#guess who just rewatched fight club!!!...
organrs · 5 months
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i agree so much. tyler would
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filmbropilled · 4 months
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just a thought.
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d1gnan · 2 months
23, 15 and 7 for that movie ask game :p
thank u every one whos sent these in btw this has been so much fun for me haha
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23: a film that is a box office flop
malignant: i need to rewatch it but i remember being fucking giddy leaving the theatre it was just so sick 2 me.. ppl just werent ready i guess
15: fantasy genre
the dark crystal: so passionate so maximalist theres so much love in this movie its a masterpiece
7: film in your native language
daisies: soo i only speak english but these other two movies are in english already and i recently had this mixup with one of my mutuals on here where she thought id said this movie was made in my home country when i first reccomended it, and that informed a lot until i was able to clear it up. it wasnt, but its one of my favorite movies and i reccomend it to everyone i know pretty much so this is an excuse to reccomend it again.. i cant sum it up well its visually stunning, its anarchist, it was banned immediately when it came out, and its basically girl fight club
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lacefuneral · 9 months
iirc i never posted about this but. it's on my mind rn.
okay so. i'm FTM, yeah? and by some metrics i am a "late bloomer" in that i didn't begin my transition until i was an adult. and also, i am effeminate. i've never really been a Masculine person.
growing up, i had access to my older siblings video games. and then whatever my parents got me for birthdays and holidays. which tended to be games that were marketed towards girls. i'm talking your barbie games, your horse games, your nintendogs.
and when the internet began to develop central hubs for flashgames that weren't just insensitive jokes and pro iraq war propaganda, i always gravitated towards the "girly games." usually dress ups.
and as i kid i never wanted, say, nerf guns or toy soldiers. i think the most masc interest i had was rewatching the same power rangers episode on VHS over and over.
so i never got into War Games. i never got into Male Power Fantasy. i was playing harvest moon. i was playing pokemon for the cute critters. i played TF2 i guess? but that was about it.
and i feel like. my experiences as a Man Who Plays Video Games is very different from other Men Who Play Video Games. i will watch streamers on twitch and they'll gleefully reference something from their childhood that i have no frame of reference for.
there's a disconnect there. what feels like, to me, a Central Lore that i am missing. and it can be very alienating sometimes. like i'm not Allowed into the Boys Club because i was playing with virtual dolls instead of virtual guns
and that, as an adult, i still tend to skew in the direction of cute games/dress up games instead of like. fighting games and FPS and RTS
so.... ya. this is a post for Girly Gamers. love u
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hikennosabo · 10 months
trimax vol 9 random thoughts
sorry if you saw this post disappear and reappear in the tag multiple times, i was fighting for my life much like wolfwood using trial and error trying to get it to even show up in the tag because tumblr is a functional website and not fucky in the slightest. </3
i wrote this post extremely sleep deprived 2 days ago let's GOOOOO
also heads up for potential spoilers for tristamp since i talk about it a little. even though i spoiled 98 untagged in my last post. sorry about that
chapter 1:
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someone in the book club tag (don't remember who it was, sorry) said something about sharing food being a love language for wolfwood... :') wah...
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why is this thing even on the building in the first place. and for that matter how did the dog even GET up there...... whatever
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hi razlo. i don't know where to say this in the post so i'll just say now i unintentionally spoiled myself on razlo's identity because i was googling when i shouldn't have been. all totally my fault LOL [anime girl bleh gif]
the boy didn't even have the decency to wash the blood off his hands. kid, please, you're not doing livio any favors here.
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livio manspreading on the couch... chapel, have you considered there's another reason why livio's breathing might be "irregular" as he helps you take his former home hostage? hmmm?
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thank god for livio, this guy was doing a speedrun on being the most annoying one-off minor villain--WAIT is he kicking him with his hands in his pockets? that's SO funny. i'm liking livio more and more.
chapter 2:
"he shouldn't be that old" <- the kids would be expecting wolfwood to be, hmmm, in his early 20s, thereabouts? ww looks around a decade older than that...
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he's giving... something here. it's the combo of the glasses and all-white outfit i think. the y2k fashion vibe.
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who is saying this? livio? razlo? both? chapel, since he was the one just talking? also, nice visual metaphor!
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this is obviously NOT the reason wolfwood spared these guys, but this is reminding me of when oda said that luffy doesn't kill his opponents because shattering their dreams is worse than death. LOL
also i am convinced nightow drew this chapter for the sole purpose of making wolfwood do cool shit on his motorcycle.
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that being said, all the cool shit wolfwood does is immediately overshadowed by livio CATCHING A BOMB IN MIDAIR AND THROWING IT BACK AT THE GUY WHO SHOT IT. stampede livio could never do this, he's too skinny
chapter 3:
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people have already said stuff about this page, but I Also Want To Say Stuff. the wispiness of the smoke, livio's hair blowing in the wind... it feels very much like the calm before the storm, simultaneously serene and tense. and i LOVE how wolfwood is shaded in grey, while livio is the one shaded in black. fantastic contrast and composition, i adore it.
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why is this razlo's first note to livio. "!" like...?! you're letting livio know you exist, but giving literally no other information like at all? okay. razlo's a bit of an oddball, to put it mildly.
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the rest of his letters are... well they're not "normal," i guess, and not any less cryptic, but they are kinda sweet in their own way.
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knowing who razlo is i love the way his introduction scene is presented. livio is keeping information from ww and from the reader, so it's both literal and not. also razlo is appropriately unsettling, i wish he would stop... unhinging his jaw like that.
...also who tf told him about EoM?! this is a difference with stampede... stamp!livio joined EoM because he wanted to follow wolfwood. no razlo involved in the decision-making, as far as we know. compared to here in the manga, livio left the orphanage on his own, so there isn't really a clear timeline on when ww joined EoM vs when livio did. we don't even know if he knew ww was in EoM at all.
also upon rewatching this scene for this post i got distracted by legato's lack of ass and had to pause because i was laughing too much
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the guy is literally flat as a board help
*cough* anyway. razlo is only alluded to and never named or even really shown, except for a very brief very blurry reflection, so his level of involvement in... literally everything is unknown.
speaking of characters who are weirdly absent, chapel isn't around either...? i thought maybe they combined his character with conrad, but he DOES speak in livio's memory, i even checked the credits for his seiyuu. (hiroshi naka - he voices a lot of old men but most notably garp from one piece!) i don't really know how his role in all this has changed, if at all, since conrad seems to be the one in charge of the experiments...? and i really... do not like what they did with conrad in stampede, he went from being shitty but having nuance to just being extra shitty... okay, tangent over.
