#guess moster
retrokid616 · 1 year
k can't believe im saying this but matt just give f.c.g there toung cause wtf is this monsters wise
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TW: personal rant, mildly explicit, homophobia
Scroll if not interested, I really just wanted to let this out of my chest
Me and my sibling were watching trailers for upcoming films and "Spoiler Alert: The Hero Dies" came up and they were like "ew skip that" and I was like "why?" And then this bitch was like "because I'm homophobic" and I was so fucking disappointed in them. They didn't even deny it. They showed homophobic behavior towards Will Byers but I took it as a joke since they know Will is my fav and I thought it was just one of those siblings-shitting-on-what-the-other-likes moments (I still tried to shut him up because homophobia is bad whether you're joking or not). I looked him fucking dead in the eye and asked why and he just said "idk my brain just tells me to" oh so your brain is a fucking asshole, makes sense it's not like you can control your fucking brain huh. Honestly I don't know what to do. We grew up in a not so open household so we don't talk about important things like these. It's not like we're not close, we still bond over movie nights and shit but confrontation is a no unless you're my parents. So my genius solution is to not acknowledge his existance because fuck you I am not gonna be some proud and homophobic asshole's sibling.
They're young and naive, this isn't an excuse for treating a certain group of people like shit but they still have some hope left for change. But what really irks me is that a lot (if not all) my relatives are conservatives so I don't think they'll be such a good example for him but I'll try to be one. But I'm a petty bitch so I'm probably gonna send him a bunch of queer ship edits from TikTok to annoy him instead (jk)
Might delete later I just really wanted to let it out
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woso-dreamzzz · 4 months
Camp II
Magdalena Eriksson x Child!Reader
Part of The Big Adventures Universe
Summary: Your first time staying at Sweden Camp
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Sometimes, when there's an international break, you get to visit Sweden Camp.
You stay at Denmark Camp with Momma usually because you go everywhere with her but you get to go to Sweden Camp sometimes to visit Morsa and the other girls.
At first, it was because it was easier to stay in Denmark with Momma so you could go home to Germany together. When you moved to England and started living with Morsa, you still went with Momma to Denmark because it was what you were used to.
But now, as you touch down in Sweden with Morsa, you're a little confused as to why Momma has not come with you. It's a bit weird that she's getting a different flight to Sweden than you and Morsa but she must still need to finish packing up the stuff from the house in preparation for the big move back to Germany.
That must be it because you can't think of any other reason why she's not with you now.
You stew over it as the car pulls up and Morsa helps you out of the car seat and grabs the bags.
Cameras click as the two of you walk into the training centre, where Morsa gets the keys to the room she's going to share with moster Frido.
It's a bit different to the room she usually gets, you realise when she steps in. Usually, there are two single beds but now there's a double and a single.
That's a little weird but you think it must be because Morsa's used to sleeping in bed with Momma now and needs someone to lay with her until she falls asleep.
It's nice of Frido to go that before she falls asleep but you reckon they could have just put the two beds together to make a double rather than moving in a double just so Frido can help Morsa get to sleep.
"Morsa," You whine, laying back on her bed and kicking your legs," I'm bored."
Magda rolls her eyes, focusing more on unpacking all of your things so you won't have to live out of a suitcase until the flight to Australia. "In a little bit, princesse," She says," I'm just doing something."
"So bored!" You continue, rolling back and forth around the bed to show her just how bored you truly are," Do it later!"
Magda smothers her laughter, folding the last of your clothes and putting it in the dresser. "Alright, I'm done. No need to get grouchy!"
"I'm not grouchy!"
Magda laughs, rolling her eyes at you fondly before grabbing the key card. "Are you coming or not? It's time for lunch."
You're off the bed quickly, nearly falling over in your haste for food. You'd denied having any plane food during the flight because you don't like it so you're practically starving when you get downstairs, barely saying hello to everyone before you dart towards the buffet.
"She seems perky," Frido chuckles as she watches you grab a plate.
"She was very bored as I unpacked," Magda says," She'll run off the energy while we train."
"Morsa!" You call," They've got pasta!" You're trying to spoon spaghetti onto your plate but it keeps slipping back into the bowl. "Help, please!"
Magda's right of course. You end up running off all your energy at training, darting after stray balls and having a little practice session of your own with the other keepers.
That's what gets you to this point, sitting cross-legged on Magda's bed as Frido's in the shower.
You frown as Magda pulls out a towel and your pyjamas.
She's talking as she rummages around looking for something. "We can only have one story tonight," She tells you," Because it's late and it's going to take time to run your bath. Frido takes ages in the shower. I told her to start running it when she gets out, just so we've got a bit of a head start."
You frown deepens, a little crinkle appearing between your brows. "Why've I got to get in the bath?"
Magda smiles fondly at you, affectionately brushing a hand over your hair. "Because you've been running around all day and having fun. You're dirty."
That makes sense, you guess. You don't want to get on the plane with Momma to Denmark all dirty.
But the pyjamas confuse you. You don't want to get on a plane in your pyjamas.
You tell Morsa that too.
It's Magda's turn to frown now. "Why are you getting on a plane, princesse?"
You sigh. Morsa's being weird.
"Because it's too long to get to Denmark if we drive!" You tell her," We always get the plane to Denmark!"
"You're not going to Denmark."
"Yes I am! I always go to Denmark Camp! Always!"
"Well not this time," Magda says, sitting down on the bed next to you," You're staying with me in Sweden and then we're going to Australia for the World Cup."
You frown only gets deeper. "But why? Momma's going to the World Cup too."
"Well, we thought it would be fun if you stayed with me during the World Cup," Magda explains," You'll still see Momma but it just means that you get to come home to me and you can practice with Zećira. Is that alright?"
You think it over for a moment.
It's a little weird to not being going to Denmark with Momma but you think that it's okay because you have the Swedish girls instead like Frido and Zećira.
