling.
        “Ha ha.” Andrew laughed sarcastically, rolling his eyes. 
        He’s not sure exactly what his style is, he just likes being comfortable—then again, he kept rotating between two or three shirts a week during quarantine. Anything after quarantine, he doesn’t remember, so he doesn’t recall what his favorite clothing store is.
        “I can’t remember what my favorite store is…” Andrew admitted, a sort of sorrowful look in his eyes.
        (Y/N) noticed his gaze and halted her movement. “Well… we’ll just have to find a new favorite store.” She smiled. “You seem to like dark and comfy clothes, let’s try my favorite sweatshirt shop after this. They have sweatpants there are to die for! You might find something you like." 
        "Nah, don't bother..." Andrew muttered.
        He still felt a little iffy about this. It felt weird having someone spend money on him like this, much less someone he hasn't known for even a week yet—much less his former nurse who's now housing him. He already feels awkward enough having to bother her for shelter (even if she was the one that did suggest it), so he feels even worse having her buy him clothes. 
        (Y/N) heard his words, but willingly ignored him; either way, she was still going to end up going into that store, that was inevitable. 
        "Here, why don't you try some of these on while I continue browsing?" (Y/N) suggested. "Don't be afraid to tell me what you do and don't like. I'd rather buy you something you'd enjoy and wear, okay?" 
        "What? You're not going to help me change?" Andrew teased, smiling. "I am limited, you know."
        "Oh please, you changed into your clothes just fine this morning." (Y/N) spoke, rolling her eyes playfully at his teasing.
        "Worth a shot." Andrew shrugged, smirking before wheeling himself into the changing rooms, shutting and locking the door behind him. 
        (Y/N) looked around at the clothes surrounding them. Surprisingly, it was hard trying to find clothes or colors that fit Andrew's style. Having a white shirt causes a weird contrast between his hair, and not in a good way. Bright and vibrant colors such as yellows, reds, and oranges were an automatic no, it made him look far too pale. Blues and purples made him look a bit silly; a dark blue could work, but the plain color just matches his eyes poorly. It was like Andrew was made for boring, monochromatic colors. She relied on blacks and greys, but she was able to find a dark green flannel that worked. Flannels and sweaters seemed to be the only thing that looked good on him, which was pretty unfortunate considering he has such a handsome face. 
        (Y/N) pondered if she should stop at just clothes. She doesn’t mind getting cologne and bath products, maybe a pair of shoes too. 
        She started wondering what scents Andrew would be into. Mint, lemon, pine tree, a mix of all three? Maybe he likes more woodsy and musky scents? Or maybe he likes the more citrusy scents? Perhaps beach-like and sandalwood? Maybe an infusion of all? 
        (Y/N) heard the store’s bell ring, signaling a customer entered the store. She looked over at the door, her heart dropping once she saw who it was.
        “No fucking way…” she whispered to herself, almost hissing as she gritted her teeth.
        A mix of annoyance and fear brewed inside of her. She quickly looked around for a place to hide, before ducking into the clothing rack and hiding there. 
        Please, please. To anyone above listening to this. Please don’t let them see Andrew. Please don’t let them see me. Please don’t let them see us together… (Y/N) practically pleaded, looking up into the sky and pressing her hands together in a prayer. 
        There was silence for a few moments, followed by the store’s bell ringing; either signaling another customer entering, or exiting.
        (Y/N) peeked through the clothing, seeing nothing except a small boy and his mother shopping together.
        There was a few taps of what sounded like heeled shoes, before the clothing rack was ripped open, causing a surprised yelp to escape (Y/N)’s lips.
        The perpetrator's strawberry blonde hair glistened brightly under the store lights, her glossed pink lips in a wide smile as her eyes sparkled. 
        “(Y/N)!” Penelope beamed, smiling widely. 
        “H-hey, Pen…” (Y/N) smiled, nervous as she stood up fully from her crouched position behind the clothing racks. 
        “What are you doing there, silly?” Penelope questioned, opening the clothes wider for (Y/N) to exit.
        “I dropped my pen. It’s somewhere now…” (Y/N) lied, shoving her hands into her jacket as she stepped out into the aisle. “Don’t worry, it wasn’t important. I can just buy a new one.” 
        “So, what are you here shopping for in the men’s section?” Penelope questioned, smiling.
        “Just… looking for a new jacket.” (Y/N) muttered, coming up with an excuse. 
        “Really?” Penelope hummed, looking down  at the jacket (Y/N) wore. “I don’t… think that the men's section exactly matches your style? They don’t have much pastels or stars here.”
        “Just hoping I would be lucky.” (Y/N) smiled. “I just like the more oversized things, I guess.. They actually have pockets.” She spoke, before redirecting her attention back to Penelope. “So, why are you here in the men's clothing section?”
        “Oh, you know!” Penelope laughed. “My husband needs some new clothes so I’m just here looking for some. I know what looks better on him.”
        A nauseating pit formed in (Y/N)’s stomach as she forced herself to smile. (Y/N) forced herself to look down at Penelope's ring finger, but she couldn't find a ring on it. 
        (Y/N) doesn't like Penelope much, even if they do have a "friendship." She hangs out with Penelope outside of work merely for her social image, and so hopefully if she went missing, Penelope would at least tell the police. Though, with what Penelope's done in the past, it's hard to believe Penelope would even walk 100 meters near a police station. 
        “Husband, huh?” (Y/N) spoke, resisting the urge to cringe. “That’s lovely… Um, where is he?”
        “He’s at home. Don’t worry about him.” Penelope smiled, the corner of her lip twitching slightly, threatening to fall. 
        “Right.” (Y/N) muttered. “Well, nice seeing you…” She spoke, turning around to quickly walk away to the other side of the store, but Penelope grabbed her arm, stopping her.
        “Wait, I completely forgot to ask you! I’m so inconsiderate!” Penelope frowned. “How are you holding up? Are you feeling better after what happened?” 
        “Oh yeah… as dandy as ever.” (Y/N) forced a smile. “You ain’t gotta worry about me. I’ll be back at work in just a few short weeks.”
        “Speaking of work, Hailey’s parents stopped by recently.” Penelope spoke, causing (Y/N)’s smile to drop.
        “Crap, what did they say? How are they holding up?” (Y/N) questioned, suddenly interested in the conversation. 
        "Well, Mrs. Burnson didn't take the news well, neither did Mr. Burnson. But then again, who does take the death of their kid well?" Penelope sighed. 
        "Yeah, you can say that again." (Y/N) sighed.
        It's natural for parents to grieve over their children and become aggressive in those circumstances. Something as traumatic as that can drive anyone insane. The parents might blame themselves or the hospital staff. A few months ago, (Y/N) had to break the news of a patient's death to their parents. The child was three-years-old and died from a case of severe pneumonia. Promptly after receiving the news, security had to be called once the mother started choking out (Y/N). 
        Yeah, not so fun times. 
        "Oh, they were mad. After receiving the body and hosting a funeral a few days later, they came back to the hospital and barged through the front lobby looking for you, but they were promptly detained by security and the police came and arrested them." Penelope explained.
        "That's horrible..." (Y/N) frowned.
        Hailey's death was hard on everyone. It hurt pretty bad for (Y/N), but that's to be expected considering she was Hailey's nurse for three years. It would be worse on her parents. Even if the parents did constantly travel for work, (Y/N) still felt they should've visited Hailey more, maybe with their presence, Hailey's emotional health would've healed a bit. There are studies between depressed patients dying more often than those surrounded by family, friends, and support. But (Y/N) can't reverse time nor tell a parent how to parent, so the possibility of Hailey's death being different (or nonexistent) will just remain as a alternative outcome based on the events. 
        There's a possibility Doctor Ryan also feels a sense of despair or sorrow with Hailey gone, considering Hailey has been Doctor Ryan's patient for about just the same time as she was (Y/N)'s. When (Y/N) returns to work, she'll make sure to check up on him.
        "Hey, we should shop together." Penelope suggested, trying to lighten up the pitiful mood. "We couldn't hang out due to your accident, but we can hang out now that you're up on your feet!"
        "Oh, I would love too." (Y/N) smiled, looking away as she tried to come up with a lie. "But actually, I have to get home and cook dinner..."
        "We can have dinner together!" Penelope suggested, smiling.
        "Oh, but I'm put on a diet so it'll just be boring soup." (Y/N) added.
        "That's fine. I like soup!" Penelope reaffirmed. 
        "I can't because—"
        (Y/N) was cut off by the sound of the fitting room door creaking open, following by rubber grazing against the tile. Penelope's eyes traveled behind (Y/N), surprised. 
        God fucking damn it. (Y/N) thought internally.
        She sucked in a breath before turning to look at the wheelchair-bound male.
        Andrew's eyes focused on Penelope, a feeling of annoyance creeping up behind him..
        Why the hell was she here? Does this shop look like a damn hospital? Why was she here talking with (Y/N)?
        "These fit. Ready to go?" Andrew spoke, ignoring Penelope's existence.
        Andrew talking to her just confirmed that the two came here together, which looks pretty bad on (Y/N)'s part.
        "Yeah..." (Y/N) nodded, looking over to see Penelope's expression.
        Penelope's eyes were wide, shocked as she kept glancing at Andrew and her fellow co-worker. She fiddled with her purse strap nervously, before clearing her throat.
        "Um... (Y/N). You're aware of the hospital policies, right?" Penelope questioned, frowning. "What are you doing with a former patient? Having any sort of connection outside of the hospital is strictly frowned upon and can result in termination!" 
        "Penelope, I can explain." (Y/N) hissed, lowering her voice so the other shoppers nearby can't eavesdrop. 
        "I thought you said to leave him—"
        Right. Penelope knows Andrew's secret just as (Y/N) does. (Y/N) was barely able to convince (bully) Penelope using extortion to keep her quiet when she confronted her at the hospital. She had implanted the idea that Andrew might attack the other patients if either her or Penelope sent a tip to the police, but now that they were out of the hospital, in public with (Y/N) going clothes shopping for him like nothing was wrong—this would definitely look suspicious to Penelope. 
        Something needs to be done before Penelope's big mouth goes and tells someone who will go to the police.
        "Penelope!" (Y/N) snapped, her lips contorted into a strained smile. "Let's not talk about this here. We can discuss work later, yeah?" 
        Penelope's eyebrows furrowed, hesitant before she eventually sighed. "Okay, okay..." she muttered, nervous as she looked between the two. 
        "So..." (Y/N) coughed, clearing her throat as the tension between the three felt suffocating. "You said you wanted to hang out with us. We can go get boba." she suggested, although it sounded more like a demand. 
        "Y-yeah..." Penelope nodded. "Let's do that."
        The sky was grey, a storm brewing in the air and (Y/N)'s mind as she walked next to Andrew, Penelope at his side (she really didn't want to walk alongside Penelope at the moment). She had a medium cup in her hand, an oversized straw between her lips as she sucked a boba into her mouth, popping the fruity ball with her teeth. Her other hand rested in her jacket's pocket, making a fist as her nails dug into her flesh. 
        She watched as Andrew drank his own boba. He opted on going for the same order as (Y/N) did since he's never had boba before. He doesn't look displeased, so (Y/N) can only guess that he's satisfied with her order. 
        Penelope had a passionfruit slushie in her hand, strawberry and kiwi bobas mixed into her drink. Would that be considered an official and traditional boba, (Y/N) doesn't know nor does she care. She has other things to focus about. 
        (Y/N) observed Penelope's outfit. She wore a cute pink sweater with a white shirt underneath, and a blush red circle skirt with brown pumped boots. Sometimes (Y/N) felt envious of the way Penelope looks, how she can pull off an outfit like that. Whenever (Y/N) tries to wear something cute like that, it doesn't look cute, but childish. Maybe that's her mother Rose speaking, but it made it hard for her to put on outfits like that, only on special occasions such as when she greeted Andrew and helped him into her apartment; she always has an imaginary audience in public. 
        When (Y/N)'s not indulging in her feelings, loathing everything about the way Penelope walks to the way she talks and dresses, she's pondering how the hell she can get rid of Penelope before the girl yaps to someone about Andrew's existence.
        (Y/N) might've convinced Penelope that she would send an anonymous tip to the police to have Andrew arrested after leaving the hospital, but since Andrew was here in the flesh rolling alongside (Y/N), she really doubts Penelope will believe that now. She'll have to come up with another lie to keep Penelope at bay, but while she tries to conduct a new lie, she'll have to keep Penelope by her side at all times to prevent a slip-up. 
        "Here. This is my favorite sweats store." (Y/N) smiled, opening the door for Andrew and Penelope. "Have you gone here, Pen?" she questioned.
        She'll have to keep Penelope engaged in conversation so Penelope doesn't get lost in her head and come up with an excuse to leave. 
        "I can't say I have!" Penelope smiled, walking into the shop.
        "They’re great. Very comfortable.” (Y/N) spoke, entering the store.
        She tried to keep Penelope in small talk so that Penelope couldn’t leave, pretty much leaving Andrew to his devices (much to his dismay). 
        He stifled a yawn and looked at Penelope, annoyed before semi-looking around at the clothes. He was a bit tired, probably hitting a wave of afternoon sleepiness after having been shopping and grabbing lunch with the girls. Still, he couldn't help but he annoyed. 
        Just what the hell was so interesting about Penelope that (Y/N) had to stop paying attention to him?
        It was a sickening feeling, really. Even if he was an introvert, he wasn’t really used to being alone. With Ashley gone, he found himself thinking a lot more than, his thoughts seemed louder than ever—but (Y/N) helped ease those echoing voices. With Penelope around and distracting her, Andrew’s thoughts couldn’t have been more louder than ever.
        He imagined Penelope with a nail stuck between her forehead, nestled right under her bangs. Penelope looked pretty similar to that lady he killed in his old apartment using a nail gun, he’s sure he could find something lying around.
        No, that’s not good. He thought. Best just leave it be. Surely she can’t be around for too long. Eventually she'll have to go back home. 
        He can’t risk anymore attention drawn to him. Just being in a wheelchair in public makes him nervous, he’s more likely to stand out from a crowd, and he’d hate for a police officer to catch attention of him.
        By now, the police must’ve expanded the manhunt once realizing Andrew’s not in his home city. This manhunt could’ve spread to a few cities around, which means this city’s law enforcement must be up to date about his crimes and runaway. 
        Another thing that worried him is if he’s a target, then so is (Y/N). If the police know she’s with him, that could be bad. He can’t let her find out anything about him. If she turns him in, he’s screwed. If she doesn’t turn him in, then they’re both screwed. She’ll be charged with hiding a criminal, possibly even being an accomplice with the right (or for their case, wrong) detective. 
        Yeah, he didn’t like the idea of that being a possibility. 
        (Y/N) grabbed a bunch of random clothes from the hangers, not bothering to look at the sizes or patterns really, placing them down in Andrew’s lap. 
        “Here. Go try these on.” (Y/N) hummed.
        “Um… okay.” Andrew nodded, confused at her haste, but deciding to listen as he found his way to the dressing room. 
        (Y/N) waited a few seconds as Andrew entered and locked the door, before she turned her attention to Penelope. 
        “I figured we can talk more outside…” (Y/N) smiled. 