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oh, this fight is so WEIGHTY!! i love it!! they gave a lot of weight and physicality to the livio vs ww fight in stampede too, (and all the fights, for that matter), despite stamp!livio's loss of bulk... it's a really fun fight to watch!
chapter 4:
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OHHH..... okay.... soooooo.... this means he's coming back in stampede season 2 i assume?
not to go off on another tangent but this is the second time this has happened to me... i went into stampede more or less blind (oh how things change) and so when knives died at the end of the season I HAD NO REASON TO BELIEVE HE WASN'T DEAD... but then i saw people talking like he would come back in season 2 and i was like, "how?? he DIED" and then i read the manga and i was like oh. and now with livio too. i thought he served his narrative purpose and then died. and he shot himself through the head, which is notable because that's how ww killed monev who was ALSO a subject of EoM's experiments in the tristamp universe!! so i had no reason to believe he wasn't dead!!
i dont have that much to say about this chapter because it mostly consists of the fight, but OH what a fight it is...!! i know i should be rooting for wolfwood, and i am, but livio is just so COOL in this fight. they're both cool...!!!
also, how many little glass vials(tm) does wolfwood have?! honestly, it's amazing that he still has any at all left to drink, it's a wonder they haven't all shattered already with how much he's been thrown around. especially because the one he drinks from CRACKS when it hits the ground... these vials aren't exactly bulletproof, lol.
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MESSAGE TO ALL BITCHES ughhh ww looks so pained here. when he told vash that his blood runs cold when he points his gun at livio... he's feeling that through this whole volume. man.
something about brothers fighting each other... vash and knives, wolfwood and livio... uagh.
chapter 5:
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oh, the punisher is taller than him... i was trying to get an approximation of relative character heights recently, and i saw somewhere that the punisher is 5'7, the same height as me...
also, 10 punishers, huh... wolfwood's is one, razlo has three... does chapel's count even though it has a different design...? do livio's handguns count? will we see the others? is there even a significance to the number...?
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oh great, is this another wolfwood death flag?! we haven't seen him drink THAT many of them so far but still. hope chapel keels over already. i know ww's making an effort not to kill people but can he please just shoot chapel in the head. also wolfwood's pose in that panel... he's kinda serving cunt
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so these guys work for razlo specifically, i assume? not livio? also... just who are they? random EoM goons?? why are they so loyal to razzy???
and he has a mechanical third arm. somehow. sure okay
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^ um... trigun lol [roll credits]
oh, it's tri-p as in tri-punisher. i thought it was the word "trip" and didn't question it. ...although "trip" could still work.
--also, wait, hold on, upon rereading i noticed razlo's left ear is covered up (by... something) and it's making his head shape look uncanny (more like a skull?!) and now i have to scroll back through the previous chapters to see if livio has ears. [several minutes of scrolling later] okay, he DOES have a right ear. okay. another pointless diversion for this post
chapter 6:
razlo was a real one for killing livio's shitty parents!
also another thing i'm noticing! razlo opens his mouth pretty wide, while livio doesn't open his mouth much at all... i mean okay there are a ton of differences in physicality between the two of them, but that one in particular stands out to me because last volume i complained that i couldn't tell when livio was talking because he never opens his mouth LOL
spraying wolfwood with blood and guts is a fucking wild battle tactic bro. also i'm convinced that nightow gave razlo three punishers for the cool factor first and foremost. three crosses also brings the scene of jesus's crucifixion to mind... but nahhhh it's definitely the cool factor. unless...?
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"killing and violence! killing and violence! :D"
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VASH MENTIONED!!! i'm so caught up in wolfwood's story rn that i haven't even really thought about the fact that vash isn't present in this volume at all... and then it evolves into a fucking. memory montage. stop with the montage please that's another death flag
and... oh man... wolfwood getting back up to fight because he's thinking of vash... and last volume vash said wolfwood is his reason to fight... both of them staring death in the face and thinking of each other... oh my god. ohhhh my fucking god. oh my fuckign god you guys. VASHWOOD.
oh, looks like i lied when i said vash isn't in this volume, he's right here
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...and that ends that volume. i said more than i thought i would... sorry for the rambles and tangents, i wrote this post running on about 3 hours of sleep lol. time for something lighter as i await next week's volume, let me continue to rewatch the 98 anime... what episode was i up to... ahh... 22, huh...
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meggannn · 7 months
atsv rewatch notes that i forgot to share
in gwen's flashback, mr stacy says "why wear a mask if you've got nothing to hide?" may parker says "no politics at the dinner table," and gwen pointedly says "thank you, may" to which may winks at her. does may know she's spider-woman?? that would definitely add another layer of angst if may thinks she's responsible for her nephew's death as well
gwen goes to visions academy in her universe too, evidenced by the logo on the drums she plays and the shirt her dad's wearing. so no wonder she could sneak her way around in 1610, but also, her school seems to be in chelsea (manhattan) not brooklyn? unless their band practice is just in chelsea and they stole a drum set from brooklyn lol
one of gwen's posters just says SOCIAL MEDIA lmao
the fact that in gwen's touching selfie of her and miles you can still see peter's sweatpants legs in the background from where he's passed out on the bus is so funny to me
65's police department is also called PDNY, so i guess peter's NYPD in 616 is the odd one out
captain stacy calls his partner "yuri"! i assume it's 65's yuri watanabe?? (edit, the director's commentary confirms this)
according to his arrest log, the vulture was a middle school secretary before being arrested lmao
i just realized we were going to get miguel's backstory and then gwen interrupts it because she doesn't care. so i guess my theory about miles being the only one who can interrupt others' monologues because he's an anomaly is incorrect lmao
i didnt realize before the helicopter crashes, she looked at miguel and miguel nodded, implying "i'll get them" for him to clear the way while she handles the people in the helicopter. i think her competence and flexibility are why he changed his mind on bringing her to the team, along with her dad ofc
a reactor pointed this out (Lupa from YaBoyRoshi) but when gwen is pleading to her dad not to arrest her, he and the colors behind him literally become divided with a dark blue line against white background. i interpreted this as a metaphor for his indecisiveness but it's also. literally. showing a thin blue line foreshadowing his choice. that's insane
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gwen saying "i don't know how to fix this." and miguel tosses her a watch after saying "yeah, well, join the club"—didn't realize this had two meanings lol, one inviting her to the society but also admitting he doesn't know how to fix any of this
i'm very impressed by how much they put into the spot on a rewatch, like the voice acting is excellent and they made him jiggle up and down going "this is real!" when he meets miles. it's so cute. like all the extra details just make it great