"It's alright," You say to Morsa," But do I really have to get in the bath?"
It shocks a laugh out of her. "Yes, princesse, you have to get in the bath."
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wordsbyrian · 6 months
Bad Days and Zoo Trips - HarderssonKid!R x Niamh and Jessie
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Summary: sometimes all it takes to make a bad day a little bit better is going to see your favorite animals at the zoo. (the request was more hardersson x kid!r)
A/N: who wants to guess how many different ideas this started as before it landed on this?
You are having a terrible, horrible, no good, very bad day.
It all started this morning when Morsa told you that you had to go to nursery because your babysitter got sick and they couldn’t take you to practice because they had grown up things to do afterwards. Then when you were getting dressed Momma wouldn’t let you wear your Barcelona jersey with Moster Frido’s name on the back (because it's dirty) so you have to settle for wearing one of Tante Simone’s Hammarby shirt’s.
The terrible horrible no goodness continues at breakfast when you have to eat pancakes instead of waffles because there are none. And Morsa doesn’t even put any fruit in it like normally does when you have waffles.
You cry the whole way to nursery, where things do not get any better.
When you get there, a little boy that you don’t recognize is sitting in your normal spot on the rug and Miss makes you sit somewhere else when you ask him to move.
That little boy, Zac, continues to make your day worse at every possible turn.
After the rug incident, he takes the last seat at the lego table even though your friend Jamie had been saving it for you. When your class goes outside, he refuses to let you play football and then when the teachers make him, he keeps shoving you over. But, of course, Miss only notices when you shove him back and so you get put in timeout.
When you get back inside, after naptime, Miss tells the class a story about Vikings from Sweden, and the day improves for all of about 2 minutes when she lets you tell everyone about the Viking museum you went to the last time you visited Stockholm. But it goes sour again when Zac keeps cutting you off and even says that girls weren’t allowed to be vikings, which is just completely untrue.
That unfortunately, is your breaking point and before you even realize it, you’re across the room shoving the boy over. And just as quickly, Miss has grabbed you around the waist and is hauling you over to the timeout stool.
After 5 minutes, she comes back and brings you over to say sorry to Zac, except you don’t. Instead you start a rant in Swedish about Vikings, and well both your refusal to apologize and the Swedish (something you’ve been warned about in the past) land you back in the timeout where you stay for the rest of the day.
You’re not sure how long it really is but it feels like forever before the sound of two familiar voices have you turning around to face the rest of the classroom.
You only need to catch a glimpse of them before you're off the stool and barrelling towards them at fool speed barely dodging the other kids who are still waiting to get picked up.
“Jessie, Niamh,” you all but shout, slamming directly into the Englishwoman's legs, “Why are you here? Where’s my Momma and Morsa?”
Before either of the athletes have a chance to answer, Miss speaks instead.
“Y/N, I know you’re very excited to see your friends but that’s no excuse for running or shouting indoors.”
“Sorry, Miss.” Even to your own ears you don’t sound very sorry. “I’m going to get my things.”
You dart back off across the classroom, only slowing down slightly when Miss calls out after you.
It takes you less than a minute to grab your things and come back, immediately shoving your jumper and backpack into Niamh’s hands.
“No way, kid, we’re under strict instructions to make sure that you wear this,” the defender says.
“No thank you, bye Miss,” you say, taking Jessie’s hand and leading her out of the classroom and the building.
You can hear Niamh laughing as she follows behind, still holding your jumper, and complaining about it, until Jessie eventually stops you halfway down the block.
“Y/N/N, I know you don’t want to but you really need to wear your sweater,” the Canadian says.
“No thank you.”
That earns you a hard stare from the older girl, “I wasn’t really asking you.”
“Yes, Y/N.”
With the two of you locked in a very intense stare down, Niamh takes the opportunity to take you by surprise, forcing the jumper over your head. She manages to get it down past your shoulders, making it so you can do nothing but whine as you struggle to get your arms free and through the appropriate holes.
“Not fair,” you say with a stomp of your foot and the slightest pout, once you manage to free yourself.
“Isn’t it crazy how life is rarely fair,” Niamh asks sarcastically. “But since it isn’t fair, I guess that means that you don’t want to come to the zoo with Jessie and I?”
Wide-eyed you look over at the Canadian, who just nods at you very seriously before speaking, “Niamh and I would just have to go by ourselves and it won’t be as much fun without our favorite little girl there to tell us about all the reptiles and amphibians.”
You pretend to take a moment to think about it but anyone watching from the outside, specifically Jessie and Niamh, can see the way you’re practically shaking with excitement.
“Well, I suppose that we can still go,” you say as calmly as a kid your age can, “the two of you need someone to help you see the differences in all the salamanders and newts.”
The two footballers exchange a knowing smirk over the top of your head as you allow Niamh to take you by the hand.
The trip to the zoo takes too long in your humble opinion but you do your best to not bounce up and down in your seat. Once you reach the zoo, all sense of pretense is lost and you just barely agree to see some of the other animals before you attach your face to the glass in the reptile exhibit.
You allow yourself to be dragged to the different primates (where you do your best not to make faces back at them), then to the big cats (where you happily explain that lions aren’t kings of the jungle because they live in the savannah) and finally to the giraffes (where you crack jokes about them being even taller than Millie).
Eventually though, you do make it to the reptile exhibit just in time to see one of the handlers taking a baby alligator out of its habitat.
Immediately, you rush forward with the other kids, getting as close as possible to the zookeeper.
“Hello, I’m zookeeper Jack and this here is my friend Billy, he’s visiting us from America.”
From the second the zookeeper starts talking, you’re hooked, staring in silent wonder as the animal is held on display. The only movement you make is to raise your hand in an attempt to answer almost every question.
Near the end, Jack asks if anyone would like to hold Billy and your hand is the only one that goes up.