        Penelope looked over at the dressing rooms, uncertain if they should leave Andrew, before she eventually agreed. “Okay…” 
        They walked outside and looked up at the sky. It was starting to sprinkle, the sky turning dark at 11 AM from the rain clouds. It would turn out into a storm soon, that’s usually how the weather in this city goes.
        “Sorry. I just didn’t want Andrew to hear us.” (Y/N) sighed, making her way to the alley of the clothing store.
        “I don’t understand. I thought you said he was dangerous? Why are you hanging out with him? And why isn’t he in jail?” Penelope questioned almost immediately. 
        “I tried to go to the station.” (Y/N) lied, looking at the ground as small wet circles started to appear on the ground, clear crystals falling from the sky and impaling the earth. “But the police didn’t believe me. I wrote a police report and that was it. They didn’t call me or anything.” 
        “Drats…” Penelope sighed, putting her hands together.
        “It makes sense. They might’ve went a done a background check on me when doing the case. With my records, it’s no wonder why they rejected the case. They probably thought I was spouting nonsense.” (Y/N) hummed, crossing her arms. 
        “Still, they should take your case serious! Just because you’re bipolar doesn’t mean anything!” Penelope huffed, balling her fists.
        For a second, (Y/N) felt a pang of guilt lying to Penelope. Seeing Penelope so worked up on the behalf of her was almost admirable, before she pushed down those feelings.
        “Don’t worry too much. It’s just life.” (Y/N) sighed. “They’re just doing their jobs.”
        Penelope frowned, her expression showing her distaste in (Y/N)’s lie. 
        “I'm sure I can think of something quick to get rid of him." (Y/N) spoke.
        "Like what?" Penelope questioned. 
        "Well, he's a public store right now..." (Y/N) smiled. "When we leave, I can send an anonymous tip to the police station that he was here. They'll talk to the store owners and review the store's camera footage; hence proving he's in the city. That'll keep the police on their toes and look out for him. So the next time he's in public... bam! We got him!" 
        "Well... it's not the worst idea." Penelope hummed, before a smile made way on her face. "Yes! That works! Men like him shouldn't be on the streets!"
        "Problem solved." (Y/N) smiled. 
        She's officially convinced Penelope to lay off the situation. Now that Penelope is under the impression that (Y/N) secretly has everything under control, she doesn't have to worry about Penelope anymore; so long as Penelope keeps her big mouth shut.
        Still, there's always a lingering threat that Penelope could spout her mouth to the wrong person and have (Y/N)'s secret close. (Y/N) will just have to keep a close eye on her then. Penelope only talks about other people's wrongdoings, never her own.
        "But... what if he kills someone? Either tonight, or tomorrow?" Penelope spoke up. 
        "He's wheelchair bound." (Y/N) scoffed. "I'd like to see him try to run and stab a person."
        "Guns exist!" Penelope retorted.
        "If that's the case, then the police are going to be on alert." (Y/N) tried to reason convince Penelope to stay out of it, to stop thinking logically. 
        "But then we're useless!" Penelope snapped back. 
        "Excuse me?" (Y/N) questioned, offended and confused.
        "Don't you ever wonder why we do this? I mean... right now someone else could die, so the people we saved are suddenly unimportant... because we couldn't save them all..." Penelope frowned. "No matter how many people we save, whether it's 100 or 1000, it's irrelevant when we can't save just one." 
        "And?" (Y/N) questioned.
        "And it hurts!" Penelope hissed, an ugly grimace on her pretty face. "It hurts knowing we couldn't save them! It hurts knowing I couldn't of been good enough!"
        "Penelope, we are humans. We're not a God that can heal people!" (Y/N) spoke, rolling her eyes.
        "Well, I'm scared!" Penelope shouted. 
        There was a pregnant pause, the two of them staring at each other. (Y/N) stared at her with confusion, frustration, anger, and a sense of betrayal. 
        Penelope was a threat.
        "Why?" (Y/N) prompted cautiously.
        "Why? Why? Because this job sucks!" Penelope hissed, stomping her foot. "I hate our job, that's why!"
        "Why?" (Y/N) hissed, slowly starting to circle Penelope's body, before standing behind Penelope.
        Penelope turned to face (Y/N) as (Y/N) blocked her exit. (Y/N) planted herself in the middle of the alleyway, that way if Penelope tries to run, (Y/N) can stop her.
        "I'm scared! Don't you get it? We're constantly exposed to these shitty patients who just whine and whine about their fucking pain. They have the audacity to cry and cry about a broken pinkie when there's people dying alone in their hospital beds. There's homeless people from the streets looking for shelter so they purposely hurt themselves just for shelter and food! This is really the kind of reality we have?" Penelope shouted. "And all the druggies! All these assholes purposely hurting themselves so they can get prescriptions from their doctors for opoids, fucking drugged up and killing themselves for people dying who actually need that medicine!" 
        "The bedside manner! Having to act nice to these assholes that hit and shove us to where we need to have security to strap them down on the bed so they don't attack us! They verbally abuse us constantly. And we're constantly exposed to fucking unsanitary crap! Shit, blood, piss, vomit! If I have to wipe one more old man's asshole after a shit, I'll snap! We're exposed to flus, viruses, infections, all this shit that can kill us too; and people act like we're doing the bare minimum! That we're there to give them their medicine and lunch like a fast food order and that's it, oh so easy!" Penelope hissed, grabbing her hair and tugging on it, stressed out. "And their family members constantly berating us. 'took you long enough to get here' and 'can't you hear the buzzer' and shit. I have seven patients with seven different problems and seven different lives to keep alive, all piled on me 12 hours for the night and I have to make sure nothing happens to them or me! Because we're always understaffed cause nobody wants to be responsibility for another person's life and I don't blame them!"
        "We can't even date! We're gone all night so that intimacy of sleeping next to our partner's are gone! We sleep during the day and we're up at night; on our days on and off! Agatha in cardiology has a whore of a husband because while she's out at night saving lives and risking her health these strangers; he's saving his balls from being full! I feel sorry for Hannah being a single mom and a night nurse! Poor girl gets 2 hours of sleep and her kids hate her because she's always sleeping or working!" Penelope spat. "And the harassment. I'm sick of picking up towels middle-aged men purposely drop so they can get a view of my ass! I'm sick of getting groped by adults with teenage hormones! I'm sick of their constant attitude, acting like "the customer is always right" like it's a damn McDonalds! I give these damn patients more respect and care than I give myself these days! Here we are, slaving away, working 12 hours a night, driving home and disinfecting ourselves in the shower and eating freezer dinners, before getting 4 or 5 hours to sleep, then waking right up to go back and serve these entitled assholes. When's the last time one of them said 'please' or 'thank you?'" 
        "Then switch to children. Come work with me." (Y/N) reasoned. 
        "I can't! I'm scared of what I'll do!" Penelope hissed, tears welling up in her eyes.
        "Do what?" (Y/N) questioned. 
        "Because I killed them!" Penelope snapped. "I killed Barron Dixon and his mother! You know it and I know it!"
        Barron Dixon. Six years ago, he was placed in Foxlord Hospital Psychiatric branch after suffering a manic depression episode; the same hospital Penelope worked at. Penelope was Barron's night nurse, but his mother suspected something off about the nurse.
        Once Barron started developing weakness in his muscles and retrograde amnesia, not being able to recall how long he was in the hospital, his age, or his birthday; his mother grew suspicious of the nurse. Mrs. Dixon stayed overnight in the hospital, hiding in the patient's bathroom until she caught Penelope in the act. Penelope had been lacing Barron's puddings with Rohypnol, a date-rape drug that's completely odorless and tasteless; so Barron never suspected a thing. 
        The next day, Mrs. Dixon was found dead in the hospital room, stabbed 52 times with a dull object that was later identified as Penelope's key to the medicine cabinet. Barron's body was never found, but it's safe to say Penelope stole the body after cameras caught her parking her car behind the hospital and dragging a black trash bag out, throwing it into her backseat. What she does with Barron's body? (Y/N) would rather not know. 
        The only reason (Y/N) knows about Penelope keeping Barron is that Penelope weekly goes to clothing stores and buys more clothing for Barron's dead body as he rots and ruins the clothes she keeps buys. Penelope is under the impression that Barron is with her till death do both part, or at least, until she finds a new victim; hence why she's still a nurse. But it seems the guilt must be keeping up with her for her to snap like this. 
        There were no police reports regarding the incident. Foxlord was kept on close watch, but they laid Penelope off without reporting her to the police. In cases like that, having a crooked nurse destroys trust in a hospital brand, so the hospital covered up the case. In fact, the only reason (Y/N) connected the dots was looking at Penelope's resume via Treegrowth hospital computers (the hospital they currently work at).
        Sure, it was illegal looking up those documents, but everything the hospital does is illegal.
        Treegrowth hospitals do everything illegal, even the nurses and doctors are convicted criminals who've served their time in prison or are escaping the law. Penelope is a murderer who escaped the law by moving across the country. Doctor Ryan is a recovering drug addict. Ruby from dayshift is a convicted felon who murdered her ex-husbands for life insurance. (Y/N) is a nurse who previously was framed for the death of Ben Rivers, and now a current murderer for the death of Ashley Graves. All the nurses and doctors are freaks or criminals, but now she fits right in. 
        Of course, their patients are unaware that all the doctors and nurses are criminals; it gets covered up just like every other hospital case. 
        Treegrowth hospital is also famous for their organ harvesting ring! Well, infamous in the Black Market, that is. When a patient dies, they pluck up the organs and sell them; it's possible Hailey's heart and kidneys are floating around on the dark web. The ring is in connection with other hospitals nearby too, even branching out to other cities. And alias, the pyramid scheme of money laundering! While some patients donate to the "children in need" and the "patients that need liver transplants", in actuality the money is going to the imports and exports of the hospital. 
        The organ harvesting and money laundering is a department (Y/N) and Penelope have agreed to stay clear of in the hospital; but they're still just as guilty, being aware of the wrongdoings yet refusing to do anything about it. 
        Penelope stays for love. (Y/N) stays because it's her dream job, even if the job didn't choose her. 
        "I know." (Y/N) sighed. "We all know, Pen. We know you killed them, and we don't judge you for it." 
        Well, that's a lie, but it won't hurt to lie in a situation like this. 
        "I killed her because she tried to get in the way of our love. And I killed him because he didn't want my love." Penelope admitted, tears welling up in her eyes. "And I'm scared because if I do it again, how do I know I won't get away with it? I can only have so much luck before it runs out."
        "It's okay, Penelope." (Y/N) smiled. "It doesn't matter what you did in the past."
        "Will it be wrong if I do it again?" Penelope questioned. 
        (Y/N) stared blankly, surprised. How was she supposed to answer that?
        "I... what?" (Y/N) questioned, shocked. 
        "How much money will it take for you to give me Andrew?" Penelope questioned, fidgeting with her purse strap. 
        "You want... Andrew?" (Y/N) repeated, surprised.
        "When you weren't looking, I poured some Rohypnol down his boba straw. He was too busy looking at you to notice." Penelope explained. "It'll get him off the streets and out of the public, so he wouldn't hurt anyone. I'd keep him in check. Just how much for you to keep quiet?"
        A sickening feeling arose in (Y/N)'s stomach, shocked as she stared at Penelope with a blank expression. She placed her hands in her jacket's pockets, feeling around before grabbing her pocket knife. After Ren, you can never be too safe out on the streets. Honestly, she should've broke hospital protocol and keep the knife in her scrub pockets to try and prevent Ashley's attack; but now's not the time to think about that.
        "But you, just keep getting in my way. You took over as his nurse, even having the nerve to visit him constantly during our night shifts, so he was brainwashed by you, refusing for any other nurse's care and love." Penelope hissed, reaching her hand into her purse.
        That's dangerous territory. For all (Y/N) knows, Penelope could have a pocket knife too. Or she could have a gun. Hell, she can even blow some powdered Rohypnol into (Y/N)'s face, and it would blind her and it wouldn't take too long for that to knock her out. 
        "I'm really sorry. I don't mean for you to get hurt again, but love is just a wonderful feeling." Penelope smiled. "You should know, right? That's how you feel about Andrew, right? It's why you won't turn him in..."
        "Penelope, we don't have to do this." (Y/N) frowned, taking a step back for space as Penelope took a step forward.
        "There's a difference between a man and a woman who kills. A man does it for power, but a woman does it for love. All throughout history, men have killed just because, to take and take. Well, I'm tired of being the one to give and give constantly to these scum, I want to take too." Penelope spoke. "I want that love all for myself; but another woman into the equation just won't do. It doesn't matter if it's a poly or not, there will always be a duo, and there will always be a better woman. If there's no other woman, then I'm always the better woman—so you have to go." 
        "How can you even call yourself a woman if all you seek is male companionship? A real woman knows how to take care of herself on her own. You're a woman, not a child." (Y/N) spat, frustrated.
        Like she had any room to talk when all she does is sulk and puke.
        "You think you can just do what you please? There's consequences, and it'll chase you forever! Whether you're good, bad, or in between, there's always a toll to pay! Who says you can avoid it?!" (Y/N) hissed.
        "Who says you can avoid it?" Penelope questioned, before lunging at (Y/N). 
        She pulled a pocketknife out of her purse, recklessly stabbing the air before (Y/N) jumped back and pulled out her own pocket knife.
        “Penelope, stop!” (Y/N) shouted, but Penelope didn’t bother to listen.
        Penelope ran up to (Y/N) with her knife held high in the air, causing (Y/N) to use her free arm and grab Penelope’s forearm. (Y/N) stabbed her knife in Penelope’s wrist, before roughly tugging down and splitting the skin and fat in half.
        It wasn’t her first knife fight after all.
        Penelope let out a scream, dropping her own knife. (Y/N) quickly covered her mouth so nobody nearby could be alerted, before kicking Penelope over onto her back and climbing on top of her body.
        “Stupid bitch! Ungrateful! After I gave you the opportunity to just let this be too!” (Y/N) hissed, stabbing her pocket knife into Penelope’s chest, mimicking her actions with how she killed Ashley.
        “Nothing but desperate whores nowadays! Can’t you find your own man?! He wanted me first, so he’s mine!” (Y/N) snapped, grabbing Penelope’s pocketknife and holding it in her other hand, before stabbing Penelope.
        (Y/N)’s knife went into Penelope’s chest, then Penelope’s knife into Penelope’s chest, until (Y/N) dragged the knives from her chest to her stomach, gutting her open. 
        “Always hated you! I always hated you! I always knew you dragged down our team and you'd be one to quit! Nothing but a pretty face! No brains! I knew you’d pay one day, but you just had to piss. Me. Off!” (Y/N) shouted, before the knives dove into Penelope’s lifeless face.
        Die without love. Die without happiness. Die without honor. Die alone, that’s all she could think of when she looked at Penelope. Nothing but pure, unadulterated rage.
        First she takes a helpless man and his mother’s life, then she has the audacity to try and chain Andrew down to her? To try and buy him like he was a product—like he could ever be hers?
        (Y/N) panted, wiping the blood from the knives off on Penelope’s skirt. 
        The rain poured harder as (Y/N) took a second to compose herself, before letting out a groan. 
        “Jesus... What’s with all the crazy chicks now? What happened to elegance?” (Y/N) groaned, collecting rain water and rinsing her bloody hands using the water.
        She looked around for a place to hide the body. She can’t just leave the girl out in the open, especially because she's unsure if she left any evidence or DNA on Penelope, and she can’t just walk around with a dead body in her arms.