lmao when miles does his intro he shows himself growing like a head taller than gwen, and about as tall as peter b and noir?? ldkfjdlfk im sorry buddy you're not quite there yet
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during miles's intro he meshes the past year with his current fight with spot, and he narrates beating up bad guys with a bunch of shots of him punching villains—then it cuts to him failing to punch the spot; quickly followed by the spot and miles tied in a bunch of weird scenarios with the dimensional holes, including miles's face on ohnn's body, all played for comedy. foreshadowing baby
all of the jeopardy categories when miles hosts are spider-themed. "swingin' in the rain" "arachnidioms" "spider sense & sensibility" "the wide web world" "thwip it" and i cant read the last one
not only does miles's baby powder apology video have more dislikes than actual views (69 million to 10 million, yes, a 69 joke), a youtube comment also says "old spider-man didn't need baby powder" so the youtube comments section is wrong in every universe
in his mustache apology video, once again there are more dislikes than views (70 mill to 11 mill) and a comment says "i heard it was made from actual spider legs tho fr"
miles drew his friends over his subway mural and everyone's always in cool action poses EXCEPT PETER who also gets a shot of him sloppily eating a burger oh my god. it cracks me up he draws more of the other spiders but so little of peter lkdfjld. but this is sweet tbh i hope somehow the gang sees this in btsv :(((
at the counselor meeting: "you thought i could do something special. and now i think so, too. and the special thing i want to do is this. there are people out there who can literally teach me the things i want to learn. and they're not all in brooklyn" my heart hurts
when the spot destroys a building in the lego verse someone goes "does anyone have the instructions for this building??" lmao
when miles is hanging with gwen, you can hear him faintly say "no it's not the greek burger place" and we don't know what he's replying to but. what's the bet he told gwen how terrible peter's favorite burger place was on the bus back from alchemax and it's an inside joke between them
miles left his jordans in a random alley in brooklyn chasing after gwen!!! MILES!! (but then later when he's trapped in 42, they glitch back onto his feet???)
miles still swings using the same bounce-crouch he learned from peter im gonna die. you can see it esp when compared against pavitr and gwen when they face the spot
i thought i missed when miles picked up an empenada but i didnt, they literally just cut straight from jess mentioning them to miguel's narration then miles walking down the hallway with it. did miles ask jess+gwen+hobie to stop by the cafeteria first lkfdjlf.
miles bounces when miguel's lift starts to descend. he's so excited to meet him :(
peter says mayday took a crap and then he takes her offscreen but. he doesn't actually change her diaper. mayday was sitting in a dirty diaper that whole chase and somehow wasn't upset? or are we supposed to believe that large spiderweb mayday bounces off of (which we never actually see getting built between one shot and the next) was being used as a very quick one-second changing station? lmfao peter
sun spider says "miles, i'm a huge fan of your work" which. wow everyone not only knows about miles's situation but follows his actions in 1610???? wtf. also does miles have fans?? (aside from the og gang)
after seeing how frustrated/desperate peter gets to have miles hold may, i'm 100% convinced he knew when miles entered the society, ran back home to grab his baby, and came back to nueva york just specifically so miles could meet may, but it turned into a shitshow and now he just hopes THIS conversation can go well if he can make it happen like he imagined in his head. like aww, but also peter, he doesn't want to talk about your daughter right now, he wants to talk about his dad lol. right words, wrong time
and peter doesn't even bother trying to escape the webs miles traps him in, he just kind of hangs there angrily?? lfkjlf
the text around hobie's portals reads ENTER PORTAL with an arrow, NEXT STOP, EXIT STOP, i think MIND THE GAP, a weather report, and i think miles's name?? maybe also 616, miles's dimension?
when miles realizes he's in the wrong dimension, the same leitmotif plays from the first movie when he walks down the school hall realizing something was different after the spider bite
miles's terror and joy at seeing aaron in 42 is palpable. he will always love and miss him, he will probably always wish he could speak to and ask aaron for help again, but he will never forget being chased by the prowler, and aaron about to kill him on the rooftop. i think some part of him will forever be that kid scared of the person in the prowler mask—or at least wondering what that person is capable of, how far that person is willing to go to get what they want—which is a very fitting question considering he then faces another miles behind the prowler mask shortly after. i suspect in btsv he'll have to ask himself the lengths he is willing to go to, in this universe or the next, to save the people he loves. heartbreaking
i adore the telltale art style of earth-42, it's so gorgeous and noir-like, reminds me of the wolf among us
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that-was-anticlimactic · 10 months
using a clip from "the electric company" (2009) for journalism tomorrow, and i decided to rewatch the episode the clip was in and my God i forgot how funny francine's summary of "little women" is (granted she was kind of tricked by hector & keith lol). for context, francine and lisa are in a debate as they run for book club president. francine goes:
f: "Little Women" is my absolute favorite book. i've read it over a hundred times. i guess what i love most about "little women" is that it's called "little women", but it's actually about ninjas.
s: i'm sorry. uh. what did you just say?
f: "little women" is the story of a plucky group of tiny, heroic, lady ninjas who band together to defend mt. rushmore. they may be tiny, samantha, but i think they're lady ninjas we can all look up to.
l: excuse me. there are no tiny, lady ninjas in "little women"
f: hahhahahhaha of course there are. nice try, lisa. samantha, you may just wanna go ahead and declare me the winner of this debate.
s: actually, she's right. there are no tiny, lady ninjas in "little women", so.
f: um, of course there are. who else do you think fights off the attacking army of miniture zombie cats?
s: "little women" also has no zombie cats
f: ... no zombie cats, either?
s: yeah. i'm afraid not.
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screensquared · 5 months
The Machinist (2004)
Dir. Brad Anderson
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Spoiler free:
This movie is like the lovechild between Memento and Fight Club, if not as good as either. The best part is the suspension and Christian Bale's acting. Trevor is such a ghost of a person that his presence is barely felt, something even more impressive when you remember Nolan's Batman Begins comes out a year later.
(spoilers for both Fight Club and Memento ahead)
I think what sets Fight Club and Memento a step above is the rewatchability. I had Tyler Durden's twist spoiled for me before I even started the film, but even so, I notice something new every time I watch it. With Memento, I knew everything wasn't as it seemed, but I didn't guess that Leonard had solved the murder. However, the first scene (which I immediately guessed wasn't in medias res as it appeared, but a flash forward) sets Trevor up to be a murderer, so when we played hangman on the fridge I guessed "killer" while he was still spelling "mother". The only part that made it hard to accurately predict was not knowing what was sleep deprived hallucinations or reality, but I guess that Trevor and Ivan were one and the same from the fishing picture. I don't see myself rewatching this one, and honestly, if it wasn't for Christian Bale's drastic physical transformation, I don't think this movie would get any recognition at all.