“We’ve got a brave one. What’s your name,” he asks, while showing you where to put your hands.
“And who brought you to the zoo today?”
“Niamh and Jessie,” you say, slowly point Billy’s head towards them. “They promised to let me show them the newts and salamanders.”
“Niamh and Jessie are your sisters?”
You’ve completely returned your attention to Billy the gator, so you’re not even aware of the shock that your words have given the two athletes.
“One more question for you, Y/N, and then we’ll let you and your sisters take a photo with our friends here,” Jack says. “What do you want to be when you grow up?”
“A herpetologist,” you say. Then after a moment, “Or maybe a viking, I haven’t decided yet.”
“Well, if you’re as gentle with all animals as you were with Billy, I think you have a pretty good chance at it,” he says, choosing to ignore the bit about becoming a viking, not wanting to break your little kid heart.
Jack the zookeeper then quickly ushers both of the footballers to the front to take a photo. He tries to make them stand next to you only for both of them to stand behind you and as far away from Billy’s teeth as they could.
When he takes the alligator back, you thank him before dragging Niamh and Jessie over to one of the vivariums you noticed on your way in. The large glass habitat is set up to resemble the ecosystem of the rivers and creeks in the pacific northwest and there, peeking out from underneath a rock, is the very animal you’ve been wanting to show them, the rough skin newt.
“Look,” you say, pointing the black and orange creature out, “That little guy is one of the most toxic animals in all of America. Just one of them contains enough toxin to kill 12 adults.”
“That’s scary, why do you know that,” Niamh asks.
“It’s not scary, it's cute,” you tell her. “And cool! There’s only one animal that can safely eat them and most of the time that snake decides it isn’t worth the hassle.”
The smile on your face only grows as you continue to gush about the tiny amphibians and its cousins. It doesn’t go away until well after you return home.
When you do get back home, now armed with a stuffed Smooth Newt and your face still sticky with the ice cream you had leaving the zoo, you excitedly tell your mothers about Billy, completely missing the look Momma sends the two younger players.
What you don’t miss is the way Morsa quickly ushers you out of the room under the guise of helping you find a spot for your new friend, affectionately dubbed Bäcken (She goes right next to Älg in your bed obviously.) And you definitely don’t miss the way Niamh tries to hide behind Jessie to avoid Momma’s wrath as you walk away.
But in the end, you decide not to pay it too much attention because you’re far too busy telling your Morsa the names of all the different reptiles and amphibians you saw at the zoo as she helps you get cleaned up before dinner.
She's not very impressed with the amount of dirt you're covered in, so she makes you change while asking you about it. And she's even less impressed when you tell her about your day at nursery but you immediately change the subject back to the zoo, so she let's it go.
When your clothes are changed and the dirt and ice cream are wiped from your skin, the two of you head out to the dining room joining the others.
Where you realize that you have to start your story telling all over again because Momma didn't hear the part about the snakes and everyone else realizes that this is all you'll be talking about for weeks.
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wosoamazing · 5 months
Brunch w/ Steph & Beth
Part 2 - Fire on Fire Series
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From Beth: Good Morning, I know this is late notice and you might be socialised out from last night and probably have things to unpack but we were wondering if you wanted to have brunch with us this morning. I think Steph might join us too if that is okay.
To Beth: Good Morning, that would be nice, could you maybe just come to mine again if that is okay. There are some tradies coming over this morning and so I have to be here from when they get here where I don't know when that will be. I'm up and ready now so any time would work, I could cook something for you all.
From Beth: Oh no, don't be silly, Steph will pick something up from one of the local bakeries on her way over to ours. And then we will come to yours. Any dietary requirements?
To Beth: No, all good and thank you. See you soon.
You looked at the plans your aunts had lying out on the tablet for the workers when they got here, they were turning the theatre room into a home gym/entertainment space, your Moster claiming they decided they needed to be healthier but you knew it way there way of trying to make their home more inviting for you now you were older and keeping you there.
From Beth: Hi again, Steph just arrived, Viv has gone out and so I was just wondering if I could bring Myle our puppy with us, but I understand if it's not okay just thought to ask.
To Beth: Um.. normally I would say yes but I don't exactly know if Myle could come over if the workers will be here. I'm so sorry.
From Beth: No problem at all, we are just about to head to yours now.
You were still going through the look book, viewing all the products your Aunts were putting in both rooms when the doorbell rang, you swiftly moved towards it. You were surprised when you saw Steph and Beth standing in front of the now open door, you thought it would be the builders, they had only just left Beth's house "How are you already here?" "We actually live two streets over so it isn't far at all," you gestured for the two Women to come in.
"Um, we can sit on the couch or the table, I'll just clean all this up," "knock, knock, knock," you heard a man say from the door, turning around to see the builders.
"Oh, um just one second sorry girls, I just need to show them some things," they both nodded saying something along the lines of don't worry, and you quickly showed the builders the theatre and the plans and look book. They had already been given an in depth brief from your Aunt's so it didn't take long.
"I'm so sorry, they are just here to do some work," "Oh no it's totally fine don't worry," The women said as they followed you into the living room.
"I do have a question though," Steph said as you were grabbing some plates, "mmm" "How did you manage to get a place like this?"
"Oh, this isn't mine, it's my Aunt's, they are away for like the next 2 months in Paris, my Aunt is from there." Steph nodded as Beth was looking around at some pictures.
"Is this you or..." She said as she looked at a photo from one of your school events, "yeah it's me, they are all of me," you replied.
"Wow, that's insane, I think there are more photos of you in their house than the amount of photos my parents have of my brother and I in our home. Did you see them a lot?" She asked, meaning no harm, you knew the question would come eventually, you just didn't think it would be so soon.