        She contemplated on a dumpster, before realizing she’s might’ve left evidence of the murder on her. She sighed, annoyed before her eyes landed on a public clothing donation box. 
        (Y/N) looked around cautiously, dropping Penelope’s purse onto the ground, before quickly picking Penelope’s lifeless body up. She opened the box’s hatch and shoved Penelope inside of the hatch, repeatedly pushing and pulling the lid before she finally sunk in with the donated clothes and shoes.
        She took off her bloodied jacket, placing it into the clothing donation. This way, it wouldn’t be suspicious if her jacket had blood or if there was any of (Y/N)’s hair on Penelope, because now everyone’s DNA from inside the clothing would be left on Penelope. It’d be nearly impossible for the police to track (Y/N) down once the donation truck comes to collect the clothes. 
        (Y/N) could almost laugh at her luck. In fact, she did laugh. She dedicated a moment to laugh about what just happened; about Penelope slipping a drug into Andrew's drink without her knowing, about having to kill her co-worker, about shedding yet another person's blood on her hands.
        The bodies just keep piling up. 
        (Y/N) looked over at the purse Penelope left. She wiped the rain from her face and crouched down to the ground, opening the purse and looking inside. There was Penelope's phone, her pink wallet, a small bottle of Ibuprofen, her make-up pouch, and perfume.
        (Y/N) picked up the perfume bottle and scoffed. 
        Ah, a woman's beauty is another's poison. (Y/N) thought, thinking back to Ashley, before placing the perfume bottle back into the purse. 
        She looked closer into the purse before spotting a hidden pocket. She unzipped the pocket and found a small box of Rohypnol. She also found a small snack-sized bag of white powder, which must've been crushed Rohypnol tablets. 
        (Y/N) contemplated what she should do with those. In one hand, she’s a bit uncertain leaving the drugs in Penelope’s purse considering just anyone can steal them; and she’d rather not have someone with bad intentions take them. On another hand, she didn’t want to carry date-rape drugs, even if their intended use is for helping with insomnia.
        (Y/N) sighed, before pocketing the bag and box of tablets into her own purse. She’ll just keep it for insomnia, like how it should be used for.
        (Y/N) closed Penelope's purse and grabbed her pocketknife instead. Her pocketknife was a plain one with a black handle, she never thought of personalizing her own pocketknife, she never wanted it to be traced back to her. (Y/N) washed off the pocketknife where the blood that didn't wipe off on Penelope's skirt was left, then folded down the blade and pocketed the knife. She glanced over at Penelope's pocketknife and admired it. 
        It was a regular blade, but the handle was beautiful. It was a rose gold with a small, plastic red rose on the center of the handle meeting the blade. (Y/N) folded down the blade and tapped it against her palm, thinking before ultimately deciding to keep it.
        It’s not like Penelope would be able to use it anymore, and it’d be a shame to throw out a pretty knife.
        She walked back into the store after double-checking there was no blood on her. Once she walked into the store, she looked around for Andrew, before realizing he might be unconscious in the fitting room. 
        She walked to the fitting rooms and knocked on the one she remembered him going into. After hearing no reply, she figured the Rohypnol kicked in and opened the door.
        Andrew sat in his wheelchair, a black sweatshirt on him that belonged to the store as his head laid tilted to the side at what she can only assume is an uncomfortable angle for his neck. 
        (Y/N) smiled, relieved to see him alright and relatively unharmed. 
        She had saved him.
        (Y/N) walked in and closed the door behind her, sorting out all the random sweatshirts she threw at Andrew earlier. She grabbed the dark and monochrome ones in his size that fit, and placed the rest in a neat, folded pile. 
        She walked over to Andrew and gently shook him, though she really wasn’t expecting a reaction. After receiving no response, she removed the sweatshirt he tried on and replaced it with his old sweater. 
        She placed the sweatshirt in the pile with the ones she intended to buy, then looked at herself in the mirror. 
        She was soaked from the rain, and her hair was covering her face like a wet dog. Her face looked pale, and she could still feel her heart trying to calm itself after her previous attack. Her nerves were going haywire as adrenaline pumped in her veins.
        Two attempted murders in one week. (Y/N) thought, sighing. Not only that, but if I kill another person this month, I’ll be an official serial killer.
        She moved her hair out of her eyes and sighed. She looked over and Andrew and took note of his sleeping face.
        She’s never gotten the opportunity to see him up close like this. Sure, she slept next to him last night, but she didn’t bother admiring him much; she was more focused on going to bed and having her parents leave her apartment in the morning.
        (Y/N) reached her hand out, noticing how her hands trembled as she placed her hand on his hair.
        It was surprisingly soft, shocking considering how messy and uncoordinated his hair was. Her palm went lower as it rested on his cheek, her thumb tracing a soft line under his eyes.
        She always thought he had pretty eyes. Even with his eyes closed right now, she can still picture the vibrant green of them inside her head. His eyes were hooded and there were eyebags under their eyes, but those bags were far less present than the ones he had when he first arrived at the hospital, so he’s been catching up on his sleep.
        Her eyes trailed down to his lips, her palm following as her thumb rested on his chin, just shy under his bottom lip. He had pale, thin lips, but she recalled him having a lovely smile and a confident smirk. 
        She could feel his slow, constant breaths, relaxed from the Rohypnol. 
        She felt how warm he was compared to her and couldn’t resist wrapping her arms around him, seeking out his warmth.
        God, that feels so good. (Y/N) mentally sighed, melting into his chest. 
        Her posture felt uncomfortable hunching over him, so she got on her knees and continued to hug him.
        His body heat was a wonderful contrast to the cold rain outside as Mother Nature kept punishing the city. It felt even better than last night, and it felt almost like a reward for protecting him from Penelope. 
        (Y/N) smiled, embracing the warmth as she left out a contented breath. She cradled his face and closed her eyes, pressing her forehead against his, a gesture that would've been intimate if he was awake. 
        Right. He's still unconscious... (Y/N) thought, opening her eyes as she re-evaluated the situation.
        "Oh, God. What am I doing?" (Y/N) whispered, a pang of disgust and even fear seeping into her chest.
        (Y/N) forced herself up from the ground, letting go of Andrew and sitting down on the fitting room bench. 
        Am I just as bad as her? (Y/N) questioned.
        She's killed two people just like Penelope did. Is she Penelope in this situation? Is Penelope Mrs. Dixon in this situation; trying to break them apart? Is Andrew Barron in this situation; just caught in the crossfire?
        Will he die from her too? 
        Will he upset her just enough to where she'll snap again? 
        (Y/N) didn't want to know the answer to that. She stood up and opened the fitting room door, wheeling Andrew out of the room and walking to the cashier with him in toll. 
        She grabbed two grey jackets on her way out, one to replace the one she had to throw away, and the other to keep Andrew dry from the rain outside. She grabbed a few sweatpants in Andrew's size too, just to make sure he has enough. She walked to the cashier and stood in line, before checking out.
        "Sorry, he just has a little sugar crash, so he's taking his afternoon nap. I kept him out too long, haha!" (Y/N) laughed, smiling when the cashier questioned if Andrew was alright. 
        She wheeled Andrew to the front door, before grabbing one of the jackets she bought and putting it on Andrew, flipping the hood up so he'll stay dry from the rain, then doing the same with herself using the other jacket she bought. She exited the store and mustered up all the strength she could, dragging Andrew into the passenger seat and buckling him up. She folded his wheelchair and put it in the backseat along with the shopping bags before hopping into the car. 
        I'll go get groceries tomorrow instead. (Y/N) thought, looking over at Andrew as she buckled her seatbelt.
        She turned the radio on a random jazz channel, keeping the volume low so it wouldn't disturb Andrew in case he woke up from the noise, and she drove back to her apartment. 
        Once arriving, she took the time to grab her kitchen knife Ashley stabbed her with, along with Ashley's gun and her strange occult charm. She threw the knife in her sink and washed it, then placed Ashley's gun and occult charm in her bedside drawer along with the Penelope's Rohypnol, hiding them there. She then managed to retrieve and drag Andrew up her apartment complex steps and unlock her front door, entering the apartment and dragging him to their bedroom. She placed him on their bed and took off his shoes and socks, tucking him into bed. She almost contemplated giving him a goodnight kiss, but not even she was crazy enough to do that. 
        She took off her shoes and was about to change into her pajamas when her phone rang. (Y/N) immediately lunged for her phone, grabbing it and accepting the call before Andrew could wake up.
        "Hello?" she whispered, exiting the bedroom and walking to the living room where she could speak louder.
        "Hello, this is Starworth Hospital. Is this (Y/N) (L/N)?" a woman's voice questioned.
        Starworth Hospital? (Y/N) thought.
        She's not familiar with that hospital, it must be one far away from her. What are they doing calling her?
        "This is her." (Y/N) hummed. "Can I help you?"
        "We regret to inform you that Mr. Frank (L/N) and Mrs. Rose (L/N) have passed away in a car accident."
        "P-passed away? What do you mean they're dead?" (Y/N) questioned, shocked.
        "They were deceased upon arrival. They were involved in a car accident at a gas station and were unfortunately unidentifiable; however Starworth County Police were able to identify them using the surveillance cameras and transactions made at the counter." The woman spoke, as if she was speaking with a paper in front of her face. "You were listed as their daughter under their emergency contacts. We're sorry for your loss." 
        (Y/N)'s heart dropped, spiraling into confusion, pain, and guilt.
        "Is... is there anything I have to do?" (Y/N) questioned. "Do I need to drive over there or... or anything?" 
        "Usually we would request you to come and identify the body, but I don't believe that's possible considering they have third-degree burns and are burnt to a crisp." The woman spoke. "The car crashed into the fuel station right next to them while they were refueling their car."
        Ouch. Talk about breaking the news lightly. 
        "A bill will be sent to you in three weeks. You can use our website to pay once receiving the bill, there will be a QR code to scan." The woman explained. 
        "Excuse me? Pay for what?" (Y/N) scoffed. "You didn't do anything! You said they were dead once arriving to the hospital!" 
        "Someone has to pay for the ambulance." The woman responded. 
        "Yeah? You can take that bill and shove it up your—" there was an audible click, the woman hanging up.
        Well, now she knows how her patient's families feel.
        "You stupid fucking cunt!" she hissed, grabbing her living room vase and flowers.
        She was about to throw the vase against the ground, but remembered Andrew was just next door in her bedroom. She carefully placed the vase down, grabbed her shoes and keys, and exited her apartment, locking the door behind her. She hopped into her car and slammed the gas, reckless swerving out of the parking and speeding down the roads. It took her an hour before she spotted the familiar sight of the forest amongst the heavy rainfall. 
        She parked her car and stormed out into the forest, not bothering to grab a flashlight despite how dark it was. (Y/N) trudged through the heavy mud forming on the ground as she shoved bushes and tree branches violently out of her way. She finally made it to Ashley's gravesite, recognizing the scenery as she looked down at the ground. 
        "Is this your doing?" she shouted. "Is this your damn demon buddy? Was you dying apart of your contract with them or something? Is this you trying to get back at me? You stupid bitch, answer me!" 
        She stared at the ground, waiting for a response. Waiting for a pale hand to shoot its way up from the ground, or a giggle, or anything—but as always, she received nothing good. Nothing that told her Ashley was here. 
        (Y/N) grabbed her hair and tugged the ends violently, frustrated. 
        "Leave me alone! Leave me alone! Leave me alone!" she screamed, ripping a few strands of her hair out until her head ached and a headache formed. "I can't! I can't!" she shouted, crouching down on the ground.
        "Why can't you just leave me alone?! Why can't everyone just leave me alone?!" (Y/N) cried out, a few tears escaping her eyes before she started sobbing.
        "I'm sorry, Ashley. I'm sorry." She sobbed. "I didn't mean to. I didn't mean to lash out. I didn't mean to kill you, or Penelope, or Ben, or mama and papa or anyone. I just wanted to be something bigger and better than myself, but I can't even do that. Not even a job or a lover or a friend." 
        It hurt, it hurt worse than any stab wound or cut or pill she could endure. Her chest ached, her stomach felt sick, her throat burned, her eyes felt tired, her nose was stuffy, her leg ached from her injury, her arms stung from her injury and self-inflicted cuts, her mind throbbed, and her heart ached. 
        Whatever excuse she tries to put it, it's still her fault in the end. It'll always be her fault. 
        "Please, just make it stop..." she cried. "Haven't I given enough? Haven't I atoned enough? Haven't I saved enough? Haven't I hurt enough? Why isn't it enough? Why isn't anything enough?"
        It's too much. It's too much. It's too much. It's too much. It's too much.
        She stopped crouching, rising up as she walked further in the woods, finding the forest path and following it as the rain punished her back and the thunder scolded her. 
        She made her way until the ground reflected with the lightning in the sky. She had reached the forest's lake. 
        She sat down on a wet bench that showed a scenic view of the lake, but she wasn't concerned about the lake. 
        She thought about that small room she grew up in alone, affection-starved, and hungry; a punishment for being born.
        She thought about all those times she was shoved up against school lockers, or tripped in class, or wads of gum stuck in her hair; a punishment for being a freak.
        She thought about those hospital walls, the numerous markings on her wrists, the empty pill bottles scattered around; a punishment for wanting death. 
        She thought about that courtroom, about being sentenced guilty, and those days she spent starving herself and force-fed through a tube in jail; a punishment for having Ren love her.
        She thought about escaping Ren, about living in her car homeless as she tried to make ends meet; a punishment for wanting freedom.
        She thought about receiving that sketchy email from Treegrowth Hospital, meeting Doctor Ryan and Penelope, and Hailey and many many other patients dying; a punishment for following her dreams.
        She thought about that first spray of perfume to Ashley's eyes so she could blind her, that first stab into Penelope's wrist so she could harm her; a punishment for standing up for herself.
        And now, the rain punishes her back for standing out here alone, and Mother Nature weeps with her as she cries. 
        Sometimes, it still feels like she's trapped inside that room; except this time, she's the one that locked herself in it. 
        She stood up from the bench, walking to the edge of the lake, and stepping a foot in. The water was freezing and cold, but what it promises makes her feel warm. She took another step, walking deeper as it reached her knees. Soon it reached her hips as she looked up at the moon, witnessing her ultimate—and hopefully final—death. 
        She looked at the trees, watching as lightning lit the sky and showed the vibrant green of the forest.
        There was a picture shoved in front of her eyes, an image of a male with black hair and vibrant green eyes, a soft look in his eyes as he held her tight, whispering to her.
        (“That video showed Hailey saying that she wanted you to get better, right?”) he spoke, his hands cradling her face as his thumbs wiped the tears from her face. ("She knew you weren’t feeling good, even when she wasn't doing good herself She cares about your health. Do you think crying would make her happy?”)
        The image changed to them on her bed watching a movie on TV, his arm around her shoulder as her head rested on his chest naturally. It provided a sensation she never felt before, one that burned her chest, but it didn't hurt for once. It felt soothing, comfortable, and she couldn't help but want more.
        "Andrew!" she gasped, before being submerged under water at a steep drop.
        She quickly swam back up to the surface, coughing and spitting out the water she swallowed, before peddling back to the edge of the lake, crawling out and lying down on the ground, coughing and panting as she stared at the stars as they laughed at her.