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Trevor Reznik is an emaciated warehouse worker plagued by guilt. As his condition worsens and his grip on reality slips, more is revealed about a past he has hidden from everyone including himself.
The music absolutely killed it. Picture elevator music if the elevator was haunted. The movie is pretty slow, but it kept my attention for the entire runtime. I really cared for Trevor, and found myself urging him to make things right and improve his life. I completely bought into his charming nature, the way he disarmed women while being so simultaneously unstable (although maybe this is just how he wishes to appear). I think after turning himself in, if he gets the help he needs (fuck the current state of criminal justice and criminal reformation) he could have a happy future.
Did we really need him that skinny? Was it good for anything, other than shock value? Couldn't he have been 140 pounds, sticky notes dropping to 135 and still been just as compelling? I discovered that Anderson intended for the actor portraying Reznik to achieve the look with makeup and baggy clothes, but it was Bale's decision to lose so much weight. He's gone on to say "Could I fulfil how I imagined the part Trevor should be played? [...] And test myself?" And that it wasn't the smartest thing to do. But he won an Oscar in 2011 for his dedication to acting, so who am I to say.
3/5 missing fingers
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ravenwitch45 · 2 years
I Went Back Through Winx Season 4 and I have Feelings
Now you may have seen my post about my rewatch of Winx Club Season 3 where I shared a few frames that I liked and I wanted to share. Well now since apparently I'm rewatching the entire show now I went through Season 4 and I kinda wanted to do the same thing. Then that idea kinda mutated due to something I've neglected to mention.
I Fucking LOVE this season. It has problems I'm well aware but still. Believix is my favorite ever transformation, I love the season sound track and it brought so many cool characters into the show that are criminally underused these days. I'll talk about some funny moments, some sad ones, and ones that just make my heart soar with happiness, or ones that make me want more.
(Of course spoilers for season 4 but uh... it's been out for years so I'm not going to tag that)
Here we go, this is long so be warned but so are my feelings. (PS: this get's more intense and deep the further we go so... yeah, and it may become mulitple posts idk)
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First up Tecna's face. Why does she look so mad?! Then again she literally threw herself into a vortex and got sucked into Ice Hell and now she has to do basic manual labor, honestly I'd be mad too.
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"The Winx are going to beat you to death" saga continues (If I can find something in S5 for this I will howl like a hyena)
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Okay tell me if I'm crazy but that girl with the purple curly hair looks like Stormy in disguise? Maybe that oppositus spell had lasting effects on her pchyche and created a second persona, who knows?
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Oh and this! This camper van or whatever the specialists get the Winx has antena. Like seriously. I guess it could be to tie into their fairies which have insect wings but it still looks stupid. Also I'd feel like it's cause some issues line of sight wise.
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Ogron: Oh you're apporaching me?
Bloom: I can't get kick your ass without getting closer.
This immediately made me think of that and I kind of love that.
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Roxy going feral at Gantlos for calling Artu just a dog gives me life, also it's just so fitting for it to give her her fairy form
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Oh and she's so pretty! I so wish she got to have more transformations eventually. She was robbed of Butterflix and you cannot convince me otherwise. She literally had butterflies already come on!
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Gantlos is just so fucking done with the Winx's nonsense, and i'd say same but he's a fairy hunter so suffer.
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Cursed Stella. That's it, good lord Girl what happened to you?
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This Roxy outfit deserved so much more. I think it shows up once more and again in season six but still it's SO refresing to see Roxy in something new. Can we just agree Roxy deserved some more outfits later on instead of getting locked in that stupid paw shirt for all eternity. I'm sorry it's not that bad but it's just so old at this point to me good lord. Roxy got fucking robbed of everything.
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I'm just going to say it, I love the wizard's outfits honestly. Especially how Duman, Gantlos, and Ogron are all in dresses/skirts and honestly there all a little feminine. What I don't love is that the only feminine men this show has ever had are some of the most sadistic villains as well. Men can be feminine and not be evil for Fucks sake!
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And now for the Earth fairies to steal the show for a bit, particulary Morganna cause I completely forgot how much I liked her as a character. I love her design a lot cause she is gorgeous. I love her dress and her hair and even her wings even if there a little basic, her color scheme being green and blue makes sense cause from space... well those are the colors of the earth but before we leave this scene...
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Why is everyone so surprised when she invites them to join her court? She hasn't even brought up the vengence so the shock seems strange to me, loving Bloom's face though. On a more somber note...
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Right before the door closes you can see Morganna frown, which makes sense cause not only will her vengence force her to fight other fairies but she'll have to fight her daughter as well. Oooh I love details like this cause it shows that her being Roxy's mom wasn't a last minute idea and they thought it through (Well not really but we'll get to that later)
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Let's take a small moment to appreciate Flora's cat. I don't know their name but I love them so much. Flower kitty supremacy, you deserved to meet your dumb wolf brother you sweet ball of cuteness
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In fact let's appreciate all the fairy pets, and not only them but the fact all the Winx have little carriers for theirs and Bloom has one for both her's and Kiko. Flora making me mad jealous as usual cause I wish I could carry my cat around in a purse. So cute.
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Not Roxy lowkey giving Timmy a "Why are you so thirsty?" look. Good lord I did not appreciate her enough when i first watched this.
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And Diana is here, we can now bow. I really forgot how much i loved the major fairies cause dang. Her hair, her wings, her powers having the detail of lightning making it look a lot more wild compared to Flora's. Spectacular. I'll get to Aurora and Nebula don't worry.
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I don't know if this has happened before but the Winx briefly glowing their respective color after transforming seems new. I don't know correct me if i'm wrong but I honestly really like it.
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Musa and Tecna being really extra in the air for no particular reason I just love. I wish we got this more in the newer seasons cause now they just float there soulessly. Let my fairies be flamboyant!
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Flora's hair normally
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Flora's hair up. No. Fuck no that is not happening. There is no way all that hair can go up in those tiny buns, and that goes for Aisha too. What kind of Tardis scrunchies do they got?
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And Once again Tecna's face is just priceless, I don't know what it is but it just makes me laugh
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Ah yes, Roxy being told to hang back for... not really a good reason. Yeah she doesn't have Believix but they let her come along to deal with Aurora so what happened there? And you'd think a fairy able to get animals on their side would be fantastic for a mission in a wild rainforest but no. This is the beginning of the end for you Roxy...