"Um, yeah, I guess you could put it that way, this is technically my childhood home. When I moved out of my parents home I moved into this home with my Aunts, but we were only here for around 6 months before we moved to Australia. So technically the home we have in Melbourne is my childhood home but as this was well I guess is, the main home all the photos and trophies and everything else got moved into this house,"
"Oh, why did you move out of your parents home? Sorry that sounded a bit insensitive, you don't have to answer," "Oh no, it's okay I don't mind, I-" you were interrupted by another person at the door, they handed you a massive bouquet of flowers and as you brought them into the house and set them on the coffee room table, both girls looked at them.
"Wow, secret admirer, Leah is going all out," Beth cheeked as you looked at the gift tag, letting out a knowing sigh as you read the names.
"Of course, giving me somewhere to stay and building me a gym with some entertainment stuff too isn't enough," you lean back on the couch, before looking over to Beth.
"Wait, what did you say that about Leah? Do you think she likes me?" You asked curiously.
"By the way she looked at you when you walked into the locker room, I would say she has a crush on you" she said quite seriously, you let out a small 'oh' and both of them looked at each other, before continuing on with the conversation, changing topics.
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mefiless25 · 2 months
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Little tentacle moster
Guess who gave this little girl those golden eyes?)
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meraki-sunset · 2 years
Guess what
I got a fever the other day and while bored in bed I made another AU (this is a short thing i won’t make an mspfa about it)
An AU where the four CSAU seadweelers are mermaids
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And the premise it’s basically, Feferi and Fefeta are siblings (they love eachother) and so are Eridan and Erisol. (they get along fine)  Mermaids are suposed to be something from violet to fuccia in color (fefeta’s color is normal here). But Erisol is basically the mutant here and his bright green color makes him too easy to spot. which makes the other mermaids not like him, because he can lead predadors and hunters to the rest of the mermaid population under the sea. (his friends have grown used to surround him when in danger to make him stand out less since they were kids)
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the four of them grew up together. Feferi and Fefeta held the tittle of heiress still and Erisol and Eridan were sort of like princes too. As kids they tried to make Erisol feel like a normal merkid
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Eventually Eridan and Feferi got into an arranged marriage by their ancestors, they never considered Erisol an option due tu his blood (fefeta is considered to have a normal blood, while her sister manifested royal blood, she is still a heiress, she is just a little less special in the eyes of royals)
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Erisol grows older and feels more and more like an outcast. he grows apart from his brother and friends
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Eventually Erisol and Eridan fight. They both have feelings for feferi. Erisol calls out how eridan has become a big jerk. Eridan tells him to fuck off and probably mentions his mutant condition as the reason he’s not the one engaged to feferi
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Erisol disregarding his safety swims to the surface to be alone for a while, where no one will bother him
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He happens to be spoted a by hunters, they roam around looking for mermaids who get too close to the surface and sell their tails in the black market
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Mermaid tails are most likely used for medicine, beauty products and also rich people cook them as a rare dish.
Erisol being a mutant means the hunters hit the jackpot. Mindfang could sell him for a shit ton of money
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They put him in a big barrel cage belowdecks and head to the next port. They assign one of the lower workers on the ship to feed him twice a day.  He happens to be Arquius, who’s been on the ship for a while
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They don’t get along at first
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Arquius limits himself to just giving him food, but can’t help talking to him when doing it. Erisol just whatches him in silent at first
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As days go by they Erisol starts letting his anger out on him and Arquius just endures it, yelling back
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over time they began arguing more often and over longer periods of time
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The arguing tuned into conversations
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And the conversations turned into pleasant chatting they would try to make last as long as they could.
Turns out Arquius is also mutant in the troll hemospectrum. He’s in the ship working his ass of in exchange for not being turned over to the authorities for culling. Traveling form place to place keeps him sorta safe, but they hold his life over his head every time they need to
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They day before they were meant to reach the port, Arquius had already made up his mind. He might be stuck in the ship but he could still free his friend
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But he wasn’t smart enough and got caught pretty easily. He got stabed and left to bleed by the Capitan Mindfang.
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Suddenly the ship begins to shake and get engulfed by a giant moster. It’s Feferi’s lusus. Erisol’s friends are here to rescue him after several days of looking for the ship
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The ship breaks and sink. The barrel is broken and Erisol is free
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His brother and friend come get him but he doesn’t want to leave his dying new  friend
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And Erisol as a last reasurce uses the majyykal power all mermaids have.
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The four of them get out of the now sunken ship
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Arquius is no longer a land walker, he’s a merman now. a mutant merman tecnically.
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He joins the others and lives a happier life as a merman, becomes fefeta’s moirail, Erisol’s partner. Eridan and Feferi most likely don’t get married in the end.
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Arquius no is no longer stuck in a ship and Erisol isn’t the only mutant. they’re just happier and chill in the ocean forever, 
The end
This is like, the typical super basic mermaid AU and a poor  excuse to draw Arqisol but they’re my guilty confort ship so yeah
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I’m still working on the epilogue for those wondering, don’t worry :P i just took a break to complete commissions and, you know, get a fever and hallucinate a new AU, the usual
I hope you like this thingy i made. i love yah *muack*
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Ok genuinely I've seen too much of this bullshit fighting between fem & masc trans people on my fyp to not talk about it so here we go:
To all trans people:
your experiences are your own. some people are gonna have it worse than others and that has not a lot to do with if your androgens, fem or masc. Stop acting like it does.
Yes their are gender specific trans problems, and yes, we do need our own spaces to talk about and realise each others problems are incredibly real. but that doesn't mean anyone is better than anyone else or that anyone had it harder. We are all in the same fucking boat. Please hold this discussion until we are legally allowed to be alive & be ourselves almost everywhere, because if we just fight each other for this and not join hands to fight for our rights (or even fight to keep the ones we have), we're all dead.