        She didn't care about their mockery though.
        I want Andrew. She thought, forcing herself up off the ground.
        The autumn air mauled her skin as she ran, ignoring the ache in her leg as she followed the path and got off track, running back to her car.  She hopped in the driver's seat and started the car, speeding out of the forest. 
        She'll pay a visit later and apologize to Ashley, but right now she didn't want Ashley, she wanted Andrew. 
        She sped back to her apartment, an hour drive taking 30 minutes as she speeded. She made it back and parked her car, almost tripping on the steps from her haste as she almost broke off her key in the keyhole. She practically ripped the front door open, her eyes meeting with Andrew's panicked ones.
        He was out of his wheelchair, no crutches in sight as he leaned against the couch, tears falling down from his eyes. Every door in the house was open, and every light was on along with pillows and blankets scattered on the living room floor. It looked like he was trying to find her. 
        "(Y/N)!" he exclaimed, out of breath and panting, seeming to have had his own episode himself. 
        "Andrew!" she smiled, glad to see him awake and well.
        (Y/N) shut the door behind her, locking it before rushing over and running into Andrew's arms. He stumbled before falling back, but luckily he fell onto the couch. He didn't hesitate in reciprocating her hug as he wrapped his arms tightly around hers. 
        "(Y/N), where the hell were you?! I don't remember falling asleep or coming back home but I had a nightmare and—Jesus, you're so cold and wet." He spoke, lifting her legs up and placing her down in his lap. "Baby, what happened? Where were you? It's dark and raining outside, what were you thinking?"
        "Oh, Andrew. It's been so terrible." She cried, pressing her forehead against his. "I-I feel so terrible and lost. I'm so scared. My parents died and she's dead too and—" she wrapped her arms around his neck, hugging him tighter as she nuzzled her head in his neck. "Please don't leave me too. I need you, Andrew."
        Andrew's heart broke and mended at the same time. Seeing her crying and scared hurt, but seeing her need him felt better. 
        "It's okay... I won't leave you. I'm right here." Andrew breathed out, calming down as his arms held her waist, pulling her tightly against him as he shared his warmth with her.
        Suddenly, his nightmare felt almost silly in comparison to seeing her like this. Just like when she was in the hospital with him, he felt bad seeing her like this. It felt like a foreign sight seeing tears fall down her cheeks. 
        "Hey, you're really cold right now. C'mon, let's go get you warmed up." Andrew spoke, his hands rubbing up and down her arms to try and warm her up, though her wet jacket blocked the touch.
        (Y/N) nodded and stood up from his lap, a feeling of annoyance creeping up on his immediately after. He wished his legs could just heal up faster, he hates having to rely on her so much, he wants her to rely on him for a change.
        He wanted his legs to go back to normal so he could be able to carry her without having to have her get off his lap. He wanted to be able to walk side by side with her and hold hands while doing so. He wanted to help her reach the high shelves in the supermarket. 
        He hated having to look up at her to talk or speak, it was a blow to his ego and felt insulting to his masculinity. He wanted to be able to look down at her for once.
        Andrew got up and led (Y/N) to the bathroom, turning on the warm water and setting out a towel for her. (Y/N) went and grabbed a nightgown from her closet along with a sweatshirt and pair of sweatpants she bought Andrew today, coming back and resting them next to the towel. 
        "What's that for?" Andrew questioned, noticing the extra outfit just as he turned off the bathtub faucet. 
        "Why don't you stay with me again tonight?" (Y/N) suggested, swallowing her nerves. "I'd rather not be alone tonight... and you said you had a nightmare. We can comfort each other."
        Andrew's eyes widen, a rare blush dusting his cheeks as he looked at her surprised. He looked over at the bathtub, before back at her. 
        "Y-you mean... you wanna bathe together?" he questioned. "And sleep together willingly?" 
        "Jeez, you make it sound like I'm asking you for 1,000 bucks." (Y/N) sighed, crossing her arms, ignoring the cold shiver that went down her spine. 
        Oh no, this was much more than 1,000 bucks. This was priceless. If anything, he should be paying her for this. 
        "Only if you want to though. You don't have to feel pressured or anything, I don't want you to feel pressured because you're living with me. I'd feel bad if you were uncomfortable with this..." (Y/N) spoke, adverting her eyes from his.
        "Oh, honey. I'm far from uncomfortable. That's lightyears away." He chuckled, causing a smile to form on her face.
        "Well, that's good to know at least..." she smiled.
        "C'mere." He spoke, reaching out and grabbing her waist, pulling her flush against him. "So, you gonna help me change now?" he questioned, smirking as he asked her that question for the second time today.
        "You're insufferable." (Y/N) giggled.
        "Worth a shot." He shrugged, smirking. 
        He let go of her waist, much to her disappointment, and grabbed the hem of his jacket (Y/N) put on him earlier while he was asleep, lifting it up before she quickly adverted her eyes.
        "Hey!" she exclaimed, her body turning 180 degrees as she covered her eyes. "Y-you can't just do that in front of me!"
        "Oh, so you get flustered about seeing me undress but not asking me to bathe with you?" Andrew laughed, a genuine one as he undressed. 
        "Leave me alone..." (Y/N) muttered, suddenly feeling nervous about the situation at hand. 
        There was a moment of doubt, but it was washed away as she heard a splash from behind her. 
        "The water is warm. No need to be shy." Andrew spoke. 
        She could practically see his wolfish grin.
        "Can't you close your eyes?" (Y/N) huffed, turning her head towards him carefully, a mixture of gratitude and disappointment to seeing nothing exposed of him in the bathtub.
        "If that's what makes you comfortable." He sighed, pretending to act like it was a big deal when it wasn't. 
        "Wait, here..." (Y/N) spoke, reaching into her bathroom cabinet and pulling out a bottle.
        "Bubbles?" Andrew questioned, reading the label as she handed it to him. "Strawberry scented too. Yummy." 
        "Don't eat it." (Y/N) huffed.
        "I won't. Promise." He smiled. "I have a better snack here in front of me. A whole course meal." 
        His words caused her cheeks to flare up as she looked away from him.
        "Just get those bubbles made... yeah?" she hummed. "And don't look." 
        "Jokes on you, I know what reverse psychology is. You want me to look." Andrew teased.
        "Andrew!" (Y/N) whined. 
        "Okay! I promise I won't look." He spoke, his fingers crossed behind his back. 
        He turned back on the faucet and poured some bubble formula into the stream as she undressed, though he stole many glances with zero shame. He was only a man after all, but he could control himself. 
        "Okay..." (Y/N) spoke, removing her socks and undoing her bandages on her arms and leg.
        "Ready?" Andrew hummed, closing his eyes again. 
        "Yeah." She nodded.
        She turned around and looked at the slightly-pink foam from the bubbles, before looking at Andrew to make sure his eyes were closed. When she confirmed they were closed, she entered the bathtub and sat down in front of Andrew, her back facing him as her leg hung over the edge to prevent her stitches from being wet. 
        "I'm in. You can open your eyes now." (Y/N) sighed.
        "You sure look comfortable." Andrew chuckled gesturing to her leg. 
        "You should be doing this too. You still have stitches on your ankles." (Y/N) retorted.
        "You're such a worrywart." Andrew teased.
        "They could get infected." She bit back.
        "Well, it's a good thing I live with a cute nurse." Andrew smiled. 
        Her heart stammered at his compliment, she tilted her head to look back at him. 
        "Liar." She muttered under her breath.
        Andrew heard her and smiled, amused. His arms reached out and wrapped around her waist, before pulling her back into his chest.
        "H-hey! What are you doing?!" she gasped, feeling his warmth directly behind her. 
        "Don't worry so much, pretty. It causes wrinkles." He teased.
        "Well, I didn't know my looks were the only thing important about me." She huffed, her hands nervous settling on his.
        "You sure know how to bite back at everything I say, huh?" he sighed, albeit the smile on his face showed how much he enjoyed their little bickers. 
        His thumbs played with her hips, drawing circles on them as (Y/N) relaxed her head on his chest, the scent of strawberries in the air calming her down.
        "Should've brought my speaker in here and played some music." (Y/N) sighed. 
        "How romantic." He chuckled. "I can just hear George Michael singing 'Careless Whisper' to me right now." 
        "Classy." She hummed sarcastically.
        "What? Don't like his song?" Andrew questioned.
        "No, I'm really hearing Jo Stafford right now." (Y/N) chuckled. 
        "Ew. Oldies." Andrew teased, before musing over it. "...What song?"
        "'I've Got My Love To Keep Me Warm' sounds really fitting right now." She hummed thoughtfully.
        "So I'm your love?" he inquired, a playfully smirk on his face.
        His hand reached up and held her cheek, tilting her head towards him more. He pressed his forehead against her intimately, looking into her eyes with this fond expression on his face, one she could hardly believe was real. She reached her hand out and held his wrist, smiling.
        "Well, you did meet my parents..." she hummed, before a pang ached her heart, remembering her parents' death, though she hid that thought in the back of her mind.
        Andrew looked down and noticed the lines on her arm, his smile dropping. "Hey..."
        Shit, (Y/N) mentally scolded herself, her arm dropping.
        She just had to lift that one up. 
        "Hey." He spoke, his voice more firmer as he gripped her wrist tighter to prevent her from hiding her arm. "What's this?"
        "It's nothing." She lied.
        "What's this?" he said firmer, his eyes hardening as he looked down at her.
        "Nothing, I was just being stupid!" she snipped back, trying to grab her arm back. 
        "(Y/N). (Y/N), stop." He huffed, fighting her for her arm as she failed at hiding it. 
        "Drop it." She spoke defensively, tears welling up in her eyes.
        "(Y/N), honey." Andrew sighed, his gentle voice making her melt as she resisted fighting. "Baby, these are fresh. What happened?"
        "They're from yesterday." She corrected.
        "Stop avoiding the question. It's still fresh." He huffed. "What happened?"
        "I can't..." she muttered, looking away from him shamefully as the tears from her eyes fell.
        "C'mon, don't cry." Andrew mumbled, dropping her arm as both of his hands cradled her face. "We talked about crying; it's not pretty on you."
        "I can't help it." She sniffled.
        "So let me help." He hummed, his thumbs wiping away the tears. "What's been going on?"
        "A lot." She spoke.
        "Don't be vague. Speak." Andrew spoke, before noticing her hesitation. "I only wanna help you, baby. I don't like seeing you hurt." 
   "I don't wanna tell you yet..." (Y/N) muttered. "You won't like me anymore."
        "Honey, I'll still like you no matter what." He smiled reassuringly. "You don't gotta worry about silly things like that."
        "I-I still don't wan-na tell you yet..." she hiccuped as he wiped the remaining tears from her eyes.
        "Fine..." he sighed, a bit disappointed but not wanting to pry into her business. "Then tell me when you're ready, yeah?" 
        "Okay..." she nodded.
        "But can you at least promise me you'll stop this?" he spoke, his eyes trailing down to her arm to gesture to it.
        "I can't promise that." She frowned. "It just... happens sometimes." 
        "Well then come to me." He spoke. "I'll help you."
        She adverted her eyes, feeling guilty for making him worry.
        "I'm sorry..." She muttered.
        "I'm sorry too." He mumbled.
        "For what?" she questioned.
        "For not being there for you." He spoke. 
        "Andrew, you've barely known me for a week now." She sighed. 
        "So? I'm bathing with you right now. I get to eat meals with you and I get to shop with you and sleep with you at night." He spoke, before smiling. "We're dating now, remember?" he teased, recalling the words she used yesterday to try and explain their fake relationship.
        "Y-you really believe it?" she questioned, surprised. "You really wanna... you know...?"
        "I don't think I'd be here in the tub with you right now if I didn't." He chuckled, before pressing his nose against hers. "Yeah, I wanna be with you. I wanna always be with you." 
        "You can't possibly always be there for me." She pointed out, pouting.
        "But I wanna." He admitted. "I wanna always be there for you. I need you." 
        Her heart stammered as she looked away from him, nervous. The air was hot and humid, and the heavy scent of strawberries practically drowned her; but she wouldn't want this any other way.
        "You're stupid..." she mumbled, her finally defense being let down.
        "Stupid for you~" he cooed teasingly, coaxing a giggle out of her. 
        His eyes softened as he watched her laugh. One of his thumbs rubbing circles on her flared cheeks as his other hovered next to her bottom lip.
        "You have a pretty laugh." He commented, his eyes watching her lips before meeting her eyes. "And you have a pretty smile. Keep smiling for me, yeah?"
        "You have pretty eyes." She hummed. "Green like Mother Nature; nurturing." 
        "How poetic." He chuckled, smiling. 
        "I really like you, you know." (Y/N) admitted, her arms reaching up and grabbing his wrists, drawing small circles on them. 
        "Like me enough for a kiss?" he teased, although he was hopefully.
        "You want one?" she questioned. 
        "Well, I certainly wouldn't mind." He purred. 
        She giggled, before moving her face closer to his, her eyes looking at his endearingly before they looked down at his lips.
        "I've... never actually kissed anyone before..." she admitted. "So forgive me if I'm bad."        
        "I doubt anything could be bad with you." He hummed. 
        She smiled, raising her hands to rest on his cheeks, before holding her breath and kissing his lips. 
        It was short, sweet, and sincere. It's a serendipity that he managed to live and stumble into her hospital, and get assigned to her specifically despite being in a separate hospital branch, otherwise this might've never happened. She has him spellbound; and vise versa.
        She parted her lips from his, nervous as a hesitant smile resting on her face, yet she still smiled for him. 
        "So...?" she inquired. "How was that?"
        He hummed, pretending to muse, before quickly bending down and stealing another quick kiss from him.
        "Hey!" she gasped, flustered. "We agreed on one kiss!"
        "My mouth slipped." He lied, causing a chuckle to escape her lips.
        "Liar." She laughed.
        "It was perfect." He smiled. "You're perfect."
        "Now you're really lying." She scoffed playfully.
        "I'm extremely serious." He hummed, before lifting his hands. "See? My fingers aren't crossed."
        "Oh, then I guess you must be telling the truth." She hummed sarcastically. 
        "I am." He hummed, watching as she rested her head back down on his chest.
        They stayed quiet for a few minutes, before he spoke up.
        "Feeling better?" he questioned.
        "I'm on Cloud 9." She sighed, before adding. "And I changed my mind. It feels more like '(They Long to Be) Close to You.' that's by The Carpenters"
        Andrew chuckled, smiling. "Well I change mine too."
        "What do you change it to?" she questioned. 
        "'Unforgettable.' Nat Cole." He spoke. "Because you're unforgettable." He cooed, resting his head on her shoulder. 
        "Dummy." She smiled, closing her eyes and enjoying his warmth.
        This is what she longed to come home to every night. This was something worth living for.
        "You wanna get out now? Get to bed?" Andrew questioned.
        "Five minutes more." She smiled, quoting Frank Sinatra. "I'm comfortable..."
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And chapter 8 is finished! I've concluded that the series is coming to the end soon, we have about one or two more chapters left! Don't be down though, there will still be more Andrew content and you guys get to vote for the next series once Star Patient is done!
Want more Andrew Graves content? Check out the Andrew Graves masterlist!
Inbox is OPEN for questions about the story and new plotlines/ideas, not for requests!