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Stella being completely calm so close to a wild snake is just... so cool to me. Cause going off the basic fashion girl character you'd think she'd freak out and scream but no. Stella is different, she's rebellious and she loves nature and the world and appreciates it and is nice to it. Stella got so degraded later on but she was so cool at first. I want this Stella back please.
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Can I just say that Flora and Diana deserved more one on one stuff, there both fairies connected to nature and we get barely any stuff with just them. I would love a fanfic with these two just bonding- or OR Flora could bring some lynphean plants and show Diana, theres just so much potential and none of it was used. Enngh...
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Also Diana is actually really tall, which as a tall girl myself I appreciate. Yes she is wearing heels but everyone does in this show so that point is mute. Love ya girl, sorry you just get ignored for the rest of the season though (Seriously why weren't her and Aurora at Tir Nan Og during the cermony?)
Okay well with Diana's venegence ended now so is this post, cause only thirty images per post so I'll make a sequel for the rest of this eventually.
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bronanlynch · 9 months
extremely funny to me that most of this is like. yeah I'm still into the same stuff as I was last week. except I watched an entire anime don't worry about it
listening (podcasts): my usual slate of podcasts this week. still enjoying the Great Gundam Project episodes on Wing, love to hear them talk about the ways in which the ending becomes thematically incoherent because I too was uhhhh not sure how to feel about the ending of Wing
the AMCA bonus episode on their Starcruiser experience was also excellent. I'm glad they're glad they went but I think it sounds kind of miserable and like I would have hated it if hypothetically I had gone to D*sney while it was open
as usual shout out to Palisade. I'm so excited for the new Kesh princess and also I love every time we see my beloved double agent poster child Elle Evensong
also, there was a new Media Club Plus this week, and I love to hear Keith (generally disinterested in fictional romance) discover that Kurapika & Leorio are in love
listening (music): still on my Three Days Grace kick. shout out to Animal I Have Become. AMV song of all time. no AMVs to rec here because once again the lack of a Fire Emblem 3 Houses anime means there's no Dimitri AMV to that song
reading: my only reading this week was my two before-bed books, Rule of Wolves and Water Outlaws. Rule of Wolves continues to be fine I guess. today I want to complain about how this is yet another example of a fantasy world that draws from real history & has societal/governmental systems based on patrilineal inheritance and the importance of passing on your position & wealth to your biological offspring that acts like homophobia magically does not exist. there's inexplicably one (1) married lesbian couple. like. as if the author forgot to incorporate queer people into the worldbuilding and then just slapped some lesbian side characters in there without thinking about what it would be like for them in that world. got some Skyrim "you the player character can get gay married but literally no one else can" energy going on
Water Outlaws, on the other hand, continues to fucking rule. there's a politician who fucking sucks, and a lady scientist being coerced into doing unethical science-magic, and also so many women who do crime & fight with so many different cool weapons
watching: forgot to talk about the Ahsoka show last week. this is because it continues to not be a very well-made television show. at time of writing, I haven't seen the finale yet
rewatched a couple more episodes of Hunter x Hunter to keep up with Media Club Plus. really solidifying my Kurapika bias this time around <3
and now for the main thing I watched this week, the entirety of Mobile Suit Gundam 0079 (for full disclosure I had previously watched the first 11ish episodes last summer before getting distracted by LoGH, and then restarted it last week to watch from the beginning with my roommate). truly it is a fucking delight to watch something that's had so much influence on so many other stories that I'm into and find out that it's also really enjoyable on its own merits as well as being extremely cool to find out where so many genre staples come from. I love the weird synth beeps in the soundtrack, I love when the animation gets super stylized and you can see the pencil shading, I love the gorgeous painted backgrounds. I was already starting to become a Cares About Mobile Suit Designs guy after GWitch/getting into gunpla but now I fully am that kind of guy because there are some incredibly fun designs in there (shout out to the Mad Angler, the coolest fucked up whale submarine I've seen in my life). I love the White Base crew and I love all the bits about how they're being exploited by the military even though they're traumatized teenagers being forced into perpetuating the horrors of war. I love when characters in Gundam just straight-up say the themes of Gundam.
ok now that I'm done gushing. I do have mixed feelings about the last ten or so episodes. (I know the pacing gets a bit wonky because the show got cancelled, that's not what I'm talking about) the thing is, is that I really want to like the Newtype stuff. I think it fucking rules that Amuro is neurodivergent in a way that's seen as useful/profitable and therefore the military is exploiting him even harder (it sucks for Amuro obviously but like, it rules for me, the guy who likes to explore that sort of theme). however. I don't think it's necessarily a great look to have some people start to develop special abilities that make them far more powerful than ordinary humans & refer to them as more advanced/the next step for humanity in the same story where the antagonists are fascists who repeatedly invoke Nietzschean ubermensch rhetoric like. it's kind of the flipside of how oppression allegories are so often deeply flawed because they give the prejudice a basis in the objective truths of the world (legitimizing the justification for the oppression by making the oppressed group dangerous in some way, i.e. the fire powers in Promare). here it's kind of a reverse of that, in that the Newtypes are framed as superhuman rather than subhuman, but that lines up with the fascist rhetoric and makes it based in the factual reality of the worldbuilding in a way that I personally am not super comfortable with. anyway.
like I am gonna watch more UC so I'm curious to see where any of this goes and I'm sure my analysis will develop as I see more but. my initial reaction is. hmm don't love that
playing: continuing to play Ace Attorney 5. 5-4 is still fun so far! however I am a little disappointed that I only got to play as Apollo for such a short time. that's my boy and I miss him already :(
making: no pictures this week but we made chicken florentine from this recipe (with added mushrooms). sorry for being basic but butter/garlic/herbs/white wine is a good flavor combo that makes your kitchen smell very good
drinking: for once something slightly less blatantly seasonal, Pumphouse's Crafty Radler (blood orange & peach flavor). which fucks. often I find peach-flavored drinks don't have enough peach because peach is kind of a more delicate flavor. this nailed it, the peach and the blood orange both come through really nicely
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in non-alcoholic drinks, shout out to mulled cider and also mulling spices in general. godtier spice combination
writing: most of my writing was for a zine fic so I can't talk about it yet. also I've been editing t4t yurivain but uhhhh less than I meant to because I can't edit and watch anime at the same time
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chocomd · 1 year
ATLA rewatch thoughts, Book 2 (ep 15)
15) The Tales of Ba Sing Se
Toph and Katara: This is a cute story about Toph and Katara bonding over a girls’ day out (and dunking some mean girls in the canal lol). It’s also a story about Toph’s insecurities. As Katara says near the end, Toph is strong, confident, and self-assured. But even though Toph says she doesn’t need anyone’s approval, what people think about her still matters to her. Katara sees this and gives her friend the encouragement and friendship in just the way she needs.