On to another thing:
some people really need to stop idolising all fem alliend people. (As one myself) It's really ignorant and makes you rationalise anything a fem person does so you blame the masc person. Guess what? masculinity (that isn't toxic) actually isn't a big scary moster that wants to hurt you, neither is feminity
(I'm not talking about trans fems. I'm talking about people who present fem. That ranges from trans fems to fem boys and everything in between)
Now to my trans peps who have trauma with masculinity:
It's okay if you inherently think of masculinity as a bad think as a result of trauma, trust me it's okay I'm undoing that thought process at the moment. For a while I forced myself into the nonbinary label because I hated masculinity but feminity didn't feel right or like me. It wasn't good for me.
But please don't take that out on others. I promise you most trans people have had this problem at least once. We know how it feels but we shouldn't have feel bad to make others feel better.
In conclusion:
If you hate people based on gender presentation/gender in general your going to miss out on so many good opportunities & relationships.
We are all just people who have dealt with lots of sides of the gender spectrum and the way your treated in those groups as a newcomer.
But I'm only a silly boyflux person whose not going to pass until top surgery, so i guess ignore me if you want. I know most of you will.
I'm also sorry if I'm coming off as aggressive, that wasn't my intention. I'm just really tired of this.
Found this gem in the transadrophobia tag.
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Edit: I'm sorry if I was transadrophobic or transmisognstic in this post at all. I was trying hard to be neutral, because I have an extremely positive experience with feminity and a horrible but slowly healing one with masculinity which is detailed here
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rocksibblingsau · 3 months
Barb is given the information that during the rock apocalypse about 200 rock trolls disappear whit out a trace near some lake and the survivors of the attack say they saw some sort of blue marine moster who could estrech his multiple hair like extremities and the last thing they hear before passing out was ("oops I guess I went a little silly")
I love this
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cipheramnesia · 1 year
Hiiii I just watched Winnie the Pooh: Blood and Honey and the mask work was NOT serving. They all had Batman Cowl Stiff Neck Sydrome. Can you rec some movies with a character who emotes despite wearing a mask? I wanna see some cool costumes, but also believe they’re not just an actor in a costume.
Well the most obvious is Guillermo Del Toro's Hellboy movies, great illustration of an emotive mask. And of course the creature mask from the original Predator, talk about a masterpiece.
On the lesser known budget options, Wolf Cop and Another Wolf Cop are pretty cool with their mask work, seeing as how it has to hold up to extended screen time. Gramps in House II is pretty good also. There's a few solid bits of mask work in House and House II, trusting I don't have to give you in particular the whole "the multicultural sensitivity of these movies was not great" breakdown. I'm also fond of the Terrifier movies, and Art the Clown is an excellent bit of makeup work. Your mileage may vary but I love the physical and expressive acting for him. Honestly Joker wants what Art has.
I think Hatching has some makeup work but also all the practical effects work in it is top notch. It's a fucking phenomenal movie, one of my favorites and something tells me it's right up your alley.
Some more obvious ones like The Fly, Psycho Goreman, all the Nightmare On Elmstreet movies to varying degrees. There's a whole slew of Troma movies with makeup effects of huge varieties, Tromeo and Juliet for example has a Cow Juliet sequence that's impressive, probably fifty fifty whether or not to read it as transphobic? I don't think it is with context. Bad Blood has a delightful moster frog woman, really better than it has any right given the obviously poor budget. I like the big bad Master Vampire in Blood Vessel. It's a mix of audio and visual but I think it works alright. Head of the Family uh, well it's got something. Also I guess if you're really desperate there's always Zoobilee Zoo.
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adidegmez · 3 months
spn s7 spoilers
s7 ep1(meet the new boss)
the cas we know is gone. dean,sam and bobby are accepting cas is god so easily. i thought they wouldn't call him god that easy. i love death. but really, dean gave up on cas so quickly. cas is back. and he is gone, again. he'll be back.
s7 ep2(hello, cruel world)
lucifer… i love winchester's relationship. i loved bobby's house now, everything is gone. bobby isn't gone he cant be.
s7 ep3(the girl next door)
i love sam. how could dean do that? why did he do that? is he real dean? i cant believe this.
s7 ep4(defending your life)
good guys always feel guilty. even if its not their fault. even if they know its not their fault. i was mad about dean killing amy. but then i thought about it. i thought they didnt kill lenore but then i remembered she didnt kill anyone when they let go of her. amy and lenore are not the same. and in the end dean was right imo. because amy killed for her kid and if her son gets sick she would kill again.
s7 ep5(shut up, dr. phil)
I thought the Amy topic was closed. I was wrong. we'll see later how it ends, i guess.
s7 ep6(slash fiction)
dean always deserves good things in his life, so does sam. finally sam learned about amy. he'll forgive dean, probably.
s7 ep7(the mentalists)
sammy ad dean back together again. i love them.
s7 ep8(season seven, time for a wedding!)
ep name is weird. this should be fun. i love the temp. idk but i kinda like crowley when he is not messing with the boys.
s7 ep9(how to win friends and influence monsters)
i dotcare thati dont care. ilove that scene. bobby cant die like that.
s7 ep10(death's door)
he can't die. it was nice to see rufus. i knew bobby would die. i saw spoilers before but i didnt think he would die this season. he cant die. he left the winchesters. goodbye bobby. winchesters are alone, again. i want to think bobby will return but i dont think he will.
s7 ep11(adventures in babysitting)
i like krissy. i love dean with kid. he is so sweet.
s7 ep12(time after time after time)
dean knows his brother so well.
s7 ep13(the slice girls)
emma is dean's child? Sam and Dean shouldn't have split up. emma and amy werent the same. amy killed, emma didnt. she was goin o kill dean i know but i just wanted to say there is difference. and i think there are 2 kinds of moster to dean: those who kill people and those who didn't kill people, yet. and dean thinks tho who didnt kill could be saved. and i think he is right.