Chapters: Chapter 1, Chapter 2, Chapter 3, chapter 4, chapter 5, chapter 6, chapter 7, current chapter, chapter 9 (in the works)
Want to listen to music while reading? Check out the Star Patient's Official Playlists! Multiple different playlists and genres!
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pro-memoriia · 17 days
Can I get some sweet Dew/Rain please? 🤭💕
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🧡❤ Swiss x Dew ficlet ❤🧡
Dewdrop sighed and rolled onto his side, internally cursing at Aurora. She needed to do laundry earlier but Dew's didn't get done drying. She didn't care, or just didn't notice, though. So Dew's bedding got thrown out of the laundry room, damp and cold. He didn't have time to fix it, and he wasn't really in the mood to yell at her, so he just grumpily accepted it.
His blanket was wet. His sheets were wet. His pillowcase was wet. His stuffed animal was wet. Wet and cold, that was all he felt in his bed. There was no comfortable position, no comfortable spots, it was all just wet. Dew hated it, he felt disgusting, and he was freezing.
Eventually, he grew sick of it. He got up and walked out in just his boxers. That probably wasn't helping his problem, but it was how he usually slept. He hugged himself and stomped to Swiss' room, giving a firm knock on the door.
He opened up in a moment, to no surprise. It was only 10, and Swiss was usually up fairly late. "Hey, firefly."
He noticed Dew's appearance and was confused. "What happened?"
"Can I sleep with you tonight?"
Swiss nodded and moved aside so the smaller could get in.
Dew wasted no time getting into bed. He rushed over and flipped the comforter up to bury himself underneath it. He laid on his back and pulled the covers up to his chin.
It was comforting. It wasn't cold. It wasn't wet... And it smelled like Swiss. And it came with Swiss... It was perfect.
The multi ghoul watched it all with humorous confusion. He laughed and dropped onto the bed with Dew. "So, what happened?"
"Aurora switched my bedding before it finished drying so now my bed is damp and cold."
Dew's expression was neutral, but still slightly angry. Swiss chucked and sighed. "In the morning, I'll help you get it off and put it back in to dry." Dew nodded.
Swiss crawled under the covers and opened his arms to offer a hug. Dew accepted, eagerly shifting over to be held by his mate. Unfortunately, he was still tense and a little shaky, zoning out at the wall.
Dew's eyes snapped towards Swiss when he heard his voice. "What?"
"You okay? What's wrong?"
Swiss looked worried. He had that look on his face, that smile that offered comfort but was useless with the look in his eyes. It was a sweet expression, but Swiss pretty much always had a sweet expression. Dew liked that. He was originally jealous of the positivity Swiss was always able to express and the sheer emotion in his faces. Dew could never do that, which is why he learned to appreciate it. Because in some of his worst moments, Swiss' face was the only one to look at him.
"Nothing," Dew replied. "Just tired."
He looked a little grouchy, but he always did when he was sleepy. Swiss wasn't entirely convinced his mate was okay, but he'd leave it be and check up on it if it pursued in the morning.
"What?" Dew knew Swiss didn't believe him.
"Just making sure you're okay. I don't want my firefly losing his flame."
Dew didn't smile for a second. He just gave Swiss a look. But after a second, he grinned and turned his head with a soft laugh.
Swiss sighed and rolled his eyes. "What? A ghoul can't be corny every once in a while?"
Dewdrop just shook his head and laid it on Swiss' shoulder. "I love you," he said quietly.
"I know."
Dew lifted his head and narrowed his eyes. "Well, fuck you too."
"You'd like that, wouldn't you?"
"Nope. Already done it, didn't live up to my standards," Dew replied.
"Well then, maybe you should lower your standards to your own level, tiny."
Dew sighed. "Maybe squatting down would give you a better ass."
"My ass is perfect, thank you very much."
"Is Aurora the one feeding you these lies or is it Mount?"
"Neither, Dew. It's myself."
"Yeah, that adds up."
"You can't do math, firefly."
"And you don't understand figures of speech. Guess we both need to go back to elementary school."
Swiss chuckled and cupped Dew's chin, bringing him in for a kiss. The two smiled against each other's lips, giggling when they accidentally bumped teeth.
"Aren't you glad Rory took out your laundry too earlier?"
"This is nice, but no. I want my bedding to be warm and dry again."
"I know," Swiss said, nodding in acceptance.
"Can we sleep now?"
"Sure. Want me to turn off the lights?"
"Fuck do you think I am? An animal? Yes, turn the lights off."
Swiss scoffed and got up, shutting off the light. He came back over to the bed and turned off the lamp on the side.
He crawled under the covers and hugged Dew. The smaller ghoul curled up with his head on Swiss' chest.
Dewdrop didn't care about his wet bedding now, he was just eternally grateful for the warmth of his mate's familiar body that embraced him in his sleep.
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coldfanbou · 2 years
Manor: Incoming
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I struggled mightily with this part; the next ones should come easier though.
Length 2.2K
Yuna x mreader
Previous Part
Next Part
The following day at breakfast. You sit at the table with your parents and new guests. While they try to converse, you and Nayeon remain silent throughout the meal. The two of you weren't noticed, however. Much like years before, you both were ignored by your parents. Nayeon is the first to step away, quickly followed by you. "I guess you're right; things really don't change." 
"...yeah," Nayeon says dejectedly. "I tried telling you." 
"Look, I'm sorry for last night. It's- I've just had a lot going on recently. I haven't been myself." 
A smirk shows itself on Nayeon. "When are you ever yourself?" She says with a laugh. Nayeon smacks your shoulder, "It was wrong of me to assume things would be just how we left them. I put a lot of pressure on you."
"Oh, well, look at you taking part of the blame. Things have changed." You say in a bemused tone.
"Hey, I'm an adult now; I know when I'm wrong." She says, smacking your chest. 
"Yeah, I guess you are pretty old now." As soon as the words leave your mouth, you start backing away, ready to run. 
"You did not just call me old," Nayeon says, storming towards you. As you start to run, Nayeon begins to chase you. "Don't you run away from me!"  You both laugh as you run through the halls avoiding the maids as they go about their business. 
As you pass Taeyeon, you hear her yell, "No running in the halls!" You turn the corner and hide in the laundry room.  The chase ends when you choose to hide in the pile of clothes. Made up of the maids’ uniforms, you make a small hole to peer out of. Nayeon enters the room and stops seeing that there is only one way for you to go. 
A breathless call is made, "Come out, come out wherever you are." Nayeon opens the closets on the far walls, but nothing. She looks around for places where you could hide and circles the series of washing machines. Deciding to stay still, you watch as Nayeon eventually reaches the entrance again. "I know you're in here." Nayeon's gaze eventually turns to the pile of clothes you're lying in. As she slowly approaches, you prepare to launch as many clothes as you physically can at her. Step by step, she approaches hesitantly. Once you deem her close enough, you throw the maid uniforms at her and scurry away. "YA!" Nayeon screams; she tries to toss the uniforms off quickly and chases after you again. As you turn the corner again, you're forced to stop as you collide with Umji suddenly. Your arms wrap around her, and you turn, trying to take most of the damage. Hearing the crash, Nayeon turns to see Umji lying on your chest. 
"Ow, are you alright?"
"Yes, mas-young master." Umji says, "are you alright?"
"I'd appreciate it if you could get off me."
"I'm so sorry," Umji says, getting up quickly. "I-um, I'm sorry." She repeats, bowing.
"It’s fine." Umji's face turns red, and she quickly hurries off, passing by Nayeon. 
Nayeon reaches her hand out. "Get up, idiot," she says with a smile. You can tell she's trying to contain a laugh. You take her hand and get back up to your feet. "Game over, I win. As always."
"You do not; I'd still be running away if I hadn't bumped into her." 
"Tell yourself whatever you need to," Nayeon responds, completely unbothered. At that moment, Taeyeon and Yuna are coming down the corridor.
"Young master! I heard a crash. Are you alright?" She says. As soon as she reaches you, Taeyeon checks you for cuts and bruises.
"I'm fine, Taeyeon; I just bumped into Umji."
"That won't do; I'll have to discipline her." 
"No, no, Taeyeon. I ran into her; it's not Umji's fault." You respond. Taeyeon's disciplining has always been a little strong, enough to where many maids first time leads them to quit.
Taeyeon huffs as she continues to check you. "How many times do I have to tell you not to run in the halls?" As she finishes, Taeyeon looks over at Nayeon. "You too, no running allowed. Let me check you now." 
"But I didn't-" 
"Hush, now," Taeyeon says, cutting off Nayeon and beginning her inspection. "You sure have grown into a wonderful young lady, Miss Nayeon but don't think I won't punish you like old times." 
"He started it!" Nayeon shouts, pointing to you.
"Still acting like children, both of you. When will you grow up?" Yuna laughs at Taeyeon's comment. "Yuna, take these too as an example of what not to do." 
"I don't know, Miss Taeyeon; I think they're fun." Taeyeon just shakes her head without looking at Yuna. "Besides, I know you've had to get in trouble at least once before, right?"
"I…I don't know what you're talking about. I've been prim and proper since before I could remember." 
"Ooh, that means you've done some naughty things before, Taeyeon," you chime in.
"I-I have not!" Taeyeon turns to you and pulls on your ear harshly. Whispering to you, "I'll make sure to punish you later." It sends shivers down your spine. Afterward, she lets go of you, "Come along, Yuna; we have to get back to work." 
"Right, Miss Taeyeon. Bye, Miss Nayeon, Young Master." You catch Yuna winking at you, as does Nayeon. 
As soon as they're out of sight, Nayeon says, "What was that about? That wink from her?"
"I don't know. I haven't spoken to her before." 
"Then why did she wink at you?" Nayeon says, stepping up to you and poking your chest. "You've done something with her before."
"Nayeon, I haven't; she just started yesterday." 
"Yeah, sure." Nayeon starts to walk away from you. 
"Nayeon, come on."
"I need to cool off." She says as she continues to walk away. You watch as Nayeon goes the same way Taeyeon went. You take a deep breath to try and collect yourself, simultaneously wondering why Yuna would wink at you. Of course, she was suggestive during her introduction, but this was different. 
"Um, young master?" Your train of thought breaks apart at the tiny voice coming behind you. Turning around, you spot Umji standing there nervously. "Are you alright? I overheard you and Miss Nayeon arguing."
"I'll be alright, Umji. It's just a little trouble going on." 
"Are you sure? I'm here if you want to talk about it." 
"I'll be fine, Umji, but thanks." You start walking and hear Umji's footsteps following close behind as she goes to her next task. 
The next few days are spent trying to figure things out and watching the maids. Yuna has quickly made herself one of the most liked and tried multiple times to get closer to you. Tzuyu, Umji, Wonyoung, and Chuu, in comparison, are well-liked but have focused more on their jobs and have only interacted with you when absolutely necessary. Hwasa would occasionally ask when the two of you would have some alone time again, only to be told later. Your relationship with Nayeon was hot and cold; sometimes, things were fine, and then something would throw a spanner in the works. 
You were sitting in the back garden maze right now, just trying to relax. The garden had a few areas to it. The patio was connected to the house, and further in the garden stood a maze; the hedges were tall enough to make it nearly impossible to see what happened inside. The sound of footsteps got louder until you saw who was coming. It was Yuna. Yuna took a seat next to you. "How are you doing, young master?" She asks. She's turned her body halfway to face you.
"I was doing well. What do you want, Yuna?" 
"Well, I completed all my tasks for the day and thought I should get to know you better." She smiles at you as her hand inches closer to you.
"Why?" You ask, suspicious of her intentions.
"Isn't it good for a maid to know her master? I want to know what you like; I'm your maid, after all." 
"...right. Why don't you learn more about my mother or father then."
"Come on, Master." Yuna puffs her cheeks as she closes in on you. "I can do anything you'd like. Anything." 
"Yuna, what are you getting at?"
"I'm just saying that I see you're struggling with Miss Nayeon, and being a young man, you should be able to release your stress," Yuna says as her hand crawls onto your thigh. As Yuna leans over, you catch a glimpse of her modest cleavage. "I can help you release all that tension, master. Why don't I show you what I can do?" Before you can say anything, Yuna presses her lips against yours. The soft and warm flesh distracts you as Yuna's hand frees your cock. You both break the kiss, panting as you run out of breath. Yuna's small hand slowly strokes your shaft. You groan from the pleasure, and Yuna smiles upon hearing it.
"See, master? This is just the start too." Yuna begins to move faster while kissing you. As precum coats, your cock Yuna picks up her pace further. "I can't let this go to waste, Master." Yuna bends down and swallows your cock. Her tongue swirls around the tip as she strokes the base of your shaft. Her warm mouth brings you another level of pleasure. You tilt your head back as you relish the pleasure from Yuna's mouth. You pull back her hair to make it easier for her. As Yuna begins to bob her head quickly, you moan her name.
"Fuck, Yuna, that feels so good. I'm gonna cum."
"Let me have a taste, master." Yuna mumbles. Her tongue laps at the tip of your cock, trying to push you over the edge. You push Yuna's head down as you cum. She struggles to take a breath as you fill her with your cum. She's slapping your thigh, telling you to let her go. You do so with the final spurt splashing onto her face. Yuna coughs and tries to catch her breath. "You…should… have warned me, master." After she's caught her breath, Yuna puts on her best smile. "If you had told me that's what you wanted, I would've been able to with no problem." 
"Sorry, it just felt really good."
"Well, I can forgive you, Master; after all, your cum is delicious," Yuna uses her finger to swipe the cum on her face and licks it clean. "I still have some energy, Master," She stands up and lifts the front of her maid uniform to reveal her soaked panties. "I helped you. Could you help your little maid, Master?"
"Yeah, yeah, I can." Yuna doesn't bother removing her uniform; she straddles you and, moving her panties to the side, gets ready for you. The head of your cock rubs against her folds before pressing against her entrance.
You look into Yuna's eyes, "Are you ready?" 
"Yes, Master." Yuna's teasing voice turns into a moan as you push her waist down, and your cock pushes inside. "Oh my god, you feel so big." You lift and drop Yuna on your cock; her breasts bounce slightly as she crashes onto your body. You lean forward and nip at her neck; she struggles to contain her moans, biting her bottom lip. You squeeze Yuna's ass through her uniform. "Master, I could always visit you in your room if you want to see more of me." She moans. As you thrust faster, you feel her walls clench around you, "Oh, you like that idea? I can feel your cock throbbing inside me." You admit to yourself that seeing more of Yuna's body excites you. You imagine her wearing matching lacy underwear and giving you a strip dance. 
"I really like that idea, Yuna." You unbutton the top of Yuna's uniform and free her breasts. Quickly you attach your mouth to it, suckling in it and drawing moans from the young woman.
"Oh, wait… I'm going to cum if you keep doing that." Yuna grimaces as she feels your tongue flicking her nipple. 
"That’s fine, Yuna, cum with me. That's an order." 
"Yes, Master. Fuck…" Yuna's moans grow louder as she bounces on your cock. Her walls clamp down on you as she cums; you feel her milking your cock as you fill Yuna with cum. You paint her walls white as Yuna bites your shoulder to avoid attracting more attention. When your orgasms end, Yuna gets off you and sits next to you. Breathing heavily, you both try to relax. "Let me clean you up, Master." Yuna leans over you and promptly takes your cock in; she takes the entire thing in. Her tongue playfully licks your balls before slowly moving back to the tip. She gets everything and leaves it clean before wiping her mouth. "Thank you for my meal, Master. I should go before the others start to suspect something." Yuna stands and begins her walk out of the maze. You sit there a little while longer after putting away your dick. 