Iroh: When Iroh is buying a basket in preparation to honor Lu Ten’s memory: “No, it's not a romantic picnic, but it is a special occasion.” MY HEART 😭 He spends his part of this episode sharing his wisdom and being kind to the strangers around him. At first, it seems like we’re getting a closer look at the reformed soul that the FN general and FL’s brother has become. But his story ends with him honoring his dead son. This isn’t a story about the wise and caring person that Iroh has become - what we are seeing is his redemption in action. The first thing he says to Lu Ten’s portrait is “If only I could have helped you.” And then he sings Leaves From the Vine, which sounds like a song about young men who grow up and leave home to fight, and about the same young men who fall in battle and “return” home. I think Iroh means more than “I wish I could have kept you from dying in battle.” His perspective on life and the war have changed dramatically in the years since he lost Lu Ten, but they also continue to change during the course of ATLA. I think that Iroh helps the people around him to help make the world a better place because that is his biggest regret about himself and Lu Ten - that he walked the path of violence and bloodshed and destruction and raised Lu Ten to do the same, and they both paid the price, with Lu Ten losing his life and Iroh losing his throne and his son. Iroh is living out his redemption as well by trying to be the father to Zuko that he couldn’t be to Lu Ten.
Aang: I love how Aang the Air Nomad, who flies free as the wind, wants to give the zoo animals a place where they won’t be cooped up in cages anymore. Also: “Don't worry, I'm great with animals” and “This was so much easier in my head.” 🤣  I loved the airbending and earthbending too and just all the chaos in general 😂
Sokka: Sokka barging in on a ladies’ haiku club meeting and getting into a 1v1 with the teacher! ‘Nuff said. So many burnnnnns lmao
Zuko: Ahhh, Zuko’s infamous date with Jin. HE’S SUCH AN AWKWARD DWEEB LMAO 🥲 And damn, Jin sure put up with a lot and still was into him (how?). “You have ... quite an appetite for a girl.” rip 💀 But at the end, Zuko actually does something genuinely sweet - he lights the lamps at the Firelight Fountain. And while he’s firebending, Sun Warrior music is playing. This is one of the few times (only time?) in ATLA that Zuko firebends to bring joy and life and not destruction. And then of course Jin kisses him (and he kisses back) and he says “It’s complicated. I have to go.” Oops, dramatic Zuko is back 💀
Momo: Momo misses Appa so much that he dreams about him and sees him everywhere 😭 Also the way he made friends with the scary panther cat things 🥺 Also HOW are there scary panther cat things roaming the streets of a city???? I guess that’s what the animal catcher is for 💀 AND THE WAY THE EPISODE ENDS WITH MOMO CURLING UP IN APPA’S PAWPRINT 😭👀👀👀
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20mjr · 1 year
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I decided to reread Jujutsu Kaisen Manga Vol. 1 and rewatch Jujutsu Kaisen 0 today!
It's been more than a month since I last read or watch something since I've been busy with school- BUT! I guess nothing changed, Jujutsu Kaisen is still my comfort story/show!
Before that- let me tell you what Jujutsu Kaisen is! Jujutsu Kaisen (呪術廻戦, "Sorcery Fight") is a Japanese manga series written and illustrated by Gege Akutami. It all started when Yuji Itadori, a kind-hearted teenager, joins his school's Occult Club for fun, but discovers that its members are actual sorcerers who can manipulate the energy between beings for their own use. He hears about a cursed talisman - the finger of Sukuna, a demon - and it's being targeted by other cursed beings. The Jujutsu Kaisen 0 on the other hand is the prequel of the story. It's about Yuta Okkotsu gaining control of an extremely powerful, cursed spirit and getting enrolled in the Tokyo Prefectural Jujutsu High School by sorcerers to help him control his power and keep an eye on him.
Great plot, right?
Well, it's Saturday- so it's a "SATURDATE" with myself today! Took a bath, dressed up, and wore makeup- just for me to grab a manga book and lay down in my bed. After finishing it, I decided to also watch the movie, Jujutsu Kaisen 0 (which I have watched back then for like 2 times already), just to find myself sobbing at the same old ending. I literally spent my whole day on this... But oh well, it's a fun experience! I missed Saturdays like this.
Still cried at Itadori's grandpa's quote and "THAT ONE SCENE" of SatoSugu though.
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gothicprep · 2 years
since i sped rewatched the later seasons of bojack, and their meta-commentary on antiheroes in entertainment, my wheels have been spinning a bit. which isn't good, because i have other things i need to focus on and this has been very distracting. the third golden era of television has prominently featured antiheroes and its been heavily discussed – brett martin's difficult men is an entire book on it – but i also think something is missing from how it's been evaluated.
did fight club codify this antihero thing, or did the sopranos? it's hard to say. certainly neither invented it – casino came before both of them; goodfellas was even earlier. i guess this is scorsese's fault. but you could also put boogie nights in here, so it's not just him.
contrast these against something like kill bill, which doesn't have a cohesive moral through-line and makes revenge look really, really fucking cool. but there's a different texture about a film like that, and the others i've mentioned. it isn't presented in a way that invites judgement, which makes sense, because tarantino as a director tends to be more focused on the stylistic elements of his films. what fight club, casino, goodfellas, and boogie nights all have in common is that while they certainly indulge the initial rush, they're not all that subtle about how that rush sows the seeds for the downfall.
what the sopranos doesn't share with these is that, well, it's a television series. writing effective antihero stories demands a level of pointedness and consistency that television as a medium is going to struggle with a lot by virtue of volume. personally i think this is one of the best scenes in the show. it's extremely direct, but you can't be that direct all the time. that's condescending. you can't be subtle all the time either, because ideally what you're aiming for is judgement in fact. it's a perpetual high wire act, and very difficult to nail.
i do think "missed the point, idolized them" fans are more the exception than the rule. but we still need to contend with "skyler's a bitch" types, and i'm suspicious that this ties in heavily with fan identity, and interest as a personality trait. you can love ip, but it won't always love you back. when you give yourself up to something that's not in your control, something that doesn't account for your existence at all, and it does something you don't like, you get your shit rocked. see also: the people who completely lost their shit over the last jedi. likewise, if you've invested a lot of yourself in breaking bad and it runs contrary to your vision of what you want breaking bad to be, it's not enough to be frustrated with an episode and let it go. you don't think sklyer is arresting plot momentum, you think you need to harass anna gunn in real life. it takes on a more personal quality.
this is a lot of words to say that i think "portraying a bad person who has qualities that provokes your investment in them normalizes blah blah blabby blah" is one of those critiques that you shit out when you're just not all that committed to sitting down and really thinking about something. it's a product of story structures and contemporary features of media engagement, and not to blow air up my own ass here, but i think i've made a pretty decent case for this.