s7 ep14(plucky pennywhistle's magical menagerie)
bad cop sam. he is funny. clowns were scary. supernatural gives me new fears. i miss cas when is he coming back?
s7 ep15(repo man)
jeffrey is a good guy. i liked him. lucifer is funny. and jeffrey is a psychopath.
s7 ep16(out with the old)
i liked frank but i really miss bobby. I don't understand how Dean finds time to watch so many movies. i knew frank would die. but know thinking about it i think he is not dead, yet. ıf he was dead there would be a body.
s7 ep17(the born-again identity)
i want to see cas and crowley. i miss them. did bobby refuse to go? and now he is going with winchesters everywhere and helping them? because that notebook cannot have fallen by itself. It hurts me that Cas was the one who did this to Sam. Sam has been through a lot. I hope he can get over this soon. cas!!! i wanna cry(well im crying little bit). cas is back? he is emanuel, what? he is cas. meg?! sam is still helping people. i love him. cas is back. he saved sam:) but now he is left behind, with meg! i hope dean knows where meg is and she wont do anything bad for winchesters and cas.
s7 ep18(party on, garth)
okay dean knows about meg. garth is funny. i missed impala. bobby is here!!! i want to see him more. but why couldn't he contact them? i hope we can learn it.
s7 ep19(of grave importance)
bobby finally talked. i love him. what he did was kinda wrong. but without him boys would be dead so many times. i hope things wont end bad for bobby but i doubt it. but i am glad to see him anyways.
s7 ep20(the girl with the dungeons and dragons tattoo)
i know new characters will come to spn and i am so excited to meet them. i saw them on the internet and i cant wait to see their relationship with the boys. and Charlie is one of them. and i am happy she came. i like her. bobby will do something bad isnt he? she is a nerd:) . well, is Charlie coming back?
s7 ep21(reading is fundamental)
hi cas(and meg). no way home😅(iloveyouguys). i really missed cas. he is even funnier now. he is happier. cas would do anything for the winchesters. i hate leviathans. i hope we'll see cas and meg again.
s7 ep22(there will be blood)
i wanted to see crowley. bobby is not truly gone, not now at least. this wont end good for bobby. there is 8 seasons left i am happy i get to spend so many time with my favorite characters.
s7 ep23(survival of the fittest)
goodbye bobby. baby is back!!! i knew dean wouldnt hurt baby like that. i'm glad dean forgive cas. i love their friendship. purgatory, seriously?! crowley does whatever he wants whenever he wants. and he got meg and the world. and sam is alone. Cas left Dean. of course, he'll get back(i'm 99% sure). i cant wait to see how they will survive this?
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classificationhell · 6 months
I don't know if this has been asked, but what would happen if the reader disappeared for Alastor, Morningstar, and Fizzarolli/Asmodeus? Like they were kidnapped or something?
Alright so Mourningstar has kinda been answered by them managing to escape because no way is a sinner getting them out. However, I guess we could go with the theory of heaven taking them which heh congratulations you played yourself because he was fine living in hell and not bothering anyone about anything, but they go and pull this maybe as a power play and they made their own worst enemy because while you'd think it might make him extremely docile you just made him snatch fucking Adam in retaliation and send back only one singular exorcist with the message he better get his baby back or else.
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Alastor is concerned, but also partly excited at the prospect of whetting his appetite with whatever urchin who thought they could kidnap his Little and get away with it. This is worse than disciplining on his behalf he's so keyed up that he doesn't even bother dragging them into his shadow. He tells Reader to close their eyes before the giant kaiju tentacle moster he has become drags their captors into his open maw its vicious delight. Will, of course, comfort Reader later.
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For Fizz and Ozzy.... you know that scene from Spirited Away where Yubaba thinks Haku did something to her baby?
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Yeah..... that's both of them, but mainly Fizzarolli is the one losing his complete cool. God forbid they find the ones responsible themselves. However, given that Reader is an imp the situation has to be handled delicately since Reader can die very easily compared to a Sinner. I think they'd employ I.M.P. to help them track down their baby since Blitzø has proven to be at least semi-capable. Fizzarolli still isn't sure because Blitzø can be so blasé at times and his darling little star is out there without them.
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woso-dreamzzz · 8 months
World Cup IV
Hardersson x Child!Reader
Part of The Big Adventures Universe
Summary: Sweden vs Australia
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After the match against Spain, Morsa has to play Australia to see if she can win you a medal. She says that she will and Morsa doesn't like to lie so you trust her.
You play around in the changing room with moster Frido as everyone gets ready and she lets you run around in the atrium before the tunnel for a bit too.
When the match is going on, Momma will come and collect you so you can have food and drink in the box but right now you get to stay with Morsa's teammates.
You step out of moster Frido's gaze when you first meet the other little girl. She's younger than you and she speaks English like Sam does. She gives you a little bracelet and says that she's your girlfriend now because her mummies are girlfriends.
That confuses you.
You don't spend a lot of time with other little girls your age and sometimes adults are easier to get on with.
So, you accept her gift and run off to hide behind moster Frido's legs.
"What's up with you, monster?" She laughs when she notices you poking your head out," Did you miss me that much?"
"I have a bracelet," You say softly and Frido has to crouch down to hear you.
"Really? Where'd you get that?"
You peer around her to look at the little girl who is now being held by someone in an Australia kit. You stay silent.
"Do you want me to help you put it on?"
You hold out your wrist and moster Frido puts it on the moment before the rest of the team comes out and Morsa collects you.
It's her last match of the World Cup and you walk out with her.
She presses a kiss to your head before surrendering you to Momma, who easily hoists you up over the barrier and lets you run wild around the box.
The match is very fun to watch and many times Momma has to remind you that leaning over the barrier is wrong and that you shouldn't do it in case you fall.
You heed her warning each time before completely disregarding it the moment you get vaguely interested again.
Moster Frido manages to score a penalty near the later stages of the first half and you jump up and down and celebrate like the rest of the team does.