"Yuna must be the one my parents planted." You think to yourself. It made sense to you, considering the others focused on their work while Yuna has tried constantly to get to you. You wouldn't let the sex you had change anything, instead planning on bringing in some in the form of a trusted maid.
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agirlwithdemonblood · 3 months
The Celebrity Next Door: Chapter 7 -Unexpected Morning, Heartwarming Afternoon
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Pairings: Jensen Ackles x Reader
Chapter Summary: After an unexpected morning, Y/N is worried that things are going downhill again, but their only going up.
Series Masterlist here!! & Main masterlist here!
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I woke up feeling especially refreshed and energized for the first time in a long time. Expecting to find myself in my own bed, I opened my eyes to see Jensen lying next to me, asleep on the floor.
Confused, I sat up and looked around, realizing I was actually on his couch, wrapped snugly in his sweatshirt.
My movement stirred him awake, he lifted his head, his eyes fluttering open, and greeted me with that beautiful smile of his. It was certainly a pleasing way to wake up.
"Mmm... Good morning, honey," he whispered, his voice husky and irresistible.
I smiled, settling down on my side to face him. "Good morning. I guess I ended up crashing here."
He chuckled softly, sitting up and leaning closer. "I guess you did."
"Sorry if that's not what you wanted," I said, a hint of concern in my voice.
He laughed lightly, shaking his head as his lips met mine in a sweet, gentle kiss. "It was. It is."
Grabbing my phone from the floor, I checked the time in surprise. "How did we manage to sleep till 10:00 am?"
He laughed again, lying back down before suddenly jumping straight up. "10:00 am? It's 10:00 am?"
I nodded, showing him the time on my phone, and watched panic flicker across his face.
"Oh shit… Oh no, okay," he muttered quickly, scrambling to tidy up the pillows and straighten the place. Confused, I sat up, staring at him. "What's going on, Jensen?"
"My kids will be back any moment. My ex is dropping them off," he explained hurriedly.
I nodded understandingly and quickly threw on my sweater and shoes. Jensen stood in the living room, looking confused. "Wait, where are you going?"
I hesitated, trying to process everything. "Um… Home?"
He frowned, stepping closer and gently holding my arms. "I didn't mean you had to leave. I don't mind if you're here when they arrive."
"Oh…" I paused, unsure why he seemed so flustered.
He smiled softly, sensing my confusion, and leaned in to kiss my forehead. "I'm just worried about what Sarah will say. Not about you, but about the mess. Usually, I have everything cleaned up and breakfast ready when they arrive but lately.., I haven't been on top of things here."
I moved closer, wrapping my arms around him and planting a reassuring kiss on his chest, hoping to ease his anxiety. "Go wait for your kids on the porch. I'll take care of everything here."
Brows furrowed in confusion, he stared down at me. "Y/N, you don't have to-"
"I'm not asking," I insisted firmly. "Go. Your kids need a happy dad who's excited to see them. I'll handle this."
He nodded gratefully, kissing my forehead again before hurrying to the door. As he paused at the mirror to fix his hair, my heart melted a little at his care for appearances—a confirmation to his dedication as a dad and a man that was making me fall for him, fast.
I could hear the car pulling into the driveway as I finished cooking bacon and eggs, serving them on a plate for the kids to enjoy when they got home. I smiled to myself, satisfied with how tidy everything looked. They arrived just in time, all laundry was sorted, trash thrown out, and floors swept, everything was done.
The house filled with noise as children ran up the stairs, Jensen's voice getting closer, followed by a woman's voice. My anxiety was rising as they approached, I hadn't expected her to enter, but it wasn't my place to question.
Jensen appeared in the kitchen, eyes widening at the sight of the breakfast spread and the house clean.
Before he could say anything, a tall, stunning woman stepped beside him, her eyes falling onto me. "Oh… Hi. Didn't realize Jensen had company," she said with a smirk.
Jensen froze, caught between us, unsure of what to say or how to explain.
Smiling warmly, I wiped my hands and greeted her, "Hi! I'm actually new in the neighbourhood. I was just coming over to introduce myself when you arrived. I didn't want the food to burn, so I thought I'd help out. Practicing my neighbourly duties, you know?"
She nodded politely, her gaze shifting between Jensen and me, clearly curious by the way he stood there like a statue. "Understandable. I'm Sarah."
I smiled in response and waited while the air turned tense. "Anyways, I should get going. Thanks for the coffee, Jensen!" I spoke, nodding to him.
He hesitated before smiling back, "Of course. See you around?" he asked shyly.
I smiled back. "Definitely. Bye! Nice meeting you!"
"You too," she responded, her eyes following me as I left, closing the door behind me and releasing a breath I hadn't realized I'd been holding.
She seemed nice enough, but I couldn't shake the anxiety rising at how Jensen's anxious look had hinted at the fact that he was not happy I was there, when she was. It was understandable for sure, but I couldn't stop the pang in my chest at the feeling of being hidden.
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Hours passed in quiet after the brief meeting at Jensen's. I had no work to occupy me, and loneliness began to creep in. I contemplated going over to at least say hi to the kids, or apologizing for this morning, but I was unsure if it was appropriate.
As I cleaned my kitchen, a knock at the door startled me. Was this a coincidence, or was Jensen thinking the same thing?
I opened the door to find Katie standing there, her smile brightening as she saw me. "Hi, Y/N!"
"Hi, Katie!" I greeted her warmly.
"Dad said to ask if you want to join us for lunch," she said eagerly.
I chuckled to myself. "Oh, did he? Well, I am pretty hungry. Are you?"
She nodded energetically, reaching for my hand, which I gladly took. We walked back to their house together, my heart warming with every step.
Entering their backyard, I spotted Jensen by the grill and Kevin preoccupied in a gaming device, the aroma of burgers teasing my senses and causing my mouth to water.
Jensen greeted me with a nervous smile. "Y/N! Glad you could join us!"
I nodded, releasing Katie's hand as she dashed off to play with her toys. She was adorable, and I couldn't help but smile.
As Jensen closed the grill and approached me, he glanced over at the kids to make sure they were occupied. "I'm so sorry about this morning," he apologized quietly.
I shook my head, dismissing his apology. "You have nothing to apologize for. I am curious though, is that why you asked Katie to come get me?
He smiled sheepishly and chuckled a bit, "Well, yeah. I didn't know if you were angry or upset with me, and you did mention that my daughter is impossible to resist, so I figured she'd have a better chance to get you over here."
I giggled and shook my head, "I wasn't upset, at least not with you."
His face froze, concern flickering in his eyes. "But you were upset?"
I hesitated, then forced a smile. "It was nothing, really..."
He cleared his throat, turning his attention to his kids. "Ten minutes until lunch. Can you help me with the condiments, Y/N?"
I sighed internally, hoping I hadn't complicated things by admitting that. Following him inside, I stood at the counter, nerves fluttering as I wondered what he was going to say. "Jensen... I-"
He stepped closer, his hand brushing my cheek, his gaze locked on mine as his lips met mine briefly, erasing all the morning's doubts and fears.
"I'm sorry. I should've handled things better this morning. After you left, I felt like a jerk. You did so much to help, and I didn't even properly thank you, I froze like a coward." he murmured, looking down at the floor.
I reached up, gently guiding his chin to meet my eyes. "Stop. You didn't do anything wrong. You handled everything perfectly. You were calm and happy to see your kids without the stress. That's all that matters to me."
He smiled sadly, shrugging. "But it upset you."
I frowned, glancing towards the backyard to ensure no little ears were listening. "It was stupid to say that, I shouldn't have said it."
"No," he whispered, his hand grabbing mine in his. "Whatever bothers you is not stupid honey, please tell me what it was?"
I sighed and fiddled with my fingers, eyes locked on the ground. "It was just... my insecurities. I enjoyed our time together, and I felt like we were getting closer. When your wife arrived, and we pretended we didn't even know each other, I guess I felt like I was being hidden. But again, it's just my stupid insecurities, it's not a big deal."
He pulled me into a hug, holding me tightly. "I would never hide you. I love what we have building here, I was just worried about unnecessary drama, and I didn't know I'd feel that way until she came inside and I saw you again, but I love our drama free life."
I nodded, smiling genuinely. "Me too."
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We all sat down to lunch, and as I prepared to leave them to enjoy their family time, Katie tugged on my hand. "Stay, please!" she pleaded, her big blue eyes irresistible.
I glanced at Jensen, who nodded enthusiastically, then turned to Kevin, who sat on the couch. "Kevin, is it okay if I stay?"
He shrugged, seeming uninterested. "I don't care."
Jensen rolled his eyes apologetically. I smiled, brushing it off, and settled on the couch beside Kevin. I couldn't blame him for feeling a bit left out; when he was here with just Katie and his dad, he was usually playing with his sister or being the one she asks all the questions too, with my presence, Katie has been begging to play with me, and he sits on his video games.
While Jensen and Katie went upstairs to change, I stayed downstairs with Kevin, hoping to connect with him a bit. He grabbed his phone and began playing a game, clearly not in the mood for conversation. But I was stubborn.
"What are you playing?" I asked, peering over at his screen. He tilted it away from me, continuing to play. "Nothing you'd know."
I smiled and leaned back against the couch. "Try me."
He sighed, unenthusiastically turning the screen to show me the game. "Call of Duty."
Acting surprised, I gasped. "Are you kidding? I love that game!"
He rolled his eyes. "Yeah, right."
"No, seriously. I used to play Black Ops with my sisters on Xbox. We had a blast," I said, trying to break through his shell.
He looked at me skeptically, but this time I could see a glimmer of excitement in his eyes. "Are you any good?"
I laughed, pulling out my phone. "I bet I could give you a run for your money."
Kevin watched intently as I quickly downloaded the game and set up a profile. We joined a game together, and soon we were both absorbed in the battle, hunting each other down in the virtual world. Kevin proved to be skilled, and though I struggled a bit with the touchscreen controls compared to a console, it was more than fun hearing his laugh every time he unexpectedly snuck behind and knifed me.
As we played, laughter filled the room, and Kevin's guarded demeanour slowly melted away. He became more energetic, explaining strategies and teasing me whenever he managed to score a hit. It was clear he was enjoying himself, and so was I.
At one point, I managed to sneak up on his character, thinking I had the upper hand, only for him to turn around and take me down. "You suck!" he exclaimed, bursting into laughter.
"Kevin!" Jensen's voice suddenly interrupted from behind us, causing both of us to jump. We quickly put down our phones and turned to face him.
Before Jensen could say anything, I stood up and showed him my phone. "We were just playing Call of Duty. Kevin was just joking around."
Jensen glanced between us and then smiled, relieved. He sat down between us on the couch. "Alright, let's see if I can take on both of you. Kevin, teach me your moves."
Kevin eagerly started explaining the controls to his dad, and soon they were both absorbed in the game, laughing and competing. Jensen's gaze fell on mine as Kevin laughed loudly, mouthing a thank you.
I smiled in response and watched them with a warm heart, it was amazing seeing them getting along so well, especially after everything Jensen opened up about, regarding his son.
They deserved this type of love, this bond, this moment of healing, and it was amazing to watch, and be a part of.
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Thank you for reading, I hope you enjoyed it! Chapter 8 coming soon stay tuned!
Like, comment, and reblog, feedback is my fuel 💕
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vesselandmoon · 3 months
Riding the Rails
NSFW so please, 18+ for readers on this one. This has nothing to do with the main Sleep Token fic I've been working on, it's just smut for the sake of it I suppose.
I was going to wait until tomorrow but here. For @hookedhobbies thank you for talking me up. Please read the content warnings and tags. If I forgot something, let me know and I'll add it.
CW: blindfold, pegging, praise
When Celie is allowed to be an altar for an offering to Vessel, she gets pulled into a situation she didn't expect.
Celie dropped her bag inside her bedroom door, wondering how the hell any of this happened. One ritual and within a month she was moved in and basically a pet. The guys had been gone but she expected them back. Maybe they were sleeping? She didn’t know what was expected of her but she’d be damned if she walked away after what happened before.
On her bed a white box with a black ribbon caught her attention. On the tag was oddly neat handwriting requesting that if she was interested, she should put the outfit on and open the door at midnight. Weird, it had no name.
Inside was a corset made of soft velvet. Deep crimson with black lace and thin leather strips connecting to a collar. Maybe II? She tilted her head and poked around some more to find sheer stockings, a garter belt, and black heels but the shorts were what caught her attention. Tight, black, and fitted for a toy which she found off to the side.
“Oh,” she said, blush spreading across her cheeks. Whoever it was wanted her to peg him? It wasn’t something she was too familiar with but she’d wanted to experiment more with it. The thing was, who wanted it? For sure it wasn’t III. He would have thrown it to her, gotten her a stool, and told her to get to work.
Celie smirked at the thought but there was still a question of who. With the blindfold that completed the outfit she was sure she wasn’t going to know until she was engaged in the act. Still, it intrigued her.
Twenty minutes to get ready. She quickly washed up, heart pounding as she got into the outfit, checking the clock constantly. Someone was outside the door. Their shadow moved a little here and there with seemingly anxious energy but there was no sound. No voice. He was keeping quiet though a couple minutes to midnight he was pacing.
She took a deep breath and secured the blindfold, swallowing hard against the leather collar. A gentle knock at the door and she opened it, feeling the figure on the other side fall still. She could practically feel his gaze on her and she shifted uncomfortably before he moved past her, the scent of laundry detergent following him.
No help there. All of them used the same damn soap. Celie bit her lip when she felt him so very close but not touching her, the door closing with a soft click. He locked it then took her fingertips in his and led her toward the bed.
“Are you…” she inhaled. “Can I take the blindfold off?”
He touched her lips and guided her head in a slow motion of “no”.
“Even if I guess? Even if I know?” she asked and again he guided her to “no.”
“Will you speak at all?” she asked as she heard fabric sliding off his body.
“Yes.” His reply was barely a whisper and heat flooded through her body.
She knew.
“I… if you want me to stop, I need you to have a safe word. Do you have one or do you want me to make one up?”
Celie could feel his hand around the thick cock he’d chosen for their encounter, the tugging gentle and slow. She wished she could see it. Wished she could feel it as her own flesh. All she knew was that he had lowered himself though whether he was sitting at the edge of the bed or was on the floor she couldn’t be sure.
Fingertips grazed the line of her garter straps, sending shivers up her legs. She wanted to touch him. To feel his face, his hair, his body, and yet there was hesitation. Instead she tested the limits, resting her hands on his but she didn’t shy away. He wrapped a hand around the all too realistic cock, stroking it.
“How about honeycomb?” she asked and a faint chuckle met her ears.
It was Vessel. It had to be.
“I should probably tell you I’m not that experienced with this,” she admitted. He took her hands, pressing his thumbs into her palms to keep the touch minimum but she could hear something wet. Feel hot breath on the thin strip of flesh between the corset and her shorts, feel the slight motion of the dildo. Was he sucking it?