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mario8th · 3 months
I've Become The Leo DiCaprio Pointing Meme Any Time Shizuku Is On Screen And Its A Problem But Did You See How She Was In A Suit!?!?!!!??!?!
For Hunter X Hunter Episodes 44-47, I've finally cancelled my Crunchy sub (corporate mergers are vile) and booted up the show on my "hacked PS2"
Which didn't affect my experience at all negatively, in fact it looks better and I don't have to deal with the crunchy app being crap. But the "copy" I "found" has seemingly edited some of the Hunterpedias to make Killua and Gon black. Which like, hell yeah, but was also unexpected EDIT - Cohost User @ Bongasaur let me know that, apparently, The Show Just Did That. Their research implied It was apparently due to the episodes having aired at the end of Summer break, and is to represent the kids who came back with tans. Weird!
Anyway these episodes had a lot riding on them. The Media Club Plus cast (at least those who'd seen it before) hyped them up quite a bit. And. Well. I enjoyed them.
Melody continues to be lovely, I especially liked how she brought in her theme diegetically into the show. Love when that happens.
Definitely called what would happen to the ten whatever they were called. What I think really set me off was the designs. Yeah, the four introduced at the start were all weird. But they weren't interesting. There were nobodies in the Hunter Exam arc with more care put into their designs then these 10 jabronies. (Still thinking of you blowjob brothers). But again, they were a useful tool for introducing how strong the Phantoms are.
It was also funny, after like three whole episodes, that we're abruptly reminded that Gon, Killua, and Leorio are Also Still In This Show. It was also a fun rug pull when Togashi was setting up Yet Another Tournament arc only to have it end before it even started.
Okay, let's see. How much else can I write about before talking about the bulk of these episodes. Oh, Yeah! I also really love the twist of Kurapika making further moral compromises by agreeing to work with Anime Joker. Good stuff
Alright, fine. There was fighting. It was good fighting.
But what bugged me. At the end of 44 Kurapika tells us about his wager. That he'll only ever use that move on the Phantom Troupe or else he'll die. And then it repeats at the top of 45.
And it shouldn't have been brought up at all.
The thing that Jojo's does really well is layer on the surprises throughout the action to keep the suspense up. And Hunter x Hunter just does not do that.
Think about How Cool it would've been if we see Kurapika use this move a couple times, and then finally reveal that This Move Could Kill Me if I wasn't using it On You, the Spider I'm About To Kill.
It would retroactively add stakes to what we thought was simply a really powerful move, and it would let the reveal come at the climax of the mini arch, not stuck somewhere in the middle. It should have been saved! But for some reason he just. Says it. Unprovoked. To the audience. And then its repeated again, to pad out episode length I guess.
It certainly doesn't help that I just finished my Eva rewatch to prepare for my screening of the film Wednesday, And Dungeon Meshi has been Killing It these past few weeks. I have shows to directly compare this against. And yeah, neither of them are truly comparable to HxH, but I enjoy them a lot more. So when I watch this set of four episodes that have been talked up A Lot, but not finding myself enjoying them especially more than any of the other episodes. Well, I dunno. It's a good show, I'll give you that. (even less related Bad Batch has also been great, as well as the Rebels episodes AMCA is covering)
I hope Kurapika meets up with the other boys soon.
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chemicalarospec · 11 months
So. Death Note isn't my first anime because I read the manga, but Saiki K. isn't my first anime either, because long, long ago, I fully watched one two-season anime....
Angelic Layer
There isn't really going to be a main point to this post, just a lot of reminiscing.
TW: loss of mobility through disease/deteriorative disease (Parkinson's and multiple sclerosis), death of a grandparent
Aside: I also watched other animes before properly getting into J-media this year, here is the full list:
Pokemon - I watched when I was even younger, but people sometimes do not count it as a real anime. I watched all the way through the Indigo League episodes available on Netflix.
Glitter Force - I watched it around the same time as Angelic Layer, but I did not finish, plus I thought it was a Netflix fake-anime until I just now looked it up, so I do not count it as my first. Basically my entire understanding of Magical Girls tho. (fun fact: I stopped watching it and Winx Club because I saw their next episodes were body swaps)
Revolutionary Girl Utena - sometime between Angelic Layer and Yuri on Ice, never finished but I think I watched most of the first season... would like to finish.
Yuri on Ice - I had to pirate this off of Vimeo or Dailymotion when I decided I wanted to watch it in like, 2019, after seeing tumblr posts in my blog-stalking days, I think.
I was in elementary school when my younger brother came home with Plants vs Zombies comic book from the Scholastic Book Fair. I read it, and in the back, there were ads for other comics published by the same company. One of them was entitled Angelic Layer and the description & title instantly pulled me in. Fearful that I wouldn't be able to find the book, I looked it up online and discovered that this wasn't just a comic -- it was a show.
This was back in the days where you could watch anything on Youtube. I even had the choice between a dub version and a sub version (which I did not know the meaning of... I believe I figured it out and that "sub" stood for "subtitles", but not what "dub" stood for... don't recall which I chose, but I would expect subbed but at that age I could have gone dub). I actually tried a few years ago to rewatch it, but I could only find videos where the show was tiny in the corner of the video. I actually would like to see it again, so I guess I'll either have to find more legal or more illegal ways.
Anyways, if you don't know, this is a fun battle anime with the main character, whose name I remember as M. Misokichi but that's definitely not right, fights her way through the ranks of this game, Angelic Layer, where dolls telekinetically controlled by the players fight. She's living with her aunt, but her mom is like, the Best at this game, so Misaki (I looked it up) wants to win the tournament to impress her/see her again. Or maybe she doesn't know her mom is the Best and just really likes the game - I don't remember. (I LOVED Misaki and her angel and the game and I wanted it to be real and I wanted to be her tbh.)
I remember a few other things, like Misaki's prodigy little girl friend, the guy who played Wizard who became her boyfriend I think, the Mean Girls, the weird scientist guy making someone eat octopus (????), and the weird scientist guy having Misaki do dance moves as training (when I tried to rewatch, I remember getting that far before giving up on the tiny video).