Morsa goes down a few minutes later after hitting Sam's head with her chin. You immediately go running off to hide with Momma, unwilling to look as you wait to see what happens.
Morsa gets back up though and carries on playing and you feel you and Momma breathe out twin sighs of relief at the action.
The halftime whistle comes and Sweden is still one-nil up so you take a break from being excited to have a snack.
"What's this?" Momma asks, tapping the bracelet the girl from earlier gave you.
It makes you feel a little weird to look at and you don't fully answer the question. "Momma?" You say," Are you and Morsa girlfriends?"
"Hmm, I guess we are but I always call her my partner."
You think for a moment. "Because you and Morsa are girlfriends, does that mean that I get to have a girlfriend too?"
Pernille feels a little nervous at your line of questioning. You're toeing the line of a conversation that really ought to be had with both her and Magda present though, to be honest, it was coming a lot later than she thought it would.
She knew that you knew that having two mums is different to most other people. She knew one day you would have questions about it. She didn't really know why it was the topic on your mind when Magda was forty-five minutes away from winning you another World Cup medal.
"Well...not if you don't want to," Pernille says, erring on the side of caution," You can have a boyfriend or a girlfriend or no one at all."
"Hmm," You grunt, staring down at your bracelet," Okay. Thanks, Momma."
You don't offer up any explanations and bounce right back to your feet as the teams come back out.
Asllani nets Sweden their second and final goal and you celebrate like they've just won the World Cup.
You're a bit impatient as Morsa gets her medal, fidgeting until she comes bowling over and plucks you from the crowd. One hand supports your body against hers and the other slips her newly won medal around your neck.
It's shiny and a bit heavy and you press a kiss to her cheek in thanks.
"Where'd you get that bracelet, princesse?" She asks as you walk hand in hand over to moster Frido.
"My girlfriend gave it to me," You huff in annoyance.
Morsa freezes. "Your what?!"
"My girlfriend." You pull at it. "She gave it to me 'cause we're girlfriends. Is that how it works? Can I decide that anyone is my girlfriend? If I give Jessie a bracelet, can she be my girlfriend? I think I like Jessie more than my girlfriend."
Morsa's mouth opens and closes like a fish before she sighs deeply. "That's...not how it works. If you want a girlfriend, you have to ask them if they want to be your girlfriend. You don't just tell them."
You think that over for a moment as you come to a stop in front of moster Frido, who is caught up told about everything's that just happened by Morsa.
"So..." You say finally," If I ask Jessie and she says yes does that make her my girlfriend?"
Morsa looks like she's going to start crying or maybe screaming but moster Frido cuts her off.
"You're still little," She says," You don't need a girlfriend just yet."
You think about that for a moment. It makes sense. You don't really need a girlfriend right now. You still have football to think about and you know sometimes Morsa gets distracted by Momma while playing football and they're girlfriends so it's probably best that you go without one until you're the very best.
"Okay," You say," I won't ask Jessie to be my girlfriend."
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lynxgriffin · 2 years
But the thing is: very many monsters recognise you as human (basically every random encounter). Sure there are few that don't but that would suggest just not all monsters have seen humans, which would be fair since only 7 dropped so far at the point, 6 of which were immidiately hunt down and the only common moster remembering the war is Gerson. In True lab we can also find the recordings of royal family at the time of Chara, none of which are damaged. Furthermore the first one (with Toriel being pregnant) is done on a video camera; assuming the handheld video camera was created same as for the real world that would make that video 2019-1967=52 years old at the max and with about 8 years buffer for Asriel to grow up, it puts Chara at 44 years ago to fall at max. Now if we were to assume souls dropped in regular timeframes, that would make one human drop about every 7 years (at max). That's not the case as Toriel states there was no human in a long time, so comparabily it wouldn't make sense to make that statement, if human fell in regular fashion. However it still paints a much more recent view of things.
Also I didn't say Kris was Chara's age, but rather Frisk's and the age gap between college and highschool depending on what you're studying can reach the likes of 10 years, which is quite a lot, but still reasonable.
My guess for the timeframes goes like this:
~100 years ago: humans seal monsters underground
~8 years ago: Chara falls to Underground, lives in Home and hardly ever leaves
~7 years ago: Chara and Asriel die and Asgore declares war on humans in rage
(About that time Alphys also becomes a royal scientist)
~7-2 years ago: souls also fall and are killed asap
Now, 201X: Frisk falls
Okay, a lot of that is just...incorrect, but I think your primary point of confusion is thinking that 201X is when Frisk falls into the Underground. Rather than try and type out a long detailed refutation, I really encourage you to check out this video by Dorked, which lays out the pre-game timeline for Undertale pretty well and clears up a lot of misconceptions:
And once again: all of this is irrelevant in regards to Deltarune, since they are different universes and do not have a 1:1 time scale with each other. Kris is not an equivalent to either Chara or Frisk, especially not in terms of age.
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wosoamazing · 5 months
Christmas & New Years
Part 3 - Fire on Fire Series A/N: Don't know how I feel about this chapter but I hope you like it
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You were sitting in the gym with some of the girls, they were all discussing their Christmas plans.
“What are you doing for Christmas? You won’t be alone will you?” Steph asked.
“No, I won’t be. Tante booked me a flight to Paris, so I’m going to Paris. I think we are doing Christmas day with some of Tante’s family.”
“Paris, wow, do you know French?” Kim asked, “Yeah, I do, we actually speak a mix of Swedish, French and English at home.” You all continued talking about Christmas and New Years, and everyone's plans and traditions until it was time for everyone to head out to the pitch.
You were about to board your flight when your phone lit up.
From Leah: Safe travels x (Tell me when you land)
To Leah: Thank you. You too x
Your flight to Paris was pretty uneventful, thankfully, there were no children in your part of the aircraft, although that was probably due to the fact your Tante insisted on buying you a first class ticket, but you couldn’t really complain about the complimentary glass of champagne.