A low moan escaped him and she felt him take more of the cock in his mouth. Her breath caught in her throat. If only she could feel it as her own flesh. The memory of his tongue delving into her, searching out traces of cum left by the others made her ache for him. She imagined what it would be like to feel the back of his throat squeezing as he swallowed.
He helped himself for a time and she wished she could see his mouth stretch wide. Frankly, she wasn’t sure how he’d take the dildo. It was impressive. Close to IV’s girth but a little longer. Not quite as long as III. Then again, if Vessel was involved with either of them (which she assumed he was) then taking this might not be too difficult for him.
A sucking pop and shuffling in front of her signaled that he had moved but it took him a moment to guide her over to the bed. He pressed a bottle to her hand. Lube? She felt around on it, convinced she was right, when the bed creaked slightly.
Tentatively she reached out, patting about in air before finally finding skin. His lower back and ass. He was leaned across the edge of the bed, ready for her. She could feel the muscles in his thigh shifting as she explored a bit of his body.
“I wish I could see you,” Celie said, mouth gone dry as she felt him spread himself open for her.
Lubed fingers were met with a sharp little gasp and Celie squeezed her thighs together. He was so soft. So warm. The tip of her finger pressed against his ass, feeling it clench with anticipation, then relax. She slid the finger deeper, curling it toward his prostate. He arched his back, pushing her deeper still and she let out a breathy chuckle.
Celie’s mind raced with questions. Why her? Why not ask one of the others? Surely a real cock and someone proficient in using it would have made for a more enjoyable evening and yet he’d gone through so much trouble to put together an entire outfit for this. He’d thought about it. Knew what he wanted, even if she didn’t understand why.
Vessel reached around and grabbed the cock, pulling her closer until it was poised to enter him. He was eager and frankly, she was so turned on at the thought of him spread open for her, she was willing to do whatever he wanted whenever he wanted it.
She slid the head of the dildo across his ass, pressing in every so slightly only to stop and continue rubbing. Teasing. Never letting it enter him, not even the head. He pushed back against her and she pulled away.
“Relax,” she said, gripping his hips to keep him in place. “We have all night, right?”
“Yes,” he replied, tone tinged with impatience, but she felt the tension ease a little from his body.
“Let me enjoy you.” Celie barely pushed the tip of the dildo against him again before leaning over to kiss his back. He stiffened but didn’t tell her to stop so she dragged her nails down his sides, feeling him arch down into the bed, his hips a little higher.
How was her heart pounding so damn hard? She bit her lip, trying to slow her breathing but he was getting impatient as she continued to tease him. Nails and soft kisses, slick wet sounds of lube as she rocked her hips.
“Please,” he muttered and Celie stopped. “Please,” he asked, a little louder.
The desire to hear him beg flared up in her belly but she didn’t know the limit. Not yet.
Celie put a little more lube on her fingers, stroking it along the shaft of the dildo before guiding it with the other hand. She could hear him take a deep breath as she poised to enter him only for it to escape in a soft moan when she finally pushed the tip into him.
Her fingertips stayed in place, feeling the cock sink into him little by little with every leisurely thrust. She tried to concentrate on what he must look like. How he was stretching around the dildo with those sweet little pants and groans escaping his lips.
“You’re taking me so well,” she said, testing his reaction to her praise. In response he pushed back, driving more of the toy into himself and eliciting a surprised giggle from Celie. “You’re so needy. Calm down love, I don’t want to hurt you.”
“Love…” he repeated, contemplative, as if he was rolling the word around in his head. Feeling it. Testing it. “You won’t hurt me.”
“I’d still rather take it slow.” Celie pulled almost all the way out, using one hand to keep track of the depth while the other gripped his hip for leverage. “Without being able to see, I can’t tell how deep I am in you. Maybe it would help if I was on top?”
He let out a thoughtful hum but didn’t move besides pushing back against her, taking the cock and rocking her back a little. He wanted it all the way and his frustrated groan told her as much.
“Fuck sake. So damn impatient. Fine but don’t say I didn’t try,” she said, pulling back and slamming into him all the way to her hips.
Vessel let out a sound somewhere between a sharp exhale and a moan, his breath coming in trembling gasps. She took several deep but tentative thrusts before figuring out how far she could pull back and still keep the cock safely inside of him.
She could feel him move, feel him reach around to grab himself but frustration hit her like a truck and she slapped his ass so hard he hissed in pain.
“If you won’t be patient enough for me to fuck you how I want, then you can’t touch yourself until I tell you.” The moment the words left her mouth she doubted if she’d made the right choice. Had she said that to the others they might have laughed at her and done what they wanted anyway but Vessel relented with a quiet “yes” and put his hands behind his back.
Celie let go of his hips and grabbed his wrists instead. She knew his cock was rubbing on the edge of her bed with every thrust and it would have to be his relief for now. Her confidence grew as the sting of her hand ached with every beat of her heart.
“Hm I wish I could feel this,” she breathed, driving hard into him. “I wish I could feel that tight ass squeezing around me. God you take it so well. So fucking well. I bet you’re pretty when you get fucked.”
She half expected him to stop her, to tell her to tone it down or become uncomfortable but instead her coaxing had him trembling, his groans devolving into desperate moans.
“You like when I dirty talk you?” she asked but he didn’t reply. Another swift smack on his ass and he tensed up, a sharp cry escaping his lips. “I asked you a question.”
“Y-yes,” he breathed.
“You’re being so good for me.” Celie changed positions a little, adjusting her angle which had Vessel’s moans become muffled. She leaned forward and traced a hand around his jaw to feel that he was biting a blanket. “No, let it go. I just told you how good you’re being and now you want to act up? Good boy,” she praised as he released the blanket from his clenched jaw.
One hand still around his wrists, though she knew she couldn’t stop him from pulling away if he wanted, she snaked the other hand around to wedge two fingers between his teeth. Saliva pooled in his mouth but his moans were much more apparent, making her eyes roll back. She wanted him so badly it hurt. Her pussy throbbed. Ached. She needed some sort of relief but every thrust against him only did so much.
Soft desperate whines in the back of Vessel’s throat became wet and he almost gurgled, tongue working around her fingers to swallow the saliva she was sure was dripping from his chin. Celie leaned over, resting her forehead on his back, breath hot on his skin. While she was enjoying it, she needed more. Needed those little moans to turn into begging. Pleading. She wanted to hear his pretty voice cry out for her.
Celie straightened, gripping his wrists with both hands again, fingers on her left hand slick with saliva as she began pounding into him mercilessly.
“Ah fuck,” he whined, squirming against her. His breath came out in harsh pants every time she drove hard into him. “S-stop… stop stop stop,” he begged.
And yet there was no safe word. She would bet his fists were twisted into the sheets, eyes rolling back in his head.
“D-don’t move p-please… please stop. Fuck! I c-can’t I can’t.”
Celie smirked and did just that, pulling entirely out of him and stepping back only for her ears to catch a disappointed whimper.
“Was I too rough, love?” she asked. “I’ll stop, it’s fine. You can get cleaned up now.”
“W-what? No, no wait.
Celie made a show of walking away from him.
“Stop, please. I need this.” The quiet desperation in his tone made her smirk mischievously.
She took several slow steps toward him until she could feel his hands on her hips, soft kisses on her wrists but he was trembling.
“What do you need?” she asked, tracing along his jawline.
“You,” he swallowed.
“What do you need from me? Use your words.”
He hesitated. “I need you to… to make me cum. I need it. Please.”
“Lay on your back,” she demanded and he quickly did so. The bed creaked a little under him and she slid on her knees, guided by him until she could grab his ass again. She pushed the back of his thighs until his knees were spread wide and folded closer to his body.
The head of the dildo slipped easily into his well lubed ass and he bucked against her, the sound of his own cock faintly slapping on his belly with the movement.
Celie wrapped a hand around his shaft, rolling her thumb over the tip, feeling precum.
“Look how wet you are for me,” she smirked tasting him from her thumb.
Vessel moaned in response as she gripped the back of his knees and pushed the dildo so deep in him that he grabbed at the straps of the harness.
“So needy,” she purred, putting her weight on his thighs. “You’re taking me all the way and you still want more? I didn’t take you for such a greedy little cock slut, my love.”
“D-don’t,” he whimpered.
“Don’t what? Come on, use your big boy words,” she teased, pulling out only to fuck back into him the second he started to speak, chocking him on his own words.
“I’ll cum,” he admitted once he could breath.
“Isn’t that the point? Don’t you want me to make you cum?”
“Not yet.”
“Oh? You want me to drag it out? Make you suffer? Well, I don’t plan on letting you cum yet anyway but you’re just going to have to deal with the teasing. I like hearing you beg.”
Celie gripped the headboard with one hand, using it as leverage before she kicked off her heels and was finally able to drive into him harder. Fucking him felt so… empowering. The way he writhed and bucked against her. The way he whimpered. She could feel his belly tremble under her free hand, his cock twitching against her wrist with every thrust.
“Come on, make noise for me,” she said but he choked down a moan. “Be a good boy and tell me what you want.”
“Do I need a bigger cock for you, love? These needy little whimpers… fuck Vess, I bet you look so pretty right now.” She noticed how desperate her own voice was getting. “God I want to see you stretched open. I want to see you choke on this cock, tears in those gorgeous eyes… fuck you’re cruel.”
“H-how?” he managed to ask through increasingly frustrated thrusts from her.
“You get all the fun. I can’t even see you getting fucked. I can’t feel this thing, I can’t feel you, I can’t… fuck I can’t even get off.”
She expected some kind of reply but all he did was arch his back and moan with an oddly knowing, breathy chuckle. Was this part of his game? To torment her. She’d make him pay for it. Her shorts were soaked through, body aching. Trembling almost as bad as his.
His fingers traced down her lip to grip the collar around her throat and pull her in close. Desperation and anger welled up in her and she slapped his hands away before pounding into him hard, doing to him what she wanted done to her.
“Come on Vess, if nothing else I need you to make noise for me. Tell me what you want.”
“T-touch me.”
“Please… please I promise I’ll make it up to you.”
Celie gripped his cock and smeared his precum across the head. “Louder.”
His cock throbbed and twitched with every thrust and her thighs were beginning to burn but she kept up the pace. He tried to grab her hand, to force her to grip him harder but she smacked his ass so hard her hand stung and he cried out.
“I bet you clench so fucking hard around my cock when I slap you. What a dirty little tease. Do you want to cum for me? I want you to cum all over that pretty belly.”
“I need it,” he whimpered. “I need to—”
Celie pounded into him and the words melted into a sharp cry.
“Make me cum, please. Don’t stop.”
He was practically clawing at the headboard, and she swore she heard tears in his voice. He was reduced to a high pitched breathy whine,  pleading with desperation.
Celie clenched her jaw and continued to rail him. “Are you going to cum for me? My messy, needy little slut. You sound so pretty. So fucking needy. Beg for it.”
“Don’t stop don’t stop don’t stop,” his words came out as a singular string of whimpers as she stroked his cock to the same harsh pace that’s he fucked him until all she could hear was a strangled cry and feel the heat of his cum as he shot rope after hot rope across his belly and chest.
Celie chuckled breathlessly, driving the cock deep into him as she slowly rubbed his cum all over his cock, making his body jerk and twitch.
“I can’t… I can’t breathe,” he said, trying to make her stop as overstimulation wracked his body.
“You said don’t stop. What’s wrong? You don’t like getting the same torture you give?”
“Fuck fuck fuck.” His high-pitched pleas ended abruptly as he ripped her hands away from his cock. He laughed, breathy and weak. “You want to know a secret?”
“What?” she asked, still buried deep inside of him but now caressing his inner thighs as he went limp.
“There was a toy for you in that box,” he chuckled. “You were supposed to have it in during this.”
All the color drained from her face. “You can’t be serious.”
“As a heart attack,” he laughed. “Come here… I suppose I should return the favor. Love.” He flipped her to her back with ease. “So, safe word is still honeycomb?”
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mamaestapa · 1 year
Wait yes dad Joe with teenagers!!! I loved that dynamic. What if there’s one with like you helping your kids get ready to go to a school dance or like the kids high school football game?
All Grown Up|| Joe Burrow x reader
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•pairing: Joe Burrow x reader
•summary: You and Joe help your teenage daughters get ready for some of their first school events
•warnings: sisters arguing lol and fluff
"Which dress?" You asked, skimming through your 12 year old daughter Ivy's closet. "The pink one," she replied, growing annoyed. "I can't find it. I was going to wear it to the dance tonight." She frowned as she too looked through her closet.
"I'm not seeing it," you mumbled, eyebrows furrowing in confusion as to why you couldn't find the dress. Then it hit you. "Wait..."
You pulled your hands out of the hung up clothes, crossing your arms over your chest and giving your 12 year old a pointed look. "Are you talking about Josie's Homecoming dress from last year?"
"Absolutely not," you said, shaking your head. Ivy groaned, "Come on mom, it's so cute!"
"Yeah, for a high school Homecoming. Not your first middle school dance, Ivy."
"But mom-."
"No buts," you said cutting her off, an amused chuckle leaving your lips as you spoke, "You are not wearing a tight, lace, hot pink and sequin dress to your sixth grade dance." The young girl just rolled her eyes, clearly unhappy with your response.
"Plus," you continued, "you know your dad wouldn't let you leave the house in that."
It's true. Joe would have a fit if he saw his 12 year old daughter wearing the dress his 16 year old daughter wore for her Sophomore Homecoming dance. You and Joe always make sure to let your kids express their styles in any way that they want. You both think it's important for them to express themselves and be confident in who they are, and how they dress. However, sometimes you do interfere, but only with instances like this one.
"Fine," Ivy sighed, "I'll wear the red one instead."
"Good choice." you said, smiling warmly at your daughter. You pulled the red dress out of her closet handing it to her. Her eyes scanned over the dress, a small smile pulling at the corners of her mouth as she looked away from the dress and up at you. "I guess this one is better. Thanks mama."
You nodded and pulled her into a hug, squeezing her gently. You pulled away from her and rubbed her back as you spoke, "I gotta check on your sisters. Go get ready, sweetie."
You left your daughters room, eyes widening as you could hear arguing coming from downstairs.
“You had them last!”
“I did not!”
“Yes you did!”
“Hey, hey!” your husband said, trying to stop the girls arguing, “Josie, they’re probably just in the wash. I’m sure Hazel didn’t touch your shorts.”
“They’re not shorts, dad.”
You chuckled softly in amusement as you walked into the room. Joe’s shoulders shrugged with a sigh, “Shorts, spandex, same thing.” he said, talking with his hands. You walked further into the room to see what the big deal was.
“What is going on in here.”
“Hazel has my cheer spandex-.” “Josie is accusing me of stealing-.” the two teenagers said at the same time before you cut them off. “Okay before you accuse your sister,” you said, looking at your oldest, “did you check the washing machine?”
“That’s what I said…” Joe mumbled under his breath to you, making a small smile pull at your lips. Josie sighed and said, “Not yet.”
“Then why are you accusing me?” your fifteen year old daughter asked, rolling her eyes at her older sister. The two started bickering back and forth, making both you and Joe sigh as you left the room. Their bickering stopped when you came back into the room holding Josie’s black cheer spanks.
“Hanging up in the laundry room.” You said, holding them out for her to grab. Josie smiled softly and walked up to you, grabbing the black spandex from your hands. “Thanks mom.” You nodded, smiling softly at your daughter, your smile only widening when Josie apologized to Hazel.