Besides Wizard's shield and the dance move training, I remember one other scene very clearly. (This is where the TW comes in.) It is a flashback to before the invention of Angelic Layer. The scientist guy brings Misaki's mother, who is in a wheelchair, in front of what looks like a traffic light with just red and green (or maybe just red?). (As a kid, I might have thought she was paralyzed in a car crash or something, but I also have a vague memory of understanding she had a genetic disease. Wikipedia said she has multiple sclerosis.) The scientist guy (whose name I for some reason think is Eglan, but a quick google search reveals no one ever's name has been Eglan [edit: THE FKING EVIL GUY FROM THE STUPID EVIL racist Micheal Vey series is Elgan]) puts something on her head, and tells her to turn on the red light by thinking about it. She does. He tells her to turn it off, which she does. The light starts flickering like crazy and Mr. Scientist thinks something has broken, but Misaki's mother is just so elated to be able to control something again.
My grandmother had Parkinson's Disease, and at that time we had recently hired an aide to live with her because my grandfather couldn't do everything. She was still walking, cleaning, and sometimes talking. By the end of her life (3-5 years later), she was completely bedridden.
At the time, I don't think I connected my grandmother to the anime beyond that one scene, I don't think I explicitly thought something like "I wish this was real so it could do for my grandmother what it did for Misaki's mom" (I mainly thought it was pretty cool, but I could have... it's so long ago), but looking back I think the show, or even just that scene, was really what I needed at that point in my life. The normal terms of "relate", "representation", ect., don't feel quite right here... I think it just kept me from feeling alone. My grandmother wasn't the only one going through this. My family wasn't the only one watching this happen to someone. It wasn't some unknown horror. The show kept me company like one of the silly illustrations of empathy from school as two animals sitting together being sad during the awful transitory period between "Wai-Po is sick and this makes her weak" to "Wai-Po is going to die, eventually. she's going to get worse and worse until that day comes." It also gave me a positive fantasy, I think, of impossible cures and stuff. I don't know. It wasn't really that important to me, but I didn't watch many shows, but I did especially like it -- I remember I had a vague mental crossover between it and Ever After High. I just remember sitting downstairs watching it on the black laptop that's a hunk of junk now, with the power cord that was sticky at the top because the duct tape that was covering the fraying connection would always end up sliding around. I think it was melting. I have a lot of random early childhood memories on that laptop... first saw a tumblr website when I looked up "fanfixx.net" after reading Fangirl to see if anyone had made a real version of the site (that site was gone a few years ago btw). Listened to Laura Shigihara once when my dad was napping next to me during a time when I hadn't switched fully over to the blue laptop. Played Akinator after watching DanTDM play it. Found some anime game (Elsword, I think it was) that I really really wanted to play but never did. HabitRPG. Laying on the floor of my room for Akinator, and again watching Angelic Layer when a babysitter came over. I knew how many episodes I could watch on a full battery. Sometimes I wish I hadn't pushed it hard at the end and maybe it wouldn't have collapsed, but it definitely would have. I think it had a CD player and when I was very young, my dad played movies on it for me once or twice. Every now and then, I have a dream where I'm using that laptop. They're rare, but it still happens.
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measuringbliss · 1 year
Glee Rewatch 1x17, You're a slut!!!
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Jesse not-so-subtly coming out as bi. Hell yeah!
(If you're confused by this post, here's an explanation!)
"Physical" is actually the first Glee cover I added to my playlist. Want to try and guess which song was the next one?
Karofsky's quick appearance is actually dubbed by the same actor as Jesse's in French, which is very unsettling as Karofsky's usual voice actor is very different.
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Screencap of the Glist (Matt has +5, Rachel has -5). Is Puck supposed to be hot? Is it the top of the ranking? Where are the others? They're 13, aren't they? Where are Tina, Artie, Kurt and Mercedes? (Turns out this *is* adressed in a later scene.)
On my first watch, a particular music cue annoyed me because it kept coming back, the same way that the Volkoff theme rang out very often in the Chuck episode "Chuck Versus the First Fight". So this time, let's count how many times that particular music cue is played out in the episode: 1 (Sue handing out the Glist), 2 (sped-up, just before the title card), 3 (just after the title card), 4 (Sue arrives at the cafeteria), 5 (Kurt starts the reunion), 6 (much later, around the middle of the episode, Will interrogates the Glee Club), 7 (Sue writes in her journal), 8 (Will asks the Glee Club as a whole to confess) and 9 (Will looks at Quinn).
9 times in about 40 minutes! It's a lot. And naturally you won't hear that cue very much after this episode. I get that TV shows need to milk what they have but it really, really annoyed me.
My theory is that "Ice Ice Baby" is there because the dude who made the instrumental arrangements for each cover was overworked, but they needed a song to fill this moment, so they took a song with a very simple composition, knowing Matthew Morrison would handle the rapping like a champ (and as a bonus, it gives Matt and Mike something to do) and knowing that it wouldn't sell much on iTunes anyway. With that said, the choreography is nice to look at.
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I love both looks here but especially Mercedes'.
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Sue Sylvester calling me out.
I'm getting invested in the relationship between Sue and Emma. Will Emma eventually stand up against Sue (like in early S1)? I frankly don't remember but I'm curious.
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This is the first overt fandom mention, I think (or maybe I missed one from Finn's mouth?). It's funny how already in S1B, the writers knew about the fandom's ships and winked about it.
Please note that at this point I completely forgot who made the Glist and I'm invested in that mystery too. It's so nice to have a mystery! I even liked Shooting Star! I wish we had more mysteries in Glee. ...What's that? A catfish? I don't know what you're talking about!
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He's back!
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History will say they were very good friends.
"Run Joey Run" is a very comedic clip and I also have to admit that Cory Monteith in a leather vest is not a bad sight. Side note, outside of the clip, Mike has his yellow-checkered shirt again and I'm in love!
Quinn is the culprit!!! Which means more Quinn in the episode, and it's always a good thing. Her putting Puck and Jesse higher than Finn is definitely revenge, and Rachel's at the bottom place because Quinn can't deal with her feelings for her obviously. Kurt, Mercedes, Artie and Tina are absent because... well, I guess Quinn has no strong feelings towards them? I don't think we've seen many interactions between them at this point. Hmm. Figgins definitely understood that it was her.
I find it weird that in an episode called Bad Reputation, we didn't get a "Bad Reputation" cover. This is a travesty.
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