Tante and Moster picked you up from the airport and as you were sitting in the back seat you messaged Leah.
“Who are you messaging?” Moster asked, “No one,” you replied, brushing it off, “It doesn’t seem like a no one, have you met someone?” you looked up from your phone and glared at her at the words, “Well that answers my question,” she said smugly.
“Leave her alone babe,” Tante told her off, “Yeah Moster,” you said as Tante rolled her eyes and playfully stuck her tongue out at you. “Such children, the both of you,”
You and Leah had a lot more conversations between each other at the training grounds and you found talking with her really easy, you wouldn’t even talk about anything important or useful just random conversations, and slowly over the days you found yourself messaging with Leah more and more, having taken to phone calls most nights. You couldn’t figure out your feelings for her, was she just a friend to you or did you want something more, and you couldn’t decipher her feelings for you.
“How did you know? Like how do you know if someone is the one for you? I haven't known her for long but it feels different, like we talk all the time, and some nights we call each other and talk before we go to sleep. Just it wasn't long between when you both met and got married, so like how do you know, how do you know it’s not just a good friendship and you’re not just reading too much into it?” you blurted out
“I mean it’s different for everyone, but I guess you could say it feels easy, and you can talk to them without it being weird or awkward but you can also sit in silence and it's fine too. It’s kind of like a good friendship but with different feelings.” Moster explained.
“How do you know her? Do you play with her?” Tante asked, “Yeah,” you said as you nodded, “and so I don’t want to just be like reading too much into it and then it get awkward, like obviously I’m going to wait longer to say anything to her about it, but some of the girls have said they think she has a crush on me, but I don’t know if that’s true.”
“Just wait, take your time, if she does like or love you she won't mind waiting, aren’t you doing a preseason camp with the team?” “Yeah, and I think she is my roommate, they’ve given us draft plans in terms of roommates and schedules and currently it says she’s my roommate.”
“Well you’ll find out a lot more then, and even if it end ups that you don’t like each other you could still have a good friendship,” you nod and smile, “Thank you,”
Leah sat on the bench as her Mum baked some biscuits, talking away, discussing many things that had happened in their lives recently.
“Have you met someone? You seem different and you’re always on your phone,” Amanda asked her daughter.
“Um, I guess, the new signing, she is really nice and I feel like we just clicked, like it’s so easy to talk to her and she cares about things you say and actually remembers the details, she is very attentive.” Leah said as her Mum watched her expression change as she spoke about this girl.
“That’s good Bubba, go for it, but just don’t jump the gun too fast, and as always remember that if it doesn’t work out she could still end up being a really great friend,” The blonde nodded at her Mum as she slightly bit her bottom lip.
You had planned to spend New Year's Eve alone, having just arrived back from Paris that night you weren’t up for the party Beth and Viv were hosting, you had been invited many times by them and Beth promised you it wouldn't be awkward even though you hadn’t spent much time with any of the team but that wasn’t what you were worried about, you were more worried about the ones you had spent quite some time talking to. Leah had invited you, or more asked you to come to the party and to be honest you were nervous, you didn’t want Leah to have any expectations and you also didn’t want to do something you would regret. However after the multitude of Beth’s messages you decided to go, even if you only stayed for a few minutes. It only took you three minutes to get there, as you were still dressed from your flight.
“Y/N you came!” A very excited Leah said as she opened the door, before she dragged you by the wrist to where the countdown was happening.
“Happy New Year, Y/N/N,” she spoke loudly as she pulled you in for a hug, to which you returned.
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axolotluv · 9 months
(A stereotypical gameshow intro jingle plays as the lights turn on on a set with one host who's just some middle aged white guy you've never heard of and a curtain obscuring a small area. the host waves his cane sporadically in the air) Who's ready for our favorite game! GUESS. THAT. MUTUAL!!!!! That's right folks, today we have a special little tumblrite for your eyes. This mutual of yours has pestered you multiple times, has supported your other mutuals lunacy on several occasions, and most importantly, has 100 percented Moster Prom yet never talked about it online. You get ONE guess in order to see who we're talking about. Take all the time you need!
First thing to take into account is WHICH mutual would do this and then narrow it down based on the critera
Probably not Limi because Monster Prom feels like a red herring ALSO the fact that I don't think Limi has pestered me multiple times nor supported my mutuals lunacy on several occasions
Use of the word "tumblrite" probably not Elm
A lot of mutuals are eliminated because we don't interact enough
Now there's a few contenders left, some of which aren't technically mutuals but I still count them <3 love you guys
If you interact with a lot of my mutuals, you were 100% in the DCA fandom which already narrows it down
I know two people who were in the DCA fandom
Supported my other mutuals lunacy on several occasions?
I know two people who support people like crazy and are literally everywhere
100%ed Monster Prom yet never talked about it online?
I know two people who'd check my account enough to know I recently reblogged Monster Prom art who'd know to even bring that up
Now, there are only a few people who I've seen enough to count it as "pestering me multiple times" and out of those few people there are only two that remain in the fighting ring
BittySteam vs BoxOfCreamPuffs
Both of you have a strong game going, it's really REALLY difficult deciding which one of you it is
I think literally either of you could be this mysterious anon, and it's very difficult discerning which one of you it is
The more I think about this the harder it becomes
Both Bitty and Puffs would send an ask like this, both Bitty and Puffs support people like bananas, and both Bitty and Puffs haven't posted about 100%ing monster prom (I assume)
I wrote a whole 3 paragraphs on the word "pester" being used but then I realized literally both of you make fun of me and/or pop into my inbox threatening(?) violence(?), so I think that counts
Yknow what we're balling because I have genuinely been writing this for like 45 minutes
I'm guessing Bitty from bittysteam!!!!!!!!!!
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