“Now, both of you finish getting ready. We’re leaving in twenty minutes to drop your sister off at her dance.” Joe said, coming up to stand next to you. The girls left the room and went upstairs to finish getting ready, leaving you and Joe in the living room by yourselves.
Joe stood behind you and snaked his arms around your middle, pulling you into his chest. You hummed and leaned into his touch. “Can you believe Josie is cheering at her first Varsity game tonight, and Hazel is going to her first high school football game?”
Joe shook his head, squeezing you gently, “No, I can’t. And Ivy going to her first middle school dance…”
You frowned slightly at the thought of all your kids growing up. It feels like just yesterday you brought Josie home from the hospital, but that was almost 17 years ago.
“Our babies are growing up Joe.” You said, voice somber as you situated yourself in Joe’s arms so that you could look up at him. He nodded, frowning slightly, “They are. At least we still have Jace.”
“But he’s growing up so fast, too. He’s already in fifth grade.” Joe nodded, “I know, but at least we’ve still got a year of elementary left with him.” You sighed softly at your husbands words, “I guess you’re right.”
Your four kids entered the living room at the same time, Jace following behind his older sisters as he ran into the living room and jumping into yours and Joe’s embrace. You laughed at your sons actions, pulling him in front of you and wrapping your arms around him. “Hi mama.” He said as he leaned into your arms.
“Hi baby,” you said softly. A wide grin was on your face as you looked at your daughters standing in front of you.
Josie was in her cheer uniform, Hazel was wearing her boyfriends practice jersey, and Ivy was dolled up for her school dance. Each of your girls dressed beautifully for different occasions.
“You three look so beautiful.” You said with a smile. Joe nodding beside you in agreement, “My girls.” He said proudly, smiling at his daughters, “You ready to go?”
The girls nodded, and with that the six of you piled into your SUV, and headed off to take your kids to their first school dance and first high school Varsity football game. Your babies were all grown up, but you and Joe couldn’t be more proud of them.
hi loves!
happy friday and happy game dey!🧡🖤
first blurb of many for dad joe blurb night!!
you guys have sent such great ideas, and i had so much fun writing them. i’ve got about 7 blurbs written already, and i’m hoping to finish a couple more later tonight.
i hope you enjoyed this one! dad joe with teenagers is an interesting concept, and it’s super fun to write lol.
more coming soon!🤍
tags: @erinmartin1987 @klips118 @burrowstyles5 @caroline1019
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artiepoison · 1 year
Icorect PJO/HOO quotes from this website :https://perchance.org/incorrect-quote-generator
Thalia: You seem familiar, have I threatened you before?
Nico: The only thing keeping me from running away and hiding from society for the rest of my life is spite. I could disappear forever, but there are some bitches whose downfalls I have yet to witness, and I wanna be around when that happens.
Percy: So according to the cease and desist order I got, apparently you can’t ‘legally’ be a lawyer if your license is ‘cut out of a cereal box’.
Percy: Pros and cons of dating me. Percy: Pros. You'll be the cute one. Percy: Cons. Holy shit, where do I begin-
Grover: Yum, thanks!
Kidnapper: *puts more tape over their mouth* I said stop eating it.
Nico: My aesthetic is "would be suspected of witchcraft by small town citizens."
Annabeth in TLT
Annabeth: *trying to buy a Father's Day card at Hallmark*
Annabeth: Excuse me, do you have any that just say "You are my dad?"
Associate: Well, I-
Annabeth: How about "You banged my mom?"
Associate: No...
Annabeth: You know what, I'll just get a blank one.
Annabeth: *writes* You are a father. This is a day. Here is a card.
Leo: I'm a firm believer in "if you're going to fail, you might as well fail spectacularly."
Nico: You can't wake up if you never get to sleep.
Piper, opening a Capri Sun: Guess I'll drink my sorrows away.
Hazel: War is heck!
Jason: I have yet to encounter a problem where a sword didn't factor into the solution at least in some way.
Frank: Well, needless to say. Uh-oh Spaghetti-os.
Will: Can we go to a haunted house?
Nico: What’s wrong with the one we live in?
Will: Wh-what?
Nico: Goodnight, Will.
Percy: Shouldn't get stressed out, it's not good for the baby.
Annabeth: What baby?
Percy, crying a bit: Me.
*The Squad is playing Chess*
Annabeth: *easily beats everyone because they know how to play*
Piper: *doesn’t know the rules, but wins anyway*
Leo: *doesn’t know the rules, and loses*
Jason: *knows the rules, but still loses to those who don’t*
Frank: Actually, you can’t do that, because I said so.
Percy: They named a board game after cheese?
*when the Squad drops food*
Annabeth: Eh, oh well.
Nico: FUCK!
Jason: *just gets more food*
Percy: *drops to their knees and mourns the food*
Leo: *eats the food off the ground*
Leo: Who else is hiding in the laundry room trying to listen to Hazel and Frank's convo?
Piper: Me. I'm in the laundry basket.
Percy: I'm in the washing machine.
Nico: I'm in the closet.
Jason: We accept you Nico. <3
Nico: No I'm literally in the closet.
Jason: Love is love. <3
Frank: Are you trying to give me a frickin’ aneurysm?
Percy: Pretty sure we all are.
Hazel: I wasn't.
Leo: I was.
Jason: I was trying to stop them, for your consideration.
Nico: I just cause aneurysms naturally.
Annabeth: Okay, I’m going to get the wedding cake.
Percy: Perfect, while you do that I’ll check on the ring bear.
Annabeth: ...
Annabeth: You mean ring bearER, right?
Percy: ...
Annabeth: Look me in the eyes and tell me you are not going to bring a dangerous wild animal to our wedding.
Nico: I don't need to go to bed. I'm not tired, I'll be fine.
Will: But, darling, I'll be so lonely without you. Come curl up in my arms so I can feel whole again.
Nico: O-oh. Well. Are you trying to seduce me into healthy sleeping patterns??
Will: Is it working?
Mallory: Nothing in life is free.
Sam: Love is free.
T.J: Knowledge is free.
Alex: Friendship is free.
Halfborn: Self-respect is free.
Magnus: Everything's free if you don't pay for it.
The Squad: ...
T.J: Magnus, that's illegal-
Alex: No, let them finish!
sooooooo yep. Hope you enjoyed
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voiceofsword · 5 months
hi mimi :] guess who got new "matching" voicelines . i think i might be a bit delusional but it's a saga in my HEART and i will now rough tl/paraphrase them for you as i haven't the time to do it properly atm ( i'm at work but i had to inform you asap )
niki: i'm developing new recipes for a cooking segment on a new show i was put in charge of ! i'm thinking of focusing on spring vegetables ..
rinne: ( yawn ) i went out with niki early in the morning to dig up bamboo shoots, and we stayed there until pretty late in the evening, i've been so tired .. i think i'll sleep a bit now
niki: rinnekun told me spring was a great time for picnics, so i'm going to make a bento ! what would go nicely in it .. 💭
i swore there was another one but i don't feel like checking the shop atm to see if i missed a line . will update you if i did o7
WAUUGHHH THANK YOU... IVE SEEN A FEW COMICS ABT THEM BUT HAVENT GOTTEN THEM MYSELF so thank u so much for keeping me updated. now i will ramble
thinking about rinne being like (grumble grumble) why am i up this early (grumble grumble) damn you niki (in spite of agreeing to drive him the night before).... but still driving him, and joining him in digging up the bamboo shoots, and they end up having such a good time that he forgot he was even that tired at all to begin with. cue rinne and niki sitting in silence for like 5 mins in the car before he starts playing stuff from a playlist he made for the two of them and they immediately start singing/humming along
and in the following bento line i can imagine that happening almost before rinnes, like oh, bc rinnes doing this for me ill make us some food since he said spring is nice for picnics :) itll be fun and yummy food is always good~ (not just thinking about the food, obviously, but specifically remembering that tiny detail and wanting to Share That with the person he loves)
so by the time they have a few bags of bamboo shoots and are exhausted and covered in dirt nikis like ta dah!!! i made us bentos!! and rinnes thankful but also like omg, is this a date, does niki like me? i wouldve gotten dressed nicer 😳😳 nikikyun, you shoulda told meeee (super teasing, everyone knows theyre dating, hes being silly) and niki jokingly smacks him like no way! not like you wouldve done the laundry today anyway!! (but makes no attempt to reject the date idea) and and and.
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idk i just started thinking about this scenario, i always love the "oh i have to do this thing" and the other immediately joining in like "well duh obviously i gotta go with you" both in the more serious sense and with more everyday activities like this, as much as they complain they treasure each others company so much IM DEADDDDDDD
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r4p1stbr0th3r · 2 months
hey big bro. i just got back from my band practice. it sure would be a shame if i took my sweaty shirt off and snuck up behind you while you're doing your law college work. then surprise attacked you by wrapping it around your face. of course you'd be normal about it right? you'd push me away and call me gross. you wouldn't huff the pheromones off your little bro's shirt, right? not my, cleanly, sophisticated, big brother.
by the way, have you seen where my red pair of socks and my grey pair of sweatpants vanished to? it's sure odd that the second i wear them out once and put them in the laundry bc they got sweaty, they just seem to magically disappear? if i find them in your room when you're out at college or work im telling dad, you know.
- @klavis-little-hell
naturally, i'm going to act like it's gross and push you away even if i'm dying for another whiff. i can't let you completely know i'm a pervert yet, dummy. i might tackle you back, make you wrestle me a little. you won't be able to tell how hard it makes me thanks to my tdick. hopefully you'll drop your shirt so i can add it to my little collection.
have you checked the laundry room? i mean like actually checked it, too. you probably just misplaced them somewhere. i guess i'll take a glance around my room to help you out.
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callsignfate · 9 months
Consider this a date
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Day Twenty-four of Writemas
If you want to see the scheduled posts go here If you want to see more posts like this go here TW: None? Let me know if I've missed any!
Kate rarely got into her neighbors' affairs in her apartment complex, that was until she saw you replace the louder and frankly annoying woman who shared the right walls of her apartment. She adored that you were a quiet homebody, and you were her type.
She loved when you would check on her when you hadn't seen each other in a few days. Often you'd carry over some baked sweets or food that, sometimes after a seemingly endless workweek, was the only thing she ate before collapsing in bed.
Kate spent almost all of her day off doing laundry and chores as she usually did before sitting down to watch mindless TV or read. That was until a knock at her door made her break her concentration on flicking between the channels.
She opened the door to see you with some food in hand and a small anxious expression that made her more confused than anything.
"Here, I made this for you... and I was wondering if I could use your shower? I have a date, and the maintenance people still haven't fixed mine," you asked as she took the small glass dish that was still warm from you.
"Yea, no problem," Kate said immediately as she moved to let you into her apartment. "A date? Are you excited? You seem... nervous," Kate asked as she moved to put the dish on the kitchen island before she turned to look back at you.
"Last time they weren't the best. I mean, she was a little pushy, and I only agreed because she asked me, and I didn't know how to say no because she was lonely," you rambled quickly before Kate shot you an almost skeptical look.
"You agreed to go back out on a date you didn't want to go on with a girl you don't like because she said she was lonely, and you can't say no," Kate said, almost reiterating it so you could hear how insane she felt it was.
"Well, when you put it like that, it sounds bad, but she was kinda sorta nice... I guess," you added quickly with a small sigh. "I would feel bad flaking on her when it's a few hours away," you mumbled almost to yourself.
Kate raised an eyebrow, an amused smile playing on her lips. "So, you're going on a date out of sympathy? That's a new one."
You laughed nervously, scratching the back of your head. "Yeah, well, I didn't want to be rude."
Kate shook her head, still smiling. "You're too kind for your own good. But hey, if you're not feeling it, you don't owe anyone your time. Just be honest with her."
You nodded, grateful for Kate's straightforward advice. "You're right. I'll figure it out. Thanks for the food and, you know, letting me invade your shower space."
"Anytime," Kate said, gesturing toward the bathroom. "Go freshen up, and good luck on your 'sympathy' date. Hopefully, she's a better match this time."
As you headed to the bathroom, Kate couldn't help but chuckle to herself. The things you did for the sake of politeness and kindness, even if it meant enduring potentially awkward dates. She hoped you'd find someone who matched your warmth and sincerity, Kate almost wished she could convince you out of it, or even ask you herself.
As you emerged from the bathroom, looking slightly more composed and less like someone about to embark on a questionable date, Kate couldn't resist a teasing grin. "You clean up well. If she doesn't appreciate the effort, it's her loss."
You chuckled, appreciating Kate's attempt to lighten the mood. "Thanks, Kate. I owe you one for this."
"Just consider it payment for the times you've rescued me from those awkward small talks with our other neighbor," she quipped, making you laugh.
With a grateful smile, you nodded. "Deal. I'll let you know how it goes."
As you headed out, Kate couldn't help but feel a mix of curiosity and a slight tinge of worry for your date. She returned to her chores, occasionally glancing at the clock and wondering how your evening was unfolding.
Meanwhile, you navigated through the date with the grace of someone who had learned to be polite even in less-than-ideal situations. The restaurant was a pleasant surprise, and your date, though not entirely your cup of tea, was just as terrible as the last. She vented endlessly about her Ex that she was still struggling to get over and her endless relationship expectations. You nodded and forced a smile before you secretly texted Kate's number she had given you so she could text you to take of her plants when she was away for longer than expected, 'any way I can get you to save me from this terrible date?'
Kate's response came swiftly, and her sense of humor shone through: Consider it a rescue mission in progress. I'll call you in a few minutes pretending to be an emergency that needs your immediate attention. Be ready.
Relieved, you endured a few more minutes of your date's endless saga before your phone rang. You apologized and excused yourself, citing a work emergency. As you answered the call with a look of feigned concern, Kate's voice came through with practiced urgency.
"Hey, it's Kate from the building management. We've got an issue with the water pipes in your apartment. Could you come back urgently? We need your help to sort this out."
You feigned shock and apologized to your date, explaining the situation. Grateful for the lifeline, you excused yourself and rushed out, leaving the melodrama behind.
Once you were safely away from the restaurant, you called Kate to express your gratitude. She couldn't help but chuckle. "You owe me big time for this one. But hey, at least you're free now." "Did you maybe want to.." You asked before you felt your heart race, just as Kate was about to answer you cut her off, "Actually that was stupid you're probably busy."
There was a moment of silence on the other end before Kate's voice came through, warm and reassuring. "I was going to say, did you maybe want to grab some takeout and binge-watch terrible movies together? My treat. Consider it a post-date recovery plan."
A wave of relief washed over you, and a genuine smile spread across your face. "That sounds perfect, Kate. Thanks for being my emergency exit tonight."
"No problem. You can owe me by enduring a marathon of cheesy romantic comedies and considering this a date," Kate replied, her tone light and teasing.
The mention of a date in such a casual and teasing manner caught your attention. You chuckled, realizing that perhaps the best dates were the unplanned, easygoing ones.
"Sure thing, Kate. Consider it a date, then. I owe you for saving me from that disaster," you said, and you could almost hear the smirk in Kate's voice.
"Great! Get ready for the cheesiest, most cringe-worthy rom-coms I can find. It's payback time," Kate declared with a playful enthusiasm.
If you want to see the scheduled posts go here If you want to see more posts like this go here